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Assessment Plan

Topic: Team Handball

Teachers: Morgan Bloyer and Kay Kay Martinez
I. Formative Assessments:
a. Psychomotor Pre/Post Assessment:
1. National Standards: ​Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a
variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
2. National Grade Level Outcome(s): ​Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity-specific
movement skills in 2 or more lifetime activities (outdoor pursuits, individual-performance
activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games).(S1.H1.L1)
3. Colorado Standards: ​Standard 1: Movement Competence and Understanding in Physical
a. Combine and apply movement patterns from simple to complex to participate successfully in
aquatic, rhythms/dance, combatives, outdoor adventure activities, and variety of lifelong sports
and games (DOK 1-3)
4. District Standards:
5. Unit/lesson objectives:​ ESWBAT demonstrate correct cues for the three skills: overhead pass,
catching, and chest pass during the small sided games of handball.
6. Overview/Description of the Assessment Task (Activity in which the assessment is set):
Students will be participating in a small sided game of handball with a team of 4-5 other students.
7. Context of Administration of Assessment (When, where, and how is it implemented in the
lesson): ​On October 15th, 2018 at Greeley Central High School, in the main gym, the students
will participate in a pre-psychomotor assessment. While the students are participating in a small
sided game of handball, the teachers will assess by using the rubric below. The students will not
be aware of the assessment occuring. The post assessment will be implemented into the
summative assessment.
8. How does this assess the psychomotor domain? ​The psychomotor domain refers to the physical
aspects of learning. This assesses what students are able to do after they have learned the cues for
the three main skills used in team handball: overhead pass, catching, and chest pass. If they are
able to follow the cues on their own then they are demonstrating that they are able to perform that
motor activity.
9. Assessment tool administration and scoring directions (explain so a substitute teacher could
do it): ​While students are participating in the small sided game of handball, walk around with the
gradebook roster below on a clipboard with a pencil. While walking around the gym look for the
cues numbered below; if the students are performing 0-1 out of the 3 cues consistently they would
earn a 1, 1-2 cues earns a 2 and 2-3 cues earns a 3.
10. Rubric/Assessment Tool (create below):

b. Cognitive Formative Assessment

1. National Standards: ​Standard 2:​ ​The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
2. National Grade Level Outcome(s): ​Uses strategies and tactics effectively during game play in
net/wall and/or target games. (S2.H5.L1)
3. Colorado Standards: ​Standard 1. Movement Competence and Understanding in Physical
b. Explain and demonstrate offensive, defensive and transitional strategies in lifelong
sports and games. (Level 1)
4. District Standards:
5. Unit/lesson objectives: ​ESWBAT know different tactics to improve their game/ team handball
when assessed with plickers during closure.
6. Overview/Description of the Assessment Task (Activity in which the assessment is set):
Students will participate in a normal game of team handball.
7. Context of Administration of Assessment (When, where, and how is it implemented in the
lesson): ​On October 24th, 2018 at Greeley Central High School, in the main gym, the students
will be assessed on their knowledge of strategies/ tactics of team handball. Before the end of
class, students will use plickers to answer questions about the strategies/tactics.
8. How does this assess the cognitive domain? ​The cognitive domain is the mental skills that the
students have. These questions assess whether or not they can identify what the cues for these
team handball strategies/tactics. This is to know not just if they can perform the cue but,
understand it and recognize it.
9. Assessment tool administration and scoring directions (explain so a substitute teacher could
do it): ​The students will be given their plickers that are assigned to them. The students should be
reminded about how to hold the Pickers to achieve the answers that they are wanting. The
students will be standing in a U shape form. The teacher will hold up two papers: one with the
question and one with the answer. The teacher will continue holding up the answer paper while
beginning to scan the students answers. This will happen for each question. Once all of the
questions are answered they the students will place their plickers in a pile in the center for
10. Rubric/Assessment Tool (create below):
Plicker Questions:
1. What is the first cue for an overhand pass?
a. Follow through
b. Arm behind head
c. Shoulder to target
2. What is the first cue you should do to block a shot?
a. Reaching to the sky
b. Ready position
c. Jump after shooter jumps
3. How many steps can you take in handball?
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
1. C
2. B
3. B
c. Affective Formative Assessment
1. National Standards: ​Standard 4:The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal
and social behavior that respects self and others.
2. National Grade Level Outcome(s): ​Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork
while engaging in physical activity and/or social dance. (S4.H2.L1)
Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
3. Colorado Standards: ​Standard 3: Social Emotional Wellness
d. Demonstrate collaboration, cooperation, and leadership skills
f. Implement cooperative learning strategies to achieve group goals
4. District Standards:
5. Unit/lesson objectives: ​ESWBAT cooperatively work with their team during game play.
6. Overview/Description of the Assessment Task (Activity in which the assessment is set):
Students will participate in four corner team handball. Students groups will be mixed up after
every round to work on team cooperation and communication with others.
7. Context of Administration of Assessment (When, where, and how is it implemented in the
lesson): ​On October 26th at Greeley Central High School, in the main gym, the students will be
assessed on how they felt they participated with their teammates and classmates. Before the end
of class, the students will use Plickers to answer the questions listed below.
8. How does this assess the affective domain? ​These questions measure the state of the students’
social and personal behaviors.
9. Assessment tool administration and scoring directions (explain so a substitute teacher could
do it): ​The students will be given their plickers that are assigned to them. The students should be
reminded about how to hold the Pickers to achieve the answers that they are wanting. The
students will be standing in a U shape form. The teacher will hold up two papers: one with the
question and one with the answer. The teacher will continue holding up the answer paper while
beginning to scan the students answers. This will happen for each question. Once all of the
questions are answered they the students will place their plickers in a pile in the center for

10. Rubric/Assessment Tool (create below):

Criteria 3 2 1

Communication Consistently Sometimes Rarely to never

communicates with communicates with communicates with
classmates. classmates. classmates.

Team Work Consistently working Sometimes works with Rarely to never works
with team team with team

Engagement Consistently engaged Sometimes engaged Rarely to never

and participating and participating engaged and

1. Did ​you​ communicate with your team?

a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. No
2. Did ​your team​ use a specific strategy or tactic?
a. Yes
b. Kind of
c. No
3. Did ​you​ participate with your team?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No
4. Were ​you​ engaged in the four corner handball game?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

II. Summative Assessment (Design a summative or culminating assessment performance or product

that engages students and demonstrates their ability to apply knowledge and skills in a setting that
is realistic to the activity and to the achievement of the unit standards and goals.
1. National Standards: ​Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a
variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2:​ ​The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 4:The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self and others.
2. National Grade Level Outcome(s): ​Demonstrates competency and/or refines activity-specific
movement skills in 2 or more lifetime activities (outdoor pursuits, individual-performance
activities, aquatics, net/wall games or target games).(S1.H1.L1)
Uses strategies and tactics effectively during game play in net/wall and/or target games.
Exhibits proper etiquette, respect for others and teamwork while engaging in physical activity
and/or social dance. (S4.H2.L1)
Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)
3. Colorado Standards: ​Standard 1: Movement Competence and Understanding in Physical
a. Combine and apply movement patterns from simple to complex to participate successfully in
aquatic, rhythms/dance, combatives, outdoor adventure activities, and variety of lifelong sports
and games (Level 1)
b. Explain and demonstrate offensive, defensive and transitional strategies in lifelong sports and
games. (Level 1)
Standard 3: Social Emotional Wellness
d. Demonstrate collaboration, cooperation, and leadership skills
f. Implement cooperative learning strategies to achieve group goals
4. District Standards:
5. Unit/lesson objectives: ​ESWBAT demonstrate correct cues for the three skills: overhead pass,
catching, and chest pass during the small sided games of handball.
ESWBAT know different tactics to improve their game/ team handball when assessed with
plickers during closure.
ESWBAT cooperatively work with their team during game play.
6. Overview/Description of the Assessment Task (Activity in which the assessment is set):
Students will be participating in a round robin style tournament of normal team handball.
7. Context of Administration of Assessment (When, where, and how is it implemented in the
lesson): ​On October 31st, 2018 at Greeley Central High School the students will be assessed on
their psychomotor, cognitive, and affective skills. There will be two, possibly three, different
courts to play on. During this time the psychomotor assessment will take place. At the end of the
lesson before closure is when the cognitive and affective assessment will be implemented.
8. Which domains does this assessment cover (should be all three): ​The domains covered are
psychomotor, cognitive, and affective.
9. How does this assess the domains above? ​This assessment covers the psychomotor by assessing
if they are able to demonstrate the cues. It covers the cognitive domain by assessing their
knowledge of the cues and the affective domain, by assessing their social behaviors.
10. Assessment tool administration and scoring directions (explain so a substitute teacher could
do it): ​While students are participating in the round robin tournament style for team handball,
walk around with the gradebook roster below on a clipboard with a pencil. While walking around
the gym look for the cues numbered below; if the students are performing 0-1 out of the 3 cues
consistently they would earn a 1, 1-2 cues earns a 2 and 2-3 cues earns a 3. At the end of the
lesson the students will be given their plickers that are assigned to them. The students should be
reminded about how to hold the Pickers to achieve the answers that they are wanting. The
students will be standing in a U shape form. The teacher will hold up two papers: one with the
question and one with the answer. The teacher will continue holding up the answer paper while
beginning to scan the students answers. This will happen for each question. Once all of the
questions are answered they the students will place their plickers in a pile in the center for
11. Rubric/Assessment Tool (create below):

Plicker Questions:
1. What is the first cue for an overhand pass?
a. Follow through
b. Arm behind head
c. Shoulder to target
2. What is the first cue you should do to block a shot?
a. Reaching to the sky
b. Ready position
c. Jump after shooter jumps
3. How many steps can you take in handball?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
4. Did ​you​ communicate with your team?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. No
5. Did ​your team​ use a specific strategy or tactic?
a. Yes
b. Kind of
c. No
6. Did ​you​ participate with your team?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No
7. Were ​you​ engaged in the four corner handball game?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

Key (#1-3):
1. C
2. B
3. A

Rubric for #4-7:

Criteria 3 2 1

Communication Consistently Sometimes Rarely to never

communicates with communicates with communicates with
classmates. classmates. classmates.

Team Work Consistently working Sometimes works with Rarely to never works
with team team with team

Engagement Consistently engaged Sometimes engaged Rarely to never

and participating and participating engaged and

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