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Bridge Design Manual - 2001 Appendix RW

Retaining Wall Design


Consultant: Louis Berger in association with SABA Engineering plc
Designed by : Henok Aberra ( Structural Engineer)
Checked by : Lennart Rahm (Bridge Engineer)
Case: Statical calculation
Date of design :- 29/09/98

General Notes
Specification used : ERA Bridge Design Manual-2001
Back fill material is assumed level and traffic surcharge load is incorporated.



H [height of wall]



W3 W5

Input Dimensions
Recommended value
Height of wall, H = 5.00 m
Stem top thickness,T1 = 0.25 m
Stem bottom thickness,T2 = 0.40 m
Depth of heel cantilever,T5 = 0.40 m
Tappering slope,y1 = 0.10
End depth of heel cantilever,T3 = 0.21 m
End depth of toe cantilever,T4 = 0.30 m
Length of heel cantilever,L1 = 1.95 m
Length of toe cantilever,L2 = 1.40 m
Length of footing, L = 3.75 m
Height of fill, H2 = 4.80 m
Free board of wall height on top = 0.00 m
heq 0.845 m

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Bridge Design Manual - 2001 Appendix RW
Retaining Wall Design

Material Properties

Yield stength of reiforcemement steel, fy for f <=20 = 350.0 Mpa

Yield stength of reiforcemement steel, fy for f >20 = 400.0 Mpa
Cylinderical compressive strength at 28 days, fc' = 20.0 Mpa

Unit weight of concrete,gc = 24.00

Unit weight of soil,gs = 19.22
Active earth pressure coef. Ka = 0.38 Soil type fT ff
ff = 38 Deg. Clay 0.85 22
fT = 0.9 Sand 0.8 25
fT*tan ff= 0.70 Gravel 0.9 38
Coef. of friction b/n concrete and foundation material = 0.70
Foundation material (Soil, Rock)= soil
Bearing resistance of the foundation material = 250.00 kN/m2
qsurcharge = 16.24 kNm2

Load Factors
Max Min
Active Horizontal earth pressure = 1.50 0.90
Vertical earth pressure = 1.35 1.00
Dead load of components = 1.25 0.90

1.0 Dead Load

Centroidal (Weight X
Weight distance centroidal
Material Portion [kN/m] from toe [m] distance)
concrete W1 27.6 1.53 42.09
" W2 8.28 1.70 14.08
" W3 3.84 1.6 6.14
" W4 1.68 0.93 1.57
" W5 10.08 0.70 7.06
" W6 4.56 2.45 11.18
" W7 9.59 2.775 26.62
Concrete Total 65.64 108.74

soil W8 176.06 2.78 489.44

soil W9 6.63 1.75 11.60
Surcharge 34.11 2.7 92.09
Soil Total 216.79 593.13

2.0 Lateral Pressure

The surcharge load from highway loading may be taken as given in Table 3-25

Wall Height[m] heq [m] A chart can be prepared for the interpolation
<=1.50 1.70 between heights of 1.5 and 9.0 m.
3.0 1.20
6.0 0.76
>=9.0 0.61

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Retaining Wall Design

Highway Surcharge load

heq [m]

1.5 f(x) = - 0.003382716x^3 + 0.077x^2 - 0.6265555556x + 2.478

1 Wall Height[m]
0.5 3.0
0 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wall height [m]
Column J heq [m]
Polynomial (heq [m])

Let P1 & P2 be the earth pressure from the surcharge and linearly varying load.

Arm from Driving

foundation Moment
Force level about Toe
P1 30.86 2.5 77.14
P2 91.30 1.7 152.16
sum 122.15 229.30

3.0 Bearing pressure beneath footing

The bearing pressure beneath footing is calculated by the factored loads. According to Tables 3-2 & 3-3,
the dead load of the wall and the surcharge loads are factored by the minimum or maximun value; whereas, the lateral
pressure is factored by the maximum value.

a ) With min. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

The summation of moment about toe, Msum = 347.04 kNm

V 275.87 KN
The eccentricity e , is therefore,
e =L/2-Msum/V = 0.617 m OK !! L/6

I ) When the foundation material is rock b/c e<L/6, Look at Case -1

Case -1 When e<=L/6

q heel = 0.94 kN/m2 OK !!

q toe = 146.19 kN/m2 OK !!


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Retaining Wall Design
Case -2 When L/6<e<=3/8*L

qmax =2V/[3(L/2-e)] = 146.19 kN/m2 OK !!

L1 =3[L/2-e] = 3.774 m


L1 = 3.774 m

II ) When the foundation material is soil

qmax*Le =V and qmax*Le*(L-Le/2) =V(L/2+e)

From the above two eq's qmax and Le can be calculated.

Le =V/qmax = L-2e 2.516 m

qmax =V(L/2+e)/[Le(L-Le/2)] = 109.65 kN/m2 OK !!
or V/Le=
qmax = 109.65 kN/m2

Le = 2.516 m

b ) With max. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

The summation of moment about toe, Msum = 592.69 kNm

V= 374.72
The eccentricity e , is therefore,
e =L/2-Msum/V = 0.293 m e<L/4, OK !!

I ) When the foundation material is rock b/c e<L/6, Look at Case -1

Case -1 When e<=L/6

q heel = 53.03 kN/m2 OK !!

q toe = 146.82 kN/m2 OK !!


Case -2 When L/6<e<=L/4

qmax =2V/[3(L/2-e)] = 157.94 kN/m2 OK !!

L1 =3[L/2-e] = 4.75 m


L1 = 4.745 m

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Retaining Wall Design
II ) When the foundation material is soil

qmax*Le =V and qmax*Le*(L-Le/2) =V(L/2+e)

From the above two eq's qmax and Le can be calculated. V

Le =V/qmax = 3.163 m
qmax =
qmax =V(L/2+e)/[Le(L-Le/2)] = 118.45 kN/m2 OK !!
Le = 3.163 m

4.0 Stability

4.1 Stability against overturning

For foundation on soil, the location of the resultant of the reaction forces shall be within the middle half of the base.
For foundation on rock, the location of the resultant of the reaction forces shall be within the middle three-fourth
of the base. This condition is already checked above.
Driving Moment = 229.30 kN
Resisting Moment = 701.87 kN Resisting Moment > Driving Moment, OK !!
S.F= 3.06 S.F >=2 ,Safe against Overturning
4.2 Stability against sliding

Driving force = 122.15 kN

Resisting force = 198.59 kN Resisting force > Driving force, OK !!
S.F= 1.63 S.F >=1.5, Safe against Sliding
5. Design of components

5.1 Design of stem

5.1.1 Design for Flexure

The moment at the base of the stem is calculated as;

Net height of fill on stem = 4.60 m

Msurcharge = 65.29 kNm/m 28.3890932

Mvaryng = 118.48 " 77.272088
Msum = 183.78 " 158.4917718

The factored moment for design is therefore,

Mfact. = 275.67 kNm/m

The cracking moment given by :

Ig =bh3/12 = 5.33E+09 mm4
Mcr =frIg/yt = 75.13 KNm/m yt= 200 mm
fr = 2.82 MPa
The amount of reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factored flexural resistance at least equal to the
lesser of :
- 1.2 times the cracking strength determined on the basis of elastic stress distribution and the
modulus of rupture, fr, of the concrete.
- 1.33 times the factored moment required by the applicable strength load combinations.
Besides the area of reinforcement shall not be less than the minimum shrinkage and temprature reinforcement.
Since bar S2 is cut at some point up the spacing at bottom shall not be greater than half the maximum spacing.

Mu = 275.67 KNm/m

Dprov. = 400 mm
As = Mu/φfy(d-a/2) beff = 1000 mm
= 2461.92 mm2 fy = 400 MPa
fc' = 20 MPa
a = Asfy/(.85fc'b) φ= 0.9
= 57.93 mm φbar = 20 mm

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Bridge Design Manual - 2001 Appendix RW
Retaining Wall Design
cover = 50 mm
dprov = 340 mm
β1 = 0.85

use F 20 S1 c/c 120 mm

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Retaining Wall Design

As prov. = 2618.0 mm2 Smax = 450 mm

ρ max. = 0.75ρb =0.75(0.85β1fc'/fy*(599.843/(599.843+fy)))= 0.0163

ρ prov. = As/bd = 0.0077 OK !!

Half bar cut off location

As' =As/2 = 1309.00 mm2

The distance from top to the point where half of the reinforcement is not required (i.e "y") can be found by trial and error
to equalize the moment by the factored lateral pressure and the moment that can be resisted by half of the bar.

My of My of
My = factor*(q(y-y*)2/2+kags(y-y*)3/6) ------------- (1) eq (1) eq (2)
My = φAs'fy(d-As'fy/1.7fc'b)----------------- (2) 3.5 119.52 123

Where d = y/(H-T5)*(T2-T1)+T1-cover-f/2
y* is the free board given on top Hint : It is preferable if My of eq (2) is slightly
greater than My of eq (1).

Extension length reqd beyond the point at which it is no longer required is given by ;

lext reqd = max( 15*dia of bar,deff)

= 340 mm

Therefore, the bar can be cut at the following distance from top of wall.

Bar cut off point from top of wall = 3.16 m

5.1.2 Check for Wide beam Shear

Usually, since T2 is not small as compared to the stem height, we take the shear force
at the bottom of the wall.
Vhoriz.factored = 183.23 kN/m
Allowable shear stress is given by : vc = 0.166sqrt(fc') φ shear = 0.9
= 0.742 Mpa
The maximum allowable factored shear force that can be resisted by the concrete section is:
Vall =φ*vc*b*d = 227.17 kN/m > Vhoriz, OK !

5.2 Design of toe cantilever

5.2.1 Design for Flexure

a ) With min. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure
The factored pressure from underneath minus weight of cantilever is,

qtoe = 146.19 kN/m2

q a-a = 91.96 kN/m2 Wc

The factored moment for design is therefore,

Mfact.a-a = 125.55 kNm/m

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Retaining Wall Design
b ) With max. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

The factored pressure from underneath minus weight of cantilever is,

qtoe = 146.82 kN/m2
q a-a = 111.80 kN/m2

Mfact.a-a = 132.44 kNm/m

Therefore, the maximum moment at section a-a for design is,

Mfact.a-a (max)= 132.44 kNm/m

The cracking moment given by Eq.(12.39) as follows:

Ig =bh3/12 = 5.3E+09 mm4
Mcr =frIg/yt = 75.13 KNm/m yt= 200 mm
fr = 2.817 MPa
The amount of reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factored flexural resistance at least equal to the
lesser of :
- 1.2 times the cracking strength determined on the basis of elastic stress distribution and the
modulus of rupture, fr, of the concrete.
- 1.33 times the factored moment required by the applicable strength load combinations.
Besides the area of reinforcement shall not be less than the minimum shrinkage and temprature reinforcement.
Since bar T2 is cut at some point up the spacing at bottom shall not be greater than half the maximum spacing.

Mu = 132.44 KNm/m

Dprov. = 400 mm
As = Mu/φfy(d-a/2) beff = 1000 mm
= 1389.01 mm2 fy = 350 MPa
fc' = 20 MPa
a = Asfy/(.85fc'b) φ= 0.9
= 28.60 mm φbar = 16 mm
cover = 75 mm
dprov = 317 mm
β1 = 0.85

use φ 12 T1 c/c 140 mm

As prov. = 1436.2 mm2 Smax = 450 mm

ρ max. = 0.75ρb =0.75(0.85β1fc'/fy*(599.843/(599.843+fy)))= 0.0196

ρ prov. = As/bd = 0.0045 OK !!

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Retaining Wall Design
5.2.2 Check for Wide beam Shear

a ) With min. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure
qtoe = 146.19 kN/m2
q b-b = 104.24 kN/m2 d

V factored b-b= 135.61 kN/m

b ) With max. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

qtoe = 146.82 kN/m2

q b-b = 119.73 kN/m2

V factored b-b= 144.34 kN/m b

V factored b-b(max) = 144.34 kN/m

Allowable shear stress is given by : vc = 0.166sqrt(fc') f shear = 0.9

= 0.742 Mpa
The maximum allowable factored shear force that can be resisted by the concrete section is:
Vall =f*vc*b*d = 235.33 kN/m > Vhoriz, OK !

5.3 Design of heel cantilever

5.3.1 Design for Flexure b a

wt. of soil + Surcharge
a ) With min. factors for dead and surcharge load
and max. factor for lateral pressure
Wc d
Case -1 When the foundation material is rock

q a-a = 76.47 kN/m2

q end = 0.94 kN/m2 b a
The length of pressure application Lh is,
Lh = 1.95 m
The average pressure by the weight of soil, surcharge and heel cantilever is given as,
qsoil+surcharge+cantilever= 118.44 kN/m2 b a
wt. of soil + Surcharge
Case -2 When the foundation material is soil

qmax = 157.56 kN/m2 Wc d

Lh = 0.33 m
Assume counter clock-wise moment as positive.

Ma-a = 206.29 kNm/m b a

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Retaining Wall Design
b ) With max. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

Case -1 When the foundation material is rock

q a-a = 101.80 kN/m2

q end = 53.03 kN/m2
The length of pressure application Lh is,
Lh = 1.95 m
The average pressure by the weight of soil, surcharge and heel cantilever is given as,
qsoil+surcharge+cantilever= 118.44 kN/m2

Case -2 When the foundation material is soil

qmax = 155.22 kN/m2

Lh = 0.99 m
Assume counter clock-wise moment as positive.

Ma-a = 225.18 kNm/m

Therefore, the maximum moment is taken for design.

Mfact.a-a (max) = 225.18 kNm/m

The craking moment given by eq.(8.2) as follows:
Ig =bh3/12 = 5.3E+09 mm4
Mcr =frIg/yt = 75.13 KNm/m yt= 200 mm
fr = 2.817 MPa

The amount of reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factored flexural resistance at least equal to the
lesser of :
- 1.2 times the cracking strength determined on the basis of elastic stress distribution and the
modulus of rupture, fr, of the concrete.
- 1.33 times the factored moment required by the applicable strength load combinations.

Mu = 225.18 KNm/m

Dprov. = 400 mm
As = Mu/φfy(d-a/2) beff = 1000 mm
= 1974.60 mm2 fy = 400 MPa
fc' = 20 MPa
a = Asfy/(.85fc'b) f= 0.9
= 46.46 mm fbar = 20 mm
cover = 50 mm
dprov = 340 mm
β1 = 0.85

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Retaining Wall Design
use f 20 H1 c/c 150 mm

As prov. = 2094.4 mm2 Smax = 450 mm

ρ max. = 0.75ρb =0.75(0.85β1fc'/fy*(599.843/(599.843+fy)))= 0.0163

ρ prov. = As/bd = 0.0062 OK !!

5.3.2 Check for Wide beam Shear

a ) With min. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

q end = 157.56 kN/m2

q b-b = 0.00 kN/m2

Lh = 1.95 kN/m

V factored b-b= 310.37 kN/m

b ) With max. factors for dead and surcharge load and max. factor for lateral pressure

q end = 155.22 kN/m2

q b-b = 155.22 kN/m2

Lh = 0.65 kN/m

V factored b-b= 197.70 kN/m

Therefore, the maximum shear at section b-b for design is,

Vfactored = 220.47 kN/m

Allowable shear stress is given by : vc = 0.166sqrt(fc') f shear = 0.9
= 0.742 Mpa
The maximum allowable factored shear force that can be resisted by the concrete section is:
Vall =f*vc*b*d = 252.41 kN/m > Vhoriz, OK !

5.4 Shrinkage and temprature reinforcement

According to section 5.10.8, the area of reinforcement for walls and footings in each direction shall not be less than :

As = 0.0015Ag fbar = 10 mm
>= 600 mm2

Use f 10 c/c 130 mm

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Retaining Wall Design

H [height of wall]

Bar Schedule
Bar S1
400 400 f 10 S1* c/c 240
L= 1400 mm
f 20 S1 c/c 240 mm

L= 5153 mm


Bar S2

f 20 S2 c/c 240 mm

2616 L= 3016 mm


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Retaining Wall Design
Bar S3

f 10 S3 c/c 320 mm

4850 L= 5000 mm

Bar T1



f 12 T1 c/c 240 mm

L= 3425 mm
Bar T2



f 12 T2 c/c 240 mm

L= 1725 mm

Bar H1

f 20 T1 c/c 160 mm

L= 2642 mm

Bar Schedule and quantities per linear meter

Size Length Weight
Bar [mm] Number/m [mm] [kg]
S1 20 4.17 5153 52.96
S1* 10 4.17 1400 3.60
S2 20 4.17 3016 31.00
S3 10 3.13 5000 9.64
H1 20 6.25 2642 40.73
T1 12 4.17 3425 12.67
T2 12 4.17 1725 6.38
Distri. 10 54 1000* 33.30
Grade 20 Concrete--------------------- 2.59 m3
Reinforcement Steel-------------------- 190.27 kg
* indicates that the actual length is the length of the wall minus cover
The fraction number of bar is due to per linear assumption.

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Retaining Wall Design


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Retaining Wall Design

heq [m]

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Retaining Wall Design


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Retaining Wall Design

118.5 kN/m2

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Retaining Wall Design

y My1
1 6.4545565
2.65 66.484055
2.8 76.370824
3 90.957209
3.2 107.22853
3.35 120.59049
3.5 134.9865
4.6 275.66817
5 77.144275


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Retaining Wall Design


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Retaining Wall Design


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