Chapter 1 School Management Profile

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Chapter 1 School Management Profile:-

 Introduction

Chapter 2 Environment:-
 Hardware Requirement
 Software Requirement

Chapter 3 Working of Project:-

 Purpose of Project
 Uses Of Software
 Administration

Chapter 4 Requirement Specification:-

 Introduction
 Problem Definition
 Project Planning

Chapter 5 System Design:-

 Introduction
 Project Design
1. Data Flow Diagram
2. Work Flow Diagram
3. ER Diagram

Chapter 6 The Output Screens:-

 Welcome login and administrator login Window
 School home Window
 New student Record Entry Window
 New teacher form Window
 Mark sheet entry Window
 Fees entry Window
 Mark sheet report Window
 Student list Window
 Teacher list Window
 Fees received list
Chapter 7 conclusion:-

Chapter 8 appendix:-
 How to run
 Bibliogra
Chapter 1 School Management Profile:-

This software has been designed to overcome all bottlenecks in the existing system by
automatically recording and maintaining the record of student‟s Detail other that maintain in

System Requirement Specification of the project

This project is aimed at developing an SCHOOL Management System. This is an

application that can be accessed by the administrator. This system can be used to search for
student Info., his records, find out is having a particular student detail, put in requests to buy a
Rooms etc. this is one integrated system that contain both the user component and the librarian
component. There are feature like SCHOOL info notification report generators etc in this system.

Functional components of the project

Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionality that you find
appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places where the description of functionality is not
adequate, you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed.

1. A person should be able to

 Login to the system through the first page of the application

 Change the password after logging into the system

 See the status of the Application/Bill, Faculty, Students Information/Report by

him and the respective due dates and other relevant details.
Chapter 2 Environment:-



System Requirement

Hardware Requirement:-

INPUT DEVICE 101 Standard Keyboard

Software Requirement:-



In the arena of Information Technology (I.T.) where the information and maintenance is
of significance, the worlds is at the threshold of minimizing manual labor and automate the
hectic procedures to the best possible extent and utilize the information in a way that can really
provide a thrust to the business development.

It is every difficult that every information is written by hand and then submitting it, the
procedure is difficult and time taking and here is important that we can‟t save old information or
record, but this s/w provide us to all the above work in few minutes. And here we also find out
the old information and use it.

Computer failures occur for a variety of reasons, sometimes because of human error and
sometimes because of factors in the environment that cause a computer to malfunction (or a
combination of human and environmental factors). These factors can include
Computer software is a driving force in today‟s business world. It manages
business information to enhance competitiveness , it provide a gateway to worldwide
information network and also provides the means of acquiring information in all of its forms.

As project name implies “SCHOOL MANAGEMENT”, it would be based on better

services. If we put our eyes on today‟s market Or any educational working, being
computerized that is leading to better services and fast , conventional services .

This software has been designed to overcome all bottlenecks in the existing system by
automatically recording and maintaining the record of customer other that maintain in Bank.

SCHOOL Management System has following objective:-

 It maintains all the record of Customer.
 Automatic entry transaction.
 It is familiar and easy to use.
Student‟s Information can be search and maintain

Data entry operator fills the required data and gives the record when needed.

The data operator can do following type of work:-


ADDS NEW RECORD This is the option through which data

Entry operator can insert new record

DELETE ENTRY This is the option through which

Operator can delete existing entry.

SEARCH ENTRY This is the option through which

Operator can search particular
existing entry.

VIEW RECORD This is the option through which

Operation can View particular existing

Here the planning for developing our SCHOOL Management System is displayed. The
plan covers the entire life cycle of project.

In our project we are using democratic team structure which is also known as egoless
team structure.
Democratic team structure: - It has the following features –

The team leader position does not rotate among the team members because a team
functions best when one individual is responsible for coordinating team activities and for making
final decisions in situations where collective decisions can not work.
Here all the decisions are made by collective effort of the members.
All the activities carried out during project are collectively discussed and handled .
The diagrammatic representation of our project team structure is as follows:


Faculty of Application from


Teacher List

Information of Student Report


Return Home of

components is an abstract class that encapsulation all of the attributes of a visual

component all user interface elements that are displayed on the screen and that Interact with the
user are subclass of COMPONENT It defines over a Hundred public method that a responsible
for managing events such as mouse and keyboard input sizing the window.

Chapter 5 Requirement Specification:-

 Introduction
 Problem Definition
 Project Planning
Requirement Specification:-

All Organizations are made up of people. How good or ineffectual these may be depends
largely on the quality and motivation of the manpower employed there. After all, as it has been
said, the power of the waterfall is nothing but a lot of drips working together.
Progressive Department all over the country is looking for better method of administering
the different requirements of their work force. Even the functions for creating and updating
the item master records, e. Can assume complex proportions when it has to take into Billing
System, Receipt and individual needs with all their varying options. hats is why Sale and
Purchasing of item been designed to offer a versatile and user-friendly answer to every
conceivable situation in this area with flexibility of operations.

Problem Definition

A project or a software due to a any specific reason that you want to nothing any information
about this hence the the given is a software designing problem.


1. To produce bill of purchasing items.
2. To keep record of items.
3. To keep record of availability of an item.
4. To keep record of customer‟s personal information for better services in later.
5. To remember customer‟s record.
6. The existing system is very slow.
7. This system isn‟t providing the feature of getting proper information.
8. Existing system do not maintain PCs properly.
9. The existing system isn‟t providing the report on problem description.
10. System doesn‟t provide to update existing information.
The system should be flexible enough and made in a manner that it can be
customized at any moment of time.

 It provides the feature of inserting the information in the s/w and get proper information
according to submitting.

 Those PCs can be maintained properly through this s/w.

 It provides report on information about existing system and about submitting problems.

 It is also provide the features of updating information of existing system.

Chapter 6 System Design:-

1. Introduction
2. Project Design
1. Data Flow Diagram
2. Work Flow Diagram

System Design:-

System design is most important factor of software design because it‟s a previous
amenability of the project planning hence it is the good essentials of a system design definition
and the largest movement of the project cyclic bond.

Project Design:-

Project design is first base of the project strategy it define the many types of model to
describe the flow of the project planning and we find the actual aim of the project system.

Hence here the many types of Project Design Definitions.

2.1. Data flow diagram:-

A data flow diagram is a graphical tool used to describe and analysis the movement of
data through a system-manual or automated including the process, stores of data and the delay in
the system. They are central tools and the basis from which other components are developed. It
depicts the transformation of data from input to output through and the interactive between the

Transformation data from input to output through process describes logically and
independently of physical components ids called DFD. The physical DFD and workstation DFD
are excellent mechanism for communicating with the customer during requirements analysis and
are widely use for representing of external and top-level internal design specification.

Widely used for representing of external and top-level internal design specification.

A DFD is also known as bubble chart has the purpose of clarifying system requirements
and identifying major transformation that will become joined by the lines. The bubble represents
data transformation and line represents data flow in the system.
2.2. Work Flow Diagrams:-

The workflow represents the transferring of data, documents and tasks during the work.
Often it is not easy to trace the path of a concrete task or a document. To make easier the study
and analysis or working processes and for presenting them in a simple visual manner workflow
diagrams are used. With the help of such diagram it is possible to see the path of the task in a
workflow, the person who is responsible for its execution on each stage, which documents the
task is accompanied by and which resources it needs. Workflow diagram is a sort of flowcharts.
Such diagrams consist of three types of designing elements, which are as follows:
 Workflow start and finish
 Study, analysis or process
 Decision making

The idea of work flow diagram is shown is below


Initial Window

Data Base

Main Window



It is said that the human has tremendous mind to think and to make decision , but somewhere
in calculation , their accuracy could not be consistent , and there are few task or job in the world
that can not be performed manually and easily, therefore man has developed software to solve
this problem . In this order, this project is being developed for those operator or user who faces
little bit problem in making the task easy . Software will makes it conventional and friendly and
fast. We can conclude that software is becoming an integral part of the human life and in their
profession and provide an opportunity to them for giving better services.

Chapter 12 Appendix:-

 How to Run
 Bibliography

How to Run

A person should be able to

 login to the system through the first page of the application

 change the password after logging into the system

 see the status of the books/journals borrowed/reserved by him and the respective
due dates and other relevant details

 search for a particular book/journal based on the name of the book/name of the
author/subject/etc and also list for books/journals based on the name of the
autor/subject etc

 see who has borrowed a particular book/journal and when is the due date for the

 place requests for purchasing new books to the library, by giving details about the
name of the book, name of the author, publisher etc.

 get help about the LiMS on how to use the different features of the system

The librarian should be able to

 include new books/journals or remove some books from the inventory

 add new users to the system

 Reserve a particular book/journal borrowed by others currently.

 cancel the reservation made earlier for a particular book/journal

 see the purchase requests for new books and be able to approve/reject the same

Steps to start-off the project

The following steps will be helpful to start off the project.

1. Study and be comfortable with technologies such as Visual basic 6 MS Access. Some
links to these technologies are given in the „Guidelines and References‟ section of this

2. Make a database of books/journals.

3. Make a list of students/faculty who would be using the system

4. Create the front-page of the system giving a brief description about the system and a
login box

5. Create the help-pages of the system in the form of Q&A. This will help you also when
implementing the system

6. Create other sub-systems like automatic notification, screens for various functions (like
reservation, cancellation of reservation, purchase request for new books, approval page
for the librarian etc)

When a business in small and simple you can keep track of the entire
information which simple lists on paper. However, as the business volume grows,
so dose the volume data, and then you need a more efficient way of store in
processing and retrieving data. Now is the time to start using Access.
First you plan and create you database structure - identifying which all fields
are required , which field will contain what type of data (numbers, alphanumeric ,
data etc.) and what will be the maximum width of each field. Once you have
decide this structure you can then create a table either in the design mode (where
you have out specify each and everything yourself ) or you can use the table wizard
and use, if possible any of the predefined table, which suitable modifications.
If you want to maintain a lot information about any topic and be able to
access it at a snap of your finger, Microsoft Access 2000 database management
system is the product of use. Microsoft Access is a relational database management
system through which you can have multiple tables, all lined to each other through
a common field, each table containing a specific type of information Access also
gives you the option of working with on access table by itself of with different
kinds of databases, fields and records.
Microsoft Access takes full advantage of the graphical power in windows,
which gives access to data and simple ways to view and work with the information.

 It is powerful for query capabilities that are helpful to find the information
regardless of format or location. you can use on query to work data stored in
different database and can change query t any time.

 MS Access is used for data publishing: WYSIWYG (What You See Is What
You Get), Which helps to produce effective forms and reports to make your exact
specifications. You can plot data combine forms and reports into one document.

The “visual” part refers to the method used to create the graphical user
interface (GUI). Rather then writing numerous lines of code to describe the
appearance and location of interface elements, you simply add pre built objects
into place on screen. If you‟ve ever used a drawing program such as Paint, you
already have most of the skills necessary to create an effective user interface.

The “Basic” part refers to the BASIC (Beginners All -Purpose symbolic
Instruction Code) language, a language use by more programmers than any other
language in the history of computing . Visual Basic has evolved from the original
BASIC language and now contains several hundred statements. Functions, and
keywords, many of which relate directly to the windows GUI.

Visual Basic version 6 is on the newest addition to the family of Visual

Basic products. It allows you to develop Windows application quickly and easily
for your PC without being and expert in c+ + or other programming languages.

Visual Basic provides a graphical environment in which you visually design

the forms and controls that become the building block of your application. Visual
Basic supports many useful tools that will help you be more productive. These
include, but are not limited of , projects, forms, class object, templates custom
controls, add-ins, and database managers. You can use these tools together to
create complete application using another language can take much longer. Visual
Basic has the tools you need .

Data access features allow you create databases. front-end application, and
scalable server-side components for most popular database formats.

ActiveX technologies allow you to use the functionality provided by other

application , such as Microsoft Word. Microsoft Excel, and other windows
Internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents and
application across the internet or internet from within your application. or to create
internet server application.

Your finished application is a true. exe file that uses a Visual Basic Virtual
Machine that your can freely distribute.

There are three different editions of Visual Basic :

1. The Learning Edition, which is the most basic edition this edition allows
you to write many different types of programs, but lacks a number of
tools that the editions have .

2. The professional Edition, designed for professionals, This edition contains

all that the Learning Edition contains and more, such as the
capability to write ActiveX controls and documents.

3. The Enterprise Edition, which is most complete Visual Basic edition.

This edition is targeted towards professional programmers who may work in
a ream and includes additional tools such as Visual SourceSafe, a
version -control system that co ordinate seam programming.
Future Aspects

“ Change is the rule of the world. ”

Keeping this proverb in mind, this project has been developed.

This project can easily be updated in future, with the changing needs of the user.

We can enhance our project, in future, by adding new features to it or modifying the
existing one.

We can increase the scope of this software, with the increasing working area of
the Hotel, by including the overall management facility

Reference are always need for any system and system development through the
system development lifecycle, i refer the following Books and manual for related sources.

1. System Analysis & Design By Elias M.Award

2. Data Base System By C. J. Date
3. Programming with Java By E Balagurusamy
4. Java Certification By Khalid A. Mughal
5. Complete Reference By Herbert Schildt

Option Explicit
Public LoginSucceeded As Boolea
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
'set the global var to false
'to denote a failed login
LoginSucceeded = False
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
'check for correct password
If txtPassword = "school" Or txtPassword =
'place code to here to pass the
'success to the calling sub
'setting a global var is the easiest
LoginSucceeded = True
Unload Me
MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login"
SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub MDIForm_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
If MsgBox("Exit", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Exit") =
vbYes Then
Cancel = 0
Cancel = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuadmission_Click()
Dim fs As New frmAdmission_Form
End Sub
Private Sub mnuclass_Click()
Dim fs As New frmClass_ID
End Sub
Private Sub mnuexit_Click()
If MsgBox("Exit", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Exit") =
vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub closedb()
On Error Resume Next
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub mnufee_Click()
Dim fs As New frmFee_detail
End Sub
Private Sub mnuhelp_Click()
CommonDialog1.HelpCommand = &H3&
CommonDialog1.HelpFile = App.Path & "\help.hlp"
End Sub

Private Sub mnuid_Click()

If School_Management.rsCMDCLASS.State = 1
Then School_Management.rsCMDCLASS.Close
School_Management.rsCMDCLASS.Requery (0)
End Sub
Private Sub mnustud_Click()
If School_Management.rscmdstud.State = 1 Then
School_Management.rscmdstud.Requery (0)
End Sub
Private Sub mnutot_Click()
If School_Management.rscmdfee.State = 1 Then
School_Management.rscmdfee.Requery (0)
End Sub
Private Sub MDIForm_Activate()
End Sub
Option Explicit

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label3.Caption =
............................................." & PBar1.Value & "%"
PBar1.Value = PBar1.Value + 5
If PBar1.Value = 100 Then
Timer1.Enabled = False
Unload Me
Dim mm As New MDImain
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim flag As Boolean
Private Sub cmdclose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdexit_Click()
Framefind.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdfind_Click()
Framefind.Visible = True
sql = "select
Class_ID,Class_Name,Class_Fee,Group,Remarks from
rs.Open sql, db, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic,
MSGrid.Rows = 1
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
While Not rs.EOF = True
MSGrid.AddItem rs(0) & Chr(9) & rs(1) & Chr(9) &
rs(2) & Chr(9) & rs(3) & Chr(9) & rs(4)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdnew_Click()
Locktext Me, False
Dim i As Variant
flag = True
For Each i In Controls
If TypeOf i Is TextBox Then i.Text = ""
sql = "select max(class_id) from classFEE"
rs.Open sql, db, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic,
If IsNull(rs(0)) Then
txtcid.Text = 1
txtcid.Text = rs(0) + 1
End If
txtcname.Enabled = True
txtcfee.Enabled = True
cmbgoc.Enabled = True
txtremark.Enabled = True
cmdsave.Enabled = True
cmdfind.Enabled = False
cmdupdate.Enabled = False
cmdnew.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub cmdref_Click()
cmdnew.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
If Len(txtcid.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter class ID"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(txtcname.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter Class name"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(txtcfee.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter Fee"
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(cmbgoc.Text) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter Group of class"
Exit Sub
End If
txtremark.Text = IIf(Len(txtremark.Text) = 0, "--",
If flag = True Then
sql = "Insert into classFEE values(" & CInt(txtcid.Text) &
",'" & StrConv(Trim(txtcname.Text), vbProperCase) &
"'," & CDbl(txtcfee.Text) & ",'" &
StrConv(Trim(cmbgoc.Text), vbProperCase) & "','" &
StrConv(Trim(txtremark.Text), vbProperCase) & "')"
db.Execute sql
MsgBox "Record Saved."
sql = "Update classFEE set class_name='" &
StrConv(Trim(txtcname.Text), vbProperCase) &
"',class_fee=" & CDbl(txtcfee.Text) & ",[group]='" &
StrConv(Trim(cmbgoc.Text), vbProperCase) &
"',remarks='" & StrConv(Trim(txtremark.Text),
vbProperCase) & "'where Class_id=" & CInt(txtcid.Text)
db.Execute sql
MsgBox "Record Updated."
End If
cmdnew.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdupdate_Click()
flag = False
txtcid.Enabled = True
txtcname.Enabled = True
txtcfee.Enabled = True
cmbgoc.Enabled = True
txtremark.Enabled = True
cmdsave.Enabled = True
cmdfind.Enabled = False
cmdnew.Enabled = False
cmdupdate.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
centerform Me
Locktext Me, True
txtcid.Enabled = False
txtcname.Enabled = False
txtcfee.Enabled = False
Option Explicit
Private Sub DataReport_Initialize()
If School_Management.rsCMDCLASS.State = 1 Then
End Sub
Private Sub DataReport_Terminate()
If School_Management.rscmdstud.State = 1 Then
End Sub
Private Sub DataReport_Terminate()
If School_Management.rscmdfee.State = 1 Then
End Sub
Private Sub mnuhelp_Click()
CommonDialog1.HelpCommand = &H3&
CommonDialog1.HelpFile = App.Path & "\help.hlp"
End Sub
Private Sub mnuexit_Click()
If MsgBox("Exit", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Exit") =
vbYes Then
End If
End Sub

However, this SCHOOL MANAGEMENT project includes all the necessary details
and functions of hotel, there are some limitations in this, which can of course, be rooted out
in future.
Some of the limitations of this project are:
* Presently this software deals with only database but not GUI
* And presently this software only deals only Customer records.

1. VB 6 programming, black book

- Steven Holzoner

2. Mastering in VB

- BPB Publication

3. Programming in VB 6

- Garry Cornell

4. Data base Management system

- V. K. Kapoor

The present system will make things simple for user but as improvements are
always possible, this system can also be made more user friendly with help screens
and similar types of things.

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