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December 10, 2018 8:33 AM

Associated Press

Moldova Election Campaign Starts, Some Fear Russia

CHISINAU, MOLDOVA — Moldova's electoral campaign has begun ahead of
parliamentary elections, amid concerns that Russia is seeking to influence the
results in the former Soviet republic.

The campaign began Monday in the February 24 ballot for the 101-seat legislature
currently controlled by a broadly pro-European coalition.

Concerns in Moldova arose after Russia's Interior Ministry on December 3 said

that Moldovans who have overstayed their residence permits in Russia can return
to Moldova from January 1 to February 25 without being penalized.
The ministry said Moldova's pro-Russian President Igor Dodon had requested the

Dodon says there are 160,000 Moldovans whose residence permits have expired.
Moldovans who live in Russia are believed to generally support the pro-Russian
Socialists' Party.

Last week Premier Pavel Filip said the development could be “considered an
intervention” by Russia in the campaign.
electoral campaign
to influence
Soviet republic
Russia's Interior Ministry

CAMPAIGN - campanie Pronunție /kæmˈpeɪn/

SUBSTANTIV – campanie
VERB INTRANZITIV - (for) (pentru) (against) (împotriva) a organiza o campanie

Early 17th century (denoting a tract of open country): from French campagne ‘open
country’, via Italian from late Latin campania, from campus ‘level ground’ (see camp).
The change in sense arose from an army's practice of ‘taking the field’ (i.e. moving from
a fortress or town to open country) at the onset of summer.
An organized course of action to achieve a goal.
‘an election campaign’
‘the campaign for a full inquiry into the regime’
Work in an organized and active way towards a particular goal, typically a political or social one.’

"an election campaign"

sinonime: crusade, drive, push, effort, struggle, move, movement; operation, manoeuvre,
course of action, strategy, set of tactics, battle plan; battle, war

Definiție: campanie - Acțiune organizată după un anumit plan, în vederea realizării unor
obiective politice, sociale etc., într-o anumită perioadă de timp; p. ext. timpul cât durează
această acțiune. Campanie electorală. ◊ Campanie de presă = mobilizare a opiniei publice prin
articole publicate în presă, în favoarea sau împotriva unei situații, unei cauze, unei persoane
etc. – Din fr. campagne, rus. kampaniia.

Sinonime: luptă, război; ofensivă; acţiune (de masă),mobilizare. ( Dictoo)

Party- A formally constituted political group that contests elections and attempts to form
or take part in a government.
‘draft the party's election manifesto’

Middle English (denoting a body of people united in opposition to others, also in party
(sense 2 of the noun)): from Old French partie, based on Latin partiri ‘divide into parts’.
party (sense 1 of the noun) dates from the early 18th century.

 One of the two main US political parties (the other being the Republican Party), which
follows a liberal program, tending to promote a strong central government and
expansive social programs.


a formally constituted political group that contests elections and attempts to form or take part in a
sinoni faction, political
me: party, group, grouping, side, alliance, affiliation, association, coalition, movement, cabal,
junta, bloc, camp, set, caucus, sect

Party – partid – grup, grupare

PARTÍD, partide, s. n. (Adesea urmat de determinarea „politic” sau de alte determinări

care arată caracterul, structura etc.) Grupare de oameni uniți prin comunitatea
concepțiilor politice, ideologice, a intereselor sociale. Partide istorice = nume dat
partidelor politice care s-au succedat la conducerea țării noastre până la instaurarea
regimului democrat-popular.
Campania electorală din Moldova începe, unii se tem
de influența Rusiei
Campania electorală a Moldovei a început înainte de alegerile parlamentare, pe
fondul preocupărilor pe care Rusia încearcă să le influențeze în fosta republică

Campania a început luni, în alegerile din 24 februarie, pentru legislatura de 101

locuri, controlată în prezent de o coaliție profund europeană.

Preocupările în Moldova au apărut după ce, la 3 decembrie, ministrul de Interne al

Rusiei a declarat că moldovenii care și-au depășit permisele de ședere în Rusia se
pot întoarce în Moldova între 1 ianuarie și 25 februarie, fără a fi penalizați.

Ministerul a declarat că președintele pro-rus al Republicii Moldova, Igor Dodon, a

cerut măsura.

Dodon declară că există 160.000 de moldoveni ale căror autorizații de ședere au

expirat. Se crede că moldovenii care trăiesc în Rusia sprijină, în general, partidul
socialist pro-rus.

Săptămâna trecută, premierul Pavel Filip a declarat că dezvoltarea ar putea fi

"considerată o intervenție" a Rusiei în campanie.
Senators Want Update on Progress of Universal Flu
January 27, 2019 8:46 AM
 Associated Press

Maine's independent U.S. senator says he's joining a group of Senate colleagues to call
on the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease to provide an update on
research into a universal flu vaccine.

Sen. Angus King says the initiative is about reducing "the relentless burden the flu
places on American families each year." The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Disease released a strategic plan for a universal flu vaccine last year.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's website says formulation of the
flu vaccine is reviewed annually and updated to keep up with changing viruses. As a
result, effectiveness can vary year to year.

The senators say the institute should describe for them how it has used funding
provided by Congress to develop a universal vaccine.


Progress of Universal Flu Vaccine - Progresul vaccinului

împotriva gripei universale
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease - Institutul National de alergie si
boli infectioase

The flu – gripa

flu vaccine - vaccin antigripal

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's - Centrele federale pentru
controlul și prevenirea bolilor

changing viruses - schimbarea virușilor

Senatorii doresc actualizarea progresului

vaccinului împotriva gripei universale

Senatorul independent al Statelor Unite, Maine, spune că se alătură unui grup de colegi
din Senat pentru a solicita Institutului Național de Alergare și Boli Infecțioase să
furnizeze o actualizare privind cercetarea unui vaccin împotriva gripei universale.

Senatorul Angus King spune că inițiativa vizează reducerea "sarcinii neobosite a gripei
pentru familiile americane în fiecare an". Institutul National de alergie si boli infectioase
a lansat un plan strategic pentru un vaccin antigripal universal anul trecut.

Centrul federal al Centrului pentru Controlul și Prevenirea Bolilor declară că formularea

vaccinului împotriva gripei este revizuită anual și actualizată pentru a ține pasul cu
schimbarea virușilor. Ca urmare, eficacitatea poate varia de la an la an.
Senatorii spun ca institutul ar trebui sa descrie pentru ei modul in care a folosit fonduri
furnizate de Congres pentru a dezvolta un vaccin universal.

Should Fast Food Come With a Warning like Drugs?

You can get fast food on almost any street nowadays. Fast food and junk food are everywhere you look, and
the world is only creating more fast food shops around the globe. Fast food is more accessible than other food
sources; it is also one of the most popular ways to get dinner. Business workers are ordering in either for lunch
or dinner, and this is usually from fast food places with drive-throughs. Fast food companies use chemicals in
their food that aren’t exactly healthy for the human to consume on a regular basis. So, why should fast food
companies be allowed to hide all the chemicals and ingredients in their foods as well as hide any of the side
effects that come with eating that food?
The issue is that fast food isn’t healthy. Healthy foods don’t contain many of the chemicals that fast foods do,
they don’t affect the body in the same way. Healthy foods come from wholesome ingredients and don’t have
preservatives or other pesticides or growth hormones in them. We all know that that’s food ingredients are in
exactly healthy, but many of us failed to read the list of ingredients for our favorite menu items. Because of
this many of us lack the billet he to understand how bad the first food we consume is.
Will you believe that fast food you come with a warning just like any other product you purchased? You want
to know exactly what’s going to happen to your body and you have the right to know that information. It
should not be hidden from you, and it should not be kept away as some company secret. Every person has the
right to understand how that food will affect their body. From then on they can make their choices if they want
to eat it or not.
If you’ve looked at documentaries such as the McDonald’s documentary and other fast food documentaries
you probably noticed that fast food as a long-term effect on a human’s health. Fast food isn’t bad as long as
you eat it every once in a while, but many people choose to eat fast food every single day. This is not a healthy
way of living and can end up causing you permanent damage to your body because of the chemicals you were
introduced into your body every time you eat at fast food meal.
There are many of people who don’t want to know what’s in their food. But that’s only a small population.
Every person has a right to know how a product will affect them. Just as you see on labels such as pills,
medications, and even products such as workout equipment for scans. All of these come with a warning on
what could go wrong when you’re using it or consuming it. So why should fast food be any different? Just
because a small population of people doesn’t want to know what’s in their food doesn’t mean that the rest of
the population shouldn’t at least have a warning sticker.
As you can see, everyone has the right to know what chemicals and products go onto their food. I don’t know
me that, but they also deserve to know by consuming the fast food what kind of effects they should expect on
their body. Many people think that fast food will only affect their calorie intake for the day, this is not true.
Fast food can affect a person’s Brain, psyche, and body. This is why we believe the fast foods should come
with a warning.
Trump's Tariff War Threatens to Erode Support of

President Donald Trump's tariff battle with key buyers of U.S. apples, soybeans and
corn threatens the support of some of his biggest backers - U.S. farmers now seeing
their livelihoods in jeopardy.

Farmers overwhelmingly supported Trump in the 2016 election, welcoming how he

championed rural economies and vowed to repeal estate taxes that often hit family
farms hard.

Now those same farmers are seeing crop prices fall and export markets shrink after
Trump's tariffs triggered a wave of retaliation from buyers of U.S. apples, cheese,
potatoes, bourbon and soybeans.

Războiul tarifar al Trumpului amenință să sprijine agricultorii de erodarea.


Lupta tarifară a președintelui Donald Trump cu cumpărătorii cheie ai merelor din SUA, a soiei și a
porumbului amenință sprijinul unora dintre cei mai mari susținători ai săi - agricultorii din S.U.A. își văd
acum viața în pericol.

Fermierii au sprijinit în mod covârșitor Trump în alegerile din 2016, salutând cum a susținut economiile
rurale și a promis să abroge impozitele pe proprietăți care lovesc adesea fermele familiale.
Acum, aceiași agricultori observă că prețurile culturilor se diminuează, iar piețele de export se
micșorează după ce tarifele Trump au declanșat un val de represalii din partea cumpărătorilor de mere,
brânzeturi, cartofi, bourbon și soia.

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