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Science Experiments

Grade 2
 Experiment 1 (soil)
Apparatus :
a) Sandy soil sufficiently
b) Loamy soil sufficiently
c) Clayey soil sufficiently
d) Pebbles sufficiently
e) 4 Funnels
f) Water sufficiently
g) 4 cups
h) A permanent marker
Procedure :
1. Put material a, b, c and d into each funnel
2. Put each funnel on each cup
3. Take water and pour it into each funnel
4. Measure how much water in each cup
5. Compare the volume of water from 4 cups
6. Give conclusion

 Experiment 2 (natural and man-made material)

Apparatus :
a) Kinds of natural and man-made material
b) Paper
c) Pencil/ pen
Procedure :
1. Take note and identify each material
2. Group each material into natural or man-made
3. Give conclusion
 Experiment 3 (changing of shape)
Apparatus :
a) Balloon
b) Rubber
c) Clothes
d) Drinking straw
Procedure :
1. Give these treatments to those materials : bent, squash,
stretch, twist
2. Give conclusion

 Experiment 4 (melting process)

Apparatus :
a) Tap water
b) Cold water
c) Hot water
d) Ice cubes
e) 3 Cups
Procedure :
1. Fill the 3 cups with material a, b, and c
2. Add three ice cubes to each cup at the same time
3. Observe the cups until all the ice cubes get melted
4. Determine in which cup the ice cubes melt the fastest.
5. Give conclusion

 Experiment 5 (melting, freezing, boiling)

Apparatus :
a) Ice cubes
b) Tap water
c) Stove
d) Freezer
e) Cup
f) Small pan
Procedure :
 Melting:
1. Take ice cubes
2. Observe how long it takes to get melted
3. Give conclusion
 Freezing:
1. Fill the cup with tap water
2. Put it into the freezer
3. Observe how long it takes to get frozen
4. Give conclusion
 Boiling :
1. Pour tap water into the small pan
2. Put the small pan on the stove
3. Turn on the stove
4. Observe the process of boiling

 Experiment 6 (solubility)
Apparatus :
a) Sand
b) Coffee powder
c) Sugar
d) Salt
e) 4 cups
f) Spoon
g) Tap water
Procedure :
1. Put material a, b, c, and d into each cup
2. Pour water sufficiently into the cups
3. Stir it with spoon for about 2 minutes
4. Observe whether the materials dissolve or not
5. Give conclusion
 Experiment 1 (making Herbarium)
Apparatus :
a) A plant
b) Scissors
c) A3 paper
d) Glue
e) Pen/ pencil
Procedure :
1. Clean the plant
2. Stick the plant on the A3 paper
3. Give label to each part of the plant and also its functions
4. Make a frame from paper
5. Presentate it

 Experiment 2 (do the plants need water?)

Apparatus :
a) Seeds of green bean
b) Cotton
c) Water
d) 2 Cups
e) Ruler
f) Pen/ pencil
Procedure :
1. Put cotton into the cup A and B
2. Pour water sufficiently into the cup A
3. Take seeds of green bean and put into the cup A and B
4. Observe whether the seeds germinate or not
5. Compare the result of cup A (with water) and cup B
(without water)
6. Give conclusion
 Experiment 3 (can the plant grow in different temperature?)
Apparatus :
a) Seeds of green bean
b) Cotton
c) Water
d) 2 Cups
e) Ruler
f) Pen/ pencil
Procedure :
1. Put cotton into the cup A and B
2. Pour water sufficiently into the cup A and B
3. Take seeds of green bean and put into the cup A and B
4. Put the cup A in the cold place
5. Put the cup B in the hot place
6. Compare the result of cup A and B
7. Give conclusion

 Experiment 4 (compare nutrition facts)

Apparatus :
a) Food packaging
b) Paper
c) Pen/ pencil
d) Scissors
e) Glue
Procedure :
1. Cut the nutrition fact of food packaging
2. Stick it on the paper
3. Compare it with another food packaging
4. Data Interpretaton
 Experiment 1 (plant growth)
Apparatus :
a) Seeds of green bean
b) Cotton
c) Water
d) 2 Cups
e) Ruler
f) Pen/ pencil
g) Paper
Procedure :
1. Put cotton into the cup
2. Pour water sufficiently into it
3. Take seeds of green bean and put into the cup
4. Put the cups in the windowsill
5. Measure the plant once every 2 days
6. Make a line and a bar graph
7. Give conclusion

 Experiment 2 (identify parts of flower)

Apparatus :
a) A flower
b) Pen/ pencil
c) Paper
d) Glue
e) Scissors
Procedure :
1. Cut off the parts of flower with scissors
2. Stick it on the paper
3. Give label and write down its functions
4. Give conclusion and presentate it
 Experiment 3 (can the plants grow without light?)
Apparatus :
a) Seeds of green bean
b) Cotton
c) Water
d) 2 Cups
e) Ruler
f) Pen/ pencil
g) Paper
h) Dark place
i) Bright place
Procedure :
1. Put cotton into the cup A and B
2. Pour water sufficiently into it
3. Take seeds of green bean and put into the cup
4. Put the cup A in dark place
5. Put the cup B in bright place
6. Compare it
7. Give conclusion

 Experiment 4 (do the plants need water?)

Apparatus :
a) Seeds of green bean
b) Cotton
c) Water
d) 2 Cups
e) Ruler
f) Pen/ pencil
Procedure :
1. Put cotton into the cup A and B
2. Pour water sufficiently into the cup A
3. Take seeds of green bean and put into the cup A and B
4. Observe whether the seeds germinate or not
5. Compare the result of cup A (with water) and cup B
(without water)
6. Make a line and a bar graph
7. Give conclusion
8. Presentate it

 Experiment 5 (melting and boiling)

Apparatus :
a) Ice cubes
b) Tap water
c) Stove
d) Cup
e) Small pan
f) Thermometer
Procedure :
 Melting:
1. Take ice cubes and put into the cup
2. Measure the temperature using thermometer until all the
ice cubes get melted
3. Give conclusion

 Boiling :
1. Pour tap water into the small pan
2. Put the small pan on the stove
3. Turn on the stove
4. Measure the temperature until the tap water boils
5. Give conclusion

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