Hippocratic Oath

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Modified Hippocratic Oath

In the presence of family, friends, teachers, and colleagues, and in the

spirit of Hippocrates, I pledge to keep this oath.

First, I will do no harm.

I will honor those who taught me the art and science of medicine.

I will remember with gratitude and humility those whose illness or

injury provided examples from which I learned, and, in their honor, I
will continue the pursuit of knowledge.

I will share my knowledge with future colleagues and all who are in
want or need of it.

I will practice medicine with conscience and humility, and I will act
with enduring respect for the dignity of human life. Foremost in my
mind will be compassion, respect, and impartial care for my patients.

I will hold sacred the trust of my patients and respect the secrets that
they confide in me.

I will not be swayed by greed, prejudice, or selfish ego in the

practice of my art.

Finally, I will do all in my power to help my patients reach physical,

mental, and spiritual health, and I will strive for this balance in my
own life.

May I have the courage and character to hold these principles sacred from
this day forward as I place myself into the service of humankind. This oath
I make solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.

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