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Employee Evaluation Template

(Please check the appropriate answer to the questions listed below.)

1. Whom would you like to evaluate

__X__ Supervisor
____ Management

2. How likely is it that you would recommend your supervisor /management to a colleague?
____1 Not likely at all
____2 Not quite
____3 Likely
__X__4 Extremely Likely

3. How easy is it to get help from your supervisor /management when you want it?
____ Extremely easy
__X__ Very Easy
____ Somewhat Easy
____ Not so easy
____ Not at all easy

4. How available to employees is your supervisor /management?

__X__ Extremely available
____ Very available
____ Somewhat available
____ Not so available
____ Not at all available
5. How often does your supervisor /management give you feedback about your work?
____ Extremely often
__X__ Very often
____ Somewhat often
____ Not so often
____ Not at all often

6. How improved is your performance after getting feedback from your supervisor /management?

____ Extremely improved

__X__ Very improved
____ Somewhat improved
____ Not so improved
____ Not at all improved

7. How effective is the training you receive from your supervisor /management?

____ Extremely effective

__X__ Very effective
____ Somewhat effective
____ Not so effective
____ Not at all effective

8. How consistently does your supervisor /management reward employees for good work?

__X__ Extremely consistent

____ Very consistent
____ Somewhat consistent
____ Not so consistent
____ Not at all consistent
9. How consistent does your supervisor /management punish employees for bad work?

____ Extremely consistent

____ Very consistent
__X__ Somewhat consistent
____ Not so consistent
____ Not at all consistent
10. How reasonable are the decisions made by your supervisor /management?

____ Extremely reasonable

__X__ Very reasonable
____ Somewhat reasonable
____ Not so reasonable
____ Not at all reasonable

11. Does your supervisor /management take too much time to make decisions, too little time, or
about the right amount of time?

____ Much too much Time

____ Too much time
__X__ About the right amount of time
____ Too little time
____ Much too little time

12. How often does your supervisor /management listen to employees’ opinions when making

____ Extremely often

__X__ Very often
____ Somewhat often
____ Not so often
____ Not at all often

13. How easy is it for employees to disagree with the decisions made by your

____ Extremely easy

____ Very Easy
__X__ Somewhat Easy
____ Not so easy
____ Not at all easy
14. When you make a mistake, how often does your supervisor/management respond

____ always
__X__ Most of the time
____ About half the time
____Once in a while

15. How reliable is your supervisor /management?

__X__ Extremely reliable

____ Very reliable
____ Somewhat reliable
____ Not so reliable
____ Not at all reliable

16. When someone completes a task well, how often does your supervisor /management
acknowledge this success?

__X__ Always
____ Most of the time
____ About half of the time
____ Once in a while
____ Never

17. How professionally does your supervisor /management behave?

____ Extremely Professionally

__X__ Very Professionally
____ Somewhat Professionally
____ Not so Professionally
____ Not at all Professionally
18. Overall, are you satisfied with your supervisor /management, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
with him/her, or dissatisfied with him/her?

____ Extremely Satisfied

__X__ Very Satisfied
____ Somewhat Satisfied
____ Not so Satisfied
____ Not at all Satisfied

19. Overall, how effective is your supervisor/management?

____ Extremely effective

_X___ Very effective
____ Somewhat effective
____ Not so effective
____ Not at all effective

20. What does your supervisor /management need to improve to his/her performance?

Performance is fine, nothing special to add regaring the improvement

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