Appeal For A Green Card

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Appeal for a Green Card :

I had applied for US Green card under EB1 category but my application
got rejected. I have time 20 days left to appeal against this decision.

I calculated for number 149

Time- 19- 27 BST
Place - Manchester ( UK )
Date - 8 - 6 – 2009
Ayanamsa : 23-53-33 + 00-00-22 = 23-53-55.


V 27-31-18 Ven 8-25-08 Mer 1-46-20 VIII 5-49-31

Mar 11-58-28 VII 3-20-00

VI 17-40-32 Sun 24-11-26

IV 29-08-33
Ket 8-39-11
IX 19-10-08
Jup 3-02-48 Dasa balance : Kethu 23-08-2013

III 19-10-08
Rah 8-39-11 Sat 21-27-13
X 29-08-33

XII 17-40-32
II 5-49-31
Mon 5-19-55 Asc 3-20-00 XI 27-31-18

Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

Ket MD: 2006-08-23 - 2013-08-23

Mars AD: 2009-02-21 - 2009-07-23
Ven PD: 2009-06-06 - 2009-07-02
Ven SD: 2009-06-06 - 2009-06-11

XI cusp sub lord is Jupiter. Since the sub lord is Jupiter, a judicious planet one can expect
justice. It is in the constellation of Mars, lord of VI. Hence there is a chance of getting
III cusp sub lord is Mercury. Mercury itself is in VI. Again it is favorable for the native.
But since the sub lord, Mercury is in the constellation of Sun that is a significator of VI as
well as V there should be some obstacle in achieving the goal. It’s so because the
constellation lord of Mercury, that is Sun, is posited in the star of Mars and Mars is owner
of VI but occupies V. So it is favorable but there shall be obstacles.
Dasa lord Kethu represents Saturn. Saturn is lord of IV and posited in IX. This indicates
residing among foreigners. Hence Kethu is favorable.
Bhukti lord Mars owns VI, indicating win over the opposite party ; but it occupies V
negating the event. The Mars is in the sub of Mercury that is lord of XI in VI.. So Mars
should be more favorable than a denial. That shall be in the month of July.
Antra lord is Venus, It is posited in V and owns XII. So it is not favorable. It is in the sub
of Jupiter that owns V the detrimental house. Hence success is not possible during period
of Venus.
During the next antara ruled by Sun one may have success. It’s because it is in the
constellation of Mars that has been already found to be offering success in appeal. Further
Sun is in the sub of Saturn that signifies IV and IX.
Hence Sun will give the desired result.

Dr. Rath.

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