Ai Report 1

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The AI Report: Binary Tree AI

Table of Contents

1. General Idea
a. About Binary Tree
b. About Machine Learning
2. Personal Project
a. The Project
b. Mistakes / Challenges
c. Accuracy of this AI

General Idea
About “Binary Tree”
The meaning of Binary Tree in this particular context​ is a process of AI determining a set of
data in sets of conditions (that will be divided into 2 branches of True and False), made by observations
made from processing sample data given to the program. To explain more, consider this Diagram:
In the diagram, the AI creates conditions that it think would be able to classify all of the choices.
At the top of the diagram, for example, the block (node) uses a parameter in the set of given data
(which will be discussed later in the next topic) called “Defense” as a condition to categorize

About Machine Learning

Machine learning is the process of how the AI learns how to predict the result. In this
context, the AI are given a set of predefined data of the choices and its characteristics to learn
and recognize the pattern from, then it will use its assumption according to the pattern to identify
the choices of another set of data.
Personal Project
The Project (User Defined data)

In my personal project, my topic is Slime and there are 6 types of slime: Normal Slime,
Mini Slime, Fire Slime, Water Slime, King Slime and Ghost Slime. This would be considered as
the expected outcomes.
The characteristics I used to characterize these types of Slimes are: Size, Speed, Power
and Defense.
Types of Slime (Outcomes) Characteristics (Parameters)

The following is the design of the Slime I planned before converting them into numbers
(The characteristics are given according to personal preference).
Type of Slimes Size (and HP) Speed Power Defense

Normal Slime (0) 5 5 3 5

Mini Slime (1) 1 10 2 1
Fire Slime (2) 8 7 9 3
Water Slime (3) 3 4 5 8
King Slime (4) 10 2 6 3
Ghost Slime (5) 4 8 7 2
*Notes: there are more sets of data for each type of outcomes than shown here
(Left) The ​ANS​ sheet is to tell the AI what is the correct answer to the Measurement
characteristics given in the ​Measurement​ sheet.
(Right) ​Measurement​ sheet is to give the data for the AI to recognize pattern of each type of

These are the data given to the AI to predict, created by random number generator in the
The Project (Codes)

Left: The first part of the code retrieves the data from the existing google sheets that I
create (shown in the previous part of the report).
Right: The next part of the code uses a python AI library “sklearn” to train the AI to
recognize the pattern the data provided, then predict from the information given.

Mistakes and Challenges

A minor mistake that I noticed it about the topic. The topic is very easy to understand, but
it is very subjective in a way that all slimes in different games are made differently. This means
that the logic used in creating characteristics are purely up to me. Moreover, slimes within the
same game would vary in characteristics as well. Thus this might not be a great topic to work on
after all.
One of the things I could have done differently is to not randomize numbers for the AI.
Since the data given to the AI to predict is all randomized, there is some issue of the data not
being realistic such as a “Mini Slime” being more powerful than “Normal Slime”.

Accuracy of this AI
Due to the ambiguity of the characteristics, there’s no right or wrong characteristic for
any type of the slimes, so it is hard to actually determine if the result is accurate or not. By
speculating and comparing to the possibility in accord to my standard, the result (shown below)
could be considered as moderately accurate.
AI’s prediction Size / HP Speed Power Defense

Water Slime 10 7 8 8

Water Slime 3 7 4 9

Normal Slime 3 1 0 3

Mini Slime 1 7 4 4

King Slime 8 2 1 2

Water Slime 1 4 6 7

Water Slime 9 6 5 9

Fire Slime 9 8 8 0

Water Slime 6 2 5 8

Mini Slime 2 8 2 0

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