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oestghst | McGUIREWCODS crear February 19,2019 Ma, Stacy Purost, Gonerl Sauna Estar Virginia Nedloal Sthoo! ‘Arcee Hal P.O, Box 1880 orto, VA 23801-1080, Dear Ms, Purl fe Casto Viginia Medical School VMS selecting McSuirsWoods LLP (MacureWce) as you ga ere! cement en ndopendot vestigate te Nistor facts and precios rated to yearbooks and more broadly the culture at EVAIS. ‘This Iter confirms our mutual undrstanng of te terms of our engagement, 4. , alum and Eoope of Services tobe Praviied, The nature and scope ofthe servos tobe rendered by ofr ao rerasoniatin of EVMS though an independent investigation ofthe stor fat snd practice rlated to yearbooks and more bral the ure ot EMS, ‘Our lent isthe pareon or ently Mente inti ter an dows not ince any affiliates of such person o en (you area corporation, perinereip,o° association, any corporate, parons,aubslerie, ails, amployecs, mambers, offers, doctors, sharaholaor or partner of tho corporation cr partnership, or commonly ouned corporations or parterships) Unless we have expressly agreed to such representation, In order fr us to roprssent you effectively, you must dale fl and accretly al facts ae ou know them anileep us acs ofall Gavelopmets eating the mater. Any copiions wo ofr about tho outeem of your logal mato isan exprecsion of our logaljudgreent hot guarantoos. Our opinion ar neceseariy inte by ou knowledge ofthe facts and are lhased on the aw as Hex when the opinions ae provid, 2. Confcs of trest. We have made reasonable efor to determine whether ary conflet of eee asng fom out reprosenaton of eter efens prevent MeGuieWcods from representing EVMS. Gasod upon the information ouentyavalabl Tos, Weare not aur of any confit bal disqually ws rom representing you February 10,2010 Page 2 3, Futur Conflets of ntorast oCuiraWaeds sa large mul-natonal lw fim. ivan tha siz of our frm and lent base, tls potalbi tal hth uae We may be asked to reprosent other lens (meaning both ‘sting cen and utue cnt) tha may bo droot competes of EVIE or ciherafse may, hha business interest tht ara conry to EVMS'sInforoat. Such oar dents may seck to fngage MeGulreWoode a cormocton wth an actual ar petonalaneacon or pending or poten ligation eros pute rescun procoecnga In which such cle’ inferosis ae or Potenly may bocomaadveree fo EVM Inaroatso he Itereat of EVMS's eubsldaries fe afte, “Thecsfore, asa sono of ou raprocontation of you, you consent n advance fo ou ‘apresentaton of other sions wt respect fo any such mall described above, provided that {he maltor Ie unrelated mater ete we represent EVES, ‘You may ein capaate cour! orevew the terms of he prospective const, and of aurea you are fee fo eln. cer counael for his mate, 4, Fees, inlght of EVMS's educational and noorprft status, we have agreed to substantial csoounis fra our normal hott rales. Our fs foes for al alloreys working on Inna io ida endear, wich role usa duo EVA 1978 per hour. 5. eleandEmanaan. Ines fons, you ule charged for al costs and ‘expences associated wih bre sevice rendered. These costs include, but ace not edt, {eavel expenses, dllvay and courier saves, express mal lr courier series, staf overt, documone roproduaton, nd databace cretion ad eto ‘Addlionally, charges fr computerized research fool, auch as Lens and West il be bited bated upon te extol and nature of research requltad, and other acmiatraiv costs ‘a overhond It you engage an scoountant fo audi your fhancll stations ts ely that he ‘socountant wil request ding the aut tha we provid a writen doeedston of pandng ot ttreatened came o avs fo which wo havo given substantive atron on your behal This requests typlealy a stedardzod letter provided by th scceuntat which you are requesisg to tend tous, Our egrlooelh responding Wo tse requests on your behal wil be led fe you In cordance wth tho ters of his eter 8, Bling. Wow keep accurate records ofthe ime wo devote to your ‘atl, neluding confaroncas (both In parson and ove tha tlophone), negotiations, preparation ‘of eortsspondenice ane secre mal communications, factual snd legal investigation, research land analyse, documentprepaaton ard rovon, cout appearances avel on your chal, and ‘ther related matters. ie recor Umno n unite of ante a an Hour, and our bling statements ‘il chew tho timo devoted to your mater in anemized format \We witb you on w menthly bale for al fas, costs and expenses. Febrvary 18,2018 Page 3 7. Tatms ef Paver. Our statements aro cus wth tity (90) days ator ros, Unless we enfr nfo a writ agreement provid a ferent term. Except in those Instances Invwhich we enfr nto a unten conthgant fo arrangement, he payment of our fos nat ‘dependent upon the euccersul outcome ofa mailer. Ocoationally, eflents have dfcuy ‘aking timely payments, Te avold unfaly burdenng othe olents wo pay lnk statement in timely manner wth highe: fs reflecting the costs we incur ae reo of dnguentsooounte Facevablo, wo reserve the igh ts assess a mortly sence change of ne petoant (1%) on Unpaldbalanoes, where alled by law ‘Subject othe Rule of Professonel Conduct and spplosble lw, MeSuikeWoods hae the ight fo terminato our reorecorston of you foca end sxponece are not pad within In & {imely manner 8. Teqmiation sf QurEnaagement, Our attomey-clot relationship wil terinate pon our completion of te setvlees You have retain Us fo provide. Aor comploton of ou ‘engagoment, changes may acer appleabe lave end repulatons thal could fect Your eghts ‘nd febilies, Unless ve ate spectcaly engsged after competion of cur engagement to provide sdtiondl evice of sch atuee, MeGuleoade hae no continuing eblgaon to go Your advice wih respec to ay tlre legal development that may para to your mato. It ou llr retalo us f perform ecdtignal servos, ovr sttomey-clnt relatonshi wl be renewed as agroad upon at that tne “You may torminate cur representation of you at ary te by noting usin weltng “ermnation of ou servlet wil not affect your respons lo pay MoGuireVoods fr eervoas ‘einlred wi expenses inearod bere te engagement was terminated an, wh MoSSeay, {ofecitate on order transion of your mate to new counsel ‘You agro to comporsats McGuieWoods st our normal hourly rates, pus expenses, for werk done bythe tn andere ousis couse! where: MeureWoode fe requsted or “uherzed by You, of requ by government rgueton, subpoena or etharlegel proses, to produce infomation or our pereonnel as winesses with spect fo our work for Yu, etureWeas snot apa fot proceeding n wich the olin Is eoUgH: an the request for lvermaton esos out ofa In connection wih or wok for You. 8. * Record Retention, tthe conclusion of each engagement wo wil rtur to you any documents that you epectoaly request us, in wng, lo reum to you, MoureWoods may Koop copies of documents returned to You In agcardares wih ou recor eteton poly {apd the applicable Rules of efessanal Conduct, When a cant mates close the tm ecards duplestedocumenis and other unnecessary metals. although our record retrton poleys subject to change, w curently sleo lent records forcavon yoare, Nor coven yeare, 6 tho period established bythe fn crrent record reenien poly, sored doouments are “scared, except for records of continuing egniisancs, such ae wi, bonds and tock certiestes, You may requelt your record at ay tino “Thank you fer asking MeGulreWoods to han the mater. Please conf thatthe foregoing provstens accuatoly descrbo aur mutual undertanding by siging the enclosed copy oft lr al etung tho slgned copy to me,

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