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Balbines, Wylynne L.

B.A. Political Science 3

Leadership Characteristics of Women Who

Catalyze Positive Community Change

I. Introduction.
A. Background: Leadership is critical to making changes at multiple levels of the social ecological model,
including the environmental and policy levels, and will therefore likely contribute to solutions to the
obesity epidemic and other public health issues. The literature describing the relative leadership styles and
strengths of women versus men is mixed and virtually all research comes from sectors outside of public
health. The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify specific leadership skills and characteristics in
women who have successfully created change predominantly within the food and physical activity
environments in their communities and beyond. The second purpose of this study is to understand best
practices for training and nurturing women leaders, to maximize their effectiveness in creating social
B. Review of Related Literature:
C. Conceptual Framework:
D. Research Questions:

II. Methodology

The researcher adopted the descripted-survey technique to provide the needed data, using relatively small
samples rather than complete enumeration of the population, the researcher conducted an interview to the
respondents in different parts/places in Baguio City.
A. Qualitative Research Design
B. Data gathering

Key informant interviews were conducted with women leaders in the public health sector, identified
through web searches and through networks of academic and professional colleagues. Most were working on
improving the food and physical activity environments within their communities. Questions were designed to
determine leaders’ career path, motivation, characteristics, definition of success, and challenges. The initial coding
framework was based on the questioning structure. Using a grounded theory approach, additional themes were
added to the framework as they emerged.

C. Data analysis

Firstly, the study will identify, based on the data gathered, gender preference that affect voters’ decision
among the different place in Baguio City, then determine how women’s defines of success influence their decisions
and views. Furthermore, the study will categorize these impacts whether positive or negative, and also, evaluate the
effectiveness of the leaders regardless of them being women.

D. Narrative Form
III. References

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