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Full Name : lalala

Place, Date of Birth : Bandung, 12 Juli 1988
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Single
Address : Komp Jayagiri No.48
Pasir Kaliki, Bandung 40215
Phone : 08123456789
Email :


 1993 – 1998 SDN Negeri Cirangrang 4 Bandung

 1998 – 2001 SMP Negeri 48 Padasuka Bandung

 2001 – 2004 SMA YPAI Katapang 3 Bandung

 2004 – 2007 DIII Keuangan Dan Perbankan Politeknik

Negeri Bandung

 Microsoft Office Word, Exel, Power Point, Access & Outlook

 Accounting Program, Information Technology

 Speaking Skill Bahasa Indonesia, English and Mandarin

Job Experiences

 04.2010 – 07.2010 Job training at PT. Trans Retail Indonesia

 11.2010 – 01.2011 Job training at Bank Mandiri

 03.2011 – 07.2014 Financial Administrations at PT. TATA Insurance

Similarly, the resume I created with truth and truth can be accounted for.

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