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Terms of Reference

Capacity Building for Local NGOs Consultant


Partners and community engagement is strengthened through joint planning,

implementation, learning and accountability is the main outcome under the Child Protection
Community Engagement Program running in Akkar Area.
The aim of this outcome is to enhance the capacity building of the Local Non-Governmental
Organizations in Akkar Area in order to :
- Create opportunities for Lebanese civil society actors to enable them to take on a
leadership role;
- Finance and manage small projects, conceived and implemented by Lebanese NGOs
- Reinforce the work carried out by NGOs through its capacity building program.

All is the above is highly important in order to support technically the NGOs so they can be
able to address the challenges that affect the Most Vulnerable children in their communities
by suitable and effective community based interventions.


World Vision Lebanon is looking for a short term consultant to provide capacity building
training sessions to five local NGOs in Akkar Area. The training session’s aims to deepen the
knowledge and enhance the skills of the Local NGOs on different topics mainly related to:
how to facilitate internal capacity need assessment, project management, budget
management, donor mapping and writing proposals, ethic and values promoted and
governance of NGOs
The participants are members in local NGOs working in Akkar Area, they are around 20
participants from different background with community development experience.
The workshops will be mainly facilitated in Akkar Area. The location will be set later on.


The Contractor will develop one or two days training sessions for each topic (it depends to
the needed topic) in Arabic. Simple language is to be used and should deliver clear messages
on the agreed topics. The workshops will be facilitated in Akkar Area targeting NGOs
working in Sahel Areas.

Title Number of Sessions Expected Date

How to facilitate Internal capacity 2 Session, for four 4-7-2017
need assessment for NGOs Hours 5-7-2017
Project Management 2 Sessions , four 6-7-2017
hours each 10 -7-2017

Budget Management 1 session, four hours 11-7-2017

Donor Mapping and writing 2 sessions , four hours 12-7-2017
proposals each 13-7-2017
Ethic and values promoted 1 session, four hours 17-7-2017
Governance of NGOs 1 session , four hours 18-7-2019

A qualified candidate for the second party contractor must:

 Be an official organization or specialized individual working within the capacity
building field.
 Has a previous experience in trainings for local NGOs.
 Fluent in Arabic.
 Ability to facilitate training sessions with adult and maintaining confidentiality.

Workshops designed by the second party must:

 Be a four hours session.
 Provide technical support for NGOs in regards to the topics listed above.
 Encourage attendees to actively participate in the sessions.
 Provide case study relate to the local NGOs works.


World Vision (First Party)

The first party agrees to:
 Provide sufficient project funding
 Review second party reports and provide general oversight as necessary.
 Provide the needed materials for the training sessions.

Contractor (Second Party)

The second party agrees to:
 Develop capacity building program in line with first party specifications
 Discuss the set program and the session’s content with the Project Coordinator.
 Provide detailed report to the Project coordinator after each topic delivered.
 Book dates and coordinate all logistics of executing the sessions
 Arrange Transportation to Akkar.
 Give feedback to the project coordinator accordingly on issues that may require more
specialized intervention.
 Comply with World Vision policies and practice with respect to child protection, code of
conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.


 Bids submitted: 5 June 2017

 Capacity Building Sessions: From 4 till 18 July 2017
 Report submitted: at the end of each topic delivered.


Potential second party must submit the following documents to be considered for the project:
 Offer submitted for capacity building sessions, including programming, time,
objectives, price per session and total price.
 In case the Service Provider is not registered with Ministry of Finance, a
deduction of 7.5 % should always be considered.

 Financial Bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the Subject title
mentioned on the outside cover & sent to our office in Mansourieh not later than June
5th, 2017. Envelopes received beyond that date will not be accepted.

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