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Muhammad Haikal Al Wahaby

Master of Computer Science Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Budi Luhur University
Jl. Raya Ciledug, Petukangan Utara, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta 12260
Tel. (021) 5853753, Fax. (021) 5869225

Ease of obtaining access to finance is an important factor needed in creating a healthy and good financial system in
order to encourage economic growth in a country, especially in Indonesia. With the existence of an information
system that supports the exchange of credit information between Lembaga Jasa keuangan (LJK), the ease of access
can be achieved. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) as the Financial Industry Supervisor will implement a new credit
data reporting system called SLIK (Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan). To smooth the migration from SID to
SLIK, OJK asked financial institutions to prepare new data formats and develop the systems needed for SLIK. To
accommodate the policies implemented by the OJK, researchers conducted literature reviews, data collection,
analysis, designing models, build applications and do testing with the user acceptance test (UAT) method. In the
process of developing this application using the PHP language with the Model View Controller (MVC) method. The
result of this study is that the SLIK application can accommodate financial reporting in accordance with the
requirements specified by OJK. This study has been tested using the user acceptance test (UAT) method, and the test
results get a percentage of 95.23%, which means that this system is acceptable.
Keywords: Information Systems, Services, Finance, Model View Controller (MVC), PHP, User Acceptance Test.

The Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) as the 1.2 Problem Identification
Financial Industry Supervisor will implement a
Based on the background of the problems in
new credit data reporting system called the SLIK
this study, the problems can be identified as
(Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan). This
Financial Information Service System can be used
to expedite the process of providing funds, 1. Time
implementing risk management, assessing Debtor
The debtor's report must be reported to the
quality, and improving financial industry
OJK every month with the time determined
discipline. The SLIK system will collect and
by the OJK while the available time is
provide credit data from various financial
institutions in Indonesia. Currently, Bank limited.
Indonesia provides this service using the Sistem 2. Costs
Informasi Debitur (SID). However, SID will be
replaced by the full OJK SLIK later on. As explained above, the reporter will be
Companies that are responsible for managing fined if there is a delay in reporting. And the
customer finances will be supervised by OJK, fine is valid every month so that if there is a
including banking. To smooth the migration from delay in the current month due to limited
SID to SLIK, OJK asked financial institutions to time to work, then it is possible to delay in
prepare new data formats and develop the systems the following months.
needed for SLIK.
1.3 Problem Limitation
Scope of the problem from SLIK that is Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan
analyzed and designed is limited as follows:
SLIK is an integrated information system
1. In this study the author limits the managed by the OJK that will provide
problems to be studied so as not to be too information services to stakeholders in the
broad by limiting the research topic by financial services sector.
discussing applications that support data
and formats presented in accordance with
the standards set by OJK. Framework is a set of libraries organized in
2. The information system development an architectural design to provide speed,
method uses the stages of the System accuracy, ease and consistency in application
Development Live Cycle (SDLC) model. development from the definition
In the analysis and design stage using the
Model View Controller (MVC) method Model View Controller
and at the system testing stage using the Model View Controller is a form of
User Acceptance Test (UAT). programming that separates based on the
3. Information gathering uses Focus Group logic of handling the display, control logic
Discussion method, observation, and model logic.
interview and literature study. While the
system quality testing is generated using
a questioner method. 3. SYSTEM AND APPLICATION DESIGN
Report data sent from banks to OJK must be
in the form of clean data that is in
2. LITERATURE REVIEW accordance with OJK standards. The current
Information Systems condition of the data is still not in
accordance with the standards set by the
Information Systems are a combination of OJK. In this case the banking sector cleansed
work procedures, information, people, and the data to meet the report data standards.
information technology organized to achieve However, the data cleansing process carried
goals in an organization. out requires a lot of time due to inadequate
Data human resources. For example, where the
cleansing data of 140,000 data is only
Data is collected from facts, concepts, or carried out by eight people. Therefore, it is
instructions on storage that is used for expected that banks can accommodate the
communication, repair and automatically data cleansing process so that in the process
processed which presents information that of sending data the report can run smoothly.
can be understood by humans.
From the results of the current analysis and
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan system, there will be an SLIK reporting
OJK is an independent institution that has model. The following is the SLIK reporting
the functions, duties and authority of the model:
regulation, supervision, inspection and
investigation of

Display Data Maintenance Menu
In the data maintenance menu, the user can make
changes to existing data by editing and saving.

Figure 1 SLIK Reporting Model

3.1 Use Case Diagram
Figure 2 displays the a use case that
contains a function description of a Figure 4 Display Menu Display Data
system from the user's perspective: Maintenance Data
Download Menu
In this menu the user can download data that will be
reported to OJK. In the download menu the data is
divided into two, namely downloading data reporting
and downloading data cleansing. For display
download data reporting as shown below.

Figure 2 Use Case Diagram SLIK
3.2 Construction Interface
Display Login Menu Figure 5 Display Menu Display Data Download Data
In the login menu, the user can enter into the Mapping Menu
application according to the user and
password provided. This menu allows users to add references according to
their needs.

Figure 6 Display of Menu Mapping Data

Figure 3 Display Menu Login The Formed Data Report
Figure 7 displays data formed by the report
generated by the SLIK application. The format is in
accordance with the format determined by OJK.

Figure 10 Display of Successful Report Results Sent

4. Results and Discussion

Results of testing User Acceptance Test (UAT)
This study has been tested using the method of user
acceptance test (UAT), and the test results get a
Figure 7 Display Data Formation Reports percentage of 95.23%. Based on the results of user
acceptance test, it was concluded that the Sistem
Below the display client application FSA that Layanan Informasi Keuangan was in accordance with
inform the user that the process validation superbly the specifications of the functional requirements
managed needed by the user. Thus based on the results of the
analysis, design and construction of software for the
creation of the Sistem Layanan Informasi Keuangan
Model can function properly and produce good
validation, so the hypothesis is suspected Sistem
Layanan Informasi Keuangan can function to provide
financial information data and support the speed of
reporting financial information in this study the truth
is proven.
Report Acceleration Results
Figure 8 Display Validation Successfully
Based on the results of the report acceleration
following application view Slik Client that inform the measurement, the reporting time if done manually
user if there is an error during the validation process takes 11 days, which is until the 11th of each month
where the maximum delivery time for reporting is the
12th of each month. The manual processing time
above is a normal count where there are no errors in
the work of reporting. If there is an error in the work,
then the reporting time will increase longer so that the
target of submitting the report on the 12th of each
month will not be recognized. If late reporting will be
subject to fines in accordance with OJK provisions.
While the reporting time if using the SLIK
Figure 9 Display Validation If There Error application takes 4 days, which is until the 4th of each
month where the maximum delivery time for
Below the display SLIK application The client
reporting is the 12th of each month. The efficiency of
informs the user that the process of sending from the
reporting time obtained after using the SLIK
reporting bank to OJK has been a success.
application is 8 days. With the SLIK application
reporting speed can be achieved.

Measurement Results Minimization of Costs / 5. CONCLUSION
Based on the problems, literature review, a review
From the measurement results of minimizing costs / of research, review the object of research and
fines it can be concluded that the costs / fines that research methodologies in the development of
occur if the company is late in reporting to OJK. The Service System of Financial Information, it can be
fees / fines are grouped according to information on summed up as follows:
late reporting. For late reporting of costs / fines to be
paid is (assuming the calculation of the maximum 1. Based on the research that has been done, it
fine) of Rp. 30,000,000, - for fees / fines due to not can take the conclusion that our hypotheses
submitting a report of Rp. 600,000,000, - and the fees have been proven as follows:
/ penalties due to late submission of report corrections a. Given a model analysis, design and
are equal to Rp. 20,000,000. The total amount of the implementation of the development of
maximum cost / fine imposed is Rp. 650,000,000. financial information service systems at
Whereas if the company uses the SLIK application in PT BNI Syariah Tbk can provide
reporting, the company will not be charged / fined financial data.
because the reporting is done in a timely manner b. With the existence of a Sistem Layanan
because of the acceleration of reporting generated by Informasi Keuangan at PT BNI Syariah
SLIK. With the SLIK application the company can Tbk in reporting data can support the
minimize these costs / fines. process of accelerating debtor financial
Strengths statements.

The results of this study were used by the Finance c. With the Sistem Layanan Informasi
Division of PT BNI Syariah Tbk. In connection with Keuangan at PT BNI Syariah Tbk can
the problems discussed in Chapter I and the minimize the costs / fines that must be
background of this study, the results of the research incurred if an error occurs in the
that have been carried out can be implemented as a reporting,
tool to accelerate reporting, so that these problems 2. The finance division can directly apply it as
can be overcome through the implementation of this a solution for accelerating financial
system. The results of this study can be used as a information reporting.
basis or blueprint for better system development in
the future, and this requires teamwork that never 3. The method used for validation and quality
stops. The existence of a team is deemed necessary to testing using thetechnique user acceptance
maintain the system and develop a system in test (UAT) can be well received and
accordance with policy changes in the financial approved by respondents who are involved
division and the OJK as an institution related to in testing and fully accepted by the relevant
policy regulation in the future. Similarly, socialization division.
is needed for stakeholders to facilitate the use of the
system in the reporting process of financial
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