How To Solve A Case Study Involving Ethics

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How to solve a case study involving Ethics?

 Read the case quickly once just to know what is ‘the case’ about – just to get the central
 Read it again carefully; underline or highlight or make note of key points.
 Note down who are the stakeholders that are involved.
 List down all alternatives.
 Apply various Ethics theories or principles and assess all alternatives.
 Choose the best – as per you giving reasons.

Assessing alternatives Ethically

Utilitarian Theory

1. Which action will do the most good and the least harm for everyone who is affected?

Rights Theory

1. Which action protects and furthers the rights of the stakeholders?

2. When stakeholder rights are in conflict, how do you decide whose rights take precedence?

Distributive Justice Theory

1. Which action produces a fair distribution of benefits and costs for all stakeholders?

2. How do you determine what is fair? Who decides?

3. What action provides stakeholders with equal liberty and equal opportunity?

Caring Theory

1. What action cares for those individuals with whom you have a special relationship?

2. Which action helps those who are vulnerable and dependent on you?

Virtue Theory

1. What action(s) displays virtuous character traits (e.g., integrity, honesty, fairness, loyalty, etc.)?
What virtues are displayed?

2. What action(s) displays vices (e.g., dishonesty, deceit, selfishness, etc.)? What vices are displayed?

© 2010 Society for Human Resource Management. Myrna L. gusdorf, MBa, SPHR 1

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