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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | April 3, 2019

BOA narrowly rejects 2-percent employee raises

Ward 6 Alderman
Roy A. Perkins,
Issue could resurface during He said implementing the raise in the third
quarter of next fiscal year would minimize
with Ward 7’s
Henry Vaughn, budget planning this summer the impact on that year’s budget and would
cost the city about $160,000 — $106,500 of
left, and Ward
5’s Patrick Miller,
By Alex Holloway which would come from the city’s gener-
right, listening, al fund and about $53,000 of which would
talks about em- come from enterprise funds.
ployee pay raises Starkville aldermen voted down an Perkins added he was fine with cutting
during Tuesday’s attempt to give employees an across-the- other budget areas to support the raises if
board of aldermen board 2 percent raise on Tuesday, but the needed.
meeting. The debate has opened the possibility of revis- “If we have to freeze some things like
board voted down iting the matter when the city begins plan- new hires, I’ve done that before,” Perkins
the raises, which ning for the next budget year. said. “I have the backbone and the strength
would take effect
next April, but may
Ward 6 Alderman Roy A. Perkins intro- to do it. If we need to cut something and
bring the matter duced the matter, saying the city hasn’t somebody’s not comfortable with it, I’ll
back up during given an across-the-board raise since 2015. make the motion. I’ll do it. If we need to
budget planning. Perkins moved to implement the raise, cut travel or whatever we need to do, we
Alex Holloway/Dispatch Staff which would take effect on April 6, 2020. See Pay raises, 3A

GOP debate keys Hundreds turn out to vent about Kerr-McGee site
on economic
health care
Lt. Gov. Reeves declines
to participate
By Slim Smith

Two candidates and

about 100 spectators
turned out Tuesday for
a Republican Primary
Debate hosted by the
Mississippi State Uni-
versity Young Repub-
licans at Bettersworth
Auditorium on cam- Waller Jr.
The candidates — Amanda Lien/Dispatch Staff
retired Mississippi Sharon Lewis, right, reminded those frustrated by the speed of the Kerr-McGee clean up that there is information available
Supreme Court Chief to them at monthly Community Action Group meetings. About 300 residents met at the Municipal Complex Monday night to
Justice Bill Waller Jr. share their frustrations about progress at the site.
and first-term state
Rep. Robert Foster —
gave brief opening and
Memphis Town residents dissatisfied over lack of “We’re here because we want ac-
countability,” said Belinda Morris, a
closing statements
while responding to questions on eco-
settlements, slow cleanup process at contaminated site minister and longtime Memphis Town
resident. “It is time for our next course
nomic development, infrastructure, By AMANDA LIEN and ISABELLE ALTMAN ed to speak over the shouts, applause of action. We can sit here and blame, but
education and health care., and cheers of agreement coming from that doesn’t get us anything.”
The third candidate — Lt. Gov. the audience, many of them longtime Residents did blame. They vented
Tate Reeves — did not attend, having A crowd of at least 300 filled the Co- residents of Memphis Town, the area about the lack of transparency from the
said the debate would conflict with lumbus Municipal Complex to vent frus- around the old Kerr-McGee wood-treat- Greenfield Environmental Multi-State
his duties, even though the Legisla- trations over the Kerr-McGee site in ing plant on 14th Avenue North. The Trust, which is in charge of the clean-
ture, as expected, ended its 2019 ses- north Columbus Monday night. plant was closed in 2003 and, soon af- up and redevelopment process at the
sion on Friday. People filtered in and out of the ter, the site was discovered to be con- Kerr-McGee site. They grew increas-
Although Waller and Foster gener- over-capacity courtroom while commu- taminated with creosote, which caused ingly agitated at Ohio-based law firm
ally agreed on most subjects, the two nity activists and pastors passed around health problems from cancer to birth Garretson Resolution Group, which was
See Debate, 8A the microphone to anyone that want- defects in many area residents. See Kerr-McGee, 3A

Columbus City Council approves plan to save $1.1 million

City won’t fill 18 vacant positions; employee health and certi-
fied public
Under the plan, a hir-
ing freeze — on every city
ted to reducing overtime
and discretionary spend-
deductibles to increase from $100 to $500 accoun-
tant Mike
position except chief finan-
cial officer — would con-
ing and will begin keeping
records of that spending
By AMANDA LIEN Mayor Robert Smith monitor the city’s financ- Crowder tinue, saving an estimated to be reviewed by city presented the plan to re- es. It also calls for leaving reported in $927,000, and Columbus councilmen at the end of
duce city expenses in a 18 vacant positions, for March that Fire and Rescue would cut each month. The police
Columbus councilmen package that includes rais- which salaries and bene- C o l u m b u s Smith an estimated $53,000 in department and CFR will
approved a seven-part plan ing employee health insur- fits are budgeted, unfilled. is on track non-essential supplies and also reduce the amount of
Tuesday that will purport- ance deductibles, reduc- The measures are to end the fiscal year on training. staff present at city events
edly save the city $1.1 mil- ing overtime and hiring an meant to combat a finan- Sept. 30 with a $338,000 Smith also said depart- to avoid overtime costs.
lion this fiscal year. outside accounting firm to cial crisis, after consultant debt in its operating fund. ment heads have commit- See Council, 8A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What group performed the 1994 hit Today and Friday Council hosts a free meetings
“Cotton Eye Joe,” which became popular reception 5:30-7 p.m. April 9: Starkville
■ Tales from the for the exhibit “Avian
at wedding reception and sporting Planning and
Crypt: Wear comfortable
events? Explorations” by George Zoning Commis-
2 Which snake does not kill by con- walking shows as these Ann McCullough at the sion, 5:30 p.m.,
striction — anaconda, python or water tours at Friendship Cem- Rosenzweig Arts Center, City Hall
moccasin? etery begin as part of the 501 Main St. Graphic
3 How many times did Michael Jordan April 9: Starkville
Karson Hughes Columbus Pilgrimage, arts by Robert Meady
retire from the NBA? 7-10 p.m. (arrive no later Oktibbeha Con-
Fourth grade, Annunciation are also on display. 662- solidated School
4 What London attraction was originally than 9 p.m.). History

75 Low 49
known as the Millennium Wheel? 328-2787. District Board of
and drama combine as
High 5 Who was Frank Sinatra talking about Trustees, 6 p.m.,
MSMS students reenact
Mostly sunny
when he said, “His kind of music is de-
plorable, a rancid-smelling aphrodisiac”? noted personalities Friday Greensboro Center
Full forecast on interred at the historic ■ Book signing: Philip April 12: Board
page 2A. Answers, 8B cemetery. Tickets are Shirley signs copies of of Aldermen work
$5 adults; $3 students, his latest novel, “The session, noon,
Graceland Conspiracy,” City Hall
Inside sold only upon arrival.
2-5 p.m. at the Tennes- April 15: Board of
see Williams Home and Supervisors, 5:30
Classifieds 7B Food 5B
Comics 4B NATS 7A Thursday Welcome Center, 300 p.m., Oktibbeha
Crossword 6B Obituaries 4A ■ Exhibit reception: Main St., Columbus. A Ryan McCabe enjoys County Court-
Dear Abby 4B Opinions 6A The Columbus Arts Pilgrimage event. working out. house


2A Wednesday, April 3, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?
Scammers peddling bogus tax
breaks find traction on Facebook
Experts say websites and apps need

to be more transparent about the ads NOON TUNES
Noon Tunes kicked off in Trotter Convention Center Courtyard March

that run on their platforms 27. The free midday music series is also 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
today (Wayward Priest), April 10 (Jeffrey Rupp) and April 24 (Dawn
Barham). Lunch is available for purchase.
By AMANDA SEITZ It’s not clear that the data
and MAE ANDERSON was actually used in such
The Associated Press a manner.
Facebook apparently
Hundreds of ads on
didn’t take action until no-
Facebook promised U.S.
tified by state-government
homeowners that they
officials who noticed the
were eligible for huge
state tax breaks if they in-
The fictitious notices
stalled new solar-energy
reveal how easily scam-
panels. There was just one
catch: None of it was true. mers can pelt internet us-
The scam ads used pho- ers with misinformation
tos of nearly every U.S. for months, undetected.
governor — and some- They also raise further
times President Donald questions about whether
Trump — to claim that big tech companies such
with new, lucrative tax as Facebook are capable
incentives, people might of policing misleading ads,
actually make money by especially as the 2020 elec-
installing solar technology tions — and the prospect
on their homes. Facebook of another onslaught of
users only needed to enter online misinformation —
their addresses, email, util- loom.
ity information and phone “This is definitely con-
number to find out more. cerning — definitely, it’s
Those incentives don’t misinformation,” said
Young Mie Kim, a Univer- Jason and Ashli Dunn, Chase and Lindsey Frazure, Josh Read
While the ads didn’t sity of Wisconsin-Madison
aim to bilk people of mon- professor who studied
ey directly — and it wasn’t 5 million Facebook ads
possible to buy solar pan- during the 2016 elections.
els through these ads — “I keep telling people: We
they led to websites that don’t have any basis to reg-
harvested personal infor- ulate such a thing.”
mation that could be used Experts say websites
to expose respondents and apps need to be more
to future come-ons, both transparent about the ads
scammy and legitimate. that run on their platforms.


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Partly cloudy A shower and Cloudy and warmer A morning shower, then Cloudy, a shower and
thunderstorm around with a stray shower a t-storm t-storm around
49° 69° 58° 80° 58° 80° 63° 80° 63°
Columbus Tuesday
Tuesday 66° 38°
Normal 73° 47°
Record 87° (1963) 34° (1972)
Tuesday Trace
Month to date Trace
Normal month to date 0.32
Year to date 20.56
Normal year to date 16.07
In feet as of Flood 24-hr.
7 a.m. Tue. Stage Stage Chng.
Amory 20 11.86 +0.20
Bigbee 14 5.10 -0.90 Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
Columbus 15 6.00 +0.09 Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Fulton 20 9.39 +0.02 -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s
Tupelo 21 1.70 -0.04 THU FRI THU FRI
In feet as of 24-hr.
7 a.m. Tue. Capacity Level Chng. Boston 53/33/s 45/40/pc Orlando 83/65/pc 86/64/sh
Chicago 45/40/r 59/41/c Philadelphia 62/44/pc 56/52/r
Aberdeen Dam 188 163.33 +0.24 Dallas 84/58/pc 84/63/pc Phoenix 84/56/pc 79/58/pc
Stennis Dam 166 136.45 +0.24 Honolulu 84/68/s 85/66/pc Raleigh 73/51/s 65/55/sh
Bevill Dam 136 136.33 +0.02 Jacksonville 77/60/pc 80/60/t Salt Lake City 66/50/c 64/46/c
Memphis 68/58/t 73/58/sh Seattle 62/50/c 59/46/r
SOLUNAR TABLE Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
fish and game.
Major Minor Major Minor SUN AND MOON MOON PHASES
Wed. 12:10p 6:00a ---- 6:21p WED THU NEW FIRST FULL LAST
Thu. 12:32a 6:42a 1:14p 7:03p Sunrise 6:39 a.m. 6:38 a.m.
Sunset 7:16 p.m. 7:16 p.m.
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 6:05 a.m. 6:35 a.m.
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Moonset 5:53 p.m. 6:48 p.m. April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26
Wednesday, April 3, 2019 3A


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Revenue commissioner says he’s worked to change department’s image

Frierson talks Frierson said.
“He doesn’t have a moonshine
had a good audit, to go back to
that business person and make
“If you think you’ve got a
problem, we always have amnes-
other, smaller sources, he said.
The money brings in more
taxes, moonshine in problem,” Frierson said. “He’s
got a tax evasion problem.”
an offer from the commissioner
to settle — pay the tax, he for-
ty in Mississippi,” he said. “If
you know you’ve got a bad tax
than $8 billion total, about $3
billion of which is allocated to
Columbus Tuesday As the commissioner of the
Department of Revenue, which
gives the interest at half penal-
ty. That has been well-received
problem and nobody’s caught
you and it’s bugging you and
other funds, leaving $5.6 billion
in state general funds.
By ISABELLE ALTMAN oversees ABC, Frierson knows throughout the state. ... The state you want to fix it, ... call and ask Frierson said in total, the something about taxes and tax needs to collect the tax. If it’s a us to come and straighten it out Department of Revenue collects
evasion too, and he spoke about bad, bad case of fraud or some- and we will not charge you any about 95 percent of the taxes
Herb Frierson those topics at the weekly meet- body who’s really getting over on penalty or any interest. We may
said the biggest collected by the state.
ing of the Columbus Rotary at us, then yeah, we probably need debate you what is tax or what is Frierson also spoke briefly
moonshine bust Lion Hills Tuesday. to get all the penalties, (but) not tax, but there won’t be any
in the history of about fraudulent tax filers. It’s
Frierson became commis- most of the time, there’s a lot of penalties or interest involved.
the Mississippi estimated the Department of
sioner in 2016, at which time Gov. honest mistakes made.” That’s just one of the other ways
Alcoholic Bever- Revenue loses about $15 million
Phil Bryant wanted to “change About 96 percent of Missis- that we’re trying to change the
age Control was in to fraudulent filers every year,
the image” of the Department of sippians pay their taxes accu- image of the agency and in-
Hancock County, Revenue. rately and on time, Frierson said, crease compliance. That’s the Frierson said.
Frierson He said around tax season,
when ABC agents Part of the way they did that meaning his department works No. 1 thing.”
busted a man and his brother — was by updating and changing with the other 4 percent. Many of Frierson also gave a break- when filers incorrectly identify
for the second time — for mak- software and computer systems, those people, he said, make hon- down of numbers: about 33 per- themselves, they receive a letter
ing 60 barrels of moonshine. he said. The other major change est mistakes. cent of the state’s general oper- asking them to contact the de-
The suspect had bought was how they worked with busi- He said the state auditors do ating fund comes from income partment and properly identify
500,000 pounds of sugar from nesses being audited and be- their best to work with business- tax, 38 percent from sales tax, themselves.
Gulfport and Slidell, Louisiana, come more “user-friendly.” es to make sure taxes are filed 11 percent from corporate tax, 4 “I got one of those letters the
which made 57,000 gallons of “We asked our auditors to go correctly and said if businesses percent from use tax (sales tax first year I was commissioner,”
moonshine. He sold it for $30 per back to the way they used to do admit to filing incorrectly, the that comes from out of state) Frierson said. “I keep it in my of-
gallon, meaning his whole opera- it,” Frierson said. “If the audit su- department can relax some of and 5 percent from insurance. fice and show it to people when
tions would bring in $1.7 million, pervisor agreed that (a business) the penalties. The other 9 percent comes from they come by.”

Pay raises
Continued from Page 1A
need to do it to take care commitments coming on ing sound increase and we need to do not make this decision ing anoth-
of these employees.” board for the next fiscal financial have it as part of our bud- tonight, we will find some- er salary
Perkins’ effort ultimate- year, which includes a decisions, get process. That’s two thing else to do with the survey, as
ly failed 4-3, with Ward 1 payment for a fire truck and not months from now that money. You know that.” it did a few
Alderman Ben Carver and the city had to purchase monitoring we’ll be having those con- years ago
Ward 7 Alderman Henry to replace a failing one f i n a n c e s ,” versations.” Type of raise for wage ad-
Vaughn supporting him. for Starkville Fire Depart- Sistrunk Miller said he felt Per- Should discussions just ments,
Ward 2 Alderman Sandra ment and increased Public said. “We kins had issued a chal- and look at
continue, the city will like-
Sistrunk, Ward 3 Alder- Employee Retirement Sys- don’t want Sistrunk lenge to the board, but raising its
ly look at whether to make
man David Little, Ward 4 tem of Mississippi (PERS) Starkville to be in that he couldn’t support it minimum wage above $10
the raise an across the
Alderman Jason Walker costs. Adding the raises position. We don’t want on Tuesday because the per hour.
board one or to target it at
and Ward 5 Alderman Pat- would increase that total to be looking around say- board got very limited in- “Our two percent pay
those employees who earn
rick Little voted against to about $500,000 in new ing we’re going to have formation on the raises’ increase, given to the low-
the raises. costs, and she said it’s un- to freeze hiring. We don’t financial effects before the the least. est paid employees, for a
However, the aldermen reasonable to assume the want to be looking around meeting. During citizen com- year would be $208,” she
who voted against the ef- city’s revenue will jump saying we’re going to have Vaughn said aldermen ments, Chris Taylor, said. “You divide that by
fort Tuesday night said that much without tax in- people work 32 hours a often rightly praise the the former president of 24, which would be the
they weren’t opposed to creases or finding other week and take a pay cut city’s workers. However, the Oktibbeha County number of pay periods,
the raises, but the timing. areas to cut spending. because we have not man- he took issue with the NAACP, said he didn’t and you get just enough
Sistrunk said she Sistrunk also pointed aged our money well. board balking at approv- think it was fair to give probably to get a Big Mac,
agrees it’s worth looking to Columbus, which is “I agree whole-heart- ing Tuesday’s effort for a an across-the-board raise some fries and maybe a
into giving employees scrambling to avoid run- edly that we need to look raise. that would give less mon- drink. It would be $8.67 a
raises. However, she said ning out of money before at our pay structure,” she “You know as well as I ey to the lowest-paid em- pay period. I don’t think
she felt it should be a part the end of the fiscal year, continued. “But I think know, if we don’t make the ployees. that’s equitable with some-
of the city’s budget plan- as an example to be care- we need to have more decision tonight, you won’t Mayor Lynn Spruill one who, at the highest
ning process, which will ful with the city’s finances. discussion than we’re go- make it,” Vaughn said. said she agreed, and salary in the city, would be
start within the next two “We are seeing play ing to have at the table “Normally, every four or called an across-the-board making $1,065.17, which
or so months. out in real time, not very tonight. I think we need to five years, they get a pay two percent raise “inequi- divided by 24 would be
She added the city has far from here, the con- figure out what our goals increase. And y’all know table.” She said the city getting $44.38 per pay pe-
about $400,000 in new sequences of not mak- are with any sort of pay as well as I know, if we should consider conduct- riod.”

Continued from Page 1A
appointed to oversee the attempted to remind res- the site in the late 1960s almost fully cleaned up tatives) are going to be Trust, EPA and Missis-
company’s bankruptcy idents of Monday night and that the company was the ”Pine Yard” along the there or if they’re con- sippi Department of Envi-
settlement trust for those before the crowd shouted “dumping creosote” in the railroad tracks north of fused and think that we ronmental Quality and so
whose health was impact- her down. areas around her home. the main plant site. That can pay medical expens- they can share their opin-
ed as a result of the con- “There’s a lot of infor- She said her daughter was cleanup — which she said es,” Gorton said. “I think ions on the development
taminated site. And they mation people are not get- born with birth defects involves digging up and they get the two con- of the land.
grew frustrated that Ward ting because (they) don’t and other health prob- disposing of contaminat- fused. The money we’ve “I hope people come
5 Councilman Stephen come to the meetings,” lems. ed soil and replacing it received can only be used with questions,” she said.
Jones was the only public she told The Dispatch lat- She said she got a set- with new soil — should for (cleanup). It can’t be “I want to make sure we
official who attended the er. “This can be the begin- tlement back in about be completed by May. used to cover medical ex- answer all their questions
event. ning of something, not the 2002. It was initially slated to penses.” about things they’re curi-
“Look around and see end. But there needs to be “It wasn’t enough,” she have been completed by The Garretson Resolu- ous about. As we’re clean-
who isn’t here,” meeting an end to the false infor- said. “And I’m eligible for December 2018. tion Group did not return ing up this land, I want
organizer Carl Lee shout- mation. It’s not right.” a second (settlement) be- From there, Gorton The Dispatch’s calls and to be looking forward at
ed into a microphone cause I’ve had a heart at- said, EPA will need to ap- emails requesting com- development. What hap-
amid cheering and call- Complaints about tack since I got that mon- prove a plan to clean the ment by press time. pened there was awful
ing. “Those are the people ey. actual plant site so work Gorton wants to contin- and (the community)
who don’t get your vote settlements “Some people never got can begin later this year ue focusing on site clean- has been marginalized. I
next (election).” Multiple area residents or in 2020. The Trust is
any money,” she added. up and development. She can’t turn back time and
The Environmental with health problems re- working on a feasibility
Jones and Lee also hopes residents attend a make Kerr-McGee better
Protection Agency de- ceived monetary settle- study to determine the
helped circulate petitions community town hall on neighbors, but I want peo-
clared the Columbus site ments from Kerr-McGee best way to approach that
which expressed dissat- April 22 so they can hear ple to have good informa-
a Superfund site, desig- in the early 2000s after cleanup.
isfaction with Garretson cleanup updates from the tion.”
nating it a priority area for an environmental study “We’re still looking at
commissioned by a team Resolution Group and the
clean-up along with about Multi-State Trust. options to make a plan,”
30 other polluted sites of attorneys found the cre- she said. “We want to be
around the country, and osote may have been the really careful there. But
allocated $68 million for cause of those problems. Response from Trust once we’re finished with
clean-up. Greenfield En- The settlement Lauri Gorton, Green- the (“Pine Yard”) that’s
vironmental Multi-State amounts varied depend- field Environmental Trust about half the site done in
Trust is overseeing the ing on the severity of the Group’s director of envi- terms of acreage.”
clean-up and redevelop- health problems and how ronmental programs, un- Gorton continues to
ment process. close to the contaminated derstands the frustration attend the monthly CAG
Representatives from sites the residents lived. Memphis Town residents meetings Lewis remind-
The Greenfield Trust Many attendees of Mon- are experiencing. She ed residents of Monday
have met regularly with day night’s meeting said said she too is frustrat- night. She says between
area residents at meetings they had received settle- ed by the speed of the 20 to 30 community resi-
of the Memphis Town ment offers but turned Kerr-McGee site cleanup, dents attend each month,
Community Action Group them down because they but knows the Trust is but there’s a spike in at-
(CAG) to update them on felt they were too low. working “as fast as they tendance every so often
clean-up. The CAG also Others said they hadn’t can,” despite relentless when one of two things
meets monthly to share received offers at all. rain that has slowed down occur.
new information about One resident The Dis- efforts this year. “The only time we see
the process, something patch spoke to, Pat Fisher However, progress is a lot of people is if they
Sharon Lewis, the former Douglas, said she lived still being made, Gor- think (Garretson Reso-
secretary of the CAG, two houses away from ton said. The Trust has lution Group represen-

■ The correct time of the Columbus Girlchoir “Strolling South Side” home tour April 6 is 10 a.m.-noon; the
time was incorrectly reported in the March 31 edition of The Dispatch.

The Commercial Dispatch strives to report the news accurately. When we print an error, we will correct it. To
report an error, call the newsroom at 662-328-2471, or email
4A Wednesday, April 3, 2019 The Dispatch •

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH at 1 p.m. Saturday at employed as an an- operator of William
OBITUARY POLICY the Kingdom Hall of nouncer and sportscast- Barrett Associates.
Obituaries with basic informa-
Jehovah’s Witnesses in er with WELO Radio In addition to his
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Fayette, Alabama, with in Tupelo and a news parents, he was preced-
free of charge. Extended Jim Stough officiating. and sportscaster with ed in death by his wife,
obituaries with a photograph, Dowdle Funeral Home WCJU in Columbia. He Jane Hosmer Barrett;
detailed biographical informa- is in charge of arrange- served as Director of sisters, Grace Barrett
tion and other details families ments. the Chamber of Com- Lovorn and Janet Bar-
may wish to include, are avail- Mrs. Butts was born
able for a fee. Obituaries must merce in Columbia, rett Smith.
Oct. 28, 1945, in Nor- Assistant Director for He is survived by
be submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s folk, Virgina, to the late Industrial Development his daughters, Betsy
body has been donated to John Paul Scott and throughout the state, Barrett of Manhattan,
science. If the deceased’s Dorothy Scott. Executive Director Kansas and Rebecca
body was donated to science, In addition to her
of North Mississippi Ringenberg of Mt.
the family must provide official parents, she was
proof of death. Please submit Industrial Development Juliet, Tennessee; one
preceded in death by
all obituaries on the form
her brothers, John Paul Association headquar- grandchild; and two
provided by The Commercial
Scott Jr. and Bernard tered in West Point and great-grandchildren.
Dispatch. Free notices must be as faculty at the Indus-
Scott; and sister, Evelyn Memorials may be
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day Atkins. trial Development Insti- made to First Christian
prior for publication Tuesday She is survived by tute at the University of Church, P.O. Box 208,
through Friday; no later than 4 her husband, Ronald Oklahoma in Norman. West Point, MS 39773.
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Butts; children, Aprella He was also owner and See Obituaries, 5A
edition; and no later than 7:30
Butts, April, Ronald

Brittany Baucom
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re- Butts Jr., Reginald Butts
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. and Ryan Cobb; and a
for the Monday through Friday host of grandchildren
editions. Paid notices must be and great-grandchil- Brittany Amber Baucom, 30,
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion dren. of Columbus, MS, passed away
the next day Monday through Sunday, March 31, 2019, at Bap-
tist Memorial Hospital–GT, Co-

Richard Holmes
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
p.m. for Sunday and Monday William Barrett lumbus, MS.
publication. For more informa- LEBANON, Tenn. —
Visitation will be Wednes-
tion, call 662-328-2471. William Brown Barrett,
day, April 3, 2019, from 10:00- Richard Allen “Ricky” Holmes, age 63, of
96, died April 1, 2019,
11:00 AM at Pleasant Hill Bap- Memphis, TN, formerly of Columbus, MS,
Myrtle Abbott at Lebanon Health and
tist Church, Columbus, MS. passed away April 1, 2019, at Methodist Univer-
COLUMBUS — Rehab Center in Leba-
Funeral service will follow at sity Hospital in Memphis, TN.
Myrtle Louise Abbott, non, Tennessee.
11:00 AM with Dr. Bill Hurt of- Funeral services will be Thursday, April 4,
72, died April 1, 2019, Graveside services
ficiating and Bro. Steve Lammons assisting. 2019, at 2:00 PM at Memorial Gunter Peel Chap-
at Methodist Hospital will be at 2:30 p.m. Fri-
Ms. Baucom was born November 15, 1988, to el, College St. location, with Rev. Zach Guess offi-
North in Memphis, day at Greenwood Cem-
Debra Perkins and Otis Baucom. She enjoyed ciating. The interment will immediately follow at
Tennessee. etery in West Point with
RIDES and Challenge Ball. She loved going to Friendship Cemetery.
Services will be Mort Stroud officiating.
the beach and spending time with her nieces. Mr. Holmes was born July 17, 1955, in Co-
at noon Saturday at Visitation is from 1-2
Ms. Baucom enjoyed going to Joy Prom. lumbus, MS, to the late Bobby Jewell and Gayle
p.m. Friday at Calvert
Memorial Gunter Peel Ms. Baucom is survived by her parents, Otis Murrah Holmes, Sr. He attended Caldwell High
Funeral Home in West
Funeral Home, Second and Debra Perkins Baucom, Columbus, MS; sis- School and later Mississippi State University.
Point. Calvert Funeral
Avenue North location, ters, Lisa Thomas, Pontotoc, MS and Kimberly Richard, who went by Ricky, was a sincere, kind
Home is in charge of
with Bobby Helton Baucom, Columbus, MS; brother, Alan Baucom and generous person who had many friends,
officiating. Burial will Pontotoc, MS; grandmother, Betty Warren; most of whom were from Caldwell High School
Mr. Barrett was born
follow at Memorial Gar- grandfather, Paul (Helen) Perkins; nieces, Mary- or church friends from Columbus or Memphis.
Jan. 8, 1923, in Water
dens of Columbus. Visi- beth and Addyson Triplett, Summer and Avery He was a member of the Grace Chapel Primitive
Valley, to the late Sadie
tation will be two hours Thomas; nephew, CJ Thomas; and aunts, uncles, Baptist Church of Memphis, which took a keen
Brown Barrett and Ben
prior to services at the and cousins. interest in his life helping him to care for himself.
Barrett. He attended
funeral home. Memori- Pallbearers will be Danny Christian, Jimmy He recovered from a stroke and cancer and was
the University of Mis-
al Gunter Peel Funeral Atkins, Gabriel McClung and Jake Smith. Hon- an avid reader of the Bible and all things science
sissippi and Delta State
Home and Crematory, orary pallbearers will be Challenge Ball League and history.
University and was a
Second Avenue North Coaches and Sponsors. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in
member of the U.S.
location, is in charge of Memorials may be made out to Pleasant Hill death last Thanksgiving by his youngest brother,
Maritime Service, serv-
arrangements. Baptist Chruch Building Fund, 1383 Pleasant Charles Jeffrey Holmes.
ing in the Pacific during
Hill Rd., Columbus, MS 39702 or R.I.D.E.S. Survivors include his brother, Bobby J.
World War II. He also
Gwendolyn Butts attended Belk School of Compliments of Holmes, Jr. of Memphis, TN; sister, Judy Holmes
FAYET TE, Ala. Broadcasting in Minne- Lowndes Funeral Home Abide and her husband, Peter of Biloxi, MS; un-
— Gwendolyn Zeator cle, James Harold Holmes of Columbus, MS; and
apolis and was formerly
Butts, 73, died March numerous cousins.
28, 2019. Pallbearers will be Bobby Holmes, Jr., Doug
Services will be Murrah, Peter Abide and family and friends.
Memorials may be made to the donor’s favor-
ite charity.

Sign the online guest book at
903 College Street • Columbus, MS

Dolly Smithhart
Dolly Smithhart, 76, of Co-
Frances Hargett lumbus, MS, passed away
Graveside Services: Saturday, March 30, 2019, at
Wednesday, April 3 • 11 AM
Furnace Hill Cemetery
Baptist Memorial Hospital-GT,
Vernon, Alabama Columbus, MS.
Memorial Gunter Peel Visitation will be Thursday,
Funeral Home
College St. Location
April 4, 2019, from 12-2 PM at
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church,
Richard Holmes Columbus, MS. A funeral ser-
Services: vice will follow at 2:00 PM with
Thursday, April 4 • 2 PM Bro. Bill Hurt officiating.
Memorial Gunter Peel
Funeral Home
Mrs. Smithhart was born August 18, 1942,
College St. Location to the late Edna Williamson and Vernor Otto
Burial Crocker. She was a member of Pleasant Hill Bap-
Friendship Cemetery
tist Church, Columbus, MS. She was the former
president of the B & PW Club in Indianola, MS.
Myrtle Abbott
Mrs. Smithhart was the owner of Dolly’s Stained
Saturday, April 6 • 10-12 PM Glass and former owner of The Cellar Arts and
Memorial Gunter Peel Crafts. She taught stained glass classes through-
Funeral Home
2nd Ave. North Location out the Delta from 1997-2012. She enjoyed paint-
Services: ing & Arts & Crafts. Mrs. Smithhart loved trav-
Saturday, April 6 • 12 PM eling and spending time with her family. She was
Memorial Gunter Peel
Funeral Home a math teacher for 25 years at Indianola Jr. High
2nd Ave. North Location School and retired in 1996.
Memorial Gardens Mrs. Smithhart is survived by her husband;
of Columbus John Dewitt Smithhart, Columbus, MS; daugh-
ter, Debra Palmer (David), Columbus, MS; sons,
Tom Kesler Charles Smithhart (Joy), Cleveland, MS and Mar-
Incomplete ty Smithhart (Erin), Olive Branch, MS; sisters,
Memorial Gunter Peel
Funeral Home
Vernice (Joe) Few, Greenville, MS and Brenda
College St. Location (Joe) Groover, Fayetteville, GA; brothers, Bobby
(Linda) Crocker, Ridgeland, MS and Joe (Ona)
James Sparks Crocker, Avon, MS; grandchildren, John Martin,
Incomplete Sam, Will and Elizabeth Smithhart and Anna
Memorial Gunter Peel Kathryn Beckett.
Funeral Home
2nd Ave. North Location Pallbearers will be Family Members. Honor-
ary pallbearers will be Members of Joy Sunday
Lerisa Wienke School Class at Pleasant Hill.
Incomplete Memorials may be made to Pleasant Hill Bap-
Memorial Gunter Peel tist Church Building Fund, 1383 Pleasant Hill
Funeral Home
College St. Location
Road, Columbus, MS 39702.
Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home
The Dispatch • Wednesday, April 3, 2019 5A

‘Obamacare’ repeal off the

table for GOP until after 2020
The Associated Press Connell told reporters.
It was a rare public disclosure of private
WASHINGTON — “Not any longer.” counsel from the Republican leader. And
And with that, a triumphant Senate Ma- it signaled that, after two years in Trump’s
jority Leader Mitch McConnell appeared Washington, Republicans on Capitol Hill
to close the book Tuesday on a divisive are figuring out how to handle the presi-
Republican debate, convincing President dent and his impulsive swerves on policy.
Donald Trump to shelve plans to replace Trump insisted Tuesday it was his idea
the Affordable Care Act until after the to switch course.
2020 election. “I wanted to delay it myself,” Trump
“I made it clear to him that we were not said during an event at the White House.
going to be doing that in the Senate,” Mc- “I want to put it after the election.”

Continued from Page 4A

Wilda McBride Services were at 2 nia, to Wilfred White

COLUMBUS — Wil- p.m. March 29, 2019, and Virginia Collins.
da McBride, 74, died at St. Joseph Catholic She was a graduate
April 2, 2019, in Colum- Church. Welch Funeral of Mississippi State
bus. Home was in charge of University and was
Arrangements are arrangements. formerly employed as a
incomplete and will be Ms. Parker was sales manager with the
announced by Carter’s born April 21, 1966, in Pete Garcia Company
Funeral Services of Greenville, Pennsylva- in Atlanta, Georgia.

James Sparks
James E. Sparks, 64,
died April 2, 2019, at
Baptist Memorial Hos-
pital-Golden Triangle.
Arrangements are
incomplete and will be
announced by Memori-
al Gunter Peel Funeral
Home and Crematory,
Second Avenue North

Lerisa Wienke
isa Wienke died April 3,
2019, at her residence.
Arrangements are
incomplete and will be
announced by Memori-
al Gunter Peel Funeral
Home and Crematory,
College Street location.

Colleen Parker
Colleen Marie Parker,
52, died March 26,
6A Wednesday, April 3, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

State of the nation

‘We are Americans first’
It felt, with es,” declared the The notion of one nation, increasingly, we don’t like us. comprising other nations and
apologies to Yogi former congress- indivisible, once seemed a Think of the white man bound by a stated belief in hu-
Berra, like “deja vu man, “where you bracing and defining ideal, who went on a bizarre rant man equality. “Before we are
all over again.” live, who you love, the bedrock to which we could last week because he saw a anything else,” he says, “we
In July, after all, to whom you pray, always return. But succeed- Spanish word on the menu of a are Americans first.”
it will be 15 years for whom you voted ing years have shaken that Mexican restaurant in Califor- It stirs memories of a day
since a skinny guy in the last election bedrock until what was once nia. before acrimony became per-
with an odd name — let those differ- bracing and defining now feels Think of political leaders manent. You want to believe
sang a hymn to ences not define us like a sugarplum fairytale, at every level peddling Islam- it because what else are you
American union. or divide us at this with no bearing upon the hard ophobia and racism. Think of going to do? To not believe it is
“There is not a moment. Before we reality of us, here and now. white supremacists with Tiki to make the country a failure
liberal America are anything else, Worse, it feels like a denial of torches parading in a public and a lie. So you hope maybe
and a conservative Leonard Pitts we are Americans the present state of our Union, park. he sees something you can’t
America,” then-Il- first.” of how deeply cracked is the Think of the shootings at a yet see. Or that maybe stub-
linois state Sen. He surely didn’t foundation of this house. synagogue in Pittsburgh and born faith can make the thing
Barack Obama told the Dem- intend it, but his evocation of The division is only nomi- a gay nightclub in Orlando. true.
ocratic National Convention. that theme only pointed out nally political. To the contrary, Think of the bombs sent to a Right now, all that can be
“There is the United States of how drastically the nation has it encompasses geography, cable news network and pro- said for sure is that, last week,
America. There is not a Black changed since Obama evoked education, class, religion, gressive politicians. another skinny guy with a
America and a White America it in 2004. Back then, it played culture, sexuality and, most of And think of how hate funny name told us we are one
and Latino America and Asian as a necessary corrective to an all, race. Yes, it is exacerbated crimes have spiked, how bull- nation, indivisible. And maybe
America — there’s the United era of political polarization, an by politics and yes, politics — horns have replaced dog whis- we are.
States of America.” inspiring reminder of shared specifically, the gleeful, play- tles, how bigotry has been But that used to be a whole
Last week, another skinny values and common heritage. ing-with-matches-in-dry-tinder called in from the margins and lot easier to believe.
guy with an odd name — Beto Fifteen years later, it just opportunism of the Republican given a berth on primetime Leonard Pitts Jr., winner
O’Rourke — sounded a similar sounds like wishful thinking. president and his apologists — cable. of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for
theme as he kicked off his Which says less about has frequently been its proxy. Into that fraught moment commentary, is a columnist for
presidential campaign in El O’Rourke than about the coun- But ultimately, this division steps O’Rourke, invoking the Miami Herald. Email him
Paso. “Whatever our differenc- try he aspires to lead. is about the simple fact that the secular faith of a nation at

Letter to the editor

Voice of the people
Supports closing border
Even if ALL our avocados came
from south of the border, so what?
On an average I eat about one avo-
cado every 10 years, so if I eat one
today I won’t need another one until
2029. If the border is closed more
than 10 years I think I can sacrifice
them a few more years with no loss
of sleep. It’s not going to be the end
of the world for me. Shucks, many
of us have sacrificed our lives to
defend our country. So please do it,
Mr. President. Keep it closed until
we see Mexico stopping all the
invaders at their southern border.
Should they refuse to stop them,
then stop all foreign aid to Mexico
and keep our border closed as well
until they do. If you don’t secure our
border it’ll never be done.
Raymond Gross
Editor’s note: This letter was
slightly edited for content.
Mississippi Voices
Today in history
Today is Wednesday, April 3, the
93rd day of 2019. There are 272
Canopy saving lives of thousands of young people
days left in the year. It’s not often I am com- lives of 5,092 young people. The same is true with their parents. As a
pletely blown away by some- One in five young people state, we have to change the culture from
thing I didn’t know about, but will battle serious mental one of embarrassment to one of aware-
Today’s Highlight in History: that’s exactly what happened illness during their childhood ness, acceptance and action.
On April 3, 1968, civil rights when I spent an afternoon and adolescence. Growing We toured the cutting-edge autism be-
leader Martin Luther King Jr. with leaders of Canopy Chil- up in this volatile and over- havioral therapy Center for Excellence on
delivered what turned out to be dren’s Solutions. whelming new world is hard Lakeland Drive. I saw enthusiastic young
his final speech, telling a rally This Mississippi nonprofit, enough. When faced with therapists working with young children
of striking sanitation workers in under the amazing leadership mental illness, the obstacles on the autistic spectrum. One in 59
Memphis, Tennessee, that “I’ve of Jon Damon and a large, become insurmountable with- children are on the autistic spectrum, yet
been to the mountaintop” and active, local and enthusiastic out help. Canopy is dedicated this is one of the first treatment centers
“seen the Promised Land. I may board, has marshaled private, to getting people this help. in the state. Only just recently have state
not get there with you. But I want local, state and federal money Wyatt Emmerich There’s a long way to go: laws been amended to require treatment.
you to know tonight that we, as a to rescue and transform tens Approximately 75,000 young One of Canopy’s biggest objectives is to
people, will get to the Promised of thousands of young Missis- Mississippians will face seri- fight for decent insurance coverage for
Land!” (About 20 hours later, King sippi lives. ous mental illness at some point growing autism, ADHD and other mental issues
was felled by an assassin’s bullet at When I left their offices, I was inspired up. Only a small fraction are getting confronting young people.
the Lorraine Motel.) and hopeful for the future. Their vision appropriate treatment. If we can help The tour of the autism behavior
is a vision that needs to penetrate the con- these young people get through these therapy center was both a painful and a
On this date: sciousness of every person in our state. rough periods, they can go on to become joyous moment for me. Painful because
In 1860, the legendary Pony And what is that vision? In my words, productive citizens. But far too often, our I was just a mile from my home, but 15
Express began carrying mail valuing every single person as a child of system makes a young person’s crisis years away from the time Ginny and I
between St. Joseph, Missouri, God. Not giving up on anybody. Provid- worse, sending them on a downward spi- desperately sought treatment for our
and Sacramento, California. (The ing the direction and resources to save at ral that condemns them for a lifetime. child. There was none in Mississippi and
delivery system lasted only 18 risk young people and getting them back Mental illness is the cruelest of all the costs out of state were outrageous.
months before giving way to the on track so they can lead happy produc- physical problems. First, there is an The new behavior therapies were in
transcontinental telegraph.) tive lives. age-old stigma of mental illness as their infancy. They are now proven to be
In 1882, outlaw Jesse James was I toured Canopy’s residential school somehow implying weakness. If a person effective and I was filled with joy when
shot to death in St. Joseph, Mis- behind Millsaps that serves 40 stu- has severe allergies, we don’t blame the I saw these autistic spectrum children
souri, by Robert Ford, a member of dents who could not fit in at their public person, yet somehow we cannot separate laughing and engaging with other chil-
James’ gang. schools. The facilities were upbeat, mod- the mind from the body. dren their age in a positive environment
In 1936, Bruno Hauptmann ern and clean with lots of greenspace. The brain is an organ. It’s an incredi- free from bullying and humiliation. What
was electrocuted in Trenton, New The children seemed happy and en- bly complex machine which houses our could have been for us is now a reality for
Jersey, for the kidnap-murder of gaged. Everyone had a positive attitude. souls. Its inherent complexity makes it other parents.
Charles Lindbergh Jr. It’s inspiring: The hardest children prone to failure. Every one of us is just a I was blessed to be born highly
In 1942, during World War in the state to teach, children who were few stressful events from mental illness. functional. In my egotistical ignorance I
II, Japanese forces began their uncontrollable at their schools, getting Canopy’s attitude is this: If your child went for decades blaming others for their
final assault on Bataan against their acts together and making enough had an ear infection, you would naturally lack of success. We all have a free will, a
American and Filipino troops who progress to return to their schools and be take your child to a doctor. Mental illness choice.
surrendered six days later; the successful students. is no different. If a child suddenly loses Having raised two children with dis-
capitulation was followed by the Forty years ago we beat and punished interest in hobbies, becomes obstinate abilities — one on the autistic spectrum
notorious Bataan Death March. these children in run down juvenile jails. or withdrawn and begins declining in and one with severe ADHD, I realize now
In 1944, the U.S. Supreme Today, Canopy is loving and nurturing school, then seek help. Get your child to just how ignorant I was all these years.
Court, in Smith v. Allwright, these children at their Children’s Solu- a doctor. Call Canopy. Seek help. Don’t Perhaps God gave me those parental
struck down a Democratic Party of tions School. (I love that name!) delay. challenges to speak out and help change
Texas rule that allowed only white Starting as a small charity in Merid- Canopy board member Andy Taggert our state’s attitude in some infinitesimal-
voters to participate in Democratic ian, Canopy has grown to a $33 million has a passion for Canopy stemming ly small way. We must change our state’s
primaries. organization with offices, schools and from the loss of his son to addiction and culture from one of punishment and ret-
In 1948, President Harry S. clinics around the state with 446 employ- mental illness. He had no clue. He is on ribution to one of love and rehabilitation.
Truman signed the Marshall Plan, ees. They are addressing mental chal- a mission to transform his pain into good There is no other way.
designed to help European allies lenges for young people including ADHD, by helping other parents to be aware. Wyatt Emmerich is the editor and
rebuild after World War II and autism, substance abuse, therapeutic Awareness is so crucial. Struggling publisher of The Northside Sun, a weekly
resist communism. foster care, abuse and depression among children have little insight to what’s newspaper in Jackson. He can be reached
— The Associated Press others. Last year they transformed the plaguing them and how to seek help. by e-mail at
The Dispatch • Wednesday, April 3, 2019 7A

News About Town

CLUBS Daniels, 662-495-9355 or
ty): 100 women giving $100
means $10,000, 100 percent
needed. For information, call
The Hic A Sha Ba Ha Chapter North Mississippi Medical ed and voted-on local charity. Family Resource Center, Co-
of DAR meets at Starkville Center-West Point Wellness Too good to be true? Believe lumbus campus, 1575 Second
Country Club at 10: 30 a.m. Center offers Competitive it. #thePOWERof100. Mem- Ave. N., offers free effective
April 6 for a business meeting Edge training for young bership registration and social parenting classes, with insight
and luncheon. Guest speaker athletes through May 8. Ages 5:30 p.m. April 16, meeting on child safety, appropriate
is Starkville Mayor Lynn 6-8 meet from 3:30-4:30 6-7 p.m., at Courtyard by discipline, effective communi-
Spruill. Reservations required. p.m. Tuesdays and Thurs- Marriott, Columbus. cation and more. For informa-
Members are encouraged to days. Ages 9-12 meet from n SOCSD CLOTHING DRIVE tion, call 662-368-3603.
bring a guest. Call Amanda B. 3:30-4:30 p.m. Mondays The Starkville Oktibbeha
Edwards, 662-324-0037 or
and Wednesdays. Limited Consolidated School District Family Resource Center, Co-
662-312-2599. slots. Cost $100. Call James is holding a clothing drive lumbus campus, 1575 Second
n POSSUM TOWN TOAST- Daniels, 662-495-9355 or through April 5. Sizes infant Ave. N., offers free tutoring,
MASTERS 662-295-8574. to Adult XXL and hygiene computer use and printing
Possum Town Toastmasters products accepted. Donations services for Pre-K-eighth-
meet every Friday at 7 a.m.
at the Church of Christ, Co- OTHER EVENTS benefit the SOCSD students,
the J.L. King Center, Project
grade students. Limited slots.
For information, call 662-368-
lumbus. To become a better n AUTHORS & ARTISTS HELP and the Emerson Family 3603.
communicator and leader, call A literary showcase on Center’s Diaper Bank. Email
662-549-3483. Academics for Leadership &
n POSSUM TOWN QUILTERS Character-Building Skills is n 50 DRESSES MINISTRY The Tennessee-Tombigbee
Possum Town Quilters meet 4-9 p.m. April 5 at the Colum- Reach1 Teach1 Ministries’ 50 Waterway Transportation
at 9:30 a.m. the second and bus Arts Council’s Rosenz- Dresses Ministry Program to Museum, 318 Seventh St. N.,
fourth Saturdays of each weig Arts Center, 501 Main the Golden Triangle area helps Columbus, is open for tours
month at the Rosenzweig St. Free admission. Related those in need of a dress or Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Arts Center (lower level), 501 displays/vendors welcome. suit for a job search. Dona- School field trips, civic clubs,
Main St., Columbus. Check us For more information, go to tions accepted. Call Regional church groups encouraged.
out at possumtownquilters. or email Coordinator Cequeila Bigbee, For group tours, call 662-328- Wanda Prowell, famlee2012@ 870-627-2859 or e-mail, 1de- 8936 or 662-574-5794.
Club meets every second and BREAKFAST LEADERS Memphis Town Community
fourth Monday of the month at Collegiate Recovery Commu- Oktibbeha Young Leaders is Action Group meets fourth
65 Airline Road. For more in- nity (CRC) at MSU hosts a accepting applications from Tuesdays at 6 p.m. to discuss
formation, call 662-251-1415 Scholarship Breakfast at 7:45 high school freshmen in the issues related to the Kerr-Mc-
or 662-574-7552. a.m. April 5 at The Mill, 100 Starkville community who Gee site. For information,
n HOST LIONS CLUB Mercantile St., Starkville, to will be sophomores for the contact Leon Hines, 662-574-
The Columbus Host Lions raise money for scholarships 2019-2020 school year. Find 6109.
Club meets every Friday at for CRC students. Speakers applications at oktibbehayoun-
noon at EMCC Lion Hills are MSU President Keenum n DIVORCECARE Call Jake Good- DivorceCare meets on Tues-
Center for a buffet lunch and and Coach Joe Moorhead. For win, 662-323-3322 or e-mail,
tickets or information, visit day evenings at Connections,
business gathering. For more 101 E. Lampkin in Starkville.
information, call John Michael, n WALKING GROUP
fast. Don’t go through separation
601-955-2176. J.L. King Center’s Families or divorce alone. Call Jake
n LOWNDES REPUBLICAN n BIRD WALK First of Oktibbeha County Adams-Wilson at 662-323-
WOMEN Oktibbeha Audubon Society invites the community to join 5722 or
Lowndes County Republican hosts a bird walk from 8 its Walking Group at 6:30 for more information.
Women meets the second a.m.-noon April 6. Meet at a.m. Monday-Friday at West-
the Noxubee Refuge Visitor n WRITERS’ GUILD
Tuesday of each month. Buffet side Park, 700 N. Long St. in
Center. Photographers and Golden Triangle Writers Guild
line opens at 11:15 a.m., with Starkville.
general public are invited. meets the second Saturday
call to order at noon.
n PARENT CAFE of each month at Bryan Public
n GT QUILTERS GUILD n AUTO SHOW FUNDRAISER Emerson Family Center, 1504 Library in West Point. For
The Golden Triangle Quilters MSU hosts an auto show Louisville St. in Starkville, information, contact Claire
Guild meets at 5:30 p.m. fundraiser for the Leukemia offers Parent Cafe Group Spradling at clairespradling-
every third Thursday at the and Lymphoma Society from meetings every Monday from
Starkville Sportsplex Activities 2-6 p.m. April 6 at the corner 11 a.m.-noon to help meet the
of Stone Boulevard and Bully n FREE LIFE SKILLS
Building. challenges of parenting. For
Boulevard. Competition, prizes CLASSES
■ BREAKFAST WITH THE more information, call 662-
and $1 raffle included. Entry Life skills classes by the Fam-
BULLDOGS 418-5193 or visit fcp-parent-
fee for show cars, $10. Free ily Resource Center of North-
MSU alumni, friends are
admission. east Mississippi are available
invited to Breakfast with the n HEARTS TUTORING for qualifying participants on
Bulldogs on second Thursdays n RELAY FOR LIFE Hearts After School Tutoring site at your agency or entity.
each month at Starkville Café. The Lowndes Relay for Life Program, 109 Lawrence Drive, Classes include positive par-
Dutch treat breakfast 7:30 team/committee meeting Columbus, offers tutoring for enting, conflict resolution, life
a.m. Contact Carol Moss Read is 5:30 p.m. April 9 at the grades K-5 from 3-4:30 p.m. skills, soft skills and healthy
at Columbus Fire and Rescue Mondays and Wednesdays relationship skills. For infor-
or 662-312-0637. Training Building. or Tuesday and Thursdays. mation, call 662-251-1861.
■ DULCIMER PLAYERS n 100 WOMEN WHO CARE No charge, but commitment
Friendly City Strummers meet 100+ Women Who Care in Co- is required. Teacher, parent
twice monthly to practice and lumbus (and Lowndes Coun- referrals accepted. Volunteers
teach others to play dulci-
mers. Join for $10/year for
the whole family. Dulcimers
available to borrow. Contact
David Saum, 662-386-6836
or, or
the Switzers, 662-312-6025.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
No. 288 meets Tuesdays at
Community Baptist Church,
Yorkville Road East, Colum-
bus. Weigh-in begins at 5:30
p.m. Contact Pat Harris, 662-
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No.
270 meets Thursdays at 4370
Cal-Kolola Road, Caledonia.
Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30
p.m. Contact Michelle Holli-
man, 662-386-3650.
Senior Crafts meets at the
Starkville Sportsplex Tues-
days, 10-11:30 a.m. Crafts
provided by the parks depart-
ment. For information, call
Lisa Cox, 662-323-2294.
Quilting Club meets in the
activities room adjacent to
the multi-purpose facility
at the Starkville Sportsplex
Thursdays 10 a.m.-noon. Bring
your own project to work on.
For information, call Lisa Cox,
AARP meets the first
Wednesday of each month
at 10 a.m. in the Community
Room of Regions Bank, Main
Street, Columbus. Programs
are geared to the needs and
interests of seniors 50 and
up. For more information, call

Health Notes
Vitalant hosts a blood drive
from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
April 4 by the Student Union
on MSU Campus. Must be
16 years old, at least 110
pounds and in good health.
16 & 17 year old donors,
must have signed permis-
sion from a parent/guardian.
Donors receive a free t-shirt.
To schedule an appointment
or for more information, call
North Mississippi Medical
Center-West Point Wellness
Center offers Swoll classes
from 6-7 p.m. every Tuesday
and Thursday through April
15. Free for members. $50
for nonmembers. Call James
8A Wednesday, April 3, 2019 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
In addition to increasing
the health insurance de-
ductible from $100 to $500
— which Smith estimated
would save the city $78,000
annually — the plan would
also only cover the generic
brand of prescription med-
“Right now, we have
them on a ‘Cadillac plan,’”
Smith said. “But unfortu-
nately, we’re going to take
some cuts. They’re still
able to get brand-name
(prescription medication),
but they’d have to pay the
difference. As leaders we
have to make decisions
that are unpopular some-
times.” Amanda Lien/Dispatch Staff
Smith said the city is Columbus Mayor Robert Smith presented his seven-part plan to reduce city govern-
planning a meeting with ment spending to city councilmen at Tuesday’s regular meeting. The plan includes
directors of Baptist Medi- cuts to overtime and discretionary spending and a rise in health insurance deduct-
ibles, and is estimated to save the city $1.1 million annually.
cal Group, with which the
city has an agreement to up the city after the Feb. in and I want to do what I Charlie Box told The Dis-
provide medical care to 23 tornado. Smith estimat- can to help.” patch he sees the plan as
city employees and their ed that will save the city Before voting to en- an end to the city’s project-
families at no cost to the $45,000 annually. act the plan immediately, ed $338,000 debt at the end
employees, to see what City project manager councilmen praised the of the fiscal year.
cost-cutting measures Jabari Edwards, who owns mayor, saying his plan was “I don’t think a lot of peo-
could be taken there. Cur- J5, told The Dispatch the a good move for the city’s ple realize what we did to-
rently, the clinic costs the offer was “to help out” the finances.
night,” he said. “We cut out
city $20,000 to $25,000 a city. “This is a good thing for
month. “We’re not charging the city,” Ward 2 council- $1.1 million for the rest of
J5, the city’s project them for anything except man Joseph Mickens told the year. And Mr. Crowder
management firm, will those special projects,” he Smith. “It’s difficult, but told us we were going to be
only charge the city for said. “Just anything that it’s good. I wanted to tell $338,000 overdrawn (by
projects that were not pre- takes dedicated manpow- you that in open session Sept. 30). What we did is
viously in the budget, such er. But that’s it. ... I under- and thank you.” more than over-balanced
as anything done to clean stand the position the city’s Ward 3 Councilman the budget.”

Continued from Page 1A
differed on the solutions. ues even though many Re- vide 60,000 good-paying draw a distinction between
Waller advocated an in- publicans oppose expan- jobs.” himself and the presumed
crease in the state’s fuel tax sion of the program. On education, both front-runner.
to properly fund infrastruc- “It’s a right to life issue candidates said the state “My dad used to say, ‘If
ture repairs while Foster for me,” said Waller, who should commit more re- you can’t run with the big
said replacing personal said Mississippi should ex- sources to vocational and dogs, stay on the porch,’”
income tax with a flat tax pand/reform Medicaid us- workforce programs. Foster said in his opening
would generate the money ing the ‘Mike Pence-style’ “Two out of three high statement. “Well, I’m here.
necessary to put the state’s Medicaid expansion imple- school graduates in our If our third opponent was
roads and bridges in order. mented in Indiana. state aren’t going to col- here tonight instead of be-
Both said the Legislature’s “Every community lege,” Waller noted. “We ing back on the porch, may-
$1.1 billion package for needs accessible health have to find a way to make be we could find out how
road/infrastructure was care,” he added. “It’s also sure our high schools are many promises he’s made,
insufficient to correct the an economic issue. Right preparing those students how many favors he owes. I
problem. now, we have four rural for the jobs that are out don’t owe any favors.”
“It’s a raindrop in a pud- hospitals that are in bank- there, most of which don’t The GOP primary will
dle,” Waller said. ruptcy. Reforming Med- require a college degree.” be held Aug. 6.
On economic devel- icaid is something vital to While Reeves was ab-
opment, Waller said the
our hospitals, which pro- sent, Foster made a point to
state’s current approach of
providing large incentives
to entice industry to the
state is flawed.
“Tax breaks to out-
of-state companies are
offensive to me,” Waller
said. “The price tag for the
Continental (Tire) plant
is $600 million and they
still haven’t hired anybody
yet. I would refocus MDA
(Mississippi Development
Authority) on businesses
already here in Mississippi
that are employing people
right now. That would have
an immediate impact for
Mississippians, not people
in Germany or some other
Foster’s view on corpo-
rate tax breaks was more
“We do have to recog-
nize that we are not in a
bubble,” he said. “We have
competition. Sometimes
you do have to make a
special deal. In the long
term, that’s better than not
having those companies at
In response to a ques-
tion about the Legislature’s
move to raise teacher pay
by $1,500 this session,
both said the raises are in-
“I don’t think teacher
pay should be an election
year issue,” Waller said. “I
would raise teacher pay ev-
ery year until it reaches the
Southeast average.”
“(Teacher pay) hasn’t
been a priority of our lead-
ership at all,” Foster said.
“We need to have a serious
discussion about funding.”
On health care, Fos-
ter said the state needs to
a system that will allow
more people to enter into
insurance exchanges.
“I think one of the best
things we could do is to
set up an exchange, which
would allow people and
smaller businesses to pool
their insurance, which
would drive down their
costs,” he said. “We also
need to reform Medicaid
in an affordable, conserva-
tive way.”
Waller said Medicaid
“reform” was consistent
with his conservative val-
THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Wednesday, April 3, 2019


thunder & Dawgs

at Dudy

The No. 8-ranked Mis-

sissippi State baseball
team is back in action
Wednesday against Loui-
Fresh off their first
series loss of the season,
and dropping six spots
in the national rankings,
the Bulldogs will look
to bounce back before a
weekend series against
Tennessee in Knoxville.
First pitch at Dudy No-
ble Field is scheduled for
6:30 p.m.
Redshirt junior pitcher
Keegan James will start
for the Bulldogs. James
enters the matchup with a
2-1 record and a 4.03 ERA.
His name has been
tossed around as a solu-
tion end of the rotation
starter issues despite
coming out of the bullpen
Saturday against LSU. He
has reached five innings
just twice in his six starts
this season.
Where James and the
rest of the pitching staff
could use help is on de-
fense. The Bulldogs to-

Hill and
taled seven errors in their
2-1 series loss to LSU. The
team now has 33 errors in

29 games — an average of
1.12 per contest.
To combat the issue,

power up
Lemonis said on his week-
ly radio show Monday that
the team has been practic-

ing catching fly balls with
music blasting in the back-
High School
ground to simulate away
graduate Kylin

Hill, above,
“We cut up the music
and Nick
really loud and for every
Gibson, at
miss you run a lap,” Lemo-
left, a redshirt
nis said. “For some reason
senior, are the ‘every miss you run a
ready to be
lap,’ we get a lot better at it
Mississippi State athletics real quick.”
State’s one-
has had its fair share of dy- Offensively, MSU is
two running
namic partnerships. continuing to swing the
punch next
The 1985 MSU baseball bat well, having totaled 10
season in the
team had Rafael Palmeiro or more hits in seven of its
and Will Clark — thunder and past 10 games.
lightning, as they’re oft re- Senior center fielder
ferred to. Photos by Jim
Jake Mangum attributed
The 1996 men’s basketball Lytle/Special to the much of the struggles at
team — which reached the Fi- Dispatch the plate against the Ti-
nal Four — had Darryl Wilson, gers to not finding holes
Erick Dampier and Dontae’ The Hill File The Gibson File with the balls MSU did
Jones leading the charge. connect with.
The 2019 MSU football “We hit eight or 10 balls
team? They’ve got running Name: Kylin Hill Name: Nick Gibson extremely hard right at
backs junior Kylin Hill and se- Position: Running back somebody,” Mangum said.
Position: Running back
nior Nick Gibson. “You can’t get too much
Class: Junior
If you ask Gibson, he’d com- Class: Redshirt senior into it. I mean, a couple
pare the Bulldogs’ two-headed Hometown: Columbus of those balls could have
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
rushing attack to the legend- High School: Columbus High School fallen for us. Their ground
ary Southern California tan- High School: Pinson Valley High School balls found holes, our line
Height: 5-11
dem of LenDale White and Height: 5-11 drives went right at peo-
Weight: 215 ple.”
Reggie Bush.
Weight: 210
Bush and White powered Jersey #: 8 Beginning a stretch in
the Trojans offense to a com- 2018 Statistics: Rushing — 117 attempts, 734 yards, 4 Jersey #: 21 which it will play seven of
bined output of 3,042 yards TDs; Receiving — 22 receptions, 176 yards, 4 TDs 2018 Statistics: Rushing — 27 attempts, 205 yards, 1 its next eight games on
and 40 touchdowns in 2006 the road, ULM will turn to
TD; Receiving — 5 receptions, 36 yards, 0 TDs
See dawgs, 2B See baseball, 2B


The W splits home doubleheader

FROM SPECIAL REPORTS Following a first inning that saw the
Tigers put up three hits for a run and the
The W’s softball team split a double- Owls answer with a run on two hits, the
header with Stillman College in its last two teams entered the second inning
home doubleheader of the season on tied at one. A single to the pitcher, a sto-
Tuesday. len base, and an advance on a ground
The Owls (19-8) ripped the Jaguars out to put Anna Lloyd in scoring position
11-2 in the first game, then dropped the for The W. With just one out, Emily Lit-
second game by a 2-0 score. tlejohn doubled to center field to bring
In game one, the Owls were able to Lloyd home for the RBI. Senior outfield-
Photo courtesy Mississippi University for Women
produce at the plate and senior left-hand- er Kandler Flora stepped to the plate and
ed pitcher Madison Scoggin excelled on Members of The W’s softball team gather for a meeting during their final home dou-
the mound for a 9-1 win over the Tigers. See softball, 2B
bleheader on Tuesday.
2B Wednesday, April 3, 2019 The Dispatch •


Continued from Page 1B
McCowan named All-American again junior lefty Cole Martin to anchor the Warhawks of-
start in Starkville. fense.
FROM SPECIAL REPORTS aging 18.4 points and 13.5 rebounds throw of 86.07 meters last Friday at
Martin has a 6.43 ERA Tingelstad ranks fifth
per game. Her 31 double-doubles the Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays in
Senior center Teaira McCowan in seven appearances this in the Sun Belt Confer-
broke her own single-season MSU Austin.
is two-for-two. year — including a March ence with a .374 and plac-
record and ranked third nationally. The distance is the best mark
For the second time in as many 19 4.1 inning, 2-hit, 2-run es first in on-base percent-
TRACK & FIELD: Sophomore in the world this year and qualifies
days, the dominating post player outing against Southern age at .512.
thrower Anderson Peters was
him for the International Associa- Mississippi. Bell will offer some
earned First Team All-America named the U.S. Track & Field and
honors — this time from the U.S. tion of Athletics Federations World Junior outfielder Trent power for ULM, having
Cross Country Coaches Associa-
Basketball Writers Association. tion National Athlete of the Week Championships Sept. 28 through Tingelstad and senior util- hit three of his six homers
The last MSU player to earn the and SEC Co-Field Athlete of the Oct. 6 in Doha, Qatar. ity player Chad Bell will on the year last week.
distinction was LaToya Thomas in Week for the second straight week Peters is the first MSU athlete to
2003. Tuesday. earn the SEC honor more than once
McCowan finished the year aver- Peters set a school record with a in a season.

Continued from Page 1B
singled to the pitcher and ground-out and Kristen Doss home. first. After Abbey Latham
then stole second to put Martin singled for an RBI With a 2-0 win over ripped an infield single to
runners on the second to bring the Owls total The W, Stillman collected first base, Brittany Fin-
and third. runs in the inning to three its fourth shutout victory ney hammered a 1-1 offer-
Leadoff hitter Heidi for an 8-1 lead. of the season. ing way past the fence in
Matthews singled on a On the mound, Scog- Pitching in her second right-center, putting the
bunt to load the bases and gin collected her 10th win game of the day, Scoggin Rebels ahead 2-0 early.
Bailee Watts took a hit of the season. The Bay pitched 4.0 inning for
After a scoreless sec-
to the shoulder to bring Springs native pitched three strikeouts, five hits
Littlejohn in and give the the entire 5-inning game against, and one earned ond, the Rebs broke
Owls a 3-1 advantage. for three strikeouts, three run. things open in the third.
Still, with the bases hits against, one walk, At the plate, Anna Latham got the scoring
loaded, Kristen Martin and one earned run. Lloyd led the Owls with a started with a double
singled to center field At the plate, Kristen 2-for-3 appearance. to right-center, bring-
to allow Flora to score. Martin led the Owls with Up next: The Owls will ing home Mikayla Allee
Ending the scoring effort a 2-for-2 appearance for return to action on April from second. Latham
in the inning, Carolyn three RBIs. 10, when The W travels came around to score on
“Kendall” Wilkinson was In game two, the Ti- to Talladega College for a fielding error at short
credited with an RBI on a gers produced single runs a midweek doubleheader. before Kaylee Horton
groundout to push The W in two different frames The first pitch is set for 2 spanked a single up the
lead to 5-1. and held the Owls score- p.m. middle to bring home two
In the third, Scoggin less as the team fell 2-0 to OLE MISS 11, BEL-
more runs. Amanda Roth
went through three bat- split the day. MONT 2: In Nashville,
rounded out scoring for
ters to retire the top half The W once again Tenn., a six-run third in-
and the Owls continued started Scoggin, who ning helped carry No. 18 the frame, cranking out
to connect against Yar- squared off against Ragen Ole Miss (25-9) to a run- her first home run of the
brough to extend their Yarbrough. Each thrower rule victory at Belmont season, a two-run shot to
lead. Madison James was kept the bats relatively (19-15). center.
the first at the plate for quiet in the first two in- Starter Ava Tillmann Becker used some
the Owls in the inning. nings for a scoreless start. earned her sixth win of heads up base running to
She connected with the In the top of the third, the season after throwing extend the Rebel lead to
ball to single to left field. Tayla Stowes for Stillman four innings, allowing one nine in the fourth, scoring
With one out, Flora sin- doubled and then stole run on just four hits, and all the way from second
gled up the middle and third. With two outs, Yar- striking out a pair. Anna on a double play ground
James advanced to sec- brough doubled to left Borgen finished things out. Belmont got the run
ond then advanced to field to allow Stowes to off, tossing the final frame right back in the home
third on a throwing error score the first run of the with no hits or walks sur- half, with Audrey Lyle
by the shortstop. Now in game. rendered.
registering an RBI single
striking distance of home Three more innings Following a slight
plate, James scored on a went by without incident delay in the start of the to break up the shutout.
throwing error by Still- until Tiger first baseman game, there was no de- Scoring for the eve-
man’s second baseman. Dallas Payton singled to lay in Ole Miss cracking ning concluded in the top
Flora came home on a left field to bring Shakira the scoreboard in the of the fifth as Izzy Wer-
dann drilled a double to
right field, scoring a pair

of runs to bring the score
to 11-2. Borgen came in
for the fifth and retired
Continued from Page 1B the side quickly, wrapping
en route to the national er attempted more than coming into it that he’s up the run rule victory for
championship game. 45 rushes. got the job it’s just love the Rebels.
Gibson believes he and He has waited his turn. and competing and just Ole Miss will remain
Hill can bring a similar Gibson said Tues- making the team better,” on the road this week-
spark to the MSU back- day there were times he Gibson said. end, traveling to Lexing-
field. thought about transfer- DAWG NOTES: ton, Kentucky, to take on
“It’s going to be dan- ring. But it was his family Moorhead said that his No. 22 Kentucky Friday
gerous,” he said. “They that convinced him to re- team was banged up fol-
through Sunday.
better stack the box main in Starkville. lowing Saturday’s scrim-
‘cause if they don’t stack “They always tell me, mage.
the box it’s going to be ri- ‘Once you commit to But Tuesday’s session
diculous.” something, stick to it, no should give concerned
Hill, a two-time Com- matter how hard or how Bulldogs’ fans a reprieve
mercial Dispatch Offen- tough it is.’ So it’s moti- as just four players — Ste-
sive Player of the year at vated me into staying and phen Guidry, redshirt ju-
Columbus High School, I really like coach Moore- nior safety C.J. Morgan,
anchored the MSU back- head. I think he’s a great junior linebacker R.J.
field last season along- guy and I wouldn’t rather Jennings and freshman
side do-it-all quarterback be in any other program receiver Cason Grant —
Nick Fitzgerald. As a other than his.” wore yellow limited par-
sophomore, he totaled Gibson and Hill have ticipant jerseys.
734 yards and four touch- embraced the competi- Senior defensive tack-
downs on the ground and tion. While Hill should le Kendell Jones was seen
added another 176 yards enjoy the lion’s share of pacing the sidelines wear-
and four touchdowns re- the carries, Gibson is ing a sling. Moorhead
ceiving. ready to play the LenDale said last week that he had
In the first scrimmage White to Hill’s Reggie suffered an upper-body
of the spring last Satur- Bush. injury and would be out
day, Hill flashed his home “Even though I know for the foreseeable future.
run ability on the opening
play. Taking a handoff
from junior quarterback
Keytaon Thompson, he
hurdled a fallen defender
in the trenches.
Though the play was
blown dead as he hit the
open field, Hill then burst
through the second lev-
el, shooting past lunging
linebackers and defensive
backs for what would have
been a 65-yard score.
“You can’t coach that,”
running backs coach Ter-
ry Richardson said. “I
coach the read, that’s his
When asked whether
he thinks Hill can be a
1,000-yard rusher, Rich-
ardson was succinct in his
“Without a doubt,” he
said. “Kylin can basically
do anything he wants to
do if he puts his mind to
For Gibson, this is
supposed to be his big
season. In four years at
MSU, the Birmingham,
Alabama, native has nev-
The Dispatch • Wednesday, April 3, 2019 3B

briefly CALENDAR Baseball

Columbia, S.C.
Oklahoma 95, Mississippi 72
Virginia 71, Gardner-Webb 56
Baseball Expanded Standings At Nationwide Arena

Baseball Prep Baseball AMERICAN LEAGUE

East Division
Columbus, Ohio
Iowa 79, Cincinnati 72
Tennessee 77, Colgate 70
Thursday’s Games W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away At SAP Center
Tampa Bay 5 1 .833 — — 5-1 W-5 5-1 0-0 San Jose, Calif.
Ole Miss falls to North Alabama, 10-6 Starkville High vs Houston, 6 p.m. Baltimore 4 1 .800 ½ — 4-1 W-4 0-0 4-1 UC Irvine 70, Kansas State 64
Oregon 72, Wisconsin 54
New York 2 3 .400 2½ 1½ 2-3 L-1 2-3 0-0
OXFORD – Ole Miss simply couldn’t find a pitcher to quiet the bats Caledonia vs. West Point, 6 p.m. Toronto 2 4 .333 3 2 2-4 L-3 2-4 0-0 Second Round
Boston 1 5 .167 4 3 1-5 L-4 0-0 1-5 Saturday, March 23
of the North Alabama Lions, who escaped Swayze Field with a 10-6 New Hope vs. Choctaw County, 6 p.m. Central Division At The XL Center
victory Tuesday after five runs over the final four innings. The Rebels W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Hartford, Conn.
Starkville Academy at Winston Academy, 6 p.m. Minnesota 3 1 .750 — — 3-1 W-2 2-1 1-0 Purdue 87, Villanova 61
used seven pitchers, with no relief pitcher extending beyond 1.1 innings Cleveland 2 2 .500 1 1 2-2 W-1 1-0 1-2 Sunday, March 24
after Max Cioffi’s first career start came to a close in the fourth. Friday’s Games Detroit 3 3 .500 1 1 3-3 W-1 0-0 3-3 At Colonial Life Arena
Kansas City 2 2 .500 1 1 2-2 L-2 2-2 0-0 Columbia, S.C.
Ole Miss kept it close through the first four innings, going into the Starkville High at Madison Central, 5 p.m. Chicago 1 3 .250 2 2 1-3 L-1 0-0 1-3 Virginia 63, Oklahoma 51
West Division At Nationwide Arena
fifth trailing by one to the Lions, but were unable to match the runs put Caledonia at Shannon, 7 p.m. W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Columbus, Ohio
up in the top half of innings as the game wore on. Freshman Kevin Gra- New Hope at Leake Central, 6 p.m. Seattle 7 1 .875 — — 7-1 W-4 5-1 2-0 Tennessee 83, Iowa 77
Oakland 5 3 .625 2 — 5-3 W-4 5-3 0-0 At SAP Center
ham made the game’s final inning a little dramatic with a late two-run
Hebron Christian at Kemper Academy, 6 p.m. Texas 3 2 .600 2½ ½ 3-2 W-1 3-2 0-0 San Jose, Calif.
homer, his fourth of the year, but it simply wasn’t enough. Houston 2 4 .333 4 2 2-4 L-1 0-0 2-4 Oregon 73, UC Irvine 54
Tyler Keenan and Jacob Adams were the only Rebels with multiple West Lowndes vs. Vardaman, 5 p.m. Los Angeles 1 5 .167 5 3 1-5 L-4 0-0 1-5 At KFC Yum! Center
hits on the day, each with a pair, as part of Ole Miss’ 10-hit day at the Prep Baseball
East Division
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
Regional Semifinals
Thursday, March 28
plate. Cole Zabowski and Cooper Johnson both had a double, with the Thursday’s Games Philadelphia 4 0 1.000 — — 4-0 W-4 3-0 1-0 Purdue 99, Tennessee 94, OT
former driving in a run on an RBI and the latter coming around to score New York 4 1 .800 ½ — 4-1 W-2 0-0 4-1 Virginia 53, Oregon 49
a batter later. Thomas Dillard also recorded a stolen base for his 12th of Victory Christian at Tuscaloosa Home Ed, 4 p.m. Miami
2 4 .333 3 1 2-4 L-2 2-4 0-0
1 3 .250 3 1 1-3 W-1 1-0 0-3
Regional Championship
Saturday, March 30
the year and is still yet to be caught on the base path (12-12). Starkville High vs. Choctaw, 6 p.m. Washington 1 3 .250 3 1 1-3 L-1 1-3 0-0 Virginia 80, Purdue 75, OT
North Alabama got out to a quick start with a pair of runs in the New Hope vs. Louisville, 6:30 p.m. W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away First Round
second inning, after three consecutive two-out singles following two Milwaukee 5 1 .833 — — 5-1 W-4 3-1 2-0 Thursday, March 21
Columbus vs. Oxford, 6:30 p.m. St. Louis 2 3 .400 2½ ½ 2-3 W-1 0-0 2-3 At Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
Cioffi strikeouts to start the frame. The Rebels answered with two of Pittsburgh 1 2 .333 2½ ½ 1-2 L-1 0-1 1-1 Jacksonville, Fla.
Caledonia vs. Amory, 7:30 p.m. Chicago 1 3 .250 3 1 1-3 L-3 0-0 1-3 Kentucky 79, Abilene Christian 44
their own an inning later, after singles by Kessinger and Dillard and an Cincinnati 1 3 .250 3 1 1-3 L-3 1-3 0-0 Wofford 84, Seton Hall 68
RBI double by Zabowski. West Lowndes at French Camp, 5 p.m. West Division At Vivint Smart Home Arena
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
The Lions pulled ahead in the fourth inning, however, and wouldn’t Friday’s Game Los Angeles 4 2 .667 — — 4-2 W-1 4-2 0-0
Salt Lake City
Auburn 78, New Mexico State 77
relinquish their lead for the remainder of the ballgame. Cioffi’s last Columbus at Noxubee, (DH) 6:30 p.m. Arizona 3 3 .500 1 — 3-3 W-2 0-0 3-3 Kansas 87, Northeastern 53
San Diego 3 3 .500 1 — 3-3 L-2 3-3 0-0 Friday, March 22
batter, Harris Kain, doubled to left and brought in two unearned runs
after a Keenan error extended the inning. College Baseball Colorado
San Francisco
2 4 .333 2 1 2-4 L-4 0-0 2-4
2 4 .333 2 1 2-4 L-1 0-0 2-4
At Nationwide Arena
Columbus, Ohio
Ole Miss will be back in action Friday against Florida for the first Today’s Game Monday’s Games Monday’s Games North Carolina 88, Iona 73
home series after a two-week road stretch, with an opening night first Cleveland 5, Chicago White Sox 3 St. Louis 6, Pittsburgh 5, 11 innings
ULM at Mississippi State, 6:30 p.m. N.Y. Yankees 3, Detroit 1 Milwaukee 4, Cincinnati 3
At BOK Center
Tulsa, Okla.
pitch of 6:30 p.m. Thursday’s Game Baltimore 6, Toronto 5 Atlanta 8, Chicago Cubs 0 Houston 84, Georgia State 55
Tampa Bay 7, Colorado 1 N.Y. Mets 7, Miami 3 Ohio State 62, Iowa State 59
South Carolina at Alabama, time TBA Houston 2, Texas 1
Oakland 7, Boston 0
Tampa Bay 7, Colorado 1
Arizona 10, San Diego 3
Second Round
Saturday, March 23
Late rally not good enough for Alabama College Softball Seattle 6, L.A. Angels 3
Tuesday’s Games
San Francisco 4, L.A. Dodgers 2
Tuesday’s Games
At Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – Alabama’s late rally came up short in the Jacksonville, Fla.
Detroit 3, N.Y. Yankees 1 Milwaukee 4, Cincinnati 3
Tide’s 8-4 loss to Troy on Tuesday evening at Sewell-Thomas Stadium.
Today’s Games Baltimore 2, Toronto 1 Philadelphia 8, Washington 2
Kentucky 62, Wofford 56
At Vivint Smart Home Arena
Mississippi State at Jacksonville State, 5:30 p.m. Tampa Bay 4, Colorado 0 N.Y. Mets 6, Miami 5 Salt Lake City
Following the midweek pairing, UA is 20-10 overall on the season. Texas 6, Houston 4 Tampa Bay 4, Colorado 0 Auburn 89, Kansas 75
Alabama trailed 8-2 entering the bottom of the ninth. Redshirt junior UAB at Alabama, 6 p.m. Minnesota 5, Kansas City 4, 10 innings
Oakland 1, Boston 0
Arizona 8, San Diego 5
L.A. Dodgers 6, San Francisco 5
Sunday, March 24
At Nationwide Arena
Gene Wood was hit by a pitch with one down to bring John Trousdale Southern Miss at South Alabama, 6:30 p.m. Seattle 2, L.A. Angels 1 Wednesday’s Games Columbus, Ohio
to the plate. The junior sent a 3-2 pitch deep to right-center to make it Wednesday’s Games Milwaukee (Peralta 0-0) at Cincinnati (Castillo North Carolina 81, Washington 59
an 8-4 contest and force a Troy pitching change. Alabama reached one Junior College Softball Chicago White Sox (Rodon 0-1) at Cleveland
(Kluber 0-1), 1:10 p.m.
0-0), 12:35 p.m.
Philadelphia (Nola 1-0) at Washington (San-
At BOK Center
Tulsa, Okla.
against the new pitcher, but a pair of back-to-back groundouts followed, Today’s Games Colorado (Marquez 1-0) at Tampa Bay (Morton
1-0), 1:10 p.m.
chez 0-0), 1:05 p.m.
Colorado (Marquez 1-0) at Tampa Bay (Morton
Houston 74, Ohio State 59
At The Sprint Center
ending things in favor of the Trojans. Itawamba at Mississippi Delta (DH), 1 p.m. Minnesota (Gibson 0-0) at Kansas City (Bailey 1-0), 1:10 p.m. Kansas City, Mo.
0-0), 1:15 p.m. Arizona (Ray 0-0) at San Diego (Lucchesi 1-0),
Sadler Goodwin (2-3) earned the win, thanks to 6.1 innings of relief Holmes at EMCC (DH), 4 p.m. Detroit (Boyd 0-1) at N.Y. Yankees (Loaisiga 3:40 p.m.
Regional Semifinals
Friday, March 29
work for Troy. The right-hander allowed three runs on four hits and three 0-0), 4:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (deGrom 1-0) at Miami (Richards
Junior College Softball
Auburn 97, North Carolina 80
Baltimore (Karns 0-0) at Toronto (Shoemaker 0-0), 6:10 p.m. Kentucky 62, Houston 58
walks with three strikeouts in the middle part of the game after an early 1-0), 4:07 p.m. St. Louis (Mikolas 0-1) at Pittsburgh (Taillon Regional Championship
exit by the Trojans’ starter. Freshman Connor Shamblin (2-1) suffered Today’s Games Houston (Cole 0-1) at Texas (Minor 0-1), 8:05 0-1), 7:05 p.m. Sunday, March 31
p.m. Chicago Cubs (Lester 1-0) at Atlanta (Teheran Auburn 77, Kentucky 71, OT
the loss for Alabama. Itawamba at Mississippi Delta (DH), 1 p.m. Boston (Eovaldi 0-0) at Oakland (Estrada 0-0), 0-1), 7:20 p.m. WEST REGIONAL
Troy jumped out to a four-run lead in the second, using three walks 10:07 p.m. San Francisco (Holland 0-1) at L.A. Dodgers First Round
to load the bases and set up a grand slam in the next at-bat. Alabama Holmes at EMCC (DH), 4 p.m. Thursday’s Games
Kansas City (TBD) at Detroit (Turnbull 0-1),
(Stripling 0-0), 10:10 p.m.
Thursday’s Games
Thursday, March 21
At The XL Center
answered, plating one in the home half of the inning to make it a 4-1 1:10 p.m. Washington (TBD) at N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard

on the air
Hartford, Conn.
Seattle (Kikuchi 0-0) at Chicago White Sox 0-0), 1:10 p.m. Florida State 76, Vermont 69
contest after two full. Junior Brett Auerbach walked to lead off the frame (Lopez 0-1), 2:10 p.m. San Diego (Margevicius 0-1) at St. Louis (Fla- Murray State 83, Marquette 64
N.Y. Yankees (TBD) at Baltimore (Cobb 0-0), herty 0-0), 4:15 p.m.
before advancing to third on a failed pickoff attempt. One out later, 3:05 p.m. Cincinnati (Mahle 0-0) at Pittsburgh (Lyles
At Wells Fargo Arena
freshman Daniel Carinci flied out deep to center to bring in the Tide’s Today Boston (Rodriguez 0-1) at Oakland (Anderson
1-0), 3:37 p.m.
0-0), 7:05 p.m.
Chicago Cubs (Darvish 0-0) at Atlanta (Fried
Des Moines, Iowa
Florida 70, Nevada 61
first run of the night. COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) Toronto (Sanchez 1-0) at Cleveland (TBD), 0-0), 7:20 p.m. Michigan 74, Montana 55
At Vivint Smart Home Arena
The Trojans extended their lead to six with a three-spot in the third, 6:10 p.m.
Salt Lake City
setting things at 7-1. Alabama chipped away at the lead an inning later
8 p.m. — CBI Tournament: Teams TBD, Finals Texas (Volquez 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Harvey
Gonzaga 87, Fairleigh Dickinson 49
0-0), 10:07 p.m.
with a single tally in the fourth. Junior Justin King sent an 0-1 pitch the Game 2, ESPNU Baylor 78, Syracuse 69
Friday, March 22
opposite way for his second home run of the season, making it a 7-2 COLLEGE SOFTBALL Tuesday’s College Sacramento 38 40 .487 15½
L.A. Lakers 35 43 .449 18½
At BOK Center
Tulsa, Okla.
affair after four. The two teams then went scoreless until the ninth. 6 p.m. — Florida State at Florida, ESPN2 Baseball Scores Phoenix 18 60 .231 35½ Texas Tech 72, Northern Kentucky 57
x-clinched playoff spot
That final frame saw Troy put up one to widen the gap before the MLB BASEBALL EAST y-clinched division
Buffalo 91, Arizona State 74
Albany 10, Marist 2 Second Round
Tide’s final time to bat. Alabama fought for two in the ninth but was Tuesday’s Games Saturday, March 23
unable to complete the comeback with the game finishing at 8-4 in favor
6 p.m. — Chicago Cubs at Atlanta, ESPN Cornell 8, St. Bonaventure 1
Delaware 6, Rider 1
Oklahoma City 119, L.A. Lakers 103 At The XL Center
San Antonio 117, Atlanta 111 Hartford, Conn.
of the Trojans. NBA BASKETBALL Fairfield 10, UConn 3 Houston 130, Sacramento 105 Florida State 90, Murray State 62
Farmingdale 5, Baruch 4 Golden State 116, Denver 102
Alabama remains at home for a three-game series against South 6:30 p.m. — Boston at Miami, NBA Hofstra 2, Manhattan 0 Wednesday’s Games
At Wells Fargo Arena
Des Moines, Iowa
Lafayette 8, Villanova 6
Carolina starting on Thursday. The first two matchups between the 9:30 p.m. — Houston at LA Clippers, NBA La Salle 14, Lehigh 6
Chicago at Washington, 7 p.m. Michigan 64, Florida 49
Indiana at Detroit, 7 p.m. At Vivint Smart Home Arena
Crimson Tide and Gamecocks are set for 6 p.m. starts with game three NHL HOCKEY Mount Aloysius 12, Juniata 10 New York at Orlando, 7 p.m. Salt Lake City
Navy 5, Coppin St. 4
scheduled to start at 1 p.m. on Saturday. Pitt-Bradford 10, Penn St.-Altoona 1
Boston at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Gonzaga 83, Baylor 71
7 p.m. — St. Louis at Chicago, NBC Sports Quinnipiac at CCSU, ppd.
Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 24
Toronto at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m. At BOK Center
Network Rhode Island 17, UMass-Lowell 6
Sacred Heart 5, Hartford 4
Charlotte at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Tulsa, Okla.
Southern Miss strikes early, but loses to South Alabama SOCCER (MEN’S) St. John’s 7, St. Peter’s 5
Minnesota at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.
San Antonio at Denver, 9 p.m.
Texas Tech 78, Buffalo 58
At Honda Center
HATTIESBURG -- Five first-inning runs, including a grand slam, St. Vincent 6-12, Thiel 5-5 Memphis at Portland, 10 p.m.
11:25 a.m. — Bayern Munich vs. Heidenheim, Seton Hall 10, Fairleigh Dickinson 5 Utah at Phoenix, 10 p.m.
Anaheim, Calif.
Regional Semifinals
were not enough Tuesday night for Southern Miss to overcome itself Seton Hill 12, Slippery Rock 7
and South Alabama.
quarterfinal, ESPNEWS UMass 6, Boston College 2
Houston at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.
Thursday’s Games
Thursday, March 28
SOUTH Gonzaga 72, Florida State 58
The Golden Eagles walked a season-high 11 batters, committed 1:40 p.m. — Premier League: Manchester City vs. Alcorn St. 6, Tougaloo 4
Milwaukee at Philadelphia, 8 p.m. Texas Tech 63, Michigan 44
Cleveland at Sacramento, 10 p.m. Regional Championship
Catawba 12, Barton 2
the most errors they have had in a game in five years, twice loaded the Cardiff City, NBC Sports Network Davidson at North Carolina, ppd., weather
Golden State at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Saturday, March 30
Friday’s Games
bases without scoring a run and gave up the most runs in a game this High Point at UNC Greensboro, ppd., weather Texas Tech 75, Gonzaga 69
Atlanta at Orlando, 7 p.m. FINAL FOUR
Jacksonville 3, Florida St. 2, 11 innings
season in a 15-6 loss to the Jaguars. Liberty at Elon, ppd., weather
San Antonio at Washington, 7 p.m. At U.S. Bank Stadium
The loss snapped the Golden Eagles’ eight-game winning streak COLLEGE BASEBALL Lipscomb 9, Austin Peay 8
Toronto at Charlotte, 7 p.m.
Boston at Indiana, 8 p.m.
Louisville 8, Kentucky 3 National Semifinals
at Pete Taylor Park while the Jaguars (13-14) were able to snap a five- 6 p.m. — South Carolina at Alabama, SEC Maryland at William & Mary, ppd., weather
Detroit at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 6
Miami at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Virginia (33-3) vs. Auburn (30-9), 6:09 p.m.
game losing streak. 6:30 p.m. — Arkansas at Auburn, ESPNU Maryville (Tenn.) 15, Emory & Henry 0
North Alabama 10, Mississippi 6 New York at Houston, 8 p.m. Michigan State (32-6) vs. Texas Tech (30-6), 40
Southern Miss (17-9), which lost for the third time in its last four Memphis at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. minutes after first game
COLLEGE BASKETBALL UNC Asheville at Charlotte, ppd., snow
UNC Wilmington at Campbell, ppd. weather Sacramento at Utah, 9 p.m. National Championship
games, took a 5-0 lead in the first inning off starter Jared Proctor. New Orleans at Phoenix, 10 p.m.
8 p.m. — College Slam-Dunk and 3-Point Cham- Valdosta St. 11, Augusta 4
Cleveland at Golden State, 10:30 p.m.
Monday, April 8
Bryant Bowen, who had two of Southern Miss’ six hits, connected VCU at Longwood, ppd., weather Semifinal winners, TBA
on the first career grand slam of his career with his fourth home run of pionships: 31st annual men’s and women’s skills Virginia St. at Chowan, 2, ppd. L.A. Lakers at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.

the season. Danny Lynch knocked in the other run with a single. competition, Minneapolis, Minn., ESPN
Augustana (Ill.) 6, Illinois Wesleyan 5
Portland at Denver, 10:30 p.m.
NCAA Tournament Glance Transactions
But after going scoreless for two innings against Southern Miss COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) Bethel (Ind.) 4, St. Francis (Ind.) 0
Culver-Stockton 21, Lincoln (Ill.) 10
All Times EDT Tuesday’s Sports Moves
starter Ryan Och, South Alabama scored at least one run in the 6 p.m. — NIT Tournament: Teams TBD, Champion- Dayton 6, Butler 1 At UD Arena American League
Doane 7-5, Northwestern (Iowa) 6-6
remaining seven innings. Dayton, Ohio BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Traded C Andrew
ship, ESPN Grand View at Iowa, ccd. Tuesday, March 19 Susac to the Kansas City Royals for cash.
Ethan Wilson began the comeback with a two-run home run in the Indiana Wesleyan 5, Spring Arbor 3 Fairleigh Dickinson 82, Prairie View A&M 76 SEATTLE MARINERS — Reinstated RHP An-
third inning. COLLEGE LACROSEE (WOMEN’S) Iowa 3, Clarke 2 Belmont 81, Temple 70 thony Swarzak from 10-day IL. Optioned RHP
Manchester 6, Anderson (Ind.) 5 Wednesday, March 20 David McKay to Tacoma, retroactive to April 1.
“It was just a game of momentum, and they just kept chipping 6 p.m. — Ohio State at Penn State, Big Ten Milwaukee 16, Lakeland 2 North Dakota State 78, N.C. Central 74 TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Traded OF Kevin
Northwestern 11, Chicago St. 6 Arizona State 74, St. John’s 65 Pillar to San Francisco for INF Alen Hanson
away,” Southern Miss coach Scott Berry said. “They score seven of the Network Park 5, Hannibal-LaGrange 3 EAST REGIONAL and RHPs Juan De Paula and Derek Law, and
nine innings and we only score two. CURLING (MEN’S) Point Park at Shawnee St., 2, ccd. First Round OF Rodrigo Orozco to San Diego for OF Soc-
St. Norbert 4, Ripon 2 Thursday, March 21 rates Brito. Transferred OF Dalton Pompey to
“We had the big inning in the first, but they didn’t go away.” Tiffin 19, Hillsdale 7
9 p.m. — World Championship: U.S. vs. Scotland, Transylvania 6, Mount St. Joseph 3
At Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena the 60-day IL. Agreed to terms with OF Randal
South Alabama reliever Zach Greene (1-0) allowed just one hit over Jacksonville, Fla. Grichuk on a five-year contract. Released RHP
the final four scoreless innings, walking one and striking out five. Alberta (taped), NBC Sports Network William Penn 4, Mount Mercy 3
Wright St. 11, Wofford 4
LSU 79, Yale 74 Bud Norris from a minor league contract.
Maryland 79, Belmont 77 National League
Southern Miss will remain home for a weekend Conference USA GOLF FAR WEST At Wells Fargo Arena ATLANTA BRAVES — Agreed to terms with
Portland 16, Seattle 14 Des Moines, Iowa OF Ronald Acuña Jr. on an eight-year contract.
baseball series, hosting Marshall University beginning at 6 p.m. Friday. 11 a.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration, first
Minnesota 86, Louisville 76 CINCINNATI REDS — Assigned LHP Brandon
round, Rancho Mirage, Calif., GOLF Michigan State 76, Bradley 65 Finnegan outright to Louisville (IL).
Friday, March 22 COLORADO ROCKIES — Placed LHP Jake
EMCC’s Forrester named MACJC Pitcher of the Week 3 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: Valero Texas Open, first NBA Glance At Colonial Life Arena McGee on the 10-day IL. Recalled RHP Carlos
All Times EDT Columbia, S.C. Estevez from Albuquerque (PCL).
SCOOBA – For his no-hitter during last Friday’s road win over East round, San Antonio, Texas, GOLF EASTERN CONFERENCE Duke 85, North Dakota State 62 SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Designated OF
Atlantic Division UCF 73, VCU 58 Michael Reed for assignment.
Central, East Mississippi Community College’s Jaxen Forrester has 6 p.m. — LPGA Tour Golf: ANA Inspiration, first W L Pct GB At SAP Center Atlantic League
been named MACJC Baseball Pitcher of the Week. y-Toronto 55 23 .705 — San Jose, Calif. LONG ISLAND DUCKS — Signed LHP Darin
round, Rancho Mirage, Calif., GOLF x-Philadelphia 49 28 .636 5½ Liberty 80, Mississippi State 76 Downs and RHP Enrique Burgos. Placed INF
A sophomore right-hander, Forrester had nine strikeouts and two x-Boston 46 32 .590 9 Virginia Tech 66, Saint Louis 52 Taylor Ard on the reserve/retired list.
HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL (BOYS) Second Round Frontier League
walks during the Lions’ 10-1 nightcap victory over the Warriors last Brooklyn 39 39 .500 16
Saturday, March 23 EVANSVILLE OTTERS — Traded RHP Garrett
week in Decatur. He allowed only five ECCC batters to reach base, 11a.m. — GIECO Nationals: IMG Academy (Fla.) New York 15 62 .195 39½
Southeast Division At Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena Harris to the Trois Rivieres Aigles of the Can-
while throwing 61 of his 93 pitches for strikes, during the seven-inning vs. Sunrise Christian (Kan.), quarterfinal, Queens, W L Pct GB Jacksonville, Fla.
LSU 69, Maryland 67
Am League for a player to be named later.
Miami 38 39 .494 —
complete game. The only score Forrester gave up was an unearned N.Y., NSPNU Orlando 38 40 .487 ½ At Wells Fargo Arena O’Brien.
Charlotte 35 42 .455 3 Des Moines, Iowa JOLIET SLAMMERS — Signed OF Travis Bolin
run in the last inning on an infield throwing error. 1 p.m. — GIECO Nationals: University School Washington 32 46 .410 6½ Michigan State 70, Minnesota 50 to a contract extension.
Earlier in the week against Northwest Mississippi, Forrester had Atlanta 28 50 .359 10½ Sunday, March 24 SCHAUMBURG BOOMERS — Signed 1B/3B
(Fla.) vs. Montverde (Fla.), quarterfinal, Queens, Central Division At Colonial Life Arena Matt Rose.
four strikeouts, including a dropped third strike, in one inning of relief W L Pct GB Columbia, S.C. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MINERS — Signed LHP
work. For the week, the Spanish Fort, Alabama, product struck out 13 N.Y., ESPNU y-Milwaukee 58 20 .744 — Duke 77, UCF 76 Brad Burdett and C Andy Cosgrove.
batters and walked three while allowing only two runs (both unearned) 3 p.m. — GIECO Nationals: Bishop Gorman (Nev.) x-Indiana
46 32 .590 12
39 38 .506 18½ San Jose, Calif. Javier Betancourt.
on just one hit during eight total innings of work. vs. La Lumiere (Ind.), quarterfinal, Queens, N.Y., Chicago 21 57 .269 37 Virginia Tech 67, Liberty 58
At Capital One Arena
National Basketball Association
Cleveland 19 59 .244 39
ESPNU WESTERN CONFERENCE Washington NBA — Fined Golden State F Draymon Green
Southwest Division Regional Semifinals $35,000 and G Stephen Curry $25,000 for pub-
Prep baseball 5 p.m. — GIECO Nationals: Wasatch (Utah) vs.
W L Pct GB
50 28 .641 —
Friday, March 29
Michigan State 80, LSU 63
lic statements impugning the integrity of NBA
officiating and Golden State F Kevin Durant
Oak Hill Academy (Va.), quarterfinal, Queens, N.Y., x-San Antonio 45 33 .577 5 Duke 75, Virginia Tech 73 $15,000 for public criticism of officiating.
New Orleans 32 46 .410 18 Regional Championship WASHINGTON WIZARDS — Fired president
Heritage Academy sweeps Leake Academy in baseball NBA BASKETBALL
31 46 .403 18½
31 46 .403 18½
Sunday, March 31
Michigan State 68, Duke 67
Ernie Grunfeld.
Women’s NBA
A walk-off home run by Parker Ray gave Heritage Academy a Northwest Division SOUTH REGIONAL NEW YORK LIBERTY — Named Charmin
baseball sweep of Leake Academy on Tuesday. The Patriots won the 7 p.m. — Milwaukee at Philadelphia, TNT
W L Pct GB
51 26 .662 —
First Round
Thursday, March 21
Smith assistant coach.
second game, 6-5, after pitcher Blayze Berry struck out 11 in a 5-2 win 9:30 p.m. — Golden State at LA Lakers, TNT x-Portland 49 28 .636 2 At The XL Center National Football League
x-Utah 47 30 .610 4 Hartford, Conn. ARIZONA CARDINALS — Signed CB Tra-
in the opening game. Ray had two hits in the second game, and JR SOCCER (WOMEN’S) x-Oklahoma City 45 33 .577 6½ Villanova 61, Saint Mary’s 57 maine Brock to a one-year contract.
Lott drove in two runs. Banks Hyde had two hits for the Patriots in the Minnesota 34 43 .442 17 JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS — Signed RB Ben-
8:30 p.m. — International Friendly: U.S. vs. Aus- Pacific Division Purdue 61, Old Dominion 48 ny Cunningham and OT Josh Wells.
opener. The Patriots (13-6) play at Leake on Thursday night. W L Pct GB Alliance of American Football
tralia, Commerce City, Colo., FS1 y-Golden State 53 24 .688 — Friday, March 22 AAF — Announced the league suspended
x-L.A. Clippers 47 31 .603 6½ At Colonial Life Arena operations.

Ole Miss women finish runner-up at The Bruzzy major league baseball
ARGYLE, Texas – Windy conditions proved tough for the No. 41

21-year-old Braves star agrees to $100 million deal

Ole Miss women’s golf team Tuesday on the final day of The Bruzzy as
the Rebels shot a final round 10-over 298 to finish runner-up.
Ole Miss finished two strokes back of the team champion, No. 35
Baylor. The Rebels shot a program record single-round score to start
off the week, firing a 12-under 276 right out of the gates on Monday THE ASSOCIATED PRESS player under club control Acuña and the team shared best young player I’ve seen.
morning. with less than one year of equal interest in the long- But from a front office stand-
The Rebels led the field in par-5 scoring, going 14-under on the ATLANTA — When major league service. term deal. point, I wanted to see how
longest holes on the course, and birdies, carding 55 total as a team.
“The conditions were tough today with gusty winds and unfortu-
Ronald Acuña Jr. is earning The NL Rookie of the “The key was that these Ronald came into spring
nately we faltered a little at the end of our round after making a great $17 million per year in his Year, Acuña agreed to a deal deals only get done when training. He was the exact
run for the win,” head coach Kory Henkes said. “Anytime you are in prime, the Atlanta Braves with two team options that, both sides want to get it same guy, which was telling
contention it is valuable learning experience for our young team. We may have one of baseball’s if exercised, would raise the done,” Anthopoulos said. to me.”
played with a lot of heart this week and we are proud of the progress we best bargains. value to $124 million over 10 “The last few weeks we Acuña opened his first
are making as we approach the post season.”
Ellen Hutchinson-Kay put together a career week going 69-74- From the perspective years. went back and forth and full season last week as the
71—214 and finishing in the top-10, moving up 13 spots on the final day of Acuña, that possibility “No, I have no regrets,” this morning we were finally Braves cleanup hitter. He hit
to a tie for eighth. The freshman’s 2-under tournament performance isn’t a concern. At 21, he is Acuña said through a trans- able to come to terms.” his first homer of the year in
makes for a new career-low 54-hole score for her and her first round the youngest player to land lator. “No one can see the Anthopoulos said he felt Monday night’s 8-0 win over
3-under 69 was a career-best 18-hole score. Hutchinson-Kay led the
team in birdies with 14 and played the par-5’s at 4-under throughout
a $100 million deal and he future. No one knows what’s more confident about ex- the Chicago Cubs .
the week. said he has no regrets about going to happen tomorrow, tending the big offer after He made his major
Conner Beth Ball matched Hutchinson-Kay finishing tied for 8th gaining that security so ear- so I’m extremely happy with seeing Acuña retain his league debut last April 25
individually, her eight top-10 finish of her career and fourth this season. ly in his career. the decision we’ve all made work ethic following his and began Tuesday with
The sophomore shot back-to-back 69’s on the first day before finishing Acuña and the Braves and I’m just excited to be 2018 success. 165 days of service. Acuña
with a 4-over 76. Ball was second on the team in birdies with 13.
The Rebels return to the course on April 11 for the Liz Murphey
agreed to a $100 million, here.” “Everybody could see would have been eligible for
Collegiate Championship in Athens, Georgia. eight-year contract on Tues- Braves general manag- how talented he is,” Antho- free agency after the 2024
— From Special Reports day, the largest deal for a er Alex Anthopoulos said poulos said. “Like I said, season.
4B Wednesday, April 3, 2019 The Dispatch •


U.S. Bank Stadium prepped for college hoop’s biggest show

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dium, turning a football-sized through that exposure.” Nestled into a compact down- enough sunlight can stream in
venue into a basketball-friendly When the NCAA first began town, filled with state-of-the- to make a television viewer do
MINNEAPOLIS — The loss- facility has become quite the using an “in-the-round” seat- art amenities and fresh from a double-take and wonder for a
es taken last weekend by Duke, project. ing configuration at Ford Field holding the Super Bowl just 14 second if the game was actually
Gonzaga, North Carolina and That’s fitting, of course, be- in Detroit in 2009, where the months ago, U.S. Bank Stadi- being played in Arizona or Flor-
Purdue pulled the curtains on cause the Final Four has be- court is placed on the middle of um fits the bill. The not-quite-
their seasons, one painful game ida.
come quite the event. the turf instead of in one of the 3-year-old facility’s defining
short of the Final Four. “People have said, ‘It’s a corners and the entire bowl is feature, though, created an ad- “That’s what makes this
Those teams that made game for an arena,’ but trying used, the minimum-capacity re- ditional challenge for the host. building unique. That’s what
it to Minneapolis? The guys to go back at this point on the quirement for a Final Four was The skyline-facing front of the makes it beautiful. That’s what
from Michigan State, Texas opportunities? Instead of giving raised to 60,000 seats. building is essentially one big really makes it the gold stan-
Tech, Auburn and Virginia approximately 5,000 tickets to That whittled the candidate picture window, including five dard in the NFL. Unfortunately
will be greeted, literally, by gi- each school, they’d be receiv- pool to the 10 climate-controlled of the world’s largest pivoting that is also what makes it very
ant drapes inside the building ing far less than that, and then NFL-level venues, which had glass doors ranging from 75 to complex for us,” said Patrick
where the 2019 champion will you’ve got all of the member- been sprinkled into the rotation 95 feet high. Then there’s the Talty, the general manager for
be determined. ship, the other schools that want throughout the 1980s and 1990s roof, about 60 percent of which
stadium operator SMG. “Be-
Yes, the bigger and fancier access, and the general public,” until the last NBA-sized host was composed of a translucent
the site, the more complicated said L.J. Wright, the NCAA’s was used in East Rutherford, plastic called ETFE. cause of that competitive na-
the conversion. From the extra director of men’s basketball New Jersey, in 1996. There are Even on some of those ture, needing the light to be the
speakers to the special cen- championships. “The demand currently only 10 covered sta- coldest afternoons, like the same for all teams in all situa-
ter-hung scoreboard to the tem- is still here, and so we want to diums big enough in the entire 2-degree outside temperature tions, we then have to take our
porary blinds at U.S. Bank Sta- expose and help grow the game country to bid. at kickoff of the Super Bowl, biggest asset away.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: This may even spent some occasions
I am a seem like a happy together. My boyfriend thinks
woman in complaint, but I’m this is totally dysfunctional, so I
my 30s working starting to have agreed that we would not spend
two jobs to make doubts about occasions together anymore.
ends meet after this relation- About a year ago, he started
a divorce. A few ship because it not wanting to participate in any
months ago, I met seems like we event with my kids. We argued,
a nice gentleman live in completely and he said some nasty things
who has been un- different worlds. I about them. I was appalled.
derstanding about really like him and Had he just pretended to like
my situation and want this to work them? He has had nothing to
ZITS crazy hours, and out, regardless do with them for months.
we have a pretty of his money. Do My son is getting married
stable relation- you think there’s next week, and when I told my
ship. Feelings a way to salvage boyfriend I don’t think it’s right
have developed, this relationship that he come, he flipped out.
and we’re thinking
Dear Abby and turn it back Why would a man who didn’t
about getting to the way things want anything to do with my
more serious. were? — DON’T WANT THE kids expect to be welcomed at
He recently disclosed that GLASS SLIPPERS their wedding? Am I wrong? —
he’s actually very wealthy. DEAR DON’T: I sure do. Tell PERPLEXED IN FLORIDA
He works full time and has a the gentleman exactly what you DEAR PERPLEXED: Your chil-
modest lifestyle, so the news told me, or show him this col- dren are not wrong. You are not
caught me off-guard. umn and tell him the letter was wrong. The man you have been
I enjoyed his company written by you. In a successful involved with for three years
before the revelation, and I relationship, honest commu- appears to be determined to
GARFIELD almost wish he hadn’t told me. nication is essential. Now isolate you from those to whom
Now that his secret is out, he that you know more about his you are closest, and it is a big
has been going over the top financial situation, things will red flag! This isn’t a question of
with gifts and offering to pay never be the way they were, but right or wrong. It’s a question of
for things so I won’t have to by continuing the conversation, whether you want to continue a
work a second job. Because I the two of you can navigate relationship with him and, if so,
have always worked hard and through this. at what cost.
offered to pay for dates, I have DEAR ABBY: I have been
declined his offers, and I feel dating a man for three years. Dear Abby is written by
really awkward about accepting When we first met, he bonded Abigail Van Buren, also known
the extravagant gifts he insists very well with my three adult as Jeanne Phillips, and was
on giving me. I think it’s making children. They liked him, and he founded by her mother, Pauline
him more attracted to me was invited to every occasion. Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
because I’m not like his past My ex-husband is gay and is at or P.O.
girlfriends who tried to take now married to his partner. We Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
CANDORVILLE advantage of his wealth. have remained friends and have 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April you happier and more effective. need the influence of other
3). Your people already know TAURUS (April 20-May 20). people, as well as some fresh
the value of what you bring to Don’t mix up mistakes and air and sunshine, to be your
the table, but they’ll appreciate crimes. Give yourself and others best self.
you even more as outsiders the wide margins for error that LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
take notice, praising and everyone needs when learning Swap nostalgic stories with peo-
promoting you in the glow of something new. This awkward ple you’ve known awhile — it
your solar return. You’ll get phase will be over soon enough. cements the bond, brings good
the support you need for your GEMINI (May 21-June cheer and lends a healthy per-
special agenda in June. You’ll 21). It’s a strange thing to spective of time to everyone’s
see more of the world in 2020 ask yourself to consider your mindset.
BABY BLUES and get special travel deals. emotions from a less emotional VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Libra and Leo adore you. Your perspective, but some amount The goal is no longer seeming
lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 33, of detachment will benefit you doable, but this is not a sign
14 and 28. as you sort through recent hap- that you should drop the goal.
ARIES (March 21-April penings and decide how you’d Change up your action steps.
19). If you’re going to forget like to react. A different approach will yield
something about an interaction, CANCER (June 22-July 22). different results.
forget the bad parts. That won’t Getting out, active and moving LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
be the natural thing to do, but it in the world will be so crucial to 23). You’re not thinking about
will be the move that will make your mood and progress. You’ll your own interests as you go
into today’s venture, ready to
do whatever you can to make
things better for everyone else.
It just works out that by helping
the others, you wind up helping
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Remind yourself of your
own happy history. You’ve much
to be proud of. It’s one of those
days when the active efforts
you take to bring yourself up
will work well to keep your
heart buoyant and your mood
21). Tune in to what’s going on
inside you. When you can find
peace in your own heart, there
is nothing to worry or fear about
MALLARD FILLMORE any other place on the Earth.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Decision paralysis is
caused by having too many op-
tions to choose from. But when
you really analyze your choices
today, there are far fewer that
make real sense for you. In fact,
there are but two.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You don’t absolutely have
to complete each and every dai-
ly task in order to feel happier,
but it helps! Things left undone
weigh disproportionately on your
FAMILY CIRCUS mind, and handling them gives
you a lift.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Negotiations ensue. The
values on the table being
haggled over are not the sum
total of what is at stake. With
wisdom, this can work better
than expected for all involved.

Overnight sensation
Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Carl Tremblay/America’s Test Kitchen via AP

Beer and cider vinegar provide depth and
brightness to these shredded beef tacos from
the cookbook “How to Braise Everything.”

Short ribs in a
beer and cider
vinegar lead to
great tacos

Garlic — once eaten by Greek soldiers to give arne deshebrada, literally meaning
themselves courage and strength in battle — “shredded beef,” is a common offering
spices up this shrimp dish with sticky honey butter at Mexican taco stands. It’s made by
soy sauce. braising a large cut of beef until ultra-tender
and then shredding the meat and tossing it
with a flavorful rojo sauce made with toma-
toes and/or dried chiles.
Although short ribs are a bit nontradi-

‘Amazing’ garlic
tional, their ultra-beefy flavor made them
an excellent choice. To achieve flavorful
browning, we raised the beef up out of the
braising liquid by resting it on onion rounds;
the ambient heat browned the short ribs just
enough for this dish.
Next, we created a braising liquid that
would infuse the beef with flavor and later
BY JAN SWOOPE act as a base for our rojo sauce. Beer and ci- der vinegar provided depth and brightness,

and tomato paste boosted savory flavor.
o many foods, spices and herbs Smoky-sweet ancho chiles gave the sauce a
we take for granted have amaz- rounder flavor and a gentle, spicy kick.
ing histories. Garlic is one of Cumin, cinnamon, cloves, oregano, and
them. Even if there’s nary a werewolf bay leaves added warmth and complexity.
or evil spirit to ward off, springtime’s Once the beef had finished cooking, we pu-
harvest of fresh garlic can inspire a reed the braising liquid into a sauce with a
peek into this wonder food that has smooth, luxurious consistency. A bright,
a significant place in culture and tangy slaw provided a nice counterbalance
folklore. to the rich meat. Use a full-bodied lager or
Garlic, a close relative of the ale such as Dos Equis or Sierra Nevada.
onion, shallot, leek and chive, has
been used for thousands of years for
medicinal purposes by civilizations SHREDDED BEEF TACOS
Servings: 6-8
from Egyptians and Babylonians to Start to finish: 3 1/2 hours
the Greeks and Romans.
Did you know slaves building the 1 1/2 cups beer
pyramids were fed garlic for endur- 4 dried ancho chiles, stemmed, seeded, and torn
into 1/2 inch pieces (1 cup)
ance? That Greek athletes would take 1/2 cup cider vinegar
copious amounts before competition? 2 tablespoons tomato paste
That Greek and Roman soldiers 6 garlic cloves, lightly crushed and peeled
ate garlic for strength and courage 3 bay leaves
2 teaspoons ground cumin
before battle? That in World War I, 2 teaspoons dried oregano
garlic was used to treat wounds on Garlic and apple flavors Salt and pepper
the front lines? Garlic juice on swabs complement this pork 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
of sterile sphagnum moss helped 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
roast that goes great with 1 large onion, sliced into 1/2 inch-thick rounds
prevent gangrene and sepsis in the steamed fresh asparagus 3 pounds boneless beef short ribs, trimmed and cut
trenches, says and roasted red potatoes. into 2 inch cubes
Cloves of garlic were found in 18 (6 inch) corn tortillas, warmed
King Tutankhamen’s tomb. Henry 1 recipe Cabbage-Carrot Slaw (recipe follows)
for conditions related to the heart and chili, ginger, basil, beans, chicken, 4 ounces queso fresco, crumbled (1 cup)
IV of France was baptized in water blood system and numerous other pork and seafood. Lime wedges
containing garlic (academic.oup. Mississippi’s garlic harvest season
health issues.
com). Ancients prescribed garlic for is “coming into bloom,” so a few
n Adjust oven rack to lower middle position and
digestion, animal bites, arthritis, But back to the kitchen. Garlic heat oven to 325 F. Combine beer, anchos, vinegar,
is used in cuisines worldwide. With recipes to put garlic to good use are tomato paste, garlic, bay leaves, cumin, oregano, 2
convulsions, respiratory ailments teaspoons salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, cloves, and
its spicy flavor that mellows and suggested below. One might even
and a host of other concerns. Modern cinnamon in Dutch oven. Arrange onion rounds in
research, as most of us are aware, has sweetens with cooking, it’s great in find a place in your Easter menu. The single layer on bottom of pot. Place beef on top of
shown that bygone cultures were on stir fries, curries, soups and sauces garlic-apple pork roast is simple to onion rounds in single layer. Cover and cook until
to something. Garlic is currently used and pairs well with onions, tomatoes, See Garlic, 6B See Tacos, 6B

Go ahead and combine sweet potato to the tang of biscuits

BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN emerged tender and subtly sweet, per-
fectly ready for a smear of butter or jam,

t was only a matter of time before or to be sliced and stuffed with ham and
sweet potato-loving Southern cooks mustard. If you can find them, Beaure-
combined the fluffy texture and gard sweet potatoes are the best variety
pleasant tang of biscuits with the earthy for these biscuits.
sweetness of this popular tuber. The biscuits can be stored in airtight
To add this potato’s natural sweet- container for up to two days.
ness to biscuits without weighing down
the dough, we microwaved the sweet po-
tatoes, which eliminated their moisture SWEET POTATO BISCUITS
Servings: 16
while concentrating their flavor. Start to finish: 1 hour, 30 minutes
After mashing the flesh, we stirred
in cider vinegar to mimic buttermilk’s 2 1/2 pounds sweet potatoes, unpeeled, lightly
tang and to create greater lift once com- pricked all over with fork
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
bined with the dough’s baking powder 3 1/4 cups (13 ounces) cake flour
and baking soda. We maximized the 1/4 cup packed (13/4 ounces) dark brown
biscuits’ tender texture with low-protein sugar
cake flour and opted for the deep, mo- 5 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
lasses-like sweetness of brown sugar to 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
complement the sweet potatoes. 8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 1/2 Steve Klise/America’s Test Kitchen via AP
The dough took on a pretty orange inch pieces and chilled, plus Sweet potato helps make these biscuits tender and subtly sweet. The recipe is from
color, and, once baked, the biscuits See Biscuits, 6B “Vegetables Illustrated.”
6B Wednesday, April 3, 2019 The Dispatch •

Cucumber, fennel, apples and

romaine sing in this salad

ll too often, chopped salads
wind up tasting mediocre
and doused in dressing. We
were set on creating a simple ver-
sion that was fresh and flavorful.
We settled on a mix of flavors
and textures, selecting cucumber,
fennel, apples and romaine. Red
onion added a bit of sharpness, and
a modest amount of crumbled goat
cheese offered a creamy textural
contrast. We lightly salted the cu- Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
cumber to remove excess moisture,
allowing it to drain in a colander.
Sudoku is a number-
5 9 2 4 8 1 3 7 6
placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
Poaching the chicken in a steam- 1 7 8 2 6 3 9 4 5
a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

er basket enabled us to use no ex-
tra fat. Once the chicken cooled,
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 4 3 6 7 9 5 2 1 8
given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
we cut the breasts into chunks and is
9 4 1 5 2 7 6 8 3
1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
combined the pieces with the other 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 8 6 7 9 3 4 5 2 1
salad ingredients. so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 2 5 3 6 1 8 7 9 4
We decided to whisk the goat column
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
contains the same number
number 7 8 9 3 4 6 1 5 2
cheese into the dressing in place of only once. The difficulty
only once. The difficulty 6 1 5 8 7 2 4 3 9
some of the oil, and also found that level increases from
marinating the heartier ingredients
level increases from
Monday to Sunday. 3 2 4 1 5 9 8 6 7
Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 4/02

in the dressing for just five minutes

before adding the romaine infused
every component with flavor while
still keeping it fresh and light. Use
any sweet apple here, such as Fuji,
Jonagold, Pink Lady, Jonathan, Ma- Daniel J. van Ackere/America’s Test Kitchen via AP
coun, or Gala. Fennel, apple and chicken fill this chopped salad with flavor. The recipe is
from “The Complete Diabetes Cookbook.”
1/4 inch thick from burner, and let sit until meat regis-
FENNEL, APPLE AND CHICKEN 1 fennel bulb, stalks discarded, bulb ters 160 F, 17 to 22 minutes. Transfer
halved, cored, and sliced 1/4 inch thick chicken to paper towel-lined plate and
CHOPPED SALAD 1/2 cup finely chopped red onion refrigerate until cool, about 30 minutes.
Servings: 4 1 romaine lettuce heart (6 ounces), cut (Chicken can be refrigerated for up to 2
Start to finish: 1 hour, 45 minutes into 1/2 inch pieces days.)
n Whisk goat cheese, vinegar, tarragon,
1 cucumber, peeled, halved lengthwise, n Toss cucumber with 1/2 teaspoon and oil together in large bowl. Pat chicken
seeded, and sliced 1/2 inch thick salt in colander and let drain for 15 to 30 dry with paper towels and cut into 1/2
Salt and pepper minutes. inch pieces. Add chicken, cucumber,
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken n Whisk 4 quarts water and 2 table- apples, fennel, and onion to dressing
breasts, trimmed of all visible fat and spoons salt in Dutch oven until salt is and gently toss to coat. Let sit at room
pounded to 3/4 inch thickness dissolved. Arrange breasts, skinned side temperature until flavors meld, about 5
3 ounces goat cheese, crumbled (3/4 up, in steamer basket, making sure not to minutes. Add lettuce and gently toss to
cup) overlap them. Submerge steamer basket coat. Season with pepper to taste. Serve.
1/4 cup cider vinegar in water. Nutrition information per serving: 359 cal-
1/4 cup minced fresh tarragon n Heat pot over medium heat, stirring ories; 112 calories from fat; 12 g fat (5 g
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil liquid occasionally to even out hot spots, saturated; 0 g trans fats); 109 mg choles-
2 Fuji, Gala, or Golden Delicious apples, until water registers 175 F, 15 to 20 terol; 477 mg sodium; 29 g carbohydrate;
cored, quartered, and sliced crosswise minutes. Turn off heat, cover pot, remove 7 g fiber; 20 g sugar; 32 g protein.

Continued from Page 5B
prepare for a slow cooker. Cook time: 15 minutes 1/2 cup water n Cut scrubbed potatoes
Or use lemon and garlic Serves 4-6 2 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic into wedges; place in a large
1 tablespoon dried parsley saucepan. Add water to cover;
new potatoes as a side 1/2 cup honey flakes bring to a boil. Cook, covered,
dish. Shrimp lovers may 1/4 cup soy sauce 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons sea- until tender, 10-15 minutes.
opt for that dish coated in 3 cloves garlic, minced soned salt Drain.
Juice of one small lemon 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons pepper n In the same pan, heat oil
a delicious sticky honey
1 pound large shrimp, peeled over medium-high heat. Add
garlic butter soy sauce. and deveined n Cut roast in half; place in potatoes; cook until browned,
Having corn on the cob 2 tablespoons butter a 5-quart cooker. In a small 4-6 minutes. Add garlic; cook
for supper? Try the garlic Green onions, for garnish bowl, combine the jelly, water 1 minute longer. Remove
and garlic; pour over roast.
lemon butter on it. Sprinkle with parsley, salt and from heat. Stir in remaining
n In a small bowl whisk ingredients.
A kitchen tip for honey, soy sauce, garlic and pepper.
n Cover and cook on low until Nutrition: 3/4 cup: 166
getting that heady garlic lemon. Add half of the sauce calories, 8g fat (2g saturated
smell off your hands after to the shrimp and let marinate meat is tender, 8-10 hours.
Let stand 15 minutes before fat), 4mg cholesterol, 240mg
for 30 minutes.
peeling, from lifehacker. n In a medium sized skillet slicing. Serve with cooking sodium, 19g carbohydrate (1g
com: Neutralize the odor juices, if desired. sugars, 2g fiber), 4g protein.
add the butter. Add the shrimp Diabetic Exchanges: 1 starch,
by rubbing your hands and discard marinade. Season Nutrition facts: 4 ounces
cooked pork: 237 calories, 6g 1-1/2 fat. ACROSS
with a stainless steel with salt and pepper. Turn the
fat (2g saturated fat), 66mg (Source: 1 Mob pursuers
heat to medium high. Cook un-
object (spoon, knife, etc.) til the shrimp turns pink about cholesterol, 165mg sodium,
19g carbohydrate (17g sugars,
5 Sound of delight
under cold water, as if the
object was soap. (Try it af-
2 minutes each side. Add the
reserved marinade and pour 0 fiber), 26g protein. GARLIC LEMON BUTTER 11 Egg outline
12 Dawn goddess
over shrimp. Cook until the (Source:, Prep/total time: 10 minutes
ter handling onions, too.) Jennifer Loos) Makes 1/2 cups 13 Grant of films
sauce starts to thicken and
Oh, and according to coats the shrimp. Garnish with 14 Like many
folklore, dreaming that green onions. 1/2 cup butter, softened lifeguards
garlic is in the house is (Source: the LEMON GARLIC 2-3 teaspoons grated lemon
15 Printer’s supply
supposedly lucky. Dream- 16 Evergreen trees
NEW POTATOES 1 garlic clove, minced
17 Enormous
ing about eating garlic
means you will discover
GARLIC-APPLE Prep/total time: 25 minutes 1 teaspoon minced fresh
parsley 19 Rent out
Makes 4 servings
hidden secrets. So after PORK ROAST 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional 22 Panel member
Prep time: 10 minutes 1 pound small red potatoes Pepper, to taste 24 Cumin or cori-
eating well, sleep well. Cook time: 8 hours + stand- 2 tablespoons olive oil ander
ings 2 garlic cloves, minced n In small bowl, beat all ingre- 26 Over again
Makes 12 servings 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan dients until blended. Refriger- 27 Fairy tale
HONEY GARLIC 1 boneless pork loin roast (3
2 tablespoons lemon juice
ate up to 1 week or freeze up
to 3 months. monster
BUTTER SHRIMP 1/2-4 pounds) 1/4 teaspoon salt (Source:, 28 Notions
30 Boring
2 John, in Wales 23 Take apart
Prep time: 5 minutes 1 jar (12 ounces) apple jelly 1/4 teaspoon pepper Margie Wampler) 3 Hunter, e.g. 25 Substandard
31 Horror’s Chaney 4 Cunning 29 Spooky gath-

32 Wield, as power 5 Gown material ering
34 Rural spread 6 Gallon divisions 30 Skirt edge
35 Air gun ammo 7 Coffee dispensers 33 Clinic shots
Continued from Page 5B 38 Split start 8 Long time 34 Stadium group
meat is well browned and tender, 2 1/2 be refrigerated for up to 2 days; gently
41 Airplane wing 9 “You — Here” 36 Lockup feature
1 large carrot, peeled and shredded
to 3 hours. reheat before serving.) 1 jalapeno chile, stemmed, seeded, and part 10 Young fellow 37 Set eyes on
n Using slotted spoon, transfer beef to n Spoon small amount of beef into each minced 42 Bureau 16 Distant 38 Outlaw
large bowl, cover loosely with aluminum warm tortilla and serve, passing slaw, 1 teaspoon dried oregano 43 Continental coin 18 Corn Belt state 39 In the past
foil, and set aside. Strain liquid through queso fresco, and lime wedges separate- 1 cup chopped fresh cilantro 44 Gallows sights
fine-mesh strainer into 2 cup liquid 19 Robin’s-egg, e.g. 40 “The Matrix” hero
ly. 45 Bit of rind 20 Stocking color 41 Turkish topper
measuring cup (do not wash pot). Discard n Whisk vinegar, water, sugar, and salt
onion rounds and bay leaves. Transfer in large bowl until sugar is dissolved. Add DOWN 21 Abound
remaining solids to blender. Let strained
liquid settle for 5 minutes, then skim any
CABBAGE-CARROT SLAW cabbage, onion, carrot, jalapeño, and 1 Ellipse points
22 Lockup
fat from surface. Add water as needed to Makes about 8 cups oregano and toss to combine. Cover and
equal 1 cup. Pour liquid into blender with refrigerate for at least 1 hour or up to 24
reserved solids and blend until smooth, 1 cup cider vinegar hours. Drain slaw and stir in cilantro right
about 2 minutes. Transfer sauce to 1/2 cup water before serving.
now-empty pot. 1 tablespoon sugar Nutrition information per serving: 521
n Using 2 forks, shred beef into bite- 1 1/2 teaspoons salt calories; 187 calories from fat; 21 g fat (8
size pieces. Bring sauce to simmer over 1/2 head green cabbage, cored and g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 94 mg choles-
medium heat. Add beef and stir to coat. sliced thin (6 cups) terol; 846 mg sodium; 44 g carbohydrate;
Season with salt to taste. (Beef can 1 onion, sliced thin 9 g fiber; 9 g sugar; 35 g protein.

Continued from Page 5B
2 tablespoons melted cups. Reserve any extra for pulses. Transfer flour mixture should have 16 biscuits
4 tablespoons vegetable another use.) Stir in vinegar to bowl with cooled potatoes total.)
shortening, cut into 1/2 inch and refrigerate until cool, and fold with rubber spatula n Brush tops of biscuits
pieces and chilled about 15 minutes. until incorporated. with melted butter and bake
n Adjust oven rack to middle n Turn out dough onto until golden brown, 18 to 22
n Microwave potatoes on position and heat oven to floured counter and knead minutes. Let biscuits cool on
plate until very soft and 425 F. Line rimmed baking until smooth, 8 to 10 times. sheet for 15 minutes before
surfaces are wet, 15-20 min- sheet with parchment paper. Pat dough into 9 inch circle, serving.
utes, flipping every 5 minutes. Process flour, sugar, baking about 1 inch thick. Using Nutrition information per serv-
Immediately cut potatoes in powder, baking soda, and salt floured 2 1/4 inch round ing: 265 calories; 93 calories
half. When potatoes are cool in food processor until com- cutter, stamp out biscuits and from fat; 10 g fat (5 g satu-
enough to handle, scoop flesh bined. Scatter chilled butter arrange on prepared sheet. rated; 0 g trans fats); 19 mg
into large bowl and, using and shortening over top and Gently pat dough scraps into cholesterol; 450 mg sodium; WHATZIT ANSWER
potato masher, mash until pulse until mixture resem- 1 inch-thick circle and stamp 39 g carbohydrate; 3 g fiber;
smooth. (You should have 2 bles coarse meal, about 15 out remaining biscuits. (You 6 g sugar; 3 g protein. Log cabin
The Dispatch
sippi in Book 1398 at
Page 612•
Instrument WEDNESDAY,
Letters of Administra-
tion have 3, 2019
been 7B
No. As Reformed in and issued to the under-
Chancery Cause No. signed upon the Estate
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 2017-0581; and
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 of Morris
Legal NoticesAmous,
0010 De-
ceased, by the Chan-

for LSF9 Master Parti- the 12th day of Febru-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STATE OF MISSISSIPPI cipation Trust has here- WHEREAS, on October WHEREAS, on Decem- WHEREAS, on July 26, ary, 2019. This is to
COUNTY OF Lowndes COUNTY OF LOWNDES tofore substituted Sha- 21, 2003, Glenda G. ber 1, 1995, James E. 2012, Lona T. Rice, an give notice to all per-
piro & Brown, LLC as Cumberland FKA Gl- Wiley executed a Deed unmarried woman ex- sons having claims
WHEREAS, on the 26th WHEREAS, default has Trustee by instrument enda G. Carnatham, a of Trust to Frank A. Ri- ecuted a certain deed of against said Estate to
Phone: 662.328.2424 day of November, 2013,
Caleb D Stratton an un-
occurred in the perform- dated April 13, 2017
ance of the covenants, and recorded in the
widowed person ex- ley as Trustee for the
ecuted a certain deed of benefit of Bank of Mis-
trust to Real Estate
Closing Services, Inc.,
probate and register
same with the Chan- married man, executed terms and conditions of aforesaid Chancery trust to Debera Bridges, sissippi, which Deed of Trustee for the benefit cery Clerk of Lowndes
County, Mississippi,
and delivered a certain a Deed of Trust dated Clerk's Office in Book Trustee for the benefit Trust was recorded of Mortgage Electronic Deed of Trust unto J August 27, 2012, ex- MORT2017 at Page of Citifinancial Real Es- as/in Book 1150, Page Registration Systems, within ninety (90) days
P.O. Box 511 • 516 Main Street Douglas Dalrymple,
Trustee for Mortgage
ecuted by EDWARD AR- 8993; and
tate Services, Inc. which 573 in the Office of the Inc. as nominee for Plat- from this date. A failure
deed of trust is of re- Chancery Clerk of inum Mortgage, Inc., its to probate and register
Columbus, MS 39703 Electronic Registration ing certain real property WHEREAS, default hav- cord in the office of the Lowndes County, Mis- successors and as- said claims will forever
bar the same.
Systems, Inc. as nomin- therein described to MI- ing been made in the Chancery Clerk of sissippi; and signs which deed of
ee for Renasant Bank, CHAEL LYON, as Trust- terms and conditions of Lowndes County, State trust is of record in the

Beneficiary, to secure ee, for MORTGAGE said deed of trust and of Mississippi in Book WHEREAS, the afore- office of the Chancery This the 15th day of
an indebtedness therein ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- the entire debt secured 2003 at Page 43019; mentioned Deed of Clerk of Lowndes March, 2019.
described, which Deed TION SYSTEMS INC AS thereby having been de- and Trust was re-recorded in County, State of Missis-
(Deadlines subject to change.) of Trust is recorded in NOMINEE FOR ONE RE- clared to be due and Book 1152, Page 69 in sippi in Book 2012 at /s/ Natasha Amous
For Placing/Canceling the office of the Chan-
cery Clerk of Lowndes Original Beneficiary, to with the terms of said
WHEREAS, Colonial Im- the Office of the Chan-
pact Fund II LLC has cery Clerk of Lowndes
Page 18161; and

Classified Line Ads: County, Mississippi in secure the indebted- deed of trust, U.S. Bank heretofore substituted County, Mississippi; WHEREAS, Wells Fargo PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27,
Mort Book 2013 at ness therein described, Trust, N.A., as Trustee Shapiro & Brown, LLC and Bank, N.A. has hereto- & 4/3/2019
Sunday .................. Thursday 3:00 p.m. Page 32073; and as same appears of re- for LSF9 Master Parti- as Trustee by instru- fore substituted Sha-
Monday.................... Friday 12:00 p.m. cord in the office of the cipation Trust, the legal ment dated February WHEREAS, the afore- piro & Brown, LLC as IN THE CHANCERY
WHEREAS, on the 20th Chancery Clerk of holder of said indebted- 20, 2019 and recorded mentioned Deed of Trustee by instrument COURT OF LOWNDES
Tuesday.................Monday 12:00 p.m. day of October, 2016, Lowndes County, Mis- ness, having requested in the aforesaid Chan- Trust was again re-recor- dated January 16, 2019 COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI
Wednesday ........... Tuesday 12:00 p.m. Mortgage Electronic Re- sissippi filed and recor- the undersigned Substi- cery Clerk's Office in ded in Book 1157, Page and recorded in the
gistration Systems, Inc., ded September 12, tuted Trustee to ex- Book 2019 at Page 829 in the Office of the aforesaid Chancery IN THE MATTER OF THE
Thursday ........ Wednesday 12:00 p.m. as nominee for Renas- 2012, in Deed Book ecute the trust and sell 3101; and Chancery Clerk of Clerk's Office in Book ESTATE OF TIMOTHY D.
Friday .................. Thursday 12:00 p.m. ant Bank, assigned said 2012, Page 21582 ; said land and property
in accordance with the
Lowndes County, Mis- MORT2019 at Page HUDGINS, SR., DE-
Deed of Trust unto and WHEREAS, default hav- sissippi; and 1255; and CEASED
LEGAL NOTICES must be PennyMac Loan Ser- terms of said deed of ing been made in the
submitted 2 business days prior to vices, LLC, by instru- WHEREAS, the benefi- trust and for the pur- terms and conditions of WHEREAS, Bank of Mis- WHEREAS, default hav- NO: 44CH1:18-pr-
ment recorded in the of- cial interest of said pose of raising the said deed of trust and sissippi subsequently ing been made in the 00088-B
first publication date
- fice of the aforesaid Deed of Trust was trans- sums due thereunder, the entire debt secured merged into Bancorp- terms and conditions of
Chancery Clerk in Mort ferred and assigned to together with attorney's thereby having been de- South Bank; and said deed of trust and TIMOTHY HUDGINS, JR.
• Please read your ad on the first day of Book 2016 at Page Reverse Mortgage Solu- fees, trustee's fees and clared to be due and the entire debt secured PETITIONER
publication. We accept responsibility 23921; and tions, Inc.; and expense of sale. payable in accordance WHEREAS, Bancorp- thereby having been de-
only for the first incorrect insertion. with the terms of said South Bank, the holder clared to be due and SUMMONS BY PUBLICA-
WHEREAS, on the 22nd WHEREAS, the under- NOW, THEREFORE, I, deed of trust, Colonial of said Deed of Trust payable in accordance TION
• The Publisher assumes no financial day of October, 2018 signed, Rubin Lublin, Shapiro & Brown, LLC, Impact Fund II LLC, the and the Note secured with the terms of said
responsibility for errors nor for the Holder of said Deed LLC has been appoin- Substituted Trustee in legal holder of said in- thereby, substituted deed of trust, Wells THE STATE OF MISSIS-
omission of copy. Liability shall not of Trust substituted and ted as Substitute Trust-said deed of trust, will debtedness, having re- Scot P. Goldsholl as Fargo Bank, N.A., the SIPPI
appointed Dean Morris, ee; and on April 24, 2019 offer quested the under- Trustee in place of the legal holder of said in-
exceed the cost of that portion of space LLC as Substitute Trust- for sale at public outcry signed Substituted afore-mentioned origin- debtedness, having re- TO: All Unknown Heirs
occupied by such error. ee by instrument recor- NOW, THEREFORE, the and sell within legal Trustee to execute the al Trustee, as author- quested the under- at law of Timothy
• All questions regarding classified ads ded in the office of the holder of said Deed of hours (being between trust and sell said land ized by the terms there- signed Substituted Hudgins, Sr., Deceased
aforesaid Chancery Trust, having requested the hours of 11:00 a.m. and property in accord- of, as evidenced by an Trustee to execute the
currently running should be directed to Clerk in MORT Book the undersigned so to and 4:00 p.m.), at the ance with the terms of instrument recorded trust and sell said land You have been made a
the Classified Department. 2018 at Page 22699; do, as Substitute Trust- Southeast Door of the said deed of trust and as/in Book 2019, Page and property in accord- Defendant in the suit
• All ads are subject to the approval of and ee or his duly appoin- County Courthouse of for the purpose of rais- 4207 in the Office of ance with the terms of filed in this Court by
ted agent, by virtue of Lowndes County, loc- ing the sums due there- the Chancery Clerk of said deed of trust and Timothy Hudgins, Jr.,
this paper. The Commercial Dispatch WHEREAS, default hav- the power, duty and au- ated at 505 2nd Aven- under, together with at- Lowndes County, Mis- for the purpose of rais- Petitioner, seeking to
reserves the right to reject, revise, ing been made in the thority vested and im- ue North, Columbus, torney's fees, trustee's sissippi; and ing the sums due there- Determine Heirs of
classify or cancel any advertising at any payments of the in- posed upon said Substi- MS 39701, to the fees and expense of under, together with at- Timothy Hudgins, Sr. in
debtedness secured by tute Trustee shall, on highest and best bidder sale. WHEREAS, default hav- torney's fees, trustee's the above referenced
time. the said Deed of Trust, April 17, 2019 within for cash or certified ing been made in the fees and expense of cause. Other Defend-
and the holder of said the lawful hours of sale funds the following de- NOW, THEREFORE, I, terms and conditions of sale. ants in this action are
Deed of Trust, having re- between 11:00AM and scribed property situ- Shapiro & Brown, LLC, said Deed of Trust, and the unknown heirs at
quested the under- 4:00PM at the south- ated in Lowndes Substituted Trustee in the entire debt secured NOW, THEREFORE, I, law of Timothy Hudgins,
Advertisements must be signed so to do, on the east front door of Court- County, State of Missis-
17th day of April, 2019, house proceed to sell at sippi, to-wit:
said deed of trust, will thereby having been de- Shapiro & Brown, LLC,
on April 10, 2019 offer clared to be due and Substituted Trustee in
Sr., Deceased.

paid for in advance. I will during the lawful public outcry to the
hours of between 11:00 highest and best bidder A tract of land contain-
for sale at public outcry payable, and the legal
and sell within legal
said deed of trust, will You are summoned to
holder of said indebted- on April 24, 2019 offer appear and defend
a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at for cash or certified ing 0.51 acres, more or hours (being between ness, BancorpSouth for sale at public outcry against the petition filed
public outcry, offer for funds ONLY, the follow- less, in the Northeast the hours of 11:00 a.m. Bank, having requested and sell within legal in this action at 9:00
sale and will sell, at the ing described property Quarter of Section 26, and 4:00 p.m.), at the the undersigned Substi- hours (being between a.m. on Thursday, May
RegulaR Rates south east front door of situated in Lowndes Township 18 South, Southeast Door of the tute Trustee to execute the hours of 11:00 a.m. 9, 2019 in the
Lowndes County Court- County, Mississippi, to Range 18 West, County Courthouse of the trust and sell said and 4:00 p.m.), at the courtroom of Noxubee
4 Lines/6 Days ........................ $19.20 house, 505 2nd Ave. wit: Lowndes County, Mis- Lowndes County, loc- land and property in ac- Southeast Door of the County located at 505
4 Lines/12 Days...................... $31.20 North at Columbus, Mis- sissippi, more particu- ated at 505 2nd Aven- cordance with the terms County Courthouse of South Jefferson, Macon,
4 Lines/26 Days...................... $46.80 sissippi, for cash to the LAND SITUATED IN THE larly described as fol- ue North, Columbus, of said Deed of Trust for Lowndes County, loc- Mississippi, and in case
Rate applies to commercial operations highest bidder, the fol- CITY OF CALEDONIA IN lows: MS 39701, to the the purpose of raising ated at 505 2nd Aven- of your failure to ap-
lowing described land THE COUNTY OF highest and best bidder the sums due thereun- ue North, Columbus, pear and defend a judg-
and merchandise over $1,000. and property situated in LOWNDES IN THE Beginning at the South- for cash or certified der, together with attor- MS 39701, to the ment will be entered
Lowndes County, Mis- STATE OF MS INDEX AS east Corner of the funds the following de- ney's fees, Substitute highest and best bidder against you for relief de-
sissippi, to-wit: FOLLOWS: 1.53 ACRE, Northeast Quarter of scribed property situ- Trustee's fees and ex- for cash or certified manded in the petition.
supeR saveR Rates MORE OR LESS, LYING Section 26, Township ated in Lowndes penses of sale. funds the following de-
Lot 94 of and in Oak IN THE NORTHEAST 18 South, Range 18 County, State of Missis- scribed property situ- You are not required to
6 Days ...................................... $12.00 Dale Park, Phase 2 (II), QUARTER OF THE West, Lowndes County, sippi, to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, I, ated in Lowndes file an answer or other
12 Days.................................... $18.00 a subdivision in and of NORTHWEST QUARTER Mississippi, and go Scot P. Goldsholl, Sub- County, State of Missis- pleading but you may do
Over 6 lines is $1 per additional line. Lowndes County, Mis- OF SECTION 26, TOWN- thence North along the LOT NO. ONE HUN- stitute Trustee, will on sippi, to-wit: so if you desire.
sissippi, as shown by SHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE East boundary line of DRED FORTY-FIVE (145) April 24, 2019, offer for Issued under my hand
Six lines or less, consecutive days. Rate applies to the plat recorded in Plat 17 WEST, LOWNDES the Northeast Quarter of IN CHILCUTT SUBDIVI- sale at public outcry to Commencing at the and the seal of said
private party ads of non-commercial nature for Book 5 at Page 2 in the COUNTY. MISSISSIPPI, said Section 26 a dis- SION, SECOND EXTEN- the highest bidder for Northwest corner of the Court, this the 29th day
merchandise under $1,000. Must include price in land records of Lowndes BEING DESCRIBED AS tance of 2310 feet to a SION, A SUBDIVISION cash, within legal hours Northeast Quarter (NE of March, 2019.
County, Mississippi. FOLLOWS: COMMEN- point on the South right- OF LOWNDES COUNTY, (between the hours of 1/4) of the Northwest
ad. 1 item per Ad. No pets, firewood, etc. of-way line of Yorkville
CING AT THE NORTH- MISSISSIPPI, AS 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Quarter (NW 1/4) of CHANCERY CLERK OF
SUBJECT TO those cer- EAST CORNER OF THE Road; go thence along SHOWN BY A PLAT RE- p.m.) at the front door Section 27, Township LOWNDES COUNTY, MS
tain restrictive coven- NORTHWEST QUARTER the South right of way CORDED IN PLAT BOOK of the Lowndes County 18 South, Range 17
gaRage sale Rates ants and conditions of OF SAID SECTION 26 line of said Yorkville 2, PAGE; 40 IN THE OF- Courthouse in Colum- West, Lowndes County, BY: Tina Fisher
4 Lines/1 Day ........................... $9.20 record in Deed Book (IN THE CENTERLINE OF Road for the following FICE OF THE CHAN- bus, Lowndes County, Mississippi; thence (SEAL) Deputy Clerk
850 at page 24 in said A PUBLIC ROAD KNOWN calls and distances: CERY CLERK OF Mississippi, the follow- South 88 degrees 32
4 Lines/3 Days ........................$18.00 land records. AS DODSON ROAD); thence North 52 de- LOWNDES, MISSIS- ing-described property: minutes East along the Publication Dates:
RUN THENCE NORTH 87 grees 15 minutes West SIPPI. centerline of Ben Chris- 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, &
Price includes 2 Free Garage Sale signs. I will only convey such DEGREES 30 MINUTES a distance of 350 feet; Lot No. Sixty-Eight (68) topher Road for 1380.3 4/24/2019
title as is vested in me WEST, ALONG THE thence North 60 de- BEING THE SAME PROP- Chilcutt Subdivision, feet; thence South 02
as Substitute Trustee. NORTH SIDE OF SAID grees 50 minutes West ERTY CONVEYED TO Lowndes County, Mis- degrees 05 minutes IN THE CHANCERY
SECTION 26 FOR 20 for 100 feet; thence
FEET TO THE INTERSEC- North 74 degrees 5
sissippi, a subdivision East for 711.9 feet;
of the City of Columbus, thence North 86 de-
Bargain Column For items $100 or less TURE, this 18th day of TION OF THE NORTH minutes West for 100 CARNATHAN. FROM Mississippi, of record in grees 01 minutes East
ONLY 6 lines of text (approximately 15 charac- March, 2019. SIDE OF SAID SECTION feet; thence North 88 JERRY GRANT DUNCAN Plat Book 2 at Page 4 in for 165.0 feet to a point IN RE: ESTATE OF
ters) and will run for 3 days. 26 WITH THE WEST degrees 00 minutes AND WIFE, GINDRA H. the Office of the Chan- on the West line of an YVONNE BROOKS, DE-
Free pets Up to 6 lines of text, runs for 3 days. Dean Morris, LLC RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID West for 615 feet to the DUNCAN, BY DEED cery Clerk of said existing 50.0 foot wide CEASED
Lost & Found Up to 6 lines of text, runs for Substitute Trustee DODSON ROAD; initial point of begin- DATED 03/31/1973 County. Subject to access easement
3 days. 855 S Pear Orchard THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- ning of the lot herein de- AND RECORDED those certain restrictive (known as Fountain SHEMEEKIA M. NICH-
Free ads are taken by e-mail or in person at our Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg. GREES 41 MINUTES scribed. 04/12/1973, IN BOOK covenants and condi- Drive); thence South 02 OLSON, EXECUTRIX
office. Ads will not be taken by telephone. 400 WEST, ALONG THE 473, PAGE 315. tions recorded in Deed degrees 11 minutes
Ridgeland, MS 39157 WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF From said initial point of LOWNDES COUNTY RE- Book 246 at Page 221 East, along the said CAUSE NO. 2019-0038-
0 Legals 4390 Computer Equipment (318) 330-9020 SAID DODSON ROAD beginning run thence CORDS, STATE OF MIS- in the land records of West line a distance of F
4420 Farm Equipment & AND ALONG THE EAST South parallel with the SISSIPPI. THE SAID said County. 286.50 feet; thence
1000 Service Supplies
adp/F18-0665 LINE OF THE 3-ACRE East boundary line of JERRY D CARNATHAN North 67 degrees 52 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
1030 Air Conditioning & Heating TRACT CONVEYED TO said Section 26 a dis- HAVING CONVEYED HIS Title to the above de- minutes East along the
4450 Firewood PUBLISH: 3/27/2019, WALTER AND MAR- tance of 200 feet; INTEREST TO THE SAID scribed property is be- South end of said ac- Letters Testamentary
1060 Appliance Repair 4460 Flea Markets 4/3/2019, 4/10/2019 GARET GUENTHER (RE- thence North 88 de- GLENDA G. CARNATH- lieved to be good, but I cess easement, a dis- have been granted and
1070 Asphalt & Paving 4480 Furniture CORDED IN DEED BOOK grees West a distance AN BY QUIT CLAIM will convey only such tance of 50.0 feet to a issued to Shemeekia M.
1090 Automotive Services 4510 Garage Sales 1216 AT PAGE 253 IN of 110 feet; thence DEED DATED title as vested in me as point; thence North 02 Nicholson, Executrix of
1120 Building & Remodeling THE CHANCERY North parallel with the 02/18/1987 AND RE- Substitute Trustee. degrees 08 minutes the Estate of Yvonne
4540 General Merchandise CLERK`S OFFICE OF East boundary line of CORDED 02/19/1987, West along the East
1150 Carpeting/Flooring Brooks, deceased, by
4570 Household Goods SAID COUNTY), FOR Section 26 a distance IN BOOK 848, PAGE WITNESS my signature side of said easement the Chancery Court of
1180 Childcare 4630 Lawn & Garden 210 FEET TO THE of 200 feet to a point 261. on this 21st day of for 210.9 feet to an ex- Lowndes County, Mis-
1210 Chimney Cleaning 4660 Merchandise Rentals CORNER THEREOF; on the South right-of- March, 2019. isting iron pipe; thence sissippi, on the 27th
1240 Contractors 4690 Musical Instruments THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- way line of Yorkville I WILL CONVEY only South 86 degrees 03 day of March, 2019.
1250 Computer Services GREES 11 MINUTES Road; thence South 88 such title as vested in /s/ Scot P. Goldsholl, minutes East a dis- This is to give notice to
4700 Satellites
1270 Electrical WEST FOR 228.8 FEET; degrees 00 minutes me as Substituted Substitute Trustee tance of 715.89 feet to all persons having
4720 Sporting Goods IN THE CHANCERY THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- East along said South Trustee. 1501 N. University Av- an iron pin, thence
1300 Excavating COURT OF LOWNDES claims against said es-
4750 Stereos & TV’s GREES 44 MINUTES right of way line a dis- enue, Suite 930 North 02 degrees 27 tate to Probate and Re-
1320 Fitness Training 4780 Wanted To Buy COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI WEST FOR 340 FEET TO tance of 110 feet to the WITNESS MY SIGNA- Little Rock, AR 72207- minutes West a dis- gister same with the
1330 Furniture Repair & THE POINT OF BEGIN- initial point of the lot TURE on this 4th day of 5238 tance of 100.0 feet to Chancery Clerk of
Refinishing 5000 Pets & Livestock IN THE MATTER OF THE NING: THENCE SOUTH herein described. March, 2019. Telephone No. (501) an iron pin, and being Lowndes County, Mis-
5100 Free Pets ESTATE OF JAMES WAL- 01 DEGREE 38 664-4808 the Point of Beginning
1360 General Services LACE NEYMAN, DE- sissippi, within ninety
1380 Housecleaning 5150 Pets MINUTES WEST, ALONG Subject to the terms Shapiro & Brown, LLC of the herein described (90) days after the first
CEASED SAID WEST RIGHT OF and conditions of the SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE THIS DOCUMENT PRE- tract of land; thence
1390 Insulation 5200 Horses/Cattle/Livestock publication of this No-
WAY (20 FEET FROM certain Warranty Deed PARED BY: North 86 degrees 03 tice to Creditors. A fail-
1400 Insurance 5250 Pet Boarding/Grooming CAUSE NO.: 2018- CENTERLINE) FOR 325 and Agreement entered Shapiro & Brown, LLC minutes West, a dis-
0246-F ure to so Probate and
1410 Interior Decorators 5300 Supplies/Accessories FEET; THENCE NORTH into by M.L. Dean and 1080 River Oaks Drive, Scot P. Goldsholl tance of 80.25 feet to Register said claim will
1440 Jewelry/Watch Repair 5350 Veterinarians 88 DEGREES 31 wife, Ruth Walton Dean, Suite B-202 Mickel Law Firm, P.A. an iron pin; thence forever bar the same.
DELENE CARTER, AD- MINUTES WEST FOR to County of Lowndes, Flowood, MS 39232 1501 NORTH UNI- North 11 degrees 47
1470 Lawn Care/Landscaping 5400 Wanted To Buy MINISTRATRIX 150 FEET;THENCE Mississippi, et al., (601) 981-9299 VERSITY minutes East a dis- /s/Shemeekia M. Nich-
1500 Locksmiths 6000 Financial NORTH 17 DEGREES 05 dated March 27, 1953, PROSPECT BUILDING, tance of 180.0 feet to olson
1530 Machinery Repair 6050 Business Opportunity SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- MINUTES WEST FOR and recorded in Book 716 Spruce Street SUITE 930 an iron pin; thence Shemeekia M. Nich-
1560 Mobile Home Services TION 342.8 FEET; THENCE 236, Page 414, et seq., Columbus, MS 39702 LITTLE ROCK, AR South 83 degrees 25
6100 Business Opportunity olson, Executrix
1590 Moving & Storage Wanted SOUTH 88 DEGREES 31 land records of Lowndes 18-022477MD 72207-5238 minutes East for a dis-
THE STATE OF MISSIS- MINUTES EAST FOR County, Mississippi Ph: 501-664-4808 Fax: tance of 197.3 feet to
1620 Painting & Papering 6120 Check Cashing SIPPI OF COUNSEL:
1650 Pest Control 260 FEET TO THE POINT Publication Dates: 501-664-0631 the West right of way of
6150 Insurance OF BEGINNING. I WILL CONVEY only March 13, 20, 27, and Mickel Case No. a public road known as M. Jay Nichols, MB #
1680 Plumbing 6200 Loans TO: All Unknown Heirs- such title as vested in April 3, 2019 104426-1 Beersheba Road;
at-Law of James Wal- 10066
1710 Printing 6250 Mortgages PROPERTY ADDRESS: me as Substituted s.goldsholl@mickellaw.c thence South 23 de- The Nichols Firm, PLLC
1740 Roofing & Guttering lace Neyman, de- The street address of Trustee. om grees 49 minutes West Post Office Box 1081
6300 Stocks & Bonds ceased and Any Un-
1770 Saws & Lawn Mowers the property is believed along said West right of Columbus, MS 39703-
6350 Business for Sale known Persons In In- to be 51 DODSON RD, WITNESS MY SIGNA- PUBLISH ON THESE way (30 feet from
1780 Sitting with Elderly/Sick terest 1081
7000 Rentals CALEDONIA , MS TURE on this 21st day DATES: centerline) for a dis- (662) 243-7330
1790 Stump Removal 39740. In the event of of March, 2019. April 3, 2019 tance of 180.0 feet;
7050 Apartments You have been made a any discrepancy IN THE CHANCERY jnichols@thenicholsfirm.
1800 Swimming Pools April 10, 2019 thence North 86 de- net
1830 Tax Service 7100 Commercial Property defendant in the Peti- between this street ad- Shapiro & Brown, LLC COURT OF LOWNDES April 17, 2019 grees 03 minutes West
7150 Houses tion for Authority to Sell dress and the legal de- SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI for a distance of 80.25 PUBLISH: 4/3, 4/10, &
1860 Tree Service Real Property, for Adju- scription of the prop-
1890 Upholstery 7180 Hunting Land feet to the point of be- 4/17/2019
dication of Heirs-at-Law, erty, the legal descrip- Shapiro & Brown, LLC IN RE: ginning.
1910 Welding 7190 Land for Rent/Lease and to Waive Inventory tion shall control. 1080 River Oaks Drive, Building & Remodeling 1120
7200 Mobile Homes and Appraisement filed Suite B-202 ESTATE OF IVY FULTON
2000 Announcements 7250 Mobile Home Spaces by the Administratrix, HILL, DECEASED
Title to the above de- Flowood, MS 39232 such title as vested in HOME REPAIRS &
2050 Card of Thanks 7300 Office Spaces Delene Carter, on Febru- scribed property is be- (601) 981-9299 IN THE CHANCERY me as Substituted CONSTRUCTION WORK
2100 Fraternal & Lodge 7350 Resort Rentals ary 26, 2019, among lieved to be good, but I OLYN D. HILL, EXECUT- COURT OF LOWNDES Trustee.
other things seeking to will convey only such OR COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI WANTED. Carpentry,
2150 Good Things To Eat 7400 River Property 24 Dean Acres Blvd small concrete jobs,
2200 In Memorial determine the heirs-at- title as is vested in me Columbus, MS 39702 WITNESS MY SIGNA-
7450 Rooms law of James Wallace NO. 2019-0044-JNS IN RE: THE ESTATE OF electrical, plumbing,
2250 Instruction & School as Substitute Trustee. 19-023744 TURE on this 20th day roof repairs, pressure
7500 Storage & Garages Neyman, deceased. Oth- LOVIE AMOUS, DE- of March, 2019.
2300 Lost & Found er than you, the only NOTICE TO CREDITORS CEASED washing and mobile
7520 Vacation Rentals THIS LAW FIRM IS AT- PUBLISH: April 3, 10, home roof coating and
2350 Personals 7550 Wanted to Rent other interested parties TEMPTING TO COLLECT and 17, 2019 Shapiro & Brown, LLC
in this action are Letters Testamentary NO. 2019-0006-RPF underpinning. No job
2400 Special Notices 7600 Waterfront Property A DEBT. ANY INFORMA- SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE too small. 549-7031.
2600 Travel/Entertainment Delene Marie Carter and TION OBTAINED WILL NOTICE TO CREDITORS have been granted and
8000 Real Estate David Wallace Neyman. BE USED FOR THAT issued to Olyn D. Hill, NATASHA AMOUS Shapiro & Brown, LLC
3000 Employment STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Executor of the Estate MOVANT Suggs Construction Co.
8050 Commercial Property PURPOSE. 1080 River Oaks Drive, Building, remodeling,
3050 Clerical & Office You are summoned to LOWNDES COUNTY of Ivy Fulton Hill, de- Suite B-202
8100 Farms & Timberland appear and represent ceased, by the Chan- NOTICE TO CREDITORS roofing, & home repair.
3100 Data Processing/ Computer 428 North Lamar Blvd, Flowood, MS 39232 Licensed & Bonded.
8150 Houses - Northside your interests against Suite 107 CAUSE NO.: 2018- cery Court of Lowndes (601) 981-9299
3150 Domestic Help 8200 Houses - East said Petition before the Oxford, MS 38655 0147-C County, Mississippi, on STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 662-242-3471
3170 Engineering Honorable Rodney P. the 13th day of March, COUNTY OF LOWNDES 662-574-8470
8250 Houses - New Hope 1240 Beersheba Rd
3200 General Help Wanted Faver, Chancellor of the erty-listing Letters of Administra- 2019. This is to give no- Columbus, MS 39702
8300 Houses - South 14th Chancery District tice to all persons hav-Letters of Administra- Tom Hatcher, LLC
3250 Management Positions Tel: (877) 813-0992 tion have been granted 19-023275
8350 Houses - West at 9:00 a.m. on the and issued to the under- ing claims against said tion have been granted Custom Construction,
3300 Medical/Dental 8450 Houses - Caledonia 14th day of May 2019,
Fax: (404) 601-5846
and issued to the under- Restoration, Remodel-
signed upon the Estate estate to Probate and Publication Dates:
3350 Opportunity Information 8500 Houses - Other at the Oktibbeha County PUBLISH: 02/27/2019, of Levell Hill, deceased, Register same with the signed upon the Estate ing, Repair, Insurance
3400 Part-Time March 27, April 3, 10, claims. 662-364-1769.
8520 Hunting Land Courthouse, in Stark- 03/27/2019, by the Chancery Court Chancery Clerk of of Lovie Amous, De- and 17, 2019
3450 Positions Wanted ville, Mississippi, and in 04/03/2019, of Lowndes County, Mis- Lowndes County, Mis- ceased, by the Chan- Licensed & Bonded
8550 Investment Property
3500 Professional case of your failure to 04/10/2019 sissippi, on the 12th sissippi, within ninety cery Court of Lowndes RAY'S WOOD WORKS
8600 Lots & Acreage appear your interest in day of September, A.D., County, Mississippi, on
(90) days after the first IN THE CHANCERY
3550 Restaurant/Hotel 8650 Mobile Homes this matter will not be SUBSTITUTED TRUST- 2018. This is to give no- publication of this No- the 12th day of Febru- COURT OF LOWNDES
3600 Sales/Marketing 8700 Mobile Home Spaces considered. EE'S NOTICE OF SALE tice to all persons hav- ary, 2019. This is to
tice to Creditors. A fail- COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI
3650Trades 8750 Resort Property ing claims against said ure to so Probate and give notice to all per-
3700Truck Driving 8800 River Property You are not required to WHEREAS, on October estate to Probate and Register said claim willsons having claims IN RE: THE ESTATE OF
file an answer or other 26, 2001, Gerald Kend- Register same with the forever bar the same. against said Estate to MORRIS AMOUS, DE- Multiple Home Repairs
4000 Merchandise 8850 Wanted to Buy pleading, but you may al Blunt and wife, Chancery Clerk of probate and register CEASED Sheetrock, Flooring,
4030 Air Conditioners 8900 Waterfront Property do so if you desire. Michelle Levacious Lowndes County, Mis- /s/ Olyn D. Hill same with the Chan- Trim, Painting, Tile,
4060 Antiques Blunt executed a cer- sissippi, within ninety Olyn D. Hill, Executor cery Clerk of Lowndes NO. 2019-0005-JWS Kitchen/Bath
9000 Transportation Issued under my hand tain deed of trust to (90) days from the first County, Mississippi, Decks- Dock Repair
4090 Appliances 9050 Auto Accessories/Parts Pressure Washing
and the seal of said Trace K. Robbins, Trust- publication of this No- OF COUNSEL: within ninety (90) days NATASHA AMOUS
4120 Auctions 9100 Auto Rentals & Leasing Court, this the 25th day ee for the benefit of Be- tice to Creditors. A fail- from this date. A failure 662-634-1114
4150 Baby Articles 9150 Autos for Sale of March 2019. neficial Mortgage Co. of ure to so Probate and Aubrey E. Nichols, MB # to so probate and re-
4180 Bargain Column 9200 Aviation Mississippi which deed Register said claim will 3842 gister said claim will NOTICE TO CREDITORS Childcare 1180
4210 Bicycles 9250 Boats & Marine LISA YOUNGER NEESE, of trust is of record in forever bar the same. The Nichols Firm, PLLC forever bar the same.
4240 Building Materials CHANCERY CLERK the office of the Chan- Post Office Box 1081 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI CHILDCARE SERVICES
9300 Camper/R.V.’s LOWNDES COUNTY, cery Clerk of Lowndes This the 29th day of Columbus, MS 39703- This the 15th day of COUNTY OF LOWNDES Look No Further!! Qual-
4250 Burial Plots 9350 Golf Carts MISSISSIPPI County, State of Missis- March, 2019. 1081 March, 2019. ity Childcare Services
4270 Business Furniture & 9400 Motorcycles/ATVs (SEAL) sippi in Book 1398 at (662) 243-7312 Letters of Administra- Are Available For The
Equipment 9450 Trailers/Heavy Equipment BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Page 612 Instrument EBONY HILL, Adminis- anichols@thenichols- /s/ Natasha Amous tion have been granted Golden Triangle Area!!
4300 Camera Equipment 9500 Trucks, Vans & Buses Granderson, D.C. No. As Reformed in tratrix ADMINISTRATRIX and issued to the under- Call 662.343.8386 or
4330 Clothing Chancery Cause No. signed upon the Estate 662.813.3672.
9550 Wanted to Buy PUBLISH: 3/27, 4/3 & 2017-0581; and PUBLISH: 4/3, 4/10, & PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27, PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27, of Morris Amous, De- Serious Inquiries Only,
4360 Coins & Jewelry
4/10/2019 4/17/2019 & 4/3/2019 & 4/3/2019 ceased, by the Chan- Please!!
WHEREAS, U.S. Bank cery Court of Lowndes
8B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 2019 The Dispatch •
General Services 1360 General Help Wanted 3200 General Help Wanted 3200 Medical / Dental 3300 Garage Sales: New Hope 4530 Apts For Rent: West 7050 Apts For Rent: Other 7080

Offers services such as: REPAIR is looking for an Worker needed. Must ing for a full time, exper- sheba Church. 1736 ments & townhouses.

residential janitorial, entry level employee have experience in ienced Dental Assistant Beersheba Rd. Sat.7a- Call for more info.
lighting & decorating, whose duties will in- maintenance of equip- for a Columbus prac- noon. 662-328-8254.
emergency repairs, pre- clude: shop cleanliness ment & buildings which tice. If you are a team
ventative maintenance, & car detailing after requires practical skill &
knowledge in such
player and have a de- General Merchandise 4600 Apartments
moving/shipping assist- repair. Valid driver's sire to strive for excel-
ance & pressure wash- license req. Experience trades as painting, car- lence we have a place BLACK BEDROOM set, & Houses FIRST FULL MONTH
RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed-
ing. 662-549-1878. preferred. Apply in
person at 825 Hwy 12
pentry, plumbing, ma-
sonry & electrical work,
for you. Must be know-
ledgeable in all aspects
incl full sz sleigh bed,
dresser w/ mirror, chest 1 Bedrooms room Apts/Townhomes. Looking for
W in Starkville. also able to perform of chair – side dentistry & night stand, $700. 2 Bedroooms Stove & refrigerator.
your dream
maintenance on equip- New full sz mattress, $335-$600 Monthly.
ment & machinery. Will
and have experience
with digital x-rays and still in plastic, $275. 3 Bedrooms Credit check & deposit. home or do
report to work in Colum- dental software applica- Bissell carpet cleaner, Coleman Realty, you have a
bus, MS. Must have val- tions. Please forward $80. Two sets of black Furnished & 662-329-2323.
Agricultural Tractor id driver’s license &
Operator job opening, to pass a pre-employment your resume to: Toyota Camry floormats,
Unfurnished home for sale?
healthylifestyle496@gm $80. Cash Only. 662-
work on Tenn-Tom Wa-
terway Project, Colum-
drug screen. EOE. Ap- 242-2884. Leave a 1, 2, & 3 Baths
Put classified
ply at: R & D Mainten- ads to work
bus, MS. Must have val- ance Services, Inc.
id Class- A CDL, with 3600 West Plymouth Rd
BROTHER 8500 sew-
Lease, Deposit COLEMAN for you.
CLEANING good driving record and Columbus, MS 39701 Bargain Column 4180 ing/embroidery ma- & Credit Check RENTALS
1 Room - $40 pass pre-employment
chine w/ all the attach-
2 Rooms - $70 ments. App. 90 spools
3+ Rooms - $30 Each Apply in person or Send Medical / Dental 3300 DOOR, fits 2nd genera- of thread included. 1 BEDROOM Commercial Property For
Resume’: R & D Main-
Rugs - Must Be Seen
tenance Services CARE CENTER OF
tion Ford Ranger truck.
Exc cond. $75.
Desk, light & cabinet 2 BEDROOMS Rent 7100
Car Upholstery also available. $1000.
Cleaning Available
3600 W. Plymouth Road ABERDEEN 662-295-5555. 662-574-4982. Leave 3 BEDROOMS
Columbus, MS 39701 Apts For Rent: Other 7080 COMMERCIAL PROPER-
662-722-1758 CERTIFIED ACTIVITY message if no answer. TIES/RETAIL/OFFICE

© The Dispatch
HILL'S PRESSURE DIRECTOR 2BR/1BA located in Spaces starting @
WASHING. Commercial/
residential. House, con- Carpenter/Millwright Certification Required (1) STANDARD Bathtub. Habitat for Humanity Historic Downtown DEPOSIT $285/mo. Downtown &
East Columbus loca-
Opening. Must have ex- Hardly used. Very good ReStore thrift shop will Columbus. 2,000 sqft.
crete, sidewalks & mo-
perience in general car-
Long Term Care
condition. $90 OBO. be open Saturday, April Hardwood floors AND tions. 662-435-4188.
bile washing. Free est. Experience throughout. Open floor.
Call 662-386-8925
pentry & concrete. Will Knowledge of MDS and Serious calls only. 6, from 8-11AM.
Very nice. Incl W&D. CREDIT CHECK FOR RENT located near
work on Tenn-Tom Wa- Care Plans 662-387-7926. Located at 1632 Rock-
terway Project, based in hill Road in Starkville. $1200/mo. Call downtown. 3,000 sq. ft.
Columbus, MS. Must
have valid, clean
Apply in person at Come by for bargains on
furniture, appliances,
662-328-8655. 662-329-2323 truck terminal, 9,500
sq. ft. shop & 3,200 sq.
505 Jackson St, Burial Plots 4250 ft. office/shop. Build-
driver’s license and Aberdeen building materials, and
pass pre-employment more. ings can be rented to-
Need a Privacy Fence? drug screen. EOE
EOE 1 PLOT located in Me- 2BR/2BA. Cotton Dis- 2411 HWY 45 N gether or separately.
Call me! Licensed w/ morial Gardens at the
Apply in person or Send Good Shepherd Garden. Business Opportunity 6050
trict in Starkville. Call COLUMBUS, MS All w/ excellent access
30+ years of exp. Resume’ to: R & D 662-617-3356. & Hwy. 82 visibility.
Call or text Joe Seals, $800, buyer will also 662-327-9559.
Maintenance Services pay $175 transfer fee. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
662-549-7167. 3600 W. Plymouth Road Apts For Rent: Other 7080
334-399-9699, lv msg. Columbus: 411 Main OFFICE SPACE for
Columbus, MS 39701 Serious inquiries only. St. Office, Retail, Res-
RETAINER WALL, drive- Let your taurant Space available. lease. 1112 Main St.,
way, foundation, con- fingers do the Call 423-333-1124. Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft.
crete, masonry restora- Plenty of private park-
COLUMBUS ARTS walking. Farm Equipment & Supplies ing. 662-327-9559.
tion, remodeling, base- Council, Columbus, MS Apts For Rent: Northside 7010
ment foundation, re- seeks a full time Execut- Find your 4420
pairs, small dump truck FOX RUN COMPANY LLC OFFICE SPACE: 2,000
ive Director. Experience dream job in 2016 CAT Skidsteer w/ square feet. 294
hauling (5-6 yd) load & with non-profits, grant 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
demolition/lot cleaning. the classifieds! mulcher. <1,000 hrs, $595-645/mo. Military Chubby Dr. Flexible leas-
writing, staff manage- $84,500. 2016 John ing terms. Available
Burr Masonry ment, fundraising is discount offered, pet
662-242-0259. Deere 5100E Tractor, area, pet friendly, and now. 662-328-8254
required as well as a 210 hrs. $36,500.
minimum of a furnished corporate
WORK WANTED: 205-329-1790. apartments available. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
Licensed & Bonded-car- bachelor's degree. For Columbus Office, Retail,
more information, visit ON SITE SECURITY.
pentry, painting, & de- Auctions 4120 ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Restaurant Space avail-
molition. Landscaping, http://columbus- able. Call 662-328- ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
gutters cleaned, bush 24-HOUR CAMERA 8655 or 662-574-7879.
hogging, clean-up work, Application deadline
April 15, 2019. SURVEILLANCE.
pressure washing, mov- Benji @ 662-386-4446 RETAIL SPACE Available
ing help & furniture Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. in Historic Downtown.
repair. 662-242-3608 Sat/Sun by appt only. 404 Main St. 3,000
OUR COMPANY is seek- sq. ft. $1,300/mo.
Lawn Care / Landscaping ing an experienced car- Call 662-328-8655
1470 penter. The ideal can- or 662-574-7879.
didate will have an eye
JESSE & BEVERLY'S for detail, be depend- Houses For Rent: Northside
Mowing, cleanup, land-
able, have good commu-
nication skills, reliable It’s a classified 7110
scaping, sodding, & tree transportation & basic
cutting. 356-6525. tools. We specialize in rule-of-thumb: ALL BRICK 3BR/2BA
house for rent. Big yard.
home remodels & new
construction. Call We tell readers Carport. W/D hookup.
Nice neighborhood.
Landscaping L.L.C.
Phone: 662-549-1878
662-312-3130 for info.
what they need $780 per month. 70 W
Thomas Dr. 3 min from
Landscaping, Property
Clean Up, Plant Care, Housekeeper &
to know to buy CAFB. 504-813-1200.
Bush Hogging,
Herbicide Spraying
Groundskeeper wanted,
punctuality & attention
what they need. COLONIAL TOWN-
HOUSES. 2 & 3 bed-
to detail a must. room w/ 2-3 bath town-
Painting & Papering 1620 662-570-1758 or houses. $600 to $695.
662-352-4460. 662-549-9555. Ask for
SULLIVAN'S PAINT Glenn or text.
Certified in lead Houses For Sale: Other 8500 Houses For Sale: Other 8500
Houses For Rent: Caledonia
removal. Offering spe-
cial prices on interior & 7160
exterior painting, pres-
sure washing & sheet 2BR/1BA. Caledonia
rock repairs. area. 1 yr. lease. $650
Free Estimates rent. plus dep. No pets.
Call 435-6528 No smoking. 662-574-
0227 or 662-356-4958.
Stump Removal 1790
Houses For Rent: Other 7180
1 ROOM/1BA, Utilities
Included. $400/mo.
One person only. Refs
req. Contact/leave a
message for more info:
We can grind all your land. GTA area in Mis-
stumps. Hard to reach sissippi. 662-386-6024.
places, blown over
roots, hillsides, back- Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
yards, pastures. Free
estimates. You find it, 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
we'll grind it! Hope school dist.
662-361-8379 $500/mo & $500 dep.
No pets, no drugs, no
Tree Services 1860 partying. Call between
10a-7p. 662-386-4292.
Bucket truck & stump
removal. Free est. EXTRA NICE 3BR/2BA
Serving Columbus MH in North Columbus.
since 1987. Senior City schools. NO PETS.
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ $535/mo + $535 dep.
242-0324/241-4447 601-940-1397 or
"We'll go out on a limb 662-549-8861.
for you!"
VICKERS TREE RENT A fully equipped
SERVICE, LLC camper w/utilities &
Tree trimming and re- cable from $145/wk -
moval. Fully insured. $535/month. Colum-
Free estimates. bus & County School
*Now Accepting Credit locations. 662-242-
& Debit Cards* 7653 or 601-940-1397.
Call Curt 662-418-0889
or 662-549-2902 Houses For Sale: Other 8500
“A cut above the rest”
Houses For Sale: Other 8500 Great area in WP.
Across from water with
access to Tenn-Tom
waterway. 4BR/2BA
with 2 acres & large
screened in room.
Call: 662-245-4273 or

Lots & Acreage 8600

LOT FOR Sale in Stark-
ville. Will need cleared.
818 N. Jackson St. Lot
5, City Block 97. 662-
465-7611, 662-418-
9096 or 662-418-4176.

1.95 acre lots.
Good/bad credit.
10% down, as low as
$299/mo. Eaton Land.

Autos For Sale 9150

2015 CHEVY Impala.
Black, 4dr, 6cyl, 82k
mi, showroom clean,
local owner, $11,200.
See @ 59 Amanda Dr.
in New Hope Park Sub-
division off of Yorkville
Rd. E. 662-327-3081.

Campers & RVs 9300

located on Wilkins Wise
Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
Hookups available.
$300/mo. 662-328-
8655 or 662-574-7879.

Five Questions:

1 Rednex

2 Water

3 Three

4 The London

5 Elvis

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