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William S. Pease, MD
Ernest W. Johnson Professor and Chairperson
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

Henry L. Lew, MD, PhD

Clinical Associate Professor
Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, California

Ernest W. Johnson, MD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
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Acquisitions Editor: Robert Hurley

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Managing Editor: Michelle LaPlante
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Director of Marketing: Sharon Zinner
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Printer: Walsworth Publishing Company

Copyright © 2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a WOLTERS KLUWER business

Third edition ©1997 by Williams & Wilkins

First edition © 1980 by Williams & Wilkins

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Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Johnson’s practical electromyography.—4th ed. / [edited by] William
S. Pease, Henry L. Lew, Ernest W. Johnson.
p. ; cm.
Rev. ed. of: Practical electromyography. 3rd ed. c1997.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-5285-5
ISBN-10: 0-7817-5285-X
1. Electromyography. 2. Neuromuscular diseases—Diagnosis.
I. Pease, William S. II. Lew, Henry L. III. Johnson, Ernest W.,
1924– . IV. Practical electromyography. V. Title: Practical
[DNLM: 1. Electromyography. 2. Electrodiagnosis.WE 500
J66 2007]
RC77.5.P7 2007

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To our patients who we are honored to serve and

who stimulate us to find new answers.

And to our students, especially the 231 graduates of

the OSU PM&R residency who have all contributed to
the practice and understanding of EMG.

And, to our families who make it all worthwhile.

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Preface vii
Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xi

I Introduction to Electromyography
(The Essentials of EMG) 1
1. Anatomy for the Electromyographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. The Essentials of the Needle EMG Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


3. Basic Nerve Conduction Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


II Technical Aspects of EMG 65

4. Electrophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5. Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6. Advanced Needle EMG Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105


7. Quality Improvement and Reporting in Electrodiagnostic Medicine . . . . . . . 131


8. Pictorial Guide to Muscles and Surface Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145


9. Pictorial Guide to Nerve Conduction Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213


III Solving the Problems in Clinical EMG 257

10. Entrapment Neuropathies and Other Focal Neuropathies
(Including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

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11. Evaluation of the Patient with Suspected Peripheral Neuropathy . . . . . . . . . 297


12. Electrodiagnostic Approach to Patients with Suspected Radiculopathy . . . . 333


13. Evaluation of the Patient with Suspected Myopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353


14. Neuromuscular Complications of Critical Illness: Evaluation of the

Patient with a Suspected Critical Illness Neuromuscular Disorder . . . . . . . . 363

15. Evaluation of the Patient with Suspected Neuromuscular

Junction Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

16. Pediatric Considerations in Electromyography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395


IV Appendices 417
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Abbreviations Commonly Used in Electromyography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
The Practical Exam in Electromyography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429

Index 439
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In the years since the release of the third edition of surface anatomy. The collaborative process with
Johnson’s Practical Electromyography, the science of Bill and Ernie was accomplished by reviewing
electrodiagnostic medicine has advanced greatly. hard copies in person, and making revisions via
As our understanding leads us to use different, email exchanges. We are proud to now share the
new, or redefined words it becomes necessary to results with you.
replace the old edition. New organizations and We are pleased that the new edition recog-
Board certification exams, and new names for old nizes Ernie Johnson for his invaluable contribu-
organizations demonstrate the vitality of this spe- tions to the field of electromyography. His
cial area of medicine. More than just a set of tests, continuing observations and insights are seen in
electromyography in practice is the specialized use his chapters in the text, and his always-challeng-
of these tools for the evaluation and treatment of ing test in the appendix. You may also challenge
persons with nerve and muscle pathology. The yourself online and earn CME credit for your ef-
electrodiagnostic medicine consultant plays valu- forts. We are pleased to include recorded EMG
able roles in the diagnosis and the treatment of video clips to further stimulate your learning; re-
disorders of function of the nervous system. The member to have the audio on with the videos as
physician is then able to translate this knowledge the sounds of many EMG signals is unique and
into improving the motion and function of the distinctive.
body. The book includes contributions from an in-
A particularly valuable addition to this edi- ternational group known for their intelligence,
tion began with a chance encounter on the beach teaching ability, and commitment to this specialty.
at Hilton Head during a meeting of the Associa- We are grateful for their participation in this ef-
tion of Academic Physiatrists. Henry Lew began fort, and more so for their continuing friendships.
discussing a special process that he was using to
create digital images to improve learning of the —William S. Pease, Henry L. Lew,
basic techniques of nerve conduction based upon and Ernest W. Johnson

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James W. Albers, MD, PhD Timothy R. Dillingham, MD, MS

Professor of Neurology Professor and Chairman
University of Michigan Medical School Department of Physical Medicine
Director, Electromyography Laboratory and Rehabilitation
University of Michigan Health System The Medical College of Wisconsin
Ann Arbor, Michigan Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Rosalind J. Batley, MD Bakri H. Elsheikh, MBBS, MRCP (UK)

Associate Professor Assistant Professor
Departments of Physical Medicine Department of Neurology
and Rehabilitation, and Pediatrics The Ohio State University
The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
Columbus Children’s Hospital
Columbus, Ohio Ernest W. Johnson, MD
Professor Emeritus
Albert C. Clairmont, MD Department of Physical Medicine
Associate Professor and Rehabilitation
Department of Physical Medicine and The Ohio State University
Rehabilitation Columbus, Ohio
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio Vivek Kadyan, MD
Boise, Idaho
Daniel M. Clinchot, MD
Associate Dean for Medical Education Jun Kimura, MD
and Outreach Professor of Neurology
College of Medicine University of Iowa
Associate Professor and Residency Program Iowa City, Iowa
Department of Physical Medicine Henry L. Lew, MD, PhD
and Rehabilitation Clinical Associate Professor
The Ohio State University Stanford University School of Medicine
Columbus, Ohio Stanford, California
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
Denise L. Davis, MD VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Clinical Assistant Professor Palo Alto, California
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
College of Medicine William J. Litchy, MD
The Ohio State University Consultant in Neurology
Columbus, Ohio Department of Neurology
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, Minnesota

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Yousef M. Mohammad, MD, MSc Su-Ju Tsai, MD, MS

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology Department of Physical Medicine and
Ohio State University Rehabilitation
Columbus, Ohio Chung Shan Medical University,
College of Medicine
Sanjeev D. Nandedkar, PhD Medical Director
Clinical Applications Manager Department of Physical Medicine and
Viasys Health Care Rehabilitation
Madison, Wisconsin Chung Shan Medical University Hospital
Taichung City, Taiwan
William S. Pease, MD
Ernest W. Johnson Professor and Chairperson Margaret Turk, MD
Department of Physical Medicine and Professor
Rehabilitation Departments of Physical Medicine and
Medical Director Rehabilitation, and Pediatrics
Dodd Hall Rehabilitation Hospital State University of New York
The Ohio State University Upstate Medical University at Syracuse
Columbus, Ohio Syracuse, New York

Lawrence R. Robinson, MD Robert J. Weber, MD

Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine Professor and Chairman and Residency
Vice Dean of Clinical Affairs Program Director
School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine
University of Washington and Rehabilitation
Seattle, Washington State University of New York
Upstate Medical University at Syracuse
Erik Stålberg, MD, PhD Syracuse, New York
Professor Emeritus
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Uppsala University Hospital
Uppsala, Sweden
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We wish to acknowledge the valuable contribution Drs. Eunha Lee, James Chen, Jerry Chiang, and
of Christina E. Taddeo, M.D. in providing insight Kristina Liu for their assistance. The office assis-
to us about the new, illustrated sections from her tance of Ruth Miller and Colleen Howells was also
perspective as a resident. The authors also thank appreciated, as always.

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Introduction to
(The Essential of EMG)
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Anatomy for the


Denise L. Davis and Ernest W. Johnson

INTRODUCTION Tables 1-1 and 1-2 include simple and useful

guides for motor spinal nerve root motor innerva-
Have an anatomy text nearby! This textbook does tion of the muscles of upper and lower limbs.
not replace it. Know where things are in the When exploring a large muscle for an in-
anatomy text. volved root problem, one should consider the
In our many years of testing the competence embryologic pattern to reduce sampling error.
of electromyographers in various settings, a ma- This pattern is that as one moves from cephalad
jor deficiency has been anatomic knowledge of to caudad, from proximal to distal, from anterior
even basic nerve and muscle locations. There are to posterior, and from medial to lateral, then one
over 400 skeletal muscles in the body for assess- moves downward (caudal) in the levels of spinal
ment by electromyography (EMG). The elec- cord root innervation. Similarly, the pattern of
tromyographer must know surface anatomy well sensory innervation goes from medial to lateral,
and furthermore should check with the anatomy anterior to posterior, and proximal to distal as
text frequently for reinforcement of anatomic the roots descend along the spinal cord. The
landmarks. Chapters 8 and 9 in this text include amplitudes of the sensory and motor responses
photographs to reinforce your learning of surface in Table 1-3 can be used to evaluate axon
anatomy in order to improve your EMG loss caused by proximal injury of their nerves or
techniques. roots (1).
Basic kinesiologic knowledge also is essential More exhaustive lists are at the end of this
to activate the muscle being investigated. Move- chapter for reference (Tables 1-4 to 1-6), but
ments are represented on the motor cortex and Tables 1-1 through 1-3 should be memorized.
produced by groups of muscles, not by individual For suspected radiculopathy, it is always
muscles. In a recumbent person, it is very difficult more efficient and accurate to select a small mus-
to elicit a maximal contraction in a two-joint mus- cle for better EMG sampling. An example in-
cle, but it is much easier to have that full effort on cludes using the tensor fascia lata for L5 instead of
a single-joint muscle. For example, study recruit- the gluteus medius; both have three root levels,
ment in the soleus (ankle joint only) instead of the L4, L5, and S1. Not only can the muscle be sam-
gastrocnemius (knee and ankle) with plantarflex- pled more efficiently at rest, but muscle activation
ion, and evaluate the vastus medialis (knee joint is usually easier to carry out in a small muscle (see
only) rather than the rectus femoris (hip and knee) Fig. 8-73). The relatively anterior position of the
during knee extension. tensor fascia lata also allows it to be explored in the

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T A B L E 1 - 1 Upper Limb Motor T A B L E 1 - 2 Lower Limb Motor

Innervation Innervation

1. No C7 below wrist 1. L2–4 quadriceps and adductors

2. C6 below elbow 2. L4 below knee: only anterior tibial
Volar: pronator teres 3. L5 below ankle: only extensor digito-
Dorsal: brachioradials rum brevis
3. C7 above elbow: triceps, anconeus 4. S1–2 lateral plantar nerve: abductor
4. C7 from trunk, acting on upper limb: digiti quinti
latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, 5. S1–2 medial plantar nerve: abductor
pectoralis major hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis
5. C8 thenar: abductor pollicis brevis, (Figs. 1-1, 1-2)
adductor pollicis
6. T1 hypothenar: abductor digiti minimi,
opponens digiti minimi

Figure 1-1 ● The tarsal tunnel and the course of the tibial nerve.
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Figure 1-2 ● Sciatic and tibial nerve anatomy showing branches and common sites of focal
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T A B L E 1 - 3 Sensory and Motor Nerve Conduction Study Innervations

Amplitudes of these responses can be used to evaluate axon loss due to proximal injury of their
nerves or roots (1). Muscles are noted for motor nerve studies (Figs. 1-3–1-5).
Nerve and Recording Nerve and Recording
Location Root(s) Location Root(s)

Lateral antebrachial C5, 6 Medial antebrachial C8

cutaneous nerve (Fig. 1-5) (Fig. 1-6) cutaneous nerve (Fig. 1-8)
Median to digit 1 (thumb) C6 Posterior antebrachial C7, 8
(Fig. 1-7) cutaneous nerve (Fig. 1-8)
Median to digit 3 (long) C7 Lateral femoral cutaneous L2, 3
Ulnar to digit 5 (little) C8 nerve
Posterior interosseous nerve C7, 8 Saphenous nerve (Fig. 1-9) L3, 4
(extensor indicis) Sural nerve L5, S1, 2
Anterior interosseous nerve C7, 8
(pronator quadratus)

Figure 1-3 ● Brachial plexus with demonstration of cervical roots and spinal nerves to the
trunks and other components.
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Figure 1-4 ● Relationships between the spinal cord, the roots, and the ventral and dorsal
rami. Note that the dorsal root ganglion is at the intervertebral foramen.

Figure 1-5 ● The lumbar plexus with demonstration of its terminal branches to the
periphery. Posterior divisions are shaded. (Reprinted from Waxman SG. Clinical neuroanatomy. New
York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2003, with permission.)
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Figure 1-7 ● Median sensory nerve con-

duction study with recording from thumb
(digit 1). Damage to the axons from the C6
root level will reduce the amplitude of this re-
sponse if the lesion is at or peripheral to the dorsal
root ganglion, which is at the (C5-6) nerve root

endplate potentials as positive waves, a phenom-

enon that can be confusing to the electromyogra-
pher who is unaware of this risk of a false-posi-
tive result.

Figure 1-6 ● The radial nerve and its SPECIAL AREAS OF CONCERN TO
course through the spiral groove of the
Cervical Paraspinal Muscles
These are properly explored much more caudally
supine position, which is helpful when the patient than has been appreciated. For the muscles in-
cannot easily be moved. nervated by the posterior primary ramus of C6,
It is a common mistake to avoid needle the needle electrode must be inserted at the level
EMG exploration of the intrinsic muscles of the of the tip of and lateral to the spinous process of
feet because of the notion that positive waves and the C7 cervical vertebra. C7 is at least 2 cm more
fibrillation potentials will be invariably present caudal and C8 is at the mid-scapular border. This
because of the trauma the feet are exposed to is because the superficial paracervical muscles
based upon their anatomic location. This is in- (semispinalis cervicis) attach to the midline spin-
correct (2): these muscles are excellent sources of ous processes and descend at a slight angle to in-
EMG abnormalities in peripheral neuropathies, sert below on ribs and the lateral processes (Fig.
but they are also difficult to study because of 1-10). Remember that the needle must first pass
their small size. It is easy to advance the EMG through the trapezius before reaching these
needle electrode into the endplate and record paraspinal muscles.
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Figure 1-8 ● Schematic representation of the cutaneous nerves of the forearm that also
depicts general locations of electrodes for sensory nerve conduction studies. This is presented
as a learning aid with Table 1-3. Further information on these techniques is in Chapter 9.
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and the needle inserted into the tongue, it is diffi-

cult to get complete relaxation. Activation can be
increased for recruitment analysis with tongue
protrusion pressure against the teeth.

Opponens Pollicis
The opponens pollicis is almost completely cov-
ered by the abductor pollicis brevis. The opponens
is often labeled as “muscle explored or recorded”
when it is clear that the muscle that is actually ex-
amined is the more superficial one at the thenar
eminence, the abductor pollicis brevis.

Pronator Quadratus
The pronator quadratus is best accessed by insert-
ing the needle through the interosseus membrane
of the dorsal distal forearm between the ulna and
radius. This is also the preferred place where one
can record this muscle’s CMAP with surface
recording and median nerve stimulation at the el-
bow. Innervation is from roots C7 and C8 and the
anterior interosseus nerve (4).

Figure 1-9 ● Anatomy of the saphenous

nerve showing its origin from the distal Vocal Cords
femoral nerve.
The vagus nerve innervates the muscles of the
vocal cords by way of the superior laryngeal
Nasalis nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The su-
perior laryngeal nerve is examined through nee-
This is a useful muscle to record the compound
dle EMG via the cricothyroid muscle, while the
muscle action potential (CMAP) in facial palsy (cra-
thyroarytenoid muscle is used to evaluate the re-
nial nerve VII) and also for repetitive nerve stimu-
current laryngeal nerve. Activation of these mus-
lation for neuromuscular junction diseases. Note
cles for recruitment is accomplished by asking
that the muscle immediately adjacent to the nasalis
the patient to vocalize various sounds, including
is the levator labialis superioris. The levator labialis
a musical scale (5).
superioris is a longer muscle with the endplate zone
lower near the side of the nares. Unintentionally
recording from the levator labialis superioris can
confuse an unaware electromyographer when the
CMAP is downgoing (positive) on contralateral This is of concern during needle EMG study be-
stimulation because electrodes are not positioned cause of the possibility of penetrating the lung,
precisely over the nasalis as intended (3). resulting in a pneumothorax (Fig. 1-12). The di-
aphragm is accessible by intercostal space needle
insertion between the 8th and 9th or 9th and 10th
Tongue ribs bilaterally at the anterior axillary line with
This large muscle is best accessed from under- relaxation during the expiratory phase of breath-
neath the chin (Fig. 1-11). With the mouth open ing (see Fig. 1-12). Insert the needle electrode as
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Figure 1-10 ● Dissection view of semispinalis muscles in the paraspinal region of the neck
and thorax. (Reprinted from Netter FH. Atlas of human anatomy. Summit, NJ: Ciba-Geigy Corp., 1989,
plate 162, with permission.)

Figure 1-11 ● Needle electrode placement to evaluate the tongue.

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Figure 1-12 ● Cutaway diagram of the diaphragm in the thorax showing the relationships
between the ribs, the pleura, and the diaphragm. (Reprinted from Netter FH. Atlas of human
anatomy. Summit, NJ: Ciba-Geigy Corp., 1989, plate 182, with permission.)
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Posterior Tibial Muscle

The posterior tibialis muscle lies in the center of
the leg (knee to ankle) and is best reached by a
long electrode through the anterior tibial muscle.
A medial insertion can also reach the muscle;
however, a common error is to use a needle elec-
trode that is too short for the medial approach to
the posterior tibialis, resulting in recording from
the flexor digitorum longus or flexor hallucis
longus rather than the posterior tibialis (8). For-
tunately these three muscles share innervation, so
that erroneous diagnosis is not caused by confu-
sion in needle placement.

Anal Sphincter
Figure 1-13 ● Electrode placements for
recording the CMAP from the diaphragm Analysis of the function of the external anal
when stimulating the phrenic nerve. sphincter requires the use of needle EMG. This
circular muscle can be accessed with the patient in
a side-lying position with knees and hips flexed.
Explore four quadrants (right and left of anterior
and posterior portions).
close as possible to the superior edge of the rib. The external anal sphincter is innervated by
Needle placement in the diaphragm can be a branch of the pudendal nerve (S2, S3, S4), the
confirmed during quiet inspiration when a few inferior rectal nerve. The inferior rectal nerve
motor units are activated and firing. An alter- provides motor innervation to the external anal
native method that some recommend is pene-
tration from the lumbar area with a long needle
electrode at the level of T12-L1 lateral to the
transverse process of the L1 vertebra (6). For
recording the diaphragm with surface elec-
trodes when stimulating the phrenic nerve, E1 is
placed over the xiphoid process and E2 over the
lower costal margin of the rib cage at the nipple
line (Fig. 1-13).

Serratus Anterior Muscle

This muscle is best reached with a needle elec-
trode near its origins on the ribs in the midaxillary
line (7). This location is also best position for the
E1 electrode to record the muscle’s response to
stimulation of the long thoracic nerve. The nerve
travels downward from the axilla in the midaxil- Figure 1-14 ● Photo of cadaver dissection
lary line (Fig. 1-14), and posterior placement of the demonstrating the serratus anterior on
stimulator will cause an artifactual response from the axillary view with the long thoracic
the latissimus dorsi. nerve.
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motor fibers in the forearm (Fig. 1-15). The C8

or T1 motor nerve fibers initially communicate
from the lower trunk to the middle or upper
trunk or, alternatively, the motor nerve fibers
from the ulnar motor nerve join the median mo-
tor nerve fibers in the arm. In the forearm these
C8 or T1 motor nerve fibers rejoin the ulnar
nerve. Martin-Gruber anastomosis rarely arises
from the anterior interosseous nerve, which also
has C7, C8, and T1 motor nerve fibers (11).
Martin-Gruber anastomosis is important
electrodiagnostically if the individual has carpal
tunnel syndrome (Fig. 1-16) for three reasons:

1. An initial positive deflection of the thenar

CMAP is obtained when stimulating the me-
dian nerve at the elbow.
2. A larger CMAP is obtained when stimulating
the median nerve at the elbow than at the wrist.
3. An artifactually fast median motor nerve con-
duction velocity is calculated for the forearm
4. However, if the individual is normal (i.e., no
carpal tunnel syndrome), the only finding with
Martin-Gruber anastomosis is a larger CMAP
following elbow stimulation of the median
Figure 1-15 ● The Martin-Gruber anasto- nerve.
mosis, a communication in the forearm con-
necting the median nerve to the ulnar. The Riche-Cannieu anastomosis is estimated
to be present to some degree in 77% of the general
population (12). It consists of an anatomic com-
munication in the palm between the recurrent
sphincter muscle and cutaneous innervation to branch of the median nerve and the deep branch
the skin around the anus. The needle electrode is of the ulnar nerve. This is the anastomosis that
inserted approximately 2 cm from the edge of the makes possible the “all-ulnar hand.”
rectum, and the muscle displays constant tone.
This motor activity is increased by asking the pa-
tient to contract the sphincter or to tighten the Lower Limb
gluteus maximus muscles (9).
An accessory peroneal nerve is present in up to
22% of the general population (13,14). This nor-
COMMON ANATOMIC ANOMALIES mal variation in nerve supply, which originates
from the superficial peroneal nerve, provides in-
nervation to the extensor digitorum brevis in ad-
Upper Limb
dition to the contribution from the deep peroneal
Martin-Gruber anastomosis is one of the more nerve. It is electrodiagnostically important to rec-
common anomalies of innervation, occurring in ognize because its presence causes the unusual
17% to 25% of the general population; one sixth finding of a smaller CMAP when stimulating at
of these have it bilaterally (10). It involves an the ankle than when stimulating at the fibular
anastomosis between the median and ulnar nerve head (Figs. 1-17 to 1-19).
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Figure 1-16 ● Median nerve anatomy showing branches relative to locations of commonly
occurring focal injuries and entrapments.

Figure 1-17 ● Sensory nerve skin distribution of the peroneal nerve.

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Figure 1-18 ● Peroneal nerve anatomic diagram showing branches and common sites of
focal neuropathy. Some texts refer to the deep branch as the anterior tibial nerve and the superficial
branch as the fibular nerve.

T A B L E 1 - 4 Trunk and Lower Limb

Sensory Innervation
Zones and Landmarks

Clavicle T2
Nipple T4
Xiphoid T6
Costal margin T8
Umbilicus T10
Inguinal ligament T12
Dorsal medial foot L5
Dorsal lateral foot and sole S1
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Figure 1-19 ● Detail of the superficial branch of the peroneal nerve (or fibular nerve).
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T A B L E 1 - 5 Anatomy Chart 1: Nerve Root Level Innervations

Muscle Spinal Cord Level Muscle Spinal Cord Level

Upper Limb
Trapezius C2, C3, C4 Extensor carpi radialis C6, C7
Supraspinatus C5, C6 longus
Infraspinatus C5, C6 Extensor carpi radialis C7, C8
Diaphragm C3, C4, C5 brevis
Pectoralis major C5, C6 Extensor digitorum C7, C8
(clavicular) Extensor digitorum C7, C8
Pectoralis major (sternal) C7, C8, T1 minimi
Teres minor C5, C6 Extensor carpi ulnaris C7, C8
Biceps brachii C5, C6 Extensor indicis proprius C7, C8
Triceps brachii C7, C8 Extensor pollicis longus C7, C8
Coracobrachialis C5, C6 Abductor pollicis longus C7, C8
Anconeus C7, C8 Extensor pollicis brevis C7, C8
Brachioradialis C5, C6 Abductor pollicis brevis C8, T1
Pronator teres C6, C7 Opponens pollicis C8, T1
Flexor carpi radialis C7, C8 Flexor pollicis brevis
Flexor digitorum sublimis C7, C8 Superficial head C8, T1
Palmaris longus C7, C8 (median)
Flexor digitorum sublimis C8, T1 Deep head (ulnar) C8, T1
(digits IV, V) Lumbricals I, II (median) C8, T1
Flexor digitorum sublimis C7, C8 Lumbricals III, IV (ulnar) C8, T1
(digit II, III) Opponens digiti minimi C8, T1
Flexor digitorum C7, C8 Abductor digiti minimi C8, T1
profundus (digits IV, V) Palmar interossei C8, T1
Flexor digitorum C7, C8 Dorsal interossei C8, T1
profundus (digits II, III) Adductor pollicis C8, T1

Lower Limb
Rectus femoris L2, L3, L4 Extensor digitorum L5, S1
Vastus medialis L2, L3, L4 longus pedis
Adductor longus L2, L3, L4 Peroneus longus L5, S1
Gracilis L2, L3, L4 Peroneus brevis L5, S1
Sartorius L2, L3, L4 Gastrocnemius L5, S1, S2
Semimembranosus L4, L5 Soleus S1, S2
Semitendinosus L4, L5 Posterior tibialis L5, S1
Biceps femoris Flexor digitorum longus L5, S1
Long head L5, S1 Flexor hallucis longus L5, S1
Short head L5, S1 Extensor digitorum brevis L5, S1
Gluteus medius L4, L5, S1 Abductor hallucis S1, S2
Tensor fasciae latae L4, L5, S1 Abductor digiti V S1, S2
Gluteus maximus L5, S1, S2 First dorsal interosseus S1, S2
Anterior tibialis L4, L5 pedis
Extensor hallucis longus L5, S1
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T A B L E 1 - 6 Anatomy Chart 2: Peripheral Nerve Innervations

Muscle Peripheral Nerve† Muscle Peripheral Nerve

Upper Limb
Trapezius XI Pronator quadratus Anterior
Supraspinatus Suprascapular interosseus
Infraspinatus Suprascapular Extensor carpi radialis Radial
Diaphragm Phrenic longus
Pectoralis major Medial pectoral Extensor digitorum Radial
(clavicle) communis
Pectoralis major Lateral pectoral Extensor indicis Radial
(sternum) proprius
Teres minor Axillary Extensor digitorum Radial
Coracobrachialis Musculocutaneous digit V
Biceps brachii Musculocutaneous Extensor carpi ulnaris Radial
Triceps brachii Radial Extensor pollicis longus Radial
Anconeus Radial Abductor pollicis longus Radial
Brachioradialis Radial Extensor pollicis brevis Radial
Pronator teres Median Abductor pollicis brevis* Median
Flexor carpi radialis Median Opponens pollicis* Median
Flexor digitorum Median Flexor pollicis brevis
sublimis Superficial head* Median
Palmaris longus Median Deep head* Ulnar
Flexor digitorum Median Adductor pollicis* Ulnar
profundus (digits Lumbricals I and II* Median
II, III) Lumbricals III and IV* Ulnar
Flexor digitorum Ulnar Opponens digiti
profundus (digits minimi* Ulnar
IV, V) Abductor digiti minimi* Ulnar
Flexor pollicis longus Anterior Palmar interosseus* Ulnar
interosseus Dorsal interosseus* Ulnar

Lower Limb
Rectus femoris Femoral Biceps femoris
Vastus medialis Femoral Long head Sciatic
Adductor longus Obturator Short head Sciatic, lateral
Gracilis Obturator division
Sartorius Femoral Gluteus medius Sup. gluteal
Semimembranosus Sciatic Tensor fasciae latae Sup. gluteal
Semitendinosus Sciatic Gluteus maximus Inf. gluteal

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T A B L E 1 - 6 Anatomy Chart 2: Peripheral Nerve Innervations (continued)

Muscle Peripheral Nerve Muscle Peripheral Nerve

Anterior tibialis Peroneal (deep) Flexor digitorum longus Tibial

Extensor hallucis longus Peroneal (deep) Flexor hallucis longus Tibial
Extensor digitorum Peroneal (deep) Extensor digitorum Peroneal (deep)
longus brevis*
Peroneus longus Peroneal Abductor hallucis* Tibial-medial
(superficial) plantar
Peroneus brevis Peroneal Abductor digiti minimi Lateral plantar
(superficial) pedis*
Gastrocnemius Tibial First dorsal
Soleus Tibial interosseus pedis* Lateral plantar
Posterior tibialis Tibial

* Intrinsic muscles of the extremities.

† Peroneal nerve is also known as fibular nerve.

KEEP AN UP-TO-DATE ANATOMY TEXT 7. DePalma M, Pease WS, Johnson EW, et al. A
NEARBY AND USE IT! novel technique for recording from the serratus
anterior. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005;86:17–20.
8. Goodgold J. Anatomical correlates of clinical
REFERENCES electromyography, 2nd ed. Baltimore, London:
Williams & Wilkins, 1984.
1. Johnson EW. Conservative management of cervi- 9. Bailey JA, Powers JJ, Waylonis GW. A clinical
cal disc disease. In: Dunsker SB, ed. Cervical evaluation of electromyography of the anal sphinc-
spondylosis. New York: Raven Press, 1981: ter. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1970;51: 403–408.
145–153. 10. Rodriguez-Niedenfuhr M, Vazquez T, Fer-
2. Dumitru D, Diaz CA, King JC. Prevalence of reira A, et al. Intramuscular Martin-Gruber
denervation in paraspinal and foot intrinsic anastomosis. Clin Anat 2002;15:129–138.
musculature. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2001;80: 11. Guttmann L. Median-ulnar nerve communica-
482–490. tions and carpal tunnel syndrome. J Neurol
3. Ruys-Van Oeyen A, Gert Van Dijk J. Repetitive Neurosurg Psychiatry 1977;40:982–986.
nerve stimulation of the nasalis muscle: technique 12. Harness D, Sekeles E, Chaco J. The double
and normal values. Muscle Nerve 2002;26:279–282. anastomotic innervation of thenar muscles. J
4. Mysiw WJ, Colachis SC. Electrophysiologic Anat 1974;117:239–331.
study of the anterior interosseous nerve. Am J 13. Gutmann L. Important anomalous innerva-
Phys Med Rehab 1988;67:50–54. tions of the extremities: AAEM Mini-mono-
5. Blair RL, Berry H, Briant TD. Laryngeal elec- graph #2. Muscle Nerve 1993;16:339–347.
tromyography: techniques, application, and a re- 14. Gutmann L. Atypical deep peroneal neuropa-
view of personal experience. J Otolaryngol 1977; thy in presence of accessory deep peroneal
6:496–504. nerve. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1970;33:
6. Bolton CF. Clinical neurophysiology of the res- 453–456.
piratory system: AAEE Mini-monograph #40.
Muscle Nerve 1993;16:809–818.
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The Essentials of the Needle

EMG Exam

Vivek Kadyan, Ernest W. Johnson, and Denise L. Davis

WHY REQUEST AN EMG? differential diagnosis including problems affect-

ing the motor unit or sensory nerves, then an
An electromyographic (EMG) examination is a EMG may be useful. The most frequent com-
functional evaluation of the motor unit. It can plaint of patients presenting in a primary care
assess the location, severity, chronology, and prog- office is “pain.” Pain is commonly caused by:
nosis of injuries, diseases, or other compromises of
the motor unit. The motor unit is made up of the • Radiculopathy
anterior horn cell, its axon, and all of the muscle • Entrapped nerve
fibers innervated. Some wish to characterize elec- • Neuritis (generalized or localized)
trodiagnosis as synonymous with EMG, and that is • A variety of nonneurologic causes
historically and conventionally correct, if not cor-
rect technically. Most electromyographers in the Weakness can be seen as either localized or
United States understand that when an EMG is generalized, and this clinical impression will
requested, the referring physician desires a com- affect the choice of electrodiagnostic tests. Fatigue
prehensive electrodiagnostic examination, which is differentiated from weakness as the gradual loss
is a specialty medical consultation that includes of strength during repeated or continuous use of
EMG testing. This testing is performed either by muscle(s).
or under the personal supervision of the physician, Paresthesias (numbness) also can be either
and is guided by the clinical information of the in- localized or generalized to multiple limbs and is a
terview and clinical examination. Another impor- very common condition leading to EMG.
tant point is that the functional evaluation
provided by electrodiagnostic evaluation is com-
plementary to imaging’s structural evaluation, and WHAT IS ELECTROMYOGRAPHY?
electrodiagnosis is essential to evaluate any trauma
or disease affecting the motor unit. Electromyography literally means recording the
electrical activity of the muscle cell membrane.
With a needle electrode inserted in the muscle, the
WHAT CONDITIONS SUGGEST THAT EMG motor unit potential (MUP) can be recorded. This
WOULD BE USEFUL IN DIAGNOSIS AND represents the summated electrical activity of
MANAGEMENT? action potentials of all of the muscle fibers making
up that motor unit. In the normal situation, the mo-
If the patient complains of pain, weakness, tor unit (MU) is “all or none” in its expression as a
fatigue, or numbness (paresthesia) that results in a MUP. In certain circumstances the action potential

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of individual muscle cell membranes can be When a nerve is stimulated the resulting
recorded. This portion of the EMG is described in action potentials can be recorded with surface
more detail below in the section on Needle EMG. electrodes or with “near nerve” needle recording
In more recent usage, the word “electromyogra- either proximal or distal to the stimulation site.
phy” encompasses all the techniques used in evalu- The conduction velocity can be calculated by
ating the function of the peripheral nervous system, dividing the distance by the latency time to onset
including the lower motor neuron and its inner- of the response. A semiquantitative measure of the
vated muscle fibers (the MU), and the associated number of functioning axons is represented by the
sensory nerve fibers. In conditions that affect the amplitude of the nerve action potential. If a purely
muscle fibers primarily, this MUP will be smaller sensory nerve, it is referred to as the sensory nerve
and of shorter duration. If the anterior horn cell or action potential (SNAP); if recorded over a mixed
its axon is impaired, then the MUP will be absent. nerve, it is referred to as the compound nerve
Also, if the axon is damaged or the sheath (myelin) action potential (CNAP). For greater accuracy,
is defective, then the resulting MUP will be delayed one should subtract 0.1 ms from the latency before
in onset, unstable in appearance, or altered in shape division—this is the “latency of activation,” tech-
(i.e., increased duration or reduced amplitude). nically the time between application of stimulus
Another alteration in the MUP will occur if and activation of the axon (i.e., velocity  distance
there is a disease or injury to the endplate area [in mm]/[latency  0.1 (in ms)]). This time does
(where the motor axon terminal synapses on the not present a significant consideration in adults
muscle fiber). This contact of axon to muscle is except in very short distances. However, in new-
referred to as the neuromuscular junction, and borns it could make a difference in small hands
in certain conditions (e.g., myasthenia gravis, with 1.5- to 2-ms latencies.
Lambert-Eaton syndrome, or botulism) the nerve
impulse can be intermittently delayed or blocked
in reaching the muscle fiber, thus changing the NEEDLE EMG
MUP’s characteristic stability.
There are over 400 separate muscles in the body
that could be investigated with a needle electrode.
WHAT IS NERVE CONDUCTION With knowledge of anatomy and the probable
VELOCITY? causes of weakness or pain, one can plan the needle

When the motor nerve is maximally stimulated, all

of the MUs in that muscle respond by depolarizing,
and a surface electrode will record the electrical
activity as a compound muscle action potential
(CMAP), which is a fairly good measure of the
number of motor axons and their MUAPs
responding. Some electromyographers (mostly in
Europe) call this procedure “neurography.” While
they maintain this is more accurate, in motor con-
duction it is mostly dependent on the appearance
of the CMAP as well as the latency; thus, myogra-
phy is appropriate. We therefore prefer to use the
shortened but historically valid and generally
accepted term “electromyography” as a reasonable
compromise for all of these neurophysiologic stud-
ies. With the inclusion of late waves such as the F Figure 2-1 ● A small, isolated fascicula-
wave, H reflex, A wave, blink reflex, and so- tion potential is recorded in a patient with
matosensory evoked potentials (SEP) in some ex- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Total time
aminations, one must also consider using central duration of the recording is 2 s (gain  100 V,
and peripheral action potentials in the description. sweep  50 ms).
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Step I: Needle in Quiet Muscle (at Rest)

Note spontaneous electrical activity:

A. Fasciculation potentials: these are recognized

by their irregular and slow rate of spontaneous
firing (Figs. 2-1 and 2-2) and classified by their
shape: simple (usually diphasic or triphasic);
complex (either the usual polyphasic MUP or
repetitive discharge polyphasic); myokymic
discharges (groups of MUPs firing together)
(Fig. 2-3).
B. Fibrillation potential: this is spontaneous
discharge of a single muscle fiber. It could be
the result of denervation (but do not call it a
“denervation potential”); other reasons for an
unstable muscle cell membrane include
inflammation (e.g., myositis), spinal shock,
myotonia, local muscle trauma and ischemia,
and other causes (Fig. 2-4).

In some central nervous system conditions

where the upper motor neurons have lost their
influence on the muscle cell membrane (i.e.,
flaccid limb), the stability of the membrane can be
Figure 2-2 ● Fasciculation potentials recorded lessened, which results in spontaneous discharges,
from the anterior tibial muscle in a person with including fibrillation potentials and positive
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In this case many waves appearing. Examples include spinal shock
different potentials are recorded at a single needle loca- in spinal cord injuries, cerebral vascular accidents
tion (gain  50 V, sweep  10 ms). with flaccid muscles, and so forth.

examination to minimize the number of muscles

Step II: Insertional Activity
explored and narrow the diagnostic probabilities.
There are five steps to this needle EMG exam to be Electrical activity resulting from moving the
performed and analyzed as each muscle is explored needle electrode through muscle tissue is called
with the needle electrode. insertional activity. These potentials are also

Figure 2-3 ● Myokymic potentials recorded with a monopolar needle in a patient with
chronic radiation-induced brachial plexus injury. The slow rate of firing (5 Hz) would be unusual
for a MUP under voluntary control. The first and last potentials are associated with short bursts of complex
repetitive discharges (gain  200 V, sweep  100 ms).
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referred to as injury potentials. This activity repre-

sents the disruption of the muscle cell membranes
as the exploring needle is moved about and mem-
brane action potentials result. This portion of the
examination is most at risk of misinterpretation.
The duration of the normal insertional activity is
related to the technique of needle movement used
by the physician performing the examination. The
appearance of the resulting burst of action poten-
tials can last from 40 ms to at least as long as 500 ms.
There are a number of pathologic conditions in
which insertional activity is increased:

1. Muscle cell membrane is hyperirritable from

Figure 2-4 ● Fibrillation potentials (F) and inflammation (e.g., myositis).
positive sharp waves (PSW) in a photo of 2. Loss of control from motor axon compromise
storage oscilloscope (gain  50 V, sweep resulting in muscle cell denervation
 10 ms; calibration is indicated by the
3. Both 1 and 2 can also result in complex repeti-
slanted row of dots).
tive discharges (CRD); these occur by ephapses

Figure 2-5 ● This series of complex repetitive discharges (CRDs) was recorded from a boy
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The small amplitudes of the action potentials reflect the atrophy
of the muscle fibers (gain  50 V, sweep  5 ms).

Figure 2-6 ● Complex repetitive discharges (CRDs) recorded from a patient with persistent
weakness caused by neuropathy. The presence of CRD suggests that the neuromuscular process has
been present for a longer period of time or is chronic (gain  100 V, sweep  10 ms).
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among muscle fibers whose membranes are

extra-excitable (Figs. 2-5 and 2-6).
4. Electrolyte disturbance
5. Local muscle trauma or ischemia

The most common reason for increased

insertional activity is that the needle electrode is in
the endplate area of the muscle. This zone, also
known as the motor point, is the region where
Figure 2-7 ● Endplate spikes and endplate muscle fibers are naturally most vulnerable to
positive waves are recorded together inter- irritation and the production of an action potential
mittently as the needle position is changed (Figs. 2-7 and 2-8).
slightly (gain  100 V, sweep  10 ms).

Figure 2-8 ● A continuous recording shown cut into two segments. Endplate spikes are shown in
the motor point of a healthy muscle, and as the needle is moved, the endplate spikes are shown to appear as positive
sharp wave (PSW) forms. This type of PSW is normal and can be found in any muscle. The endplate PSW is
differentiated from the PSW seen in pathology by its relatively sharply pointed negative (upward) phase, its higher
frequency rate of occurrence, and especially by its appearance with endplate spikes (gain  1 mV, sweep  10 ms).
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Figure 2-9 ● Diagram of the origin of the polyphasic MUP occurring within the first 4
weeks after the onset of radiculopathy. The inflamed nerve tissue allows ephaptic activation of axon
membranes, resulting in synchronous MUP appearances.

To perform this portion of the EMG study, Step III: Minimal Contraction of the Muscle
move the needle electrode briskly through the
muscle tissue at different angles. Normally, there With the patient just barely contracting the mus-
will be an immediate burst of electrical activity cle, one examines the MUP in detail and observes
with needle movement. If there are a few positive the rate of firing, stability of amplitude, duration,
sharp waves after needle electrode movement and shape. The shape will include the amplitude,
stops, this is abnormal and represents a mild insta- duration, and number of phases (MUP is polypha-
bility of the muscle cell membrane, as is seen early sic if more than four phases). The stability of the
in neurogenic disease or injury (e.g., radiculopa- MUAP (shape and amplitude) is critical also for
thy). If there is no electrical discharge or activity, diagnosis. Amplitude instability implies immatu-
then there is edema, fibrous tissue, or no viable rity of a reinnervating MU.
muscle tissue (e.g., infarcted muscle due to A special type of polyphasic MUAP is the so-
compartment syndrome). called early polyphasic, which would be better

Figure 2-10 ● The recruitment interval (RI) is shown as the time period between sequential on-
sets of the MUPs just before the occurrence of a secondary MUP. The reciprocal of the recruitment
interval is the recruitment frequency (RF). In this example from healthy muscle, RI  90 ms and RF  11.1 Hz.
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characterized as “pseudo” because it is two or at a higher rate when the secondary one is activated.
more MUAPs that discharge synchronously but For this strength of effort, the primary MU must
not simultaneously, thus appearing as a polyphasic fire faster because there are not enough MUs.
MUAP (Fig. 2-9).
Recruitment of the secondary MU should
Step IV: Maximal Contraction
also be measured. If there are too few MUPs in the
recruitment pattern, then the first MU will fire It is difficult, if not impossible, to get a maximal
more rapidly before the second one is recruited. In contraction in a two-joint muscle in a recumbent
most normal muscles, the secondary MU will ap- position, so whenever possible explore single-joint
pear when the primary MU is firing repeatedly at muscles. For example, explore the vastus medialis
10 to 12 Hz. If, as in a myopathy, there are the nor- rather than the rectus femoris. Ensure a full effort
mal number of MUs but each does not contribute by noting the firing rate and listen to the audio
to a normal effort because many muscle fibers are from the speaker, which will be helpful in esti-
myopathic, the second MU will be recruited early, mating the effort and number of MUs recruited as
when the first recruited MU is firing at 6 to 10 Hz. you gain experience in listening.
In fact, an early sign of myopathy is the inability to The screen is filled horizontally and verti-
get a single MUP on the screen. cally with a normal maximal contraction; the
The recruitment frequency is the rate at which sound is similar to static on the radio. The screen
the primary MU is firing when the secondary MU is filled horizontally but not vertically in myopa-
appears (Fig. 2-10). This is a fairly good estimate of thy; the sound will take on a higher pitch and a
the number of MUs available. Normal limb mus- hissing quality. The screen is filled vertically but
cles have a recruitment frequency of about 10 to 12 not horizontally in neuropathy, with a thudding
Hz, but in neuropathic conditions the recruitment quality to the sound as individual, large MUPs
frequency is increased: that is, the first MU will be stand out from other noise (Fig. 2-11).

Figure 2-11 ● Reduced number of MUPs in the recruitment pattern. In this case of neuro-
pathic disease, polio of remote onset, a single MUP is firing at 16.7 Hz. The amplitude varies, suggesting some
neuromuscular junction failure that is seen commonly in situations of reinnervation. This type of recruitment
is often described as discrete for reporting purposes. Gain  1 mV, sweep  100 ms (top) and 20 ms (lower).
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Step V: Distribution of Abnormalities Nerve root injury

Herniated nucleus pulposus (with or without
In the diagnosis of a generalized condition, three radiculopathy)
areas of the body should be tested and seen to be Most herniated discs will compromise the
abnormal; this counts the head as an area of the nerve roots proximal to the dorsal ganglion
body or “limb.” Needle EMG sampling should be within the spinal canal, so the injury will not
performed in at least three areas in each muscle alter the SNAP amplitude. An exception is the
and eight to ten sites (insertion angles and depths) situation of the cervical root when it is com-
in each area. promised by foraminal encroachment com-
pressing the nerve root at or distal to the dorsal
ganglion; this decreases the SNAP amplitude.
SUMMARY Dural sheath entrapment
This can result in symptoms and electrodiag-
An electrodiagnostic study can be useful in any nostic findings in the posterior primary rami
suspected peripheral nerve injury, radiculopathy, distribution only. Can be seen in diabetic pe-
peripheral neuropathy, localized entrapment, or ripheral neuropathy as multiple lumbar
disease of the MU. Chronology is important in radiculopathy and often is the early compro-
assessing nerve injury. Wallerian degeneration oc- mise in Guillain-Barré syndrome.
curs within 7 to 10 days, and the electrodiagnostic
examination findings will vary as the axon degen- Peripheral nerve (axons)
eration occurs and results in deterioration of the Various peripheral neuropathies affect the
neuromuscular junction. Generally, it takes 18 to axons. If the myelin sheath is affected mostly,
21 days to develop all of the EMG signs of dener- conduction will be slow or blocked. If axons are
vation. However, the nerve will lose its excitabil- primarily involved, muscle fibers will be dener-
ity in 7 to 10 days. Thus, motor nerve stimulation vated, and the electrodiagnostic examination
studies can give prognostic information after 7 will show fibrillation potentials and positive
days. If the axon is going to die (Wallerian degen- waves, and nerve conduction velocity testing
eration), it will lose excitability after 5 to 7 days, a will show reduced amplitude of the CMAP.
circumstance giving the electromyographer a way
to determine the prognosis by the use of the meas- Neuromuscular junction
urement of the amplitude of the CMAP. Stimula- Myasthenia gravis
tion studies can also prove continuity of injured Myasthenic syndrome (Lambert-Eaton
nerves by applying a stimulus proximal to the syndrome)
injury during the first few days after suspected Botulism
injury and demonstrating a partial response. Immature neuromuscular junctions during

Listing of Motor Unit Conditions Muscular diseases

Muscular dystrophy
The MU comprises the anterior horn cell, axon Myotonic dystrophy (Steinert disease)
(passing through rootlets and spinal nerve) and its Polymyositis
terminal branches, neuromuscular junctions, and Steroid myopathy and type II atrophy
all of the muscle fibers it innervates. Diseases,
injuries and other conditions can compromise any The ABCs of EMG are:
or all of these components:
1. Assessment: Diagnosis and prognosis
Anterior horn cell (AHC) diseases 2. Baseline: Follow the course (getting better or
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis worse?)
Poliomyelitis, anterior (paralytic) 3. Complementary: The EMG examination is
Shingles (sometimes affect the AHC) functional and thus synergistic to all other clin-
Infantile progressive muscular atrophy ical, imaging, and laboratory evaluations.
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Basic Nerve Conduction


Robert J. Weber and Margaret Turk

Nerve conduction studies (NCS) are the back- Electrodiagnosis is the applied physiology of the
bone of the electrodiagnostic evaluation. NCS are peripheral nerve and muscle systems. Only neu-
the most objective of the routine measures used rons, muscle, and Schwann cells, plus several asso-
in electrodiagnosis, and, not coincidentally, they ciated structures, directly participate in peripheral
produce the bulk of electrodiagnostic clinical nerve conduction. These structures exhibit only a
fees. The accessibility of many peripheral nerves limited repertoire of electrodiagnostically de-
makes nerve conduction useful for survey ap- tectable responses to injury. As if to emphasize the
proaches to peripheral nerve involvement in gen- simplicity of the NCS, all of the signals used in
eralized diseases, for defining the nature of clinical NCS are generated by only one structure,
injury, and for the prognosis in focal peripheral the cell membrane. Beneath this veneer of sim-
nerve injuries. NCS are almost embarrassingly plicity lies a billion years of evolutionary adapta-
simple in concept: to determine the nerve con- tion of the cellular structures that generate nerve
duction velocity (NCV) between two points signals. If our evolution began in a chemical soup
along the nerve, record the amplitude of the re- of increasingly complex proteins and interde-
sponse, and compare these values to the values of pendent chemical cycles, then a necessary step to
a normal population. But for the challenge of life is the packaging of this soup within a vessel
proper recording and interpretation, it would be that can carry it into less supportive environments.
duck soup! It’s worth noting that pioneer elec- The cell membrane provides that function, and
trodiagnostic investigators would easily recog- the self-assembly characteristic of its phospho-
nize current studies despite a half-century of lipids is likely to have played a key evolutionary
rapid advances in medical technology. While role in creating the living cell. While enclosure can
much is similar, our understanding is far deeper create an autonomous cell, it also creates a need for
and new challenges are always at hand. This the means to maintain a stable internal environ-
chapter reviews the clinical challenges and ment.
physiologic principals of adult and pediatric The cell membrane is composed of a 5-nm-
NCVs. Understanding nerve structure and func- thick, ordered, bilayer sheet of phospholipid
tion at the molecular level is essential to incorpo- molecules. Phospholipids are clothespin-shaped
rating the growing knowledge base of genetic molecules with a charged, hydrophilic phospho-
and molecular-level pathology into daily electro- rus-based head and two uncharged, hydrophobic,
diagnostic practice. straight-chain hydrocarbon legs. If suspended in

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water, these amphipathic molecules naturally environment of the membrane and their terminal
form into capsule-like micelles with the water- segments compatible with the hydrophilic intra-
loving, phosphoric heads outward facing, or they cellular and the extracellular environments into
form into double sheets with each exterior surface which they project. Those that function as pas-
composed of all phosphorus heads and an internal sageways through the membrane are termed
double layer of the water-avoiding hydrocarbon pores, channels, or pumps. These proteins are able
legs; thus, the interior of the membrane is highly to transport ions with or against a concentration
hydrophobic. Such membranes are semiperme- gradient and be gated (switched on and off), and
able. They exclude large molecules, water-soluble they are highly selective of the substances to be
molecules, and all charged molecules (e.g., Na, transported. Transport against an ionic gradient
K), while small, unpolarized, lipid-soluble mol- (active transport) requires added energy expendi-
ecules and some gases can diffuse through the ture, while transport down a gradient (passive
membrane. The membrane interior is in fact a transport), here termed facilitated diffusion (facil-
liquid, as described in the fluid mosaic membrane itation refers to the channel function of opening a
model of Singer and Nicholson (1), with the phos- path through the membrane), uses the stored en-
pholipids able to move about easily within the ergy in the gradient itself. Gating (opening or clos-
membrane and the interspersed proteins able to ing a channel) can be triggered by many means:
migrate about, albeit more slowly. The phospho- voltage changes, chemicals, Ca, and mechani-
lipid molecular structure and the type and volume cal forces. The proteins essential to axon signal
of proteins seated in the membrane vary among conduction are voltage gated and will be the focus
different cell types. The fluidity of the membrane of discussion; however, recall that the myoneural
is affected by the inclusion of molecules such as junction is chemically gated with neurotransmit-
cholesterol into the membrane, which stiffens in a ters, while muscle is Ca gated.
warm membrane and increases the fluidity of a One of the core functions of membrane pro-
cold membrane, and by kinking of the hydrocar- teins is to maintain the intracellular concentration
bon tail chains of the lipoproteins (double- of Na below and K above that of the external
bonding), which reduces the tight packing of the environment. This condition is essential for life
lipoprotein sheets by decreasing the Van der processes. Signal conduction along the axon uses a
Waals bonding forces between the hydrocarbons highly adapted exaggeration of this basic cell func-
and thus increases membrane fluidity. tion that can produce episodic, very high ionic
fluxes across the membrane. Since cell membranes
are essentially impermeable to charged ions, this
Membrane Proteins homeostasis is achieved through the active trans-
With cells enclosed by a barrier membrane that port of Na and K cations across the cell mem-
prevents simple diffusion of many essential sub- brane during the “charging” of the membrane
stances such as charged ions, a transport mecha- potential and facilitated diffusion during depolar-
nism across the membrane becomes essential for ization. The membrane constrains protein anions
electrophysiology. This is achieved through the from leaving the cell cytoplasm by providing an in-
special association of adapted protein molecules ternal, positively charged component and prevents
with the membrane. While it has long been recog- the passive diffusion of Na, K, or Ca cations
nized that proteins are a major constituent of the back across the membrane in response to their
membrane, their actual structure and functional transmembrane concentration gradients once
organization have only recently been detailed. these gradients have been established by active
Membrane proteins can be described as extrinsic transport of the ions. The concentration difference
(peripheral)—that is, merely attached to the mem- (i.e., gradient of each specific ion) across the cell
brane surface—or as intrinsic (integral), those membrane (inside versus outside the cell) creates
seated into and often completely spanning the an electrical potential at the cell membrane that
membrane. Integral membrane proteins can can be summed for the membrane as a whole
insert into the membrane with their “waist” through application of the Nernst equation. For
compatible with the hydrophobic, internal mammalian nerve cells, the sum typically is 70 mV,
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with the external surface positive in respect to the axon, the signal propagates both centrifugally and
interior. Thus, a static electrical potential exists at centripetally along the full surface and length of
the membrane in its normal “charged,” homeosta- the membrane (axolemma).
tic state. This potential can do work, including that
of signal conduction.
Resting Membrane Potential
The work required to transport ions across the
membrane is reduced if the protein structure forms The axolemma exhibits an electrical charge of 70
a physical void on the membrane, thus permitting mV on its inside compared to its outside surface
ions to diffuse into the cavity and shorten the trans- when in its resting (i.e., standby) state. This is due
port distance. Once an ion transport candidate in part to passive and in part to active processes:
enters the portal, protein pumps bind the ion to a membrane permeability, ion gradients, electrical
specific site inside the protein and then must pass it gradients, and sodium pumps. The membrane
stepwise through the membrane using a series of structure absolutely prevents the movement of the
conformational changes and sequential binding negatively charged protein anions from the cell
sites along the path inside the protein. While this is (some are physically anchored, and others are too
cumbersome, it is well suited to propelling the ion large to squeeze through pores), creating a perma-
against the gradient, with the added benefit that the nent, negative charge within the cell that attracts
passageway is firmly blocked by its conformation to cations. While the membrane is effective in block-
prevent passive ion leakage or passage of compet- ing ion passage, there are pores that permit some
ing ions. Channels, in contrast, enable the high passive ion migration. This permeability is very
ionic fluxes essential for creating a depolarization much greater for K ions, the relationship being
spike by offering a more straight-through path, K  Cl  Na. Since the K ion is the
with selectivity based on a close match between the species most able to diffuse into the cell and its pos-
physical characteristics of the ion and those of the itive charge is electrically attracted to the nega-
channel, and employing a more limited, charge- tively charged anions inside the cell, its concentra-
based selectivity. These channels are voltage gated tion inside the cell increases. As the K ion
(i.e., opened by electrical field effects) to alter their concentration inside the cell increases, entry is pro-
conformation in order to permit a rapid flow of the gressively opposed by the increasing K osmotic
selected ions through the pathway. gradient across the membrane until the electrical
MacKinnon’s work demonstrated that selec- attraction of K into the cell equals the concentra-
tivity of the K channel results from a filter effect tion gradient force to move it out. At that point a
that uses the significant difference in diameter of relative equilibrium for K is established. For K
Na and K ions, and the geometry of their this occurs at a membrane voltage of 90 mV, and
respective linkages to water in solution and to the similarly the equilibrium is 60 mV for Na and
dipolar oxygen atoms exposed in the internal 70 mV for Cl. Other factors complicate the pic-
protein channel pathway. The fit of K bound to ture, such as increased K ion positivity inside the
water into the similarly scaled, charged environ- cell provides electrical attraction for Cl and si-
ment of the protein path promotes the energy-free multaneously further impedes Na entry.
stripping away of the water and the subsequent An entirely passive process cannot maintain
progression of the K into and through the the membrane charge, and the active work of
channel. This structure provides the model for maintaining the axon membrane potential is pro-
high-flow, facilitated-diffusion–type ion channels vided by the sodium-potassium-ATPase pump.
that are necessary to produce the sharp, ion- This membrane protein internally binds three
generated voltage changes needed to open more intracellular Na ions and a single adenosine
membrane channels and propagate axon triphosphate (ATP) molecule. Hydrolysis of the
membrane depolarization. Actual conduction of ATP to ADP energizes the change in the protein
electrical signals along the membrane is accom- conformation, and the three Na ions are
plished by sequential, voltage-dependent opening subsequently exposed to the extracellular environ-
of sodium conductance channels along the axon ment and expelled. This external conformation of
membrane. Once triggered at any point on the the protein then binds two extracellular K ions,
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the ADP is released, and the protein reconfigures wave. If left to flow to equilibrium, the Nernst
such that the K ions are exposed to the intracellu- equation predicts an even higher membrane volt-
lar environment and released. This series of age, but two factors blunt this response. First, a
reactions by a single membrane protein very neatly second gated protein formation on the channel
addresses the active transport requirements for the closes after about 1 ms and stops Na flow cold.
two key cations involved in axon signal conduction. This structure is not voltage sensitive but rather is
a time-dependent reconformation of the protein.
Second, there is a delayed, gated opening of potas-
Action Potential sium channels accelerating K efflux from the
The charged, resting membrane stores energy in axon that offsets the positive Na spike. K efflux
the form of its voltage gradient as well as its Na continues until the membrane charge actually falls
and K concentration gradients across the mem- below the resting value (hyperpolarization) before
brane. These stored assets are converted into an returning to baseline status.
active electrical field (the action potential) by a Signal propagation transmits information by
sudden influx of sodium ions through the mem- moving a coherent signal along the axon to the
brane. The propagation of this local potential endplate or soma. This involves translation of
along the full length of the axon constitutes nerve the active area of the membrane steadily along the
conduction. Hodgkin and Huxley described course of the axon. This is possible because the
the basic physiology of nerve conduction based electrical field generated by the opening of local
on the squid giant axon in a series of papers in 1952. Na channels is sufficiently strong to open adja-
In the resting state, the negative internal mem- cent channels and thus propagate the signal in a
brane charge and the low intracellular Na con- stepwise manner along the membrane. You’ll re-
centration present a strong attraction for extracel- call that the local voltage changes at the mem-
lular Na ions to enter the axon. However, the brane during the Na spike described previously
intact membrane precludes Na entry. Sodium were about 105 mV. This compares very favorably
conductance protein channels are present in the with the voltage change needed to open a Na
membrane but remain closed at rest. These chan- channel of about 15 mV (the threshold voltage is
nels are voltage gated, meaning that they open due 55 mV). Thus, local ion currents are able to flow
to changes in their protein conformation caused by along the axon, spreading from channel to adja-
a sufficient local voltage change. In axons, the Na cent channel once they are initiated. Normal con-
channels open if the membrane voltage moves to duction signals start at one end of the axon and
approximately 55 mV (changes by 15 mV) in re- propagate to the other, while those initiated at in-
sponse to an applied electrical field. Smaller stim- termediate points propagate simultaneously in
ulations are insufficient to open the channels since both proximal and distal directions.
the resting membrane potential is stabilized by This can raise the question of why a propa-
compensatory outflows of potassium. Thus, a suf- gating wave front does not propagate back along
ficient stimulus must exceed the compensatory ca- the axon to form a reverberating circuit. This is
pacity of the K ion outflow current. A sufficient prevented by absolute and relative refractory pe-
stimulus electrically charges the capacitance fea- riods (i.e., a period of complete or reduced axon
ture of the channel protein, which then conforms response to stimulation), which are present as the
so that its principal extracellular gate is in the open membrane recovers from an action potential
position. Na rapidly flows through the mem- Na spike. The absolute refractory period lasts
brane, and this ion flux creates an electrical field about 1 ms, during which time there is no axon
that can be recorded with proper instrumentation. response regardless of how strong a stimulus is
This is the all-or-none aspect of nerve action first delivered. This occurs because:
described by Cajal. The free flow of Na into the
cell alters the membrane charge, creating a further • Every Na channel in the area was opened dur-
positive change to 35 mV, a total increase of ing the initial (all-or-nothing) action potential.
105 mV. This large spike will be useful later as • Every Na channel is temporarily blocked
we review the propagation of the depolarization from “recycling” to its ready state.
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• The second arm of the protein channel that re- far too slow, the rapid depolarization wave
conformed and shut down Na flow (described method of signaling is a necessity. Both the speed
above) still physically blocks the channel. and the reliability of this signal are important and
• The second arm is not sensitive to voltage (re- are insured through numerous cellular-level
member that it switches based only on elapsed adaptations.
time). Each opened Na channel generates a finite
• The second arm is conformed to prevent the flow of ions and thus a finite electrical field
voltage-sensitive gate protein from returning to change. The effective force for opening a distant
its ready position. channel is the sum of the field forces generated by
currently active channels. Because channel open-
In this physiologic refractory state, no matter ing is stochastic, it requires a finite time for com-
what the voltage change, no sodium channels are pletion in any area, and so the electrical field
available to open. The relative refractory period generation is incremental. Electrical currents
begins when Na channels begin reconfiguring to travel at the speed of light, so, practically speaking,
their ready state. Reconfiguration occurs after dif- they act instantaneously. Therefore, the speed of
ferent intervals in different channels. Both the conduction along the axon can be explained in re-
opening and resetting of these channels are sto- lation to characteristics of the channel protein and
chastic (i.e., it occurs randomly) once conditions characteristics of the axon. The Na channel pro-
are possible. What is seen is that progressively tein has capacitor-like characteristics in that it
more Na channels are responsive to stimulation must be electrically charged before changing its
and the voltage change needed to trigger depolar- conformation to open. This requires time and af-
ization gradually returns to normal. Note that hy- fects the conduction of current in the axon. An ad-
perpolarization of the membrane is not a factor in ditional time increment is required for the protein
the absolute refractory period since it modulates to shift to its open configuration. Since there is a
only the voltage intensity required to stimulate, degree of randomness in the total time required to
not the ability of the membrane to respond. The complete this transition, it contributes an irre-
refractory period of an axon determines its maxi- ducible component of the limit on conduction
mum firing frequency by setting the minimum in- speed. The size of the axon strongly affects con-
terval between conducted signals. This in turn sets duction velocity, with larger-diameter axons con-
the limit on the amount of information a single ducting faster. This relates to the decrease in elec-
axon can deliver, since the axon’s all-or-nothing trical resistance through the cytoplasm with
depolarization strategy keeps the amplitude of the increasing axon cross-sectional area and is similar
discharge constant and frequency modulation (fir- to the reduction in electrical resistance seen in
ing rate) is the only factor that can be varied for larger-diameter wires. While the electrical cur-
encoding information. rent generated by the Na flow travels at the
Conduction velocity is a critical factor in ef- speed of light, the distance down the axon over
fective information transmission. The time which there is a sufficient stimulus to open
required to deliver certain urgent signals can be (charge) channels is controlled by the axon charac-
critical to the survival of large, complex organ- teristics. First, the axon has cable properties (an
isms. The simplest protective reflex response of electrical insulator, the membrane, sandwiched
the human foot travels a 2-m-long circuit. This between two conductors [the intracellular and ex-
signal must be transmitted along an extremely tracellular fluids] makes up a capacitor) and the
thin axon with a diameter of less than 20 m, and current in the axon must charge that capacitance,
so it has a length-to-diameter ratio of 50,000 to 1 or giving up energy that might otherwise open chan-
more. All of the axon’s structural components and nels. Second, the channels themselves add more
energy sources are transported from the soma via capacitance to the axon; thus, greater channel den-
a highly structured active transport system. The sity on the membrane further slows conduction
most rapid physical movement of moieties down speed. All things being equal, larger axons have
the axon (rapid transport) requires many hours. fewer channels per axon volume, lower cable ca-
With physical transport of information obviously pacitance and axonal resistance, and faster
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conduction velocities. Since the channel opening segments, one segment per Schwann cell, with
speed is a constant between axons, conduction ve- each segment stretching from 0.3 to 2 mm in
locity in bare (nonmyelinated) axons increases by a length. The Schwann cell membrane has a high-
factor of the square root of the diameter (√D). lipid and low-protein content with little cyto-
Thus, doubling the speed of conduction in plasm in the wrappings, making it an excellent
unmyelinated axons requires increasing the diam- insulator. Gaps between the segments, called
eter by four times. nodes of Ranvier, contain essentially all of the con-
All species scale up the diameter of axons to ductance channels, creating a discrete electrical
attain greater speed. The classic example of in- field generator. The internode segments covered
creased diameter in nonmyelinated axons is the gi- by myelin have few protein channels and thus
ant axon of the squid. This axon functions in the have reduced capacitance. This myelin cover im-
animal’s propulsion system and is an essential proves the cable properties of the axon, reducing
component for escape from danger, and thus its resistance and enabling the generators at the nodes
conduction speed is vital. It is the largest known to act at a greater distance. This moves the area of
nonmyelinated axon, reaching 1 mm in diameter, membrane depolarization two to three nodes
roughly 50 times greater than the largest human along the nerve. This leapfrogging of the depolar-
axon. Its size has made it the preferred experi- ization across nodes is saltatory conduction, and it
mental model for nerve membrane since it greatly speeds conduction. Based on these
permits easier intracellular instrumentation. Non- changed axonal conditions, the conduction speed
myelinated axons in humans are typically less than in myelinated axons increases in direct proportion
2 m in diameter and conduct at a speed of a few to axon diameter rather than to the square root of
meters per second (m/s). This is fast enough for the diameter, as seen in nonmyelinated axons.
autonomic regulation of internal body functions Myelination is critical for normal human nerve
but far too slow for critical motor responses or function, and both myelin pathology and the
complex cognitive functions. Axons in humans adaptive changes of the axon membrane in re-
used for time-critical signaling can conduct at sponse to myelin play key roles in clinical disease
over 100 m/s. What are the prospects for scaling and NCS.
up the axon diameter like the squid to achieve this
speed? The squid giant axon can conduct at 25
m/s, or one fourth of our 100 m/s target. Using the PATHOLOGY
√D to reach this speed, the “human giant axon”
could increase its velocity 4 times by increasing the Myelinated axons demonstrate just three states of
diameter 16 times (i.e., reaching a 16-mm diame- altered function: slowing of conduction, segmen-
ter). The cross-sectional area of this axon would be tal conduction block, and loss of conduction along
200 mm2. Assuming that a typical peripheral the full length of the axon. Myriad subtle modifi-
nerve has 10,000 axons, a peripheral nerve of hu- cations in the cellular chemistry and protein func-
man giant axons could reach to 2 square meters in tions that accompany these changes lie beyond the
area (2,000,000 mm2)—not really a practical reach of electrodiagnostic tests, in part obscured
option! by the “all-or-none” character of axon function.
Myelinated axons overcome this limitation by The terms neurapraxia, neurotmesis, and ax-
greatly extending the distance over which the onotmesis appear frequently but offer more con-
propagating electrical wave front can open Na fusion than explanation. First, they indicate end
ion channels, thus enabling depolarization to effects rather than the underlying pathophysiol-
leapfrog along the membrane in larger segments, ogy of nerve dysfunction. Second, they suggest a
a process known as salutatory conduction. This single status for the nerve when we usually deal
results from a beneficial association between the with mixed pathology—fostering confusion be-
axon and a specialized neural support, the tween the status of individual axons and that of
Schwann cell. Myelinated axon fibers are concen- the total nerve. Finally, they are often simply mis-
trically wrapped by the Schwann cell’s membrane. used. A more direct approach is to report a de-
This divides the axon into electrically insulated scription of the nerve status using estimates of the
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mal segments. When myelin is absent along a long

segment, the conduction velocity will be less than
20 m/s. Faster velocities suggest that demyelina-
tion is confined to a short segment that is “diluted
out” by inclusion of a contiguous normal segment
in the test segment, or that a mixed pathophysiol-
ogy exists. When a segment is successfully re-
myelinated, the NCV often remains slightly
slowed and may appear to be electrodiagnostically
identical to large-fiber neuropathy. Compression
neuropathies produce both demyelination and
large axon loss. After surgical decompression both
of these factors can result in residual slowed con-
duction despite “optimal” recovery. Distinguish-
ing this optimal-but-slowed conduction state from
a recurrent or persisting injury has become a cot-
tage industry. In almost all instances this distinc-
Figure 3-1 ● Demyelination pictured im- tion is possible only with serial conduction studies
mediately following the onset of injury (A, that demonstrate change over time, or, in some
A1) and 6 weeks later (B, B1) after myelin instances, an unexpected failure to improve, or
debris has been removed. The evoked re- unusually good improvement following decom-
sponses with stimulation proximal (left) to and distal pression.
(right) to the lesion are demonstrated at A1 and B1 at Conduction block often occurs at a discrete
the bottom. The demyelinated membrane (B) is able
location along the axon. Frequent causes include
to restore some membrane proteins to restore propa-
gation of the action potential, although at a slow ve- local stretch or compression, ischemia, trauma, or
locity. autoimmune or vascular disease. By definition,
conduction block indicates an injury in which the
axon survives (apraxia) despite the inability to
proportion of axons exhibiting diffuse slowing, fo-
cal slowing, focal block, or death.
Conduction slowing occurs in three patho-
physiologic conditions: demyelination, in which
(after an interval) function resumes, as in an un-
myelinated axon (Fig. 3-1) (see conduction block);
remyelination, in which internodes are shorter be-
cause the new Schwann cell produces a shorter,
thinner myelin cover; and reinnervation, where
the axon diameter is smaller and Schwann cells
also produce shorter segments (Fig. 3-2). In each
of these cases, conduction time along an axon is in-
creased because reorganization of the membrane
proteins results in higher capacitance in the axon
(see conduction velocity) due to the increased
Figure 3-2 ● Remyelinated axon; note the
number of discrete depolarization points (chan-
decreased internodal distance and de-
nels) that must be charged. In practice, many creased thickness of myelin. The evoked po-
variations on these extremes are possible: spotty tential with stimulation above and below the lesion
demyelination, with demyelinated internode that would be obtained from a nerve with all axons
segments interspersed with normal ones; demyeli- remyelinated is seen below. Conduction is slowed,
nation mixed with partial or light remyeliniza- and the response is temporally dispersed across the
tion; and partial remyelination mixed with nor- lesion.
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disrupted, the surviving portion may die back to an

intact node, stabilize, and attempt regeneration.
Wallerian degeneration occurs in the axon seg-
ment distal to the point of axon disruption. Wal-
lerian degeneration is the process of axon necrosis
that dissolves and removes the disrupted neural
segment and reorganizes the metabolism of any vi-
able proximal segment. Axons are dependent on
the neuron cell body to generate the energy and
major subcellular structures needed for their func-
tion. These structures are transported down the
axon as part of axoplasmic flow. Enough critical
materials are present in the axon for it to continue
functioning for several days independently. An
axon cleanly separated from the rest of the neural
cell will continue to conduct an action potential for
Figure 3-3 ● Evoked responses from 3 to 7 days (Figs. 3-4 and 3-5). During this period,
stimulation proximal (left) and distal (right) responses of the separated distal axon segment to
to the lesion (A) immediately after injury, an adequate stimulation will remain essentially
(B) 7 days after injury, and (C) some weeks
normal. This makes it impossible to distinguish
following injury after neurapraxia has re-
solved. Compare to Figure 3-4.

transmit a signal along a local segment. The seg-

ments of the axon above and below the block are
normal and still conduct a signal when appropri-
ately stimulated. Investigators have attributed
conduction block to mechanical distortion of the
axon (2) (Fig. 3-3) and to an impedance mismatch
(3,4) at the junction of the myelinated and the
demyelinated segment. The absence of cell mem-
brane proteins on bare internode segments pro-
vides a convincing mechanism for conduction
block in demyelination (5) since conduction
through the demyelinated region would fail due
to extinction of the Na depolarization current
when the demyelinated region extends more than
the two or three internodes across which the elec-
trical field of the last intact node of Ranvier is able
to produce an action potential. Thus, an axon ex-
hibits conduction block once a multi-internode
area is denuded. It can resume conducting only if
additional membrane proteins are inserted into
Figure 3-4 ● Axonotmetic lesion with
the membrane so that it can function in a non-
axon changes demonstrated (A) immedi-
myelinated mode, or when it becomes remyeli- ately after injury and (B) 10 days after in-
nated. jury. The evoked responses obtained by stimulation
Axon death results from a wide range of in- proximal (left) and distal (right) to the lesion of the
jury and disease. When the neuron cell body itself corresponding times (A1 and B1) are demonstrated at
dies, there is no possibility of nerve regeneration. the bottom. In contrast to Figure 3-3B, the response
However, when only a portion of the axon has been is absent at 7 to 10 days.
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ation present), nor in cases of complete conduction

block earlier than 7 days after injury (Wallerian
degeneration not yet certain). Thus, the prognosis
for axon regeneration that depends largely on the
preservation of the nerve “skeleton” can be divined
only by clinical judgment based on the mechanism
of injury or by surgical exploration. By the same
logic, the diagnosis of axonotmesis, which by defi-
nition is complete axonal degeneration with
preservation of neural architecture such that re-
generation can occur (6), cannot be distinguished
electrodiagnostically from neurotmesis (loss of the
neural skeleton).
Up to this point we have worked with single
nerve fibers, either nonmyelinated or myelinated
axons. Single fibers generally exhibit a simple in-
jury picture with only one pathophysiologic
change, such as conduction slowing, conduction
Figure 3-5 ● CMAP recorded from the block, or axon death. In contrast, injured nerves in
thenar eminence with median nerve stimu- situ have thousands of individual axons and are
lation at the wrist in an individual with sur- capable of demonstrating combinations of these
gically demonstrated complete section of changes. Multiple abnormalities may be found
the median nerve following a stab wound within a short segment, at separate points along
in the upper arm. The top response was recorded the nerve, or even at separate points on an indi-
4 days after injury, the middle response 7 days after vidual axon. Interpretation of NCS can be compli-
injury, and the bottom response 10 days after injury. cated, and this highlights the importance of inte-
(Sweep = 1 ms, gain = 1 mV.)
grating the clinical and the electrodiagnostic
examination when formulating the diagnosis.
between a focal conduction block (neurapraxia) Evoked responses are signals produced by the
and the early stages of Wallerian degeneration. At artificial, simultaneous stimulation of the nerve’s
the end of this 3- to 7-day period, axon conduction axons, with electronic recording at a site some-
abruptly fails—that is, there is not a gradual what distant from the stimulation. They represent
decline but rather a precipitous one (recall the all- the basic data of NCS. Stimulation of a motor
or-none rule). Once conduction fails, physical dis- nerve and recording the depolarization of a mus-
solution of the axon segment beyond the injury is cle it supplies produces a compound muscle action
rapid. The delay between injury and axon conduc- potential (CMAP) (Fig. 3-6). Similarly, stimula-
tion failure means that electrodiagnostic distinc- tion of a sensory nerve and recording the signal of
tion between conduction block and axon death can the nerve depolarization wave from a different
be made only at some point from 3 to 7 days after point along the nerve produces a sensory nerve ac-
the injury (see Figs. 3-4 and 3-5). Nevertheless, tion potential (SNAP). Each of these signals has a
electrodiagnostic studies should be performed as distinct, consistent shape (Fig. 3-7) that, except for
early after injury as possible to determine if some amplitude differences, varies little from nerve to
function is preserved and to obtain a baseline nerve.
evoked response to compare with subsequent re- The recorded SNAP signal represents the
sponses. It is very helpful to see the failure in con- summated action potentials (both negative and
duction between two studies rather than simply positive voltage components) from each of the
not see a response in a traumatized limb! Electro- nerve’s axons. The consistency of the shape comes
diagnosis can never determine if a nerve remains in from the consistent “normal” distribution of axon
structural continuity when there is complete loss of velocities in human nerves, which in turn creates a
response to distal stimulation (Wallerian degener- typical summation pattern. The summation of
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Figure 3-6 ● CMAP with recording electrode over the motor point of a single muscle. Note
initial negative deflection (negative is upward in the figure).

Figure 3-7 ● SNAPs recorded from three different nerves demonstrate similarity of shape
despite anatomic and (mild) pathologic differences. Median nerve recorded from digit 3 after wrist
stimulation (14 cm) shows mild delay (upper) compared to ulnar response from digit 5 at the same distance
(middle), and this latency difference suggests mild entrapment. Lower trace is from a 10-cm segment of the lat-
eral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. (Sweep = 1 ms, gain = 20 V.)
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individual axon responses into an extended re- of individual axon potentials at a recording elec-
sponse is illustrated in Figure 3-8. If each axon trode produces overlap of positive and negative
conducted at the same velocity, then the duration components, resulting in cancellation of part of
of the summated evoked response would be the the signals, which is called phase cancellation
same as that of a single axon action potential, and (see Fig. 3-9C). Thus, a nerve with a normal
the amplitude of negative and positive components complement of healthy fibers will produce a sig-
would be in proportion to the number of axons nal with normal temporal dispersion and typical
(Fig. 3-9A). Conversely, if each axon conducted at phase cancellation, resulting in the standard
very different velocities, the compound signal over shape. However, phase cancellation eliminates
a sufficiently long segment would be a sawtooth, any simple correlation between signal amplitude
with each deflection produced by one individual (or area) and the number of axons contributing to
axon (see Fig. 3-9B). In the real world, axons the response.
exhibit a relatively narrow range of conduction It follows that a different mix of individual
velocities, and the pattern of velocity distribution is fiber velocities would create a different normal
consistent among nerves. Although the signals do evoked potential shape, which is precisely the
not arrive simultaneously from all of the axons, the situation seen in nerve pathology (Fig. 3-10).
variation of their arrival times is well grouped, and Computers enable us to mathematically model the
there is significant overlap of the axon signals. way in which evoked potential shape varies with
This spreading out of the evoked potential is the distribution of individual fiber conduction
called temporal dispersion. This staggered arrival velocities. These models demonstrate that up to
50% of the amplitude of the evoked potential of a
typical nerve can be eliminated merely by altering
the conduction velocity mix of its fibers. Thus, the
recorded evoked response can be significantly
reduced in nerve injury without any conduction
block. This forces us to abandon the older concept
in NCS that a “significant” (often 10% or 15%) drop
in the size of the evoked potential across a point of
injury indicates conduction block. Evoked poten-
tial decreases of at least 50% can be entirely due to
the increased phase cancellation of increased
temporal dispersion. In typical patients it is likely
that a combination of conduction block and tem-
poral dispersion will be in play, with each axon
suffering a degree of myelin disruption and repair,
Figure 3-8 ● Temporal dispersion. Three or change in diameter. Needle electromyography
axons of various conduction speeds, I (slowest) to III can be helpful in separating blocked fibers from
(fastest), are illustrated. The summated response of those that are slowed, since blocked axons cannot
the signals from each of these axons is shown (A–C) contribute to the voluntary recruitment pattern of
at distances along the nerve. Conduction begins at motor unit potentials (MUP), whereas axons that
the left and proceeds to the right. At point A, the are merely slowed will still activate MUPs and
signals in each axon arrive almost simultaneously, produce contractile force. Therefore, relatively
producing a very compact recorded response. At good preservation of the recruitment pattern in the
point B, the signals are less well synchronized, pro- face of a major drop in the size of the evoked
ducing a smaller-amplitude and longer-duration
potential across the lesion indicates predominantly
response. This spreading is increased by the time the
signals arrive at point C. The first potential to arrive
conduction slowing (phase cancellation) rather
establishes the take-off latency time, and delayed than conduction block, while a major-amplitude
arrivals will increase the response’s duration. The drop coupled with a greatly reduced interference
greater the number of axons contributing to the pattern favors conduction block.
signal, the smoother the curve of the recorded Temporal dispersion is an important, normal
evoked response. aspect of nerve conduction, and its exaggeration in
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Figure 3-9 ● Summation and phase cancellation. A. Simultaneous signal arrival (all axons at
same conduction velocity) amplitude and area are a summation of the individual signals, while duration is the
same as a single axon. B. No overlap (all axons have distinct velocities) leads to the greatest duration of signal,
as the difference between the fastest and slowest axon is maximal. C. Phase cancellation due to overlap of neg-
ative and positive components of axons of slightly different velocities.

injury or disease is a key electrodiagnostic finding.

This exaggeration cannot only reduce the ampli-
tude of the response and prolong its duration, but
also prolong its duration to such a degree that
additional phases can appear in the response. Sig-
nals recorded directly from nerves (e.g., SNAPs)
are briefer than the CMAP responses of motor
conduction studies recorded over muscle because
they contain only axon depolarization waves. The
CMAP has a longer duration due to the longer
Figure 3-10 ● Hypothenar muscle CMAPs
from ulnar nerve stimulation at the wrist,
time period of action potential propagation (slower
below the elbow, and above the elbow. conduction) of muscle membranes. Normal nerve
Note the loss of amplitude and area of the evoked re- evoked responses (SNAPs) are briefer than 2 ms,
sponse with conduction across the elbow, demonstrat- whereas motor responses (CMAPs) in hand and
ing mixed neurapraxia and conduction slowing with foot intrinsic muscles are less than 5 ms in duration
temporal dispersion. (Sweep = 10 ms, gain = 5 mV.) (negative peak). Evoked responses longer than
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Figure 3-11 ● Median motor CMAP is recorded with E1 over motor point of the abductor
pollicis brevis and stimulation 8 cm away at the wrist (upper trace). Excessive stimulation
without movement of any electrodes activates the ulnar nerve (lower) by volume conduction. This adds the ul-
nar-innervated thenar muscles’ depolarizations to the recorded potential, creating an erroneously large and
misshaped M-wave. (Sweep = 2 ms, gain = 5 mV.)

these indicate increased temporal dispersion, ei- its telephones, but no other subscriber is affected.
ther from disease or technical error (Fig. 3-11). Similarly, neurons are grouped by function both
in the brain and in the spinal cord, where focal
lesions often cause discrete motor losses. If motor
Where Is the Lesion? Intraneural Anatomy
axons were grouped in nerves analogous to the
The interior architecture of nerves has evolved arrangement in telephone cables, partial nerve in-
into a clever arrangement that protects against the jury might completely denervate one or two mus-
catastrophic loss of whole functions from partial cles while leaving others unaffected, even though
nerve injuries. The arrangement also turns out to their branches arise distal to the injury (Fig. 3-12).
be a key aid to the electromyographer’s ability to That arrangement also would make it difficult to
localize the point of injury along the course of the locate the site of injury because there would be no
nerve. A typical telephone or fiberoptic cable has difference in the observed effect of partial injury
its individual fibers bundled into subclusters and regardless of where it was located in the nerve.
the grouping remains unchanged throughout the Peripheral nerves, like cables, are also parti-
length of the cable. All the telephone lines from tioned into bundles known as fascicles, and for
“XYZ, Inc.” travel together in one of these small much the same reason as cables: to provide better
bundles and may take up the whole bundle. If internal support and strength. However, unlike the
someone cuts that bundle, “XYZ, Inc.” loses all of wires in cables, the body employs a different
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Figure 3-12 ● Hypothetical nerve in which all axons stay in a single fascicle until they exit
the nerve. Note that a lesion at A or B would appear identical on needle EMG examination of both the dis-
tal muscle and the one innervated by the midforearm branch.

scheme of continually exchanging axons between health and without previous severe injuries or
the several fascicles within the nerve. This scheme illness, environmental exposure, or special cir-
continuously alters the axons that are traveling cumstances that would affect testing; and who
together and their location within the nerve as collectively match the distribution of age, sex, and
they move along its course (Fig. 3-13). With this other features representative of the population to
arrangement, a partial nerve injury tends to spare be tested. Notice that the group does not match
some of the axons to each of the muscles supplied the total population, but rather the population that
distal to the injury, since some fibers to each muscle is likely to be tested. If a clinical condition is found
are likely to be in spared fascicles, which results in in a specific group, then normals should match
partial function of most muscles. In addition, it is that group if it has general characteristics that
likely that each of the nerves supplied distal to the affect NCS values. Testing for chronic toxicity of
injury will have at least some abnormality, so that an industrial solvent used for 50 years in a plant
the distribution of abnormalities clearly locates the would require at least age-matching the subjects.
point of injury. Intraneural anatomy is thus the key “Normal” is usually defined statistically as the
to both reduce the functional impact of partial mean value plus or minus two standard deviations
nerve injuries and also to better pinpoint the lesion. (SD). Although this approach is helpful, problems
such as nonparametric distributions of population
characteristics in the reference group can result in
REFERENCE VALUES skewed statistics (as Mark Twain said, “There are
statistics, damned statistics, and lies”). Examples
Nerve conduction reference values are established of this type of characteristic are extreme limb
by performing a standardized testing method on a length and height or extremes of age. Though not
group of individuals that meet a pre-established an indication of nerve pathology, groups with one
set of qualifications. These usually include sub- of the characteristics would have mean nerve con-
jects who do not have neurologic complaints or duction values different from those of the total
disease; who are in appropriately good general population.

Figure 3-13 ● Typical mammalian nerve, illustrating the movement of axons from one
fascicle to another during their course. Here lesions at A and B may be easily distinguished elec-
tromyographically by the fact that lesion A produces changes in the distribution of branch C, whereas the lesion
at B does not.
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Even when unique personal characteristics portions of the clinical signal at each electrode and
are not at issue, the very wide differences in values thus canceling meaningful information. Surface
that fall within normal for the whole population electrodes are used because they capture the most
makes it difficult to detect small abnormalities in complete signal in a way that permits quantitative
a single individual. Conduction values between analysis of the recorded potentials.
individuals in a reference population vary greatly For CMAP recording, E1 is placed over the
when compared to the limited variation in values muscle motor point and E2 is placed distally over
found in different nerves within a single indi- the tendon or another electrically silent area to
vidual. A review of published reference nerve minimize (desired) signal cancellation. The initial
conduction values shows that the reported range deflection of motor responses should be sharply
of variation (mean  2 SD) is equal to approxi- negative, and the signal should be a smooth,
mately 25% of the mean conduction velocity of the biphasic curve (see Fig. 3-6). A signal that shows
subjects. Compare that to side-to-side differences initial positive deflection (Fig. 3-14) is very likely
in specific nerves of individual subjects, which “volume conducted” (i.e., initiated at a distance
have a narrower range. These are typically several away from E1). The initial deflection of the signal
percentage points, and repeat testing in individu- may be more clearly defined by changing the elec-
als consistently gives day-to-day variation below trode placement to obtain a clean negative initial
10%. When using population-based reference deflection, or if that fails using needle recording to
values, an individual whose beginning conduction
speed was at the “fast end” of the normal range
would have to experience conduction slowing of
40% before dropping below the reference range.
The sensitivity of NCS can be increased without
an undue increase in false-positive results if the
tested individual can also serve as the control. This
approach is appropriate for cases of focal injury
or entrapment but has obvious difficulties in
the face of a generalized neuropathic process such
as diabetic neuropathy. An excellent use of this
strategy is side-to-side comparisons and same-side
median-to-ulnar (or radial) nerve comparisons for
carpal tunnel syndrome assessment.


Evoked potentials are recorded using an E1
(recording) and E2 (reference) electrode attached
to the separate inputs of the differential amplifier.
The amplifier subtracts these two simultaneously
received signals and the remainder voltage is
amplified for display. This technique eliminates
signals common to both electrodes: distant signals Figure 3-14 ● Median motor evoked re-
sponse in a patient with carpal tunnel
such as cardiac potentials and stray signals broad-
syndrome recorded at amplifier settings of
cast from the environment are present in each 1 mV (above) and 100 V (below) per divi-
electrode’s signal and are canceled. This clarifies sion (sweep speed is 1 ms). Increased ampli-
the signal but also makes the placement of the two fication makes clear that the potential is actually ini-
electrodes in relation to the signal generator tially positive, and with earlier onset to show that
source (nerve or muscle), and to each other, more measurements of latency can be affected by the
important. Care is required to avoid capturing amplifier gain.
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confirm that the signal originates in the proper

muscle, since a distorted response may originate
from a “distant” muscle that was also stimulated.
Polyphasic or complex signals may result from si-
multaneous recording of two muscles or from the
effects of abnormal conduction in the nerve being
studied (Fig. 3-15). Figure 3-16 ● Three SNAPs recorded with
For SNAP recording, both the E1 and the E2 increasing separation of the reference (E2)
electrodes are placed directly along the course of from the recording (E1) electrode along the
the nerve, with E1 located closer to the stimulator. nerve’s length. Separations are 3 cm (largest
Ground electrode placement can reduce shock amplitude, shortest duration), 6 cm, and 8 cm
artifact and usually is best located between the (smallest amplitude, longest duration). Optimal sep-
stimulating and the E1 electrode. The impedance aration is related to the wavelength of the signal, and
of dry skin is high, and this may result in excessive in practice for sensory nerve recording the E1 to E2
separation should be 3 to 4 cm.
shock artifact in these studies since the amplifica-
tion level is high. Standard electrode paste or gel
will often be sufficient to eliminate this difficulty, characteristics of the nerve signal and the phase
but occasionally light abrasion of the skin is neces- cancellation effects. Maximum amplitude results
sary to obtain a satisfactory recording, particularly when the electrode separation is equal to one fourth
in short-segment sensory conduction studies. the wavelength of the nerve signal (7) (Fig. 3-16).
Separation between the El and E2 electrodes Embedding the two electrodes in a plastic bar stan-
alters the measured latency and the amplitude dardizes the separation and simplifies application.
of the recorded potential. For sensory nerve stud- An alternate recording technique is to place the E1
ies, the optimal distance is 3 to 4 cm. The ideal electrode directly over the nerve, with the E2 elec-
separation reduces phase cancellation and maxi- trode approximately 3 cm away from the recording
mizes amplitude, and this ideal depends upon electrode but perpendicular to the course of the
the actual conduction velocity of the nerve tested. nerve (8). This monopolar recording results in a
The sensitivity of the response to electrode separa- lower-amplitude signal but one less subject to
tion and placement results from the wavelength change from small E1 movements (Fig. 3-17).
Recording the CMAP with an intramuscular
needle electrode can enable the investigator to
ensure that the recorded signal originates from
a specific muscle (not volume conducted from
some distance). Similarly, with near-nerve needle

Figure 3-15 ● Superimposed are CMAPs

recorded at the abductor pollicis brevis
motor point and at a more medial site over
motor point of three thenar hand muscles. Figure 3-17 ● SNAP obtained using standard
The larger-amplitude response is from the single ab- E1 and E2 electrode placements along the length of
ductor pollicis brevis muscle. The separate compo- the nerve (large-amplitude response) and off-nerve
nents of the smaller response result from recording placement (monopolar SNAP technique) of the
responses from three separate median-innervated reference electrode leading to a smaller-amplitude
muscles, which causes some cancellation and other response.
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placement, SNAPs that are not otherwise accessible and subject height. Temperature is the most chal-
can be recorded. Using a needle electrode for nerve lenging of these in daily practice because many
stimulation can confine the stimulation to a specific factors, such as a cold environment, vasoconstric-
nerve or access a deep nerve not easily stimulated tion, or evaporative cooling from sweating, can
from the surface. When placed intramuscularly, quickly lower the temperature of superficially lo-
the needle electrode disproportionately records the cated peripheral nerves. There is a direct relation-
muscle fiber potential spikes from motor units ship between nerve temperature and conduction
located very close to the needle tip. The negative velocity. Henriksen reported a drop in conduc-
rise time of the potential for a fiber located near tion velocity of approximately 2.4 m/s for every
the needle tip is fast and of very large amplitude 1°C of temperature reduction in the forearm
(Fig. 3-18). Needle recording electrodes are useful (measured by a needle thermistor at a depth
for confirming that the recorded potential origi- of 2 cm) (9). Johnson, using intramuscular
nates in the muscle under investigation, but they temperature, found a decrease of 5% per 1°C
must be used with caution. The large-amplitude (10). Haller found a linear correlation in normal
spike response recorded through a needle electrode subjects among skin, subcutaneous, and intra-
originates from a few motor units near the needle muscular temperatures of the calf with various in-
tip, and so motor nerve conduction velocities with duced temperatures (11). He suggested that the
this technique can be erratic in highly denervated skin temperature be measured 15 cm proximal to
muscles. In addition, the amplitude recorded with the medial malleolus and that an arithmetic
intramuscular needles is not diagnostically useful correction for conduction velocity then be made to
because small needle movements can alter it con- an equivalent of 32°C. Arithmetic correction
siderably, although this is not the case if the needle for temperature is effective for small variations
is placed subcutaneously. from normal but may have inaccuracies beyond a
In addition to the normal variation among narrow range. The correlation in normal sub-
individuals, three nonpathologic factors signifi- jects between temperature and NCV (for sur-
cantly affect NCS: nerve temperature, subject age, face, subcutaneous, and deep temperatures) has
been well demonstrated in normal subjects, but
these relationships have not been tested in all
pathologic circumstances.
Temperature also affects the size of recorded
potentials (12). The amplitude and duration of
evoked potentials (and therefore the area under the
negative spike) decrease with increasing nerve
temperature throughout the normal physiologic
temperature range. This effect is counterintuitive.
Because higher temperatures cause conduction
velocity to increase, we might expect that this
velocity increase would cause better summation of
the evoked response and thus a larger recorded
amplitude. The unexpected finding can result
from disproportionate change in conduction rates
among the variously sized axons or to the sum-
mated effect of the reduction in individual axon
Figure 3-18 ● CMAP recorded using a
depolarization durations (13). At the cellular level,
monopolar EMG needle electrode in the
muscle. The initial deflection is of low amplitude
lower temperature is known to slow both ion
(full screen represents 6 mV), indicating that the diffusion and protein conformational changes.
needle tip is not directly against fibers depolarized Slowing conformation changes in the membrane
by the fastest-conducting axons, while some slower- protein channels alters the time available for ion
conducting axons activate muscle fibers near the flow, particularly Na since it has a specific time-
needle with a short rise time and large amplitude. dependent closure function, as well as the relative
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timing of the interdependent gating events. What- sensory and motor conduction studies. It is also
ever the fundamental cause, the net result is that camouflaged by many other factors, such as skin
cooling reduces the magnitude of phase cancella- and electrode impedance, nerve depth, electrode
tion and thus increases the amplitude and duration placement, inadequate stimulation, and nerve or
of the recorded sensory potential (Fig. 3-19). muscle anatomic variations. Given this variability,
Because temperature significantly affects the absolute amplitude value is less useful for
nerve conduction velocity and amplitude, and diagnostic purposes than is velocity. The most
since arithmetic correction for temperature de- helpful diagnostic use for amplitude measure-
viation provides no adjustment to amplitude, ment is along the course of the nerve (i.e., above
limb temperature should be physically controlled and below trauma or entrapment points) and the
during nerve conduction testing. Recording the serial assessment of amplitude changes occurring
temperature from a standard location during each with time following an injury. Test-to-test repro-
examination provides an excellent reference point ducibility of NCS in single subjects is by far better
for serial studies in individual patients. This extra than intersubject comparisons. However, care
step may not be necessary to demonstrate that a should be taken to position the electrodes identi-
single entrapment (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome) cally at each session. Right-to-left comparison of
is not present when the latency recorded is amplitudes of evoked potentials can be helpful in
normal. However, the information may prove acute injuries to quantify the degree of potential
invaluable for comparison some years later, when axon loss, but even with careful technique, side-
one re-examines the patient for signs of an early to-side comparisons of CMAPs for the same nerve
peripheral neuropathy. The amplitude change can vary by 50% in normal subjects.
caused by temperature is easily masked in clinical Age significantly affects nerve conduction at
testing since it is superimposed onto the consid- the extremes of youth and maturity. At birth,
erable range of what is considered normal for motor NCVs are approximately half of the veloc-

Figure 3-19 ● Palm-stimulated orthodromic median mixed nerve response (recorded

proximal to the wrist). The amplitude and duration increase with cooling, while the peak latency slows
(lower trace).
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ities of a normal adult (see later section for more

on NCS in children). Population-based studies
indicate that aging-related neuronal loss and
nerve conduction slowing are statistically present
by the fourth decade of life (14). This slowing is
small and is obscured by the wide range of the
normal values for the population. It results from
the gradual loss of larger neurons that accompa-
nies aging. Norris found that conduction velocity
decreased by 1.5% per decade after age 60. This
Figure 3-20 ● SNAP recorded from identi-
slowing is seen throughout the body, but some
cal stimulation and recording electrode
authors have reported that unevenly distributed
placements, but with changes in the high-
slowing can occur at common entrapment points frequency filter settings. The largest-ampli-
(15) in a manner similar to other situations where tude response with shortest latency was obtained
entrapment affects nerves that are vulnerable. with the high-frequency filter at 3.2 kHz. Settings at
Although this slowing is gradual on a population 1.6 and 0.8 kHz produced the intermediate- and
basis, our experience has been that some seniors low-amplitude responses, respectively. Note the
beyond 70 years can show accelerated affects. clinically significant shift in the recorded peak
These individuals may show other signs of neu- latency measurement. (Sweep = 1 ms, gain = 20 V.)
ronal loss. Separate reference values based on age
are required for the young and the old.
amplitude, latency, and duration by directly elim-
Height is inversely correlated with NCV.
inating signal components. This alteration in the
Distal conduction slowing is normal in very tall
recorded frequency component is the electrical
subjects (16). This may be due to greater axonal
equivalent of changing the axon velocity distri-
tapering and lighter myelination in the extra-long
bution within the nerve. Filtering out the high
distal segment. Tall individuals may be subject to
frequencies of the SNAP delays the peak latency
greater large-axon loss with aging because of a
enough to affect clinical values (Fig. 3-20) Elimi-
higher metabolic stress related to supplying the
nation of low-frequency components reduces the
more distant axon and nerve endplate. Thus,
amplitude of the CMAP (Fig. 3-21). The ampli-
aging and distal cooling may exaggerate this
fication level of the signal can affect the visual
finding of slower NCV. In elderly and in very tall
estimation of the initial take-off of the evoked
individuals, it is important to test a sufficient
number of nerves to determine if the slowing
recorded at a suspected entrapment point is
merely an accentuation of generalized peripheral
slowing or a clinically significant entrapment. It is
important to temper the diagnosis of generalized
peripheral neuropathy in these individuals. Motor
unit reorganization on needle EMG and other
pathophysiologic changes should be sought to
confirm the diagnosis. Mathematical correction or
the use of a separate reference data set should be
used whenever one encounters extremes of age or
Figure 3-21 ● Motor evoked responses
height. Other biologic factors such as gender (10)
obtained with low-frequency filter cutoffs
are also known to affect NCS values. However, of 16, 32, 160, and 500 Hz (largest to
these factors are not quantitatively sufficient to smallest amplitude response). There is no
require individual correction. shift in the latency of the initial deflection, but the
Technical factors may produce clinically accuracy of identification of the deflection becomes
important changes in the recorded response. more difficult as the amplitude decreases. (Sweep =
Amplifier filters can drastically change recorded 1 ms, gain = 2 mV.)
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potential response. Computer-based instruments produced in the patient by connective tissue planes,
with their default filter and gain settings and bones, and other tissue discontinuities. The deeper
automatic marker-setting features make these the nerve is located and the greater the stimula-
issues less intrusive in daily testing. However, tion intensity used, the larger the volume of the
less practice with manual settings and markers cone and the more uncertain the exact point on
results in uncertainty on those occasions when the nerve at which depolarization begins (see
adjustment is needed. Understanding these issues Fig. 3-22B). This is due both to the increase in
is an important part of troubleshooting when volume covered by the field and to the increased
things “just don’t look right.” distortion of the field by the greater tissue irregu-
larity encountered. This small uncertainty in the
point of initial depolarization of the nerve creates a
measurement error in the length of the nerve
Conduction studies begin with an electrical stim- segment used in the conduction study (an error that
ulation adequate to simultaneously depolarize doubles when two stimulation points are required),
all of the nerve’s axons. Stimulation is typically and it contributes to both expanding the reference
accomplished with an electrical current between normal range for the study and the variance in
two surface electrodes (bipolar stimulation). This repeat testing. In other words, excessive stimulus
produces an electromagnetic field and axonal intensities increase the size of the stimulation field
current that opens sufficient axon membrane chan- and decrease the accuracy of the studies.
nels to initiate depolarization in each axon. The Overstimulation also increases the chance
stimulation electrodes are oriented along the nerve that the stimulus will inadvertently activate other
with the cathode in the direction of the intended nearby nerves (see Fig. 3-22D). Unrecognized
depolarization wave. In a perfect conduction stimulation of additional nerves is a major cause
medium, stimulation would create a symmetric of error in conduction studies. Overstimula-
electromagnetic field in a hemispheric pattern tion should be considered (in addition to pathol-
around the electrodes; however, the irregularity of ogy and anatomic variation) whenever there is a
body tissue planes and varied tissue conductivity change in the configuration of the evoked poten-
and impedance distort the field. This field distor- tial between two points of stimulation along the
tion introduces some uncertainty in the point of nerve or when the evoked potential shape is not
initial nerve activation in deeper nerves, so that de- typical (see Fig. 3-11).
polarization may not begin directly beneath the A needle cathode is often effective for the
cathode. A supramaximal stimulus is defined as an stimulation of a deep, difficult-to-isolate nerve
intensity 10% greater than the level necessary to (see Fig. 3-22E). A standard monopolar EMG
produce the largest observed amplitude in the po- needle works well, paired with a surface disc
tential being examined. Accepted testing technique anode. Inserting the needle tip to a point near the
is to initially stimulate with intensity somewhat nerve bypasses the high skin impedance. Thus, a
lower than is usually required for maximum re- low-voltage, short-duration stimulus (0.05 ms)
sponse and then increase the intensity in 10% to often is adequate. Needle electrodes seldom cause
20% increments until no further increase in the re- bleeding and present a minimal risk of infection
sponse amplitude is seen between stimulations. owing to both their small size (injecting a small
Since the depolarization wave proceeds in both inoculum) and minimal trauma. Theoretical cal-
directions along the nerve, various reflex and re- culations indicate that there is no risk of electri-
current late waves are also produced. cally generated thermal injury to the nerve from
Theoretical investigation of the electrical field this technique because of low heat generation
produced by bipolar surface stimulation indicates and the excellent heat dispersion by the tissue,
that it is shaped as a downward-directed cone with combined with the low electrical voltage and
an angle of approximately 70 degrees (Fig. 3-22) duration of the stimulus (18).
(17). Depolarization of the nerve (or nerves) can Nerve stimulation is typically uncomfortable
begin anywhere within the volume of this cone. and is perceived as painful by some patients.
Distortion of the shape and intensity of the field is Professionalism requires a concern for the patient
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Figure 3-22 ● The cones in each diagram approximate the volume of tissue in which the
electrical field produced by the cathode is sufficient to initiate nerve depolarization. Initial
depolarization may begin anywhere along the nerve within this volume. A. When the intensity of the stimula-
tion field is just adequate to produce nerve depolarization, the initial depolarization point is more likely to be
directly below the cathode. B. Very large stimulation currents increase the uncertainty of this location and re-
sult in activation of a large segment of the nerve, as marked at the dashed lines. C. Stimulation of a nerve at two
locations where the depth of the nerve varies. If the same current is applied to both, the result will be excessive
stimulation (and an uncertain activation point) for the more superficial nerve site (left). D. The high-intensity
stimulation required to produce depolarization of nerve (1) causes unintended depolarization of the nearby
nerve (2). This often occurs when attempting to stimulate a deep-lying nerve from the surface and may result
in an error if a muscle innervated by nerve 2 is near the recording electrodes. An example of this error is shown
in Figure 3-11. E. A needle EMG-type electrode can be used with a surface anode to produce a small, localized
stimulation field (sphere). Needle stimulation can activate a specific nerve (while avoiding others) or permit
stimulation of deep-lying nerves. The lower intensity of the stimulation is better tolerated by many patients.

and practice with the skills necessary to minimize minimizes the number and intensity of shocks
patient anxiety and discomfort. Explanation and delivered. Detailed knowledge of the anatomy
reassurance during procedures, as well as engaging improves placement of electrodes and allows
the patient in a general conversation during test- quick recognition of and adjustment for anatomic
ing, make the experience more acceptable. Also variation. A proactive diagnostic process reduces
important is developing an efficient and practiced the amount of testing required. The standard
approach to frequently performed studies that stimulation points are both clinically relevant and
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points where the nerve is relatively accessible. along the axon; it represents channel capacitance
Firm pressure used to seat the electrodes between charging, channel conformation change, and
the adjacent structures permits stimulation with initiation of ion flow.
less current. Experience reduces the number of 2. Rapid saltatory conduction along the large,
stimuli needed for a study by providing an edu- myelinated axons (Fig. 3-23A,B)
cated guess about the stimulus intensity needed in 3. Slower conduction along the smaller-diameter
an individual. Stimulation with 0.l ms pulse dura- myelinated axons as they taper distally (see Fig.
tion and 150 to 250 V intensity with a constant volt- 3-23C,D)
age stimulator is usually sufficient. Longer 4. Still slower conduction along the even smaller-
durations (0.2 to 0.5 ms) are more effective for diameter axons that branch in the muscle (see
larger-diameter axons. Electrical coupling gels Fig. 3-23E)
and light skin abrasion reduce the skin impedance 5. Very slow conduction along the nonmyeli-
and thus reduce the stimulation intensity required. nated, terminal twigs of the axon and the end-
plate (see Fig. 3-23F)
6. Exocytosis of the endplate acetylcholine vesi-
Latency cles (see Fig. 3-23G)
Latency is the time required for the nerve signal 7. Diffusion of acetylcholine across the my-
to reach a recording electrode following its stim- oneural junction, approximately 0.2 to 0.5 ms
ulation at a single point. Latency, rather than a (see Fig. 3-23G)
calculated velocity, is used to describe conduction 8. Muscle membrane depolarization (see Fig. 3-
in the terminal segment of motor nerves because 23G)
processes other than simple saltatory conduction
are involved that slow the conduction consider- Residual latency is the difference between the
ably. Motor latencies are obtained by stimulating observed distal motor latency and the calculated
near the terminal end of the nerve and recording time required to conduct along the same terminal
the CMAP over the activated muscle. Conduction segment distance using the conduction velocity of
across this distal motor latency segment has several the large, myelinated fibers obtained with standard
components: NCS. For example, if the median nerve forearm
conduction velocity is 50 m/s and the distal segment
1. Latency of activation: the time between the initi- used for the motor latency is 8 cm, then the calcu-
ation of the electrical discharge of the stimulator lated time for conduction along this segment would
and the actual beginning of saltatory conduction be 0.08 m  50 m/s  0.0016 s  1.6 ms. If the

Figure 3-23 ● Conduction “environments” of a typical motor nerve, demonstrating the

path of the distal motor latency. From proximal (left) to the motor point of the muscle (right), there
is gradual reduction in the diameter of axons and slowing of the speed of conduction. Finally there is a delay
time for neuromuscular transmission.
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actual measured latency is 3.5 ms, then residual magnetic, or high-voltage direct spinal root stim-
latency is 3.5 ms  1.6 ms  1.9 ms. ulation techniques. However, late responses, in-
In sensory conduction studies the recorded cluding F waves and H reflexes, can provide what
potential is generated by the nerve, and the latency is often a more comfortable and convenient alter-
consists only of these nerve-related factors: native.
The F wave results from the recurrent dis-
1. Latency of activation charge of a small percentage (1% to 5%) of the
2. Rapid saltatory conduction along the myeli- alpha motor neurons that are antidromically
nated axons (Fig. 3-24) activated during peripheral nerve stimulation
3. Slower saltatory conduction as the axons’ di- (recall that the action potential propagates in
ameter tapers distally both directions). Upon stimulation of the motor
4. Effects of distal nerve cooling nerve, the CMAP is produced in the usual manner
by the distal depolarization wave. At the same
Therefore, since the distal sensory latency time a proximal wave of depolarization eventually
consists only of “nerve factors,” it can be arithmeti- reaches and excites the neuron cell body. The neu-
cally converted into NCV; however, tradition and ron and axon hillock lack the membrane proteins
practicality favor use of latency, particularly where needed to generate an action potential. Instead,
comparison to the motor latency is clinically useful. they produce a generator potential, which is a
The distal sensory latency method also eliminates voltage flow that does not have a threshold trigger
the chance of arithmetic error. Because motor la- to the all-or-none firing. The generator potential
tencies include the disparate factors that make up produces a sustained voltage elevation that in
the residual latency, they cannot be arithmetically some neurons reenters the axon hillock and reini-
converted into meaningful NCVs. tiates the axon’s depolarization following its re-
fractory period. Therefore, the “afferent” and the
efferent arcs of the F wave follow the same alpha
SPECIAL CONDUCTION STUDIES motor neuron axons, passing through all proximal
nerve segments twice (Fig. 3-25). Since different
Late responses allow assessment of very proximal anterior horn cells redischarge at each stimula-
lesions in problems such as Guillain-Barré syn- tion, the latency, shape, and amplitude of the F
drome, root and plexus injuries, thoracic outlet wave vary slightly from stimulation to stimulation
syndrome, and sciatic nerve injuries, where access (19,20). If a number of stimulations are recorded
for standard surface stimulation proximal to these and the shortest latency is selected, then a consis-
lesions is not available. Proximal stimulation of tent value that represents the fastest-conducting
nerves can sometimes be achieved with needle, motor axons is obtained.

Figure 3-24 ● Conduction along a sensory axon. Showing stimulating and recording electrodes
(right). Note the contrast between this rather uniform conducting medium, which involves only rapid salta-
tory conduction, and that illustrated for the motor axon in Figure 3-23.
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Figure 3-25 ● F wave represented by a single neuron and its axon. The course of the depo-
larization following stimulation (dot) is shown by the arrows. Initially, depolarization travels both directly to
the muscle fiber, producing the M wave, and retrograde conduction up the axon to the neuron, where the ex-
citation of the neuron causes repropagation in a small percentage of neurons (randomly occurring), resulting
in an action potential returning back down the axon to produce the delayed F wave. The trace below repre-
sents the recording from stimulation (arrow), through M wave (m), and finally the small F wave.

The F wave is not suppressed by higher- (Fig. 3-27) and is conveniently read using a
intensity or -frequency stimulation. Its amplitude straightedge. Right-to-left difference for the ulnar
is smaller than that of the H reflex or M wave nerve F wave latency should not exceed 1 ms,
and is usually less than 500 V. With the small- and side-to-side comparisons in other nerves are
amplitude F waves, the initial deflection is hard to also within this general range. For this technique,
identify, and care must be taken to ensure that the the ulnar nerve is stimulated at the wrist as for the
shortest latency (earliest take-off) of the wave is 8-cm ulnar motor latency, except that the anode
used. Recording at least 10 responses is essential and the cathode positions are reversed (Fig. 3-28).
to establish the fastest latency for each analysis Stimulation at the wrist avoids the necessity of
(Fig. 3-26). Proper testing technique also requires recording an F wave on the later phase of the ulnar
the elimination of voluntary motor unit potential M wave or CMAP, since there is considerable time
activity in the nearby muscles. separating the CMAP and the F wave. With more
The F wave occurs in all motor nerves and of- proximal nerve stimulation, the arrival times of
ten remains present in the face of severe disease. the M wave and the F wave become closer and
Weber developed the following formula for pre- the F wave can become undetectable in the larger
dicting the fastest F wave latency in the ulnar CMAP. Special collision techniques can be used
nerve (3): to overcome this, but at the cost of considerable
complexity. For testing and for distance measure-
0.31  (the distance in centimeters from the ment, the arm is positioned with the elbow ex-
C7 spine to the tip of the ulnar styloid) tended and the shoulder abducted approximately
 (11.05)  (0.123  the forearm velocity 20 degrees (Fig. 3-29). This position permits testing
of the ulnar nerve in m/s) of most individuals despite shoulder or other prox-
imal injury.
A normal latency will not exceed the pre- Because the ulnar forearm NCV is part of the
dicted value by more than 2.5 ms (mean  2 SD). formula to predict latency, the individual provides
The nomogram provides the upper limit value his or her own reference value rather than using a
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Figure 3-26 ● Recording of median F-waves obtained with 10 sequential stimulations of the
nerve. Note that the M wave is very large and is displayed at lower amplification using a split-screen tech-
nique. The F waves on the right vary in latency, amplitude, and shape, as each represents a different subpopula-
tion of the motor neuron pool with axons of different diameters. (Sweep = 5 ms, gain = 500 V [right] and 5 mV

general population value. This requires that the nerves in most adults. The tibial H reflex latency
forearm velocity is consistent with the subject’s for a subject is predicted from the formula (21):
other nerves. This approach narrows the range
of the predicted F wave latency value. It also (0.46  the length in centimeters from the
negates the effect of distal slowing from proximal midpopliteal crease to the tip of the medial
entrapment. Therefore, the technique of predict- malleolus)  (0.1  the subject’s age)  (9.14)
ing F wave latency values should be used for prox-
imal entrapments and not for investigation of gen- Like the F wave normal value above, it
eralized neuropathy. is more easily obtained from the nomogram
The H reflex is a monosynaptic spinal reflex (Fig. 3-31). The normal range of variation is
response. The afferent axons are the I-a fibers of rather large (5.5 ms), but it can be reduced in uni-
the muscle spindle and the alpha motor neuron ax- lateral problems by comparing the symptomatic
ons are the efferents (Fig. 3-30). In infants, the H and nonsymptomatic side. The two sides should
reflex is found in many nerves, but it is in only a few vary by no more than 1.2 ms.
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Figure 3-27 ● This nomogram is produced from the linear equation in the text that pre-
dicts the latency time of the fastest of 10 sequential F wave recordings. Connect the distance
(left; measurement method shown in Fig. 3-28) to the forearm NCV (right) and read that line’s intersection in
the center. The range is  2.5 ms (i.e., add 2.5 to the prediction for the maximum normal value). (Reprinted
from Weber RJ, Piero DL. F wave evaluation of thoracic outlet syndrome: a multiple regression derived F
wave latency predicting technique. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1978;59:464–469, with permission.)

Figure 3-28 ● Distance measurement for ulnar F wave. Record the length (in cm) from the tip
of the C7 spinous process to the tip of the ulnar styloid.
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The H reflex is typically obtained by using a

longer-duration pulse (1 ms) with stimulation
below that necessary to evoke full muscle con-
traction (M wave) since the larger-diameter I-a
afferent axons are more easily stimulated than are
the motor axons for the F wave. The H reflex
is also suppressed by supramaximal stimulation
intensities and by stimulation frequencies greater
than 1 Hz. Therefore, it can usually be distin-
guished from the F wave by repeated stimulation
while gradually increasing the intensity. The H re-
flex will appear before or near the threshold stim-
ulation intensity for eliciting the M wave. As the
intensity is increased further, the H reflex increases
in amplitude to several mV, and finally diminishes
and disappears as the intensity of the stimulation
increases. At these higher-intensity (supramaxi-
mal) stimulations, the F wave will then be seen
Late waves are valuable techniques to assess
proximal nerve injury and disease. They can also
be valuable for measuring conduction in very long
nerve segments where multifocal or generalized
slowing is suspected. Late waves can confirm the
presence of distal conduction abnormalities (par-
ticularly for ulnar lesions at the elbow) since late
Figure 3-29 ● Stimulation and recording waves as well as direct conduction must slow
technique for obtaining the F wave in the through an entrapment. However, they should
ulnar nerve. The cathode is placed proximal to not be used to replace direct stimulation studies
the anode.

Figure 3-30 ● The H reflex is obtained by stimulation (small arrows) of the afferent sen-
sory fiber (top), resulting in orthodromic conduction to the spinal cord. There, synaptic acti-
vation of the alpha motor neurons occurs, resulting in the H reflex depolarization (H) in the muscle. A few
motor axons are often directly stimulated, producing the rudimentary M wave (m) illustrated. The path is sim-
ilar to a tendon tap, muscle stretch reflex where a small sensory input is amplified to larger motor output; this
is in contrast to the F wave (see Fig. 3-25).
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Figure 3-31 ● Nomogram for predicting the H reflex latency based on leg length and age.
Stimulation is at the middle of the popliteal crease and recording from the soleus muscle. Leg length is meas-
ured from the tip of the medial malleolus to the stimulation site. A line from the length to the age will inter-
sect at the predicted latency, and the range is  5.5 ms. Or, as Dr. Johnson often does, one can measure the
H reflex latency and the leg length and then “predict” the person’s age. (Reprinted from Braddom RL, John-
son EW. Standardization of H reflex and diagnostic use in S-1 radiculopathy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
1974;55:161–166, with permission.)

for segments of nerves that are easily accessible C8 spinal nerve stimulation (25), and it can be used
(e.g., ulnar), since these tests are unnecessarily at most root levels in reasonably thin individuals.
complicated by the central nervous system ele- Both direct measurement of conduction and H-
ments of these circuit. Whereas the F wave is pres- reflex testing of root or cauda equina function by
ent and can be used to test proximal conduction in spinal nerve stimulation are possible (26). The
most nerves, the H reflex in adults is usually con- spinal root can be stimulated from the surface
fined to the tibial, median, and femoral nerves using special high-voltage electrical or magnetic
(23). stimulators. We favor needle stimulation of the
root because it causes less patient discomfort than
high-voltage stimulation and is more reliably ac-
Spinal Nerve Stimulation complished for deep-lying roots than is magnetic
Spinal nerve stimulation (sometimes called nerve stimulation.
root stimulation) permits conduction testing of the Spinal nerve stimulation provides both a
most proximal portions of the peripheral nervous direct measure of the conduction velocity and
system. Johnson has long advocated spinal root information about the distribution of velocities
stimulation with monopolar needle electrodes as a (temporal dispersion) of the full motor axon
logical way to study plexus and other proximal in- complement of the root. This contrasts with the
juries (24). This approach is well standardized for F wave and H reflex, which can assess only a
90749_ch03(29-64).ps 8/10/06 3:58 PM Page 57


limited portion of the axons. On the other hand, To stimulate C8, the needle should be inserted
the size and shape of the evoked potential gener- approximately 1 inch lateral to the inferior border
ated by spinal root stimulation cannot be directly of the C7 dorsal spine, angled 30 to 45 degrees to-
compared with the response generated distal to ward the midline, and advanced through the
the suspected lesion, since the peripheral nerve paraspinal muscle until it strikes the transverse
contains axons from more than one nerve root. process (Fig. 3-32). If the first attempt at stimula-
Because the number of axons that a particular tion is not successful, the needle can be slightly
nerve root contributes to a given peripheral nerve repositioned until a good response is obtained.
varies, the normal response generated in a specific With C8 stimulation, the abductor digiti
muscle with spinal nerve stimulation also varies minimi is usually chosen as the CMAP recording
among the population. Nonetheless, considerable site because the lower plexus and ulnar nerve
information can be derived from the shape and components are most often of interest in proximal
temporal dispersion of the response, and from the entrapment syndromes. Normal conduction ve-
conduction velocity calculated from spinal nerve locity with this method is 68  3 m/s (normal 62
stimulation. m/s or more). Distance is measured from the point
C8 is the most frequently tested spinal nerve. of needle insertion to the ulnar nerve motor
The procedure is safe and relatively painless, latency stimulation location at the wrist (8 cm
particularly if stimulation can be restricted to sev- from E1). The arm is positioned as for the F-wave
eral trials. A standard monopolar, Teflon-coated study (see Fig. 3-29). When recording from the
EMG needle is used as the cathode, and a large abductor pollicis brevis using this C8 stimulation
surface electrode applied near the midline is the method to assess the median nerve, the normal
anode. Stimulation can often be obtained with conduction velocity is 70  2.7 m/s (normal 65 m/s
stimulus durations of 0.05 to 0.10 ms and an or more). If the latencies for both the median
intensity of less than 100 V. The higher stimula- nerve and the ulnar nerve are measured with this
tion intensities available with commercial EMG C8 nerve stimulation method, then the mean
stimulators can be employed without danger of difference between the two latencies is 1.7 ms or
tissue injury related to electrical or thermal effects. less (27). If the spinal nerve stimulation response is

Figure 3-32 ● Needle placement for stimulation of the C8 spinal nerve. The insertion site is
2.5 cm from the spinous process, with a 30-degree medial angle of the needle.
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abnormal, it is important that all peripheral the current. Unintended nerves in the vicinity
segments be tested in order to localize the point of can be stimulated, and unintended nerve or
abnormality. Spinal nerve root stimulation, F muscle responses can be recorded. Often a slight
wave, and H reflex techniques offer a means of initial-positive response is the only clue to a
confirming abnormalities in peripheral conduc- problem. It results from initial muscle depolar-
tion across particularly challenging areas, such as ization occurring some distance away from the
the ulnar groove, because peripheral slowing E1 electrode. It is surprising how closely an ul-
should also be detectable by these techniques. nar volume-conducted response, recorded over
However, these studies of long segments should the thenar muscles (see Fig. 3-11), resembles the
not be the primary indicator of abnormality at expected median response in the situation
these more peripheral locations of short segment where the median response is absent in a patient
or focal injury. with severe carpal tunnel syndrome. Always
Stimulation of each of the cervical spinal consider volume conduction when response
nerve roots up through C5 can be performed in a shape is not crisp and proper.
manner analogous to that for C8. In the lumbar re- 2. It is easy to mistake a general slowing of
gion (28), the spinal nerve root stimulation also conduction for focal entrapment if you just rush
uses a lateral approach with the needle angled 30 to through the study, do not think about other
45 degrees toward the midline. For S1, the point of diagnostic possibilities, and fail to check several
entry is medial to the posterior superior iliac spine nerves for comparison. Since nerves can be un-
and approximately 3 to 5 cm lateral to the midline. evenly involved in an early neuropathy, be cer-
A 75-mm-long needle electrode may be required tain the others are normal before deciding that
for stimulation of the lumbar or S1 spinal nerves. the initially tested nerve is focally entrapped.
Innervation of the anal sphincter can be assessed by 3. Cold nerves cause mistakes. Monitor tempera-
stimulation of a sacral-level spinal nerve with a ture throughout the examination. Evaporative
needle electrode at the respective sacral foramen cooling and vasoconstriction quickly decrease
(29). Although this technique of recording the temperatures. It is easy to miss the effects of
CMAP from the anal sphincter is well tolerated, it cool nerves, age, and height when testing using
is helpful to prepare the patient by explaining what very short sensory nerve segments.
to expect before the stimulus occurs and providing 4. Technical mistakes happen. Sooner or later you
some counterirritant pressure in the area of the will reverse the stimulator’s cathode and anode,
stimulation to reduce its sensory impact. use the wrong filter or amplifier setting, meas-
ure distance in error, or stimulate the wrong
nerve. If the signal or value does not look right,
COMMON ERRORS take the time to exclude technical error.
5. Rigid adherence to a standardized technique is
Computerized electrodiagnostic equipment makes essential in NCS. Deviation from the reference
it increasingly easy to capture a nerve response. approach, particularly in short segment studies
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the signal in which normal ranges are quite tight, is never
recorded is the one that was sought or that it was a good idea.
not distorted by technical problems. The increas- 6. Always anticipate possible anatomic variation.
ing automation can protect the subject from some The challenge of the Martin-Gruber anasto-
careless errors with the instrument, but it also can mosis is not only in recognizing the “wildly”
mask clues that something is amiss. It is a useful fast median nerve velocity recorded in carpal
exercise to periodically review the common sources tunnel syndrome, but also in seeing the clue of
of error in order to maintain a high vigilance. the change in the ulnar-innervated evoked po-
Common sources of error include: tential it also produces.
7. Never ignore inconsistencies in the findings
1. All stimulations and recorded signals are vol- from your recordings. Patients rarely have in-
ume conducted; they arise in and are carried explicable, inconsistent nerve function, and
through a volume of nearby tissue that conducts neither should your reports.
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Reporting Numbers techniques, an adequate pediatric study can be

accomplished with reasonable ease; just a mod-
Computer-based instruments can report results to icum of special techniques or equipment provides
an extreme number of decimal places. While the examiner with extra assistance in completing
values with two or three decimal places seem more the task. True, experience with pediatric studies
precise, they are, in fact, deceptive. The precision allows the examiner more assurance in planning
of any value is limited by the precision of its least and performing the studies, but this can be gained
reliable component. Although the elapsed time of incrementally by beginning with more limited
latency can be accurately recorded by the computer problems. It is often the fear of the event (for the
to many decimal places, the value of the number is child, family, or examiner) rather than the actual
limited by the uncertainty in the distance the signal examination that creates the negative experience.
has traveled, the inherent variability in channel A confidently and efficiently performed study will
opening, acetylcholine diffusion, and rise time of reduce the discomfort to all parties and will pro-
signals that trigger the timing. Measurement vide useful diagnostic information.
distance is restricted mechanically and by the
inherent uncertainty as to the point of initial
depolarization along the nerve. Clinical studies Development and Maturation
have been shown vary by up to 5% when trials A number of studies have documented the effect of
are immediately repeated and by up to 10% if re- age on both motor and sensory nerve conduction
peated after an interval of several days (30). Then values (31–37). NCVs in newborns are about
what numbers are meaningful in a report? Whole half those found in adults. Significant maturation
numbers are appropriate for reporting velocity. At of the peripheral nervous system occurs in the
50 m/s, a change of 1 m/s is a 2% variation, much first year of life, with rapid changes noted in con-
more “precise” than the 5% standard measurement duction studies (32,35,38). Clinically, maturation
accuracy underlying the test. Similarly, a distal la- appears to be more rapid in motor than sensory
tency variation of 0.l ms represents a 5.5% variation fibers when comparing amplitudes of response
for a short segment median sensory (mean median and conduction velocities (38). In infants and
nerve reference value less than 3.8 ms) conduction children under age 2 years, upper and lower
study. While each study has its own technical extremity NCVs have similar values. Addition-
aspects affecting accuracy and reproducibility, the ally, each nerve tends to exhibit its own pattern of
general guideline of reporting conduction veloci- conduction maturation. As a rule of thumb, motor
ties as whole numbers and using increments of NCVs in infants are usually no less than 20 m/s.
0.1 ms for reporting latencies remains valid. Developmental-based conduction velocity graphs
show the expected increases in velocities with age
(31,35,37). As expected, late responses like F waves
NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES IN also show maturational changes. The pediatric
CHILDREN median values for conduction velocity in all nerves
continue to gradually increase, reaching adult
Many electrodiagnosticians limit their practice values between the ages of 4 to 6 years. When using
to adults because of the perceived technical and published normal values for conduction studies, it
personal demands of examining children. Nev- is of the utmost importance that the examination
ertheless, a well-planned pediatric study is no techniques are precisely the same as those used in
more difficult and relies on the same basic determining the standard values. Proper segment
knowledge of pertinent anatomy, neuromuscular length measurement and temperature control are
diseases, and nerve and muscle development as an more important than in adults.
examination in adults. Depending on the clinical As one would anticipate, there are also
problem, a focused study in a child can produce the changes in distal latencies and in CMAPs with
diagnosis, direct further diagnostic studies, or pro- peripheral nerve maturation. In the newborn,
vide pertinent information to guide intervention or distal motor latency values obtained at constant
prognostication. Using general electrodiagnostic distances decrease with increasing conceptual
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age (37). Some distal latency measurements re- the skin “shifts” with pressure. The limb should
ported in children are quicker than those reported be properly immobilized throughout the study.
in adults because of the smaller segment distances. Electrode placement for sensory studies should al-
These distal latency values begin to approach low at least a 2-cm separation between E1 and E2.
adult values at the same distances after age 2 years. Shock artifact is often a problem when ex-
By age 6 months, CMAPs triple in amplitude by amining children because of the shortened dis-
both peripheral nerve and muscle maturation tances between the stimulator and the recording
(36,38). Recording of mild degrees of abnormal electrodes. Artifact can often be reduced by
temporal dispersion of the response may be diffi- cleansing the skin with pumice paste to reduce skin
cult in the face of incomplete development of impedance, thus permitting adequate stimulation
myelination in infants. Consequently, what may with lower electrical currents. Using minimal
be noticed is the resultant lowering of the action amounts of conduction cream combined with
potential’s amplitude. small-sized surface electrodes is helpful. Shock
Sensory conduction velocities also increase artifact may be minimized if the ground electrode
with maturation, with an increase of as much as is placed between the stimulating and recording
0.8 m/s per week of conceptional age in neonates electrodes. Grounding with a ring electrode posi-
(39). SNAPs also increase significantly in the first tioned around the wrist or ankle, or taping the
6 months, with a tripling of amplitude. By about ground disc to the dorsal surface of the hand is
age 3 years, lower limits of adult values are at- usually sufficient. Use of a needle electrode as the
tained. Two-peaked SNAPs have been reported stimulating cathode when testing infants offers
in neonates. some advantages: stimulation is accomplished with
as little as 10% of the usual current, there is less
discomfort, and there is more precise localization of
Techniques in Pediatric Electrodiagnosis the site of the stimulus (an important feature when
Maintaining proper subject temperature is essen- studying very short nerve segments).
tial during NCS. Maintaining body temperature Accuracy in technique is necessary to achieve
is critical to the well-being of newborn and reliable results and to compare results with pub-
premature infants as well as being important lished normative data. As in adult studies, the
electrodiagnostically because of the effect of low configuration of the evoked potential at the pro-
subject temperature or poor temperature control ximal and distal stimulation points should be
on conduction velocities. Infants can be studied compared to ensure that neither the stimulus has
in the incubator or with an overhead warmer. been volume conducted to another nerve nor a vol-
Maintaining a skin temperature of 36° to 37°C ume-conducted response has been recorded from a
produces appropriate near-nerve temperatures of distant muscle. These errors, like measurement, are
37° to 38°C and avoids spurious results. In older more likely because of the small-sized patient.
children, anxiety or crying can produce limb In general, NCS should be a part of a routine
cooling due to sweating and evaporation, another electrodiagnostic examination in children. De-
reason to do the conduction studies before the pending on the clinical findings and direction of
more painful needle examination. the study, at least one sensory and one or two
Conduction studies require meticulous care motor conduction studies should be performed.
because infants have such short extremities and The same nerves that are most useful diagnosti-
the segments studied may be only 6 cm in length. cally in adults are also the ones most frequently
Small stimulators with an interelectrode distance studied in pediatric examinations. Studies are per-
of 10 to 15 mm are commercially available and formed similarly, relying on the same landmarks
simplify testing of short nerve segments. The elec- to establish stimulation and recording sites. For
tromyographer must avoid errors in segment motor conduction studies, the peroneal nerve is
length measurements because a discrepancy of the most easily studied of those available in the
only 1 cm will produce as much as a 15% velocity lower limb. Distal stimulation requires careful
error. Measurement is inherently difficult in placement of the ground electrode. The ulnar and
infants since fat often hides bony landmarks and the median nerves are readily available for upper
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limb evaluation. In evaluation of a generalized birth), but no definitive studies have been pub-
process, at least one sensory nerve study should be lished to show the onset of membrane changes in
performed. Sensory potentials are easily elicited in infants following nerve injuries to make accurate
newborns. Conduction velocities can be calculated correlations with time of injury (and relationship
for sensory nerves but are no more routinely help- to delivery). The palsies can be studied serially at
ful than standardized sensory distal latency in about 6- to 8-week intervals to assist with diagnos-
infants. Both antidromic and orthodromic studies tic and prognostic information (42). Conduction
of median and ulnar nerves can be performed. studies with stimulation at Erb’s point and record-
Despite its initial triggering of the grasp reflex in ing of CMAPs from proximal muscles should be
infants, stimulation at the digits or palm is possi- done, especially if no motor units are found on nee-
ble, since there is often accommodation of the dle examination. Comparison of the CMAP to the
reflex to the stimulus. The musculocutaneous (lat- same muscle on the uninvolved side can be helpful.
eral antebrachial cutaneous) nerve offers another Presence or absence of response, reduced ampli-
useful option for a sensory study that avoids the tude of response, or prolonged latency can provide
reflex and size problems of the hands. Sural information related to the injury. Caution must be
sensory responses are easily obtained from the taken in surface stimulation at Erb’s point in
lower extremities in normal infants. preterm or newborn infants, since first-degree
Late responses can be very helpful in evalua- burns can be produced on their thin, fragile skin.
tion of the infant peripheral nervous system. The needle examination provides the most impor-
They offer certain advantages: fewer problems tant prognostic information and can help direct
with temperature control, longer distance of therapy and provide information regarding future
conduction and reduced distance measurement recovery. Follow-up studies have shown that half
error, and a single site of stimulation. The H re- of the children develop age-appropriate distal la-
flex can be elicited from any muscle during tency and conduction velocities in median and ul-
infancy, but most are gradually suppressed by the nar nerves by age 3 years (43).
age of 1 year. The tibial nerve, of course, retains
the H reflex throughout life. Using the standard Childhood and Adolescence
adult technique, the recorded latency is related to Focal neuropathies are the most common EMG
both age and leg length (35,40). The F wave can referrals in childhood and adolescence, often seen
be elicited in any peripheral motor nerve, and following skeletal fracture, or peripheral entrap-
the latency changes with age, limb length, and ment or compression (44). Brachial plexus injuries
nerve temperature. Correct supramaximal (F) and isolated nerve injuries are seen in children and
and submaximal (H) stimulations and appro- adolescents who sustain traumatic brain injuries,
priate waveform identification are essential in with or without fractures. Carpal tunnel syndrome
infants, since both the H reflexes and F waves can has been reported in young teenagers (45). Phrenic
be present in most muscles (41), and they can be nerve injury occurs in up to 10% of pediatric
confused with one another. cardiac surgery cases (46). Electrodiagnostic tech-
niques are the same as those used in adult studies.
Common Diagnostic Problems Serial testing can provide diagnostic as well as
prognostic information in acute nerve injuries.
The Newborn Acquired neuropathies secondary to other disease
Several focal neuropathies occur with some regu- processes have had only minimal discussion in
larity in the newborn. The most common is the pediatric electrodiagnostic literature. In type 1
brachial plexus palsy. Birth-related brachial plexus diabetes mellitus, motor NCVs of the lower ex-
palsies usually affect the upper trunk but can in- tremity and sensory NCVs were reduced in 30% to
volve a more significant portion of the plexus. The 40% of those tested (47). A correlation was found
mechanism of injury involves the cervical roots as between the slowed conduction and the degree of
much if not more than the plexus itself. There have glycemic control. Changes in conduction velocities
been reports of membrane instability found on are seen as early as 5 to 6 months after the diagno-
early examinations (less than 7 to 10 days from sis of juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus is made (48).
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Less often, electrodiagnostic evaluation dur- 4. Yap CB, Hirota T. Sciatic nerve motor conduc-
ing childhood is requested for evaluation of a gait tion velocity study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
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family history, and clinical examination to det- excitability. Science 1984;223:653–661.
6. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 27th ed. Philadel-
ermine a differential diagnosis. Onset of spinal
phia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000.
muscular atrophy type II and type III is seen in this 7. Weber RJ, van den Hoven R, Kukla RD. Dorsal
age group. Hereditary polyneuropathies become vs. palmar branch ulnar nerve sensory conduc-
functionally obvious during this time and medical tion: sensitive discriminator of ulnar entrap-
evaluation is sought. Hereditary motor and sensory ment. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1980;61:475.
neuropathy type I (previously known as Charcot- 8. MacLean IC, Mattioni TA. Phrenic nerve con-
Marie-Tooth) has an onset in early childhood and is duction studies: a new technique and its applica-
associated with foot deformities, although with tion in quadriplegic patients with high spinal
little muscle wasting early on. Marked slowing of cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1981;62:
motor conduction velocities, usually to less than 70–73.
50% of normal, is usually present with hereditary 9. Henriksen JD. Conduction velocity of motor
nerves in normal subjects and patients with neuro-
motor and sensory neuropathy type I (49). Maximal
muscular disorders. MS thesis, University of Min-
slowing of motor NCVs develops over the first 3 nesota, Minneapolis, 1956.
to 5 years of life (50). Hereditary motor and sensory 10. Johnson EW, Ortiz PR. Electrodiagnosis of
neuropathy type II generally has a later age of on- tarsal tunnel syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
set; it is largely an axonal disorder, and conductions 1966;47:776.
are normal or minimally reduced. Additionally, it 11. Haller EM, DeLisa JA, Brozovich FV. Nerve
is often at this age that the degenerative diseases conduction velocity: relationship to skin, subcu-
of the central nervous system, with associated de- taneous, and intramuscular temperatures. Arch
myelinating polyneuropathies, present. Metachro- Phys Med Rehabil 1980;61:199–203.
matic leukodystrophy is noted within the first 2 12. Izzo KL, Sridhara CR, Sharma R. Side, age, and
years of life, but later juvenile onset does occur (51). sex influences on lower extremity sensory nerve
conduction studies [abstract]. Muscle Nerve 1980;
Duchenne muscular dystrophy must be considered
in boys age 3 to 4 with gait abnormalities, positive 13. Bolton CF, Carter K, Koval JJ. Temperature ef-
Gower sign, and inability to run. Other etiologies to fects on conduction studies of normal and abnor-
be considered in the acute onset of weakness in mal nerve. Muscle Nerve 1982;5:S145–S147.
childhood are Guillain-Barré syndrome, dermato- 14. Dorfman LJ, Bosley TM. Age-related changes in
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The most common abnormality in motor conduc- Neurology 1979;29:38–44.
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Technical Aspects of EMG
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Jun Kimura

ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF NERVE (Em) of some 90 mV in the human skeletal mus-
AND MUSCLE cle at rest (1). To maintain the steady-state equi-
librium, the concentration gradient of potassium
The same basic membrane physiology applies to (K), sodium (Na), and chloride (Cl) ions
both nerve and muscle, although different (Table 4-1) must counter this electrical force (Fig.
anatomic substrates subserve propagation of elec- 4-1). For example, the ionic concentration differ-
trical impulses. The magnitude of the transmem- ence pushes K from inside to outside the cell, re-
brane potential in a steady state dictates the flecting the higher concentration inside, whereas
excitability of the tissues. Thus, understanding the negative equilibrium potential pulls the posi-
membrane physiology at the cellular level requires tively charged K from outside to inside the cell.
the knowledge of the ionic concentration of cell Table 4-1 shows the transmembrane poten-
plasma and its role in maintaining transmem- tial of EK (97 mV), ENa (66 mV), and
brane potentials. If an external stimulation depo- ECl (90 mV) theoretically required to establish
larizes the cell to a critical level, called threshold, an such equilibrium based solely on their ionic con-
action potential is initiated at the stimulus site, centrations. These compare with the actual trans-
which then propagates across the membrane. The membrane potential (90 mV) in the example
interstitial tissues act as a volume conductor when under consideration. Thus, ionic concentration
analyzing extracellular potentials by surface or and transmembrane potential alone cannot main-
needle electrodes in clinical electrodiagnosis. This tain these ions in perfect balance. The other fac-
chapter summarizes the basic physiology of the tors of import include selective permeability of the
propagating action potential through volume con- cell membrane to certain ions and the energy-
ductors, which dictates the waveform of the dependent sodium-potassium (Na-K) pump.
recorded potentials. In the case of K, its inward transport by the
energy-dependent Na-K pump makes up for the
small discrepancy between EK (97 mV) and Em
Transmembrane Potential (90 mV). Here, electrical force (90 mV) plus
The muscle membrane forms the boundary be- the pump transport (approximately equivalent to
tween intracellular fluid in cell cytoplasm and ex- 7 mV) from outside to inside the cell counteracts
tracellular interstitial fluids. Approximately equal almost exactly the concentration gradient (equiva-
numbers of ions are dissolved in both compart- lent to 97 mV) from inside to outside the cell.
ments, but the cell is negative inside as compared Both the concentration gradient and potential dif-
to outside with a steady transmembrane potential ference (90 mV) pull the Na from outside to

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T A B L E 4 - 1 Compositions of Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids of Mammalian

Muscle (19)

Extracellular (mmol/l) Intracellular (mmol/l) Equilibrium Potential (mV)


Na 145 12 66
K 4 5 97
Others 5 - -


Cl 120 4 90

HCO3 27 8 32
Others 7 155 -
Potential 0 mV 90

inside the cell, but only a small amount of the ion the cell, which in turn accelerates inward move-
moves because of the impermeability of the cell ment of this ion. This sequence results in dramatic
membrane. Active transport of Na from inside change of Na permeability, with an explosive re-
to outside by the Na-K pump counters the small versal of membrane potential from 90 mV to
inward Na leak to maintain the equilibrium. 20 mV. An action potential thus develops in an
all-or-none fashion; that is, the same maximal re-
Generation and Propagation sponse occurs regardless of the kind or magnitude
of the stimulus (Fig. 4-2). In other words, a switch
of Action Potential
from the K to Na equilibrium constitutes the
As mentioned above, a voltage-sensitive channel generation of an action potential. This negative-
regulates the conductance of Na and K ions to-positive shift of intracellularly recorded mem-
across the membrane depending on the transmem- brane potential can be recorded as negative spike
brane potential. In the resting stage, K channels extracellularly, or upward deflection according to
are open and Na channels are closed. An exter- the convention of clinical electrophysiology.
nally applied current induces negativity under the With depolarization of membrane potential,
cathode, or negative pole, thus making inside the permeability to K also increases, but only after a
axon relatively more positive, or cathodal depolar- delay of about 1 ms. At about the same time, the
ization. Subthreshold stimulation produces a self- increased Na permeability falls again to near the
limited local change in the transmembrane poten- resting value with closure or inactivation of Na
tial that diminishes with distance. Threshold or channels. Inactivated Na channels cannot be
suprathreshold stimulation depolarizes the mem- open for a few milliseconds even if the membrane
brane to a critical level by 15 to 25 mV from 90 is depolarized again above the critical level. This
mV to 65 to 75 mV in the human muscle cell inactivation forms the basis of the refractory pe-
(1). This degree of depolarization opens the volt- riod. Inactivation of Na conductance, together
age-dependent Na channels, causing a 500-fold with increased K permeability, results in a rapid
increase in Na permeability, which initiates the recovery of the cell membrane from depolariza-
sequence of events leading to nerve excitation. tion. After the potential falls precipitously
The increased conductance or permeability towards the resting level, a transient increase in
allows Na to enter the cell, further depolarizing K conductance hyperpolarizes the membrane,
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An action potential initiated at one point on

the cell membrane sets up an intracellular current
that flows from the positively charged active area
to the adjacent, negatively charged inactive re-
gions. A return current flows from the inactive to
active region through the extracellular fluid, com-
pleting the circuit (2). Thus, the local current en-
ters the cell at the site of depolarization (i.e., sink)
and passes out from the adjacent polarized regions
on both sides of the active area (i.e., sources).
When depolarization at the sources reaches the
threshold, an action potential is generated, form-
ing a new sink, which in turn gives rise to a new

Figure 4-1 ● Simplified scheme of active

and passive fluxes of potassium (K ),
sodium (Na), and chloride (Cl) in the
steady state, with driving force on each ion
shown by vectors. For K, the efflux along the
concentration gradient equals the influx caused by
the electrical force plus the active influx by the Na-K
pump. For Na, the electrical and chemical gradient
produces only a small influx because of membrane re-
sistance. The sum of the two equals the active efflux
by the Na-K. For chloride, the concentration gradi-
ent almost exactly counters the electrical force. The Figure 4-2 ● Schematic diagram of graded
ratio of Na and K exchange by a common electro- responses after subthreshold stimuli and gen-
genic pump averages 3:2, although this diagram illus- eration of action potentials after suprathresh-
trates a neutral pump with a ratio of 1:1. (Reprinted old stimuli. Experimental arrangement shows in-
from Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and tracellular stimulation (I) and recording electrodes
muscle: principles and practice. New York: Oxford (E) on top (A) and polarity, strength, and duration of
University Press, 2001, with permission.) a constant current on bottom (B). Hyperpolarizing
(1) and subthreshold depolarizing current (2) induce
a nonpropagating local response. Current of just
threshold strength will produce either local change
(3a) or an action potential (3b). Suprathreshold stim-
which then returns slowly to the resting state,
ulation (4) also generates an action potential but with
completing the cycle of repolarization. The total a more rapid time course of depolarization.
amount of Na influx and K efflux during the (Reprinted from Woodbury JW. Action potential:
course of an action potential is too small to alter properties of excitable membranes. In: Ruch TC, ed.
the concentrations of these two ions in the intra- Neurophysiology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
cellular and extracellular fluids. 1965:26–57, with permission.)
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Figure 4-3 ● Diagrammatic representation of an action potential in A fibers of the cat with
the spike and negative and positive after potentials drawn in their correct relative size and
true relationships. (Reprinted from Gasser HS. The classification of nerve fibers. Ohio J Sci 1941;41:
145–159, with permission.)

local current in both distal and proximal direc- an increased rate of the Na-K pump to counter
tions. This results in orthodromic as well as an- the internal sodium concentration.
tidromic volleys of the action potential from the
original site of depolarization.
In an extracellular recording, an action po- ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE
tential consists of an initial negative spike of about NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION
1 ms in duration, representing the intracellular
positive spike of depolarization, and two subse- The neuromuscular junction consists of the motor
quent after-potentials, depolarizing and hyperpo- nerve terminal, junctional cleft, and muscle end-
larizing (Fig. 4-3). The first externally negative plate. The release of acetylcholine (ACh) ensures
deflection grafted onto the declining phase of the unidirectional conduction from the axon terminal
negative spike, a supernormal period of excitabil- to the muscle endplate, similar to synaptic trans-
ity, presumably represents sustained internodal mission in a sequence of neurons. Other charac-
positivity and the extracellular accumulation of teristics of the chemical mode of transmission in-
K associated with the generation of an action clude a synaptic delay of a fraction of a millisecond
potential. The subsequent externally positive and nonpropagating nature of postsynaptic poten-
after-potential, a prolonged subnormal period of tials. Such a local potential causes no refractori-
excitability, reflects the elevated K conductance ness, unlike the all-or-none response of the nerve
at the end of the action potential combined with or muscle action potential. Temporal as well as
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spatial summation after subliminal stimuli pro- minate. Each muscle fiber usually has only one
vides greater flexibility and adaptability for endplate, innervated by a branch of the motor
graded responses. As in a synapse, the mobiliza- axon. At the nerve terminals, Schwann cells with-
tion store must continuously replenish the liber- out myelin (teloglial cells) separate the axon from
ated transmitter molecules, so that the neuromus- the surrounding tissue. Thus, the neuromuscular
cular junction would not fail due to depletion of junction consists of the motor nerve ending,
immediately available molecules. Schwann cells, and muscle endplate (Fig. 4-4).
After the nerve ending loses the Schwann cells at
the junctional region, the axon terminal forms a
Motor Endplate flattened plate within a surface depression of the
The term “motor endplate” describes the postsy- sarcolemma. This indentation of the muscle fiber,
naptic membrane of the striated muscle, where measuring about 200 to 500 Å deep, is called a
the specialized motor nerve efferent endings ter- synaptic gutter or primary synaptic cleft. The

Figure 4-4 ● Motor endplate as seen in histologic sections in the long axis of the muscle
fiber (A) and in surface view (B) under the light microscope, and a section through the mo-
tor endplate (area in the rectangle in A) under the electron microscope (C). The myelin sheath
ends at the junction at which the axon terminal fits into the synaptic cleft. The Schwann (teloglial) cells cover
the remaining portion without extending into the primary cleft. The membrane of axon (axolemma) forms the
presynaptic membrane, and that of muscle fiber (sarcolemma) forms the postsynaptic membrane of the motor
endplate. Interdigitation of the sarcolemma gives rise to the subneural or secondary clefts. The axon terminal
contains synaptic vesicles and mitochondria. (Reprinted from Bloom W, Fawcett DW. A textbook of histology,
10th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1975, with permission.)
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thickened postsynaptic membrane in this region cover an area about 2.5 times that of the terminal
has a large number of mitochondria, nuclei, and itself. The nicotinic ACh receptor, an ionotropic
small granules close to the narrow infoldings glycoprotein, comprises five subunits,  (alpha)
called the junctional folds or secondary clefts. 2,  (beta),  (gamma), and  (delta) in the fe-
Diseases of neuromuscular transmission alter the tus and 2, , (epsilon), and  in the adult.
motor endplate profile (Fig. 4-5). Binding of two ACh molecules to the two  sub-
Electron-microscopic studies of the human units initiates the opening of the ACh channel,
external intercostal muscles (3) show clear, round allowing cations (predominantly Na) to move
synaptic vesicles in the axon terminals, mostly through the postsynaptic membrane, with the net
clustered in the regions called active zones. The result of depolarization (6).
vesicles, containing ACh, are released into the The presynaptic axoplasm stores the synaptic
synaptic cleft from this site. Approximately 50 vesicles, which are intracellular structures 300 to
synaptic vesicles are counted per square microm- 500 Å in diameter that encapsulate ACh mole-
eter in a nerve terminal that occupies an area cules. The nerve endings also contain high con-
close to 4 m2. The synaptic basal lamina, inter- centrations of choline acetyltransferase, which
posed between the nerve terminal and muscle synthesizes ACh, and acetylcholinesterase, which
cell, stores acetylcholinesterase (4). The postsy- hydrolyzes ACh. The presence of the neurotrans-
naptic membrane area is 10 times larger than the mitter and the two enzymes in the proximal por-
presynaptic membrane, forming elaborate junc- tions of neurons suggests that enzymatic synthesis
tional folds (5). The postsynaptic junctional folds takes place in the cell body before they are trans-
containing a high concentration of ACh receptors ported to the nerve terminals (7). Each vesicle con-

Figure 4-5 ● Schematic representation of the motor endplates in normal control, myas-
thenia gravis, and myasthenic syndrome drawn to the scale of the mean figure. The dia-
gram shows in simplified form the loss of the postsynaptic membrane in myasthenia gravis and marked hy-
pertrophy in myasthenic syndrome. (Reprinted from Engel AG, Santa T. Histometric analysis of the
ultrastructure of the neuromuscular junction in myasthenia gravis and in the myasthenic syndrome. Ann NY
Acad Sci 1971;183:46–63, with permission.)
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tains a quantum (5,000 to 10,000 molecules) of 0.8 ms, and decreases exponentially, with a
ACh (8). A small portion of quanta (about 1,000) is half-decay time of about 3.0 ms. The EPP, a
located adjacent to the cell membrane for imme- graded rather than all-or-none response, in-
diate release; many more (10,000) are contained in creases in proportion to the number of ACh
the mobilization store, which moves continuously quanta liberated from the nerve terminal and the
toward the membrane to replace liberated ACh. sensitivity of the endplate to ACh molecules. It
The remaining and largest portion of quanta declines rapidly with distance from the endplate.
(300,000) forms the main store as a reserve supply Like the excitatory postsynaptic potential, two or
for the mobilization store. more subthreshold EPPs, if generated in near
synchrony, can summate to cause a depolariza-
Electrical Activity at the Endplate tion exceeding the critical level for generation of
Random release of a single quantum of ACh an action potential.
from the nerve terminal (9) induces a small de- When the EPP exceeds the threshold or the
polarization of the postsynaptic membrane critical level of depolarization, a molecular change
known as the miniature endplate potential of the depolarized membrane results in a selective
(MEPP). The MEPP averages 1 mV in ampli- increase of Na conductance, followed by an in-
tude if recorded with a microelectrode inserted crease in K conductance. As mentioned earlier,
directly into the endplate region, but only 50 to this phenomenon, inherent in the muscle mem-
100 V when registered with an ordinary needle brane, occurs irrespective of the nature of the stim-
electrode placed near the endplate of the muscle ulus as long as depolarization reaches the critical
fibers. Each ACh vesicle contains a quantum, or value. The all-or-none characteristic of the ampli-
a nearly equal number, of ACh molecules irre- tude is dictated by Na channel kinetics. In con-
spective of external factors, thus maintaining the trast, the speed of initial depolarization alters the la-
MEPP amplitude (a measure of quantum size) tency of the action potential, which forms the
relatively constant. In contrast, the release of vesi- source of jitter in single-fiber studies. A neuromus-
cles, and the occurrence of MEPPs, varies over a cular block results when the EPP fails to reach the
wide range in frequency, such as increasing with critical level, either because of insufficient libera-
elevated temperatures. tion of ACh vesicles from the axon terminal or re-
Depolarization of the motor nerve terminal duced sensitivity of the muscle endplate. The gen-
leads to the influx of calcium (Ca2), enhancing eration of a muscle action potential is all-or-none
quantal release by increasing fusion of the ACh for each muscle fiber, but the compound muscle ac-
vesicles with the nerve membrane. The resulting tion potential shows a graded response in propor-
synchronized release of many ACh vesicles results tion to the number of activated muscle fibers.
in summation of MEPPs, giving rise to a localized The muscle action potential, once generated
endplate potential (EPP). The number of immedi- at the endplate, propagates bidirectionally to the
ately available ACh quanta and the voltage- remaining parts of the fiber at a relatively slow
dependent concentration of Ca2 within the axon rate of 3 to 5 m/s. The spread of action potential
terminal together determine the size of the EPP. from the motor endplate to the transverse tubules
The number of quanta emitted per nerve impulse, initiates the excitation–contraction coupling,
or quantum content, averages 25 to 50, based on linking the electrical process to muscle contrac-
the amplitude ratio of EPP/MEPP. tion (10,11).
Like MEPPs, EPPs result from depolariza-
tion of the motor endplate by ACh. The opening
of ACh receptors by the synaptic transmitter in- POTENTIALS RECORDED THROUGH A
creases the conductance of positively charged VOLUME CONDUCTOR
ions, including Na and K. The diffusion of
these ions down their electrochemical gradients During the clinical study, connective tissue and
results in depolarization of the motor endplate. interstitial fluid act as a volume conductor sur-
This nonpropagated local response begins about rounding the generator sources (2,12,13). Here,
0.5 ms after the release of ACh, peaks in about an electrical field spreads instantaneously from a
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:07 AM Page 74


source represented as a dipole (that is, a pair of shaped conductor. As a consequence, the analysis
positive and negative charges). In a volume con- of current lines becomes extremely complicated
ductor, currents move into an infinite number of and hardly predictable. Various tissues in the body
pathways between the positive and negative ends have their own resistivity (Table 4-2) (14).
of the dipole, with the greatest current densities The volume conductor has another charac-
(the number of charges passing through a unit teristic of importance for determining the electri-
area per unit time) along the straight path. cal potential. Capacitance is the ability of the
Analysis of electrical potential distribution in a conductor to store charge. If current flows in a
volume conductor requires knowledge on path- volume, a portion of the current is used to store
ways of current that generates potential gradi- positive and negative charges of equal quantity. If
ents. Current path is described as current lines capacitance is high, it takes longer to generate po-
connecting both the current source and sink of tential difference at a distance. If low, the same
the dipole. The more current lines penetrating a current produces a steeply rising potential. In the
unit area (or the higher the current density), the presence of a fixed capacitance, a quick build-up
steeper the potential gradient. In other words, of current gives rise to a volume-conducted poten-
isoelectric lines (points of identical unit poten- tial at more distant locations than a slow develop-
tials), which transect the current lines, become ment of the same current (i.e., source currents
more crowded. Current pathways are predicted with highly synchronized onset tend to generate
by a simple law that current tends to flow along greater volume-conducted potentials than those
the path of least resistance. with gradual onset). Thus, capacitance serves
much like a resistance in the situation with chang-
ing current. The term impedance is used to denote
Characteristics of Current Flow the total effective resistance acting against the
If the current flows in an infinite homogeneous changing current and includes the combined im-
volume conductor, a potential at a given point can pact of resistance and capacitance.
be calculated mathematically; the potential is in- Physiologic sources of current comprise
versely related to the square of the distance from those generated by both synaptic potentials and
the dipole, and proportional to the cosine of the action potentials. Action potentials are a propa-
angle subtended by the point and the orientation gating source of current with front positivity.
of the dipole. By contrast, the human body They are always drawn as current lines starting
provides a notoriously inhomogeneous and finite- from this front current source and ending at the
sink just behind, thus producing currents that are
distributed widely. Potentials associated with
these currents can be recorded from a distance in
a volume conductor. Such potential fields are
T A B L E 4 - 2 Volume Conduction in called open fields.
Inhomogeneous Some synaptic potentials in central nervous
Media (14) system nuclei make a spherical dipolar sink
source. The central current sink is juxtaposed
Medium Resistivity (ohm/cm) with the source surrounding it. In this case, cur-
Seawater 20 rent lines have a short path confined within the
nucleus. As a result, no volume-conducted poten-
Cerebrospinal fluid 64
tials are recorded at a distance. Such a configura-
Blood 150
tion is termed a closed field distribution.
Spinal cord 180–1,200 The current flow decreases in proportion to
Cerebral cortex 230–350 the square of the distance from the generator
White matter 650 source. Thus, the effect of the dipole gives rise to
Bone 16,000 voltage difference between an active recording
Skull 20,000 electrode in the area of high current density and
a reference electrode at a distance. Whether the
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:07 AM Page 75


potential include charge density (the net charge

per unit area), surface areas of the dipole, and its
proximity to the recording electrode.

Diphasic and Triphasic Waveforms

With a pair of electrodes directly placed on the
surface over a nerve or muscle, the nearest elec-
trode (E1) becomes negative relative to the distant
electrode (E2) as a propagating action potential
reaches the recording site. This results in an up-
ward deflection of the tracing according to the
convention of clinical electrophysiology. The trace
returns to the baseline at the point where the de-
polarized zone affects E1 and E2 equally. With
further passage of the action potential, E2 be-
comes negative relative to E1, or E1 becomes pos-
itive relative to E2. Thus, the trace now shows a
downward deflection until it returns to the base-
line as the nerve activity becomes too distant to
affect the electrical field near the recording elec-
trodes. This produces a diphasic action potential,
as shown in Figure 4-6 (15).
Unlike in animal studies, where recording
can be done directly from the nerve or muscle with
Figure 4-6 ● Diphasic (top) and monopha- no external conduction medium, a clinical study
sic recording (bottom) of an action poten- must consider the effect of connective tissue and
tial represented by the shaded area. As interstitial fluid, which act as volume conductors
the impulse propagates from left to right in the top surrounding the generator sources (2,12,13,15). In
series, the two electrodes see no potential difference a volume conductor, an electrical field spreads
in (a), (c), and (e). Relative to the reference electrode from a source represented as a dipole or a pair of
(E2), the active electrode (E1) becomes negative in positive and negative charges (16). Although cur-
(b) and positive in (d), resulting in a diphasic poten-
rents move along an infinite number of pathways
tial. In the bottom, the darkened area on the right
indicates a killed end with permanent depolariza- between the positive and negative ends of the di-
tion, making E1 positive relative to E2 in (a
), (c
), pole, the greatest number of charges passes per unit
and (d
). In (b
), E1 and E2 see no potential differ- time through a unit area along the straight path.
ence, causing upward deflection from the positive The solid angle subtended by an object
baseline to 0 potential. (Reprinted from Kimura J. equals the area of its surface divided by the
Electrodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and muscle: princi- squared distance from a specific point to the sur-
ples and practice. New York: Oxford University face (17,18). The resting transmembrane poten-
Press, 2001, with permission.) tial consists of a series of dipoles arranged with
positive charges on the outer surface and negative
electrode records positive or negative potentials charges on the inner surface. Thus, the solid an-
depends on its spatial orientation to the opposing gle increases in proportion to the size of the po-
charges of the dipole. For example, in an ideal- larized membrane viewed by the electrode and
ized homogenous volume, the active electrode lo- decreases with the distance between the electrode
cated at a point equidistant from the positive and and the membrane. Solid angle approximation
negative charge registers no potential, provided closely predicts the voltage potential derived
the reference electrode is indifferent. The factors from a dipole layer, as schematically shown in
that determine the amplitude of the recorded Figure 4-7. A leading dipole, visualized as a
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:07 AM Page 76


Analysis of Triphasic Waveform

A positive–negative–positive triphasic wave re-
sults as the moving fronts of the leading and
trailing dipoles, representing depolarization and
repolarization, approach, reach, and finally pass
beyond the point of the recording electrode (Fig. 4-
8). Thus, an orthodromic sensory action potential
from a deeply situated nerve gives rise to a tripha-
sic waveform in surface recording. In contrast,
when potentials originate in the region near the
electrode, they lack the initial positivity because the
approaching volley is absent (i.e., a compound
muscle action potential recorded with the active
electrode near the endplate region where the vol-
ley initiates). If a pair of electrodes are placed away
from the activated muscle, then the recording of a
positive–negative diphasic action potential indi-
cates that the impulse approaches but does not
reach the recording site.
Triphasic action potentials generated by a mo-
tor unit represent the summation of a few muscle
fiber activities. The waveform of the recorded po-
tential varies with the location of the recording tip
relative to the source of the muscle cells’ potentials
(20–24). Thus, shifting the position of the needle al-
Figure 4-7 ● Potential recorded at P from lows recording of multiple, different-appearing
a cell with active (dark area) and inactive motor unit action potentials from the same motor
region. In (a), total solid angle consists of (1), unit. A slight withdrawal of the recording tip away
(2), and (3). Potential at P subtending solid angles from the discharging motor unit results in a sub-
(1) and (3) equals zero as, in each, the nearer and stantial reduction in amplitude and an increase in
farther membranes form a set of dipoles of equal the duration of the positive-to-negative rising
magnitude but opposite polarity. In (2), however, phase, or rise time. The rise time serves as an im-
cancellation fails because these two dipoles show the portant measure of the proximity of the needle tip
same polarity at the site of depolarization. In (b), to the generator source. The measured amplitude
charges of the nearer and farther membranes sub-
provides no clue for this purpose, because it may be
tending solid angle (2) are placed on the axial sec-
tion through a cylindrical cell. A dipole sheet equal
decreased with either smaller-diameter muscle
in area to the cross-section then represents the onset fibers or lower fiber density.
of depolarization traveling along the cell from left to The location of the needle also dictates the
right with positive poles in advance. (Reprinted from waveform of spontaneous single-fiber discharges,
Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and mus- which may appear as an initially positive triphasic
cle: principles and practice. New York: Oxford Uni- fibrillation potential, initially negative biphasic
versity Press, 2001, with permission.) endplate spike, or initially positive biphasic positive
sharp wave. Despite this prevailing unifying con-
positively charged wave front, represents the de- cept (25–27), an accurate description of the ob-
polarization at the cross-section of the nerve at served potential plays a useful role in clinical analy-
which the transmembrane potential reverses (19). ses (28,29). For example, positive sharp waves,
A trailing dipole, with negatively charged wave recorded in the absence of fibrillation potentials,
front, follows, signaling the repolarization of the may imply subliminal hyperexcitability of single
activated zone. muscle fibers that “spontaneously” fire only with
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:07 AM Page 77



The onset latency measured in nerve conduction
studies relates to the fastest fibers, allowing calcu-
lation of the maximal motor or sensory velocities.
Waveform analyses help estimate the range of the
functional motor units within the compound
muscle action potentials (CMAPs) or axons within
the sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs)
(30–32). This aspect of the study provides an
equally important (if not more so) assessment not
only in evaluating peripheral neuropathies with
segmental block, in which surviving axons may
conduct normally (33–42), but also in assessing
spinal cord dysfunction (43,44). In clinical tests of
motor and sensory conduction, the size of the
recorded response approximately parallels the
number of excitable fibers. Any discrepancy be-
tween responses to proximal and distal shocks,
Figure 4-8 ● Triphasic potential character- however, does not necessarily imply an abnormal-
ized by amplitude, duration (A–D), and rise ity because of the effect of physiologic temporal
time (B–C). A pair of wave fronts of opposite po- dispersion, which progressively alters the wave-
larity represent depolarization and repolarization. form of the recorded potentials.
The action potential travels from left to right in a vol-
ume conductor with the recording electrode (E1)
near the active region and the reference electrode (E2)
on a remote inactive point. As shown in (a), E1 ini-
Physiologic and Pathologic
tially sees the positivity of the first dipole, which sub- Temporal Dispersion
tends a greater solid angle ( d) than the second di- The impulses of slow-conducting fibers lag in-
pole of negative front ( r). In (b), this relationship
creasingly behind those of fast-conducting fibers
reverses, with gradual diminution of d compared
over a long conduction path (45–47). Thus, the
with r, as the active region approaches E1. In (c),
the maximal negativity signals the arrival of the im- size of the recorded response depends to a great
pulse directly under E1, which now sees only negative extent on the site of stimulation and recording.
ends of the dipoles. In (d), the negativity declines as With increasing distance between stimulating and
E1 begins to register the positive end of the second di- pickup electrodes, the recorded potential becomes
pole. In (e), the polarity reverses again as r exceeds smaller in both amplitude and area under the
d. In (f), the trace returns to the baseline when the waveform and longer in duration. In fact, stimu-
active region moves farther away. The last positive lation proximally in the axilla or Erb’s point may
phase, though smaller in amplitude, lasts longer than normally give rise to a very small SNAP from a
the first, indicating a slower time course of repolar- digit, compared to a large response elicited by
ization. (Reprinted from Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in
stimulation at the wrist or palm (27,48,49). A
diseases of nerve and muscle: principles and practice.
physiologic reduction both in amplitude and area
New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, with
permission.) under the waveform shows a linear change (Fig.
4-9) correlated with the length of the nerve seg-
ment (50–52). This linear relationship stands in
mechanical irritation of the needle. If the tip of a contrast to an abrupt diminution attributable to a
needle damages the muscle membrane and blocks focal conduction abnormality located between the
the propagating impulse, then the recorded poten- proximal and the distal sites of stimulation.
tial appears as a positive sharp wave signaling only A slight physiologic latency difference may
the approach of the positive front of depolarization. cause the positive peaks of the fast fibers to be
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:07 AM Page 78


sion also reduces the amplitudes of shorter-

duration CMAPs substantially, such as those
recorded from the intrinsic foot muscles.
The separation between E1 and E2 dictates
the duration and waveform of unit discharges,
which in turn determine the degree of overlap be-
tween peaks of opposite polarity (45). A maximal
cancellation results when a waveform contains
negative and positive phases of comparable size. In
a triphasic orthodromic sensory potential,
compared with biphasic antidromic digital poten-
tials, the initial positivity provides an additional
probability for phase cancellation. Changes in
temperature also affect the temporal dispersion,
influencing the fast- and slow-conducting fibers
more or less equally in percentage terms, and
therefore differently in absolute terms (57). For
these reasons, the equations for the best-fit lines in
Figure 4-9 ● Simultaneous recordings of one study may not necessarily apply to another.
CMAPs from the thenar eminence and
The nerve length and other measurements, how-
SNAPs from the index finger after stimula-
tion of the median nerve at palm (P), wrist
ever, nearly always show a linear relation for phys-
(W), elbow (E), and axilla (A). The progres- iologic changes, which therefore serve as a better
sively more proximal sites of stimulation elicited criterion than does an arbitrary limit of percentage
nearly the same muscle response but progressively reduction.
smaller sensory responses from the wrist to the axilla. Muscle responses can also diminish dramati-
(Reprinted from Kimura J, Machida M, Ishida T, et cally based solely on phase cancellation as pre-
al. Relation between size of compound sensory or dicted by our model (53) and computer simulation
muscle action potentials and length of nerve seg- (58) if the latency differences abnormally increase
ment. Neurology 1986;36:647–652, with permission.) between normally conducting and pathologically
slow-conducting motor axons. Thus, in patho-
logic temporal dispersion associated with segmen-
aligned with the negative peaks of the slow fibers, tal demyelination, focal phase cancellation could
canceling both of the short-duration diphasic sen- substantially reduce the amplitude of the muscle
sory spikes (Fig. 4-10). This phenomenon alone response, giving a false impression of motor con-
can reduce the normal SNAP to below 50% in area duction block. Thus, a sustained reduction in size
as well as in amplitude, a conservative figure that of CMAP may result from a pathologic temporal
is based on computation from a limited number of dispersion rather than a prolonged time period of
nerve fibers available for analysis (53,54). The same neurapraxia (40,53,54). In this case, a reduction in
temporal dispersion has less effect (55–57) on amplitude of the CMAP following proximal stim-
CMAPs since they are longer in duration, and so ulation is consistent with preserved strength and a
they superimpose nearly in phase rather than out relatively normal recruitment pattern of the
of phase for the same latency shift, resulting in less motor units.
cancellation. Thus, when compared to SNAPs,
physiologic phase cancellation results in a limited
reduction in the size of the CMAP (Fig. 4-11). The
A Model for Desynchronized Impulses
duration change of the SNAP, expressed as a per- A shock applied to either the median (Sm) or
centage of the respective baseline values, also far ulnar (Su) nerve at the wrist evokes a sensory
exceeds that of the CMAP response (50). As ex- potential of the fourth digit as well as a muscle
pected from the term “duration-dependent phase potential over the thenar eminence. Hence, a con-
cancellation” (50), a physiologic temporal disper- comitant application of two stimuli, Sm and Su,
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:07 AM Page 79


Figure 4-10 ● A model for phase cancellation between fast (F) and slow (S) conducting
sensory fibers. With distal stimulation at the arrows, two unit discharges arrive in phase and summate to
produce a sensory action potential twice as large. With proximal stimulation (lower two traces), a delay of the
slow fiber causes phase cancellation between the positive peak of the fast fiber and the negative peak of the slow
fiber, resulting in a 50% reduction in size of the summated response. (Reprinted from Kimura J, Machida M,
Ishida T, et al. Relation between size of compound sensory or muscle action potentials and length of nerve seg-
ment. Neurology 1986;36:647–652, with permission.)

with varying interstimulus intervals simulates the difficult to measure this change. An interstimulus
effect of desynchronized inputs, as seen in patho- interval slightly less than half the total duration of
logic temporal dispersion (53) (Figs. 4-12 and 4- the recorded discharge maximized the phase
13). In 10 hands, an interstimulus interval on the cancellation between the two components and
order of 1 ms between Sm and Su caused a major consequently the loss of area under the waveform.
reduction in sensory potential by as much as 50% Further increase in the interstimulus difference
but caused little change in CMAP. With further (simulating the difference in distal latencies be-
separation of Sm from Su, the muscle response tween faster- and slower-conducting fibers)
began to decrease in amplitude and area, reaching resulted in complete separation of the two poten-
a minimum at interstimulus intervals of 5 to 6 ms. tials, which precluded phase cancellation. As an
The duration is increased in proportion to the in- inference, pathologic temporal dispersion may
terstimulus interval shift, although a gradual decrease the size of the SNAPs or CMAPs; how-
return of the waveform to the baseline made it ever, it is also possible to see a paradoxical
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:08 AM Page 80


Figure 4-11 ● Same arrangements as in Figure 4-10 to show the relationship between fast
(F) and slow (S) conducting motor axons. With distal stimulation, two motor unit potentials summate
to produce a muscle action potential twice as large. With proximal stimulation, the longer-duration motor unit
potentials still superimpose nearly in phase, despite having the same latency time shift of the slow motor fiber
as the sensory fiber shown in Figure 4-10. Thus, a physiologic temporal dispersion alters the size of the muscle
action potential only minimally, if at all. (Reprinted from Kimura J, Machida M, Ishida T, et al. Relation be-
tween size of compound sensory or muscle action potentials and length of nerve segment. Neurology
1986;36:647–652, with permission.)

increase in the responses, caused by elimination of area, often associated with waveform changes, in-
physiologic phase cancellation. dicates either a pathologic temporal dispersion or
conduction block. The distinction between the
two possibilities must depend in part on associated
WAVEFORM ANALYSIS IN findings such as muscle strength and motor unit
In summary, physiologic as well as pathologic
In differentiating physiologic as opposed to patho- temporal dispersion can reduce the area of dipha-
logic temporal dispersion, many variables, such as sic or triphasic evoked potentials recorded in bipo-
the electrode position and the distance between lar derivation. Segmental studies provide the best
the two stimulus sites, make the commonly held means to differentiate nonlinear pathologic
criteria based on percentage reduction nearly changes from linear physiologic regression in
untenable (59). A simpler, more practical ap- amplitudes and areas of the recorded compound
proach relies on a linear relationship between the action potentials. An awareness of a duration-
latency and the size of the recorded responses seen dependent phase cancellation of unit discharges
in physiologic phase cancellation (60) (see Fig. 4- within the compound action potential helps ana-
9). Testing of linearity requires segmental stimu- lyze dispersed action potentials in identifying
lation at more than two sites but enjoys the distinct various patterns of neuropathic processes (31). Ref-
advantage of having a built-in internal control for erential derivation of a monophasic waveform in a
all recording variables, such as interelectrode “killed-end” arrangement conserves the area irre-
spacing. A nonlinear reduction in amplitude or spective of stimulus sites. This type of recording,
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:08 AM Page 81


Figure 4-12 ● Antidromic sensory potentials of the fourth digit elicited by stimulation of the
median (Sm) or ulnar (Su) nerve (top two tracings), or by both Sm and Su at interstimulus in-
tervals (ISI) ranging from 0 to 2.0 ms (left). Algebraic sums of the two top tracings (middle) closely
matched the actual recording at each ISI, as evidenced by the small difference shown in computer subtraction
(right). The area under the negative peak reached a minimal value at an ISI of 0.8 ms in actual recordings as well
as in calculated waveforms. (Reprinted from Kimura J, Sakimura Y, Machida M, et al. Effect of desynchronized
inputs on compound sensory and muscle action potentials. Muscle Nerve 1988;11:694–702, with permission.)

however, may register a stationary far-field poten- temporal dispersion vary depending on the elec-
tial generated by the propagating impulse crossing trode placement. A triple stimulation method
the partition of the volume conductor (61,62). Such with double collisions allows identification of
a steady potential could in turn distort the wave- motor conduction block in the face of desynchro-
form of the near-field potentials. nization (68), but the technique fails if the lesion
is too proximal or if it compromises nerve ex-
citability at stimulus sites as a consequence of de-
Conduction Block of Motor Fibers myelination or degeneration. Estimating the
The usual criteria for conduction block in motor number of surviving motor units also has limited
fibers depend on the percentage comparison of a value (69).
proximally and a distally elicited CMAP (63–66). The combination of clinical and electrophys-
Generally accepted values range from 20% to iologic findings usually circumvents the ambigu-
50% reduction, with less than 15% increase in ity of the criteria based purely on waveform
duration of the CMAP elicited by proximal stim- analysis (70). In the presence of conduction block,
ulation (67). These criteria, however, do not nec- a shock applied distal to the nerve lesion in ques-
essarily apply in all studies because the effects of tion elicits a vigorous twitch and a large distal
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:08 AM Page 82


Figure 4-13 ● CMAPs from the thenar eminence elicited by stimulation of the median (Sm)
and ulnar (Su) nerve (top two tracings), or by both Sm and Su at interstimulus intervals (ISI)
ranging from 0 to l0 ms (left). Algebraic sums of the top two tracings almost, but not exactly, equaled
the actual recordings as shown by computer subtraction at each ISI (right). The area under the negative peak
reached a minimal value at an ISI of 5 ms in actual recordings as well as in calculated waveform. (Reprinted
from Kimura J, Sakimura Y, Machida M, et al. Effect of desynchronized inputs on compound sensory and
muscle action potentials. Muscle Nerve 1988;11:694–702, with permission.)

amplitude despite clinical weakness (27), associ- suggests demyelination, leading to an appropriate
ated with paucity of voluntarily activated motor treatment.
unit potentials (71). As an exception, the same re- In contrast to motor studies, which rely heav-
sult applies to the paresis attributable to upper ily on clinical assessment of weakness to define
motor neuron involvement or hysteria. The same conduction block, sensory studies usually depend
finding also characterizes any weakness during solely on waveform analysis of the antidromic re-
the first few days of an axonal lesion before the sponse elicited by short incremental stimulation.
distal stump loses excitability (72). The absence of An alternative method consists of stimulating the
F-wave responses complements conventional digital nerve and recording the orthodromic sen-
nerve conduction studies in documenting a con- sory potentials at multiple points with a series of
duction block, especially if it involves a proximal electrodes mounted 1 cm apart on a specially con-
segment (73,74). In equivocal cases, the inability structed flexible strap (31,75). This method, how-
to distinguish between pathologic temporal dis- ever, is applicable only to latency studies of a su-
persion and conduction block poses no major perficially located sensory or mixed nerve, because
practical problems because either finding usually varying the depth of the nerve from the skin
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:08 AM Page 83


Figure 4-14 ● A T1-weighted magnetic resonance image (repetition time [TR] 400 ms; echo
time [TE] 13 ms) (left) and a recording of spinal somatosensory evoked potentials (right) ob-
tained from a 65-year-old patient with cervical myelopathy. Epidural stimulation at L2 elicited
a series of potentials recorded unipolarly from the ligamentum flavum of C7–T1 through C1–2. Note the pro-
gressive increase in size of the negative component (arrows pointing up) from C7–T1 (3) through C5–C6 (1),
with the abrupt reduction at C4–C5 (0) followed by a monophasic positive wave at C3–C4 (1). The negative
wave doubled in amplitude and quadrupled in area at (1) compared to (3). The (0) corresponded to the level
of the spinal cord showing the most prominent compression on the MR image. (Reprinted from Tani T, Ushida
T, Yamamoto H, et al. Waveform changes due to conduction block and their underlying mechanism in spinal
somatosensory evoked potential: a computer simulation. J Neurosurg 1997;86:303–310, with permission.)

surface greatly influences the amplitude of the monophasic positive waves at more rostral levels
surface-recorded SNAP. constitutes a typical pattern of waveform
changes, indicating a complete focal conduction
block. A paradoxically enhanced negative peak
Assessment of Spinal Cord Conduction
results from resynchronization of physiologically
In contrast to peripheral study, segmental record- desynchronized signals because the leading im-
ing registers comparable spinal somatosensory pulses stop traveling when they reach the site of
evoked potentials in intraoperative spinal cord involvement, whereas the trailing impulses con-
monitoring. All recording electrodes are nearly tinue to propagate until they arrive at the same
equidistant from the spinal cord if placed in the point. In addition, the fast-conducting fibers lose
subdural or epidural space, the ligamentum their terminal-positive phases, which would have
flavum, or the intervertebral disc (76–80). reduced the negative phases of the slower fibers
Figure 4-14 shows unipolar recording from by physiologic phase cancellation.
the ligamentum flavum at multiple levels after Even when only some of the fibers sustain a
epidural stimulation of the cauda equina in a pa- conduction block, the identical mechanism
tient with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. The enhances the negative peak at the points immedi-
combination of an abrupt loss of the negative ately preceding an incomplete lesion. Thus, the
peak at one level, augmentation of the negative response consists of positive–negative diphasic
peaks in the leads closely caudal to that level, and waves with enhanced negativity at points
90749_ch04(65-86).ps 8/11/06 11:08 AM Page 84


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Sanjeev D. Nandedkar

INTRODUCTION algorithms. Nevertheless, we will discuss the basic

strategy in making measurements manually. One
The primary function of an electromyograph is to must be able to recognize failure of automated
record, amplify, and display a low-amplitude algorithms, which occurs quite frequently.
neurophysiologic signal in the presence of high-
amplitude ambient noise and interference. The
term “noise” usually refers to the internal noise that ELECTRODES
is inherent in all electronic devices. “Interference”
represents the potentials introduced from the The electrodes are sensors that detect electrical
surrounding environment (e.g., radio and TV potentials generated by the nerves and muscles.
transmissions). For simplicity, we will refer to both For good recordings, there should be a good
phenomena as noise. The electromyograph can contact between the signal generators and the
selectively amplify the nerve and muscle potentials recording electrodes. This is described as having
while attenuating the ambient noise. This is “low electrode impedance.” In EDX, the intra-
described as improving the signal to noise (S/N) muscular needle electrodes are surrounded by
ratio. In modern instruments the S/N ratio is highly conductive body fluids. This gives a good
increased by developing sophisticated hardware contact (i.e., low impedance). In contrast, the
and software. The hardware refers to physical surface electrodes are placed on skin and make a
devices such as amplifier and cables. The software poor contact to the body (i.e., they have high
represents signal-processing algorithms that are impedance). The impedance of surface electrodes
executed using personal computers. The design is reduced using many simple strategies.
and specification of each of these components First, the skin surface at recording site is
affects the noise as well as the signal of interest. cleaned using alcohol-soaked pads. Lotions and
Hence, it is important to understand the role of perfumes are poor conductors of electricity, and
instrumentation in electrodiagnostic examination these are removed by the cleaning process. A mild
(EDX). This expertise also allows one to conduct abrasive may be used to remove the dead skin
studies in hostile environments, recognize artifacts, cells, which have high resistance to electricity.
and perform studies in a fast and efficient manner. Finally, electrolytic gel is used to improve the
In this chapter we will review the hardware contact between the electrode and skin. The
and software components of a typical commer- impedance measurements are often mandatory in
cially available electromyograph. It is not our in- evoked potential (EP) and electroencephalogra-
tention to review sophisticated signal-quantitation phy (EEG) recordings, where one aims to obtain

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an impedance of 4 kilo-ohms or even less. AMPLIFIER

Furthermore, the impedance of all recording
electrodes should be similar (1). This is the most important component of the elec-
Reusable surface electrodes should be washed tromyograph. The amplifiers used in consumer
thoroughly to remove any build-up of residues of electronic devices (e.g., radio, TV) need two input
the electrolytic gel. Reusable needle electrodes connections. In contrast, EMG amplifiers require
should be inspected under a microscope for the three connections: active, reference, and ground
presence of burs and hooks, which cause signifi- (Fig. 5-1). The amplifier does not magnify the
cant pain during needle insertion and movement. signals at individual inputs; rather, it magnifies
These are removed by polishing the needle tip. the potential difference between the active and
Special electrodes such as those used in single- reference inputs. Hence, it is called a differential
fiber EMG may require electrolytic treatment. amplifier. The use of differential amplification al-
The details of this procedure can be obtained from lows us to improve the S/N ratio. In Figure 5-1A,
the needle manufacturers. the active electrode is a monopolar needle and
records a fibrillation potential of 50 V. The
reference electrode is electrically silent. Their
LEADS AND CABLES difference is amplified to obtain an output signal
of 500,000 V (or 0.5 Volts). The differential gain
A lead is piece of wire that connects the recording of the amplifier is thus 500,000/50  10,000.
electrode to the amplifier. A collection of leads At the same time, there is an ambient noise of
makes a cable. A lead is a piece of wire, just like 1,000 V. However, this noise is identical at the
an antenna. Hence, the lead also behaves as a active and reference inputs (see Fig. 5-1B). Their
recording electrode, except that it registers noise difference is zero, and hence we do not see it at the
and interference. Increasing the length of the amplifier output. In this manner we can record
lead will record more noise. Hence, the length of the low-amplitude electromyographic potentials
lead should be kept as small as possible. As in presence of high-amplitude noise.
described later, it is desirable that all leads record The concept of noise attenuation in Figure 5-
the same ambient noise. This is accomplished by 1B is an idealized viewpoint. Real differential
weaving the leads into one another to form a amplifiers do amplify the signals that are common
cable. Such cables containing only two leads are (i.e., identical) to active and reference input. In
often called the “twisted pair” leads. Surface Figure 5-1C, we find noise amplitude to be 1,000
electrodes used for nerve conduction studies are V at the amplifier output. The amplification of
commercially available in straight and twisted common signals is called the common gain, and in
leads. Shielded cables are useful when a long Figure 5-1C it is equal to 1. Note that the S/N ratio
cable length is necessary. The shielding reduces at amplifier input and output is 0.05 and 500,
the interference recorded by the leads contained respectively. For the best performance, the
in them. amplifier should have a high differential gain (see
All EMG recordings require three electrodes Fig. 5-1A) and a low common mode gain (see Fig.
(described later). Their leads are color-coded by 5-1C). These properties are described by a single
most manufacturers as Red for Reference (E2), characteristic called the common mode rejection
Green for Ground, and Black for the Active (E1) ratio (CMRR):
electrode. In past the leads terminated into 2- or
4-mm pins that were inserted into the amplifier CMRR  Differential gain/Common mode gain
receptacle. A few years ago, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) mandated that all Engineers prefer to describe the CMRR in units of
leads must be “touch-proof” to improve patient decibels (dB) using the formula:
safety. Users of old equipment are urged to con-
vert their EMG instruments and accessories to CMRR (dB)  20 log (Differential
meet the FDA guidelines. gain/common mode gain)
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Figure 5-1 ● Differential amplifier. A. EMG signal appears as differential input and has a gain of
10,000. B. Noise is identical at active and reference inputs. C. The common mode gain is 1.

In the schematic amplifier of Figure 5-1, the the active and reference electrodes. Short distance
CMRR is 100 dB. Modern commercially available will give a lower amplitude and a shorter peak
amplifiers have a CMRR of 100 dB or better. latency (Fig. 5-2). Hence, one should use a
In Figure 5-1A, we assumed that reference standard separation between the active and refer-
electrode does not register any electrical activity. In ence electrodes. Most laboratories use a 2- to 4-cm
EMG and nerve conduction studies (NCS), this is distance. Using a bar electrode in a sensory NCS
not true. The cannula of a single-fiber EMG results in standardized separation of E1 and E2.
records motor unit activity called the “macro The amplifier is also characterized by its
EMG” motor unit potential (MUP) (2). In motor input impedance. In contrast to the recording
NCS, the position of the reference electrode affects electrodes, the input impedance of the differential
the initial deflection of the compound muscle amplifier should be high. Low-input impedance
action potential (CMAP) (3). In sensory NCS, the attenuates the physiologic potential. Fortunately,
nerve action potential passes under active and modern amplifiers have very high impedance
reference electrodes. The sensory nerve action (1,000 MΩ) and do not pose any problems for
potential (SNAP) depends on the distance between this requirement.
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software. The algorithms are called digital filters.

The bandpass filter is characterized by two
frequency settings: low and high. Their effect on
EMG signal (Fig. 5-3A) can be understood easily
from the sound of EMG on the audio monitor.
Adjusting the high-frequency setting is the same
as changing the treble control on a tape or CD
player. When the high-frequency setting is
reduced, the “hiss” decreases. The high-frequency
noise is reduced (see Fig. 5-3B). Changing the
low-frequency setting is the same as adjusting the
bass control. Increasing the low-frequency setting
attenuates the sound of instruments like a tuba or
drum. On EMG, the baseline is stabilized and it
appears “clamped” near the center of the display
(middle trace in Fig. 5-3A–C). By reducing the
bandwidth (i.e., increasing the low-frequency
and/or decreasing the high-frequency setting), the
noise and interference are reduced. The signal is
also affected. Hence, it is necessary to understand
Figure 5-2 ● SNAP is recorded with
active-reference electrode separation of the effect of filters on EMG waveforms.
4 cm and 1.5 cm. Signal from the reference The needle EMG signals are recorded with a
electrode affects the amplitude and peak latency. low-frequency setting of 10 to 20 Hz. The high-
frequency setting is 10 kHz. When a potential
changes rapidly, it is rich in high-frequency com-
ponents. This is seen in the spike component of the
When the electrode leads are in close spatial MUP (Fig. 5-4A). Reducing the high-frequency
proximity, they should record similar ambient setting decreases the signal amplitude and increases
noise. By virtue of differential amplification, this its rise time. The peaks appear rounded rather than
noise will be attenuated. Hence, twisted paired sharp (see Fig. 5-4B). The initial and terminal parts
leads or shielded cables are recommended in a of the MUP change slowly. This gives the low-
hostile environment (e.g., the intensive care unit). frequency components of the signal. Increasing the
If the recording electrodes have different im- low-frequency setting will attenuate the initial and
pedances, the noise they record is slightly different terminal slow components, thus reducing the MUP
at the amplifier inputs. This imbalance gives duration (see Fig. 5-4C).
higher noise despite differential amplification. It is In sensory nerve conduction studies the low-
typically seen in monopolar needle EMG record- frequency setting is 10 to 20 Hz. The high-
ings where the active recording electrode is intra- frequency setting is variable. Some laboratories set
muscular with low impedance. The reference elec- the high frequency at 10 kHz. This gives a SNAP
trode placed on the skin surface has higher with higher amplitude and shorter peak latency
impedance. Higher noise in monopolar EMG can (Fig. 5-5). Since the baseline appears “noisy,” other
also result due to spatial separation among the laboratories set the high-frequency setting to a
leads of the needle and surface electrodes. lower value (e.g., 2 kHz). This gives a “smooth”
waveform with reduced amplitude and longer
peak latency (see Fig. 5-5). The onset latency is not
FILTERS significantly affected.
Long duration potentials such as the CMAP
All EMG amplifiers use a “bandpass” filter to at- are rich in low-frequency components. Therefore,
tenuate noise. The filters can be hardware devices increasing the low-frequency setting reduces the
or signal-processing algorithms implemented in CMAP amplitude (Fig. 5-6). The onset latency
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Figure 5-3 ● Principle of signal filtering. A. Low-amplitude signal with low- and high-frequency
noise. B. Reducing the high-frequency setting attenuates the high-frequency noise. C. Increasing the low-fre-
quency setting stabilizes the baseline.

may be slightly longer due to reduced signal am- care unit), the power line interference can have a
plitude. The duration and area of negative peak very complex shape (see Fig. 5-7E). When the
are reduced too. The terminal part of the CMAP notch filter is on, the potentials may be slightly
is distorted, and one observes an extra negative distorted. Hence, this filter should not be used as far
phase at the end of CMAP. Decreasing the high- as possible, but in a hostile environment the notch
frequency setting does not significantly affect the filter can be very useful to assess low-amplitude
CMAP. potentials (e.g., fibrillations and positive sharp
The power line frequency interference is easily waves).
recognized by the five (for 50 Hz) or six (for 60 Hz) Since the EMG measurements are affected by
cycles in a 100 ms sweep (Fig. 5-7A). This is filter settings, one should not deviate from the
attenuated using a notch filter (see Fig. 5-7B). settings (Table 5-1) used for defining the normal
Sometimes the interference appears as the second values. In some instances, filters are changed
(100 or 120 Hz) or third (150 or 180 Hz) harmonic deliberately to enhance certain characteristics of
of the power line frequency. It is not attenuated by the signal. In needle EMG examination, the low-
the notch filter (see Fig. 5-7C). Dimmer switches frequency setting can be increased to 100 Hz to
and fluorescent lights also give spikes at 120 Hz fre- stabilize baseline during assessment of insertional
quency (see Fig. 5-7D). When several other activity (4). Increasing it to 500 Hz or higher
electrical devices are in use (e.g., in the intensive enhances the spike component of the MUP to
90749_ch05(87-104).ps 8/10/06 3:45 PM Page 92


Figure 5-4 ● Effect of filter settings on the motor unit action potential. The filter settings are (A)
3–10,000 Hz, (B) 3–2,000 Hz, and (C) 100–10,000 Hz. Note the change in amplitude (B) and duration (C).

assess its stability (5). In F wave studies, the low- back, the pictures are displayed in the same order
frequency setting may be raised to 100 Hz for a and at the same rate. This gives the perception of
faster return of CMAP to baseline (Fig. 5-8). This a smooth or continuous motion, although it is
makes it easier to recognize the onset of the generated from static pictures. But if the camera is
F wave. The amplitudes of F waves is reduced, defective and captures only five frames per
but this does not significantly affect its onset la- second, we will not see the “normal” motion
tency. during playback; it will appear distorted. Thus,
the number of frames captured per second defines
the quality of the video. One could increase the
ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER number of frames per second to a higher number,
say 200, but this will not significantly improve the
The analog to digital converter measures the quality of “motion” on video. From experiments,
EMG signals at regular time intervals. Each we find that a rate of 30 frames per second is quite
measurement is called a sample (Fig. 5-9A). The adequate. This logic also applies to understanding
samples are plotted in sequential manner and the concepts of sampling and distortion that
connected by straight lines to display the digitized occurs due to poor sampling.
EMG signal. This process is very similar to taping The time interval between successive samples
a video. During the recording phase, the camera is called the sampling interval. The reciprocal of
takes 30 static pictures per second. During play- the sampling interval is the sampling rate. If the
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Figure 5-5 ● Effect of filter settings on the SNAP. Reducing the high-frequency setting reduces
amplitude and baseline noise while increasing peak latency.

Figure 5-6 ● Effect of filter settings on the CMAP. Increasing the low-frequency setting (bottom
trace) reduces the amplitude and duration of the negative peak. The arrow indicates an extra negative phase at
the end.
90749_ch05(87-104).ps 8/10/06 3:45 PM Page 94


sampling rate is low, the digitized EMG signal

will be different from the analog signal (see Fig. 5-
9B). Specifically, the signal amplitude is reduced
and variable. Sharp peaks are attenuated or
missed. This distortion due to poor sampling is
called aliasing. Sampling theory indicates that the
sampling rate must be at least twice the highest
frequency in the signal (i.e., the high-frequency
setting of the filter). Engineers prefer to use a sam-
pling rate that is three to five times the highest fre-
quency. Thus, the needle EMG signal should be
sampled at a rate of at least 20 kHz, preferably 30
to 50 kHz.
The sampling rate is defined in the software,
and it is not easily possible to measure this setting.
However, aliasing can be recognized quite easily.
First, the high-frequency setting of the filter
should be set at 10 kHz for needle EMG record-
ings. Next, discharges of a sharp MUP (with low
rise time) are displayed using a slow sweep (e.g., 50
ms/division). In normal subjects, the MUP ampli-
Figure 5-7 ● Noise and interference. The tude should remain relatively constant (Fig. 5-
60-Hz interference in (A) is attenuated by the notch 10A). If aliasing occurs, the amplitude will appear
filter (B). In (C), the second harmonic of power line variable (see Fig. 5-10B) for normal MUPs. When
frequency appears as 120 Hz interference. In (D), the sampling rate is high, amplitude variability
the dimmer noise appears as sharp spikes. In (E), can be seen due to abnormalities of neuromuscu-
the interference has a complex shape but does
lar transmission. The instability or “jiggle” of the
demonstrate a 60-Hz frequency. It was generated by
MUP is of great value in assessing reinnervation
other electrical instruments that were in use at the
time of EMG recording.

T A B L E 5 - 1 Recommended Low- and High-Frequency Settings of the Band Filters for

the Commonly Used Neurodiagnostic Procedures

Test Low Frequency (Hz) High Frequency (Hz)

Motor nerve conduction 3–20 5,000–10,000

Sensory nerve conduction 3–20 2,000–10,000
F wave/H reflex 3–20 5,000–10,000
Routine needle EMG 10–20 5,000–10,000
Quantitative EMG 2–5 10,000–20,000
Single-fiber EMG 500–2,000 10,000–20,000
Sympathetic skin response 0.1 100
Electrocardiogram 10–20 100–200
Brain stem evoked potentials 50–150 10,000
Visual evoked potentials 1–3 100–300
Somatosensory evoked potentials 3–30 3,000
Routine EEG 0.3–1 70–100
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Figure 5-8 ● Effect of filters on F waves. A. 3–10,000 Hz; (B) 100–10,000 Hz. In (B), the F wave
onset can be recognized better due to return of CMAP to baseline.

Figure 5-9 ● Principle of analog to digital conversion. In (A) the analog and digitized signals
are similar. In (B) the sampling rate is reduced by 50%. The digital signal is quite different from the analog
signal in (A). This is called aliasing.
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Figure 5-10 ● A. Amplitude of a normal motor unit action potential is constant on successive discharges
when the sampling rate is high. B. When the sampling rate is reduced, the amplitude of the same motor unit
action potential is variable; this is aliasing. C. Variable amplitude of a motor unit action potential in a patient
with motor neuron disease. The sampling rate is the same as in (A).

(6). Therefore, one must check the sampling rate EMG signals as they are recorded. This mode is
of the EMG program before assessing variability used in the needle EMG examination. The trig-
of MUPs. gered mode is used when one wishes to record
EMG signals only when a certain event (the trig-
ger) occurs. In NCS, the trigger occurs when the
DISPLAYING SIGNALS nerve is stimulated. The computer displays the sig-
nals immediately after the trigger for the duration
The digitized EMG signals are displayed on a of one sweep. This signal stays on the screen until
computer terminal in two different modes: free- the user stimulates the nerve again. In this manner,
running or triggered. The free-running mode the trace is available for review for an extended pe-
updates the display continuously, showing the live riod of time and is updated only by the user control.
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Figure 5-11 ● A. The SNAP is time-locked to the stimulus. The noise appears randomly. B. The noise is
reduced by averaging.

The potential resulting from stimulation appears In routine EMG studies, the amplitude trigger is
at the same location on the screen, making it easier useful to assess polyphasic MUP waveforms, late
to assess its reproducibility (Fig. 5-11A). components, MUP stability, and so forth.
In needle EMG, one can use an amplitude
trigger to display discharges of a single MUP. The
user sets an amplitude level for triggering. When SIGNAL AVERAGER
the EMG signal amplitude is less than the trigger
level, the signal is not displayed (Fig. 5-12A). Averaging is a statistical method of improving the
When the amplitude exceeds the trigger level, the S/N ratio. In sensory nerve conduction studies, the
system acquires and displays one sweep of EMG sweep is triggered by the stimulator. The resulting
activity (see Fig. 5-12B). The display will be up- SNAP is time-locked to the stimulation and
dated when the EMG signal crosses the trigger appears at the same location in the sweep. In
level again. The user adjusts the trigger level so contrast, the noise appears randomly on successive
that only one MUP can exceed it. As a result, the sweeps (see Fig. 5-11A). When these sweeps are
trace is updated only when the largest-amplitude summated, the positive noise on one sweep will
MUP discharges. Its waveform appears time- cancel the negative noise on another trace. The
locked on the display (see Fig. 5-12B). SNAP being time-locked to the stimulus is not
The amplitude trigger allows one to see the affected. Thus, averaging several sweeps will
EMG signal after the trigger occurs. The delay reduce noise without affecting the SNAP (i.e.,
line allows one to see the activity that precedes the increase the S/N ratio) (see Fig. 5-11B).
trigger. In case of MUPs, the combination of trig- The decrease in noise amplitude is propor-
ger and delay line gives us the entire MUP wave- tional to the square root of the number of averaged
form on the screen in a time-locked manner (see sweeps. Thus, most of the improvement in signal
Fig. 5-12C). Such a display is used in quantitative quality occurs in the initial few sweeps of the aver-
analysis of MUPs or jitter in single-fiber EMG. age. Averaging should not be used as a substitute
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Figure 5-12 ● A. EMG is shown in a free-running mode. The amplitude trigger level is shown by the dot-
ted line. B. Motor unit potential discharges are time-locked. C. The delay line permits display of the motor unit
potential before the trigger point.

for good-quality EMG recordings: every effort The cathode, the negative tip of the stimulator, is
should be made to minimize the noise before placed over the stimulation site. The stimulator
starting the signal averager. In evoked potential can be programmed to deliver a constant voltage or
studies, many systems will automatically reject constant current. The current passing through the
sweeps that contain high-amplitude noise (7). stimulator will depend on the impedance between
Background EMG activity (Fig. 5-13A) can the stimulator tips. High impedance will require
easily produce an averaged signal that resembles a higher voltage for stimulation. This also generates
physiologic potential (see Fig. 5-13B). Therefore, a larger artifact on conduction studies. Hence, one
one should observe individual sweeps to ensure should reduce the impedance at stimulation sites
that a time-locked potential exists in the sweep before beginning the study. The skin surface
(see Fig. 5-11). This is sometime not possible due should be cleaned at the stimulation site, and elec-
to a poor S/N ratio. In those situations, one should trolytic gel should be applied to the stimulator tips.
obtain two averaged responses and compare them The stimulation artifact is generated by spread
to assess the reproducibility of the signal (see Fig. of the currents from stimulators to the recording
5-13C). This strategy is used routinely in evoked electrodes. A shorter distance between stimulator
potential studies. and recording electrodes will give a larger artifact.
Placing the ground electrode between the stimulat-
STIMULATOR ing and recording electrodes will reduce the arti-
fact. By rotating the anode, one can alter the spread
The electrical stimulator is an integral part of the of stimulating current to the recording site. This
EMG system. It has two tips: anode and cathode. maneuver can help minimize the artifact.
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Figure 5-13 ● A. Sensory NCS, where no time-locked SNAP is seen on successive trials. However, the
background EMG activity in these sweeps was averaged to potential (B) that appeared similar to a SNAP, and
it was automatically marked. C. Two low-amplitude SNAPs are superimposed to demonstrate reproducibil-
ity. Attempting to repeat (B) would prove the error.

When the nerve is deep, superficial stimulation equal to the product of sweep speed and number
can be inadequate as well as painful. Monopolar of horizontal divisions.
needle electrode can be very useful to get close to the The needle EMG examination is usually
nerve. In this approach, one requires a very low conducted with a sweep duration of 100 ms. The
intensity of stimulation (8). signals are shown in a raster manner. If a potential
occurs at roughly the same position on successive
sweeps, the time interval between the two
Modern EMG systems can automatically identify
the onset and end of potentials and measure the
amplitude, area, and other features of the signal.
Sometimes the measuring algorithm may fail due
to a poor S/N ratio. In those instances it is neces-
sary to adjust the automated marking. In some
instances (e.g., needle EMG), one may need to
make measurements manually. To facilitate the
subjective assessment, the trace area is divided in a
rectangular grid. The display gain or sensitivity is
amplitude change corresponding to one vertical
division (Fig. 5-14). One measures the vertical
deflection of the signal as the number of divisions
of the grid and multiplies it by display gain to
estimate amplitude.
The time corresponding to one horizontal
division of the grid is called the sweep speed (see
Fig. 5-14). Multiplying the number of horizontal Figure 5-14 ● Display of EMG signals.
divisions by sweep speed, one measures the time. The trace area is divided in a grid to facilitate manual
Some systems indicate the sweep duration; this is measurements.
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Figure 5-15 ● The motor unit action potential firing rate can be assessed from raster
display of EMG signal. The rate is (A) 10 Hz, (B) 10 Hz, (C) 10 Hz, and (D) 20 Hz.

discharges is roughly 100 ms (0.1 second). The number by 2. Many modern EMG systems offer
discharge rate, the reciprocal of the time interval, such a display mode (see Figs. 5-15A–C).
will be 10 Hz (Fig. 5-15B). If the potential appears
to shift right on successive sweeps, the two dis-
charges are separated by more than one sweep SAFETY
duration (i.e., interval 100 ms). Hence, the firing
rate is less than 10 Hz. Sometimes we fail to see The EMG laboratory should be a safe environment
a MUP waveform on a sweep (see Fig. 5-15A). for the patients as well as the laboratory personnel
Conversely, a potential that shifts left is discharg- (9). The power cord of many low-powered devices
ing at more than 10 Hz. Sometimes the potential has only two conductors. One conductor connects
is seen twice on one trace (see Fig. 5-15C). When to the main power, and the second provides a return
the potential occurs twice on every sweep, the fir- path for the electrical current. The air surrounding
ing rate will be 20 Hz (see Fig. 5-15D). The firing the electronic devices is an insulator. Nevertheless,
rate can be estimated very easily by counting the some electricity can pass through the air to reach the
number of potential discharges in five consecutive system chassis. If the operator or patient touches the
sweeps of 100 ms duration and multiplying the chassis, some current can flow through the opera-
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Figure 5-16 ● A. The medical instrument with two conductor power cords is unsafe. B. The leakage cur-
rent passes through the “ground,” making it safe.
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tor’s body (Fig. 5-16A). If the current passes 5. Keep all recording leads and cables together so
through the heart, the results could be deadly. that they record the same ambient noise. Com-
To make the device safe, EMG instruments mon noise is attenuated by the differential
use a power cord with three conductors. One end amplifier.
of the third conductor is connected to the instru- 6. Keep recording cables away from power cables
ment chassis. The other end is usually connected and stimulator leads.
to a metal pole buried in the ground. This 7. Use incandescent lights without dimmer
connection, called the “ground,” provides a very switches. Turn off any fluorescent lights.
low-resistance path for leakage current flowing 8. Turn off all unnecessary electronic instru-
through the chassis at all times. By preventing ments. Better yet, unplug them from the wall
current flow through the operator, the system socket. The power cord of an instrument
becomes safe for operation. Regardless of this plugged into the main supply behaves as an
protective mechanism, the leakage current antenna radiating at power line frequency even
should be low. The FDA has established stan- when the instrument is turned off.
dards for acceptable leakage, and all instrument
manufacturers must follow the standards. It is a Despite good technique, one may face occa-
good idea to have the safety of the instrument sions when the S/N ratio is poor. Under these
tested on a periodic basis. conditions, one usually suspects a failure of the
Sometimes one finds a wall outlet with a amplifier, but that is not necessarily the problem:
three-pin receptacle. However, the ground con- sometimes the noise is high due to high electrode
nection may be defective or sometimes not even impedance or bad cables. To assess an amplifier
functional. This will make the system “unsafe.” problem, connect together the active and refer-
Fortunately, absence of ground makes it almost ence inputs. Since there is no differential or
impossible to record low-amplitude potentials. common signal, we expect to see a flat, noise-free
Very-high-amplitude interference, especially at signal baseline. If a flat baseline is indeed seen, the
power line frequency, is an indication of a possible problem is most likely not in the amplifier. One
“ungrounded” power connection. should change the leads and/or electrodes to get a
EMG systems also maintain patient records better S/N ratio.
that are confidential. These records should be ac- The contact between the electrodes and the
cessible to only authorized personnel. The Health leads is often covered by an insulating layer. The
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act deterioration of this contact due to normal use
(HIPPA) has established guidelines to ensure con- may not be recognized by visual inspection. A
fidentiality. One should also make backups of pa- poor contact gives high impedance and hence
tient records on a regular basis. more noise. A transient noise usually suggests a
failing cable. Replacing the cable resolves the noise
problem, thus confirming the cable failure. Bad
TACKLING THE NOISE cables should be discarded immediately to prevent
future use, which would waste the clinician’s and
The best strategy to attenuate noise is to minimize the patient’s time.
it in the first place. Here are some useful tips: When working in a hostile environment (e.g.,
an intensive care unit), higher noise is unavoid-
1. Reduce the electrode impedance by cleaning able. The filter settings can be adjusted to attenu-
the skin surface and using electrolytic gel. ate noise, but be aware of the changes in the EMG
2. In conduction studies, place the ground electrode potentials due to the change in filter settings.
between the stimulating and recording sites. A nearby radio or TV station may produce ex-
3. Make sure the instrument is properly grounded. cessive electromagnetic radiation that cannot be
This also is necessary for safe operation of the sufficiently attenuated by the EMG amplifier. One
system. can hear those signals on the audio monitor and
4. Use short cables. If long cables are necessary, view them as low-amplitude, high-frequency
use shielded cables. spikes on the display. If signal quality improves
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at another location, it is safe to assume that the 3. Kincaid JC, Brashear A, Markand ON. The
instrument is working properly. Sometimes a influence of the reference electrode on CMAP
different location within the same examination configuration. Muscle Nerve 1993;16:392–396.
room is less noisy than others. Transient noise may 4. Barkhaus P, Nandedkar S. EMG on CD/DVD,
also result from the use of heavy equipment, such as vol. II, 2003. Available at www.casaengineer-
elevators or tools used in construction. If there is no
5. Payan P. The blanket principle: a technical note.
control over these noise sources, one may need to Muscle Nerve 1978;1:423–426.
build a so-called Faraday cage. This is an expensive 6. Stalberg EV, Soono M. Assessment of variability
proposition that involves rebuilding the walls of the in the shape of the motor unit action potential,
examination room. the “jiggle” at consecutive discharges. Muscle
Finally, the CMRR of an amplifier will Nerve 1994;17:1135–1144.
decrease over a few years due to natural deteriora- 7. Nandedkar S. Basic instrumentation. In: Brown
tion of the electronic components. This will make W, Bolton C, Aminoff J, eds. Neuromuscular
the EMG signals slightly noisy. function and disease. New York: WB Saunders,
8. Pease WS, Fatehi MT, Johnson EW. Monopolar
needle stimulation: safety considerations. Arch
REFERENCES Phys Med Rehabil 1989;70:412–412.
9. Styles P. Safety in electromyography laboratory.
1. Chiappa K. Evoked potentials in clinical medicine. In: Brown W, Bolton C, Aminoff J, eds. Neuro-
New York: Raven Press, 1983. muscular function and disease. New York: WB
2. Stalberg E. Macro EMG: a new recording tech- Saunders, 2002:709–718.
nique. J Neurol Neurophysiol Psychiat 1980;43:
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Advanced Needle
EMG Methods

Erik Stålberg


The organization of muscle fibers within the mo- In conventional EMG, concentric or monopolar
tor unit (MU) changes in typical ways in different electrodes are used. With some differences in the
nerve and muscle disorders. Many forms of neu- shape and size of the active recording zone, they
rogenic conditions are characterized by collateral record electrical signals from active muscle fibers
sprouting from intramuscular nerve branches of within a radius of 2 to 3 mm (5). This recording
surviving MUs. This increases the number of zone is small compared to the size of the entire
muscle fibers in individual MUs (1). In the rein- MU, which has a “territory” typically 3 to 10 mm
nervated MU, the fibers of the same MU are found in diameter. On the other hand, it is too large to al-
to be clustered together instead of being randomly low the selective recording from just one or a few
distributed, as in the healthy patient. In muscle muscle fibers for detailed analysis. The amplitude
biopsy, this is seen as “fiber-type” grouping (2,3). of the normal MU potential (MUP) may be deter-
In primary myopathies, on the other hand, de- mined by one to four fibers closest to the tip, and
generation of individual fibers causes a reduced the duration of the MUP is determined by ap-
number of muscle fibers within a MU. In addition, proximately 30 fibers within the 2 to 3 mm record-
there is often muscle fiber regeneration and fiber ing zone. Still, this technique is of great value in
splitting; these tend to increase the number of mus- the study of MU characteristics that differentiate
cle fibers, which now occur in small clusters (4). normal from myogenic and neurogenic disorders.
Fibrosis will further change the local topography of The MUP analysis is becoming quantitative and
muscle fibers within a MU. In myopathies there is automatic. We have developed a technique by
often an increased variation in diameter of muscle which up to six different MUPs are recorded from
fibers, from reduced to some large muscle fibers. each recording site; this method, called multi-
These types of MU changes can be studied MUP recording (Fig. 6-2) (6), is based on decom-
not only with morphologic techniques, as referred position algorithms. This algorithm recognizes
to here, but also by electrophysiologic methods. and extracts the individual elements (MUPs) that
The electromyography (EMG) signals are de- occur repeatedly, each time with the same shape.
pendent upon the number of muscle fibers, the lo- In this way a given MUP can be identified even
cal concentration and sizes of the fibers, and neu- when superimposed with activity from other
romuscular and axonal transmission of action MUs. The decomposition can be more or less com-
potentials. The EMG signal is also affected by the plete, depending upon clinical or experimental ap-
type of electrode used for recording (Fig. 6-1). plication. If an exact firing (recruitment) pattern

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Figure 6-1 ● Different types of EMG electrodes. A. Single fiber EMG electrode with one
recording surface. B. Concentric needle electrode. C. Monopolar electrode. D. Macro electrode.

should be studied, a complete decomposition is fiber action potentials, causing the typical changes
necessary. If the aim is to quantitate MUP param- in MUP shape (11). Recordings with conventional
eters, it is not necessary that each discharge be needle electrodes do not provide information
identified. Our multi-MUP method is optimized about the size of the MU in terms of the number
in speed and accuracy for daily routine use. Simi- of total number of muscle fibers or territory.
lar methods have been developed by others (7). Other EMG methods, both more and less se-
Reference values have been collected for a number lective, have been developed to complement the
of muscles (8), parameters have been added to im- conventional recordings. This chapter describes
prove the detection of pathology, and a new way three of these special techniques. The classic
to express abnormality has been defined (9). EMG method is presented in other chapters of
In neurogenic conditions, the MUPs are typi- this book.
cally of increased duration and amplitude because
of the grouping of muscle fibers within the MU. In
addition, they often change in shape at consecutive
discharges (referred to as “jiggle”) (10), particu- SINGLE-FIBER EMG
larly during the phase of ongoing reinnervation.
In myopathies, there is a reduction of dura- In certain cases, essential information may be
tion owing to loss of muscle fibers and fibrosis. obtained by the detailed study of just one or a few
Furthermore, in both neurogenic and myopathic muscle fibers from one MU. Examples of this
conditions, there is often an increased number of include the study of neuromuscular transmission
complex or polyphasic MUPs. These complex in individual endplates and investigations of the
MUPs are due to an increased variation among distribution of muscle fibers in the MU. For this
pathologic muscle fiber diameters, causing a purpose, single-fiber EMG (SFEMG) was devel-
wider range of conduction velocities (along mus- oped. After being proven valuable in these situa-
cle membranes), and to some degree are due to the tions, SFEMG has taken its place in clinical
scattered positions of endplates after reinnerva- routine work and will be described briefly here.
tion. These two phenomena produce increased The interested reader is referred to additional lit-
temporal dispersion among individual single- erature on the topic (12–15).
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Figure 6-2 ● MUP recordings from normal, neuropathic, and myopathic muscles using
multi-MUP analysis technique.

SFEMG is based on extracellular recordings of These recording advantages have been used
single muscle fiber action potentials with a small over the years to study a number of morphologic
electrode (25 m in diameter), exposed in a side and functional details in the MU. These studies
port of a steel cannula 0.5 mm in diameter. Because range from studies of propagation of action po-
of the small area of the recording surface and the tentials along single muscle fibers, membrane
reduced amplifier filter bandwidth (set to 500 Hz characteristics, neuromuscular transmission of
to 10 KHz), the recording zone is limited to a hemi- individual motor endplates, local organization of
sphere with a radius of about 300 m, resulting in muscle fibers in a MU, discharge characteristics
high spatial resolution. On consecutive discharges, of ventral horn cells, and conduction in corti-
a given single-fiber action potential has a well- cospinal tract axons. This chapter describes stud-
defined and reproducible shape that justifies time ies of the neuromuscular transmission and of
measurements with accuracy as high as 0.1 ms. local muscle fiber distribution.
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NEUROMUSCULAR TRANSMISSION monopolar electrode is used as a cathode and a

surface electrode is used as an anode for intramus-
Methods cular stimulation. Stimulation strength is usually
kept below 10 mAmp and stimulus pulse duration
Voluntary Activation is typically 0.05 ms. Recording is through a
The neuromuscular transmission is most com- SFEMG electrode about 20 mm away from the
monly studied during slight voluntary contrac- stimulation point. If a muscle fiber is directly stim-
tion. The electrode is inserted into the muscle and ulated, the jitter is less than 4 ms, but if an intra-
a position is sought where two muscle fibers from muscular axon is stimulated, the jitter is more
the same MU (i.e., discharging synchronously) are than 4 ms because of the involvement of the
recorded. When triggering the oscilloscope sweep synapse at the motor endplate (Fig. 6-4). Using
on one of the spikes in the potential pair, the this method, the neuromuscular junction can be
interpotential latency to the other varies during studied under well-standardized conditions and
consecutive discharges. This variation of the inter- over long periods of time. The method can also be
potential intervals is called “jitter.” This is due to used with uncooperative patients, comatose pa-
the summated variability of neuromuscular junc- tients, patients with movement disorders, infants,
tion transmission time in the two motor endplates or other situations in which voluntary patient
involved in the recordings (Fig. 6-3). activation is difficult. The technique can also be
used in animal experiments.
Intramuscular Stimulation
Also used for these studies is microstimulation of Calculation of Jitter
individual muscle fibers and motor axons, either Jitter is expressed as the mean value of the differ-
inside the muscle or in the nerve trunk. A small ence between consecutive interpotential intervals

Figure 6-3 ● A. Schematic presentation of jitter recording during voluntary contraction.

B. Two single-fiber action potentials from fibers of the same MU recorded at high speed. The
sweep is triggered by the first action potential. Several discharges are superimposed, demonstrating the variabil-
ity of the interpotential interval, the neuromuscular jitter. (Reprinted with permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj
JV. Single fiber electromyography in healthy and diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1994.)
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Figure 6-4 ● Intramuscular stimulation. A. Stimulating and recording electrodes (upper). Exam-
ples of typical responses with direct muscle fiber stimulation (low jitter) and with axonal stimulation having
jitter greater than 4 ms (middle). B. Dual distribution of jitter values in the extensor digitorum communis mus-
cle corresponding to direct and axonal stimulation. Dividing line is at 5 s. (Reprinted with permission from
Stålberg E, Trontelj JV. Single fiber electromyography in healthy and diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New York: Raven
Press, 1994.)

(in absolute values). In stimulation studies, the Neuromuscular Transmission in

interval between stimulus artifact and the Healthy Subjects
resulting single-fiber action potential is used for
calculations. Jitter was initially calculated from Jitter during Voluntary Activity
superimposed filmed recordings, but modern The jitter during voluntary activation is approxi-
EMG instruments can automatically calculate mately 5 to 60 s, depending on the muscle and
jitter. the patient’s age (Table 6-1). Motor endplates

T A B L E 6 - 1 Jitter Reference Values for Various Age Groups from a Multicenter Study (18)

Jitter values (s)*


Muscle 10 year 20 year 30 year 40 year 50 year 60 year 70 year 80 year 90 year

Frontalis 33.6/49.7 33.9/50.1 34.4/51.3 35.5/53.5 37.3/57.5 40.0/63.9 43.8/74.1

Orbicularis oculi 39.8/54.6 39.8/54.7 40.0/54.7 40.4/54.8 40.9/55.0 41.8/55.3 43.0/55.8

Orbicularis oris 34.7/52.2 34.7/52.7 34.9/53.2 35.3/54.1 36.0/55.7 37.0/58.2 38.3/61.8 40.2/67.0 42.5/74.2
Tongue 32.8/48.6 33.0/49.0 33.6/50.2 34.8/52.5 36.8/56.3 39.8/62.0 44.0/70.0
Sternocleidomastoid 29.1/45.4 29.3/45.8 29.8/46.8 30.8/48.8 32.5/52.4 34.9/58.2 38.4/62.3
Deltoid 32.9/44.4 32.9/44.5 32.9/44.5 32.9/44.6 33.0/44.8 33.0/45.1 33.1/45.6 33.2/46.1 33.3/46.9
11:10 AM

Biceps brachii 29.5/45.2 29.6/45.2 29.6/45.4 29.8/45.7 30.1/46.2 30.5/46.9 31.0/48.0

Extensor digitorum 34.9/50.0 34.9/50.1 35.1/50.5 35.4/51.3 35.9/52.5 36.6/54.4 37.7/57.2 39.1/61.1 40.9/66.5
Abductor digiti V 44.4/63.5 44.7/64.0 45.2/65.5 46.4/68.6 48.2/73.9 51.0/82.7 54.8/96.6
Quadriceps 35.9/47.9 36.0/48.0 36.5/48.2 37.5/48.5 39.0/49.1 41.3/50.0 44.6/51.2
Page 110

Anterior tibialis 49.4/80.0 49.3/79.8 49.2/79.3 48.9/78.3 48.5/76.8 47.9/74.5 47.0/71.4 45.8/67.5 44.3/62.9

Fiber density values† (same subjects as above)

Muscle 10 year 20 year 30 year 40 year 50 year 60 year 70 year 80 year 90 year

Frontalis 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.73 1.76


Tongue 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.79 1.79

Sternocleidomastoid 1.89 1.89 1.90 1.92 1.96 2.01 2.08
Deltoid 1.56 1.56 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.62 1.65
Biceps brachii 1.52 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.57 1.60 1.65 1.72 1.80
Extensor digitorum 1.77 1.78 1.80 1.83 1.90 1.99 2.12 2.29 2.51
Abductor digiti V 1.99 2.00 2.03 2.08 2.16 2.28 2.46
Quadriceps 1.93 1.94 1.96 1.99 2.05 2.14 2.26
Anterior tibialis 1.94 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.02 2.07 2.15 2.26
Soleus 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.57 1.59 1.62 1.66 1.71
*Data are given as mean of the mean consecutive difference (MCD) 95% upper confidence limit of normal/95% upper confidence limit of normal for individual pairs of single fibers.
†Data are given as mean fiber density 95% upper confidence limit of normal.
Jitter is abnormal if either (1) value for mean MCD of 20 fiber pairs is greater than the 95% upper confidence limit or (2) jitter values in more than 10% of pairs is greater than the 95%
upper confidence limit for action potential pairs. Fiber density is abnormal if mean value of 20 observations is greater than the 95% confidence limit. (From Bromberg MB, Scott DM.
Single fiber EMG reference values: reformatted in tabular form. Muscle Nerve 1994;17:820–821, with permission.)
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within the same MU have different jitter values. for 10 Hz (40 s) in any of the tested endplates.
The jitter does not show any appreciable change This suggests a remarkable ability of the presy-
for up to 10 minutes of continuous activity with a naptic terminals to cope with the increased de-
mean rate of about 10 Hz. In a study of the safety mand for ACh synthesis and mobilization even at
factor (16) of individual endplates using regional these high rates.
curare, it was found that those with higher jitter
were more sensitive to curare than those with ini- Normal Jitter Values
tially low jitter. Thus, it seems justified to say that Normal jitter values in Table 6-1 are based on
the jitter reflects the safety factor (amount of data from a multicenter study, which includes val-
acetylcholine [ACh] released in excess of that re- ues from our laboratory (18). Until the individual
quired for the synapse) of transmission in individ- laboratory has collected its own reference values,
ual motor endplates. these values can be used. Jitter values are ex-
It has been discussed whether neuromuscular tremely reproducible when the standard instru-
blockade owing to local ischemia might be one of mentation protocols are followed.
the reasons for muscular fatigue in normal muscle
that develops during prolonged activity. In a study Jitter: Voluntary Activation
with ischemia after the inflation of a sphygmo- Jitter is expressed as the mean value of consecutive
manometer cuff around the upper arm, jitter was differences (MCD) of interpotential intervals. In a
measured in the extensor digitorum communis multispike recording occurring in a high-fiber-
muscle activated voluntarily (17). Following a few density situation, only MCD values between one
minutes of continuous activity during ischemia, triggering component and each of the other com-
the jitter started to increase fairly rapidly and one ponents is measured: that is, when four spikes are
or the other of the potentials showed intermittent present, three MCD values are obtained.
blocking, at first rarely and then more frequently Abnormality is expressed in two ways:
until total block occurred. The time to blocking
was shorter with higher innervation rates. Ap- 1. By marking the number of recordings with jit-
proximately 2,000 to 4,000 discharges were re- ter outside given limits for individual data. If 2
quired before the onset of blocking. After release or more recordings in a set of 20 exceed the
of the cuff, the transmission recovered quickly and limit, the finding is considered abnormal.
jitter became close to normal within a few minutes. 2. By the mean MCD value for the whole study in
a muscle. The distribution of individual jitter
Jitter during Electrical Stimulation values in abnormal conditions is often skewed,
The method is described in detail elsewhere (12,14). with some extremely high values. Therefore,
Because only one motor endplate is involved, nor- the mean MCD is calculated only from data
mal jitter during electrical stimulation is lower with a jitter value less than 150 s (unless a ma-
than with voluntary activation. Theoretically, the jority of data are abnormal and distributed
values are reduced on average by a factor of √2 near this limit).
lower. This is in accordance with experimental re-
sults. In muscles in which separate reference values Examples of normal values for the extensor
at electrical stimulation are missing, those from vol- digitorum communis from a multicenter study
untary activation can be used after dividing by √2. (18) that indicates the preference limit for mean
Most normal endplates display rather con- MCD and individual jitter values are shown in
stant jitter at different stimulation rates within the Figure 6-5. For more information on reference
range of physiologic firing frequencies, reflecting values for these and other muscles, the reader is re-
a high safety factor. This has been studied in some ferred to a comprehensive text on the subject (12).
detail (12). At a 50 Hz stimulation rate, a substan-
tial increase in jitter occurred in comparison to the Jitter: Axonal Stimulation
jitter values at 10 Hz in over two thirds of the The principles given in descriptions on SFEMG
studied motor endplates of healthy subjects. How- electrical stimulation must be strictly adhered to
ever, it still did not exceed the upper normal limit in order to avoid pitfalls leading to potentially
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Figure 6-5 ● Graph showing third-highest individual jitter value in each subject (extensor
digitorum communis [EDC]) plotted against age. The upper line corresponds to 95% confidence
limits and is used as upper normal limits for individual data from 20 recordings in an EDC muscle. (Reprinted
with permission from Gilchrist J, Barkhaus PE, Bril V, et al. Single fiber EMG reference values: a collabora-
tive effort. Muscle Nerve 1992;15:151–161.)

serious errors. A minimum of 20 to 30 endplates tentials from individual fibers sometimes interfere
are sampled with two or more different positions and cannot be viewed separately. For jitter meas-
of the stimulating needle. The abnormality is ex- urements, experience has shown that it is possible
pressed in the same way as in the voluntary jitter to obtain reasonably appropriate estimates. The
study (as a number or percentage of the abnor- filters should be set to a bandwidth of 1,000 (or
mal recordings and as the mean of all individual even 2,000) Hz to 10 kHz. Some components may
MCD values in the study). One out of 20 values superimpose and the jitter may be underesti-
above the upper reference limit is accepted in a mated, or occasionally slightly overestimated. If
normal muscle. separate spike components are chosen for trigger
and for measurements, then the jitter values are
similar for this type of recording and the SFEMG
Jitter Studies with Monopolar or
electrode. In a study of 10 myasthenic patients, the
Concentric Needle Electrodes
authors found no significant difference in the
It has been frequently asked whether conven- values, and the interpretation was the same inde-
tional EMG needle electrodes can be used for pendent of the electrode used (19). The recording
SFEMG. For fiber density assessment the answer quality is actually better with a disposable concen-
is no, since the electrodes have a larger uptake area tric needle electrode than with a SFEMG
than the SFEMG electrode and since action po- electrode that has been left without maintenance
90749_ch06(105-130).ps 8/11/06 11:10 AM Page 113


to keep the recording surface clean and the tip impulse blocking, and recordings in more severe
sharp. The most selective recording is still ob- disease with both increased jitter and intermit-
tained with a SFEMG electrode of good quality. tent impulse blocking, the latter usually first
appearing in association with a jitter of about 100
Neuromuscular Transmission in Disease s (see Fig. 6-6C).
In a large group of patients with MG investi-
Myasthenia Gravis gated with SFEMG during voluntary activation,
The principal neurophysiologic mechanisms and the extensor digitorum communis muscle was ab-
corresponding structural changes underlying the normal in 89% of those with generalized MG and
transmission defect in myasthenia gravis (MG) 99% when more muscles were included. In ocular
are well known (20). The endplate potential MG, 97% of the studies were abnormal when a set
(EPP) amplitude is reduced because of blocked, of muscles (usually a limb and a facial muscle)
destroyed, or displaced postsynaptic ACh recep- were investigated (13).
tors, whereas the number of ACh quanta re- Stimulated SFEMG can be used to study in
leased from the presynaptic terminal per nerve detail the rate-dependent changes of the efficiency
impulse is normal. The resulting reduction of the of neuromuscular transmission at the individual
safety factor (the normal excess of receptors) for endplates. Indeed, MG may be regarded as a nat-
neuromuscular transmission with slowly rising ural model to study the normal function of the
EPPs causes an increase in jitter values. When motor nerve terminal. In a study with this method
the EPPs are insufficient to reach the threshold (21), 58 endplates of 10 myasthenic patients were
for the action potential firing, then impulse observed at different stimulation rates. A majority
blocking occurs, thus giving rise to clinical weak- of the endplates showed lower jitter and a reduced
ness as there is no depolarization of the affected incidence of blocking at the lowest stimulation
muscle fibers. rates, followed by an increase in both measures at
SFEMG findings in a patient with MG (Fig. 2 Hz, 5 Hz, or 10 Hz. The normal presynaptic de-
6-6) include recordings with normal jitter values, pression of Ach release in the early phase of low
jitter values above the normal range but without stimulation rates combined with a low safety

Figure 6-6 ● SFEMG jitter recordings from the extensor digitorum communis muscle of a
patient with MG. The oscilloscope sweep is triggered by the first action potential, and the interval vari-
ability between the single-fiber action potentials (the neuromuscular jitter) is shown as a variable position of
the second potential. In the upper part the sweeps are moving downward, and the recordings are superim-
posed below. A. Normal jitter. B. Increased jitter without impulse blocking. C. Increased jitter and occasional
blocking. (Reprinted with permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj JV. Single fiber electromyography in healthy and
diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1994.)
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factor is the basis of both the decrement during release. The jitter is often grossly abnormal. In
routine repetitive stimulation and increased jitter. stimulated SFEMG there is a dramatic reduction
Stimulation rates of 20 Hz resulted in a return to of jitter and blocking as the stimulation rate is in-
lower jitter values, associated with a decreased creased from 1 Hz to 2 Hz up to 10 Hz to 20 Hz
incidence of blocking. This improvement is con- (21), since Ach release is facilitated by increased
sidered to be due to an increase in ACh released frequency of depolarization.
per stimulus (i.e., intratetanic potentiation) (Fig.
6-7). The size of the response in the repetitive Reinnervation
nerve stimulation test represents the net result of In cases of ongoing reinnervation, the jitter value
these two opposing processes. is typically increased. This is probably because of
functional immaturity of the newly formed motor
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome endplates, both pre- and postsynaptically. After
This neuromuscular transmission disorder has acute nerve damage, transmission is first estab-
been shown to be a result of an autoimmune at- lished in the new endplates after about 3 weeks
tack against calcium channels in the presynaptic (depending upon the site of lesion in relation to its
nerve terminal, resulting in impaired transmitter target muscle). After about 6 months, the jitter

Figure 6-7 ● Stimulated SFEMG. Top: Jitter and frequency of blocking in a sample of 40 myasthenic
endplates at different stimulation rates. The values belonging to individual motor endplates are connected
with lines. Twelve endplates did not show any blocking. Bottom: Mean values and ranges between the 5th and
95th percentile for 32 endplates studied over the complete range of stimulation rates. (Reprinted with permis-
sion from Trontelj JV, Stålberg E. Single motor end-plates in myasthenia gravis and LEMS at different firing
rates. Muscle Nerve 1991;14:226–232.)
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values are normalizing, but it is usually possible to stimulation of two branches from the same axon,
find some abnormality long after this time. Areas although each branch will respond to stimulus in-
of prior nerve injury should therefore be avoided tensity in proportion to its distance from the nee-
in an examination for later-onset neuromuscular dle. Low stimulation strength activates the nearer
junction disease. intramuscular nerve branch of the axon, which
conducts antidromically to the branch site, and
Transmission Safety in the Intramuscular then the action potential is propagated ortho-
Nerve Tree, Axonal Jitter, and Blocking dromically in the second fiber branch. Higher
Transmission in the intramuscular nerve tree can stimulation strength directly activates the farther
be studied by SFEMG during electrical stimula- branch, which propagates orthodromically but for
tion by studying the axon reflex (Fig. 6-8) (22). A a shorter distance. A difference in jitter in the two
single needle stimulator position can result in different situations should be caused by the jitter

Figure 6-8 ● Axon reflex. Intramuscular electrical stimulation producing a complex response of
action potentials from five muscle fibers from one MU. Two of the muscle fibers (1 and 2) respond with two
latencies whereby they are always linked together. Note the different time calibrations in (A) and (B) through
(C). In (C), seven discharges were superimposed with each of the two latencies to show their relative con-
stancy. D. Schematic explanation of this phenomenon based upon an axon reflex. The two fibers with dual la-
tency are activated either directly through their own axonal branch (D) or, when the stimulus is subthresh-
old, through the branch to the other three fibers in the recording (A). In this case the antidromically
propagated impulse invades the branch to fibers 2 and 3, and the response appears with a longer latency.
(Reprinted with permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj JV. Demonstration of axon reflexes in human motor
nerve fibres. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1970;33:571–579.)
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created in the non-common axon segments and the surface-recorded responses to repetitive
the branching site, which would include the nodes stimulation. It may even respond positively to
of Ranvier. In a normal nerve axon, there is no edrophonium (23); therefore, the presence of a
extra jitter in the nodes of Ranvier. decrement and a positive edrophonium effect is
Intramuscular axonal transmission can also not absolute proof of a synaptic transmission
be studied during voluntary activation if record- defect.
ings are made from three or more muscle fibers.
Two or more components in a complex recording
may show concomitant jitter relative to other PROPAGATION VELOCITY
parts of the action potential complex. Sometimes OF SINGLE MUSCLE FIBERS
concomitant impulse blocking occurs. This usu-
ally is due to unreliable propagation of axonal Propagation velocity of the single muscle fiber ac-
impulses or conduction failure in the axon to those tion potential along the muscle fiber (24) can be
muscle fibers from which the blocking action measured using a multi-electrode with two arrays
potentials are recorded (Fig. 6-9) (23). of recording surfaces. The time between the two
As with the neuromuscular blocking encoun- recorded potentials from a single muscle fiber
tered in MG, axonal blocking may increase during exactly overlying two electrode surfaces is meas-
continuous activity and worsen with increasing ured and the propagation velocity calculated. The
activation. This may also give rise to decrement in normal muscle fiber propagation velocity value

Figure 6-9 ● Concomitant blocking. A recording from six muscle fibers from the same MU. The
middle four spike components intermittently block together. They also show a large common jitter in relation
to the remaining two components. The block is considered to be situated in the nerve twig common to the four
blocking muscle fibers (between the two arrows). The jitter of greater than 5 s between the four components
indicates that this is not the case of four branches from a split muscle fiber with an abnormal motor endplate,
since split fibers would have jitter of less than 5 s. (Reprinted with permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj JV.
Single fiber electromyography in healthy and diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1994.)
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lies between 1.5 and 6.5 m/s but varies from mus- higher frequencies decrease and the lower fre-
cle to muscle and even within a given muscle (24). quencies increase during continuous activity. In
Experiments on isolated muscle fibers have shown the literature, this frequency shift is called fatigue,
that muscle fiber diameter is a major factor deter- which deviates from the traditional definition of
mining the propagation velocity. For the range of muscular fatigue. The change in propagation ve-
diameters of human muscle fibers, the velocity is locity also explains, at least in part, a decrease in the
directly proportional to fiber diameter. During number of turns in an analysis of the EMG inter-
continued activation at a firing rate of approxi- ference pattern during continuous muscle activity.
mately 10 Hz, the propagation velocity usually Propagation velocity, dependent on mem-
decreases and is most pronounced during the first brane properties, also depends on the interval to
minute (24) (Fig. 6-10). previous discharge, called the velocity recovery
This decrease in propagation velocity explains function (VRF) (24). In certain muscle disorders,
the change in power spectrum observed with the the membrane properties are changed, which can
conventional needle and surface EMG when the be seen as abnormal VRF. Propagation velocity of

Figure 6-10 ● Decrease of propagation velocity in four muscle fibers during continued ac-
tivity at 11, 16, 12, and 9 discharges, respectively. In a fifth fiber, tested at an innervation rate of 6
and 16 discharges (the two continuous lines), there is no decrease in propagation velocity (24). (Reprinted with
permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj JV. Single fiber electromyography in healthy and diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New
York: Raven Press, 1994.)
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the muscle cell membrane is not a parameter stud- tions. It reflects the distribution of muscle fibers in
ied in routine EMG. the MU and is found to be a useful complement to
conventional EMG (Fig. 6-11).


Morphologic data indicate that changes from the The electrode is positioned in the muscle so that a
normal checkerboard pattern of muscle fibers to a given muscle fiber action potential is obtained with
patchy distribution called fiber-type grouping is its amplitude maximized. A count is made of the
an early sign of pathology. This may occur before number of spike components (including the trig-
a definite change in number of fibers within other gering spike) that are time-locked to the triggering
parts of the MU has occurred. A parameter re- action potential that have an amplitude exceeding
flecting fiber distribution called fiber density (FD) 200 V and a rise time shorter than 300 s when
has therefore been developed. This parameter is using a low-frequency filter limit of 500 Hz at the
easier to obtain than jitter and has wider applica- amplifier (many MU discharges must be observed

Figure 6-11 ● Fiber density. SFEMG recordings in normal and reinnervated muscle. The diagram
illustrates the number of muscle fibers of one MU (blacked in). The uptake hemisphere of the recording elec-
trode is represented as a half circle. In the normal muscle (1 and 2), only action potentials from one or two fibers
are recorded. After reinnervation (3), many fibers’ action potentials are recorded owing to increased fiber density
in the MU. (Reprinted with permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj JV. Single fiber electromyography in healthy and
diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1994.)
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Figure 6-12 ● FD definition. Different “difficult” SFEMG recordings indicated to represent one or
two fibers in FD measurements (indicated for each recording). Two spikes are defined when there is any
change in the slope of the signal. (Reprinted with permission from Stålberg E, Trontelj JV. Single fiber
electromyography in healthy and diseased muscle, 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press, 1994.)

to ascertain that the spikes all belong to the same advisable to test a small set of controls subjects for
MU). The sweep speed should be slow enough to FD values in, for example, the extensor digitorum
allow observation of 5 ms, or more if necessary (1–2 muscle. If this data set coincides with published
ms/cm), both before and after the triggering spike. data, then the operator can fairly conclude that
In the event that individual single-fiber action his or her technique is consistent with that de-
potentials occur nearly simultaneously at the scribed and used for all reference values, which
recording electrode, causing superimposition, the therefore can be adopted directly for the other
amplitude criterion for inclusion may be difficult muscles.
to use. As a rule of thumb, each of the spikes giving
rise to a change in signal polarity (a notch in the sig-
nal) should be counted (Fig. 6-12). At least 20 esti- FD Findings in Nerve–Muscle Disorders
mations are made from different recording sites In cases of abnormal MU organization (e.g., rein-
with at least three separate skin penetrations. nervation), the FD values are increased, corre-
Occasionally, positive-going, broad, jittering sponding to fiber-type grouping in the biopsy.
potentials are generated by the preceding spike High values are also found in myopathies (12,25).
component, and these should not be included in This most likely is due to abnormal fiber distribu-
the count or used for jitter measurements. Also, tion owing to splitting, satellite cells, regeneration,
monopolar or concentric needle electrodes cannot ephaptic transmission, and, sometimes, secondary
be used to obtain the FD value because of the neurogenic changes (25,26).
difference in recording uptake area.

Normal FD Values Indications for SFEMG in Clinical Studies

The normal FD values vary for different muscles and Research
and, in some muscles, vary with age (Fig. 6-13). Experimental studies of neuromuscula transmission
The typical range of values is 1.3 to 1.8. Reference Neuromuscular transmission in diseases
values for different muscles were obtained in a col- Diagnosis, evaluation, follow-up of
laborative study (see Table 6-1) (12,18). FD values neuromuscular disorders
differ somewhat between laboratories. It may be Myasthenia gravis
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Figure 6-13 ● Normal fiber density data from extensor digitorum muscle, collected from
a multicentre study. (Modified from Gilchrist J, Barkhaus PE, Bril V, et al. Single fiber EMG reference
values: a collaborative effort. Muscle Nerve 1992;15:151–161, with permission.)

Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome MACRO EMG

Other myasthenic syndromes
Botulism To obtain an overall picture of the MU, a special
Other conditions with disturbed technique called Macro EMG has been developed
neuromuscular transmission (27). Macro EMG records the summated action
Spatial organization of motor units in potentials from all of the fibers making up a MU.
Neurogenic disorders Method
The recording electrode consists of a modified
Firing pattern
SFEMG electrode with the cannula insulated ex-
In studies of normal and disturbed cept for the distal 15 mm. The SFEMG recording
recruitment firing patterns surface is exposed 7.5 mm from the tip (the mid-
Spike triggering point of the bare cannula). Recording is made on
Scanning EMG two channels with the EMG equipment con-
Macro EMG nected to a PC for analysis (Fig. 6-14). On one
Spike triggered averaging for MU electrical channel, the macro EMG signal from the cannula
or mechanical output (E1) (using a surface electrode as E2) is recorded
Propagation velocity of the muscle and fed to an average. On the other channel, the
membrane SFEMG recording is obtained between the 25 µm
Measure of fiber diameter E1 and the cannula E2. Amplifier filters are set to
Membrane parameters 5 Hz to 10 KHz and 500 Hz to 10 KHz for Macro
Fatigue EMG and SFEMG, respectively. The electrode is
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Figure 6-14 ● Recording principle of Macro EMG recording. A. Recording connection; channel
1 from cannula and channel 2 from SFEMG surface as E1 (active) electrodes. B. SFEMG channel display. C.
Cannula signal, where the synchronous MUP can be seen, but superimposed on other activity. D. Macro MUP
extracted from cannula signal after averaging, triggered from the SFEMG recording.

inserted into the voluntarily activated muscle and is separated from the first by several millimeters),
a position is sought where an acceptable SFEMG the shape of the Macro EMG signal from one MU
potential is seen. At this moment, the averaging is relatively constant, indicating that the recording
process begins and continues until a smooth base- really reflects activity in all fibers of a MU.
line and a constant Macro MUP is obtained on the
“cannula” channel. Concomitantly, FD of the
Normal Findings
triggering action potential is obtained. Averaging
is essential since other MUs are active within the In normal muscle, the general Macro EMG MUP
cannula’s recording volume. shape differs from one muscle to the other (27). In
The peak-to-peak amplitude and area of the the anterior tibial muscle, the potentials often have
Macro EMG signal are positively related to the two or more separate peaks, whereas in the
number and size of muscle fibers in the entire MU brachial biceps muscle, the potentials usually have
(28). If there is atrophy of the muscle fibers, the a simple configuration with one or two negative
Macro MUP should become reduced. This effect peaks. There is a great scatter in individual Macro
is counteracted, however, by the shrinkage of the MUP amplitudes in the normal muscle. The
MU, which reduces the distance between its fibers largest Macro MUP may be up to 10 times larger
and the electrode, increasing the Macro MUP. than the smallest in the brachial biceps muscle for
When recordings from the same MU are repeated individuals under age 60 and up to 20 times in
using a different muscle fiber as the trigger (which those over 60 years. A larger range of values can be
90749_ch06(105-130).ps 8/11/06 11:10 AM Page 122


expected if high threshold MUs are included. It is Macro EMG to estimate MU numbers in this way,
thus easy to detect the so-called size principle and mainly in the study of patients with a history of
to study its changes with age and pathology with polio. However, in our routine use of Macro
this technique, not easily recognized with conven- EMG, the degree of loss of axons is obtained from
tional EMG recordings (29). The mean Macro the relative Macro MUP amplitude increase,
MUP amplitude differs five-fold for MUs re- which is a measure of compensatory reinnervation
cruited at 20% of maximal force compared to (see below in the section on reinnervation).
those recruited at lower force, corresponding to
orderly recruitment as judged from their twitches
(30). This makes it important to define reference Findings in Myopathies
values for given ranges of contraction levels and to As expected, the electrical size of the MU reflected
perform patient investigation within the same by the Macro MUP is decreased in myopathies as
range of contraction. a group (Fig. 6-15). In the individual case, values
Normal values given for a low degree of ac- are often within normal limits. Large-mean-
tivity (i.e., low-threshold MUs) vary for different amplitude Macro MUPs have been found in some
muscles. In some muscles, the values increase with patients with facioscapulohumeral and limb-gir-
age, an effect more pronounced in the anterior tib- dle dystrophy with slight or no clinical involve-
ial muscle than in either the brachial biceps or the ment (34). This finding may indicate a compensa-
vastus lateralis muscles. The change with age re- tory hypertrophy, as seen by others (31,35). Macro
flects the enlargement of remaining MUs with the MUP parameters by themselves are thus not sen-
physiologic loss of neurons and reinnervation by sitive enough to detect early myopathic changes.
distal sprouting of survivor axons. The reason for the normal or near-normal ampli-
tudes is probably the compensatory mechanisms
with fiber regeneration, fiber splitting, occasional
MOTOR UNIT ESTIMATION fiber hypertrophy, and general packing of fibers
due to atrophy. These changes will, however,
McComas et al (31) described a method for esti- cause an increase in the FD value. Therefore, the
mating the number of MUs by means of graded finding of increased FD values obtained from the
electrical stimulation and a surface recording of SFEMG channel during the Macro EMG study,
the increasing M wave amplitude. From the max- combined with normal or slightly reduced Macro
imal response and the mean value of individual MUP values, is a useful indicator of myopathy.
steps, the number of MUs was estimated. To as- These findings can be used to differentiate my-
certain the recording from just one MU at a time, opathy from neuropathy in questionable cases
we performed voluntary activation combined (Table 6-2).
with the SFEMG technique. An SFEMG elec-
trode-triggered activity from one muscle fiber and
Findings in Reinnervation
surface electrode as used by McComas et al (31)
were used for recordings. The maximal M wave During reinnervation by collateral sprouting,
amplitude response used for the calculations was which is the most common type of compensation
obtained from electrical stimulation. Brown et al in neurogenic conditions, the number of muscle
(32) have used this technique extensively and fibers in a given MU increases. In Macro EMG,
found it useful. We found that deeply located this is seen as increased amplitude of the signal. In
MUs in large muscles gave smaller signal ampli- this way, Macro EMG offers the possibility of fol-
tudes using surface electrodes, and this led to the lowing reinnervation quantitatively.
development of Macro EMG to better record the The individual Macro MUP in reinnervation
MU size using intramuscular recording. Macro can have an amplitude exceeding the normal mean
MUPs recorded during voluntary contraction and by a factor of 10 (Fig. 6-16). In the complex situa-
M wave amplitude obtained from the Macro tion involving patients with amyotrophic lateral
EMG electrode have been used to estimate the sclerosis (ALS) (36), the picture is variable. In some
number of MUs (33). We have occasionally used patients with rapid progression, the Macro MUPs
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Figure 6-15 ● Macro EMG amplitude and area values in patients with muscular dystro-
phy. (Reprinted with permission from Hilton-Brown P, Stålberg E. Motor unit size in muscular dystrophy;
a macro EMG and scanning EMG study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1983;46:996–1005.)

T A B L E 6 - 2 Relationship between Macro EMG Amplitude and Fiber Density

Macro MUP Amplitude Fiber Density

Decr. Normal Incr. Normal Incr.

Small normal MU  
Average MU  
Large normal  
Myopathy () () 

Relationship between MU parameters and EMG parameters. Note that an individual EMG finding does not always give a
unique understanding of the MU.
90749_ch06(105-130).ps 8/11/06 11:10 AM Page 124


Figure 6-16 ● Macro MUPs from tibialis anterior in a healthy control and in ALS. Note the
great variation in amplitudes due to reinnervation.

are increased only slightly and the FD is only mod- the first investigation by 10 times for the muscles
erately increased. In cases of slow progression, the with stable strength and were increased by 16 times
Macro MUPs increase much more, with individual for the unstable muscles (having new weakness)
Macro MUPs 10 to 20 times higher than the upper group. Four years after the first investigation,
normal mean. The Macro MUPs are still in paral- the muscle force was unchanged or decreased,
lel with the increase in FD, indicating a homoge- whereas the Macro MUP amplitude had increased
neous and effective reinnervation. In later stages of by 67% (p 0.01) and 35% in the stable and unsta-
ALS, the average Macro MUP amplitude may ble groups, respectively. This increase could not be
start to decline although the FD is still high. This explained by a change in the fiber area, which was
has been interpreted as either fragmentation of unchanged, but is explained by an increase in the
large MUs or an effect of selective dropout of the number of fibers owing to reinnervation. At the
largest MUs, leaving the smaller ones preserved. stage of fully utilized reinnervation capacity, addi-
In patients with a history of polio, Macro tional loss of MUs cannot be compensated. A con-
MUP is usually increased dramatically, with indi- tinued loss of MUs will then present clinically as a
vidual values more than 20 times the normal mean new or accelerating decrease of strength over time.
value. This reflects the preserved capacity for rein- Eight years later, a follow-up study was un-
nervation in these patients, even when there is a dertaken in 17 of these patients. The macro MUP
pronounced loss of strength. The late effects of po- amplitude was larger in 20 of the legs compared
lio have been investigated by Macro EMG. In a with the initial examination. In contrast, it de-
study (37) of 18 patients with two examinations 4 creased in eight of nine legs from the second to the
years apart, Macro EMG and biopsy were per- third examination when the earlier amplitudes
formed in the vastus lateralis muscle. Force meas- were greater than 20 times control values (38).
urements of knee extension were performed. The Thus, evidence of ongoing denervation and
Macro EMG MUP amplitudes were increased at reinnervation as well as of failing capacity to
90749_ch06(105-130).ps 8/11/06 11:10 AM Page 125


maintain large MUs was demonstrated. An upper With another multi-electrode technique the
limit of the compensatory process to maintain territory of the MU was defined by Stålberg et al
muscle strength can be defined, but with individ- (43) using a multi-electrode with 14 different 25
ual variation in the pattern of contributing factors. m electrodes in a special arrangement, allowing
Most EMG studies have failed to depict indi- 44 recording sites spaced 300 m apart recording
vidual EMG parameters that may be used to diag- over 14 mm. The fibers were found to scatter in a
nose or predict the so-called post-polio syndrome manner similar to that shown by others in experi-
(PPS) (39). This is due only partly to the fact that mental glycogen depletion studies (i.e., without
PPS usually concerns the entire condition of the evidence of grouping).
patient. Even in studies in which functional tests Another technique with a higher spatial reso-
concern individual muscles, the EMG changes lution has been developed to obtain a more detailed
were similar in patients with unstable and stable electrophysiologic cross-section of the MU. Called
muscle function (40). The difficulty in finding scanning EMG (44), the method gives an enhanced
predictors for PPS is partly due to the complex re- spatial resolution of the MU compared to the
lationship between the various causes for reduc- multi-electrode techniques because the recording
tion of muscle strength and the compensatory is made from many more sites, spaced 50 m apart.
processes in patients with a history of polio. How- It gives a new electrophysiologic dimension to the
ever, the muscular component of PPS seems to be MU structure in both normal and pathologic con-
predictable when the Macro MUP is increased in ditions (45,46). It is likely that in cases of slight
amplitude by more than 20 times. changes in MU character, the pathology will be
seen only in portion of a MU, which may be missed
by conventional EMG due to sampling error.
Indications for Macro EMG
Estimating MU size in normal muscle
Estimating number of MUs Method
Recruitment order
Neurogenic conditions This method has been described in related jour-
Diagnostic nals (46–48). In brief, a SFEMG electrode is used
Quantitative analysis of reinnervation processes to trigger the activity from one MU during slight
Myopathic conditions voluntary contraction (i.e., low-threshold MUs are
Diagnostic (together with FD) studied preferentially). As an exploring electrode,
the “scanning electrode,” a concentric needle elec-
trode, is usually used, but any EMG electrode may
be used (Fig. 6-17). The electrode must be in opti-
SCANNING EMG mal condition, with a sharp tip and no irregulari-
ties along the shaft, to facilitate a smooth move-
To investigate the distribution of muscle fibers in ment through the muscle without jumping. Small
either normal or diseased MUs in some detail, dif- jumps may still occur because of friction and will
ferent techniques can be used. One is by means of cause minor errors in terms of sudden changes in
glycogen depletion of individual MUs. This action potential shape or in territory measures,
method can hardly be applied in human muscles, probably less than 1 mm. The scanning electrode
and only a few studies have been reported (41). In is inserted 20 mm away from the triggering elec-
general, the fibers are scattered within the MU trode, along the longitudinal axis of the muscle
territory, although a nonrandom distribution pat- and perpendicular to the direction of the muscle
tern of muscle fibers has been suggested and fibers fibers. A position is sought where one can obtain
are arranged in a more orderly fashion than statis- synchronous activity with that from the triggering
tically expected. Electrophysiologically the terri- electrode. The scanning electrode is then pushed
tory was first studied by Buchthal et al by means through the triggering MU until a position is
of multi-electrodes containing 12 1.5 mm-long reached where no further trigger-locked spike
leads distributed over a distance of 25 mm (42). components are detected.
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Figure 6-17 ● Principles of scanning EMG. An SFEMG electrode is used for triggering action
potentials from one muscle fiber. A separate EMG electrode is pulled in small steps through the MU, with the
recording time locked to the triggering signal. A picture is obtained of the distribution of one MU under study.

Positioning of the two electrodes usually imum of 20 mm. Unless the patient has pro-
takes less than 1 minute. The scanning electrode is nounced tremor, he or she can usually cooperate
connected to a pulling step-motor (digital linear well and can produce a slight steady voluntary
actuator), which is controlled by a computer sys- contraction during the recording procedure,
tem. The motor is mounted in a holder with an which takes less than 1 minute. The entire proce-
electrode grip and a wide footplate. During the dure from positioning the electrodes to recording
recording the footplate is held by hand steadily from one MU takes less than 5 minutes.
against the skin over the muscle. The recording is Three-dimensional plots and color plots of
canceled if the position of the holder is visually the amplitude distribution of the MU activity are
changed in relation to the muscle. The signal produced by the PC. In this way, one obtains a
recorded from the single-fiber electrode triggers cross-section and distribution of the MU activity.
the oscilloscope sweep for display and also pro- The following parameters may be analyzed:
duces a short trigger pulse to start the analog-to-
digital conversion process (sampling frequency 20 • Diameter of MU cross-section: the measured dis-
kHz). A sweep length of 25 ms is stored each time. tance from first to last record with MU activity
The signal is displayed on the computer screen. • Number of MU fractions: portions of MU
When the entire signal has been stored, the step- activity having clearly separated amplitude
motor is initiated to pull the concentric electrode maximum in time or in scanning direction
50 m or multiples thereof. The process is re- • Number and length of silent portions: record-
peated until the scanning electrode has passed ings with no activity that occur between the
through the entire MU cross-section, up to a max- fractions
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Figure 6-18 ● Normal scanning EMG from tibialis muscle. Five fractions are seen and no silent
areas. The time delay between fractions depends on different endplate zones and on difference in conduction
times in the nerve terminals.

• Number of polyphasic or complex portions called fractions (Fig. 6-18). These probably corre-
within the MU: number of sections where the spond to muscle fibers innervated by one major
activity has more than four phases or five turns intramuscular nerve branch. If these fractions are
• Length of polyphasic or complex portion of the separated in time, a recording position between
MU: sections with more than four phases or five them may give rise to early or late satellite compo-
turns nents. The fractions correspond to the peaks in the
Macro EMG signal.
Findings in Healthy Subjects When scanning is performed with a concen-
tric needle electrode, a “cannula” signal is often ob-
The scanning EMG often shows more than one served. This occurs in the situation in which active
amplitude maximum. These may be separated by muscle fibers are recorded from the cannula but not
areas of very low amplitudes, which are then from the tip. In this way a slow, positive-going
90749_ch06(105-130).ps 8/11/06 11:11 AM Page 128


component occurs that may be difficult to differen- Mapping distribution of electrical activity in
tiate from the normal onset or end of the slow phase the muscle
of the MUP. Scanning EMG also reveals that many Studies of MUP shapes
MUs have at least some portion with polyphasic Studies of volume conduction parameters
signals. It should be noted that a conventional
EMG recording represents only one trace of the
scanning EMG. If a MU contains only a few areas REFERENCES
of polyphasic sections, there is less chance that a
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Quality Improvement and

Reporting in Electrodiagnostic
William S. Pease

WHAT IS QUALITY? the key functions in the area identified that are
likely to have the greatest impact on the patient.
Physicians and healthcare institutions are expected Measurable indicators are developed and a data-
to put their best efforts into improving quality of monitoring system is created so that information
care and minimizing the risks to the patient. The can be shared with the group and with the inter-
latter concept dates to Hippocrates, and the former ested stakeholders. The data serve as feedback in
is almost as old in its relationship to the lifelong the system to trigger improvements in the
learning that is the basis for professional work. processes and also to monitor the outcome of the
Now it is common to find quality-related health- changes. Actions may be directed toward achiev-
care data on the Internet and in the press. For ing outcomes above a certain target created inter-
example, the Leapfrog Group (www.leapfrog- nally or related to an external benchmark. and many other institutions are insist- An important overall indicator of quality is
ing upon improvements in healthcare quality and patient satisfaction. It is also important to assess
safety. the satisfaction of physicians and agencies that
While some aspects of quality are considered refer patients and use the reports in their reviews.
subjective or individual, there is consensus in the Some examples of quality indicators used to meas-
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare ure patient satisfaction include the following:
Organizations (JCAHO, commonly pronounced
“Jayco”) approach, whose goals are to increase the 1. Were the services performed on a timely basis?
likelihood of desired health outcomes. A quality 2. Was the staff courteous and professional?
improvement (QI) program should address all 3. Is the office area safe and accessible?
processes of care that affect the patient and other 4. Did the physician communicate well before
stakeholders in the EMG evaluation program (1). and after the procedures?
The first steps in developing a QI program are to
assign responsibility, ensure accountability, and Data on patient satisfaction can be collected
support delegation of authority as appropriate (2). either in the office at departure or (more com-
One must then systematically examine the quality monly) by mail survey sent to an adequate sample,
of care that is provided. This must always be typically 20% of the patients. Surveying for quality
viewed as a continuous process of managing and purposes is not considered scientific medical re-
improving the patient care in each facility. The search and does not require research ethics or insti-
scopes of care for the area must be delineated and tutional review board (IRB) review and approval.

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In internal peer review of EMG reports, sev- competence is also a component of the training
eral factors might be considered, such as the and testing in the subspecialties of Clinical Neuro-
following: physiology and Neuromuscular Medicine (new in
2005), which are under the auspices of the Ameri-
• Appropriate clinical information was included. can Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. All of
• Correct nerves and muscles were studied in re- these certifying programs include maintenance of
lation to the presenting and final diagnoses. certification programs of continuing education
• There is internal consistency of the data that and periodic retesting.
suggests accuracy in measurement. Staff of the EMG laboratory may include
• A rational discussion, impression, and recom- technicians who assist the electrodiagnostic medi-
mendation section is included that provides cine physicians and who also perform nerve con-
useful information to the referring physician. duction studies under the direct supervision of the
medical staff. The American Association of Elec-
Peer review is strongly encouraged as part of trodiagnostic Technologists has developed train-
the QI process, with a review of 10 reports per ing guidelines and a board-certification process
quarter from each physician. for the technicians.


The overall responsibility for the testing in an The EMG evaluation is an extension of the physi-
electrodiagnostic medicine (or EMG) laboratory cal examination of the patient, using electronic
should be assigned to a physician medical director amplifiers to extend our sensory ability into the
who has appropriate board certification in the realm of “perceiving” the action potentials of
field and who also keeps abreast of the field nerves and muscles. The consultant uses the elec-
through continuing education (3,4). Education trophysiologic methods to diagnose, evaluate the
and training in electrodiagnostic medicine occurs severity of, and manage the treatment of patients
within the framework of residency in physical with neuromuscular problems.
medicine and rehabilitation, as well as most neu- Evaluation of possible proximal nerve injury
rology programs in the United States and Canada. affecting a limb usually begins with a clinical eval-
Consensus guidelines for education followed by uation suggesting nerve root or plexus injury. Nee-
both specialties have been developed by the dle EMG examination is recommended as the test
American Association of Neuromuscular and modality with the best sensitivity and specificity
Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM, formerly for these diagnoses (5,6). Selection of the appropri-
AAEM). The educational requirements include ate muscles to be tested is based upon the roots or
broad knowledge of neuromuscular diseases and nerves thought most likely to be affected based
injuries, as well as the performance of at least 200 upon the clinical evaluation (7), as well as the pa-
patient EMG evaluations as a trainee. Some physi- tient’s tolerance and the examiner’s abilities and
cians also pursue subspecialty fellowship training training. The muscle selections later in the study
in EMG after residency. Certification of compe- are also guided by any abnormal findings that are
tence in electrodiagnosis is included in certifica- seen. In general, a screening examination is used
tion of the American Board of Physical Medicine when the patient’s presentation does not limit the
and Rehabilitation. The American Board of Elec- possibilities. This screening examination of five or
trodiagnostic Medicine (ABEM) has a testing and six muscles (5,6) is designed so that each root and
certification program operated in a relationship plexus component is evaluated based upon the
with the AANEM that is highly regarded. The usual innervation patterns (myotomes). As abnor-
ABEM examination requires at least 1 year of ex- malities are identified, additional muscles are
perience after training and the performance of an selected to confirm that an injury exists and that
additional 200 examinations for eligibility. EMG other neural components are not affected in the
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same anatomic region. This approach is referred to and asked the patient to activate the paraspinal
as “surrounding the focal abnormality with a ring muscles for evaluation of motor unit potentials
of normal findings.” When the screening exami- (MUPs) (10). As mentioned elsewhere, MUP
nation produces no abnormalities (a situation we evaluation is not recommended in the paraspinal
physicians paradoxically refer to as “negative”), muscles. In addition, routine use of thinner,
then the differential diagnosis is refined, and this monopolar needles (typically 0.33 to 0.40 mm) is
might lead to alternate testing. The classic abnor- suggested as less painful and less likely to cause
malities described in the pathologic states dis- hemorrhage.
cussed in other chapters are usually found in EMG equipment should be inspected regu-
muscles with mild to moderate weakness. larly for leakage current and ground electrodes
For patients suspected of having peripheral (third lead) should be used consistently. Stimula-
nerve dysfunction such as polyneuropathy or en- tion near pacemakers and catheters leading to ma-
trapment, the EMG laboratory evaluation usually jor vessels is avoided, or supervised by an appro-
begins with sensory and motor nerve conduction priate specialist when necessary. In general, the
studies. The specific nerves tested and possible ad- risk of electrical injury is greatest in the presence
dition of F waves to the studies depends upon the of a wire or fluid-filled catheter that penetrates the
diagnoses under consideration (8), as discussed in skin (creating a current path), in contrast to the
detail in other chapters of this text. Appropriate se- lower risk of stimulation near a fully implanted
lection of nerves and stimulation sites will allow pump or pacemaker (9). The electrodiagnostic
identification of distal, proximal, or segmental consultant should practice within his or her train-
slowing, as well as identifying reduced amplitude ing or experience when examining around the
or conduction block. All of these parameters are torso so as to avoid an unnecessary risk of pneu-
necessary for the appropriate analysis of the mothorax or peritonitis.
patient’s diagnosis, severity, and prognosis (8). Di-
agnostic information is most likely to result from
testing areas that are moderately affected, result-
ing in measurable but markedly abnormal
electrical recordings.

Patient safety in the EMG laboratory involves
risks of infection, bleeding, electrical injury, and
penetration of the chest or abdomen (9). Infection
is managed by the use of universal precaution
standards, including barriers such as gloves and
disinfection, as well as through the use of dispos-
able supplies. Hemorrhage (Fig. 7-1) is reported
rarely but can occur even in the patient without Figure 7-1 ● Axial T2-weighted magnetic
coagulopathy. The physician should not perform resonance view of the L5 level of the spine
needle EMG studies in patients at a high risk of revealing right-sided hematoma as a hy-
bleeding, such as those with poorly controlled co- perintense white mass in the paraspinal
muscle following concentric needle EMG
agulopathy or INR values above the therapeutic
examination in the area. The MR scan was
range. The patient on appropriate levels of ther-
scheduled prior to performance of the EMG and the
apeutic anticoagulants can be safely studied with bleeding was not suspected based upon clinical eval-
added pressure for hemostasis being applied at uation of the patient. (Reprinted from Caress JB,
the needle site after withdrawal. In the case illus- Rutkove SB, Carlin M, et al. Paraspinal muscle
trated in Figure 7-1, the examiner reports using hematoma after electromyography. Neurology
concentric EMG needles (0.46 mm in diameter) 1996;47:269–272, with permission.)
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SATISFACTION: PATIENTS AND while they are under anesthesia. Obviously, this
REFERRAL SOURCES approach to consent in EMG is different when the
decision is made to sedate someone for the EMG
procedures, as well as in a pediatric practice set-
First impressions are important, and patients’ con-
ting (see Chapter 16). Verbal or written consent to
fidence in the provider and trust in the advice re-
procedures and medical care carries with it the ob-
ceived will be improved if they see a friendly and
ligation to educate (inform) patients so that they
efficient office staff when they enter the facility.
can make a decision that is in their interest. When
Smiles and respectful attitudes make the relative
the patient asks the EMG examiner to stop, then
drudgery of registration and billing paperwork a
there is also an obligation to educate him or her on
bit easier and encourage patients to relax in an un-
the consequences of stopping the procedure, while
familiar environment. Addressing patients by
always recognizing his or her right to abandon the
their surname or full name is recommended
rather than using the first name, especially on
their first visit to the office. Staff should not shout
names or use over-friendly terms such as “Baby”
or “Sweetie.”
Referring physicians and their key staff
The secondary benefit of performing the brief his-
members are valuable partners for the electrodi-
tory and examination of the patient prior to test-
agnostic medicine consultant because they can se-
ing is to develop rapport with the patient and gain
lect the appropriate patients who can be helped
his or her confidence as one proceeds to the un-
through testing and can influence these patients’
comfortable portions of the examination. I will of-
perceptions as they prepare for the visit. Contin-
ten explain that I am crazy enough to perform
ued communication with them, in the form of re-
EMG and nerve conduction study techniques on
ports that clearly explain the findings as well as
myself, unless there is a student available to “vol-
verbal communication in unusual cases, is impor-
unteer,” of course. Many probably doubt the truth
tant to these relationships. Electromyographers
of this (although it surely is true), but the little bit
can also provide formal or informal education
of laughter always goes a long way in relieving the
about the medical management of neuromuscular
anxiety of the patient, and we know that anxiety
problems, as well as patient education materials
and pain are closely related. Having noticed that
describing how to prepare for an EMG test. The
many of my teachers were gifted with the ability
knowledge of the referral source and his or her
to keep up a steady conversation to distract the pa-
ability to transmit it and properly prepare the
tient during testing, I have tried to develop this
patient for the procedure greatly improves the pa-
skill and recommend it. When sensory nerve con-
tient’s perceptions and response to the unusual sit-
duction studies are indicated, I begin with them,
uation of the EMG laboratory.
since they are the least noxious of the EMG labo-
ratory procedures. The examination proceeds
with motor nerve stimulations, followed by the
CONSENT monopolar needle study of muscles, taking advan-
tage of impaired sensation for the initial insertions
An electrodiagnostic medical consultation is a (if available) and saving examination of already-
multistep, iterative process during which the typi- tender locations for the last.
cal patient is alert (not sedated) and able to contin-
uously consent to each step of the procedures. Pa-
tients are not usually asked to sign written consent REPORTING
for EMG testing, in part because the consent
would be moot as soon as they told the examiner What will be remembered from the EMG that
to “stop.” This is in contrast to a surgical proce- you just performed on an interesting patient? A
dure, in which patients may be asked to consent to surgeon taught me that the patient gets to see only
sedation and to decisions that need to be made one part of the surgery: the dressing. (This advice
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predated videotaped, minimally invasive surgery, m/s, respectively. Including figures with wave-
of course.) He advised us to make sure that the pa- forms demonstrates that you are confident that if
tient thought that you did neat, clean, and careful another reviewer sees your raw data, then he or
work on the inside by showing him that on the she will reach the same conclusions. In your con-
outside. clusions, you will draw relationships between
Similarly, the referring physician will not physiology and anatomy. Reports should also pro-
know the discipline and care that you put into the vide the information needed to compare future
techniques and measurements of your electrodi- and past EMG testing to your report that can pro-
agnostic studies; he or she will see only the report. vide objective information about changes in the
The documentation in the report leads to the real- patient’s condition.
ization of the full potential of the electrodiagnos- The language in the report should be consis-
tic tests and reduces the need for repeat testing tent, and the report should use language included
(11). Will the report show a careful discipline as- in the glossary appendix of this text as well as that
sociated with attention to measurement accuracy? published by AANEM (12). Common examples
Will it show thoughtful analysis resulting from a and potential problems follow:
well-planned and thorough examination with at-
tention to the needs of both the patient and physi- • The term “increased insertional activity” is dis-
cian? Will it provide him or her with information couraged in favor of columns noting the ap-
that will improve the care of that patient and en- pearance of positive sharp waves and fibrilla-
courage future referrals? The printed or elec- tion potentials, since these terms are more
tronic report of the electrodiagnostic consultation objective and pathologic (Fig. 7-2).
is the enduring documentation for the medical • “Denervation potentials” and other terms that
record and for proper reimbursement. Modern suggest diagnostic specificity are strongly dis-
equipment allows automated capture of many im- couraged since, for example, we now know that
portant EMG and nerve response parameters into the potentials previously defined as “denerva-
a typed and tabulated document. These reports tion” are commonly found in myopathic condi-
can include images of the waveforms and re- tions. Similarly the old term “myopathic motor
sponses as well. This also acknowledges that sur- unit potentials” had to be abandoned when it
geons are usually visually oriented and like to see was learned that similar MUPs occurred in
the pictures and will want to relate them to the neuromuscular junction diseases.
anatomy. This type of reporting is now the pre-
ferred and expected format for a professional re- Some of your referrals will require an EMG
port, and it also facilitates progress into the elec- and some nerve conductions with straightforward
tronic medical record (EMR). reporting of the results to a specialist, such as a
A well-organized report is readable by any hand surgeon, who is fairly knowledgeable in us-
physician in any specialty. It avoids jargon, such as ing the information in his or her area of interest.
the abbreviations seen in this book that are famil- Other patients will be sent for consultation and
iar to the electrodiagnostic medicine community opinions that require far more than the electrodi-
(e.g., SNAP amplitude or MUP duration). Tables agnostic testing and reporting of data. In some of
are common in the area of computer-generated these situations you may be able to appropriately
reports and have come to be expected. These ta- bill for evaluation and management (E&M) serv-
bles can be organized in any number of ways but ices in addition to EMG. These reports will, of
should provide easy-to-read data with clear head- course, need to document the expected elements of
ings, descriptors, and measurement units. an E&M visit, including the application of decision
Reported data should be presented with the ap- making in planning additional diagnostic testing
propriate number of significant digits (usually two and treatment regimens.
or three), and not with numbers like 3.124 ms for As noted above, the EMG evaluation is an ex-
a distal latency or 51.568 m/s for conduction veloc- tension of the physical examination of the patient,
ity that suggest an impossible degree of accuracy using electronic sensors to extend our sensory abil-
in vivo; these should be reported as 3.1 ms and 51.6 ity into the realm of “perceiving” the action poten-
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Figure 7-2 ● Report for an EMG examination. Note that this includes a space for Social Security
Number, which is now discouraged in keeping with privacy concerns. This complicated case justified a good
deal of clinical information but probably does not justify E&M code billing since the physician did not take re-
sponsibility for a final diagnosis and care plan, other than referral.
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Figure 7-2 ● Report for an EMG examination. (continued)

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tials of nerves and muscles. The report of the of Diseases (ICD) that reflect the medical necessity
interaction should document that the patient’s of performing the EMG testing. When the study
medical history and clinical examination findings is nondiagnostic, then it is proper to use codes rep-
have been incorporated into the planning and test- resenting the patient’s symptoms, such as pares-
ing processes. It is critical that each evaluation be thesia (782.0) or limb pain (729.5), or signs, such as
individualized to the patient’s situation, but we ataxia (781.3). One must pay constant attention to
also recognize that common problems occur changes in coding regulations.
frequently, and guidelines for testing are available Current CPT® coding guidelines require
that are applicable to approximately 90% of that at least five muscles of a limb (which may in-
situations (13). clude the paraspinal muscles as one muscle) be
Nerve conduction data presentations must studied in order to use the code 95860 for a one-
include the measured distance for each nerve seg- extremity needle EMG. This is consistent with re-
ment studied, in addition to location names of search on the sensitivity and specificity of these
each stimulus and recording site. Clear reference techniques for common problems such as radicu-
to the use of peak or onset latency values should be lopathy (5,14). Nerve conduction study coding
provided, since this is a major area of accepted standards currently require that a uniquely bill-
practice variation. Amplitude values are also nec- able test for coding purposes (i.e., 1 unit of service)
essary for interpretation and should be reported as is produced by the repositioning of both the
measured from baseline to negative peak, or recording and stimulating electrodes. One unit of
clearly designated if measured differently. service for either motor or sensory nerve testing
Tabular presentation of the data from the could include recording from multiple stimula-
needle EMG study is also preferred. There is not tion sites, such as the inching technique, as well as
typically a graphical presentation of this data. when multiple recording sites are used. An F
Each muscle (and side) should be identified, and wave is considered an add-on service to a motor
the table should include information about inser- nerve conduction study and includes the routine
tional activity, spontaneous activity, motor unit motor study with latency, conduction velocity,
morphology, and recruitment for each muscle. and amplitude data in addition to 10 F-wave
Needle EMG studies are most commonly recordings with reporting of at least the fastest la-
performed using sterile, disposable monopolar tency (this is sometimes referred to as a “bundled
needles in the United States and Canada, and this service” in coding jargon). A common problem in
is the default expectation if the report does not claims processing is the failure of the insurer to
specify. If concentric, reusable, or other specialty pay for multiple units of the same CPT-coded
needles are used, there should be a documented service and respond with an error code such as
description and explanation. “duplicate service.” Adding modifiers for the side
of service (RT or LT), using the modifier 59 for
“distinct service,” and using names of nerves in the
CLAIMS AND CODING claim are useful ways to improve “clean claim”
processing (see Fig. 7-2). Some payers will still re-
The document should also include complete in- quest a copy of the report, however. The CPT
formation needed to affirm compliance with codes reported for Figure 7-2 are in Table 7-1.
CPT® coding and billing regulations, as well as According to the Centers for Medicare and
adherence to appropriate practice guidelines. At a Medicaid Services (15), nerve conduction testing
minimum, the nerve conduction test reporting codes are among the most frequently used codes,
should identify each point of stimulation and ranking in the top 200 codes used in frequency in
recording, using conventional nerve and muscle 2004. Sensory nerve conduction (95904) was used
nomenclature. For needle EMG, each muscle 2.8 million times, motor nerve conduction with F-
should be named (with side) and full reporting of wave (95903) 1.6 million, and motor nerve con-
the findings in its individual study (Figs. 7-2 and duction (95900) 1.4 million times that year. The
7-3). Insurers will expect to see appropriate diag- total allowed charges on these three codes ex-
nostic codes using the International Classification ceeded $300 million in 2004, so consultants can ex-
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Figure 7-3 ● Report of an EMG examination including display of nerve conduction re-
sponse waveforms, which facilitates understanding of the results as well as improving the
ability to reinterpret the results or compare them to additional studies at a later time.
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Figure 7-3 ● Report of an EMG examination including display of nerve conduction re-
sponse waveforms, which facilitates understanding of the results as well as improving the
ability to reinterpret the results or compare them to additional studies at a later time. (con-
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T A B L E 7 - 1 CPT Coding for Billing Purposes Documented by the Report in Figure 7-2

CPT® Units of Service Description


95863 1 3 extremity EMG

95900-59 1 Motor nerve conduction (LT Peroneal)
95903-RT 1 Motor nerve conduction with F-wave (RT Peroneal)
95903-LT 1 Motor nerve conduction with F-wave (LT Tibial)
95903-RT 1 Motor nerve conduction with F-wave (RT Ulnar)
95904 1 Sensory nerve conduction
To avoid rejection because of duplicate codes, many offices employ the modifiers “RT” and “LT” to clarify that a nerve was
studied separately on both sides, or the modifier “59” to designate a distinct service. In this example, the use of the modifier
“59” helps to avoid confusion about whether the 95900 should be “bundled” with one of the 95903 claims. Including the
name of each nerve in the detail of the bill often facilitates processing of the claim. Our office does not use modifier “50” to
designate bilateral testing. Note that since three of the four motor nerve conduction studies included the F wave, only one
unit of 95900 is charged.

pect continued scrutiny of this cost and should use when compared to the contralateral study showing
these procedures always and only when they will 19 mV it would be considered small, since it is less
benefit the patient. than 50%. Temperature effects are often easy to
discern, since only cooling causes the combination
of slowed conduction (prolonged latency) in asso-
INFORMATION CONTENT ciation with increased amplitude and duration; if
only latency times are reported without tempera-
All reports must clearly identify the patient by ture measures, we are left to worry about temper-
name, date of birth, and local registration number ature-related errors, leading to misdiagnosis.
(which should not be the U.S. Social Security The EMG report should include an interpre-
Number). In practice, the referring physician’s tation or discussion section. This summary should
name is an added identifier, as well as being an identify each abnormal test result and place each
important contact regarding the patient. in the context of the other test findings as well as
Many practitioners include a listing of their the clinical condition of the patient. A hallmark of
laboratory’s normal reference values for the com- an accurately performed group of measurements
mon tests performed. We do not recommend this is that the findings are internally consistent and
approach, since a number of factors can influence deviations from this consistency should be
the relevance of these values in an individual pa- explained in relation to the unusual pathology
tient. This can lead to inappropriate reinterpreta- present. The report should then build a rational
tion of the data by those who were not present at its argument to support a single diagnosis supported
collection and who fail to appreciate the modifying independently by more than one finding during
factors. Among others, the factors can include age, the evaluation. In an unusual case, the presenta-
height, weight, temperature, and, most impor- tion will be of a single EMG abnormality, and this
tantly, considerations of comparing the results usually results in some uncertainty as to both the
with others from the same patient, including con- accuracy of the result and the diagnosis. Equally
tralateral recordings. For example, a median re- rare is the new finding of two independent disease
sponse from the left median motor nerve study processes in one person, and these unusual situa-
recorded at the abductor pollicis brevis might be tions certainly lead to the need for some special
7 mV and considered normal in amplitude, but testing.
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The discussion will relate the findings to the these apply to a broad range of the population and
anatomic and physiologic correlates of the disease could encourage overinterpretation by someone
or injury. Anatomic variation will influence the unfamiliar with the testing situation.
interpretation of the findings, and these variations Figure 7-3 shows a report of a new, focal in-
need to be explained clearly, especially when they jury complicating a longstanding neuromuscular
are the cause for added test procedures. problem. The patient had been the subject of nu-
In some cases the patient’s ability to tolerate merous previous EMG studies and it was not nec-
the testing will affect the choice of procedures and essary to extensively redocument her polio at this
modify the interpretation because of missing data. time, so this receives only passing mention in the
Identification of these situations should be re- discussion. The report adds the nerve stimulation
ported, as well as guidance in proceeding with response waveforms to the tabulated data, which
other testing or repeat electrodiagnostic testing is a desirable format if space is not constrained.
with special preparation needed, such as sedation Previously our EMR could not contain figures, for
or analgesia. Comments should also be made example, but that has now been corrected. One
about other local factors that might influence the should honestly show the problems of shock arti-
results, such as temperature, skin abnormalities, fact and other situations in which measurements
and height and weight, if there is deviation from may be subject to inaccuracy. More importantly,
the usual range of values that influences the inter- the visual picture of the severity of the problem
pretation. improves the understanding of the numeric data.
The concluding impression should include Note that the median sensory peak latency from
the electrophysiologic diagnosis as well as the digit 3 with wrist stimulation at 14 cm is consid-
most likely clinical diagnosis (or the refined dif- ered abnormal because it is more than 0.5 ms
ferential diagnosis) after taking into account all of greater than the comparable ulnar response, even
the available clinical information. A concluding though its value is below the upper limit of the
comment may be used to indicate whether addi- population normal of 3.7 ms.
tion EMG testing in the future is recommended.


A common error in EMG reporting is the diagno-
The report of the electrodiagnostic medicine con- sis of multiple nerve root injuries rather than
sultation in Figure 7-2 demonstrates appropriate properly refining the conclusion to a single nerve
content, including the demographic data, except root. The problem is found in both lumbar and
that the Social Security Number should not be cervical radiculopathy studies. The problem
included. A focused patient history and clinical sometimes appears to be in relating the spinal
examination is included, which leads to the appro- anatomy to the nerves. For example, the disk be-
priate testing sequence. Data are presented in tween the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae is cor-
clear tables, a point made especially important rectly termed the L4-5 disk. However, the nerve
when testing is this extensive. Muscle names and roots exiting the spine at this level are the right
their innervations are included in tables, although and left L4 nerves. The term “L4-5 nerve root” is
it is recommended that “quadriceps” be replaced an incorrect term (16). In most cases a careful
with the more specific “vastus medialis” as appro- evaluation of the muscles in the various myotomes
priate. The use of terms that imply diagnosis such will allow the diagnosis to be located to a single
as “neuropathic” is also to be avoided, and the di- root with high reliability, and this specificity of the
agnostic interpretations should be left to the dis- report will serve the interests of the patient as the
cussion and impression sections at the end. Nerve EMG result is considered with imaging studies
stimulation and recording sites are included and and the full clinical picture.
all relevant parameters are reported with nota- Another problem with EMG reports in the
tions about abnormality. The listing of normal area of nerve root injury is the examination of the
reference values in the tables is discouraged, since paraspinal musculature. The table of data result-
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ing from study of this muscle group should not 6. Wilbourn AJ, Aminoff MJ. AAEM mini-mono-
make reference to motor unit potentials or re- graph #32: the electrodiagnostic examination in
cruitment but rather should be confined to inser- patients with radiculopathies. Muscle Nerve
tional and resting activity (5,14). The complex 1998;21:1612–1631.
muscle layer anatomy of the paraspinal muscula- 7. Lauder TD, Dillingham TR, Andary M, et al.
Effect of history and physical exam in predicting
ture and the difficulty producing controlled acti-
electrodiagnostic outcome with suspected lum-
vation of these muscles have made it impossible to bosacral radiculopathy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil
develop a reference database of normal values for 2000;79:60–68.
motor unit configurations and amplitudes. In ad- 8. England JD, Gronseth GS, Franklin G, et al.
dition, many patients with back and neck pain Distal symmetrical polyneuropathy: a definition
will not tolerate this procedure, and it has been re- for clinical research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
ported in association with injury to the muscles 2005;86:167–174.
and hematoma (10). 9. Al-Sheklee A, Shapiro BE, Preston DC. Iatro-
Reports often mention the needle EMG or genic complications and risks of nerve conduc-
nerve conduction study of the opponens pollicis tion studies and needle electromyography. Mus-
muscle (17). This muscle is almost completely cov- cle Nerve 2003;27:517–526.
10. Caress JB, Rutkove SB, Carlin M, et al.
ered by the abductor pollicis brevis muscle and is
Paraspinal muscle hematoma after electromyog-
very difficult and painful to investigate; the name raphy. Neurology 1996;47:269–272.
is likely being used inappropriately when the APB 11. Jablecki CK, Busis NA, Brandstater MA, et al.
has actually been investigated. It is very infre- Reporting the results of needle EMG and nerve
quent that these muscles, either the APB or oppo- conduction studies: an educational report. Mus-
nens, need to be studied. cle Nerve 2005;32:682–685.
12. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medi-
cine. Glossary of terms in electrodiagnostic medi-
cine. Muscle Nerve 2001;24(suppl 10):S5–S28.
REFERENCES 13. American Association of Electrodiagnostic
Medicine. Practice parameter for electrodiag-
1. Elixhauser A, Pancholi M, Clancy CM. Using nostic studies in carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle
the AHRQ quality indicators to improve health Nerve 1999;22:S141–S143.
care quality. Joint Commission Journal on Quality 14. Dillingham TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al.
and Patient Safety 2005;31:533–538. Identification of cervical radiculopathies: opti-
2. Monga T. Guidelines for the establishment of a mizing the electromyographic screen. Am J Phys
quality assurance program in an electrodiagnos- Med Rehabil 2001;80:84–91.
tic laboratory. Muscle Nerve 1999;22:S33–S39. 15. CMS. Part B Physician/Supplier National Data:
3. American Association of Electrodiagnostic CY2004, Top 200 Level I Current Procedural
Medicine. The scope of electrodiagnostic medi- Terminology (HCPCS/CPT) Codes. Available
cine. Muscle Nerve 1999;22:S5–S12. at:
4. Dillingham TR, Pezzin LE. Underrecognition of PartsAB/ Downloads/LEVEL1SERV04.pdf. Ac-
polyneuropathy in persons with diabetes by non- cessed March 25, 2006.
physician electrodiagnostic services providers. Am 16. Iverson C, Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, et al.
J Phys Med Rehabil 2005;84:399–406. AMA manual of style, 9th ed. Philadelphia: Lip-
5. Dillingham TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al. pincott Williams & Wilkins, 1998:437–443.
Identifying lumbosacral radiculopathies: an op- 17. Johnson EW, Fallon TJ, Wolfe CV. Errors in
timal electromyographic screen. Am J Phys Med EMG reporting. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1976;57:
Rehabil 2000;79:496–503. 30–32.
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Pictorial Guide to Muscles

and Surface Anatomy

Henry L. Lew and Su-Ju Tsai

TABLE 8-1 Masseter (Fig. 8-1)

Innervation Mandibular division of the

trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V),
Origin Lower and medial aspect of the
zygomatic arch
Insertion Lateral aspect of the mandibular
Action Elevation of the mandible for
Position Supine with the head turned to the
other side or lateral decubitus
Figure 8-1 • Masseter muscle Activation Teeth clenching
Needle This muscle is midway between the
placement angle of the jaw and the temporo-
mandibular joint.
Notes 1. Needle is held at oblique angle of
20 degrees from the skin. Muscles
are too thin for perpendicular
2. Motor unit potentials are smaller
in both amplitude and duration
than those seen in limb muscles.

90749_ch08(145-212).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 146


TABLE 8-2 Temporalis (Fig. 8-2)

Innervation Deep temporal nerve—mandibular

division of the trigeminal nerve
(cranial nerve V), mesencephalon
Origin Bony floor of the temporal fossa and
the deep surface of the temporal
Insertion Coronoid process and anterior
border of the ramus of the mandible
Action Elevation and retraction of the
Position Supine with the head turned to the
Figure 8-2 • Temporalis
other side or lateral decubitus
Activation Teeth clenching
Needle Vertically above its insertion at the
placement mandible, insert 1–2 cm below the
skull ridge from which it arises.
Palpate temporal artery to avoid.
Notes See notes in Table 8-1.

TABLE 8-3 Auricularis Posterior (Fig. 8-3)

Innervation Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), pons

Origin Mastoid process
Insertion Cartilage of the ear
Action Retraction of the earlobe
Position Supine with the head turned to the
other side or lateral decubitus
Needle Posterior to the midpoint of the ear;
placement can be absent and some patients
cannot activate voluntarily
Notes See notes in Table 8-1.

Figure 8-3 • Auricularis posterior

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TABLE 8-4 Frontalis (Fig. 8-4)

Innervation Temporal branch of the facial nerve

(cranial nerve VII), pons
Origin Frontal skin and superficial fascia of
the eyebrow
Insertion Epicranial aponeurosis
Action Raise the eyebrows
Position Supine
Activation Raise the eyebrows or look upward.
Needle The frontalis muscle is 5 cm above
placement the eyebrow, superior to most of the
wrinkles on the forehead that it
Figure 8-4 • Frontalis
Notes See notes in Table 8-1.

TABLE 8-5 Orbicularis Oculi (Fig. 8-5)

Innervation Temporal and zygomatic branches of

the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII),
Origin Medial palpebral ligament and
adjacent bones
Insertion Lateral palpebral raphe and adjacent
Action Closure of the eyelids and dilatation
of the lacrimal sac
Position Supine
Activation Close eyes, resist opening.
Figure 8-5 • Orbicularis oculi
Needle Palpate the margin of the orbital
placement fossa, and insert the needle in 20°
lateral to the margin. Direct the
needle to avoid the eyeball.
Notes See notes in Table 8-1.
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TABLE 8-6 Nasalis (Fig. 8-6)

Innervation Buccal branch of the facial nerve

(cranial nerve VII), pons
Origin Maxilla
Insertion Ala of the nose
Action Widening of the nasal aperture
Position Supine
Activation Deep inspiration through the nostril
Needle Study this muscle just below the
placement bone–cartilage junction of the nose.
Notes See notes in Table 8-1.
Figure 8-6 • Nasalis

TABLE 8-7 Mentalis (Fig. 8-7)

Innervation Mandibular branch of the facial

nerve (cranial nerve VII), pons
Origin Mandible
Insertion Skin on the chin
Action Protrusion of the lower lip
Position Supine
Activation Protrude the lower lip; “pucker.”
Needle Just above the corners of the
placement anterior jaw
Notes See notes in Table 8-1.
Figure 8-7 • Mentalis
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TABLE 8-8 Orbicularis Oris (Fig. 8-8)

Innervation Buccal and mandibular branches of

the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII),
Origin Encircling fibers from the deep
surface of the skin, the buccinator
Insertion Skin and mucous membrane lining
the inner surface of the lips
Action Compressing the lips together
Position Supine
Activation Lip pucker
Needle This is the deepest-lying of the facial
Figure 8-8 • Orbicularis oris
placement muscles; insert just lateral to mouth
angle, with 30° angle for deeper
Note See notes in Table 8-1.

TABLE 8-9 Sternocleidomastoid (Fig. 8-9)

Innervation Spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve

XI) and the anterior rami of the C2
and C3 nerves, medulla
Origin Upper portion of the sternum and
the medial third of the upper surface
of the clavicle
Insertion Mastoid process and lateral portion
of the superior nuchal line of the
occipital bone
Action Tilting of the head to the same side,
and turning the chin to the opposite
Position Supine
Activation Rotate the head to opposite side.
Figure 8-9 • Sternocleidomastoid
Needle Midway between the mastoid and
placement the clavicle; pinch muscle and lift to
avoid penetrating too deeply.
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TABLE 8-10 Trapezius (Fig. 8-10)

Innervation Spinal accessory nerve (cranial nerve

XI), C3 and C4 cervical nerves,
Origin External occipital protuberance,
ligamentum nuchae, and spinous
processes of the C7 and T1–T12
Insertion Lateral third of the clavicle, the
acromion, and the spine of the
Action Adduction and rotation (elevating
the acromion) of the scapula
Figure 8-10 • Trapezius
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Shrug shoulders.
Needle Draw a line from the C7 spinous
placement process to the acromion and insert in
the center of this line.

TABLE 8-11 Tongue (Fig. 8-11)

Innervation Hypoglossal nerve (cranial nerve

XII), medulla
Origin Superior genial spine of the mandible
Insertion Inferior portion of the tongue
blending with other tongue muscles
Action Protrusion and lateral movement of
apex of the tongue
Position Supine with the head turned to the
other side
Activation Tongue protrusion or contralateral
Figure 8-11 • Tongue movement
Needle Insert vertically upward 1 cm
placement posterior to the (posterior) edge of
the mental portion of the mandible
and 1 cm from center.
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TABLE 8-12 Diaphragm (Fig. 8-12)

Innervation Phrenic nerve: C3, C4, C5

Origin Lower six ribs, internal surface of
xiphoid process, medial and lateral
arcuate ligaments from transverse
processes of L1 and L2 vertebrae
Insertion Central tendon of the diaphragm
Action Inspiration (depression of the

Figure 8-12 • Diaphragm Position Supine

Activation Rapid inspiration with pursed lips
for resistance
Needle From the costal margin, palpate the
placement intercostal space below the 9th rib.
Insert the needle perpendicular to the
skin 1 cm lateral to the anterior
articulation and close to the superior
edge of the 10th rib. Keep amplifier
on and observe the intercostal muscle
EMG activity and the respiratory
pattern. Penetrate deeper with the
needle reaching the diaphragm,
which is active only on inspiration.
Note: For COPD patients with a
depressed diaphragm at rest, insert
the needle below the costal margin in
the angle between the xiphoid
process and the rib.
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TABLE 8-13 Levator Scapulae (Fig. 8-13)

Innervation Dorsal scapular nerve, branches

from C3 and C4
Origin Transverse processes of atlas, axis,
C3, and C4
Insertion Medial border of the scapula,
superior to the root of the spine
Action Elevation of the scapula
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Shrug shoulder.
Needle Insert into the muscle above the
Figure 8-13 • Levator scapulae
placement medial-superior aspect of the
scapula and activate with elevation
of the shoulder.
Note When activating muscles for motor
unit evaluation, use isometric

TABLE 8-14 Rhomboid Major (Fig. 8-14)

Innervation Dorsal scapular nerve—C5

Origin Spinous processes of the T2–T5
Insertion Medial border of the scapula, inferior
to the spine
Action Adduction, retraction, and rotation
of the scapula (acromion down)
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Retraction (adduction) of the scapula
Needle Just medial to the inferior third of
placement the scapula; this is a “keep-amplifier-
on” muscle studied with retraction of
the scapula.
Figure 8-14 • Rhomboid major
Note “Keep-amplifier-on” refers to
switching on the preamplifier with
the needle tip in the dermis or sub-
cutaneous layers. The tip is slowly
advanced until the needle enters the
muscle. This avoids accidental pene-
tration through the intercostal space.
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TABLE 8-15 Rhomboid Minor (Fig. 8-15)

Innervation Dorsal scapular nerve—C5

Origin Spinous processes of the C7 vertebra
and the T1 vertebra
Insertion Medial border of the scapula at the
base of the spine of the scapula
Action Adduction, retraction, and elevation
of the scapula
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Retraction of the scapula
Needle Immediately medial to the scapular
placement spine, this is studied with retraction-
elevation of the scapula as a “keep-
Figure 8-15 • Rhomboid minor
amplifier-on” muscle.
Note See notes in Table 8-14.

TABLE 8-16 Serratus Anterior (Fig. 8-16)

Innervation Long thoracic nerve—C5, C6, C7

Origin Anterior and upper surfaces of the
upper eight to nine ribs
Insertion Anterior surface of the medial border
of the scapula
Action Abduction and protraction of the
Position Lateral decubitus or supine
Activation Forward flexion or protraction of
Needle Palpating ribs 6 and 7 in the mid-
placement axillary line will show this muscle,
which protracts the scapula. Place
fingers in the intercostal spaces while
you insert the needle toward the rib
between the fingers.

Figure 8-16 • Serratus anterior

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TABLE 8-17 Supraspinatus (Fig. 8-17)

Innervation Suprascapular nerve—upper

trunk—C5, C6
Origin Supraspinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion Greater tubercle of the humerus
Action Abduction and external rotation of
the shoulder
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Abduction or external rotation of the
Needle Just above the spine of the scapula
placement and 2 cm from its medial border.
Avoid the narrow lateral half of the
scapula, which overlies apical lung
Figure 8-17 • Supraspinatus tissue. By inserting the needle down
to the bone, one is assured of passing
through the trapezius completely.

TABLE 8-18 Infraspinatus (Fig. 8-18)

Innervation Suprascapular nerve—upper

trunk—C5, C6
Origin Infraspinous fossa of scapula
Insertion Greater tubercle of the humerus
Action External rotation of the shoulder
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Externally rotate the shoulder.
Needle Halfway between the inferior angle
placement of the scapula and its spine, insert
the needle 3 cm from the medial
edge of the bone.
Figure 8-18 • Infraspinatus
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TABLE 8-19 Teres Major (Fig. 8-19)

Innervation Lower subscapular nerve—posterior

cord—posterior division—upper
trunk—C5, C6
Origin Lower third lateral border of the
Insertion Medial lip of bicipital groove of the
Action Adduction, extension, and internal
rotation of the arm
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Internally rotate the shoulder.
Needle Along the lateral scapula, 2–3 cm
placement above the inferior angle. This is a
Figure 8-19 • Teres major
“keep-amplifier-on” muscle so that
you do not pass through it.
Note See notes in Table 8-14.

TABLE 8-20 Pectoralis Major—Clavicular Head (Fig. 8-20)

Innervation Lateral pectoral nerve—lateral

cord—anterior division—upper
trunk—C5, C6
Origin Sternal half of the clavicle
Insertion Lateral lip of the bicipital groove of
the humerus
Action Adduction, flexion, and internal
rotation of the shoulder
Figure 8-20 • Pectoralis major— Position Supine or sitting
clavicular head
Activation Internally rotate the shoulder.
Needle Study can be done lateral with
placement shoulder externally rotated to extend
and expose the muscle. Insert medial
to the neck of the humerus. Alterna-
tively, insert just below the middle of
the clavicle.
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TABLE 8-21 Biceps Brachii (Fig. 8-21)

Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve—lateral

cord—anterior division—upper
trunk—C5, C6
Origin Long head: supraglenoid tuberosity
of the scapula
Short head: tip of coracoid process of
the scapula
Insertion Bicipital tuberosity of the radius
Action Supination of the forearm and elbow
Position Supination of the forearm (elbow
flexion preferentially activates
Figure 8-21 • Biceps brachii brachialis)
Activation Supination of the forearm
Needle Insert into middle of superficial
placement muscle belly. Fully supinate the
forearm to bring this muscle anterior.

TABLE 8-22 Brachialis (Fig. 8-22)

Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve—lateral

cord—anterior division—upper
trunk—C5, C6
Origin Lower two thirds of anterior surface
of the humerus
Insertion Anterior aspect of coronoid process
and tuberosity of the ulna
Action Flexion of the elbow
Position Pronation and extension of the
forearm, supine
Activation Flex the elbow.
Needle This is the primary muscle for elbow
Figure 8-22 • Brachialis
placement flexion. Approach from lateral at the
distal third of the arm.
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TABLE 8-23 Coracobrachialis (Fig. 8-23)

Innervation Musculocutaneous nerve—lateral

cord—anterior division—upper and
middle trunk—C6, C7
Origin Tip of the coracoid process of the
Insertion Middle of medial border of the
Action Flexion and adduction of the
Position Arm at side, supine
Activation Flex the shoulder.
Needle Insert into the anterior axillary fold.
Figure 8-23 • Coracobrachialis
placement Follow muscle line out from the
inferior edge of the coracoid to

TABLE 8-24 Latissimus Dorsi (Fig. 8-24)

Innervation Thoracodorsal nerve—posterior

cord—posterior division—upper,
middle, and lower trunk—C6, C7,
Origin Spinous processes of lower six
thoracic vertebrae, all lumber and
sacral vertebrae, and posterior iliac
Insertion Floor of the bicipital groove of the
Action Adduction, extension, and medial
rotation of the shoulder
Position Prone or lateral decubitus, full
shoulder flexion
Activation Resist shoulder extension.
Needle The posterior axillary fold contains
placement this larger muscle. An anterior
Figure 8-24 • Latissimus dorsi
approach helps to avoid the lower
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TABLE 8-25 Deltoid (Fig. 8-25)

Innervation Axillary nerve (posterior and anterior

branches)—posterior cord—posterior
division—upper trunk—C5, C6
Origin Lateral third of the clavicle, upper
aspect of acromion, and spine of the
Insertion Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
Action Abduction of the shoulder (assists
with flexion and extension)
Position Anterior and middle heads: supine,
lateral decubitus, or sitting
Posterior head: prone, lateral
decubitus, or sitting
Activation Abduct the shoulder (flexion,
anterior; extension, posterior).
Needle For the anterior head, insert 1 cm
placement lateral to the coracoid process. Insert
midway between acromion and the
Figure 8-25 • Deltoid
tubercle for the middle head. The
posterior head is below the posterior
aspect of the glenoid.
Note Posterior branch—posterior head

TABLE 8-26 Teres Minor (Fig. 8-26)

Innervation Axillary nerve (posterior branch)—

posterior cord—posterior division—
upper trunk—C5, C6
Origin Upper two thirds of the lateral border
of the scapula
Insertion Greater tubercle of the humerus,
capsule of the shoulder joint
Action Adduction and external rotation of
the shoulder
Position Prone, lateral decubitus, or sitting
Activation Externally rotate the shoulder.
Needle This muscle overlies the upper two
placement thirds of the lateral border of the
Figure 8-26 • Teres minor
scapula and the lower portion of the
glenohumeral joint.
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TABLE 8-27 Brachioradialis (Fig. 8-27)

Innervation Radial nerve—posterior cord—posterior

division—upper trunk—C5, C6
Origin Proximal two thirds of lateral supracondylar
ridge of the humerus
Insertion Base of styloid process of the radius
Action Flexion of the forearm elbow
Position Half-pronation of the wrist, elbow flexed
Activation Flex the elbow.
Needle Place your thumb into the antecubital space and
placement pinch the muscle lateral to your thumb. Insert
2 cm distal to this point.

Figure 8-27 • Brachioradialis

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TABLE 8-28 Extensor Carpi Radialis (Fig. 8-28)

Innervation Radial nerve—posterior cord—

posterior division—upper and
middle trunk—C6, C7
Origin Lower third of lateral supracondylar
ridge of the humerus, lateral
epicondyle of the humerus, and
radial collateral ligament of the
Insertion Extensor carpi radialis longus:
posterior aspect of base of the second
Extensor carpi radialis brevis:
posterior aspect of base of the third
Action Extension and radial abduction of
the wrist
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Make a fist (this avoids activation of
extensor digitorum).
Needle Palpate the muscle adjacent to the
Figure 8-28 • Extensor carpi
placement brachioradialis on the dorsal forearm
and insert one third of the distance
from the lateral epicondyle to the
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TABLE 8-29 Supinator (Fig. 8-29)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—ra-

dial nerve—posterior cord—poste-
rior division—upper trunk—C6, C7
Origin Lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
lateral ligament of elbow joint,
annular ligament of the radius
Insertion Radial and anterior aspect of upper
third of the radius
Action Supination of the forearm
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Supinate the forearm.
Needle With the forearm pronated to extend
placement this muscle, insert 4 cm distal to the
lateral epicondyle and deep (you
have gone only a little too far when
you hit the bone).

Figure 8-29 • Supinator * Also known as deep radial nerve.

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TABLE 8-30 Triceps Brachii (Fig. 8-30)

Innervation Radial nerve—posterior cord—

posterior division—middle and
lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Long head: infraglenoid tuberosity
of the scapula
Lateral head: lateral and posterior
aspect of the humerus
Medial head: lower posterior aspect
Figure 8-30 • Triceps brachii of the humerus
Insertion Upper posterior aspect of olecranon
process of the ulna
Action Extension of the elbow
Position Supine or lateral decubitus, elbow
Activation Extend the elbow.
Needle Insert needle into each head as shown
placement in figure. A thick fat pad overlies this
muscle, making it much deeper than
other muscles of the upper limb.
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TABLE 8-31 Anconeus (Fig. 8-31)

Innervation Radial nerve—posterior cord—

posterior division—middle and
lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
posterior ligament of the elbow
Insertion Lateral aspect of the olecranon and
posterior aspect of the ulna
Action Extension of the elbow
Position Pronation of the forearm with flexed
Activation Extend the elbow.
Needle This muscle lies between the lateral
placement epicondyle and the ulna just below
the olecranon. It is the key to
separating radial nerve injuries
above and below the elbow.

Figure 8-31 • Anconeus

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TABLE 8-32 Extensor Digitorum (Fig. 8-32)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—radial

nerve—posterior cord—posterior
division—middle and lower
trunk—C7, C8
Origin Common extensor tendon from
lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
and intermuscular septa
Insertion Radial and posterior aspect of
phalanges of the four fingers
Action Extension of the four fingers aids in
extension of the wrist
Position Pronation of the forearm with slight
flexion of the elbow
Activation Hold digits straight, resist flexion.
Needle Between the extensor carpi radialis
placement and the extensor carpi ulnaris. Since
needle study is well tolerated, this
muscle is frequently chosen for
quantitative MUP study and single-
fiber EMG.
Figure 8-32 • Extensor digitorum
* Also known as deep radial nerve.
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TABLE 8-33 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (Fig. 8-33)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—

posterior cord—posterior division—
upper, middle, and lower trunk—C7,
Origin Common extensor tendon from
lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
posterior border of the ulna
Insertion Ulnar aspect of base of the fifth
Action Extension and adduction of the wrist
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Extend the wrist with ulnar
Needle The extensor carpi ulnaris is
placement immediately dorsal to the ulna at the
proximal third of the forearm.

* Also known as deep radial nerve.

Figure 8-33 • Extensor carpi ulnaris

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TABLE 8-34 Abductor Pollicis Longus (Fig. 8-34)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—

radial nerve—posterior cord—
posterior division—middle and
lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Posterior aspect of the ulna,
interosseous membrane, and middle
third of posterior aspect of the radius
Insertion Radial aspect of base of the first
Action Long abduction of the thumb and
the wrist
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Abduct the thumb in palmar plane.
Needle Midforearm in the dorsum, this is
placement a deep-lying muscle; pass by the
tendon of the extensor carpi radialis.

Figure 8-34 • Abductor pollicis

longus * Also known as deep radial nerve.
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TABLE 8-35 Extensor Pollicis Longus (Fig. 8-35)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—radial

nerve—posterior cord—posterior
division—middle and lower
trunk—C7, C8
Origin Middle third of the ulna and
interosseous membrane
Insertion Base of the distal phalanx of the
Action Extension of the distal phalanx of
the thumb
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Extend thumb interphalangeal joint.
Needle This muscle lies between the extensor
placement indicis proprius and the abductor
pollicis longus, midlength of forearm.

Figure 8-35 • Extensor pollicis

longus * Also known as deep radial nerve.
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TABLE 8-36 Extensor Pollicis Brevis (Fig. 8-36)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—radial

nerve—posterior cord—posterior
division—middle and lower
trunk—C7, C8
Origin Posterior aspect of the radius and
interosseous membrane
Insertion Base of the metacarpophalangeal
joint of the thumb
Action Extension of the proximal phalanx
of the thumb
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Extend thumb at the metacarpopha-
langeal joint.
Needle In the distal-third segment of the
placement dorsal forearm, this muscle overlies
the radius.

Figure 8-36 • Extensor pollicis

brevis * Also known as deep radial nerve.
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TABLE 8-37 Extensor Indicis Proprius (Fig. 8-37)

Innervation Posterior interosseous nerve*—radial

nerve—posterior cord—posterior
division—middle and lower
trunk—C7, C8
Origin Posterior aspect of lower half of ulna
Insertion Dorsum of the proximal phalanx of
the index finger
Action Extension of the metacarpopha-
langeal joint of the index finger
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Extend the index finger.
Needle At the distal third of the ulna on its
placement dorsoradial surface. This is the most
distal motor branch of the radial
nerve, so it is an important muscle to
test for a radial nerve injury.

Figure 8-37 • Extensor indicis

proprius * Also known as deep radial nerve.
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TABLE 8-38 Pronator Teres (Fig. 8-38)

Innervation Median nerve—lateral cord—anterior

division—upper and middle trunk—C6, C7
Origin Humeral head: common flexor tendon from
medial epicondyle of the humerus
Ulnar head: medial aspect of coronoid process
of the ulna
Insertion Middle of radial aspect of the radius
Action Pronation of the forearm, assists with elbow
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Resist pronation of forearm.
Needle Draw a line from the medial epicondyle,
placement which intersects the sagittal plane at 45° and
crosses the forearm. Insert at the center of
this line. This is the most superficial of the
volar muscles.

Figure 8-38 • Pronator teres

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TABLE 8-39 Flexor Carpi Radialis (Fig. 8-39)

Innervation Median nerve—lateral cord—anterior

division—upper and middle trunk—C6, C7
Origin Common flexor tendon from medial
epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion Base of the second and third metacarpals
Action Flexion and abduction of the wrist
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Wrist flexion with radial deviation
Needle Draw a line from the medial epicondyle of
placement the humerus to the radial styloid. Measure one
third of the distance along this line from the
elbow to the needle insertion point.

Figure 8-39 • Flexor carpi

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TABLE 8-40 Palmaris Longus (Fig. 8-40)

Innervation Median nerve—lateral and medial cord—

anterior division—middle and lower trunk—
C7, C8
Origin Common flexor tendon from medial
epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis
Action Flexion of the wrist
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Flex the wrist.
Needle Deep to the flexor carpi radialis site

Figure 8-40 • Palmaris longus

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TABLE 8-41 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (Fig. 8-41)

Innervation Median nerve—lateral and medial cord—

anterior division—middle and lower
trunk—C8, T1
Origin Humeral head: common flexor tendon from
medial epicondyle of the humerus
Ulnar head: coronoid process of the ulna
Radial head: oblique line of the radius
Insertion Palmar surfaces of bases of middle phalanx
of all four fingers
Action Flexion metacarpophalangeal and proximal
interphalangeal joints of all four fingers; aids
in flexing wrist and forearm
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Flex the proximal interphalangeal joints of
Needle Locate needle site at the middle- to distal-
placement third level of the forearm, avoiding the wrist

Figure 8-41 • Flexor

digitorum superficialis
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TABLE 8-42 Flexor Pollicis Longus (Fig. 8-42)

Innervation Anterior interosseous nerve—median nerve—lateral

and medial cords—anterior division—middle and
lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Volar aspect of radius, adjacent interosseous
membrane, and medial border of coronoid process
of the ulna
Insertion Base of distal phalanx of the thumb on palmar
Action Flexion of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Flex the thumb’s interphalangeal joint.
Needle At the junction of the middle- and distal-third
placement segments of the forearm, immediately anterior to the
radius. Insert needle from the lateral direction to
avoid the radial artery. This is a very good muscle to
study motor units and recruitment, since the average
person has skillful control of the distal thumb.

Figure 8-42 • Flexor

pollicis longus
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TABLE 8-43 Pronator Quadratus (Fig. 8-43)

Innervation Anterior interosseous nerve—

median nerve—lateral and medial
and lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Distal fourth of anterior aspect of
the ulna
Insertion Distal fourth of radial border on
anterior aspect of the radius
Action Pronation of the forearm
Position Pronation of the forearm
Activation Pronate the forearm.
Needle Approach the pronator quadratus
placement from a dorsal approach. Three
centimeters proximal to the ulnar
styloid and midway between the
radius and the ulna. Feel for the
penetration of the interosseous

Figure 8-43 • Pronator quadratus

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TABLE 8-44 Abductor Pollicis Brevis (Fig. 8-44)

Innervation Median nerve—medial cord—

anterior division—lower trunk—
C8, T1
Origin Flexor retinaculum, scaphoid, and
Insertion Radial aspect of the base of the
proximal phalanx of the thumb
Action Thumb short abduction
Position Supination of the hand
Activation “Post” thumb perpendicular to plane
of palm or pinch tip-to-tip with little
Needle Draw a line from the center of the
placement distal wrist crease to the lateral edge
Figure 8-44 • Abductor pollicis of the first metacarpophalangeal
brevis joint. The center of this line is the
motor point/center of the abductor
pollicis brevis. Insert slightly lateral.

TABLE 8-45 Opponens Pollicis (Fig. 8-45)

Innervation Median nerve—medial cord—

anterior division—lower trunk—
C8, T1
Origin Trapezium and flexor retinaculum
Insertion Whole radial surface of the first
metacarpal bone
Action Thumb opposition
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Oppose the thumb.
Needle Deep and slightly media to the
placement abductor pollicis brevis; differentiat-
ing the two muscles is difficult.

Figure 8-45 • Opponens pollicis

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TABLE 8-46 Lumbricals (Fig. 8-46)

Innervation The radial two lumbricals: median

nerve—medial cord—anterior
division—lower trunk—C8, T1
The ulnar two lumbricals: deep
palmar branch—ulnar nerve—
medial cord—anterior division—
lower trunk—C8, T1
Origin Radial aspect of tendons of flexor
digitorum profundus
Insertion Radial lateral band of the dorsal
digital expansion of the medial four
Action Flexion of the metacarpophalangeal
joints and extension of the
interphalangeal joints in the four
Figure 8-46 • Lumbricals fingers
Position Supination of the hand, fingers
Activation Extend proximal interphalangeal
Needle Lumbricals lie medial to the heads of
placement the metacarpals. Use the distal
palmar crease(s) as a guide, as these
muscles lie under this crease.
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TABLE 8-47 Pectoralis Minor (Fig. 8-47)

Innervation Medial pectoral nerve—medial

cord—anterior division—middle
and lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Anterior aspect of the third to fifth
Insertion Coracoid process of the scapula
Action Depression and protraction of the

Figure 8-47 • Pectoralis minor Position Supine or sitting

Activation Shoulder depression
Needle Palpate the third or fourth rib in the
placement midclavicular line. Keep your finger
in the intercostal space and insert the
needle toward the bone to avoid in-
tercostal penetration.

TABLE 8-48 Pectoralis Major—Sternocostal Head (Fig. 8-48)

Innervation Medial pectoral nerve—medial

cord—anterior division—middle
and lower trunk—C7, C8
Origin Anterior aspect of the sternum and
cartilages of the upper six ribs
Insertion Lateral lip of the bicipital groove of
the humerus
Action Adduction, flexion, and internal
Figure 8-48 • Pectoralis major— rotation of the shoulder
sternocostal head Position Supine or sitting
Activation Flex or internally rotate the shoulder.
Needle This muscle is easiest to identify as
placement the lower-medial edge of the anterior
axillary fold.
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TABLE 8-49 Flexor Digitorum Profundus (Fig. 8-49)

Innervation Digits II, III: anterior interosseous

nerve—median nerve—medial
cord—anterior division—middle and
lower trunk—C8, T1
Digits IV, V: ulnar nerve—medial
cord—anterior division—lower
trunk—C8, T1
Origin Anteromedial surface of the ulna,
interosseous membrane, and deep
fascia of the forearm
Insertion Anterior aspect of the distal
phalanges of the medial four fingers
Action Flexion of distal interphalangeal
joints of the four fingers
Position Flexion of the elbow with pronation
of the forearm
Activation Flex the distal interphalangeal joints
of fingers.
Needle Always remember that the medial
Figure 8-49 • Flexor digitorum placement portion of the flexor digitorum
profundus profundus muscle is superficial.
Insert at the proximal third of the
forearm (between the proximal and
distal segments) 1 cm from the ulna.
Advance needle deep, anterior to
ulna, to enter median innervated
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TABLE 8-50 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (Fig. 8-50)

Innervation Ulnar nerve—medial cord—anterior

division—lower trunk—C7, C8, T1
Origin Humeral head: common flexor tendon from
medial epicondyle of the humerus
Ulnar head: olecranon and dorsal border of
the ulna
Insertion Anterior aspect of pisiform, hook of hamate,
and base of the fifth metacarpal
Position Flexion of the wrist aids in adduction of wrist
and flexion of the forearm.
Position Supination of the forearm
Activation Wrist flexion with ulnar deviation
Needle With the forearm fully supinated, palpate the
placement greatest medial prominence of the middle to
proximal third of the forearm.

Figure 8-50 • Flexor carpi

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TABLE 8-51 Abductor Digiti Minimi (Fig. 8-51)

Innervation Ulnar nerve (hypothenar branch)—

medial cord—anterior division—
lower trunk—C8, T1
Origin Tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris
and pisiform
Insertion Ulnar aspect of the base of the
proximal phalanx of the little finger
Action Abduction of the little finger
Position Supination or pronation of the hand
Activation Abduction of the little finger
Needle Ulnar aspect of the fifth metacarpal,
placement at midshaft

Figure 8-51 • Abductor digiti


TABLE 8-52 Opponens Digiti Minimi (Fig. 8-52)

Innervation Ulnar nerve (hypothenar branch)—

medial cord—anterior division—
lower trunk—C8, T1
Origin Flexor retinaculum, hook of hamate
Insertion Ulnar border of the fifth metacarpal
Action Opposition of the little finger
Position Supination of the hand
Activation Opposition of the little finger
Needle Deeply inserted toward inner edge of
placement fifth metacarpal bone

Figure 8-52 ● Opponens digiti

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TABLE 8-53 First Palmar Interosseous (Fig. 8-53)

Innervation Ulnar nerve (deep branch)—medial

cord—anterior division—lower
trunk—C8, T1
Origin Ulnar aspect of the second metacarpal
Insertion Ulnar aspect of the proximal phalanx
of the index
Action Adduction of the index toward the
long finger
Position Supination of the hand
Activation Pinch index and long fingers
Needle Insert at the midshaft level of the
placement metacarpal. This is best palpated
from the dorsum. Insert the needle
Figure 8-53 ● First palmar from the palm, just proximal to the
interosseous palmar crease.

TABLE 8-54 Adductor Pollicis (Fig. 8-54)

Innervation Ulnar nerve (deep branch)—medial

cord—anterior division—lower
trunk—C8, T1
Origin Oblique head: trapezium, trapezoid,
capitate, base of the second and third
Transverse head: palmar aspect of
the third metacarpal
Insertion Ulnar side of the base of the proximal
phalanx of the thumb
Action Adduction of the thumb
Position Pronation of the hand
Activation Pinch thumb to index.
Needle Insert by dorsal approach at the
placement midshaft level of the second
metacarpal, radial side; penetrate
deep to the first dorsal interosseous.

Figure 8-54 ● Adductor pollicis

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TABLE 8-55 First Dorsal Interosseous (Manus) (Fig. 8-55)

Innervation Ulnar nerve (deep branch)—medial

cord—anterior division—lower
trunk—C8, T1
Origin Lateral and medial heads arise from
adjacent sides of the first and second
metacarpal bones.
Insertion Radial side of the proximal phalanx
of the index
Action Abduction of the index
Position Half-pronation of the hand
Activation Spread fingers apart.
Needle Insert dorsal into the web space close
placement to the second metacarpal and 1 cm
distal to its base at the metacarpopha-
langeal joint.

Figure 8-55 ● First dorsal

interosseous (Manus)
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TABLE 8-56 Cervical Paraspinal Muscles/Multifidi (Fig. 8-56)

Innervation Dorsal rami of the cervical

spinal nerves
Origin Transverse processes of
the cervical vertebrae, two
to four segments in
superior and medial
Insertion Spinous processes of the
cervical vertebrae
Action Extension of the neck
Position Neck flexion in lateral
decubitus or prone
Figure 8-56 ● Cervical paraspinal
Relaxation Gentle active flexion of
the spine
Needle In the cervical and
placement thoracic levels, the initial
needle insertion should be
perpendicular and 1 cm
lateral to the spinous
process. Be aware of the
need to pass through the
trapezius before entering
the paraspinal.
Note Motor unit analysis and
recruitment are not
performed in paraspinal
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TABLE 8-57 Lumbosacral Paraspinal Muscles/Multifidi (Fig. 8-57)

Innervation Dorsal rami of the lumbosacral spinal

Origin Transverse processes of the
lumbosacral vertebrae, two to four
segments in superior and medial
Insertion Spinous processes of the lumbosacral
Action Extension of the back
Figure 8-57 ● Lumbosacral Position Round back (kyphosis) in lateral
paraspinal muscles/multifidi decubitus or prone with pillow under
Relaxation Tense abdominal muscles (spine
Needle In the lumbar region, the needle
placement should be inserted 2–3 cm lateral to
the spinous process since the muscle
mass is greater and there is less
worry about the needle producing
injury with too-deep penetration.
Note See note in Table 8-56.
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TABLE 8-58 Intercostalis—External and Internal (Fig. 8-58)

Innervation Anterior division of the spinal

Origin Inferior border of the rib above
Insertion Superior border of the rib below
Action Inspiration
Position Supine
Activation Ask patient to inspire with pursed
lips for resistance.
Needle The intercostal spaces are best
placement exposed anteriorly. Insert the needle
at a low angle (20 degrees from skin)
near and parallel to the superior edge
of the rib to which you are closest.
This angle allows the needle a longer
track within this thin muscle. Keep
amplifier on and observe respiratory

Figure 8-58 ● Intercostalis—

external and internal.

TABLE 8-59 Rectus Abdominis (Fig. 8-59)

Innervation Intercostal nerves—T7–T12

Origin Pubic crest and symphysis pubis
Insertion Xiphoid process and the fifth to
seventh costal cartilages
Action Flexion of the trunk
Position Supine
Activation Raise head (flex neck).
Needle Palpate the segments of the muscles
placement as you carefully examine for any
signs of hernia in this area. There is
no need to penetrate deeply, and so
there is little chance of hitting the
Figure 8-59 ● Rectus abdominis
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TABLE 8-60 External Anal Sphincter (Fig. 8-60)

Innervation Inferior rectal nerve—pudendal

nerve—sacral plexus—S2, S3, S4
Origin Coccygeal apex and anococcygeal
Insertion Perineal body
Action Contraction of the anal sphincter
Activation Ask patient to contract the sphincter
or tense gluteus maximus.
Needle Sphincter: Insert needle at mucocu-
placement taneous junction (the edge of the
pink) in each of the four quadrants
(anterior/posterior, right/left).

Figure 8-60 ● External anal

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TABLE 8-61 Gracilis (Fig. 8-61)

Innervation Obturator nerve—anterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Lower half of the symphysis pubis
and the pubic arch
Insertion Proximal part of medial surface of
the tibia, behind the insertion of the
Action Flexion and internal rotation of the
knee, adduction of the thigh
Position Supine with flexion, abduction, and
external rotation of the thigh
Activation Flex hip while in external rotation or
Figure 8-61 ● Gracilis
raise knee in position shown.
Needle In the distal third of the medial thigh,
placement this muscle is just anterior to the
medial hamstring tendon. This is the
most superficial of the adductor

TABLE 8-62 Adductor Longus (Fig. 8-62)

Innervation Obturator nerve—anterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Pubic tubercle
Insertion Middle half of medial lip of linea
aspera of the femur
Action Adduction and flexion of the hip
Position Supine with abduction of the hip
Activation Adduct the hip, or external rotate
and flex hip.
Needle Very deep in the proximal thigh, this
placement muscle is found below its origin at
Figure 8-62 ● Adductor longus the pubis.
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TABLE 8-63 Adductor Magnus (Fig. 8-63)

Innervation Anterior fibers: obturator

nerve—anterior division
of lumbar plexus—L2,
L3, L4, L5
Posterior fibers: tibial
portion of sciatic nerve—
posterior division of
lumbar plexus—L4, L5
Origin Anterior fibers: ischial
Figure 8-63 ● Adductor magnus ramus and inferior pubic
Posterior fibers: ischial
Insertion Anterior fibers: linea
Posterior fibers: adductor
tubercle of the femur
Action Adduction and flexion
(anterior fibers)/extension
(posterior fibers) of the hip
Position Supine with flexion and
external rotation of the hip
Activation Adduct the hip.
Needle In the abducted thigh,
placement behind the gracilis muscle
at the proximal third
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TABLE 8-64 Iliopsoas (Fig. 8-64) (Iliacus and psoas muscles combined near

Innervation Femoral nerve—posterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Transverse processes and bodies of
lumbar vertebrae, iliac crest, iliac
fossa, anterior sacroiliac, lumbosacral,
iliolumbar ligaments, and ala of the
Insertion Lesser trochanter of the femur, hip
joint capsule, and femoral body
Action Flexion of the hip
Position Supine
Activation Flex the hip.
Needle Palpate the anterior superior iliac
placement spine (ASIS) and insert the needle
1 cm medial-inferior to this bony
prominence. To reach muscle fibers
that are part of the psoas, insert the
Figure 8-64 ● Iliopsoas needle more medial, midway
between the pulse of the femoral
artery and the ASIS.
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TABLE 8-65 Pectineus (Fig. 8-65)

Innervation Femoral nerve—posterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Pectineal line of the superior ramus
of the pubis
Insertion Proximal portion of the pectineal
line of the femur
Action Adduction, flexion, and medial
rotation of the hip
Position Supine
Activation Internally rotate the hip.
Needle Two to three cm inferior and lateral
placement to the pubic ramus, and 2 cm medial
to the femoral artery

Figure 8-65 ● Pectineus

TABLE 8-66 Sartorius (Fig. 8-66)

Innervation Femoral nerve—posterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
Insertion Proximal part of medial surface of
the tibia
Action Flexion, abduction, and external
rotation of the hip, flexion of the
Position Supine, flexion, and external rotation
of the hip with flexion of the knee
Activation Flex the knee and hip.
Figure 8-66 ● Sartorius Needle The muscle is usually visible below
placement its attachment at the ASIS when the
hip is externally rotated and
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TABLE 8-67 Vastus Medialis (Fig. 8-67)

Innervation Femoral nerve—posterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Distal half of the intertrochanteric
line, medial lip of the linea aspera of
the femur
Insertion Medial border of the patella, tibial
tuberosity by the patellar ligament
Action Extension of the knee
Position Supine
Activation Flex hip, keeping knee straight (lift
Needle About 6 cm above the patella; this
placement large muscle is anterior and medial
in the thigh.

Figure 8-67 ● Vastus medialis

T A B L E 8 - 6 8 Vastus Lateralis (Fig. 8-68)

Innervation Femoral nerve—posterior division

of lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Hip joint capsule, intertrochanteric
line, greater trochanter, gluteal
tuberosity, and linea aspera of the
Insertion Lateral border of the patella, tibial
tuberosity by the patellar ligament
Action Extension of the knee
Position Supine
Activation Flex hip, keeping knee straight;
direct patient to raise heel off table.
Needle At a level 8–10 cm proximal to the
placement patella, and anterior and lateral in
the thigh

Figure 8-68 ● Vastus lateralis

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T A B L E 8 - 6 9 Rectus Femoris (Fig. 8-69)

Innervation Femoral nerve—posterior division of

lumbar plexus—L2, L3, L4
Origin Anterior inferior iliac spine and
superior brim of the acetabulum
Insertion Patella and tibial tuberosity by the
patellar ligament
Action Flexion of the hip and extension of
the knee
Position Supine
Activation Flex the hip and extend the knee;
direct patient to raise heel from
Needle Midway along a line from the ante-
placement rior superior iliac spine to the
patella. The muscle lies below a
thick layer of fat in many persons.

Figure 8-69 ● Rectus femoris

T A B L E 8 - 7 0 Quadratus Femoris (Fig. 8-70)

Innervation Nerve to the quadratus femoris—

tibial portion of sciatic nerve—
anterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L4, L5, S1
Origin Outer part of the ischial tuberosity
Insertion Quadrate tubercle of the femur
Action Adduction and external rotation of
the hip
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Externally rotate the hip.
Needle This deep muscle has well-defined
placement bony landmarks. Palpate the ischial
tuberosity and the greater trochanter
of the femur, and insert the needle
halfway between.

Figure 8-70 ● Quadratus femoris

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T A B L E 8 - 7 1 Piriformis (Fig. 8-71)

Innervation Nerve to the piriformis—S1, S2

Origin Anterior aspect of the sacrum,
margin of the greater sciatic foramen,
the sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion Superior border of the greater
trochanter of the femur
Action External rotation and abduction of
the hip
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Externally rotate the hip.
Needle Deep and small, this muscle is
placement difficult to approach. If the posterior
inferior iliac spine can be palpated,
then insert the needle 1 cm inferior
and lateral to that point.

Figure 8-71 ● Piriformis

T A B L E 8 - 7 2 Gluteus Maximus (Fig. 8-72)

Innervation Inferior gluteal nerve—posterior

division of lumbosacral plexus—L5,
S1, S2
Origin Posterior gluteal line, posterior
surface of the sacrum and coccyx,
sacroiliac joint
Insertion Gluteal tuberosity and linea aspera
of the femur, iliotibial tract
Action Extension, adduction, and external
rotation of the hip
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Externally rotate the hip in side-
lying position (with hip and knee
flexed, raise the knee lateral while
keeping the foot down).
Needle Palpate the sacroiliac joint, which is
Figure 8-72 ● Gluteus maximus placement this muscle’s origin. Insert the needle
1–2 cm lateral to the sacroiliac joint.
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T A B L E 8 - 7 3 Tensor Fasciae Latae (Fig. 8-73)

Innervation Superior gluteal nerve—posterior

division of lumbosacral plexus—L4,
L5, S1
Origin Outer lip of the anterior part of iliac
Insertion Lateral condyle of the tibia and the
iliotibial tract
Action Flexion, abduction, and internal
rotation of the hip
Position Supine or lateral decubitus
Activation Internally rotate the hip.
Needle The tensor fasciae latae is 3 cm
placement anterior to the greater trochanter of
the femur on a line inferior from its
origin on the lateral anterior superior
iliac spine.

Figure 8-73 ● Tensor fasciae latae

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T A B L E 8 - 7 4 Gluteus Medius (Fig. 8-74)

Innervation Superior gluteal nerve—posterior

division of lumbosacral plexus—L4,
L5, S1
Origin Iliac crest, between posterior and
anterior gluteal line of the ilium
Insertion Greater trochanter
Action Abduction and internal rotation of
the hip
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Abduct the hip.
Needle The muscle is found 3 cm inferior to
placement the midpoint of the iliac crest.

Figure 8-74 ● Gluteus medius

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T A B L E 8 - 7 5 Biceps Femoris—Short Head (Fig. 8-75)

Innervation Fibular* portion (lateral division) of

sciatic nerve—posterior division of
lumbosacral plexus—L5, S1, S2
Origin Lateral lip of the linea aspera of the
femur, lateral supracondylar line
Insertion Fibular head and lateral condyle of
the tibia
Action Flexion of the knee
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Flex the knee.
Needle Four centimeters proximal to the
placement popliteal crease, insert the needle so
that the point is deep to the lateral
hamstring tendon. Can enter the
skin either medial or lateral to the

Figure 8-75 ● Biceps femoris—

short head * Also known as peroneal.
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T A B L E 8 - 7 6 Tibialis Anterior (Fig. 8-76)

Innervation Deep fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—
posterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L4, L5
Origin Lateral condyle and lateral surface
of the tibia, anterior interosseous
Insertion Medial and plantar aspect of the
medial cuneiform bone and base of
the first metatarsal bone
Action Dorsiflexion and inversion of the
Position Supine
Activation Ankle dorsiflexion
Needle One third of the distance from the
placement knee (tibial plateau) to the ankle
(malleolus) and 1 cm lateral to the
tibial crest

Figure 8-76 ● Tibialis anterior

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T A B L E 8 - 7 7 Extensor Digitorum Longus (Fig. 8-77)

Innervation Deep fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—
posterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Lateral condyle of the tibia, proximal
three fourths of anterior surface of
the fibula, and anterior interosseous
Insertion Dorsal aspects of middle and distal
phalanges of the lateral four toes
Action Extension of metatarsophalangeal
joints of the lateral four toes
Position Supine
Activation Extend the toes.
Needle One third of the distance from the
placement knee (tibial plateau) to the ankle
(malleolus) and 2.5 cm lateral to the
tibial crest

Figure 8-77 ● Extensor digitorum

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T A B L E 8 - 7 8 Peroneus Tertius (Fig. 8-78)

Innervation Deep fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—
posterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Distal third of anterior surface of the
Insertion Dorsal aspect of the fifth metatarsal
Action Dorsiflexion and eversion of the
Position Supine
Activation Dorsiflex and evert the ankle.
Needle Just lateral to the extensor hallucis
placement longus, the muscle lies anterior to
the fibula in its distal third.

Figure 8-78 ● Peroneus tertius

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T A B L E 8 - 7 9 Extensor Hallucis Longus (Fig. 8-79)

Innervation Deep fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—
posterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Middle half of anterior surface of the
fibula and adjacent interosseous
Insertion Base of the distal phalanx of the
great toe
Action Extension of the great toe
Position Supine
Activation Extend the great toe.
Needle Measure one third of the way from
placement the ankle (lateral malleolus) to the
knee (head of the fibula) and insert
the needle midway between the tibia
and the fibula.

Figure 8-79 ● Extensor hallucis

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T A B L E 8 - 8 0 Extensor Digitorum Brevis (Fig. 8-80)

Innervation Deep fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—
posterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Upper and lateral aspect of the
Insertion The first tendon: dorsal aspect of the
base of the proximal phalanx of the
Figure 8-80 ● Extensor digitorum
brevis great toe
The second to fourth tendons: lateral
aspects of the tendons of the extensor
digitorum longus
Action Extension of the great toe and middle
three toes
Position Supine
Activation Extend the toes.
Needle Palpate this muscle from its bony
placement origin on the calcaneus. Insert 1–2
cm distal to the bony prominence.

T A B L E 8 - 8 1 Peroneus Longus (Fig. 8-81)

Innervation Superficial fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—pos-
terior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Head and upper two thirds of the
lateral surface of the fibula and
lateral condyle of the tibia
Insertion Lateral side of the medial cuneiform
bone and base of the first metatarsal
Action Plantarflexion and eversion of the
Position Supine or lateral decubitus
Activation Evert the ankle with plantarflexion.
Needle Aligned next the extensor digitorum
Figure 8-81 ● Peroneus longus
placement longus, this muscle is about 4 cm
lateral to the tibial crest at its
proximal third.
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T A B L E 8 - 8 2 Peroneus Brevis (Fig. 8-82)

Innervation Superficial fibular nerve—common

peroneal nerve—sciatic nerve—
posterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Lateral surface of the lower two
thirds of the fibula
Insertion Lateral side of base of the fifth
metatarsal bone
Action Plantarflexion and eversion of the
Position Supine or lateral decubitus
Activation Evert the ankle with plantarflexion.
Needle At the distal third of the fibula, this
placement muscle lies beneath the peroneus
longus. The needle should aim for
the center of the fibula.

Figure 8-82 ● Peroneus brevis

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T A B L E 8 - 8 3 Semitendinosus (Fig. 8-83)

Innervation Tibial portion (medial division) of

sciatic nerve—anterior division of
lumbosacral plexus—L5, S1
Origin Ischial tuberosity
Insertion Proximal part of medial surface of
the tibia, behind the insertion of the
sartorius and the gracilis
Action Flexion of the knee, extension of the
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Flex the knee.
Needle Approach this muscle at the proximal
placement third along its line to the ischium
from the medial hamstring tendon.

Figure 8-83 ● Semitendinosus

T A B L E 8 - 8 4 Semimembranosus (Fig. 8-84)

Innervation Tibial portion of sciatic nerve—

anterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Ischial tuberosity
Insertion Medial aspect of posterior surface of
medial condyle of the tibia
Action Flexion and internal rotation of the
knee, extension of the hip
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Flex the knee.
Needle This muscle is deep to the semi-
placement tendinosus and best approached in
the distal third of the thigh.

Figure 8-84 ● Semimembranosus

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T A B L E 8 - 8 5 Biceps Femoris—Long Head (Fig. 8-85)

Innervation Tibial portion of sciatic nerve—

anterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Ischial tuberosity
Insertion Fibular head
Action Flexion of the knee, extension of the
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Flex the knee.
Needle On the line of the muscle from the
placement fibular head to the ischium, insert
the needle near the midpoint.

Figure 8-85 ● Biceps femoris—

long head
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T A B L E 8 - 8 6 Tibialis Posterior (Fig. 8-86)

Innervation Tibial nerve—sciatic nerve—

anterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Lateral part of posterior surface
of the tibia, posterior aspect of
interosseous membrane, and upper
two thirds of medial surface of the
Insertion Tuberosity of the navicular bone,
plantar surface of all cuneiform
bones, base of the second to fourth
metatarsal bones, cuboid bone, and
sustentaculum tali
Action Plantarflexion and inversion of the
Position Supine or lateral decubitus
Figure 8-86 ● Tibialis posterior Activation Invert the ankle.
Needle This deepest muscle of the leg is
placement found by inserting the needle from a
medial approach, 1 cm behind the
tibia at its distal third, through the
flexor digitorum longus until the tip
of the needle is midway through the
leg. The thick fascia between the
muscles is usually felt as it is
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T A B L E 8 - 8 7 Flexor Digitorum Longus (Fig. 8-87)

Innervation Tibial nerve—sciatic nerve—

anterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—L5, S1
Origin Middle of posterior surface of the
Insertion Plantar surface of base of distal
phalanges of the lateral four toes
Action Flexion of the lateral four toes
Position Supine or lateral decubitus
Activation Flex the lateral four toes.
Needle Insert medially into this muscle,
placement which is found half the distance
from the ankle to the knee and 1 cm
posterior to the tibia. With the
patient supine, the needle should be
Figure 8-87 ● Flexor digitorum
aligned in the coronal plane.
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T A B L E 8 - 8 8 Gastrocnemius (Fig. 8-88)

Innervation Tibial nerve—sciatic nerve—anterior division of

sacral plexus—L5, S1, S2
Origin Two heads from medial and lateral femoral
condyles, adjacent femur, and knee joint capsule
Insertion Calcaneus as Achilles tendon
Action Plantarflexion of the ankle and flexion of the
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Plantarflexion of the ankle with knee extended
(difficult to activate fully)
Needle Insert the needle deeply into these large muscle
placement bellies, since the subcutaneous layer can be thick
here. They are easily palpated in the proximal

Figure 8-88 ● Gastrocnemius

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T A B L E 8 - 8 9 Soleus (Fig. 8-89)

Innervation Tibial nerve—sciatic nerve—

anterior division of lumbosacral
plexus—S1, S2
Origin Posterior surface of head and upper
third of the fibula, middle third of
the medial border of the tibia, and
tendinous arch between the tibia and
the fibula
Insertion Calcaneus as Achilles tendon
Action Plantarflexion of the ankle
Position Prone or lateral decubitus
Activation Plantarflexion of the ankle against
resistance (easier to activate than
Needle Insert into this muscle from medial,
Figure 8-89 ● Soleus placement although it also has lateral exposure.
Palpating the inferior edge of the
medial gastrocnemius will lead to
the area where the soleus is just
below its tendinous fibers, at the
middle to lower third of the calf.

T A B L E 8 - 9 0 Abductor Hallucis (Fig. 8-90)

Innervation Medial plantar nerve—tibial

nerve—sciatic nerve—anterior
division of sacral plexus—S1, S2
Origin Medial process of calcaneal
tuberosity, plantar aponeurosis,
and flexor retinaculum
Insertion Medial side of the base of the
Figure 8-90 ● Abductor hallucis proximal phalanx of the great toe
Action Abduction (spread) of the great toe
Position Supine with external rotation of the
Activation Fan toes out or resist extension and
Needle One centimeter inferior to the
placement prominence of the navicular bone
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T A B L E 8 - 9 1 First Dorsal Interosseous (Pedis) (Fig. 8-91)

Innervation Lateral plantar nerve—tibial nerve—sciatic

nerve—anterior division of sacral plexus—
S1, S2
Origin Adjacent surfaces of the first and the second
metatarsal bones
Insertion Medial aspect of the base of the proximal
phalanx of the second toe
Action Abduction of the second toe
Position Supine
Activation Fan toes out or try to pinch pencil between
first two toes.
Needle At the level of the midpoint of the second
placement metatarsal bone, insert needle from dorsal
and between the metatarsal bones.

Figure 8-91 ● First dorsal

interosseous (pedis)
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T A B L E 8 - 9 2 Flexor Hallucis Brevis (Fig. 8-92)

Innervation Medial plantar nerve—tibial nerve—

sciatic nerve—anterior division of sacral
plexus—S1, S2
Origin Medial aspect of plantar surface of the
cuboid bone, adjacent lateral cuneiform
bone, and the tendinous insertion of the
tibialis posterior
Insertion Medial and lateral aspect of the proximal
phalanx of the great toe
Action Flexion of the great toe
Position Supine with external rotation of the knee
Activation Flex the great toe.
Needle Medial aspect of plantar surface of the
placement first metatarsal, 2 cm proximal to the
tarsometatarsal joint

Figure 8-92 ● Flexor hallucis

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T A B L E 8 - 9 3 Flexor Digitorum Brevis (Fig. 8-93)

Innervation Medial plantar nerve—tibial nerve—sciatic

nerve—anterior division of sacral plexus—
S1, S2
Origin Medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity
and plantar aponeurosis
Insertion Middle phalanges of the lateral four toes
Action Flexion of middle phalanges of the lateral
four toes
Position Supine with external rotation of the knee
Activation Flex the toes.
Needle At the midpoint between the calcaneus and
placement the third metatarsophalangeal joint. This is
an uncomfortable location; consider icing
the skin first if you need the information.

Figure 8-93 ● Flexor digitorum


T A B L E 8 - 9 4 Abductor Digiti Minimi (Fig. 8-94)

Innervation Lateral plantar nerve—tibial

nerve—sciatic nerve—anterior
division of sacral plexus—S1, S2
Origin Lateral processes of the calcaneal
Insertion Lateral aspect of the proximal
phalanx of the little toe
Figure 8-94 ● Abductor digiti Action Abduction (spread) and flexion of
minimi the little toe
Position Supine with internal rotation of the
Activation Fan toes out.
Needle Locate a site 1 cm proximal to the
placement fifth tarsometatarsal joint.
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Pictorial Guide to Nerve

Conduction Techniques

Henry L. Lew and Su-Ju Tsai

Abbreviations for the electrode placement are as follows:

E1 Placement of the active electrode

E2 Placement of the reference electrode
G Placement of the ground electrode
S • Cathode Placement of the cathode for stimulation
• Anode Relation of stimulator anode to the cathode


TABLE 9-1 Cranial Nerve VII to Nasalis (Fig. 9-1)

Electrode placement

E1 Over nasalis (lateral side of midnose)

E2 Over contralateral nasalis
G On the cheek or chin
S Postauricular stimulation—behind the
lower ear, below the mastoid process and
behind the neck of the mandible

Normal values

Mean  SD Normal limit

Onset latency (1) 3.5  0.4 ms 4.2 ms
Amplitude (2) 1 mV
Note: Alternate recording sites from other facial muscles as needed
Figure 9-1 • Cranial nerve VII to evaluate specific branches of CN VII.

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TABLE 9-2 Blink Reflex (Fig. 9-2)

Electrode placement

E1 Over bilateral orbicularis oculi muscle,

lower lateral portion
E2 Medial inferior orbit
G Chin
S Cathode At the supraorbital notch
Anode Superiorly

Normal values (3) (n  83)

Mean  SD Side-to-side
Figure 9-2 • Blink reflex
(Normal limit) difference
(Normal limit)
R1 latency 10.5  0.8 ms 0.3  0.9 ms
(13.0 ms) (1.2 ms)
Ipsilateral R2 30.5  3.4 ms 1.0  3.4 ms
latency (41.0 ms) (4.4 ms )
Contralateral 30.5  4.4 ms
R2 latency (44.0 ms)
Note: Amplitudes are variable.

TABLE 9-3 Cranial Nerve XI to Trapezius (Fig. 9-3)

Electrode placement

E1 Over the upper trapezius, midway between

C7 spinous process and acromion.
E2 On acromion
G Medial clavicle
S Cathode At the posterior edge of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle
Anode Superiorly

Figure 9-3 • Cranial nerve XI Normal values (4,5) (n  30)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Onset latency 2.2  0.4 ms  3.0 ms
Peak 3.9  1.6 mV  1.0 mV
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Upper Body: Motor Nerves

TABLE 9-4 Phrenic Nerve (Fig. 9-4)

Electrode placement

E1 On the xiphoid process

E2 On the costal margin, at anterior axillary line
G Medial sternum
S Cathode 3 cm above the clavicle, along
the posterior border of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle
Anode Superiorly
Figure 9-4 • Phrenic nerve

Normal values (6) (n  50)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Onset latency 6.3  0.8 ms 8.6 ms
Amplitude 597  139 V 400 V
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TABLE 9-5A Long Thoracic Nerve-1 to Serratus Anterior (Fig. 9-5A)

Electrode placement (7) (Fig. 9-5A)

E1 Self-adhesive, 8.0  0.5-cm, ring-type

electrode—cranial end at nipple level (5 cm
distal to the bipolar stimulator) in line with
the bipolar stimulator contact points and the
anterior superior iliac spine
E2 Self-adhesive surface electrode over the
seventh rib distal to the pectoralis muscle
G Over the ipsilateral latissimus dorsi
S In the axilla just anterior to the midaxillary

Normal values (7) (n  15, self-adhesive ring-type

Figure 9-5 • A. Long
electrode recording)
thoracic nerve
Side Mean Normal
 SD limit

Right 2.3  3.5 ms

0.5 ms
Onset Left 2.3  3.2 ms
latency 0.4 ms
Side-to-side 0.3  0.6 ms
difference 0.2 ms
Right 3.8  1.6 mV
1.9 mV
Left 3.9  1.2 mV
1.9 mV
Side-to-side 0.6  2 mV
difference 0.6 mV
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TABLE 9-5B Long Thoracic Nerve-2 to Serratus Anterior (Fig. 9-5B)

Electrode placement

E1 A needle electrode is placed into the

digitation of the serratus anterior muscle
over the fifth rib, along the midaxillary line.
E2 Two cm distal to the E1 (no need if a con-
centric needle electrode is used for E1)
G Over the 12th rib level at the anterior axillary
S Cathode Slightly above the upper
margin of the clavicle lateral to
the clavicular head of the
Figure 9-5 • B. Long thoracic sternocleidomastoid muscle
Anode Superomedially

Normal values (8) (n  16, concentric needle

Age (years) Onset latency Normal limit
Mean  SD
20–35 3.6  0.3 ms 4.2 ms
36–50 3.8  0.4 ms 4.4 ms
51–65 4.0  0.4 ms 4.8 ms
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TABLE 9-6 Axillary Nerve to Deltoid (Fig. 9-6)

Electrode placement

E1 Midway between acromion and deltoid

E2 At deltoid tubercle
G Between the stimulating point and active
S Cathode Supraclavicular fossa
Anode Superomedially

Normal values (9) (n  62)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Onset latency 3.9  0.5 ms 5.0 ms
Note: No information on amplitude is available (9).

Figure 9-6 • Axillary nerve

TABLE 9-7 Musculocutaneous Nerve to Biceps (Fig. 9-7)

Electrode placement

E1 Midpoint of the biceps brachii muscle belly

E2 Distal biceps tendon
G Over the acromion
S Cathode Supraclavicular fossa
Anode Superomedially

Normal values (9) (n  62)

Figure 9-7 • Musculocutaneous
nerve Mean  SD Normal limit
Onset latency 4.5  0.6 ms 5.7 ms
Note: No information on amplitude is available (9).
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TABLE 9-8 Suprascapular Nerve (Fig. 9-8)

Electrode placement

E1 A concentric recording needle (E2 

reference/outer cannular of needle)
Supraspinatus: Insert the needle just above
the scapular spine at the midpoint. Advance
the needle in a downward and forward
direction until the needle touches the
scapula, then withdraw it 2–3 mm.
Infraspinatus: Insert the needle 3 cm
below the scapular spine and 3 cm lateral
to the medial border of the scapula.
G Over the posterolateral shoulder
S Cathode Supraclavicular fossa
Anode Superomedially
Figure 9-8 • Suprascapular nerve
Normal values (9) (n  62)
Onset latency Mean  SD Normal limit
Supraspinatus 2.7  0.5 ms 3.7 ms
Infraspinatus 3.3  0.5 ms 4.2 ms
Note: No information on amplitude is available (9).
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TABLE 9-9 Thoracodorsal Nerve to Latissimus Dorsi (Fig. 9-9)

Electrode placement (10)

E1 Supine position with the arm abducted to 90

degrees. E1 is on the posterior axillary line
at the intersection of the line horizontally
drawn from the inferior angle of the
E2 On the posterior axillary line distal to E1
G On the chest wall, between E1 and S1
S1 Cathode In the axilla toward the lateral
margin of the scapula
Anode Superior
S2 Cathode Erb’s point
Figure 9-9 • Thoracodorsal Anode Superior
Normal values (10) (n  30)

Mean  SD Range

Axilla Onset latency 1.9  0.4 ms 2.7 ms

(S1) Amplitude, 4.1  1.8 mV 1.4 mV
Erb’s Onset latency 3.6  0.4 ms 4.5 ms
point Amplitude 6.0  2.0 mV 2.0 mV
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TABLE 9-10 Median Nerve to the Abductor Pollicis Brevis (Fig. 9-10)

Electrode placement

E1 Midline between the first metacarpopha-

langeal joint and the first carpometacarpal
Figure 9-10 • Median nerve to joint
the abductor pollicis brevis
E2 Distal to E1 on the first metacarpopha-
langeal joint
G On the dorsum of the hand
S Cathode S1: 8 cm proximal to the E1,
measured first to the midpoint
of the distal wrist crease and
then on the line between the
tendons of the flexor carpi ra-
dialis and the palmaris longus
S2: On the antecubital crease,
at the medial border of the
biceps brachii tendon
Anode Proximal

Normal values (11,12) (n  47)

Mean  SD Normal

Onset latency 3.7  0.3 ms 4.3 ms

Amplitude 13.2  5.0 mV 5.0 mV
Nerve conduction 56.7  3.8 m/s 50 m/s

Normal values (13) (n  243)

Mean  SD Normal

Onset latency 3.7  0.5 ms 4.7 ms

Amplitude 10.2  3.6 mV 3.0 mV
Nerve conduction 57  5 m/s 47 m/s
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T A B L E 9 - 1 1 Median Nerve (Anterior Interosseous Branch) to the Pronator

Quadratus (Fig. 9-11)

Electrode placement

E1 Centrally over the dorsum of the fore-

arm, 3 cm proximal to the ulnar styloid
Figure 9-11 • Median nerve
E2 On the medial dorsum of the wrist over
(anterior interosseous branch) to
the ulnar styloid process
the pronator quadratus
G On the dorsal forearm, between the E1
and stimulating electrodes
S Cathode On the antecubital crease, at
the medial border of the
biceps brachii tendon
Anode Proximally

Normal values (14) (n  52)

Right Left
Onset latency 3.6  0.4 ms 3.5  0.4 ms
Onset to peak 3.1  0.8 mV 3.1  0.8 mV
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T A B L E 9 - 1 2 Radial Nerve to the Extensor Digitorum (Fig. 9-12)

Electrode placement

E1 Proximal third from the antecubital crease

(S1), over the belly of the extensor digitorum
Figure 9-12 • Radial nerve to the E2 On the medial dorsum of the wrist over the
extensor digitorum ulnar styloid process
G Between the E1 and the S1
S Cathode S1: In the antecubital fossa just
lateral to the biceps tendon as the
tendon crosses the flexor crease
S2: In the axilla between the
coracobrachialis and the long
head of the triceps
Anode Proximally

Normal values (15) (n  30)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset latency 2.6  0.4 ms 3.5 ms
Amplitude 11.2  3.5 mV 4.3 mV
Conduction velocity 68  7.0 m/s 54 m/s
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T A B L E 9 - 1 3 Radial Nerve to the Extensor Indicis Proprius (Fig. 9-13)

Electrode placement (16)

E1 Concentric needle electrode into the

extensor indicis proprius, at the distal third
of the dorsal forearm and on the dorsum of
the ulna (E2  outer cannula of needle)
G Between E1 and S1, on the dorsum of the
Figure 9-13 • Radial nerve—to
the extensor indicis proprius forearm
S Cathode S1: In pronation of the forearm;
4 cm proximal to the needle
insertion site, radial border of
the extensor carpi ulnaris
S2: In pronation of the forearm;
5 cm proximal to the lateral
epicondyle, lateral border of the
triceps brachii muscle
S3: Erb Point
Anode Proximally

Normal values (n  49)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Distal latency (17) 2.4  0.5 ms 2.9 ms
velocity (16)
S1-S2 61.6  5.9 m/s 50 m/s
S2-S3 72.0  6.3 m/s 60 m/s
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T A B L E 9 - 1 4 Ulnar Nerve to the Abductor Digiti Minimi (ADM) (Fig. 9-14)

Electrode placement

E1 On the border of the palm and dorsum of

the hand, halfway between the wrist crease
and the base of the little finger
E2 Distal to the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint
G On the dorsum of the hand or between the
stimulating and recording electrodes
S Cathode The arm is in a 45 degrees
abducted and externally rotated
position with the elbow moder-
ately flexed to 90–135 degrees
S1: 2 cm proximal to the E1,
along the radial border of the
tendon of the flexor carpi
S2: 2 cm distal to the ulnar
groove at the elbow
S3: 10 cm proximal to the S2,
Figure 9-14 • Ulnar nerve—to the measured in a curve along the
abductor digiti minimi ulnar groove to a point be-
tween triceps and brachialis
S4: 10 cm proximal to S3 in the
Anode Proximally

Normal values (n  31)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset latency (18) 3.2  0.5 ms 4.2 ms
Amplitude 6.14  1.90 mV 2.3 mV
Nerve conduction
velocity (18–20)
S1-S2 61.8  5.0 m/s 53 m/s
S2-S3 62.7  5.5 m/s 52 m/s
S3-S4 62.8  6.0 m/s 51 m/s

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T A B L E 9 - 1 4 Ulnar Nerve to the Abductor Digiti Minimi (ADM) (Fig. 9-14)


Normal values (21) (n  248)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Distal latency 3.0  0.3 ms 3.6 ms
Amplitude, 11.6  2.1 mV 7.4 mV
peak to peak
velocity (21)
S1-S2 61  5 m/s 51 m/s
S2-S3 61  9 m/s 43 m/s
S3-S4 61  7 m/s 47 m/s
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T A B L E 9 - 1 5 Ulnar Nerve to the First Dorsal Interosseous (Fig. 9-15)

Electrode placement

E1 On the dorsum of the hand, the first web

space, 1 cm radial to the midpoint of the
second metacarpal bone
E2 Over the first metacarpophalangeal joint
G Between E1 and S1
S Cathode At the ulnar wrist crease, along
the radial border of the tendon
of the flexor carpi ulnaris
Anode Proximally

Figure 9-15 • Ulnar nerve—to the

first dorsal interosseous

Normal values (22) (n  373)

Onset latency Amplitude

Age (years) Mean Limit Mean Limit

20 3.3 ms 4.2 ms 15 mV 8 mV

20–29 3.4 ms 4.1 ms 14 mV 8 mV

30–39 3.3 ms 4.4 ms 15 mV 6 mV

40–49 3.2 ms 4.2 ms 13 mV 6 mV

50–59 3.4 ms 4.4 ms 13 mV 6 mV

60–69 3.6 ms 4.5 ms 12 mV 7 mV

70 3.6 ms 4.2 ms 12 mV 8 mV

Note: No summarized values are available (22).
Mean side-to-side difference, FDI  0.2 ms (0.0–1.3); ipsilateral difference, FDI ADM  0.9 ms (0.2–2.0) (22).
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T A B L E 9 - 1 6 F Wave in the Upper Extremity (Fig. 9-16)

Electrode placement

E1 Median nerve: over the abductor pollicis

brevis (see Fig. 9-10)
Ulnar nerve: over the abductor digiti
minimi (see Fig. 9-14)
E2 Median nerve: slightly distal to the first
metacarpophalangeal joint
Ulnar nerve: distal to the fifth metacar-
pophalangeal joint
G On the dorsum of the hand
S Cathode Positioned as for standard
wrist stimulation (see Figs. 9-
10 and 9-14)
Anode Distally with supramaximal
stimulation (see Figs. 9-10
Figure 9-16 • F wave in the upper
and 9-14)

Normal values (23,24) (shortest of 10 stimuli,

minimal latency)

Nerve Range Side-to-side

Median/APB 22–31 ms 2.3 ms
Ulnar/ADM 21–32 ms 2.5 ms
Note: Ulnar F wave latency (25)  [arm length (cm)  0.31] –
[ulnar nerve forearm velocity (m/s)  0.123]
11.05. A prolonga-
tion of 2.5 ms is considered abnormal.
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Upper Body—Sensory Nerves

T A B L E 9 - 1 7 Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Sensory Nerve (Fig. 9-17)

Electrode placement (26)

E1 On volar aspect of the forearm, over the

radius bone, 10 cm distal to the stimulating
Figure 9-17 • Lateral antebrachial cathode
cutaneous sensory nerve
E2 3 cm distal to E1
G Between the stimulating and recording
S Cathode Just lateral to the biceps tendon
on the antecubital crease
Anode Proximally

Normal values (26) (10-cm distance) (n  213)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Peak latency 2.2  0.2 ms 2.6 ms
Onset to peak 18  10 V 3 V

Normal values (27) (10-cm distance) (n  157)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Peak latency 2.8  0.2 ms 3.3 ms
Onset to peak 18.9  9.9 V 8 V
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T A B L E 9 - 1 8 Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous Sensory Nerve (Fig. 9-18)

Electrode placement (27)

E1 On volar aspect of the forearm, over the

ulna bone, 14 cm distal to the stimulating
Figure 9-18 • Medial antebrachial point
cutaneous sensory nerve
E2 3 cm distal to E1
G Between the stimulating and recording
S Cathode Along the medial border of the
biceps brachii muscle, 5 cm
proximal to the medial
Anode Proximally

Normal values (27) (n  157)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Peak latency 2.7  0.2 ms 3.3 ms
Onset to peak
amplitude 11.4  5.2 V 5 V
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TABLE 9-19 Median Sensory Nerve to the Second and Third Digits (Fig. 9-19)

Electrode placement

E1 A ring electrode is placed distal to the base

of the second or third digit.
E2 4 cm distal to the active electrode
G On the dorsum of the hand
S Cathode S1: 14 cm proximal to E1 on
the line between the tendons of
the flexor carpi radialis and the
palmaris longus
S2: The midpoint of the line
from E1 to S1
Anode Proximal

Digit 3: Normal values (28) (n  50)

Figure 9-19 • Median sensory
nerve to the second and third digits Mean  SD Normal
Peak S1 3.07  0.2 ms 3.5 ms
latency S2 1.58  0.15 ms 1.88 ms
S2/S1 52  4% 44%
Peak S1 52  13 V 26 V
amplitude S2 67  20 V 37 V
S2/S1 128  29% 186 %

Digit 3: Normal values (29) (n  258)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset S1 2.7  0.3 ms 3.3 ms
latency S2 1.4  0.2 ms 1.8 ms
Peak S1 3.4  0.3 ms 4.1 ms
latency S2 2.0  0.4 ms 2.8 ms
Onset S1 41  20 V 10 V
to peak S2 43  28 V 4 V
Peak S1 63  33 V 12 V
to peak S2 66  43 V 5 V

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TABLE 9-19 Median Sensory Nerve to the Second and Third Digits (Fig. 9-19)

Digit 2: Normal values (29) (n  258)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset S1 2.6  0.3 ms 3.2 ms
latency S2 1.3  0.2 ms 1.7 ms
Peak S1 3.4  0.3 ms 4.1 ms
latency S2 1.9  0.2 ms 2.4 ms
Onset S1 37  19 V 8 V
to peak S2 38  24 V 4 V
Peak S1 56  31 V 9 V
to peak S2 53  36 V 4 V
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TABLE 9-20 Median and Radial Sensory Nerves to the Thumb (Fig. 9-20)

Electrode placement (30,31)

E1 Ring electrode, on the proximal phalanx

E2 Ring electrode, on the distal phalanx
G Dorsum of the hand
S Cathode Sm: Median nerve, 10 cm
proximal to E1, in a line meas-
ured first to the midpoint of
the distal wrist crease and then
on the line between the ten-
dons of the flexor carpi radialis
and the palmaris longus
Sr: Radial nerve, over the
lateral radius, 10 cm proximal
to the active electrode

Figure 9-20 • Median and radial Anode Proximal

sensory nerves to the thumb

Normal values (30) (n  78)

Mean  SD Normal
Peak Median 2.5  0.2 ms 2.9 ms
latency Radial 2.4  0.2 ms 2.8 ms
Baseline Median 30  2 V
to peak Radial 12  1 V
Note: The upper limit of normal differences between the median
and radial nerve is latency difference 0.3 ms, and amplitude of
median nerve 200% amplitude of radial nerve.
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TABLE 9-21 Median and Ulnar Sensory Nerves to the Fourth Digit (Fig. 9-21)

Electrode placement

E1 Ring electrode, on the first metacarpopha-

langeal joint of the fourth digit
E2 Ring electrode, on the distal
interphalangeal joint of the fourth digit
G Dorsum of the hand
S Cathode Sm: Median nerve, 14 cm
proximal to E1, in a line
measured first to the midpoint
of the distal wrist crease and
then to a point on the line
between the tendons of the
flexor carpi radialis and the
palmaris longus
Su: Ulnar nerve, 14 cm
Figure 9-21 • Median and ulnar
proximal to E1, along the
sensory nerves to the fourth digit
radial border of the flexor carpi
ulnaris tendon
Anode Proximally

Normal values (32) (n  37)

Distal Side Mean  SD Normal

Latency limit
Dominant Median 3.14  0.24 ms 3.6 ms
hand Ulnar 3.03  0.21 ms 3.5 ms
Non- Median 3.11  0.32 ms 3.7 ms
dominant Ulnar 3.01  0.32 ms 3.6 ms
Note: The upper limit of normal increase in latency for the median
versus ulnar nerve is 0.5 ms. No information on amplitude is
available (32).
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TABLE 9-22 Radial Sensory Nerve to the Base of the Thumb (Fig. 9-22)

Electrode placement (33)

E1 Over the extensor pollicis longus tendon at

the wrist level
E2 4 cm distal to E1, on the radial side of the
Figure 9-22 • Radial sensory nerve
second metacarpal bone
to the base of the thumb
G Between E1 and the stimulating cathode
S Cathode Over the radius, 10 cm
proximal to E1
Anode Proximally

Electrode placement (34)

First web space recording

E1 Over the tendon of the extensor pollicis
longus tendon at the apex of the first web
space (near the wrist)
E2 On the skin between the heads of the first
and second metacarpal bones
G Dorsal aspect of the hand
S Cathode On the radial side of the
forearm, 10 cm proximal to the
active electrode
Anode Proximally

Thumb recording
E1 Proximal phalanx of the thumb
E2 Distal phalanx of the thumb
G Dorsal aspect of the hand
S Cathode On the radial side of the fore-
arm, 15–17 cm proximal to the
active electrode
Anode Proximally

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TABLE 9-22 Radial Sensory Nerve to the Base of the Thumb (Fig. 9-22)

Normal values (33) (n  49)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Onset latency 1.8  0.3 ms 2.4 ms
Peak latency 2.3  0.4 ms 3.1 ms
Peak to peak 31  20 V V

Normal values (34) (n  20)

First web space recording (10 cm)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Onset latency 1.6  0.1 ms 1.9 ms
Peak to peak 42.2  14.9 V 16.0 V

Thumb recording (15–17 cm)

Mean  SD Normal limit

Onset latency 2.8  0.2 ms 3.3 ms
Peak to peak 12.3  4.9 V 5.0 V
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T A B L E 9 - 2 3 Ulnar Sensory Nerve to the Fifth Digit (Fig. 9-23)

Electrode placement

E1 Ring electrode, middle of proximal phalanx

of the fifth digit
E2 Ring electrode, on the distal phalanx of the
fifth digit, 4 cm distal to E1
G On the dorsum of the hand
S Cathode S1: 14 cm proximal to E1, along
the radial border of the flexor
carpi ulnaris tendon
S2: At the midpoint of the line
from E1 to S1
Anode Proximally

Normal values (35) (n  100)

Figure 9-23 • Ulnar sensory Mean  SD Normal
nerve to the fifth digit limit
Onset S1 2.6  0.2 ms 3.0 ms
latency S2 1.4  0.2 ms 1.8 ms
Peak S1 3.4  0.3 ms 4.1 ms
latency S2 2.0  0.2 ms 2.5 ms
Onset S1 32  20 V 6 V
to peak S2 33  17 V 3 V
Peak S1 50  32 V 4 V
to peak S2 55  36 V 4 V
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T A B L E 9 - 2 4 Ulnar Dorsal Cutaneous Sensory Nerve (Fig. 9-24)

Electrode placement

E1 Over the proximal point of the “V” formed

by the fourth and the fifth metacarpal bones
E2 Over the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint
G On the dorsum of the hand
S Cathode 8–10 cm proximal to E1 between
the ulna and the flexor carpi
ulnaris tendon
Anode Proximally

Normal values (36) (n  54)

Mean  SD Normal
8-cm study: 1.84  0.20 ms 2.3 ms
peak latency
10-cm study: 2.09  0.21 ms 2.7 ms
peak latency

Baseline to 23.5  8.8 V 5.9 V

Figure 9-24 • Ulnar dorsal cuta- peak amplitude
neous sensory nerve
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Lower Body—Motor Nerves

T A B L E 9 - 2 5 Femoral Motor Nerve (Fig. 9-25)

Electrode placement for surface recording (37)

E1 About 6 cm above from the superior and

medial border of the patella
E2 Over the quadriceps tendon just proximal
to the patella
G Between E1 and stimulating cathode
S Cathode S1: Above the inguinal ligament
S2: Below the inguinal ligament
The distance between stimula-
tion points across the inguinal
ligament is 5.5  1.6 cm.
Anode Proximally

Normal values (37) (n  100)

Mean  SD Normal
Above the inguinal 7.1  0.7 ms 8.5 ms
Figure 9-25 • Femoral motor ligament latency
nerve Below the inguinal 6.0  0.7 ms 7.4 ms
ligament latency

Delay across the 1.1  0.4 ms 1.9 ms

inguinal ligament

Nerve conduction 66.7  7.4 m/s 50 m/s

velocity above the
inguinal ligament
Note: No amplitude data available (37).

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T A B L E 9 - 2 5 Femoral Motor Nerve (Fig. 9-25) (continued)

Normal values with needle recording (38)

(n  16)
Stimulation at the Mean  SD Normal
inguinal ligament limit
Latency 4.6  0.5 ms 5.5 ms
ligament latency
Amplitude 12.1  1.1 mV 2.5 mV
Note: The bipolar surface stimulation electrodes were placed
lateral to the point of pulsation over the inguinal ligament while a
concentric needle electrode was inserted into the belly of the rectus

T A B L E 9 - 2 6 Sciatic Nerve (Fig. 9-26)

Electrode placement (37)

E1 On the extensor digitorum brevis (Fig. 9-27,

peroneal portion), abductor hallucis (Fig. 9-
28A, tibial portion), or abductor digiti min-
imi (Fig. 9-28B, tibial portion)
E2 See Figures 9-27 and 9-28.
G Between E1 and stimulating cathode
S Cathode S1: Surface stimulation in the
popliteal fossa
S2: A long needle electrode in
the midway below the gluteal
Anode Proximally

Normal values (39) (n  18)

Mean  SD Normal
Nerve conduction 51.3  4.4 m/s 42 ms
velocity to abductor
Figure 9-26 • Sciatic nerve digiti minimi
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T A B L E 9 - 2 7 Peroneal* Motor Nerve to EDB (Fig. 9-27)

Electrode placement (40)

E1 On the extensor digitorum brevis muscle,

which is 1 cm distal to the tubercle that is its
origin. This is 2–3 cm distal to the lateral
Figure 9-27 • Tibial nerve
E2 At the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint
G On the dorsum of the foot
S Cathode S1: 8 cm proximal to E1, lateral
to the tibialis anterior tendon
S2: Posterior and inferior to the
fibular head
S3: Approximately 10 cm proxi-
mal to the S2, and medial to the
tendon of the biceps femoris
Anode Proximally

Normal values (41) (n  32)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset latency 4.5  0.8 ms 6.0 ms
Amplitude 4.4  1.2 mV 2.0 mV
Conduction Velocity
S1-S2 49.9  5.9 m/s 40 m/s
S2-S3 51.1  6.3 m/s 40 m/s

Normal values (40) (n  242)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset latency 4.8  0.8 ms 6.4 ms
Amplitude 5.9  2.6 mV 0.7 mV
Conduction Velocity
*Note: 47 
No amplitude data available37 4 m/s
. 39 m/s
S2-S3 57  9 m/s 39 m/s
*Peroneal nerve also known as fibular.
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T A B L E 9 - 2 8 Medial Plantar Motor to Abductor Hallucis (Fig. 9-28A)

Electrode placement

E1 1 cm posterior and 1 cm inferior to the

navicular tubercle, at the junction of plantar
skin and dorsal foot skin
E2 On the first metatarsophalangeal joint
G Over the dorsum of the foot
S Cathode S1: 8 cm proximal to E1, right
Figure 9-28 • A. Tibial nerve
(medial plantar)
behind the medial malleolus
S2: At the popliteal fossa
Anode Proximally

Normal values (42,43) (n  37)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset latency (42) 4.8  0.8 ms 6.4 ms
Amplitude (43) 11.6  4.3 mV 3.0 mV
Conduction 49.8  6.0 m/s 38 m/s
velocity (42)
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T A B L E 9 - 2 8 Lateral Plantar Motor to Abductor Digiti Minimi (Fig. 9-28B)

Electrode placement

E1 Half distance from the sole of the foot to

the tip of the lateral malleolus
E2 On the fifth toe
G Over the dorsum of the foot
S Cathode 8 cm proximal to a site 1 cm
posterior and 1 cm inferior to the
navicular tubercle
Anode Proximally
Figure 9-28 • B. Tibial nerve
(lateral plantar)
Normal values (44) (n  10)

Mean  SD Normal
Onset latency 4.4  0.5 ms 5.4 ms
Amplitude (43) 11.0  3.9 mV 3.2 mV
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T A B L E 9 - 2 9 F Wave in the Lower Extremity (Fig. 9-29)

Electrode placement

E1 For peroneal nerve: over the extensor

digitorum brevis (see Fig. 9-27)
For tibial nerve: over the abductor hallucis
(see Fig. 9-28A)
E2 For peroneal nerve: at the fifth metatar-
sophalangeal joint
For tibial nerve: at the first metatarsopha-
langeal joint
G Dorsum of the foot
S Cathode For peroneal nerve: 8 cm proxi-
mal to E1, lateral to the tibialis
anterior tendon
For tibial nerve: 8 cm proximal
to E1, and just behind the
medial malleolus
Figure 9-29 • F wave in the lower
extremity Anode Distally

Normal values (45)

Peroneal nerve F wave latency in ms (shortest of
10 stimuli, n  180)

Age Height Mean  SD Normal

(cm) limit
160 43.6  2.5 48.6
19–39 160–169 47.1  3.7 54.5
170 51.5  4.1 59.7
160 45.4  4.8 55.0
40–79 160–169 49.6  4.6 58.8
170 54.6  4.5 63.6

(Reprinted from Buschbacher RM. Peroneal nerve F-wave

recorded from extensor digitorum brevis. Am J Phys Med Rehabil
1999;78:S48–S52, with permission.)

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T A B L E 9 - 2 9 F Wave in the Lower Extremity (Fig. 9-29) (continued)

Tibial nerve F wave latency to AH in ms (shortest of

10 stimuli, n  180) (46)

Age Height Mean  SD Normal

(cm) limit
160 43.2  2.2 47.6
19–39 160–169 47.2  3.0 53.2
170–179 52.0  4.0 60.0
180 53.1  4.4 61.9
160 45.4  4.0 53.4
40–59 160–169 49.3  2.2 53.7
170–179 53.6  3.7 61.0
180 58.3  5.3 68.9
160 49.0  4.8 58.6
60–79 160–169 52.8  4.4 61.6
170–179 54.7  3.2 61.1
180 57.3  5.8 68.9
(Modified from Buschbacher RM: Tibial nerve F-wave recorded
from abductor hallucis. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1999;78;S43–S47,
with permission.)
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T A B L E 9 - 3 0 H Reflex to the Calf (Soleus) (Fig. 9-30)

Electrode placement

E1 Halfway between the popliteal crease and

the medial malleolus, with subject in prone
E2 Over the Achilles tendon
G Between the stimulating and recording
S Cathode At the midpopliteal crease
Anode Distal
Stimulation duration  1.0 ms

Normal values: onset latency (ms) (47) (n  251)

Age Height Mean  SD Normal
(cm) limit
160 27.1  1.8 30.7
19–39 160–169 28.6  1.9 32.4
170–179 30.3  1.8 33.9
180 32.0  2.1 36.2
160 27.8  1.1 30.0
40–49 160–169 30.2  1.4 33.0
170–179 31.0  1.6 34.2
180 32.7  2.1 36.9
160 29.3  1.9 33.1
Figure 9-30 • H reflex to the calf
50–79 160–169 31.7  1.6 34.9
170–179 31.9  1.7 35.3
180 33.2  2.5 38.2

Note: The upper limit of increase in latency from one side to the
other is 2.0 ms (47).
Equation to calculate: HLat at 9.1
(0.1  Age)
(0.46  Length)
(Reprinted from Buschbacher RM. Normal range for H-reflex
recorded from the calf muscles. Am J Phys Med Rehabil
1999;78:S75–S79, with permission.)
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Lower Body—Sensory Nerves

T A B L E 9 - 3 1 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Sensory Nerve (Fig. 9-31)

Electrode placement

E1 17–20 cm distal to the anterior superior iliac

spine, on the line between the anterior
superior iliac spine and the lateral border of
the patella
E2 3 cm distal to E1
G Between E1 and the stimulating cathode
S Cathode S1: below the inguinal ligament,
1 cm medial to the line between
the anterior superior iliac spine
and the lateral border of the
S2: above the inguinal liga-
ment, 1 cm medial to the
anterior superior iliac spine
Anode Proximally

Normal values (49) (n  20)

Mean  SD Normal
Figure 9-31 • Lateral femoral limit
cutaneous sensory nerve
S1 (14–18 2.5  0.2 ms 2.8 ms
Onset cm)
S2 (17–20 2.8  0.4 ms 3.6 ms
Peak to S1 7.0  1.8 V 3.4 V
S2 6.0  1.5 V 3.0 V

Note: No data on onset to peak amplitude available.

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T A B L E 9 - 3 2 Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve (Fig. 9-32)

Electrode placement

E1 6 cm proximal to the midpopliteal fossa

E2 3 cm distally
G 3 cm distally
S Cathode 12 cm proximal to E1 on a line be-
tween E1 and the ischia tuberosity
Anode Proximally

Normal values (50) (n  80)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Peak latency 2.8  0.2 ms 3.2 ms
Onset to peak 6.5  1.5 V 3.5 V

Figure 9-32 • Posterior femoral

cutaneous nerve
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T A B L E 9 - 3 3 Saphenous Sensory Nerve (Fig. 9-33)

Electrode placement

E1 Slightly anterior to the highest prominence

of the medial malleolus, between the malle-
olus and the tendon of the tibialis anterior
E2 3 cm distal to E1, at the level of the
G Between E1 and the stimulating cathode
S Cathode 14 cm proximal to E1 deep to the
medial border of the tibia
Anode Proximally
Figure 9-33 • Saphenous sen-
sory nerve—distal technique Normal values (51) (n  230)
Mean  SD Normal limit
Onset latency 3.2  0.3 ms 3.8 ms
Peak latency 3.8  0.3 ms 4.4 ms
Onset to peak 6.5  3 V 3.5 V
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T A B L E 9 - 3 4 Superficial Peroneal* Nerve: Medial and Intermediate Dorsal

Cutaneous Branches (Fig. 9-34)

Electrode placement

E1 At the level of the ankle

Medial branch: just lateral to the tendon of
the extensor hallucis longus
Intermediate branch: 1–2 cm medial to the
lateral malleolus
E2 3–4 cm distal to the E1s
G Between E1 and the stimulating cathode
Figure 9-34 • Superficial S Cathode 14 cm proximal to E1 on the an-
peroneal nerve: medial and terolateral aspect of the lower leg
intermediate dorsal cutaneous
Anode Proximally

Normal values (52) (n  80)

Branch Mean  SD limit
Peak Medial 3.4  0.4 ms 2.7–4.7 ms
latency Inter- 3.4  0.4 ms 2.8–4.6 ms
Peak to Medial 18.3  8.0 V 2.3 V
peak am- Inter- 15.1  8.2 V 4 V*
plitude mediate
Onset Inter- 20.5  6.1 V 8.3 V
to peak mediate
tude (53)
Nerve Medial 51.2  5.7 m/s 39.8 m/s
conduction Inter- 51.3  5.4 m/s 40.5 m/s
velocity mediate
Note: The value is the smallest value of the range.
*Peroneal nerve also known as fibular.
90749_ch09(213-256).ps 8/10/06 3:48 PM Page 251


T A B L E 9 - 3 5 Tibial Nerve (Mixed Nerve Responses): Medial and Lateral Plantar

Nerves (Fig. 9-35)

Electrode placement

E1 Behind the medial malleolus at the level of

the ankle
E2 Proximally
G Over the dorsum of the foot
S Cathode 1. Medial branch: 10 cm distal to
Figure 9-35 • Tibial nerve:
E1 to the first web space, and
medial and lateral plantar nerves
then 4 cm more distal along
the first web space (total 14 cm
distal to E1)
2. Lateral branch: 14 cm distal
to E1, on the sole between
the fourth and fifth
Anode Distally

Normal values (54) (n  41)

Branch Mean  SD limit
Peak Medial 3.16  0.26 ms 3.7 ms
Latency Lateral 3.15  0.25 ms 3.7ms
Amplitude Medial 10 V
Lateral 8 V
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T A B L E 9 - 3 6 Sural Sensory Nerve (Fig. 9-36)

Electrode placement

E1 Posterior and inferior to the lateral

E2 3 cm distally
Figure 9-36 • Sural sensory
G Between E1 and the stimulating cathode
S Cathode 14 cm proximal to E1 in the mid-
line or slightly lateral to the mid-
line of the posterior lower leg,
between the two heads of
Anode Proximally

Normal values (55) (n  56)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Peak latency 3.5  0.25 4.0 ms
Baseline to 23.7  3.8 V 10 V
peak amplitude
Nerve 43.3  4.3 m/s 34.7 m/s
velocity (54)

Normal values (56) (n  80)

Mean  SD Normal limit
Onset latency 3.1  0.3 ms 3.6 ms
Peak latency 3.8  0.3 ms 4.5 ms
Onset to peak 17  10 V 4 V
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T A B L E 9 - 3 7 Sural Nerve—Lateral Dorsal Cutaneous Branch (Fig. 9-37)

Electrode placement

E1 At the midpoint of the fifth metatarsal and

just lateral to the extensor digitorum brevis
tendon to the fifth toe
E2 Distally
G On the dorsum of the foot
S Cathode 12 cm proximal to E1 behind the
lateral malleolus
Anode Proximally
Figure 9-37 • Sural nerve—
lateral dorsal cutaneous branch
Normal values (57) (n  40)
Mean  SD Normal limit
Onset latency 3.2  0.4 ms 4.0 ms
Peak latency 3.9  0.5 ms 4.9 ms
Baseline to peak 5.8  2.1 V 3 V
amplitude (57)
Nerve 37.6  4.8 m/s 28.0 m/s
velocity (onset)
Nerve 37.6  4.8 m/s 28.0 m/s
velocity (peak) 30.7  3.7 m/s 23.3 m/s
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Solving the Problems in
Clinical EMG
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Entrapment Neuropathies and

Other Focal Neuropathies
(Including Carpal Tunnel
Lawrence R. Robinson

GENERAL APPROACHES TO THE nosis. Finding out whether symptoms are inter-
STUDY OF ENTRAPMENT mittent or constant will suggest a likelihood of
finding abnormalities on the electrophysiologic
examination; constant symptoms are more likely
There are a number of general considerations
to be associated with electrophysiologic abnormal-
when evaluating any patient with suspected en-
ities than intermittent symptoms. While symp-
trapment or focal neuropathy. In this chapter, ap-
toms of entrapment neuropathies are usually
proaches to the history and physical examination,
initially reported in one or two limbs, one should
timing of electrodiagnostic changes, pathophysiol-
also ask about other limbs to rule out a more gen-
ogy, and principles of localization will be discussed,
eralized process. The patient presenting with hand
as well as initial electrodiagnostic approaches.
numbness, for example, could have entrapment
neuropathy in the upper limbs; however, if the feet
are also involved, then one might perform a wider
A directed history is critical to performing the elec- search for a peripheral polyneuropathy. When pa-
trodiagnostic medical consultation. It is required tients report the sudden onset of symptoms upon
for generating an appropriate list of differential awakening, this should prompt extensive ques-
diagnoses and planning the electrophysiologic ex- tioning about where and how the patient slept and
amination. Moreover, many times the electrodiag- if he or she was intoxicated or otherwise med-
nostic medical consultant has more experience icated. If there is a recent history of surgery or
in the diagnosis of focal neuropathies and other trauma, a detailed history may help point to which
neuromuscular conditions than the patient’s refer- areas of the peripheral nervous system might have
ring physician and thus may think of alternative been placed at risk.
diagnoses that the referring physician had not While an extensive search of the past medical
considered. history is not always productive in the evaluation
There are a number of specific components to for possible entrapment neuropathies, there are
the history especially pertinent to the evaluation. several questions that should always be asked.
The quality and precise distribution of symptoms, One should routinely ask for the medications the
combined with an intimate knowledge of periph- patient is taking. This brings up not only other
eral nervous system anatomy, will usually be very prior pertinent diagnoses that may not have been
helpful in developing a sensible differential diag- mentioned (e.g., diabetes mellitus), but also possi-

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ble exposure to neurotoxic agents or anticoagu- flexion or plantarflexion at the ankle against man-
lants. One should elicit any history of systemic dis- ual resistance, for example, is insufficient to fully
ease that might contribute to the chief complaint, stress the dorsiflexors or plantarflexors. It is prefer-
such as a history of diabetes mellitus, extensive al- able to have the patient walk on his heels and on his
cohol intake, or rheumatologic disease. Also, one toes or perform 10 toe rises on each foot.
should know whether the presenting symptoms Sensory testing should be directed at eliciting
have occurred in the past so that one is prepared subtle deficits in sensation. As opposed to the pa-
for the electrophysiologic findings of prior events. tient with spinal cord injury, where one is looking
A history of prior trauma may be pertinent, as in for a very gross sensory level, patients with en-
the case of tardy ulnar palsy where an old elbow trapment neuropathies often have mild or diffi-
injury predisposes to a later ulnar neuropathy. cult-to-elicit sensory losses. Simply finding out
The patient’s vocational history may play a role in whether the patient can distinguish pinprick from
diagnosis, as many occupations increase the risk of dull touch is usually insufficient for all but the
developing focal entrapment neuropathies. most severe deficits. One should compare pin-
The family history becomes pertinent when prick and light touch sensations in a suspected
one is considering congenital diseases. Peripheral area with an asymptomatic area, such as the cheek,
polyneuropathies and myopathies are not uncom- or with the other side if it is not symptomatic. A
monly inherited, and it can be very revealing to useful technique is to touch first the asymptomatic
find a family history of similar neurologic symp- area and then the symptomatic area, asking the
toms. There is an autosomally dominant condi- patient, “If the feeling you have in this (asympto-
tion known as familial predisposition to pressure matic) area is 100%, how much is it in this (the
palsies (1) that may be relevant when considering symptomatic area)?” Two-point discrimination
entrapment neuropathies. often detects milder deficits in sensation that are
missed with simply testing pinprick.
Muscle stretch reflexes are probably the most
Physical Examination objective finding in examination of the peripheral
While the history often contributes most signifi- nervous system, in that they are not easily influ-
cantly to establishing a differential diagnosis, a di- enced by patient cooperation or reporting (though
rected physical examination is useful in providing they are by the level of relaxation). Reflexes are
more objective evidence of focal peripheral nerv- normal in many focal entrapment neuropathies
ous system dysfunction. In most cases, the four that are at distal sites, but they will help to rule out
most important components of the examination more proximal lesions.
are muscle strength, sensation, muscle stretch re- There are several useful provocative tests that
flexes, and provocative signs. The strength exami- can be used in the physical examination prior to
nation should be directed to all four limbs, both to electrophysiologic studies. Phalen’s test is a mod-
look for widespread abnormalities as well as to as- erately sensitive and specific test for detecting me-
sess any underlying poor effort. Although in some dian nerve compression at the wrist. This test is
cases weakness is severe, in most referrals the performed by keeping the wrist in sustained
weakness is mild or subtle. Optimally, muscles flexion for 60 seconds and monitoring for repro-
should be tested at or near their “break” points as duction of paresthesias. Tinel sign, which was
opposed to the large range where resistance cannot originally developed for detecting the most distal
be overcome. Thus, one must be sure to obtain a site of peripheral nerve regeneration, is sensitive
maximum mechanical advantage in performing but not very specific. It can be elicited over the me-
the muscle strength testing. Useful techniques in- dian nerve at the wrist or ulnar nerve at the elbow
clude applying force as far as possible from the in the case of entrapment, but many asymptomatic
joint to obtain a maximal lever arm, putting par- control subjects also have a positive test over unaf-
ticularly strong muscles at added stretch to put fected peripheral nerves. The Flick sign is elicited
them at a mechanical disadvantage, and using by asking the patient what he or she does when
gravity and body weight as an aid to maximally awakened at night by symptoms. A Flick sign is
stress antigravity muscles. Simply testing dorsi- present when the patient “flicks” the wrist in
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response to this question. None of the aforemen- timing. Therefore, 7 to 10 days after onset, nerve
tioned signs is particularly sensitive or specific conduction studies can distinguish a neurapraxic
when applied to those patients referred to the elec- injury (in which distal amplitudes will be normal)
trodiagnostic laboratory (2). from an axon loss lesion (in which distal ampli-
tudes will be reduced or absent).
Timing Days 14 to 21
Before embarking upon the electrodiagnostic ex- Two to three weeks after onset of injury, the nee-
amination, it is critical to appreciate the timing dle EMG starts to show fibrillation potentials and
since the onset of symptoms, particularly when positive sharp waves. Proximal muscles (those
there is trauma or the sudden onset of symptoms. nearest the site of injury) demonstrate these ab-
False-negative or misleading conclusions can re- normalities earlier and distal muscles later. Fibril-
sult from not understanding the influence of tim- lations and positive sharp waves may be persistent
ing since the onset of symptoms. Demyelination for several months or even many years after a
and marked axon loss produce electrophysiologic single injury, depending on the extent of reinner-
changes immediately if one can stimulate proxi- vation. Fibrillation amplitudes are sometimes
mal and distal to the lesion. More proximal lesions helpful in determining the chronology of the le-
do not immediately produce changes on distal sions; fibrillation potentials larger than 100 V
nerve conduction studies or needle electromyog- indicate a lesion probably less than 1 year old (4).
raphy (EMG) of resting muscle. Whether the le-
sion is proximal or distal, distinction between de- Reinnervation
myelination and axon loss cannot be made until The timing and types of electrophysiologic
after the time for Wallerian degeneration has changes consequent to reinnervation will depend
passed. These concepts, as applied to traumatic in part upon the mechanism of reinnervation.
neuropathies, are covered further in other sources When reinnervation is a result of axonal regrowth
(see Chapter 3) (3). from the site of the lesion, such as in complete ax-
Day 1 after a Lesion onal injuries, the appearance of new MUPs will not
occur until motor axons have had sufficient time to
Immediately after onset of a demyelinating or axon regenerate the distance between the lesion site and
loss lesion, electrophysiologic changes may be sub- the muscle (usually proceeding at roughly 1 mm
tle. On needle EMG the only potential abnormality per day or 1 inch per month). When these new ax-
may be a change in motor unit potential (MUP) re- ons first reach the muscle, they will innervate only
cruitment, with reduced or discrete recruitment in a few muscle fibers, producing short-duration,
severe lesions. Mild lesions will not produce notice- small-amplitude potentials, formerly referred to as
able changes in recruitment. Nerve conduction nascent potentials. With time, as more muscle
studies distal to the site of the lesion will not be fibers join the motor unit, the MUPs will become
changed, but stimulation proximal to a lesion with larger, more polyphasic, and longer in duration.
distal recording may produce a small-amplitude or MUP changes will also develop when reinner-
absent response. Otherwise, nerve conduction stud- vation occurs by axonal sprouting from intact ax-
ies and EMG will be unremarkable at day 1. ons. Polyphasicity and increased duration develop
Days 7 to 10 as newly formed, poorly myelinated sprouts supply
the recently denervated muscle fibers. As the
Seven days after a complete nerve lesion, Waller- sprouts mature, large-amplitude, long-duration
ian degeneration will have progressed to the point MUPs develop and usually persist indefinitely.
where distal stimulation of motor axons elicits no
motor response. Ten days after onset of a complete
lesion, sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs)
will be absent as well (3). Incomplete lesions will Whenever possible, provide the referring physi-
produce less marked changes, roughly in propor- cian some indication of the pathophysiology of
tion to the number of axons lost, but with similar the peripheral nerve lesion (e.g., neurapraxia,
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demyelination, or axon loss). Neurapraxia is best structures are largely intact. In these cases, careful
demonstrated, assuming at least 7 days have periodic EMG re-examination of proximal mus-
passed, when there is focal conduction block on cles (those expected to reinnervate first) will give
nerve conduction studies with a large-amplitude the best information as to the ultimate prognosis
compound muscle action potential (CMAP) or for full reinnervation.
SNAP elicited distal to the site of the lesion and a Lesions that are predominantly neurapraxic
smaller or absent response with more proximal have a much better prognosis; conduction block in
stimulation. There is some debate about whether these lesions rarely lasts more than 2 to 3 months.
purely neurapraxic injuries have fibrillation po- Demyelinated lesions also have a better prognosis
tentials or positive sharp waves on needle EMG. than axon-loss lesions, but the specific prognosis
Some report that positive sharp waves can exist in will depend upon what intervention is taken, such
purely neurapraxic lesions, while others point out as release of entrapment sites.
the difficulty in demonstrating that the lesion is When axon loss is present, there is a critical
purely neurapraxic with zero axon loss. window of 18 to 24 months for peripheral nerve
Axon loss lesions are usually demonstrated by regeneration to occur before the target muscles
evidence of denervation on needle EMG examina- cannot be reinnervated any longer (3). Since pe-
tion as well as small-amplitude CMAP and SNAP ripheral nerves regenerate roughly 1 inch per
responses with stimulation and recording distal to month, proximal lesions with a great deal of axon
the site of the lesion. While needle EMG is a more loss have a poorer chance of reinnervating distal
sensitive indicator for the presence of any motor hand or foot muscles. Even for proximal muscles,
axon loss, measurement of the distal CMAP or surgical intervention, if needed, must allow
SNAP amplitude is a better quantitative measure enough time for axons to grow to the muscle while
of the degree of axon loss and of prognosis. There reinnervation can still occur (3).
is often a mixture of axon loss and neurapraxia in
focal neuropathies.
Demyelination is best demonstrated by slow-
Principles of Localization
ing of conduction, often with conduction block. There are a number of principles useful for local-
Slowing of conduction may take the form of izing peripheral nerve lesions based upon the elec-
slowed conduction velocities, prolonged distal la- trophysiologic examination. Conventionally, in
tencies, and increased temporal dispersion. Slow- primarily axonal lesions or in proximal lesions
ing of conduction does not always mean that where one cannot stimulate both proximal and
demyelination has occurred; axon loss, particu- distal to an entrapment site, needle EMG is often
larly of the faster-conducting fibers, will produce used to diagnose and localize abnormalities.
mild slowing of conduction as well. Knowing the branch points along the nerve, one
can examine the muscles supplied by each branch
and infer lesion localization based upon the point
Estimating Prognosis at which the muscles change from normal to ab-
Prognosis of a peripheral nerve lesion is related to normal. Thus, localization is based upon finding
the pathophysiologic process that has occurred, abnormalities distal to a branch point with normal
the degree of axon loss, the time since onset, and findings in proximal muscles.
the distance between the lesion and the target This approach, however, sometimes provides
muscles. Lesions that have had extensive axon loss an erroneous site. Sir Sidney Sunderland (5) has
are less likely to have full recovery of function. shown that fascicles within peripheral nerves in-
Unfortunately, electrophysiologic measures can- tertwine considerably as they move proximally
not assess the integrity of supporting structures through the limbs. Fascicles supplying the flexor
around the nerve and hence cannot distinguish carpi ulnaris muscle, for example, are not
axonotmesis from neurotmesis. Neurotmesis, uniquely placed proximally within the ulnar
which has marked disruption of supporting struc- nerve as it joins the medial cord of the brachial
tures, carries a much worse prognosis for regener- plexus. However, fascicles do become organized
ation than axonotmesis, in which the supporting within peripheral nerves several centimeters prior
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to branch points and, in this example, fascicles lesions once Wallerian degeneration has occurred
destined to supply the flexor carpi ulnaris become (about 7 days after onset).
organized within the ulnar nerve several centime-
ters prior to exiting the nerve to supply the muscle.
Consequently, even though ulnar nerve entrap- CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME
ment at the elbow usually occurs proximal to the
branch to the flexor carpi ulnaris, this muscle is
usually spared in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow,
as the fascicles for this muscle are isolated in a rel- A 52-year-old woman reports a 6-month history
atively protected area of the nerve at the entrap- of right-hand numbness and pain. This involves
ment site. If one were basing localization only on the whole hand, and she does not differentiate
needle EMG using the known branch points, one whether this is just palmar or also dorsal numb-
would erroneously place these lesions distal to the ness. She also reports hand weakness, easily drop-
branch point and in the forearm. ping small items. The pain and numbness often
The ulnar nerve is not unique with regard to awaken her at night. She shakes her hand when
the intraneural topography, causing potential awakened by these symptoms. She denies numb-
problems in localization. There have been cases ness in her feet. She also denies any neck or prox-
reported of fibular (the peroneal nerve is now imal upper limb pain. Past medical history is sig-
called the fibular nerve) neuropathy occurring nificant only for hypothyroidism and obesity. She
proximal to the popliteal fossa but resulting in works in a chicken-processing plant.
only deep fibular nerve lesions clinically (6). Sci- Physical examination is remarkable for nor-
atic neuropathies, even occurring near the hip mal strength proximally in the limb, though there
joint, can result in predominantly common fibular is mild weakness of thumb abduction on the right.
nerve deficits. The fascicular structure within the Sensation is reduced on the palmar surface of the
fibular division of the sciatic nerve may make it right thumb, index finger, and long finger. Re-
more predisposed to injury than the tibial division flexes are 2 and symmetric. Phalen’s sign and
(5). Thus, while EMG does make use of known Tinel signs are present.
anatomic branch points to arrive at localization,
the electromyographer should be aware of the in-
Differential Diagnosis
traneural topography within the nerve and should
remember that a partial lesion can be misleading. When presented with a patient with hand numb-
Nerve conduction studies are best at localiz- ness, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) should usu-
ing the site of pathology when there is demyelina- ally be in the differential diagnosis. However, one
tion. Focal slowing and conduction block, when should also consider the possibility of more dif-
present, can precisely localize a nerve lesion. A fuse or more proximal peripheral nervous system
problem arises with localizing lesions based on lesions.
nerve conduction studies when there is predomi- When considering diffuse processes such as
nantly axon loss and little demyelination. In these peripheral polyneuropathy, one should ask about
cases conduction velocity throughout the nerve is symptoms in other limbs. If patients have symp-
mildly slowed due to loss of the faster-conducting toms such as numbness or tingling in the feet, one
fibers, but it is not focally or markedly slowed. should consider polyneuropathy and look for risk
While there is a diffuse reduction in CMAP or factors in the medical history. Cervical spondylitic
SNAP amplitude at all sites of stimulation (due to myelopathy could also present with hand and foot
axon loss and subsequent Wallerian degenera- symptoms but should also have myelopathic fea-
tion), there will be no focal drop in amplitude as tures such as bowel or bladder dysfunction and
one goes across the lesion site. Conduction block, hyperactive reflexes.
in which there is a drop in amplitude of the With diffuse hand numbness (i.e., more than
CMAP as stimulation occurs distal and proximal just the median nerve distribution), one might con-
to the lesion, is related only to demyelination and sider multiple nerve lesions, such as both median
neurapraxia and will not be present in axon-loss and ulnar nerves. However, it is common for CTS
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to present with diffuse hand numbness, or with stretch reflexes are usually normal. Phalen’s test is
numbness in the median and ulnar distributions performed by flexing the wrist for 1 minute. It is
(7). The differential diagnosis may also include positive if this produces paresthesia in the median
more proximal median neuropathies, such as nerve distribution, reproducing the symptoms.
pronator syndrome, ligament of Struthers, flexor The Tinel sign was originally developed for de-
digitorum sublimis arch, and others. All such pa- tecting nerve regeneration after traumatic neu-
tients should be examined for weakness in more ropathies, but it is frequently applied to peripheral
proximal limb muscles, and not just in the distal nerve entrapments such as CTS. This involves
median nerve distribution. Brachial plexopathy tapping over the nerve at the site of compression;
and cervical radiculopathy should also be consid- a positive sign is paresthesia in the median nerve
ered in the differential diagnosis. These would be distribution, reproducing the symptoms. There is
more strongly considered if the patient has proxi- debate about the sensitivity and specificity of
mal limb symptoms or signs, neck pain, or other Phalen’s sign and the Tinel sign for detecting
predisposing factors. CTS. A recent review has suggested that they are
of limited utility and of less value than thumb ab-
duction strength or distribution of symptoms (10).
Clinical Presentation
Patients with CTS typically present with hand Optimal Strategies for Electrodiagnosis
numbness and tingling. As noted above, the symp-
of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
toms often extend outside the median nerve sen-
sory distribution and can even involve the whole Although CTS is the most frequently seen entrap-
hand in a glove-type distribution (7). Symptoms ment neuropathy in the electrodiagnostic labora-
are worse at night, and nocturnal awakening is tory, multiple and varied approaches have been de-
common. Often when patients are awakened by scribed for diagnosing this condition. The lack of
their symptoms they shake or “flick” their hands. uniformity in approach suggests that there are likely
Some investigators report this Flick sign (patients many unanswered questions on how to best diag-
flick their hand when asked what they do at night) nose patients with this condition (or, alternatively,
as highly sensitive and specific (8), whereas others many faculty seeking promotion and tenure!).
have found it to be of limited utility (2). Driving Readers are encouraged to read a comprehensive re-
and hand use are also precipitating factors for view of methods for diagnosing CTS (11).
symptoms. The general approach to nerve conduction
There are a number of risk factors for CTS. studies should include measurement of sensory
Medical risk factors include hypothyroidism, obe- and motor conduction in the median nerve across
sity, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, prior the wrist, with comparison to nearby nerves that
wrist fracture, diabetes, and pregnancy (9). Occu- do not traverse the carpal tunnel. Conduction in
pations that put individuals at risk for CTS are sensory axons is usually affected before motor
those that involve high-force or high-repetition axons, though rarely motor axons are preferen-
hand movements. Medium- and light-duty indus- tially affected, possibly due to focal compression of
tries commonly have workers with CTS. the recurrent branch of the median nerve.
The physical examination does not always While there are many approaches to studying
show marked abnormalities in CTS. Strength the median sensory nerve across the wrist, I rely
testing may show weakness or atrophy of thenar upon three sensory nerve conduction studies (Fig.
muscles. When testing thenar muscles, one should 10-1) that have literature support for a high degree
be careful to separate these muscles from the long of sensitivity and reasonable specificity in CTS
radial-innervated thumb extensors. The inexperi- (Table 10-1). These are comparison of the distal la-
enced examiner will sometimes test thumb exten- tency of the median and ulnar sensory antidromic
sion rather than thumb abduction (the latter is conduction to the ring finger at 14 cm (ringdiff),
perpendicular from the plane of the palm). Sensa- comparison of the distal latency of the median and
tion may be reduced in the median distribution to radial sensory antidromic conduction to the thumb
pinprick or two-point discrimination. Muscle at 10 cm (thumbdiff), and comparison of the distal
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Thus, to avoid influences of temperature as well

as age, height, and other influential variables, it is
preferable to use comparisons of median nerve
latency to other nerves within the same hand
rather than comparing the median sensory la-
tency against a fixed standard reference value.
Given the number and variety of electrodiag-
nostic tests available for diagnosing CTS, the
question that inevitably comes up is how many
tests should be performed in each patient. At first,
it is tempting to perform many tests so that one is
more likely to detect any problem that might be
subtle or might not be shown on a smaller number
of tests. Also, by performing more tests, one could
argue that one is making a more thorough assess-
ment of different nerve fascicles than one could
with a single test. There are, however, problems
with performing multiple tests. The most signifi-
cant problem is that of multiple comparisons. As
one performs more and more tests, each of which
has a 2.5% false-positive rate (under ideal circum-
stances), the chance of any one of the tests being
abnormal goes up almost additively. Thus, per-
forming two tests yields a 4.9% chance of at least
one test being abnormal in a control population.
Figure 10-1 ● Three sensory conduction
studies commonly used to evaluate for For three tests, the false-positive rate is 7.3%; Fig-
carpal tunnel syndrome. From top to bottom: ure 10-2 shows the false-positive rate as one per-
median and ulnar comparison to the ring finger at 14 forms greater numbers of tests. The false-positive
cm (ringdiff); median and radial comparison to the rate is lower if one requires multiple (two or more)
thumb at 10 cm (thumbdiff); and median and ulnar tests to be abnormal to make a diagnosis, but this
comparison across the wrist with palmar stimulation will lower sensitivity. Another practical problem
at 8 cm (palmdiff). In this example, as well as all with performing more testing is simply the time
other references to sensory latency measurement in and cost required to complete the study. Obvi-
this chapter, the time to the peak of the sensory re- ously one would not want to perform tests that do
sponse is measured (peak latency).
not add clinical or diagnostic information.
Thus, the question of how many tests to
latency of the median and ulnar orthodromic con- perform is not a trivial matter. The strategies for
duction across the wrist with palmar stimulation at performing multiple tests should be decided upon
8 cm (palmdiff) (11,12). Reference values can be eas- before studying the patient and not handled in a
ily remembered as “3, 4, 5”: the midpalmar studies casual manner. To address the question of how to
are 0.3 ms or less, the ring finger 0.4 ms or less, and interpret multiple tests, Robinson et al (13) have
the thumb studies 0.5 ms or less. Values exceeding compared strategies of analyzing the three differ-
these reference values are suggestive of CTS. ent distal sensory latency comparisons described
Temperature is well known to slow nerve above for CTS. This strategy is to summate the re-
conduction latencies and velocities. Thus, obtain- sults from three tests into a single number. The
ing a median sensory latency will be dependent combined sensory index is calculated as the sum of
upon the temperature to a large degree. Much of the three latency differences:
this dependency, however, can be reduced by us-
ing comparisons of two nerves within the same Combined sensory index 
limb (i.e., using the methods suggested above). palmdiff ringdiff  thumbdiff
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T A B L E 1 0 - 1 Nerve Conduction Results for Case 1

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Peak Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

R Median to ring finger (14 cm) 3.8 27

R Ulnar to ring finger (14 cm) 3.2 19
R Median to thumb (10 cm) 3.2 38
R Radial to thumb (10 cm) 2.7 12
R Median palm to wrist (8 cm) 2.2 78
R Ulnar palm to wrist (8 cm) 1.9 24
Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Velocity (m/s)

R Median (wrist) to abductor 4.2 6.5

Pollicis brevis
(elbow/forearm) 7.9 6.4 57

This brings in the advantages of multiple tests mated result from all three tests, one does not run
(e.g., assessing multiple areas of nerve, enhancing into the problem of an additive false-positive rate.
reproducibility of findings) but does not create the Using this approach, sensitivity is improved, with
problem of multiple comparisons. Thus, as long as specificity still remaining high at 95%. These re-
one does three tests but only “looks at” the sum- sults assume a reference value for the combined
sensory index of 0.9 ms or less. Thus, use of the
combined sensory index has advantages of im-
proved sensitivity and high specificity compared
to doing multiple individual tests or even a single
individual test. While this represents an improve-
ment over single tests, it has also been noted that it
might not be necessary to perform all three tests
for the combined sensory index when one or more
are extreme values (14).
Median motor conduction is an essential com-
ponent of the electrodiagnostic evaluation of CTS.
Not only will this allow the examiner to detect mo-
tor slowing across the wrist, but it will also detect
the small number of individuals with CTS limited
to motor slowing. Most commonly, studies are
performed with recording over the abductor pol-
licis brevis (APB) and stimulation at the wrist (8 cm
Figure 10-2 ● The likelihood of having
one abnormal test out of a number of tests
proximally) and the elbow. Some authors have also
performed based upon random chance. advocated stimulation in the palm to look for
This calculation assumes a 2.5% false-positive rate conduction block (neurapraxia) at the wrist; con-
for each test (based upon use of mean 2 SD) and ceptually a much larger-amplitude response at the
the independence of each of the tests. palm would suggest focal compression (15). How-
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ever, other authors (16) have reported that a sub- provement usually present within 6 months of
stantial number of asymptomatic individuals have surgery. However, latencies often do not return to
amplitude changes across the carpal tunnel that the normal range (20) despite successful release.
would suggest the presence of CTS. Due to stimu-
lation of the deep ulnar nerve (which on average is
1.2 cm from the recurrent median nerve) (16) ULNAR NEUROPATHY AT THE ELBOW
and/or crossing anomalous fibers from median
to ulnar nerves, 53% of healthy control subjects
have a palm/wrist difference in amplitude greater
than reported control values, and 25% of control A 46-year-old anesthesiologist has gradually
subjects have an amplitude ratio (palm/wrist) out- noted mild but progressive weakness in his right
side the reference range. Nevertheless, clinicians hand and numbness in the ring and little finger.
should consider stimulation of sensory nerves both He comes to you at the prompting of a neurosur-
proximal and distal to the site of compression (i.e., gical colleague who commented upon his wasting
at the wrist and palm) to look for evidence of con- in the right first web space. The numbness is con-
duction block. This technique is less problematic stant and involves both dorsal and palmar aspects
than motor nerve stimulation in the palm, since it of the little finger and palm, but does not extend
is unlikely that ulnar sensory responses will be vol- proximal to the wrist. He denies any symptoms in
ume-conducted to ring electrodes over the median the other upper limb or either lower limb. He de-
innervated digits. nies neck pain except when working with selected
The electrodiagnostic examiner should also surgeons in the operating room.
be aware of the Martin-Gruber anastomosis when Physical examination reveals wasting in the
performing median and ulnar motor conduction hypothenar and first web space muscles. Strength
studies. An in-depth description of this can be is reduced (4/5) in finger abduction and adduction
found in the literature (17). Briefly, this represents and in thumb adduction. Strength is otherwise
the presence of an anomalous branch from the me- normal, including wrist flexion and flexion of the
dian nerve, or the anterior interosseus nerve, to the distal interphalangeal joints. Sensation to pin-
ulnar nerve in the proximal forearm. These cross- prick is decreased over the little finger and ulnar
ing fibers typically innervate ulnar muscles, such as aspect of the palm on both the dorsal and palmar
the first dorsal interosseus, but may also innervate surfaces. Muscle stretch reflexes at biceps, bra-
hypothenar muscles or, rarely, thenar muscles. chioradialis, and triceps are active and symmetri-
When stimulating the median nerve at the elbow, cal.
a larger response will be seen from the thenar The differential diagnosis includes ulnar
recording electrodes than with wrist stimulation neuropathy at the elbow, ulnar neuropathy at the
due to coactivation of nearby ulnar muscles via the wrist, and a lower brachial plexus lesion (lower
crossing fibers. In CTS, the ulnar muscles supplied trunk or medial cord) or C8 radiculopathy. The
by the crossing fibers will be activated before the presentation is largely compatible with ulnar neu-
thenar muscles (which are slower due to demyeli- ropathy at the elbow. The only findings that may
nation at the wrist). Consequently, the elbow stim- at first glance appear inconsistent with this diag-
ulation will produce an initial positive deflection nosis are normal wrist flexion (in part supplied by
and the measured conduction velocity in the fore- the flexor carpi ulnaris) and normal flexor digito-
arm may be unusually fast. There is some evidence rum profundus strength. However, these muscles
that recording from the first lumbrical (median in- are often spared in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow.
nervated) and second palmar interosseus (ulnar Ulnar neuropathy at the wrist is unlikely, given
innervated) muscles has an advantage over record- sensory involvement of the dorsal aspect of hand,
ing from the APB (18,19). supplied by the dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve,
One should take special care in evaluating the which branches before the wrist. Normal strength
patient with persistent symptoms after carpal tun- in the thenar muscles suggests focal ulnar neu-
nel release. Improvement in latencies usually oc- ropathy rather than lower brachial plexopathy or
curs after successful release, with maximal im- C8 radiculopathy.
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Clinical Presentation gers are involved in claw hand deformity, since

there is often anatomic variation in which lumbri-
Patients with ulnar neuropathy at the elbow typi- cals are supplied by the ulnar and median nerves.
cally report difficulty with sensation over the ulnar Weakness can be demonstrated in the dorsal
two digits of the hand. This involves both palmar or palmar interossei, as well as the adductor pollicis
and dorsal aspects of the little finger and usually muscles. Froment’s sign, difficulty or inability to
the ulnar half of the ring finger. There is, however, perform lateral pinch, is due to weakness of the ad-
substantial variability in the sensory supply to the ductor pollicis and flexor pollicis brevis, as well as
hand. In up to 20% of patients there may be sub- the first dorsal interosseus. When patients are
stantial variation where the ulnar nerve may sup- asked to perform a lateral pinch between the thumb
ply the entire ring finger and the ulnar half of the and index fingers, they cannot do so, and as the
middle finger, or just the small finger. Paresthesias strength of the pinch increases they compensate by
are typically in the same distribution and usually using their long flexors (flexor pollicis longus and
do not extend above the wrist, although patients flexor digitorum profundus). Thus, instead of us-
may report some elbow pain. Weakness is often ing the sides of the thumb and index finger to grasp
less common than sensory complaints on initial re- an object such as a piece of paper, they use the tips
port, but patients may have difficulty holding on to of the fingers (known as Froment’s sign).
objects, especially difficulty with power grasp Special note should be made of examining the
(such as using a hammer), since this requires using strength of the ulnar-innervated muscles in the
the hand in ulnar deviation. presence of a radial neuropathy. Two errors are of-
On physical examination, sensory deficits are ten made in this examination. First, many patients
usually limited to the little finger and variably the with isolated radial neuropathy are mistakenly
ring finger and middle finger. Testing two-point thought to also have ulnar neuropathy because of
discrimination is more sensitive than simply test- weakness in finger abduction. This weakness is sim-
ing pinprick or light touch for detecting sensory ply an artifact of the weak MCP joint extension pro-
deficits. In considering the differential diagnosis, duced by the radial neuropathy. In flexion, finger
it is important to accurately define the distribution abduction is far weaker than it would be when the
of the sensory abnormalities. Patients with abnor- MCP joints are fully extended, due to a mechanical
mal sensation limited to the palmar side of the disadvantage. In the presence of a radial neuropa-
hand are more likely to have an ulnar nerve lesion thy, these ulnar-innervated muscles must be tested
at the wrist, since the dorsal ulnar cutaneous when the MCP joints are supported in full extension
nerve, supplying the back of the hand, branches by placing the hand flat on a table or desk. Con-
from the ulnar nerve in the distal forearm (proxi- versely, patients with a complete isolated radial neu-
mal to the wrist). If patients have sensory abnor- ropathy are often thought to have partial radial
malities extending into the medial forearm, the nerve sparing because they can extend the interpha-
area supplied by the medial antebrachial cuta- langeal joints of the fingers. This, however, is a
neous nerve, ulnar neuropathy is less likely. Since movement supplied by the ulnar nerve and does not
this sensory branch derives from the medial cord indicate preservation of radial nerve function.
of the brachial plexus, patients with clear-cut sen- Many patients with ulnar neuropathy at the
sory abnormalities over the medial forearm are elbow have a positive Tinel sign over the elbow;
more likely to have a lower brachial plexus lesion however, many patients without ulnar neuropa-
or cervical radiculopathy. thy at the elbow will also test positive. While the
Atrophy may be observed in the first dorsal Tinel sign is a sensitive finding on physical exam-
interosseus and hypothenar muscles, with sparing ination, it is not specific, and many patients with-
of the thenar musculature. The forearm usually out the disease also have a positive finding.
appears normal. In more advanced cases, claw
hand deformity may be present, with the medial
Nerve Conduction Studies
two digits hyperextended at the metacarpopha-
langeal (MCP) joints and flexed at the interpha- Motor nerve conduction studies are often the
langeal joints. There is variability as to which fin- most useful technique for localizing the site of
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ulnar neuropathy at the elbow and determining however, have found that recording from the first
the pathophysiology of the lesion (Table 10-2). dorsal interosseus muscle, the most distal muscle
Recording from the abductor digiti minimi is the supplied by the ulnar nerve, is more sensitive
most commonly used method. Some authors, (21–23). A two-channel technique may be used to

T A B L E 1 0 - 2 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 2

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim)

Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

L Ulnar to small finger 3.4 69

R Ulnar to small finger Absent Absent
R Median to index finger 3.3 45
Motor Nerve Conductions (shown in Fig. 10-3)

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Velocity (m/s)

R Ulnar (wrist) to abductor 3.0 7.6

digiti minimi
(below elbow) 7.2 7.1 51
(above elbow to 13.5 3.9 23
below elbow)

R/L Muscle Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

R Deltoid N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Biceps N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Triceps N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Flexor N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Abductor N 1 1 0 Incr N Incr Reduced
R Abductor N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R First dorsal N 2 1 0 Incr N Incr Reduced
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, re-
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record from both muscles simultaneously so that that the ulnar nerve may become redundant in the
extra stimulations are not required. The recording ulnar groove, and that surface measurements do
site for the first dorsal interosseus is usually de- not reflect the true distance of the underlying
scribed as the active electrode over the bulk of nerve. It is thought that flexing the elbow stretches
the muscle, with the reference distally over the the nerve to its full length, and measurement of
MCP joint of the index finger. Such a recording the distance over the ulnar groove more closely re-
arrangement often produces an initial positive de- flects the distance along the nerve (see Fig. 9-14;
flection, which is difficult to interpret. An initial Table 10-2) (24,25).
negative deflection is more commonly seen when The distance between above- and below-
the reference is placed over the metacarpopha- elbow stimulation sites may also influence the ac-
langeal joint of the thumb (see Fig. 9-14). curacy of the conduction velocity measurement.
Stimulation is usually performed at the wrist, Since surface measurements can be in error by
below the elbow, above the elbow, and at the axilla many millimeters, use of short distances between
(Fig. 10-3). While some electromyographers do stimulation sites means that there will be a rela-
not stimulate at the axilla routinely, the advantage tively large percentage error in the distance and
of this technique is that it offers a conduction ve- hence conduction velocity measurements. Many
locity across one more segment (the arm), which electromyographers recommend using at least a
can be compared with the across-elbow conduc- 10 cm across-elbow distance to reduce this meas-
tion velocity. Study of the across-elbow segment urement error (26), although recent data indicate
requires much care in technique and interpreta- that only 6 cm might be needed with the improved
tion. First, it is well known that the position of the accuracy of today’s EMG instruments (27).
elbow greatly influences the measured conduction While Martin-Gruber anastomosis is usually
velocity. When the elbow is extended, it is thought discussed in the context of median nerve conduc-

Figure 10-3 ● Ulnar motor nerve conduction studies reported in Table 10-2. Stimulation of the
ulnar nerve typically occurs at the wrist, below the elbow, and above the elbow. Conduction block (neurapraxia)
at the elbow is shown by the decrease in CMAP amplitude with above-elbow stimulation. Some authors also rec-
ommend stimulation in the axilla (not shown).
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tion studies, it is probably far more important to short-segment studies the injured segment with
recognize this anomaly when performing ulnar demyelination occupies a higher percentage of the
nerve conduction studies. When present, this distance studied, when compared to longer
anomaly will result in a much lower–amplitude segments in which normal nerve dilutes the meas-
response with below-elbow stimulation compared urement. Inching studies (or perhaps more ap-
to that obtained with wrist stimulation. The inex- propriately called centimetering studies) can be
perienced electromyographer may suspect a focal performed by stimulating the nerve at 2 cm incre-
ulnar neuropathy in the proximal forearm, which ments across the elbow (31,32). Landmarks are
could even be “confirmed” by inching studies as best established by drawing a line between the me-
one inches along the ulnar nerve and across the dial epicondyle and the olecranon (33), and meas-
anastomosis. However, in all such cases, the pres- uring 2 cm increments distal and proximal to this
ence of a Martin-Gruber anastomosis can and line. Stimulation must be carefully performed at
should be ruled out very simply by stimulating the just barely supramaximal, since overstimulation
median nerve at the elbow and recording over the may cause nerve activation distal to the cathode
abductor digiti minimi and first dorsal interosseus and potentially distal to a lesion. Using this tech-
muscles. Presence of any significant response with nique, a conduction delay of more than 0.7 ms
an initial negative takeoff indicates the presence of across 2 cm segments is probably abnormal (31).
the anomaly. More impressive are accompanying focal changes
How much slowing in the across-elbow seg- in amplitude or waveform morphology across a
ment is sufficient to diagnose ulnar neuropathy? segment (Fig. 10-4).
Some electromyographers compare the across- Most of the abnormalities mentioned above
elbow velocity to the forearm velocity, allowing a require the presence of demyelination for localiza-
difference of up to 11 to 15 m/s between the across- tion. However, in many traumatic ulnar neu-
elbow and forearm segments before calling the ropathies in which there is only axon loss without
finding abnormal (28). Other authors prefer to use demyelination, localization of ulnar neuropathy is
the absolute conduction velocity rather than a com- far more difficult. In such cases, there will be dif-
parison between segments (22,29). Comparison fuse mild slowing of conduction velocity without
with the forearm segment assumes that the forearm focal slowing, conduction block, or temporal dis-
segment remains normal in ulnar neuropathy at the persion; thus, there are no focal nerve conduction
elbow. However, with axon loss, the distal velocity changes across the lesion. Needle EMG is only
often slows, making comparison less useful, which marginally helpful, since the two ulnar-innervated
has led some to study the upper arm segment for muscles in the forearm are often spared (see below)
comparison. A recent study has suggested that ab- and there are no ulnar-innervated muscles in the
solute velocities of less than 48 m/s are suggestive of arm. Therefore, despite one’s best technique, there
ulnar neuropathy at the elbow and that this is supe- are significant numbers of patients with primarily
rior to comparison with the forearm velocity (30). axonal lesions of the ulnar nerve in whom local-
Slowed conduction velocity is not the only ization cannot be precisely determined.
finding that should be considered diagnostic of ul- Sensory nerve conduction studies are often of
nar neuropathy at the elbow. Such patients may less localizing value than motor conduction studies.
also have a drop in amplitude in the across-elbow There are several technical problems that make this
segment or increased temporal dispersion. Some response more difficult to interpret. First, with
authors state that an amplitude reduction of more stimulation of the ulnar nerve and antidromic
than 10% in the across-elbow 10 cm segment may recording over the little finger, there is often a
be abnormal (28), but this is more convincing if ac- large-amplitude hypothenar motor response vol-
companied by focal slowing or temporal dispersion. ume conducted to the recording electrodes, which
Although it was just stated that a 10 cm min- precludes accurate identification and measurement
imum distance across the elbow is recommended of the SNAP. Second, due to phase cancellation
for conduction velocity measurements, it is often (34), the amplitudes of the sensory responses fall
found that study of very short segments yields dramatically over distance, and reductions of 50%
a higher sensitivity for very focal lesions. With are not unusual or abnormal in the wrist-to-elbow
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Figure 10-4 ● Inching performed using 2 cm segments across the elbow in a patient with
focal ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. Note the large change in both latency and amplitude between the
medial epicondyle and 2 cm below. Such focal changes indicate demyelination of axons resulting in slowing of
conduction in some axons and conduction block of other axons, and these changes are not seen in pure axon-
loss lesions.

segment. Third, it is much harder to record sensory more for ulnar neuropathy at the wrist. When the
responses, particularly with proximal stimulation, lesion is at the elbow, the dorsal ulnar cutaneous
when their amplitudes are reduced by significant response is typically reduced in amplitude or absent.
ulnar neuropathy with temporal dispersion. Similarly, the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Nevertheless, sensory responses are often help- can be studied to rule out more proximal lesions,
ful for measuring the degree of sensory axon loss. such as a lower brachial plexus lesion. Lower plexus
Reduction in the amplitude of the SNAP after dis- lesions would be expected to have a small amplitude
tal stimulation is probably one of the more sensitive or absent medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve re-
indicators of the ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (35). sponse, whereas in ulnar neuropathies this nerve
Of course, a low-amplitude sensory response in the should be spared (see Fig. 9-18).
wrist-to-little-finger segment is not localizing and
simply means that there has been sensory axon loss
Needle EMG
at or distal to the dorsal root ganglion at C8.
Measurement of SNAPs may be helpful to Needle electromyography of the ulnar-innervated
exclude lesions other than ulnar neuropathy at the muscle is critical, both to determine whether any
elbow. When attempting to distinguish ulnar neu- axon loss has occurred and to help localize lesions
ropathy at the elbow from ulnar neuropathy at the that are purely axonal in nature. Thus, even if
wrist, measurement of the dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve conduction studies are entirely normal,
sensory response can be of help. This nerve is in- when ulnar neuropathy is clinically suspected,
volved with lesions at the elbow, but not at the needle EMG should still be performed. The most
wrist (where it bypasses Guyon’s canal). When helpful hand muscles to assess are the abductor
this response it normal and symmetrical, it speaks digiti minimi and first dorsal interosseus, two
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 273


muscles commonly involved in ulnar neuropathy nerve subluxation predisposes to ulnar neuropathy
at the elbow (see Table 10-2) (21). Study of the (37). Childress determined that about 16% of the
flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar half of the flexor population has recurrent subluxation when the
digitorum profundus is marginally helpful. Al- elbow is flexed; such individuals may be more
though the branch to these muscles usually comes susceptible to ulnar neuropathy.
off distal to most entrapment sites at the elbow, Several authors have reported ulnar neuropa-
the fascicles supplying these muscles are in a rela- thy after intrathoracic or intra-abdominal opera-
tively protected position within the nerve, and tions (38,39). While many patients do have ulnar-
these muscles are consequently often spared. innervated hand muscle weakness after surgery, it
Needle EMG of non–ulnar-innervated mus- is more common for a lower trunk or medial cord
cles is often useful to rule out other lesions that lesion to be responsible for these lesions rather
may mimic ulnar neuropathy. Examination of than ulnar neuropathy (38). In such cases, exami-
thenar muscles or the extensor indicis proprius of- nation of median-innervated muscles as well as
fers the opportunity to compare C8-T1 muscles the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve may help
not innervated by the ulnar nerve. This can be detect a more proximal lesion.
useful to rule out lower cervical radiculopathies
as well as lower brachial plexopathies. When in-
terpreting abnormalities in the first dorsal in- ULNAR NEUROPATHY AT THE WRIST
terosseus muscle, remember that this is the muscle
most commonly innervated by the Martin-Gruber
anastomosis. Moreover, in many cases of this anas-
tomosis, the anomalous branch is derived from the A 72-year-old man presents with the chief com-
anterior interosseus nerve (36). Thus, median neu- plaint of being unable to cup his left hand suffi-
ropathy or anterior interosseus nerve syndrome ciently to apply shaving cream. He denies pain,
should be considered when evidence of axon loss is sensory loss anywhere, or weakness in any of the
found in the first dorsal interosseus and the clini- other limbs. He is referred to rule out motor neuron
cal presentation is not typical of ulnar neuropathy. disease or ulnar neuropathy. Past medical history is
remarkable only for essential hypertension. He is re-
tired. Physical examination reveals marked weak-
Etiology ness of the palmar and dorsal interossei in the left
There are a number of different etiologies of ulnar hand, as well as hypothenar muscles. Thenar mus-
neuropathy at the elbow. In cubital tunnel syn- cle strength (abduction and opposition) is normal.
drome, a relatively common cause, the ulnar nerve Wrist flexion and extension, as well as all proximal
(which normally travels deep to the two heads of muscle groups, is 5/5 on strength testing. Sensation
the flexor carpi ulnaris) is entrapped by an is normal to pinprick, light touch, vibration, and
aponeurotic band arising from the medial epi- two-point discrimination. Reflexes are active and
condyle of the humerus and attaching to the symmetrical in the upper and lower limbs.
medial border of the olecranon. Tardy ulnar palsy
occurs late after fracture or secondary to arthritis.
Differential Diagnosis
Many believe that it is secondary to persistent cu-
bitus valgus deformity, putting a chronic stretch The patient presents with painless weakness with-
on the ulnar nerve following a fracture (28). Also, out sensory loss or complaints in the hand. Motor
osteophytes from old fractures or synovitis from neuron disease may also present with painless
rheumatoid arthritis may impinge upon the nerve, weakness, starting in the distal upper or lower
as well as tumors in or around the elbow joint. limb muscles, but the absence of hyperreflexia and
In some cases, trauma or external pressure is the restriction to unilateral ulnar-innervated mus-
the cause of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. A rela- cles argues against this, though not definitively.
tively minor trauma occurring directly over the ul- Spinal cord lesions or cervical root lesions would
nar groove may induce ulnar neuropathy without also be expected to produce pain or sensory loss in
significant bony injury. Some believe that ulnar addition to weakness.
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The findings are consistent with ulnar neuropathy at
the wrist affecting only the motor branches. Surgical
evaluation and exploration later reveal a ganglion at
the wrist compressing the ulnar nerve. This is surgi-
cally removed and the patient’s symptoms improve.

Review of Pertinent Anatomy

As the ulnar nerve extends through the distal fore-
arm into the wrist, it gives off several branches.
These include the dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve,
which innervates the dorsal aspect of the ulnar side
of the hand, and little and ring fingers; the palmar
cutaneous branch, innervating the ulnar side of the
palm; branches to the hypothenar muscles; the dig- Figure 10-5 ● Branches of the ulnar nerve
ital sensory branches; and the deep palmar ulnar and common focal injury sites. Ulnar neuropa-
branch, innervating the interossei, (non–median- thy at the wrist can affect either motor or sensory
branches, or both. The branches to the forearm ulnar-
innervated) lumbricals, and adductor pollicis.
innervated muscles come off after the entrapment site
There are a variety of lesions that can occur in this at the elbow. These two muscles are usually spared in
area, injuring these branches either individually or ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, however, due to place-
in combination. Most commonly, the ulnar nerve is ment of these fascicles in a relatively protected part of
injured as it passes through Guyon’s canal, whose the nerve.
boundaries are the transverse carpal ligament and
volar carpal ligament, and on either side the bony muscles may be weakened. Sensory loss will occur
margins of the pisiform bone and the hook of the when the sensory branches are affected, either in
hamate. Guyon’s canal contains the ulnar nerve isolation or together with the motor branches, and
along with the corresponding artery and vein, but the sensory distribution will depend upon the
does not contain any tendons (in contrast to the branches that are most severely impaired.
carpal tunnel). Since the nerve often divides into its
motor and sensory branches within the canal, it is
possible to have either isolated sensory or motor
loss, or combined motor and sensory deficits. In The most common etiologies of ulnar nerve en-
addition to the site at Guyon’s canal, it is possible to trapment at the wrist are ganglia and “occupa-
have ulnar nerve injury deep within the palm, af- tional neuritis” (40). Occupational neuritis may be
fecting only the deep ulnar branch, or to have only seen in metal polishers (in which one puts pressure
isolated involvement of the dorsal ulnar cutaneous over Guyon’s canal chronically), pipe cutters, me-
branch of the ulnar nerve. chanics, and bicyclists (40–42). Less common
causes include laceration of the nerve, ulnar artery
Clinical Presentation disease with thrombosis, and fractures. Dorsal ul-
nar cutaneous nerve lesions are rare. They may be
Clinical presentation of ulnar neuropathy at or near a result of repetitive wrist motion, handcuff neu-
the wrist will depend upon which branches are af- ropathy (43), or chronic pressure over the ulnar
fected (Fig. 10-5). Commonly, there is isolated mo- aspect of the wrist (44).
tor weakness without any sensory loss. When this is
seen in the ulnar distribution, injury at the wrist
should be immediately suspected. Although hy-
Nerve Conduction Studies
pothenar muscles are often involved, if the lesion is A combination of motor and sensory nerve con-
distal enough, these may be spared, and only the in- duction studies will be helpful in localizing the le-
terossei, lumbricals, and other distal-innervated sion and determining which branches are most se-
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verely involved. When performing motor nerve calize the site of demyelination. This is possibly
conduction studies, it is critical—if ulnar neuropa- due to conduction block or axon loss selectively af-
thy at the wrist is suspected—to record from both fecting the fastest fibers at the wrist, allowing
the abductor digiti minimi and first dorsal in- recording from only a slower population of fibers.
terosseus muscles. Since hypothenar muscles can Sensory nerve conduction study recording
be selectively spared, simply recording from the from the small finger helps determine whether the
abductor digiti minimi and not the first dorsal in- digital branches are involved. If an isolated dorsal
terosseus would miss a significant percentage of ulnar cutaneous nerve lesion is suspected, or if dif-
these lesions (Table 10-3) (45,46). In some patients, ferentiation between wrist and elbow lesions is dif-
slowing of forearm conduction velocity is also seen, ficult, recording from the dorsal ulnar cutaneous
sometimes confounding the ability to precisely lo- nerve will provide additional useful information.

T A B L E 1 0 - 3 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 3

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conductions

Nerve (Stim)
R/L Record Latency (ms) Amplitude(V)

L Ulnar to small finger 3.6 17

R Ulnar to small finger 3.4 22
L Median to index finger 3.1 64
R Median to index finger 3.4 46
L Dorsal ulnar cutaneous 2.2 17

Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Velocity (m/s)

L Ulnar (wrist) to abductor digiti 5.4 4.9

(below elbow) 10.2 4.6 52
(above elbow) 12.2 4.3 51
L Ulnar (wrist) to 1st dorsal 6.5 3.7
(below elbow) 11.4 3.3 54
(above elbow) 13.3 3.1 53
R Ulnar (wrist) to abductor digiti 2.9 14.2
(below elbow) 5.6 14.1 59
(above elbow) 7.6 13.3 62
R Ulnar (wrist) to 1st dorsal 3.2 7.1
(below elbow) 5.9 6.9 59
(above elbow) 8.1 6.8 56

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T A B L E 1 0 - 3 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 3 (continued)


R/L Muscle Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

L Triceps N 0 0 0 N N N Full
L Flexor carpi N 0 0 0 N N N Full
L Abductor N 1 1 0 Incr Incr Incr Reduced
L First dorsal N 2 1 0 Incr Incr Incr Reduced
L Abductor N 0 0 0 N N N Full
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, re-

Needle electromyography should be per- Physical examination of the right upper limb
formed in ulnar-innervated muscles supplied by the reveals the following strength measurements:
hypothenar branch as well as the deep ulnar branch shoulder abduction 5, shoulder flexion 5, shoul-
(e.g., abductor digiti minimi, first dorsal inter- der extension 5, elbow flexion 5 (but brachioradi-
osseus). It should also include ulnar-innervated alis not palpable), elbow extension 5, supination
forearm muscles and median-innervated muscles to 4, wrist extension 0, wrist flexion 5, MCP exten-
exclude more proximal lesions. sion 0, interphalangeal joint extension 4, finger
abduction 4. Sensation is reduced over the ra-
dial aspect of the dorsum of the hand but is
RADIAL NERVE LESIONS AT THE otherwise normal. Reflexes are active (2) and
SPIRAL GROOVE symmetrical at the biceps and triceps. Brachiora-
dialis reflex is absent on the right and active (2)
on the left.
The differential diagnosis in this patient in-
A 32-year-old, otherwise healthy man awoke cludes radial neuropathy as well as proximal le-
2 months ago with the sudden onset of right wrist sions at the posterior cord or C7 root. However,
drop and weakness in finger extension. He was in- the presence of normal triceps strength and shoul-
toxicated the night before the onset of symptoms der abduction strength makes these latter two pos-
and remembers waking up with his arm hanging sibilities less likely. These findings are all consis-
over the wooden frame of his waterbed. He also tent with a lesion to the radial nerve (Fig. 10-6) at
reports mild pain in the midarm and numbness the spiral groove distal to the innervation of the
over the dorsal aspect of the right hand on the ra- triceps, which starts off at the axilla, and proximal
dial side. to the branch of the brachioradialis (Table 10-4).
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simply a reflection of the fact that abduction is

often tested when the MCP joints are flexed, in
which position the muscles are at a mechanical
disadvantage. Finger abduction should be tested
when the hand is flat against the table or desk so
that the MCP joints are supported in full exten-
sion during the procedure.

The vast majority of radial nerve lesions high in
the arm are a result of trauma, most commonly ex-
ternal compression to the radial nerve as it is pass-
ing through the spiral groove adjacent to the
humerus. “Saturday night palsy,” as in this case,
Figure 10-6 ● Branches of the radial nerve. refers to the condition in which an inebriated indi-
The deep radial nerve was formerly called the poste- vidual has slept with his arm over a park bench on
rior interosseus nerve. Saturday night. When humeral fractures are re-
paired with closed intramedullary nailing, there is
also about a 10% to 15% incidence of radial nerve
Clinical Presentation injuries (47), which are thought to result from in-
carceration of the radial nerve between fracture
Radial nerve lesions in the arm typically present fragments as reduction is accomplished. Improper
with weakness of wrist extension and finger exten- use of axillary crutches may also result in radial
sion. Since the radial nerve branch to the triceps nerve lesions, but these are often high, sometimes
comes off high near the axilla, elbow extension is involving the triceps muscle as well. Better in-
spared in most lesions around the spiral groove. Oc- struction of patients using axillary crutches (i.e.,
casional cases of crutch palsy, where the radial nerve not to put weight through the axillary pad) will
is injured at the axilla, will present with triceps reduce the incidence of this neuropathy.
weakness as well as more distal involvement. Sen-
sory complaints usually involve the dorsum of the
hand, although this distribution is variable; at times
Nerve Conduction Studies
the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve supplies the Motor nerve conduction studies for the radial
area of skin often thought of as superficial radial. nerve are difficult to perform and often techni-
On physical examination, localization of the cally suboptimal. The greatest problem with the
lesion can often be accomplished by testing the technique is finding a suitable recording method.
appropriate radial innervated forearm muscles. When surface electrodes have been used, it has
Brachioradialis function can best be assessed by been difficult to consistently find a surface record-
having the patient flex the elbow in neutral fore- ing site that produces a local response and is not
arm position (thumb pointing up) and palpating volume-conducted from distant muscles within
the muscle. Wrist extension and MCP joint exten- the forearm. Needle recording from the extensor
sion are reliably weak in radial neuropathies, since indicis proprius has been more satisfactory but
there are no other muscles to substitute for these also has its limitations. Needle recording does not
movements. A common error is for the beginning allow one to interpret the amplitudes obtained,
clinician or electromyographer to mistake inter- since they depend greatly on needle position
phalangeal joint extension as indicating partial ra- within the muscle. Moreover, any needle move-
dial nerve function; this movement is, of course, ment during the study (as the muscle contracts
produced by intrinsic hand muscles. It is also with each stimulus) may make it impossible to
sometimes noted that finger abduction appears compare results obtained from one site of stimula-
weak in the presence of radial neuropathy. This is tion to another.
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T A B L E 1 0 - 4 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 4

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

R Radial to dorsum hand Absent 0

R Ulnar to small finger 3.3 22

Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)

R Ulnar (wrist) to abductor 3.5 7.2

digiti minimi
(below elbow) 7.2 6.9 55
(above elbow) 9.1 6.7 62
(axilla) 12.0 6.3 56
R Radial (forearm) to extensor 4.2 2.1
indicis proprius
(above elbow) 8.7 1.9 51
(above spiral groove) Absent 0


Muscle Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

Triceps brachii N 0 0 0 N N N N
Brachioradialis Incr 4 2 0 N N Incr Reduced
Extensor carpi radialis Incr 4 3 0 None
Extensor digitorum Incr 4 3 0 None
Extensor carpi ulnaris Incr 4 3 0 None
Extensor indicis Incr 3 2 0 None
Deltoid N 0 0 0 N N N N
Teres minor N 0 0 0 N N N N
Flexor carpi ulnaris N 0 0 0 N N N N
1st dorsal interosseus N 0 0 0 N N N N
Flexor carpi radialis N 0 0 0 N N N N
Abductor pollicis brevis N 0 0 0 N N N N
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, re-
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Sensory nerve conduction studies may be Impression

performed with stimulation in the forearm and
recording over the dorsal aspect of the hand in the Findings consistent with denervation only in the
first web space. While these studies are usually distribution of the deep radial nerve (i.e., distal to
not of localizing value, a reduced or absent re- the supinator and extensor carpi radialis muscles)
sponse indicates the degree of sensory axon loss suggest this is only a deep radial nerve lesion
present. In rare cases, the lateral antebrachial cu- (Table 10-5). The presence of normal and sym-
taneous nerve innervates part of the dorsum of metrical findings in the radial SNAPs argues
the hand and can contribute to or produce a against any higher radial neuropathy, although
SNAP in the presence of complete radial sensory they do not exclude a lesion of the root proximal to
axon loss. the dorsal root ganglion. Normal findings in C7-
Needle EMG provides the most useful local- innervated muscles outside the deep radial distri-
izing information in most radial neuropathies. bution argue against cervical radiculopathy.
Key muscles to examine include the triceps, bra-
chioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and
brevis (these are difficult to distinguish), and
Clinical Presentation
supinator. While the degree of axon loss cannot be Most patients with a deep radial nerve compres-
quantitatively estimated based on needle EMG sion have gradual onset of weakness and pain in
studies, the distribution of denervation can help the elbow or proximal forearm over several days
with localization. to weeks. Typically, the nerve is compressed as it
enters the supinator muscle under the arcade of
Frohse (see Fig. 10-6). Alternatively, it can be
DEEP RADIAL (FORMERLY POSTERIOR compressed by tumors, ganglia, or elbow joint
INTEROSSEUS) NERVE LESIONS synovitis in this region. Since the radial nerve sup-
plies the brachioradialis, supinator, and extensor
carpi radialis before the site of compression, these
muscles are usually preserved. However, muscles
A 42-year-old man presents with gradual onset distal to the site are typically weak or paralyzed.
(over 2 weeks) of the inability to extend his fingers, These distal muscles include the extensor carpi
weak wrist extension, and pain over the dorsal ulnaris (producing radial deviation with wrist ex-
aspect of the forearm. He denies any sensory loss tension, since the radialis is spared), extensor digi-
or paresthesias. He also denies any antecedent torum, extensor indicis proprius, extensor pollicis
trauma. On physical examination strength is longus and brevis, and abductor pollicis longus.
shoulder abduction 5, shoulder flexion 5, shoulder Sensation is usually spared.
extension 5, elbow flexion 5, elbow extension 5, The etiology of deep radial nerve syndrome is
supination 5, pronation 5, wrist extension 3 (wrist most commonly tumors or other mass lesions.
deviated radially), wrist flexion 5, MCP extension Lipomas are very common in this region and may
2, thumb extension 2, and finger flexion 5. Sen- be the most frequent cause (48–50); these are usu-
sation is normal to light touch, pinprick, and two- ally painless. Trauma can cause deep radial neu-
point discrimination. Reflexes are active (2) ropathy secondary to elbow dislocations, radial
and symmetrical at the biceps, brachioradialis, head fractures, or fractures of the ulna with radial
and triceps. head displacement. Ganglia and rheumatoid el-
Differential diagnosis in this case includes ra- bow synovitis have also been reported as causes
dial neuropathy at the elbow (e.g., deep radial (51–53). Entrapment at the arcade of Frohse af-
nerve), high radial nerve lesions, and middle fects the radial nerve as it passes under the fibrous
trunk or C7 root lesions. Presence of normal sen- tendinous band of the supinator muscle.
sation suggests that the lesion spares the superfi- Some authors have proposed the existence of ra-
cial radial sensory nerve and is affecting only the dial tunnel syndrome, also called resistant tennis el-
deep radial (formerly called posterior interosseus) bow (54–57). This syndrome is controversial but re-
nerve branch. portedly presents predominantly with lateral elbow
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T A B L E 1 0 - 5 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 5

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

L Radial to dorsum of hand 3.3 15

R Radial to dorsum of hand 3.2 17

Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)

R Radial (forearm) to extensor 3.7 1.8

indicis proprius
(above elbow) 7.8 1.7 49
(above spiral groove) 10.9 1.5 47


Muscle Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

Triceps brachii N 0 0 0 N N N N
Brachioradialis N 0 0 0 N N N N
Extensor carpi N 0 0 0 N N N N
Extensor Incr 2 1 0 None
Extensor carpi Incr 2 1 0 None
Extensor indicis Incr 3 2 0 None
Deltoid N 0 0 0 N N N N
Flexor carpi N 0 0 0 N N N N
1st dorsal N 0 0 0 N N N N
Flexor carpi N 0 0 0 N N N N
Abductor pollicis N 0 0 0 N N N N
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, re-
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pain, although these patients have less marked weak- Clinical Presentation
ness and less marked electrophysiologic findings
than other patients with deep radial nerve lesions. Lesions of the superficial radial nerve (often called
chiralgia paresthetica) can be very painful and dis-
abling. Sensory loss is usually less of a functional
Electrodiagnostic Examination problem than the dysesthetic pain. Neuromas of-
Needle EMG is the most useful part of the elec- ten form and recur despite repeated resection. The
trophysiologic examination, since this can clearly superficial radial nerve typically supplies the dor-
demonstrate abnormalities in the deep radial dis- sum of the hand on the radial aspect, but there is
tribution while other muscles supplied by the ra- considerable variation. At times this area can
dial nerve and C7 root are uninvolved. Although be supplied largely or wholly by the lateral ante-
some studies have demonstrated prolonged motor brachial cutaneous nerve, the dorsal ulnar cuta-
latencies from the elbow to the extensor digitorum neous nerve, or in part by the median nerve or its
(58), it is unclear whether this provides any useful palmar cutaneous branch (59,60). Although sensa-
additional information compared to the needle tion is abnormal, strength and reflexes are always
EMG. Sensory nerve studies of the radial nerve preserved in such patients. The Tinel sign is often
should all be within normal limits. present over the injured nerve and may elicit
painful dysesthesias. Prognosis for relief from pain
is poor once neuroma formation has occurred.
SUPERFICIAL RADIAL NERVE LESIONS By and large, injuries to the superficial branch
of the radial nerve are traumatic in etiology. Tight
CASE 6 casts, wristwatches, or wristbands can be responsi-
ble, as well as handcuffs (61–63). Iatrogenic causes
A 52-year-old, 300-pound woman underwent include complications from de Quervain’s tenosyn-
gallbladder resection at a major teaching hospital. ovectomy or attempted placement of intravenous
The medical student, intern, and resident each lines or shunts for dialysis, especially near the level
failed in attempts to secure intravenous access in of the wrist.
the upper limb, but the attending anesthesiologist
was successful in putting in a central venous access
line. The patient did well during surgery but Electrodiagnostic Evaluation
awoke postoperatively with pain and numbness The only electrodiagnostic study available to assist
over the radial aspect of the right forearm. While in documenting this lesion is the SNAP. This is
numbness has been troubling, the dysesthetic pain
often best recorded from the first web space with
has been most disabling.
proximal stimulation of the radial nerve along the
Physical examination reveals normal strength
forearm. The superficial radial nerve can be pal-
in both upper limbs. There is reduced sensation to
pated as it crosses over the extensor pollicis longus
pinprick and two-point discrimination over the ra-
tendon, and the E1 electrode can be placed over
dial aspect of the hand on the dorsal surface only.
the nerve (see Fig. 9-22). High radial nerve lesions,
Muscle stretch reflexes are all active (2) and sym-
brachial plexopathies, and cervical radiculopathies
metrical. A Tinel sign is present over the radial as-
can best be excluded by performing needle EMG.
pect of the distal forearm directly over the radius,
which causes severe pain.
Differential Diagnosis NERVE SYNDROME
In the absence of strength and reflex changes, a su-
perficial radial nerve lesion is the most likely diag- CASE 7
nosis (see Fig. 10-6). Other items in the differential
diagnosis, though, include C6 radiculopathy or A 40-year-old construction worker presents be-
upper brachial plexus lesion, either of which could cause of inability to accurately direct on-site traf-
be secondary to positioning during surgery. fic, which is part of his job. He stands behind
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cement-pouring trucks, directing them as they

back up, and is supposed to give the “OK” sign
with his right hand when they reach a good stop-
ping point. Three weeks ago, he noticed the onset
of right forearm pain and the sudden inability to
make the “OK” sign. He reported that he could
not bend the distal joint of the index finger or the
joint of his thumb sufficiently to make this sign.
He denies any sensory loss or pain other than in
the forearm. Other limbs are all asymptomatic.
Physical examination is remarkable for
weakness of thumb flexion at the interphalangeal
joint and weakness of flexion of the distal inter-
phalangeal joint of the index finger. All other fin-
ger and thumb flexion is normal. Pronation with
Figure 10-7 ● Branches from the median
the elbow extended is normal, although it seems
nerve and common entrapment sites.
mildly weak with the elbow flexed. Sensation is
entirely within normal limits to pinprick, light
touch, and two-point discrimination. Reflexes are
active (2) and symmetrical. In some cases there is a history of trauma or
Differential diagnosis includes anterior in- overexertion prior to the onset of pain. Weakness
terosseus nerve syndrome, idiopathic brachial is usually less bothersome to the patient than the
plexitis (also known as neuralgic amyotrophy or pain, and patients report a decrease in pinch
Parsonage-Turner syndrome), and a proximal strength infrequently.
median nerve lesion (Fig. 10-7). The absence of Physical examination shows weakness in the
sensory symptoms or signs argues against a high flexor pollicis longus (interphalangeal joint of the
median nerve lesion. While the presentation is not thumb flexion) and the flexor digitorum profun-
classical for neuralgic amyotrophy, some patients dus, supplying the index finger and sometimes the
with this disorder do have symptoms primarily in middle finger (the latter is sometimes innervated
the anterior interosseus nerve distribution (64). by the ulnar nerve). The pronator quadratus mus-
cle is best tested by assessing pronation strength
with the elbow maximally flexed to reduce the
Impression contribution from the pronator teres. However,
The findings of denervation localized to the ante- there are still other muscles that contribute to
rior interosseus nerve distribution following an ex- pronation (e.g., flexor carpi radialis), and even in
tensive needle examination are most consistent patients with complete denervation of pronator
with anterior interosseus nerve syndrome (Table quadratus, pronation strength may be normal
10-6). Normal findings in the proximal median- (66). Since the Martin-Gruber median to ulnar
innervated muscles, as well as muscles supplied by nerve anastomosis is thought to frequently origi-
other branches of the brachial plexus, argue against nate from the anterior interosseus nerve, patients
a more widespread process. Although there is with this anomaly as well as anterior interosseus
some debate as to whether neuralgic amyotrophy nerve syndrome may be expected to exhibit weak-
may present with isolated anterior interosseus ness in ulnar-innervated hand muscles as well as
nerve deficits (65), there are a number of treatable those mentioned above.
causes of this lesion that should be considered (66).
Clinical Presentation
A number of anomalous or accessory muscles and
Typically, patients report spontaneous onset of tendons in the proximal forearm have been impli-
acute proximal forearm pain lasting several days. cated in anterior interosseus nerve syndrome, and
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T A B L E 1 0 - 6 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 7

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conduction

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

R Median 3.4 23

Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)

R Median (wrist) to abductor 3.6 7.8

pollicis brevis
(elbow) 8.9 7.7 55


R/L Muscle Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

R Deltoid N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Pronator Teres N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Flexor carpi N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Flexor pollicis Incr 2 2 0
R Pronator Incr 2 2 0
R Abductor N 0 0 0 N N N Full
pollicis brevis
R Extensor carpi N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Triceps brachii N 0 0 0 N N N Full
R Extensor indicis N 0 0 0 N N N Full
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, re-

these may be responsible for nearly half the lesions original report of neuralgic amyotrophy, Parson-
seen (66). Sometimes a repetitive movement or age and Turner (70) reported a number of patients
strenuous use of forearm muscles will provoke the who had weakness limited to the flexor pollicis
onset of symptoms (67,68). Trauma from frac- longus and median-innervated flexor digitorum
tures, gunshot wounds, or lacerations has also profundus, but they did not recognize that the
been reported (69). weakness was in the anterior interosseus distribu-
There is debate as to whether neuralgic amy- tion. Kiloh and Nevin (64) later discussed that this
otrophy may involve isolated peripheral nerves was within the distribution of a single peripheral
rather than simply the brachial plexus. In their nerve. England and Sumner (65) hypothesized
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that peripheral nerves (as opposed to only the aspect of the leg. Reflexes are symmetrical and
brachial plexus) could be affected in neuralgic active (2) at the knee, unelicitable at the medial
amyotrophy and that the anterior interosseus hamstring on either side and asymmetrically ab-
nerve was one particularly susceptible nerve. A sent at the left ankle.
substantial proportion of patients with anterior The differential diagnosis includes sciatic
interosseus nerve syndrome may actually have id- neuropathy (see Fig. 1-2) as a result of the initial
iopathic neuralgic amyotrophy rather than any injury or the operative intervention; fibular neu-
extrinsic compression in the forearm. ropathy, possibly as a result of prolonged external
rotation in bed or pressure over the nerve; or L5
radiculopathy (hip abduction is weak, but this
Electrodiagnostic Examination
could result from the recent surgery).
Needle EMG is usually the most useful compo-
nent of the evaluation. The diagnosis depends
upon finding evidence of denervation in the
flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus The findings in Table 10-7 are consistent with a
(median half), and pronator quadratus. The latter sciatic neuropathy predominantly involving the
muscle can be difficult to examine, but access to fibular distribution of the sciatic nerve. Absence of
this muscle is greatly facilitated if it is approached denervation in the proximal L5 muscles (gluteus
from the dorsal aspect when the forearm is in the medius or tensor fasciae latae) argues against L5
neutral (not pronated) position (66). Muscles out- radiculopathy; however, these muscles can be ab-
side of this distribution are usually normal, al- normal as a result of the direct trauma of surgery.
though ulnar-innervated muscles may show evi- Although abnormalities in the tibial distribution
dence of denervation if a Martin-Gruber anomaly are relatively mild, a predominance of fibular ab-
is present. Widespread examination of the limb normalities would not be unexpected for a high
excludes neuralgic amyotrophy, or more diffuse sciatic neuropathy. Sciatic neuropathy in these
nerve or plexus lesions. Motor nerve conduction cases likely results from stretch on the sciatic nerve
studies have been recorded from the pronator during the retraction required for surgical access
quadratus (67), although it is unclear whether this to the hip joint.
presents any additional useful information com-
pared to the needle examination alone. Sensory
nerve conduction studies are typically normal and Clinical Presentation
are useful to rule out other possible diagnoses. Sciatic neuropathies typically present with weak-
ness and sensory loss in the sciatic distribution.
However, it is not unexpected, and is even custom-
SCIATIC NEUROPATHY ary, for the fibular distribution to be more affected
than the tibial division. This may be related to dif-
CASE 8 ferences in the fascicular structure of the nerve; the
fibular division has a few large fascicles with rela-
A 48-year-old woman sustained a left acetabular tively little intervening fibrous tissue, and the tibial
fracture during a motor vehicle accident, which division carries many small fascicles cushioned by
was repaired with open reduction and internal greater amounts of fibrous tissue (5). In many cases
fixation. Postoperatively, the patient awoke with it is difficult to distinguish sciatic neuropathy from
a left foot drop. She is referred for electrodiag- fibular neuropathy on clinical examination. Help-
nostic evaluation 3 weeks later. On physical ex- ful findings are weakness of knee flexors, absence
amination, strength on the left is hip flexion 5, of the ankle muscle stretch reflex, and subtle weak-
hip abduction 4, hip extension 5, hip adduction 5, ness in tibial-innervated muscles. Sensory loss is
knee extension 5, knee flexion 4, ankle dorsi- similarly greater in the fibular than the tibial dis-
flexion 1, ankle plantar flexion 4, ankle ever- tribution. Characteristically there is sparing of the
sion 3, and ankle inversion 4. Sensation is re- saphenous nerve sensory distribution (a branch of
duced over the dorsum of the foot and the lateral the femoral nerve) along the medial leg and foot.
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T A B L E 1 0 - 7 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 8

Sensory and Mixed Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

L Sural to lateral malleolus 4.3 1

Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)

L Fibular (ankle) to extensor 5.6 0.8

digitorum brevis
(below fibular head) 0.7 37
(popliteal crease) 0.65 38
L Peroneal F wave Absent
L Tibial (ankle) to abductor 4.7 2.3
(popliteal crease) 1.9 40
L Tibial F wave 57


R/L Muscle Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

L Tibialis anterior 3 3 N N Incr Reduced

L Peroneus longus 3 2 N N Incr Reduced
L Medial 1 1 N N N
L Soleus 1 0 N N N
L Biceps femoris, 1 1 N N N Reduced
short head
L Semitendinosus 1 0 N N N Full
L Tensor fascia lata 0 0 N N N Full
L Gluteus medius 0 0 N N N Full
L Vastus medialis 0 0 N N N Full
L Lumbar 0 0
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, re-

monitoring is often helpful to avoid irreversible
Sciatic neuropathy can result from hip surgery, sciatic nerve injury (72). Sciatic nerve injury may
whether it be hip replacement or other types of also result from trauma or injections into the
surgery where retraction of the sciatic nerve is re- gluteal muscles (73), and is particularly severe
quired to gain access to the hip (71). Intraoperative when irritating compounds are injected.
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Piriformis syndrome is another possible etiol- that the lesion is above the bifurcation of the sciatic
ogy of sciatic neuropathy, although debate exists nerve. Similarly, late responses such as the F wave
about its true frequency. In about 6% of cadaver or the H reflex can help to determine whether both
specimens, the sciatic nerve does pass within the tibial and fibular divisions are affected.
piriformis muscle (74), though only a small frac- There are reports of sciatic nerve stimulation
tion of these can be expected to cause clinical find- at the gluteal fold, but this technique is difficult in
ings of nerve compression. In cadaver specimens, my experience. Surface stimulation almost never
tension on the muscle produced by hip flexion, elicits a response. The absence of a response to
adduction, and internal rotation can cause com- needle stimulation is often difficult to interpret,
pression of the sciatic nerve. and it is unclear how to rule out technical prob-
lems with the procedure. SNAPs of the sural or
superficial fibular nerves are useful to distinguish
Electrodiagnostic Evaluation
a postganglionic lesion (e.g., sciatic nerve or lum-
Electrodiagnostic studies have several roles in bosacral plexus) from a pre-ganglionic root or
sciatic neuropathies. They help with localizing cauda equina lesion.
the lesion and assessing the degree of axon loss
and prognosis, and in severe lesions they assess
the degree of reinnervation, allowing an in- FIBULAR (PERONEAL) NEUROPATHY
formed decision to be made about operative in- AT THE KNEE
tervention. Needle EMG is usually the best tool
for localizing the lesion. Key muscles to study in-
clude the fibular- and tibial-innervated muscles
in the leg, the short head of the biceps femoris A 55-year-old woman reports the sudden onset of
(supplied by the fibular division of the sciatic right-sided foot drop 3 weeks ago after waking up
nerve), other hamstring muscles (supplied by the from sleeping on a chaise lounge outdoors at a
tibial division of the sciatic nerve), and the mus- party where she drank alcohol. She reports diffi-
cles innervated by the gluteal nerves. If the culty walking and easy falling because of right
gluteal muscles are involved, then the diagnosis foot weakness. She denies any back pain but does
is more likely a lumbosacral plexopathy or report a sensory loss over the dorsum of the right
radiculopathy rather than simply sciatic neu- foot and the lateral aspect of the right leg. Signifi-
ropathy. Examination of the paraspinal muscles cant history includes intentional weight loss over
allows separation of sciatic neuropathy and plex- the past 3 years, from 220 pounds to 140 pounds
opathy from radiculopathy. Needle EMG is also (because of medical complications from being
useful for evaluating reinnervation after com- overweight).
plete or very severe lesions. By examining mus- Physical examination reveals right ankle dor-
cles just distal to the lesion, one can note whether siflexion strength 0, ankle eversion 2, ankle inver-
recovery of MUPs is occurring in muscles previ- sion 5, and ankle plantar flexion 5. Proximal limb
ously completely denervated. When there are no strength is all normal. Sensation is reduced to pin-
signs of reinnervation by 4 to 6 months after on- prick and light touch over the dorsum of the right
set, surgical nerve grafting may be indicated. Af- foot, including the first web space, and over the
ter nerve grafting or neurolysis procedures, ax- lateral aspect of the right leg. Reflexes at the knees
ons typically grow about 1 inch per month, yet and ankles are 2 and symmetrical, and the me-
the muscle remains open to reinnervation for dial hamstring muscle stretch reflexes are 1 and
only about 18 months after denervation. Thus, symmetrical.
peripheral nerve interventions are typically per- The differential diagnosis includes not only
formed by 6 months after onset of the lesion. common fibular neuropathy at the head of the
Nerve conduction studies are best at determin- fibula, but also sciatic neuropathy or L5 radicu-
ing the degree of axon loss but are not as good in lo- lopathy. Of interest is the greater involvement of
calizing the lesion. Abnormalities in both fibular muscles innervated by the deep fibular nerve dis-
and tibial motor nerve conduction studies indicate tribution than the superficial fibular branch.
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Impression ther compression or trauma occurs. The presence

of abnormalities on needle EMG indicates that
Findings are consistent with fibular neuropathy there may be some axon loss, but this is minimal
(the peroneal nerve is now called the fibular nerve) given the good amplitude of the CMAP.
at the fibular head, mostly neurapraxic, with a
very good prognosis (Table 10-8). The large-
amplitude response with distal stimulation (3.8
Clinical Presentation
mV) suggests that not much motor axon loss has Patients with fibular neuropathy typically present
occurred and the prognosis for recovery over the with foot drop and weak ankle eversion. Weakness
next 2 to 3 months is excellent, assuming no fur- is usually greater in the ankle dorsiflexors than in

T A B L E 1 0 - 8 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 9

Motor Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV)

L Fibular (ankle) to 5.1 3.8

extensor digitorum
(below fib. head) 3.7 43
(pop fossa) 0.25 38
L Fibular F wave Absent
L Tibial (ankle) abductor 4.5 5.3
(pop fossa) 4.9 42
L Tibial F wave 53.0


Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

R/L Muscle Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

L Tibialis anterior 2 2 N N N Discrete

L Peroneus longus 1 1 N N N Discrete
L Medial 0 0 N N N
L Soleus 0 0 N N N
L Biceps femoris 0 0 N N N Full
short head
L Semitendinosus 0 0 N N N Full
L Gluteus medius 0 0 N N N Full
L Vastus medialis 0 0 N N N Full
L Lumbar 0 0
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; poly, polyphasic motor unit potentials; pop fossa, popliteal fossa; P-wave,
positive wave; recruit, recruitment.
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 288


the everters, consistent with typically greater in- subjects) may cause difficulties in interpretation
volvement of the deep fibular distribution than the (17,77). When this anomaly is present, a larger-
superficial. Ankle inversion and plantar flexion are amplitude response from extensor digitorum bre-
strong in these patients, excluding a sciatic nerve or vis is recorded with stimulation at the fibular head
lumbosacral root lesion. In some cases, only the deep than at the ankle. While this anomaly can be tech-
fibular distribution is clinically affected, resulting in nically confusing, it is not likely to masquerade as
a small or unnoticed sensory loss in the web space conduction block (as opposed to the case of Mar-
between first and second toes, and marked weak- tin-Gruber anastomosis and ulnar neuropathy).
ness of ankle dorsiflexion and toe extension. Recording from the tibialis anterior (Fig. 10-8)
also has advantages and disadvantages. When the
extensor digitorum brevis is absent or gives a very
The most common etiology of fibular neuropathy
at the fibular head is acute compression of the
nerve. This can result from improperly fitting
braces or casts, circumferential bandages at the
level of the fibular neck, or lower limbs being
chronically externally rotated in bed while sedated
or unconscious. Improper positioning of the lower
limb during surgical procedures may also be a pre-
disposing factor. Weight loss is common in patients
who develop an acute lesion (75). Occupations that
involve chronic kneeling or squatting may also pre-
dispose to common fibular neuropathy at the fibu-
lar head (76), leading to the name “strawberry
picker’s palsy.” Tumors or Baker cysts (popliteal
space) may occasionally involve the fibular nerve.

Electrodiagnostic Examination
There are a variety of nerve conduction studies
used to localize the site of fibular neuropathy as
well as to assess prognosis. When significant de-
myelination is present in the fibular nerve, motor
nerve conduction studies are often of great value
in terms of localizing the lesion and assessing the
degree of axon loss. Purely axonal lesions are more
difficult to localize.
Recording for motor nerve conduction stud-
ies can be either at the extensor digitorum brevis
or tibialis anterior. The extensor digitorum brevis
is more commonly used, as in Figure 9-27. It has
the advantage of permitting conduction velocity
in the leg segment as well as proximally across the
fibular head. It also is a well-isolated muscle, with
little chance of volume conduction from adjacent
superficial fibular-innervated muscles. On the Figure 10-8 ● Recording from the tibialis an-
other hand, there are disadvantages to using the terior for deep fibular (peroneal) motor nerve
extensor digitorum brevis. The accessory fibular conduction studies. Act, E1 (active) electrode; gnd,
nerve (which is present in about 20% of normal ground electrode; ref, E2 (reference) electrode.
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 289


small-amplitude motor response, the tibialis ante- more sensitive than long-segment studies, similar
rior can be a reliable muscle from which to record. to the situation for ulnar neuropathy (81). La-
There is some evidence that the response recorded tency changes over 2 cm segments exceeding 0.7
from the tibialis anterior may be more sensitive at ms are thought to be abnormal. For amplitude
detecting fibular neuropathy at the fibular head drop, some authors have recommended using a
than when recording from the extensor digitorum 50% drop from fibular head to knee stimulation
brevis (78–80). In addition, the tibialis anterior is a sites to define abnormal (78), although smaller
more important muscle functionally than the ex- decrements are probably abnormal. SNAPs are
tensor digitorum brevis; hence, any prognostic useful in demonstrating a postganglionic lesion
statements are more pertinent to ankle dorsiflexion and differentiating this from a preganglionic
function. The biggest problem with recording injury.
from the tibialis anterior, in my experience, is vol- Needle EMG may be the only way to localize
ume conduction from the nearby peroneus longus. a lesion that is purely axonal. The peroneus
Since the deep division of the fibular nerve is typi- longus and tibialis anterior are excellent muscles
cally more affected than the superficial branch, it is to study in this regard. The extensor digitorum
not uncommon to have complete denervation of brevis is often thought not to be a reliable mus-
the tibialis anterior and preservation of peroneus cle for EMG, since many asymptomatic subjects
longus CMAP. In these cases, despite complete have fibrillation potentials or positive sharp
denervation of tibialis anterior, stimulation of the waves. Recent evidence, however, suggests that
common fibular nerve at the fibular head can give foot muscles might not be as commonly abnormal
a volume-conducted response from the peroneus as previously thought (82). To exclude a more
longus recorded by surface electrodes at the tibialis proximal lesion, the short head of biceps femoris,
anterior. In these cases, recording from both the which is innervated by the fibular division of the
tibialis anterior and peroneus longus, with both sciatic nerve, and hip abductors (e.g., gluteus
surface and needle electrodes, can help to sort out medius and tensor fasciae latae) are helpful. The
the muscles that are contributing to the surface- tibialis posterior or flexor digitorum longus may
recorded response over the tibialis anterior. also provide an opportunity to study L5-inner-
Independent of the recording site, the nerve vated non-fibular nerve muscles, though it is of-
should be stimulated both at the fibular head and ten difficult to tell which of these two muscles the
in the popliteal fossa. It is critical with popliteal needle is in. Given the preponderance for more
fossa stimulation to avoid overstimulation activat- severe involvement of fibular-innervated mus-
ing the tibial nerve. This becomes apparent when cles, both in sciatic neuropathy and L5 radicu-
the amplitude with stimulation at the knee is lopathy, differential diagnosis of these disorders
larger than that at the fibular head, when an ini- is not always straightforward and may require
tial positive deflection appears, or when a nonsen- extensive examination.
sically fast conduction velocity is obtained for the
across-fibular head segment (e.g., 100 m/s). Stim-
ulation in the popliteal fossa should occur later- TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROMES
ally, just medial to the lateral hamstring tendon.
Evidence of demyelination is the most help-
ful finding for localization. Thus, focal slowing,
conduction block, or temporal dispersion may in- A 32-year-old, otherwise healthy woman fell from
dicate the site of demyelination. However, in the a ladder at work and sustained a severe eversion
majority of axon-loss lesions, amplitudes are small injury to the left foot. This was diagnosed as an
and conduction velocities mildly slowed through- ankle sprain to the medial ligaments. She was
out all segments of the nerve. In this event the treated conservatively with casting but soon (sev-
diagnosis is made largely on the distribution of eral weeks) thereafter developed pain and pares-
findings with needle EMG. thesias in the sole of the left foot.
Inching studies have been reported for the Physical examination revealed normal
diagnosis of fibular neuropathy and are probably strength in the lower limbs, including toe flexion.
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 290


Sensory testing revealed decreased sensation to muscles. The extensor digitorum brevis should be
pinprick over the sole of the left foot compared to spared, since this is innervated by the deep fibular
the right, but normal sensation elsewhere in the nerve; it is the only non–tibial-innervated intrinsic
limb. Muscle stretch reflexes at the knee, medial foot muscle (see Fig. 1-18).
hamstring, and ankles were 2 and symmetrical. Sensory loss is usually restricted to the sole of
The Tinel sign was present with tapping just the foot. Since the tibial nerve divides into three
posterior to the medial malleolus. branches as it passes through the tarsal tunnel, any
one or a combination of these three branches may
be affected (see Fig. 1-2). The medial plantar
Differential Diagnosis
branch supplies the medial sole of the foot and the
The symptoms are most suggestive of a focal le- first three and a half toes; it can be thought of as
sion of the tibial nerve at the ankle. While there analogous to the median nerve in the hand. The
are many other causes of foot and ankle pain, lateral plantar branch supplies the lateral sole and
other neurogenic causes include entrapment of the lateral one and a half toes; it can be thought of as
medial plantar nerve distal to the tarsal tunnel, analogous to the ulnar nerve in the hand. These
where the abductor hallucis originates from the analogies also hold up in general terms when com-
calcaneus (83), higher tibial nerve lesions at the paring muscle innervation. The calcaneal branch
knee (such as from a Baker cyst), sciatic nerve, or supplies the skin over the plantar surface of the
S1 root lesions. heel and provides no muscular innervation.
The Tinel sign is often present over the tibial
nerve behind the medial malleolus in patients
with tarsal tunnel syndrome, but this sign is not
Prolongation of the compound nerve action poten- specific. Some authors believe that the presence of
tial latency and CMAP latencies unilaterally are a Tinel sign only indicates that there is a nerve un-
consistent with the diagnosis of tarsal tunnel syn- der the area being tapped (Jun Kimura, personal
drome or tibial neuropathy at the ankle (Table 10- communication).
9). Needle EMG of the intrinsic muscles in the foot
does suggest there may have been some axon loss,
but it is common to see minor abnormalities in oth-
erwise asymptomatic patients and thus is not clearly In tarsal tunnel syndrome, the tibial nerve is
indicative of axon loss from a neuropathy. Normal thought to be injured as it passes under the reti-
studies in the proximal tibial, sciatic, and S1 distri- naculum and the lancinate ligament (see Fig. 1-2).
butions argue against any significant higher lesion. Fractures and dislocations are the usual inciting
events that lead to compression of the nerve (85),
although joint hypermobility (86) may also play a
Clinical Presentations role. In some cases, masses, varicosities, or in-
The frequency of tarsal tunnel syndrome is often flamed tendons can cause tarsal tunnel syndrome
disputed (84). Some authors believe it appears fre- (87). Some investigators report that persistent an-
quently and is often missed electrodiagnostically. kle hyperpronation contributes as well, although
Other authors, including this one, believe that tib- this latter point is debatable.
ial neuropathy at the ankle occurs rarely in the ab-
sence of significant trauma.
Electrodiagnostic Examination
Patients with tarsal tunnel syndrome typi-
cally report burning pain over the sole of the foot. Since intrinsic foot muscles are thought to fre-
They often report a recent history of significant quently show minor abnormalities in asympto-
injury such as fracture, ankle dislocation, or sprain matic individuals, the majority of the diagnosis
(85). Physical examination may show atrophy of relies on nerve conduction studies. However,
intrinsic foot muscles. Most intrinsic foot muscles nerve conduction studies are not without technical
are difficult to test for strength, although toe flex- difficulties, and right-to-left comparison is cru-
ion may be the best maneuver to examine these cial. As with any other nerve conduction studies,
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 291


the absence of a response is less convincing and di- cluding near-nerve recording, should be made to
agnostic than a prolonged latency or other evi- obtain a response.
dence of demyelination. An absent response, espe- Motor nerve conduction studies are easiest to
cially if present bilaterally, could be simply due to obtain yet less sensitive than compound nerve ac-
technical problems. In these cases, every effort, in- tion potential studies (see Table 10-9). Stimulation

T A B L E 1 0 - 9 Nerve Conduction and Needle EMG Results for Case 10

Mixed Nerve Conductions

R/L Nerve (Stim) Record Latency (ms) Amplitude (V)

L Med plant ankle 4.7 5

L Lat plant ankle 4.9 3
R Med plant ankle 3.6 12
R Lat plant ankle 3.7 9

Motor Nerve Conductions

Latency (ms) Amplitude (mV) Conduction Velocity (m/s)

L Med plant (ankle) 6 2.3

abductor hallucis
(pop fossa) 1.9 42
L Lat plant (ankle) abductor 6.3 2.4
digiti minimi pedis
R Med plant (ankle) 4.5 5.3
abductor hallucis
(pop. fossa) 4.9 42
R Lat plant (ankle) abductor 4.5 3.6
digiti minimi pedis


Insertion Spontaneous Voluntary Motor Units

R/L Muscle Activity P-wave Fibrillations Other Amp Dur Poly Recruit

L First dorsal 2 2 Incr Incr Incr

interosseus pedis
L Abductor hallucis 1 1 Incr Incr Incr
L Medial 0 0 N N N
L Soleus 0 0 N N N
R First dorsal 1 0 N N N
interosseus pedis
R Abductor hallucis 0 0 Incr Incr Incr
Amp, amplitude; dur, duration; incr, increased; lat, lateral; med, medial; plant, plantar; poly, polyphasic motor unit poten-
tials; pop fossa, popliteal fossa; P-wave, positive wave; recruit, recruitment.
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 292


Figure 10-9 ● Stimulation of the medial and lateral plantar nerves in the sole with recording at the medial
malleolus. This technique is useful in the evaluation of possible tarsal tunnel syndrome.

is applied behind and superior to the medial lus, it is usually necessary to perform near-nerve
malleolus over the tibial nerve with recording recording with a needle electrode and use signal av-
over the abductor hallucis for the medial plantar eraging. Abnormalities may include either a pro-
nerve and over the abductor digiti quinti for the longed latency or an increase in temporal dispersion
lateral plantar nerve (88). The lateral plantar re- of the potential. The relative sensitivity of these last
sponse is usually best recorded when the active two techniques (stimulation at the sole versus the
recording electrode is placed over the bulk of the toes) is not known, and thus it is unclear whether it
muscle belly rather than immediately below the is better to stimulate the toes or the sole of the foot,
lateral malleolus (see Fig. 9-28). although the sole seems technically easier.
Measurement of compound nerve action po- Needle EMG should be performed to look
tentials across the tarsal tunnel is more for evidence of gross abnormalities. Two muscles
sensitive than simply measuring motor latencies that are best studied are the abductor hallucis (me-
but is more problematic (Fig. 10-9). Stimulation dial plantar innervation) and the first dorsal in-
of either nerve can occur at the sole of the foot terosseus (lateral plantar innervation) (see Table
14 cm distal to the recording electrode placed pos- 10-9). These muscles are relatively protected from
terior and superior to the medial malleolus (89). trauma and have a low incidence of positive sharp
This is a compound nerve action potential rather waves and fibrillations in asymptomatic individu-
than a SNAP, since motor fibers supplying intrin- als compared to other intrinsic foot muscles. Nev-
sic foot muscles are also stimulated antidromically. ertheless, abnormalities in these muscles should
The most common technical problems with this still be interpreted cautiously in the absence of
technique are difficulty in stimulation through the changes on nerve conduction studies. There is still
sole of the foot and excessive stimulus artifact. some debate as to whether this lesion is due to de-
Pure study of the sensory nerves can be accom- myelination or primarily axon loss (84). Attempt-
plished by stimulating the great toe (for the medial ing to diagnose tarsal tunnel syndrome in the pres-
plantar nerve) or little toe (for the lateral plantar ence of an underlying polyneuropathy is
nerve) (90). Since the SNAP from toe stimulation is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. Diagnosis
very small when recorded over the medial malleo- of tarsal tunnel syndrome in such a setting re-
90749_ch10(257-296).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 293


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Evaluation of the Patient

with Suspected Peripheral
James W. Albers

INTRODUCTION clinical information. Knowledge of potential

exposures (occupational, social, or pharmacologic)
The clinical electromyographer is referred a pa- or recognition of a systemic illness may suggest
tient with slowly progressive extremity weakness, the cause of a patient’s neuropathy, although
mild sensory loss, and areflexia. The referring symptomatic neuropathy may precede recognition
physician asks only, “Does patient have neuropa- of a systemic disorder. The electromyographer
thy?” After evaluation, possible responses could frequently is the clinician most experienced in
include “Yes,” “No,” or “I’m not sure,” or the making such important associations.
electromyographer could use his or her combined The electrodiagnostic examination is simply
clinical and electrodiagnostic skills to help explain an extension of the neurologic evaluation. It is
the patient’s symptoms and signs. The evaluation derived from sound neurophysiologic principles
of patients with suspected polyneuropathy or and provides objective information useful in con-
peripheral neuropathy (subsequently referred to as firming clinical findings, in addition to localizing
neuropathy) is relatively straightforward. The abnormalities to a degree not clinically possible. In
evaluation consists of a combination of clinical, the evaluation of neuropathy, electrodiagnostic
electrophysiologic, and laboratory studies, with results often suggest the underlying pathophysiol-
the expectation that the electromyographer will ogy, providing additional clues in establishing eti-
integrate this combined information in arriving at ology. A complete electrodiagnostic study includes
a final diagnosis. It is no longer sufficient to simply evaluation of sensory and motor nerve conduction
confirm the presence of abnormality or to conclude studies, late responses, and needle EMG.
that findings are consistent with neuropathy. Almost all patients with neuropathy demon-
Evaluation of suspected neuropathy is among strate large-diameter fiber dysfunction, making
the most frequent investigations performed in the the EMG examination (this term is synonymous
electromyography (EMG) laboratory, and the elec- with “electrodiagnostic study” mentioned above)
tromyographer plays an important role in estab- a powerful clinical tool for evaluating suspected
lishing not only the presence but also the etiology neuropathy. The presence of large-diameter axon
of neuropathy (1). The patient’s history and clinical dysfunction is important since these are the
findings provide important clues in establishing nerve fibers most easily accessed by the EMG
the diagnosis or suggesting studies important in studies. Classification of neuropathy using electro-
identifying etiology, and the electromyographer’s physiologic information focuses the differential
role in performing a neuromuscular consultation diagnosis and the subsequent evaluation and often
includes paying careful attention to relevant offers a specific diagnosis or class of disorders (2).

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Unfortunately, many neuropathies are character- and ultimately disappear, although conduction
ized by nonspecific axonal loss, increasing the along individual axons remains relatively normal
importance of other clinical information in estab- before disappearance.
lishing a specific diagnosis, which often may Following nerve transection, the needle EMG
include the cause of the neuropathy. Nevertheless, examination initially shows absent voluntary
several of the most common treatable neuropathies activity but no other findings. Gilliatt and Taylor
do have characteristic electrodiagnostic features, (5) demonstrated spontaneous discharge of indi-
yet they were rarely diagnosed until recently. vidual muscle fibers (i.e., fibrillation potentials)
Awareness of these disorders relates to increased beginning 1 to 4 weeks after axonal degeneration,
use of clinical electrophysiology and identification depending upon proximity to the transection
of characteristic electrodiagnostic features that (first appearing in muscles closest to the lesion).
result in their recognition. Fibrillation potentials reflect muscle fiber hy-
The following material reviews the underly- persensitivity to acetylcholine (ACh) and are
ing pathophysiology associated with neuropathy, associated with proliferation and migration of
defines expectations of the electromyographer, extrajunctional acetylcholine receptors (AChRs)
outlines a recommended evaluation, and identifies on the muscle membrane (6). Initial findings
distinguishing electrophysiologic and clinical include increased muscle fiber sensitivity to
features useful in defining specific classes of neu- mechanical stimulation (typically in the form of
ropathy. For each classification, specific clinical positive waves), followed by sustained sponta-
examples are included. neous activity (fibrillation potentials) at rest. The
amplitude of fibrillation potentials and positive
waves diminishes over time, proportional to
PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC FEATURES OF muscle fiber atrophy, and provides a useful marker
for assessing the duration of partial denervation.
NEUROPATHY Findings with partial or incomplete axonal le-
sions are similar, with decreased (instead of absent)
Several major pathophysiologic changes are im-
sensory and motor responses, normal conduction
portant in the clinical electrodiagnostic evaluation
along surviving axons, and reduced voluntary
of neuropathy. The most important include ax-
motor unit action potential (MUAP) recruitment
onal degeneration, axonal atrophy, demyelination
(3). Abnormal spontaneous activity appears in den-
(uniform and multifocal), and metabolic or ionic
ervated muscle fibers. After partial denervation,
channel changes that alter nerve conduction (2,3).
some denervated muscle fibers eventually are
reinnervated by collateral sprouts from surviving
axons, resulting in large motor units when the total
Axonal Lesions
number of motor units remains reduced (7). ACh
Axonal degeneration results from disorders of hypersensitivity resolves once muscle fibers are
the nerve cell (neuronopathy) or axon (axonopa- reinnervated, and abnormal spontaneous activity
thy). Pathophysiologic findings resemble those disappears. Ballantyne and Hansen demonstrated
associated with nerve transection, varying only in that regenerating axons produced new motor units
degree (3). Separation of the distal axon from by reinnervating muscle fibers shed by abnormally
the nutritive cell body produces distal axonal large motor units (8).
degeneration and breakdown of the myelin sheath The most common morphologic response to a
(Wallerian degeneration). Landau reported that variety of disorders producing neuropathy is a dis-
muscle contraction produced by nerve stimulation tal axonopathy (3). A variety of mechanisms exist to
distal to the lesion persisted for several days after explain distal axonal degeneration in neuropathy,
transection, but then disappeared (4). Sensory including failure of axonal transport of some nutri-
and motor electrical responses similarly remain ent required for maintenance of the distal axon, as
normal for several days, with stimulation distal proposed by Schaumburg et al (9). The concept of
to the transection. Within days, sensory nerve axonal atrophy is controversial, but it may repre-
action potential (SNAP) and compound muscle ac- sent a form of incomplete axonal lesion appearing
tion potential (CMAP) motor amplitudes diminish before axonal degeneration. It is described at the
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terminal axon as a reduced diameter of the distal patients with hyperglycemia, increased conduc-
axon (axonal stenosis). Because conduction velocity tion velocity 6 hours after normalizing glucose
is proportional to axonal diameter, action potential levels suggests that nonstructural changes account
propagation is reduced proportional to the size of partially for conduction slowing (14). In associa-
the atrophic distal axon. Unlike axonal degenera- tion with the neuropathy attributed to chronic
tion, sensory and motor amplitudes are not sub- diabetes mellitus, the metabolic pathophysiology is
stantially reduced in axonal atrophy, and muscle poorly understood. Hyperglycemia is believed to
membrane excitability is unaffected. produce a decrease in nerve myo-inositol and
increased polyol pathway activity related to the
increased conversion of glucose to sorbitol by
Myelin Sheath Lesions
aldose reductase. The reduced nerve myo-inositol
Disorders of the myelin sheath produce conduction leads to reduced Na/K-ATPase activity and a
abnormalities similar to those associated with focal resultant increase in intracellular Na (15). In
nerve compression, whereby conduction may be isolation, the resultant mild depolarization of the
slowed or blocked across the site of compression resting membrane potential decreases conduction
without producing axonal degeneration (10,11). velocity independent of structural alteration.
In experimental models using a compressing Additional changes, including inactivation of
tourniquet, Ochoa et al identified localized defects sodium channels and axoglial disjunction, may
beneath the edges of the tourniquet, with tele- also contribute to conduction velocity abnormali-
scoping of one myelin segment beneath the next ties (16). Finally, coexisting microvascular injury
at the node of Ranvier (12,13). This structural to the vasa nervorum and diminished production
abnormality is thought to reduce or block ionic of nitrous oxide contribute to axonal ischemia and
current flow by occluding the node, thereby cellular damage, as may possible autoimmune
slowing or preventing action potential propagation damage mediated by antineuronal antibodies (17).
(10). Paranodal demyelination is associated with a
variety of conditions, including focal compression
and neuropathy, and conduction block is attrib- WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THE
uted to localized demyelination and intramyelin ELECTROMYOGRAPHER?
edema. Ochoa and Marotte demonstrated that
chronic nerve compression produces similar find- The electromyographer or electrodiagnostic physi-
ings with distorted myelin segments (segmental cian plays an important role in the evaluation of
demyelination), exposed axon membrane, and suspected peripheral nerve disorders. It is expected
paranodal remyelination with short internodal that the electromyographer does more than con-
distances (11). Membrane excitability does not firm the presence of abnormality or conclude that
increase substantially with demyelinating lesions. findings are consistent with a “neuropathy”; possi-
Conduction slowing or block across a compressive ble etiologies for the neuropathy should be sug-
lesion is relevant to the evaluation of generalized gested. The electromyographer is a neuromuscular
neuropathy, in that findings attributed to acquired specialist with experience in the evaluation and
demyelinating neuropathies have similar myelin treatment of patients with neuropathy. It is this
abnormalities distributed throughout the periph- clinical experience, combined with electrophysio-
eral nervous system, with combined demyelination logic information, that is useful in deriving a diag-
and remyelination, short internodes, and reduced nosis and establishing the cause of the problem.
conduction velocity. The emphasis of this chapter is on the application
and interpretation of electrodiagnostic informa-
tion. However, the study begins with a focused
Metabolic Lesions history and neurologic examination. Features of
Reduced conduction velocity does not always the clinical examination particularly important to
indicate histologic abnormality such as axonal the evaluation of neuropathy are summarized in
stenosis or demyelination, because metabolic dis- Table 11-1.
orders may produce conduction slowing without The electrodiagnostic information is useful
identifiable structural abnormalities (3). Among only when collected appropriately. Several com-
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T A B L E 1 1 - 1 Important Features of the Clinical Examination in Suspected


General information important to the Motor (emphasis upon distal muscles):

evaluation: • Intrinsic hand muscles, finger and wrist
• Onset and temporal profile of motor, extensors
sensory, and autonomic complaints • Toe extensors and foot dorsiflexors
• Type and distribution of paresthesias, Sensory:
hyperesthesia, and hyperpathia • Demonstrate distal-to-proximal sensory
• Presence and distribution of weakness loss gradient.
and atrophy • Identify involved modalities:
• Industrial and medical history for toxin • Large fiber: vibration, light-touch,
or drug exposures touch-pressure (common), and joint
• Family history, including bony deformi- position sensation (JPS) (when severe)
ties such as pes cavus or hammertoes • Small fiber: temperature, pin-pain,
• Social habits, including recreational and deep pain
drug use • Discriminative sensations less helpful in
• Antecedent illness or symptoms of peripheral disorders
underlying disease • Absence of sensory level on the trunk
Clinical examination findings relevant to • Vibratory loss to iliac crest and JPS loss
neuropathy: may suggest spinal cord lesion.

General: Reflexes:
• Findings most prominent in distal lower • Achilles reflexes usually absent
limbs • Diffusely hypoactive reflexes not
• Relative symmetry necessarily abnormal
• Look for associated findings, such as • Absence of pathologic reflexes
ataxia, tremor, skin lesions, pes cavus, or (e.g., Babinski reflex)
hammertoe deformities. Autonomic nervous system:
• Palpate peripheral nerves for size, tender- • Postural hypotension
ness, paresthesias, and hypertrophy. • Diminished sweating
(Modified from Albers JW. Numbness, tingling, and weakness. Making sense of the neuropathies. AAEM Course for Primary
Care Physicians. Rochester, MN: American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 1994, with permission.)

ponents of the examination can be standardized. 5. Was the evaluation sufficient to both document
In the examination, the electromyographer must the problem and exclude alternative explana-
attend to these components, which are covered in tions (avoiding errors of omission)?
the following series of questions: 6. Were appropriate negative findings discussed?
7. Was the EMG interpretation consistent with
1. Were the clinical findings considered in de- the clinical signs?
signing the electrodiagnostic evaluation? 8. Was the referral question(s) adequately ad-
2. Were the limb temperatures monitored and dressed?
cool limbs warmed to at least 31° to 32°C?
3. Were the measurement techniques described? Although clinical skills are important in
4. Were normal values provided? documenting the distribution and magnitude of
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a suspected neuropathy, the electromyographer’s Another example is distinguishing neuropathy

role is to help identify the underlying pathophys- from a confluent mononeuritis multiplex. Al-
iology and focus the differential diagnosis so that though clinically difficult, the diagnosis of an
appropriate laboratory investigations can be underlying vasculitis may be suggested by asym-
ordered. Basic questions that should be ad- metric EMG findings, distinguishing a vasculitic
dressed by the electrodiagnostic study in the eval- neuropathy from other more symmetric forms of
uation of neuropathy are listed in Table 11-2. distal neuropathy. The answers to the questions in
These additional questions also extend those ad- Table 11-2 form the basis of the electrodiagnostic
dressed by the clinician prior to performing the classification of neuropathy, which is described
study. below.
One of the most important tasks of the elec-
tromyographer is to distinguish axonal loss lesions
from lesions characterized by uniform or multifo- CLINICAL ELECTROMYOGRAPHY
cal demyelination. This allows for the possible
identification of acquired demyelinating neu- Nerve conduction studies and needle EMG evalu-
ropathies, which are important because they are ate slightly different components of the peripheral
among the most common treatable neuropathies nervous system. Nerve conduction studies are
and because they are frequently associated with a noninvasive and provide the most useful informa-
systemic illness. The electromyographer also must tion in documenting and establishing the type and
exclude disorders that mimic neuropathy but etiology of neuropathy, whereas the needle EMG
are difficult to identify clinically. For example, examination is more useful in documenting the
identifying fibrillation potentials in paraspinal magnitude and distribution of axonal loss lesions
muscles differentiates a distal neuropathy from a and identifying disorders clinically indistinguish-
polyradiculopathy or a polyradiculoneuropathy. able from neuropathy.

T A B L E 1 1 - 2 Expectations for the EMG Evaluation of Neuropathy

Document evidence of a peripheral abnormality:

Detect presence.
Document location (diffuse, focal, or multifocal).
Identify which peripheral modalities are involved:
Sensory fibers
Motor fibers
Autonomic fibers
Identify the predominant pathophysiology:
Axonal loss
Uniform demyelination
Multifocal demyelination with partial conduction block or abnormal temporal dispersion
Conduction slowing suggestive of membranopathy
Combination of the above
Establish temporal profile when possible (acute, chronic, old, or ongoing).
Identify accompanying disorders or alternative explanations for findings.
Determine the prognosis.
(Modified from Albers JW. Numbness, tingling, and weakness. Making sense of the neuropathies. AAEM Course for Primary
Care Physicians. Rochester, MN: American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 1994, with permission.)
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Nerve Conduction Studies ture should be monitored, and cool limbs should
be warmed to a surface temperature of between
SNAPs and CMAPs are recorded using surface 32° and 36°C (23,24). In the context of the electro-
electrodes and percutaneous electrical stimulation diagnostic evaluation of neuropathy, failure to
(Figs. 11-1 and 11-2) (3). Response amplitudes and record limb temperature and warm cool limbs
latencies are measured and conduction velocities limits the ability to interpret the nerve conduction
are calculated as part of the evaluation. Con- study results.
duction over an entire motor nerve is evaluated
by F wave latency (Fig. 11-3). F wave measures ac-
centuate mild generalized slowing because of the
Needle Electromyography
long conduction distances. Most normal values are The needle EMG examination plays a limited but
age-dependent and some vary according to patient important role in suspected neuropathy (3). The
size and other factors (18–23). Improper electrode needle EMG examination evaluates insertional
placement, inaccurate measurements, and failure activity (i.e., positive waves and fibrillation po-
to monitor and control limb temperature influ- tentials) and volitional MUAP recruitment, size,
ence the results (3). Limb temperature is particu- and configuration. As a sensitive indicator of
larly important in the evaluation of neuropathy. denervation, the needle EMG examination docu-
Cooling decreases conduction velocity and in- ments the distribution of axonal lesions, providing
creases amplitude, a combination of findings atyp- information from muscles inaccessible to nerve
ical for most pathologic processes. Limb tempera- conduction study (e.g., the paraspinal muscles).

Figure 11-1 ● Representative sensory nerve conduction study. Sensory nerve action potentials
recorded from the fifth digit following ulnar nerve stimulation at the wrist and elbow. Calibration: 1 ms and
20 V. (Reprinted from Albers JW, Leonard JA Jr. Nerve conduction and electromyography. In: Crockard A,
Hayward R, Hoff JT, eds. Neurosurgery: the scientific basis of clinical practice, 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Sci-
entific Publications Ltd, 1992:735–757, with permission.)
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Figure 11-2 ● Representative motor nerve conduction study. Compound muscle action poten-
tials recorded from hypothenar muscles following ulnar nerve stimulation at the wrist, elbow, and clavicle.
Calibration: 2 ms and 5 mV. (Modified from Albers JW, Leonard JA Jr. Nerve conduction and electromyog-
raphy. In: Crockard A, Hayward R, Hoff JT, eds. Neurosurgery: the scientific basis of clinical practice, 2nd ed.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, 1992:735–757, with permission.)

Recruitment refers to the sequential introduction referred because of an underlying illness associ-
of additional MUAPs into the interference pattern ated with neuropathy. Some patients referred for
as force is increased. In the evaluation of neuropa- other reasons are found to have an unsuspected
thy, the needle EMG examination provides an in- neuropathy. Regardless of the reason for referral,
dication of ongoing or previous denervation. It also the initial evaluation for possible neuropathy
is used to define the distribution of axonal lesions, is based upon the patient’s history and clinical
identifying disorders sometimes confused with or findings. Initial impressions are confirmed or
superimposed upon a generalized neuropathy. altered, and the study is modified to accept or re-
The amplitude of positive waves or fibrillation ject additional considerations until a final diagno-
potentials and the configuration of MUAPs are sis is achieved.
used to distinguish acute from chronic disorders Protocols for the evaluation of suspected neu-
and provide an estimate of the rate of progression ropathy are straightforward (Table 11-3). When
of axonal loss. signs are mild, the evaluation is directed toward
the most sensitive or susceptible sites (e.g., the
distal lower limb sensory nerves). When severe,
ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION IN evaluation of less-involved sites is important
SUSPECTED NEUROPATHY because absent responses provide no information
about the presence or absence of conduction
Patients commonly are referred for evaluation slowing. Bilateral studies are performed on some
because of symptoms or signs suggestive of neu- nerves to evaluate symmetry, although a super-
ropathy. Occasionally, asymptomatic patients are imposed focal abnormality should not exclude
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 304


Figure 11-3 ● Representative F waves following antidromic peroneal nerve stimulation.

(Reprinted with permission from Albers JW. Clinical neurophysiology of generalized polyneuropathy. J Clin
Neurophysiol 1992;10:149–166.)

the diagnosis of neuropathy. The needle EMG lower motor neurons or axons. When present in
examination provides information supplementary isolation, these findings cannot localize the lesion
to that obtained from the conduction studies. The more precisely (25,26). The distribution of needle
examination evaluates muscles inaccessible to con- EMG examination abnormalities is helpful in fur-
duction study, such as paraspinal muscles in sus- ther localizing the abnormality.
pected radiculopathy, and the results are used to The next goal is to identify to the extent
demonstrate a proximal-to-distal abnormality possible the primary pathophysiology, such as
gradient in neuropathy. axonal degeneration or demyelination (3). Axonal
neuropathies usually are easily identified. They are
characterized by reduced amplitudes, little evidence
Interpretation of Findings of conduction slowing, and neurogenic changes on
The initial goals are to determine the presence and needle EMG with evidence of active denervation
location of sensory or motor involvement (see and reinnervation (i.e., decreased MUAP recruit-
Table 11-2). Clinically apparent sensory loss may ment and increased MUAP amplitude, duration,
reflect a lesion proximal to the dorsal root ganglia, and polyphasia). Using a computerized model of the
whereas abnormal SNAPs document peripheral peripheral nerve, expected CMAP responses for a
involvement at or distal to the dorsal ganglia (3). normal nerve are shown in Figure 11-4. Motor con-
Weakness and atrophy in combination with low duction abnormalities associated with axonal de-
CMAP amplitudes reflect abnormality of the generation are shown in Figure 11-5. With a loss of
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T A B L E 1 1 - 3 Representative Electrodiagnostic Protocol for Evaluating


Nerve Conduction Studies

1. Test the most involved site if mild or moderate, the least involved site if severe.
2. Evaluate peroneal motor nerve (extensor digitorum brevis);* stimulate ankle, below fibular
head, and knee. Measure F-wave latency.†
3. If abnormal, evaluate tibial motor nerve (abductor hallucis); stimulate ankle and knee.
Measure F-wave latency.
4. If no responses, evaluate:
a. Peroneal motor nerve (anterior tibialis); stimulate below fibular head and knee.
b. Ulnar motor nerve (hypothenar); stimulate wrist and below elbow. Measure F-wave latency.
c. Median motor nerve (thenar); stimulate wrist and elbow. Measure F-wave latency.
5. Evaluate sural nerve (ankle); stimulate calf.
6. Evaluate median sensory nerve (index finger); stimulate wrist and elbow. If response is absent
or focal entrapment is suspected, record from wrist and stimulate midpalm; evaluate ulnar
sensory nerve (fifth digit); stimulate wrist.
7. If distal CMAP amplitude is substantially larger than proximal CMAP amplitude (15%),
evaluate for abnormal temporal dispersion or partial conduction block.
a. Measure CMAP duration (distal and proximal stimulation) to identify abnormal
b. Evaluate CMAP amplitude and duration over short segments (few mm) to identify partial
conduction block.
c. If capability exists, measure CMAP negative phase area (distal and proximal stimulation).
8. Evaluate additional nerves if findings are equivocal. Definite abnormalities should result in:
a. Evaluation of contralateral extremity
b. Evaluation of specific suspected abnormality (e.g., mononeuropathy or radiculopathy)

Needle Examination

1. Examine anterior tibialis, medial gastrocnemius, abductor hallucis, vastus lateralis, biceps
brachii, first dorsal interosseous (hand), and lumbar paraspinal muscles.
2. Confirm any abnormality by examination of at least one contralateral muscle, looking for
*Muscles in parentheses indicate recording site for conduction studies.

All F wave latency measurements are for distal stimulation sites. Record as absent if no response after 10–15 stimulations.
(Modified from Albers JW, Donofrio PD, McGonagle TK. Sequential electrodiagnostic abnormalities in acute inflamma-
tory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Muscle Nerve 1985;8:528–539, with permission.)

75% of the axons, the CMAP amplitude is markedly on mild or focal slowing is a common error in
diminished, but conduction velocity is reduced only establishing the presence of demyelination (3).
to the extent that is associated with the loss of the Important differences exist between hereditary and
largest myelinated axons. There is no evidence of acquired demyelination. Hereditary disorders of
abnormal temporal dispersion. peripheral myelin (e.g., hereditary motor sensory
Although primary demyelination is char- neuropathy type I) have uniform involvement of all
acterized by conduction slowing, overemphasis myelinated fibers. Conduction along individual
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Figure 11-4 ● Peripheral motor nerve con- Figure 11-5 ● Model of axonal degener-
duction model demonstrating the resultant ation in motor nerve conduction model de-
compound muscle action potential (CMAP) scribed in Figure 11-4, demonstrating
produced by each of eight individual muscle CMAPs after random loss of 75% of axons.
fiber action potentials and their summation. Arrows represent stimulation sites. CMAPs follow-
Individual axons differ in diameter and therefore con- ing distal (upper screen) and proximal (lower screen)
duct at different rates. Arrows represent stimulation stimulation. (Reprinted from Albers JW. Inflamma-
sites. Top: CMAP (shown in screen) following distal tory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. In:
stimulation. Bottom: CMAP following proximal Brown WF, Bolton CF, eds. Clinical electromyogra-
stimulation. (Reprinted from Albers JW. Inflamma- phy. Boston: Butterworth, 1987:209–244, with per-
tory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. In: mission.)
Brown WF, Bolton CF, eds. Clinical electromyography.
Boston: Butterworth, 1987:209–244, with permission.)

slowing is disproportionate to the relatively pre-

served response amplitudes following distal and
fibers may be greatly reduced, but slowing is uni- proximal stimulation (27). Evidence of conduction
form; abnormal temporal dispersion is present only block is not a typical feature of hereditary demyeli-
if conduction velocities are markedly slowed and nation unless conduction velocities are very slow
there is substantial phase cancellation. Conduction and produce substantial phase cancellation.
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 307


Acquired demyelination is characterized by trailing portion of the CMAP, representing the

multifocal, nonuniform abnormalities. The dis- fastest- and slowest-conducting axons respectively.
proportionate involvement of some myelinated Phase cancellation of the dispersed responses pro-
fibers compared to others produces increased duces an additional reduction in the proximal
CMAP duration and a characteristic temporal CMAP amplitude. Conduction block in two of the
dispersion of the CMAP (Fig. 11-6) (28). Partial axons further reduces the CMAP amplitude to a
conduction block results from transmission failure greater extent than could be explained by abnor-
along the axon. Because the likelihood of conduc- mal temporal dispersion alone.
tion block in any given fiber is length-dependent, Numerous criteria exist to identify acquired
there is abnormal dispersion of the response and demyelination (Table 11-4), but all of the criteria
evidence of partial conduction block when the have limitations (28–32). In some criteria, con-
results of proximal stimulation are compared to duction velocity and distal latency thresholds are
those from distal stimulation. This is demon- amplitude dependent. In general, conduction
strated in the model in Figure 11-7 after random, velocities that are less than 70% of the lower limit
multifocal demyelination, in which propagation is of the normal range cannot be attributed to axonal
slowed across a single demyelinated internode and loss alone (28). The criteria are not intended to
blocked if two adjacent internodes are demyeli- provide strict cutoffs and a “yes-or-no” response.
nated (shown by the absence of the myelin sheath). Rather, the results should be used to raise or reduce
Proximal stimulation produces a CMAP of slightly suspicion for a disorder associated with substantial
reduced amplitude and increased duration because conduction slowing. The presence of fibrillation
of increased dispersion. The area beneath the neg- potentials and neurogenic MUAP findings does
ative phase of the CMAP is only slightly reduced. not exclude the diagnosis of demyelinating neu-
Proximal stimulation produces a low-amplitude, ropathy because most hereditary and acquired
highly dispersed CMAP because of the variable demyelinating neuropathies have some superim-
amounts of demyelination in some fibers com- posed axonal degeneration.
pared to others, producing an increased range of The remaining goals of the electrodiagnostic
axonal conduction velocities. The initial compo- examination are to characterize the neuropathy’s
nent of the CMAP is greatly separated from the distribution, severity, rate of progression, and

Figure 11-6 ● Compound muscle action potentials recorded from hypothenar muscles
following ulnar nerve stimulation at distal and proximal sites. Responses are from a patient
with an acquired demyelinating neuropathy and demonstrate abnormal temporal dispersion with partial
conduction block, increased duration, and decreased conduction velocity. (Reprinted from Albers JW, Kelly
JJ Jr. Acquired inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies: clinical and electrodiagnostic features. Mus-
cle Nerve 1989;12:435–451, with permission.)
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 308


SNAP amplitudes, because they are proportional

to the extent of abnormality, particularly in axonal
disorders. The needle EMG examination is useful
in documenting very mild axonal neuropathies,
as noted above. Defining severity in demyelinating
neuropathy is difficult because conduction slowing
is not usually associated with functional impair-
ment. Conduction block results in weakness, but
conduction block may be difficult to distinguish
from abnormal temporal dispersion. Serial electro-
physiologic studies are used to estimate the rate of
progression, although a mixture of large- and
small-amplitude fibrillation potentials can suggest
active and chronic denervation.

Electrodiagnostic Classification of
Neuropathy is classified by a variety of means,
including clinical, biochemical, pathologic, electro-
diagnostic, or a combination thereof. The electrodi-
agnostic results provide information additional
to that obtained from the clinical evaluation and are
used to assign patients with suspected neuropathy
to general categories, thereby directing the subse-
quent clinical and laboratory evaluations. The
classification that follows separates these disorders
into broad categories based on electrodiagnostic
evidence of sensory or motor involvement com-
bined with conduction slowing suggesting the
presence of uniform or multifocal demyelination
versus pure axonal loss lesions (2). This classification
Figure 11-7 ● Model of focal demyelina-
tion in motor nerve conduction model de-
scheme is not inclusive and there is substantial
scribed in Figure 11-4. Arrows represent stimula- overlap between categories. This overlap will be
tion sites. CMAPs following distal (upper screen) and manifest by several forms of neuropathy appearing
proximal (lower screen) stimulation. The reduced am- in more than one of the tables that follow. There also
plitude with proximal stimulation reflects increased is some subjective component to the categorization
temporal dispersion and conduction block in some ax- scheme, requiring that the electromyographer use
ons where the individual responses are absent. substantial clinical common sense. Nevertheless,
(Reprinted from Albers JW. Inflammatory demyeli- when combined with the clinical history and
nating polyradiculoneuropathy. In: Brown WF, examination, the electrodiagnostic results may
Bolton CF, eds. Clinical electromyography. Boston: But- suggest a specific diagnosis or direct the subsequent
terworth, 1987:209–244, with permission.)
evaluation. Selected examples are provided in
each category; a more extensive discussion exists
prognosis. The distribution of neuropathy is usu- elsewhere (2).
ally defined clinically, not electrodiagnosti- One issue not addressed in this classification
cally, except for the needle EMG examination of scheme is symmetry. Most forms of peripheral
paraspinal muscles in polyradiculopathy or the neuropathy are relatively symmetric. There are
intrinsic foot muscles in mild axonal neuropathy. exceptions, however, as noted earlier. The most
Neuropathic severity is best related to CMAP and common exceptions involve the different forms of
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 309


T A B L E 1 1 - 4 Electrodiagnostic Criteria Suggestive of Chronic Acquired


Evaluation should satisfy at least three of the following in motor nerves (with exceptions noted
1. Conduction velocity 75% of the lower limit of normal (2 or more nerves)*
2. Distal latency exceeding 130% of upper limit of normal (2 or more nerves)†
3. Evidence of unequivocal temporal dispersion (an increase in negative component duration
exceeding 15% for proximal vs. distal stimulation) or a proximal-to-distal amplitude ratio
0.7 (one or more nerves)†‡
4. F wave latency exceeding 125% of upper limit of normal (one or more nerves)*†
*Excluding isolated ulnar or peroneal nerve abnormalities at the elbow or knee, respectively

Excluding isolated median nerve abnormalities at the wrists

Excluding the presence of anomalous innervation (e.g., median-to-ulnar nerve crossover)
(Modified from Albers JW, Kelly JJ Jr. Acquired inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies; clinical and electrodiag-
nostic features. Muscle Nerve 1989;12:435–451, with permission.)

vasculitis producing multifocal abnormalities little change in the configuration (amplitude,

that can become confluent. Other examples of duration, or shape) of the CMAP with distal
asymmetric diseases include multifocal motor and proximal stimulation (i.e., there was no evi-
neuropathy, hereditary neuropathy with liability dence of abnormal temporal dispersion or partial
to pressure palsy (HNLPP), and the neuropathies conduction block). Chronic neurogenic changes
associated with dapsone, porphyria, leprosy, sar- were recorded on needle EMG examination of
coidosis, eosinophilia syndromes, and sensory distal extremity muscles. The findings provide
ganglionopathies. electrodiagnostic evidence of a moderately severe
sensorimotor neuropathy of the demyelinating
type, with mild superimposed axonal degenera-
Motor Greater Than Sensory Neuropathy, tion. The markedly reduced conduction velocity
Uniform Conduction Slowing (Table 11-5) without evidence of abnormal temporal dispersion
or partial conduction block is most consistent with
a hereditary neuropathy.
A 23-year-old man presents with a several-year The classic example of a neuropathy char-
history of progressive ankle weakness and clum- acterized by a uniform peripheral myelinopathy
siness. Examination reveals that he has distal is hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type I
weakness of his upper and lower extremities with (HMSN I), which is the demyelinating form
footdrop, hammertoe deformities, high arches, of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. HMSN I is a
mild sensory loss to vibration and touch, areflexia, dominantly inherited hypertrophic neuropathy
and large firm nerves. Nerve conduction and that presents with the insidious onset of distal
needle EMG results, shown in Table 11-6, are weakness and sensory loss in young adult life. The
characterized by reduced CMAP and SNAP diagnosis is clinically suggested by findings of en-
amplitudes, prolonged distal and F wave latencies, larged nerves, distal weakness with hammertoes
and substantially reduced conduction velocities and pes cavus, abnormal vibratory sensation, and
(well below 50% of the lower limit of normal). hyporeflexia (33).
Initial findings of prolonged distal latency that The characteristic electrodiagnostic finding
could have been explained by distal entrapment associated with HMSN I is markedly reduced
were excluded by demonstrating similar abnor- conduction velocity in all tested nerves, often as low
malities in all the nerves examined. There was as 25 m/s or less (33,34). Conduction velocities
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 310


T A B L E 1 1 - 5 Motor Greater Than Sensory Neuropathy, Uniform Conduction


Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type I)
Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy
Cytosine arabinoside (ara-C)
Dejerine-Sottas disease (hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type III)
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
Methyl n-butyl ketone
Perhexiline maleate
Sodium channel blockers (e.g., tetrodotoxin)
(Modified from Donofrio PD, Albers JW. Polyneuropathy: classification by nerve conduction studies and electromyogra-
phy. Muscle Nerve 1990;13:889–903, with permission.)

typically are below 70% of the lower limit of Disorders other than HMSN I, many of which
normal and therefore cannot be explained by ax- also are familial, present with similar electrodiag-
onal loss alone. Abnormal temporal dispersion and nostic findings (35). Most neuropathies resembling
partial conduction block usually are not present HMSN I, such as congenital hypomyelinating neu-
because of the uniform involvement of the myelin ropathy, Dejerine-Sottas disease, and metachro-
of all axons. Nevertheless, when conduction ve- matic leukodystrophy, are associated with disorders
locities are extremely slow, phase cancellation may of peripheral myelin. Several disorders are not asso-
result in findings suggestive of abnormal temporal ciated with primary myelin abnormalities but re-
dispersion (27) (see also Chapter 3). F waves flect selective loss of large myelinated fiber with
are present unless the CMAP amplitude is very preservation of smaller myelinated axons. One ex-
reduced, and latencies are prolonged proportional ample is the neuropathy attributed to amiodarone
to conduction velocity slowing. Sensory nerves (36,37). Amiodarone is associated with a slowly pro-
demonstrate similar conduction abnormalities, gressive motor neuropathy with prominent con-
but low-amplitude responses often preclude con- duction slowing, often in the range of 20 to 30 m/s.
duction velocity measurement. Most patients show Abnormal temporal dispersion and partial conduc-
at least some degree of axonal loss, and it sometimes tion block are not features of this neuropathy, and
is severe. Needle EMG demonstrates decreased slowing reflects preferential loss of the largest
MUAP recruitment proportional to weakness, myelinated fibers. Other medications, including the
fibrillation potentials and positive waves, and immunosuppressant tacrolimus (FK506) (38) and
increased MUAP amplitude and duration reflect- the antineoplastic suramin (39), produce a motor
ing chronic reinnervation. Abnormalities are most neuropathy associated with conduction slowing.
prominent distally. The patient presented was The slowing of conduction velocity associated with
found to have an asymptomatic sibling with mild FK506 may be sufficient to resemble an acquired
ankle weakness, absent ankle reflexes, equivocal demyelinating neuropathy (40,41). Animal mod-
sensory loss, and definite slowing of motor conduc- els of suramin-induced neuropathy suggest the
tion velocities. presence of a length-, dose-, and time-dependent
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 311



Nerve Conduction Studies

Nerve Conduction Distal F wave
Stimulate (record) Amplitude (V) Velocity (m/s) Latency (ms) Latency (ms)

R median (thenar)
Wrist 4,000 7.0 44.5
Elbow 3,800 18
R ulnar (hypothenar)
Wrist 6,000 6.1 NR
Elbow 5,700 21
R peroneal
Ankle 400 7.8
Knee 400 17 NR
R tibial
Ankle NR
R median (index) 12 23 5.8
R ulnar (fifth) 5 5.2
R sural (ankle) NR


Motor Unit Potential

Muscle Insertional Fibrillation Fasciculation
Activity Potentials Potentials Recruitment Amplitude/Duration
(Fib) (FACS)
R first dorsal
(FDI) (hand) Normal 0 0 Reduced Mild increase
R anterior
tibialis Increased  0 Reduced Mild increase
R abductor
hallucis Increased  0 Reduced Moderate increase
L abductor
hallucis Increased  0 Reduced Moderate increase
R vastus
medialis Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
NR, no response. Sensory distal latencies are measured at the peak, and all amplitudes are measured baseline to peak.

sensorimotor neuropathy of the axonal type (42). Several hexacarbons are implicated in neu-
However, 15% of patients enrolled in a phase I study ropathy after occupational or recreational expo-
of suramin developed a neuropathy with clinical sures (44–47). N-hexane and methyl n-butyl ketone
and electrophysiologic features suggestive of a are metabolized to 2,5-hexanedione, the likely neu-
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) (43). rotoxic agent. The neuropathy is characterized by
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 312


progressive distal sensory loss, reduced or absent re- and saxitoxin derived from contaminated shell-
flexes, and eventual weakness and atrophy. Indi- fish (“red tide”) (50). Sodium channel blockade
viduals who voluntary inhale n-hexane (“huffing”) decreases the local ionic currents associated with
sometimes develop a motor loss greater than sen- action potential propagation, thereby slowing
sory neuropathy (47). Motor and sensory ampli- conduction velocity. This effect on conduction
tudes are reduced and conduction is slowed to an velocity is similar to that seen with reduced tem-
extent suggestive of primary demyelination. How- perature, which also affects Na channels. Motor
ever, conduction slowing is attributed to secondary amplitudes are reduced, but there is no abnormal
myelin damage associated with axonal lesions, and temporal dispersion or partial conduction block.
these neuropathies are characterized by giant ax- Additional examples of neuropathies that demon-
onal swellings filled with neurofilaments (48,49). strate evidence of uniform conduction slowing are
Positive waves and fibrillation potentials are listed in Table 11-5.
recorded on needle EMG, and motor units are
reduced in number but are of increased amplitude. Motor Greater Than Sensory Neuropathy,
The distinction between uniform and multifocal
Multifocal Conduction Slowing
conduction slowing vis-à-vis abnormal temporal
dispersion and conduction block often is impre-
(Table 11-7)
cise. At times, the neuropathy associated with
n-hexane intoxication may be indistinguishable
from GBS, explaining why this neurotoxicant A 42-year-old woman has a 3-year history of pro-
appears in more than one of the neuropathy classi- gressive weakness, gait unsteadiness, and painful
fication categories. dysesthesias in all extremities. On examination,
Neurotoxicants that block sodium channels she has increased skin pigmentation, generalized
include tetrodotoxin derived from the puffer fish distal atrophy and weakness, diminished sensation

T A B L E 1 1 - 7 Motor Greater Than Sensory Neuropathy, Multifocal Conduction


Arsenic acute intoxication

Guillain-Barré syndrome
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
Chronic disimmune polyneuropathy
Castleman’s disease
HIV infection
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)
Multiple myeloma
Osteosclerotic myeloma
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia
Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNLPP)
Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) with conduction block
Variants of CIDP (Lewis Sumner syndrome)
(Modified from Donofrio PD, Albers JW. Polyneuropathy: classification by nerve conduction studies and electromyogra-
phy. Muscle Nerve 1990;13:889–903, with permission.)
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 313


to all modalities except deep pain, and areflexia. abnormal temporal dispersion and partial con-
The results of nerve conduction and needle EMG duction block that followed stimulation at a distal
studies are shown in Table 11-8. An initial median and more proximal site. A sural response was
motor conduction study demonstrated marked unobtainable, but upper extremity sensory re-
slowing of conduction velocity (approximately sponses demonstrated low amplitudes, reduced
55% of the lower limit of normal), as well as a conduction velocities, and prolonged distal laten-
prominent change in the CMAP configuration cies. Needle EMG demonstrated evidence of
with proximal compared to distal configuration. chronic partial denervation and reinnervation,
These abnormalities were confirmed in the ulnar most prominent in the distal lower extremities.
nerve, but lower extremity motor responses were Paraspinal muscles were spared. The combined
unobtainable. A representative motor conduction studies were interpreted as providing evidence of
study, shown in Figure 11-6, demonstrates the an acquired sensorimotor neuropathy of the


Nerve Conduction Studies

Latencies (ms)
Nerve Conduction
Stimulate (record) Amplitude (V) Velocity (m/s) Distal F wave

R median (thenar)
Wrist 4,000 6.5 42.3
Elbow 1,200 25
R ulnar (hypothenar)
Wrist 3,000 5.6 44.5
Below elbow 1,500 26
R peroneal
Ankle NR
R tibial
Ankle NR
R median (index) 8 5.5
R ulnar (fifth) 10 34 5.4
R sural (ankle) NR


Motor Unit Action Potential

Muscle Activity Fib Fasc Recruitment Amplitude/Duration

R first dorsal
interosseous (hand) Increased + 0 Reduced Mild increase
R biceps brachii Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R anterior tibialis Increased ++ 0 Reduced Moderate increase
R abductor hallucis Increased +++ 0 Reduced Severe increase
L abductor hallucis Increased +++ 0 Reduced Severe increase
R vastus medialis Increased + 0 Reduced Mild increase
R gluteus medius Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R paraspinal (lumbar) Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 314


demyelinating type with superimposed axonal

The presence of abnormal temporal disper-
sion and partial conduction block demonstrated by
this patient is typical of multifocal involvement
and characteristic of an acquired demyelinating
neuropathy such as seen in chronic inflammatory
demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). The ac-
quired inflammatory demyelinating neuropathies
are the prototype disorders associated with multifo-
cal conduction slowing. They are immune diseases
of peripheral nerves and nerve roots. Included are
acute (acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneu-
ropathy or GBS) and chronic (CIDP) forms. CIDP
is thought to be the most common treatable
neuropathy, aside from diabetic neuropathy, evalu-
ated in most neuromuscular clinics. Identification
of CIDP in patients with suspected neuropathy is
important, not only because it is treatable but Figure 11-8 ● Compound muscle action
also because a subgroup of these patients have an potentials (CMAPs) recorded from thenar
underlying systemic illness, including plasma cell muscles following percutaneous stimulation
dyscrasias, Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, of median nerve at multiple sites from pa-
gamma heavy-chain disease, cryoglobulinemia, tient with an acquired inflammatory de-
lymphoma, systemic lupus erythematosus, Castle- myelinating polyneuropathy. The distance
man’s disease, occult malignancy, and human from stimulation to recording site (in mm) is indi-
immunodeficiency virus infection (28). Most ac- cated at the left of individual tracings. Although there
is evidence of abnormal temporal dispersion over
quired demyelinating neuropathies are character-
long stimulation distances, small incremental
ized by progressive weakness, areflexia, diminished increases in the stimulation distance confirm partial
sensation, dysautonomia, and elevated levels of conduction block with an abrupt decrease in CMAP
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein (51–53). amplitude (and area) associated with a small in-
The most prominent electrodiagnostic feature crease in CMAP duration (10%). (Reprinted from
suggestive of an acquired demyelinating neuropathy Albers JW. Clinical neurophysiology of generalized
is abnormal temporal dispersion or partial polyneuropathy. J Clin Neurophysiol 1992;10:149–166,
conduction block. Decreases in the ratio of the with permission.)
CMAP amplitude or the area beneath the negative
potential following proximal and distal stimulation nation. Reduced conduction velocity and prolonged
of up to 50% may result from dispersion and result- distal latency also reflect demyelination; however, ab-
ant phase cancellation (28). Reductions exceeding normalities must be interpreted in relation to other
50% likely require at least some degree of conduction information, including response amplitude and dis-
block. Changes in the CMAP duration reflect abnor- ease duration, and the electromyographer should not
mal temporal dispersion, and increases exceeding give undue significance to mild conduction slowing.
15% over short segments and 20% over longer seg- Whenever possible, the electrodiagnostic evaluation
ments indicate abnormality (29,54). The site of partial should include nerves with reasonably preserved
conduction block can sometimes be demonstrated CMAP amplitudes. Absent F responses are a non-
by making small incremental changes in the stimula- specific finding in isolation; reliance on such findings
tion site and observing the resultant CMAP (Fig. 11- is inappropriate (55).
8). Although it is sometimes difficult to distinguish The combination of an abnormal median
abnormal temporal dispersion from partial conduc- sensory response with a normal sural response is a
tion block, the distinction is clinically unnecessary be- relatively common finding in acquired demyeli-
cause both suggest the presence of acquired demyeli- nating neuropathy (56). The discrepancy between
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 315


sural and median sensory responses may be due to The patient described above was believed to
the sural recording site being farther from its have an acquired demyelinating neuropathy. The
extreme end, because the location of greatest ini- resultant clinical evaluation disclosed an abnor-
tial abnormality may involve the most distal, mal skeletal survey (Fig. 11-9) and biopsy evidence
thinly myelinated fibers. This hypothesis could be of osteosclerotic myeloma. Her systemic disease
examined by comparing the radial sensory and responded dramatically to melphalan and pred-
sural responses, using comparable recording tech- nisone treatment. Serial electrodiagnostic studies
niques (57). An abnormal median sensory with documented resolution of her neuropathy over
normal sural response occurs more commonly approximately 2 years (59).
with GBS (39%) than with CIDP (28%) (28,56). Table 11-7 lists several other disorders associ-
The needle EMG examination is of second- ated with a neuropathy characterized by multifocal
ary importance in the evaluation of demyelinating or nonuniform conduction slowing. Acute arsenical
neuropathy. Most patients develop at least some neuropathy is interesting for several reasons. Acute
evidence of axonal degeneration, and the pres- arsenical neuropathy presents as part of a systemic
ence of fibrillation potentials and positive waves illness characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
does not exclude the diagnosis of a demyelinating dermatitis, cardiomyopathy, pancytopenia with
neuropathy. The needle EMG examination is use- basophilic stippling, and abnormal liver function
ful in estimating the extent, distribution, and tests. The neurologic deficit progresses over weeks
duration of axonal degeneration but is a relatively and may suggest a diagnosis of GBS (60). Because
insensitive measure of severity (58). Mees’ lines (Fig. 11-10) do not appear on the nails

Figure 11-9 ● Multiple scattered sclerotic bone lesions within the right humerus and clav-
icle of case 2. (Reprinted from Donofrio PD, Albers JW, Greenberg SH, et al. Peripheral neuropathy in os-
teosclerotic myeloma: clinical and electrodiagnostic improvement with chemotherapy. Muscle Nerve
1984;7:137–141, with permission.)
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 316


Figure 11-10 ● Mees’ lines in a patient with documented arsenical neuropathy. Photo-
graph taken approximately 1 month after the most recent acute exposure to arsenic. Note the multiple sets of
Mees’ lines, documenting multiple prior exposures.

until approximately 1 month after exposure to ar- Motor or Motor Greater Than Sensory
senic (or any other protoplasmic toxicant), they are Neuropathy, Axonal Loss (Table 11-9)
not helpful during the initial phase of the evaluation
if the patient had a single arsenic exposure. As with
GBS, CSF protein levels become elevated several
weeks after onset of arsenical neuropathy, whereas A 50-year-old man with dermatitis herpetiformis
basophilic stippling, which appears much earlier, presented with a 6-month history of painless, pro-
suggests a toxic etiology. Initial EMG studies show gressive hand weakness and atrophy. Previous elec-
reduced conduction velocity, abnormal temporal trodiagnostic examinations resulted in a diagnosis
dispersion, partial conduction block, and low-am- of multiple entrapment neuropathies. His clinical
plitude or absent sensory responses. Serial studies examination showed profound distal upper limb
demonstrate a dying-back neuropathy with pro- weakness and atrophy (Fig. 11-11) and bilateral
gressive axonal degeneration, and initial findings weakness of ankle dorsiflexion and intrinsic foot
are probably related to generalized axonal failure. muscles. Sensation was normal. Reflexes were
Several additional disorders in this category are hypoactive. Results of nerve conduction and needle
considered by some to represent variants of CIDP EMG studies are shown in Table 11-10. They
(e.g., Lewis Sumner syndrome) (61). Multifocal demonstrate relatively symmetric but scattered
motor neuropathy is characterized by asymmet- reduction of CMAP amplitudes, with some pro-
ric distal weakness associated with partial motor longed motor distal latencies, minimally reduced
conduction block, a characteristic of multifocal motor conduction velocities, and no sensory abnor-
demyelination (62,63). On occasion, HNLPP be- malities. The needle EMG examination demon-
comes confluent, producing findings suggestive of a strates chronic neurogenic changes consisting of
diffuse neuropathy (64). small-amplitude fibrillation potentials, decreased
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 317


amplitudes are reduced with normal or minimally

TABLE 11-9 Motor or Motor Greater
slowed conduction velocities. SNAPs are absent
in about 50% of patients; when SNAPs are pres-
Than Sensory Neuropathy,
ent, differentiation from a familial progressive
Axonal Loss
muscular atrophy is difficult. The needle EMG
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease examination as described by Dyck and Lambert
(hereditary motor sensory neuropathy demonstrates nonspecific neurogenic changes
type II) with a distal predilection (33).
Dapsone This patient had a negative family history. His
medications, however, included dapsone, a medica-
tion he had taken for over 16 years, with a cumula-
Guillain-Barré syndrome (axonal form)
tive dose exceeding 650 g. Dapsone is associated
Hyperinsulinism with a slowly reversible neuropathy that is prima-
Multifocal motor neuropathy (axonal rily motor and usually occurs after prolonged
form) periods (years) of daily use. The neuropathy may
Nitrofurantoin be related to abnormal dapsone metabolism. Dap-
Organophosphates sone is metabolized by N-acetyl transferase, the
Porphyria same enzyme that acetylates isoniazid, and suscep-
Paraneoplastic (lymphoma or carcinoma) tible patients may be slow acetylators (65). Weak-
Vinca alkaloids ness and wasting sometimes involve the arms
West Nile virus (neuronopathy) more than the legs, and mild sensory abnormalities
may be present. Electrodiagnostic evaluation is
(Modified from Donofrio PD, Albers JW. Polyneu- characterized by low-amplitude CMAPs with
ropathy: classification by nerve conduction studies and
electromyography. Muscle Nerve 1990;13:889–903, normal sensory studies (66,67). Any conduction
with permission.) slowing presumably relates to the loss of the largest-
diameter motor axons. Needle EMG examination
demonstrates evidence of chronic denervation and
reinnervation. Dapsone is one of a few recognized
neurotoxicants that produces asymmetric abnor-
recruitment, and MUAPs of increased amplitude malities. The asymmetry and predilection of upper
and duration. The findings were interpreted as extremity involvement mimics multiple entrap-
representing a chronic motor neuropathy, although ment neuropathies in terms of distribution, al-
the findings also are indistinguishable from those though normal sensory responses would be atypical
associated with multifocal motor neuron disease. for a true mononeuropathy multiplex.
Motor greater than sensory neuropathies are Dapsone was discontinued and initial evi-
relatively uncommon, and identification suggests a dence of improvement was apparent within 4
relatively small differential diagnosis. Most neu- months, with almost complete resolution over the
ropathies in the differential have metabolic or toxic next 3 years.
etiologies, often involving medications. The pro- The hepatic porphyrias include acute inter-
totype disorder of an axonal motor greater than mittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria,
sensory neuropathy is hereditary motor sensory variegate porphyria, and ALA dehydratase defi-
neuropathy type II (HMSN II), the axonal form of ciency. They are characterized by the triad of ab-
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (33). HMSN II is an dominal pain, psychosis, and neuropathy (68–70).
autosomal dominant neuropathy characterized by All are associated with variable extrahepatic
slowly progressive weakness and sensory loss, usu- gastrointestinal and neuropsychiatric manifesta-
ally beginning in the third or fourth decade of life. tions, including neuropathy, except for porphyria
Distal atrophy may be severe, producing an in- cutanea tarda, which does not produce neurologic
verted-Champagne-bottle appearance to the legs. manifestations. ALA dehydratase deficiency is
Other signs include pes cavus, hammertoe defor- the least common of the hepatic porphyrias, and it
mities, hyporeflexia, and mild sensory loss. CMAP is the only porphyric neuropathy to present in
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 318


Figure 11-11 ● Photograph of hand of case 3 prior to discontinuing dapsone, demon-

strating severe atrophy of the intrinsic hand muscles.

infancy. It also is the only autosomal recessive he- in paraspinal muscles localizes the lesion to the root
patic porphyria (71). Acute hepatic porphyrias are or neuron.
pharmacogenetic regulatory diseases that are Other axonal motor greater than sensory
mainly induced by drugs, sex hormones, fasting, or neuropathies include the axonal form of GBS
alcohol (72). Porphyric neuropathy resembles GBS (12,76), the remote-effect motor neuropathy asso-
with quadriparesis, areflexia, dysautonomia, and ciated with lymphoma (77) or carcinoma (78), hy-
elevated CSF protein levels, but its distinguishing poglycemic neuropathy (79,80), and several toxic
features include an initial proximal predilection, neuropathies, including those associated with
asymmetry, and electrophysiologic features of disulfiram (81–83), organophosphates (84–87),
either an axonal motor or motor greater than nitrofurantoin (88–91), and vinca alkaloids such as
sensory neuropathy, or a polyradiculoneuropathy vincristine (92,93). An axonal form of an immune-
(73). Typical findings include reduced CMAP mediated multifocal motor neuropathy, without
amplitude, minimally reduced conduction veloc- conduction block or other features of demyelina-
ity, profuse fibrillation potentials after the fourth tion, has been proposed (94).
week, and decreased MUAP recruitment (74). Hypoglycemic neuropathy is associated with
Some reports exist of patients with porphyric insulin excess and almost always occurs after
neuropathy who fulfill the criteria for primary hypoglycemic coma (79,80). Like dapsone neu-
demyelination, but these results may represent ropathy, hypoglycemic neuropathy sometimes in-
secondary demyelination associated with axonal volves the upper more than the lower extremities,
death. Sensory responses occasionally are spared and usually involves motor fibers. The etiology
(75). The early appearance of fibrillation potentials and underlying pathophysiology are poorly under-
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 319


TABLE 11-10 CASE 3

Nerve Conduction Studies

Latencies (ms)
Nerve Conduction
Stimulate (record) Amplitude (V) Velocity (m/s) Distal F wave

R median (thenar)
Wrist 400 4.7 NR
Elbow 400 50
L median (thenar)
Wrist 1,200 4.2 NR
R ulnar (hypothenar)
Wrist 5,000 3.1 30.5
Below elbow 4,500 55
R peroneal
Ankle 300 6.2 NR
Below knee 300 42
R tibial
Ankle 2,300 5.4
R median (index) 25 64 3.2
R ulnar (fifth) 20 58 3.4
R sural (ankle) 12 44 3.8


Motor Unit Action Potential

Muscle Activity Fib Fasc Recruitment Amplitude/Duration

R FDI (hand) Increased ++ 0 Reduced (3+) Moderate increase

L FDI (hand) Increased +++ 0 Reduced (3+) Moderate increase
R abd. pollicis brevis Increased ++++ 0 Reduced (4+) Severe increase
L abd. pollicis brevis Increased ++ 0 Reduced (2+) Moderate increase
R biceps brachii Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R anterior tibialis Increased + 0 Reduced (1+) Slight increase
R FDI (pedis)s Increased ++++ 0 Reduced (4+) Severe increase
L FDI (pedis)s Increased ++++ 0 Reduced (4+) Severe increase
R vastus medialis Increased 0 0 Normal Normal
R paraspinal (lumbar) Normal 0 0 Normal Normal

stood, but aspects of this neuropathy are consistent (95). Disulfiram (Antabuse) is metabolized to ac-
with isolated anterior horn cell involvement. West etaldehyde when combined with alcohol, which
Nile virus infection has been associated with an should be a deterrent to alcohol use. Disulfiram is
acute motor neuropathy or neuronopathy charac- associated with a neuropathy characterized by pre-
terized by asymmetry, or even an isolated limb dominant weakness, mild sensory involvement,
weakness with minimal or no sensory involvement and areflexia (90). Weakness usually appears
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slowly, but occasionally onset is abrupt, mimicking result in the progression of neuropathy resembling
GBS (81). Neuropathy develops in approximately the acute toxic neuropathy (102).
0.2% of patients treated with nitrofurantoin (90).
Initial sensory involvement with paresthesias and
sometimes pain is common, although the most Sensory, Axonal Loss Neuropathy or
characteristic feature is rapid onset of severe weak- Neuronopathy (Table 11-11)
ness in elderly women with impaired renal func-
tion and presumably high blood nitrofurantoin
levels (88,89). A 43-year-old woman with ovarian cancer was
Organophosphates are used as pesticides and treated monthly with cisplatin chemotherapy.
nerve gases, producing slowly reversible inactiva- After the sixth and final treatment, she noted the
tion of acetylcholinesterase and leading to acetyl- subacute onset of progressive clumsiness and
choline accumulation in cholinergic neurons profound sensory loss. Examination confirmed the
(84,85,96,97). Muscarinic overactivity results in presence of large-fiber sensory loss (reduced vibra-
miosis, increased secretions, sweating, gastric tion and joint position sensations) and areflexia
hyperactivity, and bradycardia, whereas nicotinic without weakness. Results of nerve conduction and
overactivity results in fasciculations and weakness. needle EMG studies are shown in Table 11-12.
Following resolution of its acute effects, some All sensory amplitudes were unobtainable, but
organophosphates may produce a rapidly progres- motor conduction studies and the needle EMG
sive neuropathy that begins about 1 to 4 weeks after examination were normal, other than the irregular
exposure (85,86,98). Organophosphate-induced activation of MUAPs attributed to poor sensation
delayed neurotoxicity (OPIDN) has been associ-
ated with ingestion of triorthocresyl-phosphate
(TOCP) in adulterated Jamaican ginger extract,
sometimes referred to as Jake paralysis (99), and
contaminated cooking oil in Morocco (100,101).
T A B L E 1 1 - 1 1 Sensory Neuropathy,
OPIDN presents with dysesthesias and progressive
distal greater than proximal weakness. Reflexes are Axonal Loss
reduced at the ankles but may be normal or brisk
elsewhere, and spasticity may become a late feature,
reflecting upper motor neuron involvement. Dur-
ing acute organophosphate intoxication, repetitive CONOMAD
CMAPs occur after a single stimulus, presumably Ethanol
from recurrent postsynaptic depolarization by Friedreich’s ataxia
persistent acetylcholine. Other electrodiagnostic Hereditary sensory
findings are those of axonal degeneration of motor HIV infection
more than sensory fibers. Conduction velocities Idiopathic sensory ganglionitis
remain essentially normal, but evoked amplitudes Sjögren’s syndrome
are reduced and there is needle EMG evidence of Metronidazole
denervation characterized by fibrillation potentials Miller-Fisher variant of GBS
in distal muscles (85,86,98). Vincristine typically Nutritional (vitamin E deficiency)
produces an axonal sensorimotor neuropathy with
sensory greater than motor involvement, although
there are reports of weakness rapidly progressing
to a functional quadriplegia associated with vin- Pyridoxine
cristine (92). In some patients, the arms initially Tabes dorsalis
may be involved more than the legs, and the Tacrolimus
disorder resembles a “pure motor” neuropathy or Taxanes
neronopathy. Treatment with standard doses of Thalidomide
neurotoxic antineoplastic medications in patients Thallium (small fiber)
with a pre-existing neuropathy of any cause may
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TABLE 11-12 CASE 4

Nerve Conduction Studies

Latencies (ms)
Nerve Conduction
Stimulate (record) Amplitude (V) Velocity (m/s) Distal F wave

R median (thenar) 8,000 63 3.4 26.8
R ulnar (hypothenar) 9,000 61 3.1 28.5
R peroneal 12,000 57 4.8 48.5
R median (index) 6 44 4.1
R ulnar (fifth) NR
R radial NR
R sural (ankle) NR


Motor Unit Action Potential

Muscle Activity Fib Fasc Recruitment Amplitude/Duration

R FDI (hand) Normal 0 0 Normal Normal

R biceps brachii Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R anterior tibialis Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R abductor hallucis Normal 0 0 Normal Normal

(manifest ataxia). Examination of a single sensory with chronic ataxic neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia,
nerve would be insufficient to document a gen- IgM paraprotein, cold agglutinins, and disialosyl
eralized abnormality of sensory nerves in this antibodies (CANOMAD) (110,111). All of these
setting, because local entrapment or a variety of conditions present subacutely with unpleasant
technical factors could result in a false-positive paresthesias, evidence of reduced vibration and
result. The evaluation of several sensory nerves joint position sensations, areflexia, and minimally
provided confirmation that a diffuse abnormality decreased pain sensation. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
of peripheral sensory function existed in this is occasionally taken in large amounts to treat a
patient. The combined abnormalities were inter- variety of nonspecific conditions. Schaumburg et
preted as characteristic of a pure sensory neuropa- al demonstrated that neurotoxicity is dose related,
thy or neuronopathy. owing either to long-term cumulative exposure
Sensory involvement is common in most or the short-term administration of large doses
forms of neuropathy, but exclusive, severe sensory (104). With large doses, sensory loss may be
involvement is unusual. Acquired axonal sen- complete and irreversible, including involvement
sory neuropathies or neuronopathies include those of facial and mucous membrane areas (112). Cis-
associated with pyridoxine (103,104) and cisplatin platin is an antineoplastic agent associated with a
(105), as well as those associated with Sjögren’s dose-dependent sensory neuronopathy (105), as
syndrome (106), paraneoplastic syndromes (e.g., demonstrated in the case presentation. Cisplatin
oat cell carcinoma) (107), vitamin E deficiency sensory neuronopathy is clinically and electrodiag-
(108), tabes dorsalis, idiopathic sensory ganglioni- nostically indistinguishable from the paraneoplas-
tis, Friedreich’s ataxia (109), the Miller-Fisher tic sensory neuronopathy associated with small
variant of GBS (104), and a disorder associated cell lung carcinoma and antineuronal nuclear
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 322


antibodies (113). Carcinomatous sensory neuropa- cerebellar gait ataxia and abnormal heel-to-knee
thy is the most distinctive remote-effect neuropa- testing, with distal sensory loss to all modalities,
thy (107). It presents with paresthesias and dyses- areflexia, and weakness. Results of nerve conduc-
thesias, and large-fiber sensory loss in association tion and needle EMG studies are shown in Table
with areflexia, gait ataxia, and choreoathetoid 11-14, demonstrating reduced SNAP and CMAP
movements. Electrodiagnostic findings include amplitudes with borderline-prolonged distal la-
markedly reduced or absent SNAPs with normal tencies but without other evidence of conduction
motor studies. Sequential studies demonstrate a slowing. An isolated sural abnormality could re-
progressive reduction of SNAP amplitude, with- flect technical factors, as discussed earlier, but the
out motor conduction abnormality or any needle absent contralateral sural response and the border-
EMG evidence of denervation. Paclitaxel is an- line-low median and ulnar SNAP amplitudes con-
other antineoplastic agent that produces a dose-de- firmed a widespread abnormality of sensory
pendent sensory neuropathy (114,115). Friedre- nerves. Chronic neurogenic changes are present on
ich’s ataxia is characterized by a prominent sensory needle EMG examination, predominantly involv-
neuropathy, but there typically are additional mo- ing the distal lower limbs. The combined findings
tor abnormalities consisting of slowing of conduc- were interpreted to represent a nonspecific senso-
tion velocity related to loss of large myelinated rimotor neuropathy of the axonal type. A diagno-
fibers. There also may be mild chronic neurogenic sis of ethanol-associated neuropathy was made,
changes on needle EMG, differentiating this from based in part on the absence of other contributing
the sensory neuropathies described above. factors, the association of other ethanol-related
Thalidomide has been associated with a sen- findings, including midline-cerebellar degenera-
sory neuronopathy (116,117). Thalidomide was tion (confirmed on cranial magnetic resonance
initially introduced as a tranquilizer but was rarely imaging [MRI]), and the systemic and laboratory
used after 1961 because of teratogenic effects. evidence of ethanol toxicity (including abnormal
Recently, thalidomide has been reintroduced for liver function test results).
the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus The majority of neuropathies of all causes
dermatitis and other conditions. Thalidomide may present with predominant sensory abnormalities
produce a length-dependent, sensory more than in association with mild but unequivocal motor
motor neuropathy that presents with painful abnormalities. Sometimes the motor abnormali-
paresthesias and numbness (117). Although sural ties are apparent only on needle EMG examina-
nerve biopsy shows evidence of loss of myelinated tion. Examples described in the preceding section
nerve fibers (117), small-fiber more than large- that fit into this classification equally well include
fiber involvement is attributed to diminished pin neuropathies associated with the Miller-Fisher
and temperature appreciation in association with variant of GBS, Friedreich’s ataxia, and the
normal reflexes (116). SNAP amplitudes may be neuropathies associated with rheumatoid arthri-
reduced, however, even among asymptomatic tis. The vasculitis neuropathies are included in
patients receiving thalidomide (116). Metronida- Table 11-13 under the heading of “connective tis-
zole (118), numerous other medications (2), and sue diseases.” A review of the numerous forms of
ethanol are associated with predominant sensory vasculitis neuropathy, which include nonsystemic
neuropathy. vasculitis, is beyond the scope of this chapter but
can be found in the referenced materials
(119–122). However, the most distinguishing fea-
Sensory Greater than Motor Neuropathy,
ture of most of these neuropathies is the presence
Axonal Loss (Table 11-13) of asymmetry (123).
Most toxic-metabolic neuropathies are char-
acterized by distal axonal degeneration (dying
A 58-year-old man with a long history of ethanol back) of sensory and motor axons (124). Unfor-
abuse complained of an insidious onset of painful tunately, they are all physiologically similar, limit-
distal paresthesias, numb feet, and clumsiness. ing the usefulness of electrodiagnostic studies in
On examination, he had evidence of midline establishing etiology. Sensory symptoms and signs
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T A B L E 1 1 - 1 3 Sensory Greater Than Motor Neuropathy, Axonal Loss

Acromegaly Folate deficiency

Amyloidosis Post-gastrectomy
Critical illness neuropathy Thiamine deficiency
Connective tissue disease Pharmaceuticals
Rheumatoid arthritis Amitriptyline
Periarteritis nodosa Chloramphenicol
Churg-Strauss vasculitis Chloroquine
Degenerative disorders Colchicine
Friedreich’s ataxia Ethambutol
Olivopontocerebellar atrophy Isoniazid
Gout Nitrous oxide
Hypothyroidism Phenytoin
Leprosy Thallium
Lyme disease Statins
Metals Vincristine
Arsenic (chronic) Polycythemia vera
Gold Sarcoidosis
Lithium Toxic
Mercury Acrylamide
Multiple myeloma Carbon disulfide
Myotonic dystrophy Ethyl alcohol
Nutritional Ethylene oxide
B12 deficiency Hexacarbons
(Modified from Donofrio PD, Albers JW. Polyneuropathy: classification by nerve conduction studies and electromyogra-
phy. Muscle Nerve 1990;13:889–903, with permission.)

predominate with dysesthesias, paresthesias, distal who consume large amounts of alcohol often are nu-
sensory loss, and loss of distal reflexes. Weakness tritionally compromised, and clinically similar neu-
and atrophy of distal muscles develop subse- ropathies, particularly those involving sensory
quently. Sensory amplitudes are usually abnormal nerves, occur with vitamin deficiency states, includ-
early in the course of the disease; motor ampli- ing thiamine and other B vitamins (127). Some
tudes become abnormal later, occurring in the evidence suggests that an alcohol neuropathy can
distal lower limbs first. Conduction velocities occur with normal nutrition. Paresthesias and
remain essentially normal. Fibrillation potentials painful distal dysesthesias are common early symp-
and positive waves appear distally. toms. The neuropathy progresses slowly, beginning
Ethyl alcohol is generally identified as one of with distal sensory loss. Distal weakness, unsteady
the most common causes of neuropathy in the gait, and areflexia appear subsequently, often in as-
United States. Neuropathy appears in association sociation with dysautonomia. The recognition of
with several neurologic findings related either to the critical illness neuropathy is attributed to the initial
direct neurotoxic effects of alcohol or its metabo- observations of Bolton, who reported development
lites, nutritional disorders, genetic factors, or com- of neuropathy in association with sepsis and a sys-
binations thereof (125–127). The role of alcohol in temic inflammatory response (128). Distinguishing
neuropathy is controversial because individuals involvement of nerve and muscle fibers in the form
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TABLE 11-14 CASE 5

Nerve Conduction Studies

Latencies (ms)
Nerve Conduction
Stimulate (record) Amplitude (V) Velocity (m/s) Distal F wave

R median (thenar)
Wrist 5,000 4.1 30.9
Elbow 4,500 55
R ulnar (hypothenar)
Wrist 7,000 3.3 30.1
Below elbow 6,500 57
R peroneal
Ankle 2,000 5.2 NR
Below knee 1,800 44
R tibial
Ankle 2,300 5.4
R median (index) 12 54 3.7
R ulnar (fifth) 8 56 3.5
R sural (ankle) NR
L sural (ankle) NR


Motor Unit Action Potential

Muscle Activity Fib Fasc Recruitment Amplitude/Duration

R FDI (hand) Increased ++ 0 Reduced (2+) Slight increase

R abd. pollicis brevis Increased ++ 0 Reduced (2+) Slight increase
R extensor digitorum Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R biceps brachii Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R anterior tibialis Increased + 0 Reduced (1+) Slight increase
R posterior tibialis Increased ++ 0 Reduced (1+) Slight increase
R FDI (pedis) Increased +++ 0 Reduced (4+) Severe increase
R vastus medialis Increased 0 0 Normal Normal
R paraspinal (lumbar) Normal 0 0 Normal Normal

of critical illness neuropathy or critical illness my- suggesting a specific diagnosis include a painful
opathy sometimes is difficult (129). neuropathy with superimposed carpal tunnel
The electromyographer’s contribution to the syndromes in amyloidosis (130), tremor and neu-
evaluation of axonal sensorimotor neuropathies is ropathy with ithium (131) or mercury intoxication
in confirming the presence of neuropathy and (132), preservation of reflexes with abnormal cor-
identifying other findings, such as Mees’ lines, ticospinal tract signs with vitamin B12 deficiency
that may suggest a cause for the neuropathy. (133), and the coexistence of neuropathy and
Axonal sensorimotor neuropathies with features myopathy associated with colchicine use (134).
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 325


Familiarity with the associated disorders listed in cies and conduction velocities near the lower limit
Table 11-13 may prove helpful in identifying po- of normal were present in all of the motor nerves
tential causes for neuropathy in the individual pa- examined. The absent skin potential responses,
tient with a nonspecific sensory greater than motor sometimes called sympathetic skin responses,
axonal neuropathy. provide evidence of autonomic dysfunction but
do not localize the level of abnormality more
precisely. The needle EMG examination demon-
Sensory Greater Than Motor Neuropathy, strated chronic neurogenic changes in the distal
Conduction Slowing (Table 11-15) lower limbs and fibrillation potentials scattered
throughout the paraspinal muscles. The com-
bined findings were interpreted as those of a
A 32-year-old man with a 12-year history of in- moderately severe sensorimotor neuropathy with
sulin-dependent diabetes mellitus reported the superimposed dysautonomia and polyradi-
gradual onset of very painful distal paresthesias, culopathy. The conduction slowing was insuffi-
numb feet, clumsiness, impotence, and orthosta- cient to fulfill the criteria for primary demyelina-
tic lightheadedness. On examination, he had evi- tion but was more characteristic of the loss of
dence of sensory ataxia, distal sensory loss to all large myelinated nerve fibers or of an axonal
modalities, absent reflexes, and mild distal weak- membranopathy. The combined abnormalities
ness. His feet do not appear to sweat, and he had were characteristic of those frequently associated
a 15 mm Hg orthostatic drop in his blood pressure with diabetes mellitus.
without an increase in his pulse rate. Nerve con- Diabetic neuropathy is the most common
duction and needle EMG studies, shown in Table cause of neuropathy in the United States. In early
11-16, demonstrated reduced SNAP amplitudes symmetric diabetic neuropathy, sensory com-
and moderate slowing of sensory and motor con- plaints and signs predominate with extremity
duction velocities without clear evidence of ab- dysesthesias, paresthesias, and sensory loss. When
normal temporal dispersion or partial conduction present, weakness is most prominent in the distal
block. F wave latencies were prolonged in upper lower limbs. Early signs of diabetic neuropathy
and lower extremities. Skin potential responses include decreased vibration and pain sensations in
were unobtainable. Isolated median abnormali- the distal lower extremities. Joint position sensa-
ties could have been explained by a focal median tion may be impaired in severe diabetic neuropa-
mononeuropathy at the wrist, with the mild con- thy. Ankle reflexes are usually absent, and other
duction velocity slowing related to conduction reflexes are hypoactive. Atrophy and weakness of
block of large myelinated fibers. However, simi- distal muscles develop, followed by more proxi-
lar findings of borderline-prolonged distal laten- mal involvement.
Most asymptomatic, neurologically intact di-
abetic patients demonstrate conduction slowing
with conduction velocities around the lower limit
of normal (135,136). F wave latencies are typically
prolonged, representing an early and sensitive
T A B L E 1 1 - 1 5 Sensory Greater Than finding associated with mild diabetic neuropathy
Motor Neuropathy, or membranopathy. As the severity of the neu-
Conduction Slowing ropathy increases, sensory amplitudes disappear
in the lower extremities and motor amplitudes
Diabetes mellitus become reduced in association with the further
End-stage renal disease reduction of conduction velocities (136). Abnor-
mal temporal dispersion and partial conduction
(Modified from Donofrio PD, Albers JW. Polyneu-
ropathy: classification by nerve conduction studies and block are not prominent. Most patients with iso-
electromyography. Muscle Nerve 1990;13:889–903, lated sensory abnormalities and all patients with
with permission.) generalized sensorimotor diabetic neuropathy
have fibrillation potentials distally.
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TABLE 11-16 CASE 6

Nerve Conduction Studies

Latencies (ms)
Nerve Conduction
Stimulate (record) Amplitude (V) Velocity (m/s) Distal F wave

R median (thenar)
Wrist 5,000 4.2 33.9
Elbow 4,600 47
R peroneal
Ankle 1,500 6.1 NR
Below knee 1,400 39
R tibial
Ankle 3,300 5.8
R median (index) 10 49 3.8
R ulnar (fifth) 5 50 3.7
R sural (ankle) NR
Motor Unit Potential
Muscle Activity Fib Fasc Recruitment Amplitude/Duration

R FDI (hand) Increased + 0 Reduced Slight increase

R biceps brachii Normal 0 0 Normal Normal
R anterior tibialis Increased + 0 Reduced Slight increase
R median gastrocnemius Increased + 0 Reduced Slight increase
R vastus medialis Increased 0 0 Normal Normal
R FDI (pedis)s Increased ++ 0 Reduced Moderate increase
L FDI (pedis)s Increased ++ 0 Reduced Moderate increase
R paraspinal (lumbar) Increased ++ 0
R paraspinal (thoracic) Increased ++ 0

Electromyographers frequently identify the with IGT is generally milder than the neuropathy
presence of what proves to be diabetic neuropathy associated with diabetes mellitus, and small fibers
among patients referred for evaluation but who may be predominantly affected, perhaps explain-
are not known to have diabetes. Consistent with ing the high frequency of patients presenting with
this observation, about 10% of patients with dia- painful sensory neuropathy and IGT (138,139).
betes have evidence of neuropathy at the time of The pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy and
their diagnosis (137). Similarly, among patients the resultant electrophysiologic abnormalities have
diagnosed with “idiopathic” neuropathy, labora- been attributed to a combination of direct axonal
tory glucose evaluation shows that many will have injury due to hyperglycemia, axonal ischemia due
frank diabetes, whereas as many as 25% will show to microvascular injury, and possibly autoimmune
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in response to a injury associated with development of antineu-
75 g glucose load (138). The neuropathy associated ronal antibodies in response to exposed antigen
90749_ch11(297-333).ps 8/11/06 11:12 AM Page 327


targets (17,140). The pathophysiology of reduced SUMMARY

conduction velocity in symmetric distal diabetic
neuropathy is complex and probably reflects Symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy
chronic demyelination with remyelination, axonal are among the most common neurologic com-
stenosis, and a primary metabolic and ischemic plaints evaluated by the electromyographer.
abnormality. Increased conduction velocity hours Although the frequency of neuropathy among the
after normalizing glucose levels suggests that general population is unknown, it is generally
metabolic changes are related to the conduction believed to exceed 5%. During the past 25 years,
abnormalities (14,141). Hyperglycemia activates the number of identifiable and treatable neu-
aldose reductase, the enzyme that converts glucose ropathies has increased dramatically. Electrodiag-
to sorbitol. This is one of several reactions that de- nostic medicine has contributed to the evaluation
plete neuronal NADPH, an obligatory cofactor in of neuropathy, and most neuromuscular clinicians
oxidative metabolism, limiting the ability of the use the electrodiagnostic examination as an exten-
nerve to scavenge free radicals and produce nitrous sion of their clinical neurologic evaluation. In this
oxide, thereby producing cellular damage, im- context, the clinical and electrodiagnostic exami-
paired vasodilatation, and nerve ischemia (17). In nations are the most important “tests” used to
addition, decreased nerve myo-inositol and in- evaluate suspected neuropathy. There are few
creased polyol pathway activity related to in- pathognomonic features for most forms of neu-
creased conversion of glucose to sorbitol by aldose ropathy, but the electrodiagnostic evaluation of
reductase are associated with reduced Na/K- neuropathy plays an important role in character-
ATPase activity, increased intracellular Na, and izing the electrophysiologic features of the neu-
decreased conduction velocity, independent of ropathy. Clinical findings are confirmed by the
structural alteration (15). Axoglial disjunction and electrodiagnostic evaluation, and a focused differ-
the resultant diminished nodal Na permeability ential diagnosis is based on the combined clinical
also contribute to reduced conduction velocity (16), and electrodiagnostic findings. For some forms of
and intensive diabetes therapy delays the onset of neuropathy, characteristic systemic or pathologic
clinical neuropathy and the electrophysiologic clues help ascertain identity. For others, addi-
attributes of diabetic neuropathy in patients with tional laboratory tests are required to establish the
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (142). cause of the neuropathy. Establishing the cause of
Patients with renal failure independent of a neuropathy is a complicated task that depends
diabetes mellitus develop a sensorimotor neuropa- on information about the temporal profile of
thy characterized by low-amplitude motor and symptoms and signs, epidemiologic and genetic
sensory responses, sometimes in association with information, animal models, and an understand-
pronounced conduction slowing (143). This is ing of systemic disorders and the many substances,
most apparent in patients with end-stage renal particularly medications, known to produce neu-
disease (ESRD). The magnitude of slowing is ropathy. Of the numerous forms of neuropathy
greater than that expected from the loss of large encountered in clinical practice, the majority re-
myelinated fibers, and chronic demyelination, spond to treatment directed either at the underly-
remyelination, and membrane changes contribute ing pathophysiology or the systemic disorder
to the slowing (144). Although nerve conduction producing the neuropathy.
studies are important in the diagnosis of ESRD
neuropathy, they are not required to evaluate
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Electrodiagnostic Approach to
Patients with Suspected
Timothy R. Dillingham

INTRODUCTION electrodiagnosis provides valuable information

that informs planning of treatment and mini-
Cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies are con- mizes other invasive and expensive diagnostic and
ditions involving a pathologic process affecting therapeutic procedures.
the spinal nerve root. Commonly, this is a herni-
ated nucleus pulposus that anatomically com-
presses a nerve root within the spinal canal. An- SPINE AND NERVE ROOT ANATOMY:
other common etiology for radiculopathy is spinal DEVIATIONS FROM THE EXPECTED
stenosis resulting from a combination of degener-
ative spondylosis, ligament hypertrophy, and Spinal anatomy is discussed in Chapter 1 in
spondylolisthesis. Inflammatory radiculitis is an- greater detail. From an electrodiagnostic perspec-
other pathophysiologic process that can cause tive, however, there are several specific anatomic
radiculopathy. It is important to remember, how- issues that merit further discussion.
ever, that other more ominous processes such as At all levels the dorsal root ganglion lies in
malignancy and infection can manifest the same the intervertebral foramen. This anatomic ar-
symptoms and signs of radiculopathy as the more rangement has implications for clinical electrodi-
common causes. agnosis of radiculopathy, namely that sensory
This chapter deals with the clinical approach nerve action potentials (SNAPs) are preserved in
used in an electrodiagnostic laboratory to evaluate most radiculopathies as the nerve root is affected
a person with neck pain, lumbar spine pain, or proximal to the DRG.
limb symptoms suggestive of radiculopathy. The Regarding the cervical nerve roots and the
indications for referring for testing as well as the brachial plexus, there are many anatomic varia-
limitations of testing are discussed to give a tions. Perneczky (1) described an anatomic study
greater understanding of this important diagnos- of 40 cadavers. In all cases, there were deviations
tic procedure. from accepted cervical root and brachial plexus
Given the large differential diagnosis for anatomy. Levin et al (2) examined the pattern of
limb and spine symptoms, it is important for elec- abnormalities on electromyography (EMG) in 50
trodiagnosticians to develop a conceptual frame- cases of surgically proven cervical root lesions. A
work for evaluating these referrals with a range of needle EMG patterns was found, with
standard focused history and physical examina- EMG demonstrating less specificity for the C6
tion and a tailored electrodiagnostic approach. root level but more specificity and consistent pat-
Accurately identifying radiculopathy by means of terns for C8, C7, and C5 radiculopathies. In

90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 334


subjects with C6 radiculopathy, half of the pa- Most subjects demonstrated dual innervations for
tients showed findings similar to those with C5 most muscles (3).
radiculopathy and the other half demonstrated C7 These findings underscore the limitations of
patterns. This surgical group was more severely precise localization for root lesions by EMG. The
affected than patients who did not require surgi- electrodiagnostician should maintain an apprecia-
cal interventions, and this pattern may not hold tion of these anatomic variations to better convey
for less symptomatic patients. the level of certainty with respect to diagnostic
In the lumbar spine the dorsal and ventral conclusions.
lumbar roots exit the spinal cord at about the
T11–L1 boney levels and travel in the lumbar
canal as a group of nerve roots in the dural sac. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
This is termed the “horse’s tail” or cauda equina.
This poses challenges and limitations to the The electrodiagnostic examination is an extension
EMG examination. A destructive intramedullary of the standard clinical examination. The history
spinal cord lesion at the T11 vertebral level that and physical examination are vital initial steps in
damages the anterior horn cells can produce determining what conditions may be causing the
EMG findings in muscles innervated by any of patient’s symptoms. Most radiculopathies present
the lumbosacral nerve roots and manifest pre- with symptoms in one limb. Multiple radicu-
cisely the same findings on needle EMG as those lopathies, such as are seen in cervical spinal steno-
seen with a herniated nucleus pulposus at any of sis or lumbar stenosis, may cause symptoms in
the lumbar disc levels. Likewise, an L2 skeletal more than one limb. A focused neuromuscular
level lesion can affect any of the cauda equina examination that assesses muscle strength,
roots. For this reason, the electromyographer reflexes, and sensation in both the affected limb
cannot determine for certain the anatomic loca- and the contralateral limb is important, providing
tion of the lumbar intraspinal lesion producing a conceptual framework for electrodiagnostic
distal muscle EMG findings in the lower limbs. assessment.
The needle EMG examination can identify the An algorithmic approach to using physical
root or roots that are physiologically involved, examination and symptom information to tailor
but not the precise anatomic site of pathology in the electrodiagnostic evaluation is shown in Fig-
the lumbar spinal canal. This is an important ure 12-1. In this approach, the patient’s symptoms
limitation requiring correlation with imaging and physical examination signs of sensory loss and
findings to determine which of the possible weakness create a conceptual framework for ap-
anatomic locations is most likely the offending proaching these sometimes daunting problems.
site. This can be difficult in elderly persons with Admittedly, there are many exceptions to this ap-
foraminal stenosis as well as moderate central proach, with considerable overlap in conditions
spinal canal stenosis at a more proximal site. that might fall within multiple categories. Radicu-
In a prospective study of 100 patients with lopathies and entrapment neuropathies are exam-
lumbosacral radiculopathy who underwent lum- ples of such conditions with a variety of clinical
bar laminectomy, EMG precisely identified the presentations and physical examination findings,
involved root level 84% of the time (3). Needle such that they are included in both focal symptom
EMG failed to accurately identify the compressed categories with and without sensory loss. In the
root in 16%. However, at least half of the failures case of a person with lumbosacral radiculopathy, a
were attributable to anomalies of innervation. An- positive straight-leg raise test may be noted in the
other component of this study involved intraoper- absence of motor, reflex, or sensory changes.
ative stimulation of the nerve roots with simulta- Conditions such as myopathies and polyneu-
neous recording of muscle activity in the lower ropathies better fit this algorithmic approach,
limb using surface electrodes. These investigators given that symptoms and physical examination
demonstrated variations in root innervations, such signs are more specific. Figure 12-1 also contains
as the L5 root innervating the soleus and medial musculoskeletal disorders and denotes how they
gastrocnemius, in 16% of a sample of 50 patients. fall into this conceptual framework. The electro-
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Patient Presentation
(Pain, Weakness, Gait Disturbance, Sensory Symptoms, Paresthesia)

No sensory loss on Exam Sensory loss on Exam

Generalized Focal Symptoms Generalized Focal

Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms
(With Weakness)

–Multifocal Motor Reduced Reflexes

Neuropathy –Polyneuropathy –Entrapment
–Motor Neuron –Radiculopathy –Bilateral Cervical Neuropathy
Disease –Entrapment Neuropathy Radiculopathy –Radiculopathy
–Myopathy –Mononeuropathy –Bilateral Lumbosacral –Plexopathy
–Neuromuscular –Musculoskeletal disorder Radiculopathy –Other
Junction Disorder –Myofascial pain syndrome (Lumbar Stenosis, Mononeuropathy
Cauda equina syndrome)
Increased Reflexes
Generalized Symptoms
–Cervical Myelopathy
(No Weakness)
–Thoracic Myelopathy
–Multiple Sclerosis
–Polymyalgia Rheumatica
–Other Myelopathies

Figure 12-1 ● Algorithmic approach to structuring the electrodiagnostic examination

based upon the patient’s symptoms and physical exam-derived differential diagnosis. Fo-
cal symptoms refer to single-limb symptoms, whereas generalized symptoms are present when the patient
complains of symptoms affecting more than one limb. (Modified from Dillingham TR. Electrodiagnostic ap-
proach to patients with suspected radiculopathy. Phys Med Rehabil Clin North Am 2002;13:567–588, with per-

diagnostician must be able to modify the electro- words, eight times the likelihood of having a
diagnostic examination in response to nerve con- radiculopathy by EMG with this physical exami-
duction and EMG findings and adjust the focus of nation finding (4). Similar findings were noted for
the examination in light of new information. upper limb symptoms. If a reflex was lost or weak-
The implications of symptoms and signs on ness was noted, the likelihood of having a cervical
electrodiagnostic findings were investigated by radiculopathy confirmed by EMG was many
Lauder et al for both suspected cervical and lum- times greater (5). Combinations of findings, par-
bosacral radiculopathies (4,5). Even though physi- ticularly weakness plus sensory loss or weakness
cal examination findings were better at predicting plus reflex changes, resulted in ninefold greater
who would have a radiculopathy, many patients likelihood of cervical radiculopathy and two to
(18% in the lower limb) with normal examinations three times greater likelihood of lumbosacral
had abnormal lower limb electrodiagnostic stud- radiculopathy (4,5).
ies, indicating that clinicians should not curtail
electrodiagnostic testing simply because the phys-
ical examination is normal. For lower limb symp- ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC TESTING
toms, loss of a reflex or weakness dramatically
increased the likelihood of having a radiculopathy Electrodiagnostic testing is expensive and uncom-
by EMG. Losing the Achilles reflex, for instance, fortable for patients, and so it is important to un-
resulted in an odds ratio of 8.4 (P 0.01)—in other derstand why it is performed and the expected
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 336


outcomes. Electrodiagnostic testing serves several lated MRI changes presents an unclear picture. In
important purposes: this latter case the electrodiagnostic testing is of
high value, placing in perspective the imaging
1. It effectively excludes other conditions that findings and also excluding diabetic polyneuropa-
mimic radiculopathy, such as polyneuropathy thy or plexopathy as confounding conditions.
or entrapment neuropathy. Haig et al (6)
demonstrated that the referring diagnostic im-
AANEM Guidelines for
pression is often altered with electrodiagnostic
Radiculopathy Evaluation
2. Electrodiagnostic testing can to some extent The American Association of Neuromuscular
suggest severity or extent of the disorder be- and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM, for-
yond the clinical symptoms. Involvement of merly AAEM) guidelines recommend that for an
other extremities can be delineated or the in- optimal evaluation of a patient with suspected
volvement of multiple roots may be demon- radiculopathy, a needle EMG screen of a sufficient
strated, such as in the case of lumbosacral spinal number of muscles and at least one motor and one
stenosis. sensory nerve conduction study should be per-
3. There is utility in solidifying a diagnosis. An formed in the involved limb (7). The nerve con-
unequivocal radiculopathy on EMG in an eld- duction studies are necessary to exclude polyneu-
erly patient with nonspecific or mild lumbar ropathy. The sufficiency of the EMG screen and a
spondylosis or stenosis on MRI reduces diag- recommended number of muscles is discussed in
nostic uncertainty and identifies avenues of detail below. An EMG study is considered diag-
management such as lumbar steroid injections nostic for a radiculopathy if EMG abnormalities
or decompression surgery in certain situations. are found in two or more muscles innervated by
4. Outcome prediction may be possible. If surgical the same nerve root and different peripheral
intervention is planned for a lumbosacral nerves, yet muscles innervated by adjacent nerve
radiculopathy, a positive preoperative EMG roots are normal (8). This assumes, of course, that
improves the likelihood of a successful outcome other generalized conditions such as polyneuropa-
postoperatively (see “Implications of an EMG- thy are not present.
Confirmed Radiculopathy”). This is an area EMG study of bilateral limbs is often neces-
that deserves more research attention. sary, particularly if a single limb shows EMG
findings suggestive of radiculopathy and the pa-
Usefulness of Electrodiagnostic Testing tient has symptoms in both the studied and the
contralateral limb. If bilateral limbs are involved,
The value of any test depends upon the a priori then the electrodiagnostician should proceed by
certainty of the diagnosis in question, and this studying selected muscles in an upper limb (if the
principle applies to electrodiagnostic testing. For a lower limbs are abnormal on EMG) or a lower
condition or diagnosis for which there is great cer- limb (if both upper limbs are abnormal) to exclude
tainty before additional testing, the results of the a generalized process such as polyneuropathy or
subsequent tests are of limited value. The concept motor neuron disease. Likewise, additional nerve
of diminishing returns on the road to diagnostic conduction studies are appropriate to exclude
certainty is an important one. For instance, an other suspected conditions, and the electrodiag-
EMG test will be of limited value in confirming nostician should have a low threshold for expand-
the diagnosis of radiculopathy in a patient with ing the study.
acute-onset sciatica while lifting, L5 muscle weak-
ness, a positive straight-leg raise, and an MRI
H Reflex
showing a large extruded L4-5 nucleus pulposus.
This is because the a priori certainty of the diag- H reflexes have commonly been used to deter-
nosis was very high. In contrast, an elderly mine whether a radiculopathy demonstrates S1
diabetic patient with sciatica, limited physical involvement (8). This is a monosynaptic reflex
examination findings, and equivocal or age-re- that is an S1 nerve root-mediated response and can
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 337


differentiate to some extent L5 from S1 radicu- nario before attributing H reflex abnormalities to
lopathy. Many researchers have evaluated the sen- the aging process.
sitivity and specificity of the H reflex with respect In patients with upper limb symptoms sug-
to lumbosacral radiculopathies and generally gestive of cervical radiculopathy, H reflexes and F
found a range of sensitivities from 32% to 88% waves are not useful in diagnosis but rather help
(8–13). However, many of these studies suffered exclude polyneuropathy as an underlying cause of
from lack of a control group, imprecise inclusion symptoms. One study by Miller et al (15) exam-
criteria, or small sample sizes. ined the H reflexes in the upper limb in a set of pa-
Marin et al (13) prospectively examined the H tients defined by a combination of clinical criteria
reflex and the extensor digitorum brevis muscle (no imaging or EMG studies, however) as having
stretch reflex in 53 normal subjects, 17 patients definite or probable cervical radiculopathy. They
with L5, and 18 patients with S1 radiculopathy. tested the H reflex for the flexor carpi radialis, ex-
Patients in the study had all of the following: low tensor carpi radialis, and abductor pollicis brevis
back pain radiating to the leg; reduced sensation, muscles and also evaluated the biceps brachii het-
weakness, or positive straight leg raise test; and ei- eronymous reflex. The later reflex is derived by
ther EMG evidence of radiculopathy or structural stimulating the median nerve in the cubital fossa
changes on MRI or CT. The H reflex maximal and recording over the biceps brachii muscle, av-
side-to-side latency difference was 1.8 ms, as de- eraging 40 to 100 trials. These reflex studies had a
rived from the normal group. They analyzed the 72% sensitivity overall for the group, with 100%
sensitivity of the H reflex for side-to-side differ- for the subset of patients with definite cervical
ences greater than 1.8 ms or a unilaterally absent radiculopathy. In contrast, needle EMG demon-
H reflex on the affected side. The H reflex strated 90% sensitivity for the definite group. Al-
demonstrated only 50% sensitivity for S1 radicu- though these findings suggest a possible role for
lopathy and 6% for L5 radiculopathy but had 91% these upper limb H reflexes, they are highly spe-
specificity. H reflex amplitudes were not assessed cialized, time consuming, and difficult to consis-
in this study. These results suggest that the H re- tently elicit. They may have a role in sensory
flex has a low sensitivity for S1 root level involve- radiculopathies where needle EMG will not be
ment but may help differentiate L5 from S1 root positive and imaging findings are equivocal. Fur-
involvement. ther studies are necessary to clarify whether these
H reflexes may be useful to identify subtle S1 findings of Miller et al (15) can be duplicated in
radiculopathy, yet there are a number of short- other centers.
comings related to these responses. They can be
normal with radiculopathy (13), and because they
F Wave
are mediated over such a long physiologic path-
way, they can be abnormal due to polyneuropathy, F waves are late responses involving the motor ax-
sciatic neuropathy, or plexopathy (8). They are ons and axonal pool at the spinal cord level. They
most useful in the assessment for polyneuropathy. can be assessed and classified by using the minimal
To interpret a latency or amplitude value, latency, mean latency, and chronodispersion or
and to render a judgment as to the probability that scatter (8). As in the case of H reflexes, F waves
it is abnormal, precise population-based norma- demonstrate low sensitivities and are not specific
tive values encompassing a large range of ages of for radiculopathy; rather, they are a better test to
normal subjects must be available to which to screen for polyneuropathy. Published sensitivities
compare these nerve conduction findings. Falco et in radiculopathies range from 13% to 69%, but
al (14) demonstrated in a group of healthy elderly these studies suffer from many of the shortcom-
subjects (60 to 88 years old) that the tibial H reflex ings that are found in the H reflex studies
was present and recorded bilaterally in 92%. Most (9,16,17).
elderly persons are expected to have normal H re- London and England (18) reported two cases
flex studies, and when abnormalities are found in of persons with neurogenic claudication from
these persons, the electrodiagnostician should crit- lumbosacral spinal stenosis. They demonstrated
ically evaluate these findings and the clinical sce- that the F wave responses could be reversibly
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 338


changed after 15 minutes of ambulation that deficits (7). These tests are not necessary for elec-
provoked symptoms. This suggested an ischemia- trodiagnostic testing for persons with suspected
induced conduction block in proximal motor neu- radiculopathies, and their usefulness is limited to
rons. A larger-scale study of this type might find a special circumstances.
use for F waves in the identification of lum- DSEPs can document physiologic evidence of
bosacral spinal stenosis and assist with the delin- multiple- or single-root involvement in lum-
eation of neurogenic from vascular claudication. bosacral spinal stenosis and may be useful in the
case where spinal canal narrowing is minimal and
Motor and Sensory Nerve the patient has symptoms. This testing also com-
plements standard needle EMG. Snowden et al
Conduction Studies
(19) found that for single-level and multilevel
Standard motor and sensory nerve conduction lumbosacral spinal stenosis, DSEPs revealed 78%
studies are not helpful in identifying a cervical or sensitivity relative to spinal imaging. In this well-
lumbosacral radiculopathy; however, they should designed prospective study, DSEP criteria as well
be performed to screen for polyneuropathy and to as inclusion criteria were precisely defined. The
exclude common entrapment neuropathies if the predictive value was 93%. Yiannikas (20) demon-
patient’s symptoms could be explained by a focal strated that SEPs may be useful for cervical
entrapment. It is important to remember that myelopathy. In a study of patients with clinical
based upon the anatomy of the dorsal root gan- signs of myelopathy, all 10 had abnormal peroneal
glion, sensory responses should be normal in most SEPs, and 7 had abnormal median SEPs.
radiculopathies. If they are found to be absent, this Maertens de Noordhout et al (21) examined
should increase suspicion for another diagnosis, motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and SEPs in 55
such as polyneuropathy or plexopathy. persons with unequivocal signs and symptoms of
Plexopathies often pose a diagnostic chal- cervical spinal cord myelopathy. In this group, 87%
lenge, as they are similar to radiculopathies in showed gait disturbances and 82% showed hyper-
symptoms and signs. To distinguish plexopathy reflexia. MRI was not the diagnostic standard, as
from radiculopathy, sensory nerve conduction test these authors felt that MRI was prone to overdiag-
responses that are accessible in a limb should be nosis; rather, metrizamide myelography showed
tested. In plexopathy, they are likely to be reduced unequivocal signs of cervical cord compression for
in amplitude, whereas in radiculopathy they are all of these patients. Magnetic stimulation of the
generally normal. If substantial axonal loss has oc- cortex was performed and the responses were
curred at the root level, the compound muscle ac- measured with surface electrodes over limb mus-
tion potential recorded in muscles innervated by cles. In these subjects, 89% demonstrated abnor-
that root may be reduced in both plexopathies and malities in MEP to the first dorsal interosseus
radiculopathies. This is usually when severe muscle, and 93% had one MEP abnormality. At
axonal loss has occurred, such as with cauda least one SEP abnormality was noted in 73%.
equina lesions or penetrating trauma that severely Tavy et al (22) examined whether MEPs or
injures a nerve root. The distal motor latencies SEPs assisted in identifying persons with radio-
and conduction velocities are usually preserved as logic evidence of cervical cord compression but
they reflect the fastest-conducting nerve fibers (8). who were without clinical markers for myelopa-
thy. All patients had clinical symptoms of cervical
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials radiculopathy, but not myelopathy. In this group,
MEPs were normal in 92% and SEPs were normal
and Related Tests
in 96%. These investigators concluded that MEPs
The AANEM guidelines recently examined the and SEPs are normal in most cases of persons with
literature and concluded that somatosensory asymptomatic cervical stenosis. This indicates that
evoked potentials (SEPs) may be useful for cervi- abnormal MEPs and SEPs are likely to be true-
cal spondylosis with cord compression. Likewise, positive findings and not false-positives related to
in lumbosacral spinal stenosis, dermatomal SEPs mild cord compression that does not cause symp-
(DSEPs) may be useful in defining levels of toms. It is important to remember that cervical
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spondylosis is a process that causes a continuum of tain clinical situations that can be clarified by such
problems, including both radiculopathy and results.
The inherent variability in SEP recordings
and difficulty in determinations as to what consti-
Needle Electromyography
tutes “normal” prompted investigation. Dumitru et The need for EMG, particularly in relationship to
al (23) examined the variations in latencies with imaging of the spine, has been recently high-
SEPs. In 29 normal subjects, they examined the lighted (25). Needle EMG is particularly helpful
ipsilateral intertrial variations, arithmetic mean in view of the fact that the false-positive rates for
side-to-side differences, and maximum potential MRI of the lumbar spine are high, with 27% of
side-to-side differences with stimulation of the su- healthy subjects having a disc protrusion (26). For
perficial peroneal sensory nerve, sural nerve, and the cervical spine the false-positive rate for MRI is
the L5 and S1 dermatomes with respect to P1 and much lower, with 19% of subjects demonstrating
N1 latencies and peak-to-peak amplitudes. Consid- an abnormality, but only 10% showing a herniated
erable ipsilateral intertrial variation was observed, or bulging disc (27). Radiculopathies can occur
and side-to-side comparisons revealed a further in- without structural findings on MRI, and likewise
crease in this inherent variation regarding the without EMG findings. The EMG evaluates only
above-measured parameters. They suggested an motor axonal loss or motor axon conduction
additional parameter with which to evaluate SEPs: block, and for these reasons a radiculopathy af-
the maximum side-to-side latency difference. fecting the sensory root will not yield abnormali-
Dumitru et al (24), in a later study involving ties by EMG. If the rate of denervation is balanced
persons with unilateral and unilevel L5 and S1 by reinnervation in the muscle, then spontaneous
radiculopathies, evaluated dermatomal and seg- activity is less likely to occur and be identified
mental SEPs. History, physical examination, im- with needle EMG.
aging studies, and electrodiagnostic medicine The sensitivity of needle electromyography
evaluations clearly defined patients with isolated for cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies has
L5 or S1 nerve root compromise. Regression equa- been examined in a number of studies. The results
tion analysis for cortical P1 latencies evaluating of some of these studies are shown in Table 12-1.
age and height based on comparable patient and Table 12-1 lists the “gold standards” for diagnosis
control reference populations revealed segmental against which these EMG findings were com-
and dermatomal sensitivities for L5 radicu- pared. Studies using a clinical standard may re-
lopathies to be 70% and 50%, respectively, at 90% flect a less severe group, whereas those using a sur-
confidence intervals. Similar sensitivities were ob- gical confirmation may indicate a more severely
tained for cortical P1 latencies using the mean  2 involved group. The sensitivity for EMG was
standard deviations (SD) method. Side-to-side unimpressive, ranging from 49% to 92% in these
cortical P1 latency difference data revealed SEP studies. EMG is not a sensitive test, yet it likely has
and DSEP sensitivities for S1 radiculopathies to be higher specificity. The issue of specificity and its
50% and 10%, respectively, also at 2 SD. These in- value in electrodiagnosis was underscored by
vestigators questioned the clinical utility of both Robinson (25). It is apparent that EMG is not a
segmental and dermatomal SEPs in the evalua- very good screening test. In terms of screening
tion of patients with suspected focal L5 or S1 tests, MRI is better for identifying subtle struc-
nerve root compromise, finding little utility for tural abnormalities, with EMG to assess their clin-
these tests in persons with single-level lum- ical relevance and to exclude other disorders.
bosacral radiculopathy.
In summary, SEPs, DSEPs, and MEPs are
Paraspinal Muscle Examination
not necessary or recommended for the vast major-
ity of patients referred for possible cervical or lum- Paraspinal muscles are important to study, as they
bosacral radiculopathy (7). They can be helpful if localize the site of the pathology to the root or
performed in special laboratories skilled in such spinal level when positive and they increase the
testing, with adequate normal values, and in cer- yield for screening EMG studies of limbs and spine
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T A B L E 1 2 - 1 Selected Studies Evaluating the Sensitivity of EMG Relative to Various

“Gold Standards” for Diagnosis

Study Sample Size Gold Standard EMG Sensitivity

Lumbosacral Radiculopathy

Weber (28) 42 Clinical  imaging HNP 60%

Nardin (29) 47 Clinical 55%
Kuruoglu (9) 100 Clinical 86%
Khatri (30) 95 Clinical 64%
Tonzola (31) 57 Clinical 49%
Schoedinger (32) 100 Surgically proven 56%
Knutsson (33) 206 Surgically proven 79%
Young (3) 100 Clinical and imaging 84%*
Linden (11) 19 Myelography and CT 78%

Lumbosacral Spinal Stenosis

Hall (34) 68 Clinical  myelogram 92%

Johnsson (35) 64 Clinical  myelogram 88%†

Cervical Radiculopathy

Berger (36) 18 Clinical 61%

Partanen (37) 77 Intraoperative 67%
Leblhuber (10) 24 Clinical  myelogram 67%
So (38) 14 Clinical 71%
Yiannikas (20) 20 Clinical and/or radiographic 50%
Tackman (17) 20 Clinical 95%
Hong (39) 108 Clinical 51%
*Presence of either fibrillation potentials or large motor unit potentials (8 mV) was considered positive.
†This study assessed EMG parameters and used quantitative EMG with a unique grading scale not used in clinical prac-
tice. Fibrillation potentials were reported infrequently. This limits the generalizability of this otherwise strong study.
Unless otherwise stated the EMG parameters used in sensitivity calculations were fibrillation potentials.
(Modified from Dillingham TR. Electrodiagnostic approach to patients with suspected radiculopathy. Phys Med Rehabil
Clin North Am 2002;13:567–588, with permission.)

for radiculopathy. Dumitru et al (40) examined the their normal subjects showed regularly firing fib-
lumbosacral paraspinal muscles and intrinsic foot rillations or positive sharp wave potentials (40).
muscles with monopolar EMG. These investiga- They felt that the higher prevalences of sponta-
tors recorded potentials and found that there were neous activity previously reported (29,41) were due
irregularly firing potentials with similar wave- to not fully appreciating the similarity between
form characteristics as fibrillations and positive normal endplate-associated potentials and sponta-
sharp waves. By excluding irregularly firing neous single muscle fiber discharges associated
potentials (most likely atypical endplate spikes), with denervation. This well-designed quantitative
they found much lower false-positive paraspinal study underscores the need to assess both firing
results than other investigators (29,41). Only 4% of rate and rhythm as well as discharge morphology
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 341


when evaluating for fibrillations and positive waves ings and motor unit potential morphology for
in the lumbar paraspinal muscles. Electrodiagnosti- these muscles has not been established. Paraspinal
cians should take care not to overcall paraspinal muscles either show spontaneous activity (and
muscle EMG findings by mistaking irregularly fir- therefore localize the lesion to the root level), or
ing endplate spikes for fibrillations. they do not. There is considerable overlap in
With respect to paraspinal muscle assessment, paraspinal muscles with single roots innervating
the only relevant findings are fibrillations, positive fibers above and below their anatomic levels. For
sharp waves, complex repetitive discharges, this reason, the level of radiculopathy cannot be
myokymia, or myotonia. There are no normative delineated by paraspinal EMG alone, but rather is
values to which polyphasicity or motor unit mor- based upon the root level that best explains the dis-
phology can be compared. Electrodiagnosticians tribution of limb muscles with fibrillation poten-
should not identify radiculopathies solely on the ba- tials and other abnormalities.
sis of paraspinal polyphasicity, reduced recruit-
ment, or increased insertional activity. Paraspinal
Identification of Radiculopathy
muscles should be considered either normal or pos-
itive if they have fibrillation potentials, positive Electrodiagnostic testing is uncomfortable and ex-
sharp waves, or other specific discharges (complex pensive. Because electrodiagnosis is a composite
repetitive discharges, myokymic potentials, or assessment made up of various tests, a fundamen-
myotonic potentials). Care must be taken to have the tal question is, “When has the point of diminish-
patient relax these muscles to ensure optimal evalu- ing returns been reached?” Some radiculopathies
ation of insertional and spontaneous activity. cannot be confirmed by needle EMG, even though
Paraspinal muscles may be abnormal in the signs and symptoms along with imaging re-
patients with spinal cancers (42–44) or amy- sults suggest that radiculopathy is the diagnosis. A
otrophic lateral sclerosis (45) and in those exam- screening EMG study involves determining
ined following spinal surgery (46) or lumbar whether the radiculopathy can be identified by
puncture (47). In fact, fibrillation potentials can be EMG. If the radiculopathy cannot be detected by
found years after lumbar laminectomy (46). The a predetermined examination of a group of mus-
absence of paraspinal muscle fibrillations in such cles, then presumably no amount of additional
patients is helpful, but finding fibrillations in muscles can identify the radiculopathy. If a
someone after laminectomy is of uncertain rele- radiculopathy can be delineated by EMG, then the
vance, as these fibrillations may represent either screen should identify this possibility with a high
residual effects from the previous muscle damage probability. The process of identification can be
or relatively new denervation. conceptualized as a conditional probability: given
Investigations over the past decade have that a radiculopathy can be confirmed by needle
provided insights into better quantification and EMG, what is the minimum number of muscles
examination of lumbosacral paraspinal muscles. that must be examined to confidently recognize or
The lumbar paraspinal muscle examination has exclude this possibility? This is a fundamentally
been refined through investigations that used different concept from sensitivity. It involves un-
paraspinal mapping (PM) and a grading scale for derstanding and defining the limitations of a com-
the findings (48–51). The “mini PM” score posite test based upon testing each muscle of a
provides a quantitative means of deriving the de- group.
gree of paraspinal muscle denervation (51). It dis-
tinguishes normal subjects from persons with Radiculopathy Screening: How Many
radiculopathy. This novel and quantitative tech-
Muscles to Study?
nique may be able to identify subtle degrees of
radiculopathy or spinal stenosis with greater The concept of a screening EMG encompasses
precision. identifying the possibility of an electrodiagnosti-
Cervical and lumbar paraspinal muscles cally confirmable radiculopathy. If one of the
should be examined in most patient EMG evalua- muscles in the screen is abnormal, then the testing
tions for radiculopathy. Recruitment pattern find- must be expanded beyond the screen to exclude
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 342


other diagnoses and to fully delineate the radicu- tification. These findings were consistent
lopathy level. Because of the screening nature of with those derived from a large retrospective
the EMG examination, electrodiagnosticians with study (53).
experience should look for more subtle signs of
denervation, and if these signs are present in the
screening muscles, they should expand the study Lumbosacral Radiculopathy Screen
to determine whether these findings are limited to A prospective study was conducted at five institu-
a single nerve root’s myotome or to a peripheral tions by Dillingham et al (54). Patients referred to
nerve distribution. If they are limited to a single participating electrodiagnostic laboratories with
muscle, then the clinical significance of the find- suspected lumbosacral radiculopathy were re-
ings is uncertain. cruited and a standard set of muscles was exam-
ined by needle EMG. Patients with electrodiag-
nostically confirmed lumbosacral radiculopathies,
Cervical Radiculopathy Screen based upon EMG findings, were selected for
Dillingham et al (52) conducted a prospective analysis. As described above for the prospective
multicenter study evaluating patients referred to cervical study, neuropathic findings were ana-
participating electrodiagnostic laboratories with lyzed along with spontaneous activity. There were
suspected cervical radiculopathy. A standard set 102 patients with lumbosacral radiculopathies
of muscles was examined by needle EMG for all representing all lumbosacral root levels. When
patients. Those with electrodiagnostically con- paraspinal muscles were one of the screening mus-
firmed cervical radiculopathies, based upon EMG cles, four-muscle screens identified 88% to 97%,
findings, were selected for analysis. The EMG five-muscle screens 94% to 98%, and six-muscle
findings in this prospective study encompassed the screens 98% to 100% (Tables 12-4, 12-5, and 12-6).
following neuropathic findings: positive sharp When paraspinal muscles were not part of the
waves; fibrillation potentials; complex repetitive screen, identification rates were lower for all
discharges; high-amplitude, long-duration motor screens, and eight distal muscles were necessary to
unit potentials; increased proportion of polyphasic identify 90%. If only four muscles can be tested
motor unit potentials; or reduced recruitment of due to limited patient tolerance, as seen in Table
motor unit potentials. 12-4, and if one of these muscles is the paraspinals,
There were 101 patients with electrodiagnos- few electrodiagnostically detectable radicu-
tically confirmed cervical radiculopathies repre- lopathies will be missed. A large retrospective
senting cervical root levels C5 to C8. When study noted consistent findings, concluding that
paraspinal muscles were one of the screening mus- five muscles identified most electrodiagnostically
cles, five-muscle screens identified 90% to 98% of confirmable radiculopathies (55).
radiculopathies (Table 12-2), six-muscle screens Dillingham and Dasher (56) reanalyzed data
identified 94% to 99% (Table 12-3), and seven- from a study published almost 40 years earlier by
muscle screens identified 96% to 100%. When Knutsson (33). In this detailed study, 206 patients
paraspinal muscles were not part of the screen, with sciatica all underwent lumbar surgical explo-
eight distal limb muscles recognized 92% to 95% ration. All subjects had undergone standard EMG
of radiculopathies. Six-muscle screening includ- by Dr. Knutsson with a set of 14 muscles using
ing paraspinal muscles yielded consistently high concentric needles. The examiner was blinded to
identification rates, and studying additional mus- other test results and physical examination find-
cles led to small marginal increases in identifica- ings. In addition to the EMG and surgical infor-
tion. Individual screens useful to the electromyog- mation, myelogram and physical examination
rapher are listed in Tables 12-2 and 12-3. data were reviewed. In this reanalysis, screens of
In some instances a particular muscle cannot four muscles, with one being the paraspinal mus-
be studied due to wounds, skin grafts, dressings, cles, yielded an identification rate of 100%, sensi-
or infections. In such cases the electromyographer tivity of 92% with respect to the intraoperative
can use an alternative muscle with similar anatomic nerve root compressions, and 89% sensi-
innervations in the screen with equally high iden- tivity with respect to the clinical inclusion criteria
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 343


T A B L E 1 2 - 2 Five-Muscle Screen Identifications of Patients

with Cervical Radiculopathies

Muscle Screen Neuropathic Spontaneous Activity

Without Paraspinals

Deltoid, APB, FCU 92% 65%

Triceps, PT biceps, triceps 85% 54%
Deltoid, triceps, 84% 58%
Biceps, triceps, 91% 60%

With Paraspinals

Deltoid, triceps, PT 98% 80%

Biceps, triceps, ED 95% 73%
Deltoid, ED, FDI 90% 73%
Biceps, FCR, APB 95% 77%

The screen detected the patient with cervical radiculopathy if any muscle in the screen was one of the mus-
cles that were abnormal for that patient. Neuropathic findings for non-paraspinal muscles included positive
sharp waves (PSW), fibrillation potentials, increased polyphasic motor unit potentials (MUP), neuropathic
recruitment, increased insertional activity, complex repetitive discharges (CRD), or large-amplitude long-
duration MUPs. For paraspinal muscles the neuropathic category included fibrillations, increased inser-
tional activity, PSWs, or CRDs. Spontaneous activity refers only to fibrillations or PSW.
APB, abductor pollicis brevis; FCU, flexor carpi ulnaris; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; PSM, cervical paraspinal
muscles; FDI, first dorsal interosseus; PT, pronator teres; ED, extensor digitorum.
(Adapted from Dillingham TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al. Identification of cervical radiculopathies: op-
timizing the electromyographic screen. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2001;80(2):84–91, with permission.)

(56). This study, using data from four decades ago, of muscles (52,54). In summary, for both cervical
confirmed that a four-muscle screen provides and lumbosacral radiculopathy screens, the opti-
high identification. These findings are consistent mal number of muscles appears to be six muscles,
with contemporary work showing that screens including the paraspinal muscles and limb
with as few as six muscles are adequate. muscles that represent all root level innervations.
As described above, these research efforts When paraspinal muscles are not accessible or re-
were undertaken to refine and streamline the liable, then eight non-paraspinal muscles must be
EMG examination. The strongest studies, con- examined. Another way to think of this is, “To
temporary prospective multicenter investigations, minimize harm, six in the leg and six in the
provide the best estimates for a sufficient number arm.”
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T A B L E 1 2 - 3 Six-Muscle Screen Identifications of the Patients

with Cervical Radiculopathies

Muscle Screen Neuropathic Spontaneous Activity

Without Paraspinals

Deltoid, APB, FCU, triceps, PT, FCR 93% 66%

Biceps, triceps, FCU 87% 55%
Deltoid, triceps 89% 64%
Biceps, triceps, ED 94% 64%

With Paraspinals

Deltoid, triceps, PT 99% 83%

Biceps, triceps, ED 96% 75%
Deltoid, ED, FDI 94% 77%
PSM, FCU, triceps
Biceps, FCR, APB 98% 79%
PT, PSM, triceps
Muscle abbreviations, identification criteria, and definitions are described in Table 12-2. (Adapted from Dillingham
TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al. Identification of cervical radiculopathies: optimizing the electromyographic screen.
Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2001;80(2):84–91, with permission.)

Limitations of the EMG Screen but other tests such as MRI will be necessary to
confirm this clinical suspicion. This logic is illus-
If one of the six muscles studied in the screen is trated in Figure 12-2.
positive, then there is the possibility of confirming These cervical and lumbosacral muscle
electrodiagnostically that a radiculopathy is pres- screens are not intended to substitute for a clinical
ent. In this case, the examiner must expand the evaluation and differential diagnosis formulation
study to additional muscles to determine the by the electrodiagnostic consultant. Rather, infor-
radiculopathy level and to exclude a peripheral mation from the investigations described above al-
mononeuropathy. If the findings are found in only lows the electrodiagnostician to streamline the
a single muscle, they remain inconclusive and of EMG evaluation and make more informed clini-
uncertain clinical relevance. If none of the six cal decisions regarding the probability of missing
muscles is abnormal, the examiner can be confi- an electrodiagnostically confirmable radiculopa-
dent of not missing the opportunity to confirm thy when a given set of muscles is studied. Per-
that a radiculopathy is present, and the painful forming a focused history and physical examina-
needle examination can be curtailed. The patient tion is essential, and these screens should not
may still have a radiculopathy of mild degree supplant such clinical assessments or a more de-
(affecting only a few axons or sensory nerve roots), tailed electrodiagnostic study when circumstances
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T A B L E 1 2 - 4 Four-Muscle Screen Identifications of Patients

with Lumbosacral Radiculopathies

Screen Neuropathic Spontaneous Activity

Four Muscles without Paraspinals


ADD, TFL, MGAS, PTIB 80% 67%

Four Muscles with Paraspinals


VLAT, TFL, LGAS, PSM 88% 77%
ADD, MGAS, PTIB, PSM 94% 86%
The screen identified the patient if any muscle in the screen was abnormal for that patient. The muscle demonstrated either
neuropathic findings or spontaneous activity. Identification criteria and definitions are described in Table 12-2.
PSM, lumbosacral paraspinal muscles; PTIB, posterior tibialis; ATIB, anterior tibialis; MGAS, medial gastrocnemius;
LGAS, lateral gastrocnemius; TFL, tensor fascia lata; SHBF, short head biceps femoris; VMED, vastus medialis; VLAT,
vastus lateralis; RFEM, rectus femoris; ADD, adductor longus.
(Adapted from Dillingham TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al. Identifying lumbosacral radiculopathies: an optimal
electromyographic screen. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2000;79(6):496–503, with permission.)

T A B L E 1 2 - 5 Five-Muscle Screen Identifications of Patients

with Lumbosacral Radiculopathies

Screen Neuropathic Spontaneous Activity

Five Muscles without Paraspinals



Five Muscles with Paraspinals


Abbreviations and definitions of muscle abnormalities are the same as in Tables 12-2 and 12-4.
Adapted from Dillingham TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al. Identifying lumbosacral radiculopathies: an optimal
electromyographic screen. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2000;79(6):496–503, with permission.)
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 346

T A B L E 1 2 - 6 Six-Muscle Screen Identifications of Patients with

Lumbosacral Radiculopathies

Screen Neuropathic Spontaneous Activity

Six Muscles without Paraspinals



Six Muscles with Paraspinals


Abbreviations and definitions of muscle abnormalities are the same as in Tables 12-2 and 12-4.
(Adapted from Dillingham TR, Lauder TD, Andary M, et al. Identifying lumbosacral radiculopathies: an optimal
electromyographic screen. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2000;79(6):496–503, with permission.)

Suspected Radiculopathy

–Six muscles (with PSM) - lumbar screen

–Six muscles (with PSM) - cervical screen

If one muscle is positive, If all muscles negative, stop

expand study EMG exam in this limb
Determine if EMG reflects; The patient will not have an
1) Radiculopathy (which level), electrodiagnostically confirmable
2) Entrapment neuropathy, radiculopathy
3) Generalized condition, or
They may;
4) Findings that are of uncertain
1) not have radiculopathy, or
2) have a radiculopathy but you will not
confirm this with EMG. Other
diagnostic tests must be utilized such
as MRI or SNRB.

Figure 12-2 ● Implications of a positive or negative EMG screening evaluation. A positive

result usually warrants further EMG testing to fully define the pathology, and a negative test could lead to
nerve conduction or other testing to consider other diagnoses. PSM, paraspinal muscles; SNRB, selective nerve
root block. (Modified from Dillingham TR. Electrodiagnostic approach to patients with suspected radiculopa-
thy. Phys Med Rehabil Clin North Am 2002;13:567–588, with permission.)
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 347


dictate consideration of diagnoses other than confirmed clinical mild lumbar spinal stenosis, 24
radiculopathy. subjects with diabetes and polyneuropathy, and an
It is important to remember that the EMG age-matched control group of 25 persons. In this
screens for cervical and lumbosacral radicu- well-designed study, sural SNAP amplitudes reli-
lopathies were validated in a group of patients with ably distinguished the diabetic polyneuropathy
limb symptoms suggestive of radiculopathies. group (an amplitude of 4.2 V or less was found in
These screens will not provide sufficient screening 47% of diabetic patients and only 17% of stenosis
power if a brachial plexopathy is present or if a fo- patients). The ulnar F wave was prolonged in
cal mononeuropathy such as a suprascapular neu- polyneuropathy patients but not in lumbar stenosis
ropathy is the cause of the patient’s symptoms. The patients, and likewise the radial nerve SNAP was
electrodiagnostician should always perform EMG reduced in amplitude in polyneuropathy patients
on weak muscles to increase the diagnostic yield. (59). These findings underscore the value of per-
These screens do not sufficiently screen for my- forming sensory testing and F wave testing in the
opathies or motor neuron disease. It is incumbent involved extremity as well as an upper limb to fully
upon the electrodiagnostician to formulate a differ- recognize diabetic polyneuropathy and help differ-
ential diagnosis (Fig. 12-1) and methodically evalu- entiate this condition from spinal stenosis or
ate for other diagnostic possibilities when indi- radiculopathy.
cated. Structuring the examination as data are
acquired is an important aspect of electrodiagnostic Symptom Duration and the Probability
medicine and one that distinguishes such consulta-
of Fibrillation Potentials
tions from other diagnostic tests.
In the past, a well-defined temporal course of
events was thought to occur with radiculopathies
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis despite the absence of studies supporting such a re-
With the aging population in the United States lationship. It was a commonly held notion that in
and the increasing prevalence of lumbar spinal acute lumbosacral radiculopathies, the paraspinal
stenosis that occurs in the elderly, this condition muscles became denervated first, followed by distal
takes on greater public health significance. In fact, muscles, and that reinnervation started with
an entire edition of Physical Medicine and Rehabil- paraspinal muscles and then with distal muscles.
itation Clinics of North America was recently dedi- This paradigm was recently addressed with a series
cated to this complex topic (57). There are few of investigations (61–64). For both lumbosacral and
studies involving spinal stenosis and electromyog- cervical radiculopathies, symptom duration had no
raphy. For lumbosacral spinal stenosis, Hall et al significant relationship to the probability of finding
(34) showed that 92% of persons with imaging- spontaneous activity in paraspinal or limb muscles.
confirmed stenosis had a positive EMG. They also Based upon the investigations cited above,
underscored the fact that 46% of persons with a there is no evidence of a relationship between the
positive EMG study did not demonstrate duration of a patient’s symptoms and the proba-
paraspinal muscle abnormalities, only distal mus- bility of finding fibrillations in paraspinal or limb
cle findings. For 76%, the EMG showed bilateral muscles. This simplistic explanation, although
myotomal involvement (34). widely quoted in the older literature, does not ex-
In the United States, diabetes is on the rise, plain the complex pathophysiology of radicu-
with increasing prevalence and incidence (58). Dia- lopathies. Electrodiagnosticians should not invoke
betes often confounds the accurate diagnosis of this relationship to explain the absence or presence
radiculopathy and spinal stenosis (59,60). Inaccu- of fibrillations in a particular muscle.
rate recognition of sensory polyneuropathy, dia-
betic amyotrophy, or mononeuropathy can lead to
Implications of an EMG-Confirmed
unnecessary surgical interventions. In a recent
prospective study by Adamova et al (59), the value
of electrodiagnostic testing was assessed. There The electrodiagnostician must remember that
were three groups: 29 persons with imaging- EMG does not indicate the exact cause of the
90749_ch12(333-352).ps 8/10/06 3:49 PM Page 348


symptoms, only that axonal loss is taking place. A SUMMARY

spinal tumor, herniated disc, bony spinal stenosis,
chemical radiculitis, or severe spondylolisthesis This chapter reviews the electrodiagnostic test-
can all yield the same EMG findings. This under- ing for suspected radiculopathy and the expected
scores the need to image the spine with MRI (in- sensitivities that different testing modalities pro-
cluding gadolinium) to assess for significant struc- vide. One cannot overemphasize the importance
tural causes of electrodiagnostically confirmed of the clinical evaluation and differential diagno-
nerve dysfunction. A negative EMG test should sis formulation by the electrodiagnostic medical
not curtail obtaining an MRI if clinical suspicion consultant, which is needed to guide the testing.
for radiculopathy is high. Given the low sensitivi- The needle EMG examination is the most useful
ties of needle EMG, it is not an optimal screening single electrodiagnostic test but is limited in sen-
test, but rather a confirmatory test. sitivity. EMG screening examinations using six
There are few studies that have examined muscles optimize identification while minimiz-
the outcomes and the usefulness of electrodiag- ing patient discomfort. Nerve conduction stud-
nosis in predicting treatment success, the excep- ies, H reflexes, and F waves are not very useful
tion being surgical outcomes for lumbar discec- for confirming radiculopathy, but they are useful
tomy. Tullberg et al (65) evaluated 20 patients to exclude polyneuropathy or mononeuropathy.
with lumbosacral radicular syndromes who un- Electrodiagnosticians should understand the
derwent single-level surgery for disc herniations. strengths and limitations of electrodiagnostic
They evaluated these patients before surgery and testing to effectively use this important diagnos-
1 year later with lower limb EMG, nerve tic tool when evaluating patients with suspected
conduction studies, F waves, and SEPs. They radiculopathy.
showed that the electrodiagnostic findings did
not correlate with the level defined by CT imag-
ing for 15 patients. However, patients in whom
preoperative electrodiagnostic testing was normal REFERENCES
were significantly more likely to have a poor sur-
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Evaluation of the Patient

with Suspected Myopathy

Albert C. Clairmont, Bakri Elsheikh, and Yousef M. Mohammad

Electrodiagnostic findings in myopathy may re- The history establishes the basis for the entire
sult from a number of factors, including abnor- evaluation, and thus it is the crucial first step in the
malities or changes in muscle fibers as well as the electrodiagnostic study. Every disease has a ca-
surrounding connective tissue. A wide range of dence, and the history elicits the cadence that helps
findings is possible; therefore, the patient pre- identify the specific disease. What is the present-
senting with weakness and suspected myopathy ing complaint? How long have symptoms been
can pose a diagnostic challenge to the elec- present? In the case of muscle weakness, is the on-
tromyographer. If the abnormal pathology in- set acute, rapidly progressive, or slowly progres-
cludes muscle degeneration and regeneration, sive? One should know if there are exacerbations
one should anticipate abnormal membrane irri- and remissions or if the course is stable. It would
tability on concentric or monopolar needle elec- be helpful to know if sensory symptoms accom-
tromyography (EMG). Muscle fiber splitting, pany the weakness and whether or not the sensory
fiber atrophy with little or no degeneration, symptoms predated or followed the weakness.
errors of muscle maturation syndromes, and im- A history of antecedent illness (bacterial or viral)
paired muscle membrane excitability may have might lead one toward evaluating for evidence of
needle EMG findings that one may not necessar- neurogenic etiology (e.g., Guillain-Barré syn-
ily anticipate based on the underlying pathology. drome) instead of a myopathy. What is the distri-
In this chapter a practical clinical approach to bution of the weakness (1–4)? Is there a proximal
evaluating a person with weakness and question or distal emphasis? Is the weakness segmental?
of myopathy, using standard electrodiagnostic Is there a time of day or a specific activity that ag-
techniques, is presented. A proper electrodiag- gravates the symptoms? Persons with myasthenia
nostic consultation includes a detailed history gravis tend to show increasing fatigue and weak-
and physical examination with additional em- ness as the day progresses (5). Is there a family his-
phasis on the neuromuscular examination before tory of muscle weakness that might suggest a
beginning the electrodiagnostic study. After the familial etiology for the weakness? Is fatigue an
electrodiagnostic study, the consultant should issue? If fatigue is present, the history must be
render an impression and make recommenda- expanded to evaluate for other causes of fatigue
tion(s) for further workup or treatment options that are not necessarily direct muscle function
as appropriate. problems (e.g., depressive illness). Does the person

90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 354


complain of weight loss or weight gain? The loss NERVE CONDUCTION TESTING
of muscle fibers that might accompany a myopa-
thy can result in weight loss, although extensive The nerve conduction study in a patient with sus-
weight loss should lead one to consider the pos- pected myopathy should probably include two
sibility of underlying neoplastic disease or neu- motor nerves in the upper limb and one in the
ropathy. In the presence of bulbar or extraocular lower. If one chooses to study only one motor
weakness, mitochondrial myopathies should be nerve in the upper limb, it would be prudent
considered (6). to avoid an often-compromised nerve like the
One should inquire about activities of daily median. We recommend beginning the testing
living. Can the person walk on level ground or with one or more sensory nerves in the lower
on uneven ground, and can he or she climb stairs limb. Suspicion of a neuromuscular junction dis-
and arise to stand from a normal-height chair or order must lead to repetitive stimulation testing at
from a couch? Can the person chew food without 2 Hz to 3 Hz (11). If Lambert-Eaton myasthenic
tiring, and is there difficulty swallowing? How syndrome (LEMS) is being considered in the
about bathing, dressing, and toileting activities? differential diagnosis, one should deliver single
The presence or absence of joint and/or muscle supramaximal stimulation to the motor nerve be-
pain must be noted. There may be shortness of ing studied, with the muscle in the rested state (6).
breath as a function of weakness of respiratory The patient then performs 10 seconds of exercise,
muscles or from lung disease (7) resulting from followed immediately by a second supramaximal
the underlying disease process (e.g., pulmonary electrical stimulus to the motor nerve. Generally,
fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension in systemic motor nerve conduction studies are normal in
sclerosis [scleroderma]). Although systemic scle- myopathy. However, substantial muscle wasting
rosis is more likely to manifest as an acquired underlying the recording electrode would lead
neuropathy (8), a myopathy can occur in sclero- to abnormally small amplitude of the recorded
derma, from direct extension of fibrosis into compound motor action potential (CMAP). As
muscle (9). Inflammatory muscle involvement alluded to above, an abnormally small CMAP
in scleroderma may show clinical features similar amplitude should lead one to consider repetitive
to polymyositis, with significant proximal mus- nerve stimulation for possible myasthenia gravis
cle weakness and high elevations of muscle or LEMS (see Chapter 15).
enzymes (7).

For needle EMG, we recommend studying two ip-
The physical examination begins when one greets silateral limbs, preferably on the dominant side, to
the patient or observes the gait as the person walks allow for possible muscle biopsy evaluation on a
into the examining room. Some characteristic limb that has not been explored with a needle elec-
facies may be immediately recognizable because of trode. The most characteristic electrodiagnostic
obvious wasting of cranial and facial muscles. For findings in myopathy are best demonstrated during
example, in the person with myotonic dystrophy, needle EMG. The act of inserting the EMG needle
the mouth tends to hang open, teeth often are in electrode into muscle disturbs a few muscle fibers,
disrepair, bitemporal wasting is in evidence, and leading to a brief discharge of electrical activity.
frontal balding is noted. A handshake might con- The duration of the discharge is to some extent re-
firm myotonia of grip. In fascioscapulohumeral lated to the needle movement of the electromyog-
muscular dystrophy, facial weakness may show as rapher. In inflammatory myopathy where there
the absence or relative absence of furrows, lines, or has been extensive muscle necrosis and regenera-
creases that would be expected for age. A rash tion, some muscle fibers might undergo functional
could suggest inflammatory myopathy. The he- denervation and reestablishment of motor end-
liotrope rash of dermatomyositis and Groton’s sign plates. The functional denervation manifests as
come to mind (10). abnormal membrane irritability with resulting
90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 355


positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials. EXAMPLE CASES

The total number of muscle fibers is decreased in
myopathy, with an increase of connective tissue and
detritus, resulting in an increased distance between CASE 1
muscle fibers and the exploring needle electrode. The patient is a 36-year-old right-hand-dominant
The above combination contributes to the abnor- Caucasian woman who presents with progressive
mally small amplitude of the motor unit potential muscle weakness. She was well until 3 months
(MUP) in inflammatory myopathy. previously when, while working in a toy store, she
MUP duration is a function of the total num- could not stack boxes on a shelf a few inches above
ber of muscle fibers that are available to contribute her head. Three weeks later she could not climb
to the MUP. The slow, later phase of the MUP du- stairs without holding on to the side rails. She
ration is derived from more distant fibers of the blamed her symptoms on exhaustion from work-
motor unit. In inflammatory and some other my- ing long hours. However, the week before pre-
opathies, there are smaller numbers of muscle senting for electrodiagnostic evaluation, lifting
fibers remaining in the motor units available to objects or climbing stairs became impossible. She
contribute, and the more distant units cannot con- had some difficulty swallowing solids.
tribute to the MUP, resulting in the short duration Physical examination reveals mild bilateral
potential that is a hallmark of myopathy. Another facial weakness, neck flexor weakness, and sym-
hallmark of acute inflammatory myopathy is the metrical, proximal more than distal limb muscle
presence of polyphasic MUPs. The normal motor weakness. There is no muscle tenderness. There is
unit comprises muscle fibers of different diame- no rash, and cardiac and pulmonary functions are
ters. Larger muscle fibers tend to have faster prop- normal. Muscle stretch reflexes and sensory exam-
agation velocity along the muscle fiber itself than ination are normal, and motor coordination is also
do smaller muscle fibers. In inflammatory myopa- normal; therefore, a neuropathic process is un-
thy there is a greater variation of fiber diameters likely. Levels of creatine kinase (CK) are increased
than in the normal situation. Some muscle fibers seven-fold.
are sick or damaged and are smaller in diameter Sensory and motor nerve conduction studies
than would be normally expected. This increased of the right upper and lower limbs are normal.
fiber diameter variation is thought to manifest as Repetitive nerve stimulation is normal, thereby
slight desynchronization of the MUP, resulting in ruling out a myasthenic syndrome. Results of the
polyphasic MUPs (12). needle EMG done on this patient are presented in
Another characteristic finding on needle Table 13-1.
EMG in myopathy is increased recruitment of
MUPs. This is often manifested as the patient’s Summary of Findings
inability to voluntarily activate just one single This is a 36-year-old woman with 3-month history
MUP on command. Because the remaining mo- of progressive weakness. Physical examination
tor units are smaller in size, sick, and weak, the suggests a myopathic process. The lack of sensory
patient’s effort to activate a single motor unit is symptoms, the preserved reflexes, and the normal
unsuccessful. Smaller motor units generate less nerve conduction studies exclude a neuropathy. If
force than larger motor units (12). Instead of sensory and motor nerve conduction study abnor-
a single motor unit, many of the sick and dam- malities were recorded in this clinical setting, then
aged motor units must fire together to produce one would consider the possibility of neuromyosi-
enough force to meet the demand for minimal tis (13). In neuromyositis, the patient presents with
activation. Therefore, at minimal contraction or the usual electrodiagnostic findings of polymyosi-
turn-on frequency, many MUPs are immediately tis in addition to the presence of abnormalities of
recruited, as recorded by needle EMG. At full sensory and motor nerve conduction. Abnormal
effort of activation, the screen is filled with small- membrane irritability and normal repetitive nerve
amplitude, short-duration, polyphasic MUPs that stimulation do not support a neuromuscular junc-
impart a high-frequency audio cue to the elec- tion disorder. EMG findings of short-duration,
tromyogram. low-amplitude, polyphasic, early recruited MUPs
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Needle EMG Studies

Muscle Fib. PSW Fasc. CRD Amplitude Duration Polyphasics Recruitment

R Deltoid 3 4 0 Yes Decrease Short Yes Early

R Biceps 2 3 0 Yes Decrease Short Yes Early
R Triceps 1 2 0 No Decrease Short Yes Early
R Pronator teres 1 1 0 No Decrease Short Yes Early
R First dorsal 0 0 0 No Normal Normal No Normal
R Cervical 2 3 0 Yes Decrease Short Yes Early
R Adductor 3 4 0 Yes Decrease Short Yes Early
R Rectus 2 3 0 Yes Decrease Short Yes Early
R Tibialis 1 1 0 No Decrease Short Yes Early
R Gastrocnemius 1 1 0 No Decrease Normal No Normal
R Lumbar 2 3 0 Yes Decrease Short Yes Early
R Ext. hallucis 1 1 0 No Decrease Normal Yes Early
Fib., fibrillation potentials; PSW, positive sharp waves; Fasc., fasciculation potentials; CRD, complex repetitive discharges.

are typical for myopathy (12,14). Needle EMG also Weakness was not worse at any particular time of
suggests that the process is more severe proximally day. Ocular muscles were not particularly affected.
than distally. The presence of abnormal sponta- There was no history of significant weight loss or
neous activity correlates with disease activity (15). sensory complaints. He now presents for electrodi-
The EMG findings are compatible with a diagno- agnostic evaluation.
sis of inflammatory myopathy. The diagnosis of Physical examination demonstrates normal
polymyositis in this patient is confirmed by muscle cranial nerve function and weak elbow flexors,
biopsy. Note that the EMG study is done on the pa- wrist flexors, finger flexors, hip flexors, knee ex-
tient’s dominant side to avoid muscle biopsy arti- tensors, and foot dorsiflexors. Muscle stretch re-
facts caused by the EMG needle, since the muscle flexes and sensory testing are normal. CK levels
biopsy is usually done on the nondominant side. are increased two-fold.
Sensory and motor conduction studies of the
left median and ulnar nerves are normal. The
right peroneal and tibial motor, and superficial
A 70-year-old, left-hand-dominant, retired male peroneal and sural sensory nerves are also normal.
university professor reported a 2 year history Results of the needle EMG done on this patient
of progressive painless weakness of the legs. He are presented in Table 13-2.
gradually lost the ability to get up or down stairs
and later lost the ability to rise from a squat. As time Summary of Findings
progressed he realized that he could not open jars. This is a 70-year-old man with a 2 year history of
There was no skin rash or swallowing difficulty. progressive weakness. The distribution of the
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Needle EMG Studies

Muscle Fib. PSW Fasc. CRD Amplitude Duration Polyphasics Recruitment

L Deltoid 0 0 0 No Normal Normal No Normal

L Biceps 1 1 0 Yes Decrease Short/ Yes Early
Few long
L Brachioradialis 1 1 0 Yes Decrease Short/ Yes Early
Few long
L Triceps 1 2 0 No Decrease Short/ Yes Early
Few long
L Flexor carpi 1 2 0 Yes Decrease Short/ Yes Early
ulnaris Few long
L First dorsal 0 0 0 No Decrease Short/ Yes Early
inteross. Few long
L Iliopsoas 1 1 0 Yes Decrease Short/ Yes Early
Few long
L Gluteus 0 1 0 Yes Decrease Short/ Yes Early
maximus Few long
L Vastus 1 1 0 No Decrease Short/ Yes Early
medialis Few long
L Tibialis 1 2 0 Yes Decrease Short/ Yes Early
anterior Few long
R Medial 0 0 0 No Normal Normal Normal Normal
Fib., fibrillation potentials; PSW, positive sharp waves; Fasc., fasciculation potentials; CRD, complex repetitive discharges.

weakness with diffuse proximal and distal mus- other chronic myopathies. Although the patient
cle involvement is typical of inclusion body in this case had normal nerve conduction studies,
myositis. The lack of sensory symptoms and the abnormal nerve conduction studies suggesting a
normal nerve conduction studies exclude a neu- concurrent neuropathic process as part and parcel
ropathic process. A myasthenic syndrome is un- of IBM have been described in some patients
likely since the ocular muscles are not involved. with IBM (16,17). A concurrent neuropathy
Needle EMG demonstrates abnormal sponta- would help explain the presence of the long-
neous activity, accompanied by short-duration, duration, high-amplitude MUPs sometimes seen
polyphasic, and early recruited MUPs. Some in patients with IBM. The diagnosis of IBM in
MUPs are normal, but others are of abnormally this patient is confirmed by muscle biopsy.
long duration. A mixed pattern including short-
duration, small-amplitude, normal, and long-
duration, high-amplitude MUPs supports the
diagnosis of inclusion body myositis (IBM). Joy et A 30-year-old, right-hand-dominant man pre-
al defined short duration as less than 6 ms and sented to his primary care physician complaining
low amplitude as less than 500 V; long duration of longstanding weakness and clumsiness. At
as more than 18 ms and high amplitude as more age 12 he often tripped and had some difficulty
than 5 mV (16). A similar pattern can be seen in keeping up with his peers. Later he developed
90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 358


slowly progressive weakness of the face and hand muscle weakness and atrophy. His neck flexors,
muscles. His symptoms did not interfere with his wrist extensors, intrinsic hand muscles, and an-
work as a car salesman. He had no difficulty swal- kle dorsiflexors are weak. He demonstrates bi-
lowing. There were no complaints referable to lateral grip myotonia and percussion myotonia
cardiac or pulmonary systems. During the past 6 of the thenar muscles. Sensory examination to
months he noticed difficulty in releasing his grip, all modalities is normal. His CK level is normal.
causing him to seek medical attention. He noted Electrocardiogram shows first-degree heart
that his father and one of his three sisters had block.
similar complaints. Sensory conduction studies of the right sural
Physical examination reveals an alert man and ulnar nerves, and motor conduction studies of
with normal speech. He has frontal baldness, the right peroneal and ulnar nerves are normal.
early, dusty cataracts, symmetrical wasting of fa- Results of the needle EMG done on this patient
cial musculature, and mild bilateral temporalis are presented in Table 13-3.


Needle EMG Studies

Muscle Discharges Fib. PSW Fasc. CRD Amplitude Duration Polyphasics Recruitment

R Deltoid Normal 0 0 0 0 Normal Normal No Normal

R Biceps Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short No Normal
R Triceps Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short No Normal
R Extensor Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short No Normal
R Pronator Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short No Normal
R First Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short Yes Early
R Abductor Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short Yes Early
R Adductor Normal 0 0 0 0 Normal Normal No Normal
R Rectus Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short No Early
R Peroneus Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short No Early
Tibialis Yes 0 0 0 0 Decrease Short Yes Early
R Medial Normal 0 0 0 0 Normal Normal No Normal
Fib., fibrillation potentials; PSW, positive sharp waves; Fasc., fasciculation potentials; CRD, complex repetitive discharges.
90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 359


Summary of Findings with pneumonia. The severity of his pulmonary

condition later required intubation and transfer to
This is a 30-year-old man with slowly progressive,
the intensive care unit (ICU). His ICU course was
predominately distal weakness since age 12. The
prolonged (3 months) and complicated. Attempts
normal nerve conduction studies exclude neuropa-
to wean him off the ventilator were unsuccessful;
thy as a cause of his weakness, although slowing of
therefore, the neurology service was consulted for
conduction velocity has been reported in some
evaluation and recommendations.
cases of myotonic dystrophy (18). The presence of
Neurologic examination reveals diffuse mild
myotonic discharges, a spontaneous discharge of
muscle atrophy and profound generalized muscle
muscle fibers in which both the amplitude and the
weakness, more pronounced proximally than dis-
frequency wax and wane, confirms the clinical
tally. There is no associated muscle tenderness.
finding of myotonia (19). Short-duration, low-
Sensory examination is normal. However, there is
amplitude polyphasic MUPs in myotonic dystro-
a mildly decreased response of the muscle stretch
phy are more easily found in the forearm extensors
reflexes. The CK level is normal. Sensory nerve
and tibialis anterior muscles. The concomitant
conduction studies are normal. Motor nerve con-
myopathic pattern, the preferential involvement of
duction studies show CMAPs of slightly smaller
the distal muscles, and the history of similar prob-
amplitudes than normal, but normal conduction
lems in his father and a sister suggest the diagnosis
velocity. Results of the needle EMG done on this
of myotonic dystrophy (18). The diagnosis in this
patient are presented in Table 13-4.
patient is confirmed by DNA testing.

Summary of Findings
This is a 69-year-old man who presents with
The patient is a 69-year-old white man with respiratory distress, severe pneumonia, and a pro-
a known history of diffuse large B-cell non- longed complicated course in the ICU. Several
Hodgkin’s lymphoma of 6 years’ duration. He attempts to wean him off the ventilator failed.
was admitted to the general medicine service for Neurologic examination is suggestive of a myo-
fever and shortness of breath and was diagnosed pathic process, as evidenced by the diffuse muscle


Needle EMG Studies

Muscle Fib. PSW Fasc. CRD Amplitude Duration Polyphasics Recruitment

R Deltoid 0 0 None 0 Decreased Short Yes Early

R Biceps 0 0 None 0 Decreased Short Yes Early
First dorsal 0 0 None 0 Decreased Short Yes Early
R Vastus 0 0 None 0 Normal Short Yes Early
R Iliopsoas 0 0 None 0 Normal Normal Yes Early
Adductor 0 0 None 0 Decreased Short Yes Early
Abductor 0 0 None 0 Decreased Short Yes Early
Fib., fibrillation potentials; PSW, positive sharp waves; Fasc., fasciculation potentials; CRD, complex repetitive discharges.
90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 360


atrophy and proximal more than distal muscle she had been off steroids. However, 5 years ago
weakness. Diminished muscle stretch reflexes are she started to experience generalized myalgias
proportional to the profound muscle weakness. and weakness described as difficulty with lifting,
Sensory function is normal. The needle EMG getting up from a sitting position, or going up
shows some voluntary MUPs of short duration steps. She described no paresthesias or sensory
and low amplitude, but no abnormal membrane problems.
irritability is recorded. The electrodiagnostic pic- Physical examination reveals some difficulty
ture is consistent with noninflammatory my- getting up from a chair without using her hands.
opathy (20). Neuropathy is ruled out by the lack She cannot walk on her heels or her left toes.
of sensory signs and symptoms, and essentially Muscle strength is mildly decreased in the prox-
normal nerve conduction studies. There is neither imal muscles of the upper limbs bilaterally. In the
clinical nor electromyographic evidence of neuro- lower limbs the strength is more profoundly im-
muscular junction disorder (21). paired in the proximal than the distal muscles.
The muscle biopsy shows marked cytoskele- Sensory examination is normal to light touch and
tal disarray, focal areas of myofibril loss, and occa- pin prick. Muscle stretch reflexes are normal ex-
sional muscle fiber necrosis and phagocytosis. cept at the ankles, where they are reduced bilater-
These alterations are compatible with critical ally. CK levels are increased three-fold.
care myopathy. Please review Chapter 14 of this Sensory and motor conduction studies are
volume for a more detailed review of critical compatible with mild right carpal tunnel syn-
illness myopathy. drome but are otherwise normal. Results of the
needle EMG done on this patient are presented in
Table 13-5.

The patient is a 47-year-old woman with a Summary of Findings

known history of sarcoidosis for 30 years. The This is a 47-year-old woman with a history of
disease was well controlled for many years, and longstanding sarcoidosis who presents with a


Needle EMG Studies

Muscle Fib. PSW Fasc. CRD Amplitude Duration Polyphasics Recruitment

L Deltoid 0 0 None 0 Normal Normal No Normal

L Biceps 1 1 None 0 Decreased Short No Normal
L Triceps 0 0 None 0 Normal Normal No Normal
L Vastus 2 2 None 0 Normal Normal No Normal
L Vastus 1 1 None 0 Normal Normal No Normal
L Gastroc- 0 0 None 0 Decreased Short No Normal
L Tibialis Rare Rare None 0 Decreased Short No Early
L Iliopsoas 2 2 None 0 Decreased Short No Early
Fib., fibrillation potentials; PSW, positive sharp waves; Fasc., fasciculation potentials; CRD, complex repetitive discharges.
90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 361


Figure 13-1 ● Normal motor units during Figure 13-3 ● Motor units during full con-
full contraction. Sweep is 10 ms/division. Gain is traction in neuropathy. Sweep is 10 ms/divi-
2 mV/division. sion. Gain is 2 mV/division.

clinical picture suggestive of myopathy. The recruitment. The findings are consistent with
physical examination supports myopathy. Needle patchy inflammatory myopathy (22).
EMG of several muscles in the upper and lower The muscle biopsy is striking for the presence
limb demonstrate patchy abnormal membrane of focal areas of dense mononuclear cell collections
irritability. Some voluntary MUPs are short in and granulomatous change compatible with sar-
duration and low in amplitude and show early coid myopathy. Pure sarcoid myopathy is a rare
disease, the diagnostic hallmark of which is the
non-caseating granuloma (23). Three distinct
forms have been described: subacute myositis with
proximal weakness, myalgias, and fever; chronic
myopathy with diffuse atrophy and progressive
symmetrical weakness; and nodular sarcoid my-
opathy with palpable nodes. Sarcoid myopathy
presenting solely with distal weakness has been
reported (24).
Figures 13-1, 13-2, and 13-3 show the relative
amplitudes of MUPs in normal persons and in
those with myopathy and neuropathy, respec-
tively. The recordings were made at the same
amplifier gain and sweep speed settings.

Figure 13-2 ● Motor units during full con- 1. Bohan A, Peter JB. Polymyositis and dermato-
traction in myopathy. Sweep is 10 ms/division. myositis (second of two parts). N Engl J Med
Gain is 2 mV/division. 1975;292:403–407.
90749_ch13(353-362).ps 8/10/06 3:54 PM Page 362


2. Bohan A, Peter JB. Polymyositis and dermato- 13. Milanov I, Ishpekova B. Differential diagno-
myositis (first of two parts). N Engl J Med 1975; sis of chronic idiopathic polymyositis and neu-
292:344–347. romyositis. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol 1998;
3. Bronner IM, Linssen WH, van der Meulen MF, 38:183–187.
et al. Polymyositis: an ongoing discussion about a 14. Kimura J. Myopathies. In: Kimura J, ed. Elec-
disease entity. Arch Neurol 2004;61:132–135. trodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and muscles: prin-
4. LoVecchio F, Jacobson S. Approach to general- ciples and practice, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford
ized weakness and peripheral neuromuscular University Press, 2001:798–801.
disease. Emerg Med Clin North Am 1997;15: 15. Robinson LR. AAEM case report #22: polymyosi-
605–623. tis. Muscle Nerve 1991;14:310–315.
5. Kimura J. Myasthenia gravis and other disorders 16. Joy JL, Oh SJ, Baysal AI. Electrophysiological
of neuromuscular transmission. In: Kimura J, spectrum of inclusion body myositis. Muscle
ed. Electrodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and muscle: Nerve 1990;13:949–951.
principles and practice, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford 17. Arnardottir S, Svanborg E, Borg K. Inclusion
University Press, 2001:754–758. body myositis: sensory dysfunction revealed with
6. Lacomis D. Electrodiagnostic approach to the quantitative determination of somatosensory
patient with suspected myopathy. Neurol Clin thresholds. Acta Neurol Scand 2003;108:22–27.
2002;20:587–603. 18. Streib EW. AAEE minimonograph #27: differ-
7. Smith EA, LeRoy EC. Systemic sclerosis: etiol- ential diagnosis of myotonic syndromes. Muscle
ogy and pathogenesis. In: Klippel JH, Dieppe Nerve 1987;10:603–615.
PA, eds. Rheumatology, 2nd ed. London: Mosby, 19. Simpson JA, ed. Neuromuscular diseases. Hand-
1998:7.10.1–7.10.2. book of electroencephalography and clinical neuro-
8. Amato AA, Dumitru D. Acquired neuropathies. physiology, vol. 16, pt. B. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
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In: Klippel JH, Dieppe PA, eds. Rheumatology, electrodiagnosis of myasthenia gravis and the
2nd ed. London: Mosby, 1998:7.9.7. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Neurol
10. Medsger TA, Oddis CV. Inflammatory muscle Clin 1994;12:305–330.
disease. In: Klippel JH, Dieppe PA, eds. 22. Takuma H, Murayama S, Watanabe M, et al. A
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11. Keesey JC. AAEE Minimonograph #33: Electro- 23. Berger C, Sommer C, Meinck HM. Isolated sar-
diagnostic approach to defects of neuromuscular coid myopathy. Muscle Nerve 2002;26:553–556.
transmission. Muscle Nerve 1989;12:613–626. 24. Robberecht W, Theys P, Lammens M, et al. Dis-
12. Stalberg E. Invited review: Electrodiagnostic as- tal myopathy as the presenting manifestation of
sessment and monitoring of motor unit changes sarcoidosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1995;
in disease. Muscle Nerve 1991;14:293–303. 59:642–643.
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Neuromuscular Complications
of Critical Illness: Evaluation
of the Patient with a Suspected
Critical Illness Neuromuscular
Daniel M. Clinchot

INTRODUCTION awaken and improve. The incidence of critical ill-

ness neuromuscular dysfunction in these patients
Critical illness neuromuscular disorders are more was 25.3%. Although there is no definitive treat-
common than you might first think. The literature ment for these disorders, detection enables the
is full of cases of individuals who have survived health care team to intervene and plan appropri-
being critically ill only to emerge with profound ately. Specifically, preventing secondary complica-
neuromuscular dysfunction. Critical illness neuro- tions of weakness and altered sensory function will
muscular disorders are poorly understood, yet they enable the critical illness neuromuscular disorder
often have serious clinical and functional impact. to have the least amount of functional impact once
When a patient develops a critical illness neuro- the patient begins to improve from a medical ill-
muscular disorder, there is usually a concomitant ness standpoint. Lastly, familiarity with critical ill-
increase in ventilatory time, time in the intensive ness disorders assists the intensive care specialist in
care unit (ICU), time in the hospital, and morbid- designing and implementing ventilatory weaning
ity and mortality; thus demonstrating greatly in- strategies.
creased health system costs related to such care. Descriptions of neuromuscular complications
Spitzer et al reported that 62% of patients with pro- of critical illness date as far back as the 1800s, when
longed weaning from ventilation had an unsus- Sir William Osler described a syndrome of muscu-
pected neuromuscular disorder (1). The greatest lar wasting in an individual who had survived sep-
mortality in patients who develop critical illness sis (3). As the care of the critically ill became more
neuromuscular disorder results from the underly- advanced, so did the spectrum of critical illness
ing medical condition that resulted in the patient neuromuscular disorders. In the 1960s and 1970s
becoming critically ill. However, patients who be- unexplained neuropathies were described in pa-
come critically ill and survive their ICU stay often tients who had been in a coma or who had been se-
go on to have significant impairment directly re- riously burned or septic (4–6). In 1977 Bischoff and
lated to a critical illness neuromuscular disorder. Rich described a polyneuropathy associated with
DeJonghe (2) reported on 95 patients who were gentamicin toxicity (7). Aminoglycoside toxicity
ventilated for greater than 7 days and went on to has been linked to neuromuscular disorders such

90749_ch14(363-376).ps 8/10/06 3:55 PM Page 364


as disorders of the neuromuscular junction and The initial electrodiagnostic medicine patient
neuropathy regardless of whether the patient is assessment should include a detailed history and
critically ill (8). The term “critical illness polyneu- physical examination. In the history, the clinician
ropathy” was not coined until the early 1980s. At specifically needs to determine:
that time the full spectrum of critical illness neuro-
muscular disorders was not yet understood. In the 1. The time course of the critical illness
late 1980s and 1990s we begin to see descriptions of 2. If and when the patient developed multiorgan
a neuromuscular syndrome associated with indi- dysfunction syndrome or sepsis
viduals who have chronic obstructive pulmonary 3. Bacterial or viral organisms responsible for
disease (COPD) or asthma, and who become criti- infection or sepsis
cally ill and require intravenous corticosteroid 4. The medications that have been administered
therapy. Subsequently the association between during the course of the critical illness
nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents 5. The time course of administering corticos-
and peripheral neuropathy became clear. In 1998 teroids, nondepolarizing neuromuscular junc-
Coakley et al (9) performed electrophysiologic tion blocking agents, and aminoglycosides
studies on 44 patients who were critically ill and (these are of particular importance)
required an ICU stay greater than 7 days. These 6. The premorbid level of function of the person
electrodiagnostic studies revealed that only 9% of is important in understanding if the current
patients were normal; 43% of these patients had level of functioning is a change.
mixed sensory and motor nerve dysfunction. They
could find no association between the type of criti- Along with the history, a detailed physical
cal illness neuromuscular disorder that developed examination not only serves to confirm weakness
and the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health but also allows the clinician to begin to categorize
Evaluation (APACHE II) score, organ failure the process as upper or lower motor neuron, in-
score, or the presence or absence of sepsis. volving sensory and/or motor components or
involving the neuromuscular junction. It is im-
portant for the clinician to examine for muscle
DIAGNOSTIC CONSIDERATIONS atrophy and tenderness and assess reflexes and
sensation. Although difficult in the noncommu-
Critically ill patients who require ICU care and nicative patient, making some assessment of mo-
mechanical ventilation are all too often noncom- tor strength is important. In the conscious but
municative. They are thus unable to relay feelings uncooperative patient, observation of sponta-
of weakness or sensory abnormalities to the health neous limb movements will enable the clinician
care team. It is because of this that the patient to determine if the patient has at least antigravity
with a critical illness neuromuscular disorder typ- strength. Although mental status can be affected
ically presents when the health care team deter- as a prodrome of sepsis and critical illness, criti-
mines that there is difficulty weaning from the cal illness neuromuscular disorders themselves
ventilator (10). Unfortunately, even in cases with typically do not affect mental status. Noting par-
significant weakness or sensory abnormality, the ticular patterns of weakness is important in the
critical illness neuromuscular disorder can remain initial patient assessment. Critical illness neuro-
undiagnosed (11). muscular disorders are typically symmetric and
When seeing the patient who is critically ill do not involve the face. If cranial nerve involve-
and weak for an electrodiagnostic medicine consul- ment is present on physical examination, then the
tation, the clinician should recall the broad differ- clinician should be suspicious for a noncritical
ential diagnosis for individuals with weakness. The illness–related disorder, such as Guillain-Barré
articles by Wijdicks et al (12,13) provide a nice syndrome (GBS). Bolton (14) has developed a
mnemonic of the word “muscle” to support re- helpful flow chart (Fig. 14-2) to assist the clini-
membering the different diagnostic entities that cian in determining the appropriate process for
should be considered when evaluating a patient evaluating the critically ill patient who develops
with weakness (Fig. 14-1). weakness.
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M edication (intravenous administration of corticosteroids, panucuronium, vecuronium,

metronidazole, amiodarone, or zidovudine)

U ndiagnosed neuromuscular disorder (PM, DM, ALS, GBS, MG, LEMS, acid maltase
deficiency, mitochondrial myopathy, or muscular dystrophy)

S pinal cord damage (ischemic, compressive hematoma, or trauma)

C ritical illness neuromuscular disorder

L oss of muscle mass (disuse atrophy, rhabdomyolysis, or catabolic state)

E lectrolyte disorders (hypokalemia, hypermagnesemia, or hypophosphatemia)

S ystemic illness (acute prophyria, AIDS, vasculitis neuropathy, or endocrine myopathies)

Figure 14-1 ● Mnemonic for remembering differential diagnosis of weakness in the

critically ill. (Modified from Wijdicks EF, ed. Neurologic complications of critical illness, 2nd ed. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2002:69, with permission.)

In summary, the unexpected failure of ven- highlighted the significant role that the SIRS has
tilatory weaning, accelerated peripheral muscle in the development of critical illness neuromuscu-
atrophy, or an inability to hold the head or a limb lar disorders. The SIRS is a response that consists
off the bed should be clues to the health care team of both humoral and cellular components. These
that a critical illness neuromuscular disorder is two components act together to create an environ-
present. Lack of ventilatory weaning appears to be ment in which the neuromuscular system becomes
the most common patient presentation for a criti- vulnerable to toxic effects. The humoral factors
cal illness disorder. However, the inability to wean involved include cytokines, interleukins, arachi-
from a ventilator is not only a means of patient donic acid, proteases, free oxygen radicals, and
presentation, but in a clinical analysis of patients tumor necrosis factor. The cellular responses
with critical illness neuromuscular disorders it was typically involve monocytes, lymphocytes, and
also found to be independently predicted by the macrophages.
development of a critical illness neuromuscular The exact trigger for the SIRS can be varied.
disorder (15). Infection, severe trauma, burns, organ transplan-
tation, or other severe bodily assaults can set the
cascade of the SIRS in motion (Fig. 14-3). Once ac-
ETIOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS tivated, the SIRS results in significant vasodilation
and sluggish flow within the most distal compo-
The cause of critical illness neuromuscular disor- nents of the vascular system. Sluggish flow within
ders is not clear, and it is likely multifactorial. One capillaries results in a reduced capacity to remove
thing that has become quite clear is that the sys- toxic substances that are the byproducts of cellular
temic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) metabolism. This results in the neuromuscular
plays a significant role (16). The SIRS is a severe, system becoming vulnerable. The oxygen debt
overwhelming systemic response that occurs in within the tissue and inadequate nutrient delivery
individuals who become critically ill. create an ideal milieu for injury. In addition, toxic
The term “SIRS” was coined in 1992 during agents such as nondepolarizing neuromuscular
a consensus conference between the Society of blocking agents or steroids have greater potential
Critical Care Medicine and the American College to cause direct injury to both nerves and muscles
of Chest Physicians (ACCP) (17). Bolton (16) has (Fig. 14-4). Thus, when considering aminoglyco-
90749_ch14(363-376).ps 8/10/06 3:55 PM Page 366


Limb and

Evidence Yes MRI of Yes

of spinal cord spinal cord Abnormal Treat
lesion ?

No No


No No Motor No NMJ No
Normal Neuropathy neuron transmission Myopathy
disease defect

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Muscle bx
No CK etc.
Axonal Demyelinating


MRI of spinal CIP Motor Cahexia

cord, CT of axonal GBS GBS etc. neuron necrosis
drugs, etc.
head, EEG etc. disease etc.

Figure 14-2 ● Flow chart outlining assessment of critically ill patients with weakness.
(Reprinted from Bolton CF. Neuromuscular conditions in the intensive care unit. Intensive Care Med
1996;22:841–843, with permission.)

side toxicity, the activation of the SIRS would be • Thick filament myopathy
expected to enhance the development of direct • Acute necrotizing myopathy of intensive care
neurotoxic effects. • Catabolic myopathy
Neuromuscular complications of critical ill- • Neuromuscular junction abnormalities
ness can be classified as follows: • Neuromyopathy

• Neuropathy This classification is helpful for the elec-

• Critical illness polyneuropathy tromyographer in conceptualizing and classifying
• Acute motor neuropathy associated with non- the appropriate diagnosis within the context of the
depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents clinical and electrodiagnostic findings. This is ex-
• Critical illness myopathy tremely important as the different critical illness
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Infection Trauma

Bacteria, viruses, fungi

Physical, surgical,
burns, chemicals

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)

Single or multiple Neuromuscular Steroid

organ failure blocking agents

Septic Critical illness Critical illness

encephalopathy polyneuropathy myopathy

Figure 14-3 ● Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). (Reprinted from Bolton CF.
Neuromuscular manifestations of critical illness. Muscle Nerve 2005;32:140–163, with permission)

Microbial or traumatic

Humoral response Cellular response

Rolling neutrophils
Endothelial Increased capillary Fibrin platelet
cell damage permeability Adhesion aggregates

Deactivated protein C

Increased nitric oxide Sluggish capillary flow

smooth muscle

Figure 14-4 ● Microcirculation changes that result from the activation of the SIRS.
(Reprinted from Bolton CF. Neuromuscular manifestations of critical illness. Muscle Nerve 2005;32:140–163,
with permission.)
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neuromuscular disorders can have very different an individual has been in the ICU. The typical
functional outcomes (18). presentation of individuals with CIPN is difficulty
It is also clear that critical illness neuromus- weaning from the ventilator. However, it has also
cular disorders develop in the pediatric popula- been described as presenting with tetraplegia and
tion. The spectrum of critical illness disorders absent deep tendon reflexes. The blood creatine ki-
mimics those found in adults (19). It is important nase (CK) levels in CIPN are normal.
to note, however, that the greatest amount of liter- A period of confusion with impaired atten-
ature describing critical illness neuromuscular tion, concentration, and orientation has been de-
disorders appears in the adult literature. scribed 2 weeks prior to the onset of CIPN. This
confusional state has been termed “septic en-
cephalopathy” (23). Cerebrospinal fluid studies
NEUROPATHIC CONDITIONS during this period have been reported as normal
except for very mild elevations in protein (18,22,24).
In 1987 Zochodne et al (25) reported on 19
patients with CIPN. They found moderate to
A 65-year-old woman was admitted to the hospi- severe weakness in 47% of patients, sensory dis-
tal with bilateral lobar pneumonia secondary to turbance in 47% of patients, and reduced or absent
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Her oxygenation pro- reflexes in 68% of patients. Consistent with cur-
gressively worsened and she developed septic rent studies, they found a mortality rate of 58% in
shock. She required intubation and mechanical their cohort (25). Lejten et al (10), in a study of
ventilation. During her ICU stay she received 38 patients who were ventilated for greater than
dopamine, amikacin, fentanyl, lorazepam, and 7 days, found that the development and severity
vecuronium. On day 22, as the clinical picture of CIPN were associated with multiple organ
improved, the nursing staff noted that she had dysfunction syndrome.
limb weakness. Neurologic examination revealed There have been numerous studies that have
flaccid paralysis and areflexia. After her medical linked various conditions with the development
condition improved she required 3 weeks of in- of CIPN. Hyperglycemia and hypoalbuminemia
patient rehabilitation prior to being able to return have both been associated with the development
home. of CIPN (21,25). There has been an association
made with individuals who are receiving par-
enteral nutrition and the development of CIPN
Critical Illness Polyneuropathy and multiorgan system dysfunction (26). It has
Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIPN) is the best been suggested that artificial nutrition in some
described and most studied critical illness neuro- critically ill patients is toxic because of nutrient
muscular disorder. CIPN is an acute, diffuse, intolerance. The specific parameters that indicate
mainly motor peripheral neuropathy due to axonal the onset of nutrient intolerance so that artificial
dysfunction. The predominance of motor involve- nutrition can be modulated have yet to be delin-
ment in CIPN was best described by Hund et al eated. The exact mechanism by which axonal in-
(20) in a study of 28 patients with moderate to se- jury occurs is unclear. It has been suggested that
vere CIPN. The electrophysiologic studies on nutritional axonal injury results from glucose-
these patients revealed that 50% of the subjects had induced depletion of intracellular phosphate
compound muscle unit action potential (CMAP) stores, with subsequent depletion of high-energy
amplitudes that were smaller than 50% of the phosphate compounds and the oxidative modifi-
lower limit of normal (20). cation of dietary lipids.
CIPN typically occurs in patients who have The electrodiagnostic findings in CIPN are
sepsis or multiorgan system dysfunction. The inci- typical of an axonal sensory and motor peripheral
dence has been reported to be 50% to 75% in indi- neuropathy. The motor and sensory nerve con-
viduals who meet these criteria (16,21,22). The duction velocities and distal latencies are typically
severity of the peripheral neuropathy has been normal, without evidence of conduction block.
found to be proportional to the length of time There is a mild reduction in the sensory nerve
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Classification of findings in CIPN

Severe SNAP absent, fibrillation potentials in all muscle groups, and
multiple CMAP amplitudes less than 1mv amplitude
Moderate SNAP amplitudes <5 µV, after averaging 20 trials,
multiple CMAP amplitudes between 1 and 3 mV,
fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves in
distal muscles and occasionally present in
more proximal muscles
Mild SNAP amplitudes >5 µV, CMAP amplitudes >3 mV,
occasional positive sharp waves in distal muscles

Figure 14-5 ● Classification of findings in critical illness polyneuropathy (CIPN). (Modified

from Spitzer AR, Giancarlo T, Maher L, et al. Neuromuscular causes of prolonged ventilator dependency.
Muscle Nerve 1992;15:682–686, with permission.)

action potentials (SNAP) and a significant reduc- multiorgan dysfunction syndrome have failed to
tion in CMAP amplitudes. Repetitive nerve stimu- show any benefit of IVIG with respect to the
lation (RNS) does not show a defect in neuro- development and time course of peripheral neu-
muscular transmission. Needle electromyography ropathy in critical illness (30). The prognosis for
typically reveals positive waves and fibrillation individuals who develop CIPN most closely re-
potentials with neuropathic motor unit potentials lates to the underlying disorder; however, with all
(MUPs) in a proximal-to-distal gradient, with other covariables being equal, the neuropathy typ-
proximal muscles showing greater involvement in ically improves over weeks to months once the pa-
more severe cases. Spitzer et al (1) have proposed a tient’s nutritional status improves. Many patients
way to categorize the electrodiagnostic findings in with severe neuropathy go on to have residual
CIPN as a measure of severity (Fig. 14-5). These functional impairment for years afterward.
categories of severity are expected to reflect the
prognosis for recovery from the neuropathy.
Single-fiber electromyographic studies in pa-
tients with suspected critical illness neuromuscular
disorders have shown an increase in jitter in pa-
tients who develop CIPN (27). It is unclear whether
primary neuromuscular junction dysfunction is
present, since the increased jitter could be caused
by the presence of new endplates as reinnervation
Nerve biopsy findings in CIPN typically re-
veal primary axonal degeneration of motor and
sensory fibers that primarily affect the distal seg-
ments (Fig. 14-6). Close examination of slides fails
to reveal any evidence of inflammation. Muscle Figure 14-6 ● Cross-section of a nerve in a
patient with critical illness neuropathy at
biopsy typically shows grouped fiber atrophy, es-
115 magnification showing loss of myeli-
pecially when the neuropathy has been present for
nated fibers. (Reprinted from Kerbaul F, Brousse
a significant period of time (28). M, Collart F, et al. Combination of histopathological
Early studies suggested that the use of in- and electromyographic patterns can help to evaluate
travenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) may help to functional outcome of critical ill patients with neuro-
protect against the development of severe CIPN muscular weakness syndromes. Critical Care 2004;8:
(29). Other open trials in patients with sepsis or 358–365, with permission.)
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Acute Motor Neuropathy Associated unit potentials in a neuropathic recruitment pat-

with Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular tern. The motor unit potentials are typically of
Blocking Agents long duration and polyphasic.
Nerve biopsy findings in acute motor neu-
This critical illness neuromuscular disorder is typ- ropathy associated with nondepolarizing neuro-
ically associated with the use of nondepolarizing muscular blocking agents reveal primary axonal
neuromuscular blocking agents. Its development degeneration of motor fibers. Muscle biopsy typi-
has specifically been associated with the adminis- cally shows varying degrees of denervation, fiber
tration of pancuronium or vecuronium. Each of atrophy, and muscle necrosis. The prognosis for
these agents has a metabolite that retains neuro- individuals who develop acute motor neuropathy
muscular blocking activity and can accumulate in associated with nondepolarizing neuromuscular
the body with prolonged use. The active metabo- blocking agents appears to be somewhat better
lite of pancuronium is 3-desacetyl-pancuronium; than CIPN (31). Recovery of motor function oc-
the active metabolite of vecuronium is 3-desacetyl- curs over weeks to months, with some patients
vecuronium. These agents are primarily processed having functional impairment years after the
through the kidneys and liver; thus, they are more development of this neuropathy.
likely to accumulate in individuals with renal dis-
ease, and they accumulate to an even greater extent
in patients who have combined renal and hepato- MYOPATHIC CONDITIONS
biliary disease.
Acute motor neuropathy associated with non-
depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents likely
results from the direct neurotoxic effects of the A 72-year-old man with a history of chronic alco-
nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents holism and COPD was admitted to the hospital in
in association with the SIRS. The triggering of the respiratory failure. He required intubation and
SIRS results in microvascular changes that allow mechanical ventilation. The patient was found to
these agents to be in contact with the neuromuscu- have pneumonia secondary to Klebsiella pneumo-
lar system for a greater period of time than they niae. He was very difficult to oxygenate. During
would be otherwise. Sluggish flow and metabolic his ICU stay he received dexamethasone, methyl-
waste buildup further enhance the probability of prednisolone, promethazine, ceftriaxone, gentam-
nerve or muscle injury. Studies have shown that icin, fentanyl, and vecuronium. After being sta-
the longer these nondepolarizing neuromuscular bilized it was difficult to wean him from the
blocking agents are used, the more likely that neu- ventilator. On day 19 it was noted that he was
ropathy will occur (31–33). In fact, the incidence of alert but not moving his limbs. Facial muscles
acute motor neuropathy associated with nondepo- were mildly weak and sensory examination was
larizing neuromuscular blocking agents increases normal. His CK was elevated at 2,090 IU/L.
when nondepolarizing agents are used for greater As the medical issues resolved, the patient became
than 48 hours (33). stronger. At 6-month follow-up he still needed as-
The electrodiagnostic findings in acute motor sistance with activities of daily living, but he was
neuropathy associated with nondepolarizing neu- ambulating short distances with a walker and
romuscular blocking agents are typical of an ax- assistance.
onal motor neuropathy. The motor and sensory
nerve conduction velocities and distal latencies are
typically normal, without evidence of conduction Thick Filament Myopathy
block. There is a reduction in the CMAP ampli- This critical illness neuromuscular disorder most
tudes with a relative preservation of the SNAP often occurs in patients who develop a severe and
amplitudes (34). RNS does not show a defect in sudden asthma or COPD exacerbation. These indi-
neuromuscular transmission. Needle electromyo- viduals typically receive high doses of corticos-
graphy typically reveals positive waves and fibril- teroids and/or nondepolarizing neuromuscular
lation potentials with reduced numbers of motor blocking agents. There have been associations
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made between the use of these agents and the

development of the thick filament myopathy. Cor-
ticosteroid use alone can contribute to the develop-
ment of this myopathy. The length of chemical
paralysis, when used in conjunction with corticos-
teroids, has been associated with the development
of thick filament myopathy (35,36).
Douglass et al (37) have shown that the serum
CK level is elevated in 76% of patients with severe
asthma exacerbations who require ventilation.
They also found that 36% of these individuals go
on to develop a symptomatic myopathy. The study
assessed for any metabolic disturbance contribut-
ing to the elevated CK level and did not reveal any Figure 14-7 ● Transmission electron mi-
difference between patients who received hydro- crograph of patient with thick filament
cortisone or dexamethasone. In addition, they myopathy (longitudinal section) showing
found no association with the dose of corticos- almost total loss of thick filaments and
teroid used and the development of myopathy vacuoles (arrow). (Reprinted from Stibler H,
(37). Based on the work of Dubois and Almon Edstrom L, Ahlbeck K, et al. Electrophoretic deter-
(38), there has been some association made with mination of the myosin/actin ratio in the diagnosis of
the development of thick filament myopathy in critical illness myopathy. Intensive Care Med 2003;29:
patients who receive corticosteroids. Dubois and 1515–1527, with permission.)
Almon found that the number of glucocorticoid
receptors increase to three times normal after
surgical interruption of the nerve supply. This
suggests that a denervated muscle cell may be polyphasic motor unit potentials that display an in-
hypersensitive to corticosteroids and vulnerable to crease in recruitment pattern, which is the pattern
catabolism. associated with myopathy.
Patients with thick filament myopathy typi- Muscle biopsies in patients with thick fila-
cally present with difficulty to wean from the ment myopathy typically show loss of structure
ventilator and flaccid limb weakness of both dis- centrally (39). This is thought to be the result of
tal and proximal muscles. The muscles of the the destruction of the thick myosin filaments
face are typically involved, but to a milder extent (Fig. 14-7). There is typically a pattern of fiber at-
than the limb weakness. Patients with thick fila- rophy, necrosis, and regeneration of both type I
ment neuropathy should have a normal sensory and II muscle fibers in these biopsies. There is lit-
examination. Muscle stretch reflexes are signifi- tle or no associated inflammation. The prognosis
cantly reduced or absent. CK levels are mildly to for individuals who develop thick filament my-
moderately increased. opathy is typically a gradual recovery of strength.
The electrodiagnostic findings in thick fila- In severe cases patients have ongoing functional
ment myopathy include normal sensory nerve impairment years after the development of the
latencies and conduction velocities and normal myopathy.
SNAP amplitudes. The motor latency and conduc-
tion velocity are also normal. The CMAP ampli- Acute Necrotizing Myopathy
tude is reduced in proportion to the severity of the
of Intensive Care
myopathy, without evidence of conduction block.
RNS does not show a defect in neuromuscular Acute necrotizing myopathy of intensive care oc-
transmission. Needle electromyography typically curs in the presence of overwhelming infections
reveals reduced insertional activity with posi- with organisms such as viruses, Escherichia coli,
tive waves and fibrillation potentials. Motor unit Leptospirosis, Legionella, and organisms that can
analysis reveals short-duration, low-amplitude cause toxic shock syndrome. Patients with this
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myopathy typically present with fever, severe that which is associated with the underlying
weakness, and myalgias in the presence of very pathology.
high concentrations of CK and myoglobinuria.
The electrodiagnostic findings in acute Catabolic Myopathy
necrotizing myopathy of intensive care include
normal sensory latencies and conduction veloci- Catabolic myopathy is an ill-defined critical illness
ties, and normal SNAP amplitudes. The motor neuromuscular disorder. It is believed to result
conduction velocity is normal; the CMAP ampli- from the action of interleukin-1 and tumor necro-
tude is reduced in proportion to the severity of the sis factor. Catabolic myopathy is thought to result
myopathy. Motor conduction studies reveal no from a defect in high-energy metabolites in pa-
evidence of conduction block. RNS does not show tients with respiratory failure, cardiogenic shock,
a defect in neuromuscular transmission. Needle severe congestive heart failure, gastric bypass, and
electromyography typically reveals reduced inser- sepsis. This myopathy is believed to develop as a
tional activity with widespread positive waves result of severe malnutrition and wasting in the
and fibrillation potentials. Motor unit analysis re- presence of critical illness. Electrodiagnostic test-
veals short-duration, low-amplitude polyphasic ing typically reveals normal nerve stimulation
motor unit potentials that display early recruit- studies and needle examination (18).
ment pattern (i.e., myopathic type). Muscle biopsy Muscle biopsy in patients with catabolic my-
in patients with thick filament myopathy typi- opathy typically shows type II muscle fiber atro-
cally shows less severe and widespread fiber phy. There is no associated inflammation. The
necrosis (Fig. 14-8). There is little or no associated prognosis for individuals who develop catabolic
inflammation. myopathy of intensive care is directly related to
The prognosis for individuals who develop the outcome of the underlying disorder.
acute necrotizing myopathy of intensive care
is similar to that of thick filament myopathy.
Gradual increase in strength and function occurs DIFFERENTIATING MYOPATHY
over the course of months to years. Most impor- AND NEUROPATHY
tantly, patients have a greater mortality than with
thick filament myopathy, but that mortality rate is It can be difficult for the electromyographer to
distinguish between myopathy and peripheral
neuropathy in the critically ill. The ICU setting
complicates the performance of a complete electro-
diagnostic examination. Interference from sur-
rounding life-sustaining equipment and ICU noise
can reduce the sensitivity of the examination. Di-
rect muscle stimulation has been posed as a means
to assist the electromyographer in distinguishing
between critical illness–related myopathy and neu-
ropathy, especially in cases where a distal CMAP is
unobtainable. Direct muscle stimulation is typically
done by using a monopolar needle as the cathode
and a surface or subdermal needle as the anode.
Stimulation is performed in the distal third of the
Figure 14-8 ● Cross-section of a biopsy
muscle in an attempt to avoid the endplate zone.
from a patient with acute necrotizing neu-
Beginning with a pulse duration of 0.1 ms at 0.5
ropathy of intensive care. (Reprinted from
Kerbaul F, Brousse M, Collart F, et al. Combination Hz, the muscle is stimulated at various depths
of histopathological and electromyographic patterns while simultaneously increasing the intensity until
can help to evaluate functional outcome of critical ill a twitch can be palpated at the lowest stimulus in-
patients with neuromuscular weakness syndromes. tensity. A concentric recording needle is then in-
Critical Care 2004;8:358–365, with permission.) serted 15 to 25 mm proximal to the stimulating
90749_ch14(363-376).ps 8/10/06 3:55 PM Page 373


electrode and perpendicular to the skin. This elec- NEUROMYOPATHY

trode is adjusted until a maximal amplitude is ob-
tained (40,41). In critical illness–related neuropathy The term “critical illness neuromyopathy” has been
the denervated muscles should retain electrical used to describe critically ill patients who develop a
excitability and the direct muscle-stimulated combination of neuropathy and myopathy. This
CMAP amplitude should be normal. In critical scenario typically involves CIPN and the acute
illness–related myopathy the muscle fibers lose ex- necrotizing myopathy of intensive care. It has been
citability, and thus the direct muscle-stimulated estimated to occur in over 6% of patients with a
CMAP amplitude is reduced (40). critical illness neuromuscular disorder. The pres-
ence of one neuromuscular complication of critical
illness may create an environment that facilitates
NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION the development of a second process. Nates (22) de-
CONDITIONS scribes a scenario in which the presence of a
myopathy or neuropathy results in further immo-
Neuromuscular junction abnormalities in critical bilization and may create an environment that
illness include a transient, persistent neuromus- facilitates the development of the other.
cular blockade that occurs with the use of nonde-
polarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. This
disorder is identified after the medications are
discontinued. This scenario typically develops in MANAGEMENT
patients who have renal and hepatobiliary dis-
ease. Patients present with failure to wean from There is no current effective treatment for critical
the ventilator and flaccid limbs. Sensation is illness neuromuscular disorders. Prompt identifi-
normal. cation and management of underlying conditions
The electrodiagnostic findings in individuals such as sepsis or multiorgan system dysfunction
with persistent neuromuscular blockade include will likely result in a decreased incidence of these
normal sensory and motor nerve conduction ve- syndromes. Control of serum glucose levels can
locities, and the SNAP amplitude and latency is potentially reduce the incidence of CIPN. Judi-
normal. In severe cases CMAP amplitudes are re- cious use of corticosteroids and nondepolarizing
duced or unobtainable, but the motor conduction neuromuscular blocking agents, as well as reduc-
studies reveal no evidence of conduction block. ing the incidence of hypoalbuminemia, will likely
RNS reveals a neuromuscular transmission defect modulate the incidence and severity of critical
through a decremental response at 2 or 3 Hz illness neuromuscular disorders.
stimulation. Needle electromyography typically
reveals normal insertional and membrane activity.
Motor unit analysis reveals normal motor unit OUTCOME
morphology and recruitment patterns, except
in severe cases, where small-amplitude, short- The mortality rate in critical illness neuromuscular
duration MUPs can appear. disorders ultimately depends on the underlying
Patients with persistent neuromuscular conditions, and the development of neuromuscular
blockade typically recover over the course of pathology does not worsen it. Typically many pa-
weeks to months. The development of persistent tients who develop these syndromes die from the
neuromuscular blockade has been associated with multiorgan system dysfunction or sepsis. Critical
metabolic acidosis, elevated plasma concentra- illness neuromuscular syndromes have important
tions of magnesium, and female gender. Interest- functional implications for the survivor. Severe
ingly, the total dose, rate of administration, and weakness that prolongs recovery and residual mo-
duration of treatment with nondepolarizing neu- tor and sensory neurologic deficits are extremely
romuscular blocking agents do not correlate with common in survivors of protracted illness. In those
the development of persistent neuromuscular with mild to moderate CIPN or myopathy, recov-
blockade (42). ery is often relatively rapid and complete (weeks to
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months). In some cases with more severe weakness, 12. Wijdicks EF, Litchy WJ, Harrison BA, et al.
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teresting study that looked at follow-up in individ- tensive care unit. Intensive Care Med 1996;22:
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Evaluation of the Patient with

Suspected Neuromuscular
Junction Disorder
William J. Litchy

INTRODUCTION Advances in immunology and in the knowledge

of the receptors in the NMJ have revolutionized
The evaluation of the patient with a neuromus- both the understanding of the pathologic mecha-
cular junction (NMJ) disorder has evolved over nisms of the disease and the diagnostic evaluation
recent years. Increased understanding of the of these disorders. The ability to evaluate the ge-
structure and function of the NMJ; the advent of netic aspects of the NMJ diseases has also led to
new and improved electrophysiologic tech- many advances. Not only do we now recognize a
niques, including patch clamp and endplate noise large variety of congenital myasthenic syndromes,
analysis; the increased understanding of the im- but we can also describe the ion channels or mem-
munologic characteristics of the NMJ; and the brane receptor impairments and locate the genetic
genetic studies that are identifying increasing defect(s) causing the disorder (2–4).
numbers of inherited NMJ disorders have The electrodiagnostic medicine physician’s
changed our perspective on this group of disor- tools have also improved and, when combined
ders. At the same time that more NMJ disorders with the clinical, immunologic, and genetic infor-
have been identified and characterized, treat- mation, it is possible to interpret the electrophysi-
ment options have increased, and the complexity ologic findings in a more clinically meaningful
of the evaluation of the person suspected of hav- manner. The basic tools of the electrodiagnostic
ing a NMJ disorder is greater. physician are nerve conduction studies and needle
Since Jolly, in 1895, described the physiologic electromyography. The most sensitive nerve con-
evaluation of the patient with myasthenia gravis, duction test for the evaluation of a weak patient
there have been advances in the armamentarium with suspected NMJ disease is repetitive nerve
for the electrodiagnostic medicine physician (1). stimulation. In myasthenia gravis, the most com-
Improved knowledge of the clinical syndromes mon disorder of the NMJ, abnormalities of repet-
associated with neuromuscular disorders has been itive nerve stimulation (RNS) studies may be seen
helpful. Although weakness, particularly fluctu- in up to 90% of people. The specific pattern of ab-
ating weakness, is the hallmark of NMJ disorders, normal, decremental serial responses in these pa-
further delineation of the symptoms and signs of tients is often characteristic of the disease. Needle
these disorders has been important. Increasing electromyography (EMG), particularly single-
knowledge of the structure and function of the fiber EMG, is also very useful in the evaluation of
NMJ has been paramount for furthering the un- the patient. It is a very sensitive test but not specific
derstanding of NMJ disorders; in this case the for disorders of the NMJ (5,6). Abnormalities can
receptors and function have been important. be observed in disorders of the motor neuron and

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peripheral nerve as well as the muscle fiber that ters the presynaptic terminal. The half-life for
may be indistinguishable from the observations in internal Ca2 concentration is approximately 500
myography (7,8). ms. The rise in intracellular calcium results in the
The scope of this chapter is to review the ap- vesicular fusion with the presynaptic membrane
proaches to the evaluation of the patient with a and release of ACh into the synaptic cleft (14).
suspected NMJ disorder in the clinical neurophys-
iology laboratory. The emphasis will be on the
Synaptic Cleft
tools used in the electrodiagnostic laboratory. To
understand the value of these tools, a brief discus- The synaptic cleft, a space between the pre- and
sion of the structure and function of the NMJ is in- post-synaptic membranes, is the site where end-
cluded. This will be followed by a discussion of plate-specific acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is lo-
techniques and approaches to their use. Finally, cated on the synaptic basal lamina. The role of
observations on some of more commonly encoun- AChE is to inactivate ACh and maintain a steady-
tered disorders of neuromuscular transmission state function of the NMJ.
(NMT) will be presented.
Postsynaptic Cleft
NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION The postsynaptic membrane is composed of the
specialized region of the muscle membrane formed
Structure into junctional folds with ACh receptors (AChR)
clustered at the tops of the folds at a density of
The NMJ is a specialized synapse anatomically 1,000/um2. At the base of the junctional folds are
and functionally designed to activate muscle fibers voltage-gated Nav1.4 channels. The distribution of
in a controlled manner located at a specialized the AChRs and the Nav1.4 into separate areas of the
area of the muscle membrane called the endplate. junctional fold is ideal for the normal function of
The NMJ is composed of presynaptic and postsy- the NMJ. Activation of these AChRs by acetyl-
naptic membranes separated by the synaptic cleft. choline, usually two molecules per receptor, results
The presynaptic region is the termination of the in a membrane depolarization and activation of
motor axon at the endplate, while the postsynaptic Nav1.4 channels. When this depolarization is suffi-
region is the specialized region of the muscle fiber ciently large, it produces an action potential and a
membrane with multiple junctional folds. Struc- contraction of the muscle fibers (15).
tural and functional abnormalities of the NMJ re-
sult in numerous clinical disorders, the hallmark
of which are fluctuating weakness and fatigability
(9) (Fig. 15-1). Under the resting state there is a steady random
release of ACh-filled synaptic vesicles. The ACh
molecules attach to the AChR and generate
Presynaptic Terminal miniature endplate potentials (MEPPs) (16–18).
The presynaptic terminal has all of the machinery The MEPP is the result of the action of one or a
required to release the neurotransmitter acetyl- few synaptic vesicles. A nerve action potential de-
choline (ACh): mitochondria; synaptic vesicles, polarizing the nerve terminal results in an influx
each containing 5,000 to 10,000 ACh molecules; of calcium ions into the presynaptic terminal
and a presynaptic membrane that includes active through voltage-gated calcium channels, causing
zones and sodium, potassium, and calcium ion a fusion of the synaptic vesicles with the presynap-
channels involved in the local depolarization and tic membrane and release of a large amount of
subsequent release of synaptic vesicles into the ACh into the synaptic cleft. The influx of calcium
synaptic cleft (10–13). The synaptic vesicles cluster ions results in an increased probability of addi-
at the active zones in preparation for release into tional release of ACh for a short time (18).
the synaptic cleft. During the depolarization The depolarization the presynaptic mem-
phase of the presynaptic region, ionic calcium en- brane by an action potential results in the release of
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Figure 15-1 ● ACh is concentrated in synaptic vesicles by a specific vesicular ACh trans-
porter (VAChT). Release of the ACh begins with opening of the calcium channels in the active zone where
ACh-filled vesicles are clustered. The ACh acts by activating the ACh receptors, depolarizing the membrane,
which is then propagated via the Na channels. The action of the ACh is terminated via the action of the acetyl-
cholinesterase (AChE). (Modified from Benarroch EE. Basic neurosciences with clinical applications. Philadel-
phia: Butterworth, Heineman, Elsevier, 2006, with permission.)

many synaptic vesicles and produces an endplate potential being inadequate to activate the Nav1.4 or
potential (16,18). When the endplate potentials ex- else the Nav1.4 channels not responding to normal
ceed the threshold for activating the Nav1.4 chan- endplate potentials (19).
nels, a muscle fiber action potential occurs. The
high concentrations of the AChRs at the top of the
functional fold and the Nav1.4 channels located at ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC STUDIES
the base of the junctional fold are essential for
normal propagation of the action potential and con- Electrophysiologic techniques are used to confirm
traction of the muscle fiber. The difference be- the clinical suspicion of the disorder of NMJ and to
tween the depolarization caused by the AChR acti- exclude other disorders in patients with similar
vation and the depolarization required to activate symptoms. The electrophysiologic studies include
the Nav1.4 is the safety factor. When the activation routine nerve conduction studies, needle EMG,
of the AChRs is below the safety factor, the depo- RNS, and single-fiber EMG. Although electrodi-
larization required to activate the muscles will not agnostic studies can be very useful in the diagnosis
occur. All clinical disorders of NMT, whether ac- of a NMJ disorder, and in some cases following the
quired or congenital, are the result of the endplate course of treatment intervention, the absence of
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electrodiagnostic abnormalities does not preclude a in what is expected. The limb must be warm to
diagnosis of a NMJ disorder. In autoimmune avoid unreliable and incorrect results. Also, the
myasthenia gravis, for example, 10% of the patients patient should not be taking any medication inter-
may not have abnormal results on electrophysio- fering with the test; specifically, the patient should
logic studies. This percentage is even greater for pa- not take any anticholinesterase medications prior
tients in early stages of the disorder or those with to the study, such as pyridostigmine.
primarily ocular myasthenia gravis.
The most frequently used tests in the clinical Muscles Studied
neurophysiology laboratory are repetitive stimula- It is important to study the correct muscles when
tion of a motor nerve with recording from its mus- doing RNS studies. The criteria for selecting the
cle (RNS) and single-fiber EMG. These tests nerve and muscle combination are no different
measure the function of the NMJ indirectly. The than choosing a nerve or muscle for any other elec-
most direct method to study the NMJ is with trodiagnostic test. The muscle studies should be
endplate analysis techniques. Although in vitro relevant. There should be a suspicion that it is clin-
endplate analysis is clearly the most sensitive and ically involved or is useful in excluding a disorder
reliable approach to evaluating the patient with a of the NMJ or other disease. The muscle should be
suspected NMJ disorder, it requires a muscle reliable in that the information one obtains from
biopsy and a sophisticated analysis. RNS and the study reflects the function of the NMJ. The re-
single-fiber EMG are more practical, and when sults obtained should be reproducible. If the results
combined with the available immunologic studies, are not similar each time the study is performed, it
most patients with NMJ disorders can be evaluated is difficult to interpret the results. The test should
adequately (20). be relatively comfortable. RNS is usually uncom-
fortable, so it is helpful to choose a muscle that you
are used to testing and that may be less painful.
Repetitive Nerve Stimulation The muscles most commonly studied are listed in
RNS is the most frequently used test in the clinical Table 15-1, along with the nerve stimulated and
neurophysiology laboratory to evaluate patients the advantages and disadvantages of studying the
with a suspected disorder of the NMJ. Although muscle (21,22).
not as sensitive as single-fiber EMG, it is specific
when an abnormality is found. RNS is a straight- Stimulation Protocols
forward test, but when used incorrectly it can lead Before performing repetitive stimulation on a
to misdiagnosis or to no diagnosis when a disease nerve, it is important to perform routine motor
is present. The physiologic characteristics of the and sensory nerve conduction studies to exclude
NMJ and the potential for technical errors must other disorders. A nerve or muscle affected by an-
always be considered when evaluating a patient other pathophysiologic process is unreliable, and
with suspected NMJ disorders in the clinical neu- abnormalities observed on RNS are difficult to in-
rophysiology laboratory. terpret. RNS is used to demonstrate abnormal
The RNS evaluation of the patient with a sus- function of the NMJ. Based on the knowledge of
pected NMJ disorder requires preparation of the the physiology and the results observed, there are
patient, use of the appropriate equipment, and reasonable approaches to stimulating the nerve in-
studying the correct muscles with the appropriate nervations of the muscle.
stimulation protocols. Although the technique of Most frequently, repetitive stimulation is per-
RNS stimulation is straightforward, there are nu- formed by stimulating at 2 Hz in a train of four
merous physiologic and technical factors that af- stimuli. Longer trains of stimuli, up to 10, and a
fect test results. higher frequency, 3 Hz, are used in some clinical
neurophysiology laboratories. However, abnor-
Patient Preparation malities, when present, are observed with a train
For the successful evaluation with RNS, the pa- of four stimuli and a lower stimulation frequency
tient should be properly prepared for the study. under most circumstances. Shorter stimulus trains
This preparation includes instructing the patient help to reduce the artifact associated with move-
T A B L E 1 5 - 1 Nerves and Muscles Commonly Used in the Evaluation of Patients with Suspected Neuromuscular
Junction Disorders

Nerve Muscle Stimulation Site Advantages Disadvantages Immobilization

Axillary Deltoid Supraclavicular Proximal Unstable stimulus, Large Velcro strap

muscle difficult to immobilize or bed sheet

Facial Nasalis Between mastoid Proximal Unstable stimulus, None

and tragus muscle cannot immobilize
3:57 PM

Femoral Rectus femoris Femoral triangle Proximal leg Difficult to immobilize, Lower limb board
muscle may need needle for
Median Abductor pollicis Wrist Well Distal muscle may be spared, Hand board
Page 381

brevis tolerated difficult to immobilize

Musculocutaneous Biceps Lower edge axilla Proximal Unstable stimulus, Upper limb board
muscle difficult to immobilize
Peroneal (fibular) Tibialis anterior Popliteal fossa Leg muscle Distal muscle, may be spared Lower limb board
in myasthenia gravis
Radial Anconeus Forearm Forearm Requires a needle None
muscle, for stimulation
for the patient
Radial Extensor Elbow Forearm Unstable stimulus, Upper limb board
digitorum muscle muscle artifact
Spinal accessory Trapezius Posterior border Proximal Difficult to immobilize Large Velcro strap
sternocleidomastoid muscle or bed sheet
Ulnar Abductor Wrist Reliably Distal muscle, may be Hand board

digiti minimi immobilized, spared in myasthenia gravis

well tolerated
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ment. Three sets of four stimuli are sometimes Abnormalities on Repetitive Nerve Stimulation
performed to ensure that the recordings are reli-
able and reproducible. These baseline recordings The typical abnormalities observed in NMJ dis-
are used to compare with subsequent studies. orders are decrement, repair of the decrement,
Exercising the muscle studied is a valuable way postactivation exhaustion, and facilitation. A
to accentuate an abnormality or to observe one that decrement of up to 8% has been reported in pa-
is not present in the baseline recordings. If there is tients without NMJ disorders. In autoimmune
an abnormality, brief exercise may repair the decre- myasthenia gravis, a minimal decrement of 10%
ment, and this is another characteristic feature of a should be present in more then one muscle, and
disorder of the NMJ. In a presynaptic NMJ disor- that decrement should repair immediately fol-
der such as Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, lowing exercise (20). The size of the decrement
brief exercise may produce facilitation of the re- varies in the muscles studied in the same patient,
sponse, which, if large enough, may be diagnostic of reflecting the variation in the NMJ pathology
this disorder (see later section in this chapter). (Fig. 15-2).

Figure 15-2 ● The results of repetitive stimulation of different nerves in a patient with gen-
eralized myasthenia gravis. Two-Hz repetitive stimulation was performed with the muscle at rest and
a train of four stimuli was recorded (superimposed). The decrement varies with each muscle, with the largest
decrement in the deltoid (62%) and the smallest in the abductor digiti minimi (2%).
90749_ch15(377-394).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 383


Decrement muscle, so a train of 50-Hz stimulation can be used

Decrement is the change in the amplitude (or in place of voluntary exercise.
area) of the fourth compound muscle action po-
Postactivation Exhaustion
tential (CMAP) compared to the first CMAP in
the train. Decrement is expressed as a percent re- The phenomenon of postactivation exhaustion is
duction from the first response in the stimulus most dramatic 3 to 4 minutes after a period of ex-
train (Fig. 15-3). Although there can be a small ercise. It is manifested by a larger decrement than
decrement in normal people, a reproducible that which occurred prior to exercise.
decrement of more then 10% is considered abnor-
mal. Besides the amount of decrement, the pattern Facilitation
of the decrement is important in identifying the Facilitation refers to the change in amplitude of
specific cause of the NMJ disorder. In autoim- the first response in a train of four compared to the
mune myasthenia gravis, the largest decrement is first response in the train of four after exercise
between the first and second response (see Fig. 15- (Fig. 15-4). A small amount of facilitation is ob-
3). In other disorders of the NMJ, this may not be served in normal individuals, but facilitation of
the case. Although this pattern is seen in other dis- greater than 200% is consistent with the diagnosis
eases, a different pattern is due to either technical of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Other
problems or other disorders. The amount of the presynaptic junction disorders, such as botulism,
decrement is also affected by exercise, the time af- may also show facilitation, but not as dramatically
ter exercise when a train of stimuli is given, and as Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome.
the particular muscle examined (20).
Pitfalls of Repetitive Nerve Stimulation
Decrement Repair Although RNS is straightforward and easy to per-
A decrement may be lessened, or repaired, imme- form, there are numerous pitfalls leading to
diately after a period of exercise. This repair is ex- missed diagnosis and incorrect diagnosis. It is im-
pected in autoimmune myasthenia gravis and perative to recognize the potential problems when
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome and is most performing these studies.
likely related to the internal concentration of ionic
calcium at the presynaptic membrane. After brief Incorrect Electrode Placement
exercise the accumulated Ca2 increases the proba- The placement of recording electrodes is as im-
bility of release of ACh and improves the safety fac- portant for RNS as it is for routine nerve conduc-
tor for NMT. Under some conditions, for example, tion studies. Care must be taken to place the
with children, it may not be possible to exercise a recording electrode over the motor point of the

Figure 15-3 ● Decremental response in the trapezius muscle with baseline 2-Hz stimulation
of a patient with myasthenia gravis. The decrement is measured comparing the fourth CMAP with
the first CMAP and is expressed as a percentage of the first CMAP. (Sweep  5 ms, gain  2 mV.)
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Figure 15-4 ● Facilitation of the CMAP in a patient with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syn-
drome. Two-Hz stimulation was performed at baseline (A) and immediately after 15 seconds of exercise (B)
recorded from the abductor pollicis brevis muscle. Facilitation is the change in the first response of the baseline
stimulus train compared to the first response of the stimulus train after exercise. (Sweep  2 ms, gain  2 mV.)

muscle and the reference electrode off the muscle. to minimize the movement. The movement is
Placing the stimulating electrode close to the produced by direct activation of the muscles, but
nerve is also important. If the stimulating elec- also can be the result of poor relaxation of the pa-
trode is not near the nerve and is not securely tient (Fig. 15-5). This is particularly true when the
placed to avoid movement during stimulation, longer train of 10 stimuli is used. Movement of the
then the amplitude of the response during a stim- limb may result in movement of the stimulating
ulus train may vary and suggest a decrement electrode or even of the recording electrodes. In
when there is not one. the case of the former, the result may be a pattern
like that seen in submaximal stimulation where
Submaximal Stimulation
the CMAP response is irregular.
Stimulation of the nerve at a supramaximal level
is important to make sure the size of the CMAP is
Low Temperature
as large as is physiologically possible each time.
Stimulating the nerve at a submaximal level may The response of the NMJ to RNS is a physiologic
lead to changes in the CMAP from one stimulus to process and is affected by temperature changes
the next. When the variation in CMAP amplitude (23). In a cold muscle, larger amounts of ACh are
is irregular, it suggests a technical problem, but released with a single stimulus, the hydrolysis of
that may not be the case all of the time. the ACh is slower, and the open time of the AChR
is longer. All of these factors lead to a more effec-
Movement Artifact tive neurotransmission process and could poten-
Movement of the limb during the stimulus trains tially mask an abnormality of NMT. A decrement
is difficult to avoid, but bracing the limb can help present with RNS in a warm muscle may not be
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Figure 15-5 ● Two- Hz stimulation of the trapezius muscle at baseline. The irregular changes
in the amplitude of the trapezius muscle CMAPs are artifactual, the result of shoulder movement during stim-
ulation. (Sweep  5 ms, gain  2 mV.)

present if the muscle is cold. It is important to however, can be observed in many disorders of the
monitor the distal limb temperature during the motor unit, including the motor neuron, nerve, and
nerve conduction studies and maintain a temper- muscle fiber.
ature of 31°C or greater.
Single-Fiber Electromyography
Medication Single-fiber EMG, developed in the 1960s, pro-
Medications can also affect the response of the vides additional quantitative information about
muscle to RNS. This is most commonly observed the function of the NMJ. Unlike routine needle
in patients receiving treatment for myasthenia EMG, where the electrical activity of many mus-
gravis with pyridostigmine. If the patient is taking cle fibers of a motor unit is recorded, in single-
medication, then the abnormalities that could be fiber EMG it is possible to measure the action
seen with RNS may be masked and a decrement potentials of a single muscle fiber. The ability to
not observed. It is important that the patient avoid quantify the synchrony of firing of individual
medication that potentially will interfere with the muscle fibers in a single motor unit is the basis for
testing for at least 4 hours, and longer (12 hours) if the most frequently used measurement made,
possible. jitter (Fig. 15-6). Jitter is considered the most sen-
sitive electrophysiologic measurement for NMJ
Needle Electromyography disorders, but like routine needle EMG, it is not
specific for these disorders. A more complete de-
Standard Needle Electromyography scription of single-fiber EMG and use of this tech-
In the patient with suspected NMJ disease, stan- nique and its role is evaluating NMJ disorders can
dard needle EMG is not used to confirm the diag- be reviewed elsewhere (5,6).
nosis but rather to exclude other disorders of the
motor unit whose symptoms may be similar to the Jitter
patient with a NMJ disorder. However, careful The jitter, or the measure of synchrony of firing of
evaluation of the patient with a NMJ disorder may muscle fibers, is due in part to small variations in
reveal subtle abnormalities. The variability in am- the endplate potential at the postsynapatic mem-
plitude and morphology of a motor unit potential brane due to AChR dysfunction or Nav1.4 chan-
with each firing observed with needle EMG may be nel abnormalities producing variability of muscle
the result of a NMJ disorder. These abnormalities, fiber action potential firing and variability in the
90749_ch15(377-394).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 386


Figure 15-6 ● A voluntary activation single-fiber EMG recording from the frontalis muscle
of a 52-year-old woman with clinically mild autoimmune myasthenia gravis. The first mus-
cle fiber potential is the trigger, and the jitter (a measure of the variability of firing of a pair of muscle fibers in
a single motor unit) is measured from the second muscle fiber potential. A minimal of 50 discharges should be
recorded from 20 muscle fiber pairs. (Sweep  0.5 ms, gain  100 V.)

fluctuations of the firing threshold of the subsy- EMG, additional sources of error include below-
naptic sarcolemma. Although this variability can threshold stimulation producing spurious block-
be observed when performing a routine needle ex- ing; direct muscle fiber stimulation producing low
amination, single-fiber EMG quantifies this jitter measurements; incorrect stimulation rate;
measurement and allows for a comparison with and axon reflexes, which may create an excessively
reference values obtained from people without high, bimodal jitter.
NMJ disorders.
The ability to record single muscle fiber ac- Observations
tion potentials is due to several factors, including The jitter values vary with the muscles studied
special signal filtering, special software for meas- and with the age of the patient. Reference values
uring the signals, and a special needle with an ac- have been published for voluntary single-fiber
tive recording electrode surface of 25 m exposed EMG for many muscles using different needles
on the side of the needle. Because of the expense for recording the single-fiber muscle action poten-
and difficulty involved in maintaining these spe- tials (28,29).
cial needles, attempts have been made to use stan- Single-fiber MG demonstrates abnormal jit-
dard concentric and monopolar needles to meas- ter in most NMJ disorders. In autoimmune myas-
ure the jitter in a muscle. Reference values using thenia gravis, the sensitivity for making the diag-
these standard needles are available (24–26). nosis varies from 82% to 99%, depending on the
number of muscles. The jitter is usually greatest in
Voluntary and Stimulated Single-Fiber Elec- the most clinically weak muscles (30). In Lambert-
tromyography Eaton myasthenic syndrome, abnormal jitter is
Jitter can be measured with voluntarily activated observed in all patients. Unlike myasthenia gravis,
muscle fibers or from muscle fibers activated by the amount of jitter in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic
electrical stimulation of the nerve to the muscle syndrome is often much more severe then ex-
(27). Both techniques are technically demanding pected with the mild degree of clinical weakness.
and have many pitfalls that can cause spurious re- Also unlike myasthenia gravis, the jitter will often
sults. The sources for error with voluntary single- decrease with increased muscle action potential
fiber EMG include interfering action potentials, firing rates in Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syn-
irregularity of the firing rate, split muscle fibers, drome. Jitter is also increased in many congenital
and poor electrodes. With stimulated single-fiber myasthenic syndromes, as well as in botulism.
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NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION include weak muscles. The abnormalities with

DISORDERS RNS are variable in each patient, so more than one
muscle should be studied; abnormalities should be
demonstrated in at least two muscles to make a di-
Myasthenia Gravis agnosis of myasthenia gravis based on the RNS
Myasthenia gravis is an acquired, autoimmune studies.
disorder of NMT associated with a decreased A reasonable approach to the evaluation of a
number of AChRs. The first description of this patient with suspected myasthenia gravis is to start
disorder was by Thomas Willis in the 17th cen- with a distal muscle—the abductor digiti minimi
tury. In 1895 Jolly not only gave the disorder its muscle in ocular or generalized weakness, or the
name but also described the reduction in tetanic tibialis anterior when the weakness involves only
tension of a muscle with low-frequency stimula- the lower limb. These are technically easy muscles
tion (1). This is the first description of what we to study and the least uncomfortable for the pa-
now refer to as RNS. tient. However, the yield of abnormalities in
Myasthenia gravis is a common disorder with myasthenia gravis is low unless the disease is se-
an annual worldwide incidence estimated at 11 vere. However, the motor nerve studies can help
million people and a prevalence of up to 150 mil- to exclude other diagnoses under consideration.
lion (31). The incidence in females is higher then Next, a more proximal muscle should be studied.
males (3F:2M), and it is more likely to occur at a In the upper limb the largest decrement is often
younger age, the third decade for women and seen in the deltoid muscle, but the study of this
sixth for men (32). The predominant clinical fea- nerve is technically more challenging. Finally, the
ture is fluctuating weakness and fatigability of evaluation of a facial muscle, although technically
some or all of the voluntary muscles. The symp- challenging, is useful in patients with either gen-
toms may fluctuate through a day, from day to eralized or ocular symptoms.
day, or over longer periods of time. Most com- The RNS should start with a routine motor
monly the ocular muscles are involved initially nerve conduction study to exclude other abnor-
and then the symptoms progress to other muscles malities of the nerve and muscle. RNS at 2 Hz,
in over 80% of the patients. The progression usu- collecting a train of four responses, should be per-
ally occurs during the first year of the disease. formed at rest and evaluated for decrement. If a
Spontaneous remissions do occur and last for decrement is present, then a brief (15 seconds) pe-
varying periods of time (33,34). riod of exercise should be performed. If there is no
The advent of the ability to detect autoanti- decrement, then a 1-minute exercise period
bodies to the AChR has been useful for the diagno- should be done to accentuate a small or nonexist-
sis of myasthenia gravis. Although autoantibodies ent decrement that would be present during the
may be detected in up to 90% of the people with au- period of postexercise exhaustion. Following exer-
toimmune disorders, they are less likely to be found cise, the trains of four stimuli should be performed
in those who are early in the course of their disease immediately and then at 1-minute intervals for 4
and in those with only ocular symptoms. A group minutes after exercise to identify decrement repair
of patients with autoantibody-negative myasthenia and postexercise exhaustion. In infants or people
gravis has been discovered. This small subset of pa- unable to cooperate, 50 Hz stimulation can be
tients has an antibody to muscle-specific kinase used in place of exercise.
(MuSK). The spectrum of clinical features in this For a RNS to be abnormal and used to diag-
group is still being defined (35,36). nose myasthenia gravis, the following criteria
RNS remains a useful tool for the diagnosis of should be met:
patients with myasthenia gravis. It contributes to
the diagnostic yield and in the presence of suspi- 1. The decrement is greater than 10%, repairs
cious clinical symptoms of weakness and fatigabil- with exercise, and increases during the postac-
ity may help to exclude a disorder of the NMJ. tivation exhaustion period.
Because of the variability of clinical weakness, the 2. The decrement is observed in more then one
evaluation of patients using RNS should always muscle.
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3. The pattern of decrement is consistent with of in vitro electrophysiologic analysis of NMT,

that seen in myasthenia gravis (Fig. 15-7). The cytochemical and ultrastructural studies of the
expected pattern is seeing that the largest NMJ, and the advances in identifying genetic ab-
decrement occurs between the first and second normalities (3,4,39–41). The typical patient is a
responses. In generalized myasthenia gravis, if young person with fluctuating weakness and
multiple muscles are studied, an abnormality fatigability and no detectable autoantibodies to
will be seen in over 65% of the patients. Proxi- the NMJ. Although evaluation and identification
mal muscles, such as the deltoid or trapezius, of patients with congenital myasthenic syndrome
are more likely to show abnormality than distal often require techniques not used in the clinical
muscles (20,32,37,38). neurophysiology laboratory, there still is a place
for routine and specialized studies for the identi-
fication of some forms of congenital myasthenic
Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes syndrome, as well as to exclude the diagnosis in
The congenital myasthenic syndromes are a het- some persons.
erogeneous group of inherited disorders of NMT The congenital myasthenic syndromes are
clinically presenting with weakness and fatiga- classified as presynaptic, synaptic-based lamina-
bility with exertion (2,39,40). The identification associated defects and postsynaptic defects. The
and classification of these syndromes have ex- majority of these types identified to date are the
ploded in the past decade with the advancement result of postsynaptic defects (2) (Table 15-2). The

Figure 15-7 ● Two-Hz stimulation of the trapezius muscle in a 49-year-old woman with au-
toimmune myasthenia gravis. The baseline recording (A) was followed by 15 seconds of exercise, and
then the following responses were recorded: immediately after (B), 30 seconds (C), 1 minute (D), 2 minutes
(E), and 3 minutes (F) after exercise. The decrement is present at baseline (A), with partial repair of the
decrement (B) after exercise. The NMJ was severely affected and total repair of the decrement with postexer-
cise facilitation did not occur. (Sweep  5 ms, gain  2 mV.)
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TABLE 15-2 Classification of Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes Based on the Site

of Abnormality in the Neuromuscular Junction


Presynaptic defects
Choline acetyltransferase deficiency
Paucity of synaptic vesicles and reduced quantal release
Lambert-Eaton syndrome-like
Other presynaptic defects
Synaptic basal lamina-associated defects
Endplate AChE deficiency
Postsynaptic defects
Primary kinetic abnormality of AChR with/without AChR deficiency
AChR deficiency with/without kinetic abnormality
AChR mutations with unclear effects
Rapsyn deficiency
MuSK deficiency
Na channel myasthenia
Plectin deficiency
(Modified from Beeson D, Hantaï D, Lochmüller H, et al. 126th International Workshop: Congenital Myasthenic
Syndromes, Sept. 24–26, 2004, Naarden, The Netherlands. Neuromuscular Disorders 2004;15:498–512, with permission.)

abnormalities with RNS are also variable and de- The findings with repetitive stimulation re-
pend on the site of the abnormality. flect the areas of abnormality (42) in ways similar
The approach to a patient suspected of hav- to myasthenia gravis and Lambert-Eaton myas-
ing a congenital myasthenic syndrome is variable. thenic syndrome. In a presynaptic congenital
Routine motor and sensory nerve conduction myasthenic disorder there is likely to be a decre-
studies should be performed to exclude other dis- ment with slow and fast RNS, and varying de-
orders. Muscles with demonstrated clinical weak- grees of facilitation with brief exercise. With
ness should be studied with RNS. Prior to per- AChE deficiency there is likely to be repetitive
forming repetitive stimulation, the CMAP should discharges with single stimuli and no decrement
be viewed after a single maximal stimulus to look or facilitation (Fig. 15-8). Also in postsynaptic dis-
for repetitively occurring CMAP discharges. The orders, there may be decrement that is less likely
repetitive discharge is observed in patients with to repair with exercise in some disorders.
the slow channel syndrome, and similar observa-
tions are seen in patients with high concentrations
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome
of Mestinon. Two-Hz repetitive stimulation is
performed on clinically involved muscles. If a The Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (43) is
decrement is found, then the muscle is exercised an acquired autoimmune disorder characterized
and RNS is repeated, looking for facilitation, re- clinically by fluctuating muscle weakness, fre-
pair of decrement, and postexercise exhaustion. quently affecting the lower limbs, that may im-
More rapid rates of stimulation (10 to 50 Hz) may prove with exercise; depressed deep tendon re-
be needed when exercise is not possible. If there is flexes; and autonomic changes (44–46). Although
no decrement on RNS and there is a clinical suspi- most common in adults, and seen in men more
cion of an AChE deficiency disorder, then pro- than women, it has been described in young chil-
longed stimulation at 10 Hz should be considered. dren. The safety margin for NMT is markedly
90749_ch15(377-394).ps 8/10/06 3:57 PM Page 390


Figure 15-8 ● Single stimulus resulting in repetitive discharge following the CMAP in the
abductor digiti minimi in a patient taking pyridostigmine (top). The discharge disappears with
brief exercise (middle) and returns shortly after exercise is completed (bottom). The repetitive discharge is sim-
ilar to those seen in slow channel myasthenic syndrome.

reduced in these patients as a result of a reduction most likely to show the characteristic abnormalities
of the net quantal content of the endplate potential is the rectus femoris (personal observation).
due to circulating antibodies to the presynaptic
voltage-gated calcium channels. The reduction in
calcium influx with the nerve terminal action po-
tential results in a reduction in the number of ACh Botulism is an acquired disorder and the result of
vesicles released, a reduction in the endplate poten- toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium bot-
tial, and little activation of the Nav1.4 channels (47). ulinum. Botulism is categorized into two basic
The first result of these pathologic changes of types: infantile and adult. Although the sources of
the NMJ are low CMAPs with routine nerve con- the toxin producing the clinical symptoms and
duction studies. RNS at 2 Hz produces a low- electrophysiologic abnormalities in these types are
amplitude CMAP with a marked decrement. Brief different, the observations with RNS are similar.
exercise produces marked facilitation and repair of The salient clinical features are acute onset of con-
the decrement if the disorder is not severe. The stipation, diplopia, and then progression of weak-
presence of facilitation of 200% or more in a muscle ness to the axial and appendicular muscles. Respi-
in the proper clinical setting is virtually diagnostic ratory failure is common, so inspiratory force
for Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (47,48). should be monitored.
The facilitation and decrement present after exer- With the exception of a low CMAP, the motor
cise return to their pre-exercise condition within 30 and sensory nerve conduction studies are normal.
seconds in most patients seen (Fig. 15-9). RNS at 2 Hz produces a decrement that may ap-
Similar to other NMJ disorders, there is large pear minimal, or even absent, if the CMAP is
variation in the size of the decrement and postexer- markedly reduced. RNS with 50 Hz produces fa-
cise facilitation abnormalities in different muscles cilitation in 90% of infants and 60% of adults, but in
in the same patient (48). At the same time that there severe cases with denervation, facilitation may not
are marked abnormalities of RNS in one muscle, be present or it may require a prolonged
another muscle may appear normal. The muscle stimulation of up to 30 seconds to be observed. Un-
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Figure 15-10 ● RNS results in a patient

with a neuromyotonia. There is a severe decre-
ment with repetitive stimulation; the decrement re-
pairs with brief exercise and returns. The pattern of
the decrementing responses is different from that
seen in patients with myasthenia gravis, as shown in
Figure 15-7.
Figure 15-9 ● Two-Hz stimulation of the ab-
ductor pollicis brevis muscle in a 62-year-old toxin from the black widow spider, on the other
man with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syn-
hand, acts at the presynaptic junction and pro-
drome. The CMAP is reduced and there is a large
decrement at baseline (A). After 15 seconds of exer-
duces a rapid release of virtually all of the presy-
cise there is facilitation and repair of the decrement naptic vesicles (53,54).
(B), and after 30 seconds (D) it returns to baseline.
(Sweep  2 ms, gain  2 mV.) Disorders That Produce Abnormalities on
Repetitive Nerve Stimulation with No
like other presynaptic disorders of NMT, the dura- Neuromuscular Transmission Defect
tion of posttetanic facilitation is prolonged (49–51).
Disorders of other components of the motor
unit may produce abnormalities on RNS or sin-
Other Neuromuscular Junction Disorders gle-fiber EMG. Decrements with repetitive
Other disorders of NMT occur but are less com- stimulation have been described in peripheral
monly encountered. Drug-induced myasthenia neuropathies (particularly the distal form of
gravis, like the syndrome produced with D- acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy),
penicillamine, produces abnormalities similar to motor neuron diseases (7,55), neuromyotonic
autoimmune myasthenia gravis. Blockage of the disorders (Fig. 5-10), and primary muscle
AChR postsynaptic receptors by snake toxins like disorders (56). In most cases the pattern of the
that from the cobra can produce symptoms and decrement abnormality is different from those
signs resembling myasthenia gravis (52). The seen in primary disorders of the NMJ.
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Pediatric Considerations
in Electromyography

Rosalind J. Batley

INTRODUCTION adult normative data. Human fetal muscle devel-

opment was studied in the 1960s, and with the cur-
Electrodiagnosis in the pediatric population differs rent regulations regarding study of fetal tissue it is
from that in adults with respect to the diagnoses, not likely to be studied again in the near future.
clinical presentations, set-ups, and normal values. Dubowitz found that muscle fiber diameters prior
In fact, it is probably easier to describe what is sim- to 6 months of gestation are 10 to 25 m, and after
ilar between pediatric and adult studies than what 6 months the diameter increases to 20 to 50 m. He
is different. The instruments and electrodes are described three phases of muscle fiber development
similar, but the latter are smaller than those used in utero. During phase I, from 12 to 20 weeks of
with the adult. The underlying physiology is simi- gestation, the enzyme activity is equal in all fibers.
lar, but development of the myelin and motor unit In phase II, from 20 to 26 weeks, differentiation be-
is incomplete in the pediatric patient. Due to the de- tween fiber types commences. However, only a
veloping nervous system, normative data vary, as small number of type I fibers are present during
do the presenting abnormalities. The pediatric this period. In phase III, later than 30 weeks of ges-
electromyographer must have an extensive knowl- tation, the fetus shows the same differentiation in
edge of growth and development and a familiarity muscle fiber types as are found in adult muscle (1).
with pediatric differential diagnosis. The knowl- Evaluation of fetal tissue also revealed that
edge of growth and development helps to narrow myelination of peripheral nerve axons begins to-
down the differential. The pediatric examiner’s un- ward the end of the first trimester. Myelination
derstanding of “primitive” reflexes can be used to begins between weeks 10 and 15 and is completed
“trick” an infant into reflex movement, which will by 2 years of age (2). Nerve conduction velocities
allow more rapid analysis of the motor unit poten- (NCVs) increase with the diameter of the nerve
tials (MUPs). In keeping with this book’s title, fibers and with the increases in the distances be-
“Practical Electromyography,” this chapter will ap- tween the nodes of Ranvier. The internodal dis-
proach the practical aspects of the pediatric electro- tances reach their maximum lengths by age 5 years
diagnostic medicine evaluation. (2).
It is also important to be familiar with the
normal maturation of the MUP as seen with nee-
DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOTOR UNIT dle electromyography (EMG). Normal infant
MUPs are small in amplitude and duration,
The changes in the motor unit during growth are making it a challenge to differentiate them from
the basis for the differences between pediatric and potentials found in myopathies. Jablecki (3) and

90749_ch16(395-416).ps 8/10/06 3:55 PM Page 396


Sacco et al (4) reported that MUPs are similar in Skin temperature must be controlled (8). The tech-
appearance to adults but increase 20% in both am- nique is rarely if ever used as it is expensive and
plitude and duration between age 3 months and time-consuming. Alternative methods, such as the
adulthood. The amplitudes of MUPs in nerve Dubowitz maturity scale, have been adequate for
studies in children have been well researched. clinical purposes.
Nerve conduction velocities (NCV) increase 100
V to 700 V (5), with occasional units to 1,600
V (5,6). The MUP durations range from 2 to 10 SETTING UP THE EMG LABORATORY
ms (6). The electromyographer must have experi-
ence to differentiate between the small motor Once the physiology, growth, and development
units and fibrillations. One must focus on the ini- are mastered, the pediatric electromyographer
tial deflection of the MUP and whether the poten- must have appropriate space, instrumentation,
tial is under voluntary control. and personnel to make an accurate diagnosis. The
Many infants and children rapidly learn that pediatric electromyographic laboratory should be
contracting a muscle causes pain when a needle large enough to accommodate a standard wooden
electrode is present in it. They will cease muscle plinth, electromyographic instrument, chairs, cab-
movement as soon as an electrode is inserted. This inets, warming lamps, sphygmomanometer, oxy-
further challenges the examiner, who must use gen saturation instrument, and a table. The space
normal infantile reflexes (and sorcery) to induce must come equipped with a sink, suction, oxygen,
movement in the infant or child. Conversely, when and a telephone. Electrical shielding is often not
evaluating resting membrane potentials, the child necessary with modern instruments, but with the
will frequently decide to move. Holding the joint in small distances encountered in pediatric patients,
such a position that the muscle is at its shortest it is very helpful. Likewise, a telephone may not be
length is helpful in diminishing voluntary contrac- needed in an adult laboratory, but if the physician
tion (7). is paged and is alone in the laboratory, he or she
Nerve conductions in children have been well cannot leave the child to answer.
studied. Motor and sensory NCVs increase with The pediatric laboratory must have space and
postconceptual age. Bougle reported that NCVs in seating for two or more parents or caregivers.
preterm infants (31 weeks of gestation at birth) There must be room for a nurse to help sedate,
are about half that of adult normal values (usually monitor, and distract the child. A resident or fel-
about 25 m/s) and that the lower levels of adult nor- low will often be present as well. Additional room
mal values are reached by age 4 years (8). Full-term for a crib or wheelchair will smooth patient flow
newborns have also been shown repeatedly to have by preventing the need to move furniture. Blan-
NCVs half the adult normal values, and the NCVs kets and gowns for different age groups should be
also reach low adult normal values by age four stored close by. An otoscope, tongue blades, and
years (2,8–14). Premature infants have been shown stethoscope must be available for pre-sedation ex-
to have slower NCVs than full-term babies. The aminations. Of course, some means of cleansing
motor velocities are correlated with postconceptual toys and documenting this work must be devel-
age and are not affected by intrauterine growth re- oped. Scissors are needed to cut disposable elec-
tardation (13). A small study suggests that sensory trodes into infant or small child sizes. The
NCVs are sensitive to growth retardation and can- pediatric laboratory must have medicine cups and
not be used to determine the postconceptual age, oral syringes available to administer sedatives and
which is possible with motor nerve conduction analgesics. Standard measuring devices and a cal-
studies (8,14). Thus, it is possible to determine the culator (to adjust medication doses) must be pres-
postconceptual age of a small baby by motor nerve ent as well. One must not forget a step-stool to
conduction studies. Gestational age is estimated by help children reach the plinth.
combining the velocities of the ulnar and posterior Cupboards for toy storage are helpful because
tibial nerves, as this is thought to be more accurate tubs of toys on the floor become cumbersome.
than that of a single nerve (8). Care in the position- Toys are necessary for distraction during the his-
ing and measurement of the distances is critical. tory but are just as valuable during the physical
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and the electrodiagnostic examination. A series of TECHNIQUES TO APPROACH

“cubbies” with toys for different ages would be
ideal. Bubbles make a mess but are good distrac-
tion for most young children. Contact your hospi-
The patient’s history, as with all medical evalua-
tal’s Child Life Department; their members will
tions, is critical. Physicians must ask about the
be very helpful, as one of their goals is to help chil-
birth history and development. Questions regard-
dren through difficult procedures. A TV and a ra-
ing whether a child is slowly progressing in devel-
dio are beneficial, especially if they use batteries, as
opment or actually regressing will often narrow
extra power cords create electrical noise. Older
the differential diagnosis. Age of presentation is
children and adolescents sometimes respond well
helpful, as well as the reason for the first physician
to music CDs with headphones.
visit. Slowly progressive, painless disorders are of-
To become more specific regarding equip-
ten picked up by teachers or coaches when the
ment, the pediatric EMG instrument must have
child cannot keep up with peers. Extended family
the ability to deliver 20, 30, and 50 Hertz repetitive
members who do not see the child except at holi-
stimulation, as the diagnosis of botulism is en-
days may also bring slowly progressive diseases to
countered routinely in most pediatric laboratories.
the parents’ attention.
Be wary of the sales representative or purchasing
Painful diseases are noticed immediately by
department who assume that because you are
parents. Questions regarding a child’s choice of
studying children you will not need the capability
activity after school can be helpful. Chronically
for sophisticated testing. The less expensive in-
weak children will not choose fatiguing activi-
struments may not offer rapid repetitive stimula-
ties. Parents may notice changes in their chil-
tion. The sales representative and the purchasing
dren’s choices, but this history is rarely offered
department will try to make the most economical
spontaneously. Specific questions must be used to
choice and during price negotiations may un-
elicit information regarding changes in a child’s
knowingly acquire an instrument that is inappro-
endurance and strength that parents may not be
priate for your needs.
aware of initially. Inability of the child to enjoy
Small, slender needles, 25 mm in length, are
field trips or visits to the mall is worrisome. Sub-
most frequently used, although the adult standard
acute presentations will be revealed in normally
lengths of 37 mm are routinely used with adoles-
athletic children having difficulty participating
cents. Both concentric and monopolar needles of
in their chosen sport. Congenital problems usu-
small gauges must be available. The laboratory
ally prevent children from choosing vigorous
must carry electroencephalograph abrasive paste
sports. Once again, this history can direct an ex-
and alcohol swabs for cleansing. Cleaning the skin
aminer toward a specific item in the differential
with the abrasive paste will decrease the imped-
ance, which is helpful when dealing with the small
stimulator-to-electrode distances encountered
with pediatric patients. Disposable electrodes with PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
embedded gel are almost a necessity for a pediatric
laboratory. They are less likely to shift position The physical exam is a challenging portion of pe-
than do simple metal electrodes, which require diatric electrodiagnosis. Observing children in a
electrode gel and tape. Self-adhering electrodes parent’s lap and watching them play with toys is
are easier to use, so their use shortens the length of very helpful. I try to watch the child while getting
the examination, which secondarily allows the a history from the caregiver and then proceed with
child to tolerate a more thorough study. watching him or her crawl, walk, and run. Playing
In summary, a large space in an electrically with toys will allow examination of coordination
quiet room, but with a TV, telephone, and cup- and strength. Sometimes we are lucky enough to
board storage, is secondary only to the choice of be able to watch the child walk to the waiting room
appropriate instrument and electrodes. A skilled before he is even aware of us. Obtain as much of the
nurse is invaluable in teaching, sedating, and reas- physical examination as possible before touching a
suring patients and parents. pediatric patient, because from that point on, the
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examination may reveal only what can be obtained planning. An examiner will develop a sense for
from a crying and kicking child. when distraction and verbal reassurance will be
Observation of children’s movement patterns sufficient or whether sedation will be necessary. If
is critical since it substitutes for the child cooperat- sedation is going to be used, it is more effective to
ing with the examiner during the physical exami- use it from the outset than to start it after a child
nation. Children move in specific patterns when has become agitated. It helps some children and
sitting down and arising from the floor normally, their parents tolerate a more detailed examination
and these patterns differ in the presence of weak- than is possible without it. Parents know their
ness. The most familiar example is the Gower’s child’s ability to tolerate procedures and are often
sign, when a child will walk his hands up his legs the best source to consult if there is any question
when arising to stand. Though associated with regarding the use of sedation. A pediatric labora-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, this phenomenon tory must have medicine cups and oral syringes
occurs with any chronic proximal lower limb available to administer sedatives and analgesics. A
weakness. A quarter-turn from a sit to a prone policy and procedure for sedative use must be de-
four-point position is a more subtle hint and fre- veloped and followed to ensure safety. New pedi-
quently occurs prior to the development of a full atric electromyographers must become familiar
Gower’s sign. If you ask a chronically weak child with the conscious sedation protocol for their hos-
to stand up from the floor, he or she will crawl pital and make sure that they have any certifica-
over to a chair or a parent’s leg to pull up to stand tions necessary. Some hospitals require pediatric
rather than fall. In contrast, a child with a new-on- life support (PALS) training, and specific medical
set weakness will fall. This is often helpful to de- staff privileges are necessary. Our pharmacy has
termine whether to proceed down a differential put together a “tackle box” with our medications
diagnosis for acute-onset abnormalities versus and documentation forms that our nurse signs out
longstanding weakness that has just recently been prior to each EMG clinic.
noticed. Sedation has the unfortunate potential to
Children with weak necks will prop their oc- cause disinhibition and can occasionally make a
ciput upon their shoulders; they appear to have child more easily agitated. I have found this to be
lost their necks. This is seen in young children, as more frequent with chloral hydrate (CH) than
their heads are bigger in proportion to the rest of some other medications. CH is a pure sedative
their body than are adult heads. Children will eas- and in my experience does not offer relaxation:
ily teach themselves to walk their fingers up a wall the child either sleeps or not. I have found the
to turn on a light switch when they have weak- combination of lorazepam (0.07–0.1 mg/kg PO)
ened proximal upper limb strength. Children will and acetaminophen with codeine (10 mg/kg of
also accommodate for weakness by using “primi- acetaminophen and 1 mg/kg of codeine PO) in
tive reflexes” in a functional manner. Children liquid form to be the most helpful. It reduces
learn to use an asymmetric tonic neck reflex to fa- stranger anxiety, and children will often relax
cilitate elbow flexion. When in a supine position a during the set-ups between studies. Nasal mida-
child will reach out for a toy while looking toward zolam provides excellent anxiolysis for short
it, but will look toward the opposite shoulder studies, but its duration of action is not long
when raising the toy to his or her chest. Watching enough to do a thorough study. The nasal ad-
a child sit up from a supine position is also helpful. ministration of midazolam causes nasal burning,
A weak child will rotate his body around so his and rectal administration can be used as an alter-
shoulders will come behind his pelvis for stability. native route with similar doses. The oral route is
also available.
Occasionally, general anesthesia is useful
THE ELECTRODIAGNOSTIC EXAM when there is need for extensive nerve conduction
studies in cases of complicated peripheral injury or
As with an adult examination, planning is critical when performing repetitive nerve stimulation.
to efficient performance of the procedure. Seda- Usually these children will have significant anxiety
tion is a controversial and important subject in this when the physical examination is done. Obviously,
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one cannot evaluate MUPs under general anesthe- adults. This is also true for the distances between
sia. Anesthesiologists will usually be willing to use the distal and proximal stimulation sites. Not only
heavy conscious sedation for examination of MUPs does stimulator interference increase with shorter
and then put the child under general anesthesia to distances, but shorter distances also introduce
complete the nerve conduction studies. This tech- greater measurement error. An error of 1 cm in
nique is used infrequently, but occasional children measuring an 8-cm latency introduces a 15% error
have an aversion to needles or have been so trau- in the NCV (3).
matized by frequent and painful procedures that Sensory nerve conduction set-ups in adults
they cannot be studied while awake. are designed to have 4 cm between the reference
(E2) and active (E1) electrodes. The latency meas-
ured to the first take-off varies less than the peak
TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS latency measured to the peak as the distance be-
tween the E1 and E2 electrodes narrows (15,16).
An electrically silent room, preferably with shield- On infants and young children, it is often impossi-
ing, is helpful. All accessory electrical equipment ble to obtain a distance of 4 cm between the elec-
should be unplugged and on a battery to prevent trodes; therefore, it is critical to evaluate the la-
60 Hz interference. If this is not possible, electrode tency to the take-off as well as the peak.
wires need to be as short as possible and shielded. Sensory nerve conduction responses are more
Needles can be monopolar or concentric. It is gen- easily obtained in children if the skin is prepared
erally thought that monopolar needles are less prior to starting the procedure. Rubbing the skin
painful, but short concentric needles used for with a clean emery board or rubbing with EEG
small children are also very narrow in gauge. I do paste and then cleaning the skin with alcohol to
not believe they are more uncomfortable than remove oil and lotions increases the ability to
monopolars, but this is a personal opinion based record reproducible sensory nerve action poten-
upon trial and clinical experience. Concentric nee- tials (SNAPs) by decreasing the skin impedance.
dles cause more bleeding, and some children are Another trick is to hold the foot or hand while
very upset by the sight of blood, but the electrical stimulating with the other hand. This enables the
baseline is so much quieter with a concentric nee- examiner to determine when the child’s foot is re-
dle that the examination can frequently be accom- laxed so that the stimulation can be given when
plished in a much shorter time. there is less background electrical interference
In an intensive care unit (ICU) setting, con- from the patient’s voluntary activity. This takes
centric needles are usually necessary. ICUs have some practice to feel. An alternate approach is to
transport monitors available that run on batteries, use the auditory feedback from the surface EMG
and these can be used to diminish electrical inter- signal to determine the amount of voluntary mo-
ference. Respiratory therapists can also be asked to tor unit activity.
bag-ventilate a patient during an EMG. The ven-
tilator should be shut off and disconnected from
the AC source if interference continues to be a
problem despite the use of the 60 Hz notch filter. TEMPERATURE
Despite all these efforts, however, interference
from equipment in neighboring cubicles is often a Attention to temperature is critical when exam-
problem, and it is always easier to transport the ining children. Babies have a greater surface area
child to the EMG laboratory if the child is stable per kilogram than adults, which facilitates heat
enough. loss. The room must be warm and the child must
be covered whenever possible. Heating lamps are
helpful to maintain body temperature in infants
INSTRUMENTATION AND SET-UPS as well as warming limbs of older children prior
to nerve conduction studies. Heating lamps must
In young children, distances are shorter between be turned off and preferably unplugged during
the reference and active electrodes than they are in the actual examination, however, as they cause a
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great deal of 60-Hz interference. Pressure-acti- be referred with regression of milestones in both
vated heating pads can be helpful for local cognitive and motor spheres.
Control for skin temperature improves the
accuracy of motor and sensory latencies as well as Brachial Plexus Injury
that of NCVs. Studies in adults have shown that Babies with brachial plexus injuries are frequently
NCVs change from 1.4 to 2.4 m/s/°C in the upper referred for evaluation during their second or
limbs and from 1.1 to 2.0 m/s/°C for the lower third week of life. Injuries occur perinatally and
limbs (16). One may assume that temperature will are usually of the Erb type, an upper trunk injury
affect the NCVs in young children, but the actual (19). In more severe injuries the entire plexus will
amount is not known. It is therefore critical to be involved. The classic Klumpke presentation of
maintain a skin temperature close to the skin tem- a lower trunk injury is rarely seen. The majority
perature of the normal children studied when the of Erb palsy injuries recover within the first 4
pediatric values were developed. Correction fac- months (19,20), although Pondaag’s review (21)
tors to adjust for skin temperature changes have has refuted this premise. All EMG laboratories are
not been developed for young children. referred a selected population of the more severe
Volume conduction must also be considered, injuries. Microsurgery continues to be controver-
as it causes decreased latencies (16), which will af- sial, but children with the global brachial plexus
fect the NCV calculation. Care must be taken not to injuries and a group of the severe classic Erb
overstimulate when trying to obtain a supramaxi- (C5–6  C7) will have a poor prognosis without
mal compound motor action potential. The smaller surgery (21–23). The electrodiagnostic studies will
size of our patients makes this error an even greater be helpful to determine which babies are more
concern than it is in adults (see Fig. 3-22B). likely to have a spontaneous recovery. The par-
Normative data are essential in interpreting ents’ history of the child’s movement and clinical
electrodiagnostic studies. It is difficult to collect observation are primary sources of information.
such data due to the reluctance of both parents and Use of the Moro reflex is very useful to activate the
physicians to cause discomfort to children. We muscles innervated by the upper trunk, including
must thank investigators who have published the the shoulder abductors, external shoulder rota-
data that they have collected. Careful attention to tors, elbow flexors, and wrist extensors. If signifi-
their protocols regarding electrode set-up and dis- cant motion is elicited, an electrodiagnostic study
tances used is necessary to use their data clinically. may not be indicated, as spontaneous recovery
It is best to refer to the original papers published to early frequently occurs. Heisse et al (24) recently
ensure the closest reproduction of their techniques published a study that determined that the com-
possible (2,8,9,11,16–18). An invaluable reference pound muscle action potential (CMAP) ratio
is the chapter entitled “Pediatric Electromyogra- (CMAP of the affected side as a percentage of the
phy” in Neuromuscular Disorders of Infancy, Child- CMAP on the unaffected side) was predictive of
hood, and Adolescence: A Clinician’s Approach (15), motor prognosis.
in which the authors collected normative data for The infant brachial plexus study starts with
children. From this list, the original articles can be evaluation of the amplitude of the CMAPs of the
found to determine the specific protocols for the axillary, radial, and suprascapular nerves. The
normative data collected. stimulations are done from a supraclavicular posi-
tion and responses are quite easy to elicit. If the
amplitudes are questionable, then the contralat-
CLINICAL PROBLEMS eral side is stimulated for a comparison of ampli-
tude and latency. Normal values for amplitude
As in adult laboratories, there are groups of clini- can vary up to 50% from side to side (24), but as
cal problems that arise frequently. Children are Heisse reports, other normal values are not read-
frequently referred in the first year of life for eval- ily available (24). Sensory nerve conduction stud-
uation of brachial plexus injuries, floppy tone, and ies were previously thought to be necessary, as a
decreasing strength. Less frequently, a child will normal response was considered diagnostic of a
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root avulsion. However, it has been found that nies these children. Knowledge of the normal pat-
they are not always helpful, as their absence does terns of development is again necessary in the per-
not exclude a root avulsion (23). A needle EMG is formance of the physical examination. Examina-
also necessary to identify active MUAPs. The elec- tion of muscle stretch reflexes and of distal motor
tromyogram for a brachial plexus study is started control versus proximal motor control helps to
within the sensory distribution of the axillary guide the electrical examination. Children with
nerve. Babies with a significant upper trunk lesion central hypotonia almost invariably have muscle
cannot feel within the sensory distribution of the stretch reflexes. A spontaneous and persistent
axillary nerve, so examination of the deltoid can be Babinski response is abnormal. All newborns have
accomplished without discomfort to the child. It a positive Babinski response unless they are under
is, in fact, a good clinical piece of information if influence of maternal sedation or they have severe
the child feels the electrode insertion, as it implies weakness secondary to a peripheral neuropathy or
a less severe injury. Once again, if the electromyo- another lower motor neuron lesion. Lower motor
grapher has any question regarding the size and neuron paraplegia is usually secondary to
recruitment of the MUAPs seen, then the child’s myelomeningocele, but tumors are also possible.
contralateral arm can be used as a control. The cli- Evaluate the alertness of the infant. Children
nician should examine muscles that are obviously with central hypotonia are usually not as alert and
weak. Those muscles that are questionably weak tend to have obligatory or persistent primitive re-
will probably recovery spontaneously. The prog- flexes. Distal strength is more difficult to appreci-
nosis and the discrimination among children who ate in infants than in older children, as distal hand
may benefit from surgery and those that will not control does not develop until the latter half of the
are the goals of the study. Repeat studies can be first year. Distal ankle strength in children is usu-
done to see whether reinnervation is occurring ally examined during observation of gait, so spe-
electrically, if there is question left after the clini- cial care must be taken to look for it in an infant.
cal examination. The preoperative study will not Most infants examined for a peripheral neuropa-
need to completely determine what surgical pro- thy will have generalized weakness; the weakness
cedure is necessary, as an intraoperative study will is just more profound distally than it is proxi-
be done to direct the surgical decisions. mally.
I have refused to do repeat electrodiagnostic Examination of the cranial nerves is critical in
studies for medicolegal reasons, as I do not believe the physical examination. Overall floppiness can
it is ethical to hurt a child for that purpose. Pre- be impressive, and an examiner inexperienced in
diction of disability is based upon a clinical evalu- examining young children may miss ptosis, facial
ation of function rather than upon an electrical diplegia, or dysmorphic features. A good history
analysis. Those examinations must wait until the should direct the physical. Muscle stretch reflexes
child’s neurologic function has had a chance to are critical to evaluate, as their presence or absence
stabilize. is a key factor in the decision algorithm of the dif-
ferential diagnosis, which leads to planning the
electrodiagnostic exam.
The Hypotonic Infant Next will be an overview of tone, followed by
a quick examination to look for cardiac dysfunc-
A frequent referral to a pediatric EMG laboratory tion, hepatomegaly, and hernias. Following that,
is a request to evaluate a “floppy infant.” Since joint range of motion is critical to examine. Con-
DNA testing is now available for many congenital tractures are found in normal full-term infants; af-
syndromes, the frequency of these referrals has ter all, they have been in cramped quarters for 9
dropped. months! Normal contractures will dissipate in the
Once again, a thorough history and physical upper limbs prior to the lower limbs, as a child is
examination should direct the examination. Pri- born with a flexed position in all joints and will ex-
mary central nervous system dysfunction causes tend the upper limbs in a voluntary pattern earlier
80% of cases of newborn hypotonia (13,14,25). A than extension in the lower limbs occurs. The nor-
history of a difficult delivery frequently accompa- mal contractures will have a “give” or “softness” at
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the end point of range of motion, in contrast to the ally appear in your office. Children with repeated
contractures seen in children with congenital dys- respiratory infections may be referred for possible
trophies or arthrogryposis. spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) when cystic fibro-
As with any physical examination, approach sis is the culprit, just as small children with SMA
the pre-EMG physical examination in a systematic have been referred to pulmonologists for evalua-
manner. Clinical appreciation of distal weakness tion for cystic fibrosis. Cognitively impaired chil-
will ensure that the electromyographer does not dren are often irritable, being unable to calm them-
miss a congenital peripheral neuropathy. The selves. This history may be secondary to
electrodiagnostic procedure should also direct the gastroesophageal reflux disease or other causes of
use of biopsies by identifying nerve versus muscle pain, so one cannot assume that a history of irri-
problems and areas of greatest abnormality. tability implies central neurologic dysfunction.
A rare group of diagnoses found in children Occasionally a child presents with hip and
with floppy tone are the congenital myasthenic knee flexion contractures without the characteris-
syndromes. Congential myasthenia, which is tic club foot deformities seen in arthrogryposis. If
found when children receive the antibodies the child is weak throughout, congenital muscular
transplacentally, is usually recognized since the dystrophy should be entertained as well as other
mothers have been previously diagnosed with myopathies. Children with merosin deficiency
myasthenia gravis. Other congenital myasthenic usually have large heads and leukodystrophy will
syndromes do not have acetylcholine receptor an- be seen on magnetic resonance imaging scans of
tibodies and either are recognized in an infant or the brain. Their nerve conductions may be mildly
present later in childhood (26–29). slowed (30). Their necks appear weak, and clini-
Infants older than the newborn period may cally they may initially appear to have SMA. Chil-
present with a history of progressive weakness. dren with SMA do not usually present with
Poor head control may be noticed at a normal contractures, though they usually develop as the
well-baby check-up, initiating a referral. Some- disease processes. A child with congenital muscu-
times a history of frequent, severe respiratory in- lar dystrophy (CMD) will get stronger as he or she
fections will cause a referral from the pulmonary grows, in contrast to a child with SMA, who will
consultant. Other children may present with rapid become weaker. The EMG will identify CMD
decline, inability to feed, and severe floppiness and rather than SMA as the diagnosis, since the
dehydration and appear very ill. Differentiation MUAPs will be small and there will be increased
among acute, subacute and chronic weakness is recruitment.
the first step in planning the electrical study. CMDs are being studied to determine the
Floppy infants may have weakness and spas- types of electrodiagnostic abnormalities (30).
ticity as well. It is critical to have a birth history, as Genetic studies have determined many of the
this will help to divide the children with cerebral chromosomal locations for CMDs both with and
palsy from those with degenerative diseases. A without central nervous system abnormalities.
critical question to ask is whether the child has lost The most common is the primary merosin defi-
any skills that he or she had acquired in the past. A ciency at 6q2.
differential that takes into account the presence or Some floppy babies present in the newborn
absence of muscle stretch reflexes must be consid- nursery. The children with hypoxic ischemic
ered. Systemically ill children with diseases such as events will be ruled out by history. It is rare that a
chronic infections or severe gastroesophageal re- neonatologist will refer such a patient for an elec-
flux may have apparent regression in develop- trodiagnostic study; however, some children have
ment. These children usually progress in develop- difficult perinatal courses because of their under-
ment, just not as rapidly as healthy babies. A lying disease. Neonatologists are skilled at identi-
careful history is necessary to determine whether fying babies with unusual facies, who have a
skills have actually been lost or if they have just different differential diagnosis than children with
fallen behind. It is hoped that there will be other normal appearances.
clues to direct the diagnostic approach, but from a Children with diagnoses such as the congeni-
practical point of view, conundrums will occasion- tal myopathies often have a history of a difficult
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perinatal course, but they will appear weak rather myotonia is often so severe that it will cover up the
than just floppy. Congenital myotonic dystrophy normal MUPs of myotonia congenita. Patience is
is one of the most common entities. The face is not required to ensure that the MUP amplitudes and
as narrow as with some of the congenital my- durations are carefully evaluated.
opathies; however, respiratory effort may be poor Floppy infants with long narrow faces are
and the infant may require intubation. Poor feed- easy to recognize as having a neuromuscular dis-
ing tolerance often presents due to smooth muscle ease. An X-linked recessive centronuclear myopa-
involvement. Facial diplegia shows with poor thy (32) will present with a very floppy infant with
mouth closure, described as a “tented mouth.” a long narrow face. Intubation is usually necessary
The nasolabial folds are absent or diminished. It is and subsequent extubation is difficult. Long-term
very helpful to examine the mother, as she may ventilation may be necessary. Other congenital
have facial diplegia also. A high index of suspicion myopathies do not have such poor prognoses. In-
is necessary: the weakness is not always obvious in fants with fiber-type disproportion have milder
the mother, and if no formal examination is done, weakness that may not be severe enough to pre-
myotonia could be missed. Myotonia may be ab- vent the child from being discharged with the
sent in the infant, usually to appear by 3 to 5 years mother prior to diagnosis. Children with nema-
of age. Needle EMG shows profuse fibrillation line neuropathy have extremely long narrow
potentials early on, and their appearance can be faces. There is obvious muscle atrophy noticed as
the most prominent finding. Occasionally, they get older, and their smile is horizontal. The
though, myotonia can be so severe that the new- EMG can be abnormal in the newborn period,
born’s hand will appear almost fisted. In that with abundant fibrillation potentials and reduced
instance, EMG is very helpful to differentiate my- amplitude of the MUAPs (33–35).
otonia from spastic hypertonicity (Fig. 16-1). The Prader-Willi children will be profoundly hy-
electrodiagnostic study reveals normal NCV, but potonic but have normal-shaped faces. They are
the MUPs are small and recruit rapidly. Low-am- usually poor feeders. Children with normal faces
plitude CMAPs may be present also. Myotonic who have profound hypotonia, like a rag doll,
dystrophy is inherited in an autosomal recessive should have the FISH study done to include or ex-
manner with a trinucleotide repeat found on chro- clude the diagnosis of Prader-Willi. Most children
mosome 19 at q13.3 (31,32). The mother may be with congenital myopathies will have normal
unaware of her disease since there is anticipation EMG examinations, with the exception of cen-
in this disease’s inheritance, with increasing tronuclear and nemaline myopathy (35). Congen-
lengths of the trinucleotide repeat abnormality in ital myopathies may present later in the first year.
subsequent generations, resulting in increased Children with central core disease may be weak
severity in future generations (31). but are not usually identified in the newborn nurs-
Myotonia congenita is the most common con- ery. Their faces are usually normal and they do
dition mistaken for myotonic dystrophy. The not show the long, narrow faces typically seen in

Figure 16-1 ● A portion of a train of myotonic potentials recorded with monopolar nee-
dle from the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. A gradual increase in the frequency is seen during this time,
as is typical in this pathology.
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children with congenital myopathies. Needle atrophied. Dimples are characteristically found
EMG and nerve conduction studies are usually over the joints. A recent paper (37) has reviewed
normal. These children may present with the accuracy of electrodiagnostic studies in com-
developmental hip dysplasia or other skeletal de- parison with muscle biopsies and has found that
formities. They are at a high risk for malignant the two studies together are far more accurate
hyperthermia when given halothane-type anes- than either alone. The authors also concluded that
thetics. The complaint leading to presentation a careful examination looking for an exogenous
varies considerably, and persons presenting at a sign (e.g., a midfacial superficial hemangioma) is
later age may have only exercise intolerance and advantageous: if one is found, then both the elec-
myalgias (35). trodiagnostic studies and the muscle biopsy may
Hypomyelination (of the peripheral nerve) be avoided (37).
syndrome usually presents at birth, and the chil- The differential diagnosis changes after the
dren affected frequently require ventilation. Oc- newborn period, and after 1 year of age it changes
casionally wrist and foot drop is profound, but the again. Certainly some diagnoses are more likely to
level of alertness is not usually helpful, as these be found in older school-aged children or in
children have a difficult early course and may be adolescents. SMA can present at anytime, as can
on sedatives to ease ventilation. Electrodiagnosis is Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Few pediatric
critical in these circumstances. Both sensory and electromyographers have seen GBS in patients
motor nerve conduction studies are abnormal, and under 1 year of age.
sensory nerve potentials are usually absent. Motor
nerve conductions are very slow, reflecting the
poor myelin. Both muscle and nerve biopsies are
necessary to make the diagnosis. However, with- Infantile botulism is usually seen between 6 weeks
out the conduction velocity information from the and 6 months of age and is a disease seen only by
electrodiagnostic studies, only a muscle biopsy electromyographers who evaluate children. Infan-
may be ordered. Therefore, performing the elec- tile botulism will present as a somewhat more
trodiagnostic study first may decrease the number acute illness than the previously described diseases
of anesthetics that the child must receive. and will show in a previously normal child. These
Other clinical problems will initiate referrals children have normal birth histories and feed nor-
from a newborn intensive care unit. A referral mally until the illness becomes apparent. Hypoto-
may be received regarding an infant who is diffi- nia and poor feeding cause parents to consult a
cult to extubate, with the request to evaluate the physician. Parents usually complain that their
phrenic nerve and diaphragmatic function. Russel child is not feeding well and is having trouble with
et al (36) described a phrenic nerve technique in drooling. Most will give a history of constipation if
babies. They described a set-up in which the it is asked for in a review of symptoms. The degree
ground electrode is placed on the middle of the of weakness also varies. In the most severe cases,
sternum and the active electrode on the mid-axil- bilateral ptosis occurs and the pupils are pinpoint.
lary line at the level of the seventh rib. The refer- Weak facial muscles make the child appear dull
ence electrode is placed just below it, on the mid- and sedated. The cry will be weak and pitiful,
axillary line at the level of the eight intercostal causing the child to appear ill, in contrast to the
space. Stimulation is just behind the sternocleido- child with SMA, who is bright-eyed and interac-
mastoid muscle. Normal latencies range from 3.4 tive. Classically the history of honey or corn syrup
to 7.4 ms. Phrenic nerve palsies are most fre- intake is present, though many of the babies have
quently seen with severe upper trunk obstetric been fully breast-fed. The disease is more preva-
palsies. lent in certain areas, and it is believed that the
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita presents spores are airborne and can be encountered in
in the delivery room, but the neurologic work-up house dust.
can be delayed until the child is stable. Affected The electrodiagnostic study should start with
children have more than one major joint with nerve conduction studies, which should have nor-
congenital contracture (32), and the muscles are mal to slightly slowed velocities. The child with
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GBS would be expected to have slowed velocities If the child is not intubated, the study may
even at this age. Even if the NCVs are normal, if stress the child enough to require intubation. If I
the child has GBS, no facilitation to rapid repeti- believe this may be the case, I will speak with the
tive stimulation will be seen. The CMAPs will be primary care service and will decide either to
minute, sometimes only 50 to 100 microvolts in transfer the child to the ICU with an intensivist
size. Careful attention must be paid to the set-up, standing by or to postpone the study until the clin-
since otherwise this small-amplitude response ical situation is safer. The clinician must continu-
may be lost within the background noise. Two- ally watch for evidence of respiratory compro-
Hertz repetitive stimulation will show a stable mise, especially with inpatient consults, as
amplitude. In the more severe cases, 20 Hz will be weakness of acute onset can be rapidly progressive
sufficient to elicit the 150% to 500% increment in infants. I prefer to do these studies in the ICU
(Fig. 16-2), although with more questionable cases with preparation for intubation clinically neces-
50 Hz will be necessary (38–41). Prolonged postte- sary. Clinical criteria for ventilatory support must
tanic facilitation is also characteristic of infant bot- be used to prevent the need for emergency intuba-
ulism (39). Ten-second tetanizing stimulation is tion due to the stress of the study. Analgesia can be
very painful but is necessary for a complete evalu- used safely after intubation. Monitoring heart rate
ation for botulism (37). Motor units seen in infan- and blood pressure is also used to determine pain
tile botulism can be so small that they appear to be responses and the need for analgesia during the
fibrillation potentials, except that they stop when study of a paralyzed child.
the child stops moving. The negative initial de-
flection can be difficult to appreciate with such CASE 1
small MUAPs. There are often normal motor
units mixed in with the tiny ones, and this can also A 6-week-old infant boy presents to the emer-
be misleading, especially if the amplifier gain is set gency department with a 2-day history of lethargy
too low (e.g., at 100 V/cm rather than 50 or even and poor feeding. His parents state that he had a
20 V/cm). normal birth history and has been gaining weight
well. He had started to smile. Tone had been ex-
cellent. Upon questioning, his parents indicate
that he had been constipated and does not seem to
be swallowing well.
The physical examination reveals a male in-
fant who appears ill. Temperature is 97°F. He is
lethargic and tone is poor. He is tachypneic and
breathing shallowly and appears to have bilateral
ptosis. His pupils are small. Muscle stretch reflexes
are absent.
A complete blood count, serum electrolytes,
and lumbar puncture are within normal limits.
Chest x-ray is normal. He is placed on antibiotics
for presumed sepsis and admitted to the PICU.
EMG Study
The nerve conduction study shows a peroneal mo-
tor amplitude of 100 V (reduced). The velocity is
normal at 27 m/s. Two-Hertz repetitive stimula-
Figure 16-2 ● Repetitive stimulation in a tion shows no change in amplitude. Repetitive
child with botulism at 30 Hz demonstrates stimulation for 10 s at 20 Hz shows no increase in
an incrementing response from the exten- the amplitude. The stimulation rate is increased to
sor digitorum brevis muscle over time, 50 Hz and the amplitude gradually increases to
with a more than 150% increase in ampli-
300 V. EMG shows very small, brief, simple
tude of the CMAP.
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MUAPs. At first the examiner feels that there are however, so we still are asked to do electrodiag-
4 fibrillation potentials, but she rapidly realizes nostic studies regularly.
that the apparent fibrillation potentials are present Infants older than the newborn period who
only when the child moves. The potentials are about have SMA will present with a history of progres
100 V in amplitude and about 2 ms in duration. sive weakness. Poor head control may be noticed at
The diagnosis of infantile botulism is reported. a routine well-baby check-up. A history of frequent
Supportive care is continued with mechanical ven- severe respiratory infections sometimes causes a re-
tilation. Care is taken not to use any “mycin” antibi- ferral to be placed to a pulmonologist. One child
otics that can impair neuromuscular transmission. was sent to me with the referring diagnosis of con-
No stool is available for 3 days despite enemas, but stipation. Other children may present with rapid
within 1.5 weeks, the state health department labo- decline, inability to feed, and severe floppiness and
ratory confirmed that botulism type B was the cul- dehydration. They may appear so ill that they are
prit. The child recovered well. admitted through an emergency department with
the diagnosis of presumed sepsis. Electrodiagnostic
studies are very helpful in this situation.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
In the second 6 months, a child presenting
With SMA, the younger the child presents with with SMA usually sits in some fashion, although
weakness, the more severe the disease. Babies he or she has no reflexes. Once again he appears
generally have a normal birth history and appear bright-eyed and very alert. He has a normal per-
normal to both parents and physicians at first. Ex- sonality and interacts with the examiner. The
perienced parents will become aware of their physical signs previously described of “no neck” or
child’s weakness earlier, while in first children the pseudoathetosis may be present.
weakness is usually noticed by the pediatrician. The examiner should look for an age-appro-
Children presenting prior to 6 months of age have priate grasp, because the distal development of
a poor prognosis for living beyond their second grasp is always further along than expected com-
birthday unless mechanical ventilation is given. pared to trunk control when a child has such pro-
Babies have a frogleg posture and have no muscle found proximal weakness. Fine motor skills will
stretch reflexes. Normal NCVs are present, but be symmetrical in the hands unless the child is
the amplitude of the CMAP is small. Sensory older than 1 year, since children do not display
nerve conductions are normal (42,43). If missing, hand preference until 1 year of age. Tongue fasci-
an electrical diagnosis cannot be definitive. The culations may be present, but crying children can-
sural nerve response is the easiest to obtain. The not be examined for tongue fasciculations, as all
child’s face is usually bright and alert. Fibrillation crying babies appear to have them.
potentials are present. MUAPs are usually high in NCVs are normal, though the amplitudes
amplitude for age and have reduced recruitment. may be diminished. MUAPs are larger and more
However, in rapidly progressive disease no en- complex (polyphasic) than normal on EMG. Re-
largement of the MUAP will be seen, since disease cruitment shows the reduced interference pattern
progression is faster than distal axonal sprouting. seen with decreased numbers of motor unit poten-
In these children it is helpful to the neuropatholo- tials. Fibrillation potentials are usually seen.
gist if you call to discuss this possibility, since the
classical fiber-type grouping may be absent on
biopsy. The electrodiagnostic information will be
helpful to him or her in interpreting the muscle A 4-month-old girl presents in respiratory dis-
biopsy. Blood testing for the survival motor neu- tress. She has a normal birth history, having been
ron (SMN) gene usually takes a week, and this is born to a 19-year-old gravida 1, para 1 mother.
too long in critical situations when end-of-life and Her pediatrician had been a bit concerned regard-
life-support decisions are necessary. Some physi- ing her tone at her 2-month check-up, but she was
cians wait for the SMN gene results instead of ask- gaining weight well. Parents are chiefly concerned
ing for an EMG, especially if the child is not in about her constipation. She has been a very happy
critical condition. Parents are frequently anxious, baby but is not handling this “cold’ well. She is not
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drinking well. The grandmother came to visit and onset AMD presents in a child with motor delay
is very worried, as she thinks that the baby is “not and respiratory weakness. AMD is slowly and
acting right.” steadily progressive. The electrodiagnostic exami-
Physical examination shows a baby in mild nation is similar to that in the infantile form but
respiratory distress. She is breathing rapidly but is can be confined to the proximal muscles (35).
not coughing. She looks at the examiner and is Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease presents with
alert but cranky. Abdominal breathing and nasal nystagmus and ataxia. Children may present with
retractions are present. It is difficult to determine floppiness, titubation, and nystagmus. Infants and
whether the tongue is fasciculating since she is children may present with delayed milestones.
frequently crying. Neck weakness is shown, as Eventually ataxia, choreoathetosis, and spasticity
head lag is obvious. In a supine position her legs ensue. The classic form is X-linked recessive and
assume a frogleg position. Muscle stretch reflexes the gene is located at Xq22 (32). NCVs may be
are absent. She is admitted for supportive therapy slowed. This disease is often categorized with the
and diagnostic evaluation. An SMN gene evalua- leukodystrophies as the myelin is abnormal in both
tion was sent. Two days later her condition deteri- the central and peripheral nervous systems (32).
orates. An EMG is requested for rapid diagnosis Krabbe’s leukodystrophy usually presents af-
to help with end-of-life issues. The nerve conduc- ter the newborn period but within the first few
tion studies reveal small-amplitude CMAPs and months of life. The child appears irritable and
the velocities are normal for age. Sural sensory shows poor feeding and failure to thrive. Develop-
nerve responses are normal. EMG reveals large mental progress slows and then deterioration be-
polyphasic units about 1.5 mV in amplitude. Eval- comes apparent. On physical examination the
uation of recruitment reveals that MUAPs are child feels spastic but characteristically has no
firing at 30 Hz in her legs and 20 Hz in her upper muscle stretch reflexes. NCVs are markedly
limbs, with decreased numbers of motor units slowed due to the abnormal myelin. Biopsies show
recruited at all sites. reduced numbers of myelinated fibers and seg-
The primary team is told that her presenta- mental demyelination (44). The disorder is auto-
tion and the electrodiagnostic study results sup- somal recessive and the gene is located at 14q24.3-
port the diagnosis of SMA type I. Counseling is q32.1 (45). The disease can have a late onset that
offered to her parents. A muscle biopsy is re- begins in childhood or adolescence with optic at-
quested. The girl recovers from her respiratory ill- rophy, ataxia, gait abnormalities, and spasticity.
ness before the results of the muscle biopsy and Leukocytes have the same deficiency as the infan-
SMN deletion study are available; both are indica- tile form, a deficiency of galactocerebroside -
tion of SMA. Ongoing support and management galactosidase (32).
of her disease are arranged. Infants who present with rapid onset of
weakness and respiratory compromise may have
GBS. Diphtheria should also be considered, espe-
Other First-Year Presentations cially in children who have not been vaccinated.
The first year of life has its own group of diseases, Both diseases cause prolonged nerve conductions.
which include Pompe’s disease, infantile acid mal- However, infantile botulism should remain at the
tase deficiency (AMD), and several leukodystro- top of the differential diagnosis of rapid-onset
phies. These children appear ill with generalized weakness and respiratory compromise, since it is
weakness (35) and frequently have a large tongue. the most common cause of these findings and will
They have the same frogleg posture as do children not be diagnosed unless rapid repetitive stimula-
with SMA, reflecting poor hip muscle strength. tion is done (Fig. 16-2).
The EMG may show myotonia as well as small,
brief MUAPs (27). Due to their cardiac involve-
Presentation after 1 Year
ment, children with Pompe’s appear more system-
ically ill than children with myotonic dystrophy or When children over 1 year of age are evaluated,
SMA. They may have mild hypertrophy of their knowledge of pediatric gait is necessary. Also im-
muscles in face of a severe hypotonia. Childhood- portant is familiarity with the usual changes in
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movement patterns assumed by weakened chil- young children. A heliotrope rash alerts the exam-
dren. When a child begins to stand, he or she will iner to dermatomyositis. The course in dermato-
pull up to a stand through a half-kneel. Mature myositis is variable. NCVs are normal. Numerous
gait should be present by 10 months following ini- fibrillations are seen with needle study, along with
tiation of independent gait. As a child’s gait ma- small-amplitude, brief, and complex MUPs. Chil-
tures, the stance will narrow and the toddler pat- dren presenting with acute-onset weakness usu-
tern will smooth out. Knee flexion appears at ally demonstrate increased recruitment of motor
midstance. A child should be able to arise from the units at low strength. Chronic, severe cases of der-
floor without rotating into a four-point stance al- matomyositis demonstrate many chronic myo-
most immediately after attaining the milestone of pathic features, such as complex repetitive dis-
being able to stand in the middle of the floor. Sen- charges and reduced recruitment. Abnormalities
sory loss frequently appears as ataxia in young are more often found in proximal limb muscles
children. Nerve conduction studies are very help- and are also seen in the paraspinal muscles (42).
ful to evaluate a possible peripheral neuropathy Polymyositis is rare in children but can be seen,
presenting with ataxia. and the electrodiagnostic findings are similar to
Developmental knowledge is essential to the those seen in dermatomyositis.
pre-EMG physical examination. Weakness is eas-
ily missed, and the choice of muscles to be studied
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
by EMG depends upon the physical examination.
The pediatric electromyographer does not usually GBS presents in children much the same as it does
have the ability to do studies on three limbs. Chil- in adults, with the exception of the ataxia. A sen-
dren with deterioration of intellectual skills, de- sory level should not be present, but this is often
pressed or absent muscle stretch reflexes, and difficult to determine in young children. Dyses-
spasticity may fall into the leukodystrophies if a thesias are frequent in childhood GBS, so the sen-
myelinopathy is present. Metachromatic leukody- sory examination is challenging. Irritability and a
strophy (MLD) presents at about 2 years of age high-pitched whine are clinical signs of pain in a
and classic adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) classi- child with GBS. The dysesthesias of GBS particu-
cally presents between 5 and 15 years (32). Late in- larly seem to cause children to whine in a manner
fantile MLD presents with sensory ataxia. The that causes staff to believe that the child is spoiled
child has fairly normal intellectual function ini- and demanding: the children do not seem to be in
tially, but rapid cognitive deterioration occurs. pain, just obnoxious. The response of the staff is so
NCVs are severely slowed and have small-ampli- typical that it is actually helpful in making the di-
tude responses. Juvenile MLD presents later, from agnosis. It is estimated that pain is found in 50% to
5 to 10 years of age. MLD is inherited in an auto- 80% of cases in childhood and adult GBS (46); our
somal recessive manner, with the gene located on clinical experience is consistent with the 80% inci-
chromosome 22q 13q (32). Inadequate arylsulfa- dence. Gabapentin can be very useful in control of
tase causes cerebroside sulfate to accumulate in the this neuropathic pain, and “the whine” almost im-
myelin (32). ALD is inherited in a sex-linked re- mediately ceases.
cessive manner, with the ABCD 1 gene located on Initial electrodiagnostic studies may be nor-
the q28 position on the X chromosome. Children mal, but nerve conduction studies usually show
often present with intellectual deterioration and a diminished amplitude and increased temporal
question of attention problems (32), but gait ataxia dispersion. Conduction block is usually present
rapidly becomes apparent. Mildly slowed motor early. NCVs are classically slow but are fre-
and sensory NCVs occur with evidence of “dener- quently normal initially when the disease affects
vation” on needle EMG (43). Families may recog- proximal nerve segments. Conversely, distal la-
nize the problem if other children in the family tencies can be prolonged, with the CMAP show-
have been affected, and EMG is not necessary in ing low-amplitude and temporal dispersion de-
that situation. Families are usually willing to spite a normal NCV. F waves and H reflexes
await the DNA test results. should be tested if peripheral abnormalities are
Fairly acute weakness can present with der- not found, but these tests are not as helpful in
matomyositis, although this problem is unusual in children as they are in adults (46). Multiple
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nerves may need to be studied, since this is a mul- Nascent potentials and small complex MUPs are a
tifocal disease. Needle EMG usually shows de- characteristic late finding.
creased recruitment of MUPs. Acute motor-sensory axonal polyradiculopa-
GBS is far more common than most of the di- thy is an uncommon variation of GBS but clini-
agnoses I have mentioned already. During the cally appears to be the same as AIDP. The electro-
past decade or so the syndrome has been looked at diagnostic studies show markedly diminished
critically and is now being divided into several cat- amplitude of both CMAPs and SNAPs (46,47). If
egories that correlate with prognosis. Acute in- they can be obtained, nerve conduction studies are
flammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy only mildly slowed, presumably due to the loss of
(AIDP) is the most common form and involves the faster-conducting fibers. EMG reveals
both sensory and motor nerves. AIDP presents marked membrane abnormalities and decreased
with acute or subacute history of weakness and recruitment.
loss of tendon reflexes. The course can be as rapid Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN)
as a few hours or develop over a couple of weeks. also presents with a clinical picture similar to
Nerve conduction studies may be normal early but AIDP. Sensory and motor NCVs are normal, but
usually demonstrate slow velocities with evidence the amplitude of CMAPs is diminished. SNAPs
of conduction block and temporal dispersion of continue to have normal amplitudes. EMG is typ-
the CMAP (Fig. 16-3) (46). EMG usually shows ical of that seen with axonal neuropathies. Re-
diminished recruitment with normal MUPs, but cruitment is diminished, and membrane irritabil-
no membrane irritability early in the course. ity is absent initially but appears later, as would be

Figure 16-3 ● CMAP responses in a child with AIDP demonstrate severe delay in the dis-
tal latency (upper trace) as well as slowing of conduction velocity. These small-amplitude re-
sponses also demonstrate typical temporal dispersion seen in AIDP with prolonged duration times, more pro-
nounced with proximal stimulation (lower trace).
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expected of an acute-onset axonal neuropathy. to the EMG. If the CK has markedly diminished
This syndrome is associated with Campylobacter since the referral, an EMG is not necessary (47).
jejuni enteritis and was first described in China.
The prognosis is good in childhood (46,47).
The Fisher syndrome of ataxia, areflexia, and Leukemia
ophthalmoparesis is seen occasionally in children Children may be referred for an EMG with the
as a variant of GBS. The electrodiagnostic changes appearance of proximal weakness when pain is ac-
can be purely sensory, or as the syndrome pro- tually causing the Trendelenburg gait pattern typ-
gresses the nerve conduction studies show changes ically seen with bilateral gluteus medius weak-
similar to those seen in AIDP. Prognosis is excel- ness. Experience in watching children will help to
lent for full recovery in children (46). determine children who “look sick” in contrast to
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly- children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,
radiculopathy (CIDP) can present in an acute who do not appear ill. The manual muscle testing
fashion similar to AIDP and then either relapse, may appear normal, although a Gower’s sign and
or fail to improve, as would be expected in AIDP. a waddling gait may be present, but an antalgic
CIDP can also present with a history of progres- gait may appear as a “gluteus medius limp”
sive weakness over a period of months. I have seen (49,50). The EMG in leukemia may show the
CIDP misdiagnosed as SMA type III in a girl who smaller-amplitude MUPs that are usually seen in
was on a high-school swim team until she found disuse atrophy. Thirty percent of children with
she did not have the strength to mount the diving acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) present with
block. The history of a teenager being an athlete bone pain. A ventral polyradiculopathy has also
is unusual with the diagnosis of SMA, as those been reported in a 3-year-old with ALL 12 days
adolescents are usually not successful in physi- following intrathecal methotrexate, Ara-C, and
cal endeavors. Careful NCVs revealed marked hydrocortisone administration during mainte-
differences in the conduction velocities of sim- nance chemotherapy (51).
ilar nerves and conduction block with temporal
dispersion of the CMAP. Since CIDP is treat-
able, it is critical to pay attention to the history
and perform an adequate nerve conduction A very unusual referral is that of a girl with
study. pseudohypertrophy of the calves. Girls can present
Occasionally a previously healthy adolescent with symptomatic weakness when they carry the
will be referred due to acute weakness and muscle gene for Duchenne, but occasionally a hypothy-
soreness. The primary care or urgent care physi- roid myopathy presents in a similar manner.
cian may have ordered a creatinine kinase (CK) Kocher-Debré-Sémélaigne syndrome’s actual
level due to the significant weakness apparent on pathophysiology is unknown. Boys are reportedly
the physical examination. The child is referred more likely to develop the pseudohypertrophy af-
when the CK level is reported to be significantly ter a prolonged period of inadequate thyroid, but
above the upper limit of normal. The sedimenta- I have seen it only in girls (52). EMG and NCVs
tion rate may also be elevated. The family may are normal.
have been told that their child has muscular dys-
trophy or polymyositis, so they are usually very
Miscellaneous Diagnoses
anxious. The NCVs are normal, but the ampli-
tudes may be slightly diminished. The EMG is ab- Unusual presentations of pain, numbness, and
normal with positive waves, fibrillation potentials, weakness in children or adults may be sent to the
and small, brief MUPs. Recruitment is increased. EMG laboratory for evaluation. Younger children
The history of a viral illness is usually present. A may present with unusual pressure neuropathies
rapid spontaneous decline in the CK confirms the caused by deformities from congenital anomalies.
diagnosis of viral myositis (48). In fact, after seeing Mononeuropathies may be caused by exostoses.
several of these children, the electromyographer Adolescents with anorexia nervosa may develop
may choose to recheck the CK before proceeding peroneal palsies when they lose so much weight
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that their nerves become vulnerable to pressure, common is Bell’s palsy, which occurs in children
just as in adults who have rapid weight loss. as well as adults, affecting the facial nerve. Very
Carpal tunnel syndrome is rare in children but oc- young children do not do well with an electrode
curs with myxedema and mucopolysaccharidoses stuck to their faces, nor do they tolerate sub-
and in adolescents who crutch walk. Radicu- mandibular stimulation. I would suggest stimu-
lopathies are also unusual but appear in adoles- lating young, frightened children under deep con-
cents with disc injury. Congential syndromes scious sedation or general anesthesia. Since
must always be kept in the differential diagnosis operating suites are very well electrically insu-
when evaluating children. lated, you will encounter little electrical interfer-
Children with diabetes may be referred for ence. I have been amazed at how quickly the study
evaluation if they are having symptoms of pain or can be done with the child under anesthesia. If
signs of weakness in their lower limbs. Kruger et al surgery is being considered, an accurate study is
studied a group of type 1 diabetics to compare the necessary; otherwise, the child and family receive
femoral nerve to the peroneal nerve as a screening useless information.
test for diabetic neuropathy (53,54). They found Electromyographers working in a tertiary
that the femoral nerve latency was not significantly pediatric hospital will encounter critical illness
different between the diabetic children and the neuropathy and steroid myopathies. Now that
controls. The peroneal nerve was more sensitive these disease entities are well established, I am
for neuropathy: diabetic children had mean NCVs not sure that an electrodiagnostic study is neces-
of 50.2  6.9 m/s and control children had NCVs sary for diagnosis. EMG has rarely been helpful
of 54.1  3.5 m/s. Of interest, but not surprising, to determine whether a child requires a tra-
was the finding that the NCV had an inverse cor- cheotomy. Diagnosis of the cause of weakness
relation with the HbA1c reading (54). will not change the treatment, since there is no
Another endocrine disorder that can mimic specific treatment yet available for these prob-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is Kocher-Debre- lems. By the time the weakness is observed, extu-
Sémélaigne syndrome, which presents as general- bation is being considered, the need for high-dose
ized muscular hypertrophy secondary to hypothy- steroids is usually diminishing, and vecuronium
roidism. Electrodiagnostic abnormalities show is no longer being used. Both parents and physi-
low-amplitude and short motor units. The CK cians are reluctant to further traumatize a child
level may be mildly elevated. The myopathy re- with electrical testing. In contrast to children
solves with treatment of the hypothyroidism (53). with diffuse severe weakness, children and ado-
Traumatic peripheral nerve injuries will also lescents who are suspected of having a localized
appear in a pediatric EMG clinic. The most com- phrenic nerve injury require an electrodiagnostic
mon injury is a radial or ulnar neuropathy follow- study. It is much easier to stimulate a phrenic
ing supracondylar humeral fractures; the median nerve for a conduction study than to transport
nerve can also be affected. The nerve conduction the patient to fluoroscopy for examination of di-
study will be helpful to the surgeon to determine aphragm motion. Fluoroscopy is more easily
whether spontaneous recovery is occurring or done if the child is cooperative, whereas a
whether surgical exploration is necessary. Ante- phrenic nerve study can easily be done under se-
rior compartment syndromes may occur after se- dation when a child is ventilated and in the ICU.
vere tibia and fibula fractures. I have also seen a se- A phrenic nerve study and diaphragmatic EMG
vere anterior compartment syndrome following is a fairly short examination compared with the
use of an umbilical catheter in the neonatal nurs- time needed to determine the exact diagnosis of a
ery. Penetrating injuries from sharp objects such as child with diffuse severe weakness following sep-
broken windows are handled in children in a sim- sis or acute respiratory distress syndrome (36). As
ilar manner as they are in adults, and other than the with any medical procedure, EMG should be
possible need for sedation, the electrodiagnostic done only when the results are likely to direct
studies are approached in a similar manner. treatment.
Peripheral nerve injuries can be the result of Gradual onset of weakness and ataxia must
postviral infection complications. The most be evaluated by electrodiagnosis. A child thought
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to have ataxic cerebral palsy will be referred for Hereditary motor sensory neuropathies
electrical evaluation when it is noted that his or (HSMN) usually present as a child having diffi-
her condition is worsening. Absence of muscle culty with distal weakness, falls, tripping, and
stretch reflexes with increased tone, a positive handwriting problems; but without intellectual
Babinski response, and ataxia raise concerns of a deterioration. Also known as the Charcot-Marie-
sensory neuropathy. Both Friedreich’s ataxia and Tooth (CMT) diseases, they are now specifically
ataxia-telangiectasia show sensory neuropathy, so diagnosed by genetic testing and nerve conduction
the establishment by sensory nerve conduction studies are rarely needed if there is a family his-
studies will guide the clinical investigation to dif- tory. Children with cavus feet who have no family
ferentiate these from motor and sensory neu- history will be referred to evaluate for a peripheral
ropathies and central nervous system problems. neuropathy prior to surgery to rule out a neuro-
Friedreich’s ataxia is often suspected in a child muscular etiology that could affect the outcome of
with previously diagnosed ataxic cerebral palsy the surgery.
when it is noted that the child’s physical impair- Type I and type II HSMN can be delineated
ments are progressing and no reflexes are present by NCVs, but genetic testing further categorizes
on physical examination. Cavus feet may develop. the disease into subgroups. Type I HSMN has a
Cardiomyopathy with arrhythmias occurs fre- myelinopathy with slowed NCVs but sparing of
quently (55). The child may present with cavus amplitude. Type II has an axonal form that shows
feet, and there is an increased incidence of dia- reduced amplitudes but relatively spared NCVs.
betes. Sensory nerve conductions have markedly Both types of HMSN are inherited in an autoso-
reduced or absent amplitude, and they have a mal dominant manner (43,55). Type III HSMN,
close-to-normal latency when present, suggesting Dejerine-Sottas syndrome, presents in infancy or
a primary loss of axons. Motor nerve conductions early childhood with severe weakness. Hy-
are relatively spared, with almost normal NCVs pomyelinization is present. Interestingly, the gene
and normal CMAPs (55). The inheritance pattern locus is the same for this disease as it is for HSMN
shows a homozygous X25 gene found on chromo- type IA: 17p11.2 (32,43,55). Congenital hy-
some 9q13 (55). pomyelinating neuropathy, which presents in a se-
Ataxia-telangiectasia presents with ataxic verely floppy infant, represents severe Dejerine-
gait and oculomotor apraxia, which begins at Sottas, HSMN III.
about 2 years of age. The characteristic electrodi-
agnostic abnormalities are reduction in the ampli-
tude of the SNAP and a mild slowing in the distal CONCLUSIONS
latency and NCV (43). Immunologic abnormali-
ties occur in serum and secretory IgA (53), as well Electromyography is an important and useful ex-
as abnormalities in IgG and IgE levels. Sinus and tension of the history and physical when examin-
pulmonary infections are frequent and are often ing a child. The examination must be well
the clinical problems, along with the ataxia, that planned so that the critical information is obtained
prompt the diagnostic work-up. The genetic ab- first. This must be tempered with the plan to ac-
normality is found in the ATM gene on chromo- complish less painful studies first so that the most
some 11q22-q23. The characteristic telangiectasias complete examination possible can be done. If a
begin to appear at about 3 years of age, and the di- child cannot tolerate the study, then deep sedation
agnosis is usually made prior to their appearance in an ICU setting or even general anesthesia may
(43,55,56). be necessary. General anesthesia limits the study
Giant axonal neuropathy (GAN) presents in of voluntary motor units and recruitment, but it
early childhood with ataxia and nystagmus. A can be very helpful with repetitive stimulation
progressive mixed motor and sensory axonal pe- studies, or when multiple nerve conduction stud-
ripheral neuropathy is accompanied by degenera- ies are necessary when studying a brachial plexus
tion of the central white matter. Inherited in an or complicated peripheral nerve injury.
autosomal inheritance pattern, it produces an ab- Personnel (with toys) to hold and help with
normal version of the protein giaxonin, which is distraction are critical in a pediatric electromyog-
coded by the GAN gene at 16q24 (32,42). raphy laboratory. Some parents are excellent at
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Stuart Reiner

Editors’ note: This Glossary of Terms, created by the and tension measurements, as well as in the recording
late Stuart Reiner, appeared in the first edition of of intracellular resting potentials in which fixed, slowly,
Practical Electromyography. The text was so well and rapidly changing phenomena are measured.
composed, especially in defining technical terms of Amplifier, Differential. An amplifier used in EMG
instrumentation, that it continues to be of value. preamplifiers. It has two recording electrode input
It stands as a statement of and tribute to the brilliance terminals (instead of the single input terminal of a
of this leader in the development of instrumentation conventional amplifier) and a ground or zero-potential
for electrodiagnostic medicine. The editors of this terminal. It rejects unwanted potentials originating at
a distance and presenting at both input terminals
edition have added and modified some items.
(common-mode or in-phase potentials).
Action Potential. Membrane response in nerve or Amplitude. The potential measured in volts for any
muscle after reaching excitation threshold. The type of recorded response in electrodiagnostic testing.
complete response is the same regardless of the type Amplitude Modulation (AM). Systems of signal
of stimulus and is referred to as an “all-or-none transmission, recording, or processing that use an
response.” alternating current carrier potential of peak amplitude
Active Elements. The components of a circuit that that varies proportionally with the instantaneous
provide amplification or that control the direction of amplitude of the signal.
current flow (e.g., diodes, transistors, and vacuum Analog. A term applied to signals and devices capable
tubes). of accommodating continuous change and assuming
Address. In digital data storage systems, the an infinite number of values with finite limits. An
description of a location (stated in system notation) analog signal may be a current or a voltage that varies
where information is stored. Also, as a verb, to select in time continuously, simulating and representing a
or to designate the location of information in a storage natural phenomenon.
system. Analog-to-Digital Converter (A/D Converter).
Alternating Current (AC). A flow of current in A device that converts an analog signal, usually a
which the direction of current flow reverses varying voltage or current, to a digital output
periodically. When the reversal occurs cyclically, two (see “Digital System”).
current reversals are termed one cycle. The number of Anode. A positive terminal. The terminal through
complete cycles per second is the frequency, and it is which “electron current” enters a device. “Conventional
stated in Hertz. current” flow, however, is said to be away from the
Amplifier. A device that multiplies its input voltage, anode and toward the cathode (negative) terminal.
current, or power by a fixed or controllable factor, Antidromic. In nerve conduction testing, refers to a
usually without altering its waveform. test situation where the nerve action potential signal
Amplifier, AC. This amplifier responds to alternating propagates in the reverse of the normal physiologic
current (AC) signals only and not to an input potential direction.
that does not vary. This type of amplifier is used in Artifact. All unwanted potentials that originate
EMG apparatus. Sometimes termed resistance- outside the tissues examined. They are also called
capacitance (RC)- or AC-coupled amplifier. “noise” when they appear in measurement. An artifact
Amplifier, DC (or Direct Coupled). This amplifier may arise from biologic activity, the electrode or
responds to direct current (DC) signals, pulsating DC apparatus used in the examination, the power line, or
signals, and alternating current signals. This type of the extrinsic electricity surrounding the apparatus or
amplifier is not used in clinical EMG. It is used in force patient (see “Noise”).

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Attenuator. In electrical circuits, an arrangement that recording, or processing systems that in itself carries
introduces a definite reduction in the magnitude of a no information, but is modified most commonly in
voltage current or power. Attenuators may be fixed or amplitude (amplitude modulation), frequency
adjustable either continuously or in steps. (frequency modulation), or timing by the signal.
Averager (Signal Averager). A signal-processing The carrier is at least a number of times higher in
method that aids in the recording of small-stimulus frequency than the highest-frequency component in
evoked potentials that are obscured by noise or artifact. the signal.
The stimulus is repeated a number of times, and the Cathode. A negative terminal. The terminal through
responses are subjected to a special summation which “electron current” leaves a device. Conventional
technique that causes the random noise portion of the current flow is said to be toward the cathode or away
response to become smaller in proportion to the evoked from the anode (positive) terminal.
potentials that are coherent in time with each stimulus. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). A vacuum tube used to
Axonotmesis. Nerve injury with loss of axon visualize electrical waveforms. It generates X-Y traces
membranes and myelin, preserving other support on its screen by means of a moving fluorescent spot on
structures. its screen.
Bandwidth. The amplifier frequency response limits, Clipping (Limiting). This occurs when signals of
defined by the high- and low-frequency filters, beyond excessive amplitude are applied to an amplifier, with
which the amplification falls to 70% of full power a resultant waveform at the amplifier output that
(see “Frequency Response”). faithfully reproduces the shape of the input waveform
only up to a level at which the signal becomes excessive
Bias. A fixed electrical or mechanical input to a
(clipping level). All portions of the waveform that
device or a system that is distinct from the input
exceed the clipping level appear at the output at a fixed
signal. The bias brings the system to a desired
level that does not vary with time and are therefore
operating range.
seriously distorted.
Binary Logic. A digital logic system that operates with
Common Mode Rejection. An important property
two distinct states, variously called “one and zero,”
of differential amplifiers that expresses their ability
“high and low,” and “on and off.”
to discriminate against artifact potentials that
Bit. A binary numeral, the “one and zero” or “high appear equally at both amplifier input terminals
and low,” and so on, of binary logic. A group of bits (common mode signals) and to amplify the desired
make up a binary word or byte. potentials (differential or series mode signals) that
Blocking (Amplifier). An effect that results when a appear as different signals at the two input
large transient input potential is applied to an terminals.
amplifier, temporarily causing the disappearance or Common Mode Rejection Ratio. A calculation
severe distortion of the output signal. performed to measure the effectiveness of the
Blocking (SFEMG). Intermittent loss of a component differential amplifier.
of a single-fiber EMG recording. Commutation. A system that cyclically switches a
Byte. A binary word containing a system-defined number of signals sequentially to a single device
number of bits. amplifier, transmission, or recording channel.
Also termed multiplexing.
Calibrator. A device that identifies units of
measurement by reference to a known standard. Complex Repetitive Discharge. High-frequency
recording in needle EMG, usually with abrupt onset
Capacitance. A measure of electric charge that can be
and ending.
stored within the insulation separating two conductors
when a given voltage is applied to the conductors. Crosstalk. The incursion of information from one
A capacitor or a condenser uses conductors of large channel into any other channel of a multichannel
surface area separated by air or by various insulators information-handling system. The presence of
(dielectrics) that enhance capacitative effects. The unit crosstalk in a multichannel EMG study can be
capacitance is the farad. Direct current is not seriously misleading.
conducted by capacitors; alternating current or Cycle. A complete sequence of values of an alternating
pulsating direct current signals are conducted to an quantity repeated as a unit. Cycles per second (CPS) is
extent proportional to frequency. also called Hertz.
Carrier. A potential, usually alternating current, of Decibel (dB). A dimensionless unit for comparing the
sine or pulse waveform used in signal transmission, ratio of signal levels on a logarithmic scale. Positive
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decibel values represent a signal increase with respect Concentric or Coaxial Needle Electrode. With this
to a reference. Negative decibel values represent signal electrode, variations in voltage are measured
decrement with respect to a reference signal. between the bare tip of an insulated wire, usually
Decrement. Diminished quality of response with stainless steel, silver, or platinum, and the bare shaft
repeated identical stimulations. of a steel cannula through which it is inserted. The
bare tip of the central wire (the exploring or
Delay Line. A short-term electrical dynamic storage recording [E1] electrode) is flush with the bevel at
device that delays potentials applied to its input so that the end of the cannula (the reference electrode [E2]).
they appear at its output as if they had occurred (1 to Macro EMG Electrode. A modified single-fiber
20 ms) later in time. This permits events preceding EMG needle exposing only a measured portion of its
action potentials to be seen on the monitor or CRT cannula. A trigger potential from the single-fiber
screen when the sweeps are triggered by the potentials. electromyography (SFEMG) synchronizes the
Differential Amplifier. See “Amplifier, Differential.” acquisition by the cannula of a compound potential
Differentiator. A device or circuit with an output arising from the other muscle fibers of its motor unit.
waveform that is proportional to the rate of change Monopolar Needle Electrode. A solid wire, usually
(e.g., speed, velocity) of the input waveform. stainless steel, coated except at its tip with an
insulating varnish or plastic, such as Teflon.
Digital System. A system or circuit for handing or
Variations in voltage between the tip of the needle
processing information in terms of numbers and
(the exploring electrode) in the muscle and a metal
utilizing circuits that operate in the manner of
plate on the skin surface or bare needle in
switches, having two (on–off) or more discrete
subcutaneous tissue (the reference electrode) are
positions. The simplest and most common digital
system is the binary system.
Multilead Electrode. Three or more insulated wires
Digital-to-Analog Converter (D/A Converter). A inserted through a common steel cannula have their
circuit that accepts the discrete coded signal voltages of bared tips arranged linearly at an aperture in the
a digital system and generates, at its output, voltages of wall of the cannula that is parallel with its axis. The
amplitudes analogous to the numbers represented by bare tips are flush with the outer circumference of
the digital codes at its input. The analog output may the cannula.
then be directly interpreted by viewing a CRT or Single-Fiber EMG Electrode. A very small wire is
reading a meter or graphic recording. exposed through an aperture in the side of the
Diode. A two-terminal device that permits the flow of needle cannula. The bare tip is flush with the
electric current in one direction only. surface and insulated from the cannula.
Surface Electrodes. Metal plate or conductive pad
Direct Current (DC). A unidirectional current. An
electrodes placed on the skin surface. Various sizes,
intermittent or time-varying current that has a net
shapes, and materials are used; they may be
flow in one direction is called pulsating direct current
self-adhesive or held with tape.
or direct current with an alternating current
component. Endplate Activity. Signal recorded in needle
EMG from near the neuromuscular junctions
Duration. Length of time between onset and ending
(endplate zone).
of a response, usually in milliseconds in EMG.
EMG Analyzer. A term applied to a wide range of
Dynamic Range. The ratio of the maximum input
EMG computer-enhanced processing techniques that
signal capability of a system without overloading to the
attempt to display one or a number of attributes of the
minimum usable signal (noise level).
EMG waveform in a more explicit manner than the
Electrode. A conductor of electricity. In electro- conventional voltage–time graph of the usual
diagnostic medicine, it is generally a metal device that EMG trace.
introduces or picks up electricity from tissue.
Ephaptic Transmission. Excitable membrane
Electrodes, Recording. Electrodes used to measure activation produced by another cell without a synaptic
electrical activity from tissue. interaction.
Bipolar or Bifilar Needle Electrodes. With these
electrodes, variations in voltage are measured Facilitation. Improved quality of response with
between the bared tips of two insulated wires repeated identical stimulations.
cemented side by side in a steel cannula. The bare Feedback. An effect that occurs when a portion of the
tips of the electrodes are flush with the bevel of the output of a system or a circuit is connected back to the
cannula. The latter may be grounded. input. When the fed-back signal reinforces the original
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input, the feedback is positive; when the fed-back Gate. A circuit used in digital systems as a decision
signal tends to reduce the input signal, the feedback is element and having two or more inputs and one
negative. output. The output depends upon the combination of
Negative feedback acts to stabilize the performance digital states of the signals at the input. A gate circuit
of electronic instrument systems and to make the in an analog system acts like a switch that permits or
operation and calibration of such systems stable and stops the flow of signals. The gate opens or closes in
independent of changes in many of the system response to a control voltage (or gating signal).
components. Graticule. The ruled scale on the monitor display or
Positive feedback appears in oscillating circuits. face of the CRT. Time and voltage display calibrations
Unintentional positive feedback occurs, for are usually adjusted with reference to the X and Y
example, when a microphone, which is the input to rulings on the graticule.
an amplification systems, is brought too close to the
Ground. The neutral electrical potential reference
loudspeaker output. When this occurs, positive
terminal in a system. In power distribution systems, a
feedback often produces an oscillatory howl. Similar
terminal that is usually physically connected to a
undesirable positive feedback may occur when the
conductor in intimate contact with the earth.
input electrodes of an EMG system are brought too
Sometimes referred to as the earth terminal.
close to the loudspeaker output or the CRT output
Frame and chassis portions of electrical systems are
of an EMG system.
almost always connected to ground to avoid the
Fibrillation Potential. Spontaneous depolarization of a possibility of their assuming other random potentials
single muscle fiber recorded in needle EMG. that might either be dangerous or cause electrical
Filter. In an EMG system, these are circuits, usually interference within the system.
comprising capacitors and resistors, that modify or Ground Loop. The condition that sometimes exists
adjust the high- and low-frequency limits of the when the ground connections of two interconnected
amplifier’s frequency–response curve. electronic instruments or circuits are not at the same
Frequency. The rate in cycles per second that an potential. This may result in power line interference.
alternating current signal alternates. The unit of Hertz (Hz). Cycles per second of a time-varying
frequency is the Hertz. signal.
Frequency Analyzer. This analyzes the EMG to High Pass Filter. A low-frequency filter that does not
produce a spectrum of sine wave frequencies significantly impede higher frequencies.
(harmonics) that will uniquely describe the original
EMG waveform. Impedance. The hindrance to electrical current flow
in an alternating current circuit; hence, it is
Frequency Modulation (FM). Systems of signal comparable in simplified terms to resistance in DC
transmission, recording, or processing that use a circuits. It includes the effects of resistance,
constant amplitude carrier potential with an capacitance, inductance, and frequency.
instantaneous frequency proportional to the
instantaneous amplitude of the signal. Integrated EMG. The integrated EMG is a time-
varying potential with instantaneous amplitude equal
Frequency Response. Describes the speed range to the total area (voltage  time) accumulated from a
(slowest to fastest) of potential waveform changes that designated start point under an EMG waveform.
will be displayed by the EMG apparatus. Stated as a It provides a measure of total electrical activity.
range (band) of frequencies of sine wave test signals for
which the amplification will be uniform. Amplification Interface. An expression or device that embodies all
decreases progressively for sine wave test signals at technical considerations in interconnecting two
frequencies above and below the frequency response portions of a system, such as proper mating connectors,
band. The frequency between the lower and upper shielding of connecting leads, establishment of
frequency is called the bandwidth. The amplifier compatible voltage and impedance levels, and such
frequency response bandwidth is often defined by two problems as ground loops.
frequencies, one at the low end and the other at the Interference. A term generally applied to unwanted
high end, where the amplification falls to 70% of its signals outside the system. Power line frequency is
midband value. the most common form of interference (see
Gain. The increase at the output of an amplifier in “Artifact”).
voltage, current, or power of the signal applied to its Linear Circuit. A circuit, the output of which is
input is called the amplifier voltage, current or power congruent with its input, with the exception of possible
gain, or amplification. amplification or attenuation.
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Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Display for signals Parallel Circuit. Circuit elements connected in parallel
using points addressed by individual currents to produce (as opposed to in series) all are subjected to the same
color or monochrome displays, in contrast to CRT voltage. The current flow to elements connected in
displays. parallel is inversely proportional to the impedance
Low-Pass Filter. A high-frequency filter that does not (resistance) of the elements. The word “shunt” is
significantly impede lower frequencies. sometimes used to refer to parallel connections.
In digital systems, parallel refers to a technique of
Microphonics. An effect noted in sensitive electronic transmission, storage, or logical operation on all bits of
systems and their connecting cables in which incidental binary data words simultaneously using separate
mechanical vibration applied to portions of the system facilities (see “Serial”).
gives rise to spurious electrical outputs.
Parameter. Any specific characteristic of a device.
Monitor. A specialized CRT or LCD used with digital When considered together, all of the parameters of a
displays for computers. device describe its operation or its physical
Motor Unit. The basic unit of peripheral motor characteristics.
function; it includes the anterior horn cell and its axon, Polarity Sense, Display. Many neurophysiologic
the neuromuscular junctions, and the group of muscle records are published with an upward deflection
fibers with which it has synapses. denoting a negative potential on the active electrode.
Multiplexing. See “Commutation.” Engineering convention dictates an upward deflection
Myokymia. Clinically, a repeating undulating for a positive potential.
movement of the skin due to spontaneous muscle Polarization. Electrolytic effects that occur at the
movement. Electrically, one observes repeating complex metal–tissue interface of electrodes that increase the
waveforms that usually appear to be a collection of resistance of the junction and give rise to direct current
motor unit potentials firing together in a rhythmic potentials (which may fluctuate) that can be many
pattern. times larger than EMG potentials.
Myotonia. Clinically, delayed relaxation of muscle after Positive Sharp Wave. Biphasic potential from
contraction. Electrically, a waxing and waning, high- intramuscular recording with a characteristic initial
frequency signal recorded with intramuscular needle spike followed by a slower negative phase. Suggests
EMG. instability of the muscle membrane that produces it.
Neurapraxia. Reversible conduction block in an axon or Potential, Action. The voltage that results from
whole nerve, usually related to myelin disruption. activity of a muscle or nerve. It can be spontaneous,
Neurotmesis. Disruption of the nerve supporting volitional, or evoked by stimulation. Action potentials
structure, in addition to the axons and myelin (see may be named for their appearance (high-frequency;
“Axonotmesis”). positive sharp; biphasic; monophasic; polyphasic;
tetraphasic; triphasic) or their origin (endplate;
Noise. Any potential other than that being measured. fasciculation; fibrillation; motor unit; muscle; nerve).
Commonly applied to spurious potentials originating The term “potential” also refers to an action potential.
within the apparatus of electrodes (see “Artifact,”
“Interference,” and “Root Mean Square Voltage or Preamplifier. The first stage or stages of an EMG
Current”). amplifier system. It must have high input impedance
and common mode rejection, and low noise, as well as a
Off-Line. Any signal or data-processing function that large dynamic range.
is deferred with respect to the original recording or
generation of signal or data. Pulse. A signal of very short duration. It can be
described according to its characteristic rise, duration,
On-Line. Any signal or data-processing function that and decay.
occurs simultaneously with the original recording or
generation of the signal or data. Raster. A predetermined pattern of lines generated on
a CRT display that provides uniform coverage of an
Orthodromic. In nerve conduction testing, a test area. Also, the display on the CRT screen of an EMG
situation where the nerve action potential signal in which each successive sweep is displayed below or
propagates in the normal physiologic direction. above the previous sweep, thus permitting the observer
Overload. A general condition in which the input to an to see more information on the screen than is possible
amplifier circuit is so large that it exceeds the capability when successive sweeps are superimposed (same
of the circuit to perform its intended function. baseline). Also, a similar mode of graphic recording.
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Rectifier Circuit. A circuit using unidirectional with a system. It is usually in the form of a voltage or
current flow properties of diodes that convert an current within the system.
alternating current into a pulsating direct current. Solid State. Electronic devices using semiconductors.
Resistance. A property of matter that hinders the flow Electric currents, as well as light, heat, and magnetic
of electric current. Resistance is expressed in ohms and fields, may interact in solid-state devices. The transistor,
is derived by dividing the voltage impressed by the integrated circuit, and microchip are solid-state devices.
current that flows. Resistance (R)  Voltage (E) Stabilized Current or Voltage Generator. A source of
divided by the Current (I). R = E/I. direct current, alternating current, or voltage in which
Ringing. A short-duration, transient, usually low- the output current or voltage remains at a
amplitude, damped oscillation that occurs in the predetermined, usually adjustable value independent of
output of certain electronic circuits, especially some wide variations of load resistance, impedance, or
filters, wideband amplifiers, and certain delay lines, variations of power supply voltages. The stabilized
immediately after the input wave suddenly changes current source exhibits wide fluctuations in output
in amplitude. voltage in response to changing load conditions,
Rise Time. A term used to describe rectangular pulses whereas the stabilized voltage source exhibits wide
and square waveforms or amplifiers or the circuits variations in output current in response to load changes.
transmitting them. Rise time is the elapsed interval Stimulator, Ground-Free (Isolated). Used in nerve
between the time at which the amplitude of the rapidly conduction studies to minimize stimulus artifact.
changing transition part of the wave reaches specified A ground-free stimulus output circuit has no connec-
percentages of its lower and upper limits. The rise tion to the common system ground, thereby removing
time of an amplifier is a function of its high-frequency a possible path for injection of undesirable artifact via
response. the patient to the EMG amplifier input terminals.
Root Mean Square Voltage or Current. The root Strain Gauge. An electrical transducer that generates
mean square value (RMS) is a means of stating or modifies an electrical signal proportional to a
numerically the magnitude of an alternating voltage or mechanical deformation owing to application of a
current. It equals a direct current that has the same mechanical load.
heating effect in a resistor as an alternating current of
Strain Relief. A mechanical restraint, usually applied
the same RMS magnitude.
to the jacket of insulated cables where they join fixed
Semiconductor. A material that exhibits relatively high mechanical assemblies, connectors, or other
resistance in a pure state but much lower resistance terminations, especially where the cable might be
when minute amounts of impurities are added. subjected to repeated flexing or mechanical stress.
Serial. A term applied to digital circuits in which each The purpose of the strain relief is to minimize the
bit is acted upon sequentially. possibility of failure of the electrical conductors that
Series Circuit. Electrical components are in series are hidden within the cable or connector.
when they are connected so that a common current Supramaximal Stimulus. Stimulation of a nerve at a
flows through each of them (see “Parallel Circuit”). level greater than that which results in a maximum
Shield (Shielding). An electrostatic shield is an amplitude of the recorded signal, with the presumption
electrically conductive sheath or an enclosure not in that all axons have reached their threshold of activation.
contact with the circuit or device shielded. It comprises In a nerve conduction study the stimulus should be 10%
electrically conductive material connected directly to to 25% greater than one that exactly produces the
ground or by a low impedance to ground. It is used to maximal response.
prevent undesirable capacitative coupling of external Sweep. The horizontal (X-axis) linear time axis of an
voltages to the elements within the shield (or to LCD or CRT display generated by the left-to-right
contain potentials within the shield). movement of the trace spot at constant preselected
Magnetic shielding requires an enclosure of iron or speeds across the face of the CRT. Sweep velocities are
other magnetically permeable alloys and provides usually specified in reciprocals of speed: time per
protection against interference from magnetic fields division on the graticule.
that surround nearby current-carrying conductors Telemetry. The transmission of data, typically from
or permanent magnets. preamplifiers located on a subject (free to move about
Signal. Any potential, waveform, or intelligence that the laboratory) via a radio link to a receiver, and then
is communicated, detected, transmitted, or processed to the remainder of the recording system.
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Time Constant. A factor that is an index to a speed Transducer. A device that changes the energy form
with which voltage and currents respond to changes applied to its input to another form of energy at its
in the input to resistor-capacitor (RC) circuits. This output, such that a proportionality exists between the
term is used to describe the dynamic performance of input and output. Transducers include loudspeakers,
EMG amplifiers (which contain RC coupling microphones, strain gauges, and photocells.
networks). Transistor. An active semiconductor device used as an
Time Scale, Electronic. A discontinuous waveform, amplifier or switching device.
usually in short pulses, spaced in some convenient time Trigger. A short pulse used to initiate some action
interval, such as 1 ms, or 0.1 ms. within an electronic system. Also used as a verb. The
Trace. The line of light on the face of a CRT that is nerve stimulator triggers the sweep to record the
generated by the moving spot of light, which is response (see “Sweep”).
generated by the electron beam striking the phosphor- Wave (Waveform). A generic term loosely applied to
coated screen. Used analogously for recordings on a time-varying voltage, current, or other quantity, the
modern LCD monitors. amplitude of which varies with time.
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Abbreviations Commonly
Used in Electromyography

AAEE: American Association of Electromyogra- G1, G2: old term, grid, replaced by E1 and E2
phy and Electrodiagnosis (founded in 1953, Hz: hertz, unit of frequency in cycles per second
name changed to AAEM in 1989) IPSP: inhibitory postsynaptic potential
AAEM: American Association of Electrodiagnos- LCD: liquid crystal display
tic Medicine (name changed to AANEM in MEP: motor evoked potential
2004) MEPP: miniature endplate potential
AANEM: American Association of Neuromuscu- MNAP: mixed nerve action potential
lar and Electrodiagnostic Medicine MNCV: motor nerve conduction velocity
ABEM: American Board of Electrodiagnostic MUAP: motor unit action potential
Medicine MUNE: motor unit number estimate
ACh: acetylcholine MUP: motor unit potential (same as MUAP)
AChE: acetylcholinesterase NCS: nerve conduction study
AChR: acetylcholine receptor NCV: nerve conduction velocity
ADEMG: automated decomposition EMG NMJ: neuromuscular junction
AEP: auditory evoked potential PSW: positive sharp wave (also known as positive
CMAP: compound muscle action potential wave)
CMRR: common-mode rejection ratio QEMG: quantitative EMG
CPS: cycles per second; preferred term is Hz QSART: quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test
CRD: complex repetitive discharge QST: quantitative sensory testing
CRT: cathode ray tube R1, R2: measurements taken in the blink reflex
DSEP: dermatomal somatosensory evoked poten- test
tial RMS: root mean square
E1: input 1 for amplifier; synonym is recording RNS: repetitive nerve stimulation
electrode SEP: somatosensory evoked potential
E2: input 2 for amplifier; synonym is reference SFEMG: single-fiber EMG
electrode SNAP: sensory nerve action potential
EDX: electrodiagnosis or electrodiagnostic SSEP: short-latency somatosensory evoked poten-
EMG: electromyography or needle electromyog- tial
raphy SSR: sympathetic skin response
EMG examination: electrophysiologic studies that TES: transcranial electrical stimulation
could include needle EMG, nerve conduction TMS: transcranial magnetic stimulation
tests, or both VEP: visual evoked potential
EPSP: excitatory postsynaptic potential

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The Practical Exam in


Ernest W. Johnson and William S. Pease

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Each question refers to one figure. The figures are Bottom trace: stimulate radial nerve at wrist
from Dr. Johnson’s well-known slide collection What is your diagnosis?
gathered over the years from a variety of EMG A. Normal
instrument displays. Depending on your experi- B. Carpal tunnel syndrome
ence this will represent either a history lesson in C. Peripheral neuropathy, mild
instrument displays or memories. Abbreviations D. Both B and C
are defined in the appendix. Answers and com-
ments follow.

3. SNAP recorded from digit 1 (stimulate wrist

10 cm)
• Top trace: stimulate radial nerve at wrist 10 cm
1. Top trace: digit 3, wrist stimulation at 14 cm • Bottom trace: stimulate median nerve at wrist
Bottom trace: digit 3, midpalm stimulation at What is your diagnosis?
7 cm A. Carpal tunnel syndrome, mild
What is your conclusion? B. Normal
A. Carpal tunnel syndrome, mild C. Peripheral neuropathy, mild
B. Normal D. Cold hand
C. Cold hand
D. Technique error

4. SNAPs recorded from digit 4 stimulate at wrist 14

• Top trace: ulnar nerve
sweep = 1ms, Gain = 20µV • Bottom trace: median nerve
What is your diagnosis?
2. SNAP recorded from digit 1 A. Carpal tunnel syndrome
Top trace: stimulate both median and radial B. Peripheral neuropathy, mild
nerves at wrist C. Cold hand
Middle trace: stimulate median nerve at wrist D. Both A and B
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7. Which nerve is compromised?

A. Anterior interosseus
B. Distal ulnar
5. CMAP recorded from abductor pollicis brevis C. Deep radial (post. interosseus)
(thenar) D. Proximal radial
Upper trace: stimulate wrist 8 cm
Lower trace: stimulate at thenar crease
What is your diagnosis?
A. Normal
B. Severe carpal tunnel syndrome
C. Mild carpal tunnel syndrome
D. Cold hand

8. Consider the polyphasic MUP at B.

Why does it have more phases than when it first
appears at A?
A. Unstable MUP
B. Two overlapping MUPs
C. Artifact of concentric needle EMG recording
D. Repetitive activation of one MUP
6. Needle in anterior tibialis muscle
In which condition was this recorded?
A. Crossed leg palsy s/p 5 months
B. Prior poliomyelitis
C. Acute L5 radiculopathy
D. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

9. Monopolar EMG needle in trapezius muscle

What is your diagnosis?
A. Reinnervation
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B. Proximal myopathy
C. Cranial nerve XII injury
D. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

12. What has changed from bottom to top trace?

A. Endplate area with MEPPs has been entered
B. Distant MUPs are now recorded
C. Noise level increased due to loss of reference
10. Monopolar EMG needle in frontalis muscle electrode (E2)
What is the complex potential seen? D. Poor contact of ground electrode (G)
A. Repetitive MUP firing
B. Reinnervation MUP
C. Grouped MUP discharges
D. Complex repetitive discharge

13. What procedure is being performed?

A. Facial nerve stimulation
B. Blink reflex stimulation
C. EMG of orbicularis oris
11. Median nerve sensory nerve recordings D. Nasalis CMAP recording
Upper trace (larger): digit 3 recording, midpalm
stimulation at 7 cm
Lower trace: digit 3 recording, wrist stimulation at
14 cm
What is your diagnosis?
A. Cold hand
B. Diabetic neuropathy
C. Carpal tunnel syndrome, severe
D. Carpal tunnel syndrome, mild

14. Monopolar EMG needle in peroneus longus

In what condition was this recorded?
A. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, age 24 months
B. Injury to sciatic nerve lateral division, s/p 4
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C. Crossed leg palsy of peroneal nerve, s/p 3 Lower trace: stimulate peroneal nerve at ankle
weeks What is your conclusion?
D. Injury to deep peroneal nerve, s/p 6 months
A. Normal motor nerve conduction study
B. Accessory peroneal nerve is present
C. Conduction block is shown at fibular head
D. Both B and C

15. SNAP recorded from digit 1

Top trace: stimulate radial nerve at wrist, 10 cm
17. Monopolar needle EMG recording in anterior tib-
Middle trace: stimulate median nerve at wrist,
ialis muscle
10 cm
Bottom trace: stimulate both median and radial What is potential at A, near the center of the trace?
nerves at wrist A. Artifact potential
What is your diagnosis? B. Endplate potential
C. Fibrillation potential
A. Normal
D. Fasciculation potential
B. Carpal tunnel syndrome
C. Mild peripheral neuropathy
D. Cold hand

18. Ring electrodes on long finger

Upper trace: median nerve stimulation at
midpalm, 7 cm
Middle trace: median nerve stimulation at wrist,
14 cm
Lower trace: median nerve stimulation at antecu-
bital crease, 34 cm
What is your diagnosis?
A. Nerve compromise in forearm
16. Record CMAP of extensor digitorum brevis B. Alteration due to cold hand
Top trace: stimulate peroneal nerve at popliteal C. Normal recordings
crease D. Possible mild carpal tunnel syndrome
Middle trace: stimulate peroneal nerve just below
fibular head
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19. Recordings from ulnar nerve stimulation

Top traces: CMAP recordings from abductor dig-
iti minimi
Lower traces: SNAP recordings from digit 5
Left traces: Stimulation at the wrist (W), 8 cm and
14 cm
Center traces: Stimulation just below the elbow
Right traces: Stimulation above the elbow (AE)
22. CMAP response recorded from the abductor
What is/are your conclusion(s)?
pollicis brevis
A. Normal Top trace: median nerve wrist stimulation (W), 8
B. Sensory only block cm
C. Motor only block Bottom trace: median nerve elbow stimulation, 25
D. Both B and C cm from W
What is the calculated conduction velocity?
A. 60 m/s
B. 80 m/s
C. 40 m/s
D. 100 m/s

20. Figure shows a single-fiber EMG (SF EMG)

recording from the abductor digiti minimi muscle.
What would you expect to record on repetitive stimu-
lation (2 Hz) study of this muscle and its ulnar nerve?
A. Moderate decrement in responses
B. Moderate increment in responses
C. No change in amplitude of responses
D. No response (absent CMAP)

21. Refer to same figure as question 20. 23. What is the spinal cord (and nerve root innervation)
What is your diagnosis? level of motor nerve supply for the weak muscle exhib-
A. Myotonic dystrophy ited in the figure?
B. Acute radiculopathy A. C7
C. Reinnervation B. C6,7,8
D. Disuse atrophy C. C5,6
D. C2,3,4
90749_TEST(429-438).ps 8/10/06 3:56 PM Page 435


26. Extra credit

Name the animal (hint: the creature became more
popular when it came to share its name with a
common EMG procedure).
A. Llama
B. Asian camel
C. Arabian camel
D. Dromedary camel
24. Both traces are recordings of the SNAP of the
median nerve from digit 3 with stimulation at the
wrist, 14 cm. What are the temperatures (in Celsius)
likely to be recorded at the time of the two
A. Top 27°; bottom 22°
B. Top 32°; bottom 27°
C. Top 27°; bottom 32°
D. Top 34°; bottom 37°

25. Recordings made with median nerve study in an

85-year-old man
What is the diagnosis?
A. Normal study
B. Carpal tunnel syndrome, unknown severity
C. Carpal tunnel syndrome, mild
D. Carpal tunnel syndrome, severe
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The Practical Exam in Electromyography

1. B Latencies and amplitudes are normal for this multiple nerve sprouts enter the muscle, but the
technique. Amplitude change represents normal axon’s action potentials are poorly synchronized.
temporal dispersion. See Figure 8-19. These potentials were previously known as nascent
2. D Radial response has a mildly prolonged latency, potentials.
with a long duration and low amplitude; this sug- 10. B Another example of the so-called nascent
gests axonal neuropathy. Additional delay in latency potential as in question 9. Note that the maximum
and reduction in amplitude of median response sug- amplitude is about 300 V, and several discrete
gest carpal tunnel syndrome in the setting of a vul- components are seen. Each component represents
nerable nerve in the face of neuropathy. The ratio of an axon branch with innervation of one or a small
median to radial SNAP amplitude is typically 2:1. group of muscle fibers. Current naming conven-
See Figure 9-20. The two-humped recording (top) is tion is simply descriptive and refers to this as a
termed the Bactrian sign. small complex polyphasic potential.
3. B The latencies of the responses are within 0.1 11. D Slowing of the distal latency and reduced
ms, and the median SNAP shows an amplitude amplitude are seen with stimulation proximal to
four times that of the radial. Contrast with patho- the carpal tunnel. Stimulation distal to the site of
logic responses in question 2. entrapment shows improved amplitude, suggest-
4. D Median latency is markedly prolonged at 6 ms, ing neurapraxia (conduction block) in the sensory
and ulnar latency is also prolonged at 4.5 ms. Small fibers. Neurapraxic injuries have a good prognosis
amplitudes of the responses argue against an error for recovery of function.
due to cold temperature. See Figure 8-21. 12. A Five- to ten-microvolt, randomly occurring
5. C Wrist latency recording is abnormal at 5 ms, potentials are seen. These are typical of the end-
with CMAP amplitude of only 3 mV. At first one plate (neuromuscular junction) zone of the muscle.
might think this a severe carpal tunnel syndrome The sound heard is often compared to that heard
because of the small amplitude; however, the re- when holding a large seashell near one’s ear.
sults of stimulation of the recurrent thenar branch 13. B The supraorbital nerve is at the site of stimula-
in the palm demonstrate that there is conduction tion to record the blink reflex. In this example only
block, leading to a conclusion of mild carpal unilateral recording is shown, but the test is usu-
tunnel syndrome. The prognosis for nerve recov- ally performed with simultaneous recording of the
ery is excellent in the situation of conduction block bilateral responses from the orbicularis oris mus-
(neurapraxia). See Figure 9-10. cles. See Figure 9-2.
6. C The rapid rate of motor unit potential (MUP) 14. B The lateral division of the sciatic is also
firing (30 Hz) suggests neuropathy. The MUP is known as the peroneal division and gives rise to
within the normal range for amplitude, duration, the common peroneal nerve. The MUPs recorded
and phases, and these measurements make it un- in the figure are typical of polyphasic potentials
likely that the MUP was recorded from a chronic recorded during reinnervation. They would not be
neuropathic condition. expected in acute nerve compression. The per-
7. C The classic “hook ’em horns” sign of posterior oneus longus is supplied by the superficial division
interosseus (deep radial) palsy is shown. All of the of the nerve.
finger extensors are weak from the injury, but the 15. C Both of the SNAPs have prolonged peak la-
force generated from both passive and active com- tency values. The characteristic findings of distal,
ponents of the extensor digiti minimi and the ex- axonal polyneuropathy are seen, including mildly
tensor indicis is combined with that of the extensor reduced amplitudes in proportion to the delay in
digitorum, resulting in slightly worse extension distal latency time. In contrast, if the hand were
force in the middle and ring fingers. cold, the SNAPs would increase in amplitude and
8. B Following the MUPs in time in these rastered duration in proportion to the delay in latency time.
traces demonstrates the individual potentials over- 16. D Nearly complete conduction block is shown
lapping and interfering to varying degrees. Some with the two upper traces, produced by stimula-
of the potentials do appear polyphasic, and one tion proximal and distal to the head of the fibula.
cannot be sure of stability of the MUPs. Loss of the response’s amplitude with distal stimu-
9. A The MUP displayed (M) is the characteristic lation can be explained only by either anatomic
small-amplitude, complex polyphasic potential variation in nerve supply or technical error. See
observed early in the course of reinnervation as Figure 9-27.
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17. D Isolated motor unit and fasciculation poten- 22. D The upper trace reveals a prolonged distal la-
tials cannot easily be differentiated. Contrast the tency of 4.6 ms. Observe that the lower response
potential in question with the one of similar ampli- has an initial positive (downward) phase. The posi-
tude at the left (B). The B potential has an initial tive initial phase suggests that the recording is be-
positive phase and brief duration typical of a fibril- ginning from a muscle whose motor point is not at
lation potential. the recording electrode (E1) site. The common
18. D Myelin damage to the median nerve in the cause of this is the presence of a Martin-Gruber
carpal tunnel typical of carpal tunnel syndrome is anastomosis (MGA) in a patient with carpal tunnel
shown, with identification of focal slowing and syndrome. The initial deviation from baseline of
conduction response (amplitude of the top trace is the lower trace represents the latency time for ax-
almost double the size of middle trace). The ons conducting through the wrist with the ulnar
further reduction in amplitude seen when stimu- nerve, which are not delayed in the carpal tunnel.
lating at the elbow is the normal effect of the The nonphysiologic fast conduction velocity re-
temporal dispersion of a sensory nerve over a sulting from the calculation is an artifact associated
long segment. with the MGA. See Chapter 1.
19. D Amplitude change in the CMAP between AE 23. B The right scapula is displaced (winging) me-
and BE shows that the motor axons have conduc- dial and posterior to its normal location with the
tion block, and the good amplitude with distal load of forward flexion of the shoulder. This alter-
stimulation suggests that little axon loss has ation is caused by weakness of the serratus anterior
occurred. In the sensory responses there is dra- muscle. See also Chapter 1 and Figure 1-14.
matic loss of the response amplitude between AE 24. C The lower trace is normal in all respects. The
and BE (75%) that is more than would be expected upper trace has latency delayed by 1 ms, which is
from temporal dispersion alone. consistent with 5 degrees of cooling. The upper
20. A The SF EMG recording demonstrates both response also displays typical increases in ampli-
increased jitter in the varying interpotential tude and duration, abnormalities that do not occur
interval between the triggering first response and together in any type of pathology.
its partner as well as blocking, as the second 25. B The traces shown in this set do not include
response is occasionally absent. The effect of stimulation of the recurrent thenar motor branch
blocking on the repetitive nerve stimulation of the median nerve in the palm. Since this
(RNS) test is to produce a decrementing series of response could be normal and result in a conclu-
responses. sion of neurapraxia and good prognosis, we cannot
21. C One of the causes of the abnormal jitter and conclude the severity of the nerve injury using the
blocking shown in the figure, as well as the decre- Sunderland grading system.
menting response on repetitive nerve stimulation, 26. B Also known as the Bactrian camel, it has two
is the presence of immature neuromuscular junc- humps and was seen as similar to the combined
tions during reinnervation. median and radial nerve responses shown in ques-
tion 2, which has been dubbed the Bactrian sign.
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A Amplitude
Abductor digiti minimi, 181, 212 evoked potential recording, 46
spinal nerve stimulation, 57 fiber density and, 123f, 124
Abductor hallucis, 209 filtering, 47–48
Abductor pollicis brevis F wave, 51, 52
anatomy, 10, 166, 176 temperature effects, 45, 46
innervation, 166, 176 temporal dispersion effects, 39–40
needle placement, 166, 176 Amyloidosis, 324
Acetylcholine Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
in axonal degeneration, 298 fasciculation potentials, 22f, 23f
conduction latency and, 50 macro EMG findings, 122–124
in myasthenia gravis, 387, 389 Anal sphincter
in neuromuscular junction, 70, 72–73, 378 anatomy, 187
transmission disorders, 113–114 innervation, 13–14, 187
Acid maltase deficiency, infantile, 407 needle placement, 13, 187
Action potential Anastomosis
current flows, 74 Riche-Cannieu, 14
electrophysiology, 32–34, 67–70 See also Martin-Gruber anastomosis
EMG measurement, 21–22 Anatomy
insertional activity, 23–26 intraneural, 41–42
nerve conduction studies, 22 knowledge requirements for electromyographers, 3
in volume conductor, 73–74 nerve root level innervations, 18t
waveform generation, 75–77 neuromuscular junction, 70, 71–72, 378
See also Motor unit potential peripheral nerve innervations, 19–20t
Active lead, 88 radial nerve, 277f
Acute inflammatory demyelinating radiculopathy findings, 333–334
polyradiculopathy, 409 ulnar nerve, 274
Acute motor axonal neuropathy, 409–410 Anconeus muscle, 163
Adductor longus, 188 Anode, electrical stimulator, 98
Adductor magnus, 189 Anorexia nervosa, 410–411
Adductor pollicis, 182 Anterior horn cell
Adenosine triphosphate, 31–32 F wave generation, 51
Adrenoleukodystrophy, 408 pathologies, 28
Age Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, 281–284
jitter reference values, 110t Arsenic intoxication, 315–316
nerve conduction variation, 46–47 Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, 404
See also Children Ataxia-telangiectasia, 412
Alcohol neuropathy, 260, 323–325 Atrophy, axonal, 298–299
Aliasing effects Audio
definition, 94 filter effects, 90
waveform, 94–96 maximal contraction, 27
American Association of Neuromuscular and Auricularis posterior, 146
Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 132, 336 Averaging, signal, 97–98
American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 132 Axillary nerve conduction studies, 218
Aminoglycoside toxicity, 363–364 Axolemma. See Membrane electrophysiology
critical illness neuromuscular disorder and, 365–366 Axon loss
Amiodarone-associated neuropathy, 310 atrophy, 298–299
Amplifier, EMG, 43, 88–90, 102 clinical course, 28
deterioration, 103 conduction block and, 36–37

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Axon loss (continued) myokomic potentials in radiation-induced injury,

electrophysiology, 36–37 23f
in entrapment neuropathy, 261, 262 pediatric injuries, 61
nerve conduction study innervations, 3, 6t pediatric injury, 400–401
peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 301, 316–325 plexopathy, 264
Axonotmesis, 34 in radiculopathy, 333
in entrapment neuropathy, 262 Brachoradialis, 159
classification of altered function, 34–35, 37 C
conduction block, 35–36, 37 Cables, EMG, 88, 102
conduction latency, 50, 51 Calcium metabolism
conduction slowing, 35 cell membrane electrophysiology, 30
damage endplate electrophysiology, 73
in critical illness motor neuromuscular disorders, neuromuscular junction, 378
370 Cannula signal, 127
in critical illness polyneuropathy, 369 Capacitance, 74
electrophysiology, 36–37 Carcinoma, 318
EMG findings, 22 Carpal tunnel syndrome
entrapment neuropathy assessment, 261 assessment and diagnosis, 263–267
partial nerve injury, 42 in children, 411
peripheral neuropathies, 28, 297–299, 304–305 Martin-Gruber anastomosis and, 14
regeneration potential, 37 median motor evoked response, 43f
death of, 36–37 pediatric, 61
evoked responses, 37–39 risk factors, 264
F wave generation, 51, 52f, 56–57 ulnar neuropathy at elbow and, 273
H reflex generation, 55f, 56–57 Catabolic myopathy, 372
loss Cathode, electrical stimulator, 98
aging and, 47 Cauda equina, 334
movement among fascicles, 41–42 Cerebral palsy evaluation, pediatric, 411–412
in nerve stimulation, 48 Certification and licensure, 132–133
rapid saltatory conduction, 51f Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. See Hereditary motor
refractory period, 32–33 sensory neuropathy type I
salutatory conduction, 34 Chemical exposure. See Drug-induced disorders;
signal conduction, 30, 31, 32 Toxic substances
size of, and conduction velocity, 33–34 Children
spinal nerve stimulation, 56–57 acid maltase deficiency in, 407
Wallerian degeneration, 36–37 Babinski response, 401
botulism in, 383, 390–391, 404–407
B brachial plexus injury, 61, 400–401
Bell’s palsy, 411 chronic inflammatory demyelinating
Biceps brachii, 156 polyneuropathy in, 410
Biceps femoris clinician knowledge for pediatric practice, 395
long head, 205 critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 368, 411
short head, 197 dermatomyositis in, 408
Black widow spider, 391 diabetes in, 61
Bleeding complications, 133 diagnostic considerations, 61–62, 395, 412–413
Blink reflex, 214 diphtheria in, 407
Blocking agents, 365–366, 370 electrodiagnostic exam, 59, 60–61, 398–400, 413
Botulism case examples, 405–408
case examples, 405–406 EMG laboratory design for, 396–397
causes, 390 Erb’s point stimulation, 61
clinical features, 390, 404, 407 first year of life presentations, 407
definition, 390 focal neuropathy assessment, 61
nerve conduction studies, 404–405 gait assessment, 407–408
repetitive nerve stimulation studies, 390–391 Gower’s sign, 398, 410
Brachialis, 156 Guillain–Barré syndrome in, 404, 407, 408–410
Brachial plexus history taking, 397
anatomy, 6f hypotonia assessment, 401–404
lesion, 281 Kocher–Debré–Sémélaigne syndrome in, 410, 411
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leukemia in, 410 pronator quadratus assessment, 10

leukodystrophies in, 407, 408 tarsal tunnel syndrome evaluation, 290
motor unit development, 395–396 temporal dispersion effects, 40–41, 78, 80f
needle selection, 399 Conduction block
nerve conduction in, 396 axon death and, 36–37
nerve conduction studies, 59–61 clinical features, 81
Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease in, 407 electrophysiology, 35–36
physical examination, 397–398 in entrapment neuropathy, 262, 263
Pompe’s disease in, 407 motor fiber, waveform analysis, 81–83
sedation, 398–399, 412 myelin sheath lesions in, 299
shock artifacts in testing, 60 peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 307
spinal muscular atrophy in, 402, 406–407, 410 spinal, waveform analysis, 83–84
temperature control in assessment, 60, 399–400 in ulnar neuropathy at elbow, 270f
traumatic injury, 411 Conductivity in human body, 74
unusual diagnoses, 410–412 cell biology, 29
Chiralgia parasthetica, 281 pathophysiology, 34–41
Chloral hydrate, 398 temporal dispersion effects, 77–78
Chloride metabolism, 31, 67 Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy, 310
Chronic ataxic neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia, IgM Connective tissue disease, 322
paraprotein, cold agglutinins, and Contraction
disialosyl antibodies, 321 endplate electrophysiology in, 73
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, maximal, 27
314 minimal, 26–27
pediatric, 410 motor unit potentials in myopathy, 361ff
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 364 Coracobrachialis, 157
Cisplatin, 320–322 Corticosteroids, 370–371
Claims data, 138–140 CPT coding, 138–140
Closed fields, 74 Cranial nerve conduction studies, 213–214
CMAP. See Compound muscle action potential Creatinine kinase levels in viral myositis, 410
Coagulopathy, 133 Critical illness neuromuscular disorders
Colchicine, 324 classification, 366–368
Combined sensory index, 265–266 clinical conceptualization, 363–364
Common gain, 88 diagnosis, 364–365
Common mode rejection ratio, 88–89, 103 differentiating myopathic conditions and
Comorbid disorders. See Critical illness neuropathic conditions, 372–373
neuromuscular disorders drug-induced, 365–366, 370–371
Complex repetitive discharges, 23, 24ff etiology, 365–366, 368
Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) health system utilization, 363
age effects, 60 management, 373
in axonal degeneration, 298 myopathic conditions, 370–372
in critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 368–369, neuromuscular junction conditions, 373
370, 371, 372, 373 neuromyopathy, 373
decrement, 383 neuropathic conditions, 368–370
definition, 22 outcomes, 363, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373–374
electrode placement for recording, 43, 44 pediatric, 368, 411
electrophysiology, 37 treatment goals, 363
entrapment neuropathy assessment, 262, 263 ventilatory weaning and, 363, 365, 371
facial palsy assessment, 10 Current flow, 74–75
frequency settings, 90–91
in Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome, 390
measurement technique, 22 D
motor unit calculations, 77 Dapsone, 317
myasthenia gravis evaluation, 389 Decomposition algorithms, 105–106
myopathy examination, 354 Decrement, 383
pediatric assessment Deep fibular nerve, 15, 16
brachial plexus injury, 400 Deep radial nerve, 8
Guillain–Barré syndrome, 534 Dejerine–Sottas disease, 310
peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 304, 307, Deltoid muscles, 158
314, 322 Demyelination, 35
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Denervation leads, 88, 102

clinical course, 28 reusable, 88
fibrillation potential in, 23 types of, 106f
Depolarization See also Needle electromyography; Surface electrodes
in nerve stimulation, 48 Electrodiagnosis, 21
in salutatory conduction, 34 cell biology, 29
in signal conduction, 32, 33 claims data, 138–140
Dermatomal somatosensory evoked potential, critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 364–365,
radiculopathy examination, 338, 339 368–373
Dermatomyositis, 62, 408 doctor–patient relationship in, 134
Diabetes documentation, 134–142
electrodiagnosis case example, 325–327 medical consultation, 132–133
neuropathy, 259, 260, 299, 325 myopathy, 353–361
pediatric, 61, 411 organophosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity,
spinal stenosis vs. polyneuropathy of, 347 320
Diaphragm pediatric considerations, 59, 60–61, 395, 398–400,
anatomy, 12f, 151 412–413
innervation, 151 peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 297–298,
needle placement, 10–13, 151 299–308, 327
phrenic nerve stimulation, 13 practitioner qualifications for, 132
surface electrode placement, 13 radiculopathy, 333–348
Differential amplifier, 88 Electromyography, generally
Digital converter, 92–96 ABCs, 28
Digital filters, 90 chronological considerations, 28
Diphasic action potential, 75 definition and scope, 21–22, 87
Diphtheria, 407 desynchronized impulses, 78–80
Direct muscle stimulation in critical illness electrophysiology, 67–70
neuromuscular disorder assessment, goals, 21
372–373 indications, 21, 28
Display, signal, 96–97 instrumentation and technique, 85–103
Disulfiram, 318, 319–320 knowledge requirements for, 3
Doctor–patient relationship, 134 program quality evaluation, 131–141
Documentation of care temporal dispersion effects, 77–78
claims and coding, 138–140 waveform generation, 75–77
content, 140–141 Electrophysiology
examples, 141 action potential generation and propagation, 68–70
good qualities, 134–138 axon movement, 41–42
potential errors in, 141–142 cell membrane, 29–34
reporting of findings, 59 conduction latency, 50–51
Dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve, 238, 250, 253 conductivity in human body, 74
Drug-induced disorders current flow, 74–75
critical illness neuromuscular disorder, 363–364, individual development and maturation, 59–60
365–366, 370–371 intraneural anatomy, 41–42
myasthenia gravis, 391 nerve conduction velocity, 33–34
peripheral neuropathies, 310–311, 317–318, neuromuscular junction, 70–73
319–320, 321–322, 324–325 pathology, 34–41
Duchenne muscular dystrophy refractory period, 32–33
complex repetitive discharges in, 24f volume conductor, 73–74
pediatric assessment, 62 Embryologic patterns, 3
Dural sheath entrapment, 28 Endplate
anatomy, 71, 72–73
E electrophysiology, 73
Education and training of EMG professionals, 132 evaluation
Elbow, ulnar neuropathy at, 267–273 action potentials, 25
Electrode(s) EMG findings, 22
colors, 88 in myasthenia gravis, 113–114
for conventional EMG, 105–106 neuromuscular junction disease evaluation, 380
definition, 87 histology, 71–72
evoked potential recording, 42, 43 jitter during stimulation, 111
inspection and maintenance, 88, 102 End-stage renal disease, 327
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Entrapment disorders Familial predisposition to pressure palsies, 260

anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, 281–284 Faraday cage, 103
demyelination in, 262 Fascicles, peripheral nerve, 41–42, 262–263
fibrillation in, 261 Fasciculation potentials, 23
fibular neuropathy, 286–289 Fatigue
history taking, 259–260 definition, 21
localization, 262–263 muscle fiber propagation velocity, 117
needle EMG, 261 myopathy examination, 353
nerve conduction studies, 58, 133, 261, 262, 263 Feet
neurapraxic, 262 innervation and anatomy, 209–212
pathophysiology, 261–262 needle EMG evaluations, 8, 209–212
physical examination, 260–261 Femoral motor nerve conduction studies, 239–240
prognosis, 262 Fetal development, 395
radial nerve lesions Fiber density, 118–119
deep, 279–281 development, 395
at spiral groove, 276–279 macro EMG amplitude and, 123f, 124
superficial, 281 myopathy findings, 122
reflexes in, 260 Fiber-type grouping, 105, 118
reinnervation, 261, 262 Fibrillation potential
sciatic nerve, 284–286 causes, 23
tarsal tunnel syndromes, 289–293 definition and characteristics, 23, 24f
timing of electrodiagnostic changes, 261 entrapment neuropathy assessment, 261
ulnar neuropathy Fibrosis, motor unit muscle fibers in, 105
at elbow, 267–273 Fibular nerve
at wrist, 273–276 entrapment localization in, 263
See also specific disorder entrapment neuropathy, 284
Erb’s point, pediatric studies, 61 at knee, 286–289
Evoked potentials See also Peroneal nerve
radiculopathy evaluation, 338–339 Filtering, 47–48
Evoked potential(s) frequency settings, 90–92
amplitude measurement, 39, 46 power line interference, 91
conduction block and, 39 types of, 90
definition, 37 Firing rate, 99–100
generation, 37 First dorsal interosseous muscle
impedance measurement, 87–88 manus, 183
overstimulation, 48 pedis, 210
recording, 43–48 First palmar interosseous, 182
shape determinants, 39 Fisher syndrome, 410
in spinal nerve stimulation, 56–57 Flexor carpi radialis, 171
temperature effects, 45–46 Flexor carpi ulnaris, 180, 262–263
temporal dispersion effects, 39–41 Flexor digitorum brevis, 212
Extensor carpi radialis, 160 Flexor digitorum longus, 207
Extensor carpi ulnaris, 165 Flexor digitorum profundus, 179
Extensor digitorum, 164 Flexor digitorum superficialis, 173
Extensor digitorum brevis, 202 Flexor hallucis brevis, 211
Extensor digitorum communis, jitter reference values, Flexor pollicis longus, 174
111. See also extensor digitorum Flick sign, 260–261, 264
Extensor digitorum longus, 199 Forearm
Extensor hallucis longus, 201 Martin-Gruber anastomosis, 14
Extensor indicis proprius, 169 surface electrode placement, 9
Extensor pollicis brevis, 168 Free-running signal display, 96
Extensor pollicis longus, 167 Frequency settings, 90–92
Friedrich’s ataxia, 321, 322
F pediatric, 412
Facial palsy Froment’s sign, 268
compound muscle action potential in, 10 Frontalis muscle, 147
nasalis muscle evaluation, 10 F wave
Facilitation age effects, 59
definition, 30 claims data, 138
in repetitive nerve stimulation, 383, 384f definition, 337
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F wave (continued) source, 53

in diabetic neuropathy, 325 Humerus, 8f
diagnostic significance, 337 Hyperglycemia, 299, 327, 368
frequency settings, 91 Hypoalbuminemia, 368
H reflex and, 52, 55 Hypoglycemic neuropathy, 318–319
latency measurement, 52–53 Hypomyelination disorders, pediatric, 404
limitations, 56–57 Hypotonia assessment in infant, 401–404
lower body nerve conduction studies, 244–245
pediatric studies, 61 I
radiculopathy examination, 337–338, 347 Iliopsoas muscle, 190
source, 51 Impedance, 74
in upper extremity, 228 of dry skin, 44
variations in, 51–52 electrical stimulator technique, 98
input, 89
G recording goals, 87–88
Gain, signal, 88–89 reduction techniques, 87, 88, 102
Ganglionitis, 321 Inclusion body myositis, 356–357
Gastrocnemius, 208 Informed consent, 134
Gender differences, 47 Infraspinatus, 154
Gentamicin, 363 Injury potentials. See Insertional activity
Giant axonal neuropathy, 412 Insertional activity
Ginger, 320 causes, 24–25
Glucose metabolism, 299 definition, 23–24
impaired glucose tolerance, 326 technique, 26
See also Diabetes Instrumentation, EMG
Gluteus maximus, 194 amplifier, 88–90, 102
Gluteus medius, 196 analog to digital converter, 92–96
radiculopathy evaluation, 3 cables, 88, 102
Glycogen metabolism, muscle fiber distribution and, electrical stimulator, 98–99
125 electrodes, 87–88
Gower’s sign, 398 filters, 90–92
Gracilis muscle, 188 inspection and maintenance, 133
Grounding, power line, 60, 100–102 leads, 88, 102
Ground lead, 88 for pediatric practice, 396, 397, 399
Guillain–Barré syndrome, 51, 62, 311, 312, 315–316, safe use, 100–102, 133
318, 321, 322, 364 signal averaging, 97–98
pediatric, 404, 407, 408–410 signal display, 96–97
Intercostal muscles, 71–72, 186
H Interference, 87
Height, patient, 47 power line, 91
Hemorrhage, 133 reducing, 102–103
Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type I Interosseous nerve lesions, posterior, 279–281
clinical features, 309 Interosseous nerve syndrome, anterior, 281–284
differential diagnosis, 310 Intramuscular stimulation
electrodiagnosis, 309–310 neuromuscular transmission studies, 115–116
pediatric, 412 technique, 108
pediatric assessment, 62 Ion physiology, 29–34, 67–68
Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type II, 317 temperature effects, 45–46
pediatric, 412 Ischemia, jitter and, 111
N-Hexane, 311–312 Ithium, 324
Hip surgery, 285
H reflex J
F wave and, 52, 55 Jake paralysis, 320
latency, 53 Jitter
limitations, 56–57 abnormal findings, 111
lower body nerve conduction studies, 246 axonal stimulation, 111–112
measurement, 55 calculation, 108–109
nomogram, 53, 56f critical illness polyneuropathy manifestations, 369
pediatric studies, 61 definition, 108
radiculopathy examination, 336–337 in intramuscular stimulation, 108
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ischemia effects, 111 stenosis, 347

neuromuscular junction disease evaluation, 386 Lumbricals, 177
in neuromuscular transmission disorders, 113–116 Lymphoma, 318
reference values, 110t, 111
single-fiber EMG studies, 111–113 M
during stimulation, 111 Macro EMG motor unit potential
voluntary activity, 108f, 109–111 clinical significance, 120
definition, 89
indications, 125
Kinesiology, knowledge requirements for
method, 120–121
electromyographers, 3
for motor unit estimation, 122
Knee, fibular entrapment, 286–289
myopathy findings, 122
Kocher–Debré–Sémélaigne syndrome, 410, 411
normal, 121–122
Krabbe’s leukodystrophy, 407
reinnervation findings, 122–125
L Magnetic resonance imaging, radiculopathy
Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome evaluation, 338, 339, 348
clinical features, 389–390 Martin-Gruber anastomosis, 58, 267, 270–271, 282
compound muscle action potential, 390 anatomy, 14f
epidemiology, 389 carpal tunnel syndrome and, 14
nerve conduction studies, 354 epidemiology, 14
pathophysiology, 114 pathophysiology, 14
repetitive nerve stimulation in, 383 Masseter muscle, 145
single-fiber EMG, 386 Mean value of consecutive differences, 111
single fiber EMG findings, 114 Measurement, manual, 99–100
Latency Medial antebrachial cutaneous sensory nerve
of activation, 22, 50, 51 conduction study, 230
age effects, 59–60 Medial nerve lesion, 282
F wave, 52 Medial plantar motor nerve conduction studies, 242
in nerve conduction studies, 50–51 Median nerve
reporting of findings, 59 anastomosis, 14
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous sensory nerve anatomy, 15f
conduction study, 229 carpal tunnel assessment, 266–267
Lateral femoral cutaneous sensory nerve conduction nerve conduction studies, 8f
studies, 247 to abductor pollicis brevis, 221
Lateral plantar motor nerve conduction studies, 243 to fourth digit, 234
Late waves, 55–56 to pronator quadratus, 222
Latissimus dorsi, 157 to second and third digits, 231–232
Leads, EMG, 88 to thumb, 233
Leukemia, pediatric, 410 pediatric studies, 60–61
Leukodystrophies, 407, 408 Mees’ lines, 315–316
Levator labialis superioris, 10 Membrane electrophysiology, 29–34, 67–68
Levator scapulae, 152 action potential, 32–34
Lipoma, radial nerve, 279 membrane proteins, 30–31
Long thoracic nerve conduction studies, 216–217 resting potential, 31–32
Lorazepam, 398 Mentalis muscle, 148
Lower body nerve conduction studies Mercury, 324
F wave, 244–245 Merosin deficiency, 402
H reflex, 246 Metabolic disorders
motor nerves, 239–246 peripheral neuropathies and, 299
sensory nerves, 247–253 See also specific disorder
Lower limb Metachromatic leukodystrophy, 62, 310, 408
anatomic anomalies, 14 Methyl n-butyl ketone, 311–312
motor innervation, 4t Metronidazole, 322
nerve root level innervations, 18t Midazolam, 398
peripheral nerve innervations, 19–20t Miniature endplate potential, 72–73, 378–379
sensory innervation, 16t Motor nerves
Lumbar plexus anatomy, 7f anatomy, 3
Lumbar spine axonal loss evaluation, 6t
radiculopathy evaluation, 334, 335, 336–337, 338, nerve conduction studies
339, 341, 342–343, 348 lower body, 239–246
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Motor nerves (continued) congenital syndromes, 388–389, 402

upper body, 215–228 definition, 387
pediatric electrodiagnosis, 60 drug-induced, 391
signal latency in nerve conduction studies, 50–51 incidence, 387
Motor neuron disease, 273 nerve conduction studies, 354, 387
Motor unit neuromuscular transmission in, 113–114
definition, 21 normal electrophysiologic findings in, 379–380
development, 395–396 pediatric, 62
EMG goals, 22 repetitive nerve stimulation evaluation, 387–388
estimation technique, 122 single-fiber EMG, 386
muscle fiber organization, 105, 125 single fiber EMG findings, 113–114
pathologies, 28 Myelin electrophysiology, 34, 35
structure, 21 conduction-slowing pathophysiology, 34
Motor unit potentials saltatory conduction, 34
contraction in myopathy, 361ff salutatory conduction, 34
conventional EMG recording, 105–106 Myelin sheath lesions, 299
in critical illness motor neuromuscular disorders, peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 301, 304,
371, 372 305–307, 314–315
definition, 21 Myokymic potential, definition and appearance, 23
EMG findings, 21–22 Myopathy assessment
entrapment neuropathy assessment, 261 acute necrotizing myopathy of intensive care, 371–372
filtering technique, 90, 92, 94–96 case examples, 355–361
firing rate, 99–100 catabolic myopathy, 372
in inclusion body myositis, 357 challenges, 353
macro EMG, 89 critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 370–372
in maximal contraction of muscle, 27 fiber density, 119, 355
in minimal contraction of muscle, 26 history taking, 353–354
in myopathy, 122, 355 inflammatory, 360–361
pediatric, 395–396 motor unit potentials, 355
polyphasic, 26, 106, 355 motor unit size, 122
early, 26 needle EMG, 354–355
recruitment patterns, 26–27 nerve conduction testing, 354
spike component, 90 noninflammatory, 359–360
stability, 26 pediatric, 402–403
Multi-MUP recording, 105–106 physical examination, 354
Muscle electrophysiology, 67–70 scanning EMG findings, 127
Muscle fibers thick filament myopathy, 370–371
conduction speed, 77 Myositis
density studies, 118–119 inclusion body, 356–357
development, 395 viral, 410
distribution assessment, 125 Myotonia congenita, 403
EMG findings, 22 Myotonic dystrophy, assessment and diagnosis,
endplates, 71 357–359
fiber-type grouping, 105, 118 pediatric, 402–403
local distribution, 107
motor unit organization, 105 N
in myopathy, 355 Nasalis muscle, 148
pathological arrangements, 105 anatomy, 10
propagation velocity, 116–118 Needle electromyography
scanning EMG studies, 125–127 anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, 283t, 284
Muscular dystrophy conduction block assessment, 39
macro EMG findings, 123f conventional recordings, 105–106
pediatric assessment, 402 critical illness motor neuromuscular disorder
Musculocutaneous nerve assessment, 370, 371, 372
nerve conduction studies, 218 distribution of sampling, 27
pediatric studies, 61 documentation, 138
M wave, 52, 55 electrode types, 106f
Myasthenia gravis, 353 entrapment neuropathy assessment, 261, 262
clinical features, 387 examination planning, 22–23
CMAP decrement, 383 fibular neuropathy evaluation, 287t, 289
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frequency settings, 90–91 patient height considerations, 47

impedance reduction, 87, 90 pediatric, 59–61, 396
insertional activity, 23–26 brachial plexus injury assessment, 400–401
in maximal contraction, 27 Guillain–Barré syndrome assessment, 408
in minimal contraction, 26–27 peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 301–302, 316
myopathy examination, 354–355 polyphasic signals in, 44
case examples, 355–361 radial nerve lesion assessment, 277–279
neuromuscular junction disease evaluation, radiculopathy assessment, 336, 338
377–378, 385 reference values, 42–43
neuromuscular transmission studies reporting findings, 59
in disease, 113–116 sciatic neuropathy, 285t, 286
methods, 108–109 sensory, frequency settings, 90
normal, 109–113 signal deflection in, 43–44
pediatric brachial plexus injury assessment, 401 signal display, 96, 97
pediatric practice, 397 signal latency in, 50–51
peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 301, 302–303, sources of error in, 58
304, 315, 316–317 spinal nerve stimulation, 56–58
quiet muscle characteristics, 23 superficial radial nerve lesions, 280t
radial nerve lesions, 278t, 279, 281 tarsal tunnel syndrome evaluation, 290–292
radiculopathy assessment, 336, 339 technical basis, 22
response in critical illness neuromuscular disorders, temperature effects, 45–46, 58, 265
373 ulnar neuropathy at elbow, 268–272
safety considerations, 133 ulnar neuropathy at wrist, 274–276
sampling rate, 94 upper body
sciatic neuropathy, 285t, 286 F wave, 228
signal display, 96 motor nerves, 215–227
single-fiber recording, 106–107 sensory nerves, 229–238
steps, 23–27 Nerve conduction velocity
tarsal tunnel syndrome evaluation, 290, 292–293 age effects, 46–47, 59, 62
ulnar neuropathy assessment, 272–273, 275t, 276 axon size and, 33–34
waveform patterns, 76–77 in children, 396
See also Single-fiber EMG conduction slowing, 34
Nernst equation, 30–31 definition, 22
Nerve conduction studies electrophysiology, 33–34
anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, 283t, 284 in entrapment disorders, 263
application, 29 evoked potential shape and, 39
axonal loss evaluation, 6t measurement, 22
carpal tunnel assessment, 264–265 patient height and, 47
claims data, 138–140 peripheral neuropathy evaluation, 307
conceptual basis, 29 reference values, 42–43
cranial, 213–214 reporting of findings, 59
documentation, 138 saltatory conduction, 34
electrode placement, 43–45, 89 sensory latency and, 51
entrapment neuropathy assessment, 133, 261, 262, slowing in metabolic disorders, 299
263 temperature effects, 45
evoked potential recording, 43–48 ulnar neuropathy assessment, 271
fibular neuropathy evaluation, 287t, 288–289 Nerve root
latency measurement, 50–51 injuries, 28
late waves, 55–56 radiculopathy evaluation, 333–334
lower body innervations, 18t
motor nerves, 239–246 stimulation, 56–58
sensory nerves, 247–253 Neuralgic amyotrophy, 282, 283–284
Martin-Gruber anastomosis, 270–271 Neurapraxic injury, 34, 261, 262. See also Conduction
myasthenia gravis evaluation, 387 block
myopathy assessment, 354 Neurogenic disease, scanning EMG findings, 127
nerve stimulation, 48–50 Neurography, 22
neuromuscular junction disease, 377 Neuromuscular blockade
pathophysiology and, 34–42 blocking agents, 365–366, 370–371, 373
patient age considerations, 46–47 critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 373
patient discomfort in, 48–50 jitter and, 111
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Neuromuscular junction Paraneoplastic syndromes, 321

anatomy and physiology, 70–73, 378–379 Paraspinal mapping, 341
postsynaptic cleft, 378 Paraspinal muscles
presynaptic terminal, 378 anatomy, 11f
synaptic cleft, 378 cervical, 184
Neuromuscular junction disease, 28 fibrillation, 341, 347
critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 373 lumbosacral, 185
current clinical understanding, 377 needle placement, 8
electrodiagnostic tests, 379–380 radiculopathy evaluation, 339–341, 342
EMG findings, 22 safety considerations in assessment, 133
endplate analysis, 380 Parenteral nutrition, 368
endplate profile in, 72 Paresthesias, EMG indications, 21
nasalis muscle evaluation, 10 Parsonage-Turner syndrome, 282
needle EMG evaluation, 377–378, 385 Patient comfort, 134
nerve conduction studies, 377 nerve stimulation studies, 48–50
pathophysiology, 377 Patient satisfaction, 131, 134
repetitive nerve stimulation evaluation, 377, 380–385 Pectineus muscle, 191
single-fiber EMG, 380, 385–386 Pectoralis major
See also specific disorder clavicular head, 155
Neuromuscular transmission sternocostal head, 178
assessment methods, 108–109, 111–113 Pectoralis minor, 178
in disease states, 113–116 Peer review, 132
in intramuscular nerve tree, 115–116 Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease, 407
normal, 109–111 Penicillamine, 391
repetitive nerve stimulation abnormalities without Peripheral nerve(s)
deficit in, 391 anatomy, 41–42
single-fiber EMG studies, 107 conduction, 29
temperature effects, 384–385 innervations, 19–20t, 262–263
Neuromyopathy, critical illness, 373 Peripheral neuropathies, 28
Neuromyositis, 355 assessment and diagnosis, 133, 297–298, 299–308,
Neurotmesis, 34 327
in entrapment neuropathy, 262 differential diagnosis, 301
Nitrofurantoin, 318, 320 motor greater than sensory neuropathy with
Nodes of Ranvier, 34 mutlifocal conduction slowing, 312–316
Noise, defined, 87. See also Signal to noise ratio motor greater than sensory neuropathy with
Nomograms uniform conduction slowing, 309–312
F wave, 52, 53f motor or motor greater than sensory neuropathy
H reflex, 53, 56f and axonal loss, 316–320
Notch filter, 91 sensory greater than motor neuropathy with
axonal loss, 322–325
O sensory greater than motor neuropathy with
Occupational neuritis, 274 conduction slowing, 325–327
Open fields, 74 sensory neuropathy/neuronopathy, 320–322
Opponens digiti minimi, 181 axonal degeneration in, 298–299, 304–305
Opponens pollicis, 142 axonal loss in, 316–325
anatomy, 10, 176 chemical exposure-related, 311–312, 315–316
innervation, 176 classification, 308–309
needle placement, 176 distribution assessment, 307–308
Orbicularis oculi, 147 drug-related, 310–311, 317–318, 319–320, 324
Orbicularis oris, 149 epidemiology, 327
Organophosphates, 318, 320 metabolic disorders in, 299
myelin sheath lesions in, 299, 304, 305–307
P needle electromyography, 301, 302–303, 304
Paclitaxel, 322 nerve conduction studies, 301–302
Pain pathophysiology, 298–299
causes of, 21 rate of progression, 308
EMG indications, 21 severity, 308
Palmaris longus, 172 symmetry, 308–309
Pancuronium, 370 See also Entrapment disorders
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Peroneal motor nerve surface electrode placement, 10

F wave, 244 Pronator syndrome, 264
nerve conduction studies, 241 Pronator teres, 170
pediatric studies, 60 Protein electrophysiology in cell membrane, 30–31
Peroneal nerve Puffer fish, 312
accessory, 14 Pyridoxine, 321
anatomy, 16f, 17f
sensory nerve skin distribution, 15f
Quadratus femoris, 193
superficial branch, 17f
Quality improvement, 131–132
See also Fibular nerve
Quiet muscle electromyography, 23
Peroneus brevis, 203
Peroneus longus, 202 R
Peroneus tertius, 200 Radial nerve
Phalen’s test, 260, 264 anatomy, 8f, 277f
Phase cancellation, 39, 40f, 77–78, 79f, 80 deep lesions, 279–281
Phospholipids, in cell membrane, 29–30 lesions at spiral groove, 276–279
Phrenic nerve needle EMG, 278t, 279
nerve conduction studies, 215 nerve conduction studies, 277–279
pediatric injury, 61 to extensor digitorum, 223
Piriformis, 194 to extensor indicis proprius, 224
Piriformis syndrome, 286 to thumb, 233, 235–236
Plexopathies neuropathy, 268, 276, 277
nerve conduction studies, 338 superficial lesions, 281
vs. radiculopathy, 338 Radial tunnel syndrome, 279–281
vs. sciatic neuropathy, 286 Radiculopathies
Polio anatomic variations in, 333–334
macro EMG findings, 124 assessment
post-polio syndrome, 125 algorithm, 334, 335f
Polymyositis, 62, 355–356 goals, 333, 335–336, 348
pediatric, 408 guidelines, 336
Polyneuropathy C6, 281
assessment, 133, 260 C8, 267
F waves in, 337 causes, 333
nerve conduction studies, 338 cervical, 337, 338–339, 341, 342
pediatric assessment, 62 clinical course, 347
See also Critical illness neuromuscular disorders definition, 333
Pompe’s disease, 407 diabetes and, 347
Porphyrias, 317–318 differential diagnosis, 264
Positive wave discharges EMG diagnostic sensitivity, 340t
causes, 23 F wave in, 337–338, 347
endplate, 25ff H reflex in, 336–337
interpretation, 76–77 L5, 286
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve conduction studies, limitations of EMG, 344–348
248 lumbosacral, 334, 335, 336–337, 338, 339, 341,
Posterior interosseous nerve lesions, 279–281. See also 342–343, 348
deep radial nerve magnetic resonance imaging, 338, 339, 348
Posterior tibialis muscle, 13 muscle selection for testing, 3–8, 341–344
Post-polio syndrome, 125 needle electromyography, 336, 339
Postsynaptic cleft, 378 nerve conduction studies, 336, 338
Potassium metabolism, 67–69 paraspinal muscle examination, 339–341, 342
cell membrane electrophysiology, 30, 31–32 pediatric, 411
endplate electrophysiology, 73 physical examination, 334–335
Power line grounding, 100–102 sensory nerve action potentials in, 333
Power line interference, 91 somatosensory evoked potentials in, 338–339
Prader–Willi disease, 403 treatment outcome prediction, 348
Presynaptic terminal, 378 vs. plexopathy, 336
Pronator quadratus, 175 Recruitment patterns
innervation, 10, 175 in maximal contraction, 27
needle placement, 10, 175 in minimal contraction, 26–27
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Rectus abdominis, 186 normal, 127

Rectus femoris, 193 pathological findings, 127
Reference lead, 43, 88, 89 Schwann cells, 34
Reference values Sciatic nerve
jitter, 110t, 111 anatomy, 5f
nerve conduction, 42–43 entrapment localization in, 263
Refractory period, 32–33 entrapment neuropathy in, 284–286
Reinnervation nerve conduction studies, 51, 240
axonal lesions, 298 Scleroderma, myopathy in, 354
conduction slowing in, 35 Semimembranosus, 204
in entrapment neuropathy, 261, 262 Semispinalis muscles, 11f
macro EMG findings, 122–125 Semitendinosus, 203
neuromuscular transmission in, 114–115 Sensory nerve action potential
Remyelination, 35 age effects, 60
Renal failure, 327 in axonal degeneration, 298
Repetitive discharge polyphasic fasciculation axon calculations, 77
potentials, 23 conduction block waveforms, 82–83
Repetitive nerve stimulation in critical illness neuromuscular disorders, 369, 370,
abnormal findings, 382–383 371, 372, 373
without neuromuscular transmission deficit, 391 electrode placement for measuring, 44–45, 89
Botulism studies, 390–391 electrophysiology, 37–39
electrode placement, 383–384 entrapment neuropathy assessment, 261, 262, 263
facilitation, 383, 384f filtering technique, 90
Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome studies, 390 in hereditary motor sensory neuropathy type II, 317
medication effects, 385 peripherial neuropathy evaluation, 304, 322
movement artifact in, 384 in radiculopathy, 333
myasthenia gravis evaluation, 387–388 signal averaging, 97
nerve and muscle selection, 380 superficial radial nerve lesion assessment, 281
neuromuscular junction disease evaluation, 377, temporal dispersion effects, 40–41, 77–78, 79f
380–385 ulnar neuropathy assessment, 271–272
patient preparation, 380 Sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs), 22
protocols, 380–382 Sensory nerves
response in critical illness neuromuscular disorders, anatomy, 3
369, 370, 371, 372, 373 axonal loss evaluation, 6t
sources of error in, 383–385 entrapment neuropathy assessment, 260
temperature effects, 384–385 nerve conduction studies
Residual latency, 50 lower body, 247–253
Resistant tennis elbow, 279–281 upper body, 247–253
Resting potential, 31–32 pediatric electrodiagnosis, 60–61
Rheumatoid arthritis, 322 signal latency in nerve conduction studies, 51
Rhomboid major, 152 trunk and lower limb, 16t
Rhomboid minor, 153 Serratus anterior muscle, 153
Riche-Cannieu anastomosis, 14 axillary view, 13f
innervation, 153
S needle placement, 13, 153
Safe practice, 100–102, 133 surface electrode placement, 13
Saltatory conduction, 34 Shielded cable, 88, 90
Salutatory conduction, 34 Shock artifact, 44, 60
Sampling interval/rate, 92–96 Signal averaging, 97–98
Saphenous nerve Signal-processing algorithms, 90
anatomy, 10f Signal to noise ratio
sensory nerve conduction studies, 249 averaging, 97–98
Sarcoid myopathy, 360–361 differential amplification, 88–90
Sartorius muscle, 191 strategies for improving, 87, 88, 97, 102–103
Saturday night palsy, 277 Simple discharges, 23
Saxitoxin, 312 Single-fiber EMG
Scanning EMG application, 106–107, 119–120
indications, 125, 127 critical illness polyneuropathy manifestations, 369
method, 125–127 electrode maintenance, 88
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fiber density studies, 118–119 Surgical complications

jitter studies, 111–113 sciatic neuropathy, 285
macro EMG motor unit potential, 89, 120–122 superficial radial nerve lesions, 281
motor unit estimation, 122–125 Synaptic gutter/cleft, 71–72, 378
neuromuscular junction disease evaluation, 380, Synaptic potential current flows, 74
385–386 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome, 365, 367f,
neuromuscular transmission findings in disease, 370
propagation velocity, 116–118 T
recording zone, 107 Tabes doralis, 321
scanning method, 125–127 Tacrolimus, 310
signal display, 97 Tarsal tunnel
waveforms, 76–77 anatomy, 4f
Sjögren’s syndrome, 321 syndromes, 289–293
Skin Temperature effects
electrode placement technique, 87–88 amplitude change, 45, 46
impedance, 44 on conduction velocity, 45
peroneal nerve sensory distribution, 15f controlling for, 46
temperature control in pediatric assessment, in nerve conduction studies, 45–46, 58, 265
399–400 pediatric electrodiagnosis, 60
Snake toxins, 391 in repetitive nerve stimulation, 384–385
SNAPs. See Sensory nerve action potentials Temporal dispersion effects, 39f, 77–78, 80
Sodium metabolism, 67–68 clinical significance, 39–41
cell membrane electrophysiology, 30, 32–33 definition, 39
endplate electrophysiology, 73 Temporalis, 146
neuropathy related to abnormalities of, Tensor fasciae latae
299, 312 anatomy, 195
Soleus muscle, 209 innervation, 195
Somatosensory evoked potential, radiculopathy needle placement, 195
examination, 338–339 radiculopathy evaluation, 3
Spider bite, 391 Teres major, 155
Spinal cord Teres minor, 158
anatomy, 7f Tetrodotoxon, 312
conduction block waveforms, 83–84 Thalidomide, 322
Spinal muscular atrophy, 402, 406–407, 410 Thick filament myopathy, 370–371
pediatric assessment, 62 Thoracic outlet syndrome, 51
Spinal nerve stimulation, 56–58 Thoracodorsal nerve conduction studies, 220
Spinal stenosis, 347 Tibialis anterior, 198
Spondylitic myelopathy, 263 Tibialis posterior, 206
Sternocleidomastoid muscle, 149 Tibial nerves, 242–246
Steroids, 365–366 anatomy, 4f, 5f
Stimulation, in nerve conduction studies, 48–50 F wave, 244
spinal nerve, 56–58 nerve conduction studies, 242–246, 251
Stimulator, electrical, 98–99 Tinel sign, 260, 264, 268
Superficial fibular nerve, 17 radial nerve lesion evaluations, 281
Superficial peroneal nerve conduction studies, 250 tarsal tunnel syndrome evaluation, 290
Supinator, 161 Tongue muscle, 150
Supramaximal stimulus, 48 electrode placement, 11f
Suprascapular nerve, 219 innervation, 150
Supraspinatus, 154 needle placement, 10, 150
Sural sensory nerve conduction studies, 252–253 Toxic substances
Suramin, 310–311 in critical illness neuromuscular disorder etiology,
Surface electrodes, generally 365–366
current flow recording, 74–75 peripheral neuropathy associated with exposure to,
evoked potential recording, 43, 44 311–312, 315–316, 320
leads and cables, 88 Transmembrane potential, 67–68, 75–76
nerve stimulation, 48 Trapezius muscle, 150
skin contact, 87 Triceps brachii, 162
temporal dispersion effects, 77–78 Triggered signal display, 96–97
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Triorthocresyl-phosphate, 320 Vastus lateralis, 192

Triphasic waveforms, 76–77 Vastus medialis, 192
Trunk, sensory innervation, 16t Vecuronium, 370
Twisted pair leads, 88, 90 Velocity recovery function, 117–118
Vinca alkaloids, 318
U Vincristine, 318, 320
Ulnar dorsal cutaneous sensory nerve conduction Vitamin B12 deficiency, 324
study, 238 Vitamin E deficiency, 321
Ulnar nerve Vocal cords
anastomosis, 14 innervation, 10
anatomy, 274 needle placement, 10
elbow neuropathy, 267–273
entrapment localization in, 262–263 W
F wave latency in, 52–53 Wallerian degeneration, 28, 36–37
nerve conduction studies, 268–272, 274–276 in entrapment neuropathy, 261
to abductor digiti minimi, 225–226 Waveforms
to fifth digit, 237 aliasing effects, 94–96
to first dorsal interosseus, 227 clinical analysis, 80–84
to fourth digit, 234 conduction block evaluation, 81–83
pediatric studies, 60–61 desynchronized impulses, 78–80
wrist neuropathy, 272, 273–276 diphasic, 75–76
Upper body nerve conduction studies electrical device interference, 91
F wave, 228 fiber density studies, 118–119
motor nerves, 215–228 manual measurement, 99–100
sensory nerves, 229–238 rapid change in potential, 90
Upper limb signal display, 96–97
anatomic anomalies, 14 temporal dispersion, 77–78, 80
motor innervation, 4t triphasic, 76–77
nerve root level innervations, 18t Weakness
peripheral nerve innervations, 19t electrodiagnosis, 21
entrapment neuropathy assessment, 260
V myopathy examination, 353
Vagus nerve, vocal cord innervation, 10 West Nile virus, 319
Van der Waals bonding, 30 Wrist, ulnar neuropathy at, 273–276
Vasculitis neuropathy, 322

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