FirstB2 Lesson 6

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Grammar 4 Complete these sentences by writing the verbs in bbrackers in the correct form (present perfect simple or continuous). In some cases, both forms are possible. 1 l'mcelebrating because my team has smn (win) the league! 2 Atlast you... nary) — we . = (expect) you for ages. 3 Of course Imm annoyed. |r nnnrenmn (spend) ages preparing for this party and no one sane (HUT UP} YOR 4 We (have) 2 really interesting FM, GeV nem) US ABOU is trip round the world, There are a few countries he sti (not ell us about, but! get the impresion he ee) amost isreryting! 5 Kote. (se) weight recently because te (ged more eroreise & [wonder ifs. irish reading that DOK YE | noc wal to ead for ager 7 Tatiana is 20 gr06dy! She wenn 00a the tkes 9d the nnn od leave) ay for us 8 Palo wrwnnevorn mood very red recary| thinks becouse he (study too he focabulary 1 Complete these sentences by writing a phrasal verb or expression from the Vocabulary section on page 21 in the correct form in the gaps, 1 If you cant mn sn 89 one will ever trust 2 |justdor’t lke. 180 l'd never get a motorbike, 3. Mario is thinking of jogging, as he doesn't feel he's getting enough exercise. 4 Instead of reading to the childran, | think I'l just es smn @ Story for their bechime 5. senna OUT ideas in just @ few words 19 save time. 6 | omnes ROW Sove this maths problem; would you lke1a land see if you can doit? jrammar Join these sentences to form compound and complex sentences, More than one answer may be possible. 1 Katya took up kerate. She was seven years old. She was interested in karate, 2 Her father is a professional karate instructor. He taught her karate. She progressed quickly. She soon became junior regional champion. 2. She did karate with ather ehildran. The other childon were the same age as her. None of them was as good as her. She felt dissatisfied. 4 Last year, she participated in the national championship. She did nat win. She was injured during cone of the matches. 5 She hopes to become a professional karate instructor She hopes to wark in the same sports centre as her father, Her father has too many students. 6 Some of her father's studants hava baen studying karate for seversl years. Her father thinks they would. benefit from a different teachar. Thay ato too familiar with his style of karate. For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in capitals. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given 1. This motorbike is not as noisy as my previous one. MADE My previous this one. 2 Small towns are safer than large citios. NOT Small {OWNS nan -as large cities 3 Noone in the team plays better than Gemma. PLAYER Gemme in the team, 4 She looks more relaxed than she did before the exam. STRESSED She does Not 100K vwnonnnnnnnnnn she did before the exer, 5 Tatiana does not speak nearly as clearly as Irina. MUCH Hina $2 0K nnn Taian {6 None of the other sofas in the shop are as comfortable as this one, ANY, This sofas. _the others in the shop. Word formation 4 © Use the word given in capitals at the end of each Sentence to form a word that fits inthe gap. 1 What an... bandl | never expected they'd be ‘that good, AMAZE 2 They found! the journey 60 wmsnnw that thoy fall asleep as soon 2s they arrived, EXHAUST 3 isa problem — | don't really know what to do about it. PUZZLE 4 Sale Felt wenn With hs exam results. He had hoped to do better. DISAPPOINT 5 You can't expect children to work hard if they don't $80 vn nnnne MOTIVATE 6 We Were mn nmnneby the Way they shouted at us. ASTONISH Starting off 1 Work in pairs. Complete the table below by writing the words ‘and phrases from the box inthe most appropriate column, camping holiday atacampsite waking and dimbing ata lunuty hotel abeach holiday on a cuge ship esting new people sunbathing 2sightaeeing tour relaxing acrue atayouth hostel backpacking vialing monuments. inthe cy entre atthe seaside sesing new places a LS tening | Part 3 Ustening Part 3, you fiston to five different speakers talking about a related subject, You must match each speaker with one of sight statements A-H. There are three extra statements you dor't need hear ech speaker twice rt tests your ablity to understand a varity of <5, including the general ides being expressod, ls aititudes, opinions or purpose ‘You are going to hear five people talking about he holiday they took last year. Before you listen, sadezline the main idea in each statement A-E. 4 | didn’t enjoy it much at first, 5 | cicn’t mind the discomfort C | got to know lots of people, D I'e done something similar before E | wanted a low-cost holiday. F | didn't do much during the day G | wosn't in es much danger as some people imagined H | wenton the trip 8s a break from my parents Bos Now listen and, for questions 1-5, choose from ‘the list (A-H) in Exercise 1 what each speaker says about their holiday. Use the letters only once, There are three extra letters which you do not need to use Francesca 7 Mie = [_ [a] Sally Co) raul = [a Katie is | Work in groups. Whet de you like about holidays with your + family? i Grammar Past simple, past continuous and used to 1 Gor Complete these extracts from Listening Part 3 by writing the verbs in brackets in the correct form in the gaps, Then listen again to check your answers, + on family holidays we alWay$ (1) cmnmnnennn (90) 10 the same campsite and lie on the tame beach . My dad @.. (be) a climber when he Borer (bel younger. * Stil there was an upside because while we onan [go] round yet another museum, 16) —-r nnn (G84) 10 meet this Polish girl called Jolanta. 930 2 jUSt (6) enone meen CUM and (7) (90) off for the d We (8) nnnnnmnnnn (HAE) a relly are a ;people like us from al over the worl who (10) nnn) the sayfe sort of thing Past simple, past continuous and used to Past simple We use the past simple to talk about: * actions or events in the past: | visited Egypt last year # actions or events whiich happened one after another | saw the Pyramids, then | went round the Cairo Museum and lator | went 20 a traditional restaurant, * things which happened for long time in the past: She lived in Zurich for ton years from 2003 to 2078, Past continuous We use the past continuous to talk about, * an activity which started before and continued until an ‘event in the past: He was riding to school when his motorbike brake down, (The activity of riding was interrupted by the problem with the motorbike) * an activity which started before anc! continued after an event in the past was watching television when the news wes announced. (continued! to watch television afterwards) Remember! State verbs are not normally used in the continuous used to We use used to to talk about ‘+ situations or states in the past which are not true now: My maths teacher used to be in the army, ‘repeated activities or habits in the past which do net happen now. ‘She used to nun in the London Merathon every year until she injured her leg, Note: We only use used to in the past She used to run in marathons; Did you use to run in marathons? I didn't use to run in marathons When we want to talk about habits in the present, we usa the present simple with an adverb like usually, avery cay, ec { usually drink t2a with my lunch, He catches the same train every day. 2 Circe the correct form of the verb in itaies in each of these sentences 1 When he welked!/was walking home, he found a wallet with a huge amount of money init! 2 When | was at primary school, | was doing / used to do about one hour's homework a day. 3. Asscon as Mandy was getting / got Simon’ text, she ‘was jumping / jumped on her bike and was siding / ‘ede round to his house to speak to him, 4 When Iwas younger, we used to spend / were spending our holidays in my grendparents vilage 5 Luckily, we walked / were walking pasta shopping centre winen the storm began / was beginning 6 My mum used to visit / was visting ots of exotic places ‘when she was /was being tour guide 3 © candidates often make speling mistakes when adding -ed to past tense verbs, Add -ed to each of these words develop enjoy happen mention accur open plan prefer stop study travel try Spelling Spelling changes when adding -ed, -ing, er and -ést to words We double the final consonant when we add -ed-ing, -eror “est 0 words * which are one sylable and end in a consonant-vowel consonant: step - stopped, hit hitting, Fat ~ fatter * which have two or more syllables which end in consonant vowel-consonant and the final syllable is stressed! admit - admitted, oceur- occurring Note: In British English, we always double a final after a single vowol: iravel~ travelling, cancel - cancelled ‘We don't double the final consonant when: © there are two final consonants: send — sending, herd hardest '* there are twa vowels before the final consonant: epee! - appealed, mean ~ meanest * the word ends in a vowel: strike — string, safe — safest * for a verb, the stress isnot on the final syllable: ‘open - opening + the word ends in -w, -xor-y: slow ~ slower, rolax- relaxing, display — displayed When adding -ed, a final’ after a consonant becomes study — studied, lovely — loveliest When adding -ing, @ final 'y’ eftera consonant does not change: study — studying Note: Notice how the soelling of these words changes lie ~ ying ~ fied: dio dying ~ died lay lying ~ aio: trytrying = Wied Vocabulary travel, journey, trip and way BD) cestcases of connie mi seni Dried racy tire wap tockerciesaaioenas frou the roan vere Lise Pate sac ciel tha extras alee hy wa oom) Rien eaten « Tewnton one of hone joumay velar! io Kans + SRE caste ae dormir sue by bee 2 ena ny Ease TR Oba peered lapel a Neely Hatoe tote ergo eee ie one of Ge bor ings shout Soe bevel travel, joumey, trio or way? BB AO) eeeeoonnnis @ journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again. ® 2)..." relers only to the route that you take to get from one place to another. The noun 8) .neann-n’ IS @ general word which means the activity of traveling. @ Use 4)... to talk about when you travel trom one place to another. Circle the correct word in italics in each of these sentences. 1 She met plenty cfinteresting peoele during her wackend travel / trip te Montreal 2 We stopped at the supermarket on the way/trip to the beach to pick up some cold drines. 3 My mum and dad have booked a joumey / tip+0 Greece for ourholidays this August. 4. My mum is avay on a business journey / ip, s0 the house is really quit at the moment '5 People spend fer more on foreign travel /jeurneys than they cid 50 years ago. 6 Tho travel /journey to my vllage wil ake about three hours. 7 ‘Have @ good travel / trip to Budapest! Thanks! See you next week when I get back!” 8 You can't get to school by bicycle ifthe journey / way is to0 long — over 30 kiometres, for example 9 Excuse me, 'ma bit lost. Can you tell me the best joumey / way o the bus station?

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