6 Smart Strategies of Toppers

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# 6 Smart Strategies of Toppers

Competitive Examinations are almost always stressful. Aspirants rarely know exactly what to expect
on the test, and those who suffer from exam fear or exam anxiety can see their grades suffer as a
result of this stress. The fear is more before the exams causing them to underperform on that day
battling this type of performance anxiety can be difficult, but good study habits devised after
discussing with thousands of topper can help you stay relaxed and perform better.

1. Start revising early: Khusi Tiwari AIPMT 2015 Topper says “those who start revising their portion
early find that they can manage to answer without any stress. The sooner you start the better. As
practice makes a better understanding and recollection”. Competitive exam students are often
advised to revise early. It will avoid panic at the last moment. Preparing well ahead of exam will
allow you to focus on difficult topics so that you allocate time for it also.

2. Your own timetable: Delhi’s 2015 UPSC Topper Tina Dabi says as a student you are well aware of
the subjects that you need to work more on. It’s not by the grades but by the length of material or
depth of the contents that you need to know about. To prepare for it you need to create your own
timetable for all the 7 days of the week. The timetable should be realistic that you follow it.

3. Mix of subjects: CAT 2015 Topper Pranit Arora on making time table - While making timetable, its
best to study one subject in the morning and other subject in evening. Studying the same subject will
make you feel bored or mind dull. Take a mix of two subjects and try out. You will surely feel the
urge to complete the topics that you intend to.

4. Target for the day: Without aim there is no way that you will achieve anything in life. Even fixing a
target for the day is crucial. SSC CGL 2015 Topper Ravi Shankar Singh Says - note down the chapters
or topics you need to revise, break down these chapters as against the days. Example: Feb.13 –

9.00 to 12.00 : History- chapter 15,16

2.30 to 5.30 : English – chapter 5,6

6.00 to 8.00 : Geography – chapter 11

5. Using highlighters: Vishal Kumar Sinha SSC CGL 2015 Topper use to underline in the books to
make note of important points. He believes using highlighters it will help him to know which
important note to be remembered were. Using keywords is also useful to remember the importance
of the topic that is being revised.

6. Headings and sub headings: Artika Shukla 2015 UPSC topper says While making notes, it is useful
to separate the topics with heading and sub headings below it. It not only makes the points to be
separated out but helps the student to remember what the main subjects under it were.

7. Decide when to study: Dr. Roman Saini UPSC Topper says about the time of study. If you are able
to concentrate in the morning better than at night then allocate hard subjects in the morning. Or
you house is quiet during morning, then you can allocate those subjects. If you are person who loves
to study after evening hours then allocate the study time after that and keep easier subjects in the

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