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Lesson Plan Template

School Counselor:​ Kim Malcolm ​ Date​: November 5-6, 2019

Activity​: ACT English and Reading section prep
Grade(s):​ 11​th

School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:

To increase potential first generation college students ACT scores 4 points from 16 to 20

ASCA Student Standards or ​ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors​ standards addressed:

A.A2.1​ Apply time-management and task-management skills. 
A:B1.2​ Learn and apply critical-thinking skills 
A:A2.4​ Apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school performance. 
A:B1.1 D​ emonstrate the motivation to achieve individual potential.

Learning Objective(s): (If using the ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors, objectives
should align with competencies that can be found ​here​.)

1. Students will be able to identify the differences between the English test and the
Reading test
2. Students will understand the types of questions on both the English and Reading test
3. Students will practice sample questions for both the Reading and English test

Power Point- Includes sample test questions for Reading and English ACT sections
Handouts of 10 sample questions of Reading test
Handouts of 10 sample questions of English test

Day 1
1. Students will go around the group and discuss the progress that 
they have made studying for the ACT 
2. Students will play a Kahoot game that involves differences 
between the ELA and Reading test sections. Kahoot will also 
involve sample questions that the students will need to identify as 
Reading or English questions. 
3. Counselor will go over the types of questions seen on the English 
and Reading tests and how they are different 
4. Students will be given 10 sample questions for the English test 
and work with a partner to complete them.  
5. Counselor will have each partner group explain 2 answers each. If 
their answer is correct, they will explain how they got it. If their 
answer is wrong, another group or the counselor will work out 
how they got the correct answer.  
Day 2 
6. Students will be given 10 sample questions for the Reading tests 
and work alone to complete them.  
7. Once students are done with test, counselor will read passage out 
loud and do a think aloud with process of elimination to answer 
the questions 
8. Students will count up all of their correct answers and counselor 
will give a rough estimate of what their score would be on the 
9. Counselor will address any remaining questions and concerns  

Plan for Evaluation:​ How will each of the following be collected?   

Process Data​:  
9 eleventh grade students who are potential first generation college students   

Perception Data:
Needs Assessment Pre-Test: Students will circle from a list of topics related to the 
ACT that they would like to be discussed. 
ACT Pre-Test: Students will take a practice ACT test. 
ACT Post-Test: Students will complete another practice ACT test at the end of the 
small group meetings for the semester. 
Post-Group Feedback: Students will give feedback using an anonymous survey on 
the effectiveness of the group.  

Outcome Data:
Students ACT scores will be collected and compared to both ACT pre- and post-tests. 
The PSAT scores can also be compared to see general improvement in the comparable 

Follow Up:
This is part 4 of 5 sessions. The final follow up will be once the student receives their 
official ACT score. Counselors will pull them in to discuss score and if they meet the 
requirements for the college they want to attend. Counselor and student will come up 
with a plan of action for next year if student does not meet their goal.   

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