Listening FCE Practice 1

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1) You hear two people discussing a sports event.

How did the female speaker feel about the event?
A) Apologetic. B) Encouraged. C) Disappointed.

2) You hear someone describing a film.

What is the speaker's objective?
A) To explain something. B) To convince people. C) To persuade people.

3) You hear a speaker describe a sports activity.

What benefit does she get from doing this activity?
A) It improves her relationships with people. B) It makes her more flexible. C) It makes her fitter.

4) You hear a woman speaking about her company.

What is her objective?
A) To explain how good her staff are. B) To explain how they use technology.
C) To explain how well they understand the market.
5) You hear a woman describing her childhood memories.
Why is she doing that?
A) To explain the good and bad sides to being a pilot. B) To convince other people to become pilots.
C) To explain why she chose her job.

6) You hear a teacher describing her job.

What is her main message?
A) She would prefer less interference. B) Her job is too difficult. C) Her students are difficult to handle.

7) You hear someone describing their new job.

What is the speaker doing?

A) Speaking to lots of people. B) Speaking to her boss. C) Speaking to a friend.

8) You hear a discussion on the radio about some developments to local transport.
How does the caller feel?

A) He is against the development. B) He is in two minds about how he feels.

C) He strongly supports the development.

You are given a piece of audio and some text with spaces.
Use the information from the audio to complete the spaces by writing the words.

With modern copiers, an (1) _________________ appears if a bank note is put in the scanner.
Machines know they are seeing money because it has a special (2) _____________________.
Every (3) _________________________carries this special symbol.
Modern copiers now use a counterfeit (4) ______________________system.
The photo editing software Photoshop can also (5) _______________________money.
It can also recognise an area of the money which may have been (6) _____________________.
It is also illegal in the US to publish (7) ______________________ of currency.
Defacing money is illegal as is its use in any (8) _________________________.
If prop money is used, it must be destroyed (9) _________________________ after use.
Some prop manufacturers use large quantities of green paper to create the illusion of
(10) ______________________of currency.

The Herald

You are given five pieces of audio corresponding to five different speakers.
You are also given 8 pieces of information ( A-H ).
Identify which piece of information corresponds to which speaker.
Use the letters only once, and there are three letters which you do not need to use.

You hear some people talking about cycling. Choose from the list what each felt.

A - I was glad I took adequate precautions.

B - I feel let down because I did not get the support I should have got. Speaker 1 _______

C - I have a lot to learn about this event. Speaker 2 _______

D - I was disappointed, though I had done everything I could. Speaker 3 _______

E - My equipment breaking down robbed me of the success I had worked for. Speaker 4 _______

F - I lost because I was given poor advice. Speaker 5 _______

G - I underestimated how demanding the event could be.

H - My fellow competitors behaved very badly.


You are given a piece of audio and seven questions which correspond to the audio.
Each given question has three options A, B and C.
Choose the best option for each question.

1) When asked how strong she is, Andrea explains

A) that she could lift a big animal.
B) that she could lift a vehicle.
C) that she could pull a hippo.

2) How does Andrea describe her feeling towards sport as a kid?

A) She had no interest in sport at that time.
B) She enjoyed some events, but was not really convinced.
C) She was always passionate about sport.

3) Andrea describes her initial reason for getting involved in weight lifting was
A) to motivate her younger sister.
B) to compete with her older sister.
C) to support her sister's attempt to lose weight.

4) How did Andrea feel when some men refused to train with her?
A) She didn't care because she was enjoying herself.
B) She felt humiliated.
C) She felt she had something to prove.

5) Andrea explains that when she entered the strong woman competition in 2015
A) she was well informed because she had done her research.
B) she had a lot of experience.
C) she knew next to nothing about the details.

6) How did the coach she approached react to her request for help?
A) With disbelief.
B) With admiration.
C) With irritation.

7) What drives her to push herself as much as she does?

A) The pressure from her family.
B) The pleasure of being the best.
C) The pride that her kids can see her win.
Part 1
1. B 2C 3A 4.B 5C 6A 7.C 8.B

Part 2
1. Error Message 2. Symbol 3. Major Currency 4. Deterrent 5. Detect 6. Blacked Out
7. Illustrations 8. Advertisement 9. Immediately 10. Stacks

Part 3
1. D 2. G 3. A 4. B 5. E

Part 4
1. A 2. B 3. C 4.A 5.C 6. A 7. B

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