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GENERAL QUESTION : How is suggestopedia method used in practicing speak in

English ?
1. what should be prepared when the teacher wants to use suggestopedia method to
teach their students speaking in English ?
2. whats are the steps used in implementing suggestopedia method for practice
speaking in English ?
3. what practices are done in achieving target of speaking using suggestopedia ?

NAME : Muhammad Ma’ruf Ramadhan Hasanuddin


CLASS E 2017-2018

Suggestopedia is a method of learning by Gorge Lazanov in the year of 1979 it

is described in Lazanov itself in his book entitled Suggestopedy and Suggestology,
(Blair, 1982: 146-159) this teaching method is used to teach English by giving
motivation to students for learning that puts to how to learn with pictures and sounds
and involves the body for learning.

Teaching methods based on modern understanding of how the human brain

works and how we learn most effectively. A concept that presents a view that humans
can be directed to do something by giving it a suggestion. Suggestopedia comes from
a combination of two words of advice and educational science. Educational science is
the discussion of teaching strategies

This method also helps learners to remember lessons. with the existence of this
method students who learn English especially in speaking skills can improve students'
self-confidence and through suggestions. To run this method the use of media as a
learning tool is needed, by using this media students are expected to learn faster and
stimulate the motor better, because in this method on learning satt much use of music
and image or audio and visual media. Lozanov uses music as an integral part of his
overall learning program.

Originally referred to as "active and passive concert", suggestopedia is

considered the beginning of fast learning by most practitioners and many continue to
practice the techniques of Lozanov. From some opinions above, it can be concluded
that Suggestopedia method is an effective learning method that uses suggestion, music
and positive words to create an atmosphere that is exciting, relaxed and in it can give a
positive impression for achieving target in speaking.
In applying suggestopedia method teacher should be creative for preparing this
method, Generally, students would not be able to believe that they could be successful
in learning language especially in speaking. This lack of motivation has made students
do not have confidence to speak in the target language because they do not want to
make mistakes. Moreover, they find difficulties to recall the previous lesson, such us
memorizing the new vocabularies. This situation encourages teacher to be creative and
to use an effective method on teaching.

In Suggestopedia method, the classroom is not same as common classrooms,

the classroom is arranged in such a way to make the students pay more attention and
get more relaxed. One of the most uniqueness of this method is the use of relaxation
music during the learning process, it will created the kind of relaxed states of mind for
maximum retention of material. The increasing of learning potential is put down to
the increase of alpha brain and decreasing of blood preasure and heart rate. The use
of music also depends on the expected skill of the students.

The students learn English not only from direct instruction but also from
indirect instruction. It is encouraged through the presence in the learning
environment of posters and decoration featuring the target language and various
grammatical information. They are changed everyday. By doing this, the students can
learn many things undirectly in the classroom or outside classroom. For example,
students can produce simple sentence by using the posters or grammatical
information on the wall, and it will help them to speak up in front of the classroom.

In the teaching learning process, students who make mistakes are tolerated,
for example in pronouncing the word. The emphasis is on the content not the
structure. Grammar and vocabularies are presented and given treatment from the

Re-briefing given to students prior to school to make improvements in the form

of individual development processes outside the school this is required as a substitute
for homework and reduce the burden of students who will be faced after school.After
preparing the things that must be prepared to implement the method suggestopedia.
There are some steps to implement the suggestopedia method in terms of practice
speaking in English. Prensentation The intended presentation is how the teacher gives
a little direction or explanation of the material to be input, The main aim in this stage
is to help students relaxed and move into a positive frame of mind, with the feeling
that the learning is going to be easy and funny. Desuggestion and suggestion happen
at this stage at the same time. In this way speaking the learning that will be carried out
will be easier.

First Concert Fisrt Concert This is the material to be learned. The original form of
Suggestopedia hosted by Lozanov consisted of the use of an expanded dialogue, several
pages long, accompanied by a list of vocabulary and observations at grammatical
points. This hot dialog will be read aloud to the students with music accompaniment.

Second Concert Second Concert The students are now guided to relax and listen to
some Baroque music. The best choice of music according to Lozanov, with the text
being studied very quietly in the background. During both types of reading, the learners
will sit in comfortable seats, armchairs rather than classroom chairs, in a comfortable
environment. After the readings of these long dialogues for the accompaniment of
music, the teacher will then make use of the dialogues for more conventional language
work. The music brings the students into the optimum mental state for the effortless
acquisition of the material. The students, then, make and practice dialogue after they
memorize the content of the materials.
Practice Practice After doing these three steps, it is time students practice the
learning outcomes that have been conveyed by teachers through dialogue and music,
the practice is to include role play, puzzles and other activities are implemented to
review and consolidiate learning that occurred in the classroom.

The steps that have been done will support the process of learning in the classroom
learning, but of course this should be in connected with the practices that will be done
students, there are various practices that can be done by students, as has been mentioned
from the previous paragraph.
Role play is one of the most extensive oral spoken language production
activities. In role-playing there are activities that can invite students to interact with
each other. Activities in speaking skills by Richards and Renandya (2002: 209-210),
are divided into four categories: 1) aural: oral activities, 2) visual: oral activities, 3)
material-aided: oral activities, and 4) culture awareness: oral activities. Role-playing
activities are conducted in the classroom with the role of teachers and students. role-
playing can be useful for spurring oral fluency and practicing learner skills in special
skills, especially in English for Specific Purposes especially with the use of
suggestopedia methods that will help improve the learning process of speaking.
Simulations are very similar to role-plays but what makes simulations different
than role plays is that they are more elaborate. In simulations, students can bring items
to the class to create a realistic environment. For instance, if a student is acting as a
singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on. Role plays and simulations have
many advantages. First, since they are entertaining, they motivate the students. Second,
as Harmer (1984) suggests, they increase the self-confidence of hesitant students,
because in role play and simulation activities, they will have a different role and do not
have to speak for themselves, which means they do not have to take the same
language games is one of the most fun practice because games can be a very
useful teaching technique for the effective and joyful learning. Games are also believed
to be able to give the positive effect on the students’ interest and motivation in studying
English as well as to increase their speaking ability also games can help the teacher to
build understanding to students that show how the language is useful and meaningful.
The learners must know what to do and they speak or write in order to express their
own point of view or give information to others. It can be said that language games not
only function as time filling activities but also they can bring some educational benefits
that enable the children to learn the target language.
Story telling Students can briefly summarize a tale or story they heard from
somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates.
Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps students express ideas in the format
of beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting a story has
to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance, at the very beginning of
each class session, the teacher may call a few students to tell short riddles or jokes as
an opening. In this way, not only will the teacher address students’ speaking ability,
but also get the attention of the class.
Another way In a speaking activity is to give students just one picture and
having them describe what it is in the picture. For this activity students can form groups
and each group is given a different picture. Students discuss the picture with their
groups, then a spokesperson for each group describes the picture to the whole class.
This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners as well as their public
speaking skills. Remember, the more diverse and creative your speaking activities
become, the easier it will be to train your students to improve their speaking skills and
speaking exercises will become much more automatic.
The ability to communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently
contributes to the success of the learner in school and success later in every phase of
life. Therefore, it is essential that language teachers pay great attention to teaching
speaking. Rather than leading students to pure memorization, providing a rich
environment where meaningful communication takes place is desired. With this aim,
various speaking activities such as those listed above can contribute a great deal to
students in developing basic interactive skills necessary for life. These activities make
students more active in the learning process and at the same time make their learning
more meaningful and fun for them.
Teaching speaking for young learners using suggestopedia is very interesting
but challenging to do. It can be seen from some considerations. In one side it has some
benefits, but on the other side it also has some weaknesses. In addition, the key factors
of effective teaching are not the approaches and methods in language teaching
themselves but the teacher’s deliberate selection of different approaches and methods
and the devoted practice of putting theories into real teaching activities in a
corresponding social-cultural context. It is a fact that no approach or method is perfect.
However, there is no end for us to seek the perfection of the approaches and methods
in language teaching. The language teaching method known as Suggestopedia provides
some valuable insights into the power of cognition and creates techniques that make
students feel comfortable, relaxed and suggestible to the material being learned.
(Bowen, Teaching approaches: what is suggestopedia?, 2011)
(Admin, 2014)
(Ms) (kayi, 2006)
(DIXIE, 2011)

Admin. (2014, November 26). Suggestopedia as an interesting method of teaching English.

Retrieved from

Bowen, T. (n.d.).


Bowen, T. (2011). Teaching approaches: what is suggestopedia? Retrieved from One Stop

Bowen, T. (2015). Teaching approaches: what is suggestopedia? Retrieved from One Stop

DIXIE, D. (2011, 12 19). CONTEXTUAL LEARNING. Retrieved from DUNIADIXIE:

kayi, H. (2006, November 11). Internet TESL Journal. Retrieved from iteslj:

Ms, N. (n.d.). Technic and Method teaching english. Teaching english speaking using
suggestopedia method, 2.

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