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Structures like so/such .., er/as ...

as or too/enough often appear in this


For Questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the
word given. You must use between two and five words.

1. The food was so good we had to leave a tip.

It ........................................... we had to leave a tip.

2. The computer was too expensive for me to buy.

I ........................................... money to buy the computer.

3. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen.

I ............................................ beautiful painting.

4. This summer has been much cooler than last year.

Last summer .................................. this year.

5. I'm not as good at maths as you.

You ......................................... me.

6. The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected.

The course ........................................ I'd expected.

7. This car isn't safe enough to drive.

This car ........................................ drive.

8. This exercise is easier than the last one.

This exercise ....................................... the last one.
Lot, happiest, better, worse, nicer, harder, sooner, more, elder,
beautiful, any, far, bit, further

English wine is good but French wine is ___________.

English cooking is bad but Scottish cooking is __________ .
It's a long way from London to Moscow but London to Sydney is even ________ .
I've got two daughters. Sophie is the younger one and Kathryn is the _________ one.
My job is getting harder and _________ . I cannot cope.
The earlier we leave, the _________ we'll arrive.
It's becoming more and ________ difficult to find time to play golf.
Do it when you can but the sooner it's done, the ________ .
I like visiting Switzerland but it is getting ________ and more expensive.
The older I get, the ________ I forget!
I'm so happy. I must be the _________ man in the world!
The ________ I think about it, the less happy I feel.
You're even more ________ in real life than in photos.
I was really ill yesterday but I feel a little ________ today.
This wine is a ________ sweeter than the other one. They are completely different.
I much prefer this candidate. I thought she was ________ better than the other one.
It's a little ________ more expensive but much better quality.
I've been working hard on my English but it isn't ________ better.
They're both nice but Susan is the _________ of the two.
Could you speak _________ slowly, please? It's a bad line.

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