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Shankara says that the Atman should and can be realised only

through knowledge and not by ritual. He asserts that on the dawn of

knowledge, karma naturally and necessarily ceases to function.
Karma of any kind is a hindrance to the final emancipation, and the
performance of karma involves one in the cycle of samsara (the
manifest, gross world). It is Brahmajnana that removes ignorance
and bestows moksha.

Sannyas is absolutely necessary whether it be Vividisha Sannyas or

Vidwat Sannyas. Without perfect renunciation it is impossible to
pursue the path of Brahmajnana. The necessary qualifications are:

• Discrimination between the one Eternal Substance and appearance of

ephemeral phenomena.
• Dispassion for the enjoyment of objects of pleasure in this world and in the
• Possessing the following qualities: 1) tranquillity of mind, 2) control of the
senses, 3) cessation from all worldly activity, 4) endurance of the pairs of
opposites, i.e., heat and cold, pleasure and pain, love and hatred, etc., 5)
faith in the Vedantic truth as taught by the Preceptor, and 6) ability to
concentrate the mind.
• A yearning or desire for knowledge and liberation. He says it is foolish to cite
examples of Janaka and others, who did not take sannyas but remained in
the world and yet possessed Brahmajnana. Such instances are quoted by
people who do not want to leave their attachments, for knowledge alone
enables one to transcend all worldly ties.

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