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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson-1 The beginning of Civilization
Lesson-2 Indus Valley Civilization
Lesson-3 Vedic Age
Lesson-4 Religious Protest Movement
Lesson-5 Mahajanapadas, Early Dynasties
Lesson-6 Maurya Period
Post Maurya Period (Invasion of Foreigners)
I. Indo-Greeks
Lesson-7 II. Parthians
III. Sakas
IV. Kushanas, etc.
Post Mauryan Period
Lesson-8 V. Sungas
VI. Kanvas, Chedis etc.
Lesson-9 Gupta Age
Post Gupta Age
Lesson-10 I. Harshavardhana
II. Maukharis, Gauda etc.
Lesson-11 Dynasties of Bengal
Lesson-12 The Sangam Age
Lesson-13 The Later Cholas / Imperial Cholas
Lesson-14 Rashtrakut
Lesson-15 Chalukya of Badami / Vatapi
Lesson-16 Western Chalukya of Kalyan
Lesson-17 Eastern Chalukya of Bengi
Lesson-18 Pallava Dynasty
Lesson-19 Later Pandyans and other Small Dynasties
Lesson-20 The Satvahanas
Lesson-21 Muslim Invasions in India
Delhi Sultanate
I. The Slave Dynasty
Lesson-22 II. Khilji Dynasty
III. Tughalq Dynasty
IV. Sayyid Dynasty
V. Lodhi Dynasty
The Provincial Kingdoms
Lesson-23 I. Bengal (Illias Sahi & Hossein Sahi)
II. Bahamani
III. Independent Kingdoms of Deccan
The Vijayangara Dynasty
I. Early Vijayanagara Monarchs
Lesson-24 II. Saluva Dynasty
III. Tuluva Dynasty
IV. Aravidu Dynasty

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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Religious Movement
Lesson-25 I. Bhakti Movement
II. Sufi Movement
The Mughal Empire
Lesson-26 I. Babur
II. Humayun
III. Akbar
The Mughal Empire
Lesson-27 IV. Jahangir
V. Sahjahan
VI. Aurangzeb
Lesson-28 The Later Mughals
Lesson-29 The Maratha Empire
Rise of Regional States
I. Bengal
Lesson-30 II. Awadh
III. Nizams of Hyderabad
IV. Mysore
Rise of Regional States
Lesson-31 V. Punjab
VI. Jatts
VII. Rajputs
Lesson-32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics


Lesson-1 Foreign Invasions
Lesson-2 English Merchantalism
Lesson-3 English Indian Princely States Conflict
Lesson-4 Tribal Uprising
Lesson-5 Deposed Rulers and Zamindars Movement
Lesson-6 Governor Generals of Bengal
Lesson-7 Governor Generals of India
Lesson-8 Viceroys of India
Lesson-9 Development of Education
Lesson-10 Social and Religious Reform Societies
I. Brahmo Samaj
II. Arya Samaj
III. Ramkrishna Mission
Lesson-11 Muslim Reforms Movement
I. Wahabi Movement
II. Faraizi Movement
III. Aligarh Movement
Lesson-12 Socio Religious Reformers
Lesson-13 Sikh Reform Movement

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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson-14 Other Reform Movement

Lesson-15 British Initiatives for Social Reforms
Lesson-16 The Great Revolt of 1857
Lesson-17 Pre-Congress Political Association
Lesson-18 Exploitive Laws after 1857 Revolt

Lesson-19 Indian National Congress

I. Moderate Congress Leaders
II. Extremist Congress Leaders
Lesson-20 All India Muslim League
Lesson-21 Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement (1905-1918)
Lesson-22 Revolutionary Movements outside India
Lesson-23 Ascendancy of Mahatma Gandhi
Lesson-24 Struggle for Independence - Jalianwalabagh Masacare to Simon Commission
Lesson-25 Struggle for Independence - Simon Commission to World War II (1927-1939)
Lesson-26 Struggle for Independence - World War II to Independence (1940-1947)
Lesson-27 Subhas Chandra Bose and INA
Lesson-28 Important Leaders of Swadeshi Movement
Lesson-29 Development of Press in Swadeshi Period
Lesson-30 Trade Union Movement
Lesson-31 Post Independence Events
Lesson-32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics

Lesson-1 Introduction - Formation, Districts, Latitude-Longitude, Administrative Division
Lesson-2 Physiography of West Bengal
Lesson-3 Population of West Bengal
Lesson-4 Rivers of West Bengal
Lesson-5 River Projects and Power Plants
Lesson-6 Soil of West Bengal
Lesson-7 Climate of West Bengal
Lesson-8 Natural Vegetation and Forest Resources of West Bengal
Lesson-9 Agriculture and Irrigation of West Bengal
Lesson-10 Rock Structure and Minerals of West Bengal
Lesson-11 Industries of West Bengal
Lesson-12 Transport and Communication of West Bengal
Lesson-13 INDIA
Introduction - Administrative Divisions, Latitude-Longitude
Lesson-14 Population of India / Census of India
Lesson-15 Physiographic Division of India, Geological Rock Structure of India

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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson-16 Rivers of India, Drainage System

Lesson-17 Multipurpose River Valley Projects and Power Plants
Lesson-18 Lakes and Water Falls
Lesson-19 Soil of India
Lesson-20 Climate of India
Lesson-21 Natural Vegetation and Forest Resources
Lesson-22 Agriculture and Irrigation
Lesson-23 Rock Structure and Minerals
Lesson-24 Industries of India
Lesson-25 Transport and Communication
Lesson-26 Important Theories associated with Landforms
Lesson-27 Settlement Geography
Lesson-28 Contemporary issues of Climate
Lesson-29 WORLD
Overview - Continents, Oceans, Political Division, International Boundaries etc.
Lesson-30 Important Rivers, Waterfalls, Lakes, Desert, Sea and Canals of World
Lesson-31 Important Mountains, Different Tribes, Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest List of
Lesson-32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics

Lesson - 1 Introduction to Indian Constitution, Its background.
Lesson - 2 Preamble & Borrowed features of constitution from different countries.
Lesson - 3 Amendability of the Constitution, Forty-second Amendment.
Lesson - 4 Parts and Schedules of the Constitution.
Lesson - 5 Name and territories of the Union : (Articles 1- 4).
Lesson - 6 More about Articles 1-4.
Lesson - 7 Citizenship : (Articles 5-11).
Lesson - 8 Fundamental Rights.
Lesson - 9 Fundamental Duties.
Lesson - 10 Directive Principles of State Policy
Lesson - 11 The President : His election & Duties.
Lesson - 12 The President : His Powers.
Lesson - 13 The Vice-President Of India.
Lesson - 14 Governors of States
Lesson - 15 Parliament : Its Constitution & Composition.
Lesson - 16 Cabinet & Ministers.
Lesson - 17 Attorney General of India.
Lesson - 18 Comptroller & Auditor General.
Lesson - 19 Supreme Court, Chief Justice of India.
Lesson - 20 State Assembly : Its Constitution & Composition.
Lesson - 21 High Courts.
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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson - 22 Advocate General.

Lesson - 23 Bills & Budgets of Centre & States.
Lesson - 24 All India Services, UPSC.
Lesson - 25 Scheduled Languages.
Lesson - 26 Centre – State Relations.
Lesson - 27 Election Commission.
Lesson - 28 SC-ST & Others : Reservations and Welfare Provisions.
Lesson - 29 Municipality & Panchayat, Three tiers of Panchayati Raj.
Lesson - 30 Union Territories.
Lesson - 31 Committees : Recommendations & Amendments.
Lesson - 32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important

Introduction of Indian Economy
Lesson - 1 Period up to 1793, British Era (1793–1947).
Lesson - 2 Pre-liberalisation period (1947–1991), Post-liberalisation period (since 1991).
Lesson - 3 Various Sectors of Indian Economy.
Lesson - 4 Banking and finance.
Lesson - 5 Foreign trade, Balance of payments, Foreign direct investment.
Lesson - 6 GDP-Calculation of GDP, The Components of GDP.
Lesson - 7 Exports and Imports ,GDP at Current Prices and Constant Prices, GDP at Factor
Lesson - 8 GNP-concept of Gross National Product
NNP-Concept of Net National Product
NDP-Concept of Net Domestic Product.
Lesson - 9 Processes regarding GDP, GNP, NNP, National Income.
Lesson - 10 RBI : Concept, preamble and composition.
Lesson - 11 RBI : Its main functions and developmental roles.
Lesson - 12 RBI : Its emblem and logo, Zonal offices, Currency.
Lesson - 13 Money Market and Financial Market.
Lesson - 14 Capital Market.
Lesson - 15 World Bank, International Monetary Fund.
Lesson - 16 Other International Development Banks / Institutions.
Lesson - 17 Complementary goods.
Lesson - 18 Price elasticity of demand.
Lesson - 19 Unemployment / Under-employment.
Lesson - 20 Five Year Plans. 1st, 2nd and 5th five-year-plans.
Lesson - 21 3rd to 7th five-tear-plans.
Lesson - 22 8th to 12th five-year-plans.
Lesson - 23 Finance Commission.
Lesson - 24 Taxation system in India, Direct taxes.

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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson - 25 Indirect Taxes.

Lesson - 26 GST
Lesson - 27 Fiscal Policy : Objectives and Evaluation.
Lesson - 28 Fiscal Policy : Necessary Reforms.
Lesson - 29 Government Expenditure and Subsidies.
Lesson - 30 Types of market structure—Perfect competition
Lesson - 31 Monopoly and Oligopoly
Lesson - 32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics

Lesson - 1 Atomic structure, Radioactivity.
Lesson - 2 Electromagnetic Wave, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear-reactor.
Lesson - 3 Reflection & Refraction of light, Human eye : Defects & Remedies.
Lesson - 4 Acid, Base & Salt : Properties.
Lesson - 5 Boyle's Law, Charle's Law, Avagadro's Hypothesis, Gas & Real gas.
Lesson - 6 Heat : Nature & Transmission, Specific heat, Thermal expansion.
Lesson - 7 Static Electricity, Current Electricity, Resistance, Electrolytes, Electroplating.
Lesson - 8 General Pattern of Arrangement of elements, Periodic Table.
Lesson - 9 Melting point & Boiling point, Metals, Non-Metal & Metalloids. Magnets.
Lesson - 10 Sound wave & velocity, Temperature, Humidity.
Lesson - 11 Gravitation, Elasticity, Hydrostatics, Surface Tension, Viscosity
Lesson - 12 Aluminium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Copper - their ores, properties & Alloys.
Lesson - 13 Sources, Uses & Chemical formula of different organic compounds.
Lesson - 14 Explosives.
Lesson - 15 Photosynthesis-properties, light & dark reaction,C3,C4,CAM cycles
Lesson - 16 DNA & RNA.
Lesson - 17 Cell division-mitosis, meiosis, cell cycle-G1,S,G2
Lesson - 18 Human digestive system, Digestive glands and Digestive enzymes.
Lesson - 19 Human nervous system -- important parts and functions
Lesson - 20 Carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats.
Lesson - 21 Human diseases -- diseases caused by virus, bacteria & protozoa
Lesson - 22 Human blood : RBC, WBC, PLATELATES, blood clotting, blood group, Rh-factor
Lesson - 23 Hormones-endocrine, exocrine glands, function of animal and plant hormones
Lesson - 24 Global warming, Green house gases, CFC, Methane, Ozone layer.
Lesson - 25 Biodiversity -- genetic, ecological & species diversity.
Lesson - 26 Bio-gas, Crude oil, Fertilizers & Pesticides.
Lesson - 27 Ecosystem-types, Ecological pyramid, Nitrogen fixation.
Lesson - 28 Pollution-acid rain, smog, aerosol, water bloom, minamata disease, fluorosis.
Lesson - 29 Movement & locomotion (plants & animals).

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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson - 30 Plant kingdom (algae, fungi, bryophyte, pteridophyta, gymnosperm, angiosperm)

Lesson - 31 Animal kingdom-brief idea
Lesson - 32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics...

Lesson-1 Verbs & Voice, Letter Writing - 1
Lesson-2 Moods, Précis Writing - 1
Lesson-3 Tense, Miscellaneous Test - 1
Lesson-4 Adverb, Translation (Bengali to English - 1)
Lesson-5 Conjunction, Report Writing - 1
Lesson-6 Prepositions, Miscellaneous Test -2
Lesson-7 Essay Writing - 1, Miscellaneous Test - 3
Lesson-8 Narration, Dialogue Writing - 1
Lesson-9 Idioms Test - 1 & 2, Expansion Writing - 1
Lesson-10 Vocabulary Test - 1, Précis Writing - 2
Lesson-11 Noun + Adjective + Pronoun, Letter Writing - 2
Lesson-12 Degrees of Comparison, Précis Writing- 3
Lesson-13 Uses of Adjectives & Pronoun, Report Writing - 2
Lesson-14 Article & Test - 4, Comprehension Test - 1
Lesson-15 Comprehension Test - 2, Expansion Writing -2
Lesson-16 Translation (Bengali to English - 2), Miscellaneous Test - 4
Lesson-17 Expansion Writing - 3 & 4, Dialogue Writing - 2
Lesson-18 Participle & Gerund, Miscellaneous Test - 5
Lesson-19 Report Writing - 3, Vocabulary Test - 2
Lesson-20 Essay Writing - 2, Miscellaneous Test - 6
Lesson-21 Translation (Bengali to English - 3), Letter Writing - 3 & 4
Lesson-22 Dialogue Writing - 3 & 4, Miscellaneous Test - 7
Lesson-23 Précis Writing - 4, Report Writing - 3
Lesson-24 Comprehension Test - 3, One Word Substitution Test - 1
Lesson-25 Essay Writing - 3, Vocabulary Test - 3
Lesson-26 Report Writing - 4, One Word Substitution Test - 2
Lesson-27 Comprehension Test - 4, Translation (Bengali to English - 4)
Lesson-28 Dialogue Writing - 4, Essay Writing - 4
Lesson-29 FULL TEST - 1
Lesson-30 FULL TEST - 2
Lesson-31 FULL TEST - 3
Lesson-32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics

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Jadavpur : 5/2, Central Road, Kolkata-700032, Ph.24187224, Mob-9433267091, Dum Dum : 42/3, Sneha Bhawan, Dum Dum, Kolkata - 700 074, Ph.25483118, M : 9748326310

Lesson-1 Number System, LCM & HCF, Practice Set-1
Lesson-2 Simplification, Practice Set-2
Lesson-3 Analogy and Classification
Lesson-4 Coding-Decoding
Lesson-5 Average, Practice Set-3
Lesson-6 Percentage, Practice Set-4
Lesson-7 Ratio & Proportion, Practice Set-5
Lesson-8 Ranking & Time Sequence
Lesson-9 Direction Sense
Lesson-10 Miscellaneous Set - 1
Lesson-11 Profit & Loss, Practice Set-6
Lesson-12 Simple Interest, Practice Set-7
Lesson-13 Compound Interest, Practice Set-8
Lesson-14 Mensuration, Practice Set-9
Lesson-15 Alphabet & Position
Lesson-16 Blood Relations
Lesson-17 Miscellaneous Set - 2
Lesson-18 Alligation of Mixture, Practice Set-10
Lesson-19 Partnership, Practice Set-10A
Lesson-20 Boat & Stream, Practice Set-11
Lesson-21 Cube & Dice, Venn Diagram
Lesson-22 Non Verbal
Lesson-23 Miscellaneous Set - 3
Lesson-24 Time & Work, Practice Set-12
Lesson-25 Pipe & Cistern, Practice Set-12A
Lesson-26 Time & Distance, Practice Set-13
Lesson-27 Number Series -1
Lesson-28 Number Series -2
Lesson-29 FULL TEST - 1
Lesson-30 FULL TEST - 2
Lesson-31 FULL TEST - 3
Lesson-32 Miscellaneous.
General idea, discussion, exam related critical questions, some important topics.

1. Mock Tests are held at regular intervals.
2. Notes and lessons on Bengali (Compulsory Paper) are not mentioned here.
3. Note on Current Affairs are given every month separately.
4. Optional papers we offered : Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, History and Bengali.
5. This Syllabus is tentative. The institute may add/alter the lessons as per their prudence.

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