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Relative-Permeability Measurements: An Overview

Article  in  Journal of Petroleum Technology · August 1988

DOI: 10.2118/18565-PA


97 846

2 authors, including:

Syed Mahmood
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


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SEE 18565
Today SERIES .

Relative-Permeability Measurements:
An Overview
M. Honarpour, SPE, Natl. lnst. for Petroleum & Energy Research
S.M. Mahmood, SPE, Natl. lnst. for Petroleum & Energy Research

Fluid transport through reservoir rocks is complex and cannot the calculation scheme is based on Darcy's law. Unsteady-state
be described by theory alone. Darcy's law, an empirical techniques present many uncertainties in calculation schemes.
equation describing the laminar flow of incompressible fluids, Operational ·constraints connected with use of viscous oils and
is largely used for calculation of fluid flow through porous high injection rates diminish the role of capillarity such that
media. It relates the macroscopic velocity (flux) of a fluid of the influence of wettability cannot always be manifested.
known viscosity to the pressure gradient by a proportionality Following is a description of both methods.
factor called absolute permeability, expressed in darcies.
Permeability is a measure of the ability of porous materials to Steady-State Techniques. The most reliable relative-
conduct flow and is dictated by the geometry of the pore permeability data are obtained by steady-state methods in
network. Generally, the fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs which two or three fluids are injected simultaneously at
involves more than one fluid, in which case the ability of each constant rates or pressure for extended durations to reach
fluid to flow is reduced by the presence of other fluids. equilibrium. The saturations, flow rates, and pressure gradients
Darcy's equation has been extended to such situations using the are measured and used in Darcy's law to obtain the effective
concept of effective permeability, which is the apparent permeability for each phase. Conventionally, curves of relative
permeability of a fluid at a given saturation. The sum of the permeability vs. saturation are obtained, in a stepwise fashion,
effective permeabilities for all phases is less than the absolute by changing the ratio of injection rates and repeating the
permeability because of the interference between fluids that measurements as equilibrium is attained. Saturation changes are
share the same channels. The effective permeability to a fluid controlled to be unidirectional (i.e., imbibition or drainage) to
becomes zero while its saturation is finite because the fluids avoid hysteresis.
become discontinuous at low saturations. The steady-state methods are inherently time-consuming
Another useful concept in describing the flow of multiphase because equilibrium attainment may require several hours or
systems is relative permeability, which is defined as the ratio days at each saturation level. In addition, these methods
of the effective permeability ·of a fluid to the absolute require independent measurement of fluid saturations in the
permeability of the rock. Relative permeability has a first-order core. Their advantages are greater reliability and the ability to
dependency on saturation level. However, many interstitial determine relative permeability for a wider range of saturation
fluid distributions are possible for each level of saturation, levels. The steady-state methods include the Hassler method,
depending on the direction of saturation changes. Thus, values single-sample dynamic, stationary phase, Penn State, and
of relative permeability vs. saturation obtained for drainage modified Penn State.1,2 They vary in the method of
(reduction of wetting-phase saturation) may be different from establishing capillary equilibrium between fluids and reducing
those for imbibition (increase in wetting-phase saturation). This or eliminating end effects. Further details of these methods are
phenomenon is called hysteresis. provided in subsequent sections.
Fig. 1 shows a typical plot of two-phase relative
permeability vs. saturation. It is also helpful to present such Unsteady-State Techniques. The quickest laboratory methods
plots on a semilog scale to expand the relative-permeability of obtaining relative-permeability data are unsteady-state
characteristics near the endpoint saturations. techniques. In these techniques, saturation equilibrium is not
Relative-permeability data are essential for almost all attained; thus, an entire set of relative-permeability vs.
calculations of fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs. The data saturation curves can be obtained in a few hours. A typical run
are used in making engineering estimates of productivity, involves displacing in-situ fluids by constant-rate (or constant-
injectivity, and ultimate recovery from reservoirs for pressure) injection of a driving fluid while monitoring the
evaluation and planning of production operations and also effluent volumes continuously. The production data are
can be used to diagnose formation damage expected under analyzed, and a set of relative-permeability curves is obtained
various operational conditions. These data are unquestionably using various mathematical methods. 3,4
one of the most important data sets required in reservoir The Buckley-Leverett equation for linear displacement of
simulation studies. immiscible and incompressible fluids is the basis for all
analyses. This equation relates the saturation levels, at each
point and time, to capillary pressure, the ratio of fluid
Laboratory Determination of Effective viscosities, the flow rates, and the relative permeabilities. The
Permeability and Relative Permeability Welge, Johnson-Bossler-Naumann, and Jones-Roszelle methods
Steady-state methods for determining permeabilities have the , are most commonly used for analysis. I
widest application and greatest reliability because the capillary Many difficulties are inherent in unsteady-state methods.
equilibrium prevails, the saturation is measured directly, and Operational problems such as capillary end effects, viscous
fingering, and channeling in heterogeneous cores are difficult
to monitor and to account for properly. Unless the mobility
Copyright 1988 Society of Petroleum Engineers (the ratio of effective permeability to viscosity) of the
Journal of Petroleum Technology, August 1988 963
Nolen for three-phase relative-permeability calculations. These
models require two-phase relative-permeability values as

Calculation From Field Data
Relative permeability may be determined from the production
70 history of a reservoir and its fluid properties. 1 However, the
agreement between laboratory-determined relative
1- permeabilities and those calculated from production data. is
:J 60
iii generally poor. Relative-permeability calculations from this
50 method require complete production-history data and provide
w average values influenced by pressure and saturation gradients,
a.. differences in stages of depletion, and saturation variations in
w 40
> stratified reservoirs.
...J 30 Pressure-transient testing is another potential method for
a: determining in-situ effective permeability, provided that it is
20 used in conjunction with accurate downhole flow-measurement
Laboratory Measurement Techniques for
0 10 20 30 40 50 70 80 90 100
Saturation Determination
WATER SATURATION, percent Relative-permeability measurements require accurate saturation
determination. Accuracies of ±2% are often desirable. There
Fig. 1-Typical water/oil relative-permeability curves. are two approaches to saturation determination: external and
in-situ techniques.

External Techniques. In these techniques, the saturation in the

displacing fluid is much higher than that of the in-situ fluids, core is inferred indirectly by measuring fluid production. They
the time between the front breakthrough and complete floodout provide an average value and do not reveal the saturation
is usually small, introducing computational difficulties. The profile. The most common external.technique is material
interpretation techniques involve many uncertainties because of balance, in which cumulative injection and production volumes
gross simplifying assumptions. The values obtained from these are measured and the difference is assumed to be retained in
methods, therefore, should be considered only as qualitative. the core. Significant errors may be introduced, especially when
The main advantages of these methods include fewer the PV of the core is small, because of the presence of dead
instrumentation requirements and substantially reduced test volume in the system, fluid separation problems, and
times compared with steady-state tests. evaporation losses. Closed-loop systems are sometimes used to
The centrifuge technique is an unsteady-state technique in reduce the errors associated with these volumetric methods of
which relatively small and presaturated cores are rotated at an saturation determination. Other common techniques are
elevated angular speed, exposing them to a known centrifugal gravimetric and extraction methods. In the gravimetric method,
.force, and the rate of production of liquid effluents is the core is weighed before and during the test and the
measured with time. Relative permeabilities are then saturation is inferred from weight changes, whereas the
determined from the test data by mathematical methods. 5 quantity of water is determined by distillation/extraction in the
The centrifuge method is faster than the steady-state extraction method. Both methods require removal of the core
methods, and it is claimed that viscous-fingering problems from the core holder, subjecting it to saturation changes.
commonly associated with the dynamic displacement methods
do not affect the results. Nevertheless, the interpretation of In-Situ Techniques. The quantity of fluids inside the core is
results requires many simplifying assumptions, and as such, measured directly, without disturbing the in-situ fluid
the values should be considered to be only qualitative. The distribution. These techniques offer greater accuracy and
centrifuge method does not provide relative-permeability data reliability than external techniques. Attainment of accuracies of
for the displacing phase and also suffers from capillary end ± 1 % is not unusual. These methods are also capable of
effects, just as other methods do. It has been shown, however, measuring point saturations, which can be used in constructing
that the centrifuge method simulates the gravity drainage two- and three-dimensional saturation profiles.
process better than any .other method. 6 In principle, some kind of known stimulus is applied to the
fluid in the core, and the resultant response is measured. A
Empirical Technique$ calibration curve is generally established before the test by
Because of the difficulties involved in measurement, empirical scanning the core twice-at completely dry conditions and after
models are sometimes used to estimate relative permeability. it is fully saturated with the test fluid to be monitored.
This alternative is not a good· substitute for laboratory One of the most popular in-situ techniques is X-ray
measurements, but these models are often used for absorption, but nuclear magnetic resonance, gamma ray
extrapolation of limited laboratory data. attenuation, neutron bombardment, and sonic (radiowave)
Several predictive models have been proposed, 1 idealizing methods have also been used successfully. The microwave
the porous medium as a bundle of capillaries. The flow attenuation technique, unlike most other methods, measures
through a single capillary is described mathematically, then the water saturation without requiring any tag or dye and, as such,
total flow through the entire set of capillaries is obtained using is an emerging technique. Finding a safe and suitable tagging
the concept of capillary pressure. Some published models agent that mixes with the test fluids completely and does not
based on this strategy include Corey's model for drainage, interact with rock/fluid interfaces is sometimes difficult.
Naar-Wygal's and Naar-Henderson's models for imbibition, Recently, multidimensional scanning techniques, such as
and Land's model for both drainage and imbibition computerized tomography (CT) scan and nuckar magnetic
processes. 1,2 resonance imaging, have become popular for relative-
Statistical methods 1 have also been used to describe the permeability measurements determined to obtain additional
randomness of pore-size distribution in porous media. Some diagnostic information about rock heterogeneity and saturation
notable probabilistic models include Stone's Model I, Stone's distribution. With image-reconstruction software, frontal
Model II, and modifications by Dietrich and Bondor and by behavior can also be monitored.

964 Journal of Petroleum Technology, August 1988

Electrical resistivity is another method by which brine Inaccuracies caused by hysteresis may seem easy to eliminate,
saturation can be determined. It is based on interpolation of but they are operationally difficult to control and require
electrical responses between two calibration points by use of careful design of the experimental procedure.
Archie's equation. The stimulus here is a known electrical For laboratory data to be useful in scaling up to the field
current, and the response is the potential drop across a known level, measurements should be taken at conditions
l((ngth of core. Even though electrical resistivity is an in-situ representative of those found in the reservoir. This involves
technique, practically it provides only average saturations along performing the tests with the appropriate combinations of
the core. Other limitations include its dependence on direction viscous, ~apillary, and gravity forces such that a stable
of saturation changes (hysteresis), inaccuracies at lower brine displacement through the core is ensured, while at the same
saturations caused by the discontinuity of flow channels, and time the similarity in the microscopic flow behavior between
operational problems with electrodes, which could introduce the reservoir and the core is still maintained. 9 Linear scaling
noises on the same order of magnitude as the response itself. criteria should be used as guidelines to achieve this objective.
Relative-permeability tests conducted at room temperature
~mportant Experimental Considerations using dead crude or even refined oil can sometimes be useful,
Accurate relative-permeability measurements in the laboratory provided that sufficient tests under simulated reservoir
require careful design of the apparatus and operating conditions are performed to evaluate the reliability of such
conditions. Due consideration should be given to address idealized tests.
problems such as capillary end effects, hysteresis, and scaling
effects. 7 Important Considerations for Coring, Handling,
The most common source of error is the capillary end effect, and Sample Selection
a phenomenon causing the saturation of the wetting phase to be Representative cores should be obtained from each stratum to
higher close to the inlet and outlet ends of the rock samples; ·be used in laboratory measurements. Native-state cores are
These higher saturations at the ends are the result of greater preferred to provide a close representation of reservoir
affinity of the wetting phase to remain in pore capillaries wettability, which is crucial for obtaining realistic relative-
rather than to exit to a noncapillary space. permeability data. Fresh-state samples may also have wetting
Several techniques have been proposed to reduce or to characteristics similar to those in the reservoir, provided that a
eliminate end effects. Perhaps the most important one is bland mud is used as the coring fluid. However, flushing by
Hassler's technique, and some of its modifications, in which mud filtrate generally changes the initial water saturation.
porous plates (of wettability similar to that of the rock) are Coring operations should be designed to minimize mud
pl1;lj;:ed in contact with both ends. The wetting phase has to filtration so that undesirable flushing before laboratory testing
pass through these fully saturated plates, whereas the is avoided. Retrieving large-diameter cores also reduces the
nonwetting phase is introduced directly into the core face. The influence of flushing by drilling muds and minimizes the core
pressures are maintained lower than the threshold pressure, so contamination. Weathering may result in wettability changes;
that the nonwetting phase does not enter the plates. Even thus, recovered cores should be preserved without unnecessary
though it is operationally cumbersome, this technique delays. Core cleaning and handling in the laboratory should
eliminates end effects. The Hassler technique is also capable of also be minimal, because they can affect the wettability of the
measuring the pressure of each phase separately, thus taking core drastically and may damage pore structure. Attempts to
into account the pressure difference between immiscible restore reservoir wettability are often unsuccessful and could
phases, which is caused by the capillary forces involved in a lead to erroneous determination of relative permeabilities.
complex rock/fluid system. If this pressure difference in phases
Enough core samples should be selected to cover the entire
is not properly accounted for, significant error may be range of rock properties evident in the formation~ Cores should
introduced whose magnitude will depend on the saturation level
preferably. be screened by CT scan to identify any
and wettability of the system. heterogeneities. Nonconforming samples (for example, cores
A similar approach to reduce the end effects is used in the having layers of large permeability contrasts) should be
Penn State method, in which porous material is placed in excluded. If longer samples are not available, a composite core
contact with the inlet and outlet faces of the test core. It can be made by placing several closely matched plugs in
differs from the Hassler technique in that all fluids are passed series, using appropriate capillary bridges between the cores,
through the porous ends, so that the pressure drop cannot be and ·applying triaxial compression.
measured separately for each phase. Levine, 8 however,
measured pressures in both phases using pressure taps
connected to the periphery of an AlundumTM core. The Recent Studies
pressure in the water phase was measured through a pressure Recent advances in multiphase relative-permeability
tap containing a hydrophilic porous porcelain plate in capillary measurements have been mainly in the improvement of ·
contact with the core. The pressure in the oil phase was continuous in-situ saturation determination techniques. These
measured through another pressure tap, placed on the opposite improvements have provided the opportunity to screen the
side, containing another porous porcelain plate which was cores and to monitor flow behaviors and saturation
made oleophilic by treatment with Dri-Film™ (G.E.). di~tributions. The use of a high-speed centrifuge for relative-
Other techniques for reducing the influence of end effects permeability measurements is also a relatively new
include displacement at high flow rates (Hafford and dispersed- development. This method is faster than the steady-state
feed) so that the influence of viscous forces becomes much technique and is apparently not subject to viscous-
greater than capillarity, and use of longer cores while fingering problems.
restricting the pressure and saturation measurements to the Advances have also been made in the design and fabrication
inner sections of the cor¥s. Pressure drops for each phase of relative-permeability apparatus capable of performing tests
cannot be measured separately in these methods. under simulated reservoir conditions IO and for various EOR
A less common technique for eliminating end effects is to processes. Quality control in measurements and application of
keep one of the phases stationary. This is accomplished by scaling criteria are currently being emphasized.
placing a porous plate at the producing end and allowing a Several mathematical techniques for determining relative
single fluid to flow at such a low pressure gradient that the permeability from unsteady-state tests have been proposed.
second fluid remains immobile. This technique, called the Empirical correlations for calculation of two- and three-phase
stationary-phase method, is useful for generating data close to relative permeabilities have also been published. Curve-fitting
the endpoint saturation of the nonstationary fluid. algorithms have been suggested for interpolation (and
Another important consideration in relative-permeability extrapolation) of laboratory data, with schemes ranging in
measurements is the hysteresis effect; that is, the dependence complexity from simple linear fit to multiple power-
. of relative-permeability values on saturation history. law functions.
Journal of Petroleum Technology, August 1988 965
Conclusions 4. Jones, S.D. and Roszelle, W.O.: "Graphical Techniques for
Determining Relative Permeability From Displacement Experiments,''
Significant advances have been made in methods for accurate JPT (May 1978) 807-17; Trans., AIME, 265.
measurements of saturations and fluid distributions. Further 5. Van Spronson, E.: ''Three-Phase Relative Permeability Measurements
research is needed to reduce (or properly account for) capillary Using the Centrifuge Method,'' paper SPE 10688 presented at the 1982
end effects, to control hysteresis, and to minimize wettability SPE/DOE Enhanced Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, April 4-7.
changes involved in flow experiments. Studies are needed on 6. Hagoort, J.: "Oil Recovery by Gravity Drainage," SPE.J (June 1980)
modeling complex displacements in reservoirs with flow tests 139-50.
performed at idealized laboratory conditions. Similarly, 7. Heavyside, J., Black, C.J.J., and Berry, J.F.: "Fundamentals of Relative
improvements in interpretation of laboratory data and in Permeability: Experimental and Theoretical Considerations,'' paper SPE
scaling up for field use are still required. Until additional 12173 presented at the 1983 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, San Francisco, Oct. 5-8.
advances in technology are made, the best course of action is 8. Levine, J.S.: "Displacement Experiments in a Consolidated Porous Sys-
to generate both steady- and unsteady-state laboratory data, tem," JPT(March 1954) 21-30; Trans., AIME.
under simulated reservoir conditions, on carefully selected and 9. Batycky, J.P. et al.: "Interpreting Relative Permeability and Wetta-
preserved cores. bility From Unsteady-State Displacement Measurements,'' SPE.J (June
1981) 296-308.
References 10. Braun, E.M. and Blackwell, R.J.: "A Steady-State Technique for Meas-
uringOil-Water Relative Permeability Curves at Reservoir Conditions,"
1. Honarpour, M., Koederitz, L.F., and Harvey, A.H.: Relative
paper SPE 10155 presented at the 1981 SPE Annual Technical Con-
Permeability of Petroleum Reservoirs, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton,
ference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 4-7.
FL (1986).
2. Rose, W.: "Relative Permeability," Petroleum Production Handbook, JPT
SPE, Richardson, TX (1987), Chap. 28, 28-1-28-16.
3. Johnson, E.F., Bossler, D.P., and Naumann, V.O.: "Calculation of This paper is SPE 18565. Technology Today Series articles provide useful summary in-
formation on both classic and emerging concepts in petroleum engineering. Purpose: To
Relative Permeability From Displacement Experiments,'' Trans. , AIME provide the general reader with a basic understanding of a significant concept, technique,
(1959) 216, 370-72. or development within a specific area of technology.

966 Journal of Petroleum Technology, August 1988

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