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Aims: Reviewing classroom commands
Teaching aids: None
Members: Whole class
Method: Reviewing classroom commands with corresponding action and movements.
The teacher then calls out commands such as: “one, two three, stand up” the student
who is the fastest one to follow the command gets one point. The teacher can use
more complex commands such as: “one, two, three, stand up turn around and sit
down!” the fastest one also gets one point.

Aims: Reviewing all English functions
Teaching aids: Dice
Members: Whole class
Method: The teacher writes and numbers six words, sentences patterns or any key
points that requires reviewing. After the teacher rolls the dice, the students have to
look at the number of the dice and complete the command corresponding to the
number showing on the white broad. Also the teacher can choose one number to be a
“Bomb” which ends the game if the students land on this number


Aims: Practicing vocabulary

Teaching aids: Long sticks (prepare the same numbers of long sticks as team
numbers) and flashcards
Members: Groups
Method: Divide students into groups and assign number for each member in each
group. Put the flashcard on the floor. Say a word and a number (ex: a cat. number
two) the number two student of each group needs to come forward and spin three
times around the stick. When the students finish spinning, they need to find the
correct flashcard and read it aloud to get points

Aims: Practicing vocabulary
Teaching aids: Flash card and one desk of cards.
Members: Whole class
Method: Give the students each a flashcard and have them sit in circle. Their
flashcard should be visible to the other students. Place a deck of cards face down in
the middle of the circle. One students start by talking one card and turning it over in
front of himself or herself. Students take turns going around the circle and each turn
over more cards. If a card is flipped and is the same number as someone else’s card.
They must race to say that person’s flashcard word. Whoever read their opponent’s
flashcard faster will give the slower student his or her cards. At the end of the game,
whoever has the least cards in their hands wins the game
Aims: Practicing spelling
Teaching aids: None
Members: Two groups
Method: Divide the students into groups. Draw a line down the middle of the white
broad and choose the different color markers for each group. The teacher says a word
aloud and students have to spell the letter until the word is completed. The faster team
can get points.

Aims: Practicing spelling
Members: Groups
Method: Divide the students into two lines. The teacher shows the target word to the
last student in the lines. The last student has to write the word onto the next student’s
back. The first group that finishes the writing and has the correct answer can get point
Reminder: students aren’t allowed to talk during this time.

Aims: Practicing sentences
Teaching aids: Balloons
Members: Groups
Method: Divide the students into several groups. Each group should have a balloon. Next,
the teacher starts to ask Yes/No questions and the student from each group has to hit the
balloon toward the ceiling ten times.(don’t let the balloon fall down if the balloon falls
down, the student has to hit it then times again). The student who makes it can answer the
question. The first one to finish can get three points. The second gets two points and so
on. The team with the most points is the winning team

Aims: Practicing sentences
Teaching aids: Flashcards
Members: Groups
Method: Please divide students into groups. Teacher can lead students to practice the
sentence pattern before the game. Put a flashcard on the whiteboard and ask students to
make a sentence based on the information given by the flashcard. Students from each
team write one word on the whiteboard in a relay until a sentence is complete. A team can
complete their sentence correctly or creatively to get point.


Divide the class into 2 teams. Teacher show the word, children has to guess and say the
word which team is faster get 1 point until the last one. The team with the most points is
the winning team

Teacher puts the falshcards on the floor. When teacher says the word. Student have to
run to the word and repeat who is fastest get 1 point.

Divide the class into 2 teams. Call one by one go to the board and teacher says the word
student have to touch that word. If you are faster get 1 point

Call one by one go to the board. Teacher puts the card on the floor or on the board.
Teacher says the word students use the hammer to hit the right card.

The same touching board.


Teacher puts the card around the room. Ask students to stand on each pictures while
teacher must to close her eyes. When student finish, teacher says the word. Who is
standing on the picture that teacher has said will be died. Who is the last one will be the


(Power point) there are 4 words. Teacher hides one word and ask them what’s missing?
Until the last word.

Teacher puts the chair into the circle, all student sit on the chairs and then T turns on
music and student must stand up and walk around the circle. At that time teacher takes
one chair out, and then stop music. Student have to find the chair and sit down. Who
doesn’t has the chair to sit will be out.


T says 1,2,3 and show the picture. S answers and change their sit.dont sit the chair which
is near the old chair.

Make a circle. Teacher call one student to be the mouse. She must walk around the circle
and touch student’s head and say: cat, cat, cat…….to choose one student and says the
word teacher holds. That kid must stand up and chase the mouse. If the mouse is catched
will be die.
Teacher shows pictures and says: what is this? Student answers and T says change your
seat. Who is the last one will be died.



Make a circle and teacher calls one student to be thief. She must find a place to hide the
picture at that time another students must close their eyes. When the thief finishes, ask all
students to find the picture.
Divide all S into 2 teams. 1 person will be the goalkeeper. Call one by one of each team to kick
the ball to the goal. If you kick a goal get 1 point. Which team has a lot points is the winning


Divide all S into 2 teams. Teacher calls one by one to circle the word that teacher has said. Who
is faster get 1 point until the last one of each team.


Teacher says the word, call one student go to the board and ask her to write the word. If
its right get 1 point. Until the last one.


Teacher: the wolf’s at the door, the wolf sees me

What can I do?
I can run…
Face to face

Powerpoint games
1. Big wheel
2. Car race
3. Sunken treasure
4. Guess Louive
5. Count down clock
6. Horse race
7. Big board
8. Box 8 – box 16
9. Winter clock

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