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Public Private Partnership, Ngo, Ingo and


Muhammad Waseem
ID# F2016122014
BS Public Administration


Interview Assignment

Resource Person:

Mr. Salman Zaheer

Submission Deadline:

14th March, 2019 PST 1500

University of Management and Technology Lahore

Life Spent:
Question No;1 What was the life style of an average student of college/university in your era?
The life was very simple in our time, the students of that time hardly
know about the styles, they were living a life of very simple, and
there was not the concept of inferiority or superiority. The students
were had kind and good habits. The trend of fashion was not existing
at that time. Therefore, we didn’t feel shy what to wear, we had
worn simple and even though enough old clothes we had used.
Sometimes, I get wondered when I see today’s students that they
have every possible and luxurious life. In contrast, we had not that
much facilities, we faced various kinds of difficulties and hurdles such as transportation,
unavailability of books and other resources which were used in school. We didn’t have so much
resources as today’s students are having. In that time, there were no electricity, I remember that
days, when I had my B.A annual papers and I was preparing my papers under candle light. That
time was very hard.
Question No: 2 What was typical day like from getting up in the morning to sleep and how
many members of family at home?
Firstly, I would tell my school life days that how I was managing my
day, in earlier school days, being villager I had awakened up early in
the morning as I remember that was time of 5-6’ o clock. Mother was
awakened us (brothers and sisters) for Fajar prayer after offering
prayer, I had gone for grass cultivating for our buffaloes and goats.
After back from there, I had breakfasted with bread and tea, later I
would take ready for school going. The school timings were from 8 am
to 1 pm. In that duration, I had been there. In our times, the students were so interested in school
because there were no trend of education that much therefore, mostly students got bunked in
the mid school time. But I was there until unless school time gets finished. After school timing, I
had taken lunch. After that I had taken lunch and offered Zuhr prayer. Meanwhile, I had gone to
mosque for Quran learning for 2 hours. Back from the mosque, I had to go again for bringing grass
for our animals. Back from there, I had also to give hand my mother and father to serve animals.
After that, I had gone outside for rushing and playing with classmates. The dinner time was 7’o
clock, once I had finished lunched, I had went for sleeping. In college life days, the schedule
remained approximately same. The college was difficult as compared to school, therefore I gave
little bit time to my books as well. As I told you earlier that in our time there was no competition,
for this reason, I was competent. I give time to books so that I could get passed in my exams.
Question No: 3 What tasks were done together, how much time spent with family and how
were relatives?
We brothers were living together with parents. The parents had overseen our relationships
therefore, we had never faced any hurdles and difficulties in understanding. Each and everything
was handled by parents. If in case, sometimes aggression occurred we brothers settled it
ourselves. It was never shared with parents. They punished us very hard. Therefore we did n’t
share. The tasks were done all together. But in certain circumstances the tasks were divided. As
I told earlier that I had to go for grass cultivating. The time spent with family was very rare, we
were working in fields and I had to go school as well. Therefore I had very tired and seeking always
for resting.

Life Cycle:
Question No: 4 The stages in life bring a lot of changes in one’s life cycle. Kindly recall and share
how many differences came in your life when you were single and got married and had kids?
Indicating me, he has told, you are lucky that you have so much
facilities and every kind of possible resources you have. The time
what I passed it was very hard. My life was full of difficulties, we
brothers and father did very hard work. You are studying today in
standards beyond this it was hurdles, hard work and savings. We
saved each penny for our family generation. We ate dry bread sometimes we didn’t eat. We had
small acres of land in that land we cultivated crops and passed the time. When I was single, the
difficulties were a lot but later with grace of Allah Almighty with our un-tired efforts we gradually
developed our lands, the conditions were gotten better. When I got married the situation was
enough better but the responsibilities were increased but I did not get rid from my earlier
responsibilities we as family continued our hard work. The rewards of that hardest moments are
we are living a comfortable life.

Products and Needs

Question: 5 What products and services were used when you were in college/university?
In our era, there were simple things we had been using. Such as for
writing purpose there were black carbon type packet which was to
mix with water and that use on wooden
mad board. There were no such types of
pen or digital methods to utilize. An iron-
made slate was used to practice for
dictation or mathematical purposes. In
place of pen, we had been using the wooden made pen which was
also called Qalam.
Question No: 6 Which resources were used by teachers or instructors?
There were no special resources were used, in ancient time teachers utilize black board which
was stuck with walls and on that board teachers use white chalk to deliver or for understanding
of the students they write on board. There were modern techniques such projectors etc.
Question No: 7 How did you go to school or what transportation you used to go?
My school and college both were far away from our village. It was situated
nearly 2 kilo meter away. When I was admitted to school, I faced enough
hard. I had gone on pedestrians. After late time, I was asked father to buy
a cycle for me. He had bought it for me after being very stubborn. So it
was gotten much easier to go.

Question No: 8 What were students favorite time pass like activities etc?
We had interested activities and entertainment resources. We used
to play Chori chuppay and Diki Dakar at that time these two were
prominent games.

Ethnic and Society

Question No: 9 Compare that era pros and con do you see in current life share 2-3 incidences
where people cared for each other or demonstrated for each others.
I would add that in our era the simplicity and human behavior to others
was very much appreciated. There was no concept of superiority.
Everyone was happy in their own circle. The interference or fighting or
abusing to other was very rare and about nothing. In current life the
time is same but changed. The value of selfishness and work for ourselves has gotten increased.
No one is ready to serve or help others. In that era, people were used to serve others, if anyone
fells ills, people had his/her after looking. The moral values are in fact declining in today’s
situations. Everyone has its own business, no one cares for others, If I give example to understand
the today’s moral values that is “if any one dies/accident happens, we take his pictures and
upload it on social websites. This the caliber of our today’s society. In that era, these such kinds
of people or incidents were not observed. As far as you ask about incidences, I do remember one
incidence. Once I was coming from college, on the road side I saw a dead body, I recall he was
the dead body of beggar, who used to come to our village, we had usually serve him and gave
them food. I felt wondered that he was lying dead along a road side. I cycled fast and came to
home and shared it with parents. Immediately, parents went out of the home and got villagers
in group and set out for picking of that dead body. They brought it to the home and washed it
meanwhile it had been taken to the graveyard and buried it.
Question No:10 Kindly give some suggestion how we might improve it?
I would say, we should not for just ourselves. The human must not
be selfish and they should care for others. Lastly, I would say we
should not forget values. Human being are selfless therefore our
society should serve others.

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