Report On R&s by Bobbygola

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A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”






A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”


This is to certify that Project Report for “RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION at

XTREEM SOFTWARE AND STAFFING SOLUTION” is a bonafide work carried out

by BOBBY GOLA, student of Masters in Personnel Management, Degree of

University of Pune 2009-20011. She has worked under my guidance and direction.

Dr.C.V.Kalyansundaram Bhupendra Singh

A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

(Dean Academics) (Project Guide)


A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”


It gives me immense pleasure in presenting this project. It is my pleasant privileges to

thank all those who helped me in molding and shaping my project. Without their

guidance, co-operation and best wishes it would have not been possible for me to

complete my training and report satisfactorily.

I express my thanks to Mr. BHUPENDRA SINGH, Hod, HRDfor all the valuable

support through out the training period and successful completion of this report.

I express my sincere thank to Mr. SUMIT SAHA Sr. Business Development Manager

whose selected views, morale support and proper guidance made possible for

bringing out this project report in a schedule time and with a nice get-up.

A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

I also thank Mr. ASHISH KUMAR Finally , I am very thankful to our family, relative

and friends who supported me to under take and complete this report successfully.

Lastly, a big thanks to all those who helped me sparing time even through their busy

schedule and for being kind enough to help me whenever needed them.

A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”


Sr No. TOPIC Page No


A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”


A “temp” is a temporary worker with an organization who is on a third-party


Company) payroll ,a well-accepted practice in global companies. Many large Indian

Organizations are now hiring a part of their workforce from employee leasing firms.


Reason is not too difficult to guess—as organizations focus on their core business

A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

Strengths in a highly competitive environment, the non-core functions are


The manpower for the latter is provided by the employee leasing company. The


can range from three to six months, and there are no hassles normally associated


recruiting and retaining people

Temp Staffing or Flexi Staffing, has huge scope in India. When India is emerging as


economic superpower, it is necessary to deal with the problem of unemployment. This


where temp staffing plays a major role. It not only provides employment but also

adds to the

national gross income of the country, thus making it globally competent.

A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

Temporary staffing firms recruit people for their clients by using various sources of

recruiting available. These firms source the candidates and conduct initial screening

by using different methods so that they select and place the right kind of people for

the right kind of job.

This project report tries to comprehend the scope and the difficulties involved during


Recruitment process in a Company. Sourcing, which is a vital part of the

Recruitment process is thoroughly dealt with. Sourcing the candidates suitable for


Given job profiles is the core activity of recruitment and is a comprehensive and

Complicated process in itself. Hence, this constitutes the prime objective of this


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Project Objective:

1. To study the recruitment procedure followed in DIFFERENT COMPANY &


2: To study the various sources of recruitment followed in XTREEM GROUP.

3: To learn what is the process of recruitment and selection that should be followed.


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1. The study aims at understanding various issues involved in managerial

recruitment process.

2. The study does not look into financial aspects of recruitment cost analysis

3. The study was done only to know the various sources of recruitment

Project Methodology:

The following methodology was

The Client Company’s requirement was received.

All necessary data regarding the company, job profile, salary, rewards, shift

Timings and assessment tests were gathered and understood.

Sourcing the candidates from the job portals and databases

Putting them through an initial interview process

Short listing potential candidates and sending them to the concerned company for

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The final HR round


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A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

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Recruitment is defined as a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the

requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures to meet the

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requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting

the manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an effective


Recruitment is “hiring” of employees from outside. Recruitment has been regarded as

the most important function of the HR department , because unless the right type of

people are hired, even the best plans, organization chart and control system would

not do much good.

Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicant for actual or anticipated

organizational vacancies. Accordingly the purpose of recruitment is to locate sources

of manpower to meet the job requirements and job specification.

It is defined as ” a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the

requirements of staffing schedule and to apply effective measures for attracting the

manpower to adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an effective

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Yoder points out that “recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower

to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employee effective measures

to attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an

effective workforce.”

Edwin B Flippo defines recruitment as ‘the process of searching for prospective

employees and 1stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization’.

“It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The

process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their application are

submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.”

Methods of Recruitment
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‘Dunn and Stephens’ summaries the possible recruiting methods into three

categories, namely

1: Direct method

2: Indirect method

3: Third party method

Direct method

The direct method includes sending of the recruiters to different educational and

professional institutions, employees contact with public and mannered exhibits. One

of the widely used methods is sending the recruiters to different colleges and

technical schools. This is mainly done with the cooperation of the placement office of

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the college. Persons reading for MBA or other technical diplomas are picked in this


Sometimes, firms directly solicit information form the concerned professors about

student with an outstanding records.

Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars,

setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go the desired centers.

Indirect method

Indirect method involves mainly advertising in newspapers, on the radios, in trade

and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures.

Advertisements in newspapers and or trade journals and magazines are the most

frequently used methods. Senior post is largely filled with such methods. Advertising

is a very useful for recruiting blue color and hourly worker, as well as scientific,

professional, and technical employees.

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Local newspaper can be good sources of blue collar workers, clerical employees, and

lower level administrative employees.

The main point is that the higher the position in the organization the more dispersed

advertisement is likely to be. The search for the top executive might include

advertisement in a national periodical, whereas the advertisement of the blue color

jobs usually confine to the daily newspaper.

Many organizations often place what is referred to as a blind advertisement, one in

which there is no identification of the organization. Respondents are asked to reply

to a ‘Post Office Box Number’ or to a consulting firm that is acting as an


Third party

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These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies,

and placement offices of schools colleges and professional associations recruiting

firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors,

and friends and relatives.

Private employment agencies are the most widely used sources. They charge a small

fee from the applicant. They specialize in specific occupation; general office help,

salesmen, technical workers, accountant, computer staff, engineers and executives

.These private agencies are brokers who bring employers and employees together.

State or public employment agencies are also known as the employment or labor

exchanges, are the main agencies for the public employment. Employers inform them

of their personnel requirement, while job seekers get information for them about the

type of job are referred by the employer.

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A project report on recruitment and selection by “BOBBY GOLA”

Schools and colleges offer opportunities for recruiting their student. They operate

placement services where complete biodata and other particular of the student are


Professional organization or recruiting firms maintain complete information records

about employed executive. These firms maintain complete information records about

employed executives. These firms are looked upon as the “head hunters‟ , “raiders‟

and “pirates‟ by organization which loose their personnel through their efforts.

Objectives of recruitment

1: To attract with multi dimensional skills and experience that suite the present and

future organization strategies.

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2: To induct outsider with new perspective to lead the company.

3: To infuse fresh blood at all levels of organization.

4: To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the


5: To search or headhunt people whose skill fit the company’s values.

6: To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent

7: To devise methodology for assessing psychological traits.

8: To search for talent globally not just with in the company.

9: To design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.

10: To anticipate and find people for position that doesn’t exists yet.

Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential

employees. It is through recruitment that many individuals come to know about the

company and eventually decide whether they wish to work for it.
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The recruitment process should inform qualified individuals about the job so that

applicant can make comparison with their qualification and interest.

Factors affecting Recruitment

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P s
a a
P s

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Recruitment Process

The actual steps involved in recruitment follow a well defined path:

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Manpower planning: This is the first and very important step in recruitment process.

In this process the planning of human resource required in different fields is done .

Budget: After the planning budget for the recruitment is estimated.

Sourcing: The next step is sourcing the human resource it is either done internally or

externally .Sourcing plays vital in recruitment process.

Application shortlist: In this step, we shortlist the resume received from various

sources based on the suitability for the requirement.

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Preliminary Assessment: The short listed candidates go through a preliminary round

of interviews. This interview lays more emphasis on functional competencies. To have

more data on the functional skills, the candidates may be given a business case for

analysis and presentation (This is done for certain positions only).

Final interview: Here the candidates who successfully clear the first round of

interview go through another round of interview with one or more of the functional


Medical Evaluation: Candidates who are selected by Colgate are asked to undergo a

medical test.

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Selection is the process of picking up individuals with requisite qualifications and

competence to fill jobs in the organization.

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The objective of selection decision is to choose the individual who can most

successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates. It is the system of

function and devise adopted in a given company to ascertain whether the candidate’s

specifications are matched with the job specifications and recruitment or not.

Yorder points out that “the hiring process is one or many ‘go,no-go’ gauges.

Candidates are screened by the application of these tools .Qualified applicants go on

to the next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated.”

It is a process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those

with grater likelihood of success in job.

Also Selection is a negative process and involves the elimination of candidates who do

not have the required skills and qualification for the job proposed.

Selection process or activities typically follow a standard pattern, beginning with an

initial screening interview and concluding with final employment decision. The

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traditional selection process includes: preliminary screening interview, completion of

application form, employment test, comprehensive interview, background

investigation, physical examination and final employment decision to hire

Selection results in a contract of service between the employer and the selected


Ideally, a selection process involves mutually decision making. The organization

decides whether or not to make a job offer and how attractive the job offer should be.

Selection Process

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Preliminary Interview: The purpose of preliminary interview is to eliminate the

unqualified applications based on information supplied in application forms. The

basic objective is to reject the misfits.

Selection tests/Aptitude tests: Job seekers who passed the preliminary interviews are

called for various types of test. Basically these tests are conducted to judge how well

an individual can perform the related task.

Employment interview: The next step in selection is the employment interview. Here,

the interview can be either formal or in depth between the employer and the

applicant, Interview can be one-to-one, panel interview, sequential interview,

behavior interview.

Reference and Background Checks: Reference and background checks are conducted

to verify the information provided by the candidates. It can be through formal letter

or telephonic conversation.

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Selection decision: The final decision has to be made out of applicants who have

passed preliminary interviews, tests, final interview and reference checks. Generally

the view of the line managers is considered because they are responsible for the

performance of the new employee.

Physical examination: A job is offer is often contingent upon the candidate passing

the physical examination.

Job offer: The next step is ‘job offer’ to those applicants who have cleared all the

previous hurdles. It is made by the way of letter of appointment.

Contract of employment: After the job offer is made and candidate accept the certain

offer there is a need to prepare a formal contract of employment, containing written

contractual term of employment etc.

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Essentials of Selection Procedure

The selection procedure adopted by an organization is mostly tailor made to meet its

particular needs. Thus selection procedure depends mainly on following

- Someone should have the authority to select.

- There must be sufficient number of applicants from whom the required number of

employees to be selected.

- There must be some standards of personnel with which a prospective employee may

be compared

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Barriers to Effective Selection

The main objective of selection process is to hire people having competence and

commitment towards the given job profile. But due to some reason the main purpose

of effectively selecting candidates is defeated. These reasons are:

1: Perception or the Halo effect: Many a times the interviewer selects a candidate

according to the perception he has or he made up while talking or looking at the

individual. This way he does not see through the caliber or the efficiency of the

individual and many times it leads to the selection of the wrong candidates.

2: Fairness: During the selection process the interviewer does not select the individual

on the basis of his knowledge and hence the right type of the candidates is not


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3: Pressure: The people from the HR department and also have a lot of pressure from

the top management and from other top class people for selecting the candidates

they want. This ways the purpose of effective selection process of effective selection

process is defeated as they have to select that individual whether or not he is capable

of the job. that is being offered.


‘Temps’ or ‘associates’, are temporary workers who are deputed to various companies

who prefer to outsource their HR operations. The ‘associates’ work for the company


are assigned to but are on the payroll of the staffing or the temp leasing company.


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duration of a temporary job is three to nine months. Some of the important


of temping recruitment are as follows-

Recruit as per Client requirement and assign them to Client or Transfer candidate

identified by client on to Xtreemgroup

Co-employment relationship between the Client, Associate and Xtreemgroup

Manage HR Administration, Payroll and Regulatory activities

Temp staffing options- short term, long term and part time assignment.

Temp-to-permanent staffing option- trial period to permanent staffing.

A much defined process spans into four distinct stages, Initialization, Transition,


Operations & Relationship Management. Equal importance is given to all our stages


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activities defined for each stage. There is a unique methodology that Xtreemgroup


to render the service. This is shown below:

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Recruitment Method in Xtreemgroup

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Benefits for Client

As business these days grow on a confounding rate, outsourcing the basic functions


Recruiting becomes a common thing. The need for flexi staffing is on demand and in


a scenario.

Ready workforce renders these services to its Clients

 Focus on delivery of specialized activity/functions

 Manage unexpected business demands/manpower

 Staffing flexibility- Managing short-term & temporary business needs

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 Access to a talent pool on required skill sets.

 Screen candidates for permanent employment.

 Reduce HR Administration cost and time involvement

 Feedback and mentoring sessions with the Associates based on feedback.

Benefits for Associates .

Candidates referred to as ‘associates’, are also on the advantageous side. The services
that they receive from Xtreemgroup are –

 Focused employer and employee communication

 Skill upgrade – Training and Development

 Structured Induction

 Employee handbook, policies and manual

 Professional assistance for employee related issues

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 Professional orientation and HR support

 Portable and comprehensive employee benefits

 Accurate and timely payroll services

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My Job at Xtreem Group

I started my job as HR Trainee. My job profile was to handle RECRUITMENT

PROCESS in my project. The senior sales manager narrated me the whole procedure.

My job profile was to search for the requirement generated by various clients and

generates resumes from the various job sites such as, etc.

The next step is to shortlist the resume which best suite the requirements.


Know your client

Learning about companies is valuable because knowing what a company values will


an agent to assess the candidates better. Pertinent information about the processes

of the

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Company would also help you analyze CVs and find the right candidate. This can be


by reading the corporate website or calling the company for further information or


your own network and find out the ‘work culture’.

This will help one to know about the history of the company, their core values, their

clients and processes, the benefits employees can enjoy and the career growth chart.

When one has knowledge about these vital parameters, it becomes easier to assess a

resume based on these parameters. Moreover, when one is equipped with such vital

information about the company and the job profile, it helps to motivate and mould


suitable but reluctant candidates to attend the interview.

Once the pertinent information about the company has been gathered then a call is

made to the company and ask the concerned person for the requirement of
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manpower in various field. Generally such kind of information is provided by the

HR MANAGER of the company.

After accepting the interest of the client company the profile of ‘Xtreem Group’ and

a draft MoU is forwarded to the client. Once the MoU is entered into, the process of

recruitment is initiated on behalf of client company as per the terms and condition.

A sample MOU is shown below:

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Memorandum of Understanding

Terms & Conditions of business for the introduction of Permanent Staff

Ash Software Pvt Ltd having its office in and wishes to recruit Senapati Bapat Rd

people throughout Xtreem Group (Consultancy Department) (hereafter called 'The


Xtreem Group is into the business of executive search and placement having its

corporate office at Office no-22, Shivam Arcade, Kothrud Depot, Paud Road,

Kothrud, Pune-411038

Both the parties have agreed to the following terms and conditions:

1. 'The Firm' will source candidates as per the requirement specifications given by

'The Employer'. To facilitate this 'The Employer' shall provide the following:

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 Job Description with job responsibilities in brief

 Designation & level in the organization's hierarchy

 Job Location

 Remuneration and perquisites

 Nature of the Job – whether Permanent/Contract basis

 Primary skill sets desired

 Minimum years of experience

 Minimum years of relevant skill experience

 Preferred educational background

 No. of positions required

 Date/Period by which positions are to be filled

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2. 'The Firm' will provide the 'The Employer' with the CVs of appropriate candidates

as per the Job Description received for various positions without any contact details

of the candidate.

3. 'The Employer' undertakes to notify 'The Firm' immediately upon its recruitment

or engagement any candidate who is introduced by 'The Firm'.

4. The validity of all the CVs sent to 'The Employer' will be for a period of six months

from the date on which the CV was sent by Email or any other method. In case any of

such a candidate is hired directly or indirectly by 'The Employer' it will be deemed to

have been placed by 'The Firm' and therefore placement fee will be payable to 'The

Firm' as per the fee structure agreed in this MOU.

5. Cost of interviewing the candidate telephonically or personally will be borne by

'The Employer'.

6. Fee Structure:

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Exp. – 0 - 4 year, 8.33% of the Annual CTC offered

5-8 year, 10% of the annual CTC offered

9-above 12% of the annual CTC offered

7. Payment terms:

Professional fees would be payable within 45 days of the joining date of the

candidate. The cheque should be in favour of “Xtreem Group” Pune.

8. If a candidate resigns within a period of 3 months of his/her joining date, 'The

Firm' will provide 'The Employer' a suitable replacement free of charges and related


9. This MOU is valid for a period of Twelve Months from the date of signing by both


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10. This agreement can be terminated by either party by giving a Month notice in


11. This MOU is governed by Indian Laws and Jurisdiction in Pune, India.

Agreed and confirmed.

XTREEM GROUP Ash Software Pvt

Analyze the Job Description (JD)

A job description is a written record of the duties, responsibilities and requirements

of a

particular job. It is concerned with the job itself and not the work. It is a statement

describing the job in such terms as “Title, location, duties, working condition and

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hazards”. In other words, it tells us ‘what is to be done’; ‘how it is to done’ and ‘why’.

The full description of the requirement is taken by the company which contains

“Salary, Number of Post, Title,Location,Working condition, Hazards etc” so that it

makes recruitment process easier as we come to know what kind of requirement our

client company is looking for.

An updated job description is essential for a good selection interview. It helps one to

explain the nature of work to the prospective candidate properly without any over or

under commitment . This also helps to put the candidate, the client company and the


on the same platform

Prepare a Job Specification (JS)

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It is a written record of the requirements sought in an individual worker for a given

job.In other words, it refers to a summary of the personal characteristics required for

a job.

Once we come to know what the job is, then we can decide what kind of person


Would need to do it . Sometimes the job specification is already prepared and given

by the

Client along with the job description. In such a case, the job of the agent becomes


The job specification is for the benefit for us. It is ready reference to check on the

requirements that one needs to keep in mind while sourcing for the different clients.

It makes the whole task easier and more convenient.

Implementation – Sourcing
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Even before starting sourcing, it is very important to have a clear understanding of


requirement of the client company . The recruiter must have all knowledge about the

company he/she is about to source for. It makes sure that all the questions that a

candidate has regarding the profile or the credibility of the company is satisfactorily

answered .

Sourcing is the most of all recruitment activities. It is also difficult being monotonous


Nature A recruiter needs to be self-motivated to do the job. The sourcing takes place


different levels and in all the verticals of the industry.

Sourcing is defined as the process wherein the recruiter creates a pool of potential

candidates to fill up a position. It is the first step of recruitment. Sourcing involves

logging on to a job-portal and doing a search for the potential candidates. When the

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search is generated, then comes the most critical part of sourcing. Mainly four steps


involved in Sourcing.

They are discussed below:

A. Analyze the Curriculum Vitae (CV) :

Now is the time to scrutinize the candidate’s resume. Though most of the time people

are truthful while forming their resumes, others can

hide or not mention things that can portrait a negative picture of them. A good CV is

one which is precise and presentable. It should contain all details of education and

work experience should be arranged in reversed chronological method so as to

emphasize on the most recent one. Analyzing a CV helps in short- listing a


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B. Match the JD and JS:

When a CV has been analyzed and is considered as a good one, the next step is to

match it with the job description. It is necessary to match it with the profile given by

the company. Matching it with the JD gives an idea if the person will be able to serve

well in the position or not. Next it is important it with the job specification. The JS

gives the details of the desired skills and the mandatory skills. These are the criteria

for selection.

Shortlist the candidate:

Once the CV has been matched with the job description and matched with the job

specification. The shortlisted candidates are called for two stage interview that is a

telephonic interview and personal interview to assess the suitability of the candidates.

Finally the required number and type of candidate are screened in for appointment.

There is an individual interview of the recruiter and the candidate. In

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this interview the candidate answers the questions the recruiter asks to be sure that


candidate would suit the profile of the job.

Handling the rejected candidates:

It is very important how a recruiter manages the rejected candidates. The rejected

candidates should be made to recognize there loopholes and advised remedial steps

if possible. This is important from the view point of public relation in this service

industry. In this way

not only the recruiter helps the candidate to correct itself but also helps in creating


association with them.

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Interviews determine if a potential candidate will be a finalist and if he/she shall suit


job. A lot of things get clear during an interview. A face to face talk with the

candidate ensures that the recruiter evaluates the candidate on terms of attitude,

confidence and communication . The gaps that seem in the resume are also

questioned . The candidate may have an explanation for it. On the other hand if

he/she is

lying, then he/she can be cross-questioned about this. Some of the objectives of



To get an opportunity to judge an applicant’s qualifications and characteristics

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as a basic for sound selection and placement .

To give an applicant essential facts about the job and the company you are

recruiting for.

To establish a rapport.

To promote goodwill about the company whether interview culminates in

employment or not .

To get a real feel of the candidate

Types of Interview

Patterned or Structured Interview

Non-structured interview

Depth or Action interview

Panel or Board Interview

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Stress Interview

Telephonic Interview

The above mentioned interviews are all conducted at various levels of the


Recruitment . The nature of the job determines which of these interviews would suit


All the interviews are not conducted for all the job profiles. The complexity of the

interview depends on the complexity of the job.

We shall now discuss the telephonic interview which is very instrumental in selecting

potential candidate in Xtreemgroup.

The telephonic Interview

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It is said that listening intently gives a good idea of what a person want to say and

what a

person does not say. The sound, intonations, the varying pressures that a prospective

candidate uses while he/she speaks tells a lot about his/her attitude. This in turn

helps the

recruiter to judge that if the candidate would be suitable for the job or not .

Unlike the face-to-face interview where the recruiter can read the non-verbal


in a telephonic interview he has to even sharper. Listening to the words used and


tone used gives immense messages about the candidate.

As a recruiter, one has to be completely prepared before taking a telephonic


The following steps can be kept in mind while taking a telephonic interview:

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1. You must keep the CV next to you and make notes while taking the interview.

2. Must prepare a set of questions that would match the Job Description.

3. To use a call script. This helps in being professional and saves time to in

approaching the right candidate .

4. Do not display any negative emotion during the interview. Never to over or under

commit anyone.


It is very important to ask for permission to ask questions, otherwise it will feel like

interrogation to the candidates . To start off with, it is advisable to ask easy questions


(the best things about their current situations), then ask about their problems and

get them

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to expand on their answers .

Devise interview questions:

Preparation in advance of an interview is essential if you are to make a successful


Critical in the preparation process is the development of interview questions that


tangible facts from all applicants.

Basically, two rules are kept in mind when framing the questions that will indicate

whether or not an applicant meets the requirements you established for the position:

RULE 1: Ask questions that concentrate on the applicant’s past performance – to


reliable assumptions about future success.

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RULE 2: Ask questions that relate directly to at least one of your listed requirements


maximize the information you will gain in the time allotted.

General Questions:

Tell me about yourself

What do you about the company?

What are your goals?

What are your strengths and weakness?

What has been your most significant contribution in your college/previous


Why should we hire you?

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Specific Questions:

How would you resolve a conflict in a project team?

What was the most difficult decision you had to make?

Can you work under pressure, deadlines, etc…?

Trick Questions:

You may be over-qualified for this position

What would you look for if you had to hire people?

If you had to change your educational stream again, what would you do


What career options do you have at the moment?

According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?

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Grammar, Voice and Accent Calibration:

In times of globalization, what is more necessary is that one speaks in a globally

comprehensive language rather that in the popular accent of American, British or

Australian . One of the major criteria in the BPO-IteS industry is the communication


the candidate who should be free from ‘Mother Tongue Influence’ or MTI as it is

generally known. That means the candidate should have a neutral accent. If he has a

neutral accent then he is a potential investment for the company.

Individual Interview:

The individual interview that takes place between a recruiter and the candidate in

the first

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session of their meeting gives vital information about the candidate’s soft skills. The


he carries on a conversation and the direction in which he/she drives it, is the first


information about the voice and accent of the candidate. Most of the time the


gets to know if the candidate fits in the job or not. But there are times when the


may not be very sure about his assessments. It is then he puts the candidates into


assessment tests.

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Assessment test:

A voice and accent test is conducted wherein the degree of MTI of a candidate is

checked. Depending on the degree of the MTI the candidate has, he/she is considered


trainable or not trainable. Some methods used to test the candidate’s suitability for



Passage Test

A passage is give to the candidate to read from a book or a newspaper. When he


the passage, his pronunciation, his level of mother tongue influence and his proper

use of punctuation marks comes in play.

Voice test:

This test is usually done when the candidate is for a voice-based job profile. When the

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candidate is asked to read a paragraph, his voice is checked on the microphone and


then recorded. This helps in measuring the intonations and the pressures he gives

while he talks. Then the candidate is categorized into trainable or not trainable .

Rating Sheet:

The rating sheet is attached to the candidate information sheet. This rating sheet has

about ten parameters. The candidate is rated based on these parameters. A rating of

1-7 is

given, 7 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. The rating sheet gives qualitative

information about a candidate as he/she scored on the different parameters a

candidate is

assessed on in Xtreem group.

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Brief Summary:

After all the tests the candidate has gone through, the candidate is sent to the client

company for the last HR round or any other rounds of interview that he/she has to

attend. But

the recruitment mainly constitutes of the above mentioned methods. The process of

recruitment ends with hiring the candidate on a temporary or permanent basis.

After he/she

has been given the offer letter and told the joining date, the candidate has to sign on

contract papers with the temping company. If the candidate is hired by the client

company on a temporary basis, then the candidate is on the payrolls of XTREEM


The contract that he/she will sign will speak about his rights and the details

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about the job and this salary and benefits. The temping company, in this case will


care of most of the employee related problems of the candidate. As per the contract, a

part of the candidate’s salary will go as billing for the temping company. This is the

revenue for such companies.

It is crystal clear that sourcing the right person for the right job is the core or the


block of recruitment function. Most part of the work is done if a recruiter finds the


candidate who’s CV matches the job profile of the client company but more


it is a challenge for the recruiter to present the job in such a manner that will

motivate the

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candidate to come down and attend the interview. A recruiter has to work under so


constraints like the candidates not turning up for interview or the dearth of skilled

candidates. This is when the competencies of a recruiter is measured.

Swot Analysis

A SWOT analysis of the company is given below keeping in view the different
environmental factors that affect an organization in general.


1. The recruitment methodology adopted in XTREEM GROUP.

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2. The diverse strategic business units extending into FMCG and BPO-IteS


3. A strong client servicing team.


1. The performance of a recruiter depend much on the performance of the


Only if the candidate is offered the job he/she was sourced for, the recruiter is

qualified for incentives.

2. Very strict incentive plans.

3. Pay is low even if it according to industry standards. Therefore it is difficult to

retain its employees.

4. Even after 1-2 years, employees still work in the same position with little hike in

pay or a better job profile.

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5. It is easy to reach the saturation point in this job easily owing to its


Nature .


1. BPO industry is growing at a very fast pace. Results in increased demand for

temp and perm staffing.

2. Attrition rate in BPO sector is 30-40 % . Therefore is always a need to fill in


3. Temps make more sense for snappy projects like handling Christmas sales or

short-term data process job.

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1. Competition from other consultancies.

2. Dearth of skilled candidates for the BPO-IteS sector has always plagued the

3. The night shift timings do not attract a lot of young women to the industry.
Students also tend to avoid these timings until they want to earn while they


Challenges faced by Temping Companies:

Internal challenges:

Most of the candidates just see the BPO-IteS as a stop-over before actually


on to their respective career.

Some of them look at it as a method to fill in the resume gaps.

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The fresher’s look at the temp job for work experience and not planning to

stay as

a permanent employee. This increases the attrition rate in the industry. The


of skilled candidates, in effect, makes temp staffing difficult.

External Challenges:

The Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act (1970) that does not
the temping practice.



Training is the answer for the most of the problems faced by the temp staffing

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companies like Xtreem Group. Training at all levels is imperative. The recruiters


do some amount of training after they have shortlisted the candidate for a

particular job profile. If the candidate is trainable in some of the parameters

designed by Xtreem Group, it is recommended that the training takes place at


first step itself. Letting the candidate recognize his in competencies and helping

him overcome it by doing simple everyday exercises will bring down the chances

of the candidate getting rejected in the final HR rounds in the company.

The temping companies conduct training programs at various levels in the

educational institutional. Under graduate and graduate students are a major source

of candidates. When they undergo a training program for handling interview and

gather knowledge about BPO-IteS sector in India, it creates a reserve of good

quality candidates in the market to source.

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