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Hazard Characterization
Hazards Date of Occurrence Frequency Intensity
Identification of Capacities and Vulnerabilities
Impacts Capacities (of schools and personnel)
apacities and Vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities (of schools and persoRanking
School ID:

2019 Plans
Target Program/Project/Activity Target Output[2]
Name of PPA Date Venue Total Number[4]

Enabling Environment

Pillar 1: Safe Learning Facilities

Pillar 2: Disaster Risk Management

Pillar 3: DRR in Education

Climate Change Adaptation


[1] Funds to be Utilized and Fund Source - The total amount of funds to be used for a c

[2] Target Output – Direct effects targeted for a certain target activity: These may inclu

[3] Target Outcome Results – The target aftermath effects of a certain target activity th

[4] Total Number - Include total number of target participants and their designation (i.
Funds to be Utilized and Fund Source[1]
Target Output[2] s to
Target Outcome results[3] s, if any
PPA Output Others Division School Others s

nt of funds to be used for a certain program/project/activity. Some funding may be sourced from non-DepEd partners; for this, please indic

rget activity: These may include no. of participants (total no. of participants and their designation), activity output (materials; policies, plan

of a certain target activity that may result into long-term impact. Such results may include cascading of the activity down the line, organize

ants and their designation (i.e 23 teachers, 25 school heads). In case of equipment, supplies or other materials, indicate the total target nu
partners; for this, please indicate the total funds used under, “Others.” Leave blank for those with no definite amount yet.

tput (materials; policies, plans, etc. produced by the participants), Other (other output produced by the activity).

ctivity down the line, organized group of people for a certain cause, implementation of a certain plan produced during the conduct of the a

s, indicate the total target number of units, and number of recipient schools/offices (i.e 25 fire extinguishers, 24 schools and 1 division offic

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