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Basto Brito 2006

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2 authors:

José A Basto António Brito

University of Porto University of Porto


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José A. Basto
António C. Brito

Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial

Rua Dr. Roberto Frias; P-4200-465 PORTO; PORTUGAL
E-mail: ,

KEYWORDS good representation of the real system. A warehousing

simulation system using the Data-driven Generic Model
Simulation, Modelling, Warehouse, Manufacturing
approach should then have the following characteristics:
- a user friendly interface using warehouse
ABSTRACT terminology;
- an effective way of defining the physical layout
The nature of warehouse design requires the
in order to enable the model of movement with
manipulation of large amounts of data and is often an the required level of accuracy;
iterative process that forces the designer to go through - simulation elements which allow a correct
the different design phases several times before
modelling of warehouse logic.
reaching the final solution. This suggests an integrated
computer environment that can give support to the user These needs lead to AWARD (Advanced WARehouse
during all the design phases.
Design), a Decision Support System for warehouse
design and management. The model uses the SIMVIS
The need for a flexible tool, easier to use, lead to the libraries and utilities described in (Bastos and Moreira
development of a Decision Support System: AWARD
da Silva 1985).
(Advanced WARehouse Design).
This simulation library was written at the Management
This paper presents further developments of the DSS
Group (GEIN) of the Mechanical Engineering and
and shows a successful example of application of the Industrial Management Department (DEMEGI) of the
new functionalities: a simulation model of a full Faculty of Engineering - Porto University - Portugal.
automated warehouse developed for EFACEC, a large The programming language used was FORTRAN and
Portuguese company in the warehouse design, building later C++. The library is based on the simulation event
and consultancy business.
approach. AWARD development has been user oriented
and incorporates the experience and background
discussed above, as described in (Brito and Basto 1992).
In 1976 the concept of Visual Interactive Simulation Although SIMVIS was used to build simulation models,
(VIS) was introduced by Hurrion (Hurrion 1976). With its main objective was the development of Data-Driven
VIS a image of the model running is displayed on the Generic Models. The SIMVIS author's strategy was to
screen and the user can interrupt the model running, at conceive a system with the basic tools necessary to
any time, and interact with it in a way that he can support the development of model generators for
influence the future behaviour of the model. specific domains. With the Data-Driven Generic Models
the user can build models with a friendly interface using
Visual Interactive Simulation aggregates a set of a dialogue that he can understand and without a great
graphics, visual and interactive techniques which can be need of simulation expertise. A set of support libraries
incorporated with different levels of extension in a were also developed, at GEIN, to allow the software to
simulation system. In the past years, there have been a be easily ported to other operating systems or be
large number of situations where VIS was successfully adapted to work with different graphics terminals. This
applied to different areas, including warehousing was achieved by building separate libraries for the low
(Dangelmaier and Bachers 1986), (Marín et al. 1998), level I/O and graphics modules, that are device and/or
(Feliz-Teixeira and Brito 1999) and (Burnett and operating system dependent, and for the high level I/O
LeBaron 2001). and simulation modules, that are device and operating
system independent. Each simulation model is defined
Physical locations and travel distances are crucial in by programming the events and all the user interaction
warehouse modelling. The warehouse layout is a key and graphics display animation.
factor in the success of the system. When developing
warehouse models the spatial factor is essential for a
The model structure is composed of three modules. The warehouse - truck are now more complex. Processes
configuration module (CONFIG) allows the definition that where scheduled and done in a single moment, must
of the coordinates, the number of aisles and the number now be considered in two phases, involving careful
of racking levels. In the IDUMP module the user is synchronization and verification of conditions of space
asked to define the start date and time and the duration availability.
of the simulation. Next it generates the internal
simulation model structure. The simulation module The role of entity PALLET, acquired a new importance,
allows the running of any previously defined because it is now responsible for the trigger of
configuration. intermediate events, as for example, “ENTER IN
GROUPING”. Entity PALLET is updated during its
traveling in the warehouse, in particular the attribute
that identifies the operation in which this entity is
Grouping and Marshaling involved and the attributes that keep the pointers for
origin and destination in each phase of the transfer.
The need to extend the array of the models generated by
AWARD DSS to simulate the grouping of deliveries to Boxes picking for new type of “mixed pallets” add a
the warehouse and the marshaling for expedition orders, bigger information load for the transfer process, in
lead to extend functionalities to the DSS.
which the trips to the racks with picking cells can be as
many as the boxes that are part of this special pallet. We
In the case of the operation of grouping, full pallets opted to create an additional entity, MIXED PALLET, to
accumulated in the corresponding zones. For
deal exclusively with this new process.
marshaling, pallets accumulated there may be simple
(single product) or mixed (boxes of different products,
picked for a specific customer). The goal of these Pick-up and delivery transfer stations
operations is to diminish the global load (or unload)
To increase the efficiency of a warehouse, we may use
times of the trailers, what is obtained at a cost: the
transporters who have the capacity to operate in aisles
reduction of the useful area of the warehouse and the
of reduced width (narrow-aisle storage/retrieval truck or
increase of the number of handlings. The rewards
automated storage/retrieval system) and racks of much
achieved by the extra operation of marshaling are
bigger height (denser storage) than those that are
particularly relevant in the case of warehouses designed
possible to operate using conventional forklift trucks.
for the supply of products in units of boxes, not full
pallets. In this scenario, being able to pick-up and
These types of transporters suffer, however, of an
marshaling these boxes before the arrival of the
important limitation: in the generality of the cases, its
expedition truck is an important step to increase the
operation is limited to the aisle of access to the racks it
volume flow of expedition bay and the utilization rate of
is dedicated. Due to this restriction, it became necessary
the truck.
to create interface points (from now on named
TRANSFER STATIONS) between this constrained
The grouping of deliveries allows the reduction of the
equipment and conventional material handling
unloading times of the trucks that dock to the reception
equipment with flexible access to the warehouse.
bays and enable the execution of parallel tasks that
frequently occur, such as the verification of incoming
This new resource is basically a special type of rack that
supplies and its initial quality control.
functions as a "buffer", where all pallets that are
directed to or come from a rack served by a dedicated
We may create more than one zone of the above cited
transporter must stop. Not representing useful volume of
types, allowing to model diverse situations that include
storage, the stations must be as small as possible, what
grouping and marshaling zones with different physical
leads to an increase of the complexity of the
locations or different types of racks.
mechanisms that deal with the problem of pallets
position reserve and “locking”, the scheduling of events
The new information concerning the grouping of
to unblock tasks dependent on the availability of free
incoming pallets must be added to the products data file
positions in stations and the proper transference
One of its fields indicates the name of the grouping
between different stations.
intermediate storage zone. If this data field is blank,
none of the products of this family will stop at this zone.
We choose the storage rack that will have pick-up and
Otherwise, the products that belong to the specified
delivery stations, eliminating the hypothesis of it being
family stay in the grouping zone during a minimum
already a station. Then the racks that will work as
holding time that is also defined in the same file. The
transfer stations are pointed, allowing that the same rack
data format for the operation of marshaling is similar to
assumes the two roles. The relation storage rack -
the one just described for the grouping storage.
transfer station is univocal: one given rack can only
have one station of each type, while one station may
With the new operations of grouping and marshaling,
serve multiple storage racks.
the transfer mechanisms truck - warehouse and




Figure 1: Warehouse Transfers using Pick-up and Delivery stations

This correspondence between racks led to an increase of The task of boxes picking raises the biggest problem in
the structure of data “racks”, at the CONFIG program, the reserve of position in input/output stations, because
where the routines of creation, elimination or repetition this case may be much more than a single trip from a
of racks have now to contemplate the new transfer rack to a truck (or vice versa), always in the same flow
stations. direction. The order of boxes may have multiple
delivery points, located in dispersed racks of the
The IDUMP program was expanded with the creation of warehouse, what may lead to the situation that is
the new entity TRANSFER STATION, with new queues represented in Figure 2, in which the single cell stations
of free and busy cells (for exit and/or entrance, serve both functions (this is a worst case scenario).
depending on the characteristics of each station) and the
extension of the set of attributes of the rack to keep the The procedure to perform includes the following steps:
pointers for its eventual transfer stations. The possible (i) In the arrival of a pallet to the transfer station I
transfers inside the warehouse are presented in Figure 1. (see Figure 2), the pointer for the delivery cell of boxes
“1” is obtained from the picking list; Next, it verifies if
In the beginning of the process of handling a pallet to its the rack to which this delivery point belongs is assigned
position of destination, is verified if the “target” rack (or not) an input transfer station. In the affirmative case,
has assigned a delivery station. If this condition applies, it is verified if it exists a free position in this station. If
a sub-routine gets a pointer to a free position in the this condition is also met, we will be in conditions to
transfer “buffer”, being this cell immediately locked for initiate next check (before trip “A” starts);
the transit of entity PALLET that triggered the event. In (ii) Still in the transfer station I, verifies if the
the absence of a free position, the PALLET is blocked station II is also an exit station. If affirmative, the task
until a cell in the station is freed. of “boxes picking” immediately reserves the same
The transfer of pallets through exit stations involves position in station II as exit and entry point, anticipating
problems related with the existence of free positions in the return of pallet to the station II (trip “B”, in figure 2)
the marshaling zone (in the eventuality of the routing
includes this zone): it does not justify the locking of a
position in an pick-up station if it is forecasted that this
resource (in general, scarce) will be blocked until
becoming vacant a needed downstream position.
Therefore, it was decided to never reserve a cell at
stations without before-hand make sure that all the
remaining passage points are available.
This priority of keeping the stations as available as
possible was also included in the new logic of the
restocking task of “boxes picking points”. If the trip I II
includes a short stop at the exit station of the storage
rack (full pallets) and another stop at the station of
entrance to the rack of boxes picking, this task will only
reserve position in the stations when it will be possible PICK-UP/DELIVERY STATION
to lock simultaneously the cells in the two midway
Figure 2: Warehouse Transfers using Pick-up and
Delivery Stations
The underlying motive to this procedure is to prevent the events related to the operations, etc, keeping also the
that a mixed pallet is blocked in an aisle. The statistics of the times in each one of its possible states,
subdivision of the task “boxes picking” still compels indicated at the icon of the machine by a small colored
numerous tests of accessibility of the transporters to the flag:
various points where the routing takes the pallet, in
contrast to the procedure followed by the first version of (i) SETUP: Preparation of the machine (blue flag)
system AWARD, in which the same transporter were in (ii) OPERATION: Processing of the materials in the
charge to fulfil the order “boxes picking” from start to machine (green flag);
finish. (iii) STARVING: the machine stops by lack of raw
material (red flag);
(iv) REQUEST: the machine send to the central
Manufacturing Logistics and AS/RS
controller a supplying order (yellow flag).
EFACEC entered a new bid for building an automatic REQUEST may coexist with state (SETUP) or with
warehouse designed to supply raw material to machines state (OPERATION), preceding always state
integrated in a large production system. These (STARVING)
functionalities required new options to be added to the
simulator AWARD, not yet prepared to model
manufacturing logistics systems with Automated
Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS). The new functionalities of system AWARD were used
for the simulation of an automatic warehouse designed
On input data side, it was necessary to create a new data by EFACEC for a component supplier in the
structure to describe the operations of each machine. competitive automotive industry.
The new files (one for each machine) include the
information of the operations to be executed in the The problem required the supply of raw materials to 38
machine, namely: the codes of the necessary raw machines. The layout is presented in Figure 3, a screen
materials, the amounts to be used; set-up and processing shoot of the full model, in which we can see the storage
times for each operation. racks, with seven levels, in two sections, each served by
an automatic transporter.
It was also needed to widen the logic of the warehouse
zones, in order to define zones of direct supplying to
machines and buffers for empty pallets.

Given that the EFACEC is specialized in the conception

and production of automatic warehouses, aiming dense
storage in warehouses and distribution centres, it
became imperative to increase the range of types of
available transporters in order to include the Figure 3: Initial Situation of Manufacturing Layout
AUTOMATIC TRANSPORTERS (robots destined to the
transport of pallets from/to the racks). By technical The raw material pallets arrive in the factory by a
restrictions (in general this equipment moves on a rail receiving bay located to the left of the racks, where also
track, being held in place by a guide in form of “T” on are located the zones of accumulation of empty pallets.
the top track), this AS/RS is always constrained to linear
movements, keeping its orientation during all the The supplying of the machines is done through the cells
simulation. of the first level of the racks, having each machine three
supply stations. A small “translation” software program
This new transporter graphical representation reflects its was prepared for importing data from a master
special shape and the double platform, if it is equipped production plan (supplied from real data by the final
to perform a dual cycle on a single trip (for example, customer of EFACEC). It creates the list of shop orders
picking up an empty pallet from a machine supply bay for each machine, in accordance with the file structure
and deliver a full one). The coding of this logic proved defined in the AWARD system.
crucial to achieve the operational level needed to
manage hard industrial problems, like the one presented The main measurement to get from the simulation is the
as an example in the next section. Finally, the multiple share of the time at STARVING state of the machines,
new events to model this production environment were as well as statistics of utilization of transporters and
created in the generator IDUMP. material flow.

The production machines to be supplied originated the

new entity MACHINE. The attributes of this entity keep Results
the information for its functioning, as pointers for the The studied scenarios were based at the above detailed
supplying stations, raw materials to be used, timing of physical implantation, modelled to scale of the actual
layout, using as control parameters the initial fill level The creation of the new logic destined to the problem of
of the warehouse and the dispatching priorities assigned manufacturing logistics enabled AWARD to accurately
to the automatic transporters, that where fitted with the simulate with easy modeling automatic warehouses
“double platform” to permit dual cycle after preliminary (with new AS/RS transporters) in production facilities.
runs indicated material flow problems. As a marketing tool for EFACEC, this model generator
with faithful display, proved to be a successful
It was decided to test a “worst case scenario” to obtain a competitive leverage to win commercial bids.
“lower bound” result. Thus, the simulated warehouse
had just a minimum reserve stock and its operation
priority was given to the raw material reception.
Bastos, J. M. and C. Moreira da Silva. 1985 “SIMVIS: A
In this boundary situation, where it is necessary to Visual Interactive General Purpose Simulation
supply all the 38 machines almost simultaneously, System”, Progress Report nº 2, Universidade do Porto,
taking care in the first place of the input of pallets into Faculdade de Engenharia, Departamento de
Engenharia Mecânica, Portugal.
the warehouse, a few starvation situations occurred
Brito, A. C. and J. A. Basto. 1992, “The Use of Computer
during a transient period of about two hours. (See Aided Design Techniques in Configuring Visual
Figure 4, taken 25 minutes after the beginning of the Interactive Simulation Models for Warehouse
simulation, with a “red flag”). After this provoked crisis Design”, Revue des Systèmes de Décision, v 1 , n 2-3,
fades away, no more supply rupture happens, barely p 191 - 212
changing final statistics of the simulation. Burnett, D. and T. LeBaron, 2001, “Efficiently modeling
warehouse systems” in Proceedings of the 2001
Winter Simulation Conference (Arlington, VA, Dec 9-
12), IEEE, Picataway, NJ, p 1001-1006
Dangelmaier, W. and R. Bachers, 1986 "SIMULAP - A
Simulation System For Material Flow and Warehouse
Design", Material Flow, n 3, p 207-214.
Feliz-Teixeira, J.M., A.C. Brito. 1999, “Visual C++ Software
for Warehouse Simulation”. In Proceedings of the 11th
European Simulation Symposium (Erlangen, Oct 24-
27), Germany, p 181-186.
Hurrion, R., "The Design, Use and Requirements of an
Figure 4: STARVING Machine being Supplied. Interactive Visual Computer Simulation Language to
Explore Production Planning Problems", Ph.D. thesis,
In more normal starting conditions, with an initial fill University of London, 1976.
level of the warehouse as low as 10%, and even keeping Marín, R.M.; J. Garrido, J.L. Trillo, J. Saez, J. Armesto. 1998
the same unreasonable priority of the tasks, not a single “Design and simulation of an industrial automated
machine reached STARVATION status, what overhead warehouse” Integrated Manufacturing
Systems , v 9, n 5-6, p 308-313.
demonstrates that the planned material handling
equipments had spare capacity to meet the load
forecasted for the manufacturing logistics system. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
Suggestions where made to use SMED methodology to
JOSÉ A. BASTO , Porto (Portugal), 1963, went to
reduce machines setup time, the real hurdle in the
Universidade do Porto, where he studied mechanical
factory performance.
engineering and obtained his degree in 1986, staying in
the same institution as Lecturer. He obtained his Ph.D.
CONCLUSIONS in Industrial Engineering at the Industrial and Systems
Engineering Department, Lehigh University (U.S.A.) in
The AWARD model generator and simulation system 2001. He is Auxiliar Professor at Universidade do Porto
proved to be a powerful tool to the design and testing of since 2001, where he leads research in the field of
warehouses, enabling managers and engineers that are Flexible Manufacturing. His e-mail address is:
not experts in the field of simulation to obtain results in
a couple of days (instead of months of hard coding by
experienced simulators and programmers) to big ANTÓNIO C. BRITO , Porto, 1958, went to
industrial challenges. Universidade do Porto, where he studied mechanical
engineering and obtained his degree in 1981, staying in
The new described functionalities widen the the same institution as Lecturer where he did his M.S.
applicability of system AWARD, adding essential thesis in 1985. He obtained his Ph.D. in Simulation
resources to the automatic equipment simulation of from the School of Management at the University of
materials handling and allowing industrial needs for Cranfield (U.K.) in 1993. He is Auxiliar Professor at
warehouse zones and transfer stations to be easily Universidade do Porto since 1993, where he leads
included in the models. research in the field of Visual Interactive Simulation.
His e-mail address is:

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