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Human Resource Management deals the management of people employed in a business

organization. Organizations are made up of people and function through people (employees). It
is the human resource which brings success and stability to a business enterprise. Human
Resource Management is a management function which helps managers to plan, recruit, select,
train, develop, remunerate and maintain members (employees) for an organization. In the final
analysis, well trained, efficient, motivate and co-operative man power brings success, stability
and prosperity to a business unit in the present highly competitive business environment.

Human Resource Management is essentially a people oriented process. It is a process of

acquiring, developing, motivating and maintaining man power for the development and growth
of an organization. Human Resource Management is a management function that helps manager
to recruit, select, train and develop employees for an organization. It is concerned with the
people’s dimension in organization.

One of the important subjects in Corporate Circles, is how to utilize the contribution of human
resources in achieving organizational goals. An effective and satisfied workforce is the most
significant factor in organizational effectiveness and marginal excellence for the fresher. But
development in business and service organization however indicate that management,
comparatively speaking, bestow more time and attention to policies and system relating to
production, technology, investment, inventory, marketing, etc. than to human resources.

Compulsion of modern business environment is however promoting corporate management to

systematically review their current attitudes, beliefs and policies toward human resources for
they contribute more significantly to the survival and growth of organization. Enlightened and
progressive managements have therefore come to believe that people are not problems but they
are opportunities.
Training and Development is a structured program with different methods designed by
professionals in particular job. It has become most common and continuous task in any
organization for updating skills and knowledge of employees in accordance with changing
environment. Optimization of cost with available resources has become pressing need for every
organization which will be possible only by way of improving efficiency and productivity of
employees possible only by way of providing proper employee training and development
conditioned to that it should be provided by professionals.

Training is a program that helps employees to learn and acquire specific knowledge or skills to
improve performance in their job roles. Development is more expansive and focuses on
employee growth and future performance, rather than an immediate job role.


Human Resource Management can be defined by various authors and some of the definitions are
as follows:

Human Resource Management as “planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the

procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of Human
Resource to the end that individual, organizational and societal objectives are accomplished”-

According to Dictionary of Human Resource Management and Personnel Management.

“Human Resource Management is that part of management’s process which is primarily

concerned with the human constituents of an organization. -E.F. Breach

According to National Institute of Personnel Management of India, “Human Resource

Management is that part of management concerned with people at work and with their
relationships within the organization. It seeks to bring together men and women who make up
an enterprise, enabling each to make his own contribution to its success both as an individual
and as a member of working group.
Training is a learning experience in that it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual
that will improve his/her ability to perform on the job

Training is defined by various authors and some of the definitions are as follows:

“Training as a process which enables the trainees to achieve the goals and objectives of their

-Chowdhury D.P

” Training is any attempt to improve employee performance on a currently held job or one related
to it.”

-H. JohnBernardin

A process of Organizational development includes regular system assessment, planning, work

on employee relationship, Trust development, the use of an external consultant to assist in
training and the overall monitoring of development.

“A collection of planned change interventions, built on humanistic values that seeks to improve
organizational effectiveness and employee wellbeing.”

Some of the authors defined various definitions for development are as follows:

Organizational Development is a response to change, a complex educational strategy intended

to change the beliefs, attitudes, values and structured of organizations so that they can better
adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges and the dizzying rate of change itself

-Warren Bennis

Organizational development is planned behavioral science based on interventions in work

settings for the purpose of improving organizational functioning and individual improvement

-Porras and Robertson


Training plays an important role in human resource department. It’s necessary, useful and
productive for all categories of workers and supervisory staff.

The importance of training and development in an enterprise are:

 OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES: Training and Development helps in

optimizing the utilization of human resources that further helps the employees to achieve
the organizational as well as their individual goal.

 DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS OF EMPLOYEES: Training and Development helps

increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand
the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

 PRODUCTIVITY: Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of

the employees that helps organization to achieve its long term goals.

 TEAM SPIRIT: Training and Development helps in increasing the sense of team work,
team spirit and inter team collaboration.

 QUALITY: Training and Development helps in improving upon quality of work and
work life.

1. Training is crucial for organizational development and success. An employee will

become more efficient and productive if he is trained well. Training and development are
very vital in any firm that aims at progressing.
2. Training simply refers to the process of acquiring the essentials skills required for certain
job. This process is important because of multiple reasons.
3. Addressing employee Weakness: Most employees have certain weakness I their
workplace, which stop them from utilizing their full potential. Training helps in
eliminating these weaknesses, by strengthening worker’s skill.
4. A structured training and development program helps employees gain similar skills and
knowledge, thus bringing them all to a higher uniform level. This is simply means that
the whole labourforce is reliable, so the firm doesn’t have to rely on specific employees.
5. Enhanced employee performance: A well trained individual becomes more informed
about procedure for various tasks. The employee becomes more confident by training
and development.
6. This confidence comes from the fact that he is fully aware of his roles and
responsibilities. It helps him in carrying out the duties in better way and even find new
ideas to incorporate in the daily execution of duty.
7. Consistent Performance: An efficient training and development program gives the
employees all the relevant knowledge and experience needed to excel at the job.
8. Consistency is very vital when it comes to firm’s procedures and policies. This mostly
includes administrative procedures and ethics during execution of duty.
9. Employee Satisfaction: Training and development ensures employee satisfaction and
they tend to be happy with the role they play in company or organization. This is driven
by the great ability they gain to execute their duties.
10. They feel they belong to the firm that they work for and the only way to reward it is
giving the best service they can.
11. Better Productivity: Through training and development the worker obtains all the
knowledge and skills needed in their day to day work.
12. They can perform at a faster rate and with efficiency thus increasing overall productivity
of the company. They also gain new tactics of overcoming challenges when they face
13. Improved quality of Services: People gain standard methods to use in their task. They
are also able to maintain uniformity in the output they give. This results with a firm that
gives satisfying services or good.
14. Cost Reduction. Training and development results with optimum utilization of
resources in a firm. There are no wastages of resources, which may cause extra expenses.
15. Accidents are also reduced during working. All the machines and resources are used
economically, reducing expenditure.
16. Less Supervision: When employees gain the necessary skills and knowledge, they will
become more confident. They will become self-reliant and require only little guidance as
they perform their tasks.
17. The supervisors can depend on the worker’s decision to give quality output. This relieves
supervisors the burden of constantly having to give directions on what should be done.


i. To provide the job related knowledge to the workers.

ii. To impart skills among the workers systematically so that they may learn quickly.
iii. To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards fellow workers, supervisors
and the organization.
iv. Employee should sufficient knowledge about company policy for best performance.
training and development help employees to obtain knowledge of company policy.
v. Gather information about customer relation is the major objective of training and
vi. Training and development give an employee everything which needed to be a good
professional. And when he becomes a good employee it ensures his personal growth.
vii. Aim of training and development is to make an employee loyal to his/her company.
viii. Another objective of training and development is to reduce labor turnover.
ix. Training develop a person’s skill to a professional level so, it is easy to say obviously
training and development process increase productivity.
x. Improving organizational climate is the greatest objective of training and development.


1.Teainig is a learning in which employees get 1. Development is an educational process
an opportunity to develop skill, competency, which is concerned with the overall growth of
and knowledge as per the job requirement. the employees.
2. IT is concerned with maintain and improving 2. It seeks to develop competence and skills for
current job performance. Thus, it has short term future performance. Thus, it has a long term
perspective. perspective.
3. IT is job centered in nature. 3. It is career centered in nature.
4. Role of Trainer is very important. 4. The executive has to be motivated internally
for self-development.
5. employee training programmes are mainly 5. Employee Development programs mainly
designed for non-managerial and technical designed for higher level executives and also
employees in the organization. for the employee who are dominant managerial
6. employee training id the mainly an initiative 6. Employee Development is an individual to
of the employer to train the newly joined learn new things related to his or others work.
7. Employee training programs mainly 7. Employee development programs
emphasis on fulfilling the specific need or concentrated on a generalized need.
8. Employee training is considered as reactive 8. Employee Development is considered as a
process. proactive process.
9. Training is the result of the external stimulus 9.Development is the result of internal stimulus
from the employer developed in the mind of the employee.

10. Employee training is one time process E.g.: 10. Employee Development is a continuous
after the aims of the training program is process in which na employee is constantly
achieved, it is wrapped after getting feedback upgrading the knowledge by various
from the employees. development program



1.Promote Flexibility and rapid response to 1. Determining core process is difficult and
changes in customer needs time consuming.
2. Directs the attention of everyone toward 2. Require changes in culture, job design ,
the production and delivery of value to the management philosophy, and reward systems.
3. Each employees has a broader view of 3. Traditional managers may balk when they
organizational goals have to give up power and authority
4. Promotes a focus on teamwork and 4. requires significant training of employees
collaboration to work effectively in a horizontal team
5.improves the quality of life for employees 5. Can limit in-depth skill development.
by offering them the opportunity to share
responsibility, make decisions, and be
accountable for outcomes.

Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) is the world’s leading global Information Technology
consulting firm and business outsourcing organization that envisaged and forged the espousal of
the flexible global business practices, which nowadays facilitate organizations to manpower
more professionally and construct more value.

The IT industry was not having it is now when TCS started in the year 1968. TCS was started as
the “Tata Computer Centre” a dissection of the Tata group whose chief business was to offer
computer services to other concerns. TCS marked a tremendous growth with marking its
presence in 34 countries across 6 continents, with an absolute range of services across diverse
industrial fields. TCS ranked in top ten in the fortunes rank list for the year 2009. The concern
shaped consolidated income of US $5.7 billion for economic year ended 31 March 2009 and is
listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange in India.

TCS expanded into China, Hungary, Brazil, and Mexico in order to incarcerate the opportunities
in financial services and services like Remote Infrastructure management and BPO in those
countries, TCS always offered a unique manner to its global customers by positioning its brand
in the worldwide market. The zenith of all these lead to the concern’s contributions of TM Global
Network Delivery Model(GNDM) across Europe, China, India, US and Latin America as well
as incorporated full overhaul offerings, all backed by the promise of certainty of experience for
customers. By 2007, the value enunciation of “Experience certainty” was officially initiated,
acknowledged and authenticated by global customers.

As the Indian financial system sustained to grow in the new century, the necessity for technology
to constrain comprehensive augmentation became part of national schema. TCS, which had been
spending additional, time in domestic IT from the time when its commencement was well located
to assist the National Government at the central and state level, in its inventive proposals. TCS,
by its own initiative shaped a digitized delivery system. In a manifestation of the company’s
ground-breaking spirit and with an aspiration to extend the benefits of the IT upraise across the
country. TCS aptitude to convey high-quality overhauls and resolutions are matchless. It is the
world’s first organization to accomplished an enterprise-wide Maturity Level 5 on both P-CMM
and CMMI, using the most meticulous assessment methodology – SCAMPISM. TCS Integrated
Quality Management System integrates process, populace and technology maturity through
various ascertained frameworks and traditions including ISO 9001:2000, IEEE and SW-CMM,
CMMI, 6-Sigma and P-CMM.

For maximum flexibility, speediness, and competence, a vigorous IT strategy is essential. TCS
contribution facilitates companies to construct the most of their IT investments from providing
system testing solutions, application development, management services, and integration


Type: Public BSE: 532540



TCS HOUSE, Rave line street, Fort, Mumbai-400001



Ratan Tata, (Chairman of Board, Tata Group)

S. Ramadorai, (CEO and managing director)

Jobhi Mahalingam, (Executives Director and CFO)

N Chandra, (Executive Director, COO, CEO& MD designate)

PhirozVandrewla, (Executive Director and Head, Global Corporate Affairs)

Ajoy Mukherjees, (Vice President and Head, Global Human Resources)

K Ananta Krishnan, (Vice President and chief Technology Officer)


Information Technology Consulting, IT

Service, Outsourcing, BPO, Software



"TCS’ vision is to decouple business growth and ecological footprint from its operations to
address the environment bottom-line. The green approach is embedded in our internal processes
and services offerings...... From green buildings to green IT to a green supply chain, our mantra
is to grow sustainably and help our customers achieve sustainable growth through our green
solutions and service offering

Our mission reflects the Tata Group's longstanding commitment to providing excellence:

1. To help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative, best-in-

class consulting, IT solutions and services.
2. To make it a joy for all stakeholders to work with us.


 Its home country is India.

 The key foreign subsidiaries include TCS Australia, TCS China, TCS Brazil, TCS
Mexico, TCS USA, TCS UK and TCS Thailand.
 Regional officers are at South Africa, Canada, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Singapore,
UAE, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina.
 Listed on NYSE, BSE and NSE.
 Revenue of $10.17 Billion expected by FY 2014-2015.
 Gross addition of 19000 employees.
 Employee Utilization rate (excluding trainees) is 80.6%.
 Employee Utilization Rate (including trainees) is 70.3%.

Organizational change:
 In the last 8 years, TCS has twice seen a rising in its top brass. S. Ramadorai has been
leading TCS since 2004. Due to his acumen, he put TCS on the growth path. During this
period, it has evolved from a $2 billion to a $6-billion-dollar company.
 Change in guard during October 2009 When N Chandrasekharan would be replaced as
CEO of the company. The current CEO would be elevated to the post of executive vice-
 This change of guard is likely going to result in TCS entering the Fortune 500 list by
2013-2014 with revenue of around $11 billion. This phase of TCS under a new leadership
will script a new chapter in the success story of Indian IT industry.

FINANACIAL POSE: TCS financially persists to demonstrates the steady stand in the top
position of Indian It firms. As the IT outsourcing markets record more rapid growth pace, TCS
expressed a steady growth rate in 2008-2009, whole consolidated revenue grew by 23% to 27%
which helped TCS to cross the$6 billion revenue milestone. TCS operating margins improved to
23.73% by 109 basis points.

TCS have also increased its dividend share to RS.14 in the last financial year. The TCS directors
have also recommended an issue of bonus shares in 1.1 ratio and it was the second bonus issue
since 2004. TCS completely focused in helping their customer’s relationship with them
simultaneously adding fresh customers and penetrating in novel market segments and emerging
verticals which made them to add 163 new customers internationally in the past year. TCS’s
foremost market North America crossed new high point of revenue above $3 billion and grew
26% in 2008-09 in spite of recession, while Europe’s branches faced a express growth of 38.5%
during the same year. IT is very significant for an organization to certify the differentiation of
its revenue stand and to uphold its augment impetus.

TCS always delivers that the 143000 TCS employees are the supreme assets of all which includes
50,000 global associates from 67 countries and TCS trained 93000 software professionals of
which, 22,000 college graduates in the past academic year which was tremendous growth. TCS
is incessantly investing to unlock new markets and service which made them to invest in
emerging markets like Asia-pacific, Middle East Africa, and Latin America. The firms gigantic
team of human resource is serving the TCS’s panorama not only in business but also its contact
on the community. TCS made an effective evolution in corporate sustainability.

TCS persists to be pioneer of growth for the reason of its established ability to reinvent the
business and organization. The concern is placed to exert in collaborative mode, significant
assessing all that TCS does. TCs upholds a strong position in the future IT global market.


“A basic structure distributes responsibilities among the members of a company. Its purpose is
to contribute to the successful implementation of objectives by allocating people and resources
to necessary tasks and designing responsibility and authority for their control and coordination”

The three level levels of organization are technical level, managerial level and the community
level. The organizations are differentiated based on the task, the employees work and the nature
of company and its HR policies and conditions. A hierarchy is handled in order to treat people
equally in companies; treating equal is just that they are literally equal, Inorder to extract best
froman employee, the person above him will treay them as one and the same to extract the
maximum and best work from them functional organization, matrix organization, and line
organization are three common types of organizational structure. The main intetntion of
organization is to distribute the tasks; the main aspect is to preserve the relationship between
employees of diffrernt stages in order to druve them towards the single task and to monitor the
progress of the assigned task. The TCS have a very well designed organization.
The organization can be classified into two main divisions they are



CENTRALIZATION: A simple and effective execution of policies for an entire organization

gives a reliable approach over the organization. Makes trouble free organization and
administration control. Better employ of specialization including better amenities abd

DECENTRALIZATION: facilitated verdct is to be nerarer to the operational level of work.

Amplified receptiveness to local conditions. It persuades inspiration and confidence of the staff.
Observance progress in compliment and more supple structures.

TCS offers servives in eight areas of service in eight areas of service.

Business process outsourcing, business intelligence and performance amangement, enterprise

solutions (CRP,ERP and SCM) IT consulting, application development and maintenance,
engineering and industrial services, IT infrastructure services, Testing and quality assurance.
TCS’s are divided in following divisions: Financial services, energy and utility, banking, life
sciences and health care, insurance, securities trading system, retail and consumer goods,
telecommunication, government and transportation.

TCS follow a standard organizational growth which helps them to organize the vast team under
single board of directors, they type they follow is matrix organization. The matrix organization
is a combination of functional departments which provide a stable base for specialized activities
and a permanent location for staff and uits that integrate various activites of different functional
department on a project team, product, programme, geographical or system basis.


Even though the organizational culture will look lilke a similar saying its really solid to describe
and elucidate as the work culture is derieved from anthropology. In simple it can be described as
the reflection of fundamental works about the way bby which the wrk is performed. The
corporate cultures can be categorized by two influential factors, the degree of threat coupled with
the organisations manners the oace at whuch organisations and their employees obtain comment
on the success of verdict or strategies. If the customs are adopted by the emp;loyees, it amplifies
the supremacy and rights of management in three ways. Categories themselves with their
organizational and consent to its decree when it’s the defined fascination to do. To integrate the
organisations worth when they are right. Enthused to accomplish the organisations objectives.
The type of organizational culture are power culture, task culture, person culture, role culture.

A well built organizational culture lies on eight strong pillars of “OCTAPACE” referring to
authenticity, confrontations, autonomy, openness trust, proactivre, collaboration and
explicitness. Organisation cultures can be categorized strong weak cultures. The organizational
culture of TCS is transcluent in stipulations of pay and its HR policies. Thereis towering levwl
of employees to achieve better to receive an excellent sum of their recital pay. There is an
incessant improvement and growth of workforce through different modus oprandi like the T-
model. It is proficeiently managed organization with client fulfillments as its top most

Workforce are given lofty sum of respects and everybody is addressed as an “ASSOCIATE: to
make them believe that their inputs really matters. But there are some minorities



TCS has the wide spread economical boundaries around 36 countries with seven physical centers
of operations around the world. TCS was founded by Tata group which was established by
Jamstji Tata in 1868 an oldest and respected group of companies in India. The First chairman
was Jahangir RatanjiDadabhoy followed by NaniPalkhivala. The first general manager was F.C.

TCS first assigned to offer punch card services to a sister corporation, Tata Steel (TISCO). It
later bagged the nation’s first domestic software project, the Inter-Branch Reconciliation System
(IBRS) for the Central Bank of India. It has also provided bureau services to Unit Trust of India;
as a result, TCS became one of the first companies to offer BPO services. In the early 1970s;
Tata Consultancy Services in full swing exporting its services. TCS’s inaugural global order
came from Burroughs, one of the first business computer manufacturers. TCS was assigned to
write code for the Burroughs machines for numerous US-based clients. This knowledge helped
TCS to bag its first onsite project – the Institutional Group & Information Company (IGIC), a
data hub for ten banks, which served to two million clients in the US, TCS was assigned to assert
and upgrade its computer systems. TCS holds the credit to set off the first software research and
development center, the Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC) in 1981and
in 1985 the first client committed offshore development center was established for Company.

Early 90’s was golden era for the Indian IT industry; they grew tremendously due to the Y2K
virus and the introduction of Euro. TCS lead the way for industrial unit replica for Y2K
conversion and built-up software tools which undertook the automatic conversion process and
facilitated third-party developers and customers to use. In 1999, TCS fortified the opportunities
in outsourcing the E-Commerce and the connected solutions and set up its E-Business division
with ten people. In 2004 it illustrated a vigorous development of contributing half a billion US
dollars to TCS’s total revenue. In the year 2004, TCS was ranked under public sector, though
much later than its competitors such as Infosys, Satyam and Wipro. TCS entered into a brand
new area of IT services (Bioinformatics). The next two years that followed TCS aced a huge
growth in progress both nationally and internationally.

OM 2005 August 2004, TCS has become a publicly Listed Company. In 2005, TCS became the
first Indian IT services company to enter the bioinformatics market. In 2006, it designed an ERP
system for the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation. By 2008, its e-business
activities were generating over US$500 million in annual revenues.

TCS entered the small and medium enterprises market for the first time in 2011, with cloud-
based offerings. On the last trading day of 2011, it overtook RIL to achieve the highest market
capitalization of any India-based company. In the 2011/12 fiscal year, TCS achieved annual
revenues of over US$10 billion for the first time.

In May 2013, TCS was awarded a six-year contract worth over 1100 crores to provide services
to the Indian Department of Posts. In 2013, the firm moved from the 13th position to 10th
position in the League of top 10 global IT services companies and in July 2014, it became the
first Indian company with over Rs 5 lakh crore market capitalization.

In Jan 2015, TCS ends RIL's 23-year run as most profitable fir

In Jan 2017, the company announced a partnership with Aurus, Inc., a payments technology
company, to deliver payment solutions for retailers using TCS Omni Store, a first of its kind
unified store commerce platform. In the same year, TCS China was associated as a joint venture
with the Chinese government.

TCS announced its FY19 Q3 results posting 24 percent year-on-year (YoY) rise in profit at Rs
8,105 crore The stock plunged 2.5 percent intra-day as brokerages cut price.


On the basis of purpose, several types of training programmes are offered to employees. The
important types of training programmes are as follows:


Induction is concerned with introducing a new employee to the organization and its procedures,
rules and regulations. When a new employee repots for work, he must be helped to get acquainted
with the work environment and fellow employees, get him introduced, get him introduced to the
organizational and help him to get a general idea about rules and regulation, working conditions,
etc. of the organization.

Job training relates to specific job which workers has to handle. It gives information about
machines, process of production, instruction to be followed, methods to be used and so on. It
develops skills and confidence among the workers and enables them to perform the job
efficiently. It is the most common of formal training programmes. It helps in creating interest of
the employees in their jobs.


Apprenticeship training programmes tend more towards education than merely on vocational
training. Under this, both skills and knowledge in doing a job or a series of related jobs are
involved. The government of various countries have passed laws which make it obligatory on
certain classes of employers to provide apprenticeship training young people. The usual
apprenticeship programmes combine on the job training and experience with class room
instructions in particular subjects. The training is desirable in industries which requires a constant
flow of employees expected to become all-round craftsmen. It is very much prevalent in printing
trades, building and construction and craftsmen. It is very much prevalent in printing trades,
buildings, and construction and crafts like mechanics, electrician, Welders etc.


Under this method, the educational and vocational institute enters into arrangement with an
individual enterprise for providing practical knowledge to its student. This Training is usually
meant for such vocations where advanced theoretical knowledge is to be backed up by practical
experience on the job. For instance, Engineering students are sent to big industrial enterprise for
gaining practical work experience and medical students are sent to hospitals to get practical
knowledge. This period of such training varies from six months to two years.


As the name implies, the refresher training is meant for the old employees of the enterprise. This
basic purpose of this training is to acquaint the existing workforce with the latest method of
performing their jobs and improved their efficiency further. In the words of DALE YODER,
“Retraining programmes are designed to avoid personnel obsolescence”. The skills with the
existing employees become obsolete because of technological changes and of the human
tendency to forget.


The talented employees may give adequate training to make them eligible for promotion to
higher job in the organization. Promotion means a significant change in the responsibilities and
duties. Therefore, it is essential that employees are provided sufficient training to learn new skills
to perform their job more efficiently. The purpose of training for promotion is to develop the
existing employees to make them fit for undertaking higher job responsibilities. This serves a
motivating force to the employs.


There are mainly two types of training:

 On the job training

 Off the job training


When employees are trained while they are performing the job then it is known as On-
the-job training. Under this method the employees learn by doing. This method is suitable
only for technical jobs and the advantage of this method is employees can learn the
practical problems while working on the job. The biggest disadvantage of On-the-job
training is that it results in the wastage of resources. Whenever employees are dealing
with expensive and sophisticated machinery then the On-the-job training method should
be avoided.


Off-the-job training means training the employees by taking them away from their work position
which means employees are given a break from the job and sent for training. This method for
training is more suitable for managerial job positions as conferences, seminars, are held to train
the managers.

On-the-job training Off-the-job training

1.Coaching 1.Confernce or classroom lectures

2.Understudy 2.Confernce Training

3.PositionRotation 3.Case study

4.Job Rotation 4.Vestibule Training

5.Apprenticeship 5.Programmed Instruction.

These are the methods of On – the job training described below:

Under this method the supervisor imparts knowledge and skills to his subordinate.
The emphasis in coaching the subordinate is on learning by doing. This method is
very effective if the superior has sufficient time to provide coaching to his
The superior gives training to a subordinate as his assistant. The subordinate learns
through experience and observation. IT prepares the subordinate to assume the
responsibilities of the superior leaves the organization. The purpose of understudy
is to prepare someone to fill the vacancy caused by death, retirement, transfer, or
promotion of the superior.
The purpose of position is to broaden the background of the trainee in various
positions. The trainee is periodically rotated from job to job instead of stciking to
one job so that he acquires a general background of different jobs. However,
rotation of an employee from job to another should not be done frequently. He
should be allowed to stay on a job for sufficient period so that he may acquire the
full knowledge of the job.
Jo rotation is used by many firms to develop all round workers. The employees
learn new skills and gain experience in handling different kinds of jobs. They also
come to know interrelationship between different jobs. It is also used to place
workers on the right jobs and prepare them to handle other jobs in case of need.

Apprenticeship is a system of training a new generation of practitioners of a skill.
This method of training is in vogue in those traders, crafts and technical fields in
which long period is required for gaining proficiency. They have to work in direct
association with and also under the direct supervision of their masters. The object
of such training is to make the trainees all-around craftsmen. It is an expensive
method of training. Also, there is no guarantee that the trained worker will
continue to work in the same organization after securing training. The apprentices
are paid remuneration according the apprenticeship agreements.


It requires the workers undergo training for a specific period away from the work
place. Off the job methods are concerned with both knowledge and skills in doing
certain jobs. The workers are free of tension of work when they are learning.
There are several off the job method of training as described below:

Training through special lectures is also known as “class room training”. IT is
more associated with imparting knowledge than skills. The special lectures from
vocational and professional institutes. Many firms also follow the practice of
inviting experts for special lectures for the staff on matters like health, safety,
productivity, quality etc.
A conference is a group meeting conducted. According to an organized plan in
which the members seek to develop knowledge and understanding by oral
participation. It is an effective training device for persons in the positions of both
conference leaders. As a member, a person can learn from others by comparing
his opinion with those of others. He learns to respect the viewpoint of others and
also realizes that there is more than one workable approach to any problem.

The case method is means of simulating experience in the classroom. Under this
method the trainee is given a problem or case which is more or less related to the
concepts and principles already taught. The analyze the problem and suggest
solutions which are discussed in the class. The instructor helps them reach a
common solution to the problem. This method gives the trainee an opportunity to
apply his knowledge to the solution of realistic problem.

The term Vestibule training is used to designate in a classroom for semi-skilled
workers. It is more suitable when a large number of employees must be trained at
the same time for the same kind of work. Where the method is used, there should
be well qualified instructor in charge of training programmes. Here the emphasis
tends to be on learning rather than production. It is frequently used to train.

This involves two essential elements (a) a step by series of bits of knowledge, each
building upon what has gone before, and (b) a mechanism for presenting the series
and checking on the trainee’s knowledge. Questions are asked in proper sequence
and indication give promptly whether the answers are correct. This programmer
may be carried out with a book, a manual, or a teaching machine. It is primarily
used for teaching factual knowledge such as mathematics, physics etc.


The project is entitled as, “Study of Training and Development of employees in TATA
Consultancy Services, Mumbai, Maharashtra.” So the basic objectives of the project are as
follow as:

 To acquire a thorough knowledge base on subject of Training and Development.

 To study how Training and Development programmes are undertaken in the
 To know the process of Training and Development for employees.
 To study the effectiveness of Training and Development in the Organization.
 To measure the satisfaction level of employees regarding Training and
 To study the purpose, process, principles, functions of the post training
 To study the different types of methods/ techniques used to evaluate the training.
 To explore the methodology and types of training provided to the employees in
an organization.
 To study the level of evaluation
 To study the relevance of the post training evaluation/feedback for the employees
well as for an organization.

The scope of the study covers in depth the various training practices, modules, formats being
followed and is limited to the company TATA Consultancies and its employees. The different
training programmes are incorporated/facilitated in TATA consultancies through its faculties,
outside agencies or professional groups. It also judges the enhancement of the knowledge and
skills of employees and feedback on its effectiveness.


 In view of the limited time available for the study, only the training and development
process could be studied.
 The sample size is too small to reflect the opinion of the whole organization.
 The answers given by the respondents have to be believed and have to be taken for
granted as truly reflecting their perception.


The study is based on the training and development program conducted at TATA
CONSULTANCY SERVICES. As in any other company also conducts various training
programmes to their employees in various fields.

The Training and Development has been continuously set by problem despite considerable
innovations and changes on research and experiment. Thus a survey was conducted to know the
employee’s perception and the company’s dedication towards training program.

Data was collected using two main methods:


Primary data Secondary data

Questionnaire Books


Respondents Magazines

Data was collected by using main two methods that is primary data and secondary data.


Primary data is the data which is used or collected for first time and it is not used by anyone in
the past. There are number of sources of primary data from which the information can be
collected. We choose the following resources for our research.

QUESTIONNAIRE: This method of data collection is quite popular, particular in case of big
enquiries. Here in our research we set 20 simple questions and request the respondents to answer
these questions with correct information.

RESPONDENTS: - Respondents helps in creation of more accurate idea about our research.
We personally meet the respondents and gather the information regarding the questions:


Secondary data is the data which is available in readymade form and which is already used by
people for some purposes. There may be various sources of secondary data such as-newspapers,
magazines, journals, books, reports, documents and other published information.

INTERNET: We also take into consideration the internet facility with which we collect lot of
latest information.

BOOKS & MAGAZINES: By referring various types of books and magazines the related data
can be collected with the help of referring.
SAMPLE SIZE: Keeping in mind all the constraints the size of the sample of the study was
selected as 80.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUES: Research was conducted on clear assumptions that the

respondents would give frank and fair answers in a proper way and without any bias.

SAMPLING DESCRIPTION: In order to understand the nature and characteristics of various

respondents in this study, the information was collected and analyzed according to their socio
economic background which included the characteristic of their respondents like education, age
marital status and monthly income. This description shows that respondents included in this
survey belong to different backgrounds and this turn increase the scope of the study.


The fundamental aim of training is to help the organization achieve its purpose by adding
value to its key resource- the people it employs. Training means invest in the people to enable
them to perform better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. Any
training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the participants to gain
skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire visions to look into distant future.

In addition to these, there is a need to impart ethical orientation, emphasis on attitudinal changes
and stress upon decisions making and problem solving abilities. The stages in training and
development process are going to be identified with a specific focus on different training and
development methods and considerations of its advantages and disadvantages.

According to Aswathappa, k. The term training indicates the process involved in improving
aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific job. Training helps in updating
old talents and developing new ones. Successful candidates placed on the job needs training to
perform their duties effectively.

According to Cases and Banchan (2007), the different approaches to training and development
need to be explored. It has come to their attention by their own preferred model and through
experience with large. Organizations. The current traditional training continuously facing the
challenges in the selection of the employees, in maintaining the uncertainty related to the purpose
and in introducing new tactics for the environment of work and by recognizing this, they advising
on all the problems which retreats requirement for flexible approach.

According to RachanaGianchandaniMotwani, worked at Tata Consultancy Services. The

training period for TCS is called ILP (Initial Learning Phase). It is usually for three months, with
bi-weekly tests on programming and final exam based on which you will be clear for projects.
On joining, you will be allocated a PLATFORM/group (say java/.net/TESTING.ETC) its random
totally. not on any basis like you’re working on that platform or what so Eva.

According to AshisPratap worked at Tata Consultancy Services, you will have access to their
digital portal, and you have to finish the course material on daily basis. There will be quizzes
and assignment which you have to do on that portal only.

There will be a mentor who will be there in the class to check that whether you people are on
track and in case you have any doubt you can ask him. He will also be evaluating your
assignments and grading them.

Worst few performers will have to stay extra for 15 days, in which they will have to re learn the
same course material under close supervision of senior faculty.

apart from that, life skills session for proper corporate grooming is conducted and its exam free
and by and far the most interesting.

According to Rozalin Mishra, Assistant System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services, it

will be more of VIRTUAL Training Program. You need to go through the study materials.

Study materials can be of,

1. Videos
2. Flash
3. Web based other ways
Once learning part is done, you have to go through assessment. Your mentor, usually a senior faculty
with project and teaching experience take and evaluate the test.

You crack it, you are good. You fail you have to go through the test again after few days. Let's say
you fail again; you go into LAP or extended training.

You fail there they reschedule. However, usually most of the people clear. 5–6% of people go to
According to PRADEEP SINGH, worked at TATA consultancies, It’s called ILP. ILP stands
for Initial learning program which would be a training period of around 3 months. You will get
an overall good amount of facilities during your ILP training.

According to Ashwini Bakre, System Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services (2014-

present), If you have finished the technical courses you need to complete before your ILP begins,
your basics will be clear even if you have not studied computer as a subject before.

During ILP, you are provided the training for the technical domain you are tagged into. There are
various assessments in ILP which help you analyze your performance and improve further.

Apart from the technical skills, ILP also serves as a platform to learn Soft Skills (Effective Business
Communication and personality development).

According to Sai Mohan P, former process Associate at Tata Consultancy Services:

For TCS BPO, (fresher)

Once you got selected, you will be having a maximum 11 days of training period which they call
as ILP (initial learning program). This training includes introduction, history and what are the
various domains in the TCS. And this program makes you understand how TCS will treat their
employees and they will train you on some management skills.

Post then you will be having domain interview with that particular process manager/HR but
which you don't know what type of domain that is.

So, check with the HR before attending for a domain interview whether it is a finance and
accounts, banking, telecom or health care. Otherwise they will hire you for any domain which
may you like or you don't like it.

Be clear at the time of domain interview, if you want to go for F&A check with HR and attend
for that.I was joined in TCS without asking what domain that is with HR, finally they pushed me
in to telecom domain, but actually I have interested in finance and accounts domain.

The following are the questions asked to the respondents:

A)Personal Detail of the Respondent:


Particulars %age of Respondent

20-30 years 20%

30-40 years 50%

40-50 years 20%

50-60 years 10%


24% 30-40
57% 40-50

Analysis & Interpretation: From the study it shows that no respondents are below 20 age and
20% respondents are between 20-30 age group, 50% respondents are between 30-40 age group,
20% respondents is between 40-50 age group and 10% respondents are between 50-60 age group

Particulars No of Respondent %age

Male 70 70%

Female 30 30%

Total 100 100%









Male Female


Analysis: From the above result we come to know that out of 100, 62 respondents are male and
38 are female which is 62% and 38% are respectively.

Interpretation: From the above data we conclude that most of our respondents are male.

Particulars No of Respondent %age

Married 33 33%

Unmarried 67 67%

Total 100 100%




Analysis: From the above study we find that out of 100%, 33% respondents are unmarried and
67% respondents are married.

Interpretation: Most of the respondents of the survey are married.

B) Individual Question:

Q1. The respondent was asked your organization considers training as your organizational
strategy. Do you agree with this statement?

No of Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Employees agree disagree
100 56% 38.6% 4% none 2%

2%, 2%
0, 4%
4%, 0%
Strongly agree
38%, 38% Nuetral
56%, 56%
strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:56% of employees
considers training as a part of firm’s strategy,39% of employees agree with this statement.,4%
of employee neutral with the statement.,2% of employees strongly disagree with the statement.


Majority of the employees responds that the organization considers training as a part of firm
Q2. The respondent was asked to whom training is given more in your organization?

No of employees Fresher’s Junior staff Senior staff Based on

100 32.7% 2% 3% 62.4%



62% Junior Staff

3% Senior Staff
Based on requirements


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

32.7% fresher’s are given training,2% of Junior Staffs are given training,3% of senior staffs are
given training,62.4 % of employees were given training based on their requirement.

INTERPRETATION: Majority of the employees said the training was give based on their
requirement and minority of employees were saying junior staffs were given training.
Q3. The respondents were asked what are the barriers to the training and development in
your organization?

No of employees Time Lack of interest Money Non availability

of skilled
100 34.7% 37.6% 5.9% 21.8%





Time Lack if interest Money Non availabilty of skilled trainers


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:34.7% of employees considered
time as a barrier in their training.37.6% of employees considered lack of interest as a barrier.5.9%
of employees considered money as barrier.21.8% of employees considered Non availability of
skilled trainer as a barrier.

Most of the employees said time and lack of interest as a barrier in their training.
Q4. The respondents were asked what mode of training is normally used in your

No of Job relation Conference/Discussions External Programmed

employees training Instruction
100 52.5% 11.9% 5% 30.7%


Job relation
52.50% Conference/Discussions
External Training
Programmed Instructon


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:52.5% of employees said job
relation is used as a mode of training.11.9% of employees said conference/discussions is used as
a mode of training.5% of employees said External training is used as a mode of training.30.7%
of employees said programmed instruction is used as a mode of training.

INTERPRETATION: Majority of employees said that job relation is used as the mode of
training and some employees said programmed instructions as the mode of training.
Q5. The respondents were asked the training and development conducted in your
organization are useful?

No of Strongly disagree Neutral agree Strongly

employees disagree agree
100 33.7% 9% 7% 47.5% 33.7%

9% 0%


23% 58%

Strongly disagree disagree Nuetral Agree Strongly agree


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

33.7% of employees strongly disagree the statement.3% of employees disagree with the
statement.7% of employee’s neutral with the statement.47.5% of employees agree with the
statement.33.7% of employees strongly agree with the statement.


Majority of employees said that the training and development conducted in the organization
useful for them. Some employees were neutral and some employees disagree with the statement.
Q6. The respondent was asked how long does it take to implement the trained process?

No of employees Less than one 1-2 month 2-4 month More than 4
month month
100 17.8% 28.7% 36.6% 16.8%

17.80%, 9%
28.70%, 14%

less than one month

1.2, 59% 1-2 month
36.60%, 18%
2-4 month
more than 4 month

ANALYSIS: According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS: 17.8% of employees
takes less than one month to implement the trained process,2.87% of employees takes 1-2 months
to implement the trained process,36.6% of employees takes 2-4 months to implement the trained
process,16.8% of employees takes more than 4 months to implement the trained process.

INTERPRETATION: Majority of the employees said it takes 2-4 months to implement the
trained process.
Q7. The respondent was asked how well the place of training is organized?

No of employees Excellent Good fair Poor

100 62.4% 32.7% 5% None

62.40%, 28%


1.2, 55% Fair


32.70%, 15%

5%, 2%

ANALYSIS: According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

62.4% of employees said that the workplace of training was organized excellent,32.7% of
employees said that the workplace of training was organized of good,5% employees said that the
workplace of training was organized fair.


Majority of the employees said that the workplace of training was organised excellent and some
employees said that the workplace was organised good.
Q8. What are the conditions that have to be improved during the training sessions?

No of Re organize the Remove Re organize the Upgrade the

employees job interference work place information of
material given
during training.
100 11.9% 14.9% 16.8% 56.4%

interference ,

up gradethe
information of
material given
during trainng ,
56.40% Re organise the
work place ,

Re organise the job

Remove interference
Re organise the work place
up gradethe information of material given during trainng

ANALYSIS :According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:11.9% of employees
said that the job should be reorganized during the training sessions,14.9% of employees said that
the interference should be removed during the training program,16.8% of employees said that
work place should be reorganized during the training program.56.4% of employees said that the
information of material should be upgraded during the training program.

INTERPRETATION: Majority of the employee said that the information materials should be
upgraded during the training process and some of the employees said the workplace should be
reorganized during the training program.
Q9. The respondents were asked what are the general complaints about training sessions?

No of employees Take away Too many gaps Training Boring and not
precious time of between sessions are useful
workers sessions unplanned
100 41.6% 75% 35.6% 8.9%

Boring and not

6% Take away precious
Traing sessions are time of workers
unplanned 26%

Too many gaps

between sessions

Take away precious time of workers Too many gaps between sessions
Traing sessions are unplanned Boring and not useful

According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

42.6% of employees said that it takes away precious time of workers,74% of employees said that
there were too many gaps between sessions,36% of employees said that the training sessions are
unplanned,8.9% of employees said that the training sessions were boring and not useful.


Majority of the employees complained that there were too many gaps between the sessions and
also it takes away the precious times of the workers.
Q10. The respondents were asked how many training program did you attended in last

No of employees Less than 10 10-20 20-40 More than 40

100 82.2% 19.8% 3% 2%

more than 40
more than 40


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

82.2% of employees said that they have attend less than 10 training programs in last one
year,19.8% of employees said that they have attended 10-20 training programs in last one
year.3% of employees said that they have attended 20-40 training programs in last one year.2%
of employees said that they have attended more than 40 training programs in last one year.


Majority of the employees said they were attended less than 10 training programs in a year and
very few employees said that they have attended more than 40 training programs in last year
Q12. The respondents were asked does the training program help in your career

No of employees Yes No Maybe

100 89.1% 2% 8.9%


2nd Qtr
May be



According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

89.1% of employees said yes to the above statement,2% of employees said no to the above
statement,8.9% of employees said maybe to the above statement.


Majority of employees said that the training program is helpful in their career advancement.
Q13. The respondents were asked the training program according to you is to?

No of Improve skills Improve Change attitude All the above

respondents knowledge
100 51.5% 41.6% 11.9% 46.5%

All the above

31% Improve Skills

Change Attitude

Improve knowledge

Improve Skills Improve knowledge Change Attitude All the above


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

51.5% of employees said that the training program is to improving skills,41.6% of employees
said that the training program is to improve knowledge,11.9% of employees said that the training
program is to the change the attitude,46.5% of employees said all the above.


Majority of the employees said the training program is to improve skills and improve knowledge.
Q14. The respondents were asked did you find the training method is useful to your job?

No of employees Yes No Maybe

100 87.1% 4% 87.1%


May be



According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

87.1% of employees said Yes to the above statement,4% of employees said No to the above
statement,8.9% of employees said all the above to the statement.


Majority of the employees said that the training program is useful for their job and some of the
employees said its not useful to the job.
Q15. The respondents were asked that the rewards in the training programme are really
motivating you to be participate more?

No of employees Yes No Maybe

100 82.2% 2% 15.8%




Yes No May be


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

82.8% of employees said Yes to the above statement,2% of employees said No to the above
statement,15.8% of employees said maybe to the above statement.
Q16. The respondents were asked after the training programme hoe do you feel the nature
of the job?

No of employees Good Satisfactory Challenging Not satisfied

100 55.4% 26.7% 10.9% 6.9%




Good Satisfactory Challenging Not Satisfied

ANALYSIS: According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

55.4% of employees said the nature of the job is good after the training program,26.7% of
employees said the nature of the job is satisfied after the training program,10.9% of employees
said the nature of the job is challenging after the training program,6.9% of employees said the
nature of the job is not satisfied after the training program.


Majority of the employees said the nature of the job is good after the training program and some
of the employees is Not satisfied with the job after the training program.
Q17. The respondents were asked do you agree that the instructor responses to the trainees

No of Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

employees disagree agree
100 11.9% 1% 13.9% 54.5% 18.8%

18.80% 11.90%



Strongly disagree Disagree Nuetral Agree Strongly agree


According to the above data, out of 100% employees in TCS:

11.9% of employees were strongly Disagree with the statement,1% of employees were disagree
with the statement,13.9% of employees were neutral with the statement,54.5% of employees
were Agree with the statement,18.8% of employees were strongly agree with the statement.


Majority of the employees agree that the instructor responses to the trainees doubts and some of
the peoples disagree with the statement.
Q18. The respondents were asked how does the organization assess the impact of training?

No of employees Performance Feedback Other

100 57.4% 34.7% 7.9%




57.4% of employees said that the organization assess through performance,34.7% of employees
said that the organization assesses through Feedbac,7.9% of employees said other.


Majority of the employees agree that the impact of training is assessed through performance.
Q19.The respondents were asked what type of training method is providing in your

No of On the job Off the job Technical Non- All the above
employees technical
100 42.6% 18.8% 16.8% 4% 50.5%

All the above 50.50%

non technical 4%

Technical 16.80%

off the job 18.80%

on the job 42.60%

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00%


42.6% of employees said On the job training,18.8% of employees said Off the job training,16.8%
of employees said Technical training,4% of employees said Non- technical training,50.5% of
employees said all the above.


Most of the employees said all the above training method are provided in their organization and
some peoples said non-technical training method is also provided in their organization.
Q20. The respondents were asked does your trainer clear your doubts regarding the topic?

No of employees Yes No

100 96% 4%





96% of the employees said Yes to the above statement,4% of employees said No to the above

INTERPRETATION: Majority of the employees agree that the trainer clear the doubts
regarding the topic.
SWOT ANALYSIS: SWOT analysis is a prearranged loom to calculating the strategic positions
of a business by identifying its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. SWOT offers an
uncomplicated way of analyzing the results of marketing review. Internal strengths and weakness
are abridged as they communicated to external opportunities and threats.

It analysis the complete strategy of the company based on policies and the business method
which they follow. This pictures the company’s advantages and disadvantages of the company’s

The SWOT for TCS is as follows,

(S)TRENGHTS: The popularity reach all over the global markets made TCS a reputed and
known firm in the global it market. The TCS had launched three branches all over the world
which can be considered as the primary strength for the TCS. TCS made clear and strong
economic presentations around the globe which makes its clients a financial confidence about
the company. The international base of TCS, India is known for its skilled employees in IT field
which naturally made TCS very strong in human resource. TCS is also skilled in the management
skills as opts board of directors are from overseas countries in order to adopt the strategies from
all part of the world. TCS have a very good infrastructures and innovative labs with all the latest
technologies which help TCS employees to update the latest technologies and to make research
in various fields. The fame of the founder is also an added strength for TCS.

(W)EAKNESS: the excess exposure on the financial service markets which usually need to be
kept confidential is considered as the main weakness of TCS. TCS is also lack in effective
consulting team which show a strong reflection of decline in the growth cycle of TCS, being a
company which works on outsourcing project usually needs a very good effective consulting
team which act as a bridge between the clients and company. TCS really lacks in that.

(O)PPORTUNITES: TCS being a fast growing IT firm is very keen in establishing and
expanding its business to almost all the parts of world right from India, china, Latin America
countries, Asia pacific and etc. which opened up a great business opportunity for TCS. The focus
in the SMB segment is also lays a very good business opportunity for TCS. Expanding the global
branches to void countries like china, Asia-pacific will extended the business opportunities of
TCS in future. TCS have a very good opportunity in high end business and consulting in the
future if they rectify their weakness in consulting service.

(T)HREATS: the rapid growth and development in India and other global areas, a common
desman of employees arise which result in the increase of cost of employees. TCS has to face
very high competition from overseas and well established companies like IBM, Accenture and
etc. The complete merge in the END markets is also a biggest threat for TCS. The advantage on
rupees always stands as the biggest threat to all IT companies in general. Increase of Competition
from low wages is another threat. The similar Indian firms like Wipro, Infosys are also at their
full phase of capturing global markets. TCS has to face a cold war against the threats which the
company faces. As al the competitors of TCS are equally strong and effective in which TCS
can’t ignore the supple one.


Porter’s tool will help to analyze the main five competitive factors which affects the company’s
growth. Being TCS itself is a supplier, it does not have problem with the suppliers, the other four
forces which are problematic to TCS are the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of
customers, the threat of substitutes and the spirited rivalry between the existence.

In the ultimate days the software exports, the software wholesale market was overlooked by very
few massive like Accenture, EDS and IBM, where the Indian concern were outlined as small
level companies in result the TCS and other Indian software companies competed themselves in
the lower end of the business, which resulted TCS and other organizations to choose small
projects and task which are simple to do.

TCS also faced a customer market that was conquered by the insurance companies and huge
banks. While TCS keenly hunted for alliances with larger sellers as a competitive strategy, TCS
most successful approach was to honestly loom clients and admit the minor charges that its
competitive pose dictated.

The entry of new companies has reduced rapidly as the huge companies like TCS, Infosys and
WIPRO have developed and grown huge in their market share
Size and reliability with their customers. Though, the companies struggle to decrease their
straight rivalry through demarcation of manufactured goods, in every market share there has
been enormous competitors.

TCS has to work seriously upon reducing the bargaining power of customers. TCS can prevent
price strategy in mixing up with purchase decision. It means that TCS should bring more than
undifferentiated indoctrination by moving up the cost sequence. Such approach might have an
in-depth domain enterprise and rights of inclination to hold on to the work allocated under
considering consulting. The clients very well known that the complete bargaining power lies in
the strategic consulting; outsourcing that may reduce their bargaining power. TCS have to build
up enough knowledge so as to construct outsourcing these errands a convincing worth plan. Of
course, IT is exactly in this empire that the multinational outsourcing firm such as Accenture,
IBM, and EDS are the most vicious customers.

Falsifying grouping are oftener viewed as a superior approach to the offset clients bargaining
command. Though, constructing alliances with companies functioning in client’s sites have to
be low priced as this would focus on TCS application progress. On the other side the attainment
of a medium-sized US firm with sturdy customer relations and domain expertise could offer a
striking opportunity. Even if expenses per employees would increase, the go up would be minute
since workers needs are lesser for higher value added jobs.

The main anxiety for TCS is opposition from existing companies like Wipro, Infosys and TCS
as it gas produced rivalry for active dealings and twisted noteworthy pricing stress.
Internationally, companies like EDS has sited themselves as competent of handling huge,
“TURNKEY” ventures which can distinguish themselves from contestants such as Accenture
and IBM that spotlights on superior value-added jobs such as consulting. This proposes an
organically-driven expansion strategy for TCS: as TCS should persist to do the similar sort of
job that it presently do, but should attempt to arrest a better section if the value-addition by
accepting huge project. Although it has exhibited a potential in distant project management. TCS
would be requisite to increase the same capability.

But there are also few risks which prevail in this strategy. TCS’s huge dimensions implies that
it might have already exploited wealth to amount in applications improvement. Adding to that,
strategy may tend the latent for huge growth since it essentially engages elevated value-added
actions. Before, this was hard, partially owed to the technical complexity in rejecting the value-
chain away from the modularization of appliances programming. In recent years, though, system
design, manufacturing services and systems integration job have increasingly been outsourced
suggestive of that, if the abilities are at the hand those works could be completed in India.

The threats of substitutes are mainly from the china, Philippines and eastern Europe which
emerge as the biggest threats to the Indian IT companies, which is mainly due to the low cost.
The companies from these countries quote very low price for the same quality of products as the
Indian companies do, which create a great impact on medium to long term projects, It is difficult
for TCS being operated from India to attain the organic growth.

 From the above study it is clear that the majority of the employees said that the
organization considers training as their organizational strategy.
 Majority of the employees said that the organization is giving more training based on the
 According to the above study most of the employees felt that the lack of interest is the
major barrier to the training and development in the organization.
 Majority of the employees said that the job relation mode of training is normally used in
the organization.
 Most of the employees agreed that the training and development conducted in the
organization is very useful.
 According to the above study majority of the employee’s said that it takes 2-4 months to
implement the trained process.
 The overall study said that the workplace of training is organised is good.
 From the above study majority of the employees said that the too many gaps between the
training sessions is the major barrier to the training and development.
 Majority of the employees said that they have attended lees than 10 training programs in
last one year.
 From the above study majority of the employees said that the technical training is
imparted for recruitment in their organization.
 Majority of the employees said that the training program is helpful in their career
 According to the above study most of the employees felt the training program according
to them is improving skills.
 Majority of the employees said that the training program is very much useful to their job.
 From the above study it is clear that the reward in the training program are really
motivating the employees to participate more.
 The above study depicts that 55% of employees felt that the nature of the job after the
training program is good.
 From the above study majority of the employees agree that the instructor is responding
to the trainees doubts.
 Nearly 57.4% of employees said that the organization assess the impact of training
through performance of the employees.
 According to the above study most of the employees said that the all the above training
method is providing in their organization.

The above study depicts that 69% of employees said that the trainer clears all the doubts
regarding the topic.

Based on the study conducted, there are some of the suggestions given by the employees of how
the training and development program is conducted in TCS. These are the comments given by
employees about the improvement of training and development in TCS.

 TCS should remove the barrier of lack of interest among the employees while conducting
training program. They should conduct a survey or feedback from employees of training
program and they conducting the training program according to the employee’s opinion
then it should be useful for them in future training operations.
 The organization should also focus on the time schedule of the employees because some
of the employees said it act as barrier for the training program
 The organization should look upon the trainers’ knowledge, skills and abilities who
should conduct the training program for the employees.
 The organization should focus on the materials and information given during the training
program because after some sessions it becomes outdated and also they should reorganize
the workplace where they conducting the training program.

Also they should give importance to the interference while conducting the training program and
reorganize the job of employees.

 The general complaints should be taken considered in the organization such as the gaps
between the training sessions should be reduced because it causes some boredom for the
 The training sessions should be planned very well before conducting it because it
shouldn’t clash with employees work in the organization.
 The organization should asses the training and development program through both
performance of the employees and also the feedback of employees.
 The organization should adopt some other ways of nominating the trainees like train9ing
need identification survey, self-nomination, personal analysis, organizational analysis,
 Training should be a continuous process i.e., it should be imparted at regular intervals.
 The duration of training program should be less and details should be precise and
 HR department should conduct seminars on some vital topics so that employees are
always motivated and encouraged to work.

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