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The best marketing strategies for resorts are multi-faceted.

If you only use

one or two digital marketing options, you are missing out on potential
customers. A coordinated strategy connects you with new customers and
helps you stay engaged with past customers to draw them back.

The resort industry continues to gain increased competition as more

travelers look towards getting away to relaxing beach vacation. As a resort
looking to attract vacationers, you must consider many factors that will help
generate more traffic to your website and, in turn, convert that traffic into
visitors to your destination resort in the sun.
Each marketing option will have pros and cons and give you different results,
some giving you more traffic than others. Some strategies will give you
higher conversion rates and you must look at both short term and long term
digital marketing strategies that will help you get more visitors to your
Many resorts spend thousands of dollars per month in pay per click (PPC) ads
through Google Adwords and other search engines. PPC should be considered
a short term strategy to get your message out as only 2% of the people
searching online for a beach resort will click a Google Adwords
In this report we are going to focus on longer term strategies that will
increase website rankings in Google and put your beach resort in front of
more people. If you are asking the question, “How do I get my resort to rank
on page 1 of Google?”, we are going to show how important search engine
optimization and social signals are to rank a beach resort.
Keyword: Belize Resorts, 9900 Searches per month
We chose to do a report on 24 resorts in Belize because this destination has
not only incredibly beautiful Caribbean beaches, but it is also a thriving
vacation spot searched by thousands of people every month. Click this link
for more information on Belize vacations.
Our competition analysis used 2 different factors to rank the resorts. We
know that Google uses over 200 different ranking factors in their algorithm,
but stick with us and we’ll explain.
1. Backlinks

Backlinks are links that come to your website from another website. Google
looks at backlinks to your website as a sign of trust and authority for the
niche you are in. Not all backlinks are weighted the same, and this plays a
factor on the rankings. A website could have thousands of backlinks that
come from non-relevant and spammy sites and it will not rank as high as a
website that has a few hundred quality backlinks.
2. Social Signals
Social media is a very important factor in resort marketing.

When searching for beach vacations, your potential guests will need to know
that other people have been to your resort and they will want to know the
reviews of those past vacationers. People will also want to see a visual story
of your hotel, the beach, past guests, and the people that work at the beach
Keeping in touch with your followers and past guests gives the impression to
the world that you care for your guests and care enough to take time to keep
everyone updated. You are reaching people who have dreams and being
active in social media will make you remembered when it is time for people
to book their dream vacation. We used Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to
measure the social signal totals in this report.
Beach Resort Marketing have a

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