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Introduction: Overview of the Course

Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts

Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money


Dr. Edward Asiedu

University of Ghana Business School,Department of Finance

Oce Hours: Fridays 11:00am - 12:00 noon (UGBS Main

Campus, S13)


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Majority of us are going to be working with nancial

institutions (Financial intermediaries, banks, insurance
companies, pension funds, mutual funds etc.).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Majority of us are going to be working with nancial

institutions (Financial intermediaries, banks, insurance
companies, pension funds, mutual funds etc.).

Financial intermediaries: institutions that borrow funds from

people and give loans to others.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Majority of us are going to be working with nancial

institutions (Financial intermediaries, banks, insurance
companies, pension funds, mutual funds etc.).

Financial intermediaries: institutions that borrow funds from

people and give loans to others.

Banks: institutions that accept deposits and make loans.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Majority of us are going to be working with nancial

institutions (Financial intermediaries, banks, insurance
companies, pension funds, mutual funds etc.).

Financial intermediaries: institutions that borrow funds from

people and give loans to others.

Banks: institutions that accept deposits and make loans.

And therefore it is important to understand how nancial

institutions work.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Also, importantly, to understand the role of money in the


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Also, importantly, to understand the role of money in the


Money, also referred to as the money supply, is dened as

anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or
services or in the repayment of debts.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Also, importantly, to understand the role of money in the


Money, also referred to as the money supply, is dened as

anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or
services or in the repayment of debts.

Money plays a key role in generating business Cycles

(recessions and booms).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Also, importantly, to understand the role of money in the


Money, also referred to as the money supply, is dened as

anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods or
services or in the repayment of debts.

Money plays a key role in generating business Cycles

(recessions and booms).

Business Cycles are upward and downward movement of

aggregate output produced in the economy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Business cycles aect all of us in immediate and important

ways. When output is rising, for example, it is easier to nd a
good job; when output is falling, nding a good job might be

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Business cycles aect all of us in immediate and important

ways. When output is rising, for example, it is easier to nd a
good job; when output is falling, nding a good job might be

Thus, recession (unemployment) and economic booms aect

all of us.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Why should Accountants and Financial Analysts be

interested in Monetary Theory

Business cycles aect all of us in immediate and important

ways. When output is rising, for example, it is easier to nd a
good job; when output is falling, nding a good job might be

Thus, recession (unemployment) and economic booms aect

all of us.

Changes in the money supply impacts changes in aggregate

economic activity and ination.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Aims of the course

The three main aims of the course are:

To enhance students understanding of the role and nature of

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Aims of the course

The three main aims of the course are:

To enhance students understanding of the role and nature of

To enhance students understanding of the monetary and

nancial system.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Aims of the course

The three main aims of the course are:

To enhance students understanding of the role and nature of

To enhance students understanding of the monetary and

nancial system.

To equip students with the knowledge to understand the

impact of monetary policy on an economy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Aims of the course

The three main aims of the course are:

To enhance students understanding of the role and nature of

To enhance students understanding of the monetary and

nancial system.

To equip students with the knowledge to understand the

impact of monetary policy on an economy

Students should be able at the end to evaluate alternative

monetary policy rules.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Denition and Nature, Functions and Value of Money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Denition and Nature, Functions and Value of Money

Introduction of Financial Institutions in Ghana

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Denition and Nature, Functions and Value of Money

Introduction of Financial Institutions in Ghana

Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Structure of Central Banks and the Reserve System

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Denition and Nature, Functions and Value of Money

Introduction of Financial Institutions in Ghana

Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Structure of Central Banks and the Reserve System

Bank Reserves and the Money Supply

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Denition and Nature, Functions and Value of Money

Introduction of Financial Institutions in Ghana

Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Structure of Central Banks and the Reserve System

Bank Reserves and the Money Supply

Determinants of the Money Supply

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course


Barter and Early Exchange Systems

Denition and Nature, Functions and Value of Money

Introduction of Financial Institutions in Ghana

Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Structure of Central Banks and the Reserve System

Bank Reserves and the Money Supply

Determinants of the Money Supply

Tools of Monetary Policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money


Supply of Money
Monetary and Fiscal policy in the Macroeconomy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money


Supply of Money
Monetary and Fiscal policy in the Macroeconomy

Interest Rates

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money


Supply of Money
Monetary and Fiscal policy in the Macroeconomy

Interest Rates

Monetary and Targeting and Money Control

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money


Supply of Money
Monetary and Fiscal policy in the Macroeconomy

Interest Rates

Monetary and Targeting and Money Control

Ination and Money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Outline of the course

Demand for Money
Keynesian Theories Precautionary,

Transaction and Speculative Demand

Income Velocity and the Quantity Theory of Money


Supply of Money
Monetary and Fiscal policy in the Macroeconomy

Interest Rates

Monetary and Targeting and Money Control

Ination and Money

Financial Crisis and the role of the central bank

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Background readings

Frederic S. Mishkin, The Economics of Money, Banking, and

Financial Markets, 7th or 9th edition (Addison Wesley: New

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Background readings

Frederic S. Mishkin, The Economics of Money, Banking, and

Financial Markets, 7th or 9th edition (Addison Wesley: New

Walsh, Carl E. Monetary theory and policy. MIT press, 2010

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

What Is Money?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

What Is Money?

Money has been dierent things at dierent times; however, it

has always been important to people and to the economy.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

What Is Money?

Money has been dierent things at dierent times; however, it

has always been important to people and to the economy.

To understand the eects of money on the economy, we must

understand exactly what money is.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

What Is Money?

Money has been dierent things at dierent times; however, it

has always been important to people and to the economy.

To understand the eects of money on the economy, we must

understand exactly what money is.

We will explore the functions of money, looking at why and

how it promotes economic eciency.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

As the word money is used in everyday conversation, it can

mean many things, but to economists, it has a very specic

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

As the word money is used in everyday conversation, it can

mean many things, but to economists, it has a very specic

Economists dene money (also referred to as the money

supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for
goods or services or in the repayment of debts.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

As the word money is used in everyday conversation, it can

mean many things, but to economists, it has a very specic

Economists dene money (also referred to as the money

supply) as anything that is generally accepted in payment for
goods or services or in the repayment of debts.

Currency, consisting of cedi bills, euro bills, dollar bills and

coins, clearly ts this denition and is one type of money.
When most people talk about money, they're talking about
currency (paper money and coins).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

To dene money merely as currency is much too narrow for


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

To dene money merely as currency is much too narrow for


Because cheques are also accepted as payment for purchases,

checking/current account deposits are considered money as

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

To dene money merely as currency is much too narrow for


Because cheques are also accepted as payment for purchases,

checking/current account deposits are considered money as

An even broader denition of money is often needed, because

other items such as savings deposits can in eect function as
money if they can be quickly and easily converted into
currency or checking/current account deposits.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

To complicate matters further, the word money is frequently

used synonymously with wealth. When people say, Mike is
richhe has an awful lot of money, they probably mean that
Mike has not only a lot of currency and a high balance in his
checking account but has also stocks, bonds, four cars, three
houses, and a yacht.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Meaning of Money?

To complicate matters further, the word money is frequently

used synonymously with wealth. When people say, Mike is
richhe has an awful lot of money, they probably mean that
Mike has not only a lot of currency and a high balance in his
checking account but has also stocks, bonds, four cars, three
houses, and a yacht.

Thus while currency is too narrow a denition of money, this

other popular usage is much too broad.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Functions of Money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Functions of Money

Whether money is kola or shells or rocks or gold or paper, it

has three primary functions in any economy:
Medium of Exchange

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Functions of Money

Whether money is kola or shells or rocks or gold or paper, it

has three primary functions in any economy:
Medium of Exchange

Unit of account

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Role and Nature of Money

Functions of Money

Whether money is kola or shells or rocks or gold or paper, it

has three primary functions in any economy:
Medium of Exchange

Unit of account

Store of value

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange

In almost all market transactions in our economy, money in the

form of currency or checks is a medium of exchange; it is used
to pay for goods and services.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange

In almost all market transactions in our economy, money in the

form of currency or checks is a medium of exchange; it is used
to pay for goods and services.

The use of money as a medium of exchange promotes

economic eciency by minimizing the time spent in
exchanging goods and services.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange

In almost all market transactions in our economy, money in the

form of currency or checks is a medium of exchange; it is used
to pay for goods and services.

The use of money as a medium of exchange promotes

economic eciency by minimizing the time spent in
exchanging goods and services.


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange

In almost all market transactions in our economy, money in the

form of currency or checks is a medium of exchange; it is used
to pay for goods and services.

The use of money as a medium of exchange promotes

economic eciency by minimizing the time spent in
exchanging goods and services.


Use the scenario of a Finance/Economics Professor, who can

do just one thing well: give brilliant monetary theory lectures.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

In a barter economy, if the Professor wants to eat, she must

nd a farmer who not only produces the food he likes but also
wants to learn economics. As you might expect, this search
will be dicult and time-consuming, and Ellen might spend
more time looking for such an economics-hungry farmer than
she will be teaching.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

In a barter economy, if the Professor wants to eat, she must

nd a farmer who not only produces the food he likes but also
wants to learn economics. As you might expect, this search
will be dicult and time-consuming, and Ellen might spend
more time looking for such an economics-hungry farmer than
she will be teaching.

It is even possible that she will have to quit lecturing and go

into farming herself. Even so, she may still starve to death.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

The time spent trying to exchange goods or services is called a

transaction cost.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

The time spent trying to exchange goods or services is called a

transaction cost.

In a barter economy, transaction costs are high because people

have to satisfy a double coincidence of wantsthey have to
nd someone who has a good or service they want and who
also wants the good or service they have to oer.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Medium of Exchange

The time spent trying to exchange goods or services is called a

transaction cost.

In a barter economy, transaction costs are high because people

have to satisfy a double coincidence of wantsthey have to
nd someone who has a good or service they want and who
also wants the good or service they have to oer.

The use of money as a medium of exchange there promotes

economic eciency by minimizing the time spent in
exchanging goods and services.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
For a commodity to function eectively as money, it has to
meet several criteria:
It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
For a commodity to function eectively as money, it has to
meet several criteria:
It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its

It must be widely accepted;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
For a commodity to function eectively as money, it has to
meet several criteria:
It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its

It must be widely accepted;

It must be divisible, so that it is easy to make change;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
For a commodity to function eectively as money, it has to
meet several criteria:
It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its

It must be widely accepted;

It must be divisible, so that it is easy to make change;

It must be easy to carry; and

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
For a commodity to function eectively as money, it has to
meet several criteria:
It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its

It must be widely accepted;

It must be divisible, so that it is easy to make change;

It must be easy to carry; and

It must not deteriorate quickly.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Medium of Exchange
For a commodity to function eectively as money, it has to
meet several criteria:
It must be easily standardized, making it simple to ascertain its

It must be widely accepted;

It must be divisible, so that it is easy to make change;

It must be easy to carry; and

It must not deteriorate quickly.

Examples of money (in history): Tobacco, whiskey, cigarettes

used in prisoner-of-war camps, beads etc.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

The second role of money is to provide a unit of account; that

is, it is used to measure value in the economy. We measure
the value of goods and services in terms of money.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

The second role of money is to provide a unit of account; that

is, it is used to measure value in the economy. We measure
the value of goods and services in terms of money.

Just as we measure weight in terms of kilograms or distance in

terms of kilometers.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

The second role of money is to provide a unit of account; that

is, it is used to measure value in the economy. We measure
the value of goods and services in terms of money.

Just as we measure weight in terms of kilograms or distance in

terms of kilometers.

To see why this function is important, let's look again at a

barter economy where money does not perform this function.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Unit of Account

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Unit of Account
If the economy has only three goodssay, Plantain, books,
and pensthen we need to know the price (value) of a kilo of
plantain in terms of books or pens. In other words, how many
kilos of plantain you have to pay for a book or penor how
many books (exercise book, textbook etc.) you have to pay for
a pen.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Unit of Account
If the economy has only three goodssay, Plantain, books,
and pensthen we need to know the price (value) of a kilo of
plantain in terms of books or pens. In other words, how many
kilos of plantain you have to pay for a book or penor how
many books (exercise book, textbook etc.) you have to pay for
a pen.

This will indeed become more complicated with more than

three goods.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money
Unit of Account
If the economy has only three goodssay, Plantain, books,
and pensthen we need to know the price (value) of a kilo of
plantain in terms of books or pens. In other words, how many
kilos of plantain you have to pay for a book or penor how
many books (exercise book, textbook etc.) you have to pay for
a pen.

This will indeed become more complicated with more than

three goods.

The solution to the problem is to introduce money into the

economy and have all prices quoted in terms of units of that

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

We can see that using money as a unit of account reduces

transaction cost

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Unit of Account

We can see that using money as a unit of account reduces

transaction cost

The benets of this function of money grow as the economy

becomes more complex.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Money also functions as a store of value; it is a repository of

purchasing power over time.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Money also functions as a store of value; it is a repository of

purchasing power over time.

A store of value is used to save purchasing power from the

time income is received until the time it is spent.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Money also functions as a store of value; it is a repository of

purchasing power over time.

A store of value is used to save purchasing power from the

time income is received until the time it is spent.

This function of money is useful, because most of us do not

want to spend our income immediately upon receiving it, but
rather prefer to wait until we have the time or the desire to

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Money is not unique as a store of value; any assetwhether

money, stocks, bonds, land, houses, art, or jewelrycan be
used to store wealth.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Money is not unique as a store of value; any assetwhether

money, stocks, bonds, land, houses, art, or jewelrycan be
used to store wealth.

Many such assets have advantages over money as a store of

value: They often pay the owner a higher interest rate than
money, experience price appreciation, and deliver services such
as providing a roof over one's head.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Money is not unique as a store of value; any assetwhether

money, stocks, bonds, land, houses, art, or jewelrycan be
used to store wealth.

Many such assets have advantages over money as a store of

value: They often pay the owner a higher interest rate than
money, experience price appreciation, and deliver services such
as providing a roof over one's head.

Question: If these assets are a more desirable store of value

than money, why do people hold money at all?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

The answer to this question relates to the important economic

concept of liquidity, the relative ease and speed with which an
asset can be converted into a medium of exchange.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

The answer to this question relates to the important economic

concept of liquidity, the relative ease and speed with which an
asset can be converted into a medium of exchange.

Liquidity is highly desirable. Money is the most liquid asset of

all because it is the medium of exchange; it does not have to
be converted into anything else in order to make purchases.
Other assets involve transaction costs when they are converted
into money.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Functions of Money

Store of Value

The answer to this question relates to the important economic

concept of liquidity, the relative ease and speed with which an
asset can be converted into a medium of exchange.

Liquidity is highly desirable. Money is the most liquid asset of

all because it is the medium of exchange; it does not have to
be converted into anything else in order to make purchases.
Other assets involve transaction costs when they are converted
into money.


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

We can obtain a good picture of the functions of money and

the forms it has taken over time by looking at the evolution of
the payments system, the method of conducting transactions
in the economy.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

We can obtain a good picture of the functions of money and

the forms it has taken over time by looking at the evolution of
the payments system, the method of conducting transactions
in the economy.

Commodity Money
An object that clearly has value to everyone is a likely
candidate to serve as money, and a natural choice is a precious
metal such as gold or silver. Money made up of precious metals
or another valuable commodity is called commodity money.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

Fiat Money
The next development in the payments system was paper
currency (pieces of paper that function as a medium of

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

Fiat Money
The next development in the payments system was paper
currency (pieces of paper that function as a medium of

Fiat money: paper money decreed by governments as legal


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

Fiat Money
The next development in the payments system was paper
currency (pieces of paper that function as a medium of

Fiat money: paper money decreed by governments as legal


Major drawbacks of paper currency and coins are that they are
easily stolen and can be expensive to transport in large
amounts because of their bulk.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

Fiat Money
The next development in the payments system was paper
currency (pieces of paper that function as a medium of

Fiat money: paper money decreed by governments as legal


Major drawbacks of paper currency and coins are that they are
easily stolen and can be expensive to transport in large
amounts because of their bulk.

To combat this problem, another step in the evolution of the

payments system occurred with the development of modern
banking: the invention of cheques.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

an instruction to your bank to transfer money from your

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

an instruction to your bank to transfer money from your

Cheques allow transactions to take place without the need to

carry around large amounts of currency. The introduction of
cheques was a major innovation that improved the eciency of
the payments system.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

an instruction to your bank to transfer money from your

Cheques allow transactions to take place without the need to

carry around large amounts of currency. The introduction of
cheques was a major innovation that improved the eciency of
the payments system.

There are, however, two problems with a payments system

based on cheques. First, it takes time to get cheques from one
place to another, a particularly serious problem if you are
paying someone in a dierent location who needs to be paid

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System


In addition, if you have a current account, it usually takes

several business days before a bank will allow you to make use
of the funds from a cheque you have deposited.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System


In addition, if you have a current account, it usually takes

several business days before a bank will allow you to make use
of the funds from a cheque you have deposited.

Electronic Payment

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System


In addition, if you have a current account, it usually takes

several business days before a bank will allow you to make use
of the funds from a cheque you have deposited.

Electronic Payment

e.g. online bill pay

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System


In addition, if you have a current account, it usually takes

several business days before a bank will allow you to make use
of the funds from a cheque you have deposited.

Electronic Payment

e.g. online bill pay

Necessitated by the development of inexpensive computers and

the spread of the Internet.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Electronic money (or e-money), is money that exists only in
electronic form. The rst form of e-money was the debit card
or bank card as usually called in Ghana.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Electronic money (or e-money), is money that exists only in
electronic form. The rst form of e-money was the debit card
or bank card as usually called in Ghana.

Debit cards or bank cards enable consumers to purchase goods

and services by electronically transferring funds directly from
their bank accounts to a merchant's account.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Electronic money (or e-money), is money that exists only in
electronic form. The rst form of e-money was the debit card
or bank card as usually called in Ghana.

Debit cards or bank cards enable consumers to purchase goods

and services by electronically transferring funds directly from
their bank accounts to a merchant's account.

At most supermarkets, for example, you can swipe your debit

card through the card reader at the checkout station, press a
button, and the amount of your purchases is deducted from
your bank account.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Debit or bank card

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Debit or bank card

Stored-value card (smart card)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Evolution of the Payments System

E-Money (electronic money):

Debit or bank card

Stored-value card (smart card)


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Are We Headed for a Cashless Economy?

Predictions of a cashless society have been around for decades,

but they have not come to fruition

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Are We Headed for a Cashless Economy?

Predictions of a cashless society have been around for decades,

but they have not come to fruition

Although e-money might be more convenient and ecient

than a payments system based on paper, several factors work
against the disappearance of the paper system

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Are We Headed for a Cashless Economy?

Predictions of a cashless society have been around for decades,

but they have not come to fruition

Although e-money might be more convenient and ecient

than a payments system based on paper, several factors work
against the disappearance of the paper system

Still, the use of e-money will likely still increase in the future.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

How do we measure money? Which particular assets can be

called money?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

How do we measure money? Which particular assets can be

called money?

Central banking authority responsible for monetary policy has

conducted many studies on how to measure money.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

How do we measure money? Which particular assets can be

called money?

Central banking authority responsible for monetary policy has

conducted many studies on how to measure money.

The problem of measuring money has recently become

especially crucial because extensive nancial innovation has
produced new types of assets that might properly belong in a
measure of money.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Central banks in many countries have modied their measures

of money several times and has settled on the following
measures of the money supply, which are also referred to as
monetary aggregates.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Central banks in many countries have modied their measures

of money several times and has settled on the following
measures of the money supply, which are also referred to as
monetary aggregates.

Construct monetary aggregates using the concept of liquidity:.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Central banks in many countries have modied their measures

of money several times and has settled on the following
measures of the money supply, which are also referred to as
monetary aggregates.

Construct monetary aggregates using the concept of liquidity:.

M1 or Narrow money (most liquid assets) = currency +

traveler's checks + demand deposits + other checkable

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

M2 or broad money (adds to M1 other assets that are not so

liquid) = M1 + small denomination time deposits + savings
deposits and money market deposit accounts + money market
mutual fund shares.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

M2 or broad money (adds to M1 other assets that are not so

liquid) = M1 + small denomination time deposits + savings
deposits and money market deposit accounts + money market
mutual fund shares.

In Ghana there is also M2+ which is M2 plus foreign currency


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money
Table 1 Measures of the Monetary Aggregates.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money
Table 1 Measures of the Monetary Aggregates.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

M1 vs M2

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

M1 vs M2

Does it matter which measure of money is considered?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

M1 vs M2

Does it matter which measure of money is considered?

M1 and M2 can move in dierent directions in the short run

(see gure).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

M1 vs M2

Does it matter which measure of money is considered?

M1 and M2 can move in dierent directions in the short run

(see gure).

Conclusion: the choice of monetary aggregate is important for


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Where are all the Cedi and who is holding them?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Where are all the Cedi and who is holding them?


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Where are all the Cedi and who is holding them?



Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money
Figure 1 Growth Rates of the M1 and M2 Aggregates,

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money
Figure 1 Growth Rates of the M1 and M2 Aggregates,

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money
Figure 2: Broad Money for Ghana, 20052016.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money
Figure 2: Broad Money for Ghana, 20052016.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Q1: There are three goods produced in an econmy by three


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Q1: There are three goods produced in an econmy by three


Goods Producer

Apples Orchard Owner

Bananas Banana grower
Chocolate Chocolatier

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Q1: There are three goods produced in an econmy by three


Goods Producer

Apples Orchard Owner

Bananas Banana grower
Chocolate Chocolatier

If the orachard owner likes only bananas, the banana grower

likes only chocolate, and the chocolatier likes only apples will
any trade between these three persons take place in the barter
economy? How will the introducing money into the economy
benet these three producers?

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Where are all the money and who is holding them


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Functions of Money
Tools of Monetary Policy
Evolution of Payment System
Demand for Money
Measuring Money

Measuring Money

Where are all the money and who is holding them



Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Bond Market and Interest Rates

A security (nancial instrument) is a claim on the issuer's

future income or assets.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Bond Market and Interest Rates

A security (nancial instrument) is a claim on the issuer's

future income or assets.

A bond is a debt security that promises to make payments

periodically for a specied period of time.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Bond Market and Interest Rates

A security (nancial instrument) is a claim on the issuer's

future income or assets.

A bond is a debt security that promises to make payments

periodically for a specied period of time.

An interest rate is the cost of borrowing or the price paid for

the rental of funds

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Stock Market

Common stock represents a share of ownership in a corporation

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Stock Market

Common stock represents a share of ownership in a corporation

A share of stock is a claim on the residual earnings and assets

of the corporation

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money, Business Cycles and Ination

The aggregate price level is the average price of goods and

services in an economy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money, Business Cycles and Ination

The aggregate price level is the average price of goods and

services in an economy

A continual rise in the price level (ination) aects all

economic players

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money, Business Cycles and Ination

The aggregate price level is the average price of goods and

services in an economy

A continual rise in the price level (ination) aects all

economic players

Data shows a connection between the money supply and the

price level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Figure 5 Average Ination Rate Versus Average Rate of

Money Growth for Selected Countries, 2000-2010

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money and Interest Rates

Interest rates are the price of money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money and Interest Rates

Interest rates are the price of money

Prior to1980,the rate of money growth and the interest rate on

long-term Treasury bonds were closely tied

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money and Interest Rates

Interest rates are the price of money

Prior to1980,the rate of money growth and the interest rate on

long-term Treasury bonds were closely tied

Since then,the relationship is less clear but the rate of money

growth is still an important determinant of interest rates

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market is where funds are converted

from one currency into another

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market is where funds are converted

from one currency into another

The foreign exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms

of another currency

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

The Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market is where funds are converted

from one currency into another

The foreign exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms

of another currency

The foreign exchange market determines the foreign exchange


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy

Monetary policy is the management of the money supply and

interest rates
Conducted by the Central Bank(Bank of Ghana)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy

Monetary policy is the management of the money supply and

interest rates
Conducted by the Central Bank(Bank of Ghana)

Fiscal policy deals with government spending and taxation

Budget decit is the excess of expenditures over revenues for a
particular year

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy

Monetary policy is the management of the money supply and

interest rates
Conducted by the Central Bank(Bank of Ghana)

Fiscal policy deals with government spending and taxation

Budget decit is the excess of expenditures over revenues for a
particular year

Budget surplus is the excess of revenues over expenditures for

a particular year

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy

Monetary policy is the management of the money supply and

interest rates
Conducted by the Central Bank(Bank of Ghana)

Fiscal policy deals with government spending and taxation

Budget decit is the excess of expenditures over revenues for a
particular year

Budget surplus is the excess of revenues over expenditures for

a particular year

Any decit must be nanced by borrowing

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Markets

Perform the essential function of channeling funds from

economic players that have saved surplus funds to those that
have a shortage of funds

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Markets

Perform the essential function of channeling funds from

economic players that have saved surplus funds to those that
have a shortage of funds

Direct nance: borrowers borrow funds directly from lenders

in nancial markets by selling them securities

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Markets (cont'd)

Promotes economic eciency by producing an ecient

allocation of capital, which increases production

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Markets (cont'd)

Promotes economic eciency by producing an ecient

allocation of capital, which increases production

Directly improve the well-being of consumers by allowing them

to time purchases better

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Figure 1 Flows of Funds Through the Financial System

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets

Debt and Equity Markets

Debt instruments (maturity)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets

Debt and Equity Markets

Debt instruments (maturity)

Equities (dividends)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets

Debt and Equity Markets

Debt instruments (maturity)

Equities (dividends)

Primary and Secondary Markets

Investment Banks underwrite securities in primary markets

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets

Debt and Equity Markets

Debt instruments (maturity)

Equities (dividends)

Primary and Secondary Markets

Investment Banks underwrite securities in primary markets

Brokers and dealers work in secondary markets

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets (cont'd)

Exchanges and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Markets

Exchanges: NYSE, Chicago Board of Trade

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets (cont'd)

Exchanges and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Markets

Exchanges: NYSE, Chicago Board of Trade

OTC Markets: Foreign exchange, Federal funds

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets (cont'd)

Exchanges and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Markets

Exchanges: NYSE, Chicago Board of Trade

OTC Markets: Foreign exchange, Federal funds

Money and Capital Markets

Money markets deal in short-term debt instruments

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Structure of Financial Markets (cont'd)

Exchanges and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Markets

Exchanges: NYSE, Chicago Board of Trade

OTC Markets: Foreign exchange, Federal funds

Money and Capital Markets

Money markets deal in short-term debt instruments

Capital markets deal in longer-term debt and equity


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Table 1 Principal Money Market Instruments

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Table 2 Principal Capital Market Instruments

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Internationalization of Financial Markets

Foreign Bonds: sold in a foreign country and denominated in

that country's currency

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Internationalization of Financial Markets

Foreign Bonds: sold in a foreign country and denominated in

that country's currency

Eurobond: bond denominated in a currency other than that

of the country in which it is sold

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Internationalization of Financial Markets

Foreign Bonds: sold in a foreign country and denominated in

that country's currency

Eurobond: bond denominated in a currency other than that

of the country in which it is sold

Eurocurrencies: foreign currencies deposited in banks outside

the home country
Eurodollars: U.S. dollars deposited in foreign banks outside the
U.S. or in foreign branches of U.S. banks

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Internationalization of Financial Markets

Foreign Bonds: sold in a foreign country and denominated in

that country's currency

Eurobond: bond denominated in a currency other than that

of the country in which it is sold

Eurocurrencies: foreign currencies deposited in banks outside

the home country
Eurodollars: U.S. dollars deposited in foreign banks outside the
U.S. or in foreign branches of U.S. banks

World Stock Markets

Also help nance the federal government

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance

Lower transaction costs (time and money spent in carrying out

nancial transactions)
Economies of scale

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance

Lower transaction costs (time and money spent in carrying out

nancial transactions)
Economies of scale

Liquidity services

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance

Lower transaction costs (time and money spent in carrying out

nancial transactions)
Economies of scale

Liquidity services

Reduce the exposure of investors to risk

Risk Sharing (Asset Transformation)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance

Lower transaction costs (time and money spent in carrying out

nancial transactions)
Economies of scale

Liquidity services

Reduce the exposure of investors to risk

Risk Sharing (Asset Transformation)


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance


Deal with asymmetric information problems

(before the transaction) Adverse Selection:try to avoid
selecting the risky borrower

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance


Deal with asymmetric information problems

(before the transaction) Adverse Selection:try to avoid
selecting the risky borrower

Gather information about potential borrower.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance


Deal with asymmetric information problems

(before the transaction) Adverse Selection:try to avoid
selecting the risky borrower

Gather information about potential borrower.

(after the transaction)Moral Hazard:ensure borrower will not

engage in activities that will prevent him/her to repay the loan.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance


Deal with asymmetric information problems

(before the transaction) Adverse Selection:try to avoid
selecting the risky borrower

Gather information about potential borrower.

(after the transaction)Moral Hazard:ensure borrower will not

engage in activities that will prevent him/her to repay the loan.

Sign a contract with restrictive covenants

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance



Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Function of Financial Intermediaries: Indirect Finance



Financial intermediaries allow smallsavers and borrowers to

benet from the existence of nancial markets

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Table 3 Primary Assets and Liabilities of Financial


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Table 4 Principal Financial Intermediaries and Value of

Their Assets

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System

To increase the information available to investors:

Reduce adverse selection and moral hazard problems

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System

To increase the information available to investors:

Reduce adverse selection and moral hazard problems

Reduce insider trading (SEC).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Disclosure of information.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Disclosure of information.

Restrictions on Assets and Activities (control holding of risky


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Disclosure of information.

Restrictions on Assets and Activities (control holding of risky


Deposit Insurance (avoid bank runs).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Disclosure of information.

Restrictions on Assets and Activities (control holding of risky


Deposit Insurance (avoid bank runs).

Limits on Competition (mostly in the past)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Disclosure of information.

Restrictions on Assets and Activities (control holding of risky


Deposit Insurance (avoid bank runs).

Limits on Competition (mostly in the past)


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Regulation of the Financial System (cont'd)

To ensure the soundness of nancial intermediaries:

Restrictions on entry (chartering process)

Disclosure of information.

Restrictions on Assets and Activities (control holding of risky


Deposit Insurance (avoid bank runs).

Limits on Competition (mostly in the past)


Restrictions on Interest Rates

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Table 5 Principal Regulatory Agencies of the U.S. Financial


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Origins of the Central Bank( Bank of Ghana

The principal objects of the new central bank, as enshrined in

the 1957 Ordinance,

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Origins of the Central Bank( Bank of Ghana

The principal objects of the new central bank, as enshrined in

the 1957 Ordinance,

Were "to issue and redeem bank notes and coins: to keep and
use reserves and to inuence the credit situation with a view
to maintaining monetary stability in Ghana and the external
value of the Ghana pound; and to act as banker and nancial
adviser to the Government.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

Formulate and implement monetary policy aimed at achieving

the objects of the Bank;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

Formulate and implement monetary policy aimed at achieving

the objects of the Bank;

Promote by monetary measure the stablisation of the value of

the currency within and outside Ghana;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

Formulate and implement monetary policy aimed at achieving

the objects of the Bank;

Promote by monetary measure the stablisation of the value of

the currency within and outside Ghana;

Institute measures which are likely to have a favourable eect

on the balance of payments, the state of public nances and
the general development of the national economy;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

Formulate and implement monetary policy aimed at achieving

the objects of the Bank;

Promote by monetary measure the stablisation of the value of

the currency within and outside Ghana;

Institute measures which are likely to have a favourable eect

on the balance of payments, the state of public nances and
the general development of the national economy;

Regulate, supervise and direct the banking and credit system

and ensure the smooth operation of the nancial sector;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

License, regulate, promote and supervise non-banking nancial


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

License, regulate, promote and supervise non-banking nancial


Act as banker and nancial adviser to the Government;

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

License, regulate, promote and supervise non-banking nancial


Act as banker and nancial adviser to the Government;

Promote and maintain relations with international banking and

nancial institutions and subject to the Constitution or any
other relevant enactment, implement international monetary
agreements to which Ghana is party; and

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Functions of the Central Bank of Ghana

License, regulate, promote and supervise non-banking nancial


Act as banker and nancial adviser to the Government;

Promote and maintain relations with international banking and

nancial institutions and subject to the Constitution or any
other relevant enactment, implement international monetary
agreements to which Ghana is party; and

Do all other things that are incidental or conducive to the

ecient performance of its functions under this Act and any
other enactment

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply

The supply of money in an economy is determined by the

banking system
Directly controlled by the central bank through monetary

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply

The supply of money in an economy is determined by the

banking system
Directly controlled by the central bank through monetary

Indirectly inuenced by commercial banks (and the public)

through the deposit creation process

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply

The supply of money in an economy is determined by the

banking system
Directly controlled by the central bank through monetary

Indirectly inuenced by commercial banks (and the public)

through the deposit creation process

The Central Bank controls the supply of money through the

conduct of monetary policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply
Central banks are responsible to conducting monetary policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply
Central banks are responsible to conducting monetary policy

In some countries, the central bank is independent of the

central government to conduct monetary policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply
Central banks are responsible to conducting monetary policy

In some countries, the central bank is independent of the

central government to conduct monetary policy

Recall that monetary policy refers to changes in a country's

stock of money supply that seeks to stabilize the level of
economic activity and price level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply
Central banks are responsible to conducting monetary policy

In some countries, the central bank is independent of the

central government to conduct monetary policy

Recall that monetary policy refers to changes in a country's

stock of money supply that seeks to stabilize the level of
economic activity and price level

In most advanced countries, stable prices means ination rate

very close to 2%

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Money Supply
Central banks are responsible to conducting monetary policy

In some countries, the central bank is independent of the

central government to conduct monetary policy

Recall that monetary policy refers to changes in a country's

stock of money supply that seeks to stabilize the level of
economic activity and price level

In most advanced countries, stable prices means ination rate

very close to 2%

And output as close as possible to the full employment level of


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Supply of Money

We will take the supply of money as a policy variable

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Financial Market
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
Demand for Money

Supply of Money

We will take the supply of money as a policy variable

That is, the supply of money is the level determined by central


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Tools of Monetary Policy

Central banks usually have an array instruments for conducting

monetary policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Tools of Monetary Policy

Central banks usually have an array instruments for conducting

monetary policy

The main ones are:

Open market operations (OMO)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Tools of Monetary Policy

Central banks usually have an array instruments for conducting

monetary policy

The main ones are:

Open market operations (OMO)

Reserve requirement policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Tools of Monetary Policy

Central banks usually have an array instruments for conducting

monetary policy

The main ones are:

Open market operations (OMO)

Reserve requirement policy

Discount rate policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (1)

Open market operations (OMO) refer to the purchase or sale

of government securities in the open market

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (1)

Open market operations (OMO) refer to the purchase or sale

of government securities in the open market

The open market here refers to dealers in government bonds

and individuals government securities are government
bonds/treasury bills

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (1)

Open market operations (OMO) refer to the purchase or sale

of government securities in the open market

The open market here refers to dealers in government bonds

and individuals government securities are government
bonds/treasury bills

Open market purchases (sales) are meant to increase (reduce)

the money supply

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (2)

To see how OMO aects the money supply, consider open
market purchase of government securities worth GHC 100m

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (2)

To see how OMO aects the money supply, consider open
market purchase of government securities worth GHC 100m

The central banks issues the initial a check worth GHC 100m
which can be drawn as cash or deposited into an account with
a commercial bank

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (2)

To see how OMO aects the money supply, consider open
market purchase of government securities worth GHC 100m

The central banks issues the initial a check worth GHC 100m
which can be drawn as cash or deposited into an account with
a commercial bank

Note that either of these actions will increase the money

supply If the check is deposited in an account, the commercial
bank can creat additional loans out of it, increasing the money
supply further

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (2)

To see how OMO aects the money supply, consider open
market purchase of government securities worth GHC 100m

The central banks issues the initial a check worth GHC 100m
which can be drawn as cash or deposited into an account with
a commercial bank

Note that either of these actions will increase the money

supply If the check is deposited in an account, the commercial
bank can creat additional loans out of it, increasing the money
supply further

An open market sale will have the opposite eect on the

money supply

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (3)

In Ghana the Bank of Ghana's Monetary Policy Committee

announces the direction of monetary policy after its monthly

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (3)

In Ghana the Bank of Ghana's Monetary Policy Committee

announces the direction of monetary policy after its monthly

In general the policy is announced as a target policy interest


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (3)

In Ghana the Bank of Ghana's Monetary Policy Committee

announces the direction of monetary policy after its monthly

In general the policy is announced as a target policy interest


In Ghana, the monetary policy rate in the US,the federal funds


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Open Market Operations (3)

In Ghana the Bank of Ghana's Monetary Policy Committee

announces the direction of monetary policy after its monthly

In general the policy is announced as a target policy interest


In Ghana, the monetary policy rate in the US,the federal funds


Open market activities are then carried out to meet the target
policy rate

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Advantages of Open Market Operations

The Central Bank(Bank of Ghana) has complete control over

the volume

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Advantages of Open Market Operations

The Central Bank(Bank of Ghana) has complete control over

the volume

Flexible and precise

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Advantages of Open Market Operations

The Central Bank(Bank of Ghana) has complete control over

the volume

Flexible and precise

Easily reversed

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Advantages of Open Market Operations

The Central Bank(Bank of Ghana) has complete control over

the volume

Flexible and precise

Easily reversed

Quickly implemented

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Discount Rate

Commercials banks can borrow from central banks when they

are short of reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Discount Rate

Commercials banks can borrow from central banks when they

are short of reserves

The interest rate charged on commercial banks borrowing from

the central bank is the discount rate (id )

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Discount Rate

Commercials banks can borrow from central banks when they

are short of reserves

The interest rate charged on commercial banks borrowing from

the central bank is the discount rate (id )

Central banks raise (lower) the discount rate to signal

tightening (loosening) of monetary policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Reserve Requirements
For the purposes of prudence commercial banks keep a small
fraction of their deposits as cash or its close equivalent to pay
depositors who desire to withdraw

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Reserve Requirements
For the purposes of prudence commercial banks keep a small
fraction of their deposits as cash or its close equivalent to pay
depositors who desire to withdraw

Part of these reserves are required by regulators (central banks)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Reserve Requirements
For the purposes of prudence commercial banks keep a small
fraction of their deposits as cash or its close equivalent to pay
depositors who desire to withdraw

Part of these reserves are required by regulators (central banks)

The required reserve ratio is the fraction of deposits required

by banks to keep as reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Reserve Requirements
For the purposes of prudence commercial banks keep a small
fraction of their deposits as cash or its close equivalent to pay
depositors who desire to withdraw

Part of these reserves are required by regulators (central banks)

The required reserve ratio is the fraction of deposits required

by banks to keep as reserves

Banks may in addition to the required reserves, keep additional

excess reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Reserve Requirements
For the purposes of prudence commercial banks keep a small
fraction of their deposits as cash or its close equivalent to pay
depositors who desire to withdraw

Part of these reserves are required by regulators (central banks)

The required reserve ratio is the fraction of deposits required

by banks to keep as reserves

Banks may in addition to the required reserves, keep additional

excess reserves

An increase in the required reserve ratio signals a tightening of

monetary policy

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Disadvantages of Reserve Requirements

No longer binding for most banks

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Disadvantages of Reserve Requirements

No longer binding for most banks

Can cause liquidity problems

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Disadvantages of Reserve Requirements

No longer binding for most banks

Can cause liquidity problems

Increases uncertainty for banks

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves

To derive the demand curve for reserves, we need to ask what

happens to the quantity of reserves demanded, holding every
thing else constant, as the Policy rate changes.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves

To derive the demand curve for reserves, we need to ask what

happens to the quantity of reserves demanded, holding every
thing else constant, as the Policy rate changes.

The amount of reserves can be split up into two components:

(1)required reserves, which equal the required reserve ratio
times the amount of deposits on which reserves are required,

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves

To derive the demand curve for reserves, we need to ask what

happens to the quantity of reserves demanded, holding every
thing else constant, as the Policy rate changes.

The amount of reserves can be split up into two components:

(1)required reserves, which equal the required reserve ratio
times the amount of deposits on which reserves are required,

(2) excess reserves, the additional reserves banks choose to


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves

To derive the demand curve for reserves, we need to ask what

happens to the quantity of reserves demanded, holding every
thing else constant, as the Policy rate changes.

The amount of reserves can be split up into two components:

(1)required reserves, which equal the required reserve ratio
times the amount of deposits on which reserves are required,

(2) excess reserves, the additional reserves banks choose to


Therefore, the quantity of reserves demanded equals required

reserves plus the quantity of excess reserves demanded.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves and Discount Rate

Demand and Supply in the Market for Reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves and Discount Rate

Demand and Supply in the Market for Reserves

What happens to the quantity of reserves demanded by banks,

holding everything else constant, as the federal funds rate

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves and Discount Rate

Demand and Supply in the Market for Reserves

What happens to the quantity of reserves demanded by banks,

holding everything else constant, as the federal funds rate

Excess reserves are insurance against deposit outows

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

The Market for Reserves and Discount Rate

Demand and Supply in the Market for Reserves

What happens to the quantity of reserves demanded by banks,

holding everything else constant, as the federal funds rate

Excess reserves are insurance against deposit outows

The cost of holding these is the interest rate that could have
been earned minus the interest rate that is paid on these
reserves, (ier )

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Equilibrium in the Market for Reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Demand in the Market for Reserves

When the policy rate is above the rate paid on excess

reserves,(ier ) as the policy rate decreases, the opportunity cost
of holding excess reserves falls and the quantity of reserves
demanded rises.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Demand in the Market for Reserves

When the policy rate is above the rate paid on excess

reserves,(ier ) as the policy rate decreases, the opportunity cost
of holding excess reserves falls and the quantity of reserves
demanded rises.

Downward sloping demand curve that be comes at (innitely

elastic) at ier

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Commercials banks can borrow from central banks when they

are short of reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Commercials banks can borrow from central banks when they

are short of reserves

(1) the amount of reserves that are supplied by the Central

Bank's open market operations, called non-borrowed
reserves(Rn ) and

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Commercials banks can borrow from central banks when they

are short of reserves

(1) the amount of reserves that are supplied by the Central

Bank's open market operations, called non-borrowed
reserves(Rn ) and

(2) the amount of reserves borrowed from the Central Bank,

called discount loans (DL).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Cost of borrowing from the Central Bank is the discount rate

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Cost of borrowing from the Central Bank is the discount rate

Borrowing from the Central Bank is a substitute for borrowing

from other banks (Rn ) and

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Cost of borrowing from the Central Bank is the discount rate

Borrowing from the Central Bank is a substitute for borrowing

from other banks (Rn ) and

If iff < id then banks will not borrow from the Fed and
borrowed reserves are zero

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Cost of borrowing from the Central Bank is the discount rate

Borrowing from the Central Bank is a substitute for borrowing

from other banks (Rn ) and

If iff < id then banks will not borrow from the Fed and
borrowed reserves are zero

The supply curve will be vertical

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Cost of borrowing from the Central Bank is the discount rate

Borrowing from the Central Bank is a substitute for borrowing

from other banks (Rn ) and

If iff < id then banks will not borrow from the Fed and
borrowed reserves are zero

The supply curve will be vertical

As iff rises above id banks will borrow more and more at id

and relend at iff

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Supply in the Market for Reserves

Cost of borrowing from the Central Bank is the discount rate

Borrowing from the Central Bank is a substitute for borrowing

from other banks (Rn ) and

If iff < id then banks will not borrow from the Fed and
borrowed reserves are zero

The supply curve will be vertical

As iff rises above id banks will borrow more and more at id

and relend at iff

The supply curve is horizontal (perfectly elastic) at id

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Response to an Open Market Operation

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

How Changes in the Tools of Monetary Policy Aects the

Policy Rate

Eects of an open market operation depends on whether the

supply curve initially intersects the demand curve in its
downward sloped section versus its at section.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

How Changes in the Tools of Monetary Policy Aects the

Policy Rate

Eects of an open market operation depends on whether the

supply curve initially intersects the demand curve in its
downward sloped section versus its at section.

An open market purchase causes the policy rate to fall where

as an open market sale causes the policy to rise (when
intersection occurs at the downward sloped section).

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

How Changes in the Tools of Monetary Policy Aects the

Policy Rate

Eects of an open market operation depends on whether the

supply curve initially intersects the demand curve in its
downward sloped section versus its at section.

An open market purchase causes the policy rate to fall where

as an open market sale causes the policy to rise (when
intersection occurs at the downward sloped section).

Open market operations have no eect on the policy rate when

intersection occurs at the at section of the demand curve.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Responds to a change in the Discount Rate

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

How Changes in the Tools of Monetary Policy Aects the

Policy Rate

If the intersection of supply and demand occurs on the vertical

section of the supply curve, a change in the discount rate will
have no eect on the policy rate.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

How Changes in the Tools of Monetary Policy Aects the

Policy Rate

If the intersection of supply and demand occurs on the vertical

section of the supply curve, a change in the discount rate will
have no eect on the policy rate.

If the intersection of supply and demand occurs on the

horizontal section of the supply curve, a change in the
discount rate shifts that portion of the supply curve and the
policy rate may either rise or fall depending on the change in
the discount rate

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

Responds to a change in the Required Reserves

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
Demand for Money

How Changes in the Tools of Monetary Policy Aects the

Policy Rate

When the Central Bank raises reserve requirement, the

discount rate rises and when the Central Bank decreases
reserve requirement, the policy rate falls.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Demand for Money

Recall the demand for money is made of transactions demand

and asset demand

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Demand for Money

Recall the demand for money is made of transactions demand

and asset demand

The major determinants of demand for money are real interest

rate, level of income and expected ination rate

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Demand for Money

Recall the demand for money is made of transactions demand

and asset demand

The major determinants of demand for money are real interest

rate, level of income and expected ination rate

The quantity of money demanded falls when the interest rate


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Demand for Money

Recall the demand for money is made of transactions demand

and asset demand

The major determinants of demand for money are real interest

rate, level of income and expected ination rate

The quantity of money demanded falls when the interest rate


When interest rate rises, there is a higher incentive to allocate

more wealth to other interest-bearing assets and reduce the
holding of money balances

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

M = the money supply

P = Price

Y = Aggregate output (income)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

M = the money supply

P = Price

Y = Aggregate output (income)

P * Y = Aggregate norminal income (nominal GDP)

V = Velocity of money (average number of times per year that

a cedi is spent)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

M = the money supply

P = Price

Y = Aggregate output (income)

P * Y = Aggregate norminal income (nominal GDP)

V = Velocity of money (average number of times per year that

a cedi is spent)

V =

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

M = the money supply

P = Price

Y = Aggregate output (income)

P * Y = Aggregate norminal income (nominal GDP)

V = Velocity of money (average number of times per year that

a cedi is spent)

V =

Equation of exchange

M * V = P * Y

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Aggregate output at full-employment level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Aggregate output at full-employment level

Changes in money supply aect only the price level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Aggregate output at full-employment level

Changes in money supply aect only the price level

Movement in the price level results solely from change in the

quantity of money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Demand for money: To interpret Fisher's quantity theory in
terms of the demand for money. . .

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Demand for money: To interpret Fisher's quantity theory in
terms of the demand for money. . .

Divide both sides by V

M =
V * PY

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Demand for money: To interpret Fisher's quantity theory in
terms of the demand for money. . .

Divide both sides by V

M =
V * PY
k =

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Demand for money: To interpret Fisher's quantity theory in
terms of the demand for money. . .

Divide both sides by V

M =
V * PY
k =

When the money market is in the equilibrium

M =
d M
Let Md = k * PY

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Demand for money: To interpret Fisher's quantity theory in
terms of the demand for money. . .

Divide both sides by V

M =
V * PY
k =

When the money market is in the equilibrium

M =
d M
Let Md = k * PY

Because k is constant, the level of transactions generated by a

xed level of PY determines the quantity of Md .

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Demand for money: To interpret Fisher's quantity theory in
terms of the demand for money. . .

Divide both sides by V

M =
V * PY
k =

When the money market is in the equilibrium

M =
d M
Let Md = k * PY

Because k is constant, the level of transactions generated by a

xed level of PY determines the quantity of Md .

The demand for money is not aected by interest rates.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

From the equation of exchange to the quantity theory of


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

From the equation of exchange to the quantity theory of


Fisher's view that velocity is fairly constant in the short run, so

that , transforms the equation of exchange into the quantity
theory of money, which states that nominal income (spending)
is determined solely by movements in the quantity of money M.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

From the equation of exchange to the quantity theory of


Fisher's view that velocity is fairly constant in the short run, so

that , transforms the equation of exchange into the quantity
theory of money, which states that nominal income (spending)
is determined solely by movements in the quantity of money M.

P * Y = M * V̄

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Because the classical economists (including Fisher) thought

that wages and prices were completely exible, they believed
that the level of aggregate output Y produced in the economy
during normal times would remain at the full-employment level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Because the classical economists (including Fisher) thought

that wages and prices were completely exible, they believed
that the level of aggregate output Y produced in the economy
during normal times would remain at the full-employment level

Dividing both sides by Ȳ , we can then write the price level as


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Because the classical economists (including Fisher) thought

that wages and prices were completely exible, they believed
that the level of aggregate output Y produced in the economy
during normal times would remain at the full-employment level

Dividing both sides by Ȳ , we can then write the price level as


P =

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Aggregate output at full-employment level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Aggregate output at full-employment level

Changes in money supply aect only the price level

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Velocity fairly constant in short run

Aggregate output at full-employment level

Changes in money supply aect only the price level

Movement in the price level results solely from change in the

quantity of money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Percentage Change in (x # y) = (Percentage Change in x) +
(Percentage change in y)

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Percentage Change in (x # y) = (Percentage Change in x) +
(Percentage change in y)

Using this mathematical fact, we can rewrite the equation of

exchange as follows:
%4M + %4V = %4P + %4Y

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Percentage Change in (x # y) = (Percentage Change in x) +
(Percentage change in y)

Using this mathematical fact, we can rewrite the equation of

exchange as follows:
%4M + %4V = %4P + %4Y

Subtracting from both sides of the preceding equation, and

recognizing that the ination rate, is the growth rate of the
price level,
π = %4P = %4M + %4V - %4Y

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Velocity of Money and the Equation of Exchange

Percentage Change in (x # y) = (Percentage Change in x) +
(Percentage change in y)

Using this mathematical fact, we can rewrite the equation of

exchange as follows:
%4M + %4V = %4P + %4Y

Subtracting from both sides of the preceding equation, and

recognizing that the ination rate, is the growth rate of the
price level,
π = %4P = %4M + %4V - %4Y

Since we assume velocity is constant, its growth rate is zero,

so the quantity theory of money is also a theory of ination:
π = %4M - %4Y
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Relationship Between Ination and Money Growth

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Budget Decits and Ination

There are two ways the government can pay for spending:
raise revenue or borrow

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Budget Decits and Ination

There are two ways the government can pay for spending:
raise revenue or borrow

Raise revenue by levying taxes or go into debt by issuing

government bonds

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Budget Decits and Ination

There are two ways the government can pay for spending:
raise revenue or borrow

Raise revenue by levying taxes or go into debt by issuing

government bonds

The government can also create money and use it to pay for
the goods and services it buys

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Budget Decits and Ination

The government budget constraint thus reveals two important


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Budget Decits and Ination

The government budget constraint thus reveals two important


If the government decit is nanced by an increase in bond

holdings by the public, there is no eect on the monetary base
and hence on the money supply.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Budget Decits and Ination

The government budget constraint thus reveals two important


If the government decit is nanced by an increase in bond

holdings by the public, there is no eect on the monetary base
and hence on the money supply.

But, if the decit is not nanced by increased bond holdings by

the public, the monetary base and the money supply increase.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money


Hyperinations are periods of extremely high ination of

more than 50% per month.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money


Hyperinations are periods of extremely high ination of

more than 50% per month.

Many economiesboth poor and developedhave

experienced hyperination over the last century, but the
United States has been spared such turmoil.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money


Hyperinations are periods of extremely high ination of

more than 50% per month.

Many economiesboth poor and developedhave

experienced hyperination over the last century, but the
United States has been spared such turmoil.

One of the most extreme examples of hyperination

throughout world history occurred recently in Zimbabwe in the

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

1 Introduction: Overview of the Course
Role and Nature of Money
Functions of Money
Evolution of Payment System
Measuring Money
2 Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts
Financial Market
Central Banking and the Conduct of Monetary Policy
Money Supply
3 Tools of Monetary Policy
Tools of Monetary Policy
4 Demand for Money
Money Demand
Theories of Money Demand
Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory
Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Keynesian Theories of Money Demand

Keynes's liquidity preference theory

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Keynesian Theories of Money Demand

Keynes's liquidity preference theory

Why do individuals hold money? Three motives:

Transactions motive
Precautionary motive
Speculative motive

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Keynesian Theories of Money Demand

Keynes's liquidity preference theory

Why do individuals hold money? Three motives:

Transactions motive
Precautionary motive
Speculative motive

Distinguishes between real and nominal quantities of money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Transaction Motive

Keynes initially accepted the quantity theory view that the

transactions component is proportional to income.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Transaction Motive

Keynes initially accepted the quantity theory view that the

transactions component is proportional to income.

Later, he and other economists recognized that new methods

for payment, referred to as payment technology, could also
aect the demand for money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Precautionary Motive

Keynes also recognized that people hold money as a cushion

against unexpected wants.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Precautionary Motive

Keynes also recognized that people hold money as a cushion

against unexpected wants.

Keynes argued that the precautionary money balances people

want to hold would also be proportional to income.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Speculative Motive

Keynes also believed people choose to hold money as a store

of wealth, which he called the speculative motive

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Putting the Three Motives Together

P = f(i,Y) where the demand for real money balances is
negatively related to the interest rate i,
and positively related to real income

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Putting the Three Motives Together

P = f(i,Y) where the demand for real money balances is
negatively related to the interest rate i,
and positively related to real income

P 1
Md f (i,Y )

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Putting the Three Motives Together

P = f(i,Y) where the demand for real money balances is
negatively related to the interest rate i,
and positively related to real income

P 1
Md f (i,Y )

Multiply both sides by Y and replacing Md with M

V =
M = f (i,Y )

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Putting the Three Motives Together

Velocity is not constant:

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Putting the Three Motives Together

Velocity is not constant:

The procyclical movement of interest rates should induce

procyclical movements in velocity.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Putting the Three Motives Together

Velocity is not constant:

The procyclical movement of interest rates should induce

procyclical movements in velocity.

Velocity will change as expectations about future normal levels

of interest rates change

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Portfolio Theories of Money Demand

Theory of portfolio choice and Keynesian liquidity


Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Portfolio Theories of Money Demand

Theory of portfolio choice and Keynesian liquidity


The theory of portfolio choice can justify the conclusion from

the Keynesian liquidity preference function that the demand
for real money balances is positively related to income and
negatively related to the nominal interest rate.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Portfolio Theories of Money Demand

Theory of portfolio choice and Keynesian liquidity


The theory of portfolio choice can justify the conclusion from

the Keynesian liquidity preference function that the demand
for real money balances is positively related to income and
negatively related to the nominal interest rate.

Other factors that aect the demand for money:

Liquidity of other assets

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Factors that Determine the Demand for Money

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Empirical Evidence on the Demand for Money

Precautionary demand:

Similar to transactions demand

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Empirical Evidence on the Demand for Money

Precautionary demand:

Similar to transactions demand

As interest rates rise, the opportunity cost of holding

precautionary balances rises

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Empirical Evidence on the Demand for Money

Precautionary demand:

Similar to transactions demand

As interest rates rise, the opportunity cost of holding

precautionary balances rises

The precautionary demand for money is negatively related to

interest rates

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Interest Rate and Money Demand

We have established that if interest rates do not aect the

demand for money, velocity is more likely to be constantor
at least predictableso that the quantity theory view that
aggregate spending is determined by the quantity of money is
more likely to be true.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Interest Rate and Money Demand

We have established that if interest rates do not aect the

demand for money, velocity is more likely to be constantor
at least predictableso that the quantity theory view that
aggregate spending is determined by the quantity of money is
more likely to be true.

However, the more sensitive the demand for money is to

interest rates, the more unpredictable velocity will be, and the
less clear the link between the money supply and aggregate
spending will be.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Stability of Money Demand

If the money demand function is unstable and undergoes

substantial, unpredictable shifts as Keynes believed, then
velocity is unpredictable, and the quantity of money may not
be tightly linked to aggregate spending, as it is in the quantity

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Stability of Money Demand

If the money demand function is unstable and undergoes

substantial, unpredictable shifts as Keynes believed, then
velocity is unpredictable, and the quantity of money may not
be tightly linked to aggregate spending, as it is in the quantity

The stability of the money demand function is also crucial to

whether the Bank of Ghana (BOG) should target interest rates
or the money supply.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

Introduction: Overview of the Course
Overview of The Financial System and Some Basic Concepts Money Demand
Tools of Monetary Policy Theories of Money Demand
Demand for Money

Stability of Money Demand

If the money demand function is unstable and so the money

supply is not closely linked to aggregate spending, then the
level of interest rates the BOG sets will provide more
information about the stance of monetary policy than will the
money supply.

Dr. Edward Asiedu Monetary Theory

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