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Baroid fluids handbook

Revised August 1, 1997 5-6

Determine the whole-mud alkalinity and lime content of
an oil-based mud (OBM) or synthetics.
UnitmLExampleAlkalinity = 1.8 mL of 0.1N (N/10) sulfuric acid solution
C 500-mL Erlenmeyer flask with a rubber stopper or
a pint jar with a lid
C 3-mL disposable syringe
C 50-mL graduated cylinder
C 250-mL graduated cylinder
C Two 1-mL pipettes
C Two 5-mL pipettes
C Arcosol PNP solvent ®
Note: If the solvent is not available, the base fluid
can be used.
C Distilled water
Note: If distilled water is not available,
nondistilled water can be used. The pH of the
water must be approximately 7.
C Phenolphthalein indicator solution
C 0.1N (N/10) sulfuric acid solution
C 0.1N (N/10) sodium hydroxide
Procedure1. Collect a drilling fluid sample.
2. Measure 100 mL of Arcosol PNP solvent into theErlenmeyer flask.
3. Add 1.0 mL of the fluid sample to the Erlenmeyerflask using the syringe.
4. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously.
5. Add 200 mL of distilled water and 10 to 15 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution to the flask.
6. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously for a
minimum of two minutes.
7. Allow the phases to separate.
If... Then...
A pink color develops and remains, Go to Step 8.
A pink color does not develop, Alkalinity is zero. Go to Step 16.
8. Add 3 mL of sulfuric acid solution to the flask
using the 5-mL pipette.
9. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously.
10. Allow the phases to separate.
If... Then...
The solution remains pink, Go to Step 11.
The solution turns colorless, Go to Step 12.
11. Continue to add sulfuric acid solution in 3-mL
increments until the pink color disappears.
Note: Shake the solution after each addition of
sulfuric acid.
12. Record the volume of sulfuric acid used in mL.
13. Back titrate with sodium hydroxide using the 1-mL
pipette until the pink color first reappears and
Baroid fluids handbook
Note: Shake the solution after each addition of
sodium hydroxide. Add sodium hydroxide only
until the pink color reappears.
14. Record the volume of sodium hydroxide used in
15. Calculate alkalinity.
Alkalinity = mL N/10 sulfuric acid - mL N/10
sodium hydroxide
16. Calculate excess lime pounds per barrel of mud.
Excess lime, lb/bbl = 1.3 × alkalinity
Field tests
Retort analysis Objective
Determine the liquid and solids content of a drilling
Percent by volume
Liquid content % vol = 80%
C Complete retort kit
C JP volumetric receiver
C Fine steel wool
C High temperature lubricant
C Pipe cleaners
C Putty knife or spatula with blade
1. Collect a fluid sample and cool it to approximately
80°F (27°C).
2. Pack the upper retort chamber with very fine steel
Baroid fluids handbook
Revised August 1, 1997 5-74
3. Lubricate the threads on the sample cup and
condenser with a light coating of
lubricating/antiseizing compound.
Note: This will prevent vapor loss through the
threads and also facilitate disassembly of the
equipment and cleanup at the end of the test.
4. Fill the retort sample cup with gas-free mud.
Note: Any trapped air will cause false readings.
5. Place the lid on the retort cup; rotate the lid slowly.
Note: Make sure some of the test sample is expelled
through the vent hole on the lid.
6. Wipe off any excess mud and screw the retort
sample cup into the upper retort chamber.
7. Place the retort in the insulator block and put the
insulator cover in place.
8. Place the volumetric receiver under the drain of the
9. Heat the sample until the liquid stops coming out
through the condenser drain tube, or until the pilot
light goes out on the thermostatically controlled
Note: This usually takes 45 to 60 minutes.
10. Remove the volumetric receiver and examine the
liquid recovered.
Oil fraction' 100 × %by vol oil/synthetic
%by vol oil/synthetic%%by vol water
Field tests
If... Then...
Solids are in the liquid, Whole mud has boiled over from the
sample cup and the test must be
An emulsion band exists, Warm the volumetric receiver slowly to
120°F (49°C).
11. Allow the volumetric receiver to cool to
approximately 80°F (27°C).
12. Read and record the volumes of oil, or synthetic
and water in the volumetric receiver.
13. Calculate % by volume of the liquid and solid
components of the fluid.
a. % by volume water = mL water × 10
b. % by volume oil/synthetic = mL oil/synthetic ×
c. % by volume total solids = 100 - % by volume
water - % by volume oil/synthetic
14. Calculate the oil:water (OWR) ratio or
synthetic:water (SWR) ratio if the fluid is an oilbased
or synthetic mud.
Water fraction = 100 - oil/synthetic fraction
OWR = oil fraction:water fraction
SWR =synthetic fraction:water fraction
ASG ' (mud density, lb/gal) (11.98) & (%by vol oil)(sg oil) & (%by volume brine) (sg
% by volume undissolved solids
%LGS ' (sg wt mtl & ASG)
(sg wt mtl& sg of the LGS)
x 100
Baroid fluids handbook
Revised August 1, 1997 5-76
15. Calculate % by volume undissolved solids.
% by vol undissolved solids = % by vol total solids
- % by vol dissolved solids
Note: For calculation of dissolved solids in oilbased
or synthetic fluids, see the water-phase
salinity calculations. For water-based fluids, see
the chloride content calculations.
16. Calculate % by vol brine.
% by vol brine = % by volume water + % by
volume dissolved solids
17. Calculate average specific gravity of solids (ASG).
Note: For oil-based muds, see the water-phase salinity
calculations for brine density sg. For water-based
muds, see the chloride content calculations for brine
18. Calculate % by volume low-gravity solids (LGS).
19. Calculate lb/bbl of LGS.
lb/bbl LGS = % LGS × sg of the LGS × 3.505
Field tests
20. Calculate % by volume high gravity solids (weight
% by vol weight material = % by vol undissolved
solids - % by vol LGS
21. Calculate lb/bbl weight material.
lb/bbl high gravity solids (weight material) = %
weight material × sg of the weight material ×
Baroid fluids handbook
Revised August 1, 1997 5-6
Determine the whole-mud alkalinity and lime content of
an oil-based mud (OBM) or synthetics.
Alkalinity = 1.8 mL of 0.1N (N/10) sulfuric acid
C 500-mL Erlenmeyer flask with a rubber stopper or
a pint jar with a lid
C 3-mL disposable syringe
C 50-mL graduated cylinder
C 250-mL graduated cylinder
C Two 1-mL pipettes
C Two 5-mL pipettes
C Arcosol PNP solvent ®
Note: If the solvent is not available, the base fluid
can be used.
C Distilled water
Note: If distilled water is not available,
nondistilled water can be used. The pH of the
water must be approximately 7.
C Phenolphthalein indicator solution
C 0.1N (N/10) sulfuric acid solution
C 0.1N (N/10) sodium hydroxide
1. Collect a drilling fluid sample.
2. Measure 100 mL of Arcosol PNP solvent into the
Erlenmeyer flask.
Field tests
3. Add 1.0 mL of the fluid sample to the Erlenmeyer
flask using the syringe.
4. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously.
5. Add 200 mL of distilled water and 10 to 15 drops
of phenolphthalein indicator solution to the flask.
6. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously for a
minimum of two minutes.
7. Allow the phases to separate.
If... Then...
A pink color develops and remains, Go to Step 8.
A pink color does not develop, Alkalinity is zero. Go to Step 16.
8. Add 3 mL of sulfuric acid solution to the flask
using the 5-mL pipette.
9. Stopper the flask and shake vigorously.
10. Allow the phases to separate.
If... Then...
The solution remains pink, Go to Step 11.
The solution turns colorless, Go to Step 12.
11. Continue to add sulfuric acid solution in 3-mL
increments until the pink color disappears.
Note: Shake the solution after each addition of
sulfuric acid.
12. Record the volume of sulfuric acid used in mL.
13. Back titrate with sodium hydroxide using the 1-mL
pipette until the pink color first reappears and
Baroid fluids handbook
Note: Shake the solution after each addition of
sodium hydroxide. Add sodium hydroxide only
until the pink color reappears.
14. Record the volume of sodium hydroxide used in
15. Calculate alkalinity.
Alkalinity = mL N/10 sulfuric acid - mL N/10
sodium hydroxide
16. Calculate excess lime pounds per barrel of mud.
Excess lime, lb/bbl = 1.3 × alkalinity
Measure the electrical stability of an oil-based or
synthetic drilling fluid.
Volts (V)
Electrical stability = 1,500 V
C Fann model 23D electrical stability tester
C 12-mesh screen or Marsh funnel
C Thermometer: 32 to 220°F (0 to 104°C)
C Heating cup
1. Collect a drilling fluid sample.
2. Pour the sample through the 12-mesh screen or
Marsh funnel.
3. Use the heating cup to adjust the temperature of the
fluid to 120°F (49°C).
4. Immerse the probe in the sample with the tester
turned off. Ensure the fluid covers the electrode
5. Stir the sample with the probe for 15 to 30 seconds.
6. Turn the electrical stability tester on and press the
Test button to start the test.
Field tests
Retort analysis Objective
Determine the liquid and solids content of a drilling
Percent by volume
Liquid content % vol = 80%
C Complete retort kit
C JP volumetric receiver
C Fine steel wool
C High temperature lubricant
C Pipe cleaners
C Putty knife or spatula with blade
1. Collect a fluid sample and cool it to approximately
80°F (27°C).
2. Pack the upper retort chamber with very fine steel
3. Lubricate the threads on the sample cup and
condenser with a light coating of
lubricating/antiseizing compound.
Note: This will prevent vapor loss through the
threads and also facilitate disassembly of the
equipment and cleanup at the end of the test.
4. Fill the retort sample cup with gas-free mud.
Note: Any trapped air will cause false readings.
5. Place the lid on the retort cup; rotate the lid slowly.
Note: Make sure some of the test sample is expelled
through the vent hole on the lid.
6. Wipe off any excess mud and screw the retort
sample cup into the upper retort chamber.
7. Place the retort in the insulator block and put the
insulator cover in place.
8. Place the volumetric receiver under the drain of the
9. Heat the sample until the liquid stops coming out
through the condenser drain tube, or until the pilot
light goes out on the thermostatically controlled
Note: This usually takes 45 to 60 minutes.
10. Remove the volumetric receiver and examine the
liquid recovered

11. Allow the volumetric receiver to cool to

approximately 80°F (27°C).
12. Read and record the volumes of oil, or synthetic
and water in the volumetric receiver.
13. Calculate % by volume of the liquid and solid
components of the fluid.
a. % by volume water = mL water × 10
b. % by volume oil/synthetic = mL oil/synthetic ×10
c. % by volume total solids = 100 - % by volume
water - % by volume oil/synthetic
14. Calculate the oil:water (OWR) ratio or
synthetic:water (SWR) ratio if the fluid is an oilbased
or synthetic mud.
Water fraction = 100 - oil/synthetic fraction
OWR = oil fraction:water fraction
SWR =synthetic fraction:water fraction
15. Calculate % by volume undissolved solids.
% by vol undissolved solids = % by vol total solids
- % by vol dissolved solids
Note: For calculation of dissolved solids in oilbased
or synthetic fluids, see the water-phase
salinity calculations. For water-based fluids, see
the chloride content calculations.
16. Calculate % by vol brine.
% by vol brine = % by volume water + % by
volume dissolved solids
17. Calculate average specific gravity of solids (ASG).

Note: For oil-based muds, see the water-phase salinity

calculations for brine density sg. For water-based
muds, see the chloride content calculations for brine
18. Calculate % by volume low-gravity solids (LGS).

19. Calculate lb/bbl of LGS.

lb/bbl LGS = % LGS × sg of the LGS × 3.505
20. Calculate % by volume high gravity solids (weight
% by vol weight material = % by vol undissolved
solids - % by vol LGS
21. Calculate lb/bbl weight material.
lb/bbl high gravity solids (weight material) = %
weight material × sg of the weight material ×3.505

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