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Presentador: Good evening this is C&A News we are transmitting from Cali, the Greets ¨Carolina

Today is Friday 15 March, 2019

We are going to start with a news what have caught the attention in these days the population
from Italy are worried for the conservation de pisa´s tower.

This Wednesday the tower presented a strong lean the attendant engineers are taking the
corresponding measures for this situation.

In the same way the people say that this started when a month ago the Italy government become
the tower in a hotel.

A lot people wasn’t happy with this decision and the protests stared.

Let’s go with Stephany she is in Italy’s studio , she will give us me information.

Hello Stephany How are you?.

Reportero : Hello Carolina fine thanks.

Good evening viewers, yesterday in Italy happen a situation with a strong lean in the pisa’s tower.
The investigation show that this happen because of a fail in the structure in the tower. The
foudations of the structure is not good.

In the same way the investigadors have commented about the constant movement, that has had
the pisa’s tower .They said this is because don’t have control about the entrance and the exit of
people in the pisa’s tower hotel.

In this moment I am in videoconference with two attendant investigators. Mrs Javier Ruiz is a civil
engineer, he is going to give us his opinion about the situation in focus in his area, and Miss Julissa
Herrera is a visual artis, she is going to give us her opinion too.

Reportero: Good evening Mr. Javier How are you?.

Javier: fine, thank you.

Reportero: Tell us about the situation in the pisa’s tower.

Javier: (Acá va lo que se va explicar)

Reportero: Thank for your explication Mr. Javier . Now we are going to heard the opinion of Miss
Julissa. Hello Julissa. How are you?.
Julissa: Hello Stephany, fine.

Reportero: Julissa give us a little introduction about the history of the pisa’s tower.

Julissa: (Acá va la introducción)

Reportero: This is very interesting! Thank for this introduction, but now I have a question for you,
what is your professional opinion about the pisa’s tower like a hotel?.

Julissa: (Acá va la opinión)

Reportero: Thank for your opinion, thank you both for your explication and see you later, we hope
to the situation get better, come back with you Carolina in the studio.

Presentador: Now that you know the details about the new, you can give us your opinions in our
internet page. Thank you for watch us, and have a good day.

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