Emma Parent TPGP Psiii

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Goals/Rationale for TPGP

By the end of my PSIII practicum, I would like to continue to work on both my classroom
management techniques as well as my lesson development. Throughout both my PSI and PSII
practicums, my understanding of the importance of having set routines and management
strategies has grown. But one of my teaching philosophies aligns with the ideal that teaching is
a life-long learning process. Therefore, I strive to always continue to develop a repertoire of
strategies that I can use with the students once I have gotten the chance to get to know them.
Along with this professional growth goal, another goal I strive to work on throughout PSIII is my
lesson development. This entails my confidence in teaching the subject matter as well as being
aware of my time management and my closures of lessons. Overall, I believe that these two
goals can be intertwined throughout my practicum and having the confidence in my lesson
development can help to promote positive classroom management strategies that will help my
students feel successful, both academically and personally.

1. Professional Growth Goal

Classroom management: to continue to develop a repertoire of classroom management

strategies to use in the classroom

Strategies to Achieve Goal Timeline

Observe my teacher mentor and visit other February-April 2019

teachers/classrooms at Samuel W. Shaw to
observe what strategies may work in different
settings/during different activities.

Research tools/ strategies that teachers in the January-April 2019

online community use to develop their classroom
management strategies.

Make lesson instructions clear and direct, have January- April 2019
opportunities for students to complete additional
work when finished, and have mechanisms put in
place to call students to attention to reduce having
to use classroom management techniques.

Indicator of Success

Students will know what is expected of them when completing an activity and routines will be put in
place when students finish work ahead of time.

Students will view me as a teacher in the classroom and a trusting, positive relationship will begin to
form between the students and myself. This will allow for students to feel comfortable in the classroom
if they feel anxious or confused about a concept and instead of resorting to a behaviour, will have the
understanding that they can come and talk to me if they choose to.

Having the opportunity to visit other classrooms during my practicum stay at Samuel W. Shaw will
hopefully grow my repertoire of techniques that other teachers use for classroom management. I will
strive to visit other classrooms whenever I have the opportunity and make a list of strategies that I will
use throughout my practicum.

2. Professional Growth Goal

Lesson development: To develop lessons that clearly state the objectives such that the
students comprehend their academic goal, while focusing strongly on the closure of my
lesson. Furthermore, this also includes developing my confidence in the lesson that I present
to the students.

Strategies to achieve goal Timeline

Display a topic question/ intro activity at the January-April 2019

beginning of the lesson to introduce the concept
so that students are clear on their learning goals
of the day. This will also apply to my goal of
classroom management in developing concrete
routines in the classroom.

Have clear and direct closing routines for the January- April 2019
lesson that are not rushed. Focusing on time
management in the classroom, this will ensure
that students are not feeling rushed before class
ends, rather they have the time to have a solid
understanding of today’s lesson (can be achieved
through a closing activity or exit slip). This will also
align with the idea of my time management within
my lessons.

Research and practice delivering concepts that I January- April 2019

may not be clear on so that I have the confidence
and the ability to answer questions that my
students may have. Have the ability to add
additional information to engage my students and
to offer a more rounded lesson overall.

Indicators of success

Routines will be put in place (such as intro questions/exit slips) so that this applies to both my
classroom management goal as well as my lesson development goal. Students will be able to
comprehend and identify their learning goal of the lesson. Students will also have a more succinct
closing of the lesson done through exit slips/ review so that they leave the classroom feeling confident
about what they learned or if they have questions/ any confusions they have the opportunity to share

Be able to answer questions that students may want to know that may not be directly related to the
concept but may offer a more rounded understanding of the topic of the lesson. This could be through
answering a student’s question about a current event related to chemistry or other factual information
that may be of interest to the students.

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