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Nurse Researcher

Electronic surveys: how

to maximise success
Cite this article as: McPeake, J, Bateson, M, O’Neill A (2014) Electronic surveys: how to maximise success.
Nurse Researcher. 21, 3, 24-26.

Date of submission: September 12 2012. Date of acceptance: May 11 2013.

Correspondence to
Joanne McPeake Abstract
Aim To draw on the researchers’ experience of through personalisation, engagement by having an
Joanne McPeake MSc, SpQ
developing and distributing a UK-wide electronic easily accessible link to the survey, and transparency
(critical care), BN(Hons), RGN
is senior staff nurse, critical survey. The evolution of electronic surveys in of survey length and completion though targeting
care, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, healthcare research will be discussed, as well as the correct, and thereby interested, population.
and honorary lecturer, Nursing
simple techniques that can be used to improve
and Health Care School,
University of Glasgow, and PhD response rates for this type of data collection. Conclusion The fast, efficient and often ‘free’ electronic
student, College of Medical, survey has many advantages over the traditional postal
Veterinary and Life Sciences,
Background There is an increasing use of electronic data collection method, including ease of analysis
University of Glasgow
survey methods in healthcare research. However, for what can be vast amounts of data. However,
Meghan Bateson MSc, SpQ in recent published research, electronic surveys have to capitalise on these benefits, researchers must
(critical care), BN(Hons), RGN
had lower response rates than traditional survey carefully consider techniques to maximise response rates
is honorary lecturer, Nursing
and Healthcare School, methods, such as postal and telephone surveys. and minimise selection bias for their target population.
University of Glasgow, and
quality improvement nurse:
Review methods This is a methodology paper. Implications for research/practice Researchers
fluid management, NHS Fife
can use a range of strategies to improve responses
Anna O’Neill PhD, MN, BN, RNT, Discussion Electronic surveys have many advantages from electronic surveys, including sending up to
RGN is senior clinical university
over traditional surveys, including a reduction in cost three reminders, personalising each email, adding the
teacher, Nursing and Healthcare
School, University of Glasgow and ease of analysis. Drawbacks to this type of data updated response rate to reminder emails, and stating
collection include the potential for selection bias the average time it would take to complete the survey
Peer review
and poorer response rates. However, research teams in the title of the email.
This article has been subject to
double-blind review and checked can use a range of simple strategies to boost response
using antiplagiarism software rates. These approaches target the different stages Keywords Electronic, email survey, questionnaire,
of achieving a complete response: initial attraction response rate, survey
Author guidelines
Introduction on the researchers’ recent experience of developing
SURVEYS ARE an important method of collecting and distributing a UK-wide electronic survey.
data in healthcare and nursing research. The goal
of a survey can be to understand respondent Electronic surveys
attitude, knowledge and practice at a point in time There are two main types of electronic survey.
or to compare changes over time (Duffett et al 2012). Web‑based surveys invite prospective respondents
Developing a survey or questionnaire involves writing to visit a website where the questionnaire can be
questions and statements in such a way as to enable found and completed online (Bryman 2012).
the researchers to subsequently convert participants’ Email surveys are either embedded in the text of
responses into numbers and carry out a statistical an email or the questionnaire arrives as an attachment
analysis (Rattray and Jones 2007). to an email that introduces it.
Surveys can be delivered to potential participants Electronic surveys have many advantages over
in different ways, including post, telephone, other types of survey methodologies (Robson 2011).
face‑to‑face and electronically. This paper draws They can be cheaper than postal and telephone

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Data collection

surveys, for example, and Scott et al (2011) report and Wislar 2012). However, response rates to web and
a 38 per cent reduction in costs using an online survey. email surveys are known to be lower than those of
The value of being able to easily analyse data using postal surveys (Sheenan 2001, Couper and Miller 2008,
web-based survey packages cannot be overestimated Scott et al 2011). Scott et al (2011) suggest a number of
(Jones et al 2008). Simple descriptive statistics are reasons for this:
usually embedded, providing accessible concurrent ■■ The population being surveyed.
analysis for researchers (Evans and Mathur 2005), ■■ Possible lack of familiarity with the web.
and more complex statistical analysis can be achieved ■■ Inconsistent reliability of internet access,
by exporting the data to appropriate statistical software. particularly in remote areas.
This feature, which is unique to electronic surveys, can ■■ Lack of trust respondents may have in sending
reduce the time and resources required, especially when confidential information over the internet.
handling large datasets (Duffett et al 2012). This feature In the authors’ opinion, a further, poorer documented
also reduces the chance of human error affecting the reason for lower response rates in electronic surveys
integrity of the dataset, which improves the reliability of may be ‘survey saturation’. Healthcare professionals
subsequent analysis (Bryman 2012). are regularly asked to complete surveys and
Potential selection bias of participants is a major questionnaires in many aspects of their professional
challenge for individuals conducting research using roles. This may lead to their only completing
an electronic survey (Ahern 2005), since it is not questionnaires that are absolutely necessary and
necessarily suitable for many groups of participants. avoiding or disregarding optional surveys.
As a result, it may not obtain a representative Finally, individuals may prefer the portability of a
cross-section of the population (Jones et al 2008). paper questionnaire, which they can fill in anywhere.
A further drawback of electronic surveys is poorer This may become less important as internet access
response rates compared with other types of survey through smartphones and other mobile devices
methodologies’ (Robson 2011, Scott et al 2011). becomes more common.
However, researchers can adopt a number of strategies Several strategies can be used to improve response
to improve response rates. rates. First, keep any survey as short as possible,
without threatening the integrity of the data to be
Distributing surveys collected (Sahlqvist et al 2011). Although shorter
A major problem with the use of online surveys is surveys are not associated with an increased response
ensuring that an up-to-date and accurate email rate (Beebe et al 2010), it may encourage busy
address list is available for potential participants. clinicians to complete them.
Email addresses for institutions and individuals The estimated time to complete a survey should
change for many reasons and contact lists are also be included in the introductory email, as should
sometimes accurate only for short periods of time. the email subject, since this information provides an
A further disadvantage is that many people have more indication of what work might be required from the
than one email address and may rarely check other participant (Ganassali 2008).
accounts (Bryman 2012). Reminder packs or alerts can increase response
Additionally, individuals move jobs and institutions, rates to surveys (Sahlqvist et al 2011, Duffett et al
which may affect whether a respondent can 2012). The impact of reminders on response rate in
appropriately participate in a survey. When conducting our survey is shown in Table 1. These data support the
a recent survey, we found that almost 10% of emails value of sending at least two reminder emails.
sent using a one-year-old contact list were returned
as undeliverable. If this problem is encountered, the Table 1 Response rates from each email invitation
researchers must check institution websites to ensure sent in a recent survey
that their internet domain names have not changed. Response rate Overall response rate
Websites are also useful in determining whether from email (%) after each round (%)
specific individuals still work for an institution and in
the specialty relevant to the study subject. Initial email 42 42
Response rates and reminders
Rates of return are important in survey research, First 16 58
since a higher response rate should decrease the risk reminder
of bias (Groves and Peytcheva 2008, Robson 2011).
Second 4 62
Traditionally, a response rate of 60% has been viewed
as acceptable by many biomedical journals (Livingston

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Nurse Researcher

The current response rate should be included in Box 1 Key strategies in conducting electronic surveys
each reminder email sent to participants, with the
aim of motivating individuals to complete the survey. ■■ Personalise your email to each individual
However, there is little evidence to suggest that participant, for example, ‘Dear Dr Smith’.
prenotification improves response rates (Hart et al ■■ If an email is returned as undeliverable, ensure
2009, Beebe et al 2010). in each reminder email sent to that the institution has not changed its standard
participants, with the aim of motivating individuals to email address domain.
complete the survey. However, there is little evidence ■■ Send at least two reminders, reporting response rates
to suggest that prenotification improves response rates and setting goals with the community of respondents.
(Hart et al 2009, Beebe et al 2010). This has the potential to motivate participants.
■■ If the survey is short, tell respondents how quickly
Conclusion it can be completed, for example, ‘less than
This paper has discussed the advantages and five minutes’.
drawbacks of using electronic surveys to collect data, ■■ To ensure ease of response, embed the link to the
as well as strategies that research teams can use to survey in the text of your invitation email, rather
improve success rates from electronic surveys (Box 1). than including the survey as an attachment.
The fast, efficient and often ‘free’ electronic survey
has many advantages over the traditional postal Online archive Joanne McPeake is supported by
method, including ease of analysis for what can be vast a Florence Nightingale Research
amounts of data. However, researchers must carefully scholarship (2012/13)
For related information visit our online archive
examine strategies to maximise response rates with and search using the keywords. Conflict of interest
this method. None declared

Ahern, NR (2005) Using the internet to conduct Evans JR, Mathur A (2005) The value of online Livingston EH, Wislar JS (2012) Minimum Sahlqvist S, Song Y, Bull F et al (2011) Effect
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Surgery. 147, 2, 110. reminder type on response rate to a complex
Beebe TJ, Rey E, Ziegenfuss J et al (2010) Ganassali S (2008) The influence of the design
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