Bahasainggris Kls 3 Ganjil

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Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris SD Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 Kelas 3

Nama : _____________________
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Sat. Pendidikan : SD___________________
Kelas : 3 (Tiga)
Nama Guru :______________________

Choose the right answer between a, b, c, or d! (Pilih jawaban yang tepat diantara a, b, c,
atau d!)

1. em – i – el – ou – en
How we read those letters? (Bagaimana kita membaca kata di atas?)
a. Apple
b. Melon
c. Grape
d. Pear

2. “My name is SISCA”

How do we spell the name? (Bagaimana kita mengeja namanya?)
a. Ei – el – ei – en
b. Bi – yu – di – ai
c. Ai – em – ei – en
d. Es – ai – es – si – ei

3. This is ___ orange

a. An
b. A
c. The
d. And

4. This is ___ grape

a. An
b. A
c. The
d. And

5. This is ___ butterfly

a. An
b. A
c. The
d. And
6. That is ___ elephant
a. An
b. A
c. The
d. And

7. What is Elephant in Bahasa Indonesia?

a. Kupu-kupu
b. Macan
c. Kelinci
d. Gajah

8. What time is it? (Jam berapa ini?)

a. It’s four o’clock
b. It’s eleven o’clock
c. It’s ten o clock
d. It’s three o’clock

9. 1000 =
a. Ten
b. One hundred
c. One thousand
d. One million

10. 2500 =
a. Two thousand and five hundred
b. Two hundred and fifteen
c. Twenty five
d. Twenty hundred thousand

11. “I am twelve years old.

What is twelve in number?
a. 11
b. 12
c. 13
d. 14

12. What is he doing?

a. He is sleeping
b. He is running
c. He is reading
d. He is sliding
13. What are they doing?
a. They are playing see-saw
b. They are swimming
c. They are writing
d. They are studying

14. What is he doing?

a. He is eating
b. He is playing football
c. He is reading
d. He is walking

15. What is that?

a. Door
b. Window
c. Clock
d. Bed

What is
16. What is that?
a. Clock
b. Bed
c. Book
d. Pencil

17. What is that?

a. Knife
b. Pen
c. Door
d. Television
18. We are take a bath in the? (Kita mandi di?)
a. Bedroom
b. Bathroom
c. Living room
d. Kitchen

19. We are sleeping in the? (Kita tidur di?)

a. Bedroom
b. Kitchen
c. Living room
d. Bathroom

20. My mother is cooking in the ____________ (Ibuku memasak di _______)

a. Kitchen
b. Bedroom
c. Garden
d. Bathroom
21. Dina
a. Hobby
b. Live
c. Name
d. Age

22. I wear hat on the.............( Aku mengenakan topi di atas )

a. Head
b. Nose
c. Ear
d. Hand

23. She wear ring on the..........( dia menggenakan cincin di )

a. Neck
b. Finger
c. Stomach
d. Foot
24. My parents are..............(orang tuaku adalah )
a. Father and brother
b. Brother and sister
c. Father and mother
d. Grandfather and grandmother

25. My father has brother . He is my..............( ayah saya memiliki seorang adik laki laki. Dia
a. Aunt
b. Sister
c. Brother
d. Uncle
Kunci jawaban:
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. A

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