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A cut where objects or characters appear to jump beca use the shots are so similar. Technically, this is due to the camera angles cf the n/lO shots
being less than 30° aparto
Using jump cuts in
lovemaking scenes
has reached cliché
status, which is
mocked in this film
as Jean-Do lets his
imagination carry
him away.

The Diving Bell

ond the Butterfly

Jump cuts are disorienting by nature; they counter con- .C- . ~,:,=-.,-: pI . . . ~
tinuity and shaft seamless editing. This is why they were
spurned by Hollywood and traditional USo filmmakers
for decades. In the 1950s and 1960s, French New Wave
directors famously embraced jump cuts and they were
then taken up by independent USo filmmakers, Nowadays
jump cuts are accepted, used, and appreciated for what
they bring to movies: Few action scenes, horror movies,
video games, and music videos exist without them.
" é
William Chang, who edited Red Dust, Ashes cfTíme,
In the MoodJor Love, and other films, sta tes that, "A movie,
by its nature, has to economize the usage of time to tell a
story. 1 view a jump cut like any other cut - its function
is to economize."

54 » film editing » gael chandler

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