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G.R. No. 185284, June 22, 2009

Accused-appellant Jason Sy was charged before the RTC of San Fernando, Pampangawith illegal sale of
shabu after a buy-bust operation was conducted by police officers against him. For his defense, he tried
to establish a hulidap theory alleging that the police officers abducted him and tried to extort money
from them.

WON presumption of regularity in the performance of an official duty can constitute proof beyond
reasonable doubt

NO. The Court reiterates that the presumption of regularity does not, by itself, constituteproof of guilt
beyond reasonable doubt. It cannot, by itself, support a judgment of conviction.Clearly, the prosecution
must be able to stand or fall on its evidence, for it cannot simply drawstrength from the weakness of the
evidence for the accused.An accused in criminal prosecutions is to be presumed innocent until his guilt
is provenbeyond reasonable doubt.This constitutional guarantee cannot be overthrown unless the
prosecution has established by such quantum of evidence sufficient to overcome this presumptionof
innocence and prove that a crime was committed and that the accused is guilty thereof. Underour
Constitution, an accused enjoys the presumption of innocence. And this presumption prevailsover the
presumption of regularity of the performance of official duty.

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