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Research Paper Pattern 4 Outline

THESIS: ​The environment of zoos and aquariums are beneficial because they are a safe habitat for exotic animals,
a great educational opportunity for visitors and scientists, and a place to expand animals’ lifespans.

I. First Main Point: Exhibits provide exotic animals with a safer habitat than the wild.
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Many believe the wild is a better place for animals because zoos and aquariums do not
provide the proper lifestyle the animals need at effective costs with enough contributions
to research to provide the correct living environment.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Zoos are viewed as a violation of animal rights by many, and due to this belief
zoos are considering releasing their animals into the wild.
(2) The artificial environment in zoos is misleading and outdated. The exhibits need
to be updated and changed to better the environment.
(3) Zoos can be effective at lower costs and more contribution.
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. The reality is that zoos are updating their environments to better the lives of animals and do all
that they can to take good care of their animals and ensure their well-being.
a) Supporting details
(1) Facility updates
(2) Feeding
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. There have been many updates made to what zoos have become in this day and age, all for the
better of the lives of animals.
a) Supporting details
(1) Change due to discoveries
(2) Remove predator/prey aspect
II. Second Main Point: Zoos and aquariums provide the best educational experience for visitors and allow for
researching on exotic animals.
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Although some may agree that the environments may not be harmful to the animals, it is also
argued that zoos teach the wrong concept to children and is not beneficial educational wise.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) The captive animals teach children the wrong idea about animals.
(2) The research gained from zoos doesn’t provide realistic information because the
animals aren’t in their natural habitat.
(3) Most don’t read all information provided at exhibits anyways
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. On the other hand, zoos provide a human and animal learning interaction that would be
unachievable in any other way.
a) Supporting details
(1) Human/animal interaction
(2) Exciting and entertaining while being educational at the same time
C. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. Sometimes the education about animals is not only obtained from the reading blurbs around the
animal’s exhibit.
a) Supporting details
(1) Studies on interaction
(2) Exhibit information
D. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. The display of animals and information provided at each exhibit creates a better understanding
of the animal and how it interacts in its natural state.
a) Supporting details
(1) Illnesses and diseases
(2) Endangered species
(3) Behaviors
III. Third Main Point: Animals living in zoos live a longer life.
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. No matter what evidence can be provided, there are always going to be individuals who believe
that all exotic animals held within zoos should be living in the wild because they believe that
zoos unnecessarily limit the lifespan of animals.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Wild animals belong in the wild. ---Harambee
(2) Zookeepers and the environment were the cause of death to last living animals.
(3) Many animals that are held in zoos would not be able to survive if released back
into the wild.
B. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. Although releasing these animals into the wild may cause more issues, animals that are held
within the zoos are claimed to never be able to hold their own weight if released back into the
a) Supporting details
(1) Taken animals in from natural disasters
(2) Endangered animals
C. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. Although people believe that animals belong in the wild, animals in a zoo live longer lives
because their needs are cared for.
a) Supporting details
(1) Bettering food options
(2) Limiting prey aspect of the wild
(3) Multiple daily check-ins
D. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. Zoos also allow scientists the ability to better understand and study the animals to heal injuries,
prevent diseases, and medicate illnesses.
a) Supporting details
(1) Injured animals
(2) Ill animals
(3) rehibilitation

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