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TRIA 7500 - KLT 7000V - KLT 10500V

Numeric Control for Boring-Routing


Operator Guide GO
Programming Description DP
Diagnostic Manual MD
User Documentation
Numeric Control for Boring-
Routing Machine

Operator Guide (GO)

User documentation

Valid for:

Product: TRIA 7500 38.ver.rel.1

from version 03.10

Product: TRIA 7000V 38.ver.rel.1

from version 03.10

Product: TRIA 10500V 38.ver.rel.2

from version 03.10

Edition: January ‘96

Code: 91670.GO.0.GB
Table of contents GO

Restrictions Duplication, transmission and use of this document or its contents shall be considered
prohitibed unless prior authorization has been received from Morbidelli. All rights are
Even when authorized, modification of this document (either by computer or on paper)
voids the guarantees specified below.

Guarantees The product may offer performances that are not described in these manuals.
Morbidelli shall neither be obliged to maintain these functions in new versions of the
product nor to guarantee the relative assistance.

Checks have been carried out in order to ensure that the contents of these manuals
correspond to the documented product. Despite this fact, there may be discrepancies.
Morbidelli therefore offers no guarantees as to the full compliance and completeness of
the texts.
The information in this document is periodically revised and new editions are issued
when necessary.

This manual has been compiled in partial compliance with ANSI/IEEE std 1063-1987
“IEEE Standard for software User Documentation”.

Editions This document is liable to be modified without prior notice. These modifications may
involve further editions or revisions of the document.
Further editions imply complete substitution of the document.
Revision involves replacement/addition/elimination of pages of the document.
Each page is identified by the code of the document at the bottom.

MS-DOS® Trademark registered by Microsoft Corporation.

ii 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Table of contents

The chronological list of editions of this document is given in the following table:

Evolution of the document

Edition Document Code Release Type of edition
16/01/1996 91670.GO.0.GB 0 New Edition

Release Chapters - Pages Description

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Operator Guide

1 General characteristics .......................................................................................... 1.1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1.3
1.2 CNC front panel ......................................................................................................................... 1.4
1.2.1 Area #1: Display............................................................................................................ 1.4
1.2.2 Area #2: Keyboard ........................................................................................................ 1.6
1.2.3 Area #3: Floppy disk drive ............................................................................................ 1.8
1.2.4 Area #4: Push buttons .................................................................................................. 1.8
1.2.5 Area #5: Override potentiometers................................................................................. 1.8
1.3 Dialogue windows ...................................................................................................................... 1.9
1.3.1 “Data input” dialogue windows...................................................................................... 1.9
1.3.2 “Confirmation” dialogue windows................................................................................ 1.10
1.3.3 “Wait” dialogue windows............................................................................................. 1.11

2 Fixed vertical function keys

2.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................
2.2 Alarm display....................................................................... Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito.
2.3 Axis measurement display ......................................................................................................... 2.6
2.4 ESACALC .................................................................................................................................. 2.7
2.4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2.7
2.4.2 Keyboard....................................................................................................................... 2.7
2.4.3 Entering a number ........................................................................................................ 2.8
2.4.4 Mathematical operations............................................................................................... 2.8
2.4.5 Utilities .......................................................................................................................... 2.8
2.4.6 Interaction with programming and parameter data....................................................... 2.9

3 File Management
3.1 Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 3.3
3.1.1 How data is organised .................................................................................................. 3.3
3.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3.5
3.3 Functions.................................................................................................................................... 3.7
3.3.1 Formatting the memory storage device ........................................................................ 3.7
3.3.2 Selecting the memory storage device........................................................................... 3.7
3.3.3 How to create a directory .............................................................................................. 3.8
3.3.4 Opening a directory....................................................................................................... 3.8

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3.3.5 Selecting files quickly ................................................................................................... 3.8

3.3.6 Cancelling selection of one or more files ..................................................................... 3.9
3.3.7 Copying files from the WORKING disk to the BACKUP disk (Backup) ....................... 3.9
3.3.8 Copying files from the BACKUP disk to the WORKING disk (Restore) ..................... 3.10
3.3.9 Recovering an uncompleted copy .............................................................................. 3.11
3.3.10 Renaming files.......................................................................................................... 3.11
3.3.11 Deleting files............................................................................................................. 3.11
3.3.12 Displaying memory storage device data .................................................................. 3.11
3.3.13 Limitations in the use of TRIANET ........................................................................... 3.12
3.4 Transferring programmes between CNC and Personal Computer ......................................... 3.13
3.4.1 Transferring files from the current work station to a remote terminal ........................ 3.13
3.4.2 Transferring files from a remote terminal to the current work station ........................ 3.14

4 Manual functions
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4.3
4.2 Axis calibration........................................................................................................................... 4.4
4.3 Manual axis movement (Jog) .................................................................................................... 4.5
4.4 Manual tool enabling.................................................................................................................. 4.6
4.5 Semi automatic positioning........................................................................................................ 4.8
4.6 Manual tool change functions .................................................................................................... 4.9
4.6.1 Tool change functions with rotary magazine .............................................................. 4.10
4.6.2 Tool change functions with side magazine (STC)...................................................... 4.12
4.6.3 Functions for RAPID 7 tool change ............................................................................ 4.14

5 Automatic
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5.3
5.1.1 Execution via Network.................................................................................................. 5.3
5.2 Program execution .................................................................................................................... 5.4
5.3 List execution............................................................................................................................. 5.6
5.3.1 Circular mode ............................................................................................................... 5.7
5.3.2 Countdown Circular mode............................................................................................ 5.7
5.3.3 Countdown Sequence mode ........................................................................................ 5.8
5.3.4 Flow System mode....................................................................................................... 5.9
5.3.5 Continuous Flow System mode.................................................................................. 5.10
5.4 Retrieving a work list................................................................................................................ 5.11
5.5 Use of bar code reader............................................................................................................ 5.12
5.5.1 Using a bar code reader in Flow System mode ......................................................... 5.12

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5.5.2 Cancelling a reading ................................................................................................... 5.13

5.5.3 Reading queue system ............................................................................................... 5.13
5.5.4 Loading a list using the bar code reader..................................................................... 5.13
5.6 Computer supervision .............................................................................................................. 5.14
5.7 Production cycle information display........................................................................................ 5.15
5.7.1 Work list synoptic display............................................................................................ 5.15
5.8 Panel machining cycle ............................................................................................................. 5.17
5.9 Production suspension............................................................................................................. 5.19
5.9.1 Abandoning production data....................................................................................... 5.19
5.9.2 Saving data for future production retrieval.................................................................. 5.19
5.10 Modifying the number of repetitions per workpiece ............................................................... 5.20
5.11 Adding a new production program ......................................................................................... 5.21
5.12 Displaying planes and fixing suckers ..................................................................................... 5.23
5.13 Step-by-step machining ......................................................................................................... 5.24
5.14 Dry run ................................................................................................................................... 5.25
5.15 Graphical display of the machining process .......................................................................... 5.26

6 Editing Programs and lists

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6.3
6.2 Basic terminology and functions ................................................................................................ 6.4
6.2.1 Selecting programs or lists ........................................................................................... 6.4
6.2.2 Activating existing programs (or lists)........................................................................... 6.4
6.2.3 Activating new programs (or lists)................................................................................. 6.5
6.2.4 Selecting the Header .................................................................................................... 6.5
6.2.5 Selecting a program line ............................................................................................... 6.5
6.3 Editing a program (or list)........................................................................................................... 6.7
6.3.1 Inserting program lines ................................................................................................. 6.8
6.3.2 Editing the header ......................................................................................................... 6.9
6.3.3 Editing program lines .................................................................................................... 6.9
6.3.4 Deleting a block ............................................................................................................ 6.9
6.3.5 Copying a block .......................................................................................................... 6.10
6.3.6 Moving a block of lines ............................................................................................... 6.10
6.3.7 Inserting a block of lines from a source program ....................................................... 6.10
6.3.8 Line search ................................................................................................................. 6.11
6.3.9 Saving a program (or list) ........................................................................................... 6.11

7 Programming utilities..............................................................................................7.1

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7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7.3

7.2 Syntax utilities ............................................................................................................................ 7.5
7.2.1 General characteristics................................................................................................. 7.5
7.2.2 Boring ........................................................................................................................... 7.6
7.2.3 Routing start ................................................................................................................. 7.7
7.2.4 Panel probing ............................................................................................................... 7.7
7.2.5 Calling up subprogram ................................................................................................. 7.7
7.2.6 Tool correction.............................................................................................................. 7.8
7.2.7 Work face definition...................................................................................................... 7.8
7.2.8 Change X reference ..................................................................................................... 7.9
7.2.9 Change Y reference ..................................................................................................... 7.9
7.2.10 X incremental programming ....................................................................................... 7.9
7.2.11 Y incremental programming ....................................................................................... 7.9
7.2.12 X hole barrier............................................................................................................ 7.10
7.2.13 Y hole barrier ............................................................................................................ 7.11
7.2.14 Hole barrier on curved surfaces ............................................................................... 7.12
7.2.15 Angled boring ........................................................................................................... 7.14
7.2.16 Start angled routing .................................................................................................. 7.15
7.3 Geometric utilities .................................................................................................................... 7.17
7.3.1 General characteristics............................................................................................... 7.17
7.3.2 Straightline through 2 points....................................................................................... 7.18
7.3.3 Straightline through 3 points....................................................................................... 7.19
7.3.4 Arc with 2 given points................................................................................................ 7.19
7.3.5 Arc with given radius .................................................................................................. 7.21
7.3.6 Bevel between straightlines........................................................................................ 7.22
7.3.7 Fillet between straightlines ......................................................................................... 7.22
7.3.8 Straightline + arc tangent ........................................................................................... 7.23
7.3.9 Arc + straightline tangent............................................................................................ 7.23
7.3.10 Tangent arc to previous section ............................................................................... 7.24
7.3.11 Ellipse arc................................................................................................................. 7.24
7.4 Parametric program control ..................................................................................................... 7.26
7.4.1 Execution up to “Breakpoint” ...................................................................................... 7.26
7.4.2 Step-by-step execution (program flow control)........................................................... 7.27
7.4.3 Displaying variable values .......................................................................................... 7.27
7.4.4 Modifying variable values ........................................................................................... 7.28
7.4.5 Deleting a variable from the display list ...................................................................... 7.28
7.4.6 Replacing a variable in the display list........................................................................ 7.28

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7.4.7 Graphic program control............................................................................................. 7.28

7.5 Graphic machining ................................................................................................................... 7.29
7.5.1 Cursor movement ....................................................................................................... 7.29
7.5.2 Panel face selection.................................................................................................... 7.30
7.5.3 Projection display........................................................................................................ 7.30
7.5.4 Line search ................................................................................................................. 7.30
7.5.5 ZOOM ......................................................................................................................... 7.30
7.5.6 Restoring original display............................................................................................ 7.31
7.5.7 Correct profile display ................................................................................................. 7.31
7.6 Setting plane and sucker positions .......................................................................................... 7.32
7.7 Graphic display of spindle configuration (Head graphics)........................................................ 7.33
7.7.1 Tool information display.............................................................................................. 7.33
7.7.2 Tool search with defined characteristics..................................................................... 7.34
7.7.3 Graphic tool programming .......................................................................................... 7.34
7.8 Optimizer.................................................................................................................................. 7.36
7.8.1 Compiling the table ..................................................................................................... 7.36
7.8.2 Using tools on auxiliary head (E axis)......................................................................... 7.39
7.8.3 Using tools on twin head (A660)................................................................................. 7.39
7.8.4 Generating boring instructions.................................................................................... 7.39
7.9 Selecting a program name from the list ................................................................................... 7.40

8 Esacad 8.1
8.1 General characteristics .............................................................................................................. 8.3
8.1.1 General work area description...................................................................................... 8.3
8.2 Data entry................................................................................................................................... 8.5
8.2.1 Moving the cursor on the screen .................................................................................. 8.5
8.2.2 Entering numerical values ............................................................................................ 8.5
8.2.3 Tool selection................................................................................................................ 8.6
8.3 Programming boring operations................................................................................................. 8.8
8.3.1 Optimizing the drops..................................................................................................... 8.8
8.4 Programming profiles................................................................................................................. 8.9
8.4.1 Profile start.................................................................................................................. 8.10
8.4.2 Segment ..................................................................................................................... 8.10
8.4.3 Broken Line................................................................................................................. 8.12
8.4.4 Chamfer ...................................................................................................................... 8.13
8.4.5 Fillet ............................................................................................................................ 8.14
8.4.6 Arc through 3 points.................................................................................................... 8.15

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8.4.7 Tangent arc ................................................................................................................ 8.16

8.4.8 Arc from a given centre .............................................................................................. 8.17
8.4.9 Arc from a given radius .............................................................................................. 8.18
8.4.10 Segment + arc.......................................................................................................... 8.19
8.4.11 Arc + segment .......................................................................................................... 8.20
8.4.12 Ellipse ....................................................................................................................... 8.21
8.5 Editing the machining operations created ............................................................................... 8.22
8.5.1 Editing a section ......................................................................................................... 8.22
8.5.2 Inverting rotational direction of a circle arc................................................................. 8.23
8.5.3 Inverting the centre of a circle arc .............................................................................. 8.23
8.5.4 Deleting a section....................................................................................................... 8.24
8.5.5 Deleting the last section programmed........................................................................ 8.24
8.5.6 Restoring a cancelled section .................................................................................... 8.24
8.6 Profile manipulation ................................................................................................................. 8.25
8.6.1 Duplicating a profile.................................................................................................... 8.25
8.6.2 Moving a profile .......................................................................................................... 8.25
8.6.3 Appending new sections to a profile........................................................................... 8.26
8.6.4 Joining two profiles..................................................................................................... 8.26
8.6.5 Cancelling a profile..................................................................................................... 8.26
8.6.6 Restoring a cancelled profile ...................................................................................... 8.26
8.6.7 Inverting the direction of a profile ............................................................................... 8.26
8.7 Working utilities ....................................................................................................................... 8.28
8.7.1 ZOOM......................................................................................................................... 8.28
8.7.2 Restoring original display ........................................................................................... 8.28
8.7.3 Full screen display...................................................................................................... 8.28
8.7.4 Displaying off-screen details ...................................................................................... 8.29
8.7.5 Machining sequence display ...................................................................................... 8.29
8.7.6 Circumference centres ............................................................................................... 8.29
8.7.7 Enabling boring check function .................................................................................. 8.29
8.8 Generating a machining program ............................................................................................ 8.31

9 Tool data 9.1

9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 9.3
9.2 Tool file operations .................................................................................................................... 9.4
9.2.1 Copying a tool file ......................................................................................................... 9.4
9.2.2 Deleting a tool file ......................................................................................................... 9.4
9.2.3 Renaming a tool file...................................................................................................... 9.4

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9.2.4 Print a tool file ............................................................................................................... 9.4

9.2.5 Creating a tool file......................................................................................................... 9.5
9.3 Editing a tool file......................................................................................................................... 9.6
9.3.1 Search for worn tools.................................................................................................... 9.7
9.3.2 Replacing worn tools .................................................................................................... 9.7
9.3.3 Saving wear data .......................................................................................................... 9.7
9.4 Tooling up the machine.............................................................................................................. 9.8
9.4.1 Preliminary operations for re-tooling the machine ........................................................ 9.8
9.4.2 Selecting current tool file .............................................................................................. 9.8
9.5 Fitting tools to manually tightened electro-spindles ................................................................... 9.9

10 Environment variables 10.1

10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 10.3
10.2 Data entry in the lines of the variable table ............................................................................ 10.4
10.2.1 Inserting a line .......................................................................................................... 10.4
10.2.2 Deleting a line ........................................................................................................... 10.4
10.2.3 Changing page display ............................................................................................. 10.4
10.3 Header program data entry .................................................................................................... 10.5
10.4 Saving and retrieving environment variables ......................................................................... 10.6

11 Services 11.1
11.1 System information ................................................................................................................ 11.3
11.2 Setting the Data and Time ..................................................................................................... 11.4
11.3 Entering the password ........................................................................................................... 11.6
11.4 Printing files............................................................................................................................ 11.7
11.4.1 Printing a program .................................................................................................... 11.7
11.4.2 Printing a list ............................................................................................................. 11.7
11.4.3 Printing a tool file ...................................................................................................... 11.7

12 Serial line communication 12.1

12.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 12.3
12.1.1 Setting the CNC to SERVER MODE ........................................................................ 12.3
12.1.2 Selecting a memory storage device and a directory for transfer .............................. 12.3
12.1.3 Setting the CNC to SERVER MODE ........................................................................ 12.4
12.2 Exchanging files using the PC as host................................................................................... 12.5
12.2.1 Sending files ............................................................................................................. 12.5
12.2.2 File requests ............................................................................................................. 12.5
12.2.3 Transferring multiple files ......................................................................................... 12.6

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12.2.4 Displaying a list of files held by the CNC.................................................................. 12.6

12.2.5 Changing the directory selected on the CNC ........................................................... 12.6
12.2.6 Checking the amount of free memory in one of the CNC memory storage devices 12.7
12.3 Exchanging files using the CNC as host ............................................................................... 12.8
12.3.1 Personal computer directory list ............................................................................... 12.8
12.3.2 Sending files............................................................................................................. 12.8
12.3.3 Requesting files........................................................................................................ 12.9

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Operator Guide GO

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GO Operator Guide

Notes for the reader

General information The information contained in this document applies solely to the software versions
stated in the foreword.

It may be that not all the functions featured by the product are described in this
document; in such a case MORBIDELLI is in no way obliged to provide guarantees for
these functions or to guarantee that they will be preserved in future versions of the

Aim The aim of this document is to help the operator in using the control.

Users This document contains information designed for::

 Machine operators with no previous instruction.

Use of the document The document is divided into chapters each of which describe a particular aspect of
operator interaction.

Problem notification For any eventual problems arising from the use of this document please contact

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Operator Guide GO

Symbols used

Certain graphic symbols may appear beside pieces of the text. These are used to
highlight particularly important pieces of information.

This symbol is used when lack of observance or the adoption of adequate safety
measures could cause slight damage to materials or persons

This symbol is used when lack of observance of adequate safety measures or wrong
handling could cause serious damage to persons and/or materials

This symbol is used throughout the document to denote the presence of particularly
important information. Reading these sections is considered paramount to achieving a
good understanding of the document contents..

This symbol appears when a section of the document deals with functions or parts
which are only available as optional extras. The use of such optional features must be
agreed to by the machine manufacturer

This symbol is used to indicate sections of the document reserved for the machine

Key word
This symbol appears to highlight sections of the document which describe functions
protected by software access keys

This symbol is used to denote sections of the manual which describe functions only
available on TRIA and not TRIAPC controls

This symbol is used to denote sections of the manual which describe functions only
available on TRIAPC and not TRIA controls

iv 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Operator Guide

Typeface conventions

To help information to be identified in this document particular typeface conventions are

used. These conventions are shown here:

Keyboard and Video The following conventions are adopted..

 The names of the keys with words printed on are shown in bold type and are
contained in square brackets. If the name of the key is accompanied by “button”
then this refers to one of the push button panel keys.
 [ENTER]. Indicates the key showing the word ENTER.
 [+]indicates the + key on the keyboard while button[+] indicates the + key on the
push button panel
 The names of the function keys are shown in bold italics and contained in square
 [Menu Plc]. Indicates the function key showing the words Menu Plc.
 Reference to fields and/or messages shown on the video are written in bold italics.
 The specific text to be written by the user is shown underlined.
 If the manual states “enter ok” the exact text “ok” must be entered.
 DIRECTION or DIRECTIONAL keys is the collective name for the arrow keys UP,
 When pressing a series of keys in sequence, the keys to be pressed are separated by
 [Manual ] > [START]. Indicates that the [Manual ] key is to be pressed
followed by the [START] key.
 When more than one key is to be pressed simultaneously the “+” character separates
the two keys to be pressed.
 [SHIFT] + [->] Indicates that the [SHIFT] key and the [->] key are to be
pressed together.

Text The following conventions are adopted.

 Italics are used to show specialist terminology
 bold type is used to highlight particularly important words

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Operator Guide GO


CNC The standard abbreviation for Computerized Numerical Control which indicates the
equipment used to control the machine, or rather the electronic device used for
programming the machining cycles, moving the axes etc..
This refers to the operation of one of the pieces of equipment described in this manual.

BCR The standard abbreviation for BarCode Reader which indicates the device used to read a
label containing a printed bar code.


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GO Operator Guide

1 General characteristics

1.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................i

1.2 CNC front panel .............................................................................................................................ii
1.2.1 Area #1: Display ...............................................................................................................ii
1.2.2 Area #2: Keyboard...........................................................................................................iv
1.2.3 Area #3: Floppy disk drive
1.2.4 Area #4: Push
1.2.5 Area #5: Override potentiometers
1.3 Dialogue windows........................................................................................................................ vii
1.3.1 “Data input” dialogue windows ....................................................................................... vii
1.3.2 “Confirmation” dialogue windows ................................................................................... vii
1.3.3 “Wait” dialogue windows .................................................................................................ix

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1.8 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
1.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with general characteristics, or rather the functions and operational
modes common to all CNCs in the KLT 10500V, KLT 7000V and KLT 7500V series.
Operator Guide GO

1.2 CNC front panel

The front of the numeric control, shown here in the illustration, is logically divided into
sections or areas each with a precise function.

#1 #3 #5

#2 #4

Fig. 1.1 - CNC front panel.

 AREA #1: Display

 AREA #2: Keyboard
 AREA #3: Floppy disk drive
 AREA #4: Push buttons
 AREA #5: Override potentiometers

These sections are now described in detail.

1.2.1 Area #1: Display

The display (a 14” screen) is sub-divided into six zones or areas, as shown in the illustration:

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GO Fixed vertical function keys

#1 #2 #3

#5 #4 #6

Fig. 1.2 - Display layout.

 #1: contains information regarding the machine status or CNC operating mode (e.g.
MENU BASE when the machine is turned on, AUTOMATIC in the automatic
menu, and so on.).
 #2: made up of five lines containing alarm messages. The position (on which line)
and the colour denote the type of message shown:
 the first line shows machine emergencies in red;
 the second line shows general alarms in yellow;
 the other three lines show PLC generated alarm messages in blue.
 #3: contains four symbols (or icons) plus the clock. If shown in red, the icons mean
the following:
 key: shows a password has been entered.
 disk drive: shows that the floppy disk drive is working.
 terminal: shows that serial communication is in progress.
 telephone: shows that tele-assistance is taking place.

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 #4: is used to call up tables, to input data and for other functions necessary for
operating the machine.
 #5: comprises eight graphic keys (boxes) which illustrate the specific function in
that moment of the horizontal function keys. The white graphic keys show that their
corresponding function keys are not being used in the current session.
 #6: comprises eight graphic keys (boxes) which illustrate the specific function in
that moment of the vertical function keys. The white graphic keys show that their
corresponding function keys are not being used in the current session.

1.2.2 Area #2: Keyboard

The CNC keyboard is further divided into logical areas, as shown in the illustration.





#1 #3 #2

Fig. 1.3 - Logical keyboard sub-division.

The logical areas shown are defined as follows:

 #1: letter keys;
 #2: numeric keys;
 #3: cursor control and command keys;
 #4: horizontal function keys;
 #5: vertical function keys;

iv 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Fixed vertical function keys

 #6: [BASE] function key;

 #7: [ESC] function key.

#1 The letter keys are light grey coloured, are set out in a QWERTY layout and comprise:
 the letters of the English alphabet plus ([SPACE]);
 punctuation marks, brackets and other additional characters (e.g. equals, braces,
 the [ENTER] key to confirm data entry;
 the [SHIFT] key to obtain double functions from the horizontal and vertical
function keys.

#2 The numeric keys are light grey coloured and comprise:

 digits 0 - 9;
 mathematical symbols (add, subtract, multiply and divide) plus the decimal point;
 the [ENTER] key to confirm data entry;
 the [BACKSPACE] key for cancelling the character to the left of the current

#3 The cursor control and command keys are dark grey coloured and comprise:
 the directional arrows[ ], [ ], [ ] and [ ] for moving the cursor;
 the [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN] keys for scrolling text;
 the [HOME] and [END] keys for moving the cursor to the start or end of the data
entry field;
 the [ESC] key for cancelling the current operation;
 the [INS] key for inserting a space at the current cursor position;
 the [DEL] key for cancelling a character at the current cursor position;
 the [TAB] key for editing the current data entry field.

#4 The 8 horizontal function keys are used to select the functions shown in area #5 of the
display; these functions vary according to the CNC MACHINE MODE.

#5 The 8 vertical function keys are used to select the functions shown in area #6 of the
display; these functions vary according to the CNC MACHINE MODE..

#6 The [ESC] function key allows the operator to exit the current display page and return to
the display page (menu) previously selected.

#7 The [BASE] function key allows the operator to exit the current display page and return
directly to the MENU BASE.

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1.2.3 Area #3: Floppy disk drive

The floppy disk drive is used for loading or storing data to floppy disks. Normal disks
for Personal Computer can be used and can be either of the two types commercially
available: Double Density (720 Kbytes) and High Density (1.44 Mbytes).

1.2.4 Area #4: Push buttons

The pushbuttons are mainly used for moving the axes and controlling production phases:
start production, suspend production, stop production, step-by-step mode production. In
 [pushbutton START]: is used to begin positioning, activate the calibration cycle,
manually begin the tool change cycle or to restart a machining cycle which was
previously suspended.
 [pushbutton STOP]: is used to suspend a machining cycle, positioning procedure
or calibration cycle.
 [pushbutton STEP]: is used to execute the next stage of the cycle when the
machine is in the step-by-step mode.
 [pushbutton HOLD]: is normally used to suspend a general cycle.
 [pushbutton RESETHOLD]: is normally used to restart a general cycle after the
Hold command.
 [pushbutton +] and [pushbutton -]: are normally used to move the axes manually
or position them and set/reset outputs when testing manually.

1.2.5 Area #5: Override potentiometers

Area #5 contains three selector switches: two Override potentiometers and one axis
selector (located between the two potentiometers).)
The axis selector is used for selecting the current axis in the axis setting window.
The upper potentiometer is used to control the speed of all machine movements during
rapid axis movement (in positioning).
The lower potentiometer is used to control only the machining speeds (boring and
routing), subordinate to the upper potentiometer.
Adjustment can vary from between 0% and 150%.

Variations over 100% are effective only if the axis is not moving at the maximum
programmed speed.

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GO Fixed vertical function keys

1.3 Dialogue windows

During normal CNC use operations are carried out which, due to their important nature,
require confirmation, data entry or the use of a password. In order to do this the CNC
communicates with the operator by means of dialogue windows.
There are three types of dialogue window:
 data input, requiring the name of a file, password or other data to be entered;
 confirmation, through which confirmation to proceed with a certain operation is
given by pressing a key;
 wait, showing that an operation is being carried out and that the operator cannot use
the control.

1.3.1 “Data input” dialogue windows

“Data input” type dialogue windows require a sequence of characters to be entered;
these form the name of a directory, a password or similar. This type of window is
identified by the word INPUT.

Fig. 1.4 - “Data input” type dialogue window.

The illustration shows an example of a directory copy which asks for the name of a
destination file to be entered.

How to proceed In this case you need to enter the characters and confirm with [ENTER].
If you need to cancel one or more characters while keying in the data, two methods are
1) use the[ ] and [ ] arrows to position the cursor to the right of the character you
wish to cancel and press [BACKSPACE];
2) use the[ ] and [ ]to position the cursor on the character you wish to cancel and
press [DEL].

If you wish to insert one or more characters, use the[ ] and [ ] arrows to position the
cursor correctly and press [INS].

Exit To cancel the operation press [ESC].

1.3.2 “Confirmation” dialogue windows

“Confirmation” type dialogue windows require confirmation or cancellation of the
operation being carried out. This type of window is identified by the word WARNING,
see below.

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Fig. 1.5 - “Confirmation” type dialogue window.

To confirm To confirm you can either:

 press the key that corresponds with the letter shown in red in the word Confirm;
 use the [ ] and [ ] arrows to position the cursor on the box containing the word
Confirm (shown in green) and press [ENTER].

Exit To cancel you can either:

 press the key that corresponds with the letter shown in red in the word Cancel;
 use the [ ] and [ ] arrows to position the cursor on the box containing the word
Cancel (shown in green) and press [ENTER].
 press [ESC].

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GO Fixed vertical function keys

1.3.3 “Wait” dialogue windows

“Wait” type dialogue windows show that the CNC is carrying out an operation and the
operator cannot use the control. This type of window is identified by the word WAIT.

Fig. 1.6 - “Wait” type dialogue window.

The illustration shows an example of a directory being copied.

While this type of window is present on the screen no other operation can be carried out.


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2 Fixed vertical function keys

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i

2.2 Alarm display................................................................................................................................. ii
2.3 Axis measurement display ........................................................................................................... iv
2.4 ESACALC ..................................................................................................................................... v
2.4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... v
2.4.2 Keyboard.......................................................................................................................... v
2.4.3 Entering a number .......................................................................................................... vi
2.4.4 Mathematical operations................................................................................................. vi
2.4.5 Utilities ............................................................................................................................ vi
2.4.6 Interaction with programming and parameter data.........................................................vii

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GO Fixed vertical function keys

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2.1 Introduction

The functions described in this chapter are called “fixed” functions because they are
available at all machining stages.
Operator Guide GO

2.2 Alarm display

To call up a record of all alarms which have occurred press

A window will appear (see illustration) made up of several lines, each of which
describes an alarm situation containing the following information:

Date and time of the This information is shown in small print indicating the date
alarm and time the alarm was activated. The date format is “day-
month-year”, the time format is “hour-minutes-seconds”.

Alarm reference code

This is shown in large print comprising four figures; it
gives the alarm reference code..
Detailed description This is shown in large print and gives a more detailed
account of the alarm.

Fig. 2.1 - Alarm window.

Alarm colours A red line means the alarm situation is still current, while a white line shows that it is no
longer active.
Each screen page can contain up to 11 lines. The screen can be scrolled up and down by
pressing [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN], while the page symbol on the slide bar on
the right of the window informs the user of the relative position in the list.

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Updating alarms To cancel the alarms which are no longer active (white) press [Clear]. To update the
alarm mode, which means updating the colour of those present on the display and adding
any other s which may have occurred in the meantime, press [Refresh].

Exit To disable the function press

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2.3 Axis measurement display

The axis measurements can be displayed in real time by pressing

The display appears as follows.

Fig. 2.2 - Axis measurements.

The window shows each axis with its measurement alongside. The unit of measurement
is shown under the axis name. The unit of measurement can be changed from either mm
(millimetres) or inches by pressing [mm/inches].
This function is available at any stage unless being set at the same time for another
POSITIONING pages); in this case is will not be possible to disable it.

Exit To disable the function press

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2.4.1 Introduction
ESACALC is a scientific calculator which can be activated by pressing

The calculator display can hold 14 numbers plus two control characters (which appear
on the left) to show the error status (represented by the letter E) and the presence of a
value other than zero in the calculator memory (represented by the letter M). the data
display area is also called the accumulator; the 14 digit limit does not limit the device’s
calculating ability as if the number to be shown is of more than 14 digits it is
automatically shown as a floating decimal point to the power of 10.

Exit To cancel the ESACALC function press the same key again or, if available, the [return
(x)] key (see par. “Interaction with programming and parameter data”).

Fig. 2.3 - EsaCalc Calculator.

2.4.2 Keyboard
To use the ESACALC, as well as the five horizontal double function keys, the whole of
the CNC numeric keypad can be used (as can be seen from the calculator drawing).

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2.4.3 Entering a number

The number keys (from [0] to [9] plus the [.] point) in the general part of the keyboard
as well as those in just the number keypad can be used to enter data. While keying in a
number it is possible to cancel the last one entered by pressing [BACKSPACE] or to
cancel the whole number press [DEL].

2.4.4 Mathematical operations

The following is a list of all the mathematical operations which can be carried out using

Tangent To calculate the tangent of a number enter the number and

press [SHIFT]+ [tan (x)].
Sine To calculate the sine of a number enter the number and
press [sin (x)].
Cosine To calculate the cosine of a number enter the number and
press [cos. (x)].
Square root To calculate the square root of a number enter the number
and press[ x].
Square To calculate the square of a number enter the number and
press [SHIFT]+[ x2].
Reciprocal To calculate the reciprocal of a number enter the number,
press [SHIFT]+[1 / x].
Addition, subtraction, To carry out such operations between two numbers enter the
multiplication, division first number, press the relative key for the operation ([+] for
addition, [-] for subtraction, [*] for multiplication and [/] for
division), enter the second number and press [=] or

Sign To establish the sign of a number press [+/-], if the number

is positive it becomes negative (the minus sign appears next
to it on the accumulator), and if negative it becomes
positive (the minus sign next to it disappears).

All angles are expressed in degrees or decimal fractions of degrees.

Brackets The use of brackets ( ) increases the priority of an operation with less priority in
complex formulae. For example, if you wish to calculate the operation 30 + 2 * 3 giving
priority to the addition, it will be necessary to enter (30 + 2) * 3 =, the result will
therefore be 96. Without the use of brackets the result would have come out as 36..

2.4.5 Utilities
Some utility functions are also incorporated:

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 By pressing [SHIFT] + [] the value of  will appear.

Memorising a number To put a number into memory, enter it and then press [M
+], the letter M will appear on the EsaCalc display to
indicate that it has been memorised.
Recalling a number from To recall a number previously memorised press [SHIFT] +
memory [M C/R] once, the memorised number will reappear.

Clearing a number from To clear a number previously memorised press [SHIFT] +

memory [M C/R] twice, the letter M indicating the presence of
memorised data will disappear from the EsaCalc display.

2.4.6 Interaction with programming and parameter data

One of ESACALC’s main features is the possibility of interacting with the control
programming and parameter settings. During these stages mathematical operations can
be carried out on the selected values. To do this it is necessary to position the cursor on
the numeric data to be elaborated upon and call up ESACALC (by pressing the
appropriate vertical function key). The selected data will appear directly on the
accumulator. At this point all the above listed mathematical operations can be carried
out, after which it is possible to substitute the original value with the new one by
pressing [return (x)], at the same time exiting ESACALC.


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3 File Management

3.1 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................... i

3.1.1 How data is organised ...................................................................................................... i
3.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................iii
3.3 Functions....................................................................................................................................... v
3.3.1 Formatting the memory storage device ........................................................................... v
3.3.2 Selecting the memory storage device.............................................................................. v
3.3.3 How to create a directory ................................................................................................ vi
3.3.4 Opening a directory......................................................................................................... vi
3.3.5 Selecting files quickly...................................................................................................... vi
3.3.6 Cancelling selection of one or more files........................................................................ vi
3.3.7 Copying files from the WORKING disk to the BACKUP disk (Backup)..........................vii
3.3.8 Copying files from the BACKUP disk to the WORKING disk (Restore) ........................ viii
3.3.9 Recovering an uncompleted copy .................................................................................. ix
3.3.10 Renaming files .............................................................................................................. ix
3.3.11 Deleting files ................................................................................................................. ix
3.3.12 Displaying memory storage device data....................................................................... ix
3.3.13 Limitations in the use of TRIANET ........................................................................... 3.12
3.4 Transferring programmes between CNC and Personal Computer.............................................. xi
3.4.1 Transferring files from the current work station to a remote terminal............................. xi
3.4.2 Transferring files from a remote terminal to the current work station.............................xii

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3.1 Definitions

This section gives the definitions which will be used throughout the chapter. In order to
fully understand the text it is essential to first assimilate these concepts.

The memory storage device is the piece of hardware in which data is stored. A memory
Memory storage
storage device contains files and directories. A floppy disk is a type of memory storage

Directory A memory storage device can be logically sub-divided into directories.

A directory is an area of the memory storage device which contains files or other

Root directory Within the memory storage device there is one directory which contains all the other
directories and files. This directory is known as the root directory..

File A file is a series of data identified by a name; it can reside in a directory which in turn
belongs to the memory storage device. Each machining programme is a file, the machine
data is contained in files.

3.1.1 How data is organised

To clarify the previous definitions, let’s imagine that the memory storage device is a
large box; we divide the box into sections which we give a name to, each sector
representing a directory. Inside each of these sections we can insert objects which
represent the files, or we can also put in new sections which represent further directories,
and we give a name to these too.
If we put files with the same name in two different directories, they can be distinguished
on the basis of which directory they belong to.

Let’s now apply this example to the actual CNC data. Inside the root directory of the
memory storage device the following data is stored:
 Machine parameters
 Setup data
 Tooling up files
 Tool wear data
 Working environment variable data files

Inside each directory the following files can be memorised:

 Machining programs
 Work lists
 Suspended work lists
The CNC is organised in such a way that each directory in the memory storage device
can only contain files and not other directories.
The illustration below shows how data is organised in the CNC
Operator Guide GO

Memory storage device

DIR1 DIR2 Setup
PROG1 PROG10 Tooling up
PROG2 PROG11 Tool wear
PROG3 PROG3 Environment

The memory storage device can be any of the following:

 floppy disk (DISK)
 ramdisk (RAMDISK)

 hard disk (HDD)

 serial (serial line)
 network (TRIANET)

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3.2 Introduction

To access the file management program, select the [FILES] option from the MENU
BASE. The following display will appear:

Fig. 3.1 - File management page

It can be seen from the illustration that the display is divided vertically into two identical
The left hand section is called the WORKING window while the right hand part is
termed the BACKUP window.
The WORKING window contains all the files and directories that the CNC loads and
saves through its normal functions; the BACKUP window contains all files copied from
the WORKING window or to be copied in the WORKING window.
At the top of each window is shown the memory storage device assigned to it along with
any eventual directory selected; for example the words DISK/ESA indicate that the
memory storage device is a floppy disk and the name of the directory selected is ESA.

One of the windows is lighter than the other to show it is active; all the operations which

will now be described can be carried out on the active window. The [ ] and [ ] keys 
are used to determine which window is to be active.

Within the active window, the current line is distinguished from the others by being
coloured differently; the current line is selected using the [ ] and [ ].keys.

The WORKING and BACKUP windows list the directories and files contained in the
relative memory storage device; each line contains data concerning a directory or file.

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In both cases the first line of the window always shows the message “NEW DIR”.

The information contained in a general line describing a directory is shown below:

name  DIR  date time

The fields listed mean the following:

 name: Name of the directory made up of 8 characters
 DIR Shows that the information of that line refers to a directory
 date: The date the directory was created, expressed in the format (day-month-
 time: The time the directory was created, expressed in the format (hour-

The file list for each line contains the following information:

name ext size date time

The fields listed mean the following:

 name: Name of the file made up of 8 characters
 ext: Type of file (extension); this column shows what type of file it is; it can
be any of the following types:
 PGM: Machining program
 LST: Work list
 FRZ: Suspended work lists
 ATR: Tooling up
 WEA: Tool wear data
 DAT: Machine parameters and setup files
 Other: Types of file only of use to the machine manufacturer
 size: Size of the file expressed in bytes (characters).
 date: The date the file was created, expressed in the format (day-month-year)
 time: The time the file was created, expressed in the format (hour-minutes)

For the CNC to function properly a directory (for example DISK/ESA) should be
selected in the WORKING window. The CNC uses this information for saving and
loading program and list data. To edit and use machining programs and lists it is
necessary to select a directory from the WORKING window (see the chapter headed
Writing programs and lists).

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3.3 Functions

3.3.1 Formatting the memory storage device

Each memory storage device can only be used after it has been formatted. Formatting is
only necessary if a memory storage device has not been used before.

From the FILE mode press [Select drive]; a window appears showing all the possible
types of memory storage device available.
Select the disk drive you wish to format and press [Format].
A window appears in which you need to write in the word FORMAT and then press
[ENTER]; this initiates the formatting procedure.
Once this has been completed the memory disk chosen is made ready for use and can be
used to save files and directories.

Formatting deletes completely all data previously contained in a memory storage device.
Usually the ramdisk and hard disk are already formatted by the machine manufacturer.
Use this function only for formatting floppy disks..

Exit To cancel the formatting procedure before it has begun press [ESC]. Formatting cannot
be interrupted once it has started.

Formatting a memory storage device must not be carried out on a “SERIAL” unit.

Formatting a memory storage device which already contains information cancels all
existing data with no possibility of recovery.

3.3.2 Selecting the memory storage device

From the FILE mode activate the WORKING window to select the WORKING
memory, or the BACKUP window to select the BACKUP memory. Press [Select
drive]; a window appears showing all the possible types of memory storage device
select the memory you require and press [Confirm]. The information shown in the active
window now refers to the memory selected.
To exit the select a memory storage device procedure press [ESC].

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3.3.3 How to create a directory

To create a directory position the current line on the first line displayed showing the
words “NEW DIR” and press [ENTER]. A window will appear in which the name of
the directory to be created should be written, then press [ENTER] to carry out the
Once the new directory has been created it will be added to the current list.
Directories can be created in both the WORKING and BACKUP windows.

Exit To cancel the create a directory procedure with completing press [ESC]; cancelling can
only be done when the name entry window is active..

3.3.4 Opening a directory

Select one of the directory lines and press [ENTER]. The active window will then show
all the files contained in that directory.
Directories can be selected from both the WORKING and BACKUP windows.

Opening the root The root directory is selected by selecting a directory with a “..” name.
When selecting the root directory from the WORKING window it will not be possible to
edit and use the machining programs and lists (only contained in the sub-directories).

3.3.5 Selecting files quickly

In the section dealing with copying files, a way of selecting the files to be copied was
illustrated. This method is suitable when just a few files of different types need be
To select several files of the same type (with the same extension) there is a quick
method; press [Select Files], a window will appear in which the files required must be
entered; there are three ways of selecting them.

select all files with enter the characters *.ext. For example *.pgm to indicate all
the same extension the programs or *.lst to indicate the lists.

select all files with enter the characters name.*. For example ESA.* could
the same name but indicate either the programs or list of ESA names.
different extensions

select all files enter the characters *.*

Press [ENTER] after having made one of these choices.
All files of that specific type will now be displayed with different colours and the 
symbol next to the extension to confirm the selection has been made.

Exit After pressing [Select files], instead of proceeding with the operation it can be cancelled
by pressing [ESC].

3.3.6 Cancelling selection of one or more files

To cancel file selection, position the cursor on the file to be cancelled and press [INS].

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The line returns to its original colour and the  symbol next to the extension disappears.

All files can be deselected simultaneously by pressing [Cancel selection]; the type of
files to be deselected must be entered in the display window (as per quick selection).
Confirm deselection *.* of all files by pressing [ENTER].

Exit After pressing [Cancel selection] the whole operation can be cancelled by pressing

3.3.7 Copying files from the WORKING disk to the BACKUP disk (Backup)

There are two distinct procedures for copying files, the first is used for copying
programmes and lists while the second allows all other files to be copied. Both need to
be used to carry out copying completely.

Copying programmes  Activate the WORKING window.

and lists
 Select the source memory storage device and directory containing the programs
and/or lists to be copied.
 Activate the BACKUP window.
 Select the destination memory storage device and directory where the programs
and/or lists are to be copied to.
 Activate the WORKING window again.
 Highlight the files to be copied by positioning the cursor line next to each one and
pressing [INS]. Each file highlighted shows up in a different colour and the 
symbol appears next to the extension.
 Once file selection is completed press [Copy] and confirm the copy operation.
During file copying a window appears which shows the progress of the operation.
If a particular file is already present in the destination directory, confirmation will be
requested to write over it.

Copying tooling up  Activate the WORKING window.

files and/or setup files
 Select the source memory storage device containing the files to be copied.
 Activate the BACKUP window.
 Select the destination memory storage device where the files are to be copied to.

 Activate the WORKING window again.

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 Highlight the files to be copied by positioning the cursor line next to each one and
pressing [INS]. Each file highlighted shows up in a different colour and the 
symbol appears next to the extension.
 Once file selection is completed press [Copy] and confirm the copy operation.
During file copying a window appears which shows the progress of the operation.
If a particular file is already present in the destination directory, confirmation will be
requested to write over it.

Exit After pressing [Copy] and having called up the window that shows how the copy will be
made, cancel the operation by pressing [ESC]

3.3.8 Copying files from the BACKUP disk to the WORKING disk (Restore)

There are two distinct procedures for copying files, the first is used for copying
programmes and lists while the second allows all other files to be copied.

Copying programmes  Activate the BACKUP window.

and lists
 Select the source memory storage device and directory containing the programs
and/or lists to be copied.
 Activate the WORKING window.
 Select the destination memory storage device and directory where the programs
and/or lists are to be copied to.
 Activate the BACKUP window again.
 Highlight the files to be copied by positioning the cursor line next to each one and
pressing [INS]. Each file highlighted shows up in a different colour and the 
symbol appears next to the extension.
 Once file selection is completed press [Copy] and confirm the copy operation.
During file copying a window appears which shows the progress of the operation
If a particular file is already present in the destination directory, confirmation will be
requested to write over it.

Copying tooling up  Activate the BACKUP window.

files and/or setup files  Select the source memory storage device containing the files to be copied.
 Activate the WORKING window.
 Select the destination memory storage device where the files are to be copied to.
 Activate the BACKUP window again.
Highlight the files to be copied by positioning the cursor line next to each one and
pressing [INS]. Each file highlighted shows up in a different colour and the 
symbol appears next to the extension.
 Once file selection is completed press [Copy] and confirm the copy operation.

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During file copying a window appears which shows the progress of the operation.

Exit After pressing [Copy] and having called up the window that shows how the copy will be
made, cancel the operation by pressing [ESC].

3.3.9 Recovering an uncompleted copy

During the copying procedure it may be that an error arises which interrupts the copy
before it has been completed (e.g. disk full).
In this case the files which have not been copied remain selected, it is therefore
sufficient to attend to the error which has arisen (in the example above this means
changing the disk) and then press [Copy] once more to complete the operation.

3.3.10 Renaming files

Renaming a file involves changing its name and/or extension.
Select the file you want to change the name of using the cursor line and press [Rename].
A window appears requiring the new name and/or new extension to be entered. Press
[ENTER] to complete the operation.

N.B. It is only possible to rename one file at a time.

Exit After pressing [Rename] the whole operation can be cancelled by pressing [ESC].

3.3.11 Deleting files

To delete a file position the cursor line on the file to be cancelled and press [Delete], a
window appears to warn that the file is about to be deleted.

Deleting a group of Select the files to delete with [INS] and press [Delete], a window appears to warn that
files the files are about to be deleted. Confirm or cancel the operation.
In this case the position of the cursor line is irrelevant.

Exit After pressing [Delete] the whole operation can be cancelled by pressing [ESC].

3.3.12 Displaying memory storage device data

This function allows the operator to find out how much memory is available or already
occupied on the storage disk.
Press [Select drive]; choose the memory storage device you require information about
from the list shown and press [INFO].
The window that appears on the screen contains the following information
 Size of the storage disk memory.
The number of directories contained and the total memory occupied by
directories and files.
 The number of setup files and the total memory they occupy.
 The number of programmes, lists and the total memory occupied by them.
 The amount of free memory available on the storage disk.

Once you have the information you require press [ENTER].

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3.3.13 Limitations in the use of TRIANET

Unlike other machining units, TRIANET can only be selected
from the SUPPORT window.

To modify a file located on the server it needs to be transferred to local (on RAMDISK,
or FLOPPY or HARD DISK) and then modified before sending it back to the server.

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GO Manual functions

3.4 Transferring programmes between CNC and Personal Computer

The operations described in this section may not necessarily be available as they are
If they are not available, refer to the chapter “File transfer by serial line” where an
alternative method of file transfer is described.

Transfer of data between CNC and Personal Computer can only take place if the
TRIAPC program is used on the PC.

All operations described in this section apply to both CNC and TRIAPC.

To transfer files between CNC and PC the heading SERIAL must be selected from the
BACKUP window as the memory storage device.
In this way all the information shown in the BACKUP window refer to the remote
Transfer of files can take place whether working on CNC or PC; the procedure is the
same for both cases.

In order for transfer to be carried out correctly the operator should work only on PC or
only on CNC.

3.4.1 Transferring files from the current work station to a remote terminal
The procedure for transferring files from the current work station (CNC or PC) to a
remote terminal (PC or CNC) is as follows

Transferring  Activate the WORKING window.

programs and lists
 Select the source memory storage device and directory containing the programs
and/or lists to be transferred.
 Activate the BACKUP window.
 Select SERIAL as the destination memory storage device and directory where the
programs and/or lists are to be transferred to.
 Activate the WORKING window again.
 Highlight the files to be transferred by positioning the cursor line next to each one
and pressing [INS]. Each file highlighted shows up in a different colour and the 
symbol appears next to the extension.
 Once file selection is completed press [COPY] and confirm the copy operation by

pressing [ ] > [ENTER]. If you transfer a single file, after pressing [Copy]] all
you need do is press [ENTER] to confirm.

During file transfer a window appears which shows the progress of the operation.

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Transferring tooling  Activate the WORKING window.

up files and/or setup
files  Select the source memory storage device containing the data to be transferred.
 Activate the BACKUP window.
 Select SERIAL as the destination memory storage device and directory where the
data is to be transferred to.
 Activate the WORKING window again.
 Highlight the files to be transferred by positioning the cursor line next to each one
and pressing [INS]. Each file highlighted shows up in a different colour and the 
symbol appears next to the extension..
 Once file selection is completed press [Copy] and confirm the copy operation by

pressing .[ ] > [ENTER]. If you transfer a single file, after pressing [Copy] all
you need do is press [ENTER] to confirm.

During file transfer a window appears which shows the progress of the operation.

Exit After pressing [COPY] the whole transfer operation can be cancelled by pressing [ESC].

3.4.2 Transferring files from a remote terminal to the current work station
To transfer files from a remote terminal to the current work station, repeat the procedure
“Transferring files from the current work station to a remote terminal” but
inverting the selection of the WORKING and BACKUP windows; this means that
before pressing [Copy] the active window containing the files to be transferred must be
the BACKUP window.


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GO Manual functions


4.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................i

4.2 Axis calibration...............................................................................................................................ii
4.3 Manual axis movement (Jog) ....................................................................................................... iii
4.4 Manual tool enabling.....................................................................................................................iv
4.5 Semi automatic
4.6 Manual tool change functions ...................................................................................................... vii
4.6.1 Tool change functions with rotary magazine ................................................................. viii
4.6.2 Tool change functions with side magazine (STC)............................................................x
4.6.3 Functions for RAPID 7 tool change ............................................................................ 4.14

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4.1 Introduction

This chapter describes functions only present on the CNC.

Operator Guide GO

4.2 Axis calibration

Axis calibration is an operation which allows the machine to establish reference

measurements for each of the axes present; each axis has a position known as the
calibration position.
Calibration the machine involves carrying out a test cycle to find the calibration

Each time the machine is turned on a calibration cycle must be carried out.

Activation To carry out the calibration cycle, from the MENU BASE press [Manual movement] >
A window appears showing the axis measurements and a window at the foot of the
screen contains one of the following messages:

PRESS START TO This means that the machine has not yet been calibrated
BEGIN since it was last turned off; press the [pushbutton
START] to initiate the calibration cycle.
CALIBRATION IN This means that the calibration cycle is currently being
PROGRESS... executed; once completed, this message is replaced with
one of the other two possibilities.
AXIS CALIBRATION This means that the calibration cycle has been
COMPLETE successfully completed and that the machine has
established reference measurements for each axis.

If the window does not contain the string CALIBRATION IN PROGRESS..., press
the [Pushbutton START] to begin the calibration cycle.

The calibration cycle may be completed successfully or machine alarms and errors may
occur, in which case the machine has not been calibrated and the operation must be

When the calibration cycle has been successfully completed, the minimum and
maximum limits for each axis are established. This means that any axis positioning,
whether automatic or manual, will be stop automatically once these reference points
have been reached, in this way avoiding any emergency alarms or mechanical reference

To cancel To stop the calibration cycle once it has been initiated, press the [pushbutton STOP].
Exit the CALIBRATION mode by pressing [ESC]; this function is available only if the
calibration cycle is not in operation.

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4.3 Manual axis movement (Jog)

The manual movement function allows an axis to be moved to a position other than the
one preset.
The axis is moved by keeping [pushbutton +] or [pushbutton -] pressed down and will
stop when the button is released.

Activation To enter the MOVEMENT mode from the MENU BASE press [Manual movement].
Select the axis you want to move.
Press and keep down:
 [pushbutton +] to move the axis towards its maximum value
 [pushbutton -] to move the axis towards its minimum value
The axis moves at its maximum speed if the machine has been calibrated, other wise it
moves much more slowly as a safety measure.
Once reached, the axis moves at this speed until the pushbutton is released.

Exit The axis stops as soon as the pushbutton is released.

Exit the MOVEMENT mode by pressing [ESC].

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4.4 Manual tool enabling

This paragraph describes the procedure for activating one or more tools; the aim of this
function is to check correct tool operation.
The manual tool enabling function is available when in the MOVEMENT mode which is
activated from the MENU BASE by pressing [Manual movement].
To operate these functions the table to the left of the axis measurements must be used;
the table contains the following parameters:

Tool selection Specifies the number of the tool to be activated; only the
numbers of configured tools are accepted. Pressing [ ] 
moves on to the next configured tool; pressing [ ] 
moves backwards to the previous configured tool.

Spindle motor Specifies the number of one of the motors which move
the spindles. Numbers between 1 and 4 are accepted.
Pressing[ ] increases the value; pressing [ ] decreases
the value.

Router converter Specifies the number of one of the frequency converters

which rotate the routers. Numbers between 1 and 9 are
Pressing [ ] increases the value; pressing [ ] decreases
the value.
Converter direction Specifies the rotational direction of the converter
selected; values can be CW (clockwise) or CCW
This is only available for static converters, that is, those
numbered 2 to 9.

Min. r.p.m. x 1000 Specifies the rotational speed of the static converters, that
is, those numbered 2 to 9. The minimum and maximum
values that can be set depend on the specifications
determined by the manufacturer.
Pressing [ ] increases the value; pressing [ ] decreases
the value.

Drill bit lowering and Put the cursor on the Select tool field, key in the number of the drill bit to be activated
rotation and press [Enable output].
Put the cursor on the Spindle motor field, key in the number of the spindle rotation
motor for the drill bit activated and press [Enable output].

Disabling drill bits Put the cursor on the Spindle motor field, key in the number of the spindle rotation
motor for the drill bit activated and press [Disable output].
Put the cursor on the Select tool field, key in the number of the drill bit to be
disactivated and press [Disable output].

Router lowering and Put the cursor on the Select tool field, key in the number of the router to be activated
rotation and press [Enable output].

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Put the cursor on the Router converter field, key in the number of the frequency
converter for the router activated and press [Enable output].
Put the cursor on the Min/r.p.m. x 1000 field, set the rotational speed for the router and
press [Enable output].

Disabling routers Put the cursor on the Router converter, key in the number of the frequency converter
for the router activated and press [Disable output].
Put the cursor on the Select tool field, key in the number of the router to be disactivated
and press [Disable output].

Exit Exit the MOVEMENT mode by pressing [ESC].

All tools, frequency converters and motors currently active will stop.

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4.5 Semi automatic positioning

Functions in the POSITIONING mode allow an axis to be set to a given measurement

within the limits of that axis.
The POSITIONING mode is reached from the MENU BASE by pressing [Manual
movement] >[Position].

The POSITION function can only be used if the calibration cycle has already been
carried out on the machine.

The display shows a window with the axis measurements (top right) and another window
with the destination setting of the selected axes.

Absolute axis To position an axis at a predetermined measurement proceed as follows:

1) select the axis to be positioned using the axis selector
2) key in the destination setting and then confirm by pressing [ENTER];
3) Press [pushbutton START].

Relative axis Relative axis positioning is particularly useful for carrying out step positioning, or rather
positioning making a series of movements of equal size.
With this method the distance between the current axis position and the final position to
be reached is set; positioning can be either in negative or positive values by pressing
[pushbutton +] or [pushbutton -].
1) select the axis to be positioned using the axis selector;
2) key in the value that you require the steps to increase by and then confirm by
pressing [ENTER];
3) Press:
 [pushbutton +] to move the axis towards its positive limit of the value set.
 pushbutton -] to move the axis towards its negative limit of the value set.
4) Repeat point 3 to carry out a series of incremental movements which are equidistant.

Exit Each step movement can be interrupted by pressing [pushbutton STOP].

Exit the POSITIONING mode by pressing [ESC].

The POSITIONING mode cannot be exited while an axis is in movement; you must wait
until the current movement has been completed or alternatively interrupt it.

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4.6 Manual tool change functions

The manual tool change functions are reached from the MENU BASE by pressing
[Manual movement] >[Manual Test].
The window which appears contains certain tool change functions; each line represents a
different function and contains the following information:
 A description of the function (left section))
 Graphic representation of possible values which can be set (central section
 Display of the function mode (right section)
Each function can take on one or more modes represented by graphic symbols which
show the effect; only one of the quadrants next to each symbol is of a different colour to
the others and shows the mode selected (cursor).
The cursor can be moved using [ ] and [ ] to select a different function from the current
one; and using [ ] and [ ] to select one of the function modes.

The right section displays the value of each function mode; a binary sequence (0 or 1) is
shown alongside the description in the same way that the graphic symbols are
represented. Only one of the numbers is 1 and indicates which function value is active.

Activating a function Select the function, the value to be activated, and then press [pushbutton START].
Activating one of the function modes disactivates the previously selected mode.

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4.6.1 Tool change functions with rotary magazine

The functions described in this paragraph are only available for machines fitted with a
rotary magazine tool change.
The illustration shows a table of these manual functions:

Fig. 4.1 - Tool change functions with rotary magazine

Magazine calibration Select Wheel calibration cycle with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].

Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
Picking up tools from command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
the magazine
Now position the cursor on the command tool change cycle from position; select the
magazine location (positions 0 to 19 inclusive) that the tool is to be taken from using the
[ ] and [ ] arrow keys
Press [pushbutton START] to execute the operation.
Any tool already present in the electro-spindle will be deposited in the magazine at the
same time as the loading cycle takes place.

Depositing tools in Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
the magazine command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].

Now position the cursor on the command empty electro-spindle and shuttle; press
[pushbutton START] and the operation will be executed.

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Inserting a tool from Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to OFF; if not, select this
an external magazine command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Insert the tool manually in the electro-spindle pressing the grip/release button next to the
Put the cursor on the tool change cycle from position and using the .[ ] and [ ] arrow
keys select the code of the external magazine for the position of the tool that has been

Depositing tools in an Remove the tool from the electro-spindle manually by pressing the grip/release button
external magazine next to it.

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4.6.2 Tool change functions with side magazine (STC)

The functions described in this paragraph are only available for machines fitted with
side magazine tool change.
The illustration shows a table of these manual functions:

Fig. 4.2 - Tool change functions with side magazine

Depositing tools in 
Select the electro-spindle by putting the cursor on select electro-spindle; use the [ ]
the magazine 
and [ ] arrow keys to position the cursor on the electro-spindle required (electro-
spindles are numbered 1 to 3; their exact number depends upon the individual machine
specifications) and press [pushbutton START]..
Open the magazine by putting the cursor on magazine out for tool change and press
[pushbutton START].
Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Now position the cursor on the command empty electro-spindle and press [pushbutton
START] to execute the operation.

Picking up tools from 

Select the electro-spindle by putting the cursor on select electro-spindle; use the [ ]
the magazine 
and [ ] arrow keys to position the cursor on the electro-spindle required (electro-
spindles are numbered 1 to 3; their exact number depends upon the individual machine
specifications) and press [pushbutton START].

x 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Automatic

Open the magazine by putting the cursor on magazine out for tool change and press
[pushbutton START].
Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Now position the cursor on the command tool pick-up position; select the magazine

location (positions 0 to 19 inclusive) that the tool is to be taken from using the [ ] and

[ ] arrow keys
Press [pushbutton START] to execute the operation..

The electro-spindle must not hold any tools; if a tool is present it will first be necessary
to carry out the deposit tool in magazine function.

Inserting a tool from Select the electro-spindle by putting the cursor on select electro-spindle; use the [ ] 
an external magazine 
and [ ] arrow keys to position the cursor on the electro-spindle required (electro-
spindles are numbered 1 to 3; their exact number depends upon the individual machine
specifications) and press [pushbutton START]..
Open the magazine by putting the cursor on magazine out for tool change and press
[pushbutton START].
Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Insert the tool manually in the electro-spindle pressing the grip/release button next to the
Put the cursor on the tool pick-up position and using the [ ] and [ ] arrow keys select
the code of the external magazine for the position of the tool that has been inserted.

Depositing tools in an Select the electro-spindle by putting the cursor on select electro-spindle; use the [ ] 
external magazine 
and [ ] arrow keys to position the cursor on the electro-spindle required (electro-
spindles are numbered 1 to 3; their exact number depends upon the individual machine
specifications) and press [pushbutton START]..
Remove the tool from the electro-spindle manually by pressing the grip/release button
next to it.

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Operator Guide GO

4.6.3 Functions for RAPID 7 tool change

The functions described in this paragraph are only available for machines fitted with the
RAPID 7 tool change.
The illustration shows a table of these manual functions:

Fig.4.1 - Manual functions for tool change with rotary magazine

Magazine calibration Select Wheel calibration cycle with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].

Picking up tools from Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
the magazine command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Now position the cursor on the command tool change cycle from position; select the
magazine location (positions 0 to 19 inclusive) that the tool is to be taken from using the
[ ] and [ ] arrow keys.
Press [pushbutton START] to execute the operation.
Any tool already present in the electro-spindle will be deposited in the magazine at the
same time as the loading cycle takes place.

Depositing tools in Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to ON; if not, select this
the magazine command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Now position the cursor on the command empty electro-spindle ; press [pushbutton
START] and the operation will be executed.

Inserting a tool from Make sure that AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE is set to OFF; if not, select this
an external magazine command with the cursor and press [pushbutton START].
Insert the tool manually in the electro-spindle pressing the grip/release button next to the
Put the cursor on the tool change cycle from position and using the [ ] and [ ] arrow
keys select the code of the external magazine for the position of the tool that has been

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GO Automatic

Depositing tools in an Remove the tool from the electro-spindle manually by pressing the grip/release button
external magazine next to it.


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5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i

5.1.1 Execution via Network .................................................................................................. 5.3
5.2 Program execution........................................................................................................................iii
5.3 List execution ................................................................................................................................ v
5.3.1 Circular mode ................................................................................................................. vi
5.3.2 Countdown Circular mode .............................................................................................. vi
5.3.3 Countdown Sequence mode ..........................................................................................vii
5.3.4 Flow System mode ........................................................................................................ viii
5.3.5 Continuous Flow System mode ..................................................................................... viii
5.4 Retrieving a work list ..................................................................................................................... x
5.5 Use of bar code reader ................................................................................................................ xi
5.5.1 Using a bar code reader in Flow System mode.............................................................. xi
5.5.2 Cancelling a reading .......................................................................................................xii
5.5.3 Reading queue system ...................................................................................................xii
5.5.4 Loading a list using the bar code reader.........................................................................xii
5.6 Computer supervision .................................................................................................................xiii
5.7 Production cycle information display...........................................................................................xiv
5.7.1 Work list synoptic display...............................................................................................xiv
5.8 Panel machining cycle ................................................................................................................xvi
5.9 Production suspension.............................................................................................................. xviii
5.9.1 Abandoning production data........................................................................................ xviii
5.9.2 Saving data for future production retrieval................................................................... xviii
5.10 Modifying the number of repetitions per workpiece ..................................................................xix
5.11 Adding a new production program ............................................................................................ xx
5.12 Displaying planes and fixing suckers .......................................................................................xxii
5.13 Step-by-step machining .......................................................................................................... xxiii
5.14 Dry run ....................................................................................................................................xxiv
5.15 Graphical display of the machining process ............................................................................xxv

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5.1 Introduction

Machining of one or more panels is obtained by setting the numeric control to the
AUTOMATIC mode, fixing the panel or panels to the machine worktables and pressing
the button

which corresponds with the Field where the panel is located

This chapter describes how to set the numeric control for machining one or more panels.

The AUTOMATIC MODE can only be activated if the machine has already been put
through a calibration cycle.

Activation Press [Automatic] from the MENU BASE mode and then select the mode required
from those available.
The various AUTOMATIC mode functions are:
 Program execution
 List execution in:
 Circular mode
 Countdown Circular mode
 Countdown Sequence mode
 Flow System mode
 Continuous Flow System mode
 Retrieving work lists of the same types as above
 Execution with bar code reader
 External computer supervision
The complete activation mode depends on the activation mode selected.

5.1.1 Execution via Network

Activation Press [Automatic via network] from the MENU BASE mode and then select the mode
required from those available.
The various AUTOMATIC mode functions are the same as those available in the local
automatic mode.
To execute programs or lists via network the file BACK UP window must be selected on

Directory selection If no directory is selected in the file BACK UP window, a list of the directories present
appears on the server; select the directory required and press [Confirm]; when the file
selection is valid this phase will not be presented.
Successive selection procedures are the same as in the local automatic mode.
Operator Guide GO

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GO Editing Programs and lists

5.2 Program execution

When AUTOMATIC is activated in the program execution mode a work list is created
with just one type of machining (step); this does not mean that only one panel can be
machined, but similar types of panel can be processed with the same machining pattern.
Activating the AUTOMATIC mode also means that only one panel at a time can be
loaded on the worktable.
The above characteristics can be expanded once the AUTOMATIC mode has been
activated using the Add a new program function discussed later in this chapter.

Activation After selecting the AUTOMATIC mode (described above), press [Programs].
A list of programs appears made up of those contained in the selected working directory
belonging to that particular working storage disk. Choose the name of the program you
wish to use from this list and press [Execute].

Header entry A table now appears containing information about the panel to be machined:
 X panel size (DX)
 Y panel size (DY)
 Z panel size (DZ)
 Field where panel is to be fixed (-)
 Active transfer mode (T)
only applicable in “Flow System” and Continuous Flow System” modes
 Active continuous mode (C)
 Number of panels to be processed (R)
 Name of tool file (/)

 Tools activated on main head (H1)

 Tools activated on twin head (H2)
The data in the table is specifically for the header of the particular program and contains
the relevant information.
To change one or more of the values in the table, use the arrow keys.[] [] [] [] to
position the cursor on the value you wish to change, enter the new value and confirm the
change by pressing [ENTER]; repeat this operation for all the fields to be changed
To confirm the data contained in the table press [Execute]; now the AUTOMATIC
mode has been completed for the selected function.

The name of the tool file in the table shown above must correspond with the name of
the tool file specified as being the current tooling setup and which determines how the
machine is to be currently tooled.

If this is not done, it means that to carry out the program selected, the machine will have
to be tooled up with tools suited to the program execution.

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The program selected for execution is the same at all machine fields; this means that if
field AB is specified in the panel data table, then that program will be set up for
machining in fields AB, BA, CD and DC.

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5.3 List execution

When AUTOMATIC is activated in the list execution mode different types of

production can be created, being made up of different types of machining (steps); this
means that various panel types can be processed with different machining patterns
according to the lists. This mode allows several panels to be loaded on the worktable (if
provided for by the work list) with the result that production times can be optimised by
simultaneously combining the loading/unloading of one panel with the machining of
The work list contains a number of elements called list steps; each of these calls up the
name of a program concerning the size of the panel to be machined, the field where the
panel is located (A-B-C-D) etc..

Activation From the AUTOMATIC mode it is possible to obtain a list of those programs
contained in the selected working directory belonging to that particular working
storage disk; Choose the name of the program you wish to use from this list for
production and press one of the [Circular], [Countdown Circular], [Countdown
Sequences], [Flow System], [Continuous Flow-Sys] keys to activate the list execution
in one of the different modes.

Considerations For the first three modes shown, the steps are automatically sub-divided for each field
(identified by the first or only letter of the field or by the mirror code) keeping the
sequence established in the original list for each field.

E.g.: the following list

P/1 DX600.00 DY400.00 DZ18.00 -A T0 C0 R10 /DEF

P/1 DX400.00 DY300.00 DZ18.00 -B T0 C0 R30 /DEF
P/2 DX500.00 DY300.00 DZ18.00 -A T0 C0 R10 /DEF
P/2 DX600.00 DY300.00 DZ18.00 -B T0 C0 R50 /DEF

is sub-divided into the following two lists:

Field “A” list Field “B” list Field “C” list Field “D” list
P/1 P/1
DX 600 DY 400 DZ18 DX400 DY300 DZ18
-A T0 C0 R10 /DEF -B T0 C0 R30 /DEF
P/2 P/2
DX500 DY300 DZ18 DX 600 DY300 DZ18
-A T0 C0 R10 /DEF -B T0 C0 R50 /DEF

The C and D list fields are empty.

The list execution modes are applied to the lists as they are sub-divided in the example
and not as per the original list; this allows the order in which panels are to be machined
to be determined without any restrictions imposed by the original list. This means that,
in the example above for instance, when execution takes place it is possible to establish
whether machining will commence in field A or B; this selection is done by pressing the

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for one or the other fields.

From now on reference will be made to executing a list step; this means: processing a
panel using the information contained in the list step.

5.3.1 Circular mode

The circular mode allows a pile of panels to be processed which is not homogeneous (of
different sizes or which require different types of processing); the list does not finish at
the end of production, that is to say the repetitions associated with each step of the
program are not considered.

Activation Machining starts when the button

is pressed for the machine field where the panel is located.

When the button is pressed again

the next list step will be executed, if this is the last step in the execution list then the
program will start again from the first step.

Exit It is only possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function
described in the Production interruption section); The AUTOMATIC mode is
disactivated. The work list cannot be finished in this execution mode.

5.3.2 Countdown Circular mode

The countdown circular mode allows a pile of panels to be processed which is not
homogeneous (of different sizes or which require different types of processing); the list
can finish spontaneously at the end of production.

Activation Machining starts when the button

is pressed for the machine field where the panel is located.

When the button is pressed again

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GO Editing Programs and lists

the next list step will be executed, if this is the last step in the execution list then the
program will start again from the first step.

Exit It is possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function described
in the Production Interruption section) or when all the lists of the machine fields
have been completed.
While in the first case the AUTOMATIC mode is disactivated, in the second case
production ceases but the AUTOMATIC state remains active.

Considerations When one of the list steps is successfully executed without any anomalies (machine
alarms etc..), the repetitions associated with that step are decreased.
When a list step is completed (the specified number of panel machining repetitions has
been satisfied) it is eliminated from the work list in that field (the original list remains
unchanged) and that step will not be executed again in the current production session.

5.3.3 Countdown Sequence mode

The countdown sequence mode allows a homogeneous pile of panels to be processed (of
the same size and which require the same type of processing) in sequence; the list can
finish spontaneously at the end of production.

Activation Machining starts when the button

is pressed for the machine field where the panel is located.

When the button is pressed again

the same step will be executed if it has not been completed; if it has then the next step
will be executed.

Exit It is possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function described
in the Production Interruption section) or when all the lists of the machine fields
have been completed.
While in the first case the AUTOMATIC mode is disactivated, in the second case
production ceases but the AUTOMATIC state remains active.

Considerations When one of the list steps is successfully executed without any anomalies (machine
alarms etc..), the repetitions associated with that step are decreased.
When a list step is completed (the specified number of panel machining repetitions has
been satisfied) it is eliminated from the work list in that field (the original list remains
unchanged) and that step will not be executed again in the current production session.

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5.3.4 Flow System mode

The flow system mode allows a pile of panels to be processed which is not homogeneous
(of different sizes or which require different types of processing) in the same sequence
that they appear in the list; the list can finish spontaneously at the end of production.
In this mode the list is not divided into the different machine fields, but the panel
loading sequence follows that specified in the selected list; this means that panel
machining in a certain field can only come about when the list steps preceding
those for the current panel have been carried out independently of the field where
they have been assigned. Panel fixing can only be effected prior to the machining

Activation Machining starts when the button

is pressed for the machine field where the panel is located.

When the button is pressed again

the same step will be executed, if this is the last step in the list then the program will
start again from the first step.

Exit It is possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function described
in the Production interruption section) or when all the lists of the machine fields
have been completed.
While in the first case the AUTOMATIC mode is disactivated, in the second case
production ceases but the AUTOMATIC state remains active.

Considerations When one of the list steps is successfully executed without any anomalies (machine
alarms etc..), the repetitions associated with that step are decreased.
When a list step is completed (the specified number of panel machining repetitions has
been satisfied) it is eliminated from the work list (the original list remains unchanged)
and that step will not be executed again in the current production session.
This execution mode is particularly suitable for machines which are loaded
automatically; in this case panel execution is not prompted by pressing the button

for that field but it is the machine that determines execution after having fixed the panel.

5.3.5 Continuous Flow System mode

The continuous flow system mode allows a pile of panels to be processed which is not
homogeneous (of different sizes or which require different types of processing) in the
same sequence that they appear in the list; the list does not finish at the end of
production, that is to say the repetitions associated with each step of the program are not

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In this mode the list is not divided into the different machine fields, but the panel
loading sequence follows that specified in the selected list; this means that panel
machining in a certain field can only come about when the list steps preceding
those for the current panel have been carried out independently of the field where
they have been assigned. Panel fixing can only be effected prior to the machining

Activation Machining starts when the button

is pressed for the machine field where the panel is located.

When the button is pressed again

the same step will be executed, if this is the last step in the list then the program will
start again from the first step.

Exit It is possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function described
in the Production interruption section). In this mode it is not possible to finish the
production list.

Considerations This execution mode is particularly suitable for machines which are loaded
automatically; in this case panel execution is not prompted by pressing the button

for that field but it is the machine that determines execution after having fixed the

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5.4 Retrieving a work list

Retrieval of an interrupted work list can only be effected if the AUTOMATIC mode is

Activation From the MENU BASE mode press [AUTOMATIC] > [SHIFT] + [List Int].
A window appears showing all the interrupted lists; select the list you wish to retrieve
using the arrow keys.
Complete activation by choosing the execution mode for the production (see List

Exit Press [ESC] to cancel the list retrieval function.

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5.5 Use of bar code reader

The use of the AUTOMATIC mode for enabling the use of a bar code reader must
only be used if the machine is fitted with such a device..
Activating AUTOMATIC in this mode means the machine is then set up for different
types of production with no previously established sequence.
Using a bar code reader (BCR) means it is not necessary to establish a work list or select
a program for panel machining because the panel machining program is selected using
the bar code.
With this method the work list is created as the BCR readings are entered.

Activation After selecting AUTOMATIC, press [SHIFT] + [Barcode].

The barcode mode is activated immediately with no further selections or confirmation

Considerations If the machine is fitted with an automatic panel loading system the readings can be
taken automatically during the loading phase; if not then readings must be taken
manually by passing the light pen over the label on one of the sides of the panel or on
a separate label list.
When a BCR reading is taken the program name containing all necessary data for panel
processing it is sent to the CNC; a list step is created on the basis of this information
which is then inserted into a temporary work list.
The temporary list created in this way will be executed in the COUNTDOWN
SEQUENCE mode; in this mode it is possible to process a pile of homogeneous panels
by putting the label on the first of these and programming the number of repetitions in
the program header corresponding to the number of panels in the pile.

The first list step created requires that the following ones are also the same.

5.5.1 Using a bar code reader in Flow System mode

Activation of the function for enabling the use of a bar code reader in the flow system
mode is obtained from the AUTOMATIC mode by pressing [Brc Flow].
This method is suitable for machines fitted with automatic panel transfer systems. The
machine processes the panels in the same sequence that the BCR reads the labels on

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5.5.2 Cancelling a reading

When readings are taken manually it may happen that the wrong label is read; to cancel
the operation all that needs be done is to take a new reading of the correct label.
If both programs called up by the two labels contain information pertinent to the same
field, the second reading will override the first; the second reading does not override the
first but is accepted in cases where the first reading concerns an empty list; following
readings will override the first as soon as a list step is created for the same field where
the step for the wrong reading was created.

5.5.3 Reading queue system

During panel machining it is possible to read a label, the program it calls up requires a
list step to be executed in the field where the machine is currently working. In this case
the new list step read is queued behind the one presently being carried out. As soon as
the current step is completed the new one is available for execution.

Exit It is possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function described
in the Production Interruption section).

5.5.4 Loading a list using the bar code reader

Depending on the manufacturer’s specifications, BCR reading can indicate, instead of a
program name, the name of a work list indicating a complete machining sequence.
This function is useful if the production has previously been organised by batches in an
unchangeable sequence.
Seek assistance from the manufacturer in selecting way the bar code is to be used.

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5.6 Computer supervision

This AUTOMATIC mode function must only be used when the machine is connected
to a Personal Computer (or terminal) capable of transmitting the necessary production
Activating AUTOMATIC in this mode means the machine is then set up for different
types of production with no previously established sequence.
This function is particularly useful if the machine is fitted with a transfer unit and
automatic workpiece loading and/or if the machine is part of a production line
comprising different machining units co-ordinated by a central computer.

Activation After selecting the AUTOMATIC mode press [Serial].

Activation is immediate with no need for further selections or confirmation.

Considerations Through use of this function the computer (supervisor) tells the machine which
programs are to be inserted in a temporary work list.).
The temporary list created is carried out in the COUNTDOWN SEQUENCE mode and
the data which completes the list step is read by the program indicated or directly
specified by the supervisor. The first list step created requires that the following ones are
also the same.

Exit It is possible to interrupt production by specific request (using the function described
in the Production Interruption section).

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5.7 Production cycle information display

After having activated the AUTOMATIC function using any of the available methods,
certain data pertaining to the current production is available on the display.

The data displayed is as follows:

 Axis measurements
 Production synoptic display
 A window containing the execution mode and working time clock

Fig. 5.1 - Display of data pertaining to the current production.

Activation The display can be called up after having completed the AUTOMATIC activation
sequence; or by pressing [Automatic] from the MENU BASE if the AUTOMATIC
mode was already activated.

Exit Pressing [BASE] or [ESC] the display can be cleared from the screen; this operation
does not stop production, instead the machine continues to process panels as per the
instructions given; the machine remains in the AUTOMATIC mode.

5.7.1 Work list synoptic display

The synoptic display of the work list is a window situated at the bottom of the screen
containing a graphic representation of the field combinations for the current work list;
the following information is displayed for each field:

 The name of the program contained in the first list step for the particular field.

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 The X, Y and Z sizes of the panel fixed or to be fixed to that field.

 The number of repetitions remaining in the list step.
 The execution mode for the particular field.
Represented by a 3-coloured traffic light with the following meanings:
 Green: Waiting for the button to be pressed to start the cycle for that field.
 Yellow:Start cycle button pressed and consequent wait for panel machining to
start. This mode only appears if the machine is processing another panel.
 Red: Panel currently being machined.

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5.8 Panel machining cycle

Activation After selecting the function mode, creating a work list and having fixed one or more
panels to the field press the one of the field buttons

where the panel that you want to machine is fixed.

During panel processing it is possible to press the button

for another field where a panel is fixed; in this way a “booking” system is set up. As
soon as the machine finishes processing the previous panel, the next one in line is

If four panels have been fixed in the machine, this would mean one being machined
while the other three are waiting their turn. Panels waiting will be processed in the
same order the buttons

for the different fields have been pressed.

Machining head In order to move the machining head when it is not in operation, first select the axis
movement you wish to move and then press [pushbutton +] or [pushbutton -] to execute the
Keep the button pressed down to move the axis, it will stop as soon as the button is

Hold Machining can be interrupted without any adverse effects on the panel by pressing
[pushbutton HOLD].
The machine stops its motion in the shortest possible time while keeping the same
trajectory in the case of routing and in any case always guaranteeing no damage is
caused to the workpiece; it is subsequently possible to move the head using “machining
head movement” to intervene on the workpiece or the machine.
When [pushbutton RESET HOLD] is pressed the machine takes up its machining
cycle again from the same point it left off.
Any manual movements of the machining head carried out once motion has been
stopped by the HOLD button are automatically recovered by machine controlled
positioning up to the point at which machining resumes.
For machining interrupted by the HOLD function and then completed, no anomalies are
considered to have taken place.

Stop Cycle To stop the working cycle after a boring or routing operation press [pushbutton

This function does not stop machining in the shortest possible time but the machine
instead finishes the job in hand, after which machining is temporarily suspended.

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After suspension it is not possible to move the machining had. The cycle will resume
when [pushbutton START] is pressed.

Emergency If any anomalies arise during the panel machining, the cycle is immediately
interrupted. There is no guarantee that the panel will remain undamaged when an
emergency situation arises as priority in this case is given to stopping all machine
moving parts.
The panel is not considered to be correctly completed (the repetitions associated with
the list step are not decreased).
Any eventual panel bookings made will be cancelled.
After completing the emergency procedure the cause of the alarm condition must be
traced and eliminated, at which point the cycle can be resumed by pressing [RESET

Now the machine can continue machining normally.

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5.9 Production suspension

During panel processing it may be necessary to interrupt the current production.

If this has not been completed (work list completed) it is possible to memorise the
production status at that moment before concluding the AUTOMATIC session.
Memorising production data will mean that machining can resume later while
maintaining all the necessary parameters already set.

Activation To suspend current production and exit the AUTOMATIC mode press [End Exec], a
window will appear in the centre of the display containing all information pertaining to
the current operation.
This window has three choices for determining the type of Exit as described below.

Exit To cancel production suspension press [Cancel].

5.9.1 Abandoning production data

If you do not wish to save the current production information press [Confirm], in this
way completing the suspension procedure. It will not be possible to resume the
production which has now been interrupted later on.

5.9.2 Saving data for future production retrieval

Press [Save], all the information necessary to resume the cycle later will be memorised.
The information is saved in a list with the same name as the one selected to activate
production but which can only be accessed using the production retrieval function.

Production information can only be saved of production has been activated using the
list execution mode.
Once production has been suspended and resumed it is no longer possible to save
information a second time.
If the automatic mode was started from the network, the list is automatically sent to the

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5.10 Modifying the number of repetitions per workpiece

The number of repetitions shown in the production synoptic display can be varied to
accommodate rejected workpieces or to vary the number of panels for a given list step.
This operation can be carried out without interrupting production.

Activation It is only possible to carry out this operation if the relative production information is
shown on the display (AUTOMATIC page active).
Press [Modif. Repetit], a window appears showing the sequence of the first steps in the
current work list ordered from top to bottom.
Each line represents a list step and holds the following information
 Sequential number of the list step
 Name of the work program associated with that list step
 Number of repetitions
 Workpiece field
 Graphic representation of the workpiece in the field.

One of the lines is shown in a different colour, the arrow keys .[] and [] are used to
change from one line to another
The function used to modify the number of repetitions acts on the list step which is
Press [Decr. Reps] to decrease the number of repetitions or alternatively [Incr. Reps] to
increase them.
When a list step is set to zero, it is not immediately eliminated from the list, in this way
allowing a number of repetitions other than zero to be reset.

Exit This function can be exited by pressing [ESC]; all the list steps
with 0 repetitions are eliminated from the list.

This operation cannot be carried out on the repetitions for the current list step (field
light red); to do this it will be necessary to wait until machining has been completed
and the light turns green.

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5.11 Adding a new production program

Adding a new program to the work list involves altering the list to enter one or more
temporary list steps.
The programs added with this method to an active work list will be executed before the
original list step programs.

Activation This operation can only be accessed from the AUTOMATIC mode.
Press [Execute Program], a list of programs appears made up of those contained in the
selected working directory belonging to that particular working storage disk. Choose the
name of the program you wish to use from this list and press [Execute].

Header entry A table now appears containing information about the panel to be machined:
 X panel size (DX)
 Y panel size (DY)
 Z panel size (DZ)
 Field where panel is to be fixed (-)
 Active transfer mode (T)
only applicable in “Flow System” and “Continuous Flow System” modes
 Active continuous mode (C)
 Number of panels to be processed (R)
 Name of tool file (/)

 Tools activated on main head (H1)

 Tools activated on twin head (H2)
The data in the table is specifically for the header of the particular program and contains
the relevant information.
To change one or more of the values in the table, use the arrow keys [] [] [] [] to
position the cursor on the value you wish to change, enter the new value and confirm the
change by pressing [ENTER]; repeat this operation for all the fields to be changed
To confirm the data contained in the table press [Execute]; now a new program has been
added to the work list. The list remains on the display to allow quick addition of other

The name of the tool file in the table shown above must correspond with the name of
the tool file specified as being the current tooling setup and which determines how the
machine is to be currently tooled.
If this is not done, it means that to carry out the program selected, the machine will have
to be tooled up with tools suited to the program execution and specifying the name of
the file containing the data of the tools now loaded as current tooling (see the Tool
Data chapter).

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Considerations The addition of temporary list steps effected by the method described here only
changes the previously selected list execution mode for the programs which are
temporarily added. The active execution mode for these programs is COUNTDOWN
SEQUENCE while for the other list steps the originally selected execution mode
remains active..
This arrangement allows the added steps to be completed by assigning them a higher
priority compared to the programmed production. In this way urgent batches can be
machined without affecting the current production but by merely suspending it in the
automatic mode.

Exit To return to the production data display press [ESC].

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5.12 Displaying planes and fixing suckers

Panel machining cycles involving through boring and/or routing (where the tool goes
right through the panel) require particular attention regarding positioning of the planes
and panel fixing suckers. If positioned wrongly, one or more of the suckers may be
holed by mistake.
This problem can be overcome by calling up a display of the plane and sucker positions.

Activation Press [Field A planes] to view the positions of the planes and suckers for panel fixing
in field A; similarly press the [Field B planes], [Field C planes] and [Field D planes]
keys to view the other fields.
A window shows a graphical representation of the planes and the suckers positioned
according to the panel program.
The X-Y panel section is superimposed on this together with the machining program.
Use one of the arrow keys [] [] [] [] to select one of the suckers and read the
position it must be put at from the window over the illustration of the work field
With the help of this information it is now possible to move the plane and corresponding
sucker on the machine using the scale on the work table; by repeating this operation for
all the suckers concerned in the panel field it is possible to recreate mechanically the
previously defined graphic layout.

Exit Recall the production data display by pressing [ESC].

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5.13 Step-by-step machining

Machining the panel one step at a time is often useful for checking the accuracy of the

Activation After activating AUTOMATIC with one of the available methods, press [Single
movement] to activate the function.
The machine carries out the programmed operations pausing to wait for confirmation
after each single movement.
Press [pushbutton STEP] for the machine to carry out the next step.

Considerations This way of working means that each point in the machining cycle can be checked for
correct programming.
It is particularly useful for checking the machining depth in order to avoid tool collision
on the panels.

Exit Press[Single movement] to resume normal machine operation and therefore process
the panel.

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5.14 Dry run

Before machining a panel using a complex program which has not yet been run, it is
useful to check the proper functioning of that program.

Activation After activating AUTOMATIC with one of the available methods, press [Simulated];
by pressing the button

for the field where the panel is fixed a simulation of the program can be carried out
even though no real panels are present.

Considerations The machining head follows all necessary movements but the tools are not activated.
This function therefore allows the program to be checked for proper function before
actually using it.
If any errors are found (wrong settings, machining impossibilities etc.) it will be
necessary to modify the program and run the test again until correct.

Exit Press [Simulated] to resume normal machine operation and therefore process the

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5.15 Graphical display of the machining process

Activation For a graphic representation of the work being carried out, whether real or simulated,
press [Graphic].

Considerations Certain information displayed on the screen is backed up by a window showing a

representation of the X-Y panel section and a schematic representation of the
machining head which traces the machining operations (routing and boring) being
carried out in real time.
When this is used in conjunction with the DRY RUN test, a complete program
feasibility check can be obtained.

Exit Press [ESC] to recall the original display.


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6 Editing Programs and lists

6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i

6.2 Basic terminology and functions ................................................................................................... ii
6.2.1 Selecting programs or lists .............................................................................................. ii
6.2.2 Activating existing programs (or lists).............................................................................. ii
6.2.3 Activating new programs (or lists)....................................................................................iii
6.2.4 Selecting the Header .......................................................................................................iii
6.2.5 Selecting a program line ..................................................................................................iii
6.3 Editing a program (or list)............................................................................................................. iv
6.3.1 Inserting program lines .................................................................................................... v
6.3.2 Editing the header ........................................................................................................... vi
6.3.3 Editing program lines ...................................................................................................... vi
6.3.4 Deleting a block .............................................................................................................. vi
6.3.5 Copying a block ..............................................................................................................vii
6.3.6 Moving a block of lines ...................................................................................................vii
6.3.7 Inserting a block of lines from a source program ...........................................................vii
6.3.8 Line search .................................................................................................................... viii
6.3.9 Saving a program (or list) .............................................................................................. viii

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6.1 Introduction

This chapter will describe how to edit machining programs and work lists.
The difference between editing a program and editing a list concerns the information to
be entered and not the way they are written, therefore the methods described for editing
programs are also valid for editing lists.

In order to edit programs and/or lists it is necessary to select the working directory (see
the chapter on “File Management”). The CNC uses this directory to save and load
programs and lists.
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6.2 Basic terminology and functions

To understand the text fully a knowledge of the various terminology used is necessary.
Below is a summary of the terms used, for a more complete explanation of the concepts
involved in programming, refer to the “Programming description” manual.

Program line A CNC command expressed with a certain message used to

execute a particular machining phase.
Header The first program line
Current line or selected
The program line on which each operation relative to a single
line is applied.
Block A consecutive group of program lines.
Editing programs (or The act of inserting or modifying program lines including
lists) the header.
Program source The term used to define the program from which a line or
block is to be copied. Cannot be modified.
It must be present in the working directory.
Current program The program for which the editing phase is active

6.2.1 Selecting programs or lists

Selecting a program or list means identifying which program or list you wish to edit.
Selection is made in one of two ways:
a) Selection from the directory: use the arrow keys to scroll the directory of names
until you find the name of the program or list you wish to edit.
This method can only be used if the name already exists and is therefore present in
the directory.
b) Manual entry: insert the characters which make up the name of the program (or list)
you wish to edit.

6.2.2 Activating existing programs (or lists)

This section describes how to activate the edit phase; for a description of operations
which can be carried out during this phase refer to “Editing programs”.

The program (or list) editing operation can only be carried out on one program (or list)
at a time.

Editing Programs Proceed as follows:

1) From the MENU BASE press [Editor],
2) select the program you wish to write and/or edit (see “Selecting programs or lists”)
3) press [Edit].

Editing Lists Proceed as follows:

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1) From the MENU BASE press [Editor] > [List],

2) select the list you wish to write and/or edit (see “Selecting programs or lists”)
3) press [Edit].

6.2.3 Activating new programs (or lists)

This section describes how to activate the edit phase; for a description of operations
which can be carried out during this phase refer to “Editing programs”.

The program (or list) editing operation can only be carried out on one program (or list)
at a time.

Editing Programs Proceed as follows:

1) From the MENU BASE press [Editor],
2) write in manually the name of the new program (see “Selecting programs or lists”)
3) press [Edit].

Editing Lists Proceed as follows:

1) From the MENU BASE press [Editor],
2) write in manually the name of the new list (see “Selecting programs or lists”)
3) press [Edit].

Confirm creation When [Edit] is pressed, a dialogue window appears which asks for confirmation that you
want to create the new program (or list). Confirm or cancel your choice.
The edit phase is activated only if creation is confirmed.

6.2.4 Selecting the Header

Selection Press [HOME] >.[], the cursor moves to AREA A (see Fig. 6.1) on the first Header

Cancel selection Press [PAGE DOWN].

6.2.5 Selecting a program line

Selecting a line means defining the current line .
The selected line is shown in AREAS B - C and its content is shown in AREA D (see
Fig. 6.1).

Use the arrow keys [] [] to select the line you require.

Selecting first line Press [HOME].

Selecting last line Press [END].

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6.3 Editing a program (or list)

At this point it is assumed that the editing phase has been activated as described in one
of the following sections:
 “Activating existing programs (or lists) ”
 “Activating new programs (or lists) ”

Screen display Once the editing phase has been activated the display appears as follows:




Fig. 6.1 - Editor screen layout.

 AREA A contains the program header (not shown for list editing).
 AREA B: shows the number of the lines in AREA C.
 AREA C: Displays some of the lines which make up the program.
 AREA D: contains the current line (highlighted in area D); this area is used for the
data entry phase.

Exit To exit the program editing phase press [BASE] or [ESC].

Safeguards If the editing phase is exited without the edits having been saved, a window appears
asking for conformation or cancellation of the data.
It may be desirable to purposely cancel the data if there is any doubt about edits carried
out being correct, and in which case it would be preferable to re-write them rather than
making corrections.

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6.3.1 Inserting program lines

Activation Press [Line Insert] in AREA C of the display, under the current line, an empty line
appears and AREA D contains no field. the line inserted becomes the current line .

There are two methods of filling in the program line inserted:

a) Manually: the current line must be filled in by entering the values for each field
b) Copying: the fields of the current line are filled in with the values of a previously
inserted program line. This method is quicker for inserting program lines similar to
those already inserted.

Exit Press [ESC].

To exit the insertion phase press [Insertion End].

Safeguards Certain instructions have fields which cannot be omitted or have fields which only
accept a limited list of values (see Programming Manual).
After having confirmed line insertion, the information entered is check to see if it is
correct; if there are errors the line is not accepted and the cursor moves to the first
incorrect or deficient field (in area D). All correct information is retained.
The unacceptable fields must be corrected or completed and the line acceptance phase
must be repeated. If there are still errors, the same phase must be repeated until all
problems have been resolved.

Filling in manually Enter the instruction code (see “Programming description”) or use [ ] to scroll
sequentially through the instruction codes available and confirm by pressing
Enter the values requested by the messages in AREA D.

Cancel insertion Press [ESC], the line in AREA D is cancelled and insertion remains active.

Confirm Insertion Press [ENTER] on the last field or [Accept Modification] at any point during the filling
in stage. The current line becomes definitive and under it an empty line is inserted
which becomes the current line ..

Copying This method allows the values of a program line to be copied to the current line . This
is useful when similar lines need to be inserted because it means that only certain values
can be modified while those correct can be left intact..

There are two ways of quickly inserting lines similar to others already inserted:
a) Manual selection: use the [] [] arrow keys to move to the line you wish to copy
values from.
b) Selection by line number: press [Copy Line] and insert the number of the line you
wish to copy values from, then press [ENTER].

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6.3.2 Editing the header

select the header, put the cursor on the field to be edited using the arrow keys .[ ] [ ]
or [ENTER] and insert the new value

Exit Press [PAGE DOWN].

6.3.3 Editing program lines

Editing a program line involves changing the value of one or more of the fields that it is
made up of.

Edit Select the line to be edited as current line .

Use the arrow keys [ ] [ ] or [ENTER] to select the field you wish to edit, the cursor
is in AREA D
Key in the new value.

Confirm The new value must be confirmed by pressing [ENTER].

Cancel edit Press [ENTER], the original value before editing returns.

When [ENTER] is pressed on the last field of a line the cursor moves to the next line

6.3.4 Deleting a block

There are two ways of deleting a block:
a) quick deletion,
b) complete deletion

Quick deletion Can only be used in program lines displayed in AREA C.

1) Select the first line of the block to be eliminated,
2) press [Delete],
3) select the last line of the block,
4) press [Confirm] to complete the delete operation.

Exit Press [ESC].

Complete deletion Can be used on all program lines even those not displayed in AREA C.
1) Press [Blocks],
2) Select the first line to be deleted,
3) press [Mark Block],

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4) select the last line to be deleted

5) press [Delete Block] to confirm the delete operation.

Exit Press [ESC] until the original data is restored.

Restoring a deleted A block of lines (when deleted with one of the above methods) is not completely lost
block until subsequent deletion, and it is therefore possible to recall it.
Press [] > [Insert Block], the block is restored and deletion is cancelled.

6.3.5 Copying a block

1) Press [Blocks],
2) Select the first line to be copied,
3) press [Mark Block],
4) select the last line to be copied (the selected block is highlighted),
5) press [Copy Block],
6) select the line under which you want to insert the marked block,
7) press [Insert Block].

If you wish to copy the same block more than once, repeat the procedure from point 6

Exit Press [ESC] until the original data is restored.

6.3.6 Moving a block of lines

Moving a block of lines involves deleting it and then inserting it into a different point in
the program.

To carry out this operation execute the following operations in the order shown here:
1) the whole procedure described in the “Deleting a block” section following the
2) ,
3) the procedure described in the “Copying a block” section starting from point 6.

Exit Press [ESC].

6.3.7 Inserting a block of lines from a source program

Allows a block from the source program to be inserted in the current program.
1) Press [Merge],

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2) press [Load File],

3) select the source program (see “Selecting programs or lists”),
4) press [Confirm Load],
5) press [Change File],
6) select the block to be copied using the method described in the “Copying a block”
section finishing with point 5.
7) press [Change File] to call up the current program display,
8) select the line under which you want to insert the block,
9) press [Insert Block].

Exit Press [ESC] until the original data is restored.

6.3.8 Line search

The search function allows you to quickly trace a given line.
The search starts with the current line and finished at the end of the program. When
found, the line becomes the current line.

The following types of search are possible:

Search by line Allows a line to be found by its number (shown in AREA B).
1) Press [Line],
2) key in the line number you wish to find,
3) press [ENTER].

Search by string Allows one or more lines to be found which contain the sequence of characters keyed
in. The sequence of characters to be searched for is known as the string .
1) Press [SHIFT] + [Search]
2) key in the string ,
3) press [ENTER].

Search repetitions To search for the next line containing the string, press [Repeat].

6.3.9 Saving a program (or list)

After carrying out insertion or editing, it is advisable to memorise the program on the
working disk.
Press [Save on Unit] to memorise the program, this operation takes a few moments
during which it is not possible to carry out any further operations.


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GO Programming utilities

7 Programming utilities

7.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................i

7.2 Syntax utilities ............................................................................................................................... iii
7.2.1 General characteristics.................................................................................................... iii
7.2.2 Boring ..............................................................................................................................iv
7.2.3 Routing start .....................................................................................................................v
7.2.4 Panel probing ...................................................................................................................v
7.2.5 Calling up subprogram .....................................................................................................v
7.2.6 Tool
7.2.7 Work face
7.2.8 Change X reference ....................................................................................................... vii
7.2.9 Change Y reference ....................................................................................................... vii
7.2.10 X incremental programming ......................................................................................... vii
7.2.11 Y incremental programming ......................................................................................... vii
7.2.12 X hole barrier............................................................................................................... viii
7.2.13 Y hole barrier .................................................................................................................ix
7.2.14 Hole barrier on curved surfaces ....................................................................................ix
7.2.15 Angled boring ............................................................................................................... xii
7.2.16 Start angled routing ..................................................................................................... xiii
7.3 Geometric utilities ........................................................................................................................xv
7.3.1 General characteristics...................................................................................................xv
7.3.2 Straightline through 2 points.......................................................................................... xvi
7.3.3 Straightline through 3 points......................................................................................... xvii
7.3.4 Arc with 2 given points.................................................................................................. xvii
7.3.5 Arc with given radius ..................................................................................................... xix
7.3.6 Bevel between straightlines............................................................................................xx
7.3.7 Fillet between straightlines .............................................................................................xx
7.3.8 Straightline + arc tangent .............................................................................................. xxi
7.3.9 Arc + straightline tangent............................................................................................... xxi
7.3.10 Tangent arc to previous section ................................................................................. xxii
7.3.11 Ellipse arc................................................................................................................... xxii
7.4 Parametric program control ...................................................................................................... xxiii
7.4.1 Execution up to “Breakpoint” ....................................................................................... xxiii
7.4.2 Step-by-step execution (program flow control)............................................................ xxiv
7.4.3 Displaying variable values ........................................................................................... xxiv

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7.4.4 Modifying variable values.............................................................................................xxiv

7.4.5 Deleting a variable from the display list ........................................................................xxv
7.4.6 Replacing a variable in the display list ..........................................................................xxv
7.4.7 Graphic program control...............................................................................................xxv
7.5 Graphic machining ....................................................................................................................xxvi
7.5.1 Cursor movement ........................................................................................................xxvi
7.5.2 Panel face selection.................................................................................................... xxvii
7.5.3 Projection display........................................................................................................ xxvii
7.5.4 Line search ................................................................................................................. xxvii
7.5.5 ZOOM ......................................................................................................................... xxvii
7.5.6 Restoring original display........................................................................................... xxviii
7.5.7 Correct profile display ................................................................................................ xxviii
7.6 Setting plane and sucker positions ...........................................................................................xxix
7.7 Graphic display of spindle configuration (Head graphics)
7.7.1 Tool information
7.7.2 Tool search with defined characteristics......................................................................xxxi
7.7.3 Graphic tool programming ...........................................................................................xxxi
7.8 Optimizer................................................................................................................................. xxxiii
7.8.1 Compiling the table .................................................................................................... xxxiii
7.8.2 Using tools on auxiliary head (E axis).........................................................................xxxv
7.8.3 Using tools on twin head (A660)................................................................................ xxxvi
7.8.4 Generating boring instructions................................................................................... xxxvi
7.9 Selecting a program name from the list ................................................................................. xxxvii

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7.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the instruments used to generate program blocks; the use of
these instruments requires a basic knowledge of the programming language syntax.
Other instruments described in this chapter are used for program checking or to enter
certain data.
The instruments described in this chapter are:

These are used to enter the most commonly used

Syntax utilities
instructions providing a graphic representation of the
parameters which make them up.
Each utility in this category generates a program line.
Each utility in this category creates a geometric
Geometric utilities
construction made up of one or more sections of line
and/or circular routing.
The parameters requested by each utility concern the
geometric construction; the main routing points are
calculated automatically.
These utilities generate one or more routing instruction.
Optimizer Allows routing to be programmed on the basis of
The instructions generated carry out the routing patterns
described in the shortest possible time.
Graphic text display Allows you to check the head configuration, refer to the
tool information (tooling) and to program the tools to be
used by selecting them on the display.
Parametric program Used to check that the expressions are correct and to
control (Debug) check the flow of a program that uses parametric
Panel display Used to check that the program is written correctly and to
quickly identify any errors.

ESACAD is not included here as a separate chapter has been dedicated to it.
Operator Guide GO

As an aid to better understanding of what is described in this chapter, below is an

illustration showing the 5 panel faces on which it is possible to program machining.


F3 F1 F2


Fig. 7.1 - Panel layout and representation of reference system for each face.

For more detail on this subject, refer to the “Programming manual”.

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7.2 Syntax utilities

This type of instrument generates program steps.

One of the instructions of the programming language is generated by making entries in
the data table.
In order to take advantage of these utilities a knowledge of the machining technology
and a basic knowledge of the programming language are essential; a detailed knowledge
of the instruction syntax is not necessary.

7.2.1 General characteristics

Activation from the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [Syntax], the following display will

Fig. 7.2 - Syntax utility display.

The screen is divided into 3 areas:

1) The upper part shows 10 figures divided into two lines of five, each one showing a
syntax utility.
2) The lower left-hand corner shows the table in which to enter the parameters for the
chosen utility.
The first line shows the name of the utility.
3) The lower right-hand corner shows the figure that describes the chosen utility
parameters contained in the left-hand table.

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Selecting a utility The syntax utility is selected from the 10 figures shown in the upper part of the screen
using the [] [] arrow keys; use [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN] to move between
The utility chosen shows up in a different colour.
Pressing [Next Page ] gives access to a second table containing another 5 utilities; at
this point pressing [Prev.Page ] returns you to the original screen display.

Generating To use the currently selected utility, its parameters must be entered in the relative table.
Scroll through the table elements in AREA 2 using [] [].
When the cursor is on the last element in the table, the instructions for the current
program can be entered by pressing [Confirm data ] or [Enter].
The last instruction entered is then shown in the lower part of the screen; any further
entries will be inserted under the last line generated.
No line is entered if there are errors in the parameters keyed in.

Exit To exit the syntax utility mode and return to the PROGRAM EDITING mode press
[ESC ].

In the following description of the parameters to be entered for generating instructions

using the syntax utilities, the convention that all parameters with the ‘*’ sign must be
specified is adhered to; parameters where ‘*’ does not appear can be omitted.

7.2.2 Boring
This utility generates a boring instruction; the parameters requested are as follows:

Position X The X co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
Position Y The Y co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
Depth Z The hole depth measured from the panel surface.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant only
if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed can
be varied).
Tools* The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool list
must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a space.

Even though just one instruction is generated, more than one hole may be obtained and
this depends on the number of tools specified. The generation of a single instruction
does however guarantee the boring execution in a single drop.

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7.2.3 Routing start

This utility generates a start routing instruction; it must always be entered before starting
a profile.
The necessary parameters are as follows:

Position X The X co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
start routing.
Position Y The Y co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
start routing.
Depth Z The starting profile depth measured from the panel surface.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the profile start phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant only
if profile start is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed
can be varied).
Tools* The number of tools used to carry out the routing operation..

7.2.4 Panel probing

This utility generates a probing instruction; the parameters requested are as follows:

Position X The X co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
Position Y The Y co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
Tools The number of tools used to carry out the probing operation.

7.2.5 Calling up subprogram

This utility generates a call subprogram instruction; the parameters requested are as

Name The name of the program whose functions you wish to include in
the current edit.

Position X The X co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
start the machining described in the subprogram called up.
Position Y The Y co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
start the machining described in the subprogram called up.
Depth Z The Z co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish to
start the machining described in the subprogram called up.
Angle The angle applied to the machining described in the subprogram
called up.

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7.2.6 Tool correction

This utility generates a correct tool instruction; the two parameters requested specify:

Type of correction Tool correction enabling code; this can be any of the following
0 Correction disabled
1 Correction to right of profile
2 Correction to left of profile
3 Correction along length
Radius r The amount of excess material to be added to the correction radius

7.2.7 Work face definition

This utility generates an instruction which allows the programming reference system to
be changed; it therefore defines on which panel surface machining is to take place.

Once a particular work face is selected, all subsequent instructions refer to this face.
The work face code is as follows:


F3 Y

Fig. 7.3 - Panel face coding system

Work face number The code for the panel work face to which all subsequent
instructions will refer to.
Values between 1 and 5 are accepted.

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7.2.8 Change X reference

This utility generates an instruction which enables or disables the reference change for
the X settings.

Active Reference change code enabled for the X settings; possible values:
0 Reference change not active
1 Reference change active

7.2.9 Change Y reference

This utility generates an instruction which enables or disables the reference change for
the Y settings.

Active Reference change code enabled for the Y settings; possible values:
0 Reference change not active
1 Reference change active

7.2.10 X incremental programming

This utility generates an instruction which enables or disables incremental programming
for the X settings.

Active Incremental programming code enabled for the X axis settings;

possible values:
0 Incremental programming not active
1 Incremental programming active

7.2.11 Y incremental programming

This utility generates an instruction which enables or disables incremental programming
for the Y settings.

Active Incremental programming code enabled for the Y axis settings;

possible values:
0 Incremental programming not active
1 Incremental programming active

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7.2.12 X hole barrier

This utility can generate one or more boring instructions; the table parameters describe a
complex machining process which cannot be expressed with a single boring instruction.
The parameters necessary for setting up a hole barrier are as follows::

Fig. 7.4 - X hole barrier.

Position X The X co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish the
hole barrier to begin.
Position Y The Y co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish the
hole barrier to begin.
Final X co-ord The X measurement before which the barrier is to stop.

Depth Z The hole depth measured from the longest point used and
expressed in relation to the panel surface.
Pitch The distance between the last hole in one drop and the first in the
next drop; if this parameter is not entered, it is deduced from the
C/C distance between the first two tools specified.
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant only
if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed can
be varied).
Tools * The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool list
must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a space.

The boring instructions generated will use all or part of the tools specified in the tools
field in the table; tools not specified in the table will not be used.
All holes which go to make up the barrier will start from the measurement set in the
Position X and will not go beyond the measurement set by the Final X co-ord.

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7.2.13 Y hole barrier

This utility can generate one or more boring instructions; the table parameters describe a
complex machining process which cannot be expressed with a single boring instruction.
The parameters necessary for setting up a hole barrier are as follows:

Fig. 7.5 - Y hole barrier.

Position X The X co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish the
hole barrier to begin.

Position Y The Y co-ordinate for the selected panel face where you wish the
hole barrier to begin.
Final Y co-ord The Y measurement before which the barrier is to stop.

Depth Z The hole depth measured from the longest point used and
expressed in relation to the panel surface.
Pitch The distance between the last hole in one drop and the first in the
next drop; if this parameter is not entered, it is deduced from the
C/C distance between the first two tools specified.
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant only
if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed can
be varied).
Tools * The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool list
must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a space.

The boring instructions generated will use all or part of the tools specified in the tools
field in the table; tools not specified in the table will not be used.
All holes which go to make up the barrier will start from the measurement set in the
Position Y and will not go beyond the measurement set by the Final Y co-ord.

7.2.14 Hole barrier on curved surfaces

This utility generates one or more boring instructions; it is used to program easily a
series of lateral holes on a curved surface or to program a series of vertical holes which

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are equidistant from a set point, therefore lying in a circumferential arc. This distinction
is made by the choice of horizontal or vertical boring tools.
depending on which method is used, the meaning of the parameters to be entered

Fig. 7.6 - Hole barrier on curved surfaces.

Programming a series This technique is applied to generate a hole barrier lying in a circumferential arc; it is
of vertical holes in a activated by inserting one or more vertical tools in the tools field
circumferential arc.
The table parameters take on the following meaning:

CX Co-ordinate X Co-ordinate at the centre of the imaginary arc in which the

barrier holes lie.
CY Co-ordinate Y Co-ordinate at the centre of the imaginary arc in which the
barrier holes lie.
 Angle Angle formed by the section joining the centre of the arc with the
first barrier hole.
 Angle Angle formed by the section joining the centre of the arc with the
last barrier hole.
 Pitch Angular distance between one hole and the next.

Clockwise/Counter Rotational direction of the arc; enter 2 for clockwise or 3 for

-clockwise counter-clockwise.
Ext/int Not significant

Depth Z Depth of the barrier holes.

Height H Not significant for vertical boring.

Radius r Length of the section joining the centre of the arc to the barrier
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.

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rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant

only if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed
can be varied).
Tools* The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool
list must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a
space. Even if a list of tools can be specified, it is advisable to use
just one tool for this function.

Programming a series This technique is applied to generate a hole barrier on a curved panel surface; it is
of horizontal holes in activated by inserting one or more horizontal tools in the tools field.
a circumferential arc.
The table parameters take on the following meaning:

CX Co-ordinate X Co-ordinate at the centre of the arc which describes the curved
surface on which the holes are to be bored.

CY Co-ordinate Y Co-ordinate at the centre of the arc which describes the curved
surface on which the holes are to be bored.
 Angle Angle formed by the section joining the centre of the arc which
describes the curved surface with the first barrier hole.

 Angle Angle formed by the section joining the centre of the arc which
describes the curved surface with the last barrier hole.

 Pitch Angular distance between one hole and the next.

Clockwise/Counter Rotational direction of the arc which describes the curved surface;
-clockwise enter 2 for clockwise or 3 for counter-clockwise.
Ext/int Boring axis direction: entering 0 (external) means that boring
moves towards the centre of the arc which describes the curved
surface: entering 1 (internal) means that boring moves away from
the centre of the arc which describes the curved surface.

Depth Z Depth of the barrier holes.

Height H Z co-ordinate measured from the lower side of the panel where
boring is to take place.
Radius r Length of the section joining the centre of the arc which describes
the curved surface to the barrier holes.
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant only
if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed can
be varied).

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Tools* The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool list
must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a space.
Even if a list of tools can be specified, it is advisable to use just
one tool for this function.

7.2.15 Angled boring

This utility generates an angled boring instruction; the parameters requested are as

Fig. 7.7 - Layout for generating angled boring.

X Co-ordinate The X co-ordinate for the hole on the surface of the panel to be
Y Co-ordinate The Y co-ordinate for the hole on the surface of the panel to be
Depth Z The hole depth.

Height H Z co-ordinate measured from the lower side of the panel.

 Angle Angle of hole axis in relation to XY panel plane.
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant
only if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed
can be varied).
Tools* The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool
list must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a
space. Even if a list of tools can be specified, it is advisable to use
just one tool for this function.

This function is significant if carried out with an angled tool.

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7.2.16 Start angled routing

This utility generates a start angled routing instruction; it is always necessary before
starting a profile which uses angled tools.
The parameters requested are as follows:

Fig. 7.8 - Layout for generating a start angled routing instruction

X Co-ordinate The X co-ordinate for profile start on the surface of the panel to be
Y Co-ordinate The Y co-ordinate for profile start on the surface of the panel to be
Depth Z The start profile depth.

Height H Z co-ordinate of the routing start measured from the lower side of
the panel.
 Angle Angle of routing start axis in relation to XY panel plane. This
parameter takes on different meanings when combined with the
parameter that follows.

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Correction type The position of the tool entry trajectory in relation to the tool
advance trajectory on the profile. In order to illustrate this more
simply, the  angle is assumed to be 0.
This parameter can have the following values:
0 the tool entry trajectory is not linked to the tool advance
trajectory on the profile, but the value of the Angle  parameter
sets to absolute the entry trajectory in relation to the machine
angular reference system (=0 indicates entry is parallel to the
direction of positive X semi-axis towards increasing values).

1 the tool entry trajectory is perpendicular to the tool

advance trajectory and lies to the right of it. Angle  values other
than 0 produce entry trajectory angle into the panel referred to the
0 indicated

2 the tool entry trajectory is perpendicular to the tool

advance trajectory and lies to the left of it. Angle  values other
than 0 produce entry trajectory angle into the panel referred to the
0 indicated.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the panel entry speed is
obtained during the boring phase.
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000 (significant only
if boring is carried out with tools for which the rotation speed can
be varied).
Tools* The list of tools used to carry out the boring operation; the tool list
must be specified by entering the numbers separated by a space.
Even if a list of tools can be specified, it is advisable to use just
one tool for this function.

This function is significant if carried out with an angled tool.

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7.3 Geometric utilities

This type of instrument generates program steps.

One or more routing instructions are generated by making entries in the data table.
In order to take advantage of these utilities a knowledge of the machining technology
and a basic knowledge of the programming language are essential; a detailed knowledge
of the instruction syntax is not necessary.

7.3.1 General characteristics

Activation from the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [SHIFT] + [Geometry], the following
display will appear:

Fig. 7.9 - Geometric utility display.

1) The upper part shows 10 figures divided into two lines of five, each one showing a
geometric utility.
2) The lower left-hand corner shows the table in which to enter the parameters for the
chosen utility.
The first line shows the name of the utility.
3) The lower right-hand corner shows the figure that describes the chosen utility
parameters contained in the left-hand table.

Selecting a utility The geometric utility is selected from the 10 figures shown in the upper part of the
screen using the [ ] [ ] arrow keys; use [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN] to move
between lines
The utility chosen shows up in a different colour.

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Generating To use the currently selected utility, its parameters must be entered in the relative table.
Scroll through the table elements in area 2 using [] [].
When the cursor is on the last element in the table, the instructions for the current
program can be entered by pressing [Confirm data ] or [Enter].
The last instruction entered is then shown in the lower part of the screen; any further
entries will be inserted under the last line generated.
No line is entered if there are errors in the parameters keyed in.

Exit To exit the syntax utility mode and return to the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [ESC

The use of the geometric utilities functions listed below presupposes that in PROGRAM
EDITOR an instruction such as routing start or a general routing instruction has been
selected as the current line before activating the utilities.
If this is not the case, an incorrect program is generated
the only exception to this rule is the utility for generating an elliptical arc which always
inserts the routing start instruction.

7.3.2 Straightline through 2 points

The geometric construction known as straightline through 2 points generates just one
section of linear routing.
The requested parameters are as follows

 Angle The angle formed by the routing section to be generated and the
active reference system; it represents an angle expressed in
The angle formed by the routing section to be generated and the
active reference system; it represents an angle expressed in
A section in face 1 with Angle  = 0 is set parallel to panel axis X
towards increasing X measurements;
the angle increases in a clockwise direction.
X Co-ordinate Final X co-ordinate in the routing section.
Y Co-ordinate Final Y co-ordinate in the routing section.
Length L Length of the routing section to be generated.
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is
obtained used for executing the section to be generated.

The Angle  parameter must always be entered.

Entering the remaining parameters enables the geometric construction techniques
described below; the parameters to be set for each one are specified.

Establishing the This method allows you to establish a line with a set angle; the section starting point is
section angle and a found at the origin and a point along this line to end the segment can be determined. The
final point co-ordinate resulting segment lies completely along the line set.
The final point is determined manually by specifying one of the X Co-ordinate or Y Co-
ordinate parameters.

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Establishing the Enter manually the Length L parameter value; this represents the distance between the
section length and a segment starting point and the final point to be determined.
final point co-ordinate This method allows a radius of a circumference to be established on which the final
segment point will lie.
The final point is determined manually by specifying one of the X Co-ordinate or Y Co-
ordinate parameters.

Establishing the Enter manually the Length L parameter value; this represents the distance between the
segment length and section starting point and the final point to be determined.
its angle Enter the Angle . parameter which establishes the segment orientation (this method
(representation in allows a section to be inserted using a system of polar co-ordinates which will be
polar co-ordinates) transformed into Cartesian co-ordinates).

7.3.3 Straightline through 3 points

The geometric construction known as straightline through 3 points generates two
sections of linear routing.

X Co-ordinate Final X co-ordinate in the second routing section.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y co-ordinate in the second routing section.

Angle  The angle formed by the first routing section to be generated and
the active reference system; it represents an angle expressed in
A section in face 1 with a Angle ... = 0 is set parallel to panel axis
X towards increasing X measurements; the angle increases in a
clockwise direction.
Angle  The angle formed by the second routing section to be generated
and the active reference system; it represents an angle expressed in
A section in face 1 with Angle  = 0 is set parallel to panel axis X
towards increasing X measurements; the angle increases in a
clockwise direction.
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

The construction is made by setting all the table parameters.

The point of intersection of the two sections and their lengths are calculated on the basis
of the values set.

7.3.4 Arc with 2 given points

The geometric construction known as arc with 2 points given generates a
circumference arc determined by its start and finish points and by the centre of the arc.

Co-ordinate CX Centre of arc X co-ordinate.

Co-ordinate CY Centre of arc Y co-ordinate.
Clockw = 2, Arc rotational direction:
Counter-Clockw = 2 Clockwise
3 3 Counter-clockwise

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 Angle Angle of the sector in which the arc subtends.

X Co-ordinate Final X arc co-ordinate.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y arc co-ordinate

Arc length (1/2) Determines which solution to adopt in the case of double solution
(see figure below).
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is
obtained used for executing the section to be generated.

To complete he construction two methods are now available:

Specify the arc sector Enter the arc centre co-ordinates.

Enter the arc rotational direction.
Enter the angle of the sector to which the arc to be generated subtends, parameter Angle

The solution determined by this method is univocal, therefore it makes entry of the Arc
length 1/2 parameter non- significant.

Specify one of the co- Enter the arc centre co-ordinates.

ordinates of the final Enter the arc rotational direction.
point Enter the final arc co-ordinates.

The solution is not univocal, in fact two arcs exist with the same final co-ordinate in X
or in Y; to determine which of the two solutions to adopt it is necessary to enter the Arc
length 1/2 parameter. If 1 is entered the solution adopted will be the one which
generates the shortest arc, while 2 means the one with the longest arc will be selected.

The final point co-ordinate must lie within the circumference created by the radius
defined between the arc centre and the routing start point.

Fig. 7.10 - Double solution discrimination.

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The last parameter to be entered before generating the instruction is the routing advance

7.3.5 Arc with given radius

The geometric construction known as arc with given radius generates a circumference
arc determined by its start and finish points and by the radius.

X Co-ordinate Final X arc co-ordinate.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y arc co-ordinate

Radius r Arc radius

Clockw = 2, Arc rotational direction:

Counter-Clockw = 2 Clockwise
3 3 Counter-clockwise
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

Enter the final point co-ordinates.

Enter the arc radius.
Enter the arc rotational direction.

With two points and the radius of an arc given, there are two solutions which satisfy
these conditions; the discrimination as to which solution to apply is done by specifying
the radius with a positive or negative sign:

Construction with The solution adopted is where the arc centre is to the left of the section which joins the
positive radius arc start and finish points.

Construction with The solution adopted is where the arc centre is to the right of the section which joins the
negative radius arc start and finish points.

The radius must not be smaller than half of the section which joins the start and finish

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Fig. 7.11 - Double solution discrimination.

7.3.6 Bevel between straightlines

This utility is used to trace a bevel by entering the co-ordinates of the edge (Xc, Yc), the
destination point (X,Y) and the two lengths of the edge to be cut (L1, L2).

Xc Co-ordinate X co-ordinate of the vertex to be bevelled.

Yc Co-ordinate Y co-ordinate of the vertex to be bevelled.

X Co-ordinate Final X co-ordinate of the construction.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y co-ordinate of the construction.

Length L1 Length of first part bevelled.

Length L2 Length of second part bevelled.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

For this utility to be applied properly all table parameters must be entered.

7.3.7 Fillet between straightlines

The geometric construction known as fillet between straightlines consists of two
sections of linear routing joined by a section of circular routing. The fillet is made
between the circular section inscribed in the angle formed by the intersection between
the first and second linear section. The construction generates routing sections which are
tangent to each other.

Xc Co-ordinate X co-ordinate of the vertex to be filleted.

Yc Co-ordinate Y co-ordinate of the vertex to be filleted.

X Co-ordinate Final X co-ordinate of the construction.

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Y Co-ordinate Final Y co-ordinate of the construction.

Radius r Radius of the fillet arc.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained used for executing
the section to be generated.

7.3.8 Straightline + arc tangent

The geometric construction known as straightline + arc tangent generates a linear
routing section followed by a circumference arc tangent to it.

X Co-ordinate Final X co-ordinate of the construction.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y co-ordinate of the construction.

 Angle The angle formed by the linear section and the active reference
system; it represents an angle expressed in degrees.
A section in face 1 with a Angle  = 0 is set parallel to panel axis
X towards increasing X measurements; the angle increases in a
clockwise direction.

Radius r Radius of the fillet arc.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

For this utility to be applied properly all table parameters must be entered.

The radius must not be smaller than half of the perpendicular which joins the finish
points to the straightline.

7.3.9 Arc + straightline tangent

The geometric construction known as arc + straightline tangent generates a
circumference arc followed by a linear routing section tangent to it.

X Co-ordinate Final X co-ordinate of the construction.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y co-ordinate of the construction.

Radius r Radius of the fillet arc.

 Angle The angle formed by the linear section and the active reference
system; it represents an angle expressed in degrees.
A section in face 1 with a Angle  = 0 is set parallel to panel axis
X towards increasing X measurements; the angle increases in a
clockwise direction.

Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

For this utility to be applied properly all table parameters must be entered.

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The radius must not be smaller than half of the perpendicular which joins the finish
points to the straightline.

7.3.10 Tangent arc to previous section

The geometric construction known as tangent arc to previous section generates a
circumference arc tangent to the routing that precedes it.

The instruction currently selected must be a linear or circular routing instruction.

X Co-ordinate Final X arc co-ordinate.

Y Co-ordinate Final Y arc co-ordinate.

Clockw = 2, Arc rotational direction:

Counter-Clockw = 2 Clockwise
3 3 Counter-clockwise
Speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is obtained
used for executing the section to be generated.

For this utility to be applied properly all table parameters must be entered.

7.3.11 Ellipse arc

The geometric construction known as ellipse arc generates from one to four arcs of
tangent circumference in such a way as to simulate an ellipse.
Enter the rotational direction of the ellipse arc assigning it to parameter Clockw. = 2,
Counter-clockw. = 3.
Specify the angle formed by the imaginary section which joins the centre of the ellipse
with its start point assigning this value to parameter Angle  Now repeat the same
operation to establish the angle formed by the imaginary section which joins the centre
of the ellipse with its final point, assigning this value to parameter Angle .
At this point enter the co-ordinates of the ellipse centre, assigning them to parameters
Co-ordinate Cx and Co-ordinate Cy.
Enter the size of the two ellipse semi-axes, that is to say the distance between the centre
of the ellipse and the furthest point in X and Y of the ellipse. Assign these to parameters
Semi-axis A for the X axis and Semi-axis B for the Y axis.
Complete the table entering the technological machining parameters:

Depth Z The depth of the routing to be generated by the operation.

Entry speed The SPEEDS table index from which the entry speed is
Routing speed The SPEEDS table index from which the routing speed is
rpm The tool rotation speed expressed in r.p.m. x1,000

Tools* The list of tools used to carry out the operation.

This construction also generates automatically the command start routing.

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7.4 Parametric program control

The creation of programs using parametric instructions basically necessitates the

introduction of two new aspects compared to normal sequential machine programming.
 altering the program flow,
 the introduction of variables which condition the machining constructions.
These two aspects often introduce programming problems which are difficult to resolve
without the use of a means of checking the program created.

The functions described in this chapter allow the program to be checked for correct flow
and correct expressions as well as the variable values used in programming.

Activation From the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [SHIFT] + [Debug].

The display shows a window divided horizontally in three different coloured areas; they
contain the following information:
 the area at the top of the screen contains the information concerning the program
 the central area contains instructions of the program to be checked,
 the lower part of the screen is used to display the values of certain variables used in
the program.

As already stated, the central area contains a complete or a partial list of the instructions
which make up the program; each line is divided into two, the left part shows the line
number, the right part shows the whole instruction.

Selecting the current The left part of one of the lines displayed is coloured differently, this shows that it is the
line current line on which all the functions described below can be effected.
Use the [] [] arrow keys and [PAGE UP] [PAGE DOWN] to move between lines.

The right part of one of the lines displayed is coloured differently but it will not be the
same colour as the one that distinguishes the current line; this colouring instead indicates
the next program instruction that must be carried out, we will call this line the “Program

To exit To exit the function and return to the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [ESC ].

7.4.1 Execution up to “Breakpoint”

A breakpoint is a request for program interruption associated with an instruction.
Assigning a breakpoint to an instruction involves requesting that the program be
interrupted immediately before the instruction associated with the breakpoint is
Up to 8 breakpoints can be assigned to a program.

Assigning and To assign a breakpoint to an instruction select the current line as the line containing the
cancelling instruction at which point you wish to interrupt the program, then press [Break Point ].

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The letter B will appear at the start of the line.

If the same procedure is applied to a line where a breakpoint has already been assigned,
the breakpoint will be cancelled and the letter B will disappear.

Program execution Once all the breakpoints required have been inserted press [Go ].
The program will be executed up to the first breakpoint.
If no breakpoints are found the program will run right through to the end.
When a breakpoint is encountered, execution is suspended and can only be restarted by
pressing [Go ] again or by continuing in the step mode.

7.4.2 Step-by-step execution (program flow control)

Executing a program in step mode means carrying out one instruction at a time.
This has the same effect as assigning a breakpoint after every instruction.
By carrying out the program in step mode it is possible to check the flow, the exact
sequence of instructions can be seen and in this way it is possible to check the
instructions which alter the program flow.
To execute a program step press [Trace].

7.4.3 Displaying variable values

Displaying the variables in certain points along the program is often the main reason for
using the DEBUG function.
The lower part of the window can contain a list of variables and their relative values up
to a maximum of 9 variables.

Activation From the DEBUG PROGRAM mode press [Variable Menu] and key in the name of the
variable you wish to view.
If the variable is one of those used in the program, the name keyed in will be accepted, if
not, the variable keyed in will not be accepted.
The value of the variable at the current point in the program is shown beside it. This
point in the program can be anywhere between the beginning and the end, suspending it
by the use of breakpoints or reaching the point using the step mode. If the variable has
not yet been initialised (it contains no value) then no value will appear.
Move the cursor to a free box using [] [] [] [] to enter the names of other

To exit During the variable name entry phase press [ESC ] to cancel what has been entered.
To abandon the variable menu and return to the DEBUG PROGRAM mode press

After having displayed the name of a variable and its content, at each subsequent
interruption in program execution this will immediately be updated so that the variable
value at that point in the program is displayed.
This function in conjunction with the use of breakpoints and step mode allows the
complete program to be checked at any single point.

7.4.4 Modifying variable values

This function is used to modify the value of a variable; in this mode the value is
temporarily changed manually so that the rest of the program can continue to run and be

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It is assumed that the variable you wish to modify has already been entered in the
variable display box, if this is not the case then follow the procedure indicated in the
section “Displaying variable values”.
From the DEBUG PROGRAM mode press [Variable Menu ].
Select the variable you wish to modify using [] [] [] []; then press [Force ].
The cursor is now on the value to the right of the variable, allowing a new number to be
entered, press [ENTER] to confirm the operation.
The new value entered replaces the old one starting from the current point in the
program; subsequent instructions using the modified variable will use the new value

7.4.5 Deleting a variable from the display list

It is normally necessary to delete a variable from the display list when the list is full and
you wish to display another variable.
It is therefore necessary to “sacrifice” one of the variables in the list to make room for
the new variable to be displayed.
Select the variable you wish to delete using [] [] [] []; then press [Delete ].

7.4.6 Replacing a variable in the display list

It is normally necessary to replace a variable in the display list when the list is full and
you wish to display another variable.
It is therefore necessary to “sacrifice” one of the variables in the list to make room for
the new variable to be displayed.
From the DEBUG PROGRAM mode press [Variable Menu ]. Select the variable you
wish to replace using [] [] [] [], enter the name of the new variable to replace the
old one; when [ENTER] is pressed the value of the new variable is also updated and

7.4.7 Graphic program control

When the program check is completed, meaning that the last program instruction has
been executed, the graphic control phase starts, where the “Graphic machining”
function is activated as described below.

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7.5 Graphic machining

The functions described in this section give a graphic representation of the panel face
and the machining operations carried out on it.

The functions that can be carried out are:

 Graphical search for machining operations (collimation).
 Display of the machining operations programmed for each face.
 Display of the projections (machining operations on the faces not shown).
 Display of the routing operations with correct tool application (if programmed).
 Enlargements (ZOOM).

Activation Call up GRAPHICS from the PROGRAM EDITOR mode by pressing [Panel
Three windows appear on the screen:
 a large window in the centre of the screen showing the panel and its machining
 a small window at the bottom showing one of the program instructions,
 a small window at the top right showing the X,Y co-ordinates of the cursor in
relation to the panel face shown.

The graphic representation of the machining operations gives a different colour with
different meanings to the sections it contains. The section colour associations mean the

Yellow Machining pertaining to the face displayed.

Red Machining created by the line currently displayed in the lower
White Machining pertaining to the face not shown and projected onto
the face shown.
Light Blue machining to which tool correction has been applied pertaining
to the displayed face.

To exit To exit the current function and return to the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [ESC ].

7.5.1 Cursor movement

In the large window there is a cursor which can be moved by using.[] [] [] []
The cursor is used to carry out a graphical search for the programmed lines.

Changing the cursor The cursor can be moved by small or large steps which make slower or quicker
speed movements possible.
The cursor speed is set to the faster speed normally; to change the speed press [Cursor
speed ].

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On the left of the lower window there is a symbol which calls up the speed set; the hare
means that the speed is set to high while the tortoise means the cursor is set to low

7.5.2 Panel face selection

The main window shows a representation of one of the 5 workable panel surfaces
Face 1 is shown by default, to display the other faces press [SHIFT] + [Face + ] or
[SHIFT] + [Face - ].
To the left of the lower window there is a symbol which calls up the panel showing the
face displayed.

7.5.3 Projection display

The machining operations shown are normally those pertaining to the panel face
It is however possible to display on the current face the effects of operations
programmed for other faces; these will be shown as projections (e.g. a lateral bore will
be shown as a routing operation).

Activation Press [Face projection]. If the same key is pressed again the function will be disabled
and only the operations pertaining to the face shown will be displayed.

7.5.4 Line search

Allows you to select a program instruction graphically.

Activation Put the cursor on the machining operation required; press [Line Search ].
The operation the cursor has been positioned on shows up in a different colour and the
program instruction that generates it appears in the lower window on the screen.
If there is more than one operation, still only one will be displayed; pressing [Line
Search ] repeatedly will select in sequence all the instructions that generate the sections
under the cursor.
This method can be used to exit GRAPHICS and return to the program editor having
selected as the current line the instruction which has just been found graphically.
This means of searching graphically speeds up the task of seeking out program problems
and correcting them.
Press [Line + ] or [Line - ] to move on to the next instruction or go back to the previous

7.5.5 ZOOM
The most common graphic function is that of being able to enlarge parts of the
machining operation being carried out.
The ZOOM function allows a more detailed view of the work in hand.

Activation Put the cursor on the area of the machining operation you wish to enlarge and press
[ZOOM ].

The level of detail concerning the panel and its machining operations can be reduced.
Put the cursor on the area you wish to have in the centre of the window containing the
panel and press [ZOOM OUT ].

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This function will give a less detailed view than before, with the cursor in the centre of
the screen, the number of machining operations shown is greater than in the previous

7.5.6 Restoring original display

Restores the panel view to its original scale and size.

Activation Press [SHIFT] + [Panel ].

7.5.7 Correct profile display

For programs which incorporate tool correction, it is possible to call up a display of the
programmed profiles and those with tool correction applied..

Activation Press [Correct Profile ], a different coloured representation of the profile with tool
correction applied will appear next to the programmed profile. This gives a double
display of the profile with parallel lines, matching the normal version against the
corrected one means the amount and type correction applied can be checked.

To exit When [Correct Profile ] is pressed a second time, the correct profile display is disabled
and just the original programmed profile remains on the screen.

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7.6 Setting plane and sucker positions

The aim of this function is to simulate the positioning of the planes and suckers used to
hold the panel so that they are not damaged by particular types of operation, through
holes, bevelling etc..
This chapter describes the how to establish the positions of the planes and suckers
graphically, the AUTOMATIC chapter deals with positioning them manually.

Activation The function can be called up from the PANEL GRAPHICS mode by pressing [SHIFT]
+ [Planes ].
The screen shows two windows:
 a small window at the top containing the X and Y co-ordinates of the sucker
selected and the size of the movements with which to move the planes and suckers.
 a large window containing a representation of part of the work plane, the panel and
the machining operations; the panel is shown next to the reference described in the

The machining operations shown are those for the top panel surface, those which
involve the tool coming though the bottom of the panel (through holes) are coloured
differently from the normal operations.

To exit To return to the graphic panel display press [ESC ].

Positioning planes and select the plane and the sucker you wish to position using [Upper Sucker ] [Lower
suckers Sucker ] [Prev. Plane ] [Next Plane ]; use [] [] to move the selected plane and []
[] to move the selected sucker..
Repeat this operation for all the planes and suckers until a layout is reached which
allows the panel to be fixed that guarantees no possible contact between suckers and

If planes or suckers are brought into contact while moving them graphically the selection
is automatically modified; the selected plane becomes the one nearest and movement
continues on this basis.

Changing the Each time one of the [] [] [] [] keys is pressed the position of the plane or sucker
advance speed is varied by the amount shown in parameter S in the top window.
The step size can be changed by pressing [S] and entering a new value; confirm your
choice by pressing [ENTER].

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7.7 Graphic display of spindle configuration (Head graphics)

From the PROGRAM EDITOR mode, press [Head Graphics ] to call up a visual
display of the spindle configuration.
The screen shows a window divided into 5 sections.
The left side shows the spindles enabled for machining the main panel face (face 1). On
the right, in the other four areas, all the spindles enabled for machining the side panel
faces, faces 2 to 5 respectively are shown in order from top to bottom.

Tool selection Each spindle is represented by a rectangle to contain the number or symbol showing its
type, to select one or the other graphic representations press [Numbers / Symbols ]..

One spindle is always shown in a different colour from the rest to indicate it has been
selected; to move on to a different spindle use [] [] [] [] to scroll in sequence all
the spindles configured or enter the number of the spindle to be selected and confirm by
pressing [ENTER].

To exit To exit the function and return to the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [ESC ].

7.7.1 Tool information display

It is possible to find out information about configuration and data concerning the tool
fitted for each spindle. The tool information used is that contained in the tool file
specified in the header of the program being edited.
This function is used for viewing the tooling data without abandoning the program
editing phase.

Select the tool you wish to call up information about and press [Tool Info.].
The screen shows a table containing general data for each type of tool and data
concerning the type of tool selected; the data on tool type is as follows:

Boring bit
 Bit length
 Bit diameter
 Working length
 Bit type (L,P,S)
 Countersink height
Fluted cutter
 Cutter length
 Cutter diameter
 Working length

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Disc cutter
 Disc radius
 Working crown
 Cutter thickness

 Length F1 - F5
 Travel F1 - F5

 Bit length
The meaning of the terms is described in the “Tooling up” chapter.

Below is a list of general data which applies to each type of tool:

Values common to all tools

minimum X axis Indicates the measurement at which the tool can work
measurement with the X axis at the minimum.
maximum X axis Indicates the measurement at which the tool can work
measurement with the X axis at the maximum.
minimum Y axis Indicates the measurement at which the tool can work
measurement with the Y axis at the minimum.
maximum Y axis Indicates the measurement at which the tool can work
measurement with the Y axis at the maximum.

To exit To close the window showing the selected tool information, choose a different tool using
[] [] [] [] or activate one of the other functions available.

7.7.2 Tool search with defined characteristics

Tool selection can be made specifying certain characteristics of the tool. This means that
a tool group with the same “tool length” and “tool diameter” can be selected.

Press [Search ]; enter the “tool length” and “tool diameter” values in the window that
appears in the centre of the screen. Once all the data is entered in the table a search is
carried out for the tool with those characteristics; all tools with these characteristics will
be found and displayed.

To exit To cancel selection press [Cancel Search ]; the spindles previously selected will return
to their original colour.

7.7.3 Graphic tool programming

This function is used to select a graphic representation of the tools to be used for boring
or routing.

The “Head Graphics” function must be activated during entry of a boring or routing
instruction in the TOOL (see programming) field.

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Select the tools you wish to use in the program using the “Search” function or by
pressing [Select tool ] for each of the tools required.
Press [Tool Return ]; the number of each tool selected is entered in the list of the TOOL
field currently being edited; this function disables the head graphics function.

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7.8 Optimizer

The boring optimizer is an aid used in programming boring instructions without

requiring individual tool selection but by simply stating the physical characteristics of
the holes to be made.

Activation The optimizer is called up from the PROGRAM EDITOR mode by pressing [SHIFT] +
[Opmtimize ].
The centre of the screen displays a table in which to enter all the information for
generating the boring instructions.
Each line of the table describes a series of holes of the same type (having the same

If the options TWIN and E AXIS are enabled, a green window will also appear with
messages concerning these two options which enable the use of:

 tools on the second head of the A660 machine,

 tools on the secondary head (E axis).

To exit To exit the function and return to the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [ESC ].

7.8.1 Compiling the table

The table is made up of 10 lines for each of the 4 available pages, and so a total of 40
lines can be used to describe the series of holes.

R. Co-ord. X Co-ord. Y Depth. Z Pitch X Pitch Y F T Diam. Csink. N. X Y V


To move on to the next table use [PAGE DOWN], or to go back to the previous page
use [PAGE UP].
Use [] [] [] [] to position the cursor in the various fields of the 10 lines shown.
The parameters to be entered are as follows:

Parameter Full name Description

R. Line number Indicates the number of the line you are working
on (this parameter cannot be modified, it is
displayed automatically and is a number between 1
and 40).

Param. name Full name Description

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X Co-ord. X Co-ordinate The X co-ordinate of the first hole in the series

described by the current line; this co-ordinate is
expressed in relation to the origin specified by the
currently selected panel face.

Y Co-ord. Y Co-ordinate The Y co-ordinate of the first hole in the series

described by the current line; this co-ordinate is
expressed in relation to the origin specified by the
currently selected panel face.

Z Depth Z Depth The depth of the holes in the series specified by the
current line.
X Pitch X hole C/C The X axis centre to centre distance between two
distance adjacent holes. Values can also be negative.

Y Pitch X hole C/C The Y axis centre to centre distance between two
distance adjacent holes. Values can also be negative.

F Face The panel face on which the holes specified by the

current line will be made.
T Tool type The type of tool to be used for boring. Only drill
bits which can be identified on the basis of type
will be used: P= flat bit, L= spear bit, S= spear bit
with countersink.

Diam. Diameter The diameter of the bits to be used to produce the

holes specified in the current line.
Csink. Length of The size of the countersunk part of the hole in
countersink relation to its depth. This parameter is only
significant if the value S has been entered in field
T of the current line.

N. Number of The number of holes that will be made using the

holes data specified in the current line.
X X mirror image Enter 1 to show that the X origin of the reference
system determined by the panel face is to be moved
from the opposite side in relation to the normal
origin (giving a mirror image).

Y Y mirror image Enter 1 to show that the Y origin of the reference

system determined by the panel face is to be moved
from the opposite side in relation to the normal
origin (giving a mirror image).

V Speed Specifies the index of the SPEEDS table from

which the panel entry speed is taken.

Fill in the lines of the table necessary to describe all the holes you wish to produce.
The order in which the lines are completed and the number of lines completed does not
affect the result of opitimization.
The first line of the table must contain all the data necessary for specifying a series of
holes; it is not necessary to enter repetitive data in subsequent lines; a line with no data
is ignored during optimization.

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Optimization takes into consideration all data entered in the tables.

Deleting part of a There are three ways of cancelling part of a table:


Deleting the current line To delete a line from a table position the cursor in any
of the table field on that line and press [Delete line ].
The data contained in the current line is erased and data
from the following line is automatically copied to the
current one (and all subsequent lines move up one line).
This operation can be repeated on any line of the table.

Deleting from the current To erase the first part of the table, position the cursor in
line to the first line of the any field of the last line to be deleted and press [Delete
table to Start ]. The data contained in the current line and the
lines preceding it is erased. The data in the lines after the
current one is automatically copied to the start..

Deleting from the current To erase the last part of the table, position the cursor in
line to the last line of the any field of the first line to be deleted and press [Delete
table to End ]. The data contained in the current and following
lines is erased.

After carrying out a delete operation, the data erased can no longer be retrieved; great
care should therefore be taken in the use of these functions.

Insert a line Inserting a line means that the lines following the current one are all moved down one
and an empty line is created where the cursor is.
The new line can be used for entering data concerning a new series of holes. Unless the
last line is empty, this operation cannot be carried out without losing some data.
The function is called up by pressing [Insert line ]. It can be repeated to create a series
of empty lines.

7.8.2 Using tools on auxiliary head (E axis)

On machines fitted with an auxiliary head moved by a fourth axis (E axis), it is possible
to establish whether the tools on this head are to be included in optimization or if only
the tool group on the main head are to be used.
The use of tools on the head moved by the E axis generates better drop optimization, but
it takes longer for the operation to take place than if they are excluded. Apart from

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determining which tools to use, the optimizer also determines the E axis position to
guarantee the correct centre to centre distances between the holes programmed.

To enable this function mode press [Options ]; a window over the optimizer table
highlights the words Optimization with E AXIS. Press [SPACE] to make the “”
symbol appear next to the parameter highlighted..

To exit This optimization mode can be disabled by pressing [Options ] and cancelling the
Optimization with E AXIS by pressing [SPACE].

7.8.3 Using tools on twin head (A660).

On machines fitted with a twin head, it is possible to establish whether the tools on this
head are to be included in optimization or if only the tool group on the main head are to
be used.

To enable this function mode press [Options ]; a window over the optimizer table
highlights the words Optimization with TWIN tools. Press [SPACE] to make the “”
symbol appear next to the parameter highlighted..

To exit This optimization mode can be disabled by pressing [Options ] and cancelling the
Optimization with TWIN tools by pressing [SPACE].

7.8.4 Generating boring instructions

After filling in the table, press [Optimize and Save ] to carry out optimization and to
generate the boring instructions that will execute what is contained in the tables.
These instructions will be inserted into the program being edited under the current
Once boring instructions have been generated, the OPTIMIZATION function is
abandoned to recall the PROGRAM EDIT mode.

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7.9 Selecting a program name from the list

This function allows you to select the name of a program from the list of programs
present in the working directory and insert it in the call to subroutine instruction or in
the list step being edited.
Position the cursor in the field where the name of the program to be called up is to be
inserted and press [File List ].
Use [] [] [] [] [PAGE UP] [PAGE DOWN] to select the program name from
the program list that appears on the screen; confirm your selection by pressing [Confirm
Load ]..
The name chosen is copied into the filed of the instruction currently being inserted.

To exit Once the window with the file list has been called up it can be disabled without having
made any selection by pressing [ESC ].


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8 Esacad

8.1 General characteristics .................................................................................................................. i

8.1.1 General work area description.......................................................................................... i
8.2 Data entry......................................................................................................................................iii
8.2.1 Moving the cursor on the screen .....................................................................................iii
8.2.2 Entering numerical values ...............................................................................................iii
8.2.3 Tool selection.................................................................................................................. iv
8.3 Programming boring operations................................................................................................... vi
8.3.1 Optimizing the drops....................................................................................................... vi
8.4 Programming profiles...................................................................................................................vii
8.4.1 Profile start..................................................................................................................... viii
8.4.2 Segment ........................................................................................................................ viii
8.4.3 Broken Line...................................................................................................................... x
8.4.4 Chamfer .......................................................................................................................... xi
8.4.5 Fillet ................................................................................................................................xii
8.4.6 Arc through 3 points.......................................................................................................xiii
8.4.7 Tangent arc....................................................................................................................xiv
8.4.8 Arc from a given centre ................................................................................................. xv
8.4.9 Arc from a given radius..................................................................................................xvi
8.4.10 Segment + arc ............................................................................................................xvii
8.4.11 Arc + segment ........................................................................................................... xviii
8.4.12 Ellipse ..........................................................................................................................xix
8.5 Editing the machining operations created................................................................................... xx
8.5.1 Editing a section ............................................................................................................ xx
8.5.2 Inverting rotational direction of a circle arc ....................................................................xxi
8.5.3 Inverting the centre of a circle arc..................................................................................xxi
8.5.4 Deleting a section .........................................................................................................xxii
8.5.5 Deleting the last section programmed ..........................................................................xxii
8.5.6 Restoring a cancelled section.......................................................................................xxii
8.6 Profile manipulation................................................................................................................... xxiii
8.6.1 Duplicating a profile ..................................................................................................... xxiii
8.6.2 Moving a profile ........................................................................................................... xxiii
8.6.3 Appending new sections to a profile ............................................................................xxiv
8.6.4 Joining two profiles ......................................................................................................xxiv
8.6.5 Cancelling a profile ......................................................................................................xxiv

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8.6.6 Restoring a cancelled profile ....................................................................................... xxiv

8.6.7 Inverting the direction of a profile ................................................................................ xxiv
8.7 Working utilities ........................................................................................................................ xxvi
8.7.1 ZOOM.......................................................................................................................... xxvi
8.7.2 Restoring original display ............................................................................................ xxvi
8.7.3 Full screen display....................................................................................................... xxvi
8.7.4 Displaying off-screen details ....................................................................................... xxvi
8.7.5 Machining sequence display ...................................................................................... xxvii
8.7.6 Circumference centres ............................................................................................... xxvii
8.7.7 Enabling boring check function .................................................................................. xxvii
8.8 Generating a machining program ............................................................................................xxviii

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8.1 General characteristics

ESACAD is a utility used to program the machining operations on the panel graphically.
The cursor is used to establish graphically the data necessary for the selected geometric
constructions. The function keys are then used to program routing and boring operations
which are immediately shown on the screen.
The CNC shows a rectangle in the centre of the screen which represents the panel. The
size is scaled down on the basis of the values entered in the header of the program
currently being edited.

Activation form the PROGRAM EDITOR mode press [ESACAD ], the following display appears:

Fig. 8.1 - ESACAD work area display

When ESACAD is activated the panel shows no machining operations even if the
program currently being edited contains valid instructions.
ESACAD allows program parts to be generated but does not show any instructions
previously written.

8.1.1 General work area description

The screen is divided into the following areas:
Operator Guide GO

AREA A Indications/messages concerning manual entry of construction data

AREA B Tools selection

AREA C geometric construction selection

AREA D Panel and machining operation display

AREA A The following parameters are shown:

 P : Amount the cursor moves by each step.
 lines: The number of program instructions made using ESACAD and ready to be
transformed into programming language.
 message area: contains error messages cause by incorrect use of ESACAD or
indications concerning the data to be entered for correct construction. The two
types of message are distinguished by colour.
 X, Y, Z, I, J, R, L, A, B: these parameters are used for the geometric
construction. What they stand for will be explained later in this chapter in the
part dealing with all the geometric constructions available in ESACAD.
 V: Shows the speed to be used for the construction..

AREA B The following parameters are shown:

 T: The number of tools selected to be applied to the current construction..
 D/S: Diameter or thickness of the tool to be used.

AREA C Display of the list of geometric constructions available in ESACAD.

AREA C Shows the panel and the machining operations programmed for it.
As this is a two-dimensional illustration, ESACAD shows the panel face specified in the
program currently being edited (face 1 if it is a new program).

To exit There are two ways to exit this mode:

 Convert the data into programming language, in this way exiting ESACAD, as
described in the paragraph headed Generating a machining program
 Exit ESACAD, cancelling all the data entered since activating it, by pressing
[ESC ].

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8.2 Data entry

The data necessary for programming machining using ESACAD can be entered
manually (keying in the values), or automatically (by moving the cursor). The second
method can be used for data representing co-ordinates of points that form a geometric
construction, therefore the number of tools and the speed must still be entered manually.

8.2.1 Moving the cursor on the screen

The cursor can be moved using .[] [] [] [] [HOME] [END] [PAGE UP] [PAGE
DOWN], each time one of these keys is pressed the cursor is moved by the amount
specified in the parameter P

Varying the cursor To modify the amount the cursor moves each time a key is pressed, press [P] and enter a
step manually new value expressed in millimetres or in inches (this depends on how the CNC is
configured), press [ENTER] to confirm.
In this way any value at all can be entered; the cursor will now increase the X by the new
value you have entered., by pressing the [] key.
Any value entered must be greater than 0..

Preset variation of the The amount the cursor moves each time a key is pressed can be increased according to
cursor step preset values, avoiding the need to make manual entries
The preset values are:
 0.01 mm
 0.05 mm
 0.10 mm
 0.50 mm
 1.00 mm
 5.00 mm
 10.00 mm
 50.00 mm

To pass from one preset value to the next one up press [+]. To move to the next one
down press [-].

8.2.2 Entering numerical values

Values which represent point co-ordinates can be entered by either moving the cursor or
keying them in manually.
When the cursor is moved the point co-ordinates and specific parameters for creating the
geometric construction (e.g. segment length, segment angle etc.) are changed. The co-
ordinates change by the amount set for the cursor step.

To insert values manually, press the letter corresponding with the value you wish to
change, enter the new value and press [ENTER] to confirm. A small square will appear
next to the value entered to indicate that the parameter has been entered manually.

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Throughout each phase of the geometric construction AREA A displays a message

showing which parameters need be specified and their significance for the construction.
The parameters
 X: co-ordinate (absolute setting)
 Y: Y co-ordinate (absolute setting)
 Z: Machining depth (absolute setting)
 I: Centre X co-ordinate of a circumference arc (absolute setting)
 J: Centre Y co-ordinate of a circumference arc (absolute setting)
 R: Radius length of a circumference arc (absolute setting)
 L: Length of a linear section (distance between two points)
 A: Rotation or sector angle (expressed in sexagesimal degrees)
 B: Sector angle (angle expressed in sexagesimal degrees
 V: Machining speed (SPEEDS table index)
Some parameters which are entered manually remain unchanged regardless of cursor
movements; in this way certain limitations are imposed on the geometric construction.
To cancel a limit imposed on manual entry of a parameter, press the letter for the
parameter, press [SPACE] and confirm using [ENTER]; the parameter value does not
change but the manual entry symbol is removed and the parameter can be changed using
the cursor.

8.2.3 Tool selection

Before generating a “boring” or “start routing” instruction the tool to be used for the
machining program being constructed must be selected.

If selection takes place before programming, tool selection or determining this by the
CNC in the automatic mode is not significant. The significant information concerns the
type of tool selected and its diameter, this information is applied to the holes for
subsequent association with the tools.

Selection can be made in one of three ways:

 Specifying the tool number
 Specifying the type of tool
 Specifying the type of tool and its diameter/thickness
 Specifying the diameter/thickness

If tool selection has not been made before starting a construction, the last tool used will
be selected or tool number 1 if no selection has yet been made.

Specifying the tool Press [T] and enter the number of the tool you want to use; confirm with [ENTER]. The
number number must correspond with a tool which is actually present; values indicating external
tools on electro-spindles are also accepted (tool change code).

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Specifying the type of Press the vertical function key showing the following icon:

select the type of tool using the [ ] [ ] arrow keys, the four types of tool available as
shown above from left to right are:
 Spear bit
 Flat bit
 Disc cutter

Confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].

The CNC selects a tool from the correct category. If more than one tool satisfies the
request the one with the lowest number will be selected.
Carry out the tool selection operation; enter the tool diameter or the blade thickness (in
the case of a disc cutter).
Specifying the type of
Confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
tool and its
The CNC selects a tool from the correct category and which has the same
diameter/thickness as the request entered.
The CNC selects a tool from the correct category and which has the same
diameter/thickness as the request entered.

Specifying the Press [D] or [S] and enter the tool diameter or the blade thickness (in the case of a disc
diameter/thickness cutter).
Confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
With this selection method it is not possible to modify the tool type; the previous
selection is kept.
The CNC selects a tool from the correct category and which has the same
diameter/thickness as the request entered.
If more than one tool satisfies the request the one with the lowest number will be

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8.3 Programming boring operations

The procedure involved in programming a boring operation consists of:

 entering the technical data
 programming the bore

The two phases must be carried out in the above order; the second phase must be
repeated for all the bores with the same technical specifications.
To program a series of bores with different specifications the whole sequence must be

Activation If [Bore/Routing ] is not selected (distinguished by being coloured differently from the
other keys), press it. AREA A shows the wording Machining start co-ordinates (X, Y).

Entering the technical The technical data which needs to be specified before programming the boring operation
boring data is as follows:

bore diameter This is set using the procedure described in the paragraph headed
Tool selection. The data entered will be applied to the subsequent
bore depth Press [Z] and enter the depth of bore you require.

boring speed Press [V] and enter the index from the SPEEDS table that
corresponds with the speed you wish to use for boring.

Programming the To program a bore move the cursor to the position you require and press [ENTER].
You will notice that when moving the cursor to a different position a solid circle appears
to indicate that boring has been programmed.

8.3.1 Optimizing the drops

To keep machining time to the minimum, the bores programmed are optimized to
establish the minimum number of drops necessary to execute them and the best sequence
in order to keep translatory motion to the minimum.
This optimization will not alter the sequence between boring and routing, this
means it is only applied to the boring block between two routing operations.
To obtain efficient bore programming it is advisable to interpolate boring and routing
only if absolutely necessary. It is better to produce a whole block of boring operations
which follow or precede the routing operations.

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8.4 Programming profiles

A profile is a machining operation formed by a sequence of consecutive linear or

circular routings. There is a start and finish point within which the routings which make
up the profile are contained.

This chapter illustrates the geometric constructions for producing profiles. Some of
these constructions are very simple and can be reduced to single sections of linear or
circular routing. others are more complex and represent geometric constructions made
up of several routing sections.

Entering routing Before making a construction the routing technical data needs to be specified for the
technical data routings which will be generated by the geometric construction.
The technical data required is as follows:

Routing depth Press [Z] and enter the depth of routing you require.

Routing speed Press [V] and enter the index from the SPEEDS table that
corresponds with the speed you wish to use for routing.

The technical data entered cannot be changed for routing sections generated
simultaneously by the same geometric construction.

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8.4.1 Profile start

The first element in a profile must always be a “profile start”, this is created by
programming a bore and following it by the profile you are constructing. The bore is
automatically converted into a profile start.
The technical data used to describe a profile start is the same as used for determining a

8.4.2 Segment
The geometric construction known as “segment” is made up of a single section of linear

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the segment element from the construction list;
confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The aim of this geometric construction is that of determining the final point of the
routing section.
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, L, A, V.

Fig. 8.2 - Segment construction.

The following construction methods can be used

Establish the finish point Enter values X and Y ; press [ENTER] to make the

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Establish the segment Enter the parameter A value manually; it represents an

angle angle expressed in sexagesimal degrees.
A segment with an angle value of 0 is set parallel to the
panel X axis towards increasing X values; the angle
increases clockwise
This method allows you to establish a line with a set
angle; the section starting point is found at the origin and
a point along this line to end the segment can be
determined. The resulting segment lies completely along
the line set.
The final point is determined manually by specifying one
of the X or Y parameters or by moving the cursor as
well as specifying the segment length.
After determining the final point of the segment press
[ENTER] to make the construction.

Establish the segment Enter manually the L parameter; this represents the
length distance between the segment starting point and the final
point to be determined.
Negative length values are considered positive.
This method allows a radius of a circumference to be
established on which the final segment point will lie.
The final point is determined manually by specifying one
of the X or Y parameters for the point or by moving the
cursor as well as specifying the segment angle.
After determining the final point of the segment press
[ENTER] to make the construction.

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8.4.3 Broken Line

The geometric construction termed “broken line” is made up of two sections of linear

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the broken line element from the construction
list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, A, B, V.

Fig. 8.3 - Broken line construction.

To create this construction:

 enter parameter A , which gives the angle of the first of the two segments making up
the broken line
 enter parameter B , which gives the angle of the second of the two segments making
up the broken line
 enter the X and Y co-ordinates for the final point.
 confirm this construction by pressing [ENTER].
The point where the two segments intersect and the their lengths are calculated on the
basis of values A and B and by the position of the final point.

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8.4.4 Chamfer
The geometric construction termed “chamfer” is made up of three sections of linear
routing. The chamfer is produced on the second section which bevels the corner formed
by the intersection of the first and third routings.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the chamfer element from the construction list;
confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, I, J, A, B, V.

Fig. 8.4 - Chamfer construction.

To create this construction:

 enter parameters I and J, which indicate the X and Y co-ordinates of the vertex to
be chamfered, as shown by the Chamfer point (I, J) message.
 confirm by pressing [ENTER].
 enter parameter A , which indicates the chamfer length of the first segment (the one
which joins the start point with the chamfer point).
 enter parameter B , which indicates the chamfer length of the third segment (the one
which joins the final point with the chamfer point).
 enter the X and Y co-ordinates of the final point, as shown by the Final point (X,
Y) message.
 Confirm this construction by pressing [ENTER].

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8.4.5 Fillet
The geometric construction termed “fillet” is made up of two sections of linear routing
joined by one section of circular routing. The fillet is produced by the circular routing
section inscribed in the corner formed by the intersection between the first and second
linear routing sections. the whole construction generates routing sections which are
tangent to each other.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the fillet element from the construction list;
confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].

The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, I, J, R, V.


Fig. 8.5 - Fillet construction.

To create this construction:

 Enter parameters I and J, which indicate the X and Y co-ordinates of the vertex to
be chamfered, as shown by the Fillet point (I, J) message.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].
 Enter parameter R , which represents the fillet radius assigning it to
 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates of the final point, as shown by the Final point (X,
Y) message.
 Confirm this construction by pressing [ENTER].

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8.4.6 Arc through 3 points

The geometric construction termed “arc through 3 points” generates an arc with a
circumference determined by its start point, final point and by a third point along the arc.

This construction cannot generate a complete circumference, that is, with start and finish
points which coincide.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command] and select the arc through 3 points element from the
construction list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, I, J, V.

Fig. 8.6 - Arc through 3 points construction.

To create this construction:

 Enter parameters I and J, which indicate the X and Y co-ordinates of a general
point belonging to the arc you wish to generate, as shown by the First Point (I, J)
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].
 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates of the final point, as shown by the Final point (X,
Y) message.
 Confirm this construction by pressing [ENTER].

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8.4.7 Tangent arc

The geometric construction termed “tangent arc” generates a circumference arc tangent
to the routing that precedes it.

This function requires a profile section to already have been generated and it cannot
follow a profile start.

Press [Change Command ] and select the tangent arc element from the construction
list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, V.

Fig. 8.7 - Tangent arc construction.

To create this construction:

 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates of the final arc point, as shown by the Final point
(X, Y) message.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].
The arc direction is automatically determined by the construction, as its solution is

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8.4.8 Arc from a given centre

The geometric construction termed “arc from a given centre” generates an arc with a
circumference determined by its start and finish points and by the centre of the arc.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the arc from a given centre element from the
construction list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, I, J, V.

Fig. 8.8 - Construction of a round arc from a given centre.

To create this construction:

 Enter parameters I and J, which indicate the centre of the arc, as shown by the
Centre (I, J) message.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].
 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates of the final point, as shown by the Final point (X, Y)
 Confirm this construction by pressing [ENTER].

When using the cursor for determining the final point, attention must be paid to the
maximum and minimum X and Y values. This means that if the [] key is used to move
the cursor, once the maximum X value has been reached this key cannot be used again,
the [] or [] keys must therefore be used to continue.

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8.4.9 Arc from a given radius

The geometric construction termed “arc from a given radius” generates an arc with a
circumference determined by the start and finish points of its radius.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the arc from a given radius element from the
construction list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, I, J, R, A, V; the L
parameter cannot be edited but its value is revised and indicates the length of the arc

Fig. 8.9 - Construction of an arc from a given radius.

To create this construction:

 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates of the final point of the arc, as shown by the Final
point (X, Y) message.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].
 Complete the construction in one of the following ways:
Entering the size of Key in the radius value, assigning it to the R parameter
the radius and complete the construction by pressing [ENTER].

Entering the centre Key in the arc centre co-ordinates, assigning them to the I
co-ordinate and J parameters. Complete the construction by pressing
Entering the sector Key in the value of the arc sector to be constructed,
angle determining parameter A. Complete the construction by
pressing [ENTER].

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8.4.10 Segment + arc

The geometric construction termed “segment + arc” is made up of a section of linear
routing followed by a circumference arc tangent to it.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the segment + arc element from the construction
list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, R, A, V.

Fig. 8.10 - Segment followed by tangent arc construction.

To create this construction:

 enter parameter A , which gives the angle of the straight section
 enter parameter R , which gives the arc radius.
 enter the X and Y co-ordinates for the final arc point, as shown by the Final point
(X, Y) message.
 confirm by pressing [ENTER].

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8.4.11 Arc + segment

The geometric construction termed “arc + segment” is made up of a circumference arc
followed by a section of linear routing tangent to it.

This function requires a profile start or a profile section to already have been generated.

Press [Change Command ] and select the arc + segment element from the construction
list; confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, R, A, V.

Fig. 8.11 - Arc followed by tangent segment construction.

To create this construction:

 Enter parameter A, which gives the angle of the straight section
 Enter parameter R, which gives the arc radius.
 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates for the final arc point, as shown by the Final point
(X, Y) message.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].

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8.4.12 Ellipse
The construction termed “ellipse” generates from one to four circumference arcs making
an approximate ellipse.

Press [Change Command ] and select the ellipse element from the construction list;
confirm your selection by pressing [ENTER].
The parameters used for this geometric construction are X, Y, Z, I, J, A, B, V.

Fig. 8.12 - Approximate ellipse construction..

To create this construction

 Enter parameters I and J, which represent the centre of the ellipse, as shown by the
Centre (I, J) message.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].
 Enter the X and Y co-ordinates which indicate one of the corners of the rectangle
that circumscribes the ellipse, as specified by the Rectangle end (X, Y) message.
 Enter parameter A , which gives the angle formed by the imaginary segment joining
the centre and the starting point of the ellipse.
 Enter parameter B , which gives the angle formed by the imaginary segment joining
the centre and the final point of the ellipse.
 Confirm by pressing [ENTER].

If parameters A and B coincide, a complete ellipse will be produced; otherwise an

elliptical arc will be produced.
This construction also automatically generates the start profile command.

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8.5 Editing the machining operations created

After constructing a profile or a series of borings, it is possible to edit some of the

machining operations programmed before exiting ESACAD.
Each section constructed can be edited or eliminated.

8.5.1 Editing a section

To edit some or all of the parameters of a previously generated machining operation, put
the cursor on the section to be edited and press [Collimate ]. The construction is now
shown in a different colour from the rest, this means that the construction where the
cursor is has been selected.
If the cursor is positioned on more than one construction press [Collimate ] until the one
you wish to edit the parameters on is shown.
Press [Section data ] to access the table containing all the parameters for that machining
The line that corresponds with the section chosen is shown at the top of the table, along
with the type of machining operation for that line; the rest of the data in the table varies
according to the type of machining operation.

Use [] [] to scroll through the data in the table and to correct the errors; press
[ENTER] when the last correction has been made to confirm your new entries..

Boring/profile start The data contained in the table referring to a boring operation or profile start is as
data follows:

X X machining co-ordinate
Y Y machining co-ordinate

Z Machining depth

V Panel entry speed

S Rotation speed (rpm) of the tool requested for machining

C Tool correction code (significant only if the operation is a profile start

D/S Hole diameter or blade thickness if the tool is a disc cutter

T Number of tools requested for the operation

Some of these parameters cannot be set during boring or profile start construction.
Editing parameters also serves as a way of completing the machining program.

Segment data The data contained in the table referring to a segment is as follows:

X X co-ordinate for the final point of the segment

Y Y co-ordinate for the final point of the segment

Z Segment depth

V Routing entry speed

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The left part of the table also shows the segment start point co-ordinates; as these are
also the final co-ordinates of the section preceding the one currently selected. To edit
them it is necessary to select the previous section and change its final co-ordinates too.

Circle arc data The data contained in the table referring to a circle arc is as follows:

X X co-ordinate for the final point of the arc

Y Y co-ordinate for the final point of the arc

Z Arc depth

V Routing entry speed

I X co-ordinate for the centre of the arc

J Y co-ordinate for the centre of the arc

R Arc radius

The left part of the table also shows the arc start point co-ordinates; as these are also the
final co-ordinates of the section preceding the one currently selected. To edit them it is
necessary to select the previous section and change its final co-ordinates too.

To exit Press [ESC ] to exit the edit a section mode, thereby cancelling any corrections made
and recalling the original values.

8.5.2 Inverting rotational direction of a circle arc

This function allows the rotational direction of a circle arc to be inverted while keeping
the start, finish and centre points the same.

Put the cursor on the section to be edited and press [Collimate ]. The construction is
now shown in a different colour from the rest, this means that the construction where the
cursor is has been selected.
If the cursor is positioned on more than one construction press [Collimate ] until the one
you wish to invert the rotation for is shown.
Press [Invert G2 <-> G3 ] to obtain the variation requested. When the same key is
pressed again the original rotational direction of the arc is restored.
This function creates an secondary arc to the one selected.

8.5.3 Inverting the centre of a circle arc

This function allows the centre of a circle arc to be inverted to the opposite side in
relation to a section joining the start and finish points of the arc, while keeping the arc
radius the same.

Put the cursor on the section to be edited and press [Collimate ]. The construction is
now shown in a different colour from the rest, this means that the construction where the
cursor is has been selected.

If the cursor is positioned on more than one construction press [Collimate ] until the one
you wish to invert the rotation for is shown.

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Press [Invert centre ] to obtain the variation requested. When the same key is pressed
again the original position of the arc is restored.

8.5.4 Deleting a section

To delete a section put the cursor on it and press [Collimate ]. The construction is now
shown in a different colour from the rest, this means that the construction where the
cursor is has been selected.
If the cursor is positioned on more than one construction press [Collimate ] until the one
you wish to delete is shown.
Press [Delete section ] to delete the chosen section.

8.5.5 Deleting the last section programmed

Press [DEL], the last section entered will be cancelled. By repeating this operation
several times a whole profile can be cancelled. Sections are cancelled in the inverse
order to how they were created.

8.5.6 Restoring a cancelled section

If a section is deleted by error it is possible to restore it by pressing [INS]. This function
will only restore the last section cancelled. Once the restore function has been used it is
no longer available until the next deletion.

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8.6 Profile manipulation

After constructing a profile or a series of borings, it is possible to edit some of the

machining operations programmed before exiting ESACAD.
This paragraph describes functions which can be carried out on a complete profile such
as duplication, moving, cancelling and appending.

8.6.1 Duplicating a profile

Profile selection Put the cursor on one of the sections which make up the profile to be duplicated and
press [SHIFT] + [Profile ]; the whole profile shows up in a different colour from the
rest to indicate it has been selected.

Copy Now press [SHIFT] + [Copy ]; the profile is duplicated and attached to the cursor. The
point where the cursor is indicates the profile start. As the cursor is moved, the profile
moves with it.
Put the cursor on the point where the duplicated profile is to start and if necessary insert
the rotation parameter for the duplicate profile (expressed by parameter A ).
Press [ENTER] to confirm the profile duplication operation.

Multiple copies Once a profile has been copied its selection remains active and therefore subsequent
copies of the same profile can be obtained by repeating the following procedure:
 Position the cursor
 Enter the profile rotation assigning the rotational angle to parameter A .
 Press [ENTER] to confirm the copying operation.

To exit Press [SHIFT] + [Copy ] or select a different function.

Duplicating a different Interrupt the copy function, select a new profile to be duplicated and repeat the copy
profile procedure.

8.6.2 Moving a profile

Put the cursor on one of the sections which make up the profile to be duplicated and
press [SHIFT] + [Profile ]; the whole profile shows up in a different colour from the
rest to indicate it has been selected.
Now press [Move ]; the profile is attached to the cursor. The point where the cursor is
indicates the profile start. As the cursor is moved, the profile moves with it.
Put the cursor on the point where the profile is to start and if necessary insert the profile
rotation parameter expressed by parameter A .
Press [ENTER] to confirm the profile in its new position.
Once a profile has been moved its selection remains active and it is therefore possible to
move the same profile again can without having to repeat the selection procedure; all
that needs to be done is to move the cursor to a new position and confirm transfer by
pressing [ENTER].

To exit Press [Move ] or select a different function.

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8.6.3 Appending new sections to a profile

The functions used to construct profiles affect the last construction made; previously
produced profiles must be considered complete
To append other sections, select the profile by positioning the cursor on one of the
sections used in its construction, press [SHIFT] + [Profile ] > [Append ].
At this point the geometric constructions can be used to generate profiles, the routing
operations generated will be queued behind the last one carried out on the selected

To exit Press [Append ] or select a different function.

8.6.4 Joining two profiles

This function allows two profiles generated in sequence to be joined together to obtain a
single profile.
Put the cursor on one of the sections which make up the first of the two profiles to be
joined; press [SHIFT] + [Profile ] to select the profile.
Press [SHIFT] + [Join ], the final point of the selected profile will be joined to the
start of the following profile; this join is made using one of the geometric
constructions available in ESACAD; select the geometric construction with which you
wish to make the join and carry out the operations necessary to construct it.
On completion, a single profile is obtained. The profile start command for the second
one is cancelled and the data for the first profile (tool correction) is applied to the
second one.

To exit Press [SHIFT] + [Join ] or select a different function.

It is not possible to join two profiles that are not in sequence.

8.6.5 Cancelling a profile

A complete profile can be cancelled using this function.
Put the cursor on one of the sections which make up the profile to be cancelled; press
[SHIFT] + [Profile ] to select the profile.
Now press [Cancel Profile ]..

8.6.6 Restoring a cancelled profile

If a profile is cancelled by error it is possible to restore it by pressing [INS]. This
function will only restore the last profile cancelled. Once the restore function has been
used it is no longer available until the next cancellation.

8.6.7 Inverting the direction of a profile

With this function it is possible to exchange the start and finish points on a profile.

The profile is not changed at all, it just becomes machined in reverse.

Put the cursor on one of the sections which make up the profile to be inverted; press
[SHIFT] + [Profile ] to select the profile.

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Press [Invert Profile ]; the profile start point is now moved to the final point of the last
section in the profile.
To restore the profile to its original status simply repeat the operation.

The profile must remain true to the original therefore both the rotational direction of
each arc and the direction of current tool application and also inverted.

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8.7 Working utilities

This chapter describes some utilities which ESACAD offers to aid working.
These are mostly functions that allow information to be displayed in detail, therefore
making programming easier.

8.7.1 ZOOM
The most common graphic function is that of being able to enlarge parts of the
machining operation being carried out.
The ZOOM function allows a more detailed view of the work in hand.

Activation Put the cursor on the area of the machining operation you wish to enlarge and press
[ZOOM ].

The level of detail concerning the panel and its machining operations can be reduced.
Put the cursor on the area you wish to have in the centre of the window containing the
panel and press [ZOOM OUT ].
This function will give a less detailed view than before, with the cursor in the centre of
the screen, the number of machining operations shown is greater than in the previous

8.7.2 Restoring original display

Restores the panel view to its original scale and size. The panel is restored to the size
shown when the ESACAD mode is called up.
To access this function press [SHIFT] + [Panel ].

8.7.3 Full screen display

Using this function AREAS B, C and part of A can be eliminated from the screen
leaving only AREA D which takes over the space previously taken by the other areas..

Activation Press [Options ], select full screen from the list and then press [SPACE].
The”” symbol appears next to the element selected to show that the function has been
activated. Press [Options ] again to go back to the panel display and obtain the full
screen view.

Even though certain areas used for profile construction are suppressed, the use of
ESACAD is not affected. When one of the letters for the parameters contained in those
areas is pressed, they are immediately shown over the panel illustration to allow data
entry. As soon as this has been done, the full screen version is restored

To exit The original screen version (small screen) is obtained by using the same procedure
followed to obtain the full screen; i.e., by pressing [Options ], and removing the “”
symbol with [SPACE]

8.7.4 Displaying off-screen details

By moving the cursor to the edge of the screen, the parts which are not visible in the
enlarged view of the panel can be seen. In this way it is possible to obtain a detailed
graphic representation of the whole panel.

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Activation Press [Options ], select automatic zoom from the list and then press [SPACE] to make
the “” symbol appear next to the element selected as a sign that the function has been
Press [Options ] again to go back to the panel display and obtain the effect requested.

To exit Press [Options ], followed by [SPACE] to remove the “” symbol

After the operation has been disabled the cursor movement is limited to within AREA D.

8.7.5 Machining sequence display

Calls up a display of the machining sequence created using ESACAD.
A dotted line appears between the final point of one machining operation and the
starting point of the next one.

Activation Press [Options ], select see movements from the list and then press [SPACE] to make
the “” symbol appear next to the element selected as a sign that the function has been
Press [Options ] again to go back to the panel display and obtain the effect requested.

To exit Press [Options ], followed by [SPACE] to remove the “” symbol

8.7.6 Circumference centres

Calls up crosses on the display at the centres of the circumference arcs that have been
constructed, therefore making profile construction easier in some cases.

Activation Press [Options ], select see circ. centres from the list and then press [SPACE] to make
the “” symbol appear next to the element selected as a sign that the function has been
Press [Options ] again to go back to the panel display and obtain the effect requested.

To exit Press [Options ], followed by [SPACE] to remove the “” symbol

8.7.7 Enabling boring check function

Enables the technical boring data checking function before the programming language
instructions are generated.
If the function is not enabled, the boring operations are generated using the technical
data entered before their creation with ESACAD; if the function is active however, the
technical boring data can be corrected before generating the programming language

Activation Press [Options ], select check borings from the list and then press [SPACE] to make the
“” symbol appear next to the element selected as a sign that the function has been
Press [Options ] again to go back to the panel display and obtain the effect requested.

To exit Press [Options ], followed by [SPACE] to remove the “” symbol

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8.8 Generating a machining program

Once the machining construction is complete, it must all be converted into programming
language instructions.
The instructions generated are inserted into those that make up the program currently
being edited and will be contained between two comment lines which allow it to be
picked out from the rest.
Press [Compile and exit ], to obtain the function required; once completed, the
ESACAD mode is automatically exited.

Checking technical A table appears under the panel display showing the relevant technical machining data.
The table is divided into two parts; the right part contains:
 the total number of lines constructed using ESACAD
 the number of lines associated with the machining program currently shown and
an indication of the type of machining involved
 the X and Y co-ordinates of the current program

This data cannot be changed; it is only used to help trace the machining operations.
The technical data which can be edited is contained in the left side of the table:
 tool number
 tool type
 tool diameter/thickness
 machining depth
 entry speed in workpiece
 advance speed for boring only
 tool rotation speed

The table initially contains data concerning the first machining operation generated by
ESACAD. The currently selected operation is shown up in a different colour; to edit the
values, put the cursor on the data to be changed using [] [] and enter the new values
To select different machining operations press[Next section ], to move on to the next
one or [Previous section ] to select the one before.
Once you have finished editing the technical data press [Confirm and exit ] to generate
the programming language instructions.


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9 Tool data

9.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................i

9.2 Tool file operations ........................................................................................................................ii
9.2.1 Copying a tool file .............................................................................................................ii
9.2.2 Deleting a tool file .............................................................................................................ii
9.2.3 Renaming a tool file..........................................................................................................ii
9.2.4 Print a tool file...................................................................................................................ii
9.2.5 Creating a tool file ........................................................................................................... iii
9.3 Editing a tool file ...........................................................................................................................iv
9.3.1 Search for worn tools .......................................................................................................v
9.3.2 Replacing worn tools ........................................................................................................v
9.3.3 Saving wear data..............................................................................................................v
9.4 Tooling up the machine
9.4.1 Preliminary operations for re-tooling the
9.4.2 Selecting current tool file
9.5 Fitting tools to manually tightened electro-spindles ..................................................................... vii

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9.1 Introduction

Access Using the TOOL EDITOR function, it is possible to configure tools which are currently
fitted or which will be fitted.
Access this function from the MENU BASE mode by pressing [editor ] > [Tool data ].
Each tool file (called a tool setup) has a name that distinguishes it from the others.

What is a tool setup? A tool setup is a series of tables for each of the tools fitted to the machining head as well
as other tables concerning the tools which can be fitted to the electro-spindles either
manually or automatically (through the tool change function).

The tool tables contain physical tool data, information on function and the amount of
Up to 96 tools numbered from 1 to 96 can be configured on the machining head as well
as a maximum of 96 tools from automatic or external magazines, numbered E1 to E96.
The actual tool availability depends on the machine model.

Each time you wish to replace one or more tools with tools of a similar type the
following procedure must be carried out:
1) Create a new tool file stating the characteristics of the new tools used.
2) Replace the tools physically on the machine
3) Select the new tool file to be the current one.

Step one of this procedure can be omitted in cases where the tools to be fitted have
already been coded in a tool file.
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9.2 Tool file operations

9.2.1 Copying a tool file

Copying a tool file means creating a new one with the same tool data but with a different
The original tool file is the one selected.
This operation is useful when the changes due to the tool variations are only slight, that
is to say the new tool configuration will be very similar to the original one. In this case it
is recommended that a copy of the original tool file be made and the necessary changes
then made to distinguish it from the original.
Changes can be made to the copy using the Change a tool file function.

Activation Press [Copy ] and enter the name of the new tool file you wish to create in the window
that appears. Confirm your choice by pressing [ENTER].

To exit To cancel the copy operation press [ESC].

9.2.2 Deleting a tool file

When a tool file is deleted, all the information it contains is erased.

Activation Press [Delete ] after having selected the tool file to be deleted. A dialogue window
appears which warns that the selected file is about to be erased.

9.2.3 Renaming a tool file

When a tool file is renamed, its means of identification and recall is changed.

Activation Select the tool setup you wish to rename and press [Rename ]. A window appears in
which to enter the new name for that setup. Confirm your choice of name using

To exit To cancel the rename operation press [ESC].

The new name given to a tool setup must not be the same as another setup that already
exists. In this case an error message will appear on the screen.

9.2.4 Print a tool file

To print a selected tool file press [Print ].

A window appears to request confirmation or cancellation of the printing operation.

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9.2.5 Creating a tool file

To create a new tool file enter a new file name different from the existing ones and press
[Edit ].
A window appears which requests confirmation or cancellation of the tool file creation
Once creation has been confirmed, a table appears containing data concerning tool no.1.
The data contained in the table is only indicative and must be edited through the
procedure described later in this chapter.

To exit To exit and memorise the changes made to the tool setup press [Save to Unit ].
If you do not wish to memorise the edits made, press [ESC ] and confirm the
subsequent request which warns of the imminent loss of the edits.

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9.3 Editing a tool file

To edit an already existing tool file select the file name from the list shown and press
[Edit ], a table appears containing data concerning tool no.1.
This data can be edited by putting the cursor on the value to be changed and entering the
new value. Use.[] [] to move the cursor.

Selecting the table for There are three ways of doing this:
the tool to be edited

Select the tool number Press [Select tool ] and enter the number of the tool you
wish to modify the data of, then confirm your choice by
pressing [ENTER].
The screen shows a table containing the data of the tool

Scroll through each tool If the tool you require follows or precedes the one
table in sequence currently displayed, press [Next tool ] or [Prev. Tool]
repeatedly until you find the data for that particular tool.

Looking for tools The tools that can be used for tool changing are sometimes
belonging to the same complex mechanical groups made up of several tools
mechanical group (multi-tool groups).
This function carries out a search to see if there is a tool
belonging to the same mechanical group as the one shown
(valid only for tools numbered E1 to E96).
Press [Next on group ], if no tool belonging to the same
group as the current one is found (single tool), the function
has no effect.

Tool type The tool table contained in a tool setup depends on the type of tool selected.
In the tool setup data table, next to the tool number, information is shown describing
each type of tool fitted to the machine.
This information is coded by the manufacturer and cannot be changed; the type of tools
included are as follows:

A tool can be “UNDECLARED”, which means that the tool does not exist and no
parameters will appear in the relative tool table.

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To Exit To exit and memorise the changes made to the tool setup press [Save to Unit ].
If you do not wish to memorise the changes made, press [ESC ] and confirm the
subsequent request shown on the screen.

9.3.1 Search for worn tools

To look for a worn tool, press [Search worn tools ]; the table for the first worn tool will
be displayed. When the same command is given repeatedly, any other worn tools will be
subsequently displayed.
If no worn tools are found, a window in the centre of the display will give a message to
this effect.

9.3.2 Replacing worn tools

The replacement of one or more worn tools must be carried out when tools are changed
mechanically on the machine.

Replacing a single To replace a single worn tool, select the tool to be replaced and press [Replace tool ].
tool The original tool size data is copied to the size data modified by the wear factor, in this
way the tool wear data is set to zero.

Replacing all tools All worn tools can be replaced with no individual selection necessary by simply pressing
[Replace all ].
The original tool size data for all tools is copied to the size data modified by the wear
factor, in this way the tool wear data for each tool is set to zero.

9.3.3 Saving wear data

Each time the machine is re-tooled and the current tool file is changed, it is necessary to
save the wear data.
This operation is carried out by pressing [Save wear ].

If wear data is not saved before using different tooling, the previous wear data will be

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9.4 Tooling up the machine

The procedures described in this section exclude any mechanical operations to be

carried out on the machine and only include those operations necessary for such
functions on the CNC.

9.4.1 Preliminary operations for re-tooling the machine

Each time the tool setup on the machine is changed the following procedure is
1) Enter the tool file edit mode to save the wear data for the tools used up to this point.
The save function is called up by pressing [Save wear ].
2) Enter the tool file edit mode for the new file you will use (if it already exists) and
load the wear data for that setup. The load function is called up by pressing [Load
wear ].
3) Select the tool file which will be used as the current one (see the section on
“Selecting current tool setup”).

Points 1 and 2 are only relevant if wear calculation is used; if not, only point 3 is

9.4.2 Selecting current tool file

Certain functions require a knowledge of the characteristics of those tools fitted to the
machine (optimizer, panel graphics, etc..)
For this reason, the tool file that describes such tools must be declared to be the current
tool file.
Each time AUTOMATIC is activated to execute a program, the program headers must
contain a declaration of the tool file requested for execution as current tool file. If not,
the program cannot be executed as there will be an anomaly between the tools fitted to
the machine and those necessary for processing the panel.

To select the current tool setup , select the name of the tool file you want from the list
shown on the screen and press [Select ].
The window above the list of the tool files is now updated to show the name of the new
file selected.

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9.5 Fitting tools to manually tightened electro-spindles

Some machine models feature electro-spindles which are tightened manually, i.e.
electro-spindles with quick release chucks for fitting tools normally used for tool
These electro-spindles must be tooled up before beginning the machining cycle and the
information concerning the tooling up operation must be entered as described here.

The tools which can be fitted to these electro-spindles can also be used for tool
changing, or rather those coded from E1 to E96.
However, given that some tools (with different numbers) can be grouped together and
therefore fitted at the same time to the same electro-spindle, the information used to
associate a tool to an electro-spindle is the position that the tool occupies inside the
magazine; in fact the different grouped tools occupy the same position in the tool

Activation To configure the manually tightened electro-spindles, from the MENU BASE mode
press [editor ] > [Tool data ] > [Spindle groups ]. The table that appears contains a
series of lines corresponding with the same number of manually tightened electro-
spindles fitted to the machine.
Each line contains the words Spindle programmed followed by the number of electro-
spindles to be tooled up. The same line shows the words Magazine position next to
which the following information must be entered:

magazine number The data required to be entered to the left of the “:”
character indicates the number of the magazine that the tool
belongs to or the group of tools fitted to the electro-spindle.
This value must be between 0 and 7.

position in magazine The data required to be entered to the right of the “:”
character indicates the position that the tool or the group of
tools occupies inside the magazine specified previously.
This value must be between 0 and 31.


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10 Environment variables

10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. i

10.2 Data entry in the lines of the variable table ................................................................................. ii
10.2.1 Inserting a line ............................................................................................................... ii
10.2.2 Deleting a line ................................................................................................................ ii
10.2.3 Changing page display .................................................................................................. ii
10.3 Header program data entry .........................................................................................................iii
10.4 Saving and retrieving environment variables ............................................................................. iv

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10.1 Introduction

This chapter contains information which can be understood more easily if read in
conjunction with the part referring to parametric programming contained in the
Programming manual.
There now follows a summary of the basic concepts to help in understanding this

Variable A variable is an area of memory which contains numerical data to which a name made
up of 8 letters is given in order to distinguish it from the other variables. The
environment variables contain data which can be used in creating flexible programs, i.e.
programs whose operation can be varied by editing their environment variables.
To enter a value in an environment variable an expression must be inserted into the
environment variable table.

Expression An expression comprises the name of the variable followed by the ‘=‘ sign, in turn
followed by an algebraic expression.

Activation The environment table is accessed from the MENU BASE mode by pressing the keys
[Editor ] > [Environment Variable ].
A table divided horizontally into three areas appears showing the following information
from top to bottom:
 Certain data referring to a fictitious header to test the expressions
 16 lines, each of which contains an expression
 a value check line contained in the current variable.

64 different environment variables can be entered sub-divided into 4 tables of 16

elements each.

The definition of some environment variables can require the use of other environment
variables within the expression associated with them; this means that care must be taken
when determining the sequence in which the variables are entered.
When environment variables are used within expressions, they must be defined in lines
which precede the current line.

The central part of the table shows one of the 16 lines in a different colour. This is the
current line in which it is possible to enter or edit a variable.

Checking expressions The name of the variable highlighted in the current line and the result of the expression
associated with it are shown in the lower part of the table, in this way allowing the
accuracy of the expression entered to be checked.
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10.2 Data entry in the lines of the variable table

Each line that makes up the central part of the table comprises three elements:
1) The name of the variable that can be entered
2) The ‘=‘ symbol, always present
3) The field of the expression associated with the variable

To enter an expression put the cursor on field 1 of the line and enter the name to be
associated with the variable.
Move into the third field by pressing [ENTER], and enter the expression.
After keying in the expression press the [ENTER] key. If there is a syntax error in the
expression the cursor moves to the incorrect part of the expression. If there are no errors
the cursor moves to the next line.

10.2.1 Inserting a line

To insert a variable definition between two consecutive lines which also contain variable
definitions it is necessary to create an empty line between these two.
Put the cursor on the second of the lines between which you want to insert the empty
line and press [Insert Variable ]; the current line and all those that follow it are moved
down one position.
The empty line created is now available to take a new variable definition.

10.2.2 Deleting a line

To delete a line, which may either contain a variable definition or may be empty, put the
cursor on the line to be deleted and press [Delete Variable ].
The lines following the one deleted are all moved up one position so that the next line
now takes the place of the one deleted.

10.2.3 Changing page display

As stated earlier, the variable environment is displayed through tables containing 16
elements; the 4 pages of tables allow access to the 64 different variables available.
The number of the page being consulted is shown in the bottom left hand corner of each
The call up the other pages press either [Next page ] or [Prev. page ].

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10.3 Header program data entry

It may be that an expression which defines a variable contains values linked to the
header in which it will be used (e.g. MIDDLE = DX / 2# clearly indicates the centre co-
ordinate for any panel in its X measurement).
To simulate the construction of quite complex formulae using this data, it is possible to
show the information of a general header which may be part of an expression at the top
of the table.
The specific simulated header data may be entered manually or taken from an already
existing program.

Manual header data To enter simulated header data manually press [Edit Header ]. the cursor moves to the
entry top left of the table next to the letters DX.
It is now possible to enter the relative values in the fields::

DX X panel measurement
DY Y panel measurement

DZ Z panel measurement

- Work area where you wish to fix the panel

When the last of these parameters has been entered, the cursor moves back to the central
area of the table to edit the variable definitions.
By pressing [ESC ] it is possible to exit the function before completing simulated header
data entry.

Copying header data A simulated header can be taken from an already existing program by pressing [Load
from another program header].
A window showing a list of programs appears over the variable table. Select the name of
the program from which you wish to take the header data and press [Confirm Load ].
Now the data from that program header will be copied to the top of the variable table.
By pressing [ESC ] it is possible to cancel the copy operation before it has been

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10.4 Saving and retrieving environment variables

Saving ambient variables to a disk storage device is a purely precautionary practice to

safeguard against losing data during CNC servicing, during power cuts and when the
backup battery runs low.
Variable loading is however significant for resetting the above situations which may
cause data loss.

Often however, saving edited settings is a technique which allows subsequent incorrect
edits to be annulled. It is therefore safe practice to save the variable definition data to
the memory storage device as soon as it has been entered correctly. Subsequent edits
which turn out to be incorrect can then be eliminated by recalling the correct version
previously saved.
It is therefore always a good idea to save known situations.

Saving variables All the environment variables contained in a table can be saved by pressing [Save to
drive ].

Loading variables All the environment variables contained in a table can be loaded by pressing [Load from
drive ].

Loading environment variables from the memory storage device means they will take the
place of the variables currently shown in the table, which will all be lost. However, as
discussed earlier, this may be purposely done as part of a working method.


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11 Services

11.1 System information.......................................................................................................................i

11.2 Setting the Data and Time...........................................................................................................ii
11.3 Entering the password ................................................................................................................iv
11.4 Printing files .................................................................................................................................v
11.4.1 Printing a program..........................................................................................................v
11.4.2 Printing a list ...................................................................................................................v
11.4.3 Printing a tool file ............................................................................................................v

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11.1 System information

The system information that can be referred to consists of:

 CNC software version
 Name of PLC loaded
this information is mainly useful when it is necessary to communicate with the
manufacture due to machine malfunction.

This information can be called up from the MENU BASE by pressing [Services ].
Operator Guide GO

11.2 Setting the Data and Time

This function is used to set the date and the time of the clock inside the CNC.

To access this function from the MENU BASE press [Services ] > [Clock Setup ].

Fig. 11.1 - CNC internal clock

The illustration shows the CNC internal digital clock.

The display shows:
 Day of the week
 Date (1 to 31)
 Month (1 to 12)
 Last two digits of the year (i.e. 04 = 2004).
 Hour (0 to 23)
 Minutes (0 to 59).

One of these is coloured differently from the rest to show that it has been selected.

Editing the value Changes can be made by pressing [+] to increase a value or [-] to decrease.

ii 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Serial line communication

Selecting a value To move to a different value from the current one press [NEXT].

Entering corrected Once you have set the clock correctly press [ENTER] to confirm the changes made.

To exit Press [ESC ].

ESA/GV 91670.GO.0.GB iii

Operator Guide GO

11.3 Entering the password

Certain CNC functions can only be accessed by authorised personnel.

Authorisation to access such functions can only be given by the manufacturer on issue of
a password.
To enter the password, from the MENU BASE press [Services ] > [User Password]. A
window appears in the centre of the screen where you enter the password and then press
[ENTER] to complete the procedure.

Access by unauthorised personnel to functions requiring the password could result in

machine malfunction or damage as well as personal injury. The manufacturer therefore
declines any responsibility in cases of such problems arising due to unauthorised persons
gaining access to the password functions.

iv 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Serial line communication

11.4 Printing files

The functions described here are only available when using TRIAPC with a Personal

A printer must be properly connected to the computer.

11.4.1 Printing a program

Activation From MENU BASE

 press [editor ],
 choose the program you wish to print from the list shown using [ ] [ ],
 press [Print ],
 confirm, as requested by the dialogue window.

Activation Press [BASE ].

11.4.2 Printing a list

Activation From MENU BASE

 press [editor ] > [List],
 choose the list you wish to print using [ ] [ ],
 press [Print ],
 confirm, as requested by the dialogue window.

Activation Press [BASE ].

11.4.3 Printing a tool file

Activation From MENU BASE

 press [editor ] > [Tool Data],
 choose the tool file you wish to print from the list shown using [ ] [ ],
 press [Print ],
 confirm, as requested by the dialogue window.

ESA/GV 91670.GO.0.GB v
Operator Guide GO

Activation Press [BASE ].


vi 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
GO Serial line communication

12 Serial line communication

12.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................i

12.1.1 Setting the CNC to SERVER MODE...............................................................................i
12.1.2 Selecting a memory storage device and a directory for transfer.....................................i
12.1.3 Setting the CNC to SERVER MODE..............................................................................ii
12.2 Exchanging files using the PC as host ....................................................................................... iii
12.2.1 Sending files.................................................................................................................. iii
12.2.2 File requests.................................................................................................................. iii
12.2.3 Transferring multiple files ..............................................................................................iv
12.2.4 Displaying a list of files held by the CNC.......................................................................iv
12.2.5 Changing the directory selected on the CNC ................................................................iv
12.2.6 Checking the amount of free memory in one of the CNC memory storage devices ......v
12.3 Exchanging files using the CNC as host .................................................................................... vi
12.3.1 Personal computer directory list
12.3.2 Sending
12.3.3 Requesting files............................................................................................................ vii

ESA/GV 91670.GO.0.GB vii

12.8 91670.GO.0.GB ESA/GV
12.1 Introduction

The operations described in this chapter are not present on all machines as they are
If they are not available, refer to the “File management” chapter where you will find a
description of an alternative method of transferring files.

File transfer always takes place between the CNC and a PC. The PC must be running the
TRIAPC program, otherwise no communication is possible.

12.1.1 Setting the CNC to SERVER MODE

The operations described in this paragraph must be carried out on the CNC.
To transfer files to or from a PC the CNC must be set to the SERVER MODE.

Activation From the MENU BASE press [Services ] > [Serial Line ] > [SERVER MODE] and
then wait for the message SERVER MODE ENABLED ! to appear.

Normally the CNC is always in the SERVER MODE and it is not necessary to carry out
this function if the CNC default mode has not deliberately been changed for some
The SERVER MODE can only be changed by manual intervention on the CNC, by use
of the keyboard functions.

To exit Once the SERVER MODE has been enabled, press [BASE].

SERVER MODE Press [Interrupt Command ] and wait until the message SERVER MODE ENABLED !
interruption is cancelled.

12.1.2 Selecting a memory storage device and a directory for transfer

The operations described in this paragraph must be carried out on the CNC.
In order for the CNC to exchange data with a PC, the memory storage disk and the
directory where the files are to go to and come from must be selected on the CNC.
The selection procedure is as follows:
 Interrupt the SERVER MODE
 Select from the SUPPORT window in the file management mode the disk drive and
the directory.
 Enable the SERVER MODE.
12.1.3 Setting the CNC to SERVER MODE

The operations described in this paragraph must be carried out on the CNC.

Using the TRIAPC program, from the MENU BASE press [Kermit ] and key in the
command SERV. The PC is now set to the SERVER MODE and can accept commands
from the CNC.

SERVER MODE Once the exchange of data has been completed, press keys [Ctrl] + [C] to exit the
Interruption SERVER MODE .

ii 91670.GO.0.GB Esa/Gv
12.2 Exchanging files using the PC as host

The instructions given in this section are to be carried out using TRIAPC unless
otherwise indicated.


Activation The function required is called up from the MENU BASE mode by pressing [Kermit ].
This automatically enables the KERMIT® program which allows the PC and CNC to
Only the commands necessary for communication with the CNC will be described

To exit To go back to the normal TRIAPC program mode, key in the word exit and confirm by
pressing [ENTER].

12.2.1 Sending files

Programs, lists and tool files can be transferred from the PC to the CNC by using the
SEND command.

Each character must be entered in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Programs To send a program from the current PC directory, key in:

SEND name.PGM followed by [ENTER].

Where name is the name of a program to be sent to the CNC, e.g. ESA.PGM..

Lists To send a list from the current PC directory, key in:

SEND name.LST followed by [ENTER].

Where name is the name of a list to be sent to the CNC, e.g. ESA.LST

Tool files To send a tool file from the current PC directory, key in::

SEND name.ATR followed by [ENTER].

Where name is the name of a tool file to be sent to the CNC, e.g. ESA.ATR.

12.2.2 File requests

Requests for programs, lists and tool files from the CNC to the PC are made using the
command GET.

Esa/Gv 91670.GO.0.GB iii

Each character must be entered in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Programs To request a program from the current PC directory, key in

GET name.PGM followed by [ENTER].

Where name is the name of a program requested from the CNC, e.g. ESA.PGM.

Lists To request a list from the current PC directory, key in:

GET name.LST followed by [ENTER].

Where name is the name of a list requested from the CNC, e.g. ESA.LST..

Tool files To request a tool file from the current PC directory, key in

GET name.ATR followed by [ENTER].

Where name is the name of a tool file requested from the CNC, e.g. ESA.ATR.

12.2.3 Transferring multiple files

To make file transfer quicker, the characters * and ? are used in writing the name.
For example, to specify all programs key in:


12.2.4 Displaying a list of files held by the CNC

To call up a display of all the files contained in a particular directory in the CNC key in
the command:

REM DIR followed by [ENTER].

The list that appears is in the format defined by the operating system which the PC uses.

12.2.5 Changing the directory selected on the CNC

The directory selected on the CNC can be changed without needing to repeat the above
Key in the command:

REM CWD path followed by [ENTER].

Where path is the complete name of a directory in the syntax used by the MSDOS®
operating system, starting from the current directory. So if the directory selected on the
CNC is ESA and you want to call up ESA 2, just key in the command REM

iv 91670.GO.0.GB Esa/Gv
12.2.6 Checking the amount of free memory in one of the CNC memory storage devices
To find out how much free memory is available in one of the CNC memory storage
devices, key in the command:

REM SPACE followed by [ENTER].

The amount of free memory available is expressed in bytes (characters).

Esa/Gv 91670.GO.0.GB v
12.3 Exchanging files using the CNC as host

The instructions given in this section and sub-paragraphs are to be carried out using the
CNC unless otherwise indicated.

Activation The function required is called up from the MENU BASE mode by pressing [Services ]
> [Serial Line ].

To exit Press [BASE] until the MENU BASE mode is reached.

12.3.1 Personal computer directory list

Display Press [Remote Unit ]. After a few seconds a window appears containing a list of all the
directories held in the CNC memory.

Selection To change the directory of the PC linked up, select one of the directories in the list and
press [Select Dir. Rem. ].
The PC ROOT directory can be called up by pressing [Select Root. Rem. ].
In this second case, the cursor position is irrelevant.

To exit Press [ESC ].

12.3.2 Sending files

Press [Send File ]. A window appears containing a list of the extensions for all the files
that can be sent (file categories):
 ATR Tool files
 PGM Programs
 LST Lists
 FRZ Suspended lists

Select the type of file you wish to send and press [Confirm ].
The next window that appears contains a list of the type of file selected which can be
sent to the PC. Select the file you want to send and press [Send ].
Multiple files can be sent by selecting the first file in the list you want to send and then
pressing [Send All ].
All files after the one selected up to the end of the list will be sent to the PC.
Carry out this operation by selecting the first file in the list to send the whole batch of

Selecting a different Press [ESC ] to call up a list of all the extensions to choose from. In this way it is
file extension possible to change the type of file to be sent and repeat the procedure for a different file

vi 91670.GO.0.GB Esa/Gv
To exit Press [ESC ] twice.

12.3.3 Requesting files

Press [Request File ]. A window appears containing a list of the extensions for all the
files that can be requested (file categories):
 ATR Tool files
 PGM Programs
 LST Lists
 FRZ Suspended lists

Select the type of file you wish to request and press [Confirm ].
The next window that appears is blank unless you press [Remote Files ], in which case
it then shows a list of the files belonging to the category selected and which are held in
the directory selected on the PC. Select the file you want to request and press [Send ].
Multiple files can be requested by selecting the first file in the list that you want to send
and then pressing [Request All ].
All files after the one selected up to the end of the list will be requested from the PC.
Carry out this operation by selecting the first file in the list to request the whole batch of

Selecting a different Press [ESC ] to call up a list of all the extensions to choose from. In this way it is
file extension possible to change the type of file to be requested and repeat the procedure for a
different file category.

To exit Press [ESC ] twice.


Esa/Gv 91670.GO.0.GB vii

viii 91670.GO.0.GB Esa/Gv
Numeric Control for Boring-
Routing Machine

Programming Description (DP)

User documentation

Valid for:

Product: TRIA 7500 38.ver.rel.1

from version 03.10

Product: TRIA 7000V 38.ver.rel.1

from version 03.10

Product: TRIA 10500V 38.ver.rel.2

from version 03.10

Edition: January ‘96

Code: 91670.DP.0.GB
Table of contents DP

Restrictions Duplication, transmission and use of this document or its contents shall be considered
prohitibed unless prior authorization has been received from Morbidelli. All rights are
Even when authorized, modification of this document (either by computer or on paper)
voids the guarantees specified below.

Guarantees The product may offer performances that are not described in these manuals.
Morbidelli shall neither be obliged to maintain these functions in new versions of the
product nor to guarantee the relative assistance.

Checks have been carried out in order to ensure that the contents of these manuals
correspond to the documented product. Despite this fact, there may be discrepancies.
Morbidelli therefore offers no guarantees as to the full compliance and completeness of
the texts.
The information in this document is periodically revised and new editions are issued
when necessary.

This manual has been compiled in partial compliance with ANSI/IEEE std 1063-1987
“IEEE Standard for software User Documentation”.

Editions This document is liable to be modified without prior notice. These modifications may
involve further editions or revisions of the document.
Further editions imply complete substitution of the document.
Revision involves replacement/addition/elimination of pages of the document.
Each page is identified by the code of the document at the bottom.

MS-DOS® Trademark registered by Microsoft Corporation.

ii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Table of contents

The chronological list of editions of this document is given in the following table:

Evolution of the document

Edition Document Code Release Type of edition
16/01/1996 91672.GB.1.I 0 New Edition

Release Chapters - Pages Description

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB iii

Table of contents DP

iv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Table of contents

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB v
Table of contents DP

Programming Description

1 Programming Conventions
1.1 List of spindles ........................................................................................................................... 1.2
1.2 Conventions used when describing syntax ................................................................................... ii

2 Programming concepts
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i
2.1.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... i
2.2 Measurement reference system ...................................................................................................iii
2.3 Boring with speed changes .......................................................................................................... vi
2.4 Programming with suppressed measurement .............................................................................vii
2.5 Plane selection for the circle arcs ............................................................................................... viii
2.6 Incremental programming............................................................................................................ xi
2.6.1 Circumference centre specifications............................................................................... xi
2.7 Programming with reference changes ........................................................................................xiii
2.8 Parametric programming ............................................................................................................ xv
2.8.1 Constants....................................................................................................................... xv
2.8.2 Variables........................................................................................................................ xv
2.8.3 Operators.......................................................................................................................xvi
2.8.4 Algebraic operators.......................................................................................................xvii
2.8.5 Trigonometric operators ................................................................................................xix
2.8.6 Logical operators (Booleans)......................................................................................... xx
2.8.7 Special operators......................................................................................................... xxiii
2.8.8 Synchronous operators.................................................................................................xxv
2.8.9 Expressions .................................................................................................................xxvi
2.8.10 Use of brackets..........................................................................................................xxvi
2.9 Programming with sub-programs............................................................................................. xxvii
2.9.1 Machine rotation and movement ................................................................................ xxvii
2.9.2 Variables shared with the sub-programs .................................................................... xxvii
2.10 Translatory motion of origins................................................................................................. xxviii
2.10.1 Translatory motion with incremental programming....................................................xxix

vi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Table of contents

2.10.2 Translatory motion of origin within a sub-program .................................................... xxix

2.11 Tool correction......................................................................................................................... xxx
2.12 Tool specification for electro-spindles ................................................................................... xxxii

3 Tool configuration
3.1 Tool configuration data ...................................................................................................................i
3.1.1 Bore Bits............................................................................................................................i
3.1.2 Fluted cutters................................................................................................................. viii
3.1.3 Disc cutters.................................................................................................................... xiii
3.1.4 Probes ............................................................................................................................xx
3.1.5 Special tools .................................................................................................................. xxi
3.2 Tool configuration on magazine for tool change....................................................................... xxiv
3.3 Tools on revolving and non revolving spindles ....................................................................... xxxiv
3.4 Tool wear ................................................................................................................................. xxxv
3.4.1 Wear coefficient ......................................................................................................... xxxv
3.4.2 Max. consented wear ................................................................................................. xxxv
3.4.3 Size including wear..................................................................................................... xxxv

4 Machining program instruction syntax

4.1 Header .................................................................................Errore. Il segnalibro non è definito.
4.1.1 Enabling tools on the A660 machine............................................................................ 4.6
4.1.2 Programming work areas on the A660 machine .......................................................... 4.7
4.1.3 Automatic determination of working area..................................................................... 4.8
4.2 Boring operation ...................................................................................................................... 4.10
4.3 Routing start ............................................................................................................................ 4.12
4.4 Linear routing operation........................................................................................................... 4.14
4.5 Clockwise circular routing operation........................................................................................ 4.15
4.6 Counterclockwise circular routing operation .......................................................................... 4.17
4.7 Routing tangent to previous section ........................................................................................ 4.19
4.8 Inclined boring operations........................................................................................................ 4.21
4.9 Routing start with an inclined tool ............................................................................................ 4.23
4.10 Linear routing with an inclined tool ........................................................................................ 4.27
4.11 Clockwise circular routing with an inclined tool...................................................................... 4.28

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB vii

Table of contents DP

4.12 Counterclockwise Circular routing with an inclined tool ......................................................... 4.29

4.13 Routing tangent to the previous section with inclined tools.................................................... 4.30
4.14 Comment ............................................................................................................................... 4.32
4.15 Work face............................................................................................................................... 4.33
4.16 Tool correction ....................................................................................................................... 4.34
4.17 X Increment............................................................................................................................ 4.35
4.18 Y increment ............................................................................................................................ 4.36
4.19 Change of reference in X ....................................................................................................... 4.37
4.20 Change of reference in Y ....................................................................................................... 4.39
4.21 Translatory motion of panel origin.......................................................................................... 4.40
4.22 Null Operation ........................................................................................................................ 4.41
4.23 Probing................................................................................................................................... 4.43
4.24 Sub-program .......................................................................................................................... 4.44
4.25 Set bit ..................................................................................................................................... 4.45
4.26 Reset bit ................................................................................................................................. 4.46
4.27 Wait bit ................................................................................................................................... 4.47
4.28 Set Digit.................................................................................................................................. 4.48
4.29 Assignment of a value to a variable ....................................................................................... 4.49
4.30 Label ...................................................................................................................................... 4.50
4.31 Conditional jump .................................................................................................................... 4.51
4.32 Unconditional jump ................................................................................................................ 4.52
4.33 Assigning Special parameter ................................................................................................. 4.53

5 Working list instruction syntax

5.1 List step.......................................................................................................................................... i
5.1.1 Enabling tools on the A 660 machine ..............................................................................iii
5.1.2 Programming work areas on the A 660 machine ........................................................... iv
5.1.3 Automatic determination of working area ........................................................................ v
5.2 Comment ..................................................................................................................................... vi
5.3 Assigning a value to a variable ....................................................................................................vii
5.4 Label ........................................................................................................................................... viii
5.5 Conditional step ........................................................................................................................... ix
5.6 Unconditional jump ....................................................................................................................... x

viii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Table of contents


ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB ix
1.x 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
Programming Description DP

Notes for the reader

General information The information contained in this document applies solely to the software versions
stated in the foreword.

It may be that not all the functions featured by the product are described in this
document; in such a case MORBIDELLI is in no way obliged to provide guarantees for
these functions or to guarantee that they will be preserved in future versions of the

Aim The aim of this document is to help the operator in machine programming

Users This document contains information designed for::

 Technician with a good knowledge of machine technology and basic command of
computer operations.

Use of the document The document is divided into chapters each of which describe a particular aspect of
operator interaction.

Problem notification For any eventual problems arising from the use of this document please contact

ii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Programming Conventions

Symbols used

Certain graphic symbols may appear beside pieces of the text. These are used to
highlight particularly important pieces of information.

This symbol is used when lack of observance or the adoption of adequate safety
measures could cause slight damage to materials or persons

This symbol is used when lack of observance of adequate safety measures or wrong
handling could cause serious damage to persons and/or materials

This symbol is used throughout the document to denote the presence of particularly
important information. Reading these sections is considered paramount to achieving a
good understanding of the document contents..

This symbol appears when a section of the document deals with functions or parts
which are only available as optional extras. The use of such optional features must be
agreed to by the machine manufacturer

This symbol is used to indicate sections of the document reserved for the machine

Key word
This symbol appears to highlight sections of the document which describe functions
protected by software access keys

This symbol is used to denote sections of the manual which
describe functions only available on TRIA and not TRIAPC

This symbol is used to denote sections of the manual which
describe functions only available on TRIAPC and not TRIA

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB iii

Programming Description DP

Typeface conventions

To help information to be identified in this document particular typeface conventions are

used. These conventions are shown here:

Keyboard and Video The following conventions are adopted..

 The names of the keys with words printed on are shown in bold type and are
contained in square brackets. If the name of the key is accompanied by “button”
then this refers to one of the push button panel keys.
 [ENTER]. Indicates the key showing the word ENTER.
 [+]indicates the + key on the keyboard while button[+] indicates the + key on the
push button panel
 The names of the function keys are shown in bold italics and contained in square
 [Menu Plc]. Indicates the function key showing the words Menu Plc
 Reference to fields and/or messages shown on the video are written in bold italics.
 The specific text to be written by the user is shown underlined.
 If the manual states “enter ok” the exact text “ok” must be entered.
 DIRECTION or DIRECTIONAL keys is the collective name for the arrow keys UP,
 When pressing a series of keys in sequence, the keys to be pressed are separated by
 [Manual ] > [START]. Indicates that the [Manual ] key is to be pressed
followed by the [START] key.
 When more than one key is to be pressed simultaneously the “+” character separates
the two keys to be pressed.
 [SHIFT] + [->] Indicates that the [SHIFT] key and the [->] key are to be
pressed together.

Text The following conventions are adopted.

 Italics are used to show specialist terminology
 bold type is used to highlight particularly important words

iv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Programming Conventions


CNC The standard abbreviation for Computerized Numerical Control which indicates the
equipment used to control the machine, or rather the electronic device used for
programming the machining cycles, moving the axes etc..
This refers to the operation of one of the pieces of equipment described in this manual.

BCR The standard abbreviation for BarCode Reader which indicates the device used to read a
label containing a printed bar code.


ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB v
Programming Description DP

vi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Programming Conventions

1 Programming Conventions

1.1 List of spindles ................................................................................................................................i

1.2 Conventions used when describing syntax....................................................................................ii

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB vii

1.8 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
1.1 List of spindles

To program machining it is necessary to specify a list of spindles to be used

A list of spindles is made up of a sequence of numbers separated by spaces whereby

each one represents a spindle.

Each number can be of two types:

With 1 or 2 figures, from 1 This refers to a spindle that is always present on a

96 inclusive (e.g.: 42). machine head (it is not interchangeable, therefore, by tool
With 3 figures (e.g.: 125) This refers to a tool holder present on a head which is
interchangeable by a change of tool. In this case the
hundred digital figure indicates the name of the electro-
spindle on which the tool required for machining must be
installed (from 1 to 8), whilst the second and third
numbers refer to the number of the tool itself (always
between 1 and 96). At the time of machining the
command control will automatically handle the loading of
the cone, to which the tool is fitted, onto the required
spindle (if necessary).

Example 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 13 14
Is a list of tools which carries out a multiple drop of spindles (typical when boring).

Example 2: 206
It defines that tool number 6 can be installed onto electro-spindle 2 which is available on
the tool change, (the magazine site will be traced by the command control).

The number of spindles on the list is limited only by the space that is available on
display. At the time of introduction, the number of spindles in the list is set in an
increasing order. The order with which the spindles are introduced makes no difference
to the programming procedure.
Programming Description DP

1.2 Conventions used when describing syntax

When describing the syntax of each instruction a conventional type lettering is used:

Text in Capitals, i.e.: Indicates the field name within the control panel.

Sequence of "a", i.e Delimits a field in which any number of chosen characters
aaaaaa are introduced. In the example, a maximum of 6
characters are accepted

Sequence of "n", i.e Delimits the field in which a complete numerical value is
nnnnnn introduced. In the example, a maximum of 6 figures are
Sequence of "n" Delimits a field in which a numerical value is introduced
characters interrupted by with a mobile comma, formed by a whole part and a
'-', i.e. fractionary part. In the example, a maximum of 3 whole
nnn.nn figures and 2 decimals are accepted.

Sequence of words Indicates a field that can assume values selected between
interspaced by ‘|’, those that appear within the brackets, separated by the ‘|'
between graffe brackets, sign: In the example, 'IN' and 'MM' values are accepted:
Setting Indicates a field in which the following can be intro-
A numeric value with a sign and decimals used to indicate
any type of co-ordinate or distance. By varying the
parameter that indicates the visualisation unit, this
automatically converts millimetres to inches or vice versa.
Two decimal figures are added to the inches in relation to
the value represented in millimetres;
For a variable (see "Programming Concepts", Parametric
programming section").

angle Indicates a field in which the following can be introduced:

An angle expressed in degrees/decimal fractions of a
degree (from 0.00 to 359.99). It is not possible to use the
sexagesimal system. Where a value above or equal to 360,
or else negative is introduced, then this will be normalised
(i.e. it will be expressed from 0 to 359.99);
For a variable (see "Programming concepts", "Parametric
programming section).

name Indicates a field with a maximum of 8 characters

composed of letters and/or numbers without any
name_subroutine Indicates a field with a maximum of 19 characters
composed of letters and/or numbers without any
interspacing. The presence of a "/"(slash) sign is accepted
in order to separate the name of a programme from the
section it has to be retrieved

exp Indicates a field in which an arithmetical expression can

ii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Programming concepts

be introduced, composed of a sequence of operands and


spindles Indicates a field in which a list of spindles can be

The effect obtained, depends on the use of the tooling
available, as it is this that will establish which tools are to
be fitted into the spindles.

Example of some commands. The various type of fields are indicated according to the
conventions shown here below.

nome exp

L MICKEY = 100.00 * GOOFY

Campo di tipo: Campo di tipo:

quota quota angolo spindles
n nn.nnn

BR X=100.00 Y=MICKEY A=12.00 V5 S=12.000 T103

Nome del Nome del Nome del Nome del Nome del Nome del
campo campo campo campo campo campo

Do not attempt to follow the sequence of commands given in the previous example on
the machine. All the information given is strictly for reference purposes only.


ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB iii

Programming Description DP

2 Programming concepts

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i

2.1.1 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... i
2.2 Measurement reference system ...................................................................................................iii
2.3 Boring with speed changes .......................................................................................................... vi
2.4 Programming with suppressed measurement .............................................................................vii
2.5 Plane selection for the circle arcs ............................................................................................... viii
2.6 Incremental programming............................................................................................................ xi
2.6.1 Circumference centre specifications............................................................................... xi
2.7 Programming with reference changes ........................................................................................xiii
2.8 Parametric programming ............................................................................................................ xv
2.8.1 Constants....................................................................................................................... xv
2.8.2 Variables........................................................................................................................ xv
2.8.3 Operators.......................................................................................................................xvi
2.8.4 Algebraic operators.......................................................................................................xvii
2.8.5 Trigonometric operators ................................................................................................xix
2.8.6 Logical operators (Booleans)......................................................................................... xx
2.8.7 Special operators......................................................................................................... xxiii
2.8.8 Synchronous operators.................................................................................................xxv
2.8.9 Expressions .................................................................................................................xxvi
2.8.10 Use of brackets..........................................................................................................xxvi
2.9 Programming with sub-programs............................................................................................. xxvii
2.9.1 Machine rotation and movement ................................................................................ xxvii
2.9.2 Variables shared with the sub-programs .................................................................... xxvii
2.10 Translatory motion of origins................................................................................................. xxviii
2.10.1 Translatory motion with incremental programming....................................................xxix
2.10.2 Translatory motion of origin within a sub-program ....................................................xxix
2.11 Tool correction
2.12 Tool specification for electro-spindles.................................................................................... xxxii

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2.1 Introduction

In this chapter fundamental concepts will be introduced which are at the very base of
CNC programming
Examples will be used which contain instructions regarding the program language with
the sole intent to underline some aspects, whilst an explanation of each instruction is
referred to the appropriate chapter.

2.1.1 Definitions

Program A program is a sequence of instructions, or steps of a program which specify and

describe the different machining phases.

Program Execution Executing a program means following its instructions in a pre-established order, to
accomplish one or more different machining phases.

List A list is a sequence of programs. The instructions contained therein are called list steps;
each step of the list recalls the program name which is to be used during the machining
phase of the panel..

List execution List execution means following the established programs which form part of it and
maintain each step during the machining phase of the panel.

Execution flow The execution flow is the sequence with which the instructions of a program or a list are
performed. In simpler cases, the execution occurs in a sequential order starting from the
first steps and terminating with the last instructions (sequential flow); in other cases, the
flow can be altered by repeating or avoiding the execution of some of the instructions
(non-sequential flow).

Syntax of an A general type of instruction is composed as follows:

 An alphanumeric code that unequivocally identifies the instruction given (a
parameter can also be associated).
 From 0 to N parameters; where each parameter is composed of :
 An alphanumeric code composed of characters which unequivocally identifies
the parameter within the instructions
 A value to associate to the parameter

B X=100.00 Y=100.00 ............

The letter B represents the code which identifies the instruction, whilst characters X =
and Y = identify two parameters of the instruction
Programming Description DP

C1 S=10.00

The letter C identifies the instruction code but also its first parameter code with a value
of 1.

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2.2 Measurement reference system

The machining program always refers to an origin.

The panel can be worked on its 5 faces, each one having an origin; from this it is
deduced that the origin used in the machining program depends on the actual face on
which the panel is being worked on.
The machining depth is expressed with parameter Z, and quite independently from the
face being programmed
The reference system of the 5 faces that is possible to program, is shown in the figure
illustrated below.


F3 F1 F2


Fig. 2.1 Panel processing and reference system scheme for each face.

The black symbol in the corner of each face, indicates the origin of the reference system
(X=0, Y=0). Programming machining at negative measurements or above the
characteristic dimensions of the face of panel is possible, (if compatible with the
direction of the axis) and can be of significance whenever work is to begin outside the
panel or on other parts of the workpiece above its limits.

Fig. 2.2 - Reference system on lateral face.

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The example illustrated in the figure above represents machining on face 2. Note the
bore measurement references.

The instructions that generate the example shown in fig. 2.2. are the following:
B X=9.00 Y=200.00 Z=20.00 .......

On the following page we have set out a table which illustrates the significance of the
parameters and which describes the machining phases on the 5 selected faces. The table
also shows parameters H and A which will be analysed subsequently in the description
of the inclined tools program.

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Panel face program Significance of the programmed co-ordinates

1 X measurement X
(upper) Y measurement Y
Z depth
H height from panel surface
A angle in relation to the positive X semiaxis
2 X distance from plane
(right) Y measurement Y
Z depth
H distance of entrance point from face 2
A entrance angle perpendicular to face 2; it can range
from 0 to 89.99 and from 269.99 to 359.99
3 X distance from plane
(left) Y measurement Y
Z depth
H distance of entrance point from face 3
A entrance angle perpendicular to face 3; it can range
from 0 to 89.99 and from 269.99 to 359.99
4 X measurement X
(front) Y distance from plane
Z depth
H distance of entrance point from face 4
A entrance angle perpendicular to face 4; it can range
from 0 to 89.99 and from 269.99 to 359.99
5 X measurement X
(Rear) Y distance from plane
Z depth
H distance of entrance point from face 5
A entrance angle perpendicular to face 5; it can range
from 0 to 89.99 and from 269.99 to 359.99

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Programming Description DP

2.3 Boring with speed changes

Vertical boring with a depth greater than the height of the workpiece and which utilises
at least one tool of the boring bit type, ideal for making through hole (see configuration
parameters of a boring point, Tool configuration chapter is effected in various phases,
each one having different characteristic speeds.
1) Initial surface boring carried out at a programmed speed;
2) End of surface boring, carried out at a fraction of the programmed speed;
3) Initial lower surface boring, carried out once again at a programmed speed.
4) Continuation of a fraction of the programmed speed until maximum boring depth is

The illustration below shows the different speeds. h is the distance from the top of the
tool point at which a change of speed has to be carried out (see configuration parameters
of a boring point, Tool configuration chapter.

1) 2) 3)

h 2h

Fig. 2.3 - Section of a through hole and passage points during the various phases
(drawing shows a spear bit) 1) Fast-slow passage; 2) Slow-fast; 3) Fast-slow.

If you wish to use the speed changes even though the programmed depth is not greater
than the height of the workpiece, set up h value from - (minus) in the appropriate

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2.4 Programming with suppressed measurement

It is possible to omit the programming of values that you wish to leave unchanged, in
relation to the respective value of the previous instruction.
In this way not only is much time saved and set up errors avoided, but it is also possible
to modify complex machining operations by varying some of the values.

B X=100.00 Y=100.00 Z=5.00 V3 T1
B X=150.00 T1
B X=200.00 T1
B X=250.00 T1
B X=300.00 T1
B X=350.00 T1
As in the above example only field Z= of the first instruction need be modified by
inserting 10.00 in order to alter the depth of the bore in all of the instructions. At the
same time, by modifying parameter Y= of the first instruction, the complete hole barrier
is moved.

This function is activated on nearly all of the parameters of the setting type, of the angle
type, as well as on the fields which indicate the speed of machining operations (V).
There are however some exceptions, it is for this reason that the CNC, in a case where a
value insertion is omitted, indicates the description of the relative syntax.

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2.5 Plane selection for the circle arcs

In this paragraph the illustration shows how to program circle arcs lying on planes at
right angles to one of the three reference axes.

Plane XY The XY plane is defined by the X and Y axes in relation to the panel face selected.

Plane XZ The plane XZ is defined by the X and Z axes in relation to the panel face selected.

Plane YZ The plane YZ is defined by the Y and Z axes in relation to the panel face selected.



Fig. 2.4 - Illustration of the planes that can be selected for face 1.

The figure shows that the planes selected for the circle arc programming must be set
parallel to two of the axis of the reference system.

Programming The programming of a circumference arc belonging to one of the three illustrated planes
is obtained by omitting one of the three measurements that determine the final point of
the arc (X,Y,Z).
The arc belongs to the plane on which specified settings are measured.

G2 X=100.00 Z=10.00 .....

The instruction expresses a circle arc belonging to the XZ plane

The co-ordinates of the arc centre expressed with the parameters I and J refer to the two
axes of the selected plane ( in the example I indicates the centre X whilst J indicates the
centre Z).

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If all of the final point co-ordinate are expressed, the selected plane is always XY.

The following table illustrates the possible syntax of an instruction for circle arc
generation. As this example is used for information purposes, letters have been used
instead of settings.

Syntax Plane I J
G2 X=a Y=b Z=c I=d J=e ........ XY Centre X Centre Y
G2 X=a Y=b I=d J=e ... XY Centre X Centre Y
G2 X=a Z=c I=d J=e ... XZ Centre X Centre Z
G2 Y=b Z=c I=d J=e .... YZ Centre Y Centre Z

Suppression of two When a single measurement is specified (between X,Y and Z) it is not possible to
measurements establish a plane on which to lay down the arc for the instruction in question. In this case
the following possibilities have to be considered:
 The co-ordinate expressed in the instruction is one of the co-ordinates that express
the plane which has been selected from a previous instruction (circumference arc):
Ex: X or Z is plane XZ was previously selected The selected plane does not vary
in respect of the previous selection and the present arc must be considered as
belonging to such plane.

G0 X=a Y=b Z=c ....
G2 X=d Z=c I=e J=f ...
G2 X=g ...

In the above example plane XZ is selected to obtain the arc expressed in the second
instruction; the following instruction expresses an arc specifying only a co-ordinate
that however belongs to the previous selected plane, therefore the second arc also
will belong to the XZ plane
 The co-ordinate expressed in the instruction is the one omitted in the selection of the
plane carried out in a previous instruction (circumference arc). Ex: Y if XZ plane
was previously selected. XY is the selected plane.

G0 X=a Y=b Z=c ....
G2 X=d Z=c I=e J=f ....
G2 Y=g ....

In this example the XZ plane is selected to obtain the arc expressed with the second
instruction; the instruction that follows expresses an arc specifying only a co-
ordinate that does NOT belong to the previous selected plane, therefore the second
arc will belong to the XY plane.
 The instruction in question is the first following a routing (START) and therefore it
bears no relevance to the two previous cases. The selected plane is XY.

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Programming Description DP

Syntax Plane
G2 X=a I=d J=e Plane previously selected or else XY
G2 Y=b I=d J=e Plane previously selected or else XY
G2 Z=c I=d J=e Plane previously selected or else XY

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2.6 Incremental programming

An incremental programming system allows reference of the instruction measurements

no longer from the origin, but to the co-ordinates specified by the previous machining
The point with the co-ordinates (X=O, Y=0) coincides with the last programming point;
in this way the measurements expressed in the instructions, represent centre to centre
distance in relation to machining operations that took place before the present one.

X abs X inc.

Fig. 2.5 - Illustration of the incremental reference system on the X axis in relation to
face 1.

For example, if the c/c distance of a series of bores remains constant, it is sufficient to
note down the same instruction several times over and one after the other.

B X=100.00 Y=200.00 Z=8.00 T1 2 3 4 5 6
B X=50.00 T1
B X=50.00 T1
B X=50.00 T1
B X=50.00 T1
B X=50.00 T1
B X=50.00 T1

The program as set out above, indicates a series of 7 bores with a c/c distance in X equal
to 50 mms. As you can see, 5 identical instructions appear in the syntax.

Incremental programming can only be used in relation to the X and/or Y measurements

2.6.1 Circumference centre specifications

When circumference arcs are programmed by using the incremental reference system, it
is necessary to specify the centre of the arc in relation to its final point.

G0 X=100.00 Y=100.00 Z=5.00 .......

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Programming Description DP

G2 X=200.00 Y=200.00 I=-100.00 J=-100.00 ....

The illustration below shows the machining operation obtained:

Fig. 2.6 - Incremental programming with circle arcs

In this way by modifying the instruction that precedes G2, the arc is transferred without
having to modify the centre value

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2.7 Programming with reference changes

Many programmes have to express machining operations through reference to the

different corners of the main panel face, an example is the routing formed by 4 lines
parallel to the side of panel face 1 and equidistant
This problem can be resolved by expressing all of the co-ordinates necessary for the
profile description, referring them to the natural origin of face 1, (top left ) but there
could be cases in which the program has to be carried out with different sized panels
from those specified in the Header.

For simple applications such as the one described here below, a programming technique
is introduced in order to allow referral of some machining operations to an origin other
than the natural one. The actual size of the panel will therefore influence the machining
operations taking place.

50 50

50 1 2 50

50 4 3 50

50 50

Fig. 2.7 - Edge programming

The above illustration represents a machining operation in which each bore must be set
out at the same distance (50,50) from the end of the panel edge.
Programming the panel reference for each of the edges on face 1, it is possible to carry
out machining with the same measurements as recorded in the above illustration.
Subsequent program operations with panels of different sizes maintain unaltered the
programmed distances

The panel illustrated in the figure above must be programmed as follows:

B X=50.00 Y=50.00 Z=5 V3 T1
B X=50.00 Y=50.00 Z=5 V3 T1
B X=50.00 Y=50.00 Z=5 V3 T1
B X=50.00 Y=50.00 Z=5 V3 T1

The first instruction produces the bore with reference to origin 1 (natural origin).

Subsequently a reference change can be activated in X bringing the panel origin into
position 2 In this case the X co-ordinates increase from right to left. The second bore is
carried out in the same manner.

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The third step is to activate a reference change in Y thus bringing the panel into position
3. In this case, whilst having the X co-ordinates that increase from right to left, the Y co-
ordinates also increase from the bottom to the top. The third bore is carried out in the
same manner.

Finally, disactivate the reference change in X so as to have a reference change in Y only,

thus bringing panel into position 4. In this case the co-ordinates increase from the
bottom upwards. With this operation the fourth bore is executed.

Make sure that the reference change takes into consideration the panel size as expressed
in the Header/list step. Compensations that can be introduced by pressing PROBING
panel command (refer to chapter on syntax of instructions for work programs) do not
modify the size of the panel as indicated by the reference change.
If you wish to carry out machine operating programs that depend on the size of the work
piece adjusted according to its dimensions, use the appropriate parametric programming
operators. (see Parametric programming section).

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2.8 Parametric programming

Parametric programming is a technique that renders machining programs more flexible.

It allows measurements to be freed from their fixed values by expressing them with
variables previously set out as expressions.
Varying some parameters allows very different types of machining operations to be
obtained which remain connected to one another by the same sequence of instructions.
Through the instructions for the flow control (IF,GOTO, label) it is possible to:
 carry out one portion or another of the program according to arithmetical operations
 repeat execution of a part of the program for a certain number of times varying the
parameters each time (therefore creating rather complicated machining cycles with
limited instructions only) etc..

2.8.1 Constants
A constant is a numeric value
Two types of constants can be used:
 setting type constants
 normal constants
The first express co-ordinates and depend upon the unit of measurement (inches or
millimeters) and relative precision.
The second are pure numbers. They do not depend on the unit of measurement and can
be made up of a certain number of decimals.
Numbers followed by the # symbol are constant and belong to the second group, all the
other numbers are setting type constants.

200.00 Setting type constant based on the measurement unit set; the value can
be read as 200 millimeters or 200 inches, according to the
measurement unit set.
200.12345# Normal constant; its value is the number 200.12345, and is quite
independent from any measurement unit setting.

A pure number will be utilized in all those cases in which the use of a set measurement
is not pertinent, for example:
 as a multiplier of a setting (12.00 * 2# is to be preferred to 12.00 * 2.00, if the
measure is to be the end result and not an area!),
 as a divider in some cases (12.00 / 2# should be used if the result is meant to be a
measure, 12.00 / 2.00 if it is considered the result, representing the number of times
that 2.00 goes into 12.00),
 for other uses such as counting cycles etc..

2.8.2 Variables
A variable is defined as a memory when it can contain a numeric value whose use is
known to the operator. A variable is identified by a name made up of 8 alphanumeric
characters. In order to use or vary the contents of a variable, the name must be used.

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Programming Description DP

Variables can be:

 set to a value,
 used in an expression
 used in a setting type field instead of a constant numerical value

Local variables Local variables those whose value is only significant only when they appear within a
single program, that is when each program uses its own variables. 128 local variables are

Environment The environment variables are general variables common to all programs. Their value is
variables set out in the environment variables table (see Operator 's Guide).
Editing the value of an environment variable in a program only has effect during the
course of the program only.
Up to 64 environment variables can be used.

Assigning a value to a To assign a value to a variable means memorizing a constant or the result of an
variable expression for subsequent use.

ESA = 100#

In the above example, the value of 100 (constant) is memorized in the variable under the
name ESA
A variable can be used in an expression only after a value has been assigned at least
once (with the exception of environment variables to which values are assigned outside
the program).
To re-assign a value to a variable means substituting the old contents with a new value.

Use of variables in It is possible to insert the name of a variable in the instructions that can contain
measurement fields measurement type field.

B X=ESA Y=0.00 Z=5.00 ......

2.8.3 Operators
An operator is a unit that co-relates operators (variable and constant).
The operators are divided into:
 Binary operators: sets two operators in relation with one another

The relation is of the type: Var1 operator Var2

A + B

 Single operators: are applied to a single operator.

The relation is of the type: Var1 operator


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 Special operators without qualification: these give a value that does not depend on
any operators. They can be used whenever a constant is required.

2.8.4 Algebraic operators

They allow calculations with setting operands or pure numbers

The operands can be:

 2 variables
 . 2 constants
 1 variable and 1 constant

Addition Calculates the algebraic sum of two operands

Syntax A+B

Subtraction Calculates the difference between the two operands

Syntax A-B

Sign change Changes the sign of one operator: an operand with a negative value becomes positive or
vice versa.

Syntax -A

Multiplication Calculates the product of two operands

Syntax A*B

Division Calculates the ratio between two operands

Syntax A/B
The value of the dividend (in the example variable B) must be different from 0..

Division module Calculates the product of a division

Syntax A MOD B
A = 5 MOD 2
The result of this division is 2 and the remainder is 1; therefore variable A equals 1

Power raising Calculates the power of base A with exponent B;

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Programming Description DP

Syntax A ** B
This operator has some limits in the values that it can use
 It generates an error of domain if A and B both have a value of 0.
 It generates an error of domain if A<0 and B is not a whole value..

Square Root Calculates the square root of the associated value

Syntax SQR A
The value of A must not be negative

Absolute value Calculates the absolute value of the associated operand, if the value of the operand is
positive it remains unaltered, otherwise it becomes positive

Syntax ABS A

Approximation of It approximates a non integral value to the lower integer closest to the original value.
lower integer

Syntax RD A
A = RD 3.123
The result of the operation is 3.

Approximation of It approximates a non integral value to the upper integer closest to the original value.
upper integer

Syntax RU A
A = RU 3.123
The result of the operation is 4.

Exponent It calculates the exponent according to base e and associated value

Syntax eA
Where e is the Neper number which has a value of 2.718281.....

Natural logarithm (e It calculates the natural logarithm of the associated value.


Syntax LN A
The value of A must be above 0

Base 10 Logarithm It calculates the logarithm in base 10 of the associated value.

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Syntax LOG A
The value of A must be above 0

2.8.5 Trigonometric operators

The operators in this category use variable or constant operands which express angles,
or give an angle as a result.
Angles have a numerical characteristic in that their value is periodic: values outside -
360° + 360° intervals can be brought back inside this interval. This operation which
brings back the value of an angle inside the interval illustrated, is known as
normalization of the angle.

The normalization of an angle is obtained by applying the function of a module at 360°

to the angle being normalized

Syntax A = B MOD 360

It normalizes the value of the angle contained in variable B and transfers the result in
variable A
The normalization procedure is implicit and does not need to be calculated. SIN 420 and
SIN 60 functions are equivalent.
All angles are expressed in degrees.

Cosine-Arc It calculates the cosine-arc of the associated value.

It is the inverse function of cosine; the value of the parameter must be between -1 and 1.

Syntax ACOS A
The value calculated is an angle.

Sine-Arc It calculates the sine-arc of the associated value.

It is the inverse function of sine; the value of the parameter must be between -1 and 1.

Syntax ASIN A
The value calculated is an angle.

Tangent-Arc It calculates the tangent arc of the associated value.

It is the inverse function of the cosine; the value of the parameter must be included
between -1 and 1.

Syntax ATAN A
The calculated value is an angle.

Cosine It calculates the cosine of the associated value

Syntax COS A
The value expressed in A is an angle and the calculated value is between -1 and 1.

Sine It calculates the sine of the associated value.

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Syntax SIN A
The value expressed in A and the calculated value is between -1 and 1.

Tangent It calculates the tangent of the associated value.

Syntax TAN A
The value expressed by A is an angle.

2.8.6 Logical operators (Booleans)

Logical operators can only evaluate two values of a variable.
The considered values are Boolean values, TRUE or FALSE.
To one variable a TRUE value is associated if its content is not 0, whilst a FALSE value
is associated if its content is 0.
A comparison always gives a Boolean result, TRUE or FALSE.

Compare if equal This operator is significant if used in an expression within an instruction of a

conditioned step (IF).
In comparing two operators, the value will result TRUE if these are equal, or else
FALSE if they are not equal

Syntax A=B
(IF A = B GOTO ... )

Compare if greater or This operator is significant if used in an expression within an instruction of a

equal conditioned step (IF).
In comparing two operators, the value will result TRUE if the first is greater than or
equal to the second, otherwise FALSE if it is less.

Syntax A >= B
(IF A >= B GOTO ... )

Compare if greater This operation is significant if used in an expression within an instruction of a

conditioned step (IF).
In comparing two operators, the value will result TRUE if the first is greater than the
second, otherwise FALSE if it is less or equal.

Syntax A>B
(IF A > B GOTO ... )

Compare if different This operator is significant if used in an expression within an instruction of a

conditioned step (IF).
In comparing two operators the value will result TRUE if these are different, or else
FALSE is they are equal.

Syntax A <> B

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(IF A <> B GOTO ... )

Compare if less or This operator is significant if used in an expression within an instruction of a

equal conditioned step (IF).
In comparing two operators the value will result TRUE if the first is less or equal to the
second, otherwise FALSE if greater.

Syntax A <= B
(IF A <= B GOTO ... )

Compare if less This operator is significant if used in an expression within an instruction of a

conditioned step (IF).
In comparing two operators the value will result TRUE if the first is less than the
second, otherwise FALSE if it is greater or equal

Syntax A<B
(IF A < B GOTO ... )

And logic This allows composition of more logical expressions, therefore in the conditioned step
quite complex test conditions can be expressed.
AND operator becomes TRUE if both operators associated to one another are TRUE; in
other conditions the result will relate FALSE.

Syntax A AND B
The table illustrated below shows the possible results obtained by applying operator


An instruction of a conditioned step with 2 associated conditions with an AND operator

is illustrated below.

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IF (A > B) AND (C < D) GOTO .....

Or logic This allows composition of more than one logical expressions, therefore complex test
conditions can be expressed in the conditioned step.
Operator OR becomes TRUE if at least one of the operators associated is TRUE,
operator OR will only result FALSE if both of them are FALSE.

Syntax A OR B

The table illustrated below shows the possible results obtained by applying operator OR.


An instruction of a conditioned step with 2 conditions associated with an operator OR is

illustrated below.

IF (A > B) OR (C < D) GOTO .....

Or exclusive logic More than one logical expression can be composed, through the operator in question,
therefore complex test conditions can be carried out, in the conditioned step.
Operator XOR becomes TRUE if one of the operators associated to the another is
TRUE and the other is FALSE; if both of them are FALSE or both TRUE, then operator
XOR results FALSE.

Syntax A XOR B

The table below shows the possible results obtained by applying operator XOR


An instruction of a conditioned step with 2 conditions associated with an operator OR is

illustrated below.

IF (A > B) XOR (C < D) GOTO .....

Logical negation Through the operator in question the logical value of an expression is changed.
Operator NOT becomes TRUE if the operand to which it is associated is FALSE and
results FALSE if the operator is TRUE.

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Syntax NOT A

The table below shows the possible results obtained by applying operator NOT


An instruction of a conditioned step with 1 condition less is illustrated below

IF NOT (A = B) GOTO .....

2.8.7 Special operators

Pye PI operator gives the value of the PYE constant.

Size X Operator DX gives the value of Size X of the panel to be machined.

By editing this value in the header of the program in operation or in the list step, a
revision of the value returned by the operator in question is obtained.

A = DX / 2#

This gives the co-ordinate X of the panel centre for panels of any size to variable A
Therefore writing programs which use this operator to calculate the machining points,
means that panels of any size can be used (as long as correctly specified during setting
up of header for operation of program or in the list step) and can maintain unaltered the
measurement relation of the machining operations.
Example A will always contain the X median of the panel, whatever panel is used.

The value returned by the operator is unaffected by sizing operations, therefore the
returned value is just a theoretic value.

Size Y Operator DY gives value of size Y of the panel to be machined.

By editing the value in the header of the program in operation or in the list step, a
revision of the value returned by the operator in question is obtained.

A = DY / 2#

This gives the co-ordinate Y of the panel centre for panels of any size to variable A.
Therefore writing programs that use this operator to calculate the machining points,
means that panels of any size can be used (as long as correctly specified in the setting up
of the header for operation of program or in the list step) and can maintain unaltered the
measurement relation of machining operations.
Example A will always contain the Y median of the panel, whatever panel is used..

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Programming Description DP

The value returned by the operator is unaffected by sizing operations, therefore the value
returned is just a theoretic value.

Size Z Operator DZ gives the value to size Z of the panel to be machined.(thickness of panel).
By editing this value in the header of the program in operation or in the list step, a
revision of the value returned by the operator in questions obtained.

A = DZ / 2#

This gives the co-ordinate Z of the panel centre for panels of any size to variable A
Therefore writing programs that use this operator to calculate the machining points,
means that panels of any size can be used (as long as correctly specified when setting up
header for operation of program or in list step) and can maintain unaltered the
measurement relation of machining operations.
Example A will always contain the Z median of the panel, whatever panel is used..

The value returned by the operator is unaffected by the sizing operations, therefore the
value returned is just a theoretic value.

Working field Operator FLD allows verification of operating area of machine program. A particular
management of the axes at the end of machining operations can be undertaken, or else
relative obstructions can be picked out in certain areas of the machine, etc....

The values supplied by this operator are the following:

A - AB - AD 0
B - BA 1
C - CD 2
D - DC - DA 3
E - EF - EH 4
F - FE 5
G - GH 6
H - HG - HE 7

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DP Tool configuration

2.8.8 Synchronous operators

True X size Operator @DX gives value to size X of the panel to be machined.
By editing this value in the header of the program in operation or in the list step, a
revision of the value returned to the operator in question is obtained.

A = @DX / 2#

This gives the co-ordinate X of the panel centre for panels of any size to variable A.
Therefore writing programs that use this operator to calculate the machining points,
means that panels of any size can be used (as long as correctly specified when setting up
header for program operations or in the list step) and can maintain unaltered the
measurement relation of the machining operations.
Example A will always contain the median X of the panel, whatever panel is used.

Sizing operations can alter the value that the operator in question gives.

If the program does not contain instructions for the sizing of panel, operator @ DX
equals operator DX

True Y size Operator @DY gives the value to Y size of panel to be machined.
By editing this value on header of the program in operation or in list step, a revision of
the returned value by the operator in question is obtained

A = @DY / 2#

This gives the co-ordinate Y of the panel centre for panels of any size to variable A
Therefore writing programs that use this operator to calculate the machining points,
means that panels of any size can be used (as long as correctly specified when setting up
header for program operations or in list step) and can maintain unaltered the
measurement relation of machining operations.
Example A will always contain the Y median of the panel, whatever panel is used.

Sizing operations can alter the value that the operator in question gives.

If the program does not contain instructions for the panel sizing, operator @DY equals
operator DY.

Real Z size Operator @DZ gives the value to the Z size of the panel to be machined. (panel
By editing this value in the header of the program in operation or in the list step, a
revision of the returned value by the operator in question is obtained.

A = @DZ / 2#

This gives the co-ordinate Z of the panel centre for panels of any size to variable A.
Therefore writing programs that use this operator to calculate the machining points,
means that panels of any size can be used (as long as correctly specified when setting up

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxv

Programming Description DP

header for program operations or in list step) and can maintain unaltered the
measurement relation of machining operations
Example A will always contain the Z median of the panel, whatever panel is used..

Sizing operations can alter the value that the operator in question gives.

If program does not contain instructions for panel sizing, operator @DZ equals operator

2.8.9 Expressions
An expression is a sequence of operators and operands. The sequence has to follow the
illustrated syntax for each operation, for instance an addition must be included between
two operations, etc.....

SQR(DX ** 2# + DY ** 2#)
The expression calculates the diagonal length of a panel.

2.8.10 Use of brackets

The calculation of an expression is performed by taking into consideration the priorities
established by algebra. Ex: a multiplication will be calculated before an addition, and
additions and subtractions will be calculated according to the sequence in which they are
In order to alter these priorities, round brackets are used.
The portion of an expression within two brackets is calculated before the remaining part
of the expression.

A * (B + C)
is different from :
A * B + C

In the first case, the addition of B and C is calculated and the result is then multiplied by
A. In the second case, the product of A * B is calculated first, and then C is added to it.
The rules of algebra are also followed when using brackets.

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DP Tool configuration

2.9 Programming with sub-programs

Certain machining operations common to several programs can be isolated and written
in simple program forms, known as sub-programs. The sub-programs can later be
recalled into all other programs that require the use of these groups of instructions.
A sub-program is in effect a proper program. Normally it is not used on its own for
panel machining, however it is always included in more complex machine programs.
The use of a sub-program means recalling an operation with an appropriate instruction
The program that uses one or more sub-programs is known as a KEY program.
A sub-program can recall other sub-programs.
A sub-program recalled by the KEY program is referred to as being lodged at the 1st
level, and if a sub-program, in turn, is recalled by another sub-program, this is lodged at
the 2nd level.

2.9.1 Machine rotation and movement

A sub-program can be rotated and moved with respect to its origin, allowing it to be
applied to any part of the panel. Movement takes place on the three sizes (X,Y,Z) whilst
rotation takes place at the origin of the sub-program and is expressed in degrees.

Rotation is effected first, followed by translatory movement.

2.9.2 Variables shared with the sub-programs

The local variables of a program can be used by a sub-program without it altering its
contents. The program called up uses these variables as environment variables. An
eventual association with a variable that is shared, generates a local variable to the sub-
program of the same name.

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Programming Description DP

2.10 Translatory motion of origins

The translatory motion of the origins of a machining operation is a technique that allows
movement of the panel reference system. This remains unchanged in its directives, but
the ZERO point is moved.
After programming a translatory motion of origin, the programmed operations are
consequently also moved.

The main uses of this technique are:

 Machining operations on parts of the panel that do not coincide, with a side of its
parallelepiped that represents it (hollows in centre of panel, machining on sides of
panels that result being bevelled, etc..)
 Use of counterframes for fixing the workpiece with relative movement of its Z
 Moving machining without calling up a sub-program.
Carrying out translatory motions of machine operations with this command allows side
borings to be programmed, without carrying out any type of calculation, in those cases
where machining takes place inside a hollow.

O X=150.00
B X=25.00 Y=50.00 Z=12.00 V4 T42
B Y=150.00 T42
B X=9.00 Y=100.00 Z=12.00 V4 T42

Command O can be used several times within a program and also to call up a sub-
program included in it.

A list of rules to bear in mind when programming the translatory motion of origins are
reported here below
 . Translatory motion of an origin cannot be executed inside a profile. The routing
instruction that follows a machine movement must always be a ROUTING START
 . A command that transfers origins always refers to the absolute system of co-
ordinates XYZ that coincides with the active reference system on the main face
(face 1).
 Machining of mirror image panels influences only eventual X offset movements. In
this case, the X co-ordinates with which the translatory movements are programmed,
are subtracted, instead of added, to the X physical ones in all machining operations.
 When a panel is lifted from the working area by a counterframe, the Z translatory
motion of machining must be specified..
Particular importance must be given to the fact that the orientation of the axis Z is
such that its measurements increase when its head moves closer to the panel.
Remember that when introducing thick panels, the offset of the origin that will be
specified must be negative.
 . Eventual operations on the side faces provoke collisions with the boring heads if
the true origin of panel does not coincide with the one specified in programme (
unless you want to bore inside a hollow).

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DP Tool configuration

Whenever a lateral bore is required after having executed an artifice as in the last
example, always reset the starting origin first!
Panel face selection can at no time reset the origin to its correct value.

2.10.1 Translatory motion with incremental programming

The translatory motion of origin always refers to the XYZ system of the main face; the
only exception is a translatory motion of origin with active incremental programming.

In this case the values of the translatory motion that are referred to an incremental active
system will, whenever specified, be added to the last offsets entered.
If one of the offset movements has the correspondent incremental mode active, and the
relative offset has not been set up in a previous command, then the one indicated will be
considered with an absolute value as would occur if the incremental mode would be

2.10.2 Translatory motion of origin within a sub-program

If a translatory motion of origin has been carried out before calling a sub-program, this
also remains inside the sub-program.
Subsequent translatory motions of origin of the sub-program are added to the ones made
before the call and only have effect within the sub-program.

Example: a sub-program has been set up to carry out a lateral machining operation
inside a hollow and uses the origin movement in the following manner:

O Y=300
B X=100 Y=5 Z =10 .....

The command of the first line indicates the distance of the surface of the hollow to work
on from face 5 in position

The call up program uses the translatory origin because the panel is not placed in

O Y=100
S /SUB1 ..... (where SUB1 is the sub-program written above)

The translatory motion inside sub-program must also take into account the activated
motion in the program called up

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Programming Description DP

2.11 Tool correction

Tool correction is a function that corrects the programmed course of a value to suit the
tool radius.
Correction of tools is applied in the following ways:
1) Non applicable
2) Right
3) Left
4) Depth

Profile correction This is applied by correcting the course of the cutter by a value:
 equal to the radius of same if this is fluted;
 equal to half of blade thickness, if it is disc
For other type of tools, tool correction does not apply, therefore they are not taken into
The resulting machining operation will therefore be a parallel profile to the ideal one
(without correction) whose distance from the ideal one is the correction applied (radius
or cutter thickness).

The correction is defined right (1) if the corrected profile must be to the right of the
ideal tool travel, if left (2), it is vice versa.




Fig. 2.8 - Application of tool correction on profile (with fluted cutter

Depth correction Depth correction is applied by correcting the entrance and exit points of the cutter at a
value equal to the radius of the cutter, whether it is fluted or disc type. For other type of
tools correction does not apply, therefore these are not taken into consideration.
This type of correction moves backwards the entrance and moves forwards the exit point
of a value that is equal to the tool radius.

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DP Tool configuration

Excess material The tool correction function with the parameter for excess material allows the setting up
of a correction radius equal to the sum of the tool radius and of the value set up as
excess material.
This allows programming of cycles of rough trimming in parametric value acting on
parameter S. When this reaches 0, the correction radius applicable is the same as the tool

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Programming Description DP

2.12 Tool specification for electro-spindles

This paragraph illustrates how to associate external tools left in a magazine on board the
machine, or outside of machine, to one of the electro-spindles fitted to the machine.

Numbering of electro- The electro-spindles are numbered progressively from 1 to 8.

Typical machine configurations include 1 or 2 electro-spindles. Rarely do they possess
up to 3 electro-spindles.
It is the manufacturer's concern to number each electro-spindle in order to distinguish it

Numbering of external Up to 96 tools can be fitted to an electro-spindle, numbered E1 to E 96.


To program an external tool declaring also the electro-spindle on which this must be
fitted, a code made up of 3 figures is used as follows:
 the first figure indicates the number of the electro-spindle the tool must be fitted to,
 the last two figures indicate the number of the external tool (the letter E is omitted
The code number 210 indicates that E10 tool is fitted on electro-spindle number 2.


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DP Tool configuration

3 Tool configuration

3.1 Tool configuration data ...................................................................................................................i

3.1.1 Bore Bits............................................................................................................................i
3.1.2 Fluted cutters................................................................................................................. viii
3.1.3 Disc cutters.................................................................................................................... xiii
3.1.4 Probes ............................................................................................................................xx
3.1.5 Special tools .................................................................................................................. xxi
3.2 Tool configuration on magazine for tool change....................................................................... xxiv
3.3 Tools on revolving and non revolving spindles ....................................................................... xxxiv
3.4 Tool wear ................................................................................................................................. xxxv
3.4.1 Wear coefficient ......................................................................................................... xxxv
3.4.2 Max. consented wear ................................................................................................. xxxv
3.4.3 Size including wear..................................................................................................... xxxv

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3.34 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
3.1 Tool configuration data

In this chapter the parameters that allow configuration of the various tools in the tool
filing data system will be illustrated.

The following type of tools are included::

 Drill bits
 Candle cutter
 Disc cutter
 Special tools

Each tool can be used in the following ways:

 On a spindle always present on machine head (not interchangeable, by tool change
For these type of tools (Bit, cutter, etc.) the manufacturer establishes requirements
according to the mechanical characteristics of the spindle and cannot be modified by
the operator.
 In a magazine on board the machine (automatic change) or external ( manual
For these type tools, the operator directly determines the type to be used

3.1.1 Bore Bits

The bore bits are classified in 3 sub-types:
 FLAT bits,

The CNC allows the use of spindles configured by the manufacturer as spindles suitable
for bore bits that can also carry out routing (usually horizontal machining with small
cutters). Take care not to carry out any routing work with a spindle on which a bore bit
is installed.
The following table contains the data regarding bore bit parameters. The data is for
reference purposes only and does not necessarily coincide with the real data.
Machining program instruction syntax DP


Tool No: 1 (BORE BIT)

Bit Length .................................: 70.00

Bit Diameter .............................: 8.00
Working Length........................: 35.00
Bit type(L,P,S)..........................: L

Counter sink bit height..............: 0.00

Length wear (x0.001): 0.00
Diameter wear (x0.001): 0.00
Max. length wear (x0.001): 0.00
Max. diameter wear. (x0.001): 0.00
Correct length ...........................: 70.00
Correct diameter .......................: 8.000
Correct Twin length ..................: 70.000
Correct Twin diameter ..............: 8.00
Max. rotation (rpm): 12.000
Standard rotation (rpm): 6.000
Rotation direction (+DX,-SX): +

Bit length
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Distance of bit tip from base of tool holder on which it is positioned

Bit diameter
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Bit Diameter. Is used by optimizer for choice of tools. In the routing sequence it is used
for tool correction.

ii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Machining program instruction syntax

Working Length
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value: Bit length
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Length of bit part used for cutting: expresses maximum depth of machining operation

Bit type
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: character Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Sub-type of bore bit; it can assume following values
 L SPEAR bit
 P FLAT bit
 . not specified
Used by optimizer for tool choice. Used also to determine if tool must change speed
during a through boring
Correlated to: Height of counter sink bit

Counter sink bit height

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Assumes a different significance according to sub-type of tool:
 With an S type bit it indicates the distance of the bit end from counter sink bit for
use with optimizer
 With L or P type bits it influences the execution of the boring cycle with speed
Correlated to: Bit type

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Machining program instruction syntax DP

Length wear
Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Coefficient of wear of bit length is expressed in thousandths of current unit
The value expresses the wear of time unit (1 second) or space unit (1 metre), according
to use made
Insertion of 0 value (zero) in parameter means declaring that the tool length is not
subject to wear.
Correlated to Wear measurement unit - GENDATA section, chapter Machine parameters.
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment of special parameters, chapter Syntax
instructions for machine programs

Diameter wear
Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Wear coefficient for diameter bit is expressed in thousandth of current unit.
The value expresses the wear in time unit (1 second) or in space unit (1 metre),
according to use made.
Insertion of 0 value (zero) in parameter means declaring that tool diameter is not
subject to wear.
Correlated to Wear measurement unit, GENDATA section, chapter Machine parameter.
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment of special parameters, chapter Syntax
instructions for work programs

iv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Machining program instruction syntax

Max. length wear

Default value: Bit length interpreted in Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
unit of thousandths (see Description)
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Max. wear allowed on bit length is expressed in thousandths of current unit
When wear exceeds expressed value from this parameter the tool is considered worn
If at least one of the tools amongst those fitted is worn, the CNC emits a video
instruction of General tool wear. Consult Operator's guide to find out how to trace
worn tools

Max. diameter wear

Default value: Bit diameter (interpreted Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
in thousandths see Description)
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Max. wear allowed on diameter bit is expresses in thousandths of current unit.
When wear exceeds value expressed by this parameter the tool is considered worn:
If at least one of the tools amongst those fitted is worn, the CNC emits a video
instruction on General tool wear. Consult Operator's Guide to find out how to trace
worn tools

Correct length
Default value: Bit length Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Bit length
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True bit length is calculated considering wear possibility.

Correct Diameter
Default value: Bit diameter Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Bit diameter
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True tool diameter is calculated considering wear possibility.

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Machining program instruction syntax DP

Correct twin length

Default value: Bit length Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Bit length
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True length of corresponding bit on twin head, if present, is calculated considering
wear possibility.
Particular cases, errors Used only on A660 machine

Correct Twin diameter

Default value: Bit diameter Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Bit diameter
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True diameter of bit on twin head, if present, is calculated considering wear possibility.
Particular cases, errors Used only on A660 machine

Maximum rotation rpm

Default value Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: thousands rpm
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum rotation speed of tool. This is significant only for those tools that are
activated by a static frequence converter (inverter).

Standard rotation rpm

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: thousands rpm
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: Rotation speed of tool is used when it is not specified in program. This is significant
only for those tools that are activated by a static frequence converter (inverter).

vi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Machining program instruction syntax

Rotation direction
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: character Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Rotation direction of tool
Accepted values are:
 + towards the right
 - towards the left
This is significant only for those tools that are activated by a static frequence converter

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Machining program instruction syntax DP

3.1.2 Fluted cutters

The parametric display refers to the characteristic data of cylindrical cutters (also
known as fluted cutters).

In case of tapered cutters having more than one working diameter, it is possible to
parametrize the lower diameter and introduce the excess material in the tool corrector
inside the programs, if you wish to use a greater (see section, Tool correction, chapter
Syntax of instructions for work programs.


Tool number: 1 (FLUTED CUTTER )

Cutter length .......................: 120.00

Cutter diameter.........................: 12.00
Working length .......................: 40.00
Length wear (x0.001): 0.00
Diameter wear (x0.001): 0.00
Max. length wear. (x0.001): 0.00
Max. diam. wear. (x0.001): 0.00
Correct length ..................: 120.00
Correct diameter ....................: 12.00
Correct twin length...........: 120.00
Correct Twin diameter 12.00
Maximum rotation (rpm): 18.000
Standard rotation(rpm): 12.000
Rotation direction (+DX,-SX): +

Cutter Length
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Distance of end of cutter from base of tool holder to which it is fitted.

Cutter diameter
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Diameter of cutter

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DP Machining program instruction syntax

Working length
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value: Cutter length
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Length of cutter part used for cutting. It therefore expresses the maximum machining

Length wear
Default value: Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Wear coefficient of cutter length is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
The value expresses wear in time unit ( 1 second) or in space unit (1 metre) according
to use made.
Insertion of 0 value (zero) in parameter means declaring that tool length is not subject
to wear
Correlated to Wear measurement unit, GENDATA section, chapter Machine parameters
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment special parameters, chapter Syntax
instruction for work programs

Diameter wear
Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Wear coefficient of cutter diameter is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
The value expresses the wear in time unit (1 second) or in space unit (1 meter),
according to use made.
Insertion of value 0 (zero) in parameter means declaring that tool diameter is not
subject to wear.
Correlated to: Wear measurement unit, GENDATA section, chapter Machine Parameters.
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment of special parameters, chapter Syntax
instruction for work programs.

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Machining program instruction syntax DP

Max. length wear

Default value: Length cutter Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
(interpreting in thousandths, see
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum wear admitted in cutter length is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
When wear exceeds value expressed by this parameter, tool is considered worn.
If at least one tool amongst those fitted is worn, the CNC emits a General tool wear
video message on. Consult Operator's Guide to find out how to trace worn tools.

Max. diameter wear

Default value: diam cutter (interpreting Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
in thousandths, see Description))
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum wear admitted on cutter diameter is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
When wear exceeds the value expressed in this parameter, the tool is considered worn.
If at least one tool amongst the tools fitted is worn, the CNC emits a video General
Tool wear message. Consult Operator's Guide to find out how to trace worn tools.

Correct length
Default value: cutter length Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: cutter length
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True length of cutter is calculated considering possible wear.

Correct diameter
Default value: cutter diam. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: cutter diam.
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True diameter of cutter is calculated considering possible wear.
The value contained in this parameter is used in calculation of tool correction.

x 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Machining program instruction syntax

Correct Twin length

Default value: cutter length. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: cutter length.
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True length of corresponding cutter on twin head, if present, is calculated considering
wear possibility.
Particular cases, errors Used on A660 machine only.

Correct twin diameter

Default value: cutter diam.. Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: cutter diam.
Change takes place at exit from tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True diameter of corresponding cutter on twin head, if present, is calculated
considering possible wear.
The value contained in this parameter is used for calculation of tool correction.
Particular cases, errors Used on A660 machine only.

Max. rotation rpm

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: thousands of rpm
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum speed of rotation of tool. This is significant only for those tools that are
activated by a static frequence converter (inverter).

Standard rotation rpm

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: thousands of rpm
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: Speed of rotation of tool used when not specified in program. It is significant for tools
activated by a static frequence converter (inverter) only.

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Machining program instruction syntax DP

Rotation direction
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: character Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Tool rotation direction.
The consented values are:
 + to the right
 - to the left
. It is significant for tools activated by a static frequence converter (inverter) only.

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DP Machining program instruction syntax

3.1.3 Disc cutters

Disc cutters have the following characteristics:
 they cannot advance on their rotation axes when working in contact with the
 the position of the cutting teeth according to machining direction makes working in
one direction more convenient than working in the other.

The circular interpolation in tangency (see section Routing Start with inclined tool,
chapter Syntax instructions for work programs) is permitted with disc cutters too (an
extremely limited machining depth is advisable).

When using circular interpolation in tangency with an inclined disc cutter, with an
appropriate cutter radius on curve and diameter, the result obtained can be equal to the
one obtained with a triangular cutter.


Tool Number: 1 (DISC CUTTER )

Disc radius ............................: 60.00

Working crown................. .........: 20.00
Blade thickness..........................: 5.00
Working direction(+/-)...............: +
Radius wear (x0.001): 0.00
Thickness wear (x0.001): 0.00
Max. radius wear. (x0.001): 0.00
Max. thickness wear. (x0.001): 0.00
Correct radius ........................: 60.00
Correct thickness .....................: 5.00
Correct twin radius...............: 60.00
Correct twin thickness............: 5.00
Maximum rotation (rpm): 8.000
Standard rotation(rpm): 6.000
Rotation direction (+DX,-SX): +

Disc radius
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Radius of disc cutter

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Working crown
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum depth reached by disc cutter

Blade thickness
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Thickness of disc cutter

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Machining direction
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: character Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Cutter advance direction
This is set up according to the positioning of the cutters in relation to the rotating
direction of the cutter.
It can assume the following values:
 + if configured to work along one of the axes X or Y, the cutter can advance
only towards positive X or Y co-ordinates.
 If orientated towards a determined angle, it can advance only towards the same
direction as set up by the parameters or else by the tool data for tool change.
 - If configured to work along one of the axes X or Y, the cutter can advance
only towards negative X or Y co-ordinates
 If orientated according to a determined angle, it can advance only towards the
opposite direction to the one established in the parameters or else by the tool data
for tool change.
 ‘ ’ (space) The cutter can work in all directions as long as it can advance along
its own rotation axis
To specify direction of work means asking CNC to verify that cutter advances in the
correct direction .
If this parameter is set at + or - and:
 the cutter is not vertical
 the cutter is not orientated by a VECTOR axis;
then the following takes place:
 The cutting operations in which the tool is being used cannot consist of more than
one interpolation section
 the start and finish points of the cutting operation can be interchangeable by CNC
in the machining phase in order to respect the cutting direction of the tool.
Note that if the cutter is not vertical, its direction can always be changed. This happens
because two symmetrically inclined cuts cannot take place without changing the entry
side of the material and consequently also the direction of its teeth.
Correlated to Offset R, section Tool configuration on magazine for tool change.

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Machining program instruction syntax DP

Radius wear
Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Wear coefficient of cutter radius is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
The value expresses wear in time unit (1 second) or space unit (1 mt) according to use
Insertion of value 0 (zero) in parameter means declaring that tool radius is not subject
to wear.
Correlated to: Wear measurement unit, GENDATA section, chapter Machine parameters.
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment of special parameters, chapter Syntax
instructions for work programs.

Thickness wear
Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Wear coefficient of cutter thickness is expressed in thousandths of current unit
The value expresses wear in time unit (1 second) or in space unit (1 mt) according to
use made.
Insertion of value 0 (zero) in parameter means declaring that tool thickness is not
subject to wear.
Correlated to: Wear measurement unit, GENDATA section , chapter Machine parameters.
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment of special parameters, chapter Syntax
instructions for work programs.

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Max. radius wear

Default value: Disc radius (interpreted Minimum value: 0 Max. value:
in thousandths, see Description))
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Max. wear allowed on cutter radius is expressed in thousandths of current unit
When wear exceeds value expressed by this parameter tool is considered worn.
If at least one tool amongst those fitted is worn, the CNC emits a General tool wear
video message. Consult Operator's Guide to find out how to trace worn tools.

Max. thickness wear

Default value: Blade thickness Minimum value: 0 Max. value:
(interpreted in thousandths, see
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Max. wear allowed on cutter radius is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
When wear exceeds the value expressed by this parameter tool is considered worn.
If at least one tool amongst those fitted is worn, the CNC emits a General tool wear
video message. Consult Operator's Guide to find out how to trace worn tools.

Correct radius
Default value: Disc radius Minimum value: 0 Max. value: Disc radius
Change effected at exit of tool data editing Protection level: none Unit: current
(millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True cutter radius is calculated considering possible wear
The value contained in this parameter is used in calculation of tool correction.

Correct thickness
Default value: Blade thickness Minimum value: 0 Max. value: Blade thickness
Change effected at exit of tool data Protection level: none Unit: current
editing (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True thickness of cutter is calculated considering wear possibility.

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Correct twin radius

Default value: Disc radius Minimum value: 0 Max. value: Disc radius
Change effected at exit of tool data editing Protection level: none Unit: current
(millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True radius of corresponding cutter on twin head, if present, is calculated by
considering possible wear.
The value contained in this parameter is used for calculation of tool correction in
Particular cases, errors, Used on A660 machine only

Correct Twin thickness

Default value: Blade thickness Minimum value: 0 Max. value: Blade thickness
Change effected at exit of tool data editing Protection level: none Unit: current
(millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True thickness of corresponding cutter on twin head, if present, is calculated
considering possible wear.
The value contained in this parameter is used for calculation of tool correction.
Particular cases, errors, Used on A660 machine only

Max. rotation rpm

Default value: Minimum value: Max. value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Max. rotation speed of tool. It is significant only for tools activated by a static
frequence converter (inverter).

Standard rotation rpm

Default value: Minimum value: Max. value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: Rotation speed of tool used when it is not specified in program. It is significant only for
tools that are activated by a static frequence converter (inverter).

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Rotation direction
Default value: Minimum value: Max. value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: character Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Rotating direction of tool.
The consented values are:
 + to the right
 - to the left
It is significant only for those tools that are activated by a static frequence converter

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3.1.4 Probes
A probe is a tool that can pick out the exact sizes of a panel, assuring maximum
precision in the machining operations that follow the use of probes. The probing tool,
by simple contact, gives the exact positioning of all the 5 workable surfaces of the panel.

The table below shows the 2 parameters that describe the probe, repeated for each of
the 5 sides on which it can intervene.


Tool number: 1 (PROBE )

F1 - length 5.00 travel: 0.10

F2 - length 5.00 travel: 0.10
F3 - length 5.00 travel: 0.10
F4 - length 5.00 travel: 0.10
F5 - length 5.00 travel: 0.10

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Length of the part of tool that intervenes on panel face to which it is associated.

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Intervention of probing sensor onto panel face.

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DP Machining program instruction syntax

3.1.5 Special tools

In this category are inserted all tools that are not included in other descriptions.
Management of same is equal to fluted cutters, but it is not possible to express the
radius. This last can be introduced only in the programming as excess material of tool
The table that follows contains data of the parameters for special tools:


Tool number: 1 (SPECIAL )

Tool length..................: 50.00

Length wear (x0.001): 0.00
Max. length wear. (x0.001): 0.00

Correct length ..................: 80.00

Correct Twin length...........: 80.00
Max. rotation (rpm): 12.000
Standard rotation(rpm): 6.000
Rotation direction (+DX,-SX): +

Bit length
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Distance of bit tip from the base of the tool holder on which it is fitted.

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Length wear
Default value: 0 Minimum value: 0 Maximum value
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Wear coefficient of bit length expressed in thousandths of current unit
The value expresses wear in time unit (1 second) or in space unit (1 mt.) according to
use made.
Insertion of 0 value (zero) in the parameter means declaring that tool length is not
subject to wear.
Correlated to: Wear measurement unit, GENDATA section, chapter Machine parameters.
SET WEAMODE, section Assignment of special parameters, chapter Syntax
instructions for work programs.

Max. length wear

Default value: Bit length (interpreted Minimum value: 0 Maximum value
in thousandths, see Description))
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum wear permitted on bit length is expressed in thousandths of current unit.
When the wear exceeds the value of this parameter the tool is considered worn.
If at least one tool amongst those fitted is worn, the CNC emits a General tool wear
video message. Consult Operator's Guide to find out how to trace worn tools.

Correct length
Default value: Bit length Minimum value: 0 Maximum value Bit length
Change effected at exit of tool data editing Protection level: none Unit: current
(millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: True length of bit calculated considering possible wear.

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Correct Twin length

Default value: Bit length Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Bit length
Change effected at exit of tool data editing Protection level: none Unit: current
(millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: True length of corresponding bit on twin head, if present, is calculated considering
possible wear
Particular cases, errors, Used on A660 machine only.

Max. rotation rpm.

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Maximum speed of tool rotation. It is significant only for those tools that are activated
by a static frequence converter ( inverter).

Standard rotation rpm

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version: SW 3.00
Description: Rotation speed of tool used when it is not specified in program. It is significant only for
those tools activated by a static frequence converter (inverter).

Rotation direction
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Rotating direction of tool.
The consented values are:
 + right direction
 - left direction
It is significant only for tools that are activated by a static frequence converter

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3.2 Tool configuration on magazine for tool change


Tool number: E1 (FLUTED CUTTER )

Magazine deposit .....................: 1: 2

Tool type (M,F,D,T,S, ): F
Work face. ......................: 31
Offset D ...................................: 30.00
Angle  (for type ‘D’ ) ......: 45.00
Opposite Tool .............: E1
Opposite Tool Y..........: E1
Offset X ...................................: 0.00
Offset Y ...................................: 20.00
Offset Z ...................................: 50.00
Offset R ...................................: 45.00
Max. dimension tool holder ...: 110.00

Magazine deposit
Default value: Minimum value: 0:00 Maximum value: 7:31
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: special (see Description) Present from version SW 1.00
Description: This parameter is comprised of two values divided by the ":" character
The first (on the right) indicates the number of the magazine inside which the tool is
kept. The second indicates tool position inside the magazine.
Particular cases, errors, On machines with rotating magazine, tools with a magazine number different from 0
restrictions,.. are to be considered external to the rotating magazine.
On machines with side magazine (STC), tools with a magazine number equal to 0 are
to be considered external to the side magazine.

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DP Machining program instruction syntax

Tool type
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: character Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Type of tool to be inserted on spindle
 M bore bit;
 F fluted cutter;
 D disc cutter;
 T probe;
 S special.
 ‘ ’ (space) not configured

Work face
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Panel face on which tool can work. Use the following:
 12 tool always in vertical position
 22 always in horizontal position
 32 tool with set inclination angle (See Angle a) even if placed in vertical or
horizontal position;
11 and 12 combinations are also permitted, to be introduced only with the
manufacturer's consent but these will not be discussed here.
In the case where a tool on a spindle that can be manually positioned is suitable for use
on a particular panel face, it is simpler to use the following:
 1 suitable for machining on upper face: as well as 12
 2 suitable for machining on right face: as well as 22 with Offset R at 180.
 3 suitable for machining on left face. as well as 22 with Offset R at
 4 suitable for machining on front face: as well as 22 with Offset R at 270.
 5 suitable for machining on rear face: as well as 22 with Offset R at 90.
If codes from 1 to 5 are used, check that Offset R is in 0.

Correlated to: Offset D, Angle a, Offset X, Offset Y Offset Z, Offset R

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Offset D
Default value: Minimum value: 0 Maximum value:
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: Distance between the central inclination point of the tool, expressed by parameters
Offset X,Y, Z, and the base of its spindle holder.
Correlated to Work face, Angle a, Offset X, Offset Y, Offset Z, Offset R.
Particular cases, errors, Significant only when 32 is expressed in the face field (tool inclined)

Default value: Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 90
Active change from subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: degrees
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: Inclination of rotation axis of tool with respect to the rotation axis of the electro-
spindle: An angle expressed in decimal degrees/fractions of a degree between values
from 0° to 90°, inclusive.
0 value indicates:
 a vertical cutter or bore bit;
 a horizontal cutting disc
90 value indicates:
 a horizontal fluted cutter or bore bit
 a vertical cutting disc

Correlated to Work face, Offset D, Offset X, Offset Y, Offset Z, Offset R.

Particular cases, errors, Significant only when 32 is inserted (inclined tool) in the work face field

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DP Machining program instruction syntax

Fig. 3.1 - Example of Offset D and Angle parameter configuration

The  angle determines the entry trajectory during tool machining phase and, therefore,
the rapid advancement points. Assuming that the parameter describes a true situation,
make sure that the tool inclination is as expressed in the set program.

Fig. 3.2 - Effect caused by wrong angle positioning

In this case the program requires a 45° inclined bit in order to carry out machining to the
left. The same program, carried out with a wrongly positioned tool ( at 90°, as figure on
right shows), can cause a collision.

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Tool in opposition
Default value: Minimum value: E1 Maximum value: E96
Active change for subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Logical number of the spindle opposite X will be used in machining operations in
fields mirrored to the X axis, instead of the one specified. Set a number the same as
that of the spindle, as shown in the table, so that the same spindle can also be used for
mirror machining operations.
Particular cases, errors, The contrasting instructions in the tables of the two tools must be correlated. If not,
restrictions,.. alarm signals will be triggered during machining phases. If, for example, tool E2 is
opposite tool E4, then E4 must be opposite to E2.
The opposite tool is not taken into consideration, if during boring , the specified tool is
single and the work face is no. 1, 4, or 5 and the tool DOES NOT rotate.

Tool in opposition Y
Default value: Minimum value: E1 Maximum value: E96
Active change for subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Logical number of the spindle opposite Y will be used in machining operations in
fields mirrored to the Y axis, instead of the one specified. Set a number the same as
that of the spindle, as shown in the table, so that the same spindle can also be used for
mirror machining operations.
Particular cases, errors, The contrasting instructions in the tables of the two tools must be correlated. If not,
restrictions,.. alarm signals will be triggered during machining phases. If, for example, tool E2 is
opposite tool E4, then E4 must be opposite to E2.
The opposite tool is not taken into consideration, if during boring , the specified tool is
single and the work face is no. 1, 4, or 5 and the tool DOES NOT rotate.

Offset X, Offset Y, Offset Z

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change for subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit:
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Position in space (distance in X,Y,Z)
 of pitching angle end of tool if it has been set at 32 as a working face
 of the centre of the tool holder with respect to the 0 head in all other cases
Correlated to Work face, Offset D, Angle a, Offset R.

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Offset R
Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change for subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: degrees
Type of data: Present from version SW 1.00
Description: Characteristic orientation of tool is as follows:
 entrance position in work piece for fluted cutters;
 advance direction for disc cutters
In cases where the electro-spindle has no vector, its orientation is not changeable. In
other cases, orientation is measured with vector set at 0.
It is always used no matter what its field face setting is. With simple cones for vertical
tools in axis with electro-spindle, it is ignored.
Correlated to Work face, Offset D, Angle a, Offset X, Offset Y, Offset Z


Tool number: E5 (FLUTED CUTTER )

Magazine deposit .....................: 1: 2

Tool type (M,F,D,T,S, ): F
Work face. ......................: 32
Offset D ...................................: 45.00
Angle  (for type ‘D’ ) ......: 30.00
Opposite Tool .............: E5
Opposite Tool Y..........: E5
Offset X ...................................: 0.00
Offset Y ...................................: 0.00
Offset Z ...................................: 40.00
Offset R ...................................: 60.00
Max. tool holder volume 85.00

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Tool number:: E6 (DISC CUTTER )

Magazine deposit .....................: 1: 2

Tool type (M,F,D,T,S, ): D
Work face.. ......................: 32
Offset D ...................................: 47.00
Angle  ( for type ‘D’ ) ......: 30.00
Opposite Tool .............: E6
Opposite Tool Y..........: E1
Offset X ...................................: 0.00
Offset Y ...................................: 0.00
Offset Z ...................................: 40.00
Offset R ...................................: 45.00
Max. tool holder volume 115.00

Examples of tables for entering tool spindle data in the set-up tool file
The data shown refers to a fluted boring tool and an inclined disc cutter.

Fig. 3.3 -

The letters used in above figure refer to the following parameters:

Z = Offset Z

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D = Offset D
R = Offset R

All sizes are given for reference purposes only

Example of heads for inclined tool change. The measurements illustrated in the figure
are those reported in the previous tables which show fluted or disc cutters. The white
arrow indicates the point of entry into the workpiece for the disc cutter only, whilst the
dotted line shows the machining direction in contact with the work piece. For both tools
Offset X and Y are set at 0 , so that the pitched edge angle (intersection between 2
symmetrically inclined axes) coincides with the origin (look at the figure from above): If
the electro-spindle is moved by a Vector axis, the views from above have the same
reference position (0 degrees). A view of the disc cutter only, is rotated by 90° in a
clockwise direction.

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Max. space volume for tool holder

Default value: Minimum value: Maximum value:
Active change for subsequent automatic Protection level: none Unit: current
session (millimeters or inches)
Type of data: numerical Present from version SW 3.00
Description: Volume of the mechanical part of the group, including tool, during the movement phase
of the axes, in order to avoid any collisions taking place in the field space (work piece,
limits ).
The value cannot be lower than Z distance ,between the maximum head volume point,
without taking into consideration the tools fitted, and the rectified base of the fixing
cone (used as the Z reference of the header spindles).
The value cannot be lower than Z distance ,between the maximum head volume point,
without taking into consideration the tools fitted, and the rectified base of the fixing
cone (used as the Z reference of the header spindles). For each tool, CNC then
determines, a minimum volume according to the type and size of the tool involved. If
the overall volume set up by the operator is lower, then the minimum value is
automatically assumed, without any indication or data correction, during the parameter
list set up. On a vertical disc cutter head, it is not therefore necessary to measure the
size of the disc cutter, but only that of the head.
In cases where an inclined tool is going to be used with different inclination angles, it is
advisable to set the volume that the head can assume to the various angles, from a
minimum to a maximum value with a certain continuity: By doing this, it will be
unnecessary to reset the space volume every time one changes the inclination of the
angle . See illustration that follows this description.
When using a tool on a head, all other tool volumes are also taken into consideration.
E.g.: If a head is used with a fluted cutter and a disc cutter in opposition, when using a
fluted cutter, the disc cutter is also checked to see if it can move without provoking
dangerous collisions
Particular cases, errors, If there are any collision dangers (Machining operation impossible with specified
restrictions,.. setting error is obtained ) it is necessary to intervene with command N (see PD
Manual) so that the head and all tools are disactivated .When in a vertical position it is
possible to reactivate them. If instead an error is obtained in Incorrect Z setting , it
means that there is a contact problem and machining operations will prove impossible
even when following the above instructions.

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Fig. 3.4 -

MS = Minimum volume SGS = Maximum volume of tool holder

ML = Cutter length MD = Cutter diameter
DR = Disc radius DB = Disc thickness
OZ = Offset Z DIS= Offset D
PIT = Angle a ROL= Angle ß

The figure above illustrates two heads with inclined tools. The minimum volume shown
is as calculated by the CNC according to the spindles and tool data. (below the figure, a
formula is given in which the respective value is calculated by the CNC) as well as the
maximum tool holder volume. The latter represents exactly what has been said about
parameter values, with regards to inclined tools.

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3.3 Tools on revolving and non revolving spindles

A tool can find a position:

 on a rotating spindle with a Vector axis
This is a spindle on a head for tool changing, fitted to an electro-spindle with a
Vector axis
At the start of machining operations, this is set to automatic by rotation required
 on a spindle which can be rotated manually.
This is a spindle on a head for tool changing that must be rotated manually
Tool rotation which must have its parameters correctly recorded, must also coincide
with a rotation required indication.
 on a non-rotating spindle.
This is a spindle not on tool change and without a VECTOR axis.
The rotation required indication must necessarily coincide with that of the tool.

The rotation required for disc cutters, depends entirely on their advance direction.. See
also Work direction, Disc cutters section.

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3.4 Tool wear

It is possible to compensate for tool wear in each of the following cases:

 length (radius for disc cutters)
 diameter (thickness for disc cutters)
The following parameters are required for each component of each tool
 wear coefficient
 maximum wear consented
 size including wear

3.4.1 Wear coefficient

Represents wear:
 in relation to time unit (1 minute of machining);
 in relation to space unit (1 metre of machining)
It is expressed in thousandths of the unit used ( if the criteria used is a hundredth of a
millimetre, it will be expressed in hundredths of a micron),

The selection of wear calculation in space or in time can be made with a special program
command, otherwise the manufacturer's settings will be used.

If wear coefficient is not significant, set it to 0 (zero) to disactivate operations.

3.4.2 Max. consented wear

The value of maximum consented wear allows to check that tool is still suitable for
machining or whether it needs changing.
When the wear value reaches maximum consented value, a warning message is given
indicating the presence of a worn tool amongst those fitted to machine This appears in
the video section allocated to alarms. In this case it is important to determine which tool
is worn (see Operator's Guide) and then substitute it.

3.4.3 Size including wear

Tool size corrected according to wear

If the wear coefficient is not significant, check that the size is equal to the corresponding
non corrected tool size.


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4 Machining program instruction syntax

4.1 Header .......................................................................................................................................... ii

4.1.1 Enabling tools on the A660 machine .............................................................................. iv
4.1.2 Programming work areas on the A660 machine ............................................................. v
4.1.3 Automatic determination of working area ....................................................................... vi
4.2 Boring operation...........................................................................................................................vii
4.3 Routing start................................................................................................................................. ix
4.4 Linear routing operation ............................................................................................................... xi
4.5 Clockwise circular routing operation ............................................................................................xii
4.6 Counterclockwise circular routing operation ...............................................................................xiii
4.7 Routing tangent to previous section............................................................................................ xv
4.8 Inclined boring operations ...........................................................................................................xvi
4.9 Routing start with an inclined tool ............................................................................................. xviii
4.10 Linear routing with an inclined tool...........................................................................................xxii
4.11 Clockwise circular routing with an inclined tool ....................................................................... xxiii
4.12 Counterclockwise Circular routing with an inclined tool ..........................................................xxiv
4.13 Routing tangent to the previous section with inclined tools......................................................xxv
4.14 Comment ............................................................................................................................... xxvii
4.15 Work face.............................................................................................................................. xxviii
4.16 Tool correction ........................................................................................................................xxix
4.17 X
4.18 Y increment .............................................................................................................................xxxi
4.19 Change of reference in X ....................................................................................................... xxxii
4.20 Change of reference in Y ...................................................................................................... xxxiv
4.21 Translatory motion of panel origin..........................................................................................xxxv
4.22 Null Operation ....................................................................................................................... xxxvi
4.23 Probing................................................................................................................................ xxxviii
4.24 Sub-program ......................................................................................................................... xxxix
4.25 Set bit ......................................................................................................................................... xl
4.26 Reset bit .....................................................................................................................................xli
4.27 Wait bit ......................................................................................................................................xlii
4.28 Set Digit.................................................................................................................................... xliii

xxxvi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Machining program instruction syntax

4.29 Assignment of a value to a variable......................................................................................... xliv

4.30 Label ......................................................................................................................................... xlv
4.31 Conditional jump ...................................................................................................................... xlvi
4.32 Unconditional jump ................................................................................................................. xlvii
4.33 Assigning Special parameter..................................................................................................xlviii

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxxvii

The examples contained in this chapter have been introduced purely for information
purposes. It is therefore advisable not to use them when carrying out machine tests.
Programming Description DP

4.1 Header

Syntax DX setting DY setting DZ setting - field C {0|1} T {0|1}

R nnnn * {IN|MM} / name H1: {0|1} H2: {0|1}

Description These instructions give information about size for graphic scale representation, by
abbreviating the writing of machining lists, and allows the panel to be machined without
the creation of lists.
In this case the data specified in this instruction is used to complete the program itself;
therefore it is advisable to use real and not fictitious data material.

DX Size X of panel
The field is of the setting type and must be set up accordingly. Negative
values must not be inserted.

DY Size Y of panel
The field is of the setting type and must be set up accordingly. Negative
values must not be inserted.

DZ Panel thickness
The field is of the setting type and must be set up accordingly. Negative
values must not be inserted.

- Area of work on which the program must be carried out

The field is composed of two alphanumeric characters; the permitted
values are::

A, B, C, D, AB, BA, CD, DC, AD, DA

It is possible to insert different values only for the model A660 machine ; their
significance will be illustrated in Table 4.2.
As an alternative to these values, a code can be introduced which determines the
program's mirror image significance. In accordance with this value, the CNC
automatically determines the working area on which machining can take place (this
automatic determination does not apply to the A660 machine .

ii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

C CONTINUOUS function mode

This can have the following values:
 1 enabled function
 0 disabled function

The CONTINUOUS function mode is significant when the header data

forms part of the production list. If active, execution of the next list step is
carried out without pressing the pushbutton

If inactive, each program requires a push-button start up.

The use of this active function can be used for:

splitting of program into smaller length modules and carrying them out
CONTINUOUSLY on the same panel,
particular processes
If the field is omitted, the CONTINUOUS function is considered inactive.

T TRANSFER functioning mode

It can have the following values:
 1 enabled function
 0 disabled function

The TRANSFER function mode, if active, allows the panel entry and exit
without carrying out any machining on it. It works only in AUTOMATIC
and with the FLOW SYSTEM Mode.
If the field is omitted, the TRANSFER function is considered inactive.

R Panel repetitions
Indicates number of panels to be machined, using the current program
In this field values from 1 - 9999 can be inserted. If they are omitted, the
value 1 is used.

* Measurement units set for program

The accepted values are:
 IN: Inches
 MM: Millimeters.
If this field is omitted, the measurements inserted are associated to the
measure unit set by the manufacturer.
The measurements of the sub-programs can be written with a unit measure
different from that of program called up. (see chapter: Programming

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB iii

Programming Description DP

/ Machine Tooling associated to program

It can contain a name of up to 8 alphanumerical characters.
It indicates the name of the Tool set up file (see Operator's Guide)
The name specified in this field must be the same as the tooling selection
required at the time a program is being operated.
It is absolutely necessary to specify tooling required for a program.

H1 H1 Enabling main header tools

The values expressed in this field are significant only for machines similar
to the A660 model.
The accepted values are:
 1 enabled function
 0 disabled function

In combination with parameter H2, it determines several different working

modes during machining which are summarised in Table 4.1.

H2 H2 Enabling Twin head tools

The values expressed in this field are significative for model A660
machines only.
The accepted values are:
 1 enabled function
 0 disabled function

In combination with parameter H1, it determines several different working

modes during machining which are summarised in Table 4.1.

At the end of the Header command introduction, the existing tooling required for the
specific machine program is checked. If not, an error message appears on the screen
This can be ignored as it is possible to create an appropriate tool set-up at a later
moment. In this case, the graphic representation of the work piece may not correspond
to reality, if multi-tool borings are present.

4.1.1 Enabling tools on the A660 machine

As was previously defined, parameters H1 and H2 allow working procedures to function
either with the main head or twin head tools. The combination of values associated to
these parameters generates the following functions:

iv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

H1 H2 Machining functions
0 0 Enables machining functions with a double panel. All main head
tools call up the action of the corresponding tools on the twin head,
therefore it is not necessary to program these because they will be set
in motion automatically.
It is used for simultaneous machining of two identical panels.

0 1 Enables machining which specifies the tools belonging to the twin

head only, i.e. tools numbered from A1 to A96. Machining
operations which specify main head tools only are not carried out

1 0 Only enables machining which specifies tools belonging to the main

head, i.e. tools numbered from 1 to 96. Machining operations that
specify use of twin head tools only are not carried out.

1 1 Enables all the machine operations specified in the program; no

implicit work operation is generated. It is used to carry out
machining on a panel of a size that requires the use of tools of both
heads in order to complete operations.
Table 4.1 - Table indicating tools enabled on twin head

4.1.2 Programming work areas on the A660 machine

The A660 machine has been set up to carry out parallel work on two panels by using a
configuration system of the working areas that is different from traditional type





Fig. 4.1 - A 660 working areas

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB v
Programming Description DP

The illustration shows the configuration of the working areas on the A660 machine
model with the relative panel reference symbols (maximum configuration).
The parametric values of the working areas allow one of the following functional modes
to be established
1) Machining a single, small panel (occupies half of working area).
2) Machining a single large panel (occupies entire working area).
3) Parallel machining of two twin panels.

In the first case the name of the field to use as a reference for panel machining must be
specified In this case just a single letter is accepted to indicate the area (A,B,E, F, I, J,
M, N).

In the second case, a vertical combination of the area must be specified, such as ABEF
and area IJMN. The possible combinations are as follows:
 AN (non-mirrored panel)
 BM (panel with mirror image in X)
 MB (panel with mirror image in Y)
 NA (panels with mirror images in X and Y)

The third case distinguishes twin machining on two panels and the possible
combinations are :
 AI (two non-mirrored panels )
 BJ (two panels with mirror image in X)
 ME (two panels with mirror image in Y)
 NF (two panels with mirror image in X and Y).

4.1.3 Automatic determination of working area

It is possible to use a code which leaves the CNC free to determine the working area on
which the panel has to be fixed automatically.
The table here below illustrates the meaning and code for each element.

Code Operating Functions

00 Programmed machining does not have mirror image attributes.
01 Programmed machining consents machining on areas with mirror image
Y active.
10 Programmed machining consents machining on areas with mirror image
X active.
11 Programmed machining consents machining on areas with mirror image
in both X and Y active.
Table 4.2 - Codes for panel mirror image attributes

According to the codes illustrated above and the size of the panel undergoing
machining, the CNC determines the working area on which the panel must be positioned
and fixed automatically.

vi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

4.2 Boring operation

Syntax B X= setting Y= setting Z= setting E= setting Vn

S nn.nnn T spindles

Description This instruction programs machining of one or two bores on one panel.
The number of bores carried out depends on the number of tools associated with the

X Co-ordinate X where boring is to take place.

The field is of the setting type

Y Co-ordinate Y where boring is to take place.

The field is of the setting type

Z Depth of the bore expressed in relation to the panel surface. Z=O

indicates that the tip of the tool touches the surface without removing any
The field is of the setting type

E Co-ordinate E
Indicates the value at which the E axis is positioned to execute the double
barrier of the bores in X series, so as to obtain the distance required
between the barriers. The field is of the setting type, if it is omitted axis E
does not move. If this information has never been specified, the position
will be pre-determined by the manufacturer.

V Speed of boring operations

It indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the boring speed. The value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously established value is used.

S Speed of tool rotation

This indicates the r.p.m. at which the tools must rotate during boring
The value entered must not be negative but composed of a maximum of 5
numbers of which 3 are decimals plus the point.
If the speed set is greater than the speed consented for machining
operations, the maximum speed will be applied
When this field is not filled in, the tool data value is used.
The value is not significant if in the tool list used for machining, there is no
tool associated with a static frequence converter.

T List of tools used to carry out boring operations

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB vii

Programming Description DP

Specifies which tools must be used to carry out boring operation..

The field is of the spindle type and cannot be omitted.

Reference tool When there is more than one spindle involved (multiple boring), the co-ordinates
determination expressed in the instruction are as follows:
 in cases where spindles are configured as tools in X: series: to spindle with the
lowest X offset
 in cases where spindles are configured as tools in Y: series or otherwise: to the
spindle with the lowest logical number.
 the boring depth refers to tools that are longer than the ones normally used (the
difference of the tool holder height to the tools fitted is also taken into

Examples of boring operations:

B X=100.00 Y=100.00 Z=10.00 V4 T1 2 3 4 5

B X=200.00 T1 2 3 4 5
B X=250.00 Y=200.00 T5 6 7 8
B Y=300.00 T10

See also: Inclined boring operations

viii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.3 Routing start

Syntax G0 X= setting Y= setting Z= setting E= setting Vn

S nn.nnn T spindles

Description This instruction begins a routing operation made up of one or more sections

X Co-ordinate X where routing is to start.

The field is of the setting type

Y Co-ordinate Y where routing is to start.

The field is of the setting type

Z The boring depth is expressed in relation to the panel surface. Z=O

indicates the tool tip that touches panel surface without removing material.
The field is of the setting type

E Co-ordinate E
Value of axis positioning in the case where a tool is fitted onto an auxiliary
The field is of the setting type; if it is omitted, axis E does not move If this
instruction has never been specified, the position used will be the one pre-
determined by the manufacturer.
V Entry speed in work piece
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the set speed for start of routing operations. Since it refers to a work piece
entry, the speed table used will be the same as the one used for boring
operations. Its value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously established value is

S Tool rotation speed

This indicates the r.p.m. speed at which the tools have to rotate during
boring operations.
The value must not be negative and must be expressed in 5 figures, of
which 3 are decimals, plus the point
If the speed set is greater than the maximum speed consented for
machining, then the maximum speed will be used.
When the field is not filled in, the value specified by the tool data is used.
The value is not significant if in the tool list used for machining, no tool
with a static frequence converter is present.

T Tool number for routing operations

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB ix
Programming Description DP

This indicates the tool number to use for routing operations.

The field is of the spindles type and cannot be omitted.

In subsequent routing instructions, it is not possible to specify a different type of tool to

the current one specified with GO. If necessary, a GO instruction must be inserted
during a routing sequence. This provokes the exit of tool from panel. A new position is
then given in relation to the new tool selected and a re-entry in the profile in the position
This instruction, as well as the subsequent ones, is subject to tool correction and
described later.

G0 X=100.00 Y=200.00 Z=10.00 V3 T44
G1 X=500.00
G0 T43
G1 X=600

The above example illustrates how to write a routing start operation.

The second instruction GO causes number 44 tool to exit from work piece with tool
number 43 inserted at the same point. The last instruction completes routing operations
with the new tool. If the diameter of both tools is identical, then a single routing section
is obtained even if it is composed of two profiles.

A machining program begun with this command cannot be continued with G1R, G2R,
G3R or G5R.

See also: Linear routing, Clockwise circular routing, Counterclockwise circular routing,
Routing start with inclined tool.

x 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

4.4 Linear routing operation

Syntax G1 X= setting Y= setting Z= setting Vn

Description Instruction G1 describes a linear routing section where the starting point is defined by
the instruction that precedes it in the program. For this reason, this instruction must be
preceded by a routing start or by another routing instruction.

X Co-ordinate X point at which the programmed routing section has to

The field is of the setting type.

Y Co-ordinate Y point at which the programmed routing section has to

The field is of the setting type.

Z Final depth of the programmed routing section expressed in relation to

the panel surface being used. Z=0 indicates that the tool tip touches the
surface without removing any material. The field is of the setting type.
The field is of the setting type.

V Profile advance speed

This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the set profile advance speed.. The value is set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not indicated then the previously set value will be used.

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing sections can be carried out at
different tool speeds, by setting up different values in field V for each section.

Example of linear routing operations:

G0 X=100.00 Y=200.00 Z=10.00 V3 T44
G1 X=500.00
G1 Y=500.00

See also Routing start, Clockwise circular routing operation, Counterclockwise circular routing
operation, Routing tangent to previous section

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xi
Programming Description DP

4.5 Clockwise circular routing operation

Syntax G2 X= setting Y= setting Z= setting I= setting J= setting Vn

Description Instruction G2 carries out a circular routing operation in a clockwise direction, starting
from the position specified in the previous program instruction. The arc is equidistant
from the programmed centre

This instruction must be preceded by a routing operation start or another routing


If the final arc point coincides with its start point, a full circumference will result.
A helicoid is obtained by programming a different depth between the start and finish
points of the arc.

X Co-ordinate X at which the programmed routing section has to terminate.

The field is of the setting type.

Y - Co-ordinate Y at which the programmed routing section has to terminate.

The field is of the setting type.

Z Final depth of the programmed routing section expressed in relation to

the panel surface being used. Z=0 indicates that the tool tip touches the
surface without removing any material.
The field is of the setting type.

I Co-ordinate X of the programmed routing arc centre.

The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.

J Co-ordinate Y of the programmed routing arc centre.

The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.

V Profile advance speed

This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the set profile advance speed. The value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously set value will be used.

A profile composed of more than one routing sections can be carried out at different
speeds by setting up different values in field V, for each of its sections.

Example of clockwise circular routing operations:

G0 X=100.00 Y=300.00 Z=10.00 V3 T44
G2 X=500.00 I=300.00 J=300.00
G2 X=900.00 I=700.00 J=300.00

See also Routing start, Linear routing, Counterclockwise circular routing, Routing tangent
to previous section.

xii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.6 Counterclockwise circular routing operation

Syntax G3 X= setting Y= setting Z= setting I= setting J= setting Vn

Description Instruction G3 carries out circular routing in a counterclockwise direction, starting from
the position specified by the previous program instruction. The arc is equidistant from
programmed centre.

This instruction must be preceded by a routing start or by another instruction.

If the arc end point is the same as the start point, a full circumference will result.
A helicoid is obtained by programming a different depth between the start and finish
points of the arc.

X Co-ordinate X
at which the programmed routing section has to terminate.
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the programmed routing section has to terminate.
The field is of the setting type.
Z Final depth of the programmed routing section
is expressed in relation to the surface of the panel being used. Z=0
indicates that the tool tip touches the surface without removing any
The field is of the setting type.
Co-ordinate X of the programmed arc centre of routing
The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.
Co-ordinate Y of the programmed arc centre of routing
The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.
V Profile advance speed
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
a profile advance speed. The value is set between 0 and 9.
If the speed value is not specified then the previously set value is used.

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing sections, can be carried out at
different advance speeds by setting up different values in field V for each section.

Example of clockwise circular routing operations:

G0 X=100.00 Y=300.00 Z=10.00 V3 T44
G3 X=500.00 I=300.00 J=300.00
G3 X=900.00 I=700.00 J=300.00

See also Routing start, Linear routing, Clockwise circular routing, Routing tangent to
previous section

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xiii

Programming Description DP

xiv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.7 Routing tangent to previous section

Syntax G5 X= setting Y= setting Z= setting Vn

Description Instruction G5 carries out a circular or linear routing operation starting from the position
specified by the previous program instruction. The programmed section is tangent to the
previous section and can be as follows:
 a linear section
 a clockwise circular section
 a counterclockwise circular section
The determination of the section is automatic and occurs on the basis of the co-
ordinates of the start and finish points.

This instruction must be preceded by another routing instruction.

A helicoid is obtained by programming a different depth between the start and finish
points of the arc.

X Co-ordinate X
at which the programmed routing section has to terminate..
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the programmed routing section has to terminate..
The field is of the setting type.
Z Final depth of the programmed routing section
expressed in relation to the panel surface being used. Z=0 indicates that the
tool tip touches the surface without removing any material
The field is of the setting type.
V Profile advance speed.
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the profile speed. The value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously set value is used.

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing sections, can be carried out at
different speeds by setting up different values in field V, for each section.

Example of clockwise circular routing operations:

G0 X=100.00 Y=300.00 Z=10.00 V3 T44
G1 X=500.00 V3
G5 X=600.00 Y=400.00
G5 X=100.00 Y=300.00

See also Linear routing, clockwise circular routing, counterclockwise circular routing.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xv
Programming Description DP

4.8 Inclined boring operations

Syntax BR X= setting Y= setting Z= setting H= setting A=ang

Vn S nn.nnn T spindles

Description Instruction for inclined boring allows the following operations to be carried out
one or more bores, at an angle in relation to the right angled work surfaces;
bore barriers, at right angles to the bored surface but which do not develop in parallel to
the panel edges (this second case requires a mechanical set up of a rotating axis to angle
the tools that are fitted to it).

X Co-ordinate X
where boring is to be carried out
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
where boring is to be carried out
The field is of the setting type.
Z Boring depth
is expressed in relation to the panel surface being used. Z=0 indicates that
the tool tip touches the surface without removing any material.
The field is of the setting type.
H Height of bore from panel surface.
Height at which tool has to descend from the machine work surface (if in
face 1) or onto face of other cases
A Boring rotating angle
Angle of the bore axis in relation to the selected reference system
The field is of the angle type.
V Boring speed.
This indicates the element of the speed table (SPEEDS) which is to be used
as the boring speed. The value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified, the value previously set will be used.

S Tool rotation speed

This indicates the thousands of r.p.m. at which tools are to rotate during
boring operations
The value introduced cannot be a negative one and must be made up of a
maximum of 5 figures, of which 3 decimals, plus the point
If the speed set is greater than the maximum speed consented , during
machining the maximum allowed speed will be used.
When this field is not fitted in, the value specified in the tool data is used
The value entered is not significant if in the tool list used for machining, no
tool with a static frequence converter is included.
T Tool list for boring operations.
This specifies which tools are available for boring
The field is of the spindles type and cannot be omitted.

xvi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

Example of an inclined boring operation.

BR X=100.00 Y=300.00 Z=10.00 H=9.00 V3 S=12.000 T101

See also Boring operations.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xvii

Programming Description DP

4.9 Routing start with an inclined tool

Syntax G0R X= setting Y= setting Z= setting H= setting A= setting

IC {0|1|2} V n S nn.nnn T spindles

Description This instruction allows routing operation comprising one or two steps, to start with an
inclined tool that is not at a right angle to the surface of the panel

X Co-ordinate X
at which the inclined routing operation starts.
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the inclined routing operation starts.
The field is of the setting type.
Z Routing depth
The initial depth is expressed in relation to the panel surface being used,
(this surface is considered at a right angle to tool entry).
The field is of the setting type.
H Height of panel entrance point from work surface
Height at which tool has to descend to in relation to the machine work
surface (if in face 1) or on face of other cases.
A Routing rotation angle.
This indicates the tangent point of routing start in relation to the selected
reference system.
The field is of the angle type.
The numerical value of this field must be interpreted according to the value
set in field IC
IC Entry side.
This parameter can assume values 0, 1 or 2 and defines the significance of
parameter A. It also indicates if the tool must be interpolated during
Table 4.3 illustrates the relation between parameters IC and A.
V Entry speed in work piece
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) is required for
the routing start speed. The table to use in this case is the same as the one
set out for boring operations. The value must be between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified, then the previously set value is used.

xviii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

S Tool rotation speed

This indicates the r.p.m. speed at which the tools rotate during machining.
The value entered cannot be a negative one and must be made up of a
maximum of 5 figures, of which 3 decimals plus the point.
If the speed set is greater than the maximum consented speed, then the
maximum consented speed will be used during machining.
When this field is not filled in, the tool data value is used.
The value entered is not significant if in the tool list used for machine
operations, no tool with a static frequence converter is included.
T Tool number for routing operations.
This indicates the tool number to be used for routing.
The field is of the spindles type and cannot be omitted.

IC Value A Value
0 Value A=0 indicates the tool entry direction projected on face 1, and
parallel to X positive semi axis of the face reference system .The
angular position of the tool is kept constant during machining.
1 Value A=0 indicates that the rotation axis of the tool projected on
face 1 is normal to the programmed direction; the tool enters the
profile from the right.
Values of A other than 0 provoke a phase angle displacement of the
tool direction. The angular position of the tool is interpolated during
2 Value A=0 indicates that the rotation axis of the tool projected on
face 1 is normal to the programmed direction; the tool enters the
profile from the left.
Values of A other than 0 provoke a phase angle displacement of the
tool direction. The angular position of the tool is interpolated during
Table 4.3 - Programming the tool entry angle in the work piece.

In the above table, A=0 to simplify the significance of parameter 1C.

Below an illustration indicates how parameter IC modifies the interpretation of

parameter A.
The 3 figures show the same routing section and the XY projection of the inclined tool
in two different conditions.

The figure that follows illustrates the tool entry on the trajectory with IC=0 and
respectively : A=0, in case 1) and A=45°. in case 2):

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xix

Programming Description DP


The figure below illustrates the direction of tool entry with IC=1 and respectively: A=0,
in case 1 ) and A=60° in case 2)


The figure below illustrates the direction of tool entry with IC=2 and respectively: A=0
in case 1) and A=45° in case 2).


Please note that as in the first figure, the position of the tool is independent from the
programmed direction. Its reference is absolute.
In the other two examples, A=0 always imposes entry at a right angle to the trajectory,
therefore by varying a routing direction tool rotation is also obtained so as to maintain a
perpendicular position between the tool rotation axis and the programmed trajectory

Example of routing with an inclined tool:

xx 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

G0R X=0.00 Y=100.00 Z=5.00 H=9.00 IC1 A=45.00 S=12.000 T101

G1R Y=200.000 Z=10 H=9.00

In the example, an inclined routing operation starts from one panel edge (in fact with
reference system on face 1, X=0 or H=9 indicates that the starting position is on face 3
of the panel, at 9 mm from the lower edge of the panel itself).

See also Linear routing with an inclined tool

Clockwise circular routing with an inclined tool, Counterclockwise circular

routing with an inclined tool, Routing start

A machining operation started with this command cannot be continued with G1, G2, G3
or G5.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxi

Programming Description DP

4.10 Linear routing with an inclined tool

Syntax G1R X= setting Y= setting Z= setting H= setting Vn

Description This instruction allows a linear routing operation to be carried out on an inclined plane
in relation to the right angled panel surfaces. Inclined tools must be used and are always
referred to face 1.

This instruction must be preceded by a routing start with an inclined tool or by

another routing instruction with an inclined tool.

X Co-ordinate X
at which the programmed routing section must terminate.
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the programmed routing section must terminate
The field is of the setting type.
Z Final depth of the programmed routing section
is expressed in relation to the panel surface being used.
The field is of the setting type.
H Height of final routing point from work surface
Height at which tool must descend in relation to the work surface of
machine (if in face 1) or on face in other cases.
V Profile advance speed.
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) is to be used as
the profile advance speed. The value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously determined value will
be used.

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing section can be carried out at
different advance speeds, by entering different values in field V for each section

Example of routing operation with an inclined tool:

G0R X=0.00 Y=100.00 Z=5.00 H=9.00 IC1 A=45.00 S=12.000 T101
G1R Y=200.000 Z=10 H=9.00

See also Routing start with an inclined tool

Clockwise circular routing with an inclined tool, Counterclockwise circular with

an inclined tool.

xxii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.11 Clockwise circular routing with an inclined tool

Syntax G2R X= setting Y= setting Z= setting H= setting I= setting

J= setting V n

Description Instruction G2R carries out a circular routing section on an inclined plane in relation to
the right angled position of the panel surfaces with a clockwise advance direction,
starting from the position as specified in the program instruction that preceded it. The
arc is equidistant from the programmed centre.
The programming of the G2R instruction always refers to face 1.

This instruction must be preceded by a routing start with an inclined tool or by

another routing instruction with an inclined tool.

X Co-ordinate X
at which the programmed routing section must terminate.
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the programmed routing section must terminate
The field is of the setting type.
Z Final depth of the programmed routing section.
This is expressed in relation to the panel surface being used.
The field is of the setting type.
H Height of final point of routing operation from work surface.
The height at which the tool must descend in relation to the work surface
of machine (if in face 1) or on the face in the other cases.
I Co-ordinate X of arc centre
of programmed routing.
The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.
J Co-ordinate Y of arc centre
of programmed routing.
The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.
V Profile advance speed.
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the profile advance speed. The set value must be between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously determined value is

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing sections can be carried out
with different advance speeds, by setting up different values in field V for each section.

See also Routing start with an inclined tool, Clockwise circular routing with an inclined
tool, Counterclockwise Circular routing with an inclined tool.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxiii

Programming Description DP

4.12 Counterclockwise Circular routing with an inclined tool

Syntax G3R X= setting Y= setting Z= setting H= setting I= setting

J= setting V n

Description Instruction G3R carries out a circular routing section on an inclined plane in relation to
the right angle of the panel surfaces with a counterclockwise advance direction starting
from the position specified by the instruction that precedes it in the program. The arc is
equidistant from the programmed centre.
The programming of instruction G3R always refers to face 1.

This instruction must be preceded by a routing start with an inclined tool or by

another routing instruction with an inclined tool.

X Co-ordinate X
at which the programmed routing section must terminate
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the programmed routing section must terminate
The field is of the setting type.
Z Final depth of the programmed routing section
is expressed in relation to the panel surface being used.
The field is of the setting type.
H Height of final point of routing section from work surface.
Height at which the tool has to descend to machine work surface (if in face
1) or on the face in the other cases.
I Co-ordinate X of arc centre
of programmed routing.
The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.
J Co-ordinate Y of arc centre
of programmed routing.
The field is of the setting type and cannot be omitted.
V Profile advance speed.
This indicates which element of speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as the
profile advance speed. The value must be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously set value is used.

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing sections can be carried out
with different advance speeds, by setting up different values in field V from each

See Also Routing start with an inclined tool, Clockwise circular routing with an inclined
tool, Linear routing with an inclined tool.

xxiv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.13 Routing tangent to the previous section with inclined tools

Syntax G5R X= setting Y= setting Z= setting H= setting Vn

Description Instruction G5R carries out a circular or linear routing section on an inclined plane in
relation to the right angle of the panel surface, starting from the position specified by the
instruction that precedes it in the program. The programmed section is tangent to the one
that preceded it and can be:
 a linear section,
 a clockwise circular section,
 a counterclockwise circular section.
The determination of the section type is automatic and takes place to the co-ordinates of
its start and finish point.
This instruction must be preceded by another routing instruction with an inclined
X Co-ordinate X
at which the programmed routing section must terminate
The field is of the setting type.
Y Co-ordinate Y
at which the programmed routing section must terminate
The field is of the setting type.
Z Final depth of the programmed routing section
is expressed in relation to the panel surface being used.
The field is of the setting type.
H Height of final routing point from work surface
Height at which the tool must descend in relation to machine work surface
(if in face 1) or on the face in the other cases.
V Profile advance speed
This indicates which element of the speed table (SPEEDS) must be used as
the set profile advance speed. The value will be set between 0 and 9.
If the speed is not specified then the previously determined value will
be used.

A profile composed of more than one consecutive routing section can be carried out
with different advance speeds, by setting up different values in field V for each section.

Example of clockwise circular routing operations:

G0R X=100.00 Y=300.00 Z=10.00 H=9.00 V3 T44
G1R X=500.00 V3
G5R X=600.00 Y=400.00
G5R X=100.00 Y=300.00

See also Linear routing with inclined tool, Clockwise circular routing with inclined tool,
Counterclockwise circular routing with inclined tool.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxv

Programming Description DP

xxvi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.14 Comment

Syntax * message

Description Allows comments to be inserted into the program. Any type of text can be inserted in the
comment. This is not taken into consideration for the execution of a program, but it is
useful when reading program instructions.

message alphanumerical type field with a maximum of 62 characters

B X=3.937 Y=7.874 Z=0.039 T1 2 3 4 5 6
*B X=11.811 Y=3.937 Z=0.039 T3 4 5 6 7 8

In the above example, the first line represents a comment that describes the object
undergoing machining.
In the third line the comment is used to temporarily annul the instruction by putting an *
sign before an instruction. This is therefore considered a comment and will not be
carried out.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxvii

Programming Description DP

4.15 Work face

Syntax F{1|2|3|4|5}

Description This defines on which work face the machine operations specified in the instructions
must be carried out. It modifies the panel reference system.
The information is valid up to the line where F appears.
The face number can vary from 1 to 5. The panel faces are identified according to the
scheme laid out below:

1 Upper
2 Right
3 Left
4 Front
5 Rear

If a program does not have the work face definition in the instruction, face 1 is
automatically assumed.

Example 1:
B X=3.937 Y=7.874 Z=0.039 T1 2 3 4 5 6
B X=11.811 Y=3.9370 Z=0.039 T3 4 5 6 7 8

This simple program has two steps that operate on face 1 of panel since the work face
has not been specified.

Example 2:
B X=3.937 Y=7.874 Z=0.039 T1 2 3 4 5 6
B X=11.811 Y=3.937 Z=0.039 T3 4 5 6 7 8
B X=0.393 Y=3.937 Z=0.039 V2 T51 52

This example contains a step that concerns boring operations on face 3 of the panel. All
the steps that will be included at the end of the program, without specifying another F
instruction, will be referred to face 3.
If (comment) or instruction F3 gets cancelled or becomes inactive, the subsequent
boring operation will be set on work face 1, in our example this operation inevitably
generates an error as the specified tools are not suitable for working on face 1.
It is necessary to change the command that specifies the work face and change the tools
specified in the instructions that follow, in order to bring an instruction from one face to
another of the panel.

xxviii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.16 Tool correction

Syntax C{0|1|2|3} S= setting

Description This defines if and when tool correction must take place.
Tool correction is an operation that is found only in the routing instructions

C Numerical parameter with values from 0 to 3.

S Amount of extra material.
Field of the setting type. It can be omitted

The codes for applying tool correction are as follows:

0 Not applied
1 Right
2 Left
3 Depth

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxix

Programming Description DP

4.17 X Increment

Syntax IX{0|1}

Description Incremental programming allows a co-ordinate to be expressed by referring it not to the

panel origin but to the last co-ordinate. The X Co-ordinate can therefore be inserted after
incremental programming and is equivalent to the C/C distance in X , between
machining operations.
This instruction can only assume the following values:

0 Disactivates X increment program
1 Activates X increment program

If this instruction does not appear in a program, it is assumed that the X increment
function is disabled.

B X=100.00 Y=200.00 Z=8.00 T1 2 3 4 5 6
B X=300.00 Y=100.00 Z=10.00 T3 4 5 6 7 8
B X=200.00 Y=100.00 Z=8.00 V2 T1 2

The example shows that after following two boring instructions, the incremental
programming on X is activated.
This means that the subsequent instruction will not be executed with setting X=200, but
with setting X=500 absolute.

See Also Y Increment

With incremental programming, the graphic utilities cannot be used for generating

xxx 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.18 Y increment

Syntax IY{0|1}

Description Incremental programming allows a co-ordinate to be expressed by referring it not to the

panel origin but to the last co-ordinate expressed. The Y co-ordinate can therefore be
inserted after incremental programming and is equivalent to c/c distance in X, between
machining operations.
This instruction can only assume the following values:

0 Disactivates Y increment program
1 Activates Y increment program

If this instruction does not appear in a program, it is assumed that the Y increment
function is disabled.

B X=100.00 Y=200.00 Z=8.00 T1 2 3 4 5 6
B X=300.00 Y=100.00 Z=10.00 T3 4 5 6 7 8
B X=200.00 Y=100.00 Z=8.00 V2 T1 2

The example shows that after executing two boring instructions, the incremental
programming in Y is activated.
This means that the subsequent instruction will not be carried out with setting Y=100 but
with Y=200.

See also X Increment

With incremental programming, the graphic utilities cannot be used for generating

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxxi

Programming Description DP

4.19 Change of reference in X

Syntax SX{0|1}

Description If the SX instruction is enabled, a Cartesian reference change of the X axis is caused and
assumes the 0 value of the panel, not on the left face but on the right one.
After such an instruction, all the subsequent settings are calculated with the origin
changed to the other side. It is therefore sufficient to insert this instruction at the
beginning of an already existing program to obtain a mirror image of the machining
operation, in relation to X axis.
If in a program, the SX instruction is not inserted, it is considered inactive.
This instruction can assume the following values only:

0 Disactivates the X reference change
1 Activates the X reference change

In the case of a program generating a profile at a distance of 50 mm from each panel

edge, the program becomes so versatile that when changing the panel size, the result is
left unchanged, therefore the following could be written:

G0 X=50.00 Y=50.00 Z=5.00 V3 S12.000 T42

G1 X=50.00
G1 Y=50.00
G1 X=50.00
G1 Y=50.00

This program always carries out a rectangular routing at 50 mm from each side of the
panel, regardless of its size. The only limit is that the panel size must be at least 50 mm
along each side.
In the example, the SY instruction has also been introduced which will be analysed
further on.

See also Y reference change

xxxii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

 Particular attention must be given to the exact panel size. An error made in this
calculation could cause a machining error.
 The direction of the circumference arcs will not change with the reference
change. If wishing to mirror all operations of a part of the program, it is possible to
copy it to a sub-program and call it up again by inserting the appropriate reference
 The reference change occurs in a totally independent way to probing
operations. If a machining operation is to be linked to a size by means of a probing
operation, synchronous operators in the parametric programming must be used.(e.g.:
 Angles expressed within the commands become influenced by the reference change.
 Use this instruction with great care together with the boring (B) operations that use
more than one tool, as a spindle change is not in fact carried out automatically.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxxiii

Programming Description DP

4.20 Change of reference in Y

Syntax SY{0|1}

Description If an SY instruction is enabled, a Cartesian reference change of the Y axis is caused and
assumes the 0 value of the panel not on the rear face but on the right one.
After such an instruction, all subsequent measurements are calculated with the origin
changed to the other side. It is therefore sufficient to insert this instruction at the
beginning of an already existing program to obtain a mirror image of the machining
operation, in relation to the Y axis.
As illustrated in the previous section (SX instruction), the combination of the X and Y
reference change, whether enabled or not, allows the panel origin to be moved to any
If in a program, the SY instruction is not inserted, it is considered inactive, the origin of
the Y axis remains on the rear panel face.
This instruction can assume the following values:

0 Activates the Y reference change
1 Activates the Y reference change

See also X Change reference

 Particular attention must be given to the exact panel size. An error made in this
calculation could cause a machining error. The direction of the circumference
arcs will not change with the reference change.
 The direction of the circumference arcs will not change with the reference
change. If wishing to mirror all operations of a part of the program, it is possible to
then copy them into a sub-program and call it up again by inserting appropriate
reference change.
 The reference change occurs in a totally independent way to probing
operations. If a machining operation is to be linked to a size by means of a probing
operation, synchronous operators in the parametric programming must be
used.(e.g..: @DY).
 Angles expressed within the commands become influenced by the reference change.
 Use this instruction with great care together with the boring (B) operations that use
more than one tool, as a spindle change is not in fact carried out automatically.

xxxiv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.21 Translatory motion of panel origin

Syntax O X= setting Y= setting Z= setting

Description This instruction allows transfer of programmed machining operations from the
instructions that follow. The programmed offsets are added algebraically to all the
corresponding measurements in the subsequent instructions.

X Translatory motion in X direction

of all the instructions within the program. The field is of the setting type; if
omitted, the value expressed in the last 0 command contained in program is
considered, or else ZERO value if the present command is not preceded by
other commands with a 0 value.
Y Translatory motion in Y direction
of all the instructions within the program. The field is of the setting type; if
omitted the value expressed in the last 0 command contained in the
program is considered, or else ZERO value if the present command is not
preceded by other commands with a 0 value.
Z Translatory motion in Z direction
of all the instructions within the program. The field is of the setting type, if
omitted the value expressed in the last 0 command contained in the
program is considered, or else ZERO value if the present command is not
preceded by other commands with a 0 value

This command is useful when the panel origin no longer coincides with that of the
reference stops because of the use of spacers, clamps, jaws, or other mechanical type
fixing tools, therefore a new panel origin is defined in relation to field value 0.

This instruction annuls the effect of all the boring operations previously carried out.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxxv

Programming Description DP

4.22 Null Operation

Syntax N X= setting Y= setting E= setting Vn

Description The N instruction positions the head in a specific position. It can be used to go from one
step to another of the operation, avoiding obstacles and obstructions.

X X setting for head positioning

Absolute position of X axis to which the head is moved. The field is of the
setting type, if omitted the X axis will not move.
Y Y setting for head positioning
Absolute position of Y axis to which the head is moved. The field is of the
setting type, if omitted the Y axis will not move.

E E setting for auxiliary head positioning:

Absolute head position of E axis to which auxiliary head is positioned. The
field is of the setting type and if omitted E axis will not move. If this data
has never been specified, the position will be the one pre-set by the
V Head transfer speed
This indicates the table (SPEEDS) from which the speed value of the
transfer movement is obtained. Values from 0 to 9 are accepted.

The CNC optimizes the positioning of the axes during a work cycle so that consecutive
machining on the same face can take place without needing to lift Z axis again. Should
there be any obstacles, the axes could collide during transfer.

The main functions of the instruction in question are the following:

1) To make sure that the CNC carries out operational steps from one machining
operation to another maintaining maximum safety conditions, specifying if
necessary, the transfer speed for the operation to follow.
2) To position the axes in an obstruction free area, for reasons obvious to machine
operators, whilst always maintaining maximum safety conditions.

To satisfy the first operation, command N can be used without any setting parameter.
This causes the following:
 Abandonment of working area, switching off and return of tools and the forced re-
entering of Z value to zero.
 The transfer of X and Y axes with the head completely withdrawn.
If no measurement parameter is specified, the speed assumes the approach speed for the
command that follows.

xxxvi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

By specifying one or more approach settings, command N causes the axes to transfer to
the indicated values using a specific speed. The operation that follows is NOT affected.

Transfer movement to the first machining operation in a program is automatically set in

motion with values Z to 0. However, all tools are enabled during the approach phase. If
this operation is NOT required, insert command N at the beginning of the program.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxxvii

Programming Description DP

4.23 Probing

Syntax TA X=setting Y= setting T spindles

Description The TA instruction carries out a probing cycle to record the following:
any non conformity of the panel size at a prefixed point;
or transfer of the reference origin expressed in the header.
The aim is to guarantee precision during machining operations which would not
otherwise be obtained by using panels of inaccurate sizes or whose relation to the
machine reference is not optimum

To start a machining operation on a panel with such characterisitcs, it is therefore

advisable to first carry out a probing control operation.
The values of machining subsequent to a probing action are compensated according to
the inaccuracies detected. Accurate machining operations can be obtained on panels
with a medium to-high tolerance rate
It is possible to carry out more than one probing operation on the same face in the
course of the program.

X X Setting
X value of the point where probing is to take place The field is of the setting
Y Setting Y
of the point where probing is to take place. The field specified is of the
setting type.
T Number of the tool to be used for probing
This indicates the number of the tool to be used for probing: the tool must be

 Probing on face 1 changes the Z size

 Probing on face 2 or 4 (faces not up to limit ) change the sizes of X and Y. The
position of faces 3 and 5 is not altered.
 The probing on faces 3 and 5 ( up to limit) always change the origin of X and Y.
Only if probing has taken place on face 2 or 4, the size of X and Y is changed
so as not to change the position of these last two faces.

xxxviii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.24 Sub-program

Syntax S / name_subroutine X= setting Y= setting Z= setting A=ang

Description The instruction S allows the sub-program to be called up the position of the current
A sub-program is a program that is called up by another program which can be either the
main program or a sub-program.

The header of a sub-program has no value; only the main program is always taken
into consideration.

/ Name of sub-program called up.

Specifies the name of the sub-program to be carried out.
X X Transfer of sub-program
machining in relation to the active reference system. This value is added to
the X co-ordinates of the program called up. The field is of the setting
Y Y transfer of sub-program
machining in relation to the active reference system. This value is added to
the Y co-ordinates of the program called up. The field is of the setting
Z Z transfer of sub-program
machining in relation to the active reference system. This value is added to
the X co-ordinates of the program called up. The field is of the setting
A Machining rotations
of the sub-program called up around zero point. The field is of the angle

 the number of sub-program levels is limited to 4.

 If a mirror image operation is required to be carried out in a sub-program, then
enable the axis reference change and invert its direction. (e.g.: SX1 for mirror image
X), then call up the program. Do not introduce a reference change in a sub-
routine thus avoiding inversion of co-ordinates of an axis without also
changing the arc direction.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xxxix

Programming Description DP

4.25 Set bit

Syntax SB nn

Description The SB instruction sets in motion a special CNC service.

The services are numbered from 0 to 63.

The consecutive numbers of SB, RB,WB,SD inside a routing sequence is limited.


Requires CNC service (function) no.12

See also Reset bit, Set Digit, Wait bit.

Contact manufacturer to obtain information regarding the function of this command.

xl 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

4.26 Reset bit

Syntax RB nn

Description The RB instruction allows cancellation of a previously requested special CNC service,
by inserting the corresponding SB instruction.
The services are numbered from 0 to 63.

The consecutive numbers of SB, RB,WB,SD inside a routing sequence is limited


Annuls CNC service no.12

See also Set bit, Set Digit, Wait bit.

Contact manufacturer to obtain information regarding the function of this


ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xli

Programming Description DP

4.27 Wait bit

Syntax WB ser D time

Description WB instruction allows you to wait for completion of a special CNC operation, if
necessary by starting it up. The difference between this and the SB instruction is that no
operation can be maintained after completing it with WB.
With the help of the WB instruction it is also possible to delay the execution of a pre-set
timed operation.

ser Number of service to call

This can assume values between 0 and 31.
time Time delay
This is the optimal minimum time limit. The set value is composed of 2
whole figures and two decimals figures. The maximum time that can be
set is between 0 and 99.99 seconds with resolution to 100ths of a second.
If specified, the execution can continue only when both the operation
requested and the waiting time introduced have been completed.

The consecutive numbers of SB, RB,WB,SD inside a routing sequence is limited


It requires CNC service no.12

WB43 D4.00

It requires CNC service no.12 even if this is completed within 4 seconds, this waiting
period is still respected.

See also Set bit, Reset bit, Set Digit.

Contact manufacturer to obtain information regarding the function of this


xlii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.28 Set Digit

Syntax SD value index

Description This instruction is used to specify a numerical value for a special service.
The first data determines the service, the second is its numerical value

Index Service index

Nibble index (4 bit group) to set from 0 to 15.
value numerical value
The field used for the setting of the above nibble. It can assume values
from 0 to 15.

The consecutive numbers of SB, RB,WB,SD inside a routing sequence is limited

See also Set bit, Reset bit, Wait bit.

Contact manufacturer to obtain information regarding the function of this


ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xliii

Programming Description DP

4.29 Assignment of a value to a variable

Syntax L name = exp

Description The LET instruction assigns a value to a variable. The variable is identified by the name
assigned to it.

It is not possible to use a variable in an instruction or in an expression before assigning a

value with a LET instruction:

name Name of variable

This indicates the name of the variable to which assign the expression
The field is composed of 8 characters and can contain alphanumeric
values. The first character must not be numerical.
exp Expression
It indicates the expression that is calculated to determine the value to
assign to the variable. The expression is made up of 100 characters.

L CX = DX / 2#
L CY = DY / 2#
B X=CX Y=CY Z=10.00 V1 T14

In this example the co-ordinates of the central panel are calculated and a bore is carried
out at these co-ordinates.

The first and the second instruction are variable assignments, named CX and CY
respectively, with a simple expression that calculates the centre point of a panel face.
DX and DY are constants that contain the panel sizes.

The third instruction is that of a boring operation which uses the previously calculated
variables instead of the X and Y values.

L XSTART = 3.00
G0 X=XSTART Y=100.00 Z=10.00 V1 T14

In this example the start and finish X co-ordinates of a linear routing operation, parallel
to X axis are calculated. These are both placed at 3 mm from the panel edge, regardless
of the panel size.

xliv 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.30 Label

Syntax .name

Description The label instruction can be used to specify some sequence points in the instructions in
order to alter the program flow

name Name of Label

This indicates the label name to insert at this point of the program.
The field is made up of 8 characters and can contain alphanumeric values.

The IF and GOTO instructions determine a variation of the program flow; and when
continuing the program from one instruction to another, they are referred to with a label.

The labels establish the point reached in the program, i.e. the instruction point from
which to continue the program.

A label cannot be defined more than once.

See also Conditioned jump, unconditioned jump

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xlv

Programming Description DP

4.31 Conditional jump

Syntax IF exp GOTO name

Description The IF instruction allows the program flow to be varied and constitutes the
fundamental function for the creation of parametric programs and sub-programs.

The Exp expression is calculated. If it is found to be false (zero), the program continues
with the next step. If exp is found to be true (not zero), the instruction continues to the
label (label) name.

If the label is further on, a block of instuctions will be jumped.

If the label is further back, the same instructions are repeated several times. In this case,
care must be taken to make sure that sooner or later the condition is found to be false, to
allow completion of the program.

exp Expression that conditions the jump

This is calculated to determine whether the jump condition is true. The exp
expression is considered false if zero, and true if the result is other than
The expression is made up of 25 characters.
name Name of label to move on to
To continue the (jump) program in cases where the exp condition is found
to be true.
The field is made up of 8 characters and can contain alphanumeric values.

DX1200.00 DY600.00 DZ18.00 .......
L QX = 0.00
L QX = QX + 50.00
B X=QX Y=100.00 Z=10.00 V1 T1 2 3 4 5
IF QX < DX - 50.00 GOTO LOOP

This program carries out 23 boring operations, each one having 5 bores. Please note use
of instruction IF for repeating boring instructions several times over.
The first bore is made at X=50.00, Y=100.00 (QX variable at first is 0.00 + 50.00=
50.00). Afterwards the IF instruction checks that QX is inside the panel by at least 50.00
mm. (QX<DX - 50.00). If the condition is true, you return to the third instruction where
variable QX is increased by 50.00 and a new boring operation is carried out at
X=100.00 and Y=100.00 and so on.

See also Label, Unconditional jump

xlvi 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax

4.32 Unconditional jump

Syntax GOTO name

Description The GOTO instruction alters the execution flow of the program. The instruction that
follows is the one placed after the label specified by the word name.

If the label is further on the resulting effect is to jump over a block of instructions.

If the label is further back, the same instructions are repeated several times In this case it
is wise to insert an IF instruction in the repeated block, to be able to terminate the
program after a certain number of repetitions. If this is not done, a program could be
repeated endlessly.

name Name of label to be jumped

This indicates the label name which the program is to be continued from.
The field is made up of 8 characters and can contain alphanumeric values.

DX1200.00 DY600.00 DZ18.00 .......
L QX = 0.00
L QX = QX + 50.00
IF QX > DX - 50.00 GOTO END
B X=QX Y=100.00 Z=10.00 V1 T1 2 3 4 5

This program carries out 23 boring operations, each one having 5 bores. Please note use
of the GOTO instruction for repeating boring instructions several times over.
The first bore is made at X=50.00, Y=100.00 (QX variable at first is 0.00 + 50.00=
50.00). Afterwards the IF instruction checks that variable QX does not contain values
that are too great. (QX>DX - 50.00). If the condition is true the program terminates, if
not, you return to the third instruction.
Variable QX is increased by 50.00 and a new boring operation is carried out at
X=100.00 and Y=100.00 and so on.

See also Label, Conditional jump.

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xlvii

Programming Description DP

4.33 Assigning Special parameter

Syntax SET name = exp

Description With this instruction it is possible to change some of the parameters set by the
manufacturer to obtain particular functions.
The syntax is similar to that of the L command (assigning a value to a variable); the only
difference between the two instructions is that the name of the variables for the SET
command is not free but is fixed and only pre-defined values can be used.

name Name of parameter to set

This indicates the name of the parameter set by the manufacturer for the
current program that you wish to change.
It can assume the following values:
exp Expression
This indicates the expression used to determine the value to be assigned to
the parameter. Maximum length is 50 characters.

ZFAST Allows you to change:

the skimming setting, or rather the distance from panel at which the bits are set before
moving on to new boring points,
the distance from the panel at which the changeover from rapid to the programmed
speed rate occurs in order to enter the work piece.
The set value, intended as the setting type, cannot be less than the one set by the

WEAMODE This indicates how to calculate tool wear used in the program. If the expression result is
equal to 0, the coefficients in the tool data are referred to in the time unit, if not, they
refer to the space unit.

SIZEFLD It is used to specify an obstacle that differs from those normally considered on the
machine (limits, hoods, panel thickness).This can be particularly useful if the workpiece
possesses features which protrude from the panel surface.
With this parameter it is necessary to specify the height of such features from the work
surface (therefore also including the panel thickness). The Z setting of the head
movement will therefore be calculated also taking into account such obstacle considered
as a setting type.


xlviii 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV

DP Working list instruction syntax


ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB xlix

Programming Description DP

5 Working list instruction syntax

5.1 List step.......................................................................................................................................... i

5.1.1 Enabling tools on the A 660 machine ..............................................................................iii
5.1.2 Programming work areas on the A 660 machine ........................................................... iv
5.1.3 Automatic determination of working area ........................................................................ v
5.2 Comment ..................................................................................................................................... vi
5.3 Assigning a value to a variable ....................................................................................................vii
5.4 Label ........................................................................................................................................... viii
5.5 Conditional step ........................................................................................................................... ix
5.6 Unconditional jump ....................................................................................................................... x

l 91670.DP.0.GB ESA/GV
DP Working list instruction syntax

ESA/GV 91670.DP.0.GB 5.51

5.1 List step

Syntax P/name DX setting DY setting DZ setting-field C {0|1} T {0|1}

R nnnn * {IN|MM} / name H1: {0|1} H2: {0|1}

Description The information contained in a list step is of fundamental importance for the correct
execution of machining programs.
The values specified in a list step override those set in the header of the program

name Name of program to be executed.

This can contain a name of a maximum of 19 alphanumeric characters.
It indicates the program name associated with the list step in question, to
be used for machining operations on panels.
The name can contain an entire heading composed of:
directory \name
DX panel X size.
The field is of the setting type and its entry is obligatory. Negative values
cannot be inserted.
DY panel Y size.
The field is of the setting type and its entry is obligatory. Negative values
cannot be inserted.
DZ Panel thickness.
The field is of the setting type and its entry is obligatory. Negative values
cannot be inserted.
- Work area on which program is to be executed.
The field is composed of two alphanumeric characters. The permitted
values are:

A, B, C, D, AB, BA, CD, DC, AD, DA

Different values can be inserted only for the A 660 machine model the significance of
which will be illustrated in Table 5.2 - Attribute codes for panel mirror imaging.
As an alternative to these values, a code that determines the mirror image attribute of the
program can be entered. On the basis of this value; the CNC automatically determines
the working area on which machining can take place (this automatic determination
does not apply to the A 660 machine model).
C CONTINUOUS function mode.
This can have the following values:
 1 function enabled
 0 function disabled

The CONTINUOUS function mode is significant when the header data

represents one of the production list steps. If active, execution of the next
list step is carried out without a pushbutton start up.

If inactive, each program requires a pushbutton start up.

The use of this active function can be used for the following:

 to split programs into modules of a shorter length and execute them

CONTINUOUSLY on the same panel,
 particular processes
The field can be omitted, in such a case the CONTINUE function is
considered inactive.

T TRANSFER function mode

It can assume the following values:
 1 function enabled
 0 function disabled

The TRANSFER function mode, if active, enables the panel to enter and
exit without being machined. It can function only in AUTOMATIC in the
FLOW SYSTEM mode The field can be omitted and in such case the
CONTINUE function is considered disabled.

R Panel repetitions.
This indicates the number of panels to be machined using the current
In this field values from 1-9999 can be entered, if omitted value 1 is used.

ii 91670.DP.0.GB Esa/Gv
* Program settings - unit of measurement
The accepted values are:
 IN inches:
If this field is omitted, the inserted values are associated with the
measurement unit established by the manufacturer.
Values of sub-programs can be written with a measurement unit different
from the programs called up. (see: Programming conventions).

/ Machine set-up associated with program

This can contain a name of up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
It indicates the tool set-up file (see Operator's Guide).
The name specified in this field should be the same as the tooling selection
for the current tool set-up at the time of program machining.
It is compulsory to specify the tool set-up required for a program.

H1 Enabling main head tools.

The values expressed in this field are significant for the A 660 machine
model only.
The accepted values are:
 1 function enabled
 0 function disabled

In combination with parameter H2, it determines several procedures during

machining which are illustrated in Table 5.1 -Tool enabling table on the
twin head.

H2 Enabling twin head tools

The values expressed in this field are significant for the A660 machine
model only.
The accepted values are:
 1 function enabled
 0 function disabled

In combination with parameter H1, it determines several procedures during

machining which are illustrated in Table 5.1- Tool enabling table on the
twin head.

5.1.1 Enabling tools on the A 660 machine

As previously illustrated, parameters H1 And H2 allow different working procedures to
be enabled or disabled using main head or twin head tools during machining. The
combination of values associated with these parameters generate the following

Esa/Gv 91670.DP.0.GB iii

H1 H2 Machining functions
0 0 Enables machining functions with a double panel; all main head
tools also call up the action of the corresponding tools on the twin
head. It is therefore unnecessary to program these as they will be set
in motion automatically. It is used for simultaneous machining of
two identical panels.

0 1 Enables machining which specifies the tools belonging to the twin

head only, i.e. tools numbered from A1 to A96. Machining
operations which specify main head tools only are not carried out.

1 0 Only enables machining which specifies tools belonging to the main

head, i.e. tools numbered from 1 to 96. Machining operations that
specify use of twin head tools only are not carried out.

1 1 Enables all the machine operations specified in the program; no

implicit work operation is generated. It is used to carry out
machining on a panel of a size that requires the use of tools of both
heads in order to complete operations
Table 5.1 - Table of tool enabling on twin head.

5.1.2 Programming work areas on the A 660 machine

The A660 machine has been set up to carry out parallel work on two panels by using a
configuration system of the working areas that is different from traditional type





Fig. 5.1 - A660 Working areas.

iv 91670.DP.0.GB Esa/Gv
The illustration shows the configuration of the working areas on the A660 machine
model with the relative panel reference symbols (maximum configuration).
The parametric values of the working areas allow one of the following function modes
to be established:
1) Machining a single, small panel (occupies half of working area).
2) Machining one large panel (occupies entire working area).
3) Parallel machining on two twin panels.

In the first case the name of the field to use as a reference for panel machining must be
specified. In this case just a single letter is accepted to indicate the area(A, B, E, F, I, J,
M, N).

In the second case a vertical combination of the areas ABEF and areas IJMN must be
specified. The possible combinations are as follows:
 AN (non mirrored panel)
 BM (panel with mirror image in X)
 MB (panel with mirror image in Y)
 NA (panel with mirror image in X and Y)

The third case applies to twin machining on two panels and the possible combinations
 AI (two non mirrored panels)
 BJ (two panels with mirror image in X)
 ME (two panels with mirror image in Y)
 NF (two panels with mirror image in X and Y)

5.1.3 Automatic determination of working area

It is possible to use a code that leaves the CNC free to determine automatically the
working area on which the panel has to be fixed.
The table here below illustrates the meaning and code for each element:

Code Operating Functions

00 Programmed machining does not have mirror image attributes
01 Programmed machining consents machining on areas with mirror image
Y active.
10 Programmed machining consents machining on areas with mirror image
X active.
11 Programmed machining consents machining on areas with mirror image
in both X and Y active.
Table 5.2 - Codes for panel mirror image attributes..

The CNC determines the working area on which the panel must be positioned and fixed
automatically, on the basis of the codes illustrated above and the size of the panel to be

Esa/Gv 91670.DP.0.GB v
5.2 Comment

Syntax * message

Description See the same command used for the programs.

vi 91670.DP.0.GB Esa/Gv
5.3 Assigning a value to a variable

Syntax L name = exp

Description See the same command used for the programs.

Esa/Gv 91670.DP.0.GB vii

5.4 Label

Syntax .name

Description See the same command used for programs.

See also Conditional step. Unconditional step

viii 91670.DP.0.GB Esa/Gv

5.5 Conditional step

Syntax IF exp GOTO name

Description See the same command used for programs.

See also Label, Unconditional jump.

Esa/Gv 91670.DP.0.GB ix
5.6 Unconditional jump

Syntax GOTO name

Description See the same command used for programs.

See also Label, Conditional jump.


x 91670.DP.0.GB Esa/Gv
Numeric Control for Boring-
Routing Machine

Diagnostic Manual (MD)

User documentation

Valid for:

Product: TRIA 7500 38.ver.rel.1

from version 03.10

Product: TRIA 7000V 38.ver.rel.1

from version 03.10

Product: TRIA 10500V 38.ver.rel.2

from version 03.10

Edition: January ‘96

Code: 91670.MD.0.GB
Diagnostic Manual MD

Restrictions Duplication, transmission and use of this document or its contents shall be considered
prohitibed unless prior authorization has been received from Morbidelli. All rights are
Even when authorized, modification of this document (either by computer or on paper)
voids the guarantees specified below.

Guarantees The product may offer performances that are not described in these manuals.
Morbidelli shall neither be obliged to maintain these functions in new versions of the
product nor to guarantee the relative assistance.

Checks have been carried out in order to ensure that the contents of these manuals
correspond to the documented product. Despite this fact, there may be discrepancies.
Morbidelli therefore offers no guarantees as to the full compliance and completeness of
the texts.
The information in this document is periodically revised and new editions are issued
when necessary.

This manual has been compiled in partial compliance with ANSI/IEEE std 1063-1987
“IEEE Standard for software User Documentation”.

Editions This document is liable to be modified without prior notice. These modifications may
involve further editions or revisions of the document.
Further editions imply complete substitution of the document.
Revision involves replacement/addition/elimination of pages of the document.
Each page is identified by the code of the document at the bottom.

MS-DOS® Trademark registered by Microsoft Corporation.

ii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual

The chronological list of editions of this document is given in the following table:

Evolution of the document

Edition Document Code Release Type of edition
16/01/1996 91670.MD.0.GB 0 New Edition

Release Chapters - Pages Description

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB iii

Diagnostic Manual MD

iv 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual

Diagnostic manual

Notes for the reader .......................................................................................................i

Symbols used ......................................................................................................................................ii
Typeface conventions......................................................................................................................... iii

1 Dialog Box................................................................................................................1.1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1.5
1.2 Message descriptions................................................................................................................ 1.6
File already exists.................................................................................................................. 1.6
File not copied ....................................................................................................................... 1.6
File does not exist ................................................................................................................. 1.6
File not removed.................................................................................................................... 1.6
File not renamed ................................................................................................................... 1.6
File protected......................................................................................................................... 1.6
Arc impossible ....................................................................................................................... 1.7
Incompatible tool set-up ........................................................................................................ 1.7
Automatic mode enabled....................................................................................................... 1.7
Automatic mode disabled ...................................................................................................... 1.7
Set to zero to obtain new I/O configuration ........................................................................... 1.7
Barrier with zero pitch............................................................................................................ 1.7
Barrier too complex ............................................................................................................... 1.8
Empty block........................................................................................................................... 1.8
Fields not accepted ............................................................................................................... 1.8
Fields not defined .................................................................................................................. 1.8
Field occupied ....................................................................................................................... 1.8
Deletion impossible ............................................................................................................... 1.8
Command unknown .............................................................................................................. 1.9
Line change not allowed in INSERT MODE.......................................................................... 1.9
Replace file?.......................................................................................................................... 1.9
Lose all changes? ................................................................................................................. 1.9
I/O confide. set to zero for errors .......................................................................................... 1.9
Incorrect I/O configuration - Outputs NOT enabled............................................................. 1.10
Incorrect final co-ord............................................................................................................ 1.10
Self copy abandoned........................................................................................................... 1.10

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB v
Diagnostic Manual MD

Construction impossible....................................................................................................... 1.10

Incorrect Ram data .............................................................................................................. 1.10
Wrong sizes ......................................................................................................................... 1.11
Directory already exists........................................................................................................ 1.11
Directory not defined............................................................................................................ 1.11
Directory not empty.............................................................................................................. 1.11
Root directory full ................................................................................................................. 1.11
List cannot be loaded........................................................................................................... 1.11
Internal NE error .................................................................................................................. 1.11
File reading ERROR !!!........................................................................................................ 1.12
Insert above? ....................................................................................................................... 1.12
Line failure !! ........................................................................................................................ 1.12
Incorrect line ........................................................................................................................ 1.12
Line ### Not found .............................................................................................................. 1.12
Line unknown....................................................................................................................... 1.12
List not homogeneous ......................................................................................................... 1.13
Wrong execution mode........................................................................................................ 1.13
At least 2 tools needed ........................................................................................................ 1.13
Directory name not valid .......................................................................................................... ix
File name not valid................................................................................................................... ix
Name not defined .................................................................................................................... ix
NOT IMPLEMENTED .............................................................................................................. ix
Not found ................................................................................................................................. ix
Wrong sequence number ........................................................................................................ ix
Too many sequences ............................................................................................................... x
Too many steps ........................................................................................................................ x
Insufficient parameters ............................................................................................................. x
Parameters not valid................................................................................................................. x
Password not valid.................................................................................................................... x
Port occupied by KERMIT ........................................................................................................ x
First hole NOT defined............................................................................................................. xi
Profile not defined.................................................................................................................... xi
Initial sizing required ................................................................................................................ xi
Incorrect rotation...................................................................................................................... xi
Sequence defined twice........................................................................................................... xi
Serial not available................................................................................................................... xi
Insufficient memory ................................................................................................................. xi
Insufficient RAMDISK memory ................................................................................................xii

vi 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual

Insufficient space on disk ........................................................................................................ xii

EDITOR mode not valid .......................................................................................................... xii
Mirror image not available for face specified........................................................................... xii
Command Time-out ................................................................................................................ xii
Too many holes....................................................................................................................... xii
Too many drops ..................................................................................................................... xiii
Too many program lines......................................................................................................... xiii
Too many lines highlighted..................................................................................................... xiii
Too many table lines .............................................................................................................. xiii
Working drive not defined ...................................................................................................... xiii
Working drive not defined ...................................................................................................... xiii
Drive unavailable .................................................................................................................... xiii
Drive not ready ....................................................................................................................... xiv
Drive protected ....................................................................................................................... xiv
User not recognized ............................................................................................................... xiv
TRIANET cannot be selected - Working directory .............................................................. 1.19
TRIANET: Login failure ....................................................................................................... 1.19
TRIANET: Logout failure ..................................................................................................... 1.19
TriaNet: (-7) Login not active............................................................................................... 1.19
TriaNet: (-6) SRT not connected ......................................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: (-5) Bus access error............................................................................................. 1.20
TriaNet: (-4) Command out of sequence ............................................................................ 1.20
TriaNet: (-3) Timeout error .................................................................................................. 1.20
TriaNet: (-2) Abort sequence............................................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: (-1) Error on the command TRIANET ................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: Connection failure.................................................................................................. 1.20

2 Machine Alarms .......................................................................................................2.1

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2.3
2.2 Alarm description....................................................................................................................... 2.4
Alarm 0: PLC block................................................................................................................ 2.4
Alarm 1: General alarm ......................................................................................................... 2.4
Alarms 2-6: n axis: LS forward .............................................................................................. 2.4
Alarms 7-11: n axis: LS back ................................................................................................ 2.5
Alarms 12-16: n axis: LS software ........................................................................................ 2.5
Alarms 17-21: n axis: sizing error.......................................................................................... 2.5
Alarms 22-26: n axis: offset error .......................................................................................... 2.6
Alarms 27-31: n axis: follow on error..................................................................................... 2.6

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB vii

Diagnostic Manual MD

Alarms 32-36: n axis: tolerance error .................................................................................... 2.6

Alarm 62: Battery low............................................................................................................. 2.7
Alarm 63: High internal temperature...................................................................................... 2.7

3 General alarms ........................................................................................................ 3.1

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3.5
3.2 Alarm description ....................................................................................................................... 3.6
Curve radius less than tool radius ......................................................................................... 3.6
Arc impossible ....................................................................................................................... 3.6
Profile impossible................................................................................................................... 3.6
Void section ..............................................................................................................................iii
Operating code not valid...........................................................................................................iii
Maximum number of recursive call ups exceeded .................................................................. iv
File name not valid................................................................................................................... iv
File name not found ............................................................................................................... 3.8
Operating code unacceptable or not recognised ................................................................... 3.9
Reading error....................................................................................................................... 3.10
GO necessary at profile start ...................................................................................................vii
Insufficient memory .................................................................................................................vii
RB - WB - SB: maximum number of steps exceeded .............................................................vii
Axis position not defined..........................................................................................................vii
Centre co-ordinate not defined ................................................................................................vii
Wrong tool for work face ........................................................................................................ viii
Insufficient memory for graphics............................................................................................. viii
Blank profile not allowed......................................................................................................... viii
Plane change not allowed........................................................................................................ ix
Wrong tool type........................................................................................................................ ix
Too deep for requested tool..................................................................................................... ix
Wrong operation for disc cutters .............................................................................................. x
Value not valid .......................................................................................................................... x
PLC block ................................................................................................................................. x
General alarm .......................................................................................................................... xi
Heat relay overload.................................................................................................................. xi
Insufficient pressure ................................................................................................................ xi
Axis alarm ................................................................................................................................ xi
Hardware limit..........................................................................................................................xii
Wrong X setting .......................................................................................................................xii
Wrong Y setting .......................................................................................................................xii

viii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Diagnostic Manual

Wrong Z setting...................................................................................................................... xiii

Wrong E setting...................................................................................................................... xiii
Axis time-out........................................................................................................................... xiii
Operator stop ......................................................................................................................... xiii
Repeats incorrect ................................................................................................................... xiv
Program non existent on field requested ............................................................................... xiv
Illegal mirror processing ......................................................................................................... xiv
Wrong or missing Header ...................................................................................................... xiv
UNSPECIFIED ERROR ..........................................................................................................xv
Compilation suspended for emergency.................................................................................. xvi
Programmed spindle error ..................................................................................................... xvi
Spindle configuration impossible............................................................................................ xvi
Pick-up impossible ................................................................................................................. xvi
Machining impossible with chosen set-up ............................................................................. xvii
Probing error ........................................................................................................................ xviii
Wrong A setting.................................................................................................................... xviii
Rotation impossible .............................................................................................................. xviii
Wrong expression .................................................................................................................. xix
Variable not defined ............................................................................................................... xix
Expression too complex ......................................................................................................... xix
Too many local variables allocated ........................................................................................ xix
Label already defined ............................................................................................................. xix
Label not defined.................................................................................................................... xix
Maximum number of labels exceeded ....................................................................................xx
Division by ZERO ....................................................................................................................xx
Value outside operator associated DOMAIN...........................................................................xx
Operation result too big (OVERFLOW)...................................................................................xx
Machining group risk of collision .............................................................................................xx
Deviation greater than the permitted limit............................................................................... xxi
Angled machining command not suitable .............................................................................. xxi
Tool rotation not coherent ...................................................................................................... xxi
Max. 1 passage allowed per operation.................................................................................. xxii
Tools with incompatible pitch/roll........................................................................................... xxii
Wrong rotation regime........................................................................................................... xxii
Tool table search error ......................................................................................................... xxiii
Rotation not defined for XY null section ............................................................................... xxiii
Tool with unsuitable pitch/roll ............................................................................................... xxiii
Ambiguous entry side........................................................................................................... xxiv

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB ix
Diagnostic Manual MD

Tool entry/working direction changed ...................................................................................xxiv

4 Diagnostic Manual Alarms ..................................................................................... 4.1

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4.5
4.2 Message Descriptions................................................................................................................ 4.6
CONTROL PANEL EMERGENCY ........................................................................................ 4.6
MOTOR PROTECTION - OIL PUMP FAILURE .................................................................... 4.6
INSUFF. AIR PRESS............................................................................................................. 4.6
MACHINE EMERGENCY ...................................................................................................... 4.6
AXES BEYOND LIMIT........................................................................................................... 4.7
DRIVE FAULT - X AXIS......................................................................................................... 4.7
DRIVE FAULT - Y AXIS......................................................................................................... 4.7
DRIVE FAULT - Z AXIS............................................................................................................iii
DRIVE FAULT - E AXIS............................................................................................................iii
LIMIT STOP - X+ AXIS............................................................................................................ iv
LIMIT STOP - X- AXIS............................................................................................................. iv
LIMIT STOP - Y+ AXIS............................................................................................................ iv
LIMIT STOP - Y- AXIS.............................................................................................................. v
LIMIT STOP - Z+ AXIS ............................................................................................................ v
LIMIT STOP - Z- AXIS.............................................................................................................. v
LIMIT STOP - E+ AXIS............................................................................................................ vi
LIMIT STOP - E- AXIS............................................................................................................. vi
ABORT AUTOMATIC MODE .................................................................................................. vi
STOP REQUEST..................................................................................................................... vi
PUSHBUTTON STEP ON HOLD ............................................................................................ vi
HOLD FROM COMMAND PANEL ..........................................................................................vii
INCONGRUENT TOOLS.........................................................................................................vii
HOLD FROM MACHINING GROUP .......................................................................................vii
TOOL OUT OF POSITION ......................................................................................................vii
INVERTER EMERGENCY ......................................................................................................vii
VACUUM FAILURE ................................................................................................................ viii
INEX.PROGRAM ON REQUESTED FIELD........................................................................... viii
FIELD OCCUPIED.................................................................................................................. viii
TOOL LOCK ERROR ............................................................................................................. viii
DRIVE FAULT A AXIS............................................................................................................ viii
SIMULATED OPERATION ...................................................................................................... ix
AXES TIME-OUT..................................................................................................................... ix
MAN. ELEC.SPINDLE 1 LOAD ............................................................................................... ix

x 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual

MAN. ELEC.SPINDLE 2 LOAD................................................................................................ix

MAN. ELE.-SPINDLE 3 LOAD ..................................................................................................x
CHANGE MAGAZINE ...............................................................................................................x
EXTRACT MAGAZINE..............................................................................................................x
TOOL LOADING .......................................................................................................................x
TOOL DISCHARGE ..................................................................................................................x
CALIBRATE AXES...................................................................................................................xi
INCORRECT SEQUENCE.......................................................................................................xi
INCORRECT TOOL ................................................................................................................. xi
ELEC.-SPINDLE NON PRESENT ...........................................................................................xi
ELEC.-SPINDLE 1 FAULT .......................................................................................................xi
ELEC.-SPINDLE 2 FAULT ...................................................................................................... xii
ELEC.-SPINDLE 3 FAULT ...................................................................................................... xii
SELECT ELEC.-SPINDLE ...................................................................................................... xii
WITHDRAW MAGAZINE ........................................................................................................ xii
DISCHARGE ELEC.-SPINDLE 1 ............................................................................................ xii
DISCHARGE ELEC.-SPINDLE 2 ........................................................................................... xiii
DISCHARGE ELEC.-SPINDLE 3 ........................................................................................... xiii
DISACTIVATE AUTOMATIC SYSTEM.................................................................................. xiii
LOW SHUTTLE HOLD .......................................................................................................... xiii
LOW SHUTTLE HOLD .......................................................................................................... xiii
HIGH ELEC.-SPINDLE HOLD ............................................................................................... xiv
LOCKED TOOL HOLD........................................................................................................... xiv
UNLOCKED TOOL HOLD ..................................................................................................... xiv
ELEC.-SPINDLE POS. 150 HOLD......................................................................................... xiv
MAGAZINE EXTRACTION HOLD ..........................................................................................xv
RETRIEVED MAGAZINE HOLD .............................................................................................xv
ELEC.-SPINDLE 1 WITHOUT TOOL .....................................................................................xv
ELEC.-SPINDLE 2 WITHOUT TOOL .....................................................................................xv
ELEC.-SPINDLE 3 WITHOUT TOOL .................................................................................... xvi
PUSHBUTTON START HOLD............................................................................................... xvi
EMERG. FROM PHOTOCELLS ............................................................................................ xvi
HOLD REQUEST ................................................................................................................... xvi
LUBRICATION IN PROGRESS ............................................................................................. xvi
LUBRICATION ERROR ........................................................................................................ xvii
CONFIRM CONVEYER DISCHARGE .................................................................................. xvii
SETTING MODE ................................................................................................................... xvii
HIGH PROTEC. OPERAT. GRP HOLD............................................................................... xviii

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB xi
Diagnostic Manual MD

LOW PROTEC. OPERAT. GRP HOLD................................................................................ xviii

EXTERNAL MAGAZINE TOOL ERROR .............................................................................. xviii
TIME-OUT MAGAZINE ..........................................................................................................xix
TOOL CHANGE ERROR .......................................................................................................xix
MANUAL TOOL CHANGE......................................................................................................xix
ELEC.-SPINDLE NOT IN POSTION ......................................................................................xix
SHUTTLE ROTATION HOLD................................................................................................. xx
SHUTTLE NOT IN POSITION................................................................................................ xx
MAGAZINE NOT IN POSITION ............................................................................................. xx
MAGAZINE GRIPPER HOLD................................................................................................. xx
GRIPPER 1 OPEN .................................................................................................................xxi
GRIPPER 2 OPEN .................................................................................................................xxi
HOOD NOT IN POSITION .....................................................................................................xxi
VECTOR NOT IN POSITION .................................................................................................xxi
TOOL EXTRACTION FROM SHUTTLE ................................................................................xxi
ERROR IN MANUAL TEST PAGE ........................................................................................xxii
TOOL UNLOCK ERROR.......................................................................................................xxii
INVERTER FREQUENCE ERROR .......................................................................................xxii
TOOL CHANGE NOT IN POSITION .....................................................................................xxii
ZERO FEED RATE............................................................................................................... xxiii
WORK LIST TERMINATED ................................................................................................. xxiii
HOODS RAISED BY OPERATOR ....................................................................................... xxiii
INCONGRUENT FIELDS ..................................................................................................... xxiii
LOAD K CONSTANTS .........................................................................................................xxiv
WORN TOOL .......................................................................................................................xxiv
INSUFF. BATTERY POWER ...............................................................................................xxiv
CNC TEMPERATURE TOO HIGH........................................................................................xxv


xii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Diagnostic Manual

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Diagnostic Manual MD

Notes for the reader

General information The information contained in this document applies solely to the software versions
stated in the foreword.

It may be that not all the functions featured by the product are described in this
document; in such a case MORBIDELLI is in no way obliged to provide guarantees for
these functions or to guarantee that they will be preserved in future versions of the

Aim The aim of this document is to help the operator in using the control.

Users This document contains information designed for::

 Machine operator

Use of the document The document is divided into chapters describing

 Alarm messages
 PLC alarms
 Machine alarms
 General alarms

Problem notification For any eventual problems arising from the use of this document please contact

xiv 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Diagnostic Manual

Symbols used

Certain graphic symbols may appear beside pieces of the text. These are used to
highlight particularly important pieces of information.

This symbol is used when lack of observance or the adoption of adequate safety
measures could cause slight damage to materials or persons

This symbol is used when lack of observance of adequate safety measures or wrong
handling could cause serious damage to persons and/or materials

This symbol is used throughout the document to denote the presence of particularly
important information. Reading these sections is considered paramount to achieving a
good understanding of the document contents..

This symbol appears when a section of the document deals with functions or parts
which are only available as optional extras. The use of such optional features must be
agreed to by the machine manufacturer

This symbol is used to indicate sections of the document reserved for the machine

Key word
This symbol appears to highlight sections of the document which describe functions
protected by software access keys

This symbol is used to denote sections of the manual which describe functions only
available on TRIA and not TRIAPC controls

This symbol is used to denote sections of the manual which describe functions only
available on TRIAPC and not TRIA controls

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB xv
Diagnostic Manual MD

Typeface conventions

To help information to be identified in this document particular typeface conventions are

used. These conventions are shown here:

Keyboard and Video The following conventions are adopted..

 The names of the keys with words printed on are shown in bold type and are
contained in square brackets. If the name of the key is accompanied by “button”
then this refers to one of the push button panel keys.
 [ENTER]. Indicates the key showing the word ENTER.
 [+]indicates the + key on the keyboard while button[+] indicates the + key on the
push button panel
 The names of the function keys are shown in bold italics and contained in square
 [Menu Plc]. Indicates the function key showing the words Menu Plc.
 Reference to fields and/or messages shown on the video are written in bold italics.
 The specific text to be written by the user is shown underlined.
 If the manual states “enter ok” the exact text “ok” must be entered.
 DIRECTION or DIRECTIONAL keys is the collective name for the arrow keys UP,
 When pressing a series of keys in sequence, the keys to be pressed are separated by
 [Manual ] > [START]. Indicates that the [Manual ] key is to be pressed
followed by the [START] key.
 When more than one key is to be pressed simultaneously the “+” character separates
the two keys to be pressed.
 [SHIFT] + [->] Indicates that the [SHIFT] key and the [->] key are to be
pressed together.

Text The following conventions are adopted.

 Italics are used to show specialist terminology
 bold type is used to highlight particularly important words

xvi 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Diagnostic Manual


CNC The standard abbreviation for Computerized Numerical Control which indicates the
equipment used to control the machine, or rather the electronic device used for
programming the machining cycles, moving the axes etc..

DNC The standard abbreviation for Direct Numerical Control which indicates that part of
CNC functions is controlled by a remote computer .

SSV The standard abbreviation for Serial SuperVisor. has a similar significance to DNC with
one difference that the communication protocols used are different.


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Diagnostic Manual MD

1 Dialog Box

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i

1.2 Message descriptions ................................................................................................................... ii
File already exists ..................................................................................................................... ii
File not copied .......................................................................................................................... ii
File does not exist..................................................................................................................... ii
File not removed ....................................................................................................................... ii
File not renamed....................................................................................................................... ii
File protected ............................................................................................................................ ii
Arc impossible .......................................................................................................................... ii
Incompatible tool set-up............................................................................................................iii
Automatic mode enabled ..........................................................................................................iii
Automatic mode disabled .........................................................................................................iii
Set to zero to obtain new I/O configuration...............................................................................iii
Barrier with zero pitch ...............................................................................................................iii
Barrier too complex...................................................................................................................iii
Empty block ............................................................................................................................. iv
Fields not accepted.................................................................................................................. iv
Fields not defined .................................................................................................................... iv
Field occupied.......................................................................................................................... iv
Deletion impossible.................................................................................................................. iv
Command unknown................................................................................................................. iv
Line change not allowed in INSERT MODE ............................................................................. v
Replace file? ............................................................................................................................. v
Lose all changes?..................................................................................................................... v
I/O confide. set to zero for errors.............................................................................................. v
Incorrect I/O configuration - Outputs NOT enabled .................................................................. v
Incorrect final co-ord. ............................................................................................................... vi
Self copy abandoned ............................................................................................................... vi
Construction impossible........................................................................................................... vi
Incorrect Ram data .................................................................................................................. vi
Wrong sizes ............................................................................................................................. vi
Directory already exists............................................................................................................ vi
Directory not defined................................................................................................................vii
Directory not empty..................................................................................................................vii
Root directory full .....................................................................................................................vii

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MD Diagnostic Manual

List cannot be loaded .............................................................................................................. vii

Internal NE error...................................................................................................................... vii
File reading ERROR !!! ........................................................................................................... vii
Insert above?........................................................................................................................... vii
Line failure !!........................................................................................................................... viii
Incorrect line........................................................................................................................... viii
Line ### Not found ................................................................................................................. viii
Line unknown ......................................................................................................................... viii
List not homogeneous ............................................................................................................ viii
Wrong execution mode .......................................................................................................... viii
At least 2 tools needed.............................................................................................................ix
Directory name not valid...........................................................................................................ix
File name not valid ...................................................................................................................ix
Name not defined .....................................................................................................................ix
NOT IMPLEMENTED...............................................................................................................ix
Not found..................................................................................................................................ix
Wrong sequence number.........................................................................................................ix
Too many sequences ................................................................................................................x
Too many steps.........................................................................................................................x
Insufficient parameters..............................................................................................................x
Parameters not valid .................................................................................................................x
Password not valid ....................................................................................................................x
Port occupied by KERMIT .........................................................................................................x
First hole NOT defined .............................................................................................................xi
Profile not defined ....................................................................................................................xi
Initial sizing required.................................................................................................................xi
Incorrect rotation ......................................................................................................................xi
Sequence defined twice ...........................................................................................................xi
Serial not available ...................................................................................................................xi
Insufficient memory ..................................................................................................................xi
Insufficient RAMDISK memory................................................................................................ xii
Insufficient space on disk ........................................................................................................ xii
EDITOR mode not valid .......................................................................................................... xii
Mirror image not available for face specified........................................................................... xii
Command Time-out ................................................................................................................ xii
Too many holes....................................................................................................................... xii
Too many drops ..................................................................................................................... xiii
Too many program lines......................................................................................................... xiii

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Too many lines highlighted .....................................................................................................xiii

Too many table lines...............................................................................................................xiii
Working drive not defined.......................................................................................................xiii
Drive unavailable ....................................................................................................................xiii
Drive not ready........................................................................................................................xiv
Drive protected .......................................................................................................................xiv
User not recognized................................................................................................................xiv
TRIANET cannot be selected - Working directory............................................................... 1.19
TRIANET: Login failure........................................................................................................ 1.19
TRIANET: Logout failure...................................................................................................... 1.19
TriaNet: (-7) Login not active ............................................................................................... 1.19
TriaNet: (-6) SRT not connected ......................................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: (-5) Bus access error ............................................................................................. 1.20
TriaNet: (-4) Command out of sequence............................................................................. 1.20
TriaNet: (-3) Timeout error................................................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: (-2) Abort sequence ............................................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: (-1) Error on the command TRIANET.................................................................... 1.20
TriaNet: Connection failure .................................................................................................. 1.20

xx 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
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ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB 1.21

1.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the errors and error messages which appear in one general
window known as the Dialogue Box in the centre of the screen.
The possible causes and remedies are listed for each error message that may appear.

The Dialogue Boxes with the heading System Warning contain system messages
concerning errors that cannot be rectified by the operator.
When such messages appear contact immediately the service centre and do not carry
out any further operations using the CNC.
Diagnostic Manual MD

1.2 Message descriptions

File already exists

Cause: You have tried to rename a file with a name that already exists in the directory.
Remedy: Change the name of the file in question in order to avoid conflict with the one that already
exists. Alternatively delete the existing file if it is no longer needed.

File not copied

Cause: The file copy operation has not been carried out successfully.
Remedy: Check why this has happened; it may be that the file will not receive data (damaged floppy

File does not exist

Cause: The file specified does not exist.
Remedy: Check that the correct name has been entered. In the case of programs or lists, check that
the correct directory has been selected. Check also that the working disk is the correct one.

File not removed

Cause: The delete file operation has not been carried out successfully.
Remedy: Check why this has happened; it may be that the file or disk is damaged.

File not renamed

Cause: The rename file operation has not been carried out successfully.
Remedy: Check why this has happened; it may be that the file or disk is damaged.

File protected
Cause: The file cannot be edited.
Remedy: The file has probably been edited using a Personal Computer and has been write protected
against accidental erasure. In this case use the same means to remove the protection. It is
impossible for the CNC to remove protection or write on protected files.

Arc impossible
Cause: The graphic utility requested cannot generate an arc with the required characteristics.
Remedy: Check the settings of the centre and/or final point co-ordinates.

ii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Machine Alarms

Incompatible tool set-up

Cause: The tool set-up selected (on the tool set-up page in the appropriate function mode) is
different from what is indicated in the list step, or in the program header if in the program
execution phase.
Remedy: Check that the working tool set-up is defined correctly in the list or program. Check also
that the right tool set-up has been selected.

Automatic mode enabled

Cause: The automatic mode is still active, and so it is not possible to carry out calibration or
operate manually.
Remedy: To carry out the operations required you need to disable the automatic mode and wait for
the CNC to communicate that this has happened. Only after this operation is carried out is it
possible to access the other modes that allow the axes to be moved.

Automatic mode disabled

Cause: A command for an automatic cycle is being given, from the DNC or SSV, but it is not
Remedy: Enable the automatic cycle and repeat the operation.

Set to zero to obtain new I/O configuration

Cause: You have tried to access the PLC menu immediately after loading the machine Set-up.
Remedy: The CNC must be set to zero after entering the Machine Set-up. This is because the entry
and exit registers must be configured. This error message only arises during the initial CNC
configuration phase. The parameter entry phase is however possible before setting the CNC
to zero.

Barrier with zero pitch

Cause: In the syntactic utilities for generating hole barriers, you have tried to specify a tool
combination for which the offsets of the two tools with the lowest number are identical (in
the co-ordinates for the axis along which the barrier is aligned).
Remedy: The pitch must be specified and must be other than zero.

Barrier too complex

Cause: In the syntactic utilities for generating hole barriers you have attempted to generate a hole
barrier which requires too many instructions.
Remedy: The maximum number of instructions which can be used for a barrier generated using a
utility is 100. Check the accuracy of the parameters entered. If it is indeed found that the
barrier is too complex, divide it into parts and generate it through two or more utility

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Empty block
Cause: Program block operations are being attempted without any line having been selected.
Remedy: Select at least one program line and repeat the operation.

Fields not accepted

Cause: A code of a field which is not valid has been specified in the list step or program Header (in
the program execution phase).
Remedy: Trace the error and specify a field code which is valid.

Fields not defined

Cause: An unacceptable field code has been specified in the list step or program Header (in the
program execution phase).
Remedy: insert an acceptable field

Field occupied
Cause: A command of the type is being given, from the DNC or SSV,

to a field already occupied. The command is not added to the list.

Deletion impossible
Cause: The file in question cannot be deleted.
Remedy: The file has probably been edited using a Personal Computer and has been write protected
against accidental erasure. In this case use the same means to remove the protection. It is
impossible for the CNC to remove protection or delete protected files.

Command unknown
Cause: One of the following:
 you are attempting to use an unknown command or one not permitted by the
manufacturer’s configuration;
 the program may come from a CNC which uses a later software version;
 the program you are attempting to use was generated on an incompatible CNC;
 the file is damaged.
Remedy: Check where the program came from, whether another CNC or otherwise. The commands
issued cannot be carried out unless compatible with the CNC configuration.

iv 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Machine Alarms

Line change not allowed in INSERT MODE

Cause: After having enabled the editor in Insert , the sequences were complied. The operation is
not accepted.
Remedy: Go into the Replace mode and try compilation once more.

Replace file?
Cause: You are copying a file to a directory where there is already one present with the same name.
Remedy: Confirm to continue with the copying operation, cancel to avoid substitution.

Lose all changes?

Cause: You have requested exit from an editor page without having saved the changes made. The
CNC asks for confirmation that the changes are to be ignored.
Remedy: Confirm to exit without saving, cancel if the request was made accidentally.

I/O config. set to zero for errors

Cause: The Input/Output board syntax configuration is correct, but an attempt has been made to
configure a register that requires and I/O expansion not present on the MASTER or SLAVE
Remedy: Check whether the register configured is correct or whether the configuration of a CNC with
a higher number of inputs/outputs has been loaded by mistake. If not, check that the
expansion required has been installed: install it if it is not present. If this is not the case the
CNC requires technical assistance.

If this error should arise when the CNC is turned on under normal conditions (battery
charged, no changes in the parameters etc.) do not attempt to use the machine but
contact a service technician immediately.

Incorrect I/O configuration - Outputs NOT enabled

Cause: The Input/Output board configuration is incorrect. For safety reasons all the outputs are
Remedy: Load the Machine Set-up or set the I/O registers manually. Load the parameters if
necessary. Set the CNC to zero, making sure the error does not repeat itself..

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Diagnostic Manual MD

If this error should arise when the CNC is turned on under normal conditions (battery
charged, no changes in the parameters etc.) do not attempt to use the machine but
contact a service technician immediately.

Incorrect final co-ord.

Cause: In entering the parameters for a hole barrier a final co-ordinate has been specified which is
less than the start co-ordinate.
Remedy: If necessary invert the start and finish points.

Self copy abandoned

Cause: An attempt has been made to copy a file to itself.
Remedy: Select a different path or another name for the file.

Construction impossible
Cause: In using a graphic utility you have requested a profile which is impossible to construct with
the geometric procedure selected.
Remedy: Check the data entered and that the construction is feasible using that particular function.

Incorrect Ram data

Cause: The PLC sequences stored in the RAM are invalid.
Remedy: Edit the PLC sequence required and compile it.

Wrong sizes
Cause: The positions set for the suckers (see SUPPORTS parameters) are incompatible with the
machining program or are in some way incorrect.
Remedy: Check the program you wish to carry out and, if necessary, reset the sucker positions.

Directory already exists

Cause: You have attempted to create a directory which already exists in the working disk selected.
Remedy: Repeat the operation using a different name for the directory.

vi 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Machine Alarms

Directory not defined

Cause: Access to programs or lists has been requested without having first specified the directory
associated with the working disk. This may happen in either the editing or the automatic
Remedy: Go into FILE MANAGEMENT and specify the working disk.

Directory not empty

Cause: You have attempted to delete a directory which contains files.
Remedy: First delete all the files in that directory and then repeat the operation.

Root directory full

Cause: The main directory (the root) has reached the maximum number of files/directories it can
memorise. The amount of memory available depends on the type of Backup (RAMDISK,
Remedy: Check through to see whether all the files stored in the root directory are really
indispensable for machine operation. remember that all files, with the exception of programs
and lists, are memorised in the root directory.

List cannot be loaded

Cause: The list of files to be shown on the screen is too large.
Remedy: Reduce the number of files in the directory or enter the name of the file manually, keying in
the letters rather than selecting with the cursor keys.

Internal NE error
Cause: A serious error has occurred inside the editor.
Remedy: Contact the service centre giving as much information as possible about the conditions
which caused the error and the exact sequence of operations which preceded it.

File reading ERROR !!!

Cause: An error has occurred while receiving a file from a remote unit.
Remedy: Repeat the operation.

Insert above?
Cause: In the list editing phase you have attempted to insert a line above the first one; confirm or

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Diagnostic Manual MD

Line failure !!
Cause: During serial communication the link has broken down and the two units are now no longer
Remedy: Repeat the serial connection procedure, preferably after having identified the cause of the

Incorrect line
Cause: The particular program line contains incorrect data.
Remedy: Identify the error and correct the line.

Line ### Not found

Cause: The program line specified does not exist.
Remedy: Repeat the operation specifying the correct line number.

Line unknown
Cause: The format of the program line loaded is incorrect.
Remedy: Check the file origin.

List not homogeneous

Cause: The list being run contains steps which are not homogeneous. The combination of
suckers/reference stops common to all the working fields specified in the list steps is
Remedy: Check which step is at fault. Correct the step and run the list again. This alarm is also
triggered if you try to run a program which requires a working field that is different from
those specified in the current list, whether entered using [Run list ] or [Run program ]. The
new step makes the list non-homogeneous. Remember that even if one step is completed,
the remaining steps must still be homogeneous, as if that step still existed.

Wrong execution mode

Cause: A command is being given, by the DNC or SSV, that cannot be carried out.
Remedy: Check that the command given is correct.

viii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Machine Alarms

At least 2 tools needed

Cause: In the syntactic utilities for generating hole barriers, a single tool has been specified without
entering the boring pitch.
Remedy: Enter the boring pitch and specify at least two tools.

Directory name not valid

Cause: You have attempted to create a directory using unacceptable characters.
Remedy: Repeat the operation using only the characters accepted.

File name not valid

Cause: You have attempted to create or select a file using unacceptable characters.
Remedy: Repeat the operation using only the characters accepted

Name not defined

Cause: No file has been selected although to carry out the operation requested it is necessary to do
This message may appear when you access the editor function without having specified a
program name.
Remedy: Enter a valid name and carry out the operation you require. Make sure that the
disk/directory are correct. If they are both correct, check that the disk is inserted in the disk
drive which is currently working.

Cause: You have tried to use a CNC option which is either not available or not enabled.
Remedy: The function requested cannot be used unless it is enabled. Contact the service centre if you
are interested in using this option.

Not found
Cause: The program line you are looking for has not been found.

Wrong sequence number

Cause: A sequence label has been entered which is either not numerical or beyond the range
Remedy: Check the sequence. If you are not sure which numbers can be used, check which sequences
can be enabled by the PLC controller.

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Diagnostic Manual MD

Too many sequences

Cause: Too many sequences have been entered. The internal reference table is full.
Remedy: Reduce the number of sequences, trying to take full advantage of the possibility of referring
to parameters or dialogue variables with the PLC. Optimize the PLC program

Too many steps

Cause: The total number of steps of all the sequences exceeds the maximum allowed.
Remedy: Reduce the number of sequence steps taking advantage of the possibility of expressing
series of signals at the same time as axis movement. Optimize the PLC program.

Insufficient parameters
Cause: The parameters entered are not enough to define the geometrical construction you wish to
Remedy: Add the missing parameters in order to define the construction properly.

Parameters not valid

Cause: The parameters stored to memory are not valid. In such a situation it is not possible to carry
out the functions which involve axis movement and graphic simulation.
Remedy: This alarm usually occurs during the initial CNC configuration phase. If it occurs at start up
then it may be that the battery used for memory backup has run flat. Check whether the
Battery Flat message appears in the error signals. In this case, replace the battery and reload
the parameters, if this does not work contact the service centre.

Password not valid

Cause: The password entered to format the disk is not correct.
Remedy: Enter the word FORMAT when the password is requested and check that the operation is
carried out.

Port occupied by KERMIT

Cause: The port selected for the bar code reader (BCR) is already being used for dialogue with a
remote computer using the KERMIT protocol.
Remedy: Check configuration of the serial ports in the Barcode Set-up and Communications Set-up
menus. The two menus should show different serial ports.

x 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Machine Alarms

First hole NOT defined

Cause: The first line of the optimizer has not been filled in correctly.
Remedy: Track down the missing parameter and enter it.

Profile not defined

Cause: The program in question contains an isolated profile start. The GO command must be
followed by at least one interpolation section.
Remedy: Correct the program instruction sequence.

Initial sizing required

Cause: You have attempted to access a function which can only be carried out once the axes have
been calibrated but in this case they have not. Sizing should always be carried out each time
the machine is turned on and before operations requiring axis movement.
Remedy: Calibrate the axes and then repeat the operation you require.

Incorrect rotation
Cause: An unacceptable direction has been specified for a circumference within a utility.
Remedy: Specify the value 2 (clockwise) or 3 (counter clockwise) in the field where the
circumference direction needs to be entered. Any other value will cause the error message to

Sequence defined twice

Cause: The same label appears twice in the sequence list.
Remedy: Check that the sequence labels are correct or remove the sequence that is not needed.

Serial not available

Cause: You have attempted to select serial as the WORKING disk, when it can only be used as a
Remedy: Select a different disk drive.

Insufficient memory
Cause: There is not enough memory available to carry out the operation requested.
Remedy: Check that the machine is not carrying out other operations (i.e. serial communication,
automatic mode etc.). These type operations could limit the amount of memory available.

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Diagnostic Manual MD

Insufficient RAMDISK memory

Cause: There is not enough memory on the RAMDISK.
Remedy: Remove any unnecessary files and/or move some of the files to a Backup memory storage

Insufficient space on disk

Cause: There is not enough memory on the disk.
Remedy: Replace the disk used with a fresh one or one with more memory available.

EDITOR mode not valid

Cause: The function requested cannot be carried out while on the HEADER line and when the
editor is in INSERT MODE.
Remedy: Select another line or remove the editor from the INSERT MODE and repeat the

Mirror image not available for face specified

Cause: A hole has been described, the attributes of which are unsuitable for the panel face on which
it is to be made.
The unacceptable conditions are:
 X mirror image not accepted for holes on faces 2 and 3,
 Y mirror image not accepted for holes on faces 4 and 5.
Remedy: Check the hole description.

Command Time-out
Cause: The remote system has not replied correctly to the CNC request within the specified time.
Remedy: Repeat the operation. If the problem persists, check the connections.

Too many holes

Cause: Optimization has been requested for too many holes.
The maximum number of holes that can be optimized at one time is 200.
Remedy: Carry out optimization in more than one operation, each one containing a number of holes
within the limit. The optimization obtained will not be the maximum but given the number
of holes to be made, this will not affect machining time by any great deal.

xii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Machine Alarms

Too many drops

Cause: Optimization has generated too many drops.
The maximum number of drops that can be optimized at one time is 200.
Remedy: Carry out optimization in more than one operation, each one containing a number of drops
within the limit.
This alarm message may indicate limited or non-existent optimization. Certain data entered
could make the grouping of several holes in a single multi-tool drop impossible. You are
advised to check all the data entered for hole description.

Too many program lines

Cause: In the program editing phase the maximum number of lines has been exceeded.
Remedy: Reduce the number of lines in the program, perhaps transferring some parts to sub-

Too many lines highlighted

Cause: In the program editing phase the maximum number of highlighted lines has been exceeded
or you have attempted to highlight all the lines in the program.
Remedy: Carry out a series of copy/cancel operations.

Too many table lines

Cause: A line is being inserted into the optimizer table, causing the following lines to all move
down one. This operations requires that the last line, having nowhere to move to, should not
contain any data.
Remedy: Delete, where possible, at least one of the lines following the insertion point and repeat the
operation, otherwise divide optimization in more than one operation. The optimization
obtained will not be the maximum but given the number of holes to be made, this will not
affect machining time by any great deal.

Working drive not defined

Cause: You have attempted to carry out operations using the working drive when it has not been
correctly defined.
Remedy: Define the working drive and repeat the operation.

Drive unavailable
Cause: Informs you that the working drive or backup requested is unavailable on the CNC.
Remedy: Select a drive from those available and repeat the operation.

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Diagnostic Manual MD

Drive not ready

Cause: The drive in question is not ready to carry out the operation requested.
Remedy: If access to a floppy disk is requested:
 check that the disk in inserted properly; if necessary, take it out and then insert it again,
then repeat the operation;
 if this does not solve the problem, try a different floppy disk; if the error does not show
itself again, probably the first disk was defective;
 if neither of these operations solves the problem, contact the service centre for help.
If the problem arises with a disk drive other than floppy disk, contact the service centre for

Drive protected
Cause: The floppy disk in the DISK drive is write protected against accidental erasure.
Remedy: Remove the protection and repeat the operation.

User not recognized

Cause: The function requested can only be accessed by authorised persons or service personnel.
The necessary password has not been entered.
Remedy: If you have an urgent need to access that function, contact an authorised person or a service

TRIANET cannot be selected - Working directory

Cause: An attempt has been made to select TRIANET as a WORKING unit.
Remedy: TRIANET can only be selected as a BACK UP unit, or from the working unit only to access
the configuration parameters (FORMAT function).

TRIANET: Login failure

Cause: An attempt to link up to the network (LOGIN) has failed
 check that the server is turned on.
Remedy:  check the CNC to network connections.
 check that the CNC network card is working properly.

xiv 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Machine Alarms

TRIANET: Logout failure

Cause: An attempt to exit the network (LOGOUT) has failed or has already been successfully
 check that the server is turned on.
 check the CNC to network connections.
 check that the CNC network card is working properly

TriaNet: (-7) Login not active

Cause: Access to the network has been made without an active connection
Remedy: Access the network in the correct manner (LOGIN).

TriaNet: (-6) SRT not connected

Cause: The network card is not working properly
Remedy: Contact the dealer

TriaNet: (-5) Bus access error

Cause: The network card is not working properly
Remedy: Contact the dealer

TriaNet: (-4) Command out of sequence

Cause: The network card is not working properly
Remedy: Contact the dealer

TriaNet: (-3) Timeout error

Cause: The connection to the server is not working properly
Remedy: Check the network connections, and then check that the server is working properly.
Now repeat the operation which caused the error.

TriaNet: (-2) Abort sequence

Cause: The connection to the server is not working properly
Remedy: Contact the dealer

TriaNet: (-1) Error on the command TRIANET

Cause: The connection to the server is not working properly
Remedy: Contact the dealer.

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB xv
Diagnostic Manual MD

TriaNet: Connection failure

Cause: The connection to the server is not working properly
Remedy: Contact the dealer.


xvi 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Machine Alarms

2 Machine Alarms

2.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................i

2.2 Alarm description...........................................................................................................................ii
Alarm 0: PLC block....................................................................................................................ii
Alarm 1: General alarm .............................................................................................................ii
Alarms 2-6: n axis: LS forward ..................................................................................................ii
Alarms 7-11: n axis: LS back ................................................................................................... iii
Alarms 12-16: n axis: LS software ........................................................................................... iii
Alarms 17-21: n axis: sizing error............................................................................................. iii
Alarms 22-26: n axis: offset error .............................................................................................iv
Alarms 27-31: n axis: follow on error........................................................................................iv
Alarms 32-36: n axis: tolerance error .......................................................................................iv
Alarm 62: Battery low ................................................................................................................v
Alarm 63: High internal temperature .........................................................................................v

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB xvii

2.18 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
2.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with all the alarms caused by critical situations or malfunction in the
machine actuating mechanisms.
Axis alarms come into this category.
The possible causes and remedies for each error message are listed.

These alarms do not interfere with program or list editing, copying, visualising the
graphic representation of different programs or other operations which do not involve
the machine actuators.

Identifying the cause of some of these problems may require the assistance of technical
personnel. It is important to take the appropriate safety precautions in order to avoid
potential damage to people or physical objects.
General alarms MD

2.2 Alarm description

Alarm 0: PLC block

Cause: The PLC is not working because it has not yet been activated, has been stopped manually or
because there has been a data loss due to time-out.
Remedy: Put the machine immediately into the emergency mode, contact service assistance and
relate the circumstances under which the situation arose.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES attempt to use functions which involve movement of

the axes or mechanical machine parts while the PLC is blocked.

Alarm 1: General alarm

Cause: The CNC has detected a general machine alarm. The operator has probably triggered one of
the various safety devices located around the machine (e.g.: emergency cable, emergency
mushroom pushbutton, photocell if fitted, etc.).
Remedy: Eliminate the cause of the alarm. Check that there are no tools or anything similar in the
machine path. Press the EMERGENCY RESET button on the control panel and wait a few
seconds for it to clear.

Alarms 2-6: n axis: LS forward

Cause: Signals that the n axis (X, Y, Z, or E) indicated has reached its upper limit.
Remedy: This situation should only arise under the following conditions:
 when the machine is not calibrated, in the [Manual ] function mode
 when the machine has been calibrated with incorrect positioning of the upper axis
 In this case contact service assistance, in order to check the upper limit axis

To return to the normal working mode, from the [Manual ] function recover the axis by
pressing [pushbutton - ]. No further operation will be allowed using the axis until it has
been brought away from the upper limit.

ii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD General alarms

Alarms 7-11: n axis: LS back

Cause: Signals that the n axis (X, Y, Z, or E) indicated has reached its lower limit.
Remedy: This situation should only arise under the following conditions:
 when the machine is not calibrated, in the [Manual ] function mode.
 when the machine has been calibrated with incorrect positioning of the lower axis
 In this case contact service assistance, in order to check the lower limit axis
To return to the normal working mode, from the [Manual ] function recover the axis by
pressing [pushbutton + ]. No further operation will be allowed using the axis until it has
been brought away from the lower limit.

Alarms 12-16: n axis: LS software

Cause: The n axis (X,Y,Z or E) indicated has reached the minimum or maximum limits indicated
in the machine parameters.
Remedy: As the limits set in the parameters are more restrictive than those controlled by the limit
switches, these switches will not have been reached; no particular action is therefore
necessary to reset them.
It may happen that in the automatic mode, during circular interpolation, one or more axes go
beyond the limits and trigger this alarm. Before attempting to carry out the cycle that
triggered the error again, check the feasibility of the machining program.
If the alarm arises during a tool change (on machines with STC tool change) or during
manual movement contact service assistance and relate the circumstances under
which the situation arose.

Alarms 17-21: n axis: sizing error

Cause: The n axis (X, Y, Z or E) indicated has exceeded the distance programmed as sizing
(calibration) threshold, following release of the zero microswitch, without receiving the
signal from the marker (zero notch).
This type of alarm indicates that:
 for mechanical reasons the signal marker, which establishes the zero point together with
the slowing down microswitch, has been missed. the machine cannot be considered
operative as the axis may not be sized correctly and it may not be possible to repeat the
calibration ;
 the sizing threshold is set too low and does not allow the encoder to reach the point
where the marker signal is detected;
 the marker signal on the encoder is faulty or too short.
Remedy: Repeat the sizing operation a few times to see whether the alarm is a singular or constant
occurrence, then contact service assistance.

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB iii

General alarms MD

Alarms 22-26: n axis: offset error

Cause: The offset error on the n axis (X, Y, Z or E) drive inputs cannot be compensated
automatically because it is too high. The CNC gives the alarm signal because errors in
positioning accuracy may arise when the offset is too high. The maximum threshold for
automatic offset correction is around 500 mV
Sometimes this alarm may be triggered by causes similar to those stated for a follow on
error when the axes are under torsion.
Remedy: Check to see whether the error is a singular occurrence or persistent, then contact service
assistance who will investigate the cause of the offset on the drive input at fault.

Alarms 27-31: n axis: follow on error

Cause: There is a follow on error on the n axis (X, Y, Z or E) indicated which is greater than the
maximum set in the axis parameters. The CNC gives the alarm signal because working
under such conditions, due to faults or too high a speed, constitutes a risk to operator and
machine safety.
Remedy: Check:
 the conditions under which the alarm is triggered;
 whether the alarm is a singular occurrence or persistent;
 whether reducing the machining speed eliminates the alarm or reduces the number of
times it occurs;
then contact service assistance who will check the parameters and/or check all the
elements which make up the positioning ring and trace the faulty component.

Alarms 32-36: n axis: tolerance error

Cause: The n axis (X, Y, Z, E or A) indicated has not reached the final position set in the
parameters as the positioning threshold, within the given time limit of 200 msecs.
Remedy: Sometimes this alarm may be triggered by causes similar to those stated for a follow on
error when it occurs at the end of very brief movements or those at reduced speeds.
 the conditions under which the alarm is triggered;
 whether the alarm is a singular occurrence or persistent
then contact service assistance who will check the parameters and/or trace the reason for
the delay in positioning.

iv 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD General alarms

Alarm 62: Battery low

Cause: The power level of the battery is nearing its lower level sufficient for ensuring backup
memory efficiency. The battery needs replacing as soon as possible to avoid loss of data in
the CNC.
Remedy: Carry out the following operations in the exact order shown:
 with the CNC turned on, put the machine into the emergency mode;
 replace the battery;
 set the CNC to zero straight away.
Make sure the alarm message does not repeat itself, if it does, contact service assistance.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES attempt to change the battery without the machine in

the emergency mode. This is extremely dangerous.

Alarm 63: High internal temperature

Cause: The temperature inside the MASTER board is close to the maximum acceptable level for
electrical components. As a result the CNC may malfunction.
Remedy: Do not operate the CNC under such conditions.
Check how long (approx.) the alarm signal appears after start up.
Contact service assistance who will, amongst other things, check the efficiency of the
CNC cooling system.

Do not use the machine when this alarm appears so as to avoid malfunction as well
as possible damage to the CNC.


ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB v
General alarms MD

3 General alarms

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... i

3.2 Alarm description .......................................................................................................................... ii
Curve radius less than tool radius ............................................................................................ ii
Arc impossible .......................................................................................................................... ii
Profile impossible...................................................................................................................... ii
Void section ..............................................................................................................................iii
Operating code not valid...........................................................................................................iii
Maximum number of recursive call ups exceeded .................................................................. iv
File name not valid................................................................................................................... iv
File name not found ................................................................................................................. iv
Operating code unacceptable or not recognised ...................................................................... v
Reading error........................................................................................................................... vi
GO necessary at profile start ...................................................................................................vii
Insufficient memory .................................................................................................................vii
RB - WB - SB: maximum number of steps exceeded .............................................................vii
Axis position not defined..........................................................................................................vii
Centre co-ordinate not defined ................................................................................................vii
Wrong tool for work face ........................................................................................................ viii
Insufficient memory for graphics............................................................................................. viii
Blank profile not allowed......................................................................................................... viii
Plane change not allowed........................................................................................................ ix
Wrong tool type........................................................................................................................ ix
Too deep for requested tool..................................................................................................... ix
Wrong operation for disc cutters .............................................................................................. x
Value not valid .......................................................................................................................... x
PLC block ................................................................................................................................. x
General alarm .......................................................................................................................... xi
Heat relay overload.................................................................................................................. xi
Insufficient pressure ................................................................................................................ xi
Axis alarm ................................................................................................................................ xi
Hardware limit..........................................................................................................................xii
Wrong X setting .......................................................................................................................xii
Wrong Y setting .......................................................................................................................xii
Wrong Z setting ......................................................................................................................xiii

vi 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD General alarms

Wrong E setting...................................................................................................................... xiii

Axis time-out........................................................................................................................... xiii
Operator stop ......................................................................................................................... xiii
Repeats incorrect ................................................................................................................... xiv
Program non existent on field requested ............................................................................... xiv
Illegal mirror processing ......................................................................................................... xiv
Wrong or missing Header ...................................................................................................... xiv
UNSPECIFIED ERROR ..........................................................................................................xv
Compilation suspended for emergency.................................................................................. xvi
Programmed spindle error ..................................................................................................... xvi
Spindle configuration impossible............................................................................................ xvi
Pick-up impossible ................................................................................................................. xvi
Machining impossible with chosen set-up ............................................................................. xvii
Probing error ........................................................................................................................ xviii
Wrong A setting.................................................................................................................... xviii
Rotation impossible .............................................................................................................. xviii
Wrong expression .................................................................................................................. xix
Variable not defined ............................................................................................................... xix
Expression too complex ......................................................................................................... xix
Too many local variables allocated ........................................................................................ xix
Label already defined ............................................................................................................. xix
Label not defined.................................................................................................................... xix
Maximum number of labels exceeded ....................................................................................xx
Division by ZERO ....................................................................................................................xx
Value outside operator associated DOMAIN...........................................................................xx
Operation result too big (OVERFLOW)...................................................................................xx
Machining group risk of collision .............................................................................................xx
Deviation greater than the permitted limit............................................................................... xxi
Angled machining command not suitable .............................................................................. xxi
Tool rotation not coherent ...................................................................................................... xxi
Max. 1 passage allowed per operation.................................................................................. xxii
Tools with incompatible pitch/roll........................................................................................... xxii
Wrong rotation regime........................................................................................................... xxii
Tool table search error ......................................................................................................... xxiii
Rotation not defined for XY null section ............................................................................... xxiii
Tool with unsuitable pitch/roll ............................................................................................... xxiii
Ambiguous entry side........................................................................................................... xxiv
Tool entry/working direction changed................................................................................... xxiv

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB vii

General alarms MD

viii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD General alarms

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB 3.9

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes all the machining cycle errors which may arise in both the
automatic mode and during graphic representation.
Some errors may also arise while executing certain manual or semi-automatic functions.
These alarms appear only in the automatic mode and appear in the second line of the
alarm window preceded by a number code (starting at 300). An internal alarm is then
The possible causes and remedies for each error message are listed.
Diagnostic Manual Alarms MD

3.2 Alarm description

Curve radius less than tool radius

Error code: 300
Cause: A request has been made for circular routing with tool correction at a radius lower than that
of the routing operation.
Remedy: In the program, change the circular routing radius that triggers the error message,
alternatively use a cutter with a radius smaller than or equal to the circular section to be

Arc impossible
Error code: 301
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 circular routing has been programmed with start and finish points which are not
equidistant from the centre;
 the commands G2R - G3R - G5R have been used to program a circular routing
operation with a tool which is not perpendicular to the arc plane and with start and
finish points at different programmed depths (Z). The resulting curve is neither a
helicoid nor a circumference and therefore cannot be followed.
Remedy: Check the settings of the centre and/or final point co-ordinates and, in the case of G2R -
G3R - G5R, the correct depth measurement.

Profile impossible
Error code: 302
Cause: A discontinuous profile has been described which does not involve tool correction.
Remedy: Check the profile at the section shown to be in error and eliminate any eventual concave
areas which are too small and that may make calculating the trajectory impossible.

ii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

Void section
Error code: 303
Cause: An attempt has been made to create a linear routing section (G1 or G5 which generates a
linear section) of zero length with tool correction enabled (command C).
An attempt has been made to create a machining operation using an inclined tool under one
of the following conditions:
 a left or right working direction has been specified with command G0R;
 the tool is a disc cutter;
and a section of linear routing with an inclined tool (G1R or G5R which generates a linear
 does not advance to X, Y, or H;
 advances only to the H co-ordinate (distance from the work plane, see Machining
program instruction syntax ) when the tool is a horizontal fluted routing bit or a
vertical disc cutter.
Remedy: Check the destination co-ordinates of the straight section, paying particular attention to the
H co-ordinate if using an inclined tool (do not take Z into consideration, as it is not
significant for this error). If using an inclined tool check also that its angle in the tool data is
set correctly (see Tool configuration, Offset R) .

Error code: 304

Cause: Not used

Operating code not valid

Error code: 305
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 an attempt has been made to create a circular routing section with length correction
 an attempt has been made to create two consecutive linear or circular interpolation
sections with length correction (C3 command);
 a command not recognised in the instruction list has been specified;
 a command not recognised in the instruction list has been specified;
Remedy: If length correction has been set, check the machining sequence is correct. In all other cases
contact service assistance to check whether the particular operation requested is available
on your CNC.

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB iii

Diagnostic Manual Alarms MD

Error code: 306

Cause: Not used

Maximum number of recursive call ups exceeded

Error code: 307
Cause: The maximum number of sub programs has been exceeded.
Remedy: If the program has been purposely structured in more than 4 levels of main and sub
programs, reduce its size by where possible substituting the lower level sub program calls
with the commands contained in the sub programs called up.
Alternatively, check that:
 the main program does not call up itself;
 no sub program called up by the main program calls up itself;
 no sub program called up by the main program calls up the main program or a sub
program at a lower level.

File name not valid

Error code: 308
Cause: The composition of the path/file name is either incorrect or contains unacceptable
Remedy: Check the name of the path/file. See the Sub program section of the Machining program
instruction syntax chapter.

File name not found

Error code: 309
Cause: The name of the file specified is valid but it has not been found among those present.
Remedy: Check that the name specified is correct, that both the working unit and the directory have
been correctly selected. If the path has been specified (see the Sub program section of the
Machining program instruction syntax chapter), check that the directory where the file
resides actually exists.

Error code: 310

Cause: Not used

iv 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

Operating code unacceptable or not recognised

Error code: 311
Cause: Due to the following causes:
 an attempt at machining with a disc cutter has been made while a panel face other than
no.1 has been selected.
 while working with an inclined tool a right or left direction has been specified in
command G0R and a panel face other than no.1 has been selected;
 an attempt has been made to carry out a machining operation on a panel face other than
no.1 with a tool which is not horizontal (allowed only if a left or right machining
direction has not been specified in command G0R) with tool correction enabled
(command C);
 an attempt has been made to carry out a machining operation with a vertical disc cutter
by command G1R with co-ordinate H specified (distance from work plane, see
Machining program instruction syntax ) while length correction (C3) is enabled.
Remedy: Check that the corrector, the machining sequence and any eventual H co-ordinate are all set
properly. If using an inclined tool check that its angle in the tool data is set correctly (see
Tool configuration, Offset R) .

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB v
Diagnostic Manual Alarms MD

Reading error
Error code: 312
Cause: An error has occurred while reading a file. The file (or one of the files, in the case of sub
programs) is damaged, the disk may have been removed while being read or there is a drive
Remedy: In the case of RAMDISK files, contact service assistance.
In the case of files on disk:
 ascertain whether the disk has been removed. If so, reinsert it and then repeat the cycle;
no further action is necessary.
 if it is no longer possible to access certain machining cycle files (easily checked by
using the editor for example) try with other files, then with other formatted disks. If
none of this works then try resetting the control to zero and repeat the operation. If it is
still impossible to work with a disk drive contact service assistance.
 retrieve the unreadable files from the backup copies where available.
 if there is no backup copy or if it too is damaged, try copying to a different file unit of
the machining cycle. Check for any eventual errors and if so, which files they are in;
 if errors are found in one or more files, try copying them repeatedly (i.e. 10 times),
sometimes these errors are not recurrent. If a file cannot be copied it will be necessary
to rewrite it.
 always make sure that a copied file runs correctly before erasing the original (so you
can do it all over again if the copy was unsuccessful).
 never copy data to a damaged disk. Even if it has been reformatted, it is quite
likely that data will be lost again in the future.
In the case files in the Hard Disk Drive:
 if it is no longer possible to access certain machining cycle files (easily checked by
using the editor for example) try with other files. If none of this works then try resetting
the control to zero and repeat the operation. If it is still impossible to work with a HDD
contact service assistance.
 retrieve the unreadable files from the backup copies where available.
 if there is no backup copy or if it too is damaged, try copying to a different file unit of
the machining cycle. Check for any eventual errors and if so, which files they are in;
 if errors are found in one or more files, try copying them repeatedly (i.e. 10 times),
sometimes these errors are not recurrent. If a file cannot be copied it will be necessary
to rewrite it.
 avoid erasing the originals which gave trouble when trying to copy them. By
erasing these files an area of the hard disk is made available where future reading errors
may occur.
 if reading errors occur persistently contact service assistance.
Remember always to make frequent back up copies so as to safeguard against losing
data because of this type of problem!

vi 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

GO necessary at profile start

Error code: 313
Cause: A routing sequence has not started with the G0 operation.
Remedy: Check the settings of the machining sequence.

Insufficient memory
Error code: 314
Cause: A problem has arisen which means the CNC cannot provide enough memory to carry out
the particular request made.
Remedy: Contact service assistance.

RB - WB - SB: maximum number of steps exceeded

Error code: 315
Cause: Too many SB-RB-WB-SD instructions have been entered between one interpolation and the
next. The maximum number of SB-RB-WB-SD instructions between one interpolation and
the next varies, from a minimum of 5, according to the CNC model.
Remedy: Eliminate some of the SB-RB-WB-SD instructions or break them up with an interpolation
instruction which may even be blank (e.g. G1 with no parameters).

Axis position not defined

Error code: 316
Cause: One of the essential parameter values has not been specified in either the instruction being
carried out or in any of the preceding instructions.
Remedy: Specify the missing parameter in the instruction or in one of the previous instructions.

Centre co-ordinate not defined

Error code: 317
Cause: An attempt has been made to rotate, by calling up a sub program, an arc of a plane other
than X Y with an angle which is not a multiple of the right angle.
Remedy: An attempt has been made to rotate, by calling up a sub program, an arc of a plane other
than X Y with an angle which is not a multiple of the right angle.

Error code: 318

Cause: Not used

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB vii

Diagnostic Manual Alarms MD

Wrong tool for work face

Error code: 319
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 A command of the type B or G0 has been attempted to program a tool which is
incompatible with the selected work face;
 A command of the type B or G0 has been attempted with a horizontal tool on the main
head. This type of program is not acceptable.
Remedy: Make sure the correct work face and tool are programmed. If they are, use B or G0 in place
of BR or G0R or vice versa.

Insufficient memory for graphics

Error code: 320
Cause: The CNC does not have enough memory available to prepare the graphic workpiece
Remedy: Make some RAMDISK space available, as this is used as auxiliary memory for the graphics

Error code: 321

Cause: Not used.

Error code: 322

Cause: Not used.

Blank profile not allowed

Error code: 323
Cause: A G0 instruction exists which is not followed by one or more routing instructions.
Remedy: Check the machining sequence has been correctly specified.

viii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

Plane change not allowed

Error code: 324
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 an attempt has been made to carry out a circular machining operation on a plane other
than XY with tool correction enabled (command C);
 an attempt has been made to carry out a machining operation with an inclined tool on a
plane other than XY and a right or left working direction has been specified in
command G0R;
 an attempt has been made to carry out a circular machining operation on a plane other
than XY with a disc cutter;
 an attempt has been made to carry out a circular machining operation with command G5
or G5R on a plane which is different from the one previously specified.
Remedy: Check that tool and plane selection has been made correctly.

Wrong tool type

Error code: 325
Cause: The tool selected is either not fitted or not suitable for carrying out the machining operation
requested, e.g. a probe has been specified for boring.
Remedy: Check that the tools programmed are suitable for the operation. When mirror imaging,
check that the relative opposite tools as specified in the tool data are correct (see Tool
configuration, X and Y opposite tools ).
If the data and programs are both correct the problem may be due to an internal error. In
this case contact service assistance and provide details of the program, the tools and the
circumstances under which the error arose.

Too deep for requested tool

Error code: 326
Cause: The machining depth exceeds the limit for the tool.
Remedy: Check that the machining depth (Z parameter, see Machining program instruction
syntax) does not exceed the working length/crown of the tool specified. Check this
parameter in the tool file, taking into account that tool wear causes a shortening of the tool
length/crown. The difference between the correct and incorrect length/radius is subtracted
from the latter.

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB ix
Diagnostic Manual Alarms MD

Wrong operation for disc cutters

Error code: 327
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 An attempt has been made to carry out a circular machining operation using a disc
cutter which was not started with G0R, but with G0;
 An attempt has been made to carry out a machining operation in a direction which is not
the same as that of the cutter.
Remedy: Make sure the correct commands are being used and that the tools programmed are suitable
for the job. If the operation does not start with G0R with the right or left working direction,
check that the tool trajectory is the same as that of the cutter (see the disc cutter section in
the chapter on Tool configuration).

Value not valid

Error code: 328
Cause: The value entered is not acceptable.
Remedy: Enter a value within the accepted range for that particular command.

Error code: 329

Cause: Not used.

PLC block
Error code 330
Cause: The PLC is not working because it has not yet been activated, has been stopped manually or
because there has been a data loss due to time-out.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Put the machine immediately into the emergency mode, contact service assistance and
relate the circumstances under which the situation arose.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES attempt to use functions which involve movement of

the axes or mechanical machine parts while the PLC is blocked.

x 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

General alarm
Error code: 331
Cause: The CNC has detected a general machine alarm. The operator has probably triggered one of
the various safety devices located around the machine (e.g.: emergency cable, emergency
mushroom pushbutton, photocell if fitted, etc.).
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Eliminate the cause of the alarm. Check that there are no tools or anything else in the
machine path. Press the EMERGENCY RESET button on the control panel and wait a few
seconds for it to clear.

Heat relay overload

Error code: 332
Cause: The actuating mechanism heat relay has been overloaded.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Check the status of the heat relay on the machine electric control panel and reset it. If the
situation repeats itself too often contact service assistance.

Insufficient pressure
Error code: 333
Cause: Machine air pressure is lower than the minimum necessary to guarantee safe operation.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Check the air pressure on the gauge and make any necessary adjustments. If the value
indicated is acceptable, check the condition of the air line pressure switch.

Axis alarm
Error code: 334
Cause: One or more axes is in the alarm condition.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: If no other significant alarm appears on the screen, call up the page showing the alarm
description to find the cause of the problem. Refer to alarm description section in the
Machine alarms chapter, which outlines the action to be taken for each axis problem.

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB xi
Diagnostic Manual Alarms MD

Hardware limit
Error code 335
Cause: Indicates that the axis has reached its limit.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: This situation should only arise in the following cases:
 with the machine not calibrated, in the [Manual ] mode.
 when one of the axis limits is calibrated incorrectly.
In this case contact service assistance, who will carry out a check of the axis
To return to the normal working mode, bring the axis back within the working limits. No
further operation will be allowed using the axis until it has been brought away from the
upper limit.

Wrong X setting
Error code: 336
Cause: An attempt has been made to position the X axis at a measurement outside the software
limits set in the parameters.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Check the measurements entered and correct them so that they are within the acceptable
limits for the axis.

Wrong Y setting
Error code: 337
Cause: An attempt has been made to position the Y axis at a measurement outside the software
limits set in the parameters.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Check the measurements entered and correct them so that they are within the acceptable
limits for the axis.

xii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

Wrong Z setting
Error code: 338
Cause: An attempt has been made to position the Z axis at a measurement outside the software
limits set in the parameters.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Check the measurements entered and correct them so that they are within the acceptable
limits for the axis.

Wrong E setting
Error code: 339
Cause: An attempt has been made to position the E axis at a measurement outside the software
limits set in the parameters.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: Check the measurements entered and correct them so that they are within the acceptable
limits for the axis.

Axis time-out
Error code: 340
Cause: One of the axes is inactive even though it should be carrying out a machining operation.
The machining cycle in progress or the semiautomatic movement has been interrupted by
the CNC for safety reasons.
Remedy: If probing, make sure that nothing is touching the probe and that the microswitches are
working properly. If these two possibilities can be eliminated, check the cables.
If not carrying out a probing operation or if the error does not happen right at the start of
probing, contact service assistance stating the exact circumstances under which the
problem arose.

Operator stop
Error code:: 341
Cause: The operator has requested an automatic stop during a machining cycle. The cycle in
progress has ceased any interpolation and reached the position of maximum safety. All the
automatic operations have therefore been interrupted.
Remedy: No action necessary

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Repeats incorrect
Error code: 342
Cause: Zero repetitions have been specified in the step list or program Header.
Remedy: Correct the number of repetitions and re-run the list or program.

Program non existent on field requested

Error code: 343
Cause: With the automatic mode enabled, [START] has been pressed on a field where there is no
program associated.
Remedy: Use the synoptic display to check which fields contain panels to be machined, then press
[START] for the correct field. If the program you wish to use is not shown, enter it in a free

Error code: 344

Cause: Not used

Illegal mirror processing

Error code: 345
Cause: One of the tools specified has restricted use in the mirror function, or the opposite tool is
wrongly set (see Tool configuration).
Remedy: Contact service assistance specifying the tool data and the cause of the error

Error code: 346

Cause: Not used

Wrong or missing Header

Error code: 347
Cause: The working field inside the program Header is incorrect.
Remedy: Check the Header setting and if necessary the program source (see also the chapter on
Work lists).

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Error code: 348

Cause: Not used

Error code: 349

Cause: Not used.

Error code: 350
Cause: An unknown error has arisen.
Remedy: Contact service assistance stating the precise circumstances under which the situation

Error code: 351

Cause: Not used.

Error code: 352

Cause: Not used.

Error code: 353

Cause: Not used.

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Compilation suspended for emergency

Error code: 354
Cause: The program analysis phase has been interrupted prematurely due to an emergency. See
General alarm in this chapter.
Remedy: No particular action is necessary to reset the CNC after such an error. See General alarm in
this chapter.

Programmed spindle error

Error code: 355
Cause: A code has been set corresponding with an electro-spindle which is not configured on the
machine (e.g. 401 on a machine with only 3 electro-spindles).
Remedy: Check the list of tools used in the command in question. If the program comes from another
CNC, convert the non existent spindle codes into codes compatible with your CNC.

Spindle configuration impossible

Error code: 356
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 An attempt has been made to select two tools on the same group for tool changing on
different electro-spindles for a single machining operation (e.g. association of tools 102
and 203 with tools E2 and E3 on the same group).
 An attempt has been made to select two tools on different groups for tool changing on
the same electro-spindle for a single machining operation (e.g. association of tools 102
and 203 with tools E2 and E3 on different groups).
Remedy: Check the tool settings in the relative command. If they are correct, check the correlation
between the tool set-up data and the tools programmed for the machining operation.

Pick-up impossible
Error code: 357
Cause: An attempt has been made with an electro-spindle only suitable for manual loading to pick
up a tool from a machine magazine.
Remedy: Check the associations between tools and electro-spindles in the relative command. If they
are correct, check the correlation between the tool set-up data and the tools programmed for
the machining operation.

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MD Diagnostic Manual Alarms

Machining impossible with chosen set-up

Error code: 358
Cause: Although there is a setting for the electro-spindles involved in machining which allows both
approach points and start points to be reached, a condition has occurred in which the first
approach has not been set under maximum safety conditions and the overall size of the
groups used does not allow safe advance.
Remedy: Use tool data editor to check the correct setting of the max. toolholder size field (see
chapter on Tool configuration) in the tables of all the tools on the groups where at least
one tool is involved in the machining operation.
Check that you have not configured unwanted tools by mistake on the groups which are
being used.
Check whether the head, with the electro-spindles involved enabled and the mechanical
groups fitted is able to move over the end stops when shifting to carry out a machining
If these conditions are not found, enter an N command in order to advance in complete

Error code: 359

Cause: Not used

Error code: 360

Cause: Not used

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Probing error
Error code: 361
Cause: Due to one of the following causes:
 during the touch probing phase the probe has gone beyond the maximum limit without
the microswitch signal being triggered. The CNC has interrupted the cycle to prevent
any eventual damage to the probing tool.
If the probe found the workpiece before the error arose, this may be due to a
microswitch breakdown or a short circuit in the connecting cables.
 the probe has collided with the panel surface during the rapid advance phase. The CNC
has interrupted the cycle to prevent any eventual damage to the probing tool.
Remedy: In cases where the probe has already found the piece during the probing search phase,
contact service assistance.
In all the other cases check that:
 the workpiece is not fixed badly;
 the workpiece sizes are the same as those specified in the program Header;
 the origins are not different from those set with command O (modify panel origins), of

Wrong A setting
Error code 362
Cause: An attempt has been made to position the A axis at an angle of less than 0° or at 360° or
Remedy: Check the settings and correct them so they do not allow positioning over the angle set

Error code: 363

Cause: Not used

Rotation impossible
Error code: 364
Cause: An attempt has been made to rotate by a number of degrees other than 0 or 180 and on a
face other than 1, a sub program containing machining operations performed using the BR
or G0R commands and with angle A programmed differently from 0 or with a tool which is
not horizontal.
Remedy: Check the both the rotation setting and the angle in the BR or G0R command specified in
the subprogram. If necessary, refer to Machining programs instruction syntax.

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Wrong expression
Error code: 365
Cause: The parametric expression is either wrong or it contains unrecognised operators. The
program may have come from a more recent CNC model.
Remedy: If the program comes from a more recent CNC, remove the unrecognised operators,
otherwise contact service assistance.

Variable not defined

Error code: 366
Cause: In an expression, reference is made to a variable for which a value has never been set.
Remedy: Check the name of the variable has been entered correctly. If the setting is correct, assign an
initial value to the variable before trying to use it again.

Expression too complex

Error code: 367
Cause: The expression has too many operators/operands.
Remedy: Divide the expression into two or more parts using support variables for the intermediary

Too many local variables allocated

Error code: 368
Cause: An attempt has been made to use a number of local variables in excess of 128 in the same
Remedy: Remove the extra variables. If this is not feasible, try dividing the program into sub
programs which use a more limited series of variables.

Label already defined

Error code: 369
Cause: A label name already used has been associated.
Remedy: Change the name of the label in question or delete it if unnecessary.

Label not defined

Error code: 370
Cause: A jump (IF GOTO or GOTO) has been addressed to a non existent label.
Remedy: Check that the name of the label has been entered correctly.

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Maximum number of labels exceeded

Error code: 371
Cause: More than 32 labels have been used.
Remedy: Remove the excess labels. If this is not feasible, try dividing the program into less complex
sub programs.

Division by ZERO
Error code: 372
Cause: A division operation has a 0 denominator.
Remedy: Check the expression and variables involved.

Value outside operator associated DOMAIN

Error code: 373
Cause: An operator with an unacceptable value has been used, for example, square roots or
logarithms of negative numbers etc.
Remedy: Check the expression and variables involved.

Operation result too big (OVERFLOW)

Error code: 374
Cause: An expression has been carried out which has generated a result that is too big. The problem
may be due to the division of a high number by a number close to zero or raising to a certain
power with a high exponent etc.
Remedy: Check the expression and variables involved.

Machining group risk of collision

Error code: 375
Cause: An attempt has been made to carry out a machining operation in which there is a risk of
collision between the group and other objects in the work area.
Remedy: Check the machining operation in question. If it is correct, use an appropriate tool (e.g. a
longer one) which will cause the group to effect its movement at a greater distance from the
working plane.

xx 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
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Deviation greater than the permitted limit

Error code: 376
Cause: During automatic zone correction, the error measured is greater than the maximum limit set
in the table.
Remedy: Check the maximum deviation setting, or rather the correct function of the light optic line
and the encoder channel connections. If the detection system is working properly, check the
mechanical transmission.

Angled machining command not suitable

Error code 377
Cause: An attempt has been made to carry our angled machining with an inclined tool but with a
command which is not suitable for inclined tools.
Remedy: If you wish to machine with an inclined tool, use the correct commands (see the chapter
headed Machining program instruction syntax), otherwise check the tool settings in the
command at fault.

Tool rotation not coherent

Error code: 378
Cause: An attempt has been made to carry out a machining operation with a tool which cannot be
inclined by a rotating axis and the angle requested is different from is different from the one
for that tool.
Remedy: Check the angle requested and the tool setting in the command at fault. If the program is
correct, and the tool can be angled manually, check the actual angle against the one
specified in the tool data (see Tool configuration).

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Max. 1 passage allowed per operation

Error code: 379
Cause: The working direction of a disc cutter has been specified as + or - in the tool data, in this
way requesting the CNC to check that the cutter advances in the correct direction.
Given that one of the following conditions exists:
 the cutter is not vertical;
 the cutter is not oriented by a VECTOR axis;
it is impossible to express more than one machining section.
Remedy: Check the machining sequence and the tools have been set correctly. If the tools are found
to be correct and it is absolutely necessary that the machining operation be made up of more
than one section, specify ‘ ’ (space) as working direction in the tool data, in this way
avoiding the automatic direction control. If the problem is simply that of inverting,
according to the mirror image, a machining operation made up of several steps, use the
command IF with operator FLD (working field) of the parametric programming (see
Machining program instruction syntax).
See the Disc cutter section in the chapter headed Tool configuration for further
clarification regarding the working direction.

Tools with incompatible pitch/roll

Error code: 380
Cause: An attempt has been made to use an inclined tool with other tools, or a horizontal tool
together with a vertical one, in the same machining operation.
Remedy: Check the tool settings in the command at fault. Check the data concerning the tools used
(see Tool configuration, Angle a ).

Wrong rotation regime

Error code: 381
Cause: An attempt has been made to use simultaneously two or more tools with different working
directions associated with the same inverter.
Remedy: Check the tool settings in the command at fault. Check the rotational directions in the tool
data (see Tool configuration, working direction ). If the program and the data are correct,
one or more of the tools must be changed with others of the same type but with opposite
rotational directions (e.g. right-hand cutter instead of a left-hand one or vice versa).

xxii 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV

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Tool table search error

Error code: 382
Cause: There is an inconsistency in the tool data; the opposite tool of an opposite is not the same as
the one at the start, e.g. while E4 is opposed to tool E2, the opposite of E2 is not E4.
See X and Y opposite tool in the chapter headed Tool configuration for further
Remedy: Check the correct settings of the tool opposites in the tool data. If the tools are found to be
configured correctly or the error is shown to be concerning a tool on the main group,
contact service assistance and supply them with information about the tools used.

Error code: 383

Cause: Not used

Rotation not defined for XY null section

Error code: 384
Cause: In a machining operation started with a G0R command with right or left working direction,
an attempt has been made to carry out a linear routing section with an inclined tool (G1R or
G5R which generates a linear section) with no advance in X or Y.
Remedy: Check the X and Y destination co-ordinates for the straight section.

Tool with unsuitable pitch/roll

Error code: 385
Cause: In a machining operation started with a G0R command with right or left working direction
(see Machining program instruction syntax) an attempt has been made to produce a
section with an angle of intersection with the work plane greater than that of the tool
requested in the tool data (see Tool configuration, Angle a ). Consequently it is impossible
to find a valid angle.
For example, with a right or left working direction expressed in command G0R:
 with a vertical fluted cutter, an attempt is being made to follow a section which is not
 with a 45° vertical fluted cutter, an attempt is being made to follow a section which,
when extended, intersects the working plane at an angle of 30°.
Remedy: Check that the working direction in command G0R is correct, and also the destination co-
ordinates of the section in question, paying particular attention to co-ordinate H (do not
consider Z, it is not significant for this error). Check that Angle a in the tool data is correct.

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Ambiguous entry side

Error code: 386
Cause: In a machining operation using an inclined disc cutter, started with a G0R command with
right or left working direction not specified (see Machining program instruction syntax)
an attempt has been made to produce a section with an angle of intersection with the work
plane the same as that of the tool requested in the tool data (see Tool configuration, Angle
a ). Consequently it is impossible to determine automatically from which side to start
For example, with a working direction not expressed in command G0R:
 with a horizontal disc cutter (0 degrees), an attempt is being made to follow a horizontal
 with a 30° disc cutter, an attempt is being made to follow a section which, when
extended, intersects the working plane at an angle of exactly 30°.
Remedy: Check that the working direction in command G0R is correct, and also the destination co-
ordinates of the section in question, paying particular attention to co-ordinate H (do not
consider Z, it is not significant for this error). Check that Angle a in the tool data is correct.

Tool entry/working direction changed

Error code Fine
Cause: In a machining operation using an inclined disc cutter, started with a G0R command, an
attempt has been made to produce a section with an angle of intersection with the work
plane different from that of the previous section. This is not possible. Consequently it is
impossible to introduce a link which guarantees ‘geometrical continuity’ between this
section and the previous one.
For example, with a left or right working direction expressed in command G0R, an attempt
is being made to follow a section which, when extended, intersects the working plane at an
angle of 30° when this angle in the previous section was only 20°.
Remedy: Check the destination co-ordinates of the section in question, paying particular attention to
co-ordinate H (do not consider Z, it is not significant for this error).


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4 PLC Alarms

4.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................i

4.2 Message Descriptions ...................................................................................................................ii
CONTROL PANEL EMERGENCY............................................................................................ii
MOTOR PROTECTION - OIL PUMP FAILURE........................................................................ii
INSUFF. AIR PRESS. ...............................................................................................................ii
MACHINE EMERGENCY..........................................................................................................ii
AXES BEYOND LIMIT ............................................................................................................. iii
DRIVE FAULT - X AXIS ........................................................................................................... iii
DRIVE FAULT - Y AXIS ........................................................................................................... iii
DRIVE FAULT - Z AXIS ........................................................................................................... iii
DRIVE FAULT - E AXIS ........................................................................................................... iii
LIMIT STOP - X+ AXIS ............................................................................................................iv
LIMIT STOP - X- AXIS .............................................................................................................iv
LIMIT STOP - Y+ AXIS ............................................................................................................iv
LIMIT STOP - Y- AXIS ..............................................................................................................v
LIMIT STOP - Z+ AXIS.............................................................................................................v
LIMIT STOP - Z- AXIS ..............................................................................................................v
HOLD FROM COMMAND PANEL .......................................................................................... vii
INCONGRUENT TOOLS ........................................................................................................ vii
HOLD FROM MACHINING GROUP....................................................................................... vii
TOOL OUT OF POSITION...................................................................................................... vii
INVERTER EMERGENCY ...................................................................................................... vii
VACUUM FAILURE................................................................................................................ viii
INEX.PROGRAM ON REQUESTED FIELD .......................................................................... viii
FIELD OCCUPIED ................................................................................................................. viii
TOOL LOCK ERROR............................................................................................................. viii
DRIVE FAULT A AXIS ........................................................................................................... viii
SIMULATED OPERATION.......................................................................................................ix
AXES TIME-OUT .....................................................................................................................ix
MAN. ELEC.SPINDLE 1 LOAD................................................................................................ix

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MAN. ELEC.SPINDLE 2 LOAD ............................................................................................... ix

MAN. ELE.-SPINDLE 3 LOAD.................................................................................................. x
CHANGE MAGAZINE............................................................................................................... x
EXTRACT MAGAZINE ............................................................................................................. x
TOOL LOADING....................................................................................................................... x
TOOL DISCHARGE.................................................................................................................. x
CALIBRATE AXES .................................................................................................................. xi
INCORRECT SEQUENCE ...................................................................................................... xi
INCORRECT TOOL ................................................................................................................ xi
ELEC.-SPINDLE NON PRESENT........................................................................................... xi
ELEC.-SPINDLE 1 FAULT ...................................................................................................... xi
ELEC.-SPINDLE 2 FAULT ......................................................................................................xii
ELEC.-SPINDLE 3 FAULT ......................................................................................................xii
SELECT ELEC.-SPINDLE.......................................................................................................xii
WITHDRAW MAGAZINE ........................................................................................................xii
DISCHARGE ELEC.-SPINDLE 1 ............................................................................................xii
DISCHARGE ELEC.-SPINDLE 2 ...........................................................................................xiii
DISCHARGE ELEC.-SPINDLE 3 ...........................................................................................xiii
DISACTIVATE AUTOMATIC SYSTEM ..................................................................................xiii
LOW SHUTTLE HOLD ...........................................................................................................xiii
LOW SHUTTLE HOLD ...........................................................................................................xiii
HIGH ELEC.-SPINDLE HOLD................................................................................................xiv
LOCKED TOOL HOLD ...........................................................................................................xiv
UNLOCKED TOOL HOLD......................................................................................................xiv
ELEC.-SPINDLE POS. 150 HOLD .........................................................................................xiv
MAGAZINE EXTRACTION HOLD.......................................................................................... xv
RETRIEVED MAGAZINE HOLD ............................................................................................ xv
ELEC.-SPINDLE 1 WITHOUT TOOL..................................................................................... xv
ELEC.-SPINDLE 2 WITHOUT TOOL..................................................................................... xv
ELEC.-SPINDLE 3 WITHOUT TOOL.....................................................................................xvi
PUSHBUTTON START HOLD ...............................................................................................xvi
EMERG. FROM PHOTOCELLS.............................................................................................xvi
HOLD REQUEST ...................................................................................................................xvi
LUBRICATION IN PROGRESS..............................................................................................xvi
LUBRICATION ERROR.........................................................................................................xvii
CONFIRM CONVEYER DISCHARGE ..................................................................................xvii
SETTING MODE ................................................................................................................... xvii
HIGH PROTEC. OPERAT. GRP HOLD ............................................................................... xviii

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LOW PROTEC. OPERAT. GRP HOLD ............................................................................... xviii

EXTERNAL MAGAZINE TOOL ERROR.............................................................................. xviii
TIME-OUT MAGAZINE .......................................................................................................... xix
TOOL CHANGE ERROR ....................................................................................................... xix
MANUAL TOOL CHANGE ..................................................................................................... xix
ELEC.-SPINDLE NOT IN POSTION...................................................................................... xix
SHUTTLE ROTATION HOLD .................................................................................................xx
SHUTTLE NOT IN POSITION ................................................................................................xx
MAGAZINE NOT IN POSITION ..............................................................................................xx
MAGAZINE GRIPPER HOLD .................................................................................................xx
GRIPPER 1 OPEN ................................................................................................................. xxi
GRIPPER 2 OPEN ................................................................................................................. xxi
HOOD NOT IN POSITION ..................................................................................................... xxi
VECTOR NOT IN POSITION................................................................................................. xxi
TOOL EXTRACTION FROM SHUTTLE ................................................................................ xxi
ERROR IN MANUAL TEST PAGE........................................................................................ xxii
TOOL UNLOCK ERROR ...................................................................................................... xxii
INVERTER FREQUENCE ERROR....................................................................................... xxii
TOOL CHANGE NOT IN POSITION..................................................................................... xxii
ZERO FEED RATE .............................................................................................................. xxiii
WORK LIST TERMINATED ................................................................................................. xxiii
HOODS RAISED BY OPERATOR....................................................................................... xxiii
INCONGRUENT FIELDS ..................................................................................................... xxiii
LOAD K CONSTANTS ......................................................................................................... xxiv
WORN TOOL ....................................................................................................................... xxiv
INSUFF. BATTERY POWER ............................................................................................... xxiv
CNC TEMPERATURE TOO HIGH ....................................................................................... xxv

ESA/GV 91670.MD.0.GB xxvii

4.28 91670.MD.0.GB ESA/GV
4.1 Introduction

In this chapter the messages generated by PLC alarms are described. These are shown
from the fourth line onwards in the alarm window display, preceded by a progressive
number code (starting from 600).
A list of possible causes are indicated for each message as well as the actions required to
resolve the emergencies.

All control, adjustments, and maintenance operations must be carried out when machine
is not switched on electrically nor pneumatically or is in the emergency mode. In any
case the operations described as "Remedy" must be carried out by a qualified technician.

To isolate the machine electrically, the main power switch A (fig. 5.0) has to be turned
to zero and must be locked appropriately.
Knob B must be pressed (fig. 5.0a) and locked with a locking device to isolate the
machine pneumatically. In order to set machine in the emergency mode, press the
mushroom shaped emergency button and take away the key so that no one can restart
machine by mistake.
4.2 Message Descriptions


Message code: 600
Cause: An emergency alarm is generated by a pushbutton on the control panel. The mushroom type
pushbutton is inserted..
Remedy: Disengage the pushbutton by turning the knob in a clockwise direction or where a
pushbutton requires a key intervention use the appropriate key to disactivate.


Message code: 601
Cause 1: Magnetothermic protection switches on 3 phase motors. have been triggered. One or more
magnetothermic switches not operating.
Remedy 1: Control magnetothermic switches in the electrics cabinet, press the relative pushbutton to
Cause 2: No oil, oil pump empty
Remedy 2: Fill up to oil level required using the appropriate tap


Message code: 602
Cause: Air pressure in machine is less than 4 Atm. Machine Air Feed turned off or not functioning.
Main regulator calibrated incorrectly
Remedy: Check factory air feed system. Increase pressure by turning the regulator knob clockwise.

Message code: 603
Cause 1: Interruption of power supply. Cable or emergency protection devices have been triggered.
Remedy 1: Reset by pressing on control panel [pushbutton EMERGENCY RESET] on control panel.
Cause 2: Accident emergency alarm system not functioning
Remedy 2: Reset emergency alarm system, and proceed as above.
Cause 3: Operating Machine Group beyond its limit position (if also fitted MSG 609-616)
Remedy 3: Manually position operating group within accepted limits

ii 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv
Message code: 604
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. Limit microswitch failure.
Remedy 1: Manually position operating group within accepted limits. Substitute microswitch
Cause 2: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.


Message code: 605
Cause: Fault on X axis drive. Feed DRIVE fault. For other CAUSES consult technical information
Remedy: Reset alarm switch. Seek technical assistance.


Message code: 606
Cause: Fault on Y axis drive. Feed DRIVE fault. For other CAUSES consult technical information
Remedy: Reset alarm switch. Seek technical assistance.


Message code: 607
Cause: Fault on Z axis drive. Feed DRIVE fault. For other CAUSES consult technical information
Remedy: Reset alarm switch. Seek technical assistance.


Message code:: 608
Cause: Fault on E axis drive. Feed DRIVE fault. For other CAUSES consult technical information
Remedy: Reset alarm switch. Seek technical assistance.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB iii

Message code: 609
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.


Message code:: 610
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.


Message code:: 611
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.

iv 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv
Message code: 612
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.


Message code: 613
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.


Message code: 614
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB v
Message code: 615
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.


Message code: 616
Cause 1: At least one axis is beyond its limit position. SW limit stop parameter error.
Remedy 1: Correct the SW limit stop value in AXIS parameters.
Cause 2: Micro limit switch breakdown.
Remedy 2: Substitute microswitch
Cause 3: Microswitch connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 3: Substitute cable.


Message code: 617
Cause: A request has been made to exit the automatic mode. Operator has requested exit from
automatic mode.

Message code: 618
Cause: A request has been made to interrupt the machining operation in progress by pressing the
[STOP pushbutton]. Operator has requested suspension of machining operations
Remedy: Press [pushbutton START] on CN to continue machining.


Message code: 619
Cause: Machine remains on HOLD until operator sets command to continue machining operation.
The operator has selected a SINGLE MOVEMENT machine operation.
Remedy: Press [pushbutton STEP] to continue next operation or else disable the SINGLE
MOVEMENT operation.

vi 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv
Message code: 620
Cause: A request has been made to interrupt the machining operation in progress by pressing the
[HOLD pushbutton]. Operator has requested suspension of machining operations
Remedy: Press [pushbutton RESET HOLD] on CN to continue machining.

Message code: 621
Cause: Some machining tools cannot work together at the same time. Machining has been
programmed with tools rotating to the right or to the left.
Remedy: Correct the machining program.


Message code: 622
Cause: A machining suspension has been generated because of interferences with machining group.
During the tool change phase, a protective photocell has been triggered.
Remedy: Eliminate the object that has triggered the photocell. Press [pushbutton RESET-HOLD]
on CN.


Message code: 623
Cause 1: The tool to be used for machining is not in its correct position. The tool position limit
switch is not working.
Remedy 1: Substitute limit stop
Cause 2: Limit stop connecting cable interrupted.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.

Message code: 624
Cause 1: The electro-spindle inverter command is in the emergency position. Acceleration and
deceleration time is too short.
Remedy 1: Press [pushbutton RESET INVERTER] on command panel. If necessary, increase
inverter parameter value after consulting inverter technical manual.
Cause 2: Power failure in electrical circuits.
Remedy 2: Consult inverter technical manual and seek technical assistance.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB vii

Message code: 625
Cause 1: During execution or on Starting the machining program the CN has not received a warning
signal of blocked workpiece. The air vents filter is blocked.
Remedy 1: Substitute vacuum regulator, calibrate vacuum regulator after consulting technical
information for assistance.
Cause 2: Vacuum regulator has a faulty or uncalibrated vacuum
Remedy 2: Clean out sucker filter.
Cause 3: The panel being machined does not close suckers.
Remedy 3: Check that panel is not porous and that its surface is not curved.


Message code: 626
Cause: A program start on machining field has been requested without having previously enabled
the CN command for the machining operation. The panel has been fitted to a different field
from the one programmed by the CN.
Remedy: Move panel on to correct field. Change the work field on program HEADER.

Message code: 627
Cause: A machining program start has been requested on a field with a program already in
Remedy: Wait for the end of machining program.


Message code: 628
Cause 1: A tool locking error has occurred on the electro-spindle. The tool holder cone is dirty.
Remedy 1: Clean out tool holder.
Cause 2: Tool locking group malfunction.
Remedy 2: Seek technical assistance


Message code: 629
Cause: Fault on A Axis Drive. Feed drive defect. For other CAUSES consult technical
documentation on DRIVE
Remedy: Reset alarm switch. Seek technical assistance.

viii 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code: 630
Cause: Machining operation continues in the simulation mode. Machining simulation was
previously selected.
Remedy: Wait for the end of machining operation.

Message code: 631
Cause: An axes management malfunction has occurred during a machining operation
Remedy: Restart the machining operation on the field in question. Check the type of alarm signal and
seek technical assistance.


Message code: 632
Cause 1: The CN is waiting for operator to insert the tool manually. on the requested electro-spindle.
The machine is not equipped with a tool magazine.
Remedy 1: Insert tool manually and reconfirm end of operation by pressing [pushbutton START] on
Cause 2: A tool listed on an external magazine is used.
Remedy 2: See previous instructions


Message code: 633
Cause 1: The CN is waiting for operator to insert the tool manually. on the requested electro-spindle.
The machine is not equipped with a tool magazine.
Remedy 1: Insert tool manually and reconfirm end of operation by pressing [pushbutton START] on
Cause 2: A tool listed on an external magazine is used.
Remedy 2: See previous instructions

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB ix
Message code: 634
Cause 1: The CN is waiting for operator to insert the tool manually. on the requested electro-spindle.
The machine is not equipped with a tool magazine.
Remedy 1: Insert tool manually and reconfirm end of operation by pressing [pushbutton START] on
Cause 2: A tool listed on an external magazine is used.
Remedy 2: See previous instructions

Message code: 635
Cause 1: The CN is waiting to substitute tool magazine. A tool, listed in a different magazine from
the one originally fitted to the machine is used.
Remedy 1: Substitute magazine and reconfirm end of operation by pressing [pushbutton START] on
Cause 2: Limit stop identifies magazine is not working.
Remedy 2: Substitute limit stop

Message code: 636
Cause: The CN is waiting for the magazine to be extracted. A manual tool change has been selected
without magazine extraction.
Remedy: Extract magazine

Message code: 637
Cause: The CN is waiting for a tool loading command. A command for manual discharge of a tool
not previously loaded has been given.
Remedy: Load the tool if you want this operation to continue

Message code: 638
Cause: The CN is waiting for a tool discharge command. A command for manual loading of a tool
where its electro-spindle is already engaged has been given.
Remedy: Discharge fitted tool.

x 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv
Message code: 639
Cause: The CN requests that the axes be calibrated. A Tool change command has been given
without having calibrated the axes.
Remedy: Calibrate the axes

Message code: 640
Cause: An error in the programmed tool change sequence has been detected. Error in sequence file.
Remedy: Reset file after referring to the technical manual.

Message code: 641
Cause: The tool to be used in the tool change has triggered an alarm signal. A tool loading or
unloading command has been given on a magazine which the machine cannot get access.
Remedy: Check the STOREPOS tool set-up file


Message code: 642
Cause: Error in MANUAL TEST page. A non configured electro-spindle has been selected
Remedy: Select electro-spindle correctly

Message code: 643
Cause 1: Fault on No. 1 electro-spindle. Overheated electro-spindle.
Remedy 1: Check ventilation system
Cause 2: Electro-spindle motor failure
Remedy 2: Seek technical assistance

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xi
Message code: 644
Cause 1: Fault on No. 2 electro-spindle. Overheated electro-spindle.
Remedy 1: Check ventilation system
Cause 2: Electro-spindle motor failure
Remedy 2: Seek technical assistance

Message code: 645
Cause 1: Fault on No. 3 electro-spindle. Overheated electro-spindle.
Remedy 1: Check ventilation system
Cause 2: Electro-spindle motor failure
Remedy 2: Seek technical assistance

Message code: 646
Cause: : Error in MANUAL TEST page. A manual electro-spindle movement has been selected
without first choosing which one to operate on.
Remedy: Select electro-spindle.

Message code: 647
Cause: An error has been made during the machine calibration phase . The calibration cycle has
been requested with the tool holder magazine not in position.
Remedy: Select MANUAL TEST page and retrieve the tool holder magazine.

Message code: 648
Cause: Diagnostic message activated while machining with an electro-spindle in the automatic
mode. The CN requests manual discharge of the tool previously fitted to the electro-spindle.
Remedy: Discharge the tool on the electro-spindle manually, and press [pushbutton START] on CN.

xii 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code: 649
Cause: Diagnostic message activated while machining with an electro-spindle in the automatic
mode. The CN requests manual discharge of the tool previously fitted to the electro-spindle.
Remedy: Discharge the tool on the electro-spindle manually, and press [pushbutton START] on CN.

Message code: 650
Cause: Diagnostic message activated while machining with an electro-spindle in the automatic
mode. The CN requests manual discharge of the tool previously fitted to the electro-spindle.
Remedy: Discharge the tool on the electro-spindle manually, and press [pushbutton START] on CN.


Message code: 651
Cause: A tool load or discharge request has been made from an electro-spindle with a magazine
code of zero. The requested tool has been configured in magazine No.0
Remedy: Select MANUAL TEST page and disactivate automatic system.


Message code: 652
Cause 1: Error in the tool change phase. The CN is waiting for the low shuttle. Microswitch failure.
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Magnetic limit stop connecting cable broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.
Cause 3: Mechanical failure
Remedy 3: Check that the shuttle runs perfectly along the two slide guides.


Message code: 653
Cause 1: Error in the tool change phase. The CN is waiting for the low shuttle. Microswitch failure.
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Magnetic limit stop connecting cable broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.
Cause 3: Mechanical failure.
Remedy 3: Check that the shuttle runs perfectly along the two slide guides..

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xiii

Message code: 654
Cause 1: Error in the tool change during tool locking phase. Microswitch failure
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Magnetic limit stop connecting cable broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.
Cause 3: Insufficient pressure for electro-spindle to rise.
Remedy 3: Adjust pressure regulator


Message code: 655
Cause 1: Error in the tool change during tool locking phase. Microswitch failure.
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Connecting cable proximiti switch broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.


Message code: 656
Cause 1: Error in the tool change during unlocking phase of tool. Microswitch failure.
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Connecting cable proximiti switch broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable.


Message code: 657
Cause 1: Error during automatic machining with electro-spindle. Microswitch failure.
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Magnetic limit stop connecting cable broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable

xiv 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code: 658
Cause 1: Error during automatic or manual movement of the tool holder magazine. Microswitch
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Magnetic limit stop connecting cable broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable


Message code: 659
Cause 1: Error during automatic or manual movement of the tool holder magazine. Microswitch
Remedy 1: Substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: Magnetic limit stop connecting cable broken.
Remedy 2: Substitute cable


Message code: 660
Cause 1: A machining operation using an electro-spindle with no tool, has been programmed. Faulty
microswitch mechanism
Remedy 1: Adjust and substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: No tool available on magazine site
Remedy 2: Fit magazine with correct tools


Message code: 661
Cause 1: A machining operation using an electro-spindle with no tool, has been programmed. Faulty
microswitch mechanism
Remedy 1: Adjust and substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: No tool available on magazine site
Remedy 2: Fit magazine with correct tools

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xv
Message code: 662
Cause 1: A machining operation using an electro-spindle with no tool, has been programmed. Faulty
microswitch mechanism
Remedy 1: Adjust and substitute microswitch.
Cause 2: No tool available on magazine site
Remedy 2: Fit magazine with correct tools


Message code: 663
Cause: The CN selects start to continue machining cycle. During machining, a manual tool change
has been carried out on the electro-spindle.
Remedy: Press [pushbutton START] on CN to continue the cycle.


Message code: 664
Cause: A photocell detected emergency on CN generated during tool change for test I/0 has
occurred. Obstacle between mobile group and the tool holder magazine during request for a
test I/0 tool change.
Remedy: Eliminate the obstacle that has activated photocells and press [pushbutton START] on CN

Message code: 665
Cause: Accompanies messages from No. 620-622.
Remedy: See messages 620-622 and press [pushbutton RESET HOLD] on CN.

Message code: 666
Cause: The machine is carrying out a timed lubricating cycle. After a pre-determined number of
machining hours, the CN starts a lubricating cycle without stopping the operations already
in progress.
Remedy: None necessary

xvi 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code: 667
Cause 1: The timed lubricating device cannot carry out the lubrication cycle correctly. Lubrication
tank empty.
Remedy 1: Fill tank with grease.
Cause 2: Interruption in circuit pipeline feed.
Remedy 2: Check pipeline and eliminate eventual bent pipe problems or other causes that could stop
grease circulation.
Cause 3: Microswitch on pump.
Remedy 3: Check condition of microswitch C on pump.
Cause 4: Microswitch on distributor.
Remedy 5: Check condition of microswitch on first grease nozzle
Note: To cancel the message on the screen press [pushbutton STOP] on CN.


Message code: 668
Cause: This message appears when an emergency alarm is reset on machines with conveyers.
During a cycle an emergency alarm is triggered which interrupts machining operations.
Remedy: Confirm discharge of workpiece from conveyer with (pushbutton START) on CN keyboard.

Message code: 669

Cause: Not used

Message code: 670

Cause: not used

Message code: 671
Cause: The machine is working in the SETTING mode ( the electro-spindles do not rotate, the
axes work at a speed of 2m/min.) The [SETTING selector] has been activated..
Remedy: Turn the [SETTING selector] on 0.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xvii

Message code: 672
Cause 1: Protection has not reached the up position. Mechanical fault.
Remedy 1: Eliminate fault.
Cause 2: Pneumatic cylinder.
Remedy 2: Check that air reaches the cylinder.
Cause 3: Sensor positioning.
Remedy 3: Check condition of sensor.


Message code: 673
Cause 1: The protection has not reached the down position. Mechanical fault.
Remedy 1: Eliminate fault.
Cause 2: Pneumatic cylinder.
Remedy 2: Check that air reaches the cylinder.
Cause 3: Sensor positioning.
Remedy 3: Check condition of sensor.


Message code: 674
Cause: An external magazine tool has been specified in the program. The program selected a
machining operation with tool not present in magazine therefore requiring a manual loading
( not possible for machines with EC regulations).
Remedy: Restart the program inserting the tool in the correct magazine location.

Message code: 675

Cause: Not used.

xviii 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code: 676
Cause 1: The magazine has not positioned itself within the set time limit. Mechanical failures.
Remedy 1: Eliminate failures.
Cause 2: Parameter changes.
Remedy 2: Check and reset correct parameter values.


Message code: 677
Cause: An error has occurred during tool loading on an electro-spindle in the automatic mode. A
tool not present in the tool holder wheel has been programmed to insert in the electro-
Remedy: Exit the automatic mode and place machine in emergency while loading tool on tool holder
wheel. Check that program and correct tooling set-up are written correctly for specific
machining operation.


Message code: 678
Cause 1: Tool change must be carried out manually. A tool from an external magazine list is selected.
Remedy 1: Proceed with tool loading, then confirm operation with [pushbutton START] on CN.
Cause 2: Automatic change has been disabled in the MANUAL TEST page.
Remedy 2: Reset automatic change on MANUAL TEST page


Message code 679
Cause 1: The electro-spindle has not reached the position required. A mechanical fault stops the
electro-spindle from reaching the correct position.
Remedy 1: Check that there are no obstacles in the path of the electro-spindle Check that all sliding
parts are well oiled.
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables.
Remedy 2: Substitute faulty parts.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xix

Message code: 680
Cause 1: During the tool change phase the machine is waiting for shuttle rotation to end. The tool on
board is in collision with mechanical parts.
Remedy 1: Before carrying out any manual operation, set the machine in the emergency mode and
eliminate the collision causes.
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables
Remedy 2: Substitute faulty parts


Message code: 681
Cause 1: During tool change phase the machine is waiting for shuttle to end position(magazine side,
electro-spindle side, intermediate position). The tool on board is in collision with
mechanical parts.
Remedy 1: Before carrying out any manual operation, set the machine in the emergency mode and
eliminate the collision causes.
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables
Remedy 2: Substitute faulty parts


Message code: 682
Cause 1: The magazine has failed to reach the pick-up position during the positioning phase.
Mechanical faults.
Remedy 1: Check visually and make necessary repairs
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables
Remedy 2: Substitute faulty parts


Message code: 683
Cause 1: In the pick-up or deposit phase, the magazine gripper is open or else it does not close.
Incorrect magazine position.
Remedy 1: Seek technical assistance.
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables.
Remedy 2: Substitute faulty parts.

xx 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv
Message code: 684
Cause: The CN cannot continue the tool change sequence because of possible collisions. A check
can be made after the manual movement of various tool change actuators.
Remedy: From the CN MANUAL TEST page, open the grippers requested, discharging the tool if

Message code: 685
Cause: The CN cannot continue the tool change sequence because of possible collisions. A check
can be made after the manual movement of various tool change actuators.
Remedy: From the CN MANUAL TEST page, open the grippers requested, discharging the tool if


Message code: 686
Cause 1: During tool change the suction hood does not reach its correct position. Mechanical failures.
Remedy 1: Check visually and eliminate eventual failures.
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables.
Remedy 2: Substitute faulty parts.


Message code: 687
Cause 1: During tool change the vector does not reach the position specified for tool pick-up.
Mechanical failures.
Remedy 1: Substitute faulty parts.
Cause 2: Faulty limit stops, broken connecting cables.
Remedy 2: Check visually and eliminate eventual failures.
Cause 3: Pick-up setting parameter error in PHEADS file
Remedy 3: Insert exact value in pick-up setting parameter in PHEADS file.


Message code: 688
Cause: During tool change, the gripper that should discharge the tool from the electro-spindle is
engaged or is closed.
Remedy: Exit the automatic mode, select TEST I/0 page and open the gripper.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xxi

Message code: 689
Cause: The CN does not operate in the automatic machining mode. During TEST I/0 page
movements, the starting position has not been reset and the automatic cycle has been set in
Remedy: Exit the automatic mode, select TEST I/0 page and reset the start up operation.


Message code: 690
Cause: 1: The CN has given a tool unlock command without first detecting the end of the operation.
Broken solenoid-valves.
Remedy 1: Micro cylinder, safety devices, mechanisms broken or not adjusted correctly
Cause 2: Mechanical fault. Adjust and substitute microswitch.
Remedy 2: Visually check that there are no mechanical failures


Message code: 691
Cause 1: The CN detects the inverter in its acceleration and deceleration phases. Broken inverter.
Remedy 1: Wrong inverter parameters
Cause 2: Wrong inverter parameters
Remedy 2: Check parameters against instructions attached.
Cause 3: Relay frequence 0 or frequence reached is faulty.
Remedy 3: Substitute faulty relay.


Message code: 692
Cause: Mechanical fault during tool change or else an emergency has occurred which has
interrupted completion of cycle therefore it is not possible to reset in automatic. Problem
displayed in alarm windows section.
Remedy: Eliminate the alarm condition that has caused interruption of tool change then use the TEST
I/0 page commands.

Message code: 693

Cause: Not used

xxii 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code: 694
Cause: Not used


Message code: 695
Cause: The axis advance speed rate is zero. The selector switch for choosing the axis speed rate is
set to zero.
Remedy: Turn the selector till the required speed rate is reached (the axis involved starts
automatically and the message then disappears).

Message code: 696

Cause: Not used


Message code: 697
Cause: The work list in the FLOW SYSTEM mode is terminated.


Message code: 698
Cause: Forced message for hoods up. A key has been pressed for raising the electro-spindle hoods
on the CN.
Remedy: Press key to lower hoods and eliminate message on CN.

Message code: 699
Cause 1: The CN does not carry out the list programmed. A non homogeneous list is being selected.
Remedy 1: Use accepted lists.
Cause 2: AB-BA/CD-DC/AD-DA
Remedy 2: Write the list correctly.

Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xxiii

Message code: 700
Cause: The K time constants have not been loaded (this operation normally takes place during the
installation phase).
Remedy: By following the instructions given in the CN Manual, load K time constants from PLC disk

Message code: 701

Cause: Not used

Message code: 702
Cause 1: During the automatic operations mode, the CN signals that the tool has reached maximum
wear value specified in the magazine file. Substitute tool.
Remedy 1: Substitute tool and reset wear value to zero in the magazine file.
Cause 2: An unsuitable tool wear value has been entered in the magazine file .
Remedy 2: Correct tool wear value in the magazine file.


Message code: 703
Cause: The CN advises the operator that the buffer battery which maintains the RAM memory
functioning, has reached its minimum (the battery is discharging).
Remedy: The operator has two weeks in which to change the battery, after which time the data
information resident in the RAM memory will be lost. For substitution consult
HARDWARE manual or call for technical assistance.

xxiv 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

Message code:: 704
Cause 1: The CN advises the operator that the inside temperature has reached a dangerous peak for
electronic components. Broken heat exchanger.
Remedy 1: Repair or, if necessary, replace the heat exchanger.
Cause 2: The fans situated above the CN are not rotating.
Remedy 2: Check that there are no failures, if so, call for technical assistance.
Cause 3: High external temperature.
Remedy 3: It is advisable to increase ventilation inside the cabin and, if necessary, call for technical


Esa/Gv 91670.MD.0.GB xxv

xxvi 91670.MD.0.GB Esa/Gv

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