Egyptian Inventions PDF

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Name: Justine Higgins

Content Area: History

Grade Level: 3

Lesson Length: 20-30 Minutes

For each section, refer to the Lesson Plan Rubric for more information about what to include.

Contextual Information and Rationale

Provide background information about the content lesson, including why it is important for students to learn, why it is relevant for their
lives, and how this lesson fits into a broader sequence of learning.

In this unit, students will study ancient China and ancient Egypt and how these societies influenced the present world. In this lesson
specifically, students will focus on ancient Egypt and the inventions of this culture (and how these inventions influenced the modern

This lesson will ask students to study inventions of ancient Egyptian and gather facts regarding this topic. After, students will each pick
one invention from ancient Egyptian culture and share with the rest of the small group how it influenced our society today.

I selected ancient Egyptian inventions to discuss in terms of the development of inventions and society. This is important for students
to learn as it will help build a base of knowledge for the rest of the ancient China and Egypt unit. This is relevant to students lives as it
allows them to dive deep into an ancient culture that they may not know much about, advancing their global relations and knowledge
of cultures other than their own. This lesson fits into a broader sequence of learning because it helps students tackle a piece of the unit
(ancient Egypt and inventions). This will also expand this skill of making connections across time and culture (relating ancient Egypt
inventions to the modern society we live in today).

The five students I will be teaching during these lessons are all female and Caucasian. One student does struggle with anxiety, so she
wished to not be filmed during the lesson.
Lesson Objectives
State and/or National Standards: Learning Targets:

Skills Know:
3.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical • Students will know how to get to
thinking, geographical analysis, economic decision • Students will know how to summarize materials regarding
making, and responsible citizenship by their invention
d) summarizing points and evidence to answer a • Students will know how to share these ideas to the small
question; group
• Students will search for an ancient Egyptian invention on
3.2 The student will explain how the contributions of and choose whatever one they like the most (as
ancient China and Egypt have influenced the present
long as no other student picked it) and it is still used in
world in terms of architecture, inventions, the calendar,
society today
and written language.
• Students will choose one invention to focus on
• Students will describe what invention they choose and
how this invention influenced our modern society on a
piece of poster board
• Students will draw a picture of their invention (if they
finish their poster early enough)
• Students will share their poster with the rest of the small

• Students will understand how ancient Egyptian inventions
influenced our modern society by making connections
across time and place
Assessment Descriptions: Criteria: Describe how students will Use of Assessment: Describe the feedback
Describe how you will assess students. demonstrate mastery. you will provide, potential plans for
adjusting instruction, etc.
After explaining the activity to the Students will demonstrate mastery by
students, I will give them 15 (or so) choosing an invention from ancient I will do a midway check during the activity
minutes to choose an invention and make Egyptian culture, and presenting this to see if any students are not meeting the
a quick poster about how this ancient invention to the class. On their poster, the expectations for the activity. If that
Egyptian invention helps modern day student will draw a picture of their happens, I will stop to provide the student
society. I will assess them on whether or invention (if they finish the rest of their with one-on-one help so that they can
not they completed the assignment, if they poster early) and include a description of overcome whatever issue they are having
chose an invention from the right era / how the invention they chose helps the and continue on to finish the activity in the
group, and if they included a description on modern society we live in today. allotted time.
their poster of how this invention helped
our society. If they have time, I will
encourage them to draw a creative picture
of their invention to “spice up” their
Use the columns below to detail what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the lesson, as well as the materials, resources,
and technology that will be used. You are encouraged to divide your plan into sections based on the instructional model you are using.
For example, a gradual release plan may include sections such as “I do,” “we do,” “you do together,” and “you do alone.”

Be sure to refer to the lesson plan rubric for specific information as to how you will be assessed.
Teacher: Student: Materials, Resources, and Technology:
• Personal laptops for research
Introduction to Activity Introduction to Activity • Poster
• I will describe to the students what • Students will listen as I describe the • Pens
they will be doing during this activity and raise their hands once I • Markers
lesson, and then answer any ask if anyone needs clarification. • Crayons
questions or clarify the assignment
if any students need me to
• For example: “Since we are still
working on ancient Egyptian
inventions, today we are going to Activity
focus on inventions from that era • Each student will research ancient
that we still use today! We will be Egyptian inventions and choose one
looking for inventions that we still invention to focus on. Once they
use today on, and once choose an invention, they will raise
you find one that interests you, you their hand to get their invention
will make a poster about the approved by me
invention to present to the rest of • For the next 15 minutes, students
the group” will make a “poster” to present
their invention to the small group,
where they will discuss how their
Activity invention helps the modern world
• I will ask students to research today
ancient Egyptian inventions and
choose one to focus on for their
presentation. Once they chose an
invention, I will approve them
before they work on their posters
• For the next 15 minutes, I will ask
students to make a “poster” to
present their invention to the small
group, where they will discuss how
their invention helps the modern
world today

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