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Lesson Plan


SUBJECT AREA/CYCLE LEVEL:English for Secondary 3


-Students will understand through literary
analysis the experience of a soldier (Wilfred
Owen) in World War I

-Students will create a Powerpoint
presentation on a selected Wilfred Owen
-Students will understand the trauma that
Owen experienced and the literary
techniques he used to convey it
-Students will be able to identify the
misconceptions that exist in our society of
fighting in a war
-Students will work together in groups to
analyse poetry
This lesson will require the use of Google documents,
PowerPoint, and Audacity. In addition, teacher must have
access to a projector to play a youtube video and so the
students can present to the class. Student should have
their own laptops for class and internet access is required.


ELA Competency 1: "to read and listen to literary,

popular, and information-based texts"
-Students will read Owen's poetry, well-known works
conveying information about World War I

ELA Competency 3: "to represent her/his literacy in

different media"
-Students will use various media, including Google
documents, PowerPoint, and Audacity, to convey their
thoughts on the literature

ELA Competency 4: "to use language to communicate

and learn"
-Students will communicate in the creation of a
presentation with their groups, as well as in the
presentation of their ideas to the rest of the class

Gouvernement du Quebec. (2019). Quebec education program: Chapter 5. Retrieved from
Before the lesson, it will be ensured that students have a
grasp of literary techniques that authors might employ
in their work by presenting them to the students and
having them write examples individually of each literary
technique (e.g. metaphors, repetition, sibilance, etc) to
assess their understanding.

At Secondary 3 level, students will have had experience

with Google documents and Powerpoint, but even so,
the teacher will be scaffolding them with the tools. For
Audacity, we will have a demonstration of the software
in the previous lesson and students will be provided with
material to review at home in preparation (i.e. tutorials
for Audacity, for example:

The class will begin with the teacher showing a short
video about Wilfred Owen’s life.

The teacher will explain the goal of the lesson, that is to

understand the war from the point of view from
someone who fought in it and to dispel any myths
surrounding the ‘glory’ of war.

A google document will be shared with the class, in which

everyone will be instructed to add their preconceptions
of what it must have been like to fight in the first world
After this, Wilfred Owen poems will be assigned to groups
of 4 students. Their task will be to create a Powerpoint
presentation, which must include a reading of their poem
(Audacity) and analysis of the literary techniques used in
the poem.

Each group will present to the class and receive feedback

from peers and teacher.

To finish, students will reflect and revise their thoughts on

the war in the google document.

Informal assessment: the teacher will informally assess the
students' knowledge after the class by reading the changes
made on the google documents

Formal assessment: the teacher will formally assess the

presentations given by each group, looking at their
understanding of the text, the identification of literary
techniques, the quality of their presentation, and the
fluency of their reading

Thank you!

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