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Management Studies


In Partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of



APRIL 2018

1 |Advance Data Analysis

Management Studies

Department of Management Studies

DHANBAD 826004
APRIL 2018

This is to certify that Seminar Report entitled
Submitted By
Under the supervision and guidance of Professor DR. BIBHAS
CHANDRA, DMS IIT (ISM) DHANBAD to best of my knowledge the
report is original and has not been copied or submitted anywhere else. It
is an independent work done by me.

2 |Advance Data Analysis

Management Studies


This Advance data analysis project has been work of a lot of dedication and hard work. It would not have
been possible without support and help offered by lot of people.

First and foremost, I offer my thanks to my department. Dept. Management

Studies, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad has been a support system, par excellence. The facilities of the Computer
laboratory and the extensive library have been invaluable resources in reaching conclusion. Then, I
express my gratitude to Professor DR. Chandan Bhar, Head of the Department, Department of
Management Studies for opening up a plethora of possibilities and resources for our use. Next, I express
my heartfelt thanks to DR. Bibhas Chandra, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies.
He has offered infallible support, timely advice and was pivotal in the completion of this project. Under
his guidance the study was undertaken. His scholarly advice and encouragement at every step of the
project execution was indispensible.

This project would not have seen the light of day without the efforts and timely
guidance of our Department Research Fellow, Mr. Sumit Kumar, Senior Research Fellow, Dept.
Management Studies. I also express my thanks to my teachers, seniors and colleagues who supported
me in all possible ways.

Abhinav Priya


April 4, 2018

3 |Advance Data Analysis

Management Studies

Online shopping is a relatively new type of retail shopping. It has been adopted in all industries like
Electronics, Books, Accessories, FMCG product, Apparel, etc. In India, Electronics shopping is growing
rapidly as in many other countries, and though the knowledge of online shopping in India is increasing
rapidly. The Factors influencing online apparel shopping behavior of Indian customers have not been
investigated. This project gives an insight about online apparel shopping. It basically helps
understanding consumer behavior towards online apparel shopping. It helps us to know what are the
basis on which a customer choose and prefer apparel shopping through online sites like Myntra, Amazon,
Flipkart, Jabong etc.

In particular, Indian consumers’ purchasing intention is focused on in this research. The study measures
the factors that lead the shoppers to purchase cloths before their final purchasing decision. This project
will help to learn about growing online shopping habits and superseding the traditional shopping.

The Theory of planned Behavior is adapted as the theoretical foundation for the conceptual model used in
the research. Five constructs from the conceptual model are tested to find out the important influencing
factors for online apparel shopping in India. Descriptive research and an anonymous questionnaire are
designed as the data collection methodology is used in Google survey form. Google form data is collected
during February and March 2018 covering 120 sample respondents. The target-sampling respondents
are working adults; students aged 23 years old and older with Internet competency. The frequency and
mean are used to describe the sampling respondents’ profiles. The One way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) and single Multiple Regression are used as the statistical tools in order to get a valid
significance level for each variable influencing Indian online apparel shoppers’ purchasing intentions.
The software tool is used is SPSS version 23 for analysis of statistics.

Three factors are found to be main findings of this study which influence Indian online apparel shoppers.
The following factors: trust in online shops, positive attitude towards online shopping, shoppers’ friends,
shoppers’ colleagues, the members of shoppers’ family, online buying experience and male shoppers are
all factors relevant to and which influence Indian online apparel shoppers’ purchasing intentions. A
positive attitude to online shopping causes the intention to buy online while a negative attitude has the
opposite effect. In addition to the positive attitude towards online shopping, online buying experience and
gender need to be emphasized. This is the key profile of shoppers who are likely to be the majority of
those who use online shopping.

In conclusion, three factors affecting online shopping for this study as mentioned above contribute to the
findings on Indian online apparel buying behavior. Sellers need to take these factors into consideration
and put them into their business plans in order to boost online sales, and to remain competitive in the
online apparel market.

4 |Advance Data Analysis

Management Studies


1. Introduction........................................................................................................5

2. Classification on Biometric system……………...………………………….………6

2.1 Goals of biometric based system….………………..………………………….....7

2.2 Eye……………………………………………………………………………………9

3. Related work……………………………………………………………………….....10

4. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………..12

5. Procedure…………………………………………………………………………......14

6. Security mechanism……………………………………………………………….....15

7. Review of feature encoding algorithm………………………………………………21

7.1 Wavelet encoding……………………………………………………………………21

7.2 Gabor filter……………………………………………………………………………21

7.3 Log-gabor filter……………………………………………………………………….22

7.4 Zero crossing algorithm……………………………………………………………..23

7.5 Habor wavelet……………………………………………………………………......23

8. Review of matching algorithm………………………………………………………..24

8.1 Hamming distance……………………………………………………………………24

8.2 Weighted Euclidean distance……………………………………………………….24

8.3 Normalised correlation……………………………………………………………….24

9. Feature encoding………………………………………………………………...…….25

10. Matching……………………………………………………………………………….27

11. Conclusion……………………………….…………………………………………….28

12. Reference………………………………………………………………………………29

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Management Studies


1. Biometric feature classification…………………………………………………..6

2. Compare false acceptance and rejection rate………………………………….8

3. Block diagram of proposed technique………………………………………….16.

4. Sample IRIS database………………………………………………………..….17

5. Sample test image……………………….…………………………….……..…..17

6. 8x8 Block output of wavelet gabor………………………………………………18

7. Person wise rate of correct detection……………………………….…………..19

8. Person wise acceptance and false rejection rate…………………………..….20

9. A quadrature pair of 2D gabor filter………………………………………….….22

10. Illustrate the feature encoding process…………………………………..……26

11. An illustration of the shifting process…………………………………………..27

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Management Studies

Research Limitations:
This research may not have covered all the important aspects of this research topic. There are three
limitations of the research as follows:

1) The limitation on research timing, this research was a cross-sectional study. It was a one-time
study from February to March 2018 in which the results might be changed as respondents’
evaluative criteria might change.
2) The limitation in the sampling respondents who voluntarily participated in the fieldwork . There
is a possibility of having biased answers since most of them were not alone staying in hostels or
flats. Their partners might have influenced them in some answers and the researcher was not able
to control this factor.
3) There was a possibility that the sampling respondents were in a hurry to continue with shopping
rather than concentrating on giving the precise answers, so there could be some inaccuracies as a
4) The limitation in conceptual model that was adapted from the Theory of planned Behavior. The
results only offer a partial contribution to knowledge of the actual shopping behavior science the
research focused on the purchasing intentions of Indian online shoppers rather than their actual
purchasing behavior.

Future Research:
This study considered factors affecting shoppers’ online buying intentions in majorly the Dhanbad area.
Concentrating on one area at a time is a good strategy or a building block of new knowledge. The
dynamic nature of Internet technology means that researchers will need to keep on studying this topic to
keep up-to-date. Internet technology never stops developing, but continuously develops new and
enhanced features and functions each year, and so the users will continue to upgrade their system and
their services. Future research can be, in the area of shopper behavior, as follows:

1) Future research should study on what brand are most frequently purchased in Indian online
apparel shopping market in order to identify these along with shoppers’ behavior which will be of
benefit to online businesspersons and other interested parties who would like to have knowledge
about the most frequently online apparel purchase and shoppers’ behavior.
2) Future research should study on specific products such as winter clothes, summer clothes etc. to
further specify the findings in one specific products and shoppers’ behavior towards that product.
3) Future research should study on extending from intention from intentions to decision making, the
findings of the shoppers’ purchasing intentions might not cover all needs. Such needs can be a
need to know the purchasing decisions of online shoppers rather than only the purchasing
intentions of online shoppers; therefore, this future research will be of benefit to them.

Future research may be conducted in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in order to empirically
test the findings.

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Management Studies

Conclusions and contributions of this research:

This research examined the factors influencing Indian online apparel consumers’ purchasing intentions.
The conceptual model was adapted from the Theory of Planned …..

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Management Studies


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