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SESSION 2018/2019





Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary
The choosen leader that I wanna to talk is about Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary.
Before this, I didn’t even know who is Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary. But after I read all
about him, I think this is my best leader that I had choose for my assignment. I like to wrote
about him because we all know he is such an ordinary person that doing extraordinary things.
He is also a richest malay man in this country and very much respected businessman. The
success that enjoyed by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary today was not gained through an
easy shortcuts. He is such a work-hard person, the big self-confidence that he got making him
a successful businessman until now. He never went to university to pursue his study but he
improved his skills through an experience that he got during his youth time. He is also the one
of examples for any success person in business. From the start of his business until now he has
succeeded, various challenges and failures faced by himself. But with his determination, he has
managed to spearhead various companies that run by his own. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar has a lot
of business that he is involved in. Some of them is are MMC Corporation, Tradewinds Malaysia
Berhad and DRB-Hicom Bhd. In these companies, it have been divided into many subsidiaries
which is some of the companies are in automobiles, financial, non-financial, residential,
transport and logistics, energy and utilities and other than that. Some of his companies are
Proton Holdings Bhd, Honda Malaysia Sdn.Bhd, Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd and more.
This few things make him a successful person in business that he involved in. As we know,
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary also such a low profile person. He is also open up Al-
Bukhary foundation as a charity to the community with providing a univercity and medical
center. From this foundation, he can help the excellent students which is not be able to pursue
their studies into a higher education.
Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary such a good examples for others. His characteristic
truly make him a successful person in his business that he involved. One of the characteristic
of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is Tan Sri is a patriotic person. It is proved when he
drives a Perdana instead of the other luxury cars such as BMW or Volvo. It also proved by his
effort to supporting local student to pursuing their studies by giving them a scholarship to a
student to continue inside or outside the country. The second characteristic that he got is very
hardworking person to archieve his dream. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary work hard form
day until night just to make sure that everything is in order. It is shown when he does a meeting
with his entire top manager to maintain the quality and to guide them form any mistake that
maybe taken. The other characteristic that Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary got is he is a
religious person among others. It is shown when he donated a lot of his profit to build a lot of
mosque. Other than that, he is also donated toward orphan and people who needed help. He
also donated 1.25 million pound to Oxford Islamic Institute for research of Islam. He also built
an Art Islamic Museum in Kuala Lumpur. He also a generous person since he donates a lot of
his money for welfare. For an example, he gives scholarship to 1000 Saudi Arabian students to
pursuing their studies in Malaysia. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary help others without
comparing the ages, religions and countries.
Further more, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary also got the contribution towards
muslim education in Malaysia. He did not forget to his responsibility to help his muslim
brothers even he enjoys the success of being the nation’s number one bumiputra conglomerate
figures. As for this purpose, the Yayasan Al-Bukhary was established in March 1996 to help
the poor people,particularly in the area of education. In Malaysia, too many students that
cannot pursue their studies to the highest education because some of their family cant afford
their studies. Until today, Yayasan Al-Bukhary has spent more than RM300 millions for
religious, cultural and educational activities. Beside that, in 2001, the foundation launched the
Al-Bukhary Tuition Programme to help the underachieving rural school children pass their
final high school examination. At the end of the programme, nine years later, about 80000
students from 500 schools had benefited from these remedial classes. His foundation also
extended help to survivors of earthquakes in China, Iran and Pakistan, and also the tsunami in
Indonesia. Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary spent his money to built the hospital in Uganda
to help people in Uganda which is got an AIDS. This is some kind of help Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar
Al-Bukhary in helping other peoples who in needed for his help.
As a conclusion, I learn something from the story of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary
that when we got a lot of money, we can contribute more to society. For example, he makes a
foundation that helps poor people such as students to pursue their studies in a high level of
education. Second, there’s no short-cut to success. To be a successful person, w need to be a
hardworking person to archieve our dreams such as what Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary
did for himself. Last but not least, the important thing is in becoming a true leader we need to
acquire more knowledge through reading and make some research about something that we
don’t know. It will give us an idea of doing things and share that ideas with the team members.

(954 words)
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