Which Kind of Products-Revolutionise Hawker Centre/food Court!!!!!!

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Product: define in one sentence- people get to try new clothes for free; citymapper-

transport app

Unmade- fully customised garments on standard knitting machines (efficiency problem)

What problem is it trying to solve?

How do you present: designs/demos/MVP not necessary if early, but if you bring they’d

Which kind of products- revolutionise hawker centre/food court!!!!!!

New take on existing product- How Is it different? Vs compare with competitors- different
version of existing product
Is there a market for it then?

New for this market- how to build barriers of entry to your market; how quickly can you

Completely new- why is it not there yet? Anything breakthrough happened recently? Big
companies have done some kind of research for such a product of course there will be a
market for the device if applied

Biz model-
Costs and revenue coming from?

How does it make money- what kinda model? clear assessment criteria needed

Scalability- market size; barriers of entry (how hard it is to get inside)

Cost of acquisition
Industry sales cycle

Business person, preferably with industry knowledge;
Tech partner, eg. developer/engineer if involves new product
in charge of sale/biz dev

discuss rules: HR changes, spectrum of roles, failures and success

startup bootcamp
Clarity; passion; leave a space for everyone to talk a little… during Q*A

Which challenges would you encounter:

Bad answers:
Hiring talented people/ raising capital

Good answers specific to your idea/product:

Cost of acquisition of new users + advertisement
FDA/MHRA approval

Why did you choose this program?

How did you come with your cost/avenue estimates: senior start-ups, higher-ups working
on the marketing

Personal funding in a plus point if the company has already gone through one round and
received some personal funding

1. Incubator and accelerator- residential program, intensive camps; give a basic fee in
exchange for 7% equity; also programs without equity. Certain/many incubators are
associated with business angels and some do a transition over to business angels so
some go to incubators for angels network
University incubators MAY OR MAY NOT be more academic
Some are more particular about industry knowledge

Quite a lot of limitations… but another easier solution:

Crowdfunding- raise money direclt from public. Necessary 10-30% of funding round from
Live product better
Simpler to explain to public

2. Early stage VC: pay more attention to biz model and financial info; check activity on

Industry players- shy away from pdt that disrupt markets

Angels/wealthy kids- check their backgd- eg. wants to see money everyday

How to choose-
Conditions- Equity, Debt? which one is better for the future of compant
Talk with them to check on office hours and etc

Eco – supporting system?

Minimally viable product; minimal feature set; people would buy it

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