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Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Bioproses

ERT 206: Thermodynamics

Exercise 3 Solutions

(a) Given x1 = 0.33 and T= 100 °C, find y1 and P.

BUBL P Calculation

Step 1: Find P1sat & P2sat using Antoine equation.

ln Pi sat / kPa = A −
T / °C + C

ln P1sat / kPa = 13.7819 −
100°C + 217.572
= 5.195

Thus, P1 = 180.45kPa

ln P2sat / kPa = 13.932 −
100°C + 217.625

= 4.3076

Thus, P2 = 74.2597kPa

Step 2: Find P.

P = x1 P1sat + x2 P2sat

= x1 P1sat + (1 − x1 )P2sat

= 0.33(180.45kPa ) + (1 − 0.33)(74.2597 kPa )

= 109.3025kPa
Step 3: Calculate y1 using Raoult’s law.

yi P = xi Pi sat
y1 = x1 P1sat P = 0.33(180.45kPa ) 109.3025kPa = 0.5448
(b) Given y1 = 0.33 and T= 100 °C, find x1 and P.

DEW P Calculation:

Step 1: Find P from Raoult’s Law assuming ∑xi i =1

P= sat
y1 / P1 + y 2 / P2sat

0.33 / 180.45 + (1 − 0.33) / 74.2597

= 92.156kPa

Step 2: Find x

yi P = xi Pi sat
x1 = y1 P P1sat
= (0.33)(92.156 ) (180.45)
= 0.1685

(c) Given x1 = 0.33 and P= 120 kPa, find y1 and T.

BUBL T Calculation:

Step 1: Start with α=1, find P2sat

P 120
P2sat = = = 120kPa
x1α + x 2 (0.33)(1) + (1 − 0.33)

Step 2: Find T using Antoine eq & substitute P2sat obtained in step 1

T= −C
A − ln P2sat

= − 217.625
13.9320 − ln 120

= 116.67°C
Step 3: Find new α by substituting T

* find the expression for α first

ln P1sat / kPa = 13.7819 −
T / °C + 217.572

- ln P2sat / kPa = 13.932 −
T / °C + 217.625

2726.81 3056.96
( )
ln P1sat / P2sat = −0.1501 − +
T / °C + 217.572 T / °C + 217.625

2726.81 3056.96
ln α = −0.1501 − +
T / °C + 217.572 T / °C + 217.625

* substituting T=116.67̊C in the equation;

2726.81 3056.96
ln α = −0.1501 − +
116.67°C + 217.572 116.67°C + 217.625
= 0.8362
α = 2.3076
Step 4: Repeat step 1 by using new α until similar value of α is obtained

2nd iteration: 3rd iteration:

α = 2.3076 α = 2.3985
P2sat = 83.8277 kPa P2sat = 82.10714kPa
T = 104.0507°C T = 103.3502°C
α new = 2.3985 α new = 2.40387

4th iteration: 5th iteration:

α = 2.40387 α = 2.4042
P2sat = 82.00765kPa P2sat = 82.00kPa
T = 103.3094°C T = 103.307°C
α new = 2.4042 α new = 2.4042

Thus, T = 103.307°C

Step 5: Find P1sat & find y1 using Raoult’s law

P1sat = αP2sat y1 = x1 P1sat P

= 2.4042(82.00kPa ) = 0.33(197.144kPa ) 120kPa
= 197.144kPa = 0.542
(d) Given y1 = 0.33 and P= 120 kPa, find x1 and T.

DEW T Calculation:

Step 1: Start with α=1, find P1sat

P1sat = P( y1 + y2α )
= 120[0.33 + 0.67(1)]
= 120kPa

Step 2: Find T using Antoine eq & substitute P1sat obtained in step 1

T= −C
A − ln P1sat

= − 217.572
13.7819 − ln 120

= 85.595°C

Step 3: Find new α by substituting T

2726.81 3056.96
ln α = −0.1501 − +
T / °C + 217.572 T / °C + 217.625
2726.81 3056.96
ln α = −0.1501 − +
85.595 / °C + 217.572 85.595 / °C + 217.625
α = 2.5527
Step 4: Repeat step 1 by using new α until similar value of α is obtained

2nd iteration: 3rd iteration:

α = 2.5527 α = 2.34215
P1sat = 244.8347kPa P1sat = 227.9091kPa
T = 111.7005°C T = 108.8766°C
α new = 2.34215 α new = 2.36250

4th iteration: 5th iteration:

α = 2.36250 α = 2.3604
P1sat = 229.5446 Pa P1sat = 229.3807kPa
T = 109.1563°C T = 109.1284°C
α new = 2.3604 α new = 2.3606
Step 5: Find x1 using Raoult’s law

y1 = x1 P1sat P

x1 = y1 P P1sat

= 0.33(120kPa ) 229.3807kPa
= 0.1726

2) Assuming the validity of the De Priester charts, make the following VLE calculations
for methane(1)/ethylene(2)/ethane(3) system:
(a) BUBL P, given x1 = 0.10, x2 = 0.50, and T = -60 °F

P = 200 psia P = 250 psia P = 215 psia

Component xi
Ki yi=Kixi Ki yi=Kixi Ki yi=Kixi
Methane 0.10 5.600 0.560 4.600 0.460 5.150 0.515
Ethylene 0.50 0.700 0.350 0.575 0.288 0.650 0.325
Ethane 0.40 0.445 0.178 0.380 0.152 0.420 0.168

SUM = 1.088 SUM = 0.900 SUM = 1.008

(close enough)

Thus, BUBL P = 215 psia

(b) DEW P, given y1 = 0.50, y2 = 0.25, and T = -60 °F

P = 190 psia P = 200 psia

Component yi
Ki xi=yi/Ki Ki xi=yi/Ki
Methane 0.50 5.900 0.085 5.600 0.089
Ethylene 0.25 0.730 0.342 0.700 0.357
Ethane 0.25 0.460 0.543 0.445 0.562
SUM = 1.008
SUM = 0.971
(close enough)

Thus, DEW P = 210 psia

(c) BUBL T, given x1 = 0.12, x2 = 0.40, and P = 250 psia

T = -50 F T = -60 F T = -57 F

Component xi
Ki yi=Kixi Ki yi=Kixi Ki yi=Kixi
Methane 0.12 4.900 0.588 4.600 0.552 4.700 0.564
Ethylene 0.40 0.680 0.272 0.570 0.228 0.615 0.246
Ethane 0.48 0.450 0.216 0.380 0.182 0.405 0.194

SUM = 1.076 SUM = 0.962 SUM = 1.004

(close enough)

Thus, BUBL T = -57 F

(d) DEW T, given y1 = 0.43, y2 = 0.36, and P = 250 psia

T = -40 F T = -50 F T = -45 F
Component yi
Ki xi= yi /Ki Ki xi= yi /Ki Ki xi= yi /Ki
Methane 0.43 5.200 0.083 4.900 0.088 5.050 0.085
Ethylene 0.36 0.800 0.450 0.680 0.529 0.740 0.486
Ethane 0.21 0.520 0.404 0.450 0.467 0.485 0.433

SUM = 0.937 SUM = 1.084 SUM = 1.005

(close enough)
Thus, DEW T = -45 F

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