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User Guide to

ProDG Target Manager for


SN Systems Limited
Version v470.1
December 17, 2014
© 2014 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. / SN Systems Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

"ProDG" is a registered trademark and the SN logo is a trademark of SN Systems Ltd.

"PlayStation" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
"Microsoft", "Visual Studio", "Win32", "Windows" and "Windows NT" are registered trademarks of Microsoft
"GNU" is a trademark of the Free Software Foundation.
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3

1: Introduction ................................................................................................................6
Why use Target Manager? ............................................................................................. 6
Accessing targets from your own applications ............................................................... 6
Features and benefits ............................................................................................................. 6
Installation ............................................................................................................................... 7
System requirements ...................................................................................................... 8
2: Getting started with Target Manager .......................................................................9
Launching Target Manager .................................................................................................... 9
Target Manager components ................................................................................................. 9
Target Manager server (ps3tmserver.exe) ..................................................................... 9
Target Manager controller (ps3tm.exe) .......................................................................... 9
Target Manager GUI (ps3tmgui.exe) ............................................................................ 10
Target Manager GUI .............................................................................................................. 10
System tray icon ........................................................................................................... 11
Menu bar ....................................................................................................................... 11
Target Manager toolbar ................................................................................................ 15
Customizing menus and toolbars ................................................................................. 16
Exiting Target Manager ........................................................................................................ 17
3: Managing targets .....................................................................................................18
Adding and removing targets .............................................................................................. 18
Adding a target ............................................................................................................. 18
Removing a target ........................................................................................................ 19
Finding targets on your network ......................................................................................... 19
Exporting a list of targets..................................................................................................... 21
Importing a list of targets ..................................................................................................... 22
Connecting to targets ........................................................................................................... 22
Disconnecting from targets ................................................................................................. 23
Resetting a target.................................................................................................................. 24
Changing the reset mode ............................................................................................. 24
Advanced reset mode settings ..................................................................................... 24
Reconnecting after a target-initiated reset.................................................................... 24
Using the game port for host file serving ...................................................................... 25
Performing a system update................................................................................................ 25
Loading and running executable files ................................................................................ 26
Loading your SELF manually ....................................................................................... 26
Loading from a device .................................................................................................. 27
Setting a default target ......................................................................................................... 28
Managing targets from the command-line ......................................................................... 29
Command-line utility syntax .......................................................................................... 29
Changing display settings ............................................................................................. 30
Specifying target name ................................................................................................. 31
Showing console output................................................................................................ 31
Disconnecting from the target ....................................................................................... 31
Command line utility examples ..................................................................................... 31
More help ...................................................................................................................... 31
4: Configuring targets and global preferences .........................................................32
Configuring targets............................................................................................................... 32
Target settings .............................................................................................................. 33
© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1
User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3

General ......................................................................................................................... 33
Connection Properties .................................................................................................. 33
File Serving ................................................................................................................... 33
File Trace ...................................................................................................................... 33
Load Options ................................................................................................................ 33
Extra Load Options ....................................................................................................... 34
Console Output ............................................................................................................. 36
Image Capture .............................................................................................................. 36
Advanced Reset Settings ............................................................................................. 36
XMB Settings ................................................................................................................ 37
Time-outs ...................................................................................................................... 37
Game attributes ............................................................................................................ 38
Default Target Settings ................................................................................................. 38
Configuring XMB settings .................................................................................................... 39
Configuring global preferences .......................................................................................... 40
Configuring display settings ............................................................................................... 41
Using the Web Admin view .................................................................................................. 41
5: Viewing console output ..........................................................................................43
Console output channel shortcut menu ............................................................................. 43
Capturing console output data to a file .............................................................................. 44
Setting console output channel properties........................................................................ 44
Filtering console output................................................................................................. 47
Clearing a console output channel ..................................................................................... 48
Copying console output to another application ................................................................ 48
Configuring console output ................................................................................................. 48
Managing output channels .................................................................................................. 49
Using color and control codes in console output ............................................................. 49
Sending console input ......................................................................................................... 50
6: Serving files from the host computer ....................................................................52
Setting the file-serving directory ......................................................................................... 52
Setting the home directory .................................................................................................. 52
Choosing the file serving port ............................................................................................. 53
Viewing file serving activity ................................................................................................. 53
File Filter pane shortcut menu ...................................................................................... 54
Logging pane shortcut menu ........................................................................................ 55
File serving view toolbar ............................................................................................... 55
File serving actions ....................................................................................................... 55
Tracing file I/O activity on a target ...................................................................................... 56
File Trace view toolbar.................................................................................................. 56
Setting case sensitivity ........................................................................................................ 57
Communicating by using named pipes .............................................................................. 57
Opening a named pipe ................................................................................................. 57
Reading from / writing to a named pipe ........................................................................ 58
Closing a named pipe ................................................................................................... 58
Executing host applications ................................................................................................ 59
7: Accessing the file system of a target .....................................................................60
Using the File Explorer view ................................................................................................ 60
Browsing the target hard disk and managing folders and files ..................................... 60
Modifying file and folder properties............................................................................... 61
Copy and paste operations in the File Explorer view ................................................... 62
Transferring folders and files between the host computer and target .......................... 63
Installing HDD Boot Games from Target Manager....................................................... 64

© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1

User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3

Formatting a target hard disk from Target Manager..................................................... 65

Using the Blu-Ray drive (BD) emulator ........................................................................ 65
Using a mapped drive........................................................................................................... 66
8: Viewing image captures ..........................................................................................68
Obtaining image captures .................................................................................................... 68
Managing image captures .................................................................................................... 69
Browsing image captures ............................................................................................. 69
Saving and Copying image captures ............................................................................ 69
Deleting image captures ............................................................................................... 69
Performing manual image captures.................................................................................... 70
Refreshing capture settings .......................................................................................... 70
Obtaining GCM video buffer parameters............................................................................ 70
9: Viewing process resources ....................................................................................72
Kernel Explorer view toolbar ............................................................................................... 72
10: Using a Debugging Station .................................................................................74
Features ................................................................................................................................. 74
Limitations ............................................................................................................................. 74
Connecting to the Debugging Station ................................................................................ 74
11: Using the Target Manager API ...........................................................................76
Introduction to the Target Manager API C# Wrapper ........................................................ 76
User Data in Event Callbacks ....................................................................................... 76
Memory Allocation is Performed Internally ................................................................... 77
PPUExceptionData ....................................................................................................... 77
DeleteFile() and DeleteFileEx() .................................................................................... 77
TTY ............................................................................................................................... 77
12: Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................78
0x80010005 ............................................................................................................................ 78
0x80010006 ............................................................................................................................ 78
0x80010009 ............................................................................................................................ 78
0x80028f14 ............................................................................................................................. 79
libgpad.sprx ........................................................................................................................... 79
Target Manager reset modes ............................................................................................... 79
13: Appendix A: Target Manager keyboard shortcuts............................................80
14: Index .....................................................................................................................81

© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1

User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3

1: Introduction
Target Manager for PlayStation®3 ("Target Manager") is used to control access to any development
hardware (targets) connected to your host PC, or remotely on your network. Target Manager must be
installed and running in order that other SN Systems applications can communicate with the
development hardware.
 Target Manager allows you to connect to the target, load and run executable files, send console input
to the target, and view console output from the target.
 In order for applications that communicate with the target to run, such as Debugger, Tuner, and the
command-line utility, Target Manager must be running and have at least one target set up.
Target Manager can be used with a range of SCE development hardware.
Target Manager is provided with the following SN Systems products:
 ProDG
 Tuner

Why use Target Manager?

 Target Manager provides a convenient interface for the development of game software, allowing you
to run executables, send console input to the target, and view console output from the target, all from
a single application.
 Target Manager acts as a transparent layer of abstraction between the development hardware and
any software that wishes to communicate with it, trapping any dangerous error conditions.
 Target Manager provides persistent connection to remote targets on your network.

Accessing targets from your own applications

The Target Manager API is available for those who wish to access targets from their own applications, for
example, art preview and internal tools. For more information, see "Using the Target Manager API".

Features and benefits

The following table lists the main features of Target Manager, according to the target development

Features Reference Tool Reference Tool DECR- Debugging Station

DECR-1000* 1400*

Manage development   

File serving   

Module list   

File synchronization   

Web admin 

Console output   

Console input   

Localization   

Target Manager SDK   

© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1

User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3

For further details of each feature, refer to the following notes.

Manage development hardware
 You can see all development hardware on the LAN and monitor their connection status through a
familiar "Explorer-style" interface.
File serving
 Monitor file serving in real-time from the host PC (see "Serving files from the host computer").
 Support for named pipes (see "Communicating by using named pipes"). Allows two-way
communications between applications running on the host PC and the target.
 Target Manager recognises a number of special keywords passed via the cellFsOpen function, e.g.
cellFsOpen("/app_home/keyword", CELL_FS_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0) where keyword is one of
the following:
 "EXEC:<cmdline>" - Executes the command specified by <cmdline> using the Windows API
CreateProcess function. See "Executing host applications".
 "SETROOT:<dir>" - Sets the current file serving directory on the PC.
 "SETHOME:<dir>" - Sets the current home directory on the PC.
 "DISCONNECT:" - Disconnects from the current target.
 "SETCASESENSITIVE:" - Turns on case-sensitive file serving. See "Setting case sensitivity".
 "SETCASEINSENSITIVE:" - Turns off case sensitive file serving.
File synchronization
 The file synchronization view provides the ability to update game images on the target hard drive
with recent changes. See "Using the File Explorer view".
Web admin
 The web page view displays the target Reference Tool's web page. This provides a portal to the
target's setup page. See "Using the Web Admin view".
Console output
 Flexible console channels - resize, rename, enable/disable, capture to file.
 Mapping console output streams to channels, for example an "ALL" channel to capture all console
output, or "GRAPHICS" or "SOUND" for individual game subsystems.
 ANSI color support in console output streams.
Console input
 Send console input to the target when a channel only has one console stream mapped to it.
 Automatic support for English and Japanese localization.
Target Manager SDK
 Write custom applications to communicate with the target development hardware through a
common interface. Provides full functionality used by the debugger, get/set memory, registers,
start/stop, and so on.

Target Manager is installed when you install one of the following products:
 ProDG
 Tuner
Target Manager may also be installed as a stand-alone product, with its own installer.
The following environment variable is setup by the installer:

© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1

User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3

 SN_PS3_PATH to point to the parent folder of your ProDG installation, e.g. SN_PS3_PATH=C:\Program
Files\SN Systems\PS3.

System requirements
Supported Operating Systems
 Windows XP SP3 32-bit - Professional Edition
 Windows 7 32-bit - Professional and Ultimate Editions
 Windows 7 64-bit - Professional and Ultimate Editions
Recommended Hardware
 Pentium 4 1GHz CPU equivalent or higher
 At least 1GB RAM

© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1

User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3
Getting started with Target Manager

2: Getting started with Target Manager

Launching Target Manager

Target Manager can be launched via the command line or via the shortcut in the Start menu. It is
automatically started when you start ProDG Debugger or Tuner.
The Start menu shortcut just accesses the Target Manager command line, and can therefore be customized
to start the Target Manager in the state that you wish. For example you can specify that the Target
Manager always tries to connect to a particular target on start-up.
The Target Manager must be running and have at least one target set up for any of the other tools to be
able to communicate with the target.

Target Manager components

Target Manager consists of three separate executables.

Target Manager server (ps3tmserver.exe)

Target Manager server is a background process which handles connections to various targets on the
network, and provides core services such as file serving, console output and a debug interface.
All clients, with or without a GUI, connect to the Target Manager server by using the Target Manager API.
For more information, see "Using the Target Manager API".
Command-line Options

Command switches Actions

-md <level> Set the level of information that is produced in the event of an
application error. The following values for <level> are supported:
 0 = Normal (minimal) dump. This is the default option
 2 = Full memory dump.
Note: If no command-line switch is provided then the application
will prompt for the level in the event of an error.

-log <level> Sets the logging level used by the server. This value would normally
only be changed on the request of the SCE or SN Systems Developer
Services teams.

--shutdown This can be passed to the server to tell it to shut down.

Target Manager controller (ps3tm.exe)

Target Manager controller creates a system tray icon, and starts the server process and GUI if they are not
already running. It also provides notifications and can be used to manually start and stop the server
Client applications usually start the server by using this utility.
Command-line Options

Command switches Actions

-notmgui The default action when running ps3tm.exe is to start both the server
and GUI. Passing –notmgui will start the server with but not the GUI.

© SCEI ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3 v470.1

User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3
Getting started with Target Manager

-md <level> Set the level of information that is produced in the event of an
application error. The following values for <level> are supported:
 0 = Normal (minimal) dump. This is the default option
 2 = Full memory dump.
Note: If no command-line switch is provided then the application
will prompt for the level in the event of an error.

Target Manager GUI (ps3tmgui.exe)

This is the front-end client application that presents a view of the targets currently managed by the Target
Manager server, along with some other useful utilities (accessed via views).
This is the main way to interact with a target, and enables downloading of ELF files, updating of system
software, viewing console output and many other features.

Target Manager GUI

The Target Manager GUI includes five menus: File, View, Target, Tools and Help. These contain the
commands that enable you to add and configure targets, connect to them, load files on selected targets
and view help information.
Below the menu bar is a toolbar containing buttons that enable you to access the most useful commands
The rest of the Target Manager window resembles Windows Explorer and shows any targets that you
might have added on the left and their properties in the right part of the window (the Target List view).
In the Target List view, the target properties are arranged in columns labeled Target, SDK, CP, Address,
Status, File Server Dir. and Home Dir (~/). The column widths may be resized by dragging the column
separators either left or right.
 At any time you can refresh display of the current connection status and directory settings for all of
the available targets, by selecting Refresh Status from the toolbar, or pressing the shortcut key F5.
Pressing F5 should always result in the connect time for connected targets being updated, and any
targets that have been newly connected or disconnected will also have their status updated.
 You can sort the rows displayed on the right by clicking on either the Target or Address column
headings. This will sort the listed targets alphabetically by their target name or IP address,

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Getting started with Target Manager

 The SDK and CP columns will display the SDK version and CP version. If the SDK/CP version is not
retrievable, hyphens will be displayed.
 You can view the different console output streams of any target, by expanding the My Targets folder
in the left part of the window, then expanding the folder for the selected target, and then selecting the
Console Output icon for the target. Console output appears in the right part of the window.
 You can view file serving information by similarly selecting a target, and then selecting the File
Serving icon. File serving information appears in the right part of the window.
 You can synchronize files on the target with files on the host, using the File Explorer view.
 You can also view image captures and the module list from the expanded target folder.
 You can perform some actions on several targets by multi-selecting targets in the Target List view.
Available actions will be enabled on the toolbar or shortcut menu as appropriate.

System tray icon

When you minimize Target Manager it becomes a system tray icon:

If you wish to open the main window again at any time, you can either double-click the tray icon or click
the Open Target Manager command on the shortcut menu of the notification area icon:
The shortcut menu of the notification area icon has the following commands:

Command Description

Open Target Manager Opens Target Manager.

About Target Manager Displays version information for Target Manager.

Start server Starts the Target Manager server.

Stop server Stops the Target Manager server.

Exit Exits Target Manager and stops the Target Manager server.

Menu bar
The Target Manager menu bar contains the options File, View, Target, Tools and Help and they are
described in this section.
Many of the most frequently used commands in the Target Manager can be accessed via keyboard
shortcuts. If a keyboard shortcut is available it will be listed next to the command name in the menu.

File menu

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Getting started with Target Manager

Add Target Allows you to add a target. See "Adding and removing targets".

Delete Target Allows you to delete a target. See "Adding and removing targets".

Map Filesystem Allows you to map or unmap the PlayStation® file system to a drive. See
"Using a mapped drive".

Backup Exports targets to a target list file. See "Exporting a list of targets".

Restore Imports targets from a target list file. See "Importing a list of targets".

Refresh Status Checks the connect status of all targets and redraws the main Target
Manager window.

Preferences Displays the Preferences dialog. See "Configuring global preferences".

Exit Exits Target Manager.

Close Closes Target Manager back to the system tray icon, preserving TTY and
other data. See "System tray icon".

View menu

Toolbars and Displays or hides the toolbars and enables you to customize the user
Docking Windows interface.

Status Bar If selected, displays a status bar at the foot of the Target Manager

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Getting started with Target Manager

Target menu

Connect Connects to the selected (unconnected) target. See "Connecting to


Disconnect Disconnects from the selected (connected) target. See "Disconnecting

from targets".

Force Disconnect Forcibly disconnects a user from the selected (connected) target. See
"Forcibly disconnecting users from target".

System Update Performs a system update of the selected (connected) target with a
ROM image. See "Performing a system update".

Reset Resets the selected (connected) target. See "Resetting a target".

Reset Mode Sets the reset mode. See "Changing the reset mode".

Reset into System Resets the target into System Software Mode.
Software Mode

Load and Run Allows you to specify, then load and run an executable on the selected
Executable (connected) target.

Change Monitor Allows you to configure global display settings. See "Configuring
Settings display settings".

BD Emulator Accesses the BD Emulator shortcut menu. See "Using the Blu-Ray drive
(BD) emulator".

Trigger Core Dump Triggers a core dump provided that the Enable core dump option is set

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Getting started with Target Manager

(see "Load Options").

Power Control Control power to the target. The available options are Switch Power
On, Shutdown and Shutdown (Force).
For Debugging Stations, the Switch Power On option should be used
with targets on the same LAN as the host PC, or your network must be
configured to allow UDP sub net broadcasts to be routed from the host
PC's LAN to the Debugging Station's LAN. After adding a new target,
you must initially manually power on and connect so that Target
Manager can obtain the information it needs to be able to use 'wake on
LAN' to power on the Debugging Station. Subsequently, the Switch
Power On option will be enabled, allowing you to control power to the
Debugging Station target. The Wake on LAN setting should be enabled
in the Debug Settings options of the XMB™ menu for the power on to

Install Installs an HDD Boot Game by using a PARAM.SFO or .pkg file. For
further information see "Installing HDD Boot Games from Target

Format Hard Drive Formats the target hard drive.

Set File-Serving Allows you to set the file serving directory for the selected target. See
Directory (app_home/) "Setting the file-serving directory".

Set Home Directory (~/) Allows you to set the home directory for the selected target. See "Setting
the home directory".

Cancel Operation Allows you to cancel lengthy or unintended operations without waiting
for the command to time out (e.g. reset, power on/off).

Set as default target Sets the selected target as default. See "Setting a default target".

Delete Target Removes the target from Target Explorer.

Import Properties Overrides the current target settings, except the unique IP Address and
System Name settings. Differences between different target types are
handled transparently, for example, it is possible to export the settings
of a DECR1000 and re-import them on a DECR1400.
This option can be used on one or multiple targets. See "Configuring

Export Properties Exports an .xml file, containing the target settings.

Properties Allows you to configure the properties of the selected target. See
"Configuring targets".

Tools menu

External Tools Allows you to declare external tools via the Tools tab of the Customize
dialog (see "Customizing menus and toolbars"). Shortcuts to the tools
are added to the Tools menus (in the Installed Tools section).

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Getting started with Target Manager

Help menu

Contents Displays online help for the Target Manager.

About Target Manager Displays version information.

Target Manager toolbar

The Target Manager toolbar contains one default section. Right-click anywhere on the toolbar. The toolbar
shortcut menu will be displayed, similar to the following:

A tick next to a toolbar indicates that the toolbar is in view.

This is the standard toolbar:

Add Target INSERT Allows you to add a target. See "Adding and
removing targets".

Delete Target DELETE Allows you to delete a target. See "Adding and
removing targets".

Refresh Status F5 Selects the connect status of all targets and

redraws the main Target Manager window.

Connect F7 Connects to the selected (unconnected) target.

See "Connecting to targets ".

Disconnect CTRL+D Disconnects from the selected (connected)

target. See "Disconnecting from targets".

Reset CTRL+R Resets the selected (connected) target. See

"Resetting a target".

Reset into System Resets the target into System Software mode.
Software mode See "Resetting a target".

Load and Run CTRL+E Load executable file. See "Loading and running
Executable executable files".

Trigger a core dump Trigger a core dump on the target.

System U-pdate Flashes the kernel of the selected (connected)

target with a ROM image. See "Performing a
system update".

Switch Power On Switch power on.

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Getting started with Target Manager

Caution: For DECR-1000 Reference Tool targets this button will be enabled if the target is
powered off. For DECR-1400 Reference Tool and Debugging Station targets this button will be
enabled whenever the target is disconnected, irrespective of the true power status of the target.

Switch Power Off Switch power off. This button will be enabled
whenever the target is powered on.

Cancel Operation Abort current operation.

Customizing menus and toolbars

This section describes how to customize menus and toolbars, including the text of menu commands and
the appearance of menu icons. Existing menu options can be moved and entirely new menus created.
To customize a menu or toolbar:
(1) Right-click the menu bar or toolbar, and then click Customize.
(2) In the Customize dialog box, use the following tabs to customize menus and toolbars, and then click
 Commands tab. Add commands to menu and toolbars by dragging the commands to the menu
or toolbar, or create a new menu.
 Toolbars tab. Display toolbars, reset toolbars, and create new toolbars.
 Tools tab. Enables you to define external tools, with the full pathname to the executable,
arguments, and the initial directory.
 Keyboard tab. Set keyboard shortcuts for the commands.
 Menu tab. Change main menus, shortcut menus, menu animations, and menu shadows.
 Options tab. Display ScreenTips, shortcut keys, and large icons. Also, displays recently used
commands first and full menus when expanded.

Customizing a menu command or toolbar button

While the menu Customize dialog is open, right-click an existing menu item on the menu bar, or button
on the toolbar, to display its properties:

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Getting started with Target Manager

Reset to Default Resets command name and button image to their default values.

Copy Button Image Copies the button image to the clipboard.

Delete Deletes the command from the menu.

Button Appearance Edits the button image.

Image Displays only an image for the command.

Text Displays only text for the command.

Image and Text Displays an icon and text for the command.

Start Group Adds a horizontal rule above the selected command.

Exiting Target Manager

Target Manager can either be closed, which will minimize the user interface to the system tray and leave
the views as they are, or Target Manager can be exited, which closes the user interface completely.
To close Target Manager:
 On the File menu, click Close.
 Click the Close button.
To exit Target Manager:
 On the File menu, click Exit.

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Managing targets

3: Managing targets

Adding and removing targets

This section describes how you set up the targets in the Target Manager to enable you to connect to the
different targets in your network.

Adding a target
To add a new target:
(1) On the File menu, click Add Target (or use the toolbar).
(2) In the Add Target dialog box:
(a) In the Name box, type a name for the target, and then in the Target type box, select the target
type, and then click Next.

Tip: You can click the browse button to scan an IP address range for targets. See "Finding targets on
your network".

(b) In the IP address or host name box, type the IP address or host name of the target, and then in
the Port box, set the connection port if required, and then click Next.
(c) Confirm the details, and then click Finish.
The new target and connection details appear in the main window.

Tip: You can change the properties of a target when it is not connected. See "Configuring targets".

Ensure you select the correct type of development hardware:

 Reference tool (DECR-1000 / DECR-1000A). A large black box that does not resemble a retail unit.
 Reference tool (DECR-1400J / DECR-1400A). Resembles a retail unit, but has 512 MB of memory.
 Debugging Station (DECHA00J / DECHA00A / DECHJ00J / DECHJ00A). Resembles a retail unit,
but has 256 MB of memory.
 Core dump. A core dump target.

Note: Usually the core dump would be loaded and examined via the debugger but if loaded into
Target Manager directly, it will display its content to console output in .ini file format. See the ProDG

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User Guide to ProDG Target Manager for PlayStation®3
Managing targets

Debugger for PlayStation®3 user guide for more information on using core dump files with the

Removing a target
To remove a target:
(1) Select a target in the main window or Target Explorer, and then press DELETE.
(2) In message box, click Yes.

Finding targets on your network

The Search for Targets view allows you to scan your network looking for targets. It is accessed from
Target Explorer.

The first scan will begin with a network address where your computer is located but for subsequent scans
Target Manager will remember the last used settings.
If your computer has more than one network adapter then the combo box displays additional default IP
address ranges.
Found targets will be refreshed when you click the Refresh button. You can also expand the Search for
Targets root node to show previous scans.

Adding found targets

To add found targets:
To add found targets to My Targets the following options are available:
 Double-click a single target or right-click selected targets, and click Add Target.
 Alternatively, right-click Search for Targets or the current scan node and click Add Targets.

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Managing targets

Sometimes a target may be displayed as Unknown. A target can only be added to Target Manager with a
specified model type therefore you can drag and drop a target to the group you think is correct but an '*'
will be displayed until Target Manager has verified that the target is in the correct group. Also, you can
right-click an unknown target and you will be given the option to move it to possible groups.

Deleting scan nodes

To delete scan nodes:
To delete nodes of previous scans, right-click on the node itself or in the root node click Search for Targets
and then Delete Node or Delete All Nodes respectively:

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Finding targets via the Add Target wizard

Alternatively, you can use the Find Targets dialog box to scan your network looking for targets. It can be
accessed from the browse button on the Connection Properties dialog box displayed during the Add
Target wizard.

The Find Targets dialog box displays a range of IP addresses which defaults to the network addresses of
the network where your computer is located. If your computer has more than one network adapter then
the history is filled with additional default IP address ranges. Click any column heading to sort the
Click Search to start scanning the IP address range for targets. Any targets that are detected will be listed.
To add a target to Target Manager, select a target, and then click OK.
Sometimes Model may be displayed as Unknown if Target Manager cannot automatically determine the
model type. You can only add a target to Target Manager if the model type is specified, therefore you
should select one of the available model types from the drop-down listbox.

Exporting a list of targets

You can save the list of targets to a target list file in XML format. This can then either be imported using
the Restore command on the File menu or used as the basis for the Target Manager configuration file
This option also saves the current settings for each target. Only server settings (i.e. settings which are
visible by external applications such as the debugger) are persisted. No user interface settings (e.g. console
output channel configurations) are currently persisted.
To export a list of targets:
(1) On the File menu, click Backup.
(2) In the Backup targets dialog box, browse to a location, in the File name box enter a name for the file
and then click Save.
A message box appears and displays the number of exported targets.

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Importing a list of targets

You can import a list of targets from an existing ps3tm.xml file or from a file saved using the Backup
command on the File menu. See "Exporting a list of targets".
Several options exist to control the import including:
 Clearing the current list first (using this option will delete your current list of targets).
 Merging the imported list with the current list; this will leave any targets in your current list
unaffected unless you select Update where the server-side settings will be replaced with those from
the XML file.
To import a list of targets:
(1) On the File menu, click Restore.
(2) In the Restore targets dialog box:
(a) Browse to the XML file and then select it.
(b) Set options and then click Open.
A message box appears and displays the number of imported targets.
You can set the following options:

Options Description

Delete existing targets prior to import Does not preserve the current target list.

Merge imported targets into existing Retains the current target list.
target list

Update existing targets with settings Overwrites the server-side settings of the targets
from imported target list (including from the imported target list. If you do not select this
overriding default target, if specified check box (default), then any pre-existing targets
in configuration file) found in the target list are unaffected by the import.

Connecting to targets
Target Manager can be launched via the command line or Windows shortcut or it is launched
automatically by the debugger. For any other host tools (debugger, tuner, the command-line utility or any
application which uses the Target Manager API) it must already be configured in the Target Manager to
be able to interact with a particular target.
When a host tool exits, by default it will leave the target in the state that it was in when the host tool was
started. However, you can use command-line options to modify this behavior and specify, for example,
that you are always disconnected.
To connect to a target:
(1) Select the target that you would like to connect to in the right pane of the main window.
(2) Double-click on the target name or click Connect on the Target menu (or click the Connect toolbar
button or the F7 shortcut key).
(3) If your connection was successful then the target properties in the right pane of the window will be
updated to show 'Connected' in the Status column.
If another user is currently connected to the target a dialog box is displayed saying that the target is
in use by another user and the identity of the currently connected user is displayed in the Status
column. The Status field for a connected user takes the form:
<computer>@<domain>,<app> (<connect time [hh:mm:ss]>)
For example:

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Managing targets,Target Manager (02:00:10)

Your connection may also time out, which means that the target is unavailable on the network. There may
be several reasons for this, including the following:
 The selected target may not be connected to the network correctly or it may be switched off at the
 The TCP/IP software may not be correctly configured. For example, the target may have a duplicate
IP address. To test for this you can disconnect the network cable and ping the IP address. If you
receive a response then the IP address is duplicated on your network.
 When you enter the IP address or DNS name to identify the target there is no verification of the name
when you input it, therefore, when you connect you may find that you have badly specified the IP
address or DNS name or that the DNS name you entered is not associated with the correct IP
 The development hardware may need rebooting.

Disconnecting from targets

When the host tool exits, then you may still be connected to the target in the Target Manager. If you wish
to disconnect from the target because you have finished working with it, then you will need to do this in
the Target Manager.
To disconnect from a target:
(1) Select the connected target that you would like to disconnect from in the right hand list of the Target
Manager main window.
(2) Double-click on the target name or on the Target menu click Disconnect (or click the Disconnect
toolbar button or the CTRL+D shortcut key). The target properties will update to show
'Disconnected' in the Status column.

Forcibly disconnecting users from targets

Target Manager allows you to forcibly disconnect another user who is connected. It will not allow you to
forcibly disconnect from a target to which you are already connected.

Note: The connected user will not receive any warning that they are being disconnected, and may lose
valuable work as a result, so this option should be used only when absolutely necessary.

To forcibly disconnect a user from a target:

(1) On the Target menu, click Force Disconnect or use the CTRL+SHIFT+D shortcut key.
(2) A connect status query is performed to determine if any users are connected. If so, the Force Target
Disconnection confirmation dialog is displayed:

(3) Click Yes provided you are absolutely sure you want to forcibly disconnect the user who is using this
(4) The target properties will update to show 'Disconnected' in the Status column.

Note: If you are disconnecting users from DECR-1400 Reference Tools or DECHA00/DECHJ00
Debugging Stations, Target Manager uses the multicast private group address and ports
4444 and 4445. Multicast network traffic functionality is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. If
the connected PCs are across different subnets you will need to configure the router in order to route
the multicast data across the subnets.

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Resetting a target
To reset a target:
(1) Connect to a target.
(2) In Target Explorer or the main window, right-click the target and then click Reset.
The target will be reset with the current reset mode.

Changing the reset mode

To set the reset mode without initiating a reset:
 In Target Explorer or the main window, right-click the target, point to Reset Mode and then click a
startup mode:
 Debug Mode
 System Software Mode
 Release Mode

Note: In System Software Mode, there is a soft reset but the boot parameters are set so that the target
comes up in system software mode, for example the PS3 will display the default XMB™ screen on the
TV. Note that Debugging Stations and Reference Tools DECR-1400* can be forced into system software
mode by holding down the front panel power button until it beeps for a second time when turning on
the device.

Tip: Set the reset mode and reset the target simultaneously by holding SHIFT when you perform the reset.

If the target is in system software mode, then loading an executable via Target Manager or debugger with
an initial reset will force the target back into debugger mode.

Caution: The reset mode is saved between Target Manager sessions, but is not persisted at the target
hardware level. This means that if another application, for example ProDG Debugger, resets the target
then it will use its own reset parameters.

Advanced reset mode settings

To change advanced reset mode settings:
(1) In Target Explorer or the main window, right-click the target, point to Reset Mode and then click
(2) In the Target Properties dialog box, select advanced reset mode settings and then click OK.

WARNING: A hard reset excludes the software shutdown sequence and may cause corruption of
Flash ROM and the hard disk. Use this option only when the target system will not respond to a soft

For information on advanced reset mode settings, see "Advanced Reset Settings".

Reconnecting after a target-initiated reset

Note: Debugging Stations and Reference Tools DECR-1400* only.

A reset can also be initiated by the target itself. There are two situations where this may occur:
 A soft power recycle.
 Exiting a running application via the VSH's 'Quit' option.
After the reset, Target Manager attempts to reconnect automatically for the specified Reconnect Timeout
period (see "Configuring targets").

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Using the game port for host file serving

If you select the Game port option in the Set host file serving socket option under the Custom Reset
Mode, you must reset the target once from Target Manager. You should then be able to use the game port
from either Target Manager or the debugger.
Once Target Manager has been used to set file serving over the game port, then this setting will also be
used when the debugger is used.

Caution: you must be using SDK v2.1.0 (or greater) and CP 1.3.0 (or greater).

Performing a system update

This section describes how to perform a system update for PlayStation®3 hardware.

Note: You must use SDK 1.6.0 or greater to perform a system update.

To perform a system update:

(1) Select one or more targets and then press F7 to connect to the targets.
(2) On the Target menu or toolbar, click System Update.
(3) In the System Update dialog box:
(a) In the Specify update image path combo box, specify the location of the update file.
(b) If you do not want to use the built-in updater application (PS3ToolUpdated.self), click More,
clear the Use built in PS3ToolUpdate.self (recommended) check box, and then in the Specify
path for PS3ToolUpdater.self box, specify the path to the updater application.
(c) Click OK to perform a system update.

Reference Tool DECR-1000*: Any console output during a system update is sent to the Console Output
view. Debugging Station and Reference Tool DECR-1400*: The Debugging Station will initially reset. At this
point Target Manager will not be able to connect to the target until the system update has completed and
the Debugging Station has been powered on. Any console output is viewed on a monitor connected to the
Debugging Station.
Reference Tool DECR-1000*: During a system update the toolbar for the target(s) selected will be disabled,
except for the Cancel Operation toolbar button. Flashing will have finished when the toolbar becomes
fully re-enabled. Debugging Station and Reference Tool DECR-1400*: A system update will have finished
when the power status light on the Debugging Station stops flashing red.
For information on performing a system update from the command line, see "Managing targets from the

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Loading and running executable files

You can load and run executable files on the target directly from Target Manager. A dialog appears in
which you can select the SELF file to be loaded.

Loading your SELF manually

You must be connected to a target.
To manually load a SELF:
(1) On the Target menu, click Load & Run Executable or click the Load Executable button on the Target
Manager toolbar.
(2) In the dialog that is displayed locate and select the SELF file that you wish to load and run.

(3) Set any of the options that you require for the file load:

Load from device This overrides the normal downloading of a file and allows a user-
defined path. When this option is selected the file browser controls
are grayed out. See "Loading from a device".

Set fileserver directory Sets the application file serving directory.

Use ELF directory If selected, use the directory of the SELF as the file serving directory.

Set home directory Sets the application home directory.

Use ELF directory If selected, use the directory of the SELF as the home directory.
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Command line parameters Enables you to specify any command-line parameters for your game

Reset target If selected, resets target before loading SELF.

Clear TTY streams If selected, clears all console output channels and console output log
files before loading SELF.

Enable debugging of If selected, enables the loaded module to be debugged. The program
module will stop at main() and will then need to be continued via a call to

Disable PPU debugging Disables PPU debugging. This allows you to speed up debugging if
you are not interested in debugging the PPU. If PPU debugging is
disabled and an exception occurs on the PPU, that unit will be
switched into debug mode.

Disable SPU debugging Disables SPU debugging. This allows you to speed up debugging if
you are not interested in debugging the SPU. If SPU debugging is
disabled and an exception occurs on the SPU, that unit will be
switched into debug mode (in the case of an SPU thread group, only
the thread group that caused the exception will be switched into
debug mode).

Loading from a device

If the Load from device checkbox is selected in the Load Module dialog, then the file browser controls are
grayed out. For example, normally to boot from a Blu-ray DVD you would type the path to the
EBOOT.BIN file. This gets sent to the target as the following string:
You can also choose a different device to be prefixed to the filepath.

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Setting a default target

The default target is used by the command-line tools and Visual Studio when no target is specified and
the PS3TARGET environment variable is not set. You can set the default target in Target Manager – the
default target is displayed in bold.
To set the default target:
 Right-click the target, and then click Set as default target.

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Managing targets from the command-line

This section contains information on the command-line utility ps3ctrl, which replaces the ps3run utility.
For backwards compatibility ps3run is still included with Target Manager, but it will not be updated.
The ps3ctrl command-line utility is a tool for communicating with a target, and is used in conjunction
with the Target Manager server.

Note: The Target Manager server must be running for the command-line utility to work properly.

The command line utility consists of many commands that can be executed on a target. The list of
commands and associated functionality can be found below.

Command-line utility syntax

The command-line utility can either be used directly from the command line, or in batch or make files.
The command line is as follows:
ps3ctrl [command] <options> [args]
The following is a list of possible commands (see "Command line utility examples"):

Command Description
capture Performs a screen capture on a specific process

console Input or outputs console text and waits until specific text is found in output

coredump Performs a core dump on a specific process

flash Performs a system software update
format Formats a target’s hard drive

install-game Installs a game

install-package Installs a package

power Powers on or off a target

process Stop, continue, terminate or kills a specific process
run This is similar to the legacy ps3run command-line utility. It provides
functionality that allows you to reset a target, load an ELF and wait until the
ELF has exited or specific console text is found or if a timeout occurs
setdisp <options> Changes the display settings (see "Changing display settings").

set-flags Sets various flags such as core dump or screen capture flags
sync Transfer files or directories to a specific location on a target

The descriptions above are brief. For more information on how each specific command is used, load the
help and usage of the command by executing the following:
ps3ctrl [command] help
The [command] argument is optional. If not specified, optional tasks can be executed such as
adding/deleting targets, setting file serving or home directory paths and much more. The following
options are global to all commands and will be executed before any command related functionality is

Option Description

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-t <name> Specify target (defaults to the default target, set in Target Manager)
-add <targets> A list of targets to be added. The format of the targets is:
target_name:type:address:port where the type can be one of the following:
ref1000 or PS3_DEH_TCP
ref1400 or PS3_512_DBG_DEX
debug or PS3_DBG_DEX
coredump or PS3_CORE_DUMP

-del <targets> A list of target names (as named on server) to delete

-d Disconnect from target (if not previously connected)
-da Always disconnect from target when done

-na No disconnect (default)

-fd Force disconnect if another user is connected
-q Operate quietly if no errors
-f <path> Set file serving directory
-h <path> Set home directory

-l <path> Log output to a file

-pup <path> Location of PS3UPDAT.PUP (default is
-up <path> Location of PS3ToolUpdater.self (default is

Changing display settings

Use the setdisp <options> command to change display settings, where <options> represent the

Option Description
-monitor Monitor type
-connector Connector type
-res Startup resolution
-hdcp High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
-reset Reset the target after the command

-bin Path to custom setmonitor.self

PS3Ctrl setdisp -t mydevkit -monitor 9 -res 2 -connector 1 -hdcp 0 -reset
If enabled, the settings will be displayed on the TTY view (see the Display reset settings option in
"Advanced Reset Settings").
The Change monitor settings dialog can also be used to change display settings (see "Configuring display

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Specifying target name

If a target name is specified using the –t <target> option then the target name is matched (case
sensitively) against the names listed in the Target manager or failing a match there, it will attempt to
interpret it as a host name or an IP address.
If no target name is specified then the environment variable PS3TARGET is searched for. This environment
variable can be set manually by inserting a line like the following into your autoexec.bat file:
SET PS3TARGET=<target_name>
If PS3TARGET has been set, the target name is taken from this, otherwise if there is only one target
available then that will be used. If PS3TARGET is not set and no target is specified using the –t option, then
of the following happens:
If there is a default target, that target will be used (see "Setting a default target"). Otherwise, if the –add
option is passed; the first target added will be used. Otherwise, if a single target is currently connected in
the Target Manager then that target will be used.
If all of the above fail, then the command-line utility will stop with an error.

Showing console output

Debugging with the command-line utility is most easily achieved using two instances of the program
running in separate command prompt sessions.
In one command prompt window use the command:
ps3ctrl console -t <name> -p
to intercept all console output from your target.
From a second command prompt window you can then reset the target and run the program you wish to
debug by invoking the command:
ps3ctrl run -t <name> -r <file>
where <file> is the name of the executable file to be executed.

Disconnecting from the target

After all operations are performed the target can either be left connected so that file serving can take place,
or it can be disconnected so that other users can connect to it.

Command line utility examples

The following are just a few examples of what can be achieved using the command line utility. As can be
seen, the target can be referenced using either the name or the host name or IP address.
ps3ctrl console –add MyTarget:ref1000: –h "C:\home"
ps3ctrl run –t MyTarget -r
ps3ctrl set-flags –t MyTarget -es
ps3ctrl run –t MyTarget "C:\myelfs\sample.self"
ps3ctrl capture –t MyTarget "C:\captures\output.bmp"
ps3ctrl process –t MyTarget –tp <id> -tt 1000
ps3ctrl power –t –off
ps3ctrl power –t MyTarget –on
ps3ctrl flash –t MyTarget

More help
For more information on how commands are executed, please refer to the help and usage guide in the
command line utility by executing the following:
ps3ctrl help

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Configuring targets and global preferences

4: Configuring targets and global preferences

This chapter explains how to configure target settings, XMB settings, and global options.

Configuring targets
You can configure a target when you are connected to or disconnected from the target. However, you
must be disconnected from a target to configure the IP address or port number.
To configure a target:
(1) In Target Explorer or the main window of Target Manager, right-click a target and then click
(2) In the Target Properties dialog box:
(a) In the left pane, select a group of settings.
(b) In the right pane, configure settings, and then click OK.

The target settings are displayed in the following groups:

 General. Displays the target name.
 Connection Properties. Displays the IP address or host name and port number of the target.
 File Serving. Displays the file-serving and home directory, file-serving events, and other file-serving
 File Trace. Displays the file-trace log size.
 Load Options. Displays the stack size, primary thread priority, Blu-ray drive mount and
PARAM.SFO mapping, and additional load settings.
 Extra Load Options. Displays extra load options which can be used to override XMB settings.
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Configuring targets and global preferences

 Console Output. Displays the console output cache size for the special SAVETTY file-serving
 Image Capture. Displays the automatic capture option and directory.
 Advanced Reset Settings. Displays the reset type, boot parameters, and system parameters.
 XMB Settings. Displays the current XMB settings.
 Time-outs. Displays expected response time for requests.

Target settings
The properties of a target contain the following settings.


Setting Description

Target name Specifies a user-defined name for the target.

Connection Properties

Setting Description

IP address or host name Specifies the IP address or host name of the target.

Port Specifies the port number of the target.

File Serving

Setting Description

File server directory Specifies the file-serving directory of the target. See "Setting the file-
(app_home/) serving directory"

Home directory (~/) Specifies the home directory of the target. See "Setting the home

Force case sensitive Enables file-serving case sensitivity. See "Setting case sensitivity".

Environment variable Expands environment variables by using %VAR% syntax in target-

expansion host file-serving commands.

Events to log Displays selected file-serving event notifications as actions in the

File Serving view. See "Viewing file serving activity".

Log size Specifies the file-serving log size.

File Trace

Setting Description

Log size Specifies the file-serving log size.

Load Options
The load options are hierarchical – you must enable one setting to configure other settings. For example,
to perform RSX profiling with GPAD, you must select the Enable GCM debug check box, then select the
Enable RSX profiling tool check box.

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To perform RSX profiling, the libgpad.sprx file must be in the correct location. For more information, see

Setting Description

Use stack size from ELF Sets the stack size from the ELF.

Default ELF stack size Sets the default ELF stack size, requires the Use stack size from ELF
property to not be selected.

Use priority value from ELF Sets the primary thread priority from the ELF.

Default priority Sets the default primary thread priority, requires the Use priority
value from ELF property to not be selected.

Wait for BDVD Causes the debug agent to wait for the BDVD to be mounted when
you load an executable from the BDVD. This can add 15 seconds to
the reset and reload time.

PARAM.SFO mapping Enables mapping of PARAM.SFO to a local file.

Use ELF directory for Uses PARAM.SFO in the ELF directory, requires the PARAM.SFO
PARAM.SFO mapping property to be selected.

PARM.SFO path Specifies the path to a local PARAM.SFO file, requires the Use ELF
directory for PARAM.SFO property to not be selected.

Extra Load Options

Setting Description

Enable extra load options Overrides XMB settings with the extra load options when loading
an executable.

Enable lv2 exception handler Enables the lv2 exception handler.

Remote play Enables a remote play utility mode.

Load libProf module Loads the cellLibprof module when loading a .SELF file, allowing
the capture of SPU sample data in Tuner. This option is set to No by

GCM Debug

Enable GCM debug Enables debugging of libgcm.

Enable smart image capture Fetches image capture settings automatically from the target,
requires the Enable GCM debug property to be selected.

RSX Profiling Tool

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Configuring targets and global preferences

Enable RSX profiling tool Enables RSX profiling, requires the Enable GCM debug property to
be selected.

Enable HUD Enables the HUD, requires the Enable RSX profiling tool property
to be selected.

Start with HUD on Starts in HUD mode automatically, requires the Enable HUD
property to be selected.

Core Dump

Enable core dump Launches the core dump handler with the loaded executable. The
core dump settings enable you to disable causes of core dumps to
prevent conflicts with other subsystems in the operating system, for
example, Debug Agent, liblv2dbg, and the SPURS exception
handler. You can also disable a memory dump in a full core dump.

Core dump location Specifies the location to store core dump files, requires the Enable
core dump property to be selected.

Trigger Options

Disable PPU exception PPU exceptions do not trigger a core dump, requires the Enable
detection core dump property to be selected. This can be overridden by the
core dump settings of Debugger.

Disable SPU exception SPU exceptions do not trigger a core dump, requires the Enable
detection core dump property to be selected. This can be overridden by the
core dump settings of Debugger.

Disable RSXTM exception RSX exceptions do not trigger a core dump, requires the Enable
detection core dump property to be selected.

Disable Foot Switch Foot switch does not trigger a core dump, requires the Enable core
detection dump property to be selected.

Corefile Generation Option

Disable Memory Dump Disables the memory dump in a full core dump to reduce time and
file size. This property requires the Enable core dump property to
be selected.

Execution Control Option

Enable restart process after core By default, after a core dump, the process is in a state where it
dumped cannot continue. Setting this flag means that the process can be
continued following a core dump. This property requires the
Enable core dump property to be selected.

Enable core dump function after Normally once a core dump has been generated the handler will
core dumped stop running. This setting keeps it running. This is useful if a
user wishes to trigger multiple core dumps from the same
process. This property requires the Enable core dump property
to be selected.

Enable MAT Enables MAT (memory access traps).

Game attribute Emulates network triggered loading. See "Game attributes".

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Configuring targets and global preferences

Enable Enable mapping of “bootable_message_data.dat to a custom

“bootable_message_data.dat” location (/app_home/ by default).

Use ELF directory for Use the directory from where the ELF is being loaded for
“bootable_message_data.dat” “bootable_message_data.dat” mapping.

“bootable_message_data.dat” The directory in which to find “bootable_message_data.dat”.

mapping directory

Patch boot Sends notification that the application is a patch so the system
reads the boot parameters from disc. A mapping must be
configured in the Load Options settings or the file-serving
directory must contain a PS3_GAME directory that contains

Console Output

Setting Description

Console output cache size Specifies the console output cache size only for the special
(KB) SAVETTY file-serving command. If you do not intend to use this
feature, set the size to 1 KB.

Image Capture

Setting Description

Save captures automatically Saves all image captures automatically in BMP format, uses the
target name and time stamp for the file name.

Image capture directory Saves images in the specified directory, requires the Save captures
automatically property to be selected.

Advanced Reset Settings

Setting Description

Reset type Specifies the default reset type. If the reset fails, more severe forms
of reset are attempted until the reset succeeds.

Boot parameters Displays the value and mask of the boot parameters. Use the
browse button to configure the boot parameters and values. See
"Boot parameters".

System parameters Displays the value and mask of the system parameters. Use the
browse button to configure the system parameters and values. See
"System parameters".

Display reset settings Displays the reset settings on the TTY view after a reset or a power
on. (This option is set to On by default). See "Configuring display

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Configuring targets and global preferences

Boot parameters
The parameter settings are reflected in the Bit field values. The check boxes control the Mask values.
When you clear a check box, the current setting is preserved on the target.
For information on using the Game port for host file-serving, see "Choosing the file serving port".

Setting Description

Set Boot Mode Sets the boot mode to debugger, system software or release.

Set user process memory size Sets user process memory size to the Tool or Console setting.

Set Bluray Disk access Sets Blu-ray Disk access from the emulator or drive.

Set BD emulation transfer Emulates the BD interface from hard disk or equivalent to the BD
rate drive.

Set host file-serving socket Serves files from the Dev or Game port.

Set BDVD emulation device Emulates BDVD from the Dev or USB port.

Network interface connection Specifies a single or dual connection.

Auto-recognition of Enables or disables auto-recognition of controllers.


Restore Defaults Reverts to the default boot parameters.

Refresh from Target Loads the current boot parameters from the target.

System parameters
The parameter settings are reflected in the Bit field values. The check boxes control the Mask values.
When you clear a check box, the current setting is preserved on the target.

Setting Description

Set target model Sets the target model to a 60 or 20 GB model.

Set release check mode Sets the release mode to development or release.

Restore Defaults Reverts to the default system parameters.

Refresh from Target Loads the current system parameters from the target.

XMB Settings

Setting Description

Various Configures XMB settings. See "Configuring XMB settings".

Note: Settings in the Time-outs group are applied to all targets of the same type.

Setting Description

Default time-out Specifies expected response time for most requests.

Reset time-out Specifies expected response time for reset requests.

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Connect time-out Specifies expected response time for connection requests


Load time-out Specifies expected response time for load requests.

Status time-out Specifies expected response time for status requests to DECR-1000*
Reference Tools.

Reconnect time-out Specifies expected response time for reconnect requests to DECR-
1400* Reference Tools and Debugging Stations.

Game port time-out Specifies expected response time for file serving to the game port on
DECR-1000* Reference Tools.

Game exit time-out Specifies expected response time for terminate game process
requests. This request requires a timeout for the time that VSH
waits for the process to shutdown. This timeout is sent with the
request and is the sum of Game exit time-out and Default time-

Game attributes
The Game attribute property enables the system to emulate network triggered loading where game boot
invitation messages can be sent from one user to another. The messages appear in the mailbox of the
system software. When the user selects the invitation, the application opens and obtains the attached data.
For more information, see NP Basic Overview.

Game attribute Description

No attribute Disables emulation of network triggered loading.

Invite message Emulates sending a game boot invitation message.

Custom data message Emulates receiving a custom data attachment message.

When the attribute is Invite Message or Custom Data Message, the system software attempts to load the
file /app_home/bootable_message_data.dat. This file should be present in the file-serving directory or a
mapping set up by using the Enable "bootable_message_data.dat" mapping property, and then
specifying the executable directory or a location.

Note: When the attribute is Invite Message or Custom Data Message, the NP Communication ID
must be written to PARAM.SFO. A mapping must be configured in the Load Options settings or the
file-serving directory must contain a PS3_GAME directory that contains PARAM.SFO.

Default Target Settings

Default target settings can be saved in an XML file and applied automatically when adding a new targets.
Use the "Export Properties" option to create a default target settings file, which must be saved in the
following location:
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\SN Systems\ProDG Target Manager for

For more information on exporting target properties, see "Target menu".

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Configuring XMB settings

The properties of a target include the XMB settings. The target must be powered on to configure XMB
settings, but you can power on a target in the XMB Settings section. XMB settings are only available from
SDK 3.4.0 onwards.
Most XMB settings are global, and you can therefore apply a group of settings to other targets. The
System Name and IP Address however, are unique. You cannot set the name and IP Address of two
targets to be the same and therefore when editing multiple targets these settings will be read-only.

Error handling
As more than one target can be selected, more than one error can occur at a time. Therefore, an Error box
will display one error and previous/next buttons will enable you to navigate between any other errors.

Click the error text link to perform the appropriate action (Connect/Power On).
Errors will occur if a target is powered-off, if you are not connected to the target or if the SDK version is
pre-340. The relevant target will be excluded from the list of targets whose XMB Settings are being edited.
For example, if you select targets A through D, where target B is powered-off and target D is not
connected, there will be 2 errors but targets A and C may still have their XMB Settings set.

Indeterminate settings
As the XMB Settings may be different between the selected targets, those settings that are indeterminate
will display the string "<values differ>". An error will be displayed if you attempt to save a list of settings
as a settings group while some settings are indeterminate, (excluding the unique System Name and IP

Note: The settings in Setting and Connection Status List are the current network settings on the XMB
– these settings are read-only.

To configure XMB settings:

(1) Select the Override XMB Settings (applied after reset) check box.
(2) In the Settings Group combo box, type a name to create a new group of settings or select a current
group of settings.
(3) Configure XMB settings.
(4) Click Reset Target and Apply.
The target is reset and XMB settings applied.

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When you apply XMB settings, any other properties are also applied. The OK button applies the XMB
settings when the next reset occurs and the Refresh from Target button displays the current XMB

Note: When multiple targets are selected, the Refresh from Target button will be disabled. Reset and
Apply will still be enabled however, as the settings can be applied for each relevant target.

The delete button deletes the selected group of settings.

Configuring global preferences

To configure global preferences:
(1) On the File menu, click Preferences.
(2) In the Preferences dialog box, configure preferences and then click OK.

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Configuring targets and global preferences

You can configure the following preferences:

Preference Description

Application should Always displays Target Manager on top of other programs.

always stay on top

Retrieve target status on Obtains status of all targets when the program is started.
Tip: Disable this preference to improve the startup time when
you have many targets, but this should only be used for
automated build and test systems.

Show connection or Displays connection information after the target name in the list of
status information next targets.
to the target name

Minimum memory Outputs the minimum memory dump file.

dump file

Full memory dump Outputs the full memory dump file.

Server logging flags Do not use unless directed to do so by SN Systems Developer


Configuring display settings

The Change Monitor Settings dialog box provides a graphical interface for the setmonitor.self utility, which
allows you to configure display settings for the target. For further information see the "Monitor Settings
Utility (setmonitor.self) User's Guide" in the SDK documentation.
To configure display settings:
(1) On the Target menu, click Change Monitor Settings.
(2) In the Change Monitor Settings dialog box, configure the required display settings.

Tip: To use a custom executable rather than the embedded setmonitor.self file, click More options, and
then select the required SELF in the Use custom executable box.

(3) Click Apply now.

If the Display reset settings option has been set to ON, the Console Output view will automatically
display the revised settings once they have been updated. See "Advanced Reset Settings".

Using the Web Admin view

Reference Tools DECR-1000* only:
The Web Admin view displays the administration page for the Reference Tool.

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Viewing console output

5: Viewing console output

You can expand each target node listed in the left part of the window to show the Console Output view
(in the right pane) for that target.
If you are not currently connected to the selected target, the Console Output view will still show any
output resulting from a previous connection.

Use the tabs in the right-hand pane to select a particular console output stream.
A Console Output view can be in either normal output mode or terminal mode. Most of the time Target
Manager is in normal output mode. If you have multiple streams mapped to a single output channel (see
"Managing output channels") then Target Manager puts the channel into normal output mode. If there is
only one stream mapped to the channel then Target Manager puts that channel into terminal mode. When
in terminal mode console input can be sent to the target as well as receiving its console output (see
"Sending console input").

Console output channel shortcut menu

If you right-click the required console output channel in the right-hand pane, the following shortcut menu
will be displayed:

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Viewing console output

Copy Copy the selected item in the view to the clipboard.

Select All Selects all the text in the console output channel.

Clear Clears the currently selected console output channel.

Goto Line Displays a Go To Line dialog allowing you to select a particular line of console

Find Opens a dialog that enables you to search for some text in the console output.
If the text is found, the line containing the text is marked with the cursor. Use
F3 to repeat the search with the last find text string. Use SHIFT+F3 to search
Note: SHIFT+F3, backward search feature, is not available in the current
build. This will be fixed in the next release.

Font Allows you to set the font face and point size for the console output channel.

EUC-JP Mode If selected, overrides the current encoding method detection (ShiftJIS or the
default UTF8), specifying EUC (Extended Unix Code) encoding..

ShiftJIS Mode If selected, overrides the current encoding method detection (EUC-JP or the
default UTF8), specifying ShiftJIS encoding.

Unknown ESC Accesses a submenu of options. This setting determines how unrecognized
escape codes in console output should be handled: Print = display as a normal
character; Expand = display character with a leading caret symbol <^>; Hide =

Properties Opens the console channel's property page. See "Setting console output
channel properties".

Manage Output Opens the Manage Output Channels dialog. See "Managing output channels".

Capturing console output data to a file

Capturing console output data to a file is configured from the Output Channel Properties dialog, Logging
section. For details, see "Setting console output channel properties" .

Setting console output channel properties

To configure each console output channel you must access the channel's properties pages.
To set console output channel properties:
(1) On the Console Output view shortcut menu, click Properties (see "Console output channel shortcut
(2) In the Output Channel Properties dialog box:
(a) In the left pane, click a group of settings.
(b) In the right pane, configure settings and then click OK.

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Viewing console output

The General group contains the following settings:


Name Enables you to rename the channel.

Enabled If selected, the console output channel is active. When this is cleared, the
channel disappears in the right-hand console output pane and console
output is not captured for that channel.

Echo input to screen For console output channels that allow keyboard input, this check box
specifies whether keys pressed will be echoed to the console output
stream by Target Manager. This is disabled by default but can be enabled
if the target-side application does not send input characters to the console
stream itself.

Enable timestamps If selected, console output lines will be prefixed with a timestamp.
Timestamps are added in the local format.

Include date in If selected, the current date will be included in the timestamp.

Buffer Settings

Size (KB) Set the size of the console output buffer in KB (minimum 64 KB).

Word Wrap If selected, text is wrapped to fit window.

The Stream Mapping group allows you to map output from several console output streams to the
currently selected channel. The left-hand list displays the currently available (unmapped) streams and the
right-hand list shows those streams that are currently mapped to the selected channel. If only one stream
is mapped, then this stream will also receive any console input from this channel.

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The buttons between the lists enable you to move streams between them. Select as required and then click
Apply to save the settings.

>> Moves all unmapped streams from the left to the right list.

> Moves the currently selected unmapped stream to the right list.

< Moves the currently selected mapped stream to the left list.

<< Moves all mapped streams from the right to the left list.

If an output channel has two or more streams mapped the console output from the streams can get
interleaved when displayed. To prevent this, select the Prevent interleaved console output option. With
this option enabled streams are cached until a newline character (\n) or 255 characters are received. The
option is disabled by default.

Caution: enabling this option will prevent real-time console output, such as progress or loading bars,
from displaying as intended.

The Logging group enables you to log console output to file. Select the Log to file option to start logging
for the selected channel and to configure the logging options.

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Viewing console output

You need to select the file that you wish to log console output to. Specify the maximum limit for the size
of the file. When the log file reaches the maximum size it will not be appended to. Enter –1 for an
unlimited size.
Select Append to place the output after any existing data in the file. If this checkbox is not selected any
existing data will be overwritten. Select Clear log when output is cleared if you want the log file to be
cleared every time that the console output buffer is cleared (using the Clear option from the console
output channel shortcut menu). Finally, click Apply to save these settings.

Filtering console output

The Filters group of the Output Channel Properties dialog box permits the use of regular expression
based match and replace strings. For each line of console output received Target Manager will find the
first (if any) filter that matches the line and perform the associated textual replacement.
To add a filter, click on the + sign in the Filters section. You will be prompted to set a match string and an
optional replace string.

The Match string allows you to specify the string to be matched.

The Replace string specifies the string to replace the match string or is left blank to cause the match string
to be deleted from the console output. The replacement expression has the following syntax:

Text Meaning

\\ Literal backslash character.

\{0} The matched string.

\{1}, \{2}, \{n} The nth sub-expression match.

\{<color>} Begin colored text. Options are 'red', 'blue', 'black', 'green', 'cyan', and

\{normal} Begin default colored text.

Full details of the regular expression syntax used for matching can be found at:

Match ==== Start agent ====

Replace \{red}\{0}\{normal}

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Effect Highlights the "Start agent" line in red.

Match {lv2\(2\): system software: }{.*}

Replace \{1}\{blue}\{2}\{normal}

Effect Highlight the system mode in blue.

Match \[INFO\]:.*


Effect Strips out all lines beginning with "[INFO]:"

Match ^(!(MyFunc)).*


Effect Strips out all lines except those beginning with “MyFunc".

You can navigate through the list of filters using the up and down arrows.
To select the syntax of a selected filter, click on the  sign.
To delete a selected filter, click on the  sign.

Clearing a console output channel

Console output channels are cleared automatically when you shut down Target Manager. However, the
content will persist after a connection has been closed, so it may be useful to know how to clear the
content from a channel when necessary.
To clear a particular console output channel:
(1) Select a console output channel.
(2) Right-click the Console Output view and then click Clear.
To clear all console output channels for a target:
 In Target Explorer, expand a target, right-click Console Output and then click Clear All.

Copying console output to another application

Console stream output can be saved to another application for later analysis using the standard Windows
cut, copy and paste operations.
To copy console output:
(1) Select the channel that contains the output to be copied.
(2) Select the text or press CTRL+A to select all text (or use the shortcut menu).
(3) Press CTRL+C to copy the selected text to the clipboard (or use the shortcut menu).
(4) Press CTRL+V to paste the selected text from the clipboard to the application (or use the shortcut

Configuring console output

The console output channel font can be altered to suit your preference.
To change console output font settings:
(1) Right-click the Console Output view and then click Font.

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Viewing console output

(2) In the Font dialog box, configure font settings and then click OK.
The settings will apply to all console output channels, not just the current one.

Managing output channels

The Manage Output Channels dialog displays the following information for each console output channel
currently set for the selected target.
 Name of the console output channel
 Size of console output received (in bytes)
 Maximum buffer size (in bytes)
 Memory allocated (in bytes)
To configure output channels:
(1) In Target Explorer, expand a target, right-click Console Output and then click Manage Output
(2) In the Manage Output Channels dialog box,
 Select a channel, and then click Properties to display the property page for that channel. See
"Setting console output channel properties".
 Use the New, Delete, and Reset buttons to create a new channel, delete channels and remove all
custom output channels restore default settings.
 Select the Auto-hide empty channels option to prevent channels that have received no console
output from displaying a tab in the Console Output window.

Using color and control codes in console output

The console output pane supports using codes to alter the foreground (text) and background colors, as
well as control codes for manipulating the display of text, such as Tab and Line Feed characters.
You must prefix each code with the the predefined escape sequence: "\1xb".
The table below lists the supported codes:

Code Description
[0m Reverts to "Normal" text colors.
[7m Reverses the foreground and background colors.
[30m Sets text to ANSI black.

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Viewing console output

[31m Sets text to ANSI red.

[32m Sets text to ANSI green.
[33m Sets text to ANSI yellow.

[34m Sets text to ANSI blue.

[35m Sets text to ANSI magenta.

[36m Sets text to ANSI cyan.

[37m Sets text to ANSI light grey.

[40m Sets the background to ANSI black.

[41m Sets the background to ANSI red.
[42m Sets the background to ANSI green.
[43m Sets the background to ANSI yellow.
[44m Sets the background to ANSI blue.
[45m Sets the background to ANSI magenta.

[46m Sets the background to ANSI cyan.

[47m Sets the background to ANSI light grey.
\xc Outputs a form feed character.

\x8 Outputs a backspace character.

\t Outputs a horizontal tab character.

\xa Outputs a line feed character.
\xd Outputs a carriage return character.

printf("\x1b[31m\x1b[44mRed text on blue background\x1b[0m\n");

Sending console input

When a console output channel is mapped to only one stream, it is possible to send console input to the
target. Each key pressed when the console output channel has focus is sent to the target and can in general
be read using the sys_tty_read SDK function or else standard C functions such as fgets() can be used to
read from stdin (normally the console output channel named 'PPU').
The sys_tty_read() function accepts a console output channel number (up to 16) as defined in the SDK
tty.h header file. These channels relate directly to the "PPU", "PPU (STDERR)", "SPU" and "User x"
channels visible in Target Manager. Note that the sys_tty_read() function does not return until the
requested number of characters has been read from the console output channel. Therefore, console output
reading should be carried out in a separate thread unless it is known that the required amount of data is
The following code sample demonstrates how this input can be read asynchronously:

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bool ReadString(int nChannel, char *pString, int nMaxLen)

int nCharsRead = 0;
int n

sys_read_tty(nChannel, pString, 1, &nCharsRead);

if (nCharsRead == 0)
return false;
if (--nMaxLen == 0)
*(pString - 1) = '\0';
} while (*pString++ != '\0');

return true;

This method provides an input method to the target which does not rely on having physical access to it.

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Serving files from the host computer

6: Serving files from the host computer

Target Manager provides full Windows support for file serving through SCE library functions.
File serving allows an application running on the target to access files from a named directory on the host.

Note: Network share paths are also supported, for example \\server\path.

Setting the file-serving directory

The file-serving directory is a property of each target and is referred to as the File Server Dir in Target
Manager. The file-serving directory for any target can be changed at any time.
The file-serving directory can also be quickly changed to the directory you load an executable file from,
when you load manually in the debugger.
When running your application on the target you can view the file-serving statistics in real-time in Target
To change the file-serving directory:
(1) Select the target.
(2) On the Target menu, click Set File-Serving Directory.
(3) In the Set File-Serving Directory dialog box, browse to and select the directory and then click Select
The main window displays the new file-serving directory in the File Server Dir column. Use /app_home
in your code to map to the file-serving directory.
File-serving directory is set to C:\scratch

Path used in code Corresponding path on host PC

/app_home/xxx C:\scratch\xxx

It is also possible to change the file-serving directory from inside your code using the following function
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SETROOT:<path>", CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0);
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SETROOT:d:\\", CELL_FS_CREATE, &fd, NULL, 0);

Setting the home directory

Another property of a target in the Target Manager is the Home Dir. If you are migrating from Linux you
may have entered absolute filenames in your source using the "~" character, to refer to your home
directory. Target Manager supports these path names and will replace the ~ directory, in any file path
name, with the Home Dir specified.
For example if your file was found in /app_home/~/myappfiles on Linux then Target Manager will map
this to C:\myappfiles on your Win32 machine if the Target Manager home directory is set to C:
To set the home directory:
(1) Select the target.
(2) On the Target menu, click Set Home Directory.
(3) In the Set Home Directory dialog box, browse to and select the directory and then click Select
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Serving files from the host computer

The main window displays the new home directory in the Home Dir column. Use /app_home/~ in your
code to map to the home directory.
Home directory is set to C:\temp

Path used in code Corresponding path on host PC

/app_home/~/yyy C:\temp\yyy

It is also possible to change the home directory from inside your code using the following function call:
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SETHOME:<path>", CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0);
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SETHOME:C:\\Temp", CELL_FS_CREATE, &fd, NULL, 0);

Choosing the file serving port

SDK 2.1.0 (Reference Tools DECR-1000*) and Target Manager 210.1 and later support file serving over the
game port. The use of the game port allows for much better file serving performance.
If you have not been using the game port until now you will need to ensure that there is a network cable
connected and that the Network Settings as displayed on the XMB™ menu are properly set-up; the IP
address should be ping-able from the PC (see Reference_System-Setup.pdf in the SDK documentation.)
Target Manager tries to make using the game port as painless as possible, querying for the game port IP
address from the target, so there is no need to change the Connection Properties of the Target. To get
Target Manager to use file serving over the game port, connect to the target and perform a custom reset
ensuring that Set host file serving socket is set to Game (see "Changing the reset mode").
Target Manager reports specific errors to console output.

Viewing file serving activity

The file serving view provides the ability to monitor remote access to local files.
You can expand each target node listed in the left pane of the main window to show the file serving view
(in the right pane) for that target.

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Serving files from the host computer

The upper pane ("File Filter" pane) of the file serving view displays a list of all files accessed on the local
machine by the target. It is a summary view of read/write actions on that file.
The lower pane ("File Activity" pane) of the file serving view displays a log of all file and folder actions
(see "File serving actions"). Logging for an individual file can be controlled by the checkboxes in the
summary pane.
There is also a toolbar button to disable logging for new files, on the file serving view toolbar:

See "File serving view toolbar".

Finally you can control the display of file serving event notifications by selecting the File serving events
checkboxes in the Fileserving properties for the selected target:

File Filter pane shortcut menu

If you right-click the summary pane, the following shortcut menu will be displayed:

Reset Totals Resets the Total Read and Total Write statistics for the selected file.

Log File Turns on the logging of actions for the selected file.

Stop Logging File Turns off the logging of actions for the selected file.

Clear File Removes the file from the summary pane and all associated actions from
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the logging pane.

Logging pane shortcut menu

If you right-click the logging pane, the following shortcut menu will be displayed:

Copy Copies the contents of the logging pane to the Windows clipboard.

File serving view toolbar

The file serving view toolbar buttons have the following functionality:

Toggle Display Toggle the files that are displayed in the file serving log.

Clear Log Clears the log for selected files in the summary pane.

Log New Files Enables or disables logging of events for new files.

Clear Closed Files Removes all closed files from the summary pane and all
associated actions from the logging pane.

Enable Capture Enables capture of all fileserving events.

Disable Capture Disables capture of all fileserving events.

Clear All Clears all data.

Configure Options Configure fileserving options including maximum log size and
which events are captured.

File serving actions

CREATE Create a file on the host file system.

CLOSE Close a file.

READ Read from a file on the host file system.

WRITE Write to a file on the host file system.

SEEK Seek within a file.

DELETE Delete a file on the host file system.

RENAME Rename a file on the host file system.

GETATTR Get the attributes of a file on the host file system.

GETATTR64 Get the attributes of a file on the host file system.

MKDIR Make a directory on the host file system.

RMDIR Remove a directory from the host file system.

OPENDIR Open a directory on the host file system.

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CLOSEDIR Close a directory on the host file system.

READDIR Read a directory on the host file system.

TRUNCATE Truncate a file on the host file system.

Tracing file I/O activity on a target

SDK 250 introduced file system I/O activity tracing. This facility generates a log of file I/O activity
occurring on the target.

Note: Tracing file I/O activity is only available on Reference Tool targets.

The File Trace view supports the initialization of tracing, as well as processing of existing log files. The
information displayed consists of an upper summary pane showing a list of all the files accessed and a
lower logging pane showing each of the individual actions at three stages of processing: RECEIVED,

In the lower pane the Time column displays the time elapsed since the File Trace was started, in the
format hh:min:sec.microsec.
The Delta Time column shows the time elapsed since the previous event.
File operations returning an error are displayed in red. The exact error message and number is displayed
in the Status column and details of the file operation are displayed in the Parameters column.

File Trace view toolbar

Toggle Display Toggle the files that are displayed in the file trace log.

Clear Log Clears all the log entries from the logging pane.

Log New Files Determines whether new files should have log information displayed.

Clear Closed Files Removes closed files from the summary pane and removes their log
entries from the logging pane.

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Serving files from the host computer

Start Sends a request to the target to initiate tracing for a given process
(other traces for that process will be stopped).

Stop Stops tracing.

Clear All Clears all data.

Process Offline Processes an existing file trace log.

Setting case sensitivity

Target Manager allows for both case sensitive and case insensitive file serving for a target.
To set file serving case sensitivity:
(1) In either pane, right-click the target and then click Properties.
(2) In the properties dialog, click the File Serving section and then select the Force case sensitive file
operations check box.
(3) Click OK.
It is also possible to change the case sensitivity from inside your code using the following function call:
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SETCASESENSITIVE:", CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0);
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SETCASEINSENSITIVE:", CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0);

Communicating by using named pipes

Named pipes allow one-way or bi-directional communications between a pipe server and one or more
pipe clients. A pipe server is a process that creates a named pipe, while a pipe client is a process that
connects to an instance of a named pipe. Each instance has its own data buffers and handles and so
provides a separate path for client-server communications. This enables multiple pipe clients to use the
same named pipe simultaneously.
Subject to any security check specified, any process can access a named pipe, making this an easy form of
inter-process communication, both between processes on the same computer and on different computers
across a network.
Name pipes provide the following features:
 Two-way communication
 Client/server (target/host) architecture
 Platform independent (on the host side)

Opening a named pipe

As the host acts as the server, its end of the pipe must be opened first, then the target can attempt to
On the host:

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Serving files from the host computer

// Open the server end of the pipe

HANDLE hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(
"\\\\.\\pipe\\mypipe", // Pipe name
PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // Read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | // Byte type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | // Byte-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // Blocking mode
BUFFER_SIZE, // Output buffer size
BUFFER_SIZE, // Input buffer size
PIPE_TIMEOUT, // Client time-out
NULL); // No security attribute

// Wait for the client to connect
int nConnected = ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL);

if (bConnected > 0)
// Connection established

On the target:
// Open the client end of the pipe
int fd = -1;
err = cellFsOpen("/app_home/\\\\.\\pipe\\mypipe", CELL_FS_O_RDWR,
&fd, NULL, 0);

// Connection established

Reading from / writing to a named pipe

Reading and writing on a named pipe is just the same as reading from/writing to a file, e.g.
On the host:
r = ReadFile(hPipe, pBuffer, nBytesToRead, &nBytesRead, NULL);
r = WriteFile(hPipe, pBuffer, nBytesToWrite, &nBytesWritten, NULL);

On the target:
r = cellFsRead(fd, pBuffer, nBytesToRead, &nBytesRead);
r = cellFsWrite(fd, pBuffer, nBytesToWrite, &nBytesWritten);

Closing a named pipe

On the host:
// Flush the pipe to allow the client to read the pipe's contents
// before disconnecting


On the target:

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Serving files from the host computer

r = sceIoClose(fd);
err = cellFsClose(fd);

Executing host applications

Target Manager also supports the ability to launch applications on the host via the EXEC and SPAWN
special file serving commands. This is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the named pipe
Invoking EXEC causes Target Manager to first set the current working directory to the current file serving
directory before invoking CreateProcess.
If a non-zero create flag is passed to cellFsOpen then Target Manager will block until the process has
cellFsOpen("/app_home/EXEC:<path>", CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0);
cellFsOpen("/app_home/EXEC:PipeServer", 0, &fd, NULL, 0);
// Non-blocking
cellFsOpen("/app_home/EXEC:cmd /c PAUSE", CELL_FS_O_CREAT, &fd, NULL, 0); // Blocking

Note: Unlike PSP and PS2, PS3 does not allow the exit code of the host application to be returned in the
file descriptor.

SPAWN behaves the same as EXEC except that the call will never block and the created process will be
hidden from the user.
cellFsOpen("/app_home/SPAWN:<path>", 0, &fd, NULL, 0);
// Create a hidden process (always non-blocking)

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Accessing the file system of a target

7: Accessing the file system of a target

The file system on the Target can be accessed from the host computer by using the File Explorer view in
Target Manager, or by mapping a drive.

Using the File Explorer view

The File Explorer view provides the ability to update game images on the target hard disk with recent
changes. File synchronization by default only updates changed files therefore reducing the time required
to update an entire game image.

Caution: If you are not currently connected to the selected target, the File Explorer view may display
the file system from a previous connection.

The File Explorer view consists of two panes:
 Browser (top) pane. Enables you to browse the target hard disk and displays the file extension for
files, size of the folder or file, mode and the last modfied, created and accessed time stamps. You can
sort the columns by clicking the column headers. You can also click the Toggle time zone button on
the toolbar to toggle between host time zone and target time zone settings.
 Transfers (bottom) pane. Displays the status of any file transfers and enables you to retry failed

Note: You can view and modify only certain sections of the target file system. This includes full access
to /dev_hdd0/game/YourGame/ and most of /dev_ms. It does not include USB drives or

Browsing the target hard disk and managing folders and files
The top browser pane of the File Explorer view enables you to browse the target hard disk and manage
folders or files. This pane provides the following user actions:
 Open a folder by double-clicking it.
 Browse to the parent folder by clicking Parent directory on the toolbar or pressing BACKSPACE.
 Create a folder in the currently displayed folder by clicking New folder on the toolbar or shortcut
 Delete a folder or file by selecting the folder or file and then clicking Delete on the toolbar or shortcut
menu, or pressing DELETE.
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Accessing the file system of a target

 Rename a folder or file by selecting the folder or file, clicking Rename on the toolbar or shortcut
menu or pressing F2.
 Refresh the view by clicking Refresh on the toolbar.
 Set read, write and executable owner permissions. See "Modifying file and folder properties".
The File Explorer view automatically refreshes when files or folders are changed or deleted externally.

Note: For each folder, we recommend a maximum of 100 subfolders and files to avoid long delays or a
time-out in obtaining the file system information.

Modifying file and folder properties

The permissions and time settings can be modified for files and folders on the target hard disk and drives
connected to the target.
To modify file or folder properties:
(1) Connect to a target.
(2) In Target Explorer, expand the target, and then click File Explorer.
(3) In the File Explorer view, browse to the location, select one or more files or folders, right-click the
selection, and then click Properties.
(4) In the Properties dialog box, modify the following properties, and then click OK.
 On the Permissions tab, use the check boxes or text box to modify permissions.
 On the Time Settings tab, select a check box, and then use the calendar control to modify time

Modifying permissions
You can modify read, write, and executable permissions for files and folders on the Permissions tab of the
Properties dialog box. When you change owner permissions by using the check boxes, the first digit in the
Numeric Value box reflects the change. Similarly, when you can change the first digit, the check boxes
reflect the change. The second and third digits in the Numeric Value box set group and other permissions.

The numeric values are displayed in the table below.

Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Permissio Non Execut Write Write, Read Read, Read, Read,

n e e Execut Execute Write Write,
e Execute

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Accessing the file system of a target

When you select multiple files or folders and the permissions are different, the check boxes and Numeric
Value box display a square and 'x' respectively, which are indeterminate symbols. If you do not change an
indeterminate symbol, the permissions remain unchanged.

For example, a numeric value of 'x4x' reads the owner permissions from the check boxes, sets the group
permissions as read-only, and the other permissions remain unchanged from the original values.

Modifying time settings

You can modify the accessed and modified times for files and folders on the Time Settings tab of the
Properties dialog box. You cannot modify the created time.

When you select multiple files or folders and a time setting is different, the time setting is blank. If you set
a blank time setting, the time setting is set for all the selected files or folders. The times are either in the
host computer or target time zone, some text below the controls indicates the time zone.

Copy and paste operations in the File Explorer view

Cut, Copy and Paste options on the toolbar and on the shortcut menu enable you to:
 Cut or copy a file, and paste to Windows Explorer.
 Cut or copy a file, and paste to the same target in File Explorer.
 Cut or copy a file, and paste to a different target in File Explorer.
 Paste a file copied from Windows Explorer.
 Drag a file from one Target Manager File Explorer to another Target Manager File Explorer.
You can also copy information from selected folders and files in the top browser pane to the clipboard by
clicking Copy as Text on the shortcut menu or pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C.

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Accessing the file system of a target

Transferring folders and files between the host computer and target
The File Explorer view enables you to transfer folders and files between your host computer and a target.
To transfer a folder or file from a target to your host computer:
(1) Connect to a target.
(2) In Target Explorer, expand the target and then click File Explorer.
(3) In the File Explorer view, browse to a folder or file, right-click the folder or file and then click
(4) In the Select File Server Directory dialog box, browse to a location on your host computer and then
click Select Folder.
The folder and contents or the file are transferred to your host computer.
To transfer a folder or file from your host computer to a target:
(1) Connect to a target.
(2) In Target Explorer, expand the target and then click File Explorer.
(3) In Windows Explorer, drag a folder or file to the top browser pane of the File Explorer view in Target
The folder and contents or the file are transferred to the target hard disk.

Progress of Transfers
The bottom transfers pane of the File Explorer view enables you to view the progress of transfers. You can
remove completed transfers, cancel transfers, clear transfers, retry failed transfers and force the update of
skipped transfers.
This pane provides the following user actions on the shortcut menu:

Command Description

Clear > Successful transfers Remove all successful transfers from the transfers pane.

Clear > Completed transfers Remove all successful or skipped transfers from the transfers pane.

Cancel Transfer Cancels a current or pending transfer.

Clear All Removes all transfers from the transfers pane.

Retry Retry a failed transfer.

Force Update Force the update of a skipped transfer.

Excluding folders and files from the transfer

When a folder is transferred from your host computer to the target, Target Manager searches the folder
and all the parent folders for a file named _ps3sync_root.xml. This configuration file can control which
folder and files are included or excluded from the transfer.
The example configuration file below excludes all .svn folders below the assets folder, with the exception
of .\assets\subfolder\.svn\a.txt. In addition to excluding all the *.*bad files from .\assets\SubFolder,
with the exception of not.bad.
Back slashes must be used in defining paths. Note that except rules always have precedence over
exclude rules.
<!-- Exceptions always over-ride exclusions no matter what the order -->
<!-- (1) Exclude all files/folders below "assets" that match pattern ".svn" -->

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Accessing the file system of a target

<recursive-exclude root="assets" pattern=".svn" />

<!-- (2) Force the include of ".\assets\subfolder\.svn\a.txt" despite rule 1 -->
<except root=".\assets\subfolder\.svn" pattern="a.txt" />
<!-- (3) Exclude all files/folders in "assets" that match pattern "*.*bad" -->
<exclude root=".\assets\SubFolder\" pattern="*.*bad" />
<!-- (4) Force the include of ".\assets\subfolder\not.bad" despite rule 3 -->
<except root=".\assets\subfolder" pattern="not.bad" />

Installing HDD Boot Games from Target Manager

From SDK 330, you can install HDD Boot Games by using a PARAM.SFO file or uninstall games by using
the File Explorer view. From SDK 370, you can also install these games by using a .pkg file.

Caution: You cannot install "Game Data" using the File Explorer view as this would result in the return
of error message 0x80028f14. For further information see Game Content of an HDD Boot Game in the
overview of the SDK documentation.

To install an HDD Boot Game:

(1) Connect to a target.
(2) In Target Explorer, expand the target and then click File Explorer.
(3) In the File Explorer view, on the toolbar, click Install.
(4) In the Open dialog box, browse to a PARAM.SFO or .pkg file and then double-click it.
A folder named with the game title ID is created in /dev_hdd0/game/ and the HDD Boot Game is copied
to the folder.

Tip: You can also drag a PARAM.SFO or .pkg file to the File Explorer view to install an HDD Boot

To uninstall an HDD Boot Game:

(1) Connect to a target.
(2) In Target Explorer, expand the target and then click File Explorer.
(3) In the File Explorer view, browse to the game folder, right-click the folder and then click Uninstall
The game folder and contents are deleted.

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Accessing the file system of a target

Formatting a target hard disk from Target Manager

From SDK 370, you can format a target hard disk.
To format a target hard disk:
(1) Connect to a target, right-click the target, and then click Format Hard Drive.
(2) In the message box, click OK.
The progress is displayed next to the target name in Target Explorer, the Status column of the main
window and the Console Output view of the target. You can also format a target hard disk by using the
Target menu or the toolbar in the File Explorer view.

Using the Blu-Ray drive (BD) emulator

From SDK 410, the BD emulator enables you to upload an ISO image to the target, mount a previously
uploaded ISO image to the /dev_bdvd device, unmount an ISO image, and format the storage device of
the emulator.

Note: Reference Tools DECR-1400* and Debugging Stations require a USB storage device because
those target types do not have an internal hard disk. The USB storage device must be connected to the
USB0 connector.

The storage device has a maximum of four emulator slots, depending on the size of the storage device,
and each slot can contain a disc image. For example, a simple USB storage device has only one emulator
slot and a 500 GB USB storage device has four emulator slots.
To use the BD emulator:
(1) Connect to a target, right-click the target, point to BD Emulator, and then click an operation.
(2) In the BD Emulator dialog box, configure settings, and then click OK.

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Accessing the file system of a target

You can configure the following settings for the operations:

Operation Settings

Upload disc image Set the emulator slot and the image file path.
to the target

Mount disc image Set the emulator slot to mount the disc image.

Eject disc image None.

Format Select a quick or full format.

The File Explorer view displays details of the currently mounted image. You can click the arrow next to
the details to display the contents of the emulator slots. You can also use the shortcut menu of the
emulator slots to perform the operations.

Tip: You can drag-and-drop an image file to an emulator slot. If you drag-and-drop an image file to
the File Explorer view, you must confirm whether to use the image in the BD emulator or copy it to the
file system.

Using a mapped drive

You can access the file system of targets inside Windows Explorer by mapping the PlayStation® file
system to a drive. The drive lists all targets that you are connected to, then the storage devices for each
DevKit. Typically, the storage device is dev_hdd0 or dev_bdvd, and below these is the file structure.

Note: From v460.1, Target Manager will not automatically map the PlayStation® file system to a drive
when starting and it must be mapped manually.

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Accessing the file system of a target

To manually map the PlayStation® file system to a drive:

(1) On the File menu, click Map Filesystem.
(2) In the Map/Unmap Filesystem dialog box, in the Map to list, click a drive letter, and then click OK.
Once a drive letter is mapped, Target Manager will automatically remap the drive to that drive letter
when launched, to persist the mapping after reboots of the host computer.
To unmap the PlayStation® file system to a drive:
(1) On the File menu, click Map Filesystem.
(2) In the Map/Unmap Filesystem dialog box, in the Map to list, click Unmap, and then click OK.

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Viewing image captures

8: Viewing image captures

The Image Capture view enables you to view image captures on the target. You can take captures of the
video output, browse through your captures and save the captures. The capture settings can be set
automatically by retrieving settings from the target.
The following screenshot displays the Image Capture view with three captures:

Note: You may need to adjust the capture settings to view the contents of your video buffer. To obtain
GCM video buffer parameters, see "Obtaining GCM video buffer parameters".

Obtaining image captures

From SDK 250, you should take image captures by automatically setting the capture settings. You can
perform a capture at the point of 'flip' allowing for entire scenes to be captured.
For manual capture settings, See "Performing manual image captures".
To obtain an image capture:
(1) Right-click a target and then click Properties.
(2) In the Target Properties dialog box:
(3) In the left pane, click Misc. Load Options.
(a) In the right pane, ensure the Enable miscellaneous settings, Enable GCM debug and Enable
smart image capture check boxes are selected.
(b) Connect to the target and load an executable. See "Managing targets".
(4) In Target Explorer, expand the target and then click Image Capture.
(5) In the Image Capture view, on the toolbar, click Smart capture.
The image capture appears in the bottom pane. The status bar and tooltips display the position of the
pointer, RGB values and the alpha value.

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Viewing image captures

Managing image captures

The bottom pane of the Image Capture view enables you to browse image captures, save image captures
to file and copy the whole image or part of the image to the clipboard.

Browsing image captures

You can zoom in or out of images, scale images and also pan images by using the toolbar in the Image
Capture view.
To scale a capture to the window or actual size:
 In the Image Capture view, on the toolbar, click Scale to fit to scale the image to the window or Scale
to actual size to scale the image to the actual size.
To zoom in or out of a capture:
 In the Image Capture view, on the toolbar, click Zoom in or Zoom out or use the mouse wheel.
To pan a capture:
 In the Image Capture view, drag the capture.

Saving and Copying image captures

To save image captures:
(1) In the Image Capture view, in the bottom pane, right-click an image and then click Save or Save All.
(2) In the Save As dialog box, browse to a location, in the Save as Type list, click an image format and
then click Save.
To copy an image capture to the clipboard:
 In the Image Capture view, right-click the image and then click Copy.

Tip: You can select part of the image by holding CTRL and dragging the pointer and clear the selection
by clicking the image. You can also copy the image by pressing CTRL+C.

The following screenshot copies part of the capture:

Deleting image captures

To delete image captures:
 In the Image Capture view, right-click the bottom pane and then click Delete or Delete All.
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Viewing image captures

Performing manual image captures

You should perform image captures by using the smart capture feature, but you can also manually
configure settings and perform captures.
To manually perform an image capture:
(1) In the Image Capture view, on the toolbar, ensure Show/hide settings is enabled.
(2) In the Manual Capture Settings pane, configure settings.
(3) In the Image Capture view, on the toolbar, click Manual capture.

Note: When you configure a setting, you must press ENTER for the setting to take effect.

The following table contains the manual capture settings:

Setting Description

Process Process ID.

Address Address of the start of the video buffer.

Width Width of the image (in pixels).

Height Height of the image (in pixels).

Pitch Width of the image in bytes.

Format Format of the image, available formats are: RGB565, RGBA5551, RGBA4444,
RGBA8888, X8R8G8B8 (default), X8B8G8R8, B8, RGBA F32*4, BGGR8 raw,
BGGR8 raw, BGGR8 interpolated, DXT1, DXT5.

Title-Safe Area Displays a margin around the image to indicate the title-safe area, which is likely
to be cropped by televisions.

Size Size of the title-safe area (percentage of the screen deemed to be safe from

Color Color of the margin for the title-safe area.

Transparency Transparency of the image (100% is transparent, 0% is opaque).

Refreshing capture settings

You can refresh capture settings.
To refresh capture settings:
 In the Image Capture view, on the toolbar, click Refresh capture settings.

Obtaining GCM video buffer parameters

If you use GCM and call the cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer() function to set up your video buffer, you can
use the parameters passed to this function as settings for the Image Capture view.
The following code sample outputs the required information to the Console Output view:

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Viewing image captures

for (int i = 0; i < COLOR_BUFFER_NUM; i++) {

printf("Buffer ID:\t0x%.8X\n",i);
printf("Buffer Address:\t0x%.8X\n", color_offset[i]+0xC0000000);
printf("Display Width:\t%d\n", display_width);
printf("Display Height:\t%d\n", display_height);
printf("Color Pitch:\t%d\n", color_pitch/BYTES_PER_PIXEL);
ret = cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer(i, color_offset[i], color_pitch,
display_width, display_height);
if(ret != CELL_OK) return -1;

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Viewing process resources

9: Viewing process resources

The Kernel Explorer view shows detailed information about resource usage for each process running. This
view automatically updates information for the following operations:
 After a target reset
 After a load operation
 When a process is stopped
 When the target is connected or disconnected (disabled on disconnect)
If a process is loaded in debug mode, for example with Debugger, or using TMAPI with the
SNPS3_LOAD_FLAG_ENABLE_DEBUGGING flag specified, the Kernel Explorer view automatically
updates information for the following events:
 When a process is created, exited, or killed
 When a PRX is loaded or unloaded
 When one of the following PPU exceptions is encountered: stop, trap, prev_int, alignment,
ill_inst, float, stop_init, text_htab_miss, text_slb_miss, data_htab_miss, data_slb_miss.

Detailed information is available on total memory usage of the process, what synchronization objects
belong to the process and also what modules are loaded into the process.
Clicking on the nodes in the tree will give more detailed information where applicable.

Kernel Explorer view toolbar

The Kernel Explorer view toolbar contains the following icons:

Refresh the current view.

Copy rows highlighted in blue in the Kernel Explorer view as text.

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Trigger a core dump on the target.

Pause the selected process.

Stop the selected process.

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Using a Debugging Station

10: Using a Debugging Station

Note: The information in this section applies only to Debugging Stations and Reference Tools DECR-
1400* flashed with SDK 2.0.0 or later. Unless stated otherwise, reference to "Debugging Station" in this
section includes Reference Tool DECR-1400*.

This section describes how to use Target Manager to connect to a Debugging Station (flashed with SDK
2.0.0 or greater) and how to download and run a signed ELF (SELF) on it.
When installing the SDK you will be provided with a Debugging Station setup document
(cell\info\Debugging_Station-Setup_e.pdf and DECR-1400J_DECR-1400A-Setup_e.doc). Please note these
important differences when using Target Manager:
 Target Manager connects directly to the Debugging Station.
 You must not use dtnetm.exe.
 Do not use dtcfilesv.exe or dtccons.exe. The file serving and console functions are provided by Target
 Do not use dtp*.exe (dtpoff, dtpon etc.). These controls are provided by Target Manager.
 Do not use dtn*.exe.

The Debugging Station flash has some built-in DECI3 support which is a subset of the DECI3 support
available on a Reference Tool DECR-1000*.
 Target Manager can be used to connect, disconnect, reset and power off the Debugging Station. For
SDK 2.4.0 or later Target Manager can use 'wake on LAN' to power on the Debugging Station.
 Target Manager can be used to load your application from the host file system.
 The Target Manager load ELF dialog allows command-line parameters to be passed.
 Console output from your application can be displayed in Target Manager.
 Your application can access the host file system via app_home.
 Target Manager SDK supports: connect, disconnect, load & run SELF, reset, power off and console
output and input..
 Full debugging support is provided.
 One user-defined DECI3 protocol is supported.

 Tuner cannot be used with a Debugging Station, but it can be used with a Reference Tool DECR-
1400* with some restrictions.
 Only one instance of Target Manager can connect. If a second instance tries to connect it will time
out. Force Disconnect is not supported. No indication of who is connected is provided.
 The File Trace view (see "Tracing file I/O activity on a target") is not supported on the Debugging
Station, but it is supported on the Reference Tool DECR-1400*.
 The Web Page view is not supported.
 Target Manager cannot connect to a Debugging Station that has been set to release check mode.
 Prior to SDK 2.4.0 power on was not supported.

Connecting to the Debugging Station

To connect to the Debugging Station:

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Using a Debugging Station

(1) Make sure that the Debugging Station is flashed with the flash image from SDK 1.8.0 (or greater) in
the normal way (see
(2) Connect the Debugging Station to your network and configure the Debugging Station network
Make sure that Settings / Debug Settings / Release Check Mode = Development Mode, Settings /
Debug Settings / Wake on LAN is On and Settings / Debug Settings / Boot Mode is not set to
Release Mode.
(3) Do not run dtnetm.exe. Target Manager communicates directly with the Debugging Station.
(4) Create a new Debugging Station target in Target Manager (see "Adding and removing targets").
Select target type = 'Debugging Station (DECHA00A) etc.' or 'Reference Tool (DECR-1400J etc.' and
use the default port setting of 1000.
(5) Connect to the Debugging Station in Target Manager (see "Connecting to targets").

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Using the Target Manager API

11: Using the Target Manager API

Target Manager API allows you to develop applications that communicate to development hardware via
the Target Manager. It provides a simple-to-use API, available in both a static and dynamically linked
The API provides functions to:
 Enumerate available targets
 Connect to / disconnect from a target
 Download and run executable files on the target
 Stop and start execution of processes on the target
 Get and set process memory
 Get and set thread registers
 Capture console output
 Receive target status information
The API header file, ps3tmapi.h, contains a full listing of the functions available and a detailed description
of their operation.
The API is installed as part of the Target Manager installation into the \SDK subdirectory of the
installation tree.

Note: For TMAPI commands which communicate with the target, minimum version numbers for the
target SDK have been given. If no version numbers are given the command is internal to Target
Manager and will work with targets of all SDK versions.

ps3tmapi.dll Target Manager SDK DLL - provides a wrapper to the debug

services offered by the Target Manager.

ps3tmapi.h Contains declarations of all the functions and structures

available and usage hints. It also contains a list of defines for
register numbers for use with the register functions.

ps3tmapi.lib The library file that must be linked into your application.

TMAPI-E.pdf Reference documentation covering TMAPI functions, structures,

macros, defines, and other features.

Introduction to the Target Manager API C# Wrapper

The Target Manager API C# wrapper calls the underlying Target Manager API functions. For information
on the underlying functions, see Target Manager API Reference (TMAPI-E.pdf). The wrapper is very
straightforward to use, however some points to note are outlined below.

User Data in Event Callbacks

When registering a callback function for events (for example PS3TMAPI.RegisterTargetEventHandler),
the user data parameter supplied should be a reference to a class. If the user data is a reference to a struct,
then when the callback is called the user data parameter passed to it will be a copy of the struct, copied
when the callback was registered and so will not reflect changes made after the callback was registered. If
the user data is a reference to a class, when it is passed to the callback it will reflect changes made to it
after the callback was registered - which is similar behavior to the C version of the Target Manager API,
which uses void pointers for user data.

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Using the Target Manager API

Memory Allocation is Performed Internally

In the C version of the Target Manager API, certain functions need to be called twice, with a memory
allocation in between calls. For example, it is typical for the user to first call SNPS3ListTargetTypes to
retrieve the number of target types, then allocate a block of memory of appropriate size and call the
function again, with a pointer to the allocated block. The C# wrapper only requires one call to such

The PPUExceptionData struct covers several PPU exception types (for example PPUExcTextHtabMiss,
PPUExcTextSlbMiss and so on). The only two PPU exception types it does not cover are
PPUExcAlignment and PPUExcDataMAT, which have their own dedicated structs.

DeleteFile() and DeleteFileEx()

DeleteFile() and DeleteFileEx() call their TMAPI equivalents SNPS3Delete() and SNPS3DeleteEx(). They
can all be used to delete both files and directories.

The RegisterTTYEventHandler() function registers a callback which receives the "data" parameter as a
string. Similarly, the "text" parameter used in the SendTTY() function is also a string. These functions will
only work correctly for ANSI text data.
To use TTY with other encoding types, use the RegisterTTYEventHandlerRaw() and SendTTYRaw()
functions. RegisterTTYEventHandlerRaw() registers a callback which receives the raw text data as a byte[]
array. The user must then decode the raw data correctly.
The CancelTTYEvents() function will cancel TTY events registered via RegisterTTYEventHandler() and

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12: Troubleshooting
This section provides some help with resolving problems that may be encountered while using Target

This error code can occur when a connection to VShell fails. An error dialog may be displayed with the
<target name>
E1012: Command failed
Load Process (Cmd = 768, Res = 7)
Error: The resource with the specified identifier does not exist (80010005)
The corresponding console output is:
"[DA] :Connect to VSH failed 0x80010005"
"[DA] sys_dbg_process_spawn(mc) failed 0x80010005"
The probable cause is that the target is not in debug mode.

This error code means that a file does not exist and all attempts to load it from the host PC will fail. The
corresponding console output is:
"[DA] sys_dbg_process_spawn(mc) failed 0x80010006"
In the Debug Settings option of the XMB™ menu, check that Release Select Modedoes not = Release
Mode. If it doesyou will also see this output from lv2 during boot:
"lv2(2): mounting DUMMYFS in default mount point "/app_home" : OK"
"lv2(2): mounting DUMMYFS in default mount point "/host_root" : OK"
To fix this problem, change the XMB™ menu setting to Development Mode, and reboot, lv2 console
output should change to:
"lv2(2): mounting HOSTFS in default mount point "/app_home" : OK"
"lv2(2): mounting HOSTFS in default mount point "/host_root" : OK"
If after making the change you still have problems loading from ProDG, try exiting from Target Manager
and re-starting it.

This error can happen when trying to load a SELF file from the host PC using the Target Manager load
dialog. The corresponding console output is:
"[DA] sys_dbg_process_spawn(mc) failed 0x80010009"
 One possible cause is having a DVD the wrong way up in the Blu-ray Disc drive. Remove the DVD
from the drive and re-insert it the correct way up.
 The error can also be caused by trying to load a real (not fake) signed ELF such as mkfs.self or
setmonitor.self in debug mode, when on the XMB™ menu the .self select mode option is set to
Release Mode.
 Another cause of this error is loading PS3ToolUpdater.self with Target Manager properties page
Load Options not set to Use Stack Size From ELF and Use Priority Value From ELF (see
"Configuring targets"). There is also a known problem in Target Manager v240.1.20 where the Update
Target Flash option does not correctly use the above load options and causes this error to be
displayed. A workaround for this problem is to load PS3ToolUpdater.self using the normal Target
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Manger Load ELF dialog. Note that this program relies on the PUP file being called PS3UPDAT.PUP
and being located in the /app_home directory.

This error will be returned when trying to to install "Game Data" either by the TMAPI function
SNPS3InstallGameEx or the Install option on the Target menu. Only HDD Boot Games are supported. For
further information see "Installing HDD Boot Games from Target Manager".

If you receive the following warning in the console output then it means that you are trying to enable the
RSX Profiling Tool, but do not have the libgpad.sprxfile (or libgcm_hud.sprx/libcapture.sprx for
pre 270 versions) in the specified path.
[TM] DECI3_DRFP_CODE_STAT: C:/usr/local/cell\target\tool\ppu\prx\libgpad.sprx does not
[TM] DECI3_DRFP_CODE_STAT: C:/usr/local/cell\target\tool\ppu\prx\libgcm_hud.sprx does
not exist!
[TM] DECI3_DRFP_CODE_STAT: C:/usr/local/cell\target\tool\ppu\prx\libcapture.sprx does
not exist!
If you are not intending to enable the RSX Profiling Tool, the option to turn it off can be found under the
Load Options for the target. See "Configuring targets". If you are intending to enable the RSX Profiling
Tool then you must copy libgpad.sprx to the indicated directory.

Target Manager reset modes

A target that has been set to release mode on reset will actually be reset in debug mode when an ELF is
launched via the Load ELF dialog in Target Manager. To make this obvious to the end user, a red console
output message will be output to the Target Manager Console Output view as follows:
[TM] Release boot mode incompatible with launching game from TM. Resetting in debug

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Appendix A: Target Manager keyboard shortcuts

13: Appendix A: Target Manager keyboard shortcuts


Delete target DELETE

Refresh status F5

Connect F7

Disconnect CTRL+D

Force disconnect CTRL+SHIFT+D

Reset CTRL+R

Load and run executable CTRL+E

File Explorer view

Rename existing file or directory F2

Move into parent folder (F) BACKSPACE

Delete file or directory (F) DELETE

Console Output view


Paste CTRL+V

Select all CTRL+A

Clear CTRL+L

Go to line CTRL+G


Repeat find F3


Properties CTRL+ENTER

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14: Index
0x80010005, 78 Exporting a list of targets, 21
0x80010006, 78 Extra Load Options, 34
0x80010009, 78 Features, 74
0x80028f14, 79 Features and benefits, 6
Accessing targets from your own applications, 6 File Filter pane shortcut menu, 54
Accessing the file system of a target, 60 File menu, 11
Adding a target, 18 File Serving, 33
Adding and removing targets, 18 File serving actions, 55
Adding found targets, 19 File serving view toolbar, 55
Advanced reset mode settings, 24 File Trace, 33
Advanced Reset Settings, 36 File Trace view toolbar, 56
Appendix A: Target Manager keyboard shortcuts, Filtering console output, 47
80 Finding targets on your network, 19
Boot parameters, 37 Finding targets via the Add Target wizard, 21
Browsing image captures, 69 Forcibly disconnecting users from targets, 23
Browsing the target hard disk and managing Formatting a target hard disk from Target Manager,
folders and files, 60 65
Capturing console output data to a file, 44 Game attributes, 38
Changing display settings, 30 General, 33
Changing the reset mode, 24 Getting started with Target Manager, 9
Choosing the file serving port, 53 Help menu, 15
Clearing a console output channel, 48 Image Capture, 36
Closing a named pipe, 58 Importing a list of targets, 22
Command line utility examples, 31 Indeterminate settings, 39
Command-line utility syntax, 29 Installation, 7
Communicating by using named pipes, 57 Installing HDD Boot Games from Target Manager,
Configuring console output, 48 64
Configuring display settings, 41 Introduction, 6
Configuring global preferences, 40 Introduction to the Target Manager API C#
Configuring targets, 32 Wrapper, 76
Configuring targets and global preferences, 32 Kernel Explorer view toolbar, 72
Configuring XMB settings, 39 Launching Target Manager, 9
Connecting to targets, 22 libgpad.sprx, 79
Connecting to the Debugging Station, 74 Limitations, 74
Connection Properties, 33 Load Options, 33
Console Output, 36 Loading and running executable files, 26
Console output channel shortcut menu, 43 Loading from a device, 27
Copy and paste operations in the File Explorer Loading your SELF manually, 26
view, 62 Logging pane shortcut menu, 55
Copying console output to another application, 48 Managing image captures, 69
Customizing a menu command or toolbar button, Managing output channels, 49
16 Managing targets, 18
Customizing menus and toolbars, 16 Managing targets from the command-line, 29
Default Target Settings, 38 Memory Allocation is Performed Internally, 77
DeleteFile() and DeleteFileEx(), 77 Menu bar, 11
Deleting image captures, 69 Modifying file and folder properties, 61
Deleting scan nodes, 20 Modifying permissions, 61
Disconnecting from targets, 23 Modifying time settings, 62
Disconnecting from the target, 31 More help, 31
Error handling, 39 Obtaining GCM video buffer parameters, 70
Excluding folders and files from the transfer, 63 Obtaining image captures, 68
Executing host applications, 59 Opening a named pipe, 57
Exiting Target Manager, 17 Performing a system update, 25

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Performing manual image captures, 70 Target Manager toolbar, 15

PPUExceptionData, 77 Target menu, 13
Progress of Transfers, 63 Target settings, 33
Reading from / writing to a named pipe, 58 Time-outs, 37
Reconnecting after a target-initiated reset, 24 Tools menu, 14
Refreshing capture settings, 70 Tracing file I/O activity on a target, 56
Removing a target, 19 Transferring folders and files between the host
Resetting a target, 24 computer and target, 63
Saving and Copying image captures, 69 Troubleshooting, 78
Sending console input, 50 TTY, 77
Serving files from the host computer, 52 User Data in Event Callbacks, 76
Setting a default target, 28 Using a Debugging Station, 74
Setting case sensitivity, 57 Using a mapped drive, 66
Setting console output channel properties, 44 Using color and control codes in console output, 49
Setting the file-serving directory, 52 Using the Blu-Ray drive (BD) emulator, 65
Setting the home directory, 52 Using the File Explorer view, 60
Showing console output, 31 Using the game port for host file serving, 25
Specifying target name, 31 Using the Target Manager API, 76
System parameters, 37 Using the Web Admin view, 41
System requirements, 8 View menu, 12
System tray icon, 11 Viewing console output, 43
Target Manager components, 9 Viewing file serving activity, 53
Target Manager controller (ps3tm.exe), 9 Viewing image captures, 68
Target Manager GUI, 10 Viewing process resources, 72
Target Manager GUI (ps3tmgui.exe), 10 Why use Target Manager?, 6
Target Manager reset modes, 79 XMB Settings, 37
Target Manager server (ps3tmserver.exe), 9

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